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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21628413 No.21628413 [Reply] [Original]

God pinky edition

Previous thread: >>21571960

>> No.21628461 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21628498 [DELETED] 

this isn't prim
no invite will be given

>> No.21629565 [DELETED] 

please tell me you did this ironically

>> No.21629569 [DELETED] 

Are you saying it'd be any better if you knew it was ironic

>> No.21629813

reminder to report offtopic dramathirsting posts, this is rhythm games thread not rhythm games community anonymous shit talking thread.

>> No.21630315

which concon shirt should i buy

>> No.21630332


>> No.21630372


the smoooooch shirt is bretty gud

>> No.21630373

you sound like a sows moderator

>> No.21630452

buy a shirt not made for manchildren

>> No.21630571

they're all overdesigned and too busy desu and you would be better off just ripping a single game asset and giving it to a custom t-shirt company

>> No.21630747

if it were a sows moderator, id be defending my friends/staff while people i personally dont like would be getting banned

>> No.21630774

the medjed shirt

>> No.21631483

don't know if you've ever seen them but the texture is weird as fuck

>> No.21632115

it's almost as if sows does whatever it wants, and has so for like 15 years now. you must be new here lmao

>> No.21632173 [DELETED] 
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phuzion is a great guy, he lets people fuck his wife, really great guy so glad to have him on the team

>> No.21632239

What is the best Popn CS?

>> No.21632531
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best USAO

>> No.21632622

11-14 are all good, but 13 is probably the best

>> No.21632909

i was just replying to the guy not revealing my groundbreaking discovery, sows moderator

>> No.21632914

popn portable 2

>> No.21632920

found the condescending shit eating grin sysop

>> No.21633129


found the plifer struggling to remain relevant on an anonymous message board by stirring shit up needlessly

i wonder when the mods will tire of cleaning up after drama baiting bullshit and end this thread once and for all

>> No.21633133

how is plifer an insult (not the same anon)

just stfu and stop replying to bait posts like >>21632920 and theyll go away moron

>> No.21633353 [DELETED] 


>> No.21634012

lmao im not even a plifer you finger-on-the-rage retard

>> No.21634147

How 2 become plifer?

>> No.21634306 [DELETED] 

1. become trans
2. use that as a shield so whenever you do something shitty, you can claim transphobia
3. ???
4. profit!

>> No.21634432

be bad and chop off peepee

>> No.21634466
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>> No.21635122
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What keybinds do you guys use for IIDX/LR2? I'm using asdfghjk because it's closest to what I'm used to (pop'n)

>> No.21635134
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>> No.21635183

what dan rank has the most scum

>> No.21635413


>> No.21635441

i do 7key layout crammed on my cfvgbhn and im 2p so i put the autoswitch tt on m. i think laying it out in 1 row might be better but I jam my fingers in there for a stuffed IIDX Feel™

>> No.21635529

Whatever Dan you are

>> No.21635558

i dont know any scummy 9 dans

>> No.21635583

I do, now

>> No.21635591

t. butthurt chuuden

>> No.21635958

7dan or 10dan

>> No.21636171
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>> No.21637518
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>> No.21638414
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bully the cubelia

>> No.21638963
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>> No.21639192
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not posted here in a while, what'dya guys think about my setup? c:

setup thread!!

>> No.21639223
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>> No.21639277

>sdvx on a landscape monitor
oh no no no no

>> No.21639366

Nice trans flag faggot, are you on plife?
Also, turn that shit sideways nigger.

>> No.21639413

epic, simply epic

>> No.21639604

she did start making cotton shirts in addition to the sporty mesh ones

>> No.21641064

is the amount of semen in your ass directly proportionate to your earth power asking for a friend

>> No.21641675


>> No.21641801

>sdvx on landscape

are you disabled?

>> No.21641844


are you disabled?

>> No.21642155

very comfy setup, anon

>> No.21642846

Why do you have a pop'n music wallpaper?

>> No.21644036

someone post that picture

>> No.21644169

Hypothetical: Let's say there's a new rhythm game craze somehow, and everyone and their mothers is in the arcades, the demand for more skyrockets, and more support is provided in the west.

Obviously this will probably never happen, but how would you all feel about that? Most of us already don't like normies fucking around on our cabs, but that's typically because they're halfassing and chimping their way through inputs which can damage the cab. But even normie players from the early 2000's on DDR cabs at least had the damn decency to play unironically.

So what do you think, would it suck? Or would it be more inviting of a scene if it wasn't so damn impossible to get people to try?

>> No.21644220

It would mean that we can have more underground us/european electronic commissions/licenses and I think I would be onboard with that

>> No.21644221

you need to go back

>> No.21644233

what would sex with cuvelia feel like?
what would our children with cuvelia looks like?

>> No.21644268
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Cubelia wanting to play Dance Rush!

>> No.21644276

80% of people will get scared off by the shit regulars play I guess.

Especially if the area is filled with Kaidens/Chuudens, SL11/inf or 7000+ skill gitadora players

>> No.21644285

Those kinds of people are already a part of the player base due to the nature of arcade games, so it's not like it would change much.
Or it might reach degeneracy rivalling the fighting game community.

>> No.21644746

This thought came about when some semi popular beat saber streamer posted a video about "WOAH CRAZY NEW RHYTHM GAME", and it left me curious wondering that, if this somehow rhythm games took off again, what would be the outcome?

Im hardly even worried about degeneracy growing, we already have trannies and faggots galore. Im more curious about what to expect from the general consensus if that shit exploded again, and how Konami would respond.

>> No.21644914
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All I want is to be able to buy e-amusement service for small arcades. If normie infestation is the only way to get there, so be it.

>> No.21645308
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Anyome have experience with the Yuancon Pop'n controller? Worth a buy when it comes back in stock?

>> No.21645536

Chink buttons suck ass, much like dao's it's best if you swap in samducksa buttons. Other than that there's not much to fuck up.

>> No.21645818


as someone who played ddr during the early 2000s when you could find a ddr cab in every arcade even in the middle of bumfuck nowheresville, let me tell you that it was fucking awesome, and i'd strangle 100 orphans in a row if it meant we could go back to those days

>> No.21646204


>> No.21646248

Enlighten me, as Im zoomer trash, what about those days were so invigorating, outside of the conveniecy of the cabs?

>> No.21646604

i think hes just saying itd be sweet if u could find any sort of music game or arcade game at any place that actually has arcade games. but the reality is these places cant afford.cabs and dont give a fuck about maintenance and i seriously doubt a normie boom would change anything at this point

>> No.21646796


>outside of the conveniecy of the cabs?

nigger that's like saying "what's so good about being rich, outside of being able to buy whatever you want?"

>> No.21646836

why doesn't usao show his face outside stage

>> No.21647520

Dancerush has the potential.
If it was at Dave and Busters and had a few more western licenses then people would eat that shit up. As it is the typical kind of person who plays DDR there only plays the eight licenses and jumps around like they have no idea what's going on.

>> No.21647583
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Cubelia in a shimakaze uniform!

>> No.21649952

Im going to a Main Event tonight and i've never been to one.
Do they tend to have a good selection of rhythm games?

>> No.21650443

Went to a bong arcade which had imported some Japanese rhythm games so I got to try Museca and Nostalgia for the first time. They're kind of shit aren't they? Nostalgia seems like it's made for people who want to play piano but can't be bothered to practice whilst Museca seems like pop n music for casuals with spin gimmicks

>> No.21650489

Spin gimmicks and a foot pedal. At higher levels you get directional spins which will throw you off on sightread. Also it's a dead game.

It brought us this song though

>> No.21650518

I saw those directional spins when trying some slightly harder songs. It still felt pretty boring, lacks the feeling that you're actually "good" similar to how Groove Coaster is too forgiving. I tried the arcade version of Jubeat for the first time and that was okay although it's virtually impossible to sightread at higher difficulties, and it feels like Maimai is just a better version now

A number of the new rhythm games are dead, probably why they're becoming available in the West more and more.

>> No.21650555

Yeah it's impossible to fail in that game. Going for 975k+ to get the highest grade is a worthwhile goal I guess.

>> No.21650625

Konami really needs to put this into Dancerush already.

>> No.21650928

I had the same experience trying both, nostalgia was extremely boring because you just kind of smashed your hand in the general position of the notes (and there's no different white/black notes to make things interesting) and museca is dead.

>> No.21650974

Music games have stagnated. Pop n music would probably feel that niche but I'm too lazy to get good enough to sight read that shit

>> No.21650994

i am completely incapable of playing pop'n music without beat pop on

>> No.21651319

all the good rhythm games were made in the 90s, rest are just pointless and it's all downhill from there

>> No.21651450

But I want to play rhythm game to modern anime songs

>> No.21651642

Ki no rapika

>> No.21651729

Anon do you mean cheat pop

>> No.21652272
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>> No.21652594

old iidx/beatmania is so garbage
garbage songs, garbage charts

>> No.21652649

Is a KOC recommendable for a novice? Been getting into IIDX since the last month and can clear up to 4s with some 5s but arcade+traveling expenses are getting kinda hard, so have been looking into buying a controller but I've seen mixed opinions on it.

>> No.21652664

yes, be sure to buy a brook converter for it, generic ones are super laggy

>> No.21652851

needs rche the ultimate tranny bait

>> No.21652896

The only thing that is garbage is your post my guy

>> No.21652953

the trap from brogamer works enough

>> No.21653067

Is stepmaniax worth it

>> No.21653137

The game? Not really, although it's fun. The pads for home use? Yes, because they're basically the only good arcade-quality pads being sold new now, if you can fight for the drop.

>> No.21653367

garbage charts yes but garbage songs no u have shit taste

>> No.21653519

That's like your opinion, you're entitled to it.
Meanwhile I'm gonna enjoy the hell out of it.

>> No.21653575
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Cubelia seems a little flustered...

>> No.21653748

am i breaking some fundamental rule by having a green number that's like 270ish?

>> No.21653774

No, but it's probably a stupid idea if you're still learning the game.

>> No.21654045

270 is on the faster end of normal. Lower than 260 is when you realize you’re actually an ez2dj player

>> No.21654924

The old DP charts are known for stuff like 6/7+S on 1P and vice versa.

Also this was a IIDX song, complete with keysounds too.

>> No.21655372

Anyone think that arcade dance/flashy cabs are very segmented now? I don't know whether this is just the case in my Asia shithole but in the case of PIU and DDR in my city for example, an arcade is mostly filled with pros and random experienced people without any one time normalfags/kids/casual players, another arcade is exclusively filled with one time normalfags/kids/casual players, then another one is exclusively filled with beginners/mid-level players who want to get into it but aren't comfortable/confident enough with those other two demographics.

Early 2000s arcades are more mixed in their audiences I think and even the pros don't give the air that they hog the machine all the time. Just my observation as a retired player who happen to pass the various arcades whenever I have something to do in the malls

>> No.21655501

I generally never play a game if there are a bunch of high level people around which then means I never get good

>> No.21656008

Don't forget this gem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIq6FPDAMjo

>> No.21656042

i'd rather the kids and normalfag spooks fuck off

>> No.21656214

You mean like this one? https://www.ebay.com/itm/Brook-PS2-to-PS3-PS4-PC-Game-Controller-Super-Converter-USB-Interface-Adapter/202500919111?hash=item2f25fecf47:g:gDMAAOSwiuxb6prK
Or do you recommend any specific one?

>> No.21656564

pretty sure that's the one

>> No.21656799

bitches that dont play clone hero fuck off

>> No.21656902

More like clown hero lmao

>> No.21656921

absolutely based

>> No.21656967

based on what?

>> No.21657152

stfu zane

>> No.21657167

Isn't Zane that little Programmed Life cuck stuck in 10th dan on IIDX? Or is it another

>> No.21657591

yeah he's the bitch who constantly cries to the jannies whenever somebody on an anonymous image board hurts his feelings

>> No.21657656

So what's the best build for a home-use Groove Coaster controller?

>> No.21657731

>those jacks
Oh yeah I forgot that was a thing in early IIDX charts too

>> No.21658763

does anyone unironically like slake

>> No.21658776
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>> No.21658786
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>> No.21658787

i want a dog's knot instead

>> No.21658901

does learning dp make you better at sp

>> No.21659185

nigga I hope you get banned for saying this retarded shit

>> No.21659188

only with one handing during really heavy scratch sections, otherwise not really

>> No.21659200

imagine not being able to fc through the fire and flames in 2019 lmfao and calling yourself a "rhythm gamer" pfffthahhaaha

>> No.21659415

guitar hero is more mashtastic than osu!mania stfu baitfag

>> No.21659586

A large group of experienced players will tend to scare away anyone who wants to play. It took me a while to actually start playing DDR in public back in the day because of this. Now I've become that guy who sometimes scares people away.
If I'm not in a group and the arcade isn't totally dead then I'll step off the cab after every set and give someone else the opportunity to come up and play.

>> No.21659624

Its beast

>> No.21659949

My biggest weakness right now in iidx trying to break into mid-level 10s is those streams of notes that are a sequence something like 12345676543234567. I don't know what those are called, but I'm awful at them

>> No.21659960

they're called scales or stairs and the best way of dealing with them is using random

>> No.21660492

How to skip tutorial in Heavenly Heaven?

>> No.21660552

FX-L + FX-R + START during tutorial if I remember correctly.
Or just buy an e-Amuse card.

>> No.21660580

Worked, thanks anon

>> No.21662445

also use the first few seconds/last few seconds of the song after the notes end to just smash that pattern out to get the muscle memory in

>> No.21662867
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>> No.21663001

The remixes are so bad though

>> No.21663863

Verflucht is the worst iidx song ever made.

>> No.21663934

I dunno how many of you are on the DRS international but holy shit the white knighting is unreal.

>> No.21663989
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Did somebody say rhythm games?

>> No.21664233

BroGamer is the worst

>> No.21664504


>> No.21664590

that's not 5pm eternal

>> No.21664915

Yabis Starlight and soldier's waltz are pretty fucking awful and definitely worse than Verflucht.

>> No.21664989

I forgot how awful soldier's waltz was

>> No.21665030

Session 12 -Esther- honestly kinda sucks too.

>> No.21665064


i really try to keep random on all the time but it gets too tempting to take it off to see which new 10s i can clear and then before i know it i've been playing for like 2 hours with nonran

>> No.21665119

osenju meditation lol

>> No.21665596

AC revival when

>> No.21666864

Probably literally never, guhroovy is rip

>> No.21666871

ROCK ME NOW is here, gamers!

>> No.21666946

What are IIDX removals you're still mad about? For me it's probably a tie between BREEDING and LIFE SCROLLING.

>> No.21666954

Outing myself as a newgen shitter

>> No.21666965


>> No.21667082


>> No.21667178

Survival Games. Also>>21666954

>> No.21667266

Too bad IIDX doesn't do song jackets

>> No.21667533

Honestly that removal doesn't make a lot of sense to me. It's still in popn and reflec. Sinobuz removed a lot of good shit and yet people love that style.

Removals that aggravated me in sinobuz:
More Move
Marie Antoinette
as >>21666946 mentioned LIFE SCROLLING
and last but not least 死神自爆中二妹アイドルももかりん(1歳)

fucked up shit

>> No.21667999

Programmed Sun xac remix

>> No.21668039

Rising in the Sun (original mix)

>> No.21668186

Taiko and mania both being the only actual rhythm games on that platform and it's not even their own

>> No.21668379

Reflec is in limbo and at this point pop'n doesn't remove anything that isn't a license.
I also miss Brazilian Fire.

>> No.21668546


all good picks

i miss miru key way

>> No.21668615
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I don't normally post here but figured I'd link the webms to this thread.


I wish I was better at this game, I could justify buying all the damned expensive DLC.

>> No.21668656

I'm more concerned with the droves of old, awesome songs that are left as shitty boring hypers that are too weird for noobs to play

>> No.21668773

yes its easy to form a shitty opinion of older iidx with whats left in their folders. removals are so fucking dumb. konami is terribly outdated and retarded

>> No.21668949

Well that's funny because as recent as rootage Konami removed 合体せよ!ストロングイェーガー which only had a hyper 7 in AC and honestly that chart was really fun and I'm pissed

>> No.21669048

anyone want vw hdd?

>> No.21669087

What's the easiest way to get ddr ace running without network ability in a ddr cab?

>> No.21669101


>> No.21669142

sent :)

>> No.21669215


i still play copula data just for LIFE SCROLLING

>> No.21669289

太陽SUNSUNボンジュールアバンチュール in Rootage, such a fun chart

>> No.21669327

Spoof a network locally to make the game think it's in maintenance mode.

>> No.21669471


Thanks for the info...How do I go about doing that? Sorry, I'm new to all of this.

>> No.21669533

Honestly this is not the place to be asking such things. I'm not sure where you got your data from. But that's typically the place you'll find the tools and help to get it running.

>> No.21669582


Got it, my bad.

>> No.21669814

DDR A has local mode for the E/A regions. Try dest: U, spec: G, rev: A after you've connected to a server at least once. It will skip card-in prompts and anything that involves e-amusement.

>> No.21669946

One of a Kind.

Sirius had a lot of good music

>> No.21670646

What did you guys do in IIDX when you stalled on progression? I'm at the 10s level with a lamp on most of the songs in the 10s folder. I can't seem to update any of my remaining fails or ECs to NCs. I've tried 11s and can only EC the easiest ones. I kind of feel like I'm just getting progressively worse and just smashing my head against a brick wall. I'm considering a few week long break but I feel like I'll just get even worse and then lose motivation to continue playing

>> No.21670696

Clean up your technique by getting stronger lamps or scores on easier charts.

>> No.21670714

Anon if you don't know that the answer is literally just "play more" then you are 2new and should just put your nose to the grindstone.

>> No.21670738

HC all the 10s then you will break into 11s

>> No.21670767

>all the 10s
That advice is fucking retarded. If you want to get good at 11s, play 11s.

>> No.21670905

upload and i'll write network support for it

>> No.21671093

osenju meditation is fucking fire though

>> No.21671100

do you have random on
if you are not progressing or feeling like you can hit more patterns then turn it on

>> No.21671270
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>> No.21671376

GOLD RUSH is the only song approved by Daddy Cool™ for daily play

>> No.21671447

Its IIDX chart is one of the most unfun I've ever played. That's probably why it got removed.

>> No.21671606
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>> No.21671628



>> No.21672172

Which DAO to get? Which buttons? Can it switch to 2p?

>> No.21672203

FPS/FP7/Platinum Edition depending on space and desire for accurate TT size. Default DAO ones or SAMDUCKSA. Yes.

>> No.21672218

Oops, forgot to mention the Phoenixwan. It's apparently decent and has AC TT size so it might warrant replacing the PE on that list.

>> No.21672242
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Thank you

>> No.21672332
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>> No.21673214
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the volcel falls to their knees, defeated

>> No.21674496

I love picking random nouns out of the dictionary when I want to name something

>> No.21674555

haha xdddd that's definitely how they do it I work at Konami too

>> No.21674621


last good style name was empress fite me incel

>> No.21674667

it was good through resort anthem then they started ass pulling

>> No.21674958

From best to worst, or favorite to least favorite, how would you rate the Bemani games (you've played hopefully)?

>> No.21674961

Oh also forgot to mention but provide reasons if you want, spruce up discussion.

>> No.21675003
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IIDX > all
rest are trash for osu rejects (esp voltex) largely due to easy timing windows, limited song selection/music types, or bad gimmicks like combo based scoring like gitadora

>> No.21675077

The theme could be two dogs humping for all I care. It's going to functionally be the same thing. I'm just looking forward to new music and new GOLI thighs.

>> No.21675123


>implying "resort anthem" isn't the beginning of the ass pulling

>> No.21675134

I just hope we'll get more cozy styles. Both SDVX and IIDX have had some really cold and depressing themes lately with HH/VW and Copula/CB. All of those are so sickening to look at and listen to.

>> No.21675140

5 key beatmania
Parapara Paradise
Reflec Beat
Dance Evolution
Future Tom Tom

>> No.21675622

you're actually braindead retarded lol

>> No.21675642

t. genius

except iidx music has been going downhill since sinobuz

Sinobuz was okayish for majority of the music
CB is trash aside from a few songs
Rootage has been trash aside from a few songs

>> No.21675645

drummania - drumming the drums, pedaling the pedals and sticking the sticks makes me feel cool even if I'm not. Also made me start going to a drum studio to practice gitadora songs which makes me feel extra cool
Sound voltex - twisty knob input that doesn't exist anywhere else. Laser slam sound effect is orgasmic
iidx - barely started playing but scratching feels almost as cool as drumming and trying to learn 1048 is a fresh challenge for me
ddr - lots of nice songs and nostalgia value. makes me sweat and feel like I'm getting healthier
drs - i would like it more if I felt cool playing it but my movements are too stiff so I look like a lanky asian tryhard who still sucks at the game so that's uncool
jubeat - I have a feeling it could be a lot more fun if I was good at it but the few times I played it I couldn't get the timing down. Stretching you hand super wide to hit notes that are far apart seems like it could feel cool though
guitarfreaks - extremely uncool. You stand still and only move your fingers. Scratching and knobs will move your hands around while guitarfreaks makes you look like you're trying too hard to play well.

I haven't found any pop'n in Singapore so I haven't played it yet but it looks very cool.

>> No.21675681

Feel free to contribute something by at least explaining why you think that.

>> No.21675718

Diamond Crossing is a masterpiece
*gives you tinnitus*

>> No.21675774

from what I've played:
SDVX > Jubeat > DDR > Drummania > pop'n
I have played IIDX, but not enough to fairly judge it, my nearest cab is like 2 hours away and there's a way closer arcade
SDVX is just the most fun to me, I like how the FX buttons work and the knobs add some fun variety to spice up the gameplay

>> No.21675808


People who call things "comfy" are mentally debilitated. Seek medical assistance.

>> No.21675835

>cold and depressing
Are you mentally retarded or is this some kind of sarcasm

>> No.21675841

>trash aside from a few songs
so basically every music game ever made

>> No.21675877

Guess I'm in the clear then.

That's just how I personally feel. I liked Sinobuz much more and had to use the BGM edits for Copula to make it tolerable. I'm sorry if that upsets you for some reason.

>> No.21675938

I don't think he's upset but rather so confused that he doesn't know how to express himself properly.
I also don't really see how those are "cold and depressing" but hey, music feelz are all subjective here.
Ok. Who are you referring to though?

>> No.21675975


>iidx music has been going downhill since sinobuz

i started playing during sinobuz and one day i suddenly realized that none of the songs i'd put in my top 50 were from styles after lincle

so IMO the music has been going downhill for longer than that

>> No.21675984

Hate to break it to you, but you have terminally shit taste.

>> No.21676028

What do you guys do about repetetive strain injury? I can barely finish one round of stepmania without feeling a hot pain up my arm.

>> No.21676038

stop playing for a few days

>> No.21676039

You could and probably should just take a break from the game.

>> No.21676043

well this sucks

>> No.21676053

Playing on a pad with the backbar or playing at the computer?

If it's the latter, get a more ergonomic keyboard or remap your keys to straighten out your wrists and roll up a towel under your wrists. If the former, use your legs more for a bit.

>> No.21676075

stop playing
stretch every day. palm down, pull hand up above the arm, pull hand below the arm.
Palm up, pull hand below the arm.

>> No.21676077

Take care of yourself now or it's gonna suck a lot more in 10-20 years.

>> No.21676326
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>> No.21676602

if you're getting injuries from playing, there's possibly something wrong with your positioning

>> No.21676614

No, because I can definitely find enjoyment in majority of the songs from older styles (mainly from RED - Pendual)
Then as we proceed further down the timeline, the songs just get so generic and forgettable...

I don't know whether to blame it on the artists themselves or the crappy themes that the artists have to make songs around (thanks for the great styles lately, L.E.D. /s)

>> No.21676836

The ones I mentioned have colder color schemes, and coupled with some dislike for the BGM (especially Heavenly Haven) it quickly becomes unpleasant to navigate the menus.
Maybe it's in part because of my room being dimly lit. Regardless, that's just the feeling I get.
Feel free to suggest a more adequate word choice though, because I'm quite confused by those reactions.

>> No.21677304

>blue theme and dimly lit room
That's an easy way to fuck up your eyes

>> No.21677377

People associate "cold" with purple/blue/green and "depressing" with dark and dreary themes. VIVID WAVE, Copula, and CANNON BALLERS are all very bright and lively to the point of it being irritating to some people. Same with HEAVENLY HAVEN, but at least you could argue that it's "cold". I don't know what words you're looking for other than maybe "annoying" or "sterile" or something.

>> No.21677743

>was going to call out jaypee rhythm thread for getting shittier in years past
>get nostalgic and check the archives for old threads before posting
>it was worse, somehow twice as cancerous

>> No.21678129

They certainly are bright and lively, so yeah, I guess sterile and to some extent annoying would be a fairly apt description.
Sinobuz had a couple of BGMs I'd describe similarly, but in terms of visuals I love the darker, "dreary" themes and BGMs that are more slow and relaxed.
The intense themes make it harder to get into the older songs when it comes to IIDX as well, since it's such a drastic change in mood.

>> No.21678362

The "mood" around here will go through a "drastic change" when I bust a load in your ass.

>> No.21679194

We're past people begging for sows invites at least

>> No.21679452

Welcome leggendaria is amazing

>> No.21680474
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new UI looks disgusting

>> No.21680498

you basically just said the opposite of what you claimed earlier... sounds like you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.21680646

thanks doc

>> No.21681233

>Pop Team Epic

Is this the beginning of the end for IIDX?

>> No.21681236

iidx music will never be good again so they decided to fill it with meme trash instead. R.I.P.

>> No.21681256

I didn't even realize ULTRA HIGH-HEELS was still in IIDX.

>> No.21681278

>removed MAX 300
the absolute madmen

>> No.21681330

Nigger did you already forget about the fucking lesbo anime OP in rootage

>> No.21681432

What's the average progression time on iidx? Started like 1 month ago and can clear 4s and some 5s, considering I play like 4 credits a week. Should I use any particular game modes?

>> No.21681435

Honestly, I forgot about the IIDX EDITION songs because they were pretty awful.

>> No.21681452

just play like you would normally, progression is merely relative

some people get to 10th dan in about half a year while others take years to get there, some people take many months to even reach 6th dan, others get 6th dan in the first month of playing, etc. etc.

>> No.21681478

Guess LOW and SCREAM THE LIFE FEAT.KYONO now that those are getting removed next style

>> No.21681491

Majority of the latest IIDX songs have just been generic modern mixes of "aesthetic" shit lately meant to pander to kids who play SDVX and listen to lo-fi, noticeably taking such a turn by Sinobuz.
I miss the early HD styles and the SD styles after 10th...

>> No.21681557

lmfao stepmania 30s boomers stfu

>> No.21681567

the fuck are you talking about, sinobuz lo fi/pandering?? dude iidx has always pandered. thats why theres no jungle and eurobeat anymore.

>> No.21681570

durr i miss naanhira prim and poopoo dubstep it needs to be 20 songs instead of 3 these new games suck

>> No.21681770


>theres no jungle and eurobeat anymore.

don't remind me

>> No.21681806

yeah, but now it's pandering to uncreative trash instead of quality stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.21681884

if they pandered to the right crowd there would be more jungle and eurobeat

>> No.21682857
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>> No.21682944

It's a pain in the ass with floating hispeed I guess

>> No.21683014

Just start at 8.40x and gear change to 1.40x before the song starts, or 7.80x to 1.30x, or whatever works best with your preferred WN.

>> No.21684139

ur retarded lol just because it doesnt have ur favorite music doesnt mean its bad. old and tired retard logic

>> No.21684555


If a person doesn't like jungle and eurobeat then there's a 0% chance I'd want to associate with them of my own free will.

>> No.21684587
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No more Sweet Clapper memes.

>> No.21684784

I'm surprised it stuck around this long being a license.

>> No.21684881

gonna miss we love shonan, guilty, summer, and sweet clapper
everything else.. meh
number of good songs added per style >>> number of good songs removed

>> No.21684910

>we love shonan
>la festa la vita
>outer limits alternative



>> No.21685253

ok and i completely agree but them not being in iidx 10 times a style doesn't make it bad. iidx needs variety. im glad wacca will filter away the jcore zoomers

>> No.21685263

some of these have been "removed" for loctests before. loctest removals arent 100%.

>> No.21685437

Don't forget while there is a bunch of zoomer trash being added to iidx that there are new artists who exclusively make good shit, like OSTER project, Masayoshi Iimori, Nhato, Myosuke, etc.

>> No.21685482

no i think you're retarded by coming to immediate generalizations about my comment, thank you and have the best day that a retard like you could possibly experience

>> No.21685504

when is terra coming back

>> No.21685620


naoki (pbuh) and jun (hallowed be her name) are too pure for us sinners

>> No.21685649

What is regular OSU itself classified as, if not a rhythm game?

>> No.21685699

aim game

>> No.21685720


>> No.21685776

Nhato has been in IIDX for 8 years now and OSTER project has been for 7. I'm not sure what your definition of new is.

>> No.21685777

FFFFFFFUUUUUUUCK now the only scores I'll be able to post are B's

>> No.21685849

Just play Fly Above

Pretty sure it's everyone's score attacking song

>> No.21685865

Sleepless days is way easier. With Fly Above you risk falling asleep mid-song.

>> No.21685896


boomer fuck off

>> No.21686143

i only play songs that are from resort anthem or newer

>> No.21686372

Kill Em With Kindness!

>> No.21686375

take your adderall pill before playing zoomer

>> No.21686732

Maybe Konami will stop being so damn salty and convince him to come back for the 25th anniversary of DDR.

>> No.21688156


>> No.21688190


>> No.21688627

I only play nanahira and YUC'e songs, everything else is for balding boomers

>> No.21688665

Top two look like they have baby hands. Fucking disgusting

>> No.21688690

Legit looks like a graphic for some early 90s television show.

>> No.21688750
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no one:
boomers and twans tweens: heres a video of nobodies playing an F tier 12

>> No.21689016

>hs is now .25 increments
fucking why
>offset is now in .05 increments

>> No.21689553

cool fucking social media meme, fuck off back to anime twitter or facebook

>> No.21689745
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Used to post here back during tricoro-pendual days but life got in the way and haven't played rhythm games nearly as much since then. What do you guys think of ongeki? I think it's pretty awesome.

>> No.21689753

exy game

>> No.21689793

Anyone used the round1 app? Is it worth bothering with?

>> No.21689925

I avoid playing songs that are from 3+ versions ago

>> No.21690413

not enough tranners in this vid

>> No.21690533

>Is it worth bothering with?
They're no longer stamping cards after July 15th. After that they're only tracking that with the app.

>> No.21690617

want more trannies? cringe

>> No.21690640

nyannurs mad nyannurs mad :)

>> No.21690657

sent ;)

>> No.21691179

everyone in the western bemani community is a nobody, what's new nigga

>> No.21691285

Did you forget where you are? Shut the fuck up and go back to Discord.

>> No.21691391

Trying to get sdvx iv to run with toastertools but it's missing the libinput.dll file which I think might've accidentally deleted and the config isn't generating another one for some reason. Can someone upload theirs?

>> No.21691494

sent ;)

>> No.21691937

when do people start caring about your scores

>> No.21691998

I love taiko and I've never even played the original arcade version, I wish it were more known in my country, the arcades here don't have it except a few ones that are all far from my area (actually I know only of one really), if only there was an international database listing all arcades with taiko consoles.

>> No.21692044

have you checked the modules folder

>> No.21692050

how do i get good at dance games
also where do i play itg/stepmania if i don't have a pad

>> No.21692100

Using the update pack from 1cc, fixed it by replacing it with the the original .dll file from KFC-2018011600, now I just have to configure network and getting toastertools to run with xrpcv

>> No.21692125

buy a ps2 one

>> No.21692216

when you're as good as a JP/KR topranker

>> No.21693051

Funky sound!

>> No.21693233

>in my country
Where you at mayn? Maybe there's someone here who is more familiar with the arcades in your area.
