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2161135 No.2161135[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Oh hi, im a newfag, and wondering if anyone of you could help me out a bit,

So here's the thing I've seen the Fate Stay night anime, and it was really great however I hated the ending and the anime overall lacked a lot of information on some parts.

so i am considering reading the F/SN novel however rumors say it has more text than the Bible, and at the time being I dont have time to both read a VN that has more text than the bible and watch the animu. So it has to be one or the other. Therefor i am wondering if it's worth reading the Fate route? (Sorta hoping for the VN to also justify the shitty ending in the anime)

Now I know you prolly get these questions regularly, so don't be a fag :)

>> No.2161147

>I've seen the Fate Stay night anime, and it was really great however I hated the ending

>I dont have time to both read a VN that has more text than the bible and watch the animu

You've already watched the anime, so why would it matter if you have time to do both?

But anyway, the VN is usually considered better, and there are three hugely different plotlines (the anime draws a little from all three, but mostly follows the first).

>> No.2161145

> more text than the bible

hahahahaha no.

the fate route is MUCH better done in the VN, so much so that most people get really pissed off watching the anime due to how much the story was slaughtered.

>> No.2161149

>I've seen the Fate Stay night anime
>I don't have time to both read a VN... and watch the animu. So it has to be one or the other.

You confuse me, anon.

Personally I didn't really like the Fate route. I preferred the other two.

>> No.2161150

Heaven's Feel > UBW > Fate

Feel free to read only Fate, it's a lot better than its anime counterpart, but you'll be missing out on a lot if you skip the other routes.

>> No.2161151

Was going to answer properly until this

>> No.2161154

Read the VN. If you want voices and a better ending for the Fate route, get the Realta Nua patch.

As far as the anime goes, it did a decent job with the Fate route, though it certainly embellished a few things since the anime tried to combine several elements of UBW and HF.

>> No.2161165

OP: Aight sorry for not being informative enough,

I've seen the anime yes, but i've heard that the VN is better just want to get an idea on how much better it is, as if its almost a totally different story or if its just a recap of the anime with just more meat on the bone.

I've read the tsukihime novel that was uber, and compared to the anime that never excisted it was 10x better so yeah sorta guessing its the same with the F/SN novel, but to be honest im really dissapointed at the ending, nasu has a thing for making crappy endings I guess :P

>> No.2161169

Well, we do have to be at least a little forgiving; he came right out and admitted his newfaggotry.

OP, if you're going to stay here, know this: Since this is an imageboard, emoticons are usually frowned upon. Anything you can say with a few letters and symbols arranged into a face is most likely available as an image that you can find with a quick google search.

The only emote I've seen in regular use is ';_;', usually accompanied by spoiler tags.

>> No.2161175

You only like HF because Kotomine eats curry.

>> No.2161178

haha alright, anyway thanks alot for the info everyone!

>> No.2161181

But reaction images are stupid, so yeah!

>> No.2161190

I have been seen through.

I replayed that scene like 5 times.

>> No.2161191

The Fate route will probably take you at least 20 hours to read, and it has the same ending as the anime. It's much better, but slightly boring at times if you've already watched the anime.

The other two routes in the VN aren't touched upon in the anime and they're better than Fate, but you'll have to read through Fate to unlock them.

>> No.2161196

>you'll have to read through Fate to unlock them
Or use a save file

>> No.2161202

OP here:
Thanks anon! I'll be sure to read all three.

Yet again thanks to all of you, /jp/ owns!!

>> No.2161211

>>2161191 The Fate route will probably take you at least 20 hours to read

What? Maybe for a child whose reading comprehension is low/

>> No.2161215

What's reading got to do with it? Do you skip anime and just look at the subs? A lot of us actually listen to the voices

>> No.2161219

Most people can't read ultra-fast.

>> No.2161224

Not everybody is a native english speaker here.

>> No.2161232

>>I dont have time to both read a VN that has more text than the bible and watch the animu. So it has to be one or the other(Sorta hoping for the VN to also justify the shitty ending in the anime)

sounds like you already saw it, and don't be a fag. read the entire VN

sage 4 newfag

>> No.2161235

It seems rather tempting to skip it however is it worth it? The other routes seems to be a lot better than fate route, and I've already seen the anime. But as alot of people said, the fate route in the VN is alot better than the anime so I don't want to be ungreatful to the previouse answers but im just curiouse do you really miss out on ALOT by skipping the VN Fate route?

>> No.2161242

by saying anime i mean other anime than the fate stay night anime, of course I saw it, read everything again and you'll understand what I mean.

>> No.2161245

I read the VN after watching the anime, and still really liked it, but that was before the other route patches came out and I had no choice. Try it, if you get too bored skip it and read UBW

>> No.2161246


Try finishing Tsukihime! There is more to it than just Arcueid.

I almost cried at Akiha's true ending. :(

>> No.2161254
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needs more Akiha normal end

>> No.2161260

OP, I have to say you're a damn LUCKY bastard. You managed to get /jp/ to answer you seriously without turning this into a trollthread. You have my kudos.

Now get the fuck out of here and go download your VN.

>> No.2161262

My reading comprehension is fine, although admittedly I'm a somewhat slow reader. I can't remember exactly how long Fate took me, but I'd estimate somewhere around 20 hours judging by my total play time for the entire game.

For a more objective estimate of it's length, vndb has F/SN in the >50 hours long category.

>> No.2161273

>the fate route is MUCH better done in the VN

Exaggerated fact. When I started reading Fate I embarked expecting some abysmal differences like in Tsukihime. Fate and the anime are ~85% the same, filling the part when nothing happens with pseudo-UBW&HF. They only screwed badly at giving some answers that would've cost the studio just two measly extra lines of dialogue (aside from the CG Dragon). The rest is pretty much copypasta.

>> No.2161289

You make me feel so special <3

>> No.2161302

Okay! one final question. Put yourself in a position where you had about 2 hours a day to read. Would you bother to go through the fate route when you've already seen the anime?

I am sorry if this make a few of you rage but I promise final question!!!!! Thanks for everything
" please dont hit me ;_; "

>> No.2161320

Probably not.

I'll forgive you this time since you needed help but if you're going to lurk /jp/ in the future become more anonymous. Your newfaggotry sticks out like a shit in our pool of piss

>> No.2161399

I'd read it. It helps get sense of everything. Yes, you've seen the anime, but that still isn't the original form.

>> No.2161419

>>rumors say it has more text than the Bible

That's Kara no Kyoukai.

>> No.2161440

OP is a idiot underaged female who should get out from /jp/ already and go back to /a/ or /b/ or whatever the social shithole she came from.
