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File: 738 KB, 600x2451, rh9RkM3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21526101 No.21526101 [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread >>21490519

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs:

>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>Elona+ Custom-G Release Thread:

>Omake Overhaul English Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona+ 1.89 (2019-04-20)
Elona Omake Overhaul EN (2018-12-14)
>Latest Custom:
E+C 1.89.3 (2019-06-02)
Elona+ Custom-G (2019-06-03)
Omake Overhaul EN Hack final release (2018-12-14)

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to Windows 7.
Using GIMP to create a sprite or PCC? Select "do not write color space" and save it as a 24-bit BMP.

>> No.21526224
File: 56 KB, 432x288, fyKMc2r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. Turns out I am an idiot and thought a mega folder I would never need to change the link for this sheet.
Since that isn't the case I am going for 2 links. I have changes but I am not gonna spam this thread and will just wait until 1.9 is released.

Vanilla Whatever Works Sheet: https://mega.nz/#!ETIyWKqT!KF5dF3coR7I2d1beLI41vvoFrG6qxg2YrkAY0DUK_gs

Elona+ 1.89 Whatever Works Sheet: https://mega.nz/#!NPRA2Y5L!4R5JrgdmgMlcaJwoNkMDORXc3BvhtRe5W40ZfgWGPww

>> No.21526259

Playing Elona for the first time
Already downloaded E+C
Not sure what kind of character to make for first game

>> No.21526277

The only thing that really matters into the end game about character creation is race. Everything else only really affects early game and can be changed down the line.
So just pick whatever you're most comfortable with, or whatever sounds coolest.

>> No.21526307

Anything can be op given enough time and the right items. To be good at magic you need the memorisation, literacy and casting skills first. Just focus on getting as many skills as possible first.

>> No.21526374

That sounds really, REALLY fun.
But I'm quite conflicted on exactly how to do it personally. And whether to do it on a gene file or just for continuing grinding; though I'll probably just continue for now at least.

Does the mutant limb gain on levellup work the same as PCC? Like every 3 levels up to 36?
Should I bypass that and just gene engineer all the way up to level 36 with human slaves to avoid random slot gain, possibly reset the slots, then just use Gavella to give her 9+ hands? (Up to the limit of 12 before speed penalty, at least)
Maybe using asura type mobs or whatever for hands instead.
Is the speed penalty really worth it for extra tons of slots?
Is any slot besides hands actually worth getting? I have 250ish stardusts to try for living weapons, and a bunch of mediocre living weapons already.
I know there's definitely reason to put a timestop weapon in the first hand slot. Especially when not playing Custom-G to avoid that massive hit penalty. But does it affect anything to have them in other slots? Like having both diablo and nightmare, would that near double the chance to timestop?
Is it worthwhile to give her a ranged weapon to attack before getting into distance? I have a few unlevelled living crossbows/crossfires/repeatings/whatever with Invoke Draw Shadow collected. That sounds pretty useful.

Also, can artifact fused randarts be inhereted by a gene?

>> No.21526521

I got a message congratulating me for playing the game for an hour
then died

>> No.21526550

Death isn't the absolute end though. Even if playing on a permadeath mode you can just restart with the personal knowledge/experience you've gained. But otherwise it's just some items, half your cash, and some levels.

Learn to gauge what you can handle, and bring spells and consumables and whatnot to get out alive for everything else. Particularly teleports and healing. Teleport is your friend.

>> No.21526601

I forgot to ask, who do I need to talk to to get the sheet included in the mods pastebin?

>> No.21526863

Opathos is very cute!

>> No.21527159

Opatos is cute!
おpathos is respectful suffering.

>> No.21527273

Was last edited over a year ago. Only contact I see is through pastebin.
You, or practically anyone, could just replace it entirely and have that shoved in the OP next thread.
Preferably for more than adding one image. Like adding Custom-G next to Custom, adding Custom-GFU right next to Garfu's overhaul, and adding OOEN, OOENhack, and oomSEST next to omake EN. And updating versions for at least the notable popular stuff, like all of those.

Other useful pastebins could also be OPed. Under useful links or something? I dunno, I just have them bookmarked and saved.

>> No.21527302

Then I might just do that. I'll try and set it up when I get home, and post it in the thread to see if anyone wants something added to it.

>> No.21527470

Update. At home and currently updating pastebins. Will post for feedback eventually

>> No.21527517

Speaking of updates, on the maximizing damage list, oil has a less know downside, it increases a targets defense. That doesn't matter for a pure mage, but if you were using a fire weapon, or had fire spells and normal attacks, you could end up doing less damage overall.

>> No.21527547
File: 48 KB, 999x451, firefox_2019-06-15_16-09-06_Elona+_Custom-G__Elona_Wiki__FANDOM_powered_by_W.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no!
Legal trouble? Family/housing trouble? Whatever it is that is awful, and I do indeed hope it's just paranoia.
Would it be possible to move everything to a public git? Like github or gitgud.io?
Having changes visible as pulls, commits, or even comments in issues would make understanding the HSP a lot easier.
And it's certainly easier to manage git than it is to diffcheck every update manually, even if the latter is more surefire.

>> No.21527566

How much does it increase defence by? Would sabre's 100% pierce, pierce ammo, and/or crazy high vorpal reduce a lot of that?

Generally I'd go with lightning anyway if debuffing, because wet is much much easier to stock up on stuff to apply with than oil is, and ice has that small chance at destroying stuff.
Though wet can also increase the targets' speed if they have swimming, I don't think that's much of an issue.

>> No.21527649

Is there way to increase pv/dv? I already used stardust and smiths but even then enemies chunk me for about a fifth of my health constantly. Also, is there a way to lower fame with getting negative karma? I’m level 30 and all the dungeons are like lvl 50 to 100.

>> No.21527684

According to the wiki, 30%.

Pierce is a bit interesting in plus, both 100% pierce and vorpal lowers defense by 66%. 100 / (100 + PV * (150 - pierce) / 150) according to the wiki: https://elona.fandom.com/wiki/Protection_value

So, higher pierce helps, but you'll still do about 30% less damage and hit less often. Now, the 1.75x is higher than this, but elemental damage from weapons is based on the damage your weapon deals, so it'll also drop a bit. 1.75/1.3 is about 1.34x. So ice/lightning weapons do more damage when you take everything into account.

>> No.21527836

>fixed the outdated links for plus, custom, custom g, and added gfu.
>Added Q&A for G and GFU.
>Added the 2 pastebins linked to the Misc Info section
>fixed links in the mods pastebin and added my spritesheets

Want some anons to look over these and see if anything else is blatantly wrong or needs to be added since I cloned most of the pastebin.
Still need to add Omake variant links, but I know absolutely nothing about how they work or which to include so I am gonna have to go wiki diving for that unless someone wants to just toss the appropriate links my way.

>> No.21528137

Equipment material and type affects DV/PV, for example adamantium plate mail will give the highest PV.
>is there a way to lower fame with getting negative karma?
Do you mean without? If so, failing party time quests, and I think losing in arena fights, although I don't recommend that.

>> No.21528182

>I’m level 30 and all the dungeons are like lvl 50 to 100
I'm not sure about Vanilla/omake, but in plus at least that's largely based on highest defeated level. If you push to kill higher level creatures, including dungeon bosses, then the average dungeon level will go up.
So only kill what you can handle if you don't want to push for harder things.

If you're playing plus and on act2 then you can reset Defeat at Oblivion Palace, so that dungeon spawns start with a lower average level. If you really need to.

But you really should be able to handle level 50-100 at level 30, if you optimized your equipment as you go and have some form of strategy. Unless you haven't been managing skill potentials with platinum at all.
Higher ones might take some resources, particularly teleportation and healing, but should still be possible.
Worst case you run into something silly like a high level grass dancer boss and you just have to leave, so be it.

>> No.21528442

>about 30% less damage
Rather, you'll be blocked about 30% more.
Chances are they're not blocking 100% if your damage already, so losing 30% of your damage from that is kind of unlikely. But it could certainly be a huge chunk against high level opponents.
I mean, it is more complex than that. Like 30% more blocking could even be almost all your damage rather than just 30%, if you're being mostly blocked already; or it could be practically nothing if you're barely being blocked at all. But still.
You are right though, yeah, it's definitely something to consider.

>> No.21528659

Ok. Gonna be honest. I have no clue what Garfu's overhaul is.
I have included Omake EN, OOEN, and OOENhack links and brief descriptions in the first pastebin though.
Seriously, if anyone has anything they want in this pastebin just say so because I have ONLY touched plus. But I am willing to update this thing frequently so I decided why the hell not.
Related to that, what is a good description of the differences in the Omake variants so I can toss it in the Q&A to hopefully prevent those questions from spamming every thread.
For the differences between Omake and Plus all I know is that Plus is filled with a ton of Anos "features" and "plot" while Omake is basically Vanilla with bells and whistles.
I also added a tag system to show when part of the main pastebin is talking about a specific variant or not to search things. As can be explected 90% of it is plus, but I would still appreciate someone checking to make sure I didn't fuck up.

>> No.21528896

? it doesn't block damage, it increases the pv, so instead of 100/(100+300) It'd be 100/(100+390) not quite 30% less damage, but close.

>> No.21528931

I thought fame determined dungeon level. Shit, I killed a boss that was around level 100, it was a yeek. Probably the only reason why I won. I’m still in act 1. Is there an easy to get plat metals? It takes so many to get my skill potential up. I have a few around 200 to 300, but most are at 50 or so because I don’t have many metals.

>> No.21528954

Trying to keep all skills at high potential is futile. Focus on 4 or so. If you run low on plat, spend some time travelling between the towns and clearing the quest boards.

>> No.21529001

In plus dungeon level is primarily based on the highest level dungeon you defeated. It's listed in your journal for reference.

In Omake it is based on fame.

>> No.21529196
File: 362 KB, 540x507, 1514526733484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> high level grass dancer
Oh god, I fought a high level hellsting before. It was one of the worst boss fights I had ever went through. I had to give up after like 30 attempts because it would just one shot me and my pets with blade string.
I fought a high level sleeping giant which was just as bad. The fucker would sleep for 50 turns straight only to wake up, boost, and then gauge release and do 30K damage to who ever it hit.
What is the worst thing to fight as a boss?

>> No.21529223

Turns out I am more retarded that I could ever imagine, and somehow asked people to look over links that didn't freaking exist. Oh well.
>Added oomSEST instructions
>Added the Elona Vanilla/Omake Custom backport
>Added Beautify 1.89 and Beautify Vanilla/Omake from the discord
General Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/FDv2ATAa
Mod Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/5ja03yuf
Would really appreciate some anons to glance over it.

>> No.21529433

>Whatever it is that is awful, and I do indeed hope it's just paranoia.
Yeah, thankfully things didn't go as badly as I thought they might when I wrote that. Currently, it might take me a few extra days to release a new version, depending on which day a new version of Custom comes out. Hopefully things won't get worse than this. There probably won't be any change in my situation for weeks, at least.
>Would it be possible to move everything to a public git?
I could try, but my gut instinct is that git sites couldn't handle a ~15 MB source code file.

>> No.21529500

I have some points to raise about the changes to the general pastebin.
I don't think the link to vanilla Elona should be under the omake tag. Vanilla is not related to omake, omake is related to vanilla, so it could be misleading.
Also, I think it makes sense to put the all tags first in each category, whenever they appear.
Finally, there's a typo on line 233, you used the opening tag instead of the closing tag.

>> No.21529555

Good points.
I'll create a Vanilla tag to avoid confusion.
I corrected the typo as well.
But I'm sorry, I'll need you to elaborate on the tag placement a bit.
Do you mean put all relevant tags at the top of each subsection like [0001] {PLUS} {OMAKE}...
Or something else?

>> No.21529782
File: 8 KB, 447x93, firefox_2019-06-15_23-25-22_torvaldslinux_Linux_kernel_source_tree_-_Mozilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could try, but my gut instinct is that git sites couldn't handle a ~15 MB source code file.
That's not really a problem.

>> No.21529799

No, sorry I should have formatted that better. Put the {ALL} tags first in each category.
For example in the guides section, the guides for plus are first, then extra, then all. It makes sense to me to put the all tag first, since it will be useful for everyone.

>> No.21529809

Ah that makes a lot of sense.
I'll do that, thanks.

>> No.21529812

That's distributed across a bunch of files. This would be a single 15MB file. Although, I do think it would work, just might be slow to show in browser.

>> No.21529830

>What is the worst thing to fight as a boss?
Whatever you're not prepared for, whatever breaks your strategy. It's very dependent on playstyle.
>Fast bosses that teleport around a ton while you're trying to melee without or with limited SP for shadow step, and without backup distance attacks or pets.
>Breath converging bosses that heal off gauge release and gain gauge faster from being hit harder
>MP draining
>SP draining
>Hunger inducing
>Sanity incuding
>Inducing practically anything you're not resistant against
>Crazy unresisted elemental damage (Especially breaths with converge breath FUCK)
But it's mostly only a problem for bosses much, much higher level than you regardless. Mostly just bosses much much faster than you.
Everything can probably be dealt with in its entirety once you near the skillcap though.

>> No.21529851

You'd generally run git locally and only use the website to communicate and manage changes to the repo.
The main thing is using git itself though, and having it mirrored somewhere.
Git lets you create and pull commits with simpler commands, including resolving conflicts where necessary. Like instead of doing it manually with multiple windows of winmerge. Saves a lot of time, especially when dealing with many forks.

Imagine you could just take the difference between the old source.hsp and the new source.hsp and turn that into a commit. A commit being a marked change in code at certain points. Kind of like -certain lines +certain lines
And then you could just simply apply that commit to sourceg.hsp.

I'm actually surprised you have been doing it manually when git exists. That's quite the task.

>> No.21529859

Alright. I rearranged the tagged sections to all fall into the order All > Vanilla > Omake (since it is still the closest to vanilla) > Plus >Extra.
I'm still not 100% sure if certain portions of what I tagged off as plus could count as ALL, but I decided to play it safe.

>> No.21529899

>take the difference between the old source.hsp and the new source.hsp and turn that into a commit
That's Custom though, not Custom-G. I dunno what kind of setup BloodyShade has that lets him do his code refactoring, but I don't think a git repo is involved.

>> No.21529994

Preach it brother, I fought a five headed god boss once. I could outrange it with my bow, until it healed from converge breath. We couldn’t kill each other.

>> No.21530369

try playing blind and just wiki items that says no information

>> No.21530784

Failing party quests, farming quests, I want it quests, and hunting quests won't reduce karma. Basically if failing the quest doesn't involve an escort NPC dying or failing to deliver an item given to you by the quest NPC, you won't lose any karma from it.

>> No.21531040


As a new player what should I be doing with all this junk I picked up?
Also, is it possible to view my pets stat page?
Also also, it might not have been the best choice to make a Fairy Thief for my first character

>> No.21531169

>As a new player what should I be doing with all this junk I picked up?
Have a wizard identify your inventory in town. It's more cost effective to do your entire inventory all at once. It's fairly expensive early on, so do safe quests for money. Farming quests in yowyn and I want it quests in any town are very low risk. Escorts are usually fine but avoid beauty and the beat quests and make sure you can reach the destination in time.
>Also, is it possible to view my pets stat page?
Yeah, either talk to an informer in town and pay them to view your pet's stats, or use gene engineering to add another pet's genes to theirs and you'll be able to see their new stats.
>Also also, it might not have been the best choice to make a Fairy Thief for my first character
Yeah, fairies are dubious in vanilla and omake and they're snail tier in plus.

>> No.21531183

Equipment can be sold at shops, but for extremely low price, so it's not really worth it.
If you meant how to deal with what you want to keep around, drop all your stuff at your home or buy a deed of storage house, most people end up with quite a few in the long run.

You can see your pet's stats by paying an informer NPC to investigate your ally.

>> No.21531495

One thing that would be worth mentioning regarding oomSEST is that after copying over the translated god and item files from OOEN Hack, you should delete the file in the god folder named üyìαéâCâiâè ÉÆnüz.eum. That file will cause your game to crash upon visiting the show house, and you won't be able to access Inari's altar.

>> No.21531517

Doesn't really matter. If you have the before and after you can simply turn that into a commit.
Any change can become a commit, regardless of where you get it.
Then any commit can be applied to any reasonably similar repository or code.

I've only applied very very small changes to forks and kept them updated, so I'm not quite sure where conflict resolution comes into play. But I do know it's a thing to handle the issue with.
Like, if the code being changed can't be found in your repo to begin with (Thirst related, for example), it should alert you about which section it is, to handle it by erasing or editing it from the commit.

You'll still want to double check things over, at least related to the changelog, given the apparent goals of Custom-G and the nature of updates.
But the rest of the job of updating can be automated.

>> No.21531575

Also if you're playing the latest version of Omake Overhaul, or if you're playing oomSEST installed over the latest version of Omake Overhaul, download this:
and save it in your custom items folder. It will translate the new jewel of love item, which is essentially a secret experience of kumiromi for pets.

>> No.21531593

Wouldn't renaming it to 【財のイナリ 聖地】.eum work? Or just extracting it with 7z in Japanese locale. Like I'm not sure why you wouldn't do that to begin with, since it's a Japanese game.
Or does Elona have trouble reading Japanese filenames while not running in Japanese?

>> No.21531703
File: 88 KB, 686x582, 71cd7d8f966c2d92effe6768c9666decc0f7a186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adds link to (((discord)))
>adds a bunch of bitching about people not being directed to the platform founded by the guy currently being sued for his previous identical platform's illegal data harvesting
>tens of millions in funding and no visible means of turning a profit (not to mention the multiple mass deletions of anything the jews dislike) but FUCK YOU THE PEOPLE ON THAT PLATFORM ARE MAKING SHIT SO IT GETS LINKED
>arbitrarily rearranges the variant list so that the variants managed by discord cliques are first
it's shit

>> No.21531706

All I know is that the show house crashes if I don't delete it, and everything works fine without it. Presumably it's the japanese version of one of the files OOEN hack translates.

>> No.21531731

Indeed it's shit.
I'm getting flashbacks of old forums which require signups to access anything at all, sometimes even artificial "thanks" to access files or postcount locked sections. Except there's not even a public section here. And it's a quick paced chat IRC wannabe hellhole.
Why is it not managed on a public forum, git host, or wiki of some sort? Why is it at least not being mirrored to one of those things?
Why would anyone want this?

>> No.21531792

Point taken.
I'll be honest the reason I linked the discord was I thought that the reason everyone hated the site was the likelyhood the servers become echo chambers filled with cliques and shit.
And I literally rearranged the variants because Vanilla was first to be made and Omake is more vanilla than plus is, though seeing as plus is more used by the English community I can see that now that was a bad move.
I'll remove the discord link and change the tag order to ALL > PLUS > VANILLA > OMAKE > EXTRA.
Those changes good enough or is there anything else you guys want or don't want in the pastebin?

>> No.21531813

I wish OO branches were actually popular or valuable enough that someone would want to decompile, refactor, and maintain them, like plus->Custom.
There IS some interesting tweaks to them. Which could be greatly applied everywhere else, like to plus. Or eventually adapted to whatever mod format foobar may eventually have.
But decompiled code as is is such a mess it's hard to figure out what's what, nonetheless apply it elsewhere. I don't even know where to start.

>> No.21531846

>I thought that the reason
I hate limiting access to information in general. Especially when identities are involved, and ESPECIALLY when identities are involved between multiple locations (Servers here, I guess).
It becomes way too easy to push some agenda (Usually political regardless of the "side") and block access to anyone who goes against it, even in other locations, when it's entirely irrelevant to the project/s at hand.
I honestly thought most of the internet got over privatising downloads almost a decade ago, outside of specific shady *ISO pirate sites.
That it's making a comeback now, with a social platform especially, is horrible. Regressive to say the least.

As for changes, yeah that sounds fine.
There was also some lazy updates to the monstergirl pack and no cameo monster girl pack to work with 1.89. Including realigning the staircase to possibly avoid some garbage.
I'll see if I can find those.

>> No.21531871

>Which could be greatly applied everywhere else, like to plus
Or even to other OO based versions. OOENhack for example has options oomSEST does not, balance options at least. And translations too, but that at least seems limited to externally loaded files which can be replaced.

>> No.21531877

Yeah that is more than fair enough reason.
I implemented the changes real quick, but it was on mobile so something might have been screwed up in the process.
And if anyone knows of even lazy updates to some of the sprite sheets, point me to them and I'll add the links.

>> No.21531882

As it would so happen, someone is porting custom to the omake line, complete with de-compiled code, they already released it (mostly) for vanilla. They mostly work on the discord, so it's not well known, but there's also a wiki link: https://elona.fandom.com/wiki/Thread:29657

>> No.21531907

the only tip i can give since i played blind is DROP bottles of water on the altar then mix[B] them to stuff you want to bless. i reached act 2 without knowing how to bless stuff cause i didn't understand the book

>> No.21531919

>Unlike Plus Custom, I will not be sharing the source code. I built this on top of Noa's original 1.22 code, so I will respect his wishes and not redistribute it. If you already have Noa's permission/blessing to modify 1.22's source then we can discuss sharing the mod code in private.
EH? That defeats much of the point.
Adding custom specific features to vanilla/omake would be nice, sure.
But that's an entirely separate goal that has nothing to do with making OO's useful stuff readable to port elsewhere.

I can understand wanting the omake line more playable with Custom Tweaks and stuff. If you want to play omake.

>> No.21531939

That's just the vanilla code, he doesn't have access to OO's code and is using de-compiled source for that.

>> No.21531973

>I will respect his wishes
Noa posted like a year or two ago that he was fine with his source code being distributed, he was only being autistic about the art/music/whatever since it wasn't his. This is just discord cabals being control freaks as usual. (At this rate oldschool GPL is going to have to make a comeback...)

>> No.21532004

Would Elona work on android?

>> No.21532006

Someone brought it up to him, and now I'm pretty sure he's changed his mind and willing to share the source.

>> No.21532009
File: 48 KB, 1028x636, firefox_2019-06-16_09-31-46_Elona_1.22_Custom_and_Beautify__Elona_Wiki__FAND.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is he refactoring or documenting OO changes at all?
Otherwise it's not very useful for >>21531813 that goal of actually using OO changes elsewhere.
Well that makes this weird comment section (IMAGE) a little more believable. Though certainly not any less awkward.

But didn't he use open resources?
I know a bunch of the vanilla tiles, some of which still persist in plus, are just RLtiles. Which have been used and modified for a ton of things, including the popular DCSS.
Pretty sure I've heard SOME of the music elsewhere too.

>> No.21532049

Very awkwardly. Like practically any roguelike that uses much of the keyboard.
He posted a video of it working on Android a while back somewhere else too. Plebbit I think. But without any touch overlay, probably relying on a physical keyboard.
Nice progress. For a variant like that the more adaptable and multiplatform it is the better.

>> No.21532111

Monstergirl and nocameo.
Updated to include 1.89 monsters and better align mimics to the grid.

>> No.21532160

Updated. Thanks for the link anon.

>> No.21532217

I have a wide skill called Gravity Accel, not sure what it does

>> No.21532236

Increases attack and def but gives you the gravity status, which makes greater evasion do jack shit and cancels float. If I remember correctly.

I use that and clear mind right after uncontrol, while still confused for a moment, so as to buff further without casting/failing spells.
Usually just after one or the other confusion is gone for some reason, despite taking several actions of other sorts.

>> No.21532264
File: 19 KB, 974x154, firefox_2019-06-16_10-43-46_Special_action_(Elona+)__Elona_Wiki__FANDOM_powe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually it's better. Buffs speed too, and makes the target float.
The gravity might actually do jack shit while it's up, rather than making greater evasion do jack shit.

>> No.21532322

Whoa. Artifact fusion requires a scroll of gain attribute each time AND specific jewels?
So it's actually balanced by hard endurance+RNG grind and not just a straight and easy upgrade?
That's, well, honestly better.
I was thinking for the longest time it was just an overpowered instant progress thing once you unlock it. But never bothered with untranslated stuff, and most of it was untranslated at the time.

Thankfully I've been collecting sox out of personal desire already. Though only like 50-70 so far. And I have about 20 or so spare gain attributes, planned for use on pets if necessary whenever getting into that.

>> No.21532358

Are the clones created by pets with the split bitflags friendly?
I was thinking of making one of the bubbles a MA pet, then enjoy it summoning it's own army on damage.

>> No.21532418

do bubbles still have the split when dominated? i monster balled a red ninja before, never again.

>> No.21532567

Ok. That's an even better question. I ASSUME they would since bitflags seem to be one of the few things mobs keep on being dominated.
But I could be wrong.

>> No.21532588

Where did he post this?
Why did he think people meant resources when saying source code? Especially when most of the resources are open in the folders anyway. Most.
And why would using free resources of others make it a sensitive issue? Did he neglect to credit the resources used?
Where are the credits anyway?

>> No.21533056

>Artifact fusion requires a scroll of gain attribute each time AND specific jewels?
No. If you are using a jewel, you don't need a scroll.

>> No.21533089
File: 26 KB, 1033x296, firefox_2019-06-16_13-20-43_Artifact_fusion__Elona_Wiki__FANDOM_powered_by_W.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(In version 1.39 and higher, the scroll of gain attribute is not required when Jewel of core of nefia is used - but every other fusion component still needs it)
That reads as though only this particular section, with Jewel of core of nefia, does not require it. But that all the jewel of tear god or other specific items do. Including elemental damage and resistances.
Was it changed after that?

>> No.21533158

Oh I made a mistake, I thought the tear of god wouldn't need a scroll either, but they do. And yes, all the craftable specific items need a scroll.

>> No.21533187
File: 18 KB, 1167x210, notepad++_2019-06-16_13-38-54_elonapluscg1.89.3.1gsource.hsp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woo! Chaos Child and two @s in the void at just f70.
Now I just need Palmia's king I think. That should cover every one I missed so far.
Unless I skipped yet another unique very early on and forgot about it. Like the Yeek boss I got here as well (But could just reset the castle no prob).

Speaking of which, that yeek boss is apparently named Rudolfo in Custom-G.
>Yeek's title and name in Japanese is イークの首領『ルードルボ』. ルードルボ (Rūdorubo) is the reverse of ボルドール (borudōru), the japanese name for Boldor, King of the Yeeks in Angband.
It's named Rodlob in Custom, both for variable and display. Seems like an accidental change.
If you want to be weird and value Japanese accuracy over reference accuracy then Rudolbo would fit too. But Rodlob is best.

>> No.21533203

Okay coolio.
Elemental damages are the strongest attribute so as long as those are balanced like that it's nice.

>> No.21533416

I remember when Noa said something like this long ago in his now dead forums.

>> No.21533462

If you look at that wiki page's history, you'll notice a minor edit the other day: "Bolder, King of the Yeeks" was changed to the proper "Boldor, King of the Yeeks".
Yeah, the next Custom-G release's changelog is going to include something like "Belatedly got the joke with Rodlob's name."

>> No.21534060

Found this on the reddit regarding bejeweled chests

"As for obtaining and opening the bejeweled chests, I save all bejeweled chests that come from low level dungeons in a storage house (either from a deed of storage house or deed of dungeon). I then locate or create a dungeon near my house. I can artificially create a high level dungeon through using a Statue of Opathos until a good dungeon is created. Finally, I clear the dungeon until I am near the top and then leave, waiting for a Lucky Day to occur. Once I get a lucky day, I get to the dungeon, clear out the boss, then teleport to my storage chest, grab all of my bejeweled chests, run back to the dungeon, get to the top floor, and open them all."

Does this have any effect on the items from the chests?

>> No.21534163

In the original game it did. In E+ DL no longer matters.
Regarding luck, you'd have to look at the code because nobody can agree on what luck affects or not.

>> No.21534255

I remember finding that there, too. Question is, does it still work? E+ has had alot of "balance changes" and nerfs. Chests may have items defined at generation now instead of when opened. Basically, weak chests will always be weak.

>> No.21535131

It doesn't work in e+, and even the omake line seems to have change it up a bit.

>> No.21535181

Added this to the pastebin description of oomSEST.
Made a less lazy explanation of installing OOENhack, and tried to find the most recent downloads of the Omake variants as well as linking their twitters.
Linked foobar under the vanilla downloads tag

>> No.21535225

Also added the other download links from the main pastebin to the mods pastebin, and moved Amylona and Garfu's Overhaul closer to the top under the customs.

>> No.21536074

anyone know the damage formula for issen? im finding it strange that my normal attack deals double compared to issen

that's what i thought too but i never saw the red ninja split even once. you can try on your end but i can say that i'm pretty sure they don't get the split flag

>> No.21536237

Well that is just disappointing.
Guess I'll fall back to my other melee pet plans.

>> No.21536479

One of the things everyone can agree on regarding luck is that it improves item quality. A good item has a chance to become great, a great item has a chance to become miracle, etc based on luck.

Supposedly whenever an appropriate item spawns, the game picks a number between 1 and 5000, and if your luck is higher than that number, the item's quality improves. If correct, that means the 700 luck bonus from a lucky day is worth +14% to the chance that any given item will have its quality improved.

>> No.21536699

limit(fixed_damage + (weap + 1) / 2, 2, 2500) * sqrt(weap) * sqrt(eqlv - 2) + rnd(weap + 1)

fixed_damage is Z in your attack's XdY+Z which you can see on your character sheet.
weap is your weapon skill, in this case your long sword skill. If your target is using a longsword, then this is reduced by their greater evasion skill.
eqlv is your average equipment enchantment * 3. It has a minimum of 3 and maximum of 30.

>> No.21536701
File: 980 KB, 1583x806, oomSEST options.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the latest version of oomSEST has options for compatibility with the 2019 release of Omake Overhaul, it's probably safe to recommend using the latest version of OO with oomSEST instead of whatever the version mentioned in the pastebin is.

>> No.21537317

Most formulae in plus scale up worse than regular attacks do. Might be time to invest in a shift core.

>> No.21537404

>fixed_damage + (weap + 1) / 2, 2, 2500
>2, 2, 2500
what does this mean how do i process this? im being a brainlet right now

>> No.21538845

limit(fixed_damage + (weap + 1)/2, 2, 2500) means "fixed_damage + (weap + 1)/2" with a minimum of 2 and maximum of 2500

>> No.21539004

I am this guy
I have a fuck tone of skins eyes bones and heats of monsters, are they used for anything?

Also Monster Cards and Statues?

>> No.21539105

Hearts can be used in necromancy but you need coffins.
Once you get a museum, put the statues in it to make money. Though statues of unique NPCs and bosses are preferable.

>> No.21539149

Mostly useless. Mostly.

I'd get a deck and collect every card. They don't take inventory space or weight up to [t] put them into the deck.
And there's a quest for collecting different types, a phase for every 50. Though that's arguably completable later on with card packs, music tickets are better used elsewhere.
Figures can be collected, and put into a museum for scheduled profits. Though most shitmobs aren't really worth bothering with for that, uniques sure are. Probably some rarer/stronger non-uniques as well to fill space.

>> No.21539207

Once you've identified the skins, bones, etc. with a wizard in town, they sell for a bit. Mostly useful in early game when 300gp per item is nice income.
Collecting one of every card is useful for a side-quest, and as the others said, unique NPC statues are good for your museum.

>> No.21539223

1.9 is out

>> No.21539296

>Added 2 new materials - bamboo and nanomachine.

>> No.21539313

> Reverted the default BGM in Your Home to the vanilla Elona piece [PSML516] because the composer has put it up for distribution again.
Open resource availability mattering is kind of annoying, but whatever. That sounds nice.
>Added unique artifacts for the weapon types that don't have one yet
>Mixing a bottle of dirty water or other similar items with a blessed item will now remove that item's blessed status.
>new materials
For better or worse. I hope they don't take up early slots on scrolls' rotations, but whatever.
Having mind ## could be useful for building resistances early, at least.
>Changed the effect of the Touch of Hunger special action.
>It now applies a debuff that doubles the loss of satiation and hydration per turn.
I'm split on this because I never actually use that to spam up levels with herbs (in herbs) in a dedicated space/time, so that would actually help me more, but I don't like weird memetic grinding methods to be removed.
>Added English translations to some text files.
>Fixed the width of the status displays in the English version so that it doesn't get cut off.
I wonder if they conflict with Custom at all, or if they're backports from Custom?
Has there ever been an attempt to get Custom's translations added to plus itself?

>> No.21540336
File: 711 KB, 1920x768, elonacg_2019-06-17_18-52-31_Elona+_Custom-G_1.89.3.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yatta! King Xabi!
Now it doesn't really matter which bosses I get from there on. Though more fixedarts like Rankis would be nice for later.

>> No.21540517

Pork seems like a fun NPC.
The evolved form getting boost isn't half bad. Getting hyperdash seems... weird though.

>> No.21541995

>finished lost irva
is there any reason to keep playing the char?

>> No.21542002

Slaying the inner gods.

>> No.21542065

Decorating your house with hundreds of shelters each themed to a specific NPC as part of a large museum.

>> No.21542632

This seems like a particularly "serial killer" thing to do. I'm impressed, anon.

>> No.21544594

It's what murder hobos do when they find a home.

>> No.21545254

There's endless things to grind.
Reach the level caps, see how far you can make it in the void, find and artifact fuse fuckawesome godly equipment, make 15 ideal mutant pets all with timestop shenanigans, collect a ton of panties to make a museum of them or maybe eat them.
So you could play a character endlessly if you want to, really.

If you're done with the character you can gene onto a new one. Maybe doing some silly challenge in the process, but with items to skip the initial grind because that's gay.
Or you could hop to another version. Bash out Vanilla just to say you've done it, try out some features in omake versions (ENhack has balance settings to make that faster), become fucking awesome in +CGFU.
Maybe mod custom graphics in to mix things up a bit, or check through Custom(-G)'s source and see if there's something you want to change there.

>> No.21545587

Anything in the dos donts and wishes sections that have changed drastically in the months before this thing was updated?

>> No.21546144

>Zombie Queen Panic quest twice my level
>Kill all but one
>Focus on zombies just for the hell of it
>They actually give (near?) full XP per kill
>9 levels within a minute of halfassing
>They just keep spawning
I wonder how long I can keep this up and how many levels I'll blow through in the process. Regular character level means like nothing it seems, besides more HP/MP. Like no punishment from things being harder at all in a vain attempt to balance things, thankfully.

When walling them off into a corridor they barely do enough damage to heal every now and then, which MP drain/restore more than keeps up with. So I'm blowing some spare MP to keep it down below max for Meditation's sake.

Could kill the last Queen any time without problems.

>> No.21546500
File: 828 KB, 1920x768, elonacg_2019-06-18_20-36-22_Elona+_Custom-G_1.89.3.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The <N97 Cannon> (an anti-materiel rifle when unidentified) is an Elona+ exclusive firearm-type precious weapon wielded by <Garziem>.
>"anti-materiel rifle" is most likely not a typo here, it's the correct term for this type of weapon
Oh huh. Learn something new every day.
I didn't even know materiel was a word. But it sounds and seems badass.

>> No.21546504

Whoops, image on the wrong post. Apologies.

>> No.21546735

You appear to have a zombie horde following you, may I recommend using zom-be-gone, our award winning zombie repellent?

>> No.21547085

Thanks for the offer, but zombie hoards are so fun to wipe out and let build up again.
Next time the job offer pops up again I'll do the same, but with more growth scrolls so as to not run low on skill potentials negating the point to straight character levels alone.

>> No.21548409

Can enemies/pets use hyperdash without riding/being ridden?

>> No.21549751

Havent played elona since the shooter was released and it way different now.
I read the pastebin but is there anything else i should look into before jumping in?

Also is there anyway to downlpad the elona shooter to play offline? I remember it being pretty fun.

>> No.21549884

There should be an offline elona shooter link in the pastebin.
Also the new pastebin links in the middle of the thread have the omake variants of elona as well.

>> No.21550724

Jure is best goddess.

>> No.21551051

Secret experience of Kumiromi
Happy bed
Seven league boots
Scroll of gain attribute
Astral light pen
Shift core

99% of the time you want to wish for one of those.

>> No.21551310

How long does it usually take for Custom to update?

>> No.21551450

I was gonna disagree and say Kumiromi but...

>> No.21551804
File: 42 KB, 585x380, time grenade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21551890
File: 418 KB, 600x380, Irma gets loads of pussies in her bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21552031


>> No.21552632

It can take a while sometimes, and this update looks to be a big one.

>> No.21553940
File: 27 KB, 429x195, error.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My game crashes when I try to enter the appearance menu on my pet with this error, any ideas?

>> No.21553964
File: 573 KB, 1270x1485, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone help me with the ai? i don't see any reason why my pet wouldn't use shadow step in this situation. i have the tactical attack AP so its not that she doesn't know the skill shadow step.

>> No.21553991

target's hp is lower than 10% and your pet tries to decapitate it? dunnno otherwise.

>> No.21554009
File: 102 KB, 711x586, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that actually made sense so i added a new line but fixing it still stops my pet.

>> No.21554016

>>21554009 here
nevermind me the shadow step i chose in the previous commands is the one she is trying to learn so changing the skill she wants to learn fixes the ai.

>> No.21554328

>Currently Learning: Shadow Step
>Current Progress: 0%
Basically, your pet has only a low chance of performing the move. The chance increases a little with progress, but it will only work 100% of the time when it's been completely learned.

>> No.21555192

I just remembered that spell writers are a thing.
Holy fuck this is way easier than the retarded keeping 100+ 1 charge books for recharging that I did.
What decides the spells you can reserve?
Is it just books you've read (successfully?) or does it have something to do with the shop level?

>> No.21555240

read the wiki entry on it

>> No.21555254

Anything you've successfully read besides rare shit, like wish or harvest for example.
Shop level only increases book stock, not book type. And that caps out somewhere to like 8 pages of books.

>> No.21555664

Every time I enter a town there's a little girl called Gwen following me, does she want to be my companion or something?

>> No.21555701

In Yowyn, yeah. She just wants to follow you. All her AI will do is move toward you, at all times, whenever you're on the map.

In plus you can recruit her with an Astral Light Pen after building up your relationship to Soul Mate with gifts and shit. But it has to be before act2. Because then she turns from innocent to pitiless and never moves at all.
Somewhere in the omake line you can human transmutate her with some diddlydodad mechanic somehow, or monsterball her after becoming a godslayer I think.

There's also a killcount in plus at least. To track just how many times you've killed her. I'm at 41 and intend to gain more and more after getting deeper into the void.

Other than that she's nothing technically special. No crazy bitflags or strange ally AI.

>> No.21555754

Also, in plus her adult form gains levels and stats based on how many times you killed either form of her with some wonky multiplier

>> No.21555765
File: 642 KB, 728x427, elonacg_2019-06-20_14-09-14_Elona+_Custom-G_1.89.3.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based on how many times you killed either form of her with some wonky multiplier
She only gains levels for any kills post-act1. Like killing the innocent one wouldn't add to that, only killing pitiless does. (Still level 100 despite 41 innocent kc)
It's not a wonky multiplier anyway. It's straight level += times killed. Every 2 hours I think.

>> No.21556096

Innocent found in the void won't add to it at all even post-act1 (In the void). They're basically just different creatures.

>> No.21556343

[Z]apping rods of change creatures to turn things into diabolic clown does spawn them with sox still. And they can be recharged.
That's pretty nifty. Not exactly the most efficient thing in the world but still.

What's the fastest way to mass collect sox and scrolls of gain attribute?
Is there any way to remove attributes from godly weapons? Or reset them clean like living weapons at that Certain NPC in South Tyris.

>> No.21556364

For sox, go into tower dungeons lvl 70-80 and steal them from clowns and ninjas.

Gain attributes are pure RNG, just rush high level dungeons, or wish for them.

You can't remove attributes, aside from the material ones, ie dragon scale's fire and ice can be removed by turning it into iron, temporarily.

>> No.21556390
File: 83 KB, 1598x522, firefox_2019-06-19_19-26-08_Elona_General_You_would_have_prefered_human_flesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soft cap? As in they get progressively less helpful but still always a positive? Or as in they eventually become a penalty to even the hands before them?
Is it just a hit/accuracy cap?
Is it a plus specific thing removed in Custom-G?

Could this be worded a little clearer?

>> No.21556411

Tower dungeons of higher levels work too. I've been going in all of them I see, usually around lv600.
>or wish for them
Would it be a good idea to take random shitpets to drink from fountains when they spawn for that? Or for wishes in general. Maybe doing that with spare little sisters before turning them in?
I've already ran my fountain wish chance into the ground so that's kind of rare. Don't have many wish rods or stocks either.

And alright. Guess I'll just have to find some without many enchantments to start with.

Living weapons are already plenty powerful, even without optimal max magic damage. So this grind can take as long as it needs to.

>> No.21556428

Magic seeds grow into specific types of rods based on which season they're planted in. If you save them up and plant them at the right time, you might grow a rod of wishing or two.

>> No.21556516
File: 114 KB, 397x390, This is getting out of hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, the reason for it being 70-80, is they don't have much competition for spawning. So you get hundreds of them.

>> No.21556534

I used to have a magic farm. But it didn't give me anything good back at like 30-40 gardening so I turned it into another herb farm. Good idea.
Oh. That makes more sense.
Can that jewel from the end of act3 or whatever be used repetitively to force a specific dungeon level range? Or is it just a rare thing to come across.
Resetting Defeat might also be a good idea for that eventually. Shouldn't be too hard to raise back.

>> No.21556555

You can use it multiple times. It has a, 10ish hr cooldown? You might be able to use copies to make the process faster.

>> No.21557210
File: 18 KB, 588x25, elonacg_2019-06-20_19-19-37_Elona+_Custom-G_1.89.3.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a crazy epic gift, /jp/. Happy today day.

>> No.21558618

>hire low level adventurer
>kobold uses hay fever skill in a dungeon
>every time she respawns she dies
>1/3 of the town i go to she's there trying to kill me now
it's like she's following me how do i stop her? her impress is not low ive been giving her gifts

>> No.21559260

Every time she dies there's a chance she'll retire from adventuring. You may be able to reset her from hostile back to neutral by using a disguise kit or incognito spell near her.

>> No.21559389

Months 9-11 for a wishing rod for anyone interested.

>> No.21559428
File: 512 KB, 802x627, wew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21560189

if i make a pet equip a weapon with tactics bonus in range slot does he get the bonus or need to use it as weapon?

>> No.21560475

you get the tactics bonus. if you're still unsure you can use the mirror skill (60 perception) to see if the stats are applied.

>> No.21560520

Nice. Grenade is pretty great for crowd control since it has a 90% activation rate. Even after you get a living sabre, that could still be useful as a switch for clearing random dungeons.

Also, I do that thing with the palace front yard and items too.
Like does anyone ever actually design their houses after they upgrade them to palace?
Beforehand I was quite happy to. Had a nice shack, fishing pond, and graveyard.
But after upgrading to palace it's just so dauntingly large and there's plenty of space for items in the front anyway.

>> No.21561141
File: 335 KB, 1220x665, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had to buy a castle just for the servant cap and the palace is too big for me but estate is prolly the best house imo.

>> No.21561707

Is that a beach side? That sounds pretty nice actually. There are a couple places on the map where I'd place my house that make sense for that too.

>> No.21561951
File: 243 KB, 691x663, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually make the small rooms into larger ones and change them around slightly, then I get some stairs and just have concrete everywhere for storage/training.

>> No.21561986

That's quite classy.
Isn't it annoying to have kumiromi statues on separate squares though? Like they'd take up more space and be slower to use on the days you'd want to.

>> No.21562040
File: 171 KB, 640x510, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aesthetics over function in this instance, i like seeing the collection grow overtime.

>> No.21562502
File: 1 KB, 48x48, Yakui attempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to make a Yakui sprite, after searching for a bit and failing to find one.
But it just feels way too rigid. I don't know how to fix this.
Like, how do you express Yakui's deranged excitement in such a format?
Would some less sprity more regular art scaled down, like that cat goddess seems to be, work better?

>> No.21562649

Say you managed to astral pen inner opatos for funsies,could you make it so he just spams his instant kill action on everything?

does anyone make their custom NPC pets for roleplay purposes?

>> No.21562734

Pretty sure they lose their super inner god actions on being penned?

As for customizing pets furthest I have gone is giving each and every pet I have, even the shop keepers, unique and at times over the top personalities through tone files.

>> No.21563910
File: 1 KB, 48x48, Yakui attempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, the eyes do look a little more emotional with the center of the line being brighter. And I'm not too sure of it, but this unprecedented mouth does look like a crazed smile I think. Cleaned up a little more too.
This is good for now.

>> No.21566667
File: 268 KB, 628x836, living weapon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your living weapon collections

>> No.21566784
File: 321 KB, 625x414, living weapons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprisingly, I don't have all that many on my plus character, considering how long I've played it. I'll ignore my oomsest character, since they can wish for living weapons.

>> No.21569185

I've noticed that oomSEST changed the way god-blessed food affects your potential. In OO you got +1% to the potential of two stats, or +1% to one stat in Inari and Kumiromi's cases, and you only got anything if you were still hungry after eating (or maybe you just had to be below satisfied after? I don't remember). In oomSEST you get 3% to two stats, or 3% to one stat and 1% to the rest in Inari and Kumiromi's cases. You have to be hungry before eating rather than after to get the effect.

It helps a lot, it shouldn't be hard to maintain 100% or even 200% potential on all stats even with how weak vanilla potions of potential are.

>> No.21569569
File: 8 KB, 240x96, genengineered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes its easier to just gene engineer the sprite that you want

>> No.21569656

>Machine translating card texts
>One of the most famous of venomous spiders. Unlike others it is known to look suprisingly adorable. Whether one likes bristles or not.
I don't think Ano knows what a tarantula is.

>> No.21572151

>venomous spider
It's a fairly accurate description of a tarantula, is it not?

>> No.21572152
File: 130 KB, 545x519, 1446783119796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he's one of those guys.

>> No.21572166

Tarantulas can be adorable. They're shy, fairly non-aggressive, sometimes even affectionate. They're quite fuzzy, more solid and less creepy than other spiders, definitely more friendly in most cases.
I even heard about one that sulked for like an hour because it stepped on its own leg.

Maybe not cute in the standard sense. But definitely adorable, or fascinating at the very least.

>> No.21572764

>ywn become so fucking strong that even gods fear you
>ywn make lulwy your bitch

>> No.21573072

I guess I am in the minority since I never associated tarantulas with adorable in my mind.

Well considering his description of black widows I wouldn't doubt that. He claims they are associated with a type of women because of their luscious black limbs... and poison.

>> No.21573409
File: 223 KB, 600x1000, __yakui_futaba_channel_and_etc_drawn_by_itou_yuuji__fafada982391adf5b85f7fd52f606b3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't find any poses or bases to use that match what I want though.

Considering just downscaling and cleaning up actual artwork. Fixing the palette if need be, like for this one.
Frisia the Cat Queen already looks like that was done to it, so there is precedence for that in the default spritework.

>> No.21574139
File: 10 KB, 287x33, elonacg_2019-06-23_13-29-05_Elona+_Custom-G_1.89.3.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21574224

Welp, I've just summuned a bunch of high level monsters in my house and I can't fucking kill them. Most of the times they would even spawn kill me

>> No.21574251
File: 778 KB, 641x805, elonacg_2019-06-23_13-48-38_Elona+_Custom-G_1.89.3.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bottom bunch I keep on me.
One with MP drain that I really love and really should have put max magic damage on but opted for absolute pierce chance for 4/9 levels out of ignorance.
One with max magic damage but no MP drain and still not +15 for some reason despite having plenty stardust.
A resistance stick knife for rare situations.
And I'm not sure if eternal force shit counts but it's [t] usable and eternal force shit is too cool to leave out.

>> No.21574252

Tactical Nuke.

>> No.21574328

Use house board to move your guard next to you (or hire one if you don't have a guard) and tell her to send them away.

>> No.21574812

Hired one and it worked

>> No.21574952
File: 379 KB, 683x465, elonacg_2019-06-23_15-51-49_Elona+_Custom-G_1.89.3.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty nice. Godly with useful stats and resistances off the bat. Also protects from cursing words [##](91).
Too bad it's not what I'm trying for right now. Kind of want a body for a planned mutant pet, preferably with anti-preggo. Resistances left uncovered by weapons can be added later, or taken care of with a living resistance stick.

>> No.21575016

Does Shena's panty work well in the hand slot? For timestop, anti-aliens, and maybe mind damage?
I think ranged weapons act as blunt weapons there.

>> No.21575080

I just got a wish on a level 6 character, what's a good or best wish?

>> No.21575095

What >>21551051 that guy said.
Generally people start with seven league boots to save travel time. Because that can heavily matter for town jobs, which are quite important early on for platinum to unlock skills with.
Once you have everything you really need for gameplay, if you're playing plus, shift cores are fuckawesome and only acquirable from wishes.

>> No.21575493

It's the most fun playthrough I've had, you basically get to have a melee monster without dealing with the obnoxious levels of grind or mutant player being a mess in general. Pets are insane when they are joined at your hip and thus can't get into stupid positions, plus benefit from your self-heals, teleports, etc. No gene necessary, as you don't have a specific timeframe to get your pet ready.

Yes mutant levelup works for pets like player mutant. The main difference is pets can't capitalize on free ether corruptions and have a maximum number of items to equip. Furthermore mutant-growth limbs are actually engineerable, so if you can roll a mutant with 5 hands you can potentially engineer a 5th hand onto something (this isn't as easy as it sounds).
The crux of my strategy was to engineer some basic desirable limbs (hands, arms, and necks mainly, a couple backs is good too because of machine arms/vesda wings) onto a little sister then let her level up to see if she can grow additional good limbs on top of those. Gavela wasn't much of a consideration because I didn't want to wait that long to get my mutant. Even though the roll itself probably won't be that great, in the long term it doesn't matter as you can reinitialize a mutant to their 4 limbs and re-engineer them from other mutants.

Hands are definitely the best but getting huge hand totals without savescum or spending tons of life is not easy. Even with a relatively modest hand total, you can get good damage boosters in your arm, back, neck, and shoot slots. With gene engineer and mutant ranching/domination you can get enough of those slots to make a monstrous pet even without gavela or savescum.

There are lots of ways to approach slot gain for pets, especially since the RNG ones can be harmlessly reset. Gavela is the only way that has a permanent cost associated so I shy away from him. That said, if you want to ignore mutant's slot gain entirely then you might be better served just using something like an asura as a base instead. They'll have somewhat higher ini and more expensive training but pickpocket gold will surpass their potential expenditure eventually anyway, just somewhat later.

The speed penalty simply doesn't matter so long as you use riding, whether the player is riding or is being ridden the penalty is cancelled out entirely. Riding should in my opinion always be utilized because the perks are huge and the stats for going deep into extra slots are substantial. If a pet isn't being ridden then complicated body is indeed a problem.

Assuming vanilla AI, you might want to consider getting a pet with distance attack. <Alsapia> is the lowest level creature with it that I know of, but she has human slots. Flying Spaghetti Monster has yith slots (not as good as asura/other minimum-slot races but better than human) but is high level and thus will be expensive (gold-wise) to train and have high INI. If you go the pure melee route, then sources of draw shadow on a pet are very dangerous. It can wind up pulling more threats into melee than you're prepared to deal with, or give things free attacks on you by teleporting them to you before their turn even when you're trying to make distance. If you are using riding and/or tag organization, you have the ability to move into melee normally and shadow step if you want to teleport on something. You also have the ability to use a weapon with draw shadow in situations where you need to separate something specific from a pack. I find that performing all the utility functions as the player and leaving the killing power to the pet are ideal, pets train at killing very well but are stupid, players can tank up very well thanks to buffs and are smart but killing takes a ton of grind compared to pets. This setup lets you utilize the best of both worlds.

As for artifact stuff I can't offer any input, I've never even had a living weapon or done artifact fusion.

>> No.21575503

One last thing: even with vanilla AI you might be able to get your pet to spam ranged melee attacks by having Leold teach them continuous attacks as it is range 4 despite using melee weapons, especially if they're not a pet type that has special actions already.

>> No.21575516

>Leold teach them continuous attacks
Pretty sure that's AP from plus only.
If someone is playing Vanilla it seems it's possible to go for that semi-new Vanilla Custom and use the Custom AI there.

>> No.21575584

Distant attack is + only, so basically you have
>elona+ without custom AI: Continuous attacks from leold or Distant Attack creatures (there's like 2 in the game)
>elona+ with custom AI: teach both continuous and distant attack and have them alternate (as custom AI puts a 1-action cooldown on any special action)
>vanilla: hands are only ever melee

>> No.21575594

Oh derp, Vanilla AI, not Vanilla as a game with its AI. That makes more sense.

>> No.21575651
File: 136 KB, 537x480, Shady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two Distant Attack actions; the one that monsters like mushrooms have, and the one granted by whips and chainsickles. The latter can be taught to pets via Custom AI.

>> No.21576807

Oh. There's other monsters that have so few non-hand limbs?
I was going to try and get nothing but hands and whatever minimal limbs are required. Body, ranged, ammo, and hands seems simple enough. Everything else seems unnecessary and even undesirable. Since I've got plenty of fixedarts and living weapons to use for that, plus enough stardust to try for some living fleures to update into sabres for more. That should cover resistances and a few immunities too. Definitely using Rankis, Diablos, and probably using Shena's Panty. Maybe Nightmare. Storm Bringer too for glorious MP drain.
Spending life shouldn't be too much of a problem since AP is pretty easy to get. As long as it's done progressively rather than all at once.
It's just a question of how many limbs I want. Whether or not extras are tolerable or desirable.

Does riding really remove the complicated body penalty ENTIRELY, or just mostly?
I get it's not a notable issue, but for some reason even losing a small bit of speed would bother me.

>I find that performing all the utility functions as the player and leaving the killing power to the pet are ideal, pets train at killing very well but are stupid, players can tank up very well thanks to buffs and are smart but killing takes a ton of grind compared to pets. This setup lets you utilize the best of both worlds.
Very good point.
I've wanted to have a powerful pet for a while, but tolerating their AI and watching them die is a major turnoff.
And building up a set of equipment with resistances or opting for something with cResEle just irks me something fierce.
Whereas all I have to do to get myself powerful and make myself not die frequently is grind and think.
That solves that and makes for a partner that very well may surpass me somewhat quickly. Especially since I always range.
I'll definitely not draw shadow then, yeah.
Can you teach them distant AI without taking up a weapon slot? That would be pretty nifty but not necessary.
Does it work with the default AI after being taught? I suppose that doesn't matter if ALL I want her to do is spam attacks and self heal. Just curious there.

>> No.21576970
File: 50 KB, 600x228, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this kills the anatomy skill

>> No.21576993

>Does riding really remove the complicated body penalty ENTIRELY, or just mostly?
>Can you teach them distant attack without taking up a weapon slot?
I'm pretty sure you can just equip it, set your pet to start learning it, and then unequip it. Failing that, you could equip it in your ranged slot instead.
>Does it work with the default AI after being taught?
Vanilla AI and Custom AI are two completely different things. The only link between them is that the vanilla AI's movepools fill out the initial list of available actions for the custom AI.
Specifically, vanilla AI is made up of exactly five things: a set of five actions (each with an equal chance to be used), an alternate set of five actions, the chance for the alternate set to be used, preferred distance to be from the target, and, optionally, a single action to always take when low on health. Spending AP is the only way I know of offhand to change vanilla AI, although I think one or two other things might've been added to Plus over the years.

>> No.21577009
File: 361 KB, 734x531, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't that be called default AI for clarity's sake? It is in game. And I'm pretty sure there's been some small changes since Vanilla, so calling it that might not even be accurate.

>> No.21577048

Sweet. I'll just try for as many hands as possible then. Though if I remember correctly there's some penalty for having more and more hands specifically past a certain point. Like hitchance or multihit penalty. Whatever, it can't be that bad.
And Custom AI seems so much better for a simple task like this.

>> No.21577122

Custom-G removed at least two separate multihand nerfs

>> No.21577152

Yeah I know those ran accuracy into the ground and really trashed it. Supposedly still usable with timestop since that makes all hits accurate, but still lame. Though I'm using +CG anyway.
But isn't there also a normal lesser hit/multihit penalty for hands?
That >>21556390 >>21529223 https://pastebin.com/FDv2ATAa
general pastebin isn't too clear about that, or what version/s it applies to, and I can't see info elsewhere.

Also, does timestop stack on multiple hands at once?
Like does the enchantment just check if it's there and give the 4% chance to stop time? Or is it once per weapon with it, two weapons for 4% twice, for example? Or maybe even straight additive for 8%?
Basically, is it a waste to have more than one, or not?

>> No.21577180

Every attack is checked separately, so with 100 timestop weapons, each one will roll timestop separately. Same for milti-hit, each hit is rolled separately. I think there's a debuff to your chance to proc invokes with multi-strike, but I might be misremembering.

>> No.21577224
File: 54 KB, 802x985, firefox_2019-06-23_23-45-59_4100_chance_4_tries_-_WolframAlpha_-_Mozilla_Fir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet. So 4 timestops give like a ~1/7 chance each turn, while they last like 3-4 turns each generally. Pretty strong shenanigans there.

>> No.21577374

What's the new flesh doll thing even about?

>> No.21577431

it's a rank 10 dish, cooking can only make up to rank 9. i assume it gives more stats than a rank 9 dish and since farm corpses are guaranteed drops corpses = guaranteed flesh dolls. i just drop them on the shop for good money. they also look better than a figurine if you just collect them

>> No.21577590

Most non-humans have very few slots actually. Asura are a strong chassis since they have 4 hands 1 neck, not even a torso. Gokiburi are beetle-race so they only have a neck and on top of that the elemental immunity bitflag while being level 1, so they are probably the most powerful basic pet chassis that you can ride. I chose little sister not so much out of necessity, but because mutant slot growth on top of gene engineer was a way to get high numbers of a specific slot without needing a ton of ranching and also because they're available early on at starting level 1.

>> No.21577918
File: 2 KB, 48x48, up10310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, Gokiburi for glorious level 1 and cResEle. I forgot about those. Neck gives access to Twin Edge too, which is probably better for damage output than any body would give me. That sounds pretty cool.
I was just caught up in the fantasy of the little girl mutant and making it work. But there certainly are better options if being picky about specific limbs, yeah. Especially for something riding me so I'll rarely see its sprite.
But then again the idea of a cockroach riding me is kind of disgusting. Oh well, it'll work well.

>> No.21578031
File: 13 KB, 1026x117, firefox_2019-06-24_03-14-24_Artifact_fusion__Elona_Wiki__FANDOM_powered_by_W.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sweet it's true. EZPZ magic resist, just an ether mirror and gain attribute scroll for each 160enc only taking 160 up for artifact fusion.
Quite a bit too late since I have plenty items to cover it extremely well now, but whatever.

>> No.21578153
File: 50 KB, 636x342, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you tell me the source for this? i just tried it because that would solve my problem with my pet using crystal spear but my pet is only using magic dart repeatedly. here's the ai just in case there's something wrong

>> No.21578383

E+C's patch notes I think, it's also something someone in these threads told me about. It's a stand-in for the fact pets don't use stamina so I don't even know if magic works the same way.

I've had a lot of screwiness with custom AI in general, even when I set something impossible to fuck up like "player life > 10% [action]" and they'll still sometimes get locked into "I don't know what to do" loops. In that particular setup if there's no magic cooldown like there is for special actions it's probably just spamming dart because it's higher on the list. I'm pretty sure pets can run out of MP by the way.

>> No.21578554

magic is not alternate-able i think, hope they add a chance factor if the conditions are true. i might be forced to go back to archer ai again. source is here btw https://elona.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:AnnaBannana/New_Features_in_Elona_Custom_1.51.4

>> No.21578832

I changed the cockroach a bit and pretend its a brown elf girl, its worth it for the low ini (267)

>> No.21578848

I didn't realise little sisters were mutants, might get one for dps. Speaking of, whats the best dedicated spell caster pet thats easy to train? I'm thinking of a healer/buff pet.

>> No.21578938

>Please be aware that this only applies for abilities. Since spells properly use MP, nothing has been done to them.

>> No.21579929

>brown elf
Same thing, basically.

>> No.21581224

>Speaking of, whats the best dedicated spell caster pet thats easy to train?
I don't think pet type is especially relevant for using magic. Probably just pick up one of the usual good pets (bells, defender, etc) and give them spells and spellcasting AI.

>> No.21581327

Most spell casters are offensive, like with exile, but there's a few. For healing, the nurse is actually pretty good. Plus changed her to cast healing rain on allies.

The little girl can be evolved into a Valkyrie that can use cheer to add offense buffs, and the goose's evolution gets platinum song for defensive buffs.

The fox brother gets meggid flame that debuffs all enemies on the map, I think the final evolution of the dragon child can also use it.

>> No.21582051

How do I run this game on Linux?

>> No.21582096

Through WINE. I know I've seen it done before.
Or you could try to get that ElonaFoobar, a C++ port of Vanilla, to compile and work. But that's Vanilla so yeah.

>> No.21582104


>> No.21582181
File: 233 KB, 780x1040, 20190607_111528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys is anyone know what to do with dark fragments?

>> No.21582735

>get godly belt from fusion crafting
>has 300 on three resistances
>immunity to blind which is one of the last status I needed
>protects charisma which is the last stat protection I needed
>must have been brainwashed at some point in the void
>sell all the shit I picked up in the void
>one of which was my godly belt
>realise after 5 minutes
>shop inventory reset so its gone forever
Kill me.

>> No.21582760

>make omelettes from killing anteater eggs
>30,000 gold each

>> No.21582768

If you got it and saved before your save backup script last backed up then just load a backup.
You do have some save backup script running, right? Right? Please say yes.

>> No.21582792

>backup script
I can't into coding. I'm going to savescum another decent belt and try to remember to manually backup my saves.

>> No.21582864

Just use elona extender.
A good bit of the features dont worl with plus but some do, including automatic backup saves

>> No.21582945

If you use the (x)amine menu, you can press * to favorite items, and you can't sell or drop them.

>> No.21582952

I use AHK.
Also resizes the window to 1920x768 borderless and puts it at the very top of the screen. But that can be commented out with ; or straight up deleted.
Backup timer is in milliseconds. 1800000 = 30min.

>> No.21583600

So I came back to Elona after like a year and a half. I just downloaded the 1.90 version some anon posted ITT, but I'm wondering what else do I need. I didn't know a lot back then and I still don't know anything besides the basics.

What's Elona+ Custom exactly?
How do I make/use a save backup like >>21582952 ?

>> No.21583634

Elona+ Custom is a quality of life mod that translates more of the story, adds customizable AI that using basic comparative/"coding" logic (if enemy distance > 2 steps away then move forward), and quality of life tweaks you can enable or disable.
There is another mod built of that called custom G which machine translates anything the real translations don't cover, removes some of the hated additions/nerfs like piss and thirst, and a couple more QoL tweaks.
If you want to use either of those though, you will need to wait since they haven't been updated to 1.90 yet.

As for backups, if you want a really lazy way download ElonaExtender from one of the pastebins and use it to set a number of backup saves to be made everytime you save and exit the game. You can also use it to hilight items and some other features, but not all of them work.

>> No.21583722

>If you want to use either of those though, you will need to wait since they haven't been updated to 1.90 yet.
Or just use 1.89 for now.
1.90 changes a notable amount, giving some new materials and precious items among other changes.
But I don't think it's worth using right now without Custom or Custom-G, or waiting to play plus at all over, personally.

>> No.21584499

Setting aside the unpopular changes, E+ has been getting pretty juicy updated lately.

>> No.21585677

Well, I seem to run into a crash that fucks up the taskbar as well. Version 1.90, running in compatibility mode.

It wouldn't be such a problem if I could actually find working links for 1.84 or 1.89, but they're all dead

If you have 1.90, save often. You can crash the game just by leaving an area.

>> No.21586198

>but they're all dead
Why do people keep saying this every update? I understand BloodyShade's mirror isn't exactly reliable, but it's not completely dead. If it's not working then just wait an hour and it'll probably be back up.

>> No.21586324

>Why do people keep saying this every update?
1. newfag goes to thread
2. newfag opens first pastebin in op
3. newfag opens first link in a pastebin that hasn't been updated in a year and is shocked to find that it no longer works
4. newfag bitches in thread instead of looking for alternate links
repeat multiple times per thread every single thread
pastebins were a mistake

>> No.21586337
File: 110 KB, 1509x686, firefox_2019-06-25_10-32-02_Elona+_Custom_Info_A_miracle_of_technology!_-_Pas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3. newfag opens first link in a pastebin that hasn't been updated in a year and is shocked to find that it no longer works
I don't get it. It's there just fine. 1.62 onward includes 1.89.

>> No.21586385

that's the second link, dude
they don't read that far, everything after the first link is 100% ignored

>> No.21586405

It's in the same paragraph though. Second link in the first pastebin.
But the question isn't why people ask why "the link" is dead. I could understand that, to some degree.
Rather, it's why people ask why ALL the links are dead, or why people say they're ALL dead, after not trying them ALL.

>> No.21586708

If anyone know please answer!

>> No.21586803

>Low chance of getting randomly generated. Is a tool, not an ore.
>In the future, a number of these can be used to learn stuff like special actions that activate traps.
>For now, it's only good for selling off.

>> No.21586813


i recall reading about dark/devil fragments to be used as some sort of currency(future content?),but i don't think it's implemented yet.
it was hinted at one of the past version's changelog

>> No.21587110

finally got to the artifact fusion quest. trying to raise thalias relationship level but i cant figure out how to use gifts.

>> No.21587121

I was hoping it's something cool but I guess I'll just sell it.

>> No.21587171

[G]ive them to her.

>> No.21587246


>> No.21587324
File: 503 KB, 609x538, elonacg_2019-06-19_18-32-42_Elona+_Custom-G_1.89.3.1.ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what she said.

>> No.21588729

The protagonist becomes such a cheeky cunt after beating Lesimas, every other <named> girl gets sexually harassed by them. I guess I would be like that too if I carried a happy bed around dungeons to rape fairies on whenever I got sleepy.

>> No.21589366

What's the best place to have your house? Lost Irva has a great shop selection but the selection of dungeons kinda sucks, not to mention no void. I'm starting to think you may as well go back to North Tyris once the main quest is complete.

>> No.21589473

somewhere between ulm and the cradle is the best for me. you can go back to north using the cradle while ulm takes you back to south tyris. north tyris might be better though mainly because irva is annoyingly huge

>> No.21590146
File: 329 KB, 906x785, littleshitters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a dream where i bashed all the little sisters out of this tree, and they grew back as lemons.
it left me feeling bitter

>> No.21590248

Somewhere you can't use a return spell and escape scrolls to get to easily. I copied kai and live near to god altars area north of palmia, its good for farms because its raining most of the time.

>> No.21590508

You could probably burn it down.

>> No.21590598

Did it sour your mood?

>> No.21590611

Holy shit I never realized Gavela charges a quarter as much life for pets. 6 life for a hand is a goddamn steal.

>> No.21591505
File: 298 KB, 906x785, whodunnit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ah dam i messed that up getting bitter and sour mixed up. bitter is like unsweet or something. now im all embarassed
nevermind i'll just be playing throw puke at gwen

>> No.21591700

anyone not maxing their living weapons? i might stay at level 11 since i saw my archer get to half hp just from bleeding. also what are you putting on the enchants?

>> No.21592469

I never raise my own past level 10. I don't mind the damage, but being interrupted by the bleeding is too inconvenient to deal with. On pets it's free healing training as long as you don't go too far overboard. I keep barrier on everything so low hp usually doesn't matter.

>> No.21593054

So do any of the new weapon types stand out? Chainsaws, Nunchaku, and drills all seem interesting but I haven't found any good ones yet.

>> No.21593223

I might have a bit of a plan regarding that.
>give pet Brave and Obstinate from Leold
>give them heavily bloodsucking living weapons
>let their life fall into the ~20% range
>manage their HP level with heals so they have massive boosts to damage, defense, and crit and powerful living weapons
Maybe replace obstinate with barrier if safety becomes an issue.

>> No.21595160
File: 20 KB, 166x261, 1543639040610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys is there a good way to raise my spell potencial?
Can't seem to level up my spells when all their potencial are in the 50%'s

>> No.21595194

Skill points, and thus AP for more skill points.

>> No.21595804

Sleep in a good bed.

>> No.21595826

have a pet cook food for you.

>> No.21595928

Pretty sure that's just attribute potentials, not spell potentials.

>> No.21596044
File: 333 KB, 802x599, Airfield_Cleared_N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got through Melugas Airfield N after hanging up on the Yerleswood for a long time: brought a ton of pets as fodder to eat up its ranged attacks+build up Unison impact; there weren't many survivors, but we beat it. After that, carefully pulled the electric tanks one-two at a time. Little girl got two levels out of it, making it worth it, even if the loot was kind of lousy.

Who else here has done the downloadable missions? How are they made?

>> No.21596057

Chainsaws... are better at cutting down trees then regular axes! Unless you get a really good randart though, they're not any better than the artifact axes that are guaranteed through quests.

>> No.21596203

Yeah precious items pretty much dominate until the postgame but as a base there might be something better than lightsaber/claymore as a living weapon/artifact fusion base now.

>> No.21596260

Go to a town wizard (the identification guys) and spend some platinum on a spell course.
-Bolts and beams: Sorcerer
-AOE spells: Warlock
-Buffs and debuffs: Enchanter
-Healing and restoration: Healer
-Dimensional spells: Mage
-Everything else (except Wish and Wizard's Harvest): Shaman

>> No.21597156

Fleures start with a little lightning damage, and have 80% pierce with better damage die.
Might be better for lower levels. Seems pretty nice for Weapon Upgrade Sabre fuel at least.

>> No.21597703
File: 7 KB, 445x18, elonacg_2019-06-13_11-31-47_Elona+_Custom-G_1.89.3.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How rare is it to find a single gold piece?
I swear that's the first time I saw it, ever.

>> No.21598145

when you fuck all the gold out of an npc, fuck them again and they will drop 1 gp (in oomsest at least)

>> No.21599793
File: 922 KB, 652x721, 1561571965108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which town would be the worst to live in? yes up to act 3

>> No.21599808

Wait,the only female i recall harassing (with consent) was sophia

>> No.21599812

Either derphy, the poor farm town in act 2, or the dwarf town in act 3, I'd imagine.

>> No.21599819

I find the desolate farm from act2 comfier maybe because i am a fucking loner

>> No.21599826

>the town with no law and sex 24-7 is bad

>> No.21599827

It's easier to be a loner in a city, rural towns like that are all up in your face about community and social visits.

>> No.21599856

Head Maid, Urcaguary, and Karavika off the top of my head. Also you can ask for Lankata's socks when you run into her in the cradle.

>> No.21599862

Head maid literally asks for it though its just not the same if the are willing whores

>> No.21599950
File: 27 KB, 737x404, 1537504268869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to live in the same town as Noel

>> No.21599983

That trains spells, like adds xp based on their current potential. It does not raise potential at all.
Potential will even drop upon levellup. Same as just casting the spell.

That's a good idea to do when your potentials are high though, definitely. Like every time they near %400 from sleeping on a (happy) bed.
Well, besides stuff you have lots of stocks for. It's arguably better just to spam cast those, to save platinum and for varying types of other XP.
Even for a file that's not a mage primarily, spells can be useful as backups and should at least be trained a little.

>> No.21600108
File: 10 KB, 744x16, elonacg_2019-06-27_23-13-40_Elona+_Custom-G_1.89.3.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I use Custom AI to make a pet JUST attack with melee and do nothing else, WITHOUT this message? The only thing I have set is melee attack based on target distance. Tried =1, tried >=1 just to see if it would try to act even when it couldn't to give it something to always do to get rid of that message. Nothing seems to work.
Default AI seems to attack like a third as frequently. Probably due to wanting to move away, despite riding me.

>> No.21600193
File: 294 KB, 675x481, Silence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the only thing you want is for them to be quiet, then just tell them to be quiet.

>> No.21600208

Oh. Well that works.
But why is it confused in the first place though? I'm not telling it to do anything besides attack. It doesn't need to do anything at a distance, because I'm trying to train its melee.

>> No.21600225

When it can't attack it tries to follow your next set of orders and gets confused, because you didn't give it any. There's no "do nothing" function in custom Ai. Normally you'd add a fallback command like move to the enemy or the player, but since you're riding it, just tell it to be quiet.

>> No.21600271

Makes sense. I guess there really is no need for a do nothing [wait] action, pragmatically.
Do NPC actually ever [wait] normally? Never thought about that before.

>> No.21600335

Anyone has a pre-compiled Elona Foobar? For some reason I can't compile the latest version

>> No.21600517

they can actually see the target through fog of war, they just cant act on it thats why your pet gets confused
just add a target, distance, < 1, move forward that error probably is caused by not knowing where to move since theres no nearby enemies

>> No.21600686

>tag organization has existed for like half a decade
>still breaks player animations
So this is just a forgotten feature right? Surely it couldn't be so hard to just have the pet image slide around on the screen like the player image does?

>> No.21600820

do exiles heal from their spells? i keep seeing exiles heal from their spells? any other enemies does this?

>> No.21601211

One of their spells is a nether arrow. Nether element has lifesteal propherties.

>> No.21601596

What do after killing all the minigods? Just grind until I can kill pantheon/inner gods? How do I upgrade my gear past precious-level?

>> No.21601689

Yup. Try for godly level items and use artifact fusion for getting high resists and immunity to all status effects. Probably a few living weapons and everything upgraded to +15. What are you using out of interest?

>> No.21605660

Has anyone ever used an astral light pen on Raphael, married the copy, and then sold Raphael to himself?

>> No.21605810

I've never sold any of my wives to raphael because I'm not a horrible person.

>> No.21605902

That sounds like a nice, fun idea.
I usually never complete that quest because I take marriage seriously to the point I never actually do it. But if it's just a formality to sell the scumbastard to himself then so be it. An Astral Light Pen is a small price for the gesture.

>> No.21606167


just tested on wizard mode and it works
,but you still get negative karma

>> No.21606725
File: 773 KB, 2309x1480, E+ keyboard min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made these for newcomers. Critique, steal and claim it for yourself.

>> No.21606732
File: 2.17 MB, 2309x1398, E+ Keyboard Fancy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21606917

Looks great, good job.

>> No.21607225

Do weapons with bonus to crit/absolute pierce share it with other weapons?

>> No.21607258

They should. It works from armours as a general attribute.
Crit chance is definitely shared. It's taken as an absolute value for calculation. It's also completely useless as a benefit after you get 700something Eye of Mind. Since they both add to the value and that value caps out.
Vorpal chance has no competition with skills like that though. And it takes a ton of enchant to max.

>> No.21607344

Do potions of descent just not exist in elona+ any more?
After a few hundred hours of play, I've just realized nothing drops it, and I never found any in dungeons.

>> No.21607357

I've had a couple drop from zombies I think. Swear I found one in a shop too.
Might be due to using Custom-G. I remember some kind of un-nerf for that, maybe.
They are incredibly rare though yeah.

>> No.21607364

Guess I gotta search harder, thanks.

>> No.21607373
File: 304 KB, 664x435, elonacg_2019-06-29_03-30-10_Elona+_Custom-G_1.89.3.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh speaking of crit, I finally got a timestop bolt of great quality. So garokking that should handle maxing my crit till that 700something, with minimal bonus loss downgrading from godly (magic, pierce, explosive, rapid).

>> No.21607479
File: 123 KB, 1014x873, 1561527544123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is noa still mia?

>> No.21607562

Do you suffer big daddy/little sister-killing-related penalties if Big Daddy gets killed by the dungeon's monsters?

>> No.21607668

He didn't disappear, he stopped making the game. He'll occasionally post blogs, and answers his emails, but he's not making the game anymore.

>> No.21607691

There's no penalty for killing big daddies, only for killing little sisters.
Definitely kill big daddies every time you see them if you can, preferably after killing the surrounding monsters, and remember to turn the sisters in for artifacts.

I remember reading little sisters dying to monsters in dungeons used to give the penalty, but some update, to elonaplus specifically, changed that.
Around the same update as chests' value being set on creation rather than opening location, I think.
Might be in some other forks too. Since that is a logical and reasonable thing to prevent.

I don't think there's a penalty for eating the little sister's corpse specifically either, so you could take the penalty to collect those for a gene/ng+, and get off scott free there, if you wanted. But that's heavy grind/planning ahead territory.

>> No.21607784
File: 713 KB, 1280x768, new loadout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my attacker pet's current loadout (page 2 is just twin edge). Based on >>21607258 it sounds like I should probably ditch the axe of destruction, zwiebel, and pile driver though since she has 780 eye of mind already. Possible candidates for replacement include Housenka, Zugaikurai, Dynamic Saber, Guliwelzen, Sasanqua Sickle, Black Monkshood, Dragonslayer, and/or some random crappy miracle lightsabers/claymores.

Are Gravity Sphere and Shining Wave good invokes when you have like 800 tactics?

PC gear is pretty straightforward. Just capped spellboost and resists+shield tonfa basically.

>> No.21607816

>don't want to use lightsabers because the heaviest material isn't even fit for two hand
>realize blacksmiths can make weapons heavier
i feel stupid right now

>> No.21607872

Are lightsabers even king anymore? I heard you don't get 100% pierce with them anymore.

>> No.21608041

Where did you hear that?
I know pierce bonus can be resisted somehow, yeah. Pretty sure that's always been the case. But only up to half the total pierce value of the weapon. Like sabres can only be resisted down to 50% pierce, whereas fleures can be resisted down to 40%, and knives can be resisted down to 20%. So having 100% pierce is still beneficial even then.
That aside I can't think of anything relevant.

Fleures might be better early on now. With 80% pierce and better damage die. They're also more common, like kind of frequent on Big Daddies. Plus they train long sword, and they can be Equipment Upgraded into sabres eventually anyway.

>> No.21608225

Better to get 100% vorpal. You can use whatever you want that way, and it bypasses the pierce nerf.

>> No.21608245

In an older thread around when the armor skills got buffed, something about how a certain degree of lightsabers' pierce is now mitigated by armor skill. As a result vorpal stacking is a big deal (as it's the only way to get actual full pierce now) and lightsabers don't annihilate effective defense like they used to.

Lightsabers were basically 100% vorpal by default in exchange for crap dice which as a downside was irrelevant lategame as dice falls way behind flat damage. Now you actually need vorpal for full pierce which opens up other weapons as weapon base pierce is redundant when vorpal activates.

>> No.21608290

i enchant my living weap with magic damage so is it better for vorpal or crit chance? i noticed vorpals don't deal magic compared to normal attacks

>> No.21608335

Magic damage is straight up better, by far.
Crit damage chance does have a cap, and can be capped without a single bonus on equipment.
And vorpal chance is so comparably abysmal for the living weapon level that it's nowhere near magic damage's straight increase to damage.
Yeah, when vorpal activates. Vorpal cannot activate on every hit, practically.
For non-vorpal hits pierce is still a valid bonus. As weapon pierce can only be mitigated to half its value, so sabers still basically cut target's defence in half.

>> No.21608350
File: 82 KB, 774x1000, e9c5517a08feb6ef39ac19fa7183ce3f9cd90999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sucks
i really loved his style of roguelikes
totally different feel from the typical rl's

rip in piece i guess

>> No.21608602

Isn't crit defense a thing?

>> No.21608626
File: 45 KB, 1065x404, firefox_2019-06-29_08-28-26_Eye_of_Mind__Elona_Wiki__FANDOM_powered_by_Wikia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Not a thing that can be overcome by adding more crit bonus though. Once you reach the cap it's capped.

On that note, if you're not going for maximum HEAVY (180s?) for crit damage (3x?), you want to have your weapons weigh as little as possible (0s). Or ammo for ranged. Because then that increases crit chance notably, rather than damage.

>> No.21608672

So Eye of Mind does literally nothing after level 900? God damn it Elona.

>> No.21608681

maybe use cursed flying scrolls for more damage?

>> No.21608740

I'm pretty sure excess crit chance is converted into accuracy.

>> No.21608779

am i missing something? if i understand number 2, says that the heavier the weapon is, the harder to get crits

>> No.21608824
File: 27 KB, 1022x283, firefox_2019-06-29_09-10-09_Eye_of_Mind__Elona_Wiki__FANDOM_powered_by_Wikia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's for crit chance. That reduction in crit chance caps at 4s, anything higher won't matter for chance.
Damage is separate. Weapon weight up to 180s makes that stronger.
But such a heavy weapon definitely puts you into heavy equipment territory, which gives a spellcasting chance penalty. And it also makes them unsuitable for dual+ wielding, though I don't remember what precisely that penalizes.

So knock it down to 0s if you're not going for heavy, for increased chance. Or max it out to 180s+, for increased damage.
Most playstyles I'd go with would opt for lower weight there, personally.

>> No.21608871

i went for light armor two hand build so i might not go for those too bad though. anyway im not going to kill the gods anyway just clear lost irva so probably theories on maxed stats wont apply to me

>> No.21608877

They're still the king (martial arts aside). The damage and accuracy bonuses from weapons are tiny compared to the bonuses your stats give you. Even partially resisted, pierce is way more valuable.

Someone ran the numbers a few threads back and the conclusion they reached is that stacking vorpal is far, far worse than stacking magic damage on a lightsaber.

>> No.21608933

I'm not sure about 2h benefits for weight besides crit damage, or whether it's a good idea to drop those specifically down to 0s.
But I wouldn't worry about it too much at all then, yeah. Practically anything is viable with enough time and effort. Especially if you're not going for godslaying and crazy void depths.

>> No.21609065

>finally get my first 10 million
>no idea where to spend them

>> No.21609066
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 5db998568a20f46816bd00f7423d204b4291715575679b0571975560a4ea5353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting vorpal on your main weapon
>putting vorpal on a lightsaber when the whole point of stacking vorpal is to bypass weapon pierce%

>> No.21609088

>Someone ran the numbers a few threads back and the conclusion they reached is that stacking vorpal is far, far worse than stacking magic damage on a lightsaber.
For living weapons, yes. Not sure about in general. You definitely want elemental damage on your weapons wherever possible. Maybe also some invokes, timestop, or MP drain for various strategies.
Vorpal goes on armour if possible.
That's not exactly 100% counterproductive, really.
Now that weapon pierce can be resisted, vorpal chance matters even for lightsabers. And you'll probably never reach 100% vorpal chance, like ever, so lightsabers are still valuable anyway for the many hits it DOESN'T proc on.

>> No.21609115

That would be interesting. I can't find anything from a quick google though. Might skim through CtrlFing Custom's source later and try to make sense of that.

>> No.21609132

i fucked up and accidentally added some rings slots to golden knight, is there a way to revert it? dont care too much because she wont be a designated fighter but there are better slots for tankiness stats

>> No.21609180

>you'll probably never reach 100% vorpal chance, like ever
Just gotta give tons and tons of sox to Urcaguary.


>> No.21609211

>Just gotta give tons and tons of sox to Urcaguary.
Oh. I guess if you have 5000enc free on your armour, 25 scrolls, and 750 socks, that is feasible.

I might actually try for that sometime.
Was intending to get some magic damage jewels for a hypothetical timestop or MP drain 2400+ magic damage godly weapon without living weapon bleeds. But full vorpal sounds more desirable now.

>> No.21609235

>on your armour
Just imagine having that many armour slots instead of 27 hands. What a strange concept.

>> No.21609253

Only 10 hands for me since I don't ride. It's been a while since I went over my notes, but I think I was planning to spread vorpal enchantments over two of my ten spears and my bladed bow.

>> No.21609258

Doesn't 10 still go over the limit to make your body complicated? Is it >13 rather than >=13?

>> No.21609387

If you've got the sox and scrolls of gain attribute and have already stuffed your lightsaber full of magic damage, you might as well start adding vorpal to some other piece of equipment. I'd only switch out the lightsaber for something else if you could get a full 5000 vorpal though. Even then the extra damage you'd get from a claymore or whatever is minimal.

>> No.21609438

Is there any reason not to use dungeons (deed) as storehouses?
They don't have any maintenance or tax, can store 350 items instead of 100, and look a lot cooler.
The only downside I see, besides the initial 300k down cost locking them out of early game, is the fact they can't be moved with those newer property movement scroll things.
They don't disappear or anything, right?

Would stairs in my house be better?
I'm still not sure exactly how those work, how many floors are allowed, whether or not multiple downstairs on the same floor lead to the same downstairs, whether or not they act as the same building for stardust checks, or anything like that.

>> No.21610599

what should i use little sister rewards on?

>> No.21610606

Both dungeons and storehouses have the same issue to me: They force me to leave my home to manage my items. Floors are great because you can keep all your stuff close to you.
I don't know much about limits because I never used more than one (that is basically a basement in my house). Multiple downstairs on your home's original floor will lead you to the same floor created by the first downstairs item. They aren't really "immersively" connected, you will just teleport to the center-south corner of the map, and using the upstairs to go back to your home's original floor will do the same thing.
The map created by an up/downstairs item essentially is a copy of your home's default map, you have to bring a home board to edit the map and make it look like a proper basement. It still is an different instance, so it will work like a completely different map for all intents and purposes (like item limitation and stardust generation's rules).

>> No.21611630

It is a good idea to get several of Kumiromi's gem stone of rejuvenation, to help with herb farming. Same with Statues of Kumiromi. Otherwise, your choice of hero cheese or magic fruit, really.

>> No.21611919

Anything you want duplicates of.
Gem stones and statues especially, since they can only be used on timers. Kumiromi in particular for both, due to extensive use for farming, especially herbs. But also stuff like gems of awakening, or a duplicate swimwear to collect both danger swimwear and war suit. Maybe even alchemists pot after [identify]ing it on the ground, though it does nothing different from the pot of fusion and weighs a lot more.
After you have everything special like that you want duplicates of, even just for now, go ahead and take consumables. Hero Cheese, Magic Fruit, or even Happy Apple if you feel like raising luck despite it having such a small effect on much anything.

>> No.21612309

>Anything you want duplicates of.
>Gem stones and statues especially
Be careful with this. Some items share a cool-down between multiples of the same item, which makes duplicates useless.

>> No.21612314

Besides the gem of Yacatect, what else shares cooldown?

>> No.21613079

>do some awakened nefia to get AP
>remember that I need to add a few more slots to my pet
>they're now 50 levels over my gene engineer skill
Kill me.

>> No.21613148

You could train Gene Engineer pretty quickly in Derphy just buying slaves and geneing them onto each other, assuming you have some platinum. They're not really expensive.

I gened 4 hands on mine so far and am not really sure if I want to gene more before having gavella add some, or how many I want in total.
