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2156051 No.2156051[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Random angry man on the Internet says Visual Novels are shit.


>> No.2156058

They are.

Go and read a REAL book, ADHDfag.

>> No.2156060

So? Angry people on the internet saying * is shit is not a very new occurrence.

>> No.2156065

He's correct, it's for retarded weeaboo fags.

>> No.2156068

Yahtzee is not Random Angry Man.

>> No.2156069

Internet old.
Yahtzee is angry at everything except Valve.
TWEWY is overrated, but a nice refreshing concept for a RPG without so much classical grinding. It's good to see them take risks.
I could live without the hipster artwork.

>> No.2156071

As opposed to the non real books

>> No.2156086
File: 304 KB, 980x1669, canada-arrest.1195869926494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will make it cool in /v/ to make fun of /jp/. Good grief.

>> No.2156095

It's old news, bro. This is from last year.

>> No.2156120

Well 4 years ago if you look at the date.
Speaking of that kind of shit, what happened to that Iowa guy?

>> No.2156145

Oh wow, It's like I've really traveled a year into the past!

>> No.2156146

Nobody cares about what Yahtzee thinks. People only like him because he talks funny.

>> No.2156158

Haha awesome. I actually dug that article up for law class trying to defend lolicon. He was actually arrested because he had real cp, although depictions of cp(lolicon) are illegal in Canada too, heck you can't even write about it. Anyways, the professor agreed with me that lolicon should be legal and I got an A. :3

>> No.2156162

Oh my god, when he mentions "Visual Novels" one of the images is OMGWTFOTL.

First time I've ever burst out laughing to Yahtzee.

>> No.2156188

I lasted like 20 seconds. That was way too ADHD-riddled for me. The worst part was the "Join here for Halo kegger party and win a free HDTV" ads.

Also, American game reviewers are not gamers; they are normalbros with less than 200 games played. Do not listen to them.

>> No.2156204

What? Didn't you hear his voice? He's British, and lives in Australia

>> No.2156215
File: 307 KB, 638x954, 1231176084083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm American and I HAVE PLAYED OVER 1000 GAMES

But then I'm not a critic except angrily posting on message boards about people liking games I do not like.

>> No.2156224

Except for Adam Sessler, who has done nothing but play games his entire life, and has somehow managed to get paid for it for many years now. He is the first cranky old gamer.
