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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2150454 No.2150454[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Sup /jp/, I'm not a regular here (not a /b/tard either before you ask) and I've got a couple of questions for you.

To sum my life up, I'm part-way through university, living in the UK, and I know I don't want to live in this country for my life, it's not right for me and I don't believe it's right for any potential future family. So on that note, I'm considering potential places to live in the future and Japan comes to mind.

Obviously, there's some things that I want to know, this is preliminary, I plan to do extensive research in future, visit the place, etc, but I just want a general idea now. With this in mind, please assist me with the following questions:

1) I'm not particularly interested in 'Japanese culture', never really have been, however the aspect of futuristic technology has always interested me. How well would I fit in? I'm open to change, I embrace it, so I think I could adapt easily.

2) I don't know the language. Is it something I could pick up over time by living there? How far will my English get me?

3) I don't like the idea of living in Tokyo. Don't get me wrong, I want to live in a relatively big city, but I can't identify with something that big, 1m~ population sounds about right to me, what are some cities worth looking at

>> No.2150456


4) I don't want this one to come off the wrong way so bear with me. Assuming I don't have a partner to take with me, I would obviously plan to meet a lady whilst living there. First of all, I'm not a complete loser with girls and this has nothing to do with my reason for considering the place, but the fact is if I don't have a partner to take with me I will have to get one there. Given this, what is the general attitude towards white/Japanese relationships in Japan? I have picked up the parents generally don't approve and there is still some racism towards white people there, but that's to be expected, I also don't expect to have an easy time of it just because I'm white, I know most of that is unfounded, I just want to know if I have a reasonable chance of having relationships with women over there, as reasonable as any other normal guy for example.

5) I will have an economics degree from a fairly respectable university. How will this serve me in my hunt for a job?

6) I plan to visit at least once at some point in the near future, as I said, this is just the early stages of my decision-making, but I want to know how I will be taken by the locals. I understand Tokyo are used to lots of white people visiting, but this is less apparent in the rest of the country. Say in the future I had kids, whether they be half-white or fully white, would I expect them to experience racism during their life? I feel a little bit here and there is acceptable because I could explain it to them, but I couldn't live somewhere with excessive racism. I can personally take it, but I would want to raise children in that environment.

That's it, feel free to add ANYTHING at all that you think is relevant, I hope I made everything clear, if you didn't understand anything I said I will try to rectify it.

>> No.2150461
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>> No.2150473

Could you round it down, just a little bit?

Because that's some pretty bad tl;dr.

>> No.2150466

I'm not answering you because I'm jealous that I sit in my bedroom all day and waste my life away.

>> No.2150480

1. If you're not Japanese, you won't fit in. It's not as bad as Korea, but if you're expecting them to buy into Western notions of "diversity is our strength" then you are sorely mistaken.

2. Japanese kids all learn English in school, but then again, all American kids "learn" Spanish. Not only will it not get you especially far, but it is also kind of rude. If you live somewhere, learn their language for fuck's sake. Maybe you'll pick it up through context, but it's very different from say, French.

3. Idunno.

Just move to Canada or America, jerk.

>> No.2150483

I don't know what say, man, hope things will work out for you.

Wanna play some Touhou with us?

>> No.2150491


OK, I'll try.

Basically I'm planning to move to another country (currently living in the UK) within the next couple of years. I will have a degree so I should be able to get a job, I'm considering Japan. Why should/shouldn't I want to live there?

>> No.2150501

North America is in my considerations of course, pretty much any first world country is at this stage. Thanks for being the first reasonable response to this thread.

>> No.2150506
File: 83 KB, 810x528, gtfo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.Read >>2150461 and >>2150480

>> No.2150517

Because Japan sucks and it's only good for anime and games. Okay, now let's play some games.

>> No.2150519

OP here, I want to rectify 2)

Of course I plan to learn the language at some point, my question should've been:

Would it be better to learn some/a lot before going there or could I pick it up by living there alone.

>> No.2150521

>Wanting to live in Japan
>not particularly interested in 'Japanese culture'
Bad idea

>> No.2150524

better to learn a lot before going there

>> No.2150526

Go here: http://www.jref.com/forum/
They even have a Japan/General board called All Things Japanese.

>> No.2150531


>> No.2150533

It appears that many of you are deluded and have no first-hand experience of living there. Please don't respond unless you have something genuinely worthy to say, thank you.

>> No.2150535

OP, I fucked you're touhou

>> No.2150542

You won't listen to us anyway, even if we tell
you that you'll regret your decision for the
rest of your life, so what's the point in
convincing you to stay in your own country?

Japan is not your fairyland full of magic.
It' a shithole full of ants living for their
work. Most of the people can't handle the
stress and start drinking to forget about their
miserable lives.

You'll be one of them.

>> No.2150547

I don't think OP should move to Japan. There are ways to live in an up-to-date country that he can appreciate. He'll just have to think about them.

>> No.2150550

/jp/ has always been full of people who act like they know about Japan when they have never even been there. That's why these threads should be made in /trv/ if you want real answers.

>> No.2150556

>It' a shithole full of ants living for their work. Most of the people can't handle the stress and start drinking to forget about their miserable lives.

Oh, so it's like pretty much everywhere else, then.

>> No.2150562

It's fact that Japan sucks.

Stop deluding yourself by playing your
"you've never been in Japan" card.

>> No.2150560

But /trv/ haet Japan.

>> No.2150564

If you'd read anything I said you'd see that I am not 'set on Japan' by any means at all. Please think before you post.

>> No.2150565

Or you can just post here >>2150526
Believe or not, Japan/General is a misnomer. Look around before you post and you'll realize that there are no serious Japan threads here, onlyh PC games and idols. If you're going to ask about something that might actually impact your life, you're better off doing it outside 4chan.

>> No.2150566

Don't move to Japan.
Move to America before you even consider moving to Japan.

>> No.2150573
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>I am not 'set on Japan'
>Living in Japan
Oh really?

>> No.2150578

"I based a life decision off of 4chan"

yeah right.

>> No.2150582

A degree from a respectable university. He knows what he's doing.

>> No.2150583

OP here, I'll be honest, right now the only thing that is driving me towards Japan is the intrigue. I like the idea of a completely foreign culture because, let's be honest, If I moved to Canada or America it wouldn't be too far different from what I already know.

>> No.2150584

Let's just say: You'll be lucky if you
get accustomed to your life in Japan.

VERY lucky.

>> No.2150590

Have you ever thought about visiting a place before moving there? It could help.

>> No.2150591

>completely foreign culture
And this is why you'll be always seen as "The Gaijin", just like the other freaks coming from America and who knows where to EXPLORE GLORIOUS NIPPON.

>> No.2150595

Have you ever thought about reading more of a thread before replying to it?

>> No.2150604

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.2150617

I never said that it does or does not suck because I have never been there either and therefore I don't think I'm qualified to pass judgement on it. I was just advising the OP that /jp/ is not the best place to ask this sort of question.

>> No.2150618

>potential future family
You're on the wrong board

>> No.2150628

I honestly don't know why people come here to ask those questions. A quick browse through this board would show that we specialize in touhou and eroge. Where does the Japan part kick in?

>> No.2150675

What is touhou and eroge.

>> No.2150680

OP, don't take this the wrong way, but Japan doesn't sound like the place for you. Maybe a temporary stay, but ...just from reading your replies you're no better off than any of us here, which is pretty low. Yes, even with all the "planning" that you hope will pay off.

Just visit to get it out of your system and move to Vegas or on the Caribbean.

>> No.2150682


plz be troll

>> No.2150692



>> No.2150773 [DELETED] 

the world is changing if you haven't noticed. it's becoming global. as in travel for work and come back to the fam typo deal. consider this: this the craziest idea i've ever heard and what are you thinking? you're american, you're white, and that's all there is to it. sure you have major japanese influences and possibly some real relationships, i get that. so then visit the "mother land" on occasion. also, there are japanese subcultures here. pick up a different frequency if you don't like the one your recieving. just consider becoming realistic. i hope that resolves some of your questions you wierdo.

>> No.2150782
File: 33 KB, 183x248, chuckling elf boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2150813

If you aren't willing to learn the language before going there than you will not be successful. No one is going to hire you for any decent job if you don't have a reasonable grasp of the oral and written language. This is true pretty much anywhere but especially in Japan because there are plenty of well educated people there that don't suffer from that handicap. A degree with no real experience isn't going to help as much as you think it will either, especially with something like economics where it can be very difficult to distinguish yourself.
