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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 214 KB, 600x800, 00732IH1ly1g2vilcvdxjj31401hcwyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21476794 No.21476794 [Reply] [Original]

Kigurumi Mask Makers and Resources:
- http://www.kigurumionline.org/index.php/Thread/152-The-Kirurumi-Mask-Maker-s-list/
- https://kigurumimask.web.fc2.com/

Kigurumi Website Feed:
- http://www.animegao.com/

Kigurumi Hangouts/Forums:
- http://www.kigurumionline.org/

- Images: https://www.pixiv.net/search.php?s_mode=s_tag&word=%E7%9D%80%E3%81%90%E3%82%8B%E3%81%BF
- Videos: https://yellingtoilet.com/search/?q=kigurumi&sort=0
- Stick this in japanese sites: 着ぐるみ

>> No.21477104

Is this where I apply to get a kig gf?

>> No.21477148

Anyone kinda wish forced kig would happen to you? Like a kidnapping then forced to kig situation?

>> No.21477158

Yellingtoilet link isn’t working.

>> No.21477161
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>> No.21477174
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Anyone else got something like this?

>> No.21477207

get in line

>> No.21477289

You have to become the kig gf.

>> No.21477302

Just use https://www.findtubes.com/search/kigurumi instead

>> No.21477320
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something like this?

>> No.21477514


>> No.21477641


This man speaks the truth.

>> No.21477697
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>> No.21477706

I wish it was easier to get kig sized glasses and other head accessories.

>> No.21478674

How 2 lewd a kigu?

>> No.21478799

Make a hole in the hadatai

>> No.21480386
File: 160 KB, 690x1034, 7b8135b5gy1g3rrwpvk3tj20u018zu15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go to a party supplies store, they always have extra large costume glasses and that kinda stuff.

>> No.21480677
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Comicup day 1 dump.

>> No.21480682
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>> No.21480693
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>> No.21480697
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>> No.21480704
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>> No.21480710
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>> No.21480714
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That's all, more kigs tomorrow probably.

>> No.21480791


Cute Alice

>> No.21481827

Can you marry a kig?

>> No.21482244
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>> No.21482497
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>> No.21482963

No, the actual thing this screenshot is from.

>> No.21483767
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>> No.21484266

ah, then this guy(?) is

>> No.21485830

these look real nice

>> No.21486138


They're girls

>> No.21486164
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>> No.21486187
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>> No.21486193
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>> No.21486196
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>> No.21487010


Which kigu is this? She's cute.

>> No.21487219

This is hot. I want to wear a kig and be lewd with other male kigs.

>> No.21487439
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>> No.21487577
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>> No.21487594
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Comicup day 2

>> No.21489379
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Imagine dressing in kig and being put on display like that.

>> No.21489875

I really like this one, but it almost feels like cheating

>> No.21490399
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>> No.21490821

Are there any half decent masks in the $250-$400 range or should I just forget it?

>> No.21490826

Also, full mask preferred (I know I'm stretching for the price range)

>> No.21490902

Join the discord they have even more information than this thread.

>> No.21490936

Do you have an invite link to it I could use?

>> No.21490950 [DELETED] 


>> No.21490959


>> No.21490980


>> No.21493657
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>> No.21493833
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>> No.21494837

Odds this had actually dudes in the outfits?


>> No.21495213

Pretty much zero, stage show kigs are female 99,9% of the time.

>> No.21495929

Anyone have experience with a non custom hadatai?

>> No.21496617

they feel like garbage and look like garbage

>> No.21496844

What did you end up doing with them?

>> No.21497442

Mine were pretty nice and fit well.

>> No.21497451

Where did you buy from?

>> No.21497696

i wore them, what else do you do with a hada.

it seemed okay at first but after i ordered a custom one with measurements a couple months later it's just an entirely different experience. way more comfortable, way fewer wrinkles, especially around hands. both were from gko

>> No.21498624

Custom will obviously fit better.

>> No.21500157

If your are doing heavy padding, do you padd out your hips and legs then use those measurements when ordering a hada?

>> No.21500158
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>> No.21500206


>> No.21500516

Yes, take your hada measurements wearing everything you intend to wear under the hada.

>> No.21501950
File: 74 KB, 852x1277, DSC_6711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Costume is dank.
The mask is so bad.

>> No.21501958

If it wasn't for the headphone things I wouldn't even be able to tell who the mask is supposed to be.
The outfit is sick though.

>> No.21502044


Yeap, outfit is really sick.
The mask on top is just "kill me". Doesn't look anything like Aigis.

>> No.21502219
File: 139 KB, 850x1200, D34DZ9-UwAAw6um.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its actually really good. Just VERY heavily stylized though. Definitely doesn't look like the original artwork.

>> No.21502240


Well it’s a really crap style. Doesn’t even look like good art.

>> No.21502264

That's unfortunate

>> No.21502274



The eyes are not similar to any established fanart style. They look very droopy, like someone tried to emulate an epicanthal fold in a mask.

Colors are awkward especially in the eyes. The shimmery style of it could have worked with slightly larger eyes. The eyelashes are particularly weird, could be better with thicker ones.

It's very unfortunate to see an actually very good costume with a mask that bad.

>> No.21502528


Need a mask with rounder face, this one doesn't work at all.

>> No.21503413

Serious question
How a sex in these feels like?

>> No.21503695

Well, trying to have even just one sex in these is impossible, can't reach the holes due to the mask/layers of clothing being in the way and you don't want to break anything

>> No.21503716

the pose is shit too

>> No.21503895
File: 339 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20190611_085434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Akira gave an interview, she's so cute ngl

>> No.21503919


More like the costume is probably super constraining and the person wearing it doesn't want to break it either.

What a waste of money for a costume so good end up with such a shitty mask.

>> No.21504223

what an idiotic waste of money if you can't even move in the thing. shitty cosplay design if that is the case

if they bought it as an encasement fetish thing they should have just bought a mummy bag and saved the money for a cuter mask instead. maybe they should ask for a refund

>> No.21504249


Kig masks don't have refunds lol.
Let's just mock the guy's poor financial choices instead.

>> No.21504312

...bu...but refunds are a right in the west. We must fight for our rights! The customer is always correct and all makers must do things our way! except for RINs and Sigma. We in the west will suck their dick just to touch one hair on those masks.

And agreed, the guy must have more money than brains.

>> No.21504463


I think refunds can be done in case of delays or not accepting how a mask ended up to be. I think cancellation is a fair thing to do granted it's arranged between parts (that's why most makers would split the risk in two payments).

RINS and Sigma are more of a case that they often don't need to be refunded because they're simply better and almost always on point.

>> No.21504861


Pornhub and Xhamster would like to disagree with you.

>> No.21504953

be honest, how many of you would fuck a kigu?

>> No.21505049

And how many of you want to get fucked as a kigu?

>> No.21505052

do you even need to ask that?

>> No.21505057

Why not both?

>> No.21505165

Not really, no.

Would do this though.

>> No.21505452

Any kigs here?

>> No.21505683

Crotch zippers are a thing.

>> No.21505817

Too bad both those points are based in ignorance.

>> No.21505907

I definetely saw kig porn on Twitter

>> No.21506218


>> No.21506866



>> No.21507613
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>> No.21508435

Are kigs naked under the skin tights?

>> No.21508437

Everyone in here would and most could.
Loads of kigs are willing to jerk you off, suck your dick or get fucked by you if you are good enough platonic friends. Most kigs are subs so they get off from being bound and fucked.

>> No.21508519


>> No.21508702
File: 281 KB, 1552x1014, log_hunter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As promised to Hunter.

The mods in Shamezone are clearly in agreement with racist shit being posted in #memes.

As I said to Hunter, either take it down or it will be posted.

Apparently they agree with racism.

>> No.21508708
File: 641 KB, 892x1365, slight_racist_stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oops forgot my tripcode!

Image of the problem mentioned was here.

>> No.21508717


Actually sexist stuff. I confused the words.

>> No.21508796

Guess who's back, back again
Coru's back, tell a friend

>> No.21508806


Wouldn't need to do shit if they didn't fuck up all the time.

And I told em what to do before coming here and spilling the drama.

Blame them. They're the ones allowing sexist shit.
They even doubted I was suicidal couple days ago and started mocking me.

Thank god Nao gave me hope that day otherwise I'd be fucking dead by now.

>> No.21508813

So its Naos fault that we still have to endure your cancer?

>> No.21508819



>> No.21508830


And Convoluted as well who had a talk that was very elucidating to me.

It's not me who's not moving on. It's them. They keep telling I have to prove myself as "worthy enough" and then you ask: okay what then would make me worthy of it and no answer is given.

I'm not depending on a subjective mood of someone else to change my behavior.

I'm gonna do what I think it's right, and right now, is showing to everyone how sexist Shamezone mods are by ignoring this.

If they fix it, is fine.

>> No.21509494

I want to be fucked in kigu. Its pretty good if you can get it to work desu. Its definitely not easy tho

>> No.21509500
File: 103 KB, 514x496, 1559873608842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's been kicked out of 109 discord servers, but everyone else is the problem

>> No.21509508



>> No.21509561

I'm amazed how many people fall for Wyu's scalping, not like if it wasn't bad enough that his new masks are literally models taken off of DA. Why wasn't he called out yet?

>> No.21509572


I mean, I am not perfect in any form, but I can only do to some extent.

If people choose to gatekeep me and can't move on either despite being proven again and again I can be respectful and accept being wrong, it's on them.

If they're petty like that, they're part of the problem too.

>> No.21509575


Almost all sparring now happens because they keep falling into the same mistake I made in the past of assuming the worst intentions of people.

And I of course get offended with that and respond.

If that isn't proof I improved, then I don't know what is.

I mean, again, like I said, doesn't matter if I improve or not, the bar will always be raised up because the only thing stopping them from being butts is their own ego.

>> No.21509582
File: 14 KB, 448x598, 20190612_234021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I call him out on something, he writes a huge wall of text on why I'm apparently wrong, see the recent argument about his masks being crosseyed which he then blames on everyone else.

Like holy shit, this is bad.

>> No.21509590

It looks like if she got downs.

>> No.21509593

I want to fuck you in kigu and make a video

>> No.21509600
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>> No.21509780
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>> No.21509970
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>> No.21510007

So are there people who unironically like kigu as an art and not purely by fetish?

>> No.21510035

There should be at least several of them, I guess.

>> No.21510131

Please do! Heh

>> No.21510250

I want to fuck the Renko and Vanron Erin twins.

>> No.21510497

I am packing my sex toys and camera. Where do you live?

>> No.21510828

Are kigs completely naked under the skin suit?

>> No.21511083

We would all very much like you to move on.

We didn't even manage a week before you started filling the thread with the same old shit again.

Take a hint and fuck off. Nobody even asked about Shamezone and literally nobody cares. But you're here, preaching incessantly about them.

>> No.21511662

depends on the kig, but there's almost always some amount of shapewear + tights + maybe padding under there

>> No.21511747


>we want you to move on
>gatekeeps every chance of moving on

I tried to, but then I got denied everytime I try to start again because I have to prove myself before that as if it was possible.

>> No.21512025
File: 230 KB, 720x960, 140113-204123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder, if you respond to drama posts you are just as bad as the person posting drama. post more kigs.

>> No.21512040

Did Ayame run out of kig pink? That option has an X on it now.

>> No.21512620
File: 277 KB, 1536x2048, 0E58B80C-9803-41E1-862A-D3C4B217ED50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOD. DAMN. IT. COU. One thread, can we get one thread whiteout your selfish “everyone is wrong by me” attitude, AND SHUT THE FUCK UP. Anyway here’s a good ageis kig.

>> No.21512660


Yes we could. Tell them to stop fucking it up.

>> No.21512713

>Tell them to stop fucking it up

It's YOU, you braindead cunt. Stop fucking posting on this board. No one wants you here, you're not welcome and no one gives a shit about anything you say. All you do is derail these threads with unrelated crap.

>> No.21512747


No one wants me anywhere. Big fucking news.

>> No.21512749

Redpill me on CorujaUTx

>> No.21512753


I'm an asshole and did shit. That's pretty much what you need to know.

Now you can go and hate me like everyone else.

>> No.21512755

Got banned from some discord like 5 months ago and has thrown a nonstop tantrum since then.

>> No.21513155
File: 317 KB, 2048x1152, 62363184_2321742934548956_2670180459253596160_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shut the fuck up coruja and post kigu pics instead of whining about gatekeeping or whatever the fuck the problem is this time

we're here to discuss cute kigus and post cute kigu pics, not listen to you spouting SJW and childish bullcrap

>> No.21513250
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>> No.21513265
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>> No.21513280

Nice boots

>> No.21513296


Alright. You know you guys don't have to reply to anything I say.

>> No.21514218

Why the fuck is this SJW trannycuck even on 4chan? Shouldnt he be spreading his shit on tumblr or something.

>> No.21514618
File: 163 KB, 690x1035, 82d2b774gy1g3xlerbay1j20u0190qvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fabric was discontinued because it doesn't match their masks anyways.

>> No.21515452

very good

>> No.21515676


Look at all these Shamzone twats trying to cover their fuckups by silencing anyone that tries to speak out against them.

>> No.21515725

That sucks, and GKO still has not gotten back to me.

>> No.21515761

What hada would pair best with a Tuzi mask?

>> No.21516073

His masks are the generic kig pink, you can choose pretty much any maker.

>> No.21516109

So is Ayame going to remove the color matching services then since they only offer one color orange flesh hadas now?

>> No.21516628

Alright. You know you don't have to say anything.

>> No.21516955

Probably, but then again you know how often he updates the english website...

>> No.21517226

Does ayame color match a kigu? does GKO match the color of a kigu?

>> No.21517279

GKO can color match hada. Ayame only has one color now that matches their mask color.

>> No.21517287
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>> No.21517345


>> No.21517351
File: 402 KB, 399x600, cyclopse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here actually like these kinds of masks? I don't get it, to me they are ugly as hell, no offense to anyone that enjoys them, I just can't understand it.

>> No.21517399

Pretty cute to me

>> No.21517560

I'm not a fan, same with most of the BJD style masks, I strongly prefer the more anime looking ones.
But it's not like they're hurting me by existing.

>> No.21517592


>> No.21517916


I do. Because if I don’t no one does.

>> No.21518088


I don't even know what that is, you stupid faggot. I'm just sick and tired of Coru's autistic ramblings that absolutely no one, not one person, in these threads gives a flying fuck about.

>> No.21518351

If you ignore the initial GKO email will they blacklist you? I had a change of heart.

>> No.21518495

umad bro?

>> No.21518560

I think that's actually the best case scenario here.

Nobody wants to know what degeneracy Shamezone is upto or about the hatred you have towards them.

>> No.21518568

But then how will I go on, not knowing who to blindly hate?

>> No.21518571

You won't.

>> No.21518949
File: 99 KB, 1024x682, D9ABVV2VUAA03HM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21519013

I went through the OP but I couldn't find anything.
I want a more BJD styled mask but I don't really know where to purchase one.
Everything I saw was very ugly.
I'm looking for something similar to this.

>> No.21520005

but we need to save people from them. Azi, Karina, Hunter, Renko and the rest of that clique are hungry for power and attention by manipulating everyone and are trying to take over everything that has to do with Kig and in the words that Renko himself used, "it's not fair".

>> No.21520013

yes the one on the left is totally pretty.

>> No.21520046


And that's just paranoia.
They are not at this level of scumminess, at least not yet.
As long as they are called out when they're wrong it's fine, but they're dangerously stepping on the line that no one reports shit because they're too scared of being attacked by the mods themselves.

>> No.21521020

That's Nukopan.

>> No.21521255
File: 1.90 MB, 4096x2720, DM3WfPOVoAAXvQK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.21522220

They'll send a team of ninjas to collect the payment then they'll blacklist you if you manage to survive the encounter.

>> No.21522645

Can confirm. Ninjas outside my apartment. Send help

>> No.21522676

Are they kigurumi ninjas? If yes, post pics.

>> No.21524428
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>> No.21526477
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>> No.21526595

what are the chances this one is a guy?

>> No.21526685



>> No.21526717

Need source to investigate before giving an answer

>> No.21526976

very cute

>> No.21527362

you can count the number of non-cyclops, female hobbyist kigs in japan on one hand. 100% a dude.

>> No.21527641


>> No.21527933

Either clearly a guy, or a realistic fake bulge.

>> No.21528471

What's it like to date a kog?

>> No.21528582

Pretty silent.

>> No.21528611

Can you communicate through text message? Or do you just take control and the kig will do whatever you want?

>> No.21530346
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>> No.21530405
File: 487 KB, 1154x2048, D9IMcioU8AAP5hN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these veiny hands
I am disturbed. Are these veins on the gloves (weird), or gloves are just too thin?

>> No.21530569

The veins make it hotter

>> No.21530860

You know what's funny in all this: people don't even know why they hate me anymore.

I got randoms sending DMs to me attacking me and saying shitty things and telling me to kill myself and I don't even know the person.

Thanks Shamezone for destroying the fun I used to get from kig.

>> No.21531238

>MuH ShAMeZ0nE
Shut the fuck up retard. Just because some random retard tells you to kill yourself doesn't mean that's shamezones fault. Nobody advocates that kind of behaviour. It's not Shamezones fault people are dumb enough to form an opinion on subject matters they got no knowledge about

>> No.21531421


It would help if they did not poison everyone's mind with Coru is an evil dickbag.

Even tho I keep saying the mods are a bunch of shitlords I've always pointed out people to there due to content and looking past my personal grievances.

I'm sad they can't do the same because they're that petty.

>> No.21531429


*some of the mods by the way.

>> No.21531476

>People who got bad experience with you talk bad about you
What's so weird about this? They tell their side of the story and how they experienced your behaviour. People should be smart enough to make their own opinion about it and not blindly follow someone else their opinion. It's not their fault some people act like sheep.

>> No.21532024

Shame Zone admin and mod fucktards edge lords made it okay to be, sexist, racist, shit talking hypocritical asshole liars because they thought Sofa was so cool.

>> No.21532081

Are you sure those are veins and not just the shadows from the outfit?

>> No.21532710

No experience with shamezone, but you're a dickbag. Move on and shut the fuck up.

We're all tired of it. Just post kigu

Maybe next thread we won't get another repeat of EVERY THREAD Coru has spoken in

>> No.21532717

Nurse Lisa taking a selfie video


>> No.21532726

Nurse Lisa is off duty now ;)


>> No.21532729

Consider this:
Nobody talks about you aside when you suddenly happen to start trashtalking here again, it's your own fault that you remember people all the time how much of a drama queen you are, you might as well go to lolcow.

>> No.21532735

The kig on the right? Yeah, those are veins. Lookin at what's visible of her legs, those ankles and calves look like they're almost skeletal

>> No.21533221

Biggest fucking lie ever. Shamzone was created from 4chan. If you are here you were part of the fiasco. Stop trying to cover it up. You're prob one of the mods.
They all tried to kill all the other forums to rule all of kig, and the only reason why everybody is back here is because KSZ became a massive shit hole since they are all fuckups.

>> No.21533225

Downvoted, thanks

>> No.21533502


Nah I’m just sick of the discourse they have that I am at fault for everything but they somehow aren’t at fault for anything. Then things like that happens and you start wondering...


Bullshit, this is so far out from reality. I think they just let it slide cause they’re lazy often times, and maybe I’m just wrong in thinking they are okay with it, even tho it happens so much that I’m really not sure.


I should post kigu more but I’m so fucking depressed nowadays.


See, this is what I am talking about.


Nah dude, people there just wanted a place for kigs to hang out and be honest with one another.

>> No.21533852

Why do you flip flop so much with your opinions on the server? You talk all of this shit about Shamezone mods and then you'll go back a few minutes later and say "well, no it was my fault, and the mods are actually okay if they learn how to do their job" That seems like snake behavior. You have no firm opinions, and you'll do/say whatever you think is needed at the appropriate time in order to get what you want in the end. I can understand why they don't want you in the server.

Which is it?

>> No.21533985

I'm not having any fun with kig either.

Thanks Coruja for destroying the fun I used to get from kig.

>> No.21533991

Because every anon that dislikes all this crap is instantly a mod on Shamezone.

>> No.21533998

Because attention whoring
Some people want to be the centre of attention even if it's as a hated figure

>> No.21534032

Sometimes it's hard to believe it's the same 4chan people as before. The threads were great before the discord was a thing and now they're shit.

>> No.21534196
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Well most of those people aren't around or don't interact anymore. Basically it's just eager newfags and Kig "leaders" trying to build a "community"

>> No.21534348

when you allow and normalize shitty negative behavior then it spreads. thank the shamezone edgelord kig leader assholes.

>> No.21534386

Do you need padding if you always plan to wear a long dress?

>> No.21534734


I think I often express myself like crap and say shit I don’t intend to say. “Snakey” behavior is on the eye of the beholder.

>> No.21534745


And it’s not like good people can make mistakes too. They act like shit and they need to be called out on their crap. That doesn’t mean they are bad people.

>> No.21534762


Sorry for that man, but chances are you also ruined it for me.

>> No.21534773
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Has anyone ever done a real-life version of this? Seems like it would be really cool.

>> No.21535066

lol, just saw the whole drama in SZ (wasn't even looking at it for the last 3 days).

Dude, if I'm able to set fire to a server I'm not even doing anything about it, it's pretty much paranoia by the mods in there.

I don't even post shit there. You only see what can be deemed as "toxicity" in here. Doesn't even affect the server inside. You can just ignore it.

Told ya isn't me who needs to move on.

>> No.21535082

Holy fuck fuck off about SZ. No one cares

>> No.21535496


300 posts about me there.
No one will hear my side of the story.
Then I wonder why some randoms come and send threatening DMs.

Also, the whole drama was on the open since forever. The bullshit about not telling what I did (which was wrong because I was completely mad at that point) is a lie. They've been telling anyone since forever.

"I should have told it before in the open". Lying asshole.

>> No.21535655
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>no one will hear my side of the story
Who hasn't heard your side of the story by this point? Get over it and move on with your life.

>> No.21535679


It's hard not to when you fucking make the people you're trying to move on with to shit on you just to make everyone agree.

Now I don't fucking know if Nao and Wally wants to meet me after all the whole toxic thing.

I tried to give time to heal all the bullshit that I did (which was completely wrong by the way, but the part I apologized is never mentioned), and then these fuckers come and ruin the little fun I still could have had.

I should just off myself, it's better for the SZ and 4chan. I'm just too scared to do it.

>> No.21535693

You need to see a psychiatrist immediately. You seem mentally unstable.

>> No.21535700


Does it matter?

>> No.21535716

jesus christ, what a fucking drama queen crybaby.

>> No.21535724
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The bridge has long since burned down. Its embers have washed away and scattered into the ocean and disintegrated. Accept you are unwanted there. Stop creating alts and checking in on the server to see if anyone is talking about you. It's over and done. Go find another place and group of people to hangout with instead of whining about it on 4chan. You aren't going to gain sympathy here.

>> No.21535756


>go find another group of people to hangout with

I did exactly that. I tried to restart. Ask Convoluted what they did to me.

All is left to me is to complain and be a fucking crybaby.

>> No.21535783

Why did you push everyone that tried to help you away?

>> No.21535788
File: 180 KB, 600x900, 1361905225339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then take a year off from all things kigurumi related and self reflect and question why everyone thinks you're a whiny asshole. Once you figured that out, then try to find a way to better yourself. But until then stop trying to pick off the scab.

>> No.21535804


Because I'm fucking dumb. And also because I felt no one was really helping (mostly also my fault because I couldn't explain the problem either nor they explained what they were trying to do).

And let's be frank, I was doomed already at the point everyone tried to help. Azi keeps saying I'd have a chance: not really. They already had decided at that point and anything I'd do would be seen in a bad light.


It doesn't matter my dude. Let's put this way: suppose I convince an admin to come back. Then I'll come back and everyone will go "I'm gonna leave if you allow him back".

It's not up to me to do anything at this point. I did all the apologies I could, I owned up to my mistakes and people choose to believe I don't and continue to shit me on my back. There's nothing I can do.

Literally I got denied access to a server that the owners have got nothing against me nor I do against them because of Shamezone and misbehavior, and because some of the users would be pissed.

Doesn't matter if I try to restart things again. Nothing I'll do will ever be enough.

>> No.21535870
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You never owned up to your mistakes because you keep trying to go around their ban. You broke the rules and suffered the consequences, but then keep breaking the rules by going around your ban just to see if anyone is talking about you and relay it on 4chan when nobody wants to hear it. You even got banned here and then went about evading it through VPNs. You're incapable of accepting responsibility for your own actions and for some reason think if you keep breaking more rules they'll negate one another and everyone will come pat you on the back and welcome you into their home. If you kick a person's pet dog and they through you out of their house, of course they're not gonna like it if they keep coming home after work and finding you hiding in their garage.
You are the bad guy. Man up and own the fact you're the bad guy and stop trying to evade your bans and whining about how sad you are. Then go seek mental help.

>> No.21535872

You never stopped on here...

>> No.21535877

Not a Shamezone admin, just someone who's fed up of seeing the same shit thread after thread.

And no, nobody mentioned you before. You came back, every time, started this whole attention whoring thing and made them a train wreck as usual.

>> No.21535952


Also I wasn't banned from here lol. I tried to post with a banned VPN. I was dumb enough not to explain.

You want me out desperately even tho I have not done any shit despite being angry in the last 4 months.

Your problem is me circumventing what I always said that I thing it was unfair it to talk to my friends and listen to people in VC? Your problem with me is me doing literally nothing that hurts you in any form?

How about the many times I created the alt accounts that behaved normally and then got banned again despite the whole talk of "if he can fool us he improved"?

Like I can't even restart my shit because as soon as you know you don't evaluate what I did, but instead "it's Coru, kill him with fire".


Yeah, and they never stopped shitting on me either there. I call it being even.


Petty revenge on me. I'm dumb and I'm sorry for shitting in your thread, it's just I have no other place to go.

>> No.21535960


Let's be honest here: you will only be okay with me when I'm dead.

>> No.21535979

Do you not understand what banned means?
Moving on doesn't mean everyone lets you back on your circlejerk server and goes back to however they were two years ago.
Moving on means you stop obsessing over an anime crossdressing chat room and do other things with your life
It's not like you're not allowed to talk to the friends you made on that server, if they won't talk to you outside of the SZ voice chat maybe you should reconsider if they were really your friends to begin with.
You spend every other week crying and moaning about how everyone but you is awful and then wonder why no one wants to give you a chance. If you are really this lacking in self-awareness you honestly need professional help.

>> No.21536002


Yes I do. I just don't give a fuck.

>> No.21536024

If you were dead I wouldn't even know it because nobody will be bringing you up once your shenanigans stops. Maybe if you'd shut up and let things blow over for a good long while people will forget your bullshit and give you a second chance. Yelling like a banshee every day isn't gonna help your chances.

>> No.21536026


“Leave kig”
“Just die”
“Go see a doctor, you’re insane”

How much hate will you still spill to understand you are the problem?

Sure I fucked up. All I can do is apologize, put the past behind and move the fuck on.

You’re the one still having a grudge. Not me.

>> No.21536033


Ahaha, no they won’t. I fucked up too much at this point to have that again.

To be fair it’s fun seeing you gatekeeping everyone because of an user muted in voice chat that doesn’t do anything but listen.

>> No.21536038
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You haven't moved on if you keep coming here telling everyone every day you've moved on.

>> No.21536084


You haven't moved on if you keep creating stupid policies at the expense of everyone because you're too scared of a guy who is a lil' shit according to you.

>> No.21536147
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>> No.21536231


Same, most of them left for greener pastures. Remember when there was a time when people posted nothing but pics and casual conversations about kigs?

>> No.21536232


You'll still need some shape to your ass in that case, so yes.

>> No.21536256

I guess there's no cutting corners. Time to buy some quality hips.

>> No.21536257
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>> No.21536272

>Hurr durr, I don't care what people said about me, I don't care what advice that they give to me, cause I am a blabbermouth.

>Shoving all of these unnecessary BS down to their throat. For maybe, just maybe it will irritate them, give them bad rep, or could probably even change their mind if I keep retaliating what they said about me.

>kIgUrUmI CoNtRoL SeRvIcE ReAdY To sErVe. FoR JuStIcE.

I used to think that your ban is kind of unjustifiable, and when you came here to tell your side of the story I truly felt a little bit sympathized. As times goes by, all I can see from you is just hatred and pure bad mouthing, you want to tell the world that several people in discord are bad, especially the one who got power in the first place.

And for whatever it take, at this moment you don't care about everything, cause you have only 1 goal, to take down discord channel (or perhaps only several admins). You will probably denying it, in which I've already expected it, kind of.

Back then, you tried to end a war where there's no war to begin with. Right now you are trying to end a war that you caused yourself.

Regarding DM and such, if you are exposing yourself to the internet, you have to expect several trolls to the point where they sent you threats, that's the rule of thumb.

Although I kinda admit that it's kinda worrying and annoying to receive threats and bad words from trolls, you shouldn't blame other people for causing the DM beside the trolls themselves, it seems unprofessional of you.

>> No.21536273

Coru find a big dick and get fucked. Seriously.
This community is fucked because of egoists that just want kig fame and dont give a shit about other people and rather band together to get rid of minor problems like you, miria, and wrestlefag then face any kind of problem but all you do with pointing it out and being a dick about everything and to everyone is making people see that horrible stance as normal. Take a very long break. Get rid of your kig and just forget all of this. You cant do shit anymore so stop ruining our fucking thread.

>> No.21536311


I do care about advice people give me tho. People just don't give good advice most of the time tho. They don't get the whole picture.

And yeah, I've been dragging this too long because frankly I'm pissed. They keep spreading bullshit over and over again and these threads have been my only way to defend myself. Sorry again for derailing that much.


I know it's like this. I just think people can be better. Maybe that's my problem.

>> No.21536615


The dutch guy could've posted his meme here. It's cool.

>> No.21536843
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For all you accuse me of shifting blame, that is kinda dickish.

Yeah because it's my fault people got banned for just being okay by not snitching me there doing nothing, and not on the immaculate person wielding the ban hammer and actually punishing people.

>> No.21536940

If you already knew that this is the situation, why not just leave the server and move on? They don't want you, and you don't want other people to "suffer" for you.

All I can see in this situation, you are using this moment to make some distress towards them.

If you could move on, all this kind of things would not happened in the first place.

>> No.21536951


That is blackmail and it's the same kind of shit I pulled off and shouldn't have.

>> No.21537225


What's the source material? It reminds me of franken fran but I don't remember seeing it in that

>> No.21537254
File: 88 KB, 1916x296, Screen Shot 2019-06-17 at 9.35.04 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fumi, stop, you're arguing with an unreasonable person and you gonna get yourself ejected of the server if you continue.

They're paranoid. They don't know you blocked me more than a week ago precisely because I kept talking over and over about the Shamezone to you and you wanted me to be funny and nice like I used to be in the past.

>> No.21537369

trevors aesthetic is so fucking good.

Thats #goals right there. Out of all the outfits he does the white/beige (lolita?, gothic?) fashion is awesome.

What mask is that? the face proportions are nice. (not regarding the ears, those are clip on iirc)

>> No.21537448
File: 113 KB, 224x224, Singularity.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>funny and nice like I used to be in the past.
you were neither in my entire memory of you.
if anything id call your attitude starting at "luke warm" from the first day i met you. Things would be okay if you were talking about something you knew about and could be kept on topic with enough questions, but the moment you went off topic or if the conversation wasnt about something wanted to talk about it was the very pits of depression. you would just drag the voice chat down till people shut the fuck up so you could complain about whatever you wanted to complain about at the time. That was the other problem, i dont recall a single time you ever said anything positive above a non-committal "meh" everything sucked or was awful 24/7 you were such a singularity of negativity i just stopped talking to you weeks before you were banned, i actively avoided you because of your own problems.

just like anytime i come back to this thread. its you posting screecaps of discord and complaining because you enjoy it or find it funny. If you legit wanted to cure any bad blood between you...

9/9 got me to reply to the thread.

>> No.21537593


Not Fumi, nice try 0/10.

>> No.21538230
File: 415 KB, 600x446, 1560378618201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see kigu thread is finally active again
>90% of posts are the same tripfag whining

>> No.21538287

That and you get called a shamezone mod for calling Coru out on his autistic horseshit. It's best to just ignore these threads from now on. That's what I'm going to do.

>> No.21538314

>SZ drama made SZ insufferable
>SZ drama made /jp/ insufferable
I hate all of you

>> No.21538801

Pepperidge farm remembers.

But seriously, I do miss that too.

>> No.21538894

Looking at that screenshot, I can't actually see anything wrong, or any evidence of these people being "the literal devil".

I agree with everything Convoluted said in that image. You can't let go Coru, you have to be the centre of attention and are just constantly shifting the blame off yourself.

Yes, you've said "I've done things wrong and need to change" And then you haven't. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Every thread for the past half year at least. You've bitched and bitched that SZ is ruining lives.

And nobody here cares. Nobody talked about them or you. The threads had ACTUAL content and weren't just a wall of you making everyone suffer because you have a hateboner for a group of people that you claim are your friends and yet constantly shitting all over.

You need to take a step back, re-evaluate your life and whether all of this is worth it, stop bringing this here and take it a therapist. Everyone here is fed-up with you, you've been banned already and are just evading once more.

Nobody wants to deal with this anymore, You have maybe one person on your side in this thread, who quite possibly is just you posting as an anon and white knighting yourself.

And before you start spouting off I'm a SZ admin, I'm not. I'm just an anon who's sick of seeing you post the same thing every thread because you feel the need to make everyone else as miserable as you are making yourself.

So please, stop.

>> No.21538975


Well the problem is I've tried everything already.
I want to stop as much as you do because it's tiring to me too. I have nothing else I can do.

>> No.21538981


And how can you see there's nothing wrong with that picture? It's literally scheming to punish unrelated other people because of "association" to me.

It's literally making a witch hunt.

>> No.21539127

which mask is that?

>> No.21539232

Being associated with the ShameZone and any of the admin in any way is a bad thing i guess. Happy i stayed away from that shitstorm.

>> No.21539394

What happens if I make my hips too thicc? My character is supposed to be slender.

>> No.21539523

What's the best kig community now?

>> No.21539528

Not really?

I see them talking about you causing shit here and how it's not fair that everyone else has to deal with you now.

I'm re-reading it, and it basically comes down to "if people want to hang around Coru they can make their own server, SZ shouldn't have to constantly change to make every single person happy."

And "Coru is making everyone suffer and in turn, they're giving him the attention he wants"

Nobody's talking about punishing anyone else at all. You're looking for enemies where there aren't any, just to try and justify your desire to be the victim and the centre of attention.

And yes, it's a vicious cycle at this point, but you're the one instigating it. Previous threads where you've been silent or just posted kig pics without bringing up how you are the worst treated person on the internet.

THOSE threads, nobody mentioned your drama, nobody mentioned your name, or Shamezone, or Azi or Renko or Convoluted or anybody else related to them in the slightest.

THOSE threads were what every other thread should have been, free of your attention whoring, free of your drama, and just the appreciation of Kig.

Shamezone can do what they want on their server, THEY aren't the ones coming here and filling up the thread unneccessarily spouting hatred towards you. There are quite literally dozens of Kig servers, go try hanging out in some of those. I'm sure your white knight can provide you some safe places and then one of your many evading accounts can chill out there.

You say "go see a doctor" as a threat? I'm pretty sure that's a piece of advice. You honestly need to talk TO someone in the real world and start adopting a healthier mindset. Spouting hatred at the internet isn't doing anyone any good.

I watched a video yesterday about holding onto things that are hurting you and all of this? This is hurting you. It's hurting your reputation, it's hurting these threads.

>> No.21539540

Myself, I honestly couldn't say. There will always be a bit of bias in any opinion.

For me personally, I'm finding Kig-O's discord to be pretty chill and relaxing. But take that as you will. I know there are people who consider Kig-O to be just as bad as, if not worse than, Shamezone.

>> No.21539552

There isn't one.

>> No.21539795


>> No.21539907

>For me personally, I'm finding Kig-O's discord to be pretty chill and relaxing
I can agree with this.

>> No.21539967

post kigu bulges pls

>> No.21540263
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>> No.21540288

realpic or fanart?

if fanart, https://twitter.com/shima01st , have plenty of them

>What happens if I make my hips too thicc?
it's look TICC duhh

imo, when you want to take/use/make (i dont know which word that more appropriate) character as kig, choose based from which have similar body proportion (after corset and padding), unless you know, she/he is your OC or waifu or some shit like that

>> No.21540330
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>> No.21540340


Okay dude.

>> No.21540463
File: 405 KB, 499x360, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came to this.

>> No.21540743
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>> No.21540825

It was the admin of the shame zone that claimed kigo was the problem. Looks like that's been proven wrong.

>> No.21540966
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>> No.21541042

If my waist is L 34" should I buy an XL 35-37" inch corset just in case for breathing room?

>> No.21541054

Generally you want to buy a corset that's just a bit below your waist measurements because it's supposed to squeeze things into shape.

>> No.21541065

Okay thank you, so my waist is 34" without clothes so I should buy the 32-34" L corset then?

>> No.21541071

Generally yes. Maybe even one step down. Consult the sizing guide from wherever you're buying from if they have one.

>> No.21541296


>> No.21541460

you posted publically, if you wanted to talk to fumi directly PM them.

of course im not fumi you twat.

>> No.21541637 [DELETED] 

kys faggot scum

>> No.21541650


She blocked me.

>> No.21541789

I was turned off of TAC by the contract dealy and having to verify my discord to my phone.

So I couldn't tell you whether the server itself is chill or not

>> No.21541943

So, I kinda realized why Azi has a hateboner for me.

Some months ago I criticized Hunter and Azi's shilling for Monaka. I mean, considering I shill for RINS a lot, I don't see that as some sort of problem, it's just that it blocks people to see flaws on stuff. And my point was: bitch your Monaka isn't that good IMO. That was enough to start a shitstorm I suppose and I guess it's because Azi's identity is a lot related to Miharu telling them they are not capable of being a good kig for being a "fatass" or something at the time. Not saying Miharu is right in any form but the impact it had in Azi is kinda clear now: They developed this sort of fetish for perfectionism and will go extreme lengths to protect their decisions even though it's bad, because they're putting a lot of effort into it. So they will become extremely sensitive if anyone says what they did isn't that good.

Then you sum this >>21501950 and realize it created such an overreaction and blame game.

I'm sorry for criticizing it six months ago Azi. I should have kept myself quiet if I knew you would be so sensitive to it, and it's on me failing to perceive that.

>> No.21542034

Can you show up to an event in kig or do you need to get dressed once you get there?

>> No.21542037
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>> No.21542060


Depends on the event. Wonderfes people usually dress there in a big room with other cosplayers.

The event I went we dressed up in a disabled toilet.

>> No.21542071

>we dressed up in a disabled toilet.
Which one was that?

>> No.21542099


Uhhh, at the venue. It had more space for dressing up in kigu and plus it wasn't used that much.

The other day we dressed up in the car parking.

I heard 3 months later that there was a crazy lady complaining we were flashing genitals while changing and they had to be calmed down. Funny story.

>> No.21542161

From what I gathered, both you and the mods are obsessed. Your autism has pushed them to the point they feel the need to implement more and more strict moderation. They can't even handle you lurking to crosspost drama here, even though it only negatively affects us (seriously, fucking stop).

Unless your goal is to use any means necessary to keep these threads alive, I don't understand what you gain from this. Why exactly are you doing this?

>> No.21542171


I don't gain anything frankly. If anything makes my situation worse.

I just want to vent out because I'm in pain.

>> No.21542290

In pain from being shunned by a fetish chatroom? You need to take a step back and consider how insignificant this whole thing is. Once enough time has passed, you might even be able to rejoin it as a better person.

I was kinda like you in the past around ages 14-17. I was the forum retard everyone mocked and hated. Too retarded to evade after being banned, I moved on to its sister sites to muck up as well until finally being banned from them all. Few years later, I returned with the exact same name. Most didn't even know who I was and the ones that did just didn't give a fuck anymore.

>> No.21542332


>fetish chatroom

I don't even lewd my bro.

>> No.21542383


And to be frank, I don't wanna give anyone the pleasure of seeing myself "leave". I guess that's the egotistical part of me that needs to be dealt with.

>> No.21542412
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>> No.21542413
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>> No.21542414
File: 608 KB, 1920x2560, DqqlYb1VsAAOFLt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21542417
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>> No.21542420
File: 220 KB, 1000x1500, Dq-VgKTUcAAXDCV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21542550

Nice black hole eyes.

>> No.21542650
File: 382 KB, 2008x2839, 7 Hana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have not done any shit despite being angry in the last 4 months.
And that right there is your problem. All your posts here are the exact opposite of "not done any shit".

Depends on the dress. You can also go with a crinoline or a bustle, if it matches the dress. Or a petticoat.

Art by hie_himiko

>> No.21543370
File: 130 KB, 690x1035, 0066D316ly1g44kpiphw4j30u0190gsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21543402
File: 545 KB, 557x525, TB2RMxbfhTI8KJjSspiXXbM4FXa_!!1020147100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What mask is that? the face proportions are nice.
It's a discontinued mask model by Mayumi (pic related) where he modified the eyes (you can have any of their mask models with elf ears like that tho).

>> No.21543448

It's not hard for something to be chill when barely anyone is active.

>> No.21543491

Literally 1 thread. 1 thread. Can you leave us alone FOR ONE GODDAMN THREAD.

>> No.21544952

Your all idiots

>> No.21544977

no u

>> No.21545375

This drips with the superior know it all snooty attitude of Data. What's wrong people in SZ so tired of your conceit you need to find other places to try to impress people with your second hand shitty interpretations and assumptions?

>> No.21545543
File: 1.03 MB, 2730x4096, D9HL_4mUcAINXIw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21545558

To be fair Data has contributed a monumental amount of knowledge and info to the server and still continues to do so.

>> No.21546555

a significant amount is plagiarized information, bullshit or wrong

>> No.21547159


Data could just be a lil bit more precise, but frankly, every fight you'd have with them about stuff they just go on overdrive defensive mode, it's not even worth to correct them.

Most people don't care for correct information either. They just have imprecise bullshit and are okay with it. They don't even bother updating when there's change.

This is valid for both ShameZone and Kig-O by the way (and one of the reasons I was disappointed with the community before even the whole drama happened).

>> No.21547472


ur mom idiota

>> No.21547472,1 [INTERNAL] 

