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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2140166 No.2140166 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me something that has bugged me, /jp/. What is so special about that loli jewish, albino, test-tube imouto girl Ilya?

>> No.2140170

She's actually older than Shirou.

Also, she says and does a lot of cute things. Like rip your head off so she can keep it for herself.

>> No.2140176

She's a loli?


>> No.2140178

>loli jewish


>> No.2140180
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She's not Jews. instead she already joint the NSDAP party already.

>> No.2140190
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She's made of candy.

Ilya is just a poor man's Iris anyway. Adult, healthy, and open to a threesome with Saber?

>> No.2140194


>> No.2140205

>She's not Jews. instead she already joint the NSDAP party already.
>NSDAP party
>Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei partei
>National Socialist German Workers' Party party
Stupid Jew.

>> No.2140207


>>not Jews

>> No.2140212
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Free sex?

>> No.2140223

All over the place. She turns you into a toy.

>> No.2140228


I would let her turn me into a toy if you know what I mean

>> No.2140327

Ilya is hotter than her mother.

>> No.2140331

Justizia is hotter than Irisviel and Ilya combined.

>> No.2140335

She has the ability to rock socks off.

>> No.2140354
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he knows what he wants

>> No.2140395

Ilya is proof that Type-Moon can't make a good eroge to save their lives.

Why would you make a loli character and then don't give her any H-Scenes?

>> No.2140401

Because the artist is uncomfortable with it.

>> No.2140423

To get the hopes up of pedos like you so you buy their game.

>> No.2140474
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Superior version, with Pedomine and Hansassin

>> No.2140841


I donno, Len's scene in KT was amazing, I think anyone who makes the "they don't really like loli's" argument has never played that.

>> No.2140864

I'd get a full-time job that I'd hate with all my being so I could buy Ilya all the toys she could ever want.

>> No.2140870
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Tiger Tank Dojo?

>> No.2140886


Got to love the accuracy of those SS Panzerkorps jackets.

>> No.2140888


Does Ilya even want toys?

>> No.2140893


I want Ilya to want toys so that I may purchase them for her.

>> No.2140906
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I don't see what you're getting at

>> No.2140913
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>> No.2140926
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Who cares. Rider is fondling Caster's butt.

>> No.2140951


>> No.2140967


Why are those girls drunk?

>> No.2140980

Football is all about swearing, eating pizza and getting drunk.

>> No.2140982

Because football. Or "soccer" as you uncultured barbarians say.

>> No.2140992


Yeah, tell it to the fans as they go on a murder spree.

>> No.2141015

soccer fans are barbarian faggots alright

>> No.2141029

At least the "world championships" usually include teams from more nations than two.

>> No.2141028

I'd Georgia.

>> No.2141061


>> No.2141064



>> No.2141089


You're going to have to explain why that matters...

>> No.2142383
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Less Football, more Ilya.

>> No.2142401
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lol at Bazett being past caring

also, Ilya

>> No.2142424

Because every year, we get the Baseball 'World Series', and it's ALWAYS two teams from America. Same goes for the 'Super Bowl'. Have you ever stopped to wonder why no other countries ever send teams to these events?

It's because they suck. These sports are nothing short of terrible, but since they're American, we seem to think they're the best things ever.

>> No.2142456


Well said amerifag. I am a Eurofag and i dont get your attachment to baseball or hand egg either...Just plain boring.

>> No.2142466


No, it's because the equipment for American football is fucking expensive as hell, and to participate in the Superbowl, you have to be a member of the NFL or the AFL. Google it for a fucking second, retard.

>> No.2142471

>and to participate in the Superbowl, you have to be a member of the NFL or the AFL.

I know. If other countries wanted to participate, do you honestly think that would still be true?

>> No.2142473


You're not "attached" to -any- sport, basement dweller.

>> No.2142476


Actually, yes.

>> No.2142483

Enjoy watching your players get kicked in the crotch. Often.

Not that I like (American) Football or Baseball, but arguing about which sport is better is like discussing whose is bigger in the locker room. It might seem like a reasonable discussion at first, but it's actually really, really gay.

>> No.2142484

Then I guess it's a difference of opinin; we are at an impasse, and should go our separate ways.

It was nice talking with you, Anonymous. I'm sure we'll meet again, though we'll never know it.

>> No.2142503

> equipment for American football is fucking expensive
Yeah, that's why no corporation in the world will sponsor a team for it. "Oh, I'm sorry, our multi-billion euro revenue generating company isn't going to sponsor your football team because it's too expensive. We are going to sponsor those faggots running after a ball for a couple of million and then our CEO is going to have a moneyfight"

>> No.2142508


You can only have a team if you can place them in an American city. That is a prerequisite for BOTH conferences. Quebec, for example, cannot join the NFL or the AFL. Period.

>> No.2142516


Why build a 10 billion Euro football stadium where nobody knows how to play? Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.2142522

Again, I'm fully aware of this. And again, I ask you: If other countries wanted that to change, do you think it would stay true?

I think it wouldn't; you seem to think it would. Bringing us to the aforementioned impasse.

>> No.2142537


There's no way in HELL the NFL or the AFL will accept membership from foreign countries.

You REALLY don't know the people you're talking about.

>> No.2142575

thats hella gay

>> No.2142586


Corporations are in business to accumulate wealth. If it was discovered that BMW was building a American football stadium in Europe, where the only people that would be able to play the game would be Europeans, there would be a mad rush by everyone to fucking sell their stock.

You're trolling me.

I'm ignoring this thread.

>> No.2142598


Not true sir. At my university I play loose head prop on the Rugby team. Rugby is what American hand egg wishes it was, none of this pussy armour and helmets bullshit.

>> No.2142610


Is there a full set of these somewhere?

>> No.2142615
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I'm not trolling, but since you won't see this, I've really got no reason to explain myself.

Sorry for the derail, guys. Have some doujin to make it up to you:

>> No.2142618

Fuck off.

>> No.2142631

...Would you prefer if I downloaded it and uploaded it to rapidshare?

>> No.2142643


You need a city to create the fan-base to support the operation of the stadium, and you'd have to buy a team. The number of teams is set and cannot be changed, so you would have to buy a team and move them to the American city of your choice. If BMW wants an American football team, they need to buy one that exists already, and if they wanted to move them, they would have to choose an American city to move them to.

>> No.2142654

>The number of teams is set and cannot be changed,

...How does this make any sense at all?

>> No.2142661
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Just to let you know who you are talking to, this is my picture.

>> No.2142687

Rugby is to Water Polo what boxing is to gorillas fighting on the collective backs of an exploding armada of robotic sharks.

>> No.2142694

holy crap what are you doing on the 4th chan this is not a place for queens

...unless they're killer queens.

>> No.2142722


The number of teams in a conference has to be an even number. The number of teams in both conferences have to be the same. Hence the number of teams is fixed and unchanging.
