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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.95 MB, 3761x2251, tenhou_worth_of_an_agari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21279013 No.21279013 [Reply] [Original]

>Wanna learn how to play?
Rules: http://mahjong-europe.org/portal/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=30&Itemid=166
Play against bots: https://www.gamedesign.jp/flash/mahjong/mahjong_e.html
(alternative HTML5 version in Japanese: https://www.gamedesign.jp/flash/mahjong/mahjong.html))
>Wanna play against other people?
On Tenhou: http://tenhou.net/0/
Private lobby with English people: http://tenhou.net/0/?L7447
Mahjong S*ul: https://mahjongsoul.yo-star.com/
>Wanna read more about mahjong?
Strategy book for beginner to intermediate players: https://riichi.dynaman.net/
Strategy articles: https://osamuko.com/
Pastebin with the rest of the information:
>Wanna watch pro mahjong?

Feel free to share your daily/weekly/monthly successes and failures.

>> No.21279112

Update the link to Daina's book.

>> No.21279135

Do I have to be a lesbian?

>> No.21279145

Fuuck, I knew I was gonna forget something. Next time I'll do it. I did search for "OP" in the last thread for any suggestions, but maybe this was mentioned two threads ago.

>> No.21280232
File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1200, chrome_2019-05-03_14-48-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>east-1 I'm oya
>toimen gets a daisangen
>kamicha deals in to shimocha
>my eye sparkles now that there's still hope for ラス回避
>focus on not dealing in to shimocha as he is certainly tenpai
>kamicha fucking snipes me from dama
>down to exactly 0 points

I even thought about discarding 5p first, but I thought 1m was fine to go first.

>> No.21280255
File: 1.19 MB, 1188x1080, chance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then I got this chance for a comeback, but I couldn't win as shimocha dealt into toimen's dama

>> No.21280683

Do you seriously think we care about your "Stories From The Low Dan Rooms"?

>> No.21280689

Why would you even discard 1m there.

>> No.21280761

i care if it's deeper than "i won" or "i lost" blogging.

>> No.21280764

Oh, look at Mister "Only-天鳳位-Allowed"
piss off you 9k shitter

>> No.21280879

shimocha was pretty much certainly tenpai. I thought it best to defend since I wasn't last + this isn't a winner hand + if I deal in, then I might instantly lose. the safest tiles are: 1m and 5p. souzu is all unsafe as shimocha might have honitsu. all in all, looking at shimocha only, 1m is the safest, but if I had considered that kamicha was pushing, I should've went for 5p5p.

>> No.21280973

actually the absolute best would've been 3m, but I didn't notice until now. the big mistake was not paying attention to kamicha, either way

>> No.21282043

>janitors move /v/ thread to /vg/
Was fun while it lasted I guess.

>> No.21282087

God forbid they have anything resembling a good thread on /v/ I guess

>> No.21282330

Well, if that majsoul thread gets perpetuated for a long period of time, then it's good overall.

>> No.21282488
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>> No.21283597
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East round 1.
What a good way to start the match.

>> No.21283641

>yakuhai worth 5 fucking han
The dream

>> No.21283910

Anyone want to create a room in Mahjong Soul? Thread on /v/ got archived and I don't want to touch /vg/

>> No.21284007

I put the updated link into the Pastebin as well from reading the threads. I'm planning on adding some more links I picked up from the /v/ threads when I finally crack open my password safe.

>> No.21284018

95512, 5+10 hanchan.

>> No.21284024

Did it? I saw someone say that in one of the threads but it was still on /v/.

>> No.21284026

Before that thread, there was a previous thread which got moved to /vg/

>> No.21284131

Got moved and promptly died as expected.

>> No.21284193

It is full of doom but well alive.

>> No.21284236
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I'm about to fall into the pit, aren't I?

>> No.21284499

The honeymoon period will end soon anonsan.

>> No.21285302

What are the differences in scoring between majsoul and tenhou?

>> No.21285348

It's the same game for the most part, but the differences I know of are that majsoul allows triple ron while tenhou counts it as an abortive, and majsoul allows for more yakuman stacking.

>> No.21285406
File: 168 KB, 1920x1080, 1555124316139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last month I had a shit ton of first and second places yet only two last places, but now I'm at 4334334334 with no end in sight.

>> No.21285600
File: 1.88 MB, 640x360, SakiisBULLSHIT.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21285866
File: 1.19 MB, 1053x947, 1550102234219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm saved. Too many haneman this game.

>> No.21285926
File: 164 KB, 618x180, 1556941454059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Mah-Jongg's yaku are a treasure
yes, this is a double yakuman

>> No.21286154

Why did you push that 7p?

>> No.21286183

On a whim really, it felt like it would be safe or cheap, but that wasn't really backed up by anything, except shimocha's honitsu. I had more safe tiles though, but it ended up being the best here because muh noten payment, so I guess that mistake paid off.

>> No.21286292

what the "magical sands" thing about?

>> No.21286309
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you'll know when you get there

>> No.21286379

Yeah, that's pretty lucky. Such an aggressive kamicha would make me suspect that he might have dora, but you were lucky this time.

>> No.21286386
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>> No.21287781

is there any good resources on reading other players' pools and being able to tell whether they're close to tenpai or their hand value?

>> No.21287991
File: 1.15 MB, 1193x1086, to_agari_or_not_to_agari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you ron here? I did because 4th is closer than 2nd and 1st, but I could've tsumoed 8m later if I chose to hang on, and then I would've had a realistic chance of getting first.

several books have info on this. 科学する麻雀 has a big table that has the probability of someone being in tenpai based on how many calls they made + what turn it is. 絶対にラスを引かない麻雀 also has info on basic yomi in it. デジタルに読む麻雀 from the same author is one of the standard books on yomi, I've only ever seen praise for it. it probably has everything in it, but I can't tell you as I haven't read it yet (even though I already have it sitting in my room).

hand value: an average ko riichi is 6000, an average oyarii is 8500 I think. I'd have to check 科学する麻雀or統計学のマージャン. they both have this info, as it's the basis of 押し引き. you can tell the value of open hands by looking at the melds. the most easily discernible expensive open hands are: dora pon and honitsu/chinitsu.

reading open hands often comes down to looking at what yaku the person might have. if you see someone chii 789m, then they either have 789 sanshoku, ittsuu, chanta/junchan, yakuhai anko/pair (potential atozuke), or manzu honitsu/chinitsu (or sananko, kek). based on their discards you can usually narrow this down further, and then you'll be able to tell their value roughly

when people discard the dora then they are usually getting pretty close to tenpai, iishanten is probable (but it also depends on what the dora is)

>> No.21288020

>South 4
>you're dealer
Yeah I would've ron'd. I don't think you'll knock out that guy with that hand.

>> No.21288034

maybe you forgot to look at the dora indicator if you think this hand is less than lethal for Mr Kamicha

>> No.21288040
File: 898 KB, 1500x1430, 1442709880875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dora indicator
Actually I did look at it just for some reason I mixed up my cardinal directions.

>> No.21288067

South, Dora 2 - 50 fu, 3 han - 9600p, so this just barely kills the north
assuming I didn't fuck up somewhere when counting fu

>> No.21288091

it's 3 doras, you can skip counting the fu

>> No.21288120

of course I'm fucking retarded and didn't count the ron'd tile
yeah that's a mangan

>> No.21288339

Any other interesting Japanese mahjong books you can recommend?

>> No.21288653

I wrote you a long post, but then I accidentally pressed back and now it's gone.

This guy's reviews are pretty good though. Also, check the archive as we sometimes talk about books. An anon said he would review ウザク式麻雀学習牌効率 soon, so you have that to look forward too.

>> No.21289157

Well since no one is in riichi and dealer has only one call, I don't think it's legitimate to play safe. It's very hard to read closed hands (or hands open with only 1 call) it's not worth doing yet.
You can still get tenpai in your remaining draws.
That's why I wouldn't discard 1m here imo.

>> No.21291092
File: 21 KB, 787x525, 1552202685984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the nicest and most readable score chart I've found. Is there a reason it doesn't have a 25 fu line for chiitoitsu? Is there another way to math it out easier?

>> No.21291154

2 han 25 fu = 1 han 50 fu, 3 han 25 fu = 2 han 50 fu, etc.

>> No.21291567
File: 1.06 MB, 1053x926, 1548320919979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you do?

1) Fold
2) Take sanshoku tenpai
3) Take pinfu dora 2 (riichi?) tenpai

>> No.21291662

Yolo sanshoku.

>> No.21291695 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.23 MB, 1043x942, 1557031494512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21291805

>been in riichi for 8 turns
>someone else declares riichi
>next turn they kan but no rinshan
>they ron off my next discard
>7 uradora from that kan
Is this how mahjong hall shooters are made?

>> No.21292705
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>An anon said he would review ウザク式麻雀学習牌効率 soon, so you have that to look forward too.
Still not done with the book because I've been playing a bunch of mahjong soul, but my first impression is still accurate so far:
It's a good textbook for the basics that goes into a lot of detail why a certain discard/shape/strategy is better than the alternatives.
It also has 85 numbered "what would you discard"-questions (some with multiple A/B/C variations), so it actually has more content than the 80 shapes book, without being filled with the author rambling about random stuff (pic related), comparing wait shapes to noodle dishes and literal blog posts titled "you don't have to read this".

>> No.21292991
File: 46 KB, 339x499, 513QBuZK9yL._SX337_BO1 204 203 200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rambling about random stuff
Yeah, I can imagine how that might not be to everyone's liking. I didn't mind it though, and I can relate to some of the blogposts (like the one in which he misread his manzu tiles).

The book I've been reading lately is pic related. The OP pic is from this book, too. Some of my biases are being exploded, like I thought that nakasuji 456 was less safe than suji 2378, but it's actually the other way around. The prose in this book is not so great though. It's usually just "let's take a look at [graph x]", "we can see that y > z. let's riichi when this is the case.", "we have now looked at this case.". It's pretty dry, but after a first few chapters I didn't mind, as the content is very interesting.

Another book came out based on みーにん's data, so that one might be worth checking out too. >https://note.mu/meaningless777/n/n304b08230700
He introduces the new book here, and explains the differences between the books. I think his stuff is peak 面白い, so check it out if you haven't yet.

>> No.21293013
File: 79 KB, 897x211, 1529338974821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read pic related? The review mentioned it's more than usual nanikiru stuffs and I'm interested to read it after taking 300 and 301.

>> No.21293032

I have it, but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet. You can check the author's twitter for some sample pages, and I can post some photos later too if you want me to.

>> No.21293744
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Anyone else unable to watch live Abema tv games with a proxy anymore?
Just using SwitchySharp with any proxy used to work, but now even the highest security ones just tell me I can't access the channel from outside Japan.

Did something change? Is it on my end?
Do you have any proxy list sites that still work?

>> No.21293800

I keep getting ron'd on and I have no idea why. I try to judge rationally between when it's best to completely sabotage myself or keep pushing with the safest possible discards, but even when I think something is safe some guy with an open hand fucks me up out of nowhere.

I feel like this game is 95% luck sometimes.

>> No.21293845

>open hand
>out of nowhere
you're gonna have to get good

>> No.21293859

>I feel like this game is 95% luck sometimes.
Try to keep track of all doras on the table and in your hand. That way it would be easier to determine whenever you should play safe or not. Make it a habit.

>> No.21293872

Just use SoftEther.

>> No.21293900

>Everyone is in riichi or has an open hand
Well, this tile was discarded relatively recently by someone else and it's my safest discard without completely mangling my pinfu hand.

>> No.21293913
File: 1.02 MB, 3916x2843, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some photos of ウザク式麻雀学習 牌効率, since there's no "look inside" on amazon

>> No.21293921
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>> No.21293971

Is there anything usable from a browser instead?
I'd rather not throttle my entire connection to free vpn speeds every time I just want to have abema running on a second screen.

>> No.21294031

I don't think so, but if you have Abema app in your phone, you can install EZ-VPNGate and watch it from your phone.

>> No.21294103

Is there any AI cheat in the gamedesign game ?

>> No.21294249
File: 121 KB, 829x679, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Yaku-Pai giving me 2 hans ? I thought it was only 1.

>> No.21294269

The yaku for having the round wind and the seat wind are separate, so in your case you scored them both - because you're in S seat during S round

>> No.21294276

Oh right, didn't saw that. Thanks for telling.

>> No.21294472
File: 2.07 MB, 2373x4005, q171_172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks. here's a random page from the janngoroK book (first problem in the 押し引き section)

>> No.21294494 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.34 MB, 2777x4160, 1557070527632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this q&a format is pretty comfy

>> No.21295908
File: 229 KB, 588x970, nikoラス.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is his endgame?

>> No.21296279

He has learned the secrets of noten riichi from his sensei.

>> No.21296589

>without completely mangling my pinfu hand
To hell with your pinfu hand. If someone has called riichi, betaori unless you're tenpai (good shape 3000 or bad shape 6000 against non-dealer riichi, good shape 4500 or bad shape 9000 against dealer riichi) or iishanten for mangan.

>> No.21296687

i want to buy this book, but i can't get amazon jp to work

>> No.21297191

I was wondering if that was the case. thanks for telling me.

>> No.21297781

Riichi 3 way wait.

>> No.21297789

I don't understand why people use this tileset, it looks like it's broken but apparently it's just supposed to look like that with the random splashes of red

>> No.21298375

Does a 34567 wait count for pinfu?

>> No.21298397

Yes, as long as you can somehow interpret it as 1 pair, 3 sequences set, and one last sequence waiting on 2 sides (23, 34, ... 78), it's pinfu.

A pair wait (3456 waiting on 3 or 6 to complete the pair) isn't pinfu because you can't interpret it like this

>> No.21298441

i really want to be able to play mahjong IRL, read the entire pastebin buyer guide and even though i would like one of these authentic japanese sets, i'm willing to settle with the YMI set to save money + headache

only thing is i cant find any good table to play on that wouldnt be over my budget (~$100 max)... i was thinking i could just play on some foldable plastic square table but i'd really like something with borders/lips for chii,pon,etc purposes and also because i know my dumbass stoner friends will drop tiles and potentially break them

>> No.21298466
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Are tiles really that fragile? Also I've been thinking if anyone has ever thought to try and play mahjong with cards (obviously would need a special deck). I figure it would work to some extent, though it would require some changes, like everything to do with the wall. But cards are infinitely easier to deal with and carry around than tiles.

Seems like they do have them already.

>> No.21298468
File: 243 KB, 1024x576, amos tiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An Amos Gabin with shipping off amazon.co.jp is around the same price as a YMI set, and if you don't have amazon prime then the Amos set might even be cheaper

A folding card table plus a junk mat is all you need for a surface too, and you can really get away with just a card table since they don't have a hard surface

>> No.21298580

4p riichi probably has the biggest EV. Just think about it: although 4p is about 5% more dangerous, if you don't deal in with it, you're gold. 8 tiles of 369 > 4 tiles of 1s+4p.

being dama doesn't really help either, as shimocha and kamicha are gonna betaori either way. if you take the worse tenpai you're helping toimen because he's less likely to deal into you and more likely to tsumo his own tile

>> No.21299260

Attack, you pussy

>> No.21299669

try honto.jp

>> No.21300169

Dropping 4p for 3 ways wait actually was a direct trip to fourth place this time

>> No.21302539


>> No.21303496


>> No.21304649

Is there any good (offline) riichi game for Android that I can play on the bus or wherever?

>> No.21304671

Kemono Mahjong, if you can tolerate the furry characters

>> No.21304869

maujan or w/e the English name is

>> No.21306044


>> No.21306873


>> No.21307083

thank you for introducing me to this snack buffet of beautiful furry men who always want to play mahjong with me

>> No.21307196
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Does any of this make sense to anyone?

>> No.21307221

Just means a hand ready to win except no yaku (like making a chi of 9) or no winning tiles left.

Useful to avoid paying noten payment.

>> No.21307229

Yeah, you're in yakuless tenpai (since you can be in tenpai, that is - having a valid wait on a shape - without satisfying any yaku) for the sake of not losing points when the round comes to a draw
Same if you're in tenpai waiting for a tile that is guaranteed to not come, because for example all four copies of the tile were discarded before you reached tenpai

>> No.21307235
File: 64 KB, 792x792, otter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gutshot wait shape

>> No.21307438

The article is confusing because it doesn't distinguish the different types of keishiki tenpai carefully enough.

(i) No yaku tenpai.

(ii) Tenpai with all winning tiles visible (dora indicators, discards, called tiles, closed kans by other players) and not in your hand. This isn't called keishiki tenpai, but karaten ("empty" tenpai). Whether it has a yaku or not is irrelevant, because you can't win with this anyway.

(iii) Hand is one tile short of four groups and a pair, but it needs a fifth copy of a tile in your hand to be completed. This is the second type of keishiki tenpai in the Arcturus wiki, which is much rarer and yet occupies the whole second section of the article. The Japanese Wikipedia article classifies this as being under karaten rather than keishiki tenpai.

Under typical rules, (iii) doesn't count as tenpai at all. Tenhou sort of does this, but it only looks at the part of your hand that isn't part of a chi/pon/kan. In other words, if you ankan a tile and end up having a kanchan/penchan wait for that tile, Tenhou will count this as tenpai; on the other hand, a shape like 2222345555999 would be no-ten, since it's waiting for 2 and 5 but all four copies of each are in your hand (and not part of a chi/pon/kan).

>> No.21309793

I fully understand what you guys mean now.

I played a bit on tenhou, and every game most people keep closed hands and like most games seem to end in a mangan, where on mahjong soul every single hand ends with tanyao 1 dora. It's actually pretty frustrating.

>> No.21310243

tenhou meijinsen finals coming up on 2019年05月10日

>> No.21310345

did they block vpn users from abema? i'm using PIA, but abema is saying they don't support outside Japan. it used to work.

>> No.21310713

nothing more fun than watching some Tarou

>> No.21310748

Funny to see ASAPIN still uses that IGN over his real name. At this point he should use circle P.

>> No.21311309
File: 63 KB, 599x599, sexy_knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely destroyed

>> No.21311970

well it's too bad but I'd still go for it.
Maximizing waits seems better because if toimen wins a mangan tsumo we're last.

>> No.21311989

What does it say?

>> No.21312055

I'll try even though I'm still kinda shit and needed a translator's help; translated from top to bottom
>I'm really thankful! I hope you enjoy it (^^) Took me around 2 hours to sign it without making any jokes. Lol
>Nicholas-pro's autograph and a glass of wine [wine]
>(can't find Sexy Knight's tweet to help with the translation, basically he shits on Nicholas' handwriting lmao)

>> No.21312082
File: 869 KB, 2056x1300, Moejong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How rude is it to instantly end a game that had only started like this?

>> No.21312318

Yes. It worked without any kind of VPN for a few days, and now it's super strict and nothing seems to work anymore.

>> No.21312616

I just had a comeback win from 4th to 1st with an ippatsu chankan dealer haneman. Silver players aren't any better than bronze at all, they call kan all the time.

Mahjong Soul Game Log: https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?paipu=190509-ab43ba82-c515-43ec-b917-6604070d9047_a924948928

>> No.21312693
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, ping pong ep 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For every not gold room complain there's a reminder JP server exists.

>> No.21312717

nikorasu pro, changed your signature again, eh

please find one that makes you go "THIS IS IT!"

and then

if you find some free time go do some writing pracc

>> No.21313667

if you order something from amazon japan how long does it take to get to USA?

>> No.21313861

About 6 hours if you choose Pearl Harbor Express.

>> No.21316000
File: 22 KB, 588x70, Screenshot_2019-05-09 天鳳 Web版.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many second places. If I played as aggressively as at the start of the year, some of them would've probably turned to first places, but some of them would've turned to fourths. I always hear people say that you "shouldn't really pay extra attention to avoiding last until 7D", but I think taking the choice that is a surefire 2nd vs a flip between 1/4 is better (and I think that this falls under last-avoidance thinking). What do you guys think?

>> No.21316030

What rank are you?

>> No.21316065

Strictly in Tenhou's dan system, I'd take eternal 2nd over fluctuating 1st/4th. It's still positive in rank point and likely net positive in rating.
However, in tourney system like in Sega MJ or in IRL competitions, playing to win is better approach. Playing safe feels disrespectful towards those events.

>> No.21316086
File: 260 KB, 826x1454, the_golden_age.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4D still, sadly. Already made it to tokujou once back in my "press free sex button every single time" era, but then I had a bad streak and fell down to 3D. I haven't been back to tokujou since, and even right now I'm only R1755. I think I'll make it this time though, just have to keep playing. (Problem is that I played constantly instead of doing other things that should have been more important for the past few months, so now I have to catch up fast.)

>> No.21316188

Yeah, don't worry about fourth place avoidance. Second is fine, especially if you're trying to grind your R to 1800, but if you've got a shot at first and the risk of dropping to last is low then you should go for it.

>> No.21316957
File: 893 KB, 1366x728, wind start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I supposed to keep my hand closed when dealt something like this? I ended up opening my hand to East / South quads but was waiting on North / dragons for the rest of the match.

>> No.21317152

that's tsuuiisou/shousuushii/daisuushii material, yeah. worst case is that you get tonton honitsu or tonton dora or whatever. if you mean open kan, then it ain't necessarily so though

>> No.21317828
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points for tomorrow/today's tenhou meijinsen finals

>> No.21319108 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21319178

Not really mahjong related but is there no free way to get girls in mahjongsoul?

>> No.21319297
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>> No.21319304

>once per month
Was that restriction really necessary?

>> No.21319544

>expecting gacha scum to treat f2p players kindly

>> No.21319677

Yea, so many things wrong with that article. Thanks for pointing it out.

>> No.21321178
File: 450 KB, 1512x2048, IMG_20190510_092328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be taking that Xia, CHI!!!

>> No.21321241

I really really hope they decided on this instead of making (future) event gifts un-dustable, like it happened with CN.

>> No.21321720

less than an hour left until the meijinsen finals. pirates vs Ooi

【生放送】 ◆ニコニコ生放送 https://live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv319395222
◆FRESH! https://freshlive.tv/threearrows-ch/266695

>> No.21321877

Didn't know Doppo is now a pro player for kyoukai.

>> No.21321892

It's live.

>> No.21321930
File: 167 KB, 232x396, kobago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show me your power sensei

>> No.21321958


>> No.21321988

Nice ippatsufest.

>> No.21321999

Fuck, these streams are either choppy or extremely low quality again for me. Fuck Japan.

>> No.21322004

The one on Fresh is quite good for me. Nico was really choppy

>> No.21322015

it's the other way around for me, but it stops sometimes. fresh is smooth but really low res

>> No.21322019

Maybe I watched too much mahjong on Abema, but either the game is too fast or the commentators are too slow. Either way, I'm watching this on mute.

>> No.21322023

Yeah the res isn't the best but it beats nico's powerpoint stream

>> No.21322028
File: 997 KB, 1486x660, Screenshot_2019-05-10 第八期天鳳名人戦最終節【麻雀】 FRESH LIVE(フレッシュライブ) - ライブ配信サービス.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21322029

Kobayashi got fucking rekt.

>> No.21322071
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>> No.21322077
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>> No.21322180

Oh dear

>> No.21322183
File: 12 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2019-05-10 【生放送無料】第八期天鳳名人戦最終節【麻雀】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intense all last comes
>pic related

>> No.21323714
File: 192 KB, 850x620, temp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is "deal-in" rate? I started playing Mahjong Soul, and it's one of the stats.

Also way more fun playing against people than bots.

>> No.21323762

% of hands you dealt into another player's ron

>> No.21323768


>> No.21323789

Pretty interesting how many of the 名人戦 games were decided by blunders. I guess playing high speed tenhou games back to back is a separate skill by itself.

>> No.21323797

How did you get this table of the timeline of games?

>> No.21323799


>> No.21323853

It's 5 of the summon scrolls per month.
And getting that much dust requires playing like 500 games while having an unrealistically high win rate, so it probably isn't as much of an issue as it seems to be

>> No.21323950


>> No.21324689
File: 697 KB, 1618x526, Saki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Rank 3 a literal Saki character?

>> No.21324979
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Saki is a literal anime character

>> No.21324984
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>> No.21324990

>2 games
>yakuman from a non-tanyao pinfu
I want to see how the heck that one happened.

>> No.21324993
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>> No.21325128

tsumo, riichi, ippatsu, pinfu, dora 9?
(after 3 kans for 7 different tiles in his hand + the pei)
...tenhou/chiihou seems more likely than that

>> No.21325168
File: 64 KB, 707x682, 12992982863545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You reaaallly underestimate the kanfags in this dumb game. I'm sure as hell suukantsu isn't the rarest yakuman here, no way.

>> No.21325253

Wouldn't peoples' tendency to call kan indiscriminately make suukantsu rarer, given that all the kans need to be done by one player?

>> No.21325276

Suukantsu literally never happens.

>> No.21325340

If you make chiitoitsu from nothing but wind and dragon tiles, will it count as tsuuiisou?

>> No.21325346

Just went to the list of tenhou's latest yakumans to find suu kantsu.
2273 yakumans this month and only 2 suu kantsu. But one of them is hilarious since it's double ron

>> No.21325356

Yep. It's double yakuman in some rulesets (daichiisei/big 7 stars), too.

>> No.21325996

I personally saw 2 suukaikans for the past 10 days on majsoul, and saw two more pictures with complains about them. It's insanity. If everyone rolls them ten times as frequent, do the math if it affects the chance of a singular guy getting all 4.

>> No.21326068

Still, in Tenhou, players aren't likely to call kan when they have triplets. In Majsoul, triplet + 4th tile discard = guaranteed KAN.

>> No.21326683

Is saving up to gift rare gifts better?

>> No.21327448

Better for what?
You don't want to use your character's favorite gifts until you have 5 of them (for the bond stuff)

>> No.21327606

for dusts

>> No.21327635

Probably, the better the room the more green and blue gifts you get as you play.

>> No.21327801
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>> No.21329360

I really need to remove my computer crutch and learn hand values and scoring myself.

>> No.21331943

Honestly, the main problem with it is simply the 1 bamboo and the only reason I don't use it exclusively. If it was just painted back to white, it would be perfect.

Actually, I might email the developer that.

>> No.21331987

I've been reading your shill posts up for the last few days in the soul threads. I'm convinced after hitting check out and the AMOS $30 set came out to UNDER the YMI tiles. I'll add your message to the buyer guide. Great find, Anon.

>> No.21332137

To be 100% frank with you, if you can't be people who just shit out 1k open tanyaos, you might not be ready to advance to upper levels of tenhou. "You don't learn footsies in fighting games until you can just waltz in and beat the opponents ass".

>> No.21332669

To anyone who owns 麻雀の2択 book, does the book say anything about keeping perfect 1shanten vs keeping safe tile?

>> No.21332712

I don't own it (yet) but that question is sort of covered here. Perfect iishanten would fall under followup tiles.

I forget what Fukuchi's push/pull books say exactly, but from memory he says to slim down in favour of keeping a safe tile after about the midpoint of the round unless you have mangan, in which case you should maintain maximum ukeire. Yuuse's book (ASAPIN's brother, Tenhou 10d) says to keep perfect iishanten in the first and third rows, and to slim down during the second row.

>> No.21333570

RTD Group stage today.


>> No.21334199

Does anyone have a better way of learning than the linked rulebook? I feel like I'm having a stroke while reading it.

>> No.21334279

Try to play mahjong S*ul (tutorial is good) or read https://mahjong.guide/a-beginners-guide-to-riichi-mahjong/

>> No.21334313

You can check these too. Ultimately even after you get all the rules down, it's gonna take many more games until they all become second nature.

>> No.21334361

btw what is the difference between tenhou and mahjong s*ul?

>> No.21334384

Mahjong soul is a lot easier for newcomers (tutorials and help indicators), has cute girls and the general skill level is pretty low. It's fun, but if you know the game you'll start steamrolling the other players. Basically it's good for learning, but there aren't much stakes, it's just some good fun.

Tenhou is where you play "for real". The ranking system is really well done so you can get better over long periods of time and get into room for better players as you get better. It's where you can get the "competitive" fun.

>> No.21334393
File: 864 KB, 500x240, smile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot anonymous!

>> No.21334933

>region block is removed* from Abema's mahjong channel
>* = except during weekend and primetime
Yeah no shit.

>> No.21335280
File: 2.97 MB, 2976x3968, IMG_20190511_200827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone fill me up, how do i watch mahjong on that site? do i need a vpn?

>> No.21335355

Most of the time, yes.

>> No.21335563
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seems fair

>> No.21335619

What the fuck is SOA supposed to be

>> No.21335758

そんなオカルトありえません, Nodoka's catchphrase in the Saki manga. I guess in that pic it's supposed to mean playing without obsessing about stupid superstitions, or maybe it's just a silly in-joke.

>> No.21336095

Sonna Oppai Ariemasen

>> No.21336127

sono omanko ayashii

>> No.21336404
File: 301 KB, 1920x1200, monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the monkey

>> No.21336774
File: 197 KB, 853x480, nanba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deal into 1000 twice during tonba
>0 agaris, I'm last
>nanba comes

>> No.21338417

I’d throw 8 pin and hope someone thinks 1 sou is safe. I might fold but I can’t see a decent safe tile.

But then I’m not strong and also rusty.

>> No.21338479

Oh thanks anon, that's not what I was expecting to see
But yeah I think it's pretty important info for a buyer's guide, depending on where people live it can be even cheaper than the YMI one and if you don't have amazon prime to ship the YMI set for free I think importing a set is even cheaper regardless

>> No.21338814

The entire idea behind the pastebin guides in general was because no one had access to the old one and they needed updating every so often. That's why I put my email in there, so you guys can get me even if I ghost the threads for awhile.

>> No.21338901

Mahjong Soul is way too fucking fast. The 60 second thinking time is fine but if I or someone else wins it only gives you 3 seconds to look at their hand or your own hand (since with me being new to the game sometimes ron or tsumo pops up without me actually knowing what it completes in my hand) and that isn't enough time for me to look over the hand and see what it's about. Can people good at the game actually analyze a hand in 3 seconds?

>> No.21339208
File: 51 KB, 213x516, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get out of the hole?
I've been here for months.

>> No.21339402

You can access replays by clicking on the "Log" button at the bottom row of the home screen. You'll even be able to see what tiles your opponents had in their hand.

>> No.21340388
File: 258 KB, 901x1200, D6W8cq7UEAA5v2U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read a book

>> No.21340701
File: 46 KB, 318x253, Screenshot_2019-05-13 天鳳 Web版.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toimen got first and shimocha busted (゜ー゜)

>> No.21341527

>Wanna watch pro mahjong?

It's too fast. They keep switching between players. I think they should just follow a single player.

>> No.21342253

Game tempo isn't broadcasting problem. Try getting better at discerning hands and picking up comments from commentators.

>> No.21342735
File: 777 KB, 2730x3640, goroK_nanikiru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished reading 統計学のマージャン. Great book, I'll probably be thinking about the data in here while I read other stuff. Going to start reading Hirasawa Genki's よくわかる麻雀の勝ち方 that anon recommended. I also read a bit more of the JanngoroK nanikiru book, and while I got through the elementary tile efficiency part with only like 2 mistakes out of 20, it got pretty hard afterwards. I got both problems in pic related wrong for example.

>tfw already got another 15 books on my wishlist

>> No.21342895

A noob approach, let's see how wrong I am:

1: I would definitely keep the 789m789p89s for a wait for a sanshiki, as well as the S for a possible yakuhai (or at least to keep as a pair); the problem is with the remaining 45m45s, as I would have to break one of these apart and idk were to start, though my intuition is telling me to go with 4s
(I know the answer is whether to go for a two-sided wait or a sanshiki but I don't see why wouldn't I risk that edge wait)

2: This is less obvious to me, because even if there's a sanshiki potential, not much really is there (23m123s/234m23p or 79m89p789s, the latter forgoing dora but waiting on 2 tiles instead of four); ultimately, I think I would fold 2234m and try to keep 123s, because I'm a greedy boi for that dora; I'd sack 2m because there can always come a different pair, we're still early in the round
(is the question whether I would go for it at all? Because if so, I don't think so, though I would try to meander around the possible 789 shape as long as possible, but ultimately imo it's too shitty to play offensively)

>> No.21342943

>as well as the S for a possible yakuhai
That's a 西

>> No.21342973

1. 4s, I'd keep sanshoku because it's only 1 of 3 sequence left for that. The best scenario is 4 han guaranteed, and at the worst case of 89s tenpai wait, at least 4s sakigiri can be deceiving.
2. 8p. 2 of 3 sequences required for sanshoku and both have bad wait so the prospect doesn't look good. 8p first to at least keep possible junchan if 1m was drawn.

>> No.21343007

Guh, retard alert, I thought it looked too simple for a 南; that kinda makes me wonder if those shouldn't be ditched for an attempt to add pinfu to sanshiki, where those 45 shapes would be ideal - though I'd need to get 7s first and then commit to one of them, because tanki wait's a no-no there

>> No.21343040

>as I would have to break one of these apart and idk were to start, though my intuition is telling me to go with 4s
4m seems like a better choice, because people are more likely to keep the 6m to incorporate the 8m dora in their hand.

>> No.21343046

Pinfu can have a wind pair, as long as it's not the seat/round wind.
And it's called Sanshoku.

>> No.21343061

1. 89s
Ryanmen ryanmen iishanten is much faster than keeping the penchan, and riichi pinfu dora is already decent value with a chance for mangan.
2. 34m
Since you've still got the 8m kanchan, breaking up the 89p penchan here won't speed you up significantly. You won't have pinfu either, so you should compensate with sanshoku for mangan.

>> No.21343072

I'd cut the 89s and keep the guaranteed pinfu because sanshoku is a fucking whore and always abandons me. Probably not ideal but eh.

>> No.21343079

Fuck sanshoku. Tempo is everything. Be sonic, go fast. Discard 8s and now you wait for 16 tiles for a perfect riichi pinfu 1 dora tenpai with ryanmen 8 tile wait. A single ura dora and it's mangan.

If you discard 4 or 5 and you'll be waiting only for 12 tiles. And with 66% chance you'll be stuck with a shitty 4 tile corner wait. Riichi, sanshoku, 1 dora. Guaranteed mangan, but it doesn't benefit from tsumo or ura dora (only from them both combined).

>> No.21343138

Closed sanhosku should be 3 han.
Closed ittsuu should be 3 han.

>> No.21343402

Doesn't make much of a difference, if you have either of those your hand is probably mangan/almost mangan closed, and you'll probably riichi anyway

>> No.21343512
File: 36 KB, 1024x601, damaten1-1024x601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll probably riichi anyway
if bad shape 3 han or up
dama > riichi

>> No.21345188

What are those poker chips I see in a tray on some auto tables used for?

>> No.21345328
File: 2.15 MB, 3576x2797, A25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the answer for Q25. I would've took pinfu and dropped 89s.

>> No.21345343
File: 1.31 MB, 2807x2075, A26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is the one for Q26. I did 打2m, but I can see how removing 34m is better.

>> No.21345622

This one is similar to another very common form of WWYD such as 112378m78p123789s where you have to decide between locking in a pair (which has higher immediate ukeire but a high chance of being stuck with a bad wait) and locking in a ryanmen (which has lower ukeire but guaranteed good wait). The strategy goes that you should lock in the pair unless you've got an ankou or a consecutive sequence, like 112378m78p123999s or 112378m56778p789s, where you can easily reconstruct a pair elsewhere in your hand.

>> No.21345672

I thought the strategy went "decide whether you need fast tenpai or good shapes and judge accordingly". Either way, it's not quite the same situation here as a bad shape is basically guaranteed.

discard 2m: 20 tiles
discard 4m: 8 tiles, but you can chii them, so if we take "chii is 2x faster" as a baseline then you can look at this as basically 16 tiles

closed speed is extremely in favor of discarding 2m, I think if the player is the dealer then it's possibly better to choose to discard 2m, as the oyarii is worth it even if you end up with a 7p penchan

discarding 4m has the advantage that you can take chiiten. although you are more likely to not be the first to tenpai, it is easier to push back if the conditions are right.

it also depends on whether your kamicha is even likely to discard 8m or 7p. if they have 5p 5s or some other crazy discards then these tiles might not come out at all

>> No.21345876

so what's the reasoning behind going for sanshoku? i guess the suji trap is nice but it's still a big efficiency hit. i wouldn't do it unless the points are needed.

>> No.21345935

Got only the first one correct, damn.
The little box at the bottom said if sanshoku is confirmed, even with one bad wait it's still better than double ryanmen pinfu. I expect additional han worth the ukeire reduction, plus you can early draw 7s if you're lucky.

>> No.21345951

>if you draw 7s first you're gold
>you can take chiiten
>suji trap
I'm not 100% convinced either. Although in East-1 it's common to go for big and potentially slower hands, I'm not sure that the expected value is that much better if you get sanshoku. We'd have to check the EV of both the 7s tsumo and the ryanmen tsumo case and then multiply them by 4/16 and 8/16 respectively, add them, and compare that number to the EV of the pinfu hand. I can't check these right now.

One thing that's harder to quantify is the value of being able to open up the hand. In this case you can take chiiten extremely fast (16 tiles), meaning you can quickly take tenpai if something happens that you need to react to (riichi, dorapon, 2fuuro, etc.). I have a hunch that the EV is not that much higher and this is what makes the sanshoku more worth it.

>> No.21346685
File: 545 KB, 640x480, 1557809962603.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell does one flip all 13 tiles at once or flick dora with just a finger, I keep trying to do that with my set and it ends like in webm related

>> No.21347275

flipping all tiles is easy. I haven't tried flicking the dora

>> No.21347561

As for all things, it takes a bit of practice.
For flipping tiles, you have to hold on tight and push the outer tiles inward. Use your thumb to hold onto the 2 or so outer tiles on each end.
For flicking dora, make sure to push the tile about a third of the way before pushing downwards on the tile to flick it.

>> No.21347947

Do not put too much pressure. Just enough will do.

>> No.21348102

pinfu+dora+riichi EV at 8th turn: 2600

7s first, riichi pinfu dora sanshoku EV at 8th turn: 5500
ryanmen first penchan end shape: 2700

so discarding 4s gives an overall EV of 1833+1800=3633

That's a bigger difference than I expected. Let's all watch out for those pesky sanshokus from now on.

>> No.21348306

>get into mahjong because of mahjong soul
>actually like the game but keep getting fucked by rng so drop it
>kind of want to get a set
>mostly for collecting purposes but also to play with friends of i ever get any
>come to this thread to see if theres have any information on good places to buy a set
>check the paste bin
>see a site for mahjong clubs
>decide to check but i doubt thered be one near where i live
>theres one not even 20 miles from me
Fuck, do I go? I'm really interested in the game, but haven't been around people, other than family and co-workers, in years.

>> No.21348332

Where do you live? It's not like there's an exhaustive list of clubs. A lot of it is word of mouth.

>> No.21348376

WNY. I'm really surprised there's a club in this area. I'm thinking of checking it out this Saturday.

>> No.21348391
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>> No.21348405

Honestly I don't think I'd even go to a fighting game club because people at this point and I like fighting games, but I think I could make an exception for mahjong.

>> No.21348409

Go. Playing mahjong IRL is far more fun, in my opinion.
There's a lot of practical benefits, like getting feedback a lot quicker, and having longer discussions of yours or other's hands.
But mahjong is also a social game, you get to meet all sorts of people and you get to see their personality reflected onto the game.
Also the fact that you can physically slam down your winning tile on a good hand is a lot more fun and satisfying than just clicking a button on a screen.

>> No.21348427

And if you go for kokushi musou from that shape EV will be 32000. That's not how it works. You need to take into account probability of drawing and getting that shape.

It's 5th turn. Let's imagine that all required tiles to complete our hand are not present in any of the player's ponds and won't be discarded by anyone else. So you can't call any tiles and you can't win by ron. Also if you don't win in 2 turns by tsumo you die from heart attack. During your draw on turn 6 there will be 35 visible tiles (13 in your hand, 21 in players' pond, 1 dora indicator). During your draw on turn 7 there will be 39 visible tiles.

So what is our EV in 2 turns?

Discarding 8s and going for pinfu will give you 16 tiles wait. 16 out of 101 tiles = 15.84% chance to draw the tile on turn 6. After that you have ryanmen wait. 8 tiles out of 97 remaining on turn 7 is 8.25% chance to win. Riichi pinfu tsumo dora 5200 * 0.1584 * 0.0825 = 67.94 EV

Discarding 4s and going for sanshoku:
8 tiles wait to complete 45m triplet. 7.92% chance. After that you're stuck with 4 tiles wait. 4.12% chance.
Alternatively you can draw 7s (3.96%) and then one of 8 tiles to complete 45m (8.25%).
8000 * 0.0792 * 0.0412 + 12000 * 0.0396 * 0.0825 = 65.36. I.e. less then going for pinfu.

Obviously I used a simplified model that didn't take into account win by rons, suji trap, possible ura doras and other shit. But for any position it shouldn't be too hard to calculate expected value. It's not a pocker where you can bluff. I'm surprised no one wrote a bot that would wreck all pros simply by playing the odds.

>> No.21348540

>Obviously I used a simplified model that didn't take into account win by rons, suji trap, possible ura doras and other shit.
You can't ignore those. Major part of securing sanshoku is that you can opt to stay dama for 4 han and you can even open your hand for 2 han.
I can see how that calculation works in one-player nanikiru question, but it's not solitaire. EV is helpful tool to measure decision, but I don't think those tokujou bots only use EV for their decision making logic.

>> No.21348938

Oh I misread, I thought you said there weren't any. Go forth and ron, it's a lot of fun.

>> No.21349066

Flipping your hand up all at once or lifting a 17 tile line to build the walls is just a matter of squeezing hard enough on the sides. You have to do it straight too, try doing a bit of inward and upwards pressure so it holds up instead of bowing downwards.

>> No.21350607

EV is points multiplied by agari chance, so kokushi musou will never be 32000.

Also my last post has a mistake, as I wasn't actually looking at EVs, but 局収支 (I'm not sure whether there is a common translation for this term), which takes into account agari rate, deal-in rate, agari points, deal-in points, ryuukyoku, getting tsumoed on by someone else, etc. The data is from the みーにん book.

Also, 16 tiles is 33% more than 12 tiles, but the average 局収支 of the sanshoku variant is 3600, which is 38% more than the pinfu variant's 2600. I'd choose the sanshoku based on this.

You could say that pinfu is faster and it would be better to choose that in a round where you don't care about points and you just have to agari (like oorasu), but even that falls apart because you can probably get open sanshoku tenpai faster. It seems to me now that sanshoku wins in every round.

(Except if you have to push and dropping a ryanmen is already unsafe by the time you reach this 牌姿)

>> No.21350994
File: 1.18 MB, 1187x1087, muh_yamayomi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This riichi might have been overkill, but my yamayomi was on point at least. I dealt into kamicha's haneman

>> No.21351175
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>> No.21352845
File: 1.14 MB, 1188x1087, bamboozled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dealt in twice today while having safer tiles. This is the shittiest feeling, and I don't know how I could avoid doing stuff like this. It's not like I don't know which tile is safer, it's just that I end up overlooking stuff. (Or maybe here I was possibly thinking of taking keiten if I can, and then I ended up pushing what I would've pushed if I got keiten even though I didn't get keiten) Luckily I was still able to avoid last, but when you deal into a mangan/oyaman in the east round then it's like playing the game on hard mode. I guess I should improve my condition outside of the game so that I can concentrate better or something.

By the way, do you guys have any methods on dealing with misses? The only thing I do is look at the replay every time I feel like I made a mistake. Often I make very simple ones that I notice immediately, and it makes me frustrated.

This book that is coming out next month is supposed to have a chapter on dealing with misses. I wonder what the guy has to say.

>> No.21353007

>Also, 16 tiles is 33% more than 12 tiles, but the average 局収支 of the sanshoku variant is 3600, which is 38% more than the pinfu variant's 2600. I'd choose the sanshoku based on this.
you completely ignore the fact that pinfu tenpai will have guaranteed 8 tile wait vs 5.3333 tile wait of sanshoku

>> No.21353052

No, because the 局収支 accounts for that. I averaged the two end shapes' 局収支s based on their probability: 8/12 penchan 2700 and 4/12 ryanmen end shape 5500. You get 1800+1833=3633

>> No.21353096

You're retarded.
You learned all those japanese terms, yet you can't into school grade probability theory.

>> No.21355385

Post where I made a mistake.

>> No.21356701
File: 840 KB, 1387x1100, FUCK_THIS_GAME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>losing by one honba

>> No.21356909
File: 919 KB, 866x726, houou riichi nomi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain this riichi? To me it looks like the dumbest shit ever.

>> No.21357019

Suucha riichi attempt, maybe? Since it looks like at least two other players have a man-heavy hand, the chance N had of getting one out of them looked small, so maybe he wanted to get a redraw
Also he has no other yaku, so he may have thought otherwise - best to finish up asap before they get their winning tiles

>> No.21357106

he doesn't have any dealer turns left, so he might have been willing to take a gamble for a better chance at getting first.

>> No.21357504

Not where, when. You made a huge mistake when you decided to quit the school.
I already posted all calculations here >>21348427

>> No.21357656
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Your calculations are worthless because you ignore half the game, just like >>21348540 said. Read any modern book on Riichi and you'll find out that halving the number of winning tiles does not halve the chance to win, etc. I wouldn't mind being wrong if it meant that I found out the right answer or where I was mistaken, as this is why I keep reading books about the game. Go ahead and tear my kindergarten level calculations apart if you can.

>> No.21357721

Aahaha lmao. Some tenhou kyu rank shitlord is telling me to read books about riichi. Instead of reading books about riichi I would recommend you to read some basic book about probability. Only then you will be able to understand a single book about riichi. And then you might get at least 1d on tenhou. And then in few years one day you might move to one of real platforms.

How hard is it to understand that you calculated a EV for a fucking tenpai, not a win? That after drawing one of 12 tiles you still need to draw another 8 or 4 tiles? >>21348540 just said that my model is way too simplified, not wrong. B your "calculations" do not take into account even that, you fucking imbecile.

>> No.21357767

yes, this is /jp/ alright

>> No.21357828
File: 361 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I compared the speed to tenpai and the value of each tenpai, the so-called expected income (局収支). The expected income is the estimate of how much you'll get on average with a certain tenpai. It takes into account everything relevant: number of winning tiles, hand value, chance of being chased and dealing in, chance of tsumoing, chance of someone else dealing in to you, chance of uradora, ryuukyoku. Either you don't understand this concept or you are inept at communicating your gripes with my numbers.

>> No.21358073
File: 288 KB, 2436x1338, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are desperately trying to explain expected value in game theory. A very basic concept that was studied for fucking centuries. It's the same concept your riichi books are using, but unfortunately an illiterate home educated retard like you obviously can't understand it.

Let me give you a fun exercise.
Imagine there is a new yakuman which is a very specific hand. It's exactly the same hand as we discuss, but with two more winds instead of 45s. Pic related. What's its EV?

Let's use your "math". After discarding 4s you will have to draw one of 2 remaining winds. Then you will have to draw the last (4th) wind. And yakuman costs 32000.

Now I'm using your "math"
>Also, 16 tiles is 33% more than 12 tiles
Also, 2 tiles is 8 times less than 12 tiles
>but the average 局収支 of the sanshoku variant is 3600
but the averate 局収支 of yakuman variant is 32000
>which is 38% more than the pinfu variant's 2600
which is 8.8 more than 3633 of sanshoku.

Seems EV is better, right? 8 times less chance to draw a tile, but 8.8 times more win? Oops, no, it doesn't work like that and you're fucking retarded. Your math didn't take into account that after drawing one wind out of 2 you will have to draw remaining one wind. Now fuck off.

>> No.21358136

>averate 局収支 of yakuman variant is 32000
>Your math didn't take into account that after drawing one wind out of 2 you will have to draw remaining one wind.
Whew, so you admit to not getting what 局収支 means, despite the fact that I explained it twice already.

>> No.21358209
File: 286 KB, 2436x1338, Untitled-1 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I shouldn't have used 45s in my yakuman example since it conflicts with sanshoku and therefore confuses your tiny brain even more.
Let's make it even easier. Now you need to discard 8p and 9p. But everything is the same.

>Also, 16 tiles is 33% more than 12 tiles
Also, 2 tiles is 8 times less than 12 tiles
>but the average 局収支 of the sanshoku variant is 3600
but the averate 局収支 of yakuman variant is 32000
>which is 38% more than the pinfu variant's 2600
which is 8.8 more than 3633 of sanshoku.

I gave you an exercise, imbecile. Please calculate EV of discarding 89p and going for this yakuman. C'mon, impress me. Give me your answer, my little retarded anon.

>> No.21358230
File: 178 KB, 384x1200, __kirisame_marisa_kisume_kochiya_sanae_and_reiuji_utsuho_touhou_drawn_by_tani_takeshi__c327af81828cb2c7123f74c19fb2e21e[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to take it easy, /jp/!

>> No.21358255

I can't calculate the EV (or the expected income) because I don't have data for the agari rate of fourth jihai while you have three in hand. I told you that the values I have are from みーにん, I wasn't the one who analyzed a million paifus and presented this data. If there was data for this, then I would look it up and tell you, even though it's really not worth bothering when you still don't understand what 局収支 is.

>> No.21358289
File: 722 KB, 926x1216, IMG052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 tiles is 8 times less than 12 tiles

>> No.21358317

Holy fucking shit. And what's the agari rate for pinfu? How did you get 2600 EV for pinfu variant then? Please share your "calculations".

Oops, embarrassing. I tried to compare it with pinfu variant first which had 16 tiles, but then didn't fix it after switching to comparing with sanshoku.

>> No.21358393
File: 2.93 MB, 3651x2250, ryanmen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you it's a table lookup. Agari ritsu for 先制 (i.e. you are the first) riichi ryanmen at the eighth turn is 57%, it's written down in another table. That's why expected income is lower than you might have expected.

>> No.21358407



>> No.21358533

Why are mahjong players so autistic and confrontational? I haven't even read what you guys are discussing but I'm feeling really bad for you. Go and drink a beer with friends instead of getting angry about Chinese dominoes.

>> No.21358608

I think I kept my calm pretty well throughout the exchange. I don't know what's with the other guy though. Maybe he got last one too many times.

>> No.21358613

Yes, I'm more concerned for the guy unironically throwing lines like "my little retarded anon" around.

jesus christ

>> No.21358617

Why did you take values for 8th round? Why not 12th? Why not any other? At least now I understand what exactly you don't understand.

Exercise >>21345328 clearly says it's 5th round. And the chance of being in tenpai on 8th round after discarding 8s and 4s are completely different. No, you can't say that 16 being 33% more than 12 means that the chance of getting to tenpai is 33% more. That's not how it works.

>> No.21358632

I was very polite in the beginning too, explaining him everything. But he is just too fucking stupid.
Enjoy your evening, anon.

>> No.21358647

Just stick to the facts then.

I actually made a little calculation myself because I was bored, seems like the sanshoku has a slightly lower EV (~15%) if you only count tsumos, but the suji trap and possibility of open tenpai make it slightly better for me imo.

>> No.21358694
File: 2.04 MB, 3443x1883, badshape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I simplified, just like you did in your calculation. Feel free to calculate it all again for maximum accuracy.

>> No.21358772

The best model I can come up with requires table from >>21358393 for every round. Then I need to multiply each value by chance of going into tenpai considering remaining tiles. Then I need to use conditional probability formula for every single round. That's insane amount of calculations.

>> No.21359276

Is it just me, or why are mahjong commentators in Abema using term ヤミテン instead of ダマテン? Are those two different terms?

>> No.21359649

Yamiten sounds cooler and edgier

>> No.21360237

synonyms. interesting how one is a visual metaphor, while the other one is based on sound

>> No.21361697

>shimocha riichi
>time for betaori
>chill way the fuck out
>not paying attention to whether kamicha and toimen are pushing
>keep discarding shimocha's genbutsu
>deal into kamicha's menchin dama baiman
I had an 1s which was also genbutsu, and I could've noticed that kamicha didn't drop any pinzu, but this is still extremely gay.

>> No.21363300
File: 37 KB, 528x480, very_sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 points from ranking up
>5 consecutive 4ths
>happens every fucking time I get close

>> No.21363799

We've come to the point that I have to ask this: tenhou/majs*ul? what rank?

>> No.21363829
File: 170 KB, 500x555, 1557414576597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21364242

I don't need you to tell me I suck, I'm well aware of it, thanks.

>> No.21364565

is there a game going on on abema? I just have this chipmunk dog blinking at me

>> No.21364568

never mind, it suddenly started

>> No.21364648

Don't worry dude, I got 1414 today. That's pretty sucky too.

>> No.21365881


>> No.21366792

Why riichi?

>> No.21367518
File: 76 KB, 258x267, 1557644881346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majsoul Friends Room 82365(4-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=82365

>> No.21367799

Was tenhou's connection always http and not https? Also I can't find the no red 5s in html5 client's game mode list does it exist?

>> No.21368807
File: 208 KB, 1200x903, Screenshot_2019-05-18-21-15-50-602_com.brave.browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21369046
File: 1.02 MB, 1185x1088, would_you_ron_this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21369321

it's yakuman

>> No.21369343

That hand wants to be tsuuiisou suuankou, don't crush its dreams.

>> No.21369350

Tenhou does not have renhou.

>> No.21369670
File: 817 KB, 1366x768, TfwNoCallsPossible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So declaring ron on that hand in Tenhou doesn't even give you mangan? What a joke.

Also this happened to me just now. Thinking back, the hatsu discard might almost have been a mistake, it could've become chiitoitsu. At least that's what it looked like. Wouldn't have complained about stacking some other yakuman though.

>> No.21369681

>So declaring ron on that hand in Tenhou doesn't even give you mangan?
It does. Chitoi honitsu

>> No.21369691

Oh yeah, concealed honitsu is 3 han when concealed.

>> No.21369797

>play very aggressively for some reason
>can't back down even when I'm way ahead
>deal-in rate increased by .001 again

>> No.21371271 [DELETED] 

Don't tell me, hotpockets got definitely rid of the majsoul threads at /v/ AND /vg/?
/jp/ is the only place now?

>> No.21371416

What's the default timer for tenhou?

>> No.21371469

5+10 on normal mode, 3+5 on fast mode.

>> No.21371506

Thank you.

>> No.21371588

No, I'd wait for my draw just in case of Chiihou, then I would double riichi if I didn't get it. MOSTLY because Tenhou is dumb and doesn't renhou.

>> No.21372059

I was so scared I didn't see this thread on /v/ and thought the game was dead.

>> No.21372183

Anyone interested in a team tournament?

>> No.21373309

ten minutes until rtd groups on abema

>> No.21373432
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2019-05-19-15-16-16-338_org.floens.chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Comfy Sunday afternoon watching maajan and shitposting.

>> No.21373481

I'll only watch the replay probably, so don't post spoilers if you want to be a real friend.

>> No.21373934
File: 886 KB, 1356x932, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that call rate

>> No.21374068

If I see a button, I press it. It's as simple as.

>> No.21374326
File: 55 KB, 940x517, real_men_riichi_yakuman_hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21374352

ironic cuz it's a woman wait, does that mean...?

>> No.21375238

Had a dream where some guy was talking about riichi stuff to an audience (in Japanese). When he finished, he told us that we may come up to the stage (which he called forest for some reason) and suggest solutions. I went up there but the tiles were on a table with food and other shit and I couldn't really understand what we were supposed to do.

>> No.21375292

majs*ul room 39315 south standard 3/4

>> No.21375441

Big dick hands make you grow a big dick. It's a scientific fact.

>> No.21375862

The link for the book in the OP is broken. Is this the same thing? https://github.com/loopfz/riichi-book-1

>> No.21375886

Wait a second, that's in frog. Is there anywhere else I can get the book?

>> No.21376133


>> No.21376609

I remember the first day I started playing, I had a dream where I won with Kokushi Musou Juusan-men Machi. This was back when the only yaku I knew were it and Tanyao.
Good times.
