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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2131355 No.2131355 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/,
I've heard a couple times that Japan doesn't have the pirate culture that we do, or at least not to the same extent.

IE, moonfolk feel morally obligated to buy all their games/movies/blu-ray animus.

Am I right? Is there a good cultural reason for it, or just lack of means?

>> No.2131362

na, they pirate tons of stuff

>> No.2131367

Yes, you are correct. Share and Perfect Dark do not exist.

>> No.2131372

Winny, Share, PD, etc. You're wrong.

>> No.2131377

sorry, I read that as women cant pirate because they dont know how to use computers

>> No.2131382

When you're downloading your weeaboo shit, check out all the Japanese IPs

then go on a Japanese P2P and look at your amazing speeds

then go to emule and download some shit... notice how many fucking Japs there are

now delete this eyesore

>> No.2131389

I get much better speeds off Share than other p2p these days. It's pretty cool, brah.

>> No.2131390

Not being able to find them doesn't mean that english people understand how shit works.

Then again, this is how the world is supposed to work now.
You watch something in it's entirety
You enjoy it so you buy the DVD and other shit
You spread the word to your friends

Now the last step is where the retardation comes in. By letting someone else see it there are companies that STILL think this affects their sales. They inflate the number by saying 1 download = 1 retail sale. Then include the cost for them to get this information, and their lawyers to press charges. Putting on top the amount of time and money that goes into DVD protection software, it adds up to a giant waste.

Oh, this was about pirating.
Yeah you can go to nico video around 12am japan time and see hundreds of different anime episodes if you're quick enough to open them before they're deleted. It's the smarter youtube.
Or you could go to parasitestage and watch a bunch of other deleted shit. It's a pretty fail site, but can blow off a few loads.

>> No.2131401

OP here,
I honestly had no idea about most of this, though I've heard of share.
I guess I've not nearly as big a weeaboo as you guys?

On the topic of pirating, do you guys think encrypted transfer/cache/IPs will replace traditional BT?

>> No.2131411

>On the topic of pirating, do you guys think encrypted transfer/cache/IPs will replace traditional BT?
eventually a series of WASTE/darknet style systems will replace conventional filesharing by meta files, and we'll be full circle back to DC and usenet days.


>> No.2131415

Also, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OFFSystem is pretty neat.

>> No.2131428

Ask again after they remove thepiratebay.org

>> No.2131435

I've got Perfect Dark downloaded and will be install once I can free up some hard drive space.
I read that the GUI was in English, but I expect that files won't be?
I've got the language packs installed so it should work, but..
I've never attempted to read Japanese before; are most files/sites in Kanji, Katakana, or Hiragana? I think I understand the difference between all of them.

>> No.2131558

I'd assume Japanese people buy more things simply because their money do not disappear on shipping to the same extent.

Piracy is more for when you do not have money, or do not feel like paying extra to get something slower.

>> No.2131571

isnt anime even more expensive in Japan?

>> No.2131579

Japanese DO pirate stuff, but they're conscientious if they don't buy what they like it'll disappear from the market.

Eroge for example only sell in Japan, what do you think it happens if everyone decides to get the iso on Share? Yeah, the company will bankrupt.

You just have to use your brains and think what's better for you.

>> No.2131586

It's like 60 dollars for 2 episodes.

Expensive as fuck.

>> No.2131592

The companies know how to milk their fans. International hobbyists are actually better off with regards to price. Figures are a different story though since those can't really be localized.

>> No.2131594

indeed. Cheaper now with the advent of DVD (VHS was REDICULOUS), but still more spendy per disc than the US.

>> No.2131597

I will never buy an eroge that's been English translated commercially.
I've pirated and played maybe 4-5 of them, and they've been terrible quality. Bad translations, overzealous English localizations, spelling errors and typos all over.

I bet Japan doesn't have that problem, even for doujin games.

>> No.2131627

I don't think they have to worry about bad translations in their eroge.

>> No.2131637

Oh, they do. But instead of making excuses like you do they prefer to try their luck. Wasting money is part of the gamble and experienced player have no problem with that.

But stupid fucks like you think not investing money makes you smart but in the end you're just proving your own point, of course the industry will do a shitty job. They you faggots will leech it from torrents, let's cut expenses employing shitty translators and one guy does all the coding stuff.

Even if they make a perfect job you're not buying for shit, so just shut up and get back to your parents basement, torrent kid.

>> No.2131645

But bad Japanese maybe. I mean, I'd be pretty pissed if I bought a game and noticed that the writer's Japanese is as bad as the usual fansubber's (or /jp/ poster's) English.

>> No.2131646

>I will never buy an eroge that's been English translated commercially.

And they'll never bring anything anymore either.

All thanks to jackasses like you.

>> No.2131658

lol i feel like a jackass. I seriously thought when i first saw that u meant japan doesn't dress up like pirates like americans do.

>> No.2131699

If you want to pirate stuff go ahead and do it, but don't start making excuses because it just makes you look stupid.

It's like raping a girl and saying you were in your right because she was too hot and you were still a virgin.

>> No.2131741

I think you guys are misunderstanding; perhaps because you're all buyfaggots?
I really want to emphasize the FAGGOT part.

Mirrormoon does an amazing job. For free.
If they've got spelling errors, they release a patch to fix it.
Takajun did Wanko; great translation.

Commercial English eroge companies just "don't get it" and won't ever satisfy us, because they're trying to target newfags and non-weeaboos. That said, they should stop trying.

>> No.2131767

Maybe that's why they're called PROFESSIONALS and not just a bunch of teenagers wasting their time with erotic games because they have enough free time after school?

Get a hold of this.

>> No.2131800

Most people would be embarrassed to have products which consisted of spelling mistakes and translation errors.

The only reason those companies are still viable is because plague-like buyfags get off to it, and don't know what they're missing.

It's insulting playing their 'finished product,' even if you didn't pay for it.

>> No.2131830

>comparing piracy to rape
( ゚ ヮ゚)

>> No.2131846

Why are all the PROFESSIONAL products of such horrific inferior quality compared to PATHETIC AMATEUR TEENAGE FAN TRANSLATORS?

I love to become lilly and then mustervate.

>> No.2131847

ohoho seeing you talking like this it's almost like you support the industry... oh wait, you don't.

Seriously, shut your trap fucking kid. You're bitching for anything that isn't for free but let me tell you something I learned living in this capitalist world, nothing is free and if someone is doing it for no profit it's because there's another reason behind.

Faggots like mirrormoon you seem to love so much are a fucking cancer, looks like you forgot the installer incident already don't you? And try bitching about their work to see what happens. Get ready to be flamed by a bunch of retarded torrent kids like you because you can't say a bad thing about their gods.

Big companies need to pay for license fees and personal, internet douches are getting everything for free and have the entire day with their parents paying their internet bill.

Do you want to be ruled by faggots and their empire of faggotry or by companies getting their job done?

>> No.2131848

I bet so many Ever17 and YMKfags were insulted after playing their pirated games.

>> No.2131849

Fuck you. Kana Ueda pirated her own game and I can't do the same?

>> No.2131851
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>>2131597 overzealous English localizations

>> No.2131850

And you can tell that without any Japanese knowledge?

Sounds reasonable.


>> No.2131855

Yeah, they're called professionals because they only care about getting paid, not getting things done. It's an insult.

>> No.2131859

You don't need Japanese knowledge to know that MUSTERVATE IS NOT A FUCKING WORD

>> No.2131862

They should because it's a great work.

>> No.2131866

To bad they don't get their job done.

>> No.2131868

They aren't. You are just a stupid faggot.

>> No.2131872

At least they get things done.

Fan translations in other hand.

>> No.2131888

>At least they get things done.
Family Project release when?

>> No.2131901

Read this thread and get a hint why they're not releasing it.

>> No.2131916

I pirate goods because I'm too poor to afford anything.

I wont make excuses for myself. Nor will I stop pirating because it's "hurting the industry". The "industry" could collapse tomorrow, and I wouldn't give two shits. I'd move on and find something else to do.

Sage for thread being hardly /jp/ related anymore.

>> No.2131920

Did they ever fix the horrific rape of the English language in Edelweiss?

>> No.2131926

So they're waiting for pigs to fly and the world to turn into a magical gumdrop fairy land?

>> No.2131935

They did a great job with Ever17, people still leech if from torrents.
They did a great job with Phantom of Inferno, people still leech if from torrents.
They did a great job with YMK, people still leech if from torrents.
They did a great job with Princess Waltz, people still leech if from torrents.

So, you say you don't buy commercial translations because they're bad. Looks like an excuse for me.

>> No.2131950
File: 78 KB, 640x480, 1235423488468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great job ... Phantom of Inferno

>> No.2131951

>They did a great job with Ever17
Do you knows the hacker?

>> No.2131952

If you're too poor to afford anything then stop wasting your time with erotic games and get a work.

>> No.2131956

>They did a great job with Phantom of Inferno, people still leech if from torrents.

I take it you never actually tried getting phantom of inferno to play.

>> No.2131969


>> No.2131974

oh lawds they made a typo hurr then company shitsux

oh this internet group is taking five years to translate something and they stopped midway. No prob because it's free lulz

>> No.2131979

And? That's actually a nice line. I doubt anyone raged over it.

>> No.2131989

Here is the fact :

Most Japanese DO NOT PIRATE and are against it.

Oh they have winny and share and pd right? Then what? Most people still don't pirate.

>> No.2131994

ITT we assume fan translations are superior but we forget the fact they drop their projects 98% of the time.

>> No.2131997

They did a poor job on Phantom of Inferno because they used a god awful format that even people with the real game had a hell of a time using.

>> No.2132000

For a long-ass game like ever17 i'd say minor things like that are fine, especially considering the alternative for us non-moonspeakers is atlas.

PowerDVD. That said, the format was still pretty damn annoying...

>> No.2132008

And that's why their fandom is so rich.

>> No.2132009

Naturally I knows the hacker.

>> No.2132019

Ever17 was a fucking mess.
Phantom of Inferno was much better, but it was still heavy with typos and grammatical errors.

>> No.2132020

So, if you were to buy the game, you would also need to buy PowerDVD to get it to run correctly?

That doesn't seem right.

>> No.2132033

>They did a great job with Ever17
Like hell they did. The entire translation was completely riddled with terrible typos. There were so many and they were so obvious that I doubt they had a single person proof read the translation. You can make excuses for time and budget, but that doesn't justify completely disregarding any form of quality check.

>> No.2132039

Well technically it was meant to be played on a dvd player...though I don't know how well that worked out. Nevertheless, there's always the trial version of powerDVD.

>> No.2132048

it is cultural, jap producers guilt their customers into buying shit covered shit sandwiches with shit sauce because they tell the customers that it would make the creator sad to not have it sell well, the jap customers "not wanting to be rude" buy it.

>> No.2132051

Then have fun playing eroge with Atlas.

Gotta love it.

>> No.2132062

That's what you call capitalism.

>> No.2132064

I can't believe you people are actually trying to say that glaring mistakes of this kind are perfectly acceptable for a TRANSLATION COMPANY.

It's their fucking job to make sure it's perfect English.

I don't want to condone piracy, but this is a stupid argument.

How about you try and go for the angle that people need to buy their games so they can actually afford to hire the staff they already should have had when they tried to become a translation company?

>> No.2132069

I don't think its about the guilt. I think its all about how you want to support the creators.

>> No.2132120

They don't have any obligation to release a perfect product, dipshit. Show me a law that says it.

Eroge market outside Japan is made of low profit and shitty advertisement, you have to pay shitloads of fees so don't expect a big group working on it. But if you find mistranslations and send a screenshot to the company I DOUBT they'll just ignore your e-mail or say "go fuck yourself". Bitching here won't help your case.

And the fact is, you don't have another choice. It's either them or Atlas, because don't think mirrormoon will stay around translating stuff for long.

But in the end you're just a pirate kid making excuses for your wrong doings, it's not like you're worried about the eroge market overseas so just go back to your torrents and bitch about copyrighted stuff you never payed for. Fucking hippies.

>> No.2132127

You'd have to be really retarded to even imply that MM's translations are better than the YMK one.

>> No.2132136

Why do you keep mentioning mirrormoon?

>> No.2132144

One thing I really want people to stop buying is windows.

>> No.2132156


Because let's face it, mirrormoon is the best out there and will remain so for a long time.

>> No.2132158

Man, I'd freeze if I didn't have windows, fuck that.

>> No.2132160

>>They don't have any obligation to release a perfect product, dipshit.

Then we don't really have a reason to support their market, do we?
Next time they give you a cheeseburger without cheese, go congratulate them.

>> No.2132169

You guys need to take it easy.

>> No.2132174 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2132177

i'd choose witch-hunt or moogy team over mm any day

>> No.2132178

Most people don't even know they buy it. They think they get it "for free" when they buy a new computer.
Nevermind that I bought my Laptop for 100 bucks less than the edition with pre-installed Windows would've cost.

oh well, soon we'll be doing everything via web-services anyway and desktop OS's won't matter, so everyone will just use some free shit like Linux or BSD.

>> No.2132180

Company: 'sup guys, I brought this awesome game with really good translation. Hope you like it.
Anonymous: Great! Now for the torents lol.

One month later, company's profit margin was at stake.

Company: 'sup guys, I brought another game for ya. But since last time we got buttfucked with taxes and our best translators got fired. Hope you understand.
Anonymous: Great! Now for the torrents lol

One month later, they achieved a secure profit margin.

Anonymous: hurr this translashun shit sux what happened to the company they're fucking robbers I want the money I never payed them back har har fan translations ownz

>> No.2132182

I didn't even want to pirate Edelweiss. The horrible English I saw in screenshots was enough to scare me off for good. Great copyprotection.

>> No.2132186

>soon we'll be doing everything via web-services anyway
lol no

>> No.2132189

Except, the translation were shit from the start. HURR

>> No.2132190

Because they're the only fan translation group that get things done with acceptable quality.

>> No.2132191

MangaGamer skipped straight to step three and just fired any English speakers they might have had.

>> No.2132197

Company: 'sup guys, none of us can actually speak english, time to translate!
Anonymous: Great! Now for the torents lol.

>> No.2132200

okay, not "we", but most retards will

>> No.2132207

Fan Group: 'sup guys, none of us can actually speak english, time to translate!
Anonymous: Great! Now for the torents lol.

>> No.2132208

>They did a great job with Phantom of Inferno, people still leech if from torrents.

If mirrormoon falls (which is likely now that Taka has his own dig), someone else will take it's place. In fact, the TLwiki's that are popping up are much better than mirrormoon in terms of speed and less assholes on the staff. Even if the translations are full of typos and errors.

>> No.2132209

Maybe because they had no money from the start and knowing their market the future income wouldn't be enough.

>> No.2132211

Not sure why that line got copied+pasted, meant to reply to

>It's either them or Atlas, because don't think mirrormoon will stay around translating stuff for long.

>> No.2132217

Srsly guys, if you have the money to do other shit, support those translation companies.

They even sell the translated games for cheaper.

>> No.2132219

I'm sure their reputation as butchers of language will get them a lot of future sales.

>> No.2132227

I bought YMK. I won't buy shit from MangaGamer though.

>> No.2132236

Don't kid yourself, these groups aren't doing that great of a job and they're finished after doing one game.

Seriously, don't expect things going so smoothly.

>> No.2132241

I'll support the translation companies when they translate something I want to buy.

>> No.2132254

This excuse is old, white beard.

>> No.2132257

Moogy has worked on multiple games already, it's not like these people only like one VN and one VN only.

>> No.2132268

IMO pirates should get buttfucked by a horde of niggers in Cuba.

If you're against the capitalism and evolution you should stay somewhere full of ignorant fucks like you.

>> No.2132259

If they didn't have enough start up money to produce a quality product then they shouldn't have tried to start a business. With capitalism you're supposed to sell quality goods and then expect people to buy them, not sell shit and expect people to buy it so later you might offer something less shitty.

>> No.2132269
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Then why are they making a translation company in the first place?

>> No.2132271

That doesn't discredit it's validity.

>> No.2132277

>the capitalism
sugoi story aniki

>> No.2132283

I pirate every software i have on my computer.
What now.

>> No.2132307

Hirameki International gave shit translations, Hirameki International died.
Peach Princess gave decent translations, Peach Princess continues to flourish.

>> No.2132321
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Do you live on Mars or is the global economic crisis caused by our "capitalistic and evolutionary" system just beyond your thick skull?

Thread sucks, post some Sanae to fix that.

Fuck that, post some Sanae

>> No.2132604

That's a shitty argument.
If you were starving and someone offered you a cheeseburger for a buck would you really complain that it doesn't actually have any cheese on it?
It's the same situation, except with shitty porn games from Japan instead.

>> No.2133455

If you don't buy a game because it has some typos and prefer no translation at all why would you even download the game?

>> No.2133493

na, they do have pirating but not in openly as other country (china exclude)

>> No.2133511

Difference is you can die if you dont eat.

You wont die if you dont get your VN translated.

>> No.2133521

We tolerate typos if its free, as seen in the fan translated works.

If something costs money though, we have higher standards.

>> No.2133541
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When this thread autosages, or if it gets deleted, you can continue the conversation with text-only posts in the updatable archive at:


>> No.2133546

Also, fan translators don't get paid. If you're doing something and getting paid for it, you better be doing it right.

>> No.2133546,1 [INTERNAL] 

Welcome to the wonderful world of separatism, Anonymous.

>> No.2133546,2 [INTERNAL] 

Jesus shit it's like some kind of parallel board. This is hard for me to handle... I can't take it. I'm going back to /jp/.

>> No.2133546,3 [INTERNAL] 

Chicken wuss.

>> No.2133546,5 [INTERNAL] 

[]World/land of separatism
[]Ghost board
[]4th dimension
[]Hyperbolic time-chamber
[]Pseudo chan

You can only choose one.

>> No.2133546,6 [INTERNAL] 


AoRF = George Washington
4chan = 1750 England

>> No.2133546,7 [INTERNAL] 

The archives is the promised land and we are the yukkuri!
