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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21255436 No.21255436 [Reply] [Original]

Here's a thread if you're going to Reitaisai for the first time this year and want to ask questions.

While not technically Reitaisai related I'd like to ask if anyone has ever bought an unpainted Sakumono figure before? They are selling a Shinmyoumaru one at this Reitaisai (at least from what I gather) that looks really nice.
However there is a whole entire guide on twitter on how to set up this figure

It seems very complicated, I'm an absolute newfags when it comes to figures so maybe this is the norm, but doesn't it seems like a lot of hard work for a ¥7,000 figure? (¥11,000 if you buy the paint kit too)

Surely I don't need to anything before the painting part right? Not because I think it's scummy or anything, but I know I wouldn't be able to do this without fucking up somewhere. I'm already trash at painting soif I need to do some precision cutting or boil the thing it'll just end up in the bin.

Feel free to ask your own questions as well.

>> No.21258288
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Neat figure, I'm curious too

>> No.21258760

I'm going to Reitaisai for the first time this weekend too. I want to buy a lot of yuri doujins and plushies. No idea how much yen I should bring though.

>> No.21258848

Going to Reitaisai but only later this year when it's autumn.

How early do people usually go to line up during morning, same hours as with Comiket so arriving around 6-7 am will get you inside within 30 minutes of line starting to move.

>> No.21260009
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I'm not sure how early, but I'm guessing there's less people than at Comiket, so if it bothers you don't go too early. It starts at 10:30, so going at 6-7am sounds alright.

Apparently this was last year's line, I'm not sure for summer or autumn. But for summer this year, considering there's a new demo I'm guessing there'll be more people.

>> No.21260048


If that's the line (and the only line, when comiket had at least 2 separate very long lines) it shouldn't be even nearly as bad in when to arrive to line up.

>> No.21260062

Well considering the demo is dropping it might be bigger for summer, but yeah it's decent. So if you go that early you might get in in like 5 minutes or something.

>> No.21260135

Do you guys live in Japan, or just planned a trip to conside with Reitaisai or Comiket? Going to Comiket or Retaisai is somewhat of a long term goal of mine (I don't speak or read Japanese and I'm a NEET, so an emphasis on long term) so I'm curious.

>> No.21260139


Plan trip to conside. Last time I went to Comiket and felt like waking up so early on 3 days only for day 2 to truly be worth it. This time I'll go for Reitaisai to not waste days since I can afford 1 trip to Japan once a year.

>> No.21263640

Should have titled this "Reitaisai virgin thread"

>> No.21268253

There's no need to be redundant anon

>> No.21270422

I'm going specifically for Reitaisai and Comiket but I'm also staying longer to sightsee as well.

>> No.21272040

A single doujin book is usually 500 yen. More if you get some merch set.
Plushes are around 3500 for Gift fumos.
Something between 30k and 50k should be enough. Be careful that sellers only accept cash. The only (big) store who might accept a credit card is Eyemirror, the glasses shop store.

Line will start forming as early as the first trains arrive. If you get there by 6:30-7:00 you should be able to enter within 10 minutes from gates opening, 15 tops. Remember there's nowhere near the same amount of people of Comiket. We like to take it easy.

>> No.21272044

I might add that if you stumble upon a dakimakura cover you like, that's easily 10-12k in a single shot.

>> No.21276703

Hey, I think I'm going to go to next Spring because a lot of my friends who are also selling Doujins there keep asking me to come. I know basic Japanese. Anything I need to know for my first time?
How do you register to enter the convention? Is the fee very high?

>> No.21276759

You mean next Sunday?
You need to buy the catalog, either in stores (like Toranoana) right now for 2214 yen if not sold out yet, or at the convention for 1700 yen. If you get there early, they'll organize all of you in lines and then you'll have to sit down and wait until the gates open. In the meanwhile you can stand up and reach the booth/van selling the catalog near there, you'll only need it when the gates open and all of you will march inside holding the catalog over your heads to show you have it.

>> No.21276775

Nah, next spring. A JP friend told me its on March 22nd 2020. Seems like I forgot to type a word or two in my post, oops. So if I'm in the USA, can I really only get in if I register at the con, or is there a way I can get the catalog shipped to me? Rather make sure everything is secured and planned out for next year.

>> No.21276904

ZUN will be at Reitasai right? not sure how this works
is there a long line to buy his games?

>> No.21276914

Buying the catalog at the convention should be no problem, I did so in 2017.
If you want to be double sure you can ask your friends in Japan to get it for you at the store when it comes out and meet them before the convention?

There's a chance we will meet there next year, if I'm lucky.

>> No.21276921

He'll be there selling the demo for TH17. I don't think he will have older ones for sale. You can find everything you need in stores like Mandarake.
And yes, the line for ZUN will be very long.

>> No.21276947
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how much of this is the line?
(not actually going, just curious)

>> No.21277000

Nothing. This is just a few people inside the halls, mixed with sellers at their small booths.
Popular circles like ZUN's are arranged alongside the external walls next to the openings, so long lines can be formed outside to reduce the crowd inside.

>> No.21277045

Garage kits need some preparation works, depending on the casting quality and your perfectionist level. You need to cut excess resin, fill any gaps with putty, and usually drill some holes to insert metal pins that will help when you finally assemble it after painting.
Then you start painting, which is of course the hardest part.

That's the way they work. That kit looks lovely, 7000 yen is a fair price. I wish I were going to get one myself.

>> No.21278570

i'm a clean blood japanese gentleman

>> No.21278749

Impossible. Everyone on this board is only spiritually Japanese.

>> No.21279567

Live in Japan, but far from Tokyo, so I can't attend every event I want to.

But I used to live in Tokyo few years ago. Back then I visited Comiket, Reitaisai and various other events regularly.

Honestly, it kinda loses its luster after the first few times. Seems like there are some people who never went ITT, so I don't want to be the guy spoiling it for you, but well, let's just say it's possible your main memories from the event will be the crazy crowds and long waits. Definitely be ready for those.

On Comiket I'm mainly interested in original doujin games. Traditionally you could only get those on the event or expensive resales, but these days various doujin studios sell online too, so the event itself loses its uniqueness. For example this summer Comiket I'd like to get Suicide Fence by Studio Beast, but I won't be able to go. But they're selling their stuff online now, so no worries.

>> No.21282575

>only spiritually

>> No.21282763

I only plan on going once. I have a good handful of JP friends who actively attend Reitaisai and they constantly ask me to come. I'm already getting their doujinshis for free -- but I still want to see the convention.

>> No.21283657

Livestream on nico soon.


>> No.21283658

And youtube

>> No.21285210

Bumping for interest

>> No.21285826

Ah thank you for the very informative answer!
The guys who do it seems to be an ctual company so I have some faith in the casting quality, let's hope I don't get the weird one.
As for the painting, I'd better not mess it up, is it cleanable should I mess up?
Also one question should I really boil the the thing before starting like it says on the guide? Sounds to me like it'd just damage it, it sounds like a weird thing to do.

>> No.21285832

Thanks anon.

>> No.21286644

>is it cleanable should I mess up?
Usually yes, depends on the kind of paints you're using. Bathing a piece in paint thinner should strip everything off and you can start from scratch again. Tamiya acrylics (which are easy to find and use, and give a good finish) are thinned and soluble in isopropyl alcohol, which shouldn't damage the resin even if left in it for a long time.

>should I really boil the the thing before starting
I honestly never heard of it, the author says it's to help cure the resin inside. Well, polyurethane resin can withstand 100 C degrees so there's no harm in doing it.

Garage kits can be a world of fun. If this is your first attempt, you might want to try your hands on something easier and cheaper, if you're worried to mess up. Nonetheless if you're going to Reitaisai then pick it up ny all means, even if you will assemble it in the future. You might regret not getting it when you could.

>> No.21289426

Is anyone doing a music spreadsheet?

>> No.21291009

Touhou cannonball on stream. Looks neat.

>> No.21291096


>> No.21295260
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>> No.21295275



Did you skip out on new music or did very little of it get released? I haven't followed if music circles released new albums this Reitaisai since I don't have a twitter account.

>> No.21295287


Also how crowded was the event, ie. how early did you go to line up and how long did you have to get in once the line started moving and how big attendance of visitors and circles was there?

>> No.21295315

Nice loot, anon. I'd love to see more of the Kagerou book by Iriomote.

I personally believe he had it easy, as ZUN magneted so many people with the demo. So acceptable lines to other circles, at least in the first hour or two.

>> No.21296237

Is there much non-h? I hope some of you buy it.

>> No.21298228

>Is there much non-h?

>> No.21298298

If you actually do buy the fig, anon, and you're having trouble with prep work or painting, I recommend swinging by /m/ and one of their endless gunpla threads/generals. They deal with shit far more complicated than this all the time and they can be helpful if you need tips.
Most doujin works out there are non-H, believe it or not.

>> No.21301331

>Most doujin works out there are non-H

>> No.21301392


He's right

>> No.21304525

I would expect most doujinshi, at least touhou related, to be non-h

>> No.21305562

Where are all the doujin uploads? Reitaisai just happened, right?

>> No.21305961


They'll be here 3 months from now

>> No.21310663

Can someone explain me why people visiting those events are fucking allergic of games? There are tons of cool games releasing on Reitaisais and Comikets, but all you ever see in "loot" is pack of porn or stack of music cds.

>> No.21310844

people don't care about the mostly low quality fangames released on these events. more and more of them are being officially released on Steam anyways.

>> No.21311417
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First upload and it's already wonderful.

>> No.21315684 [DELETED] 

i snagged a few games this reitaisai; here they are before i forget

touhou 3d dungeon (http://www.rabbittailworks.com/toho3ddungeon.html)) kind of like zelda i guess is the first thing i'd compare it to

3rd eye (http://3rdeye.sai-chan.com/en/)) full release is here; 2hu horror game starring koishi; only in japanese though and you probably need some fluency to get things out of this game

東方龍弾宴 (https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm35010800)) 2hu star fox featuring many stock assets

東方討幻経 (https://twitter.com/miko3saho/status/1048508004511830016)) flying 2hu monster hunter? i guess is the best comparison i can draw

i'll be uploading games and doujins whenever i'm not tired anymore i guess

>> No.21315691

i snagged a few games this reitaisai; here they are before i forget

touhou 3d dungeon (http://www.rabbittailworks.com/toho3ddungeon.html)) kind of like zelda i guess is the first thing i'd compare it to

3rd eye (http://3rdeye.sai-chan.com/en/)) full release is here; 2hu horror game starring koishi; only in japanese though and you probably need some fluency to get things out of this game

東方龍弾宴 (https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm35010800)) 2hu star fox featuring many stock assets

東方討幻経 (https://twitter.com/miko3saho/status/1048508004511830016 (embed)) flying 2hu monster hunter? i guess is the best comparison i can draw

i'll be uploading games and doujins whenever i'm not tired anymore i guess

>> No.21315733

Thank god you did anon, all but one (maybe two)I picked up are not very good and dare I say it bad:
Cirno Gets Clever:
Probably the only good game I picked up, it's a vertical shooter, couldn't play it as it doesn't launch on my laptop.

No idea what the english name is, it's a uh, unique, fighting game, someone told me he thinks it was posted before, but this is with all the DLCs

A demo I picked up the gameplay on the video looks nice, can't play it as the game doesn't pick up my keyboard inputs, I thought it looked good, but someone who layed it said it was average.

Seija Reverse
Wins the "most disappointing game" award, it's a isometric danmaku dodger but either my laptop is really that crap, or the video on the stand was sped up footage as it looked really great, but the game is bad. The sounds were also off by default but the music is pretty bad. Nice pixel art though.

I also bought a Rumia platformer but the booth guy gave me the music CD instead of the game so thanks I guess, they were the same price.

>> No.21321991
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Any of you going in autumn?

>> No.21326743

Good lookin smol

>> No.21327949

Actually the first one was this.

>> No.21332829

not me.

>> No.21337356

>not me.
