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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 150 KB, 538x700, e0088742_12320293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21284242 No.21284242 [Reply] [Original]

The newhu is here and she looks cute as expected! TH17 looks promising so far!

>> No.21284252

Wow, a legit brown 2hu! I'm excited.

>> No.21284253


>> No.21284267

>big ass ears

>> No.21284269

I want to fuck this 2hu

>> No.21284273 [DELETED] 

I want to fuck this 2hu

>> No.21284279

Damn, ZUN truly can't make three good mainline games in a row.

>> No.21284283

This is the worst Touhou character my eyes have ever rested on. The skin colour. The lack of hat. The dopey eyes. It really shows how far Touhou has reclined over the years. Maybe ZUN had too much beer to drink, and this ugly, big-eared character was his desperate cry of help to be freed from alcohol poisoning? What a disgrace to the Touhou series this is. Out of all the weakest creatures, this must be the weakest character design made. I'm never going to play another Touhou game again, and I hope the rest of /jp/ doesn't either. Touhou is dead and this character killed it.

>> No.21284285

Looks like Narumi but wearing Aunn's clothes and having blond Yatsuhashi hair...

>> No.21284290

Newhu is reclining

>> No.21284294


>> No.21284303

Stage 1 bosses always look goofy, come on

>> No.21284312
File: 389 KB, 562x389, h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her clothes are really similar to yuugis.

>> No.21284318
File: 569 KB, 1024x919, 1556640206004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it reclining?

>> No.21284325

She's the extra boss.

>> No.21284331

She just look simple, like Seiran and Ringo

>> No.21284349

She has twintails and is sitting on a pile of rocks. What could this mean?

>> No.21284362

its Sai no Kawara
Sai no Kawara is
The riverside of the Sanzu no River, which is said to be where the dead child goes. Here, a child tries to build a tower by piling up pebbles for his parents' donation, but is constantly destroyed by demons(Oni,鬼). Jizou comes up there and says that it saves children.

>> No.21284365

No one would complain if not the ears

>> No.21284378

those are hot though

>> No.21284386

Makes sense. Old Hell used to BE Hell, so of course they'd share a lot of culture, fashion, food, etc.

>> No.21284394

Please let there be hell rabbits

>> No.21284409

This seems to be 100% right. Thanks anon.

>> No.21284410

Bully Black 2hus

>> No.21284436

These newhus are wild. Also, ZUN needs to stop abusing the red/white color combination. Too many characters have that aesthetic already.

>> No.21284457
File: 1.13 MB, 3592x2324, 74550542_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She would have been 100% better if ZUN gave her a unique hairstyle, she really looks too much like a recolored Yatsuhashi.

>> No.21284459

The new forgotten 2hu!

>> No.21284485


>> No.21284500



>> No.21284501

is "charred" better for you?

>> No.21284502
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>> No.21284506

Perfectly balanced... as all things should be.

>> No.21284510

Anything that isn't #FFFFFF is brown to you guys.

>> No.21284519

You’re talking about 15 right?

>> No.21284529
File: 119 KB, 600x800, IMG_20190504_095145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next Touhou station on 5/10.

>> No.21284563


Okay she has red skin then.

>> No.21284567
File: 117 KB, 600x600, D5sYzNoVUAMpBWU.png:large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This 2hu is very cute but super generic, even with the tannish skin. She's gonna be another Nemuno...

>> No.21284587

she's prime bully material though

>> No.21284594


>> No.21284735 [DELETED] 

I actually like her but what do you think /v/-/pol/ would think?


>> No.21284755

I don’t think about what they would think at all. Why would I?

>> No.21284782

It's stupid and funny.

>> No.21284820
File: 375 KB, 1337x841, 69986625_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any idea what she's supposed to be? She doesn't appear to be a sheep spirit, and the frilly ribbons and long, drooping earlobes make me believe she's another kind of statue come to life, kind of like Narumi. Maybe she's a Buddha statue come to life?

>> No.21284837


>> No.21284839

There is a point where it stops becoming stupid and funny. And both board have reached that point long ago.

>> No.21284840


This type of whining is the same exact shit pokemon gets.

>Gamefreak is running out of ideas
>Pokemon has reclined over the years
>Pokemon is dead and this gen's designs killed it

>> No.21284843
File: 36 KB, 398x282, 1556942266728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21284853

>>Pokemon has reclined over the years
It really has, BW2 was the last good one.

>> No.21284857

I can't believe the newest stage 1 boss is an exhibitionist flasher.

>> No.21284861

Either an oni or a dead kid or a Jizou Bosatsu.
Those are the three components of the Sai no Kawara setting that the design points to.
Nips can't seem to decide either.

>> No.21284874

t. Secondary trying to appear as a primary

>> No.21284875
File: 103 KB, 919x1300, 52899638-vector-illustration-of-traditional-sacred-japanese-koi-carp-fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she's none of those things and is just a malevolent koi carp spirit? She's dressed like one, after all. The game IS about animal spirits from Hell trying to conquer the surface, maybe she's just the vanguard and it's a situation like in LoLK where all of the bosses are directly involved in the Incident?

>> No.21284894


>> No.21284895

These things like stripping children.

Imagine the fan works...

>> No.21284906
File: 19 KB, 220x161, jizo-sainokawara--1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this myth. Don't know why.

>> No.21284911

This is going to be a 10/10 pasta for the near future.

>> No.21284932

I remember when LoLK came out I thought Hecatia and Clownpiece were fanmade fakes. I didn't want to believe that Zun can make designs this bad. But it grew on me in the end, and Clownpiece is one of the best drawings he's ever made from technical viewpoint.

>> No.21284975
File: 282 KB, 900x1440, 1533802360837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My biggest hope is that we'll get to see radically different fairy designs and new enemy types in Hell. The one in TH17 is Hecatia's, right? You'd think everyone there would dress way differently than even the denizens of Old Hell.

>> No.21284984

someone gets it

>> No.21285012

Ooh, I didn't catch that. Guess the loose ribbon on her waist is the fin?

>> No.21285281

You're the first one trying to drag discussion towards that, so you have no ground to speak.

>> No.21285293

No you idiots.

>> No.21285294

Their opinion is irrelevant.

>> No.21285299

This, as if Narumi Jizzou wasn't gross enough.

>> No.21285418

Wow, anon. Such a thoughtful reply. I see now you're completely uninterested in this.

>> No.21285435

you must be talking about 9
this 2hu looks vaguely slavic, if not for those fuckhuge ears, which is probably yet another buddhist influence.
also there is a lil horn on her head. oni confirmed?

>> No.21285907

This but unironically. Orange girl bad.

>> No.21285937
File: 139 KB, 1024x768, IMG_20190504_162210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21285946

Is that his wife in bottom right?

>> No.21285957

The absolute chad on the left.

>> No.21285966
File: 52 KB, 400x325, 1550899465072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21286041
File: 1.56 MB, 1195x900, unknown (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fans 1:0 ZUN

>> No.21286045

Oni Mamizou? Also nice club

>> No.21286059

While ZUN's character might be a little basic, this fanmade girl is suffering from completely opposite circumstances. I can't really make out what's going on with her outfit patterns.

>> No.21286109

More like absolute yakuza

>> No.21286134

Pretty sure that's あまね.

>> No.21286143



Did he already hand out demo discs?

>> No.21286164

that's a fanmade edit to an existing image.

>> No.21286240

The artist did a very good job at imitating nu-Zun artstyle, but the colorscheme could be better, this one blends in with the UI.

>> No.21286317
File: 68 KB, 633x758, pwUGCVy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.21286586

That's girl from Digital Wing. I forgot the name

>> No.21286617
File: 846 KB, 1462x826, 1499722139415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious brown for more brown porn

>> No.21286635

Is this what Asian fratboys are like?

>> No.21286686
File: 43 KB, 192x181, 1556960336525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since chinks are no longer uploading new 2hu
who will upload for us?
Is /jp/ participating reitaisai?

>> No.21286710
File: 641 KB, 1353x1840, IMG_20190504_065107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LoLK, VD and HSiFS were dumped by /jp/sies who bought the game at Reitaisai.

>> No.21286753

Thank you in advance, /jp/-san.
Also are they looking at her or under her?

>> No.21286756

How long did it take them to upload it? It's gonna be middle of night for me so I'm not sure whether to wait or just play it in the morning.

>> No.21286785

I've only seen him on a few streams but his mannerisms do give off that Yakuza vibe.

>> No.21286835

Just wait for the first accusations of whitewashing from the woke brigade whenever an artist draws her skin too light.

>> No.21286855
File: 405 KB, 1398x2048, IMG_20190504_072004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They want to knock her stones down
Reitaisai starts in 11 hours. The demo is usually dumped within 2 hours of that. So 11~13 hours from now.

>> No.21286857

No offence to any jaypees but, I'm not risking downloading from fellow anons though.
I learnt it the hard way.

>> No.21286964

The 2GB file size should've clued you in that it's dolphin porn.

Jokes aside, how bad can it be?
No really, how bad? I'm fine if it's just porn, but malware is a big no-no.

>> No.21286996

The file size didn't matter as it was similar to original game file size.
I'd like to believe that the faggots who uploaded those fake downloads with malicious attempts, was an outsider. I can't imagine fellow anons to be that malicious.
Either way, everyone should be cautious about downloading anything from anonymous users.

>> No.21287000
File: 260 KB, 848x480, 1556102427705.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't imagine fellow anons to be that malicious.

>> No.21287010

Any idea when this playable

>> No.21287016

In around 20 hours

>> No.21287045

She looks cute and probably is a stage 1 boss. Now that begs the question: do we see komachi and eiki in this game?

>> No.21287054

>do we see komachi and eiki
Probably only as ending cameos. The only previous characters I can see being in-game as a midboss are Heca, Clownpiece or Narumi.

>> No.21287466

Stop with the retarded ears already ZUN.

>> No.21287474

Maybe you should go back in time to tell feudal Japanese people to stop with their culture, tard.

>> No.21287605


>> No.21287613

what a tedious task to burn all those dvds must be

>> No.21287619
File: 93 KB, 357x251, 1527673889956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digital distribution is truly wonderful

>> No.21287706

This but unironically

>> No.21287723

I think it's cute that he still burns every CD himself.

>> No.21287750

imagine if you got a CD with his visible fingerprint

>> No.21287768


>> No.21287791

>Too Wily

>> No.21287890

Cute design, can't beat the master though. I bet delicious brown'll have a great theme too.

>> No.21288389


>> No.21293698

Hecatia is a masterpiece of this realm, our greatest gift.
In fact, I'm going to proclaim my eternal love for Hecatia, Junko and Udongein.

>> No.21294065

can someone post the one where her club is shown in full?

>> No.21295267
File: 762 KB, 836x951, shadow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed there are giant shadows swimming around in the sanzu river, nice touch.

>> No.21299300

just end the series already, they all suck

>> No.21299513

just too much going on with this flashy design. 石の上に三年-san has a simple yet unique design, showing ZUN's mastery.

>> No.21299907

this but ironically
>lack of hat

>> No.21300419

Last boss will be a fishhu, you heard it here first

>> No.21300511

ZUN mentions in the omake text that there are gigantic extinct fish and even plesiosaurs in the Sanzu river.

>> No.21301139

I read that, but actually implementing the shadows swimming around is appreciated.

>> No.21301166

Kill yourself
>Kill yourself
This but unironically.

>> No.21304440

boring newhu

>> No.21304491

I wonder if artists will ever realize she's jellyfish themed and draw her hair properly.(with multiple tails and not just 2)

>> No.21310701

Looks nice.

>> No.21313885

The player characters use the goasts of predatory animals, and so far the bosses are all based on animals which are prey. I'm kinda curious if that's going somewhere or if it's a coincidence which isn't gonna hold true for all the rest of the bosses.

>> No.21313908

You were the wily beast and they were the weakest creature
What a twist

>> No.21314342

>the bosses are all based on animals which are prey.
Jellyfish are strongly predators, dude.

>> No.21320390

Oh yeah all those jellyfish eating otters and wolves and eagles.

>> No.21320409
File: 29 KB, 1294x150, jelli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21320577

Wow, they eat fish eggs and small fry, that's so scary.

>> No.21324882

Touhou Station: Reitaisai Special, finally on Youtube too.
Be sure to thank Toby Fox for requesting ZUN to release Kikeijuu web trial.

>> No.21325061

what stream?

When's the complete release out? Comiket this August like usual?

>> No.21325092

>Comiket this August like usual?
That's a given, yeah?

>> No.21325096

>what stream
Mostly Touhou Station ones where his circle is invited as a guest sometimes. There was also the recent Touhou Live event at Nico Chokaigi.

>> No.21326299

Neither otters, wolves, nor eagles eat anything particularly amazing themselves. An ox could probably kill all three.

>> No.21327039

Next stream in July, focusing on young fans and Touhou newcomers, a look at Gensokyo's history, and a possible appearance by a big name seiyuu (unrelated to Cannonball).

>> No.21329307

isn't /jp/ like lawfull neutral?
If you're here it's because you love something, so you're usually loyal to the thing and his other hardcore fan

>> No.21337199


>> No.21337635

I can't believe I reclined so much that I missed Reitaisai by an entire week and completely forgot to check the newhus and the demo itself. I will now sleep a bit more.

>> No.21342479

more like neutral evil

>> No.21342508

top lol

>> No.21346198

>So why are the first three bosses farm animals?
The jellyfish though?

>> No.21346229

That's what they farm in those water filled trenches in asia, "rice" is really made from jellyfish eggs, wake up sheeple!

>> No.21350589
File: 208 KB, 986x2048, IMG_20190515_133617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21350629


>> No.21351394
File: 13 KB, 343x147, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is ZUN going to switch to ZIP diskettes?

>> No.21356654

