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File: 258 KB, 600x635, __kijin_seija_touhou_drawn_by_kikugetsu__76db527da42f8a55ca958acbfe5944f6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21220402 No.21220402 [Reply] [Original]

Would you marry Seija, /jp/? Have children together saving the amanojaku race from extinction and usher in the Communist Utopia in Gensokyo?

>> No.21220582

The amanojaku would then instantly go against the new status quo and work to undermine the society you just set up

>> No.21221098

Stop believing Yukari Propaganda.

>> No.21221519

I'm just gonna pretend I never saw this thread.

>> No.21222373

Why is she so perfect, /jp/? No other character comes close to her motivation, beauty and kindness.

>> No.21222646

Don't so that?

>> No.21223081
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My wife is no dirty commie.

>> No.21224546

But she is.

>> No.21225186
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What's going on in this thread?

>> No.21227121

Buy Yukari is an innocent young Maiden.

>> No.21228358

>Communist Utopia in Gensokyo?
Gensokyo is already an Utopia. harvest boons. protection against natural disasters. An easy life compared to the outside world. Secret police to squash dissenters..

>> No.21228694

Yikes. All of this propaganda is not good for you

>> No.21228822
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You should be honored that she's a socialist partisan fighting for the liberation of Gensokyo from the fascist youkai bourgeoisie.

What you should be going is joining her.

>> No.21228865

Dude, I have a crush on your wife!

>> No.21231349


>> No.21231356

I want to tell Seija how much I hate her.

>> No.21233546

But why though?

>> No.21236137

>Would you marry Seija, /jp/? Have children together saving the amanojaku race from extinction
Yes, I would.

>> No.21239206

What's Seija appeal? Besides being a communist?

>> No.21239367

She's rebellious and free-spirited.

>> No.21241721


>> No.21241764

>he doesn't know

>> No.21244159

Who gave birth to Seija?

>> No.21245194
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>> No.21245328

She's an amanojaku. She doesn't live for other's happiness; quite the opposite, really. If the weak rule over the strong, then she'd just change her alignment.
Chaotic and living for her own sake, that's what makes Seija so great.

>> No.21245605


>> No.21246484

That's rather racist, anon. The amanojaku are a people of peace.

>> No.21246797
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>The amanojaku are a people of peace
Oh yes, they are. It just so happens their "peace" in incompatible to others.

>> No.21247117 [DELETED] 

I don't think the amanojaku would be able to get along with each other, either.

>> No.21248336

Nonsense, how else would they make babies?

>> No.21248832 [DELETED] 
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Rape. They intentionally make men really with them so they'd lose all inhibitions and rape them. If it's a male amanojaku, they simply forcefully rape female amanojaku. Kinda like ducks but without the projectile corkscrew dick and hopefully without the necrophilia. I like to believe amanojaku are the cuckoos of youkai and replace human babies with theirs. I can't imagine a despicable youkai like amanojaku actually raising their own young. Just like cuckoos, young amanojaku are parasites that try to get way more attention and resources from their parents than their siblings (i.e. they're guaranteed brats).

>> No.21249196
File: 4.00 MB, 2806x3969, Mother Seija.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you lie? Amanojaku women just need to find the right man(Human) and they will change their ways.

>> No.21249226 [DELETED] 
File: 2.17 MB, 640x360, seija okaasan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonsense. It makes less sense for amanojaku to raise their own young than it'd be for them to be obligate brood parasites. It is after all the very nature of amanojaku to deceive, lie, and tempt man to committing evil.

Though, it might just be as likely that when an amanojaku finds a suitable mate, they'll find the nearest female, kill her, eat her, and "wear her skin" (take her place) in order to properly be with their mate and raise their young in the safety of a village, kinda like how that amanojaku in the tale or Urikohime tricked her into letting it inside, prompting it to kill and eat her, wear her skin, and try to marry itself to the prince instead.

>> No.21251982

Have you actually spoken to one of them and not just parrot one of Yukari's propaganda.

>> No.21252025

I won't have kids with someone that didn't loved me when it was the time to do so.

>> No.21252716

You have to man up, anon.

>> No.21252745

the fact that she's an amanojaku. other peoples unhappiness makes her happy.

>> No.21252776

Well if Seija's appearance in GoU hasn't clued you in that she's that kinda person, maybe you should stop wearing rose-tinted glasses instead.
Or you could befriend her like Shimmy did. Just don't expect her to not cause trouble every day.

>> No.21254766

Nothing mistress.

>> No.21254929

No in GoU she pretty much was going along with shimmy, because even after ISC they are clearly friends still.

>> No.21255906

Not exactly. First thing Seija does after being introduced is ask why Shimmy's come to her for something, as in why her, implication being they're not really "together".

That said they do fistbump. Guess now that Shimmy knows what Seija's all about there's no betrayal there and she feels comfortable partnering up again.

>> No.21257806

truly the best of friends

>> No.21259623
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>> No.21260742

Seija needs live, like any other person.

>> No.21261569

Why is Seija corrupting Youth

>> No.21262250

It's in the nature of amanojaku to corrupt people and drive them to commit evil deeds.

>> No.21262255
File: 36 KB, 400x400, 1544300379103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seija punches short, scrawny, cute faceless, rapebait shota in the head
>turns him into a tall, muscular, bald faceless rape master
What a very convenient use of Seija's powers.

>> No.21262531

Like I said she ultimately did GoU for the inchling, who started the entire thing off. Seija isn't evil anon and she does things specifically for others as well

>> No.21262665

Because the inchling's plan appeals to her. Do you think Shimmy used the line "flipped the festival on its head (paraphrased)" for no reason?
>she does things specifically for others as well
If it benefits herself, sure. Watching Reimu and Marisa run around like idiots protecting the humans is probably the part she cares the most, even when she's making the villagers happy.

>> No.21262708
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>> No.21264155

Don't forget strong and independent.

>> No.21265992

Letting the weak have a say in government ain't bad you statist

>> No.21266620

The weak should fear the strong, anon. No reason why they should have a say.

>> No.21268162
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Her beautiful smile.

>> No.21268662
File: 201 KB, 1920x1080, Seija the asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The weak should fear the strong, anon
Delete this. Seija stands for the weak (pic unrelated, Shion is strong).

>> No.21269427

It's the truth.

>> No.21269524

Pick one, nigger.

>> No.21269814

Not an argument.

>> No.21272091

It's possible.

>> No.21272200

but that's not the fucking argument is it?

>> No.21272532

>be Bolshevik
>Fight to install a dictatorship of the proletariat
>Install a dictatorship of the proletariat
>Dictatorship of the proletariat turns around and purges you.
Communism is for the brain-dead and the retarded.

>> No.21273386
File: 620 KB, 1450x2048, __kijin_seija_touhou_drawn_by_efukei__b85299a6e827cd9233da6a0206c42a0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What nonsense are you espousing? Seija would do no such thing. Yes, she may have to take charge once Yukari and her regime collapse due to Humans in Gensokyo lacking experience in leadership skills. However, she has the backing of the proletariat.

>> No.21273786

Cirno is all those things and won't stab you in the back the moment you show her genuine compassion.

>> No.21273972

Cirno is an idiot, while Seija is smart.

>> No.21274091

>What nonsense are you espousing?
That would be historical fact.

>> No.21274092

You say that but faeries are well known too be backstabbing trouble causing little shits. In addition we know Cirno is old for a fairy as well as really damn strong.

>> No.21274591

>be Bolshevik
There's your problem. Seija would never be a Bolshevik, she would have fought for the workers soviets against the Bolshevik traitors and fascist White armies, just like she fights against the fascist youkai now.

>> No.21274614

Are people just pretending to be retarded? The whole fun of Seija is that she runs counter to everything.

>> No.21274999
File: 65 KB, 512x1024, __kijin_seija_touhou_drawn_by_st_youx1119__4b9ecfa717e4c493fa4f37925bbfa1db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The whole fun of Seija is that she runs counter to everything.
That's what Yukari and the Other Sages want to tell us. Seija wants to liberate those oppressed by her Regime.

>> No.21275026

The White Army wasn't facist.

>> No.21275856
File: 256 KB, 900x1200, 67526805_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cirno would join Seija's cause if given the chance, as would most of the fairies and lower-class youkai
