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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21246730 No.21246730 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for sharing things you've recently been interested in that don't have their own thread or even that do have their own thread but you think should be shared with a wider audience. All subjects welcome as long as they're /jp/-related, from entire games and series to one-off images you found in your feed.

Long and autistic essays about why the recent thing was so great are encouraged if said thing was particularly niche and you think more people would appreciate it. Or even non-recent things you're a fan of and haven't found a place to discuss up until now.

>> No.21246747

Thread history:
2018-10-03 >>20058563
2018-11-12 >>20236948
2018-12-25 >>20483592
2019-03-28 >>21067730

Here is hoping AoJP comes back and continues the tale of the Kemono Friends' fandom descent into madness.

>> No.21246810


>> No.21246817

Those summaries of KF drama were pretty great, I hope he continues too as I've been completely out of the loop with everything. The terminator video had the best payoff too.

>> No.21247577
File: 138 KB, 960x1280, ワイト.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started a japanese-only twitter account a few years ago to fully embrace /jp/ content, and today after quickly paging through my follows, I've realized to my horror I've essentially turned into a normie: relatively aware of most otaku paths but thoroughly uninterested in them all outside of my shallow niche of RC drift and professional music.

Its even reflected in my habits. I no longer watch anime, the most I do is turn the tv on when I'm completely jobless. I don't attend conventions, no longer follow creative circles of pretty much any media, feel a sense of disgust when browsing most of /jp/, and don't get invested in the avenues I do end up trying out.

The only solace I have is that my brief return to english twitter/jp bluecheck land makes me feel even worse.

Has this happened to anyone else here? Is there a purgatory of otaku?

>> No.21247755


>> No.21247788

I wonder what the full story on this >>21115383 was. A guy downloading some doujins doesn't seem like such a big deal to me.

>> No.21247844

My own interest in anime comes and goes. I've marathoned several titles per week and barely watch a short a year. It is the same with niche video games and other things for me. However, I have a few interests that I would devout 24 hours a day to if I could. It took me a long time find them and several attempts to get into them.

I think in any hobby or interest there is ultimately limited variety. This means that over time you hit diminishing returns. Every new work brings with it less novelty than the one before. At some point it is no longer worth it. You've had your fill of the old stuff and aren't getting enough of new stuff, so you stop. If it's in a medium where you can experience the same work over and over, like music, poetry or puzzle games, you may still go back to your favorites often. If it's anime, you probably won't even do that.

It is worth checking back when something new happens in a medium you used to love and many people are excited. Sometimes it really is a so-called "paradigm change". Entertainment, both Japanese and Western, feels stagnant right now. But it could that we are like science fiction fans were in the late 1970s. The golden age had long been over and the New Wave wasn't that new anymore. A lot of them at the time must have thought they'd quit science fiction forever. They didn't realize that cyberpunk was right around the corner.

My advice for social media is to get out of the bluecheck land. Find accounts similar to the ones you follow, but smaller and a little more avant-garde. Repeat as necessary. Make your own account interesting. Start retweeting what you liked, focusing on things your followers may not have seen. Add commentary. Become known for your analysis and critique. Start posting your own work. Read what others write about it. Respond to feedback. You may gain a few Internet friends that way.

If no new interests stick to you and you don't really enjoy your old interests, though, maybe you're depressed?

>> No.21247851

My otakudom only gets stronger with time.
26 years old right now, and I'm getting more involved the older I grow.

>> No.21247879

> If it's anime, you probably won't even do that.
This is a kind of behaviour that I (aka >>21247851) don't really get.
I just rewatch series a whole bunch of times.
There are some moe SoL that I probably rewatched around 10 times, and will still rewatch in a year or so.

But also my desire to create grows stronger.
I'm thinking of drwaing a manga, and trying to create a moe/denpa-ish video game.
I feel like remaining a passive consumer is just not who I want to be.
I wish to be in the middle of it.

>> No.21247882

>barely watch
barely watched
>long time find
long time to find

>> No.21247902

It is when you get caught and are a content creator yourself. Sorta like how everyone knows a very large chunk of people in Japan have now recently illegal underaged porn, but no one really cares about it until you get caught. Obviously everyone and their mother torrents doujins.

>> No.21247910

>I'm thinking of drwaing a manga, and trying to create a moe/denpa-ish video game. I feel like remaining a passive consumer is just not who I want to be. I wish to be in the middle of it.
You are growing more powerful anon, do it

>> No.21247926

>There are some moe SoL that I probably rewatched around 10 times, and will still rewatch in a year or so.
I guess it depends on what genres you like. SoL and character-driven series are easy to rewatch. If you prefer them, you can rewatch your favorites a bunch of times. If you prefer thrillers and plot-driven series, they just aren't as rewatchable. Maybe I am mistaking my personality quirks for features of different genres and fans of these genres, but I think there is a correlation.

>> No.21247977

>If you prefer thrillers and plot-driven series, they just aren't as rewatchable.
I guess that's pretty true. I don't tend to rewatch these shows too often. Maybe every 3-5 years if at all.

For the video game I am even making my own 3D engine in pure C.
It is/was fun. Now I'm at the 3D modeling stage and its a bit of a pain. Not the process of modeling, but rather deciding on how things should look. Deciding is really hard for me.
Creating a manga would be a ton of work too, but it has been on my mind. Drawing is fun, but focusing on the game is probably more important right now.

>> No.21248019

I don't care about anime anymore but that is because it sucks and is full of series that could easily just be live dramas nowadays instead of making use of the medium to animate wacky adventures. I've started reading manga a lot nowadays instead, not just of certain series to compare them to the anime version like the few I used to read nor only eromanga, but all sorts of manga, popular and unpopular. I was never really into the VN/Bishoujo games and media side of otaku culture that seemed to me to be the real core of otaku culture, but I still like doujin games and video games in general.

I just don't like what is presented as otaku stuff nowadays. Soulless piles of women (and men) following some theme, this obsession with absolute purity of mind and body, the even more recent obsession with marriage(I mean if everything is massive harem-like ideas nowadays why isn't polygamy or just keeping them as an army of unmarried girl(/boy)friends pushed more?) Series are just wish fulfillment of perverts or pandering to people who obsess over gays & lesbians. This underlying perversion prevents things from being done innocently too. It feels like there's only blatant explicit fanservice that becomes the focus of a scene and not just casual stuff that happens during other scenes.

Other stuff, I was never into. I don't care about music outside of specifically related to an anime or video game. I rarely listen to remixes of anime, touhou, or even other video game music. (I wonder if ocremix still exists) I don't really follow too many artists that don't also produce manga, ero or otherwise. I'm sort of tired of random anime girl portraits. I couldn't give a shit about western conventions, I don't like cosplayers, in fact I hate seeing ugly people ruin characters I love by dressing up as them. Lewd cosplay is sometimes okay. Even eastern ones, I'd only like to go to be able to personally browse doujin words, but in the end I know they're just fast paced shopping events and I'd never get to just wander around and look at stuff and I'd be better off going to an actual shop to do that. I don't really collect figurines and have less that probably 10, not including gunpla of which I probably would have a room full of if I had the money. I'd probably be some sort of action figure/modeller otaku in that situation with a bunch of busou shikis and frame arms girls and the like, along with various models of stuff and shittons of zoids.

The worst I feel is that I've nearly completely fallen out of Lego. Lego brand building blocks are an underappreciated part of otaku culture that lets you build all sorts of mechanical designs. Getting into making articulated bodies was the most amazing thing. I still smile whenever I see some small Lego creation in the background of a desk shot of some figs or something.

>> No.21248038

>For the video game I am even making my own 3D engine in pure C.
That is definitely fun and improves your graphics programming and software architecture skills (ECS!), but probably counterproductive if your goal is to release games. There is something like Greenspun's tenth rule for game engines, too, and making good tooling is a lot of work.

>> No.21248160

Sorry but ECS sucks my dude. i don't want to rant too much (especially since I already drank some beers), but its an example of over-engineering for problems that don't exist.
I have designed things in a way, in which tooling is super easy to program, and I don't worry about that at all. I basically have everything I need ready.
Hot-code reloading, paired with an API in which things are easy to get done with just straight C results in an engine where this isn't a problem anymore.
For the kind of games I want to make, my level editing software is already superior to everything Unity or Unreal has to offer. Also faster and easier to hack around in. (The only drawback is that you need to know the whole codebase to get stuff done)
The engine is pretty much done to a degree where I won't have a problem with anything (for simple games at least.)
3D modelling, texturing, music, and not to forget game-design are things which I struggle now with. They just require so many decisions that it makes my head hurt a little.
Programming is pretty straight forward in comparison. I just program what makes sense to me and is also fast enough.
With the main-character model there are so many variables. What kind of pants? What kind of haircut? How tall (which also has game-design implications).
I guess I just have to roll with the way things are, and get used to prioritizing 'getting things done' instead of fretting over every single detail.

>> No.21248208

>recent obsession with marriage
Is there really a recent obsession with marriage in otaku media or is more of a meme propagated through jokes about Abe and selection bias?

>> No.21248246
File: 76 KB, 1280x864, social media prognosis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If no new interests stick to you and you don't really enjoy your old interests, though, maybe you're depressed?
I probably worded my first post badly: I'm still enamoured with my current interests, they're just completely tangential to classical otakudom and seem to have the most receptive forums entirely IRL.
>My advice for social media is to get out of the bluecheck land.
I'm already not (my first post was really poorly worded), my 'circle' of contacts is entirely train and rc wota, and some musicians. I ended up severely culling my following a year back when english memes thrice removed and jpeg'd to all hell were appearing on my feed, like stools from one of the horses of the apocalypse (probaby the reason why I fell out of most otaku culture in general). I ended up closing my english account too soon after since most of the time it was only expat drivel or nobody I could have a beer with in person.

>The worst I feel is that I've nearly completely fallen out of Lego.
I feel the same. All my lego collection does now is take up space, I'm in the process of sorting all the parts so I can donate it to a kid who'll make full use of them and maybe get the same joy I did way back when. Maybe even turn into another akiyuky.

I think the last reason I ended up like this is because most of these people have slow, tiny, almost entirely disconnected internet presences, often hosted on their own pages. There's something really comfy in that, that makes returning to 7+ tweet per day feel obnoxious by comparison.

I think its both as nostalgia over family values by the aging popuation trickles down onto a new working class increasing unable or unwilling to marry.

>> No.21250574

So what's up with dark tanned kurogals in anime? Is it a passing fad or is it a result of the creators being nostalgic over the 90s? Are they going to absorb into anime and become a mainstay like bunny suits, maids, and buruma or just remain a character type? They're always been around since they've existed but it really feels like dark skin types have made a resurgence over just gyaru in general. Is it a side effect of brown elves being popular nowadays? Even ZUN was influenced by the trend back in HSiFS, originally wanting to make Nemuno into an actual yamanba style gal according to his comments.

On another note, what's kept lolita fashion so relevant? I'm surprised it hasn't faded away.

>> No.21251246 [DELETED] 
File: 1.69 MB, 1500x1600, __ibaraki_kasen_onozuka_komachi_and_shiki_eiki_winnie_the_pooh_and_etc_drawn_by_ruu_tksymkw__3257ac71acc13fee625d1d50d0f35d75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As several people have observed, it took until the 1970s and '80s for mangaka who went to school in the '60s and '70s to grow up and launch a global fetishistic obsession with what their classmates used to wear. Something like this must be happening with gyaru. Their depictions from earlier may have been attempts by older mangaka to incorporate a contemporary trend. Now it is people who grew up seeing them, flirting with them or even being one of them who are do it.

As for EGL, it is probably the most feminine form of dress that exists today. There is demand for that from women and men. I don't expect it to fade until something replaces it in that role.

>> No.21251250
File: 1.69 MB, 1500x1600, __ibaraki_kasen_onozuka_komachi_and_shiki_eiki_winnie_the_pooh_and_etc_drawn_by_ruu_tksymkw__3257ac71acc13fee625d1d50d0f35d75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As several people have observed, it took until the 1970s and '80s for mangaka who went to school in the '50s and '60s to grow up and launch a global fetishistic obsession with what their classmates used to wear. Something like this must be happening with gyaru. Their depictions from earlier may have been attempts by older mangaka to incorporate a contemporary trend. Now it is people who grew up seeing them, flirting with them or even being one of them who are do it.

As for EGL, it is probably the most feminine form of dress that exists today. There is demand for that from women and men. I don't expect it to fade until something replaces it in that role.

>> No.21251296

>or even being one of them
Gyaru drawing gyaru eromanga is probably the most erotic thing I could ever imagine

Looking at your imagine, I also wonder why artist tend to not draw them mashing down the backs of their shoes. Is that too unmoe?

>> No.21252134

>Gyaru drawing gyaru eromanga
Tell us if you find any.

>> No.21255103
File: 170 KB, 1200x847, catgirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's kept lolita fashion so relevant?
Fashion dolls?

>> No.21257209 [DELETED] 


>> No.21258079

If this thread dies, let's wait a few weeks or months to make a new one. It will allow anons to accumulate material.

>> No.21258291
File: 532 KB, 1233x713, Capturevd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although newer cookie touhou voice dramas tend to be boring or awful meme fests (that are also boring), I find that the voice dramas by this creator are actually pretty good and are fun to watch. Even if you don't know anything about the cookie fandom.

He just recently posted an new VD. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm35031213

And Older ones.

>> No.21260545

Typical kemono friends fan

>> No.21260575
File: 494 KB, 1280x646, worldwide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking lol. An H-doujin drawn out of sheer hatred and rage.

>> No.21261294
File: 59 KB, 324x306, 1d886ea07644cc2adc811844ea81786b5d387125d8e8942c686533b309b8645c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find Twitter - and, really, any social media with accounts or persistent identities - very hard to use comfortably. Perhaps it's because I've been on 4chan for so long that I'm accustomed to anonymous posting, but I don't like having all of my ideas attached to me. It's different from posting your ideas anonymously, where the idea is played around with, judged, and rejected or accepted by other posters.

I've had an account for about four months and the dynamics are different. It's difficult to carry on substantive conversations with Japanese speakers, and most artists are too busy or just not willing to entertain a fan beyond a reply or two. To get someone else's opinion on obscure details about series X or project Y your most accessible option is the English-speaking community for it. While English fans aren't as bad as some boards make them out to be, you'll quickly learn that writing your opinions under an identity will eventually require you to make compromises on certain aspects of your personality. I stopped following loli and talking about politics because odds are it'll cause drama. People who decide they're going to speak freely about whatever are eventually ostracized, even if the opinions they are being ostracized for have little to do with the hobby or fandom at hand. And before someone jumps down my throat, this is a problem with just about every community out there, not the specific community you have an axe to grind with. If you voice an idea and it's bad here, you get to change it or move on. On social media with persistent identities that idea is permanently welded to you, even if you change it afterwards.

There are a bunch of other things I find irritating with social media, especially how it mixes people's personal lives with their opinions and content on a hobby. A lot of people in anime and anime-adjacent communities are mentally ill and after you get to know them a few will cling to you for someone to talk to when they're in the middle of something. But the lack of anonymity really grates on me and makes it hard to interact with people.

>> No.21261318

For the record, the blame for this state of affairs rests entirely with me. I just wish that /jp/ was still active enough to discuss things, instead of flooded with generals.

>> No.21262671

The secret, I think, to managing identity is to realize that what society tells you about identity -- that you must a Person with a Personality and Opinions who is True and Authentic -- is a big fat lie spread out of stupidity and perhaps malice. You are not a Person. You are a bundle of personas, masks, that you wear in different situations, with different people and for different purposes. Over time you can develop new and drop old personas, but they are never "who you really are" because no such thing actually exists.

Anonymous posting makes it the easiest to manage personas (for instance, you can guess where I've lurking by the content of my post, but only if you are familiar with those places yourself). Making them disposable enables experimentation, which you can engage in to improve yourself and entertain others. However, it is also possible, if more difficult, manage personas in places with persistent identity. The solution comes naturally as long as they allow multiple registrations. If you are into loli and politics and otaku culture, make a separate account for each. Don't be afraid of making too many, be afraid of making too few. You will be free to behave differently in each context, which is the best for you and for other users. You can always merge your personas later if you like (but you can never un-merge them, so think before you do it). This is, incidentally, why Facebook is so harmful. Forcing identities is not the biggest problem, the big, huge, old Web-killing problem is forcing you to have just one.

>> No.21262678


>> No.21262814

I'm just going to get a blog if I ever get around to updating that shit again, last time despite everyone's best efforts it still took over the thread anyway.

I also have one. Browsing that Twitter has more or less become my "primary hobby" which is shallow as fuck but it's a steady stream of lightweight consumable content, so it is what it is. It does allow you to abandon Western communities entirely if you're okay with your community interaction being completely one-sided.

>relatively aware of most otaku paths but thoroughly uninterested in them all outside of my shallow niche of RC drift and professional music.
That's almost exactly what it means to be an "otaku." Somebody who dabbles into "all aspects" of otaku culture things is just a tourist traveling through a thousand different interests instead of going ham on one unless you're literally an otaku otaku. There's simply not enough time in the day to juggle four or more deep interests unless you're really dedicating 100% of your life outside work (or replacing work, if you're NEET) to following it. Just embrace it. It's what it originally meant anyway, before the whole thing got mixed up into being synonymous with anime and moe.

>> No.21262821

>I'm just going to get a blog if I ever get around to updating that shit again
Could you post the link to it now? Who know how long this thread will last.

>> No.21262823

I'd rather someone with intriguing stuff to say "take over the thread" rather then it be filled with people who don't say anything of worth. Not that the last thread was filled with people saying nothing of worth mind you, but you don't really have to feel bad about it.

>> No.21262914

>That's almost exactly what it means to be an "otaku."
Excellent point. Although there is a tendency of places like /jp/ and the Internet more broadly to transform people into otaku (or "net culture") otaku. On the Internet things get meta especially quickly, and then the meta becomes its own thing. (Case in point: /jp/ spin-offs aren't really about anything but themselves.)

>> No.21263187

>But also my desire to create grows stronger. I'm thinking of drwaing a manga, and trying to create a moe/denpa-ish video game. I feel like remaining a passive consumer is just not who I want to be.
I think everybody feels this call at some point. Either you follow or you drown it.

It really depends both on what you're watching and the attitude you go into it with. Any given season has plenty of anime in it that's not just "pile of girls ft. fanservice." Repurposing an old quote:

>According to Okada Toshio’s Introduction to Otaku Studies, to which we have already referred several times, otaku harbor a sense of distance best expressed in the following quip: “as they know they are being tricked, they can be truly emotionally moved.”
If you go into anime with a hypercritical eye then you're going to find a thousand things to criticize because at the end of the day anime is not exactly high art, if you want to find a bunch of girls doing a thing "soulless" it's not going to be possible for anyone to argue you down. But that's not what the intended audience is doing. The intended audience is perfectly fine with watching a vehicular casualty gather his battle harem or four girls engaging in a club activity for the umpteeth time and enjoying it all the same, because they are specifically going in there intent on finding meaning in the everyday interaction of a bunch of girls in the high spirits of youth, or the bonds of camaraderie between a party that fights together when they're too busy harassing each other, or whatever the series you're watching purports to be about. If you don't have that attitude the novelty will just wear off and you'll end up doing something else. Which is fine. Nobody forces you to go all-in on any interest if you don't want to.

>Even eastern ones, I'd only like to go to be able to personally browse doujin words, but in the end I know they're just fast paced shopping events and I'd never get to just wander around and look at stuff and I'd be better off going to an actual shop to do that.
You have hours and hours to wander around and just look at shit. The only people with no time to casually browse are people who have a huge list of stuff they want and have a plan for how to get it; if you're not one of these you have from 10 until 4 to just run around and look at shit. The real problem here of course is that you can't make it a primary hobby because it only comes a few times a year and getting there is real hard if you don't already live in Japan.

>> No.21264470

In Ubuntu and Debian an Ukagaka-compatible desktop ghost package can be installed through
sudo apt install ninix-aya
It's written in Ruby and looks pretty hackable.

>> No.21264568

Check out this nonsense.

>> No.21266576

Thanks, I never thought of it that way.

>> No.21268401

>That's almost exactly what it means to be an "otaku." Somebody who dabbles into "all aspects" of otaku culture things is just a tourist traveling through a thousand different interests instead of going ham on one unless you're literally an otaku otaku.
>It's what it originally meant anyway, before the whole thing got mixed up into being synonymous with anime and moe.
Is it really? Originally otaku was just a pejorative making fun of the way what were previously called "maniacs" addressed people. It's just a word like dweeb or nerd, and most of those types have a net of interests. If you said nerd, you'd assume that person had interest in several of the following: Computers, internet, science, astronomy, sci fi, fantasy, tabletop games, card games, lewd depictions of females, robotics, mathematics, computer science, IT, video games, anime, comic books, star wars, star trek, mmorpgs, assembling models, VR.

Would you say it's more proper to think of nerds as robot nerds and tabletop nerds and math nerds who weren't interested in other nerd associated hobbies as well, but only what they were known as a nerd of to an obscene degree? It seems like it's some sort of elitist idea. Why wouldn't a military otaku also like military anime, military games, military models, the science and mathematics behind military equipment and actions, etc? You can have a leaning but the idea that there are train otaku who only like trains and electronics otaku who only like electronics while excluding other otaku oriented interests, and those are the true otaku is kind of... like suggesting the train otaku wouldn't know what it was if a train he was watching had a vocaloid plastered on the side of it or the electronics otaku didn't care at all about the games the old computer she got working could play. It's like someone whose life was Star Wars but they hated video games so much that they'd never touch a Star Wars game.

Going from that I think anime is a permeating thing, since anime itself isn't a specific genre or hobby. It's just animated tv/film. It can be about anything and appeal to anyone who doesn't explicitly hate cartoons. Going beyond that, I think the bishoujo/bishounen/moe/kawaii ascetic is even more a binding thing.(Since I consider the manga and anime realm to be different from the VN and eroge realm and those different from the video game realm and those different from everything else) I mean there are probably robot otaku who hate so-called anime style but would still interact with a robotic anime figurine.

>> No.21270532
File: 318 KB, 572x303, 1389322138123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this image hasn't been posted enough. I figured it'd be a really common image, but it looks like it was only ever posted a few times.

>> No.21270559

Which Vice video is that? I'm having trouble finding it.

>> No.21270659

The one about the cannibal who got released.

>> No.21271890

post the reimu edit one

>> No.21273113

I always knew pitfags weren't right in the head. Now I just need proof for feetfags.

>> No.21274381
File: 2.97 MB, 854x480, ウッディスマン - WOODIES MAN【コマ撮り】-2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop motion, vtuber games stuff and nico memes (cookie/inmu). His english is not half bad and does his own subs on some of his videos.


>> No.21275018


This guy makes intricate toy train tracks that loop in on themselves, releases a bunch of trains on them, and sees which one is left standing.
He also makes obstacle courses and tests which train can make it the furthest.
It's pretty entertaining.

>> No.21275355

>Why wouldn't a military otaku also like military anime, military games, military models, the science and mathematics behind military equipment and actions, etc?
I don't think anyone is saying that he wouldn't. It's just that those things would not be his focus and could come and go while his interest in the military stuff remained. The best comparison for how otaku interests are might be the idea of a T-shaped person (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-shaped_person).). They are a T-shaped non-work force, if you will.

>anime is a permeating thing, since anime itself isn't a specific genre or hobby.
>the bishoujo/bishounen/moe/kawaii ascetic is even more a binding thing.
Sounds true to me. For the more recent generations of otaku (born in the 1980s or later) the two other unifying forces are video games, which may include any otaku interests, sometimes in unusual combinations that cross-pollinate between fandoms, and the Internet. I bet that /jp/ alone got thousands of VNs nerds into Touhou and vice versa.

>> No.21278253 [DELETED] 


>> No.21278565

Thanks for this! The t*kt*k one was pretty funny with the inmu jokes.

Great fun! The touhou soundtrack is also perfectly fitting.

>> No.21280202 [DELETED] 

Nice autism.

Speaking of, I'd like to remind /jp/ of this guy and his channel of strange 3D simulations https://www.youtube.com/user/99munimuni/videos

>> No.21280239

Nice autism.

Speaking of, I'd like to remind /jp/ of this guy and his channel of strange 3D simulations https://www.youtube.com/user/99munimuni

>> No.21280387

They aren't strange in context, he made his own physics engine in XNA.

>> No.21280393
File: 414 KB, 789x443, stop pubg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This feels like Japanese Robot Chicken. How come it has only 3K subscribers and views in the low thousands on most eps?

>> No.21280524

>They aren't strange in context
Yes it is. It's the kinds of things he builds to test it and the subject matter in general. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKBvF9MzDb8

Probably because Robot Chicken is shit.

>> No.21281403

>Probably because Robot Chicken is shit.
Irrelevant to the question.

>> No.21282169 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 855x855, 1314745644505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just posting this here for a moment because the user's pixiv is gone and I think it was posted on this board before and I don't know how to make warosu auto hash images like 4plebs.

>> No.21284481

I found keyboard crusher

>> No.21285554

This is good. Here is a postable WebM.

>> No.21289347

So old

>> No.21290753
File: 69 KB, 1280x758, head case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I ran into Captain Asagaya, real life everyday hero! He trains by drinking, and assists the local police (though nowadays he's usually more active in Kabukicho). Say something nice about him!

>> No.21290805

First time posting in /jp/ so please excuse me if I’m not following board etiquette.

The following video has made me interested in kabuki. Are there any decent subtitled kabuki recordings or such? Anything that could be recommended would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

>> No.21295452

This is the third post in a row with the word "Kabuki" in it.

>> No.21297389
File: 408 KB, 848x1200, 128flier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I started following more artists on Twitter I've become increasingly more aware of when all the Japanese events other than Comiket are and how I'm missing out on them by sitting at home in my dumb overseas apartment. It's not like I haven't known what Comitia (+ various other smaller conventions) arefor like a decade but watching everyone talk about it is something else.

One day I'll fuck off from my job and go to Japan for a whole year but not this year.

>> No.21299413

What a cool guy.

>> No.21301294

>One day I'll fuck off from my job and go to Japan for a whole year but not this year.
I kind of want to become a successful "digital nomad" for this reason. This, and to be able to immerse yourself in any foreign language you want to study. But it would require abandoning the NEET life.

>> No.21302929

Bumping for recs

>> No.21306033

This is a really clever introduction to neural networks.

>> No.21310946

You're shit out of luck because your tourist visa maxes out at 90 days and they only let you stay so many days out of the year.

There's always the option of working in Japan.

>> No.21310957

I remember from the /jp/ mansion threads that you can stay up to something like 180 non-consecutive days per year in total, no?

>> No.21311179

Was browsing through some of the earlier threads and someone brought up MMOs/multiplayer games. The only big ones actually made in Japan that come to mind are FFXIV, FFXI, and PSO2; the rest of the eastern MMORPGs are all either Korean grindshit, or worse, Chinese P2W wuxia. Are there any niche Japanese MMOs that might've been overlooked? I remember someone brought up Cosmic Break, which looked interesting at least.

If you want to stay for a whole year you might as well try to join JET and become a human tape recorder as an ALT; or, assuming you have some Japanese proficiency, a CIR (which is probably a better experience than the ALT one). At least you'll have housing and other stuff settled for the year.

Alternatively, there's always the dodgy private companies that run the English cram schools, although your mileage may vary. But anyway, the point is that if you want to stay for a full year, visa restrictions and whatnot mean that you're better off anchoring yourself to some kind of pseudo-job to get a visa for the full year.

>> No.21311219

>you're better off anchoring yourself to some kind of pseudo-job to get a visa for the full year
NEET life coach! Professional Touhou instructor! Otaku culture anthropologist! Tetraphobia counselor! Eroge critic!

>> No.21311251

Alternatively (since you mentioned anthropology), if you can somehow get into a Japanese meme undergraduate degree / postgraduate course (and even better, get funding or a scholarship to tide you through the course), you can spend 2-4 years in Japan on a student visa.

For example, Soka University offers full funding + stipend for its International Peace Studies course (postgraduate):

There's also the MEXT scholarships, although those are probably harder to actually get since they're fancy government scholarships and all. There are probably also a number of internal scholarships in Japan, but those usually have a baseline requirement of being somewhat proficient in Japanese, and you can only apply after you're already in Japan as a student. Not sure if this list is exhaustive or not, but there you go:

>> No.21311441

Major, no, but there are small ones that were. I believe ECO(Emil Chronicle) was Japanese but it's shut down now. SMT imagine was, but it shut down. Wizardry was, I think, but it's shut down. There was a game called Master of Epic that I watched an anime about, but I'm not sure it's still running. I'm sure other ones are niche as hell too. Oh, well Cyberstep's(Cosmic Break) other games are still running I think, like Onigiri.
I don't know why you'd think Japanese games would be any better than the Korean/Chinese/Taiwanese/Russian ones though.

Oh, there's also Dragon's Dogma Online, which is somehow eternally under the radar for some reason.

>> No.21311887

Oh, I definitely have no illusions about them being any "better" than the usual fare we get from MMOs at this point. FFXIV is definitely also a grind as far as I can tell. I was just curious in case I missed anything that flew under the radar. Although it does seem like the market is now chasing after mobage gachashit as the new social gaming platform that generates easy money.

Slightly tangential, but I do think there is also a distinction to be made between the developer and the (usually regional) publisher. For example, the SEA version of PSO2 was a terribly outdated quick cash grab by regional publishers that has already shut down, whereas it's still doing reasonably okay in Japan as far as I know. I also play some MMOs on Taiwanese servers, and the F2P terms have generally been somewhat more generous than on the Western servers, never mind the ping since I'm closer to Taiwan anyway.

>> No.21312814
File: 7 KB, 256x192, 37155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There exists an official Counter-Strike visual novel. It is titled "Counter-Strike NEO -White Memories-". It is a spin-off of the Japanese arcade version of Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike Neo. Sadly, it remains untranslated.


>> No.21313399

>Although it does seem like the market is now chasing after mobage gachashit as the new social gaming platform that generates easy money.
As a whole, yeah. Japanese for some reason don't use PCs a lot, so there was never really a big PC game market, thus usually only console playable MMOs become big. They were always ahead on phone technology so they had actual real games on the phone, so naturally they'd jump into that too. MMOs seem to only really be viable in Korea, NA, and China.

As a side note, always remember "gacha"/"gachapon" is a Japanese term.

>> No.21314693

I guess I'm a bit of Susumu Hirasawa otaku, and lately I've been following a surge(?) of Hirasawa remixes. Some of my favorites include a slew of Cookie x Hirasawa as well as a guy who remixes various anisongs in "Hirasawa style"

Big Brother : https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm33175756

HUMAN-LE.live : https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm34850714

Yurucamp△ ED x Adios : https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm34122226

>> No.21319054

I want to try kurtzpel because the character creation looked interesting but the devs are incompetent and makes a game that actively does not want to be played so I might give up on this gook trash.
