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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2122587 No.2122587 [Reply] [Original]

I noticed in the archive that the reportfag even reports sister threads now which gets them instantly deleted. ;_; What's his problem with everything?

>> No.2122597

Bro, you should have disguised your thread. Now it'll probably get reported and deleted before any earnest discussion comes underway.

>> No.2122594

"the" reportfag. You're right it's only one person reporting things.

>> No.2122605

Janitors. If you're going to stay at /jp/, learn to ignore them.

>> No.2122607

What pisses me off the most is that he always quotes the same reason for this reports, "off-topic", even though in the rules it actually says "off-topic replies". What a dumbass.

>> No.2122618

But to be fair, occasionally he tags the right threads that really should be deleted. At least he opposes the disguised /n/ threads.

>> No.2122616

You know, reporting doesn't delete threads. Janitors or moderators do, after judging that it's not a suitable thread for the board. So there's no point in arguing. I'm glad this board has some sort of moderation, at least. Just look at what /a/ has become, for instance.

>> No.2122627

i think reportfriend is a pretty cool guy eh reports threads and doesnt afraid of anything

>> No.2122632

True, but sister threads are a time honored /jp/ tradition.

>> No.2122643

I liked how he got that Hikkikomori thread from this morning deleted.

Fucking faggot.

>> No.2122657

OP picture is so cute. Just look at her. So cute. Girls will never be this cute in real life. They don't even dress like that. Fucking sluts.

>> No.2122659

But wasn't /jp/ made for the offtopic shit that moot didn't want in /a/? Sister threads being one of those?

>> No.2122664

Well, it certainly fits moot's "directionless pedos" thing.

>> No.2122663

You know what the problem is. The janitor is an idiot. He has no consistency--sometimes Japanese culture threads will be deleted, sometimes they won't. He's clearly in cahoots with DHAF, considering his amazing speed at cleaning up DHAF's threads. Sometimes NSFW material will sit on the frontpage for minutes while all other threads are getting wiped. He isn't reliable when /b/ decides to invade.

>> No.2122671
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So how many of you have actually emai- I mean spam mailed moots inbox for a new mod staff?

>> No.2122673

Moderation? On my futaba style imageboard?

No thank you.

>> No.2122675

But if moot already established that we are pedos with no general sense of direction, why the fuck can't they just let us be that?

>> No.2122677

Haha. Why would you do that? Nothing good ever comes out of it.

>> No.2122678

Not really. We all know that our personal janitor deletes everything that's reported, unless it's shota porn.

>> No.2122684

Our janitor is a faggot. Moot is too goddamn lazy to even look at the janitor applications sent in decades ago.

>> No.2122688


>> No.2122694


Moot's losing money from just keeping 4chan afloat, I doubt he gives half a shit about this place.

>> No.2122709

I remember moot saying once that due to some incidents that happened in the past, he will only hire mods that he knows in real life.

The sort of people that should be moderating /jp/ don't leave their houses, so moot will never be able to find a proper mod for /jp/. Not that he gives a shit about /jp/, I'd be willing to wager he hates us more than /b/.

I don't really mind the (lack of) moderation, since the beginning of /jp/, it was pretty much established that it would be best if /jp/ self-moderated itself, the mods usually don't come here, if we want their help, we'll report something.

And things went well for a while because people knew what to report (ie: blatant trolls, bad /n/ threads and that's pretty much it). It's the "DURR NOT JAPAN RELATED" report faggots that are ruining things. No mod/janitor on 4chan knows what is acceptable for /jp/, stop calling them all the time.

Just leave the report button fucking alone, you faggots.

>> No.2122714

I'm pretty sure moot said that he just gave up on the janitor applications because trying to pick decent staff members among the endless shit of applications he got was impossible.

>> No.2122721
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Well it's something to do rather than whine about it here where

>I doubt he gives half a shit about this place.

Maybe someone will piss him off some day and /jp/ will get dele- merged with /a/ again. Hell, that might even be a little amusing to watch.
