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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21195467 No.21195467[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A new government survey reveals the reality of middle-aged hikikomori between 40 to 64 years of age in Japan who still live in their rooms and depend on their parents who are between 54 to 83 years of age.


>> No.21195493

>hikikomori between 40 to 64 years of age
>parents who are between 54 to 83 years of age.
>14-19 year minimum differences

>> No.21195610

They're gonna die shortly after their parents half from poor health due to sedentary lifestyle, poor hygiene and bad eating habits, the other half from rope. The problem solves itself. Japan has too many people, it badly needs a population decline.

>> No.21195611



>> No.21195614

>Japan has too many people, it badly needs a population decline.

Isn't that already happening?

>> No.21195660

>Japan has too many people
No one has ever said this. They're in need of babies, but they fucked that up 30 years ago.

>> No.21195673

Up to 610k JKs and JCs impregnated half a century ago.

>> No.21195673,1 [INTERNAL] 

remember what NHK ni youkosou taught us. That when you are starved for food you will get up and work. Or something like that

>> No.21196198

>Up to 610k JKs and JCs impregnated half a century ago.

I see

>> No.21196198,1 [INTERNAL] 

Didn't the guy kill himself?

>> No.21196334

GIs having free access to any women in Japan with no repercussions probably contributed to those numbers

>> No.21196383

>Japan has too many people
You're an idiot weeb. Please learn about Japan before posting online.

>> No.21196405

It's between like '54 and '78. I mean it's not like soldiers stopped raping girls around military bases, but you can't really blame WW2 on it.

>> No.21196425

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a correlation between teen pregnancies and the resulting child being a maladjusted 社会不適合者 honestly

>> No.21196512

If there was, humanity would have floundered out long before the modern era. I guess it doesn't rule out a correlation that just happened to be a correlation though.

>> No.21196515

>I wouldn't be surprised if there was a correlation between teen pregnancies and the resulting child being a maladjusted 社会不適合者 honestly

Makes sense.

>> No.21196570

What is this word, wow.

>> No.21196583

Based, fuck boomers, even Japanese ones.

>> No.21196588 [DELETED] 


>> No.21196593


>> No.21196640

>Based, fuck boomers, even Japanese ones.

Why do you think that?

>> No.21196643


>> No.21196644

It's not really about the age so much as it is the lack of societal support for teen parents. In our society you need to have a steady career in order to earn a wage to support a family, and that's very hard to obtain when you're having kids in high or even middle school, especially if you don't have reliable immediately family to rely on for child care. This brings on poverty, which brings on shit like mental illness and substance abuse, which leads to kids growing up fucked up.

It's a lot different from like, a tribal pastoral society where kids could be raised communally and "making a living" was just tending the herd and making sure to find shit to eat

>> No.21196712

The actual problem is much more complex then people here think.
1. Neet/Hikki and birthrate problem spawned from economical situation when starting independent life become too expensive for average school/college graduate. Supporting kids is even more so.
2. It will not fix itself by depopulation effects alone. Because of urbanisation villages an small towns die first and the remaining people from here move to a city. The land/rent prices in cities will stay the same.
And by the time, when population decline impacts large cities, economic decline will be at crysis level and people will breed even less. And there will be even more neets.
3. Social programs aimed at young parents may help a bit. But the weight of such programs will fall on current working class who already struggles to support extreamely aged population.
4. There is no solution for people living too long. You can't just tell them to die earlier.

>> No.21196735

>This brings on poverty, which brings on shit like mental illness and substance abuse, which leads to kids growing up fucked up.
It also leads to kids not being able to be supported into their 60s.

>> No.21196932

I'm sure at least some of these parents are struggling to support their adult hikikomori children, but regardless I was only really responding to the guy I quoted in my post. The hikikomori problem itself is too multifaceted to reduce to a single cause.

People make a big deal out of the Japanese birth rate but Japan's low fertility rate (1.42) is not really anomolously low among wealthy industrialized societies, which almost as a rule have sub-replacement fertility--Portugal's is lower (1.39) for example, and countries like Italy (1.45) aren't much higher. In fact, the average birthrate of the entire European Union is around 1.6, well below replacement level. These countries don't have a demographic crisis, though, because their immigration policy is much more permissive than Japan's, so they make up the difference with people from outside. The 少子化問題 is really more a problem of policy than anything.

>> No.21196980

Why isn't Abe's propaganda working?

>> No.21197000

Importing third worlders will not solve any problems.

>> No.21197006 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself kike

>> No.21197013


What he's doing just isn't good enough. The recent labour laws are a start but they still have a long way to go. He needs to offer real incentives to have children that will actually support people. He acts like it's a huge crises, which it kind of is, but he's not actually doing much.

>> No.21197032

Solves the labor shortage, unless you think NEETs will become nurses for their aging parents.

>> No.21197034

The fact of the matter is that regardless of your feelings on the matter Japan is already "importing third worlders" to make up its labor shortage, and has been for quite some time. Without migrant labor, the country would quite simply not have enough workers to fill the jobs necessary for society to keep working.

>> No.21197052

Not true Japan has bunch of people working in completely nonessential jobs.

>> No.21197095

Anything that would actually solve the economic, labor and birthrate issues will go against the interests of those he represents, the pre-bust generations that still control everything in Japan. You can't really expect him to cater for his constituency while also trying to solve societal problems at the same time, so he does nothing substantial.

>> No.21197371

Sims 2000 in the references made me laugh until I clicked on it.

>> No.21198260

/jp/ pretending they know anything on economics or politics is always worth a laugh

>> No.21198553
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Hikkineetos like me deserve 2 things.

1) The right to live.
2) The right to live in decent condition.

>> No.21198693 [DELETED] 
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Food doujins are pretty good.

>> No.21198762

More money and more programs dont always work. See SK:

The Korean government offers bonuses, subsidies, housing assistance and free parking for parents but that is not solving their demographic collapse. If you thought Japan had low birth rates - South Korea has *no* birth rate. East Asians are just fucked.

>> No.21198764

It's called retiring?

>> No.21198799

t. chink

>> No.21199784 [DELETED] 

It all stems from women voting. Four words: take women's rights away. It will all fix itself really quick.
Look at muslims. Their fertility rate is just fine. But even there bitches be bitches. They try to whine and cry for more gibs and rights. But muslim men just say no. That's all people need to do, but they're too brainwashed by feminism to be the "good guys" aka bitch boys who cannot refuse women nowadays. What women going to do anyway? Are they going to start a war? Fight men? No, they will just shut the fuck up and obey because they can't live without a man. Such was life and it was perfectly fine. But no, we have to fuck up everything and have another civilization collapsed because muh vagina. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.21199821
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>> No.21199984

Chill out, Athens.

>> No.21200397

It's almost like combining capitalism and social conservatism is fucking awful.

>> No.21200407

Typical right wing politicians. How the fuck are people like this still getting elected?

>> No.21200464 [DELETED] 
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Whoa, looks like I touched a nerve. Is something the matter, meido? Are you *that* mad that the truth was spoken? Are you that injured from being sliced up by sound arguments? I'm so sorry. Next time I too, will be the obedient bitch boy who is not allowed to say mean things. Apologies.

>> No.21200494

That's just a band-aid solution and you know it, you can't solve a socio-economical problem just by importing people that's willing to put up with the shit rather than solving it, you're just crating an even bigger social breach.

Birthrate declining is just a result of socio-economical problems, is not cultural like the average retard believes

And of course the inbred mutt cant look at problems without thinking left or right.

>> No.21200778

The real solutions would be to make birth control inaccessible and get women out of the workplace. But these ideas would be of course quite uncomfortable and nobody in power would put them forward

>> No.21200805

Arab world already tried that and they had the Arab Spring in response. That bullshit doesn't work.

>> No.21200875

I predicted before I read this thread that it, like every other thread about Japanese politics, would end up being morons propounding their favorite political theories with Japan copy-pasted into their argument.

Japan has approximately the lowest teen motherhood rate and highest hikikomori rate in the entire world. Buy a better theory.

>> No.21200895

>That's just a band-aid solution and you know it
Obviously yes, it's global capitalism's way of keeping the system from collapsing in on itself. Japan has been trying to stem that tide, but in a global environment that means you'll lose out in the end and they know it.
To actually solve socioeconomic issues requires an introspection that most societies simply don't have the nerve to do and Japan is a prime example. They don't get the excuse of minorities or migrants since they barely even acknowledge they exist, but they do get the Chinese boogeyman to distract themselves with, with American bases as a side dish.

>> No.21200955 [DELETED] 

After looking on warosu, it doesn't matter whether the statement was true, false, nice, or mean. It's the same baiting shtick regardless.

If a truthful statement deviates from otaku culture and begs a deviation of topic, as you continue to attempt with your reply, it's veracity is irrelevant.

>> No.21200964

>It's called retiring?

No a retired Neet is not a hikikomori not the same thing.

>> No.21200968
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>These countries don't have a demographic crisis, though
Yes they do. As for Japan, even if importing immigrants were the ideal solution, most of those immigrants flock only to Tokyo or other large urban cities - which leaves the other smaller cities and villages to die.

>> No.21200996
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Well that's simply because it's easier to ban-delete-block anything you don't like to see under the pretense of upholding the so-called rules only when it benefits you, but always ignored otherwise, especially so when it applies to you (the usual 'rules for thee not for me'). If you noticed, posts started to get deleted only when a certain snowflake has entered the thread screeching about capitalism and right wing, which is too funny to me.

>> No.21201172


>> No.21201348

>most of those immigrants flock only to Tokyo or other large urban cities - which leaves the other smaller cities and villages to die.
Oh, someone with half a brain cared to get informed.
Precisely, the first generation of immigrants might work on shit jobs on the field, collecting apples on the fields, but they'll rush to the city ASAP for the same reasons any other Japanese does.

>> No.21201626

Yes, it would be "uncomfortable" to enslave half the population.

>> No.21201639

>Yes, it would be "uncomfortable" to enslave only half the population.

>> No.21201885

But these ideas would be of course quite unworkable and nobody in power would put them forward.

>> No.21203458



>> No.21206653


>> No.21208343

the only reason the majority of men throughout history were able to start a family is because they fulfilled the provider role for women. None of these problems existed until the introduction of women into the job market.

>> No.21208773

Women were needed in the workplace to bolster the workforce without having to increase the population pool so the economy wouldn't collapse on itself again. If you want to blame anything, blame capitalism and industrialization. Spoilered since some are triggered by the mention.

>> No.21209280



>> No.21215580
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Dear NEETs, what do you want in life?

>> No.21215656

I want to take it easy.

>> No.21215894
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just let me stay comfy,safe and cute in my room forever, I have everything I need and don't want to participate in society

>> No.21215910

We won't need extra workforce when automation rolls out.

>> No.21215917

Economy collapse is caused by (((interest)))
Women's independence of the family unit was the first supplementary wave of debt slaves.
Birth rates declined, then they needed more people taking loans with interest; foreign immigrants

>> No.21215919

To see my enemies in chains before me and hear the lamentations of their women.

>> No.21215926

they could also deal with a shrinking populations and keep it homogenous pretty easily, stuff will change but at least it will still be Japan

>> No.21216847
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Okay NEETs I have a proposition.

1) Your housing and basic needs are completely subsidized by your government
2) You are allowed 5000 dollars a year on disposable income
3) Your maximum lifespan is 90 years. Your support completely ends on your 90th birthday and you have the option to go for euthanasia if you have no other supports.

Would you accept this or would you rather work?

>> No.21216858

Can I just take the euthanasia option now?

>> No.21216926

No. You may get free government supplied mental health care, but there is a long waiting list.

>> No.21216953

Sounds good. Where do I sign up?

>> No.21216980

>The actual problem is much more complex then people here think.

You don't think mental illness plays a part at all?

>> No.21217101
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Fuck that

>> No.21217115
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Just buy some sodium nitrate and do it yourself.

>> No.21217454
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How is that even a question?
Basically you're giving me more money I can get with any stupid shitty job for doing nothing. Tomorrow I have to wake up at 5:00 AM, work for 13 hours, then repeat for the next three days, do you think I do that shit for pleasure or something?

>> No.21217689

Here is my hot take on the issue:

1) The current way of life in developed countries is highly unnatural. I'm not using this word in a negative sense, just as a statement of fact: our society has greatly diverged from what used to be normal for millions of years until just a few millenia ago, and it keeps diverging further.

2) The whole human reproductive system, biological and mental parts both, has essentially stayed the same as it was. It evolved without accounting for civilization, and is basically optimized for the way of life our distant ancestors had in African savannah.

3) Therefore, it's getting objectively harder and harder for humans to breed as society progresses. We have issues with meeting an appropriate partner, approaching them, liking them enough to commit to some sort or relationship, etc, etc, there are countless cultural/mental obstacles. The "natural" way of reproducing would be disturbing for modern humans for a number of reasons (for example, a lot of human sexuality revolves around male on female violence. Which is why the modern society is driving itself insane over issues of rape, consent, etc).

4) What's the solution? Short-term, none. Eventually, I believe, human reproduction will end up completely de-coupled from sex, with artificial uterus, etc. Sex will turn into a purely social/recreational activity, and, as such, optional.

>> No.21217840 [DELETED] 

That's just in developed countries though, niggers are reproducing like always I think.

>> No.21220071

I want to die

>> No.21220176

I'll take it.

>> No.21220739

If I could do anything myself I wouldn't be in this situation.

>> No.21220854

I could definitely get used to that. Honestly, even if they just gave us #1 I bet most neets would actually choose to work to in order buy videogames and expensive shit from Japan. What sucks is working a shitty job and having nothing left over after your cost of living (plus saving for a meager retirement).

>> No.21221579
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This anon gets it

>> No.21222676

I wanna rock

>> No.21222725

>Sex will turn into a purely social/recreational activity, and, as such, be banned
Fixed that for you. There's no way that something non-productive done purely for pleasure would stay legal.

>> No.21223305

Of course I would accept. With 5000 dollars of disposable income a year I could probably open up a shop in two or three years, and my disposable income would grow.

>> No.21223373

>There's no way that something non-productive done purely for pleasure would stay legal.
What about watching anime?

>> No.21223446
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I'm not worried about jap hikkis, they're harmless.
What i'm worried is YOU.
YOU, reading this.
I want YOU, average 4chan user, to die.
YOU are harmful to everything and everyone around you, the average japanese hikki isn't.

YOU are an actual tumor that can spread, they're self contained and generally at peace until they off themselves.
YOU refuse to kill yourself while also infecting those around you.
YOU are my problem.
Not them.

>> No.21223577

ill die when ive done as much damage as i could, in the mean time you can just hold your anus open

>> No.21223617

Who the fuck wouldn't take that offer?

>> No.21223667

I just want to be safe and alone. A peaceful life. I know I'm too broken to be of use to society, but my death will hurt my one living relative. I'm just kicking along until that person passes, and then I will use the insurance money to get my affairs in order and do the right thing.

I don't see the value in living a life of misery and surviving on beans and cabbage and picking between the electric bill and heat. I've done that long enough. I have no living relatives save the one, no friends, interests, or ability to reproduce. I am a societal dead end, anons, but I know that.

What do I want? Peace and quiet before I park the car in the garage and run out the engine.

If that is too much to ask, then I accept that I am selfish.

To be a hikki neet is to reflect on and accept the futility of prolonging a worthless existence. I am nothing to anyone and lack the capability to change that. I have tried, but I know the truth. No matter how much I scrabble, I cannot change that I am inherently a rotten person.

Don't worry anons, I'm not gonna waste resources beyond what I have available.

>> No.21223711

Pantyshots are banned in Japan, loli/shota is banned outside of Japan and probably soon in Japan too, and eventually they're sure to crack down on piracy since unofficial fansubbing is all but dead anyway. You could construe most anime as sexualizing minors if you actually enforce minors to include high schoolers and ban the whole deal. We'll likely end up with a new worldwide comics code eventually and the only permissible anime not even bearing a resemblance to what people watch now.

Besides those all anime is hentai and/or pedophilic people, there's a lot of hate for it just for being Japanese and replacing domestic works.

>> No.21223753

I don't even like ecchi or lolishit but this depressed the fuck out of me. It feels like we're on an impossible constrictive downward spiral of what can be portrayed and I don't know how to fix it.

>> No.21223837

I really wish usury never got widespread acceptance. I know lending money (The power to make others do things for you in trade) from nowhere and demanding more back does make a society more productive and grow faster, but it's so debilitating and destructive. At some point you can't possibly work enough to pay it off even on a personal level; we're already long past that happening on a multi-national level.
And I can't see any way out, besides complete annihilation of the debt, which probably requires complete annihilation of the debtors, which is incredibly unlikely.
That too.

>> No.21224222

Japan really ought to just completely overturn it's economy and move to communism. No money, no more economic problems. Besides, Japan already has an extremely collectivist mindset.

>> No.21224240

come here and do it then pussy

>> No.21224461

>Japan really ought to just completely overturn it's economy and move to communism.
Then they'd end up like China

>> No.21224623

They'd become a world superpower in a few decades? Sounds like a pretty good deal.

>> No.21225053

Japan was already thought to take over the world with its economy before. It's not like it's some minor third world nobody country even now.

>> No.21225265

Is this even a question? With that much money I'd be way above the average of my country.
Also, I have a couple of pet projects I want to take care of and they are not all that expensive. All I need is the money to not need to go out to wagecuck and work on my own goals.

>> No.21225765

>It's an obligation of older, retired parents in their 80s to take care of fat, lazy 50 year old offspring who should be doing that themselves
Yea, fuck off

>> No.21225781

They had 50 years to raise them properly and failed.

>> No.21225820

You only need 18 years if you are a proper parent. Anything after that is the "child"s fault. They should take responsibility for themselves instead of being a leech.

>> No.21226345

If you were a proper parent then they wouldn't be a leech nor a hikki

>> No.21226714
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I felt this post.

Staying alive because you feel obligated to is horrible.

>> No.21227015

How do you mean? China and Japan are very different nations. They're only really similar in that they're both very nationalistic.

>> No.21230481

So? How does this information helps? Society is still screwed. Niggers will face the same problem if they ever get developed enough.
I say fuck it. If we're dying, great. Things were much more comfy when there were fewer people around.
There's a great quote about overpopulation by Azimov. Google it.

>> No.21230487

stop waiting for life to give you purpose

>> No.21231042

This isn't the right way to think about this. If I buy a car from you and offered to pay you, but you'd have to wait for ten years, you'd either refuse or demand a higher price.

Interest reflects the fact that one dollar today is worth more than one dollar tomorrow because you can do something with the money in the interim, either by consuming or by investing. It's the price of getting access to money.

>> No.21231062

Plus, China doesn't have a communist economy at all. "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" is just state capitalism — there's markets and private enterprise, it's just that a lot of big corporations have government shareholders.

The old Maoist days with collective farms, central planning, and mass famines are long gone.

>> No.21231092

It's only a meaningful question if taking the deal meant you weren't allowed to work. You can't have any other income at all.

There's a Swedish art project trying to do exactly this:
>Starting in 2026, this will be one lucky (or extremely bored) worker’s everyday reality, thanks to a government-funded conceptual art project in Gothenburg, Sweden. The employee in question will report to Korsvägen, a train station under construction in the city, and will receive a salary of about $2,320 a month in U.S. dollars, plus annual wage increases, vacation time off and a pension for retirement.

>The job’s requirements couldn’t be simpler: An employee shows up to the train station each morning and punches the time clock. That, in turn, illuminates an extra bank of fluorescent lights over the platform, letting travelers and commuters know that the otherwise functionless employee is on the job. At the end of the day, the worker returns to clock out, and the lights go off. In between, they can do whatever they want, aside from work at another paying job.


>> No.21231216

I don't think it isn't the right way to think about this. Not at all.
You don't need a car right now at all if you can't pay for it. Public transport exists, having other people drive you is an option.
It's not a necessity, it's a luxury. And luxuries should be earned, either by that person or by someone they know as a gift that acquaintance believes the person deserves.
You can buy that car ten years later, after earning enough to buy it.

I'm aware of the benefit and reasoning. It definitely makes people more productive and gives them freedom to access money before earning it. There's also the risk of not getting paid back value that can justify interest, arguably.
But that doesn't make the fact that it is eventually impossible to repay untrue at all.
It's a system that demands more and more as time goes on, only creating enough money to use for the initial lend, and requiring more to pay off. More money to pay it off than money exists. It makes the majority of people perpetually indebted to the lenders, and makes it GENUINELY impossible for even half the population to pay it off.
Sure, that makes more people work, which makes them more productive. But even that causing problems. For example the earlier mention of making women work as well, just to keep making enough money for the family to keep out of poverty. If that's even successful, as it often isn't.

Working beforehand to gain value for trade before buying luxuries is much more sensible.
Parents can pay for education. Or the government of course, if such a system is in place, which siphons money from the entire population through tax. Education is worthwhile, and generally not the burden of the child.
Buying anything else for yourself before you have the value to pay for it is a problem in itself.
Moving out the second you hit 18, before earning enough to, is stupid as hell too. It's an unreasonable expectation that adds to the ever growing demand for housing which makes it more expensive to achieve, which pushes more people into debt.

If you have hopes or dreams to push ahead, like becoming an entrepreneur before actually working for the startup fund, then you should have networked acquaintances willing to let you use their money for it.
But that's a very limited situation. And one that should not be fuelled strictly by interest.

>> No.21231245

That's reasonable. It's definitely stupid to borrow money and spend it on consumption if you don't have a way of paying it back in the future. Borrowing to get an education or to start a business is one thing, and racking up credit card debt you can't afford is totally different.

But markets have two sides. No one is forcing people to take on debt — if there wasn't demand, there wouldn't be banks offering such services, either. Saying that loans in general are bad in general because some people make bad choices or get unlucky is a bit excessive, isn't it?

>> No.21231295

There's also a massive demand for painkillers, even for those not in pain. You can definitely fuel that entirely, making the majority of the population a different kind of slave. They don't HAVE to take on the addiction, but they do, they even demand to. It's a valid service. Should that be done?
That's more of a question of morality though. And quite beside the point.

What I REALLY have a problem with is the widespread acceptance of usury. Not the existence of usury. Like I said in >>21223837 in fewer words.
Its genuinely positive use is incredible. But its widespread acceptance outside of that use is destructive.
It should be a very limited situation, for entrepreneurship or other worthwhile investments. Fuelled not by the desire for more money for the lender, but by a genuine desire to see success of the individual. And thus SHOULD be lent on a personal basis through a network of acquaintances, without institutionally enforced interest.
The very few who can definitely pay it off can convince their network of acquaintances to give them money if they genuinely have dreams to fulfil and the capability of doing so.
Handing such opportunity out like candy for every day luxuries is the problem.
And educating the population, through media or otherwise, to take that candy. Of course.

>> No.21231314

That is what I meant

>> No.21231559

you gotta eat the whole ass

>> No.21232164

A lot of the things you wrote aren't true. They are just thoughts but you tell yourself that they are true. Like how you have no value to the world or that you are nothing to anyone. None of these things mean anything other than what we believe they do.

A true neet wants nothing. And only once you want nothing can you have everything.

>> No.21232490

>$2,320 a month
>just for showing up
In my country, that's the salary a professional with 7+ years of experience, working his ass off 9 to 10, can only dream of. How come Sweden is so loaded?

>> No.21232505

sounds like it's ok for me to be a hikineet too then

>> No.21232511
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>> No.21232536


Nordic countries are great places to live in for multiple reasons and sometimes you encounter story related liberal policiesthat you can abuse for easy free money

>> No.21233668

>Public transport exists
In a lot of places it doesn't, intentionally so since the car lobby is powerful. There are a lot of places in the US and Canada that a car is the only viable mode of transportation.
>having other people drive you is an option.
Relying on the good will and ability of others is itself not reliable. What if they get sick, have to do something in that same time-frame, or simply don't want to do it? You can't go to work and you're going to get fired, or can't go to school and are forced to drop out. Then you're more fucked than before.

Having access to a car is a necessity for countless people.
>You can buy that car ten years later, after earning enough to buy it.
How do you earn enough when you can't save enough to get it since you don't have the income necessary to facilitate saving in the first place?

>> No.21233906

It's the difference between a wealthy nation and not-so-wealthy one. More capital, better education, effective management, and greater levels of technology make a huge difference.

>> No.21233974

It's not just car manufacturers. Real estate owners openly advocate for wealth centralization in urban areas and undermine projects to develop/improve reliable public transportation from outside the city to inside.

Commuting is a hellish experience by design so professionals are incentivized to either move to the city or drive there.

>> No.21234206

did you not read this the article? it's a privately funded 'social experiment', meant for one single person. i bet the whole plan will be cancelled before it's put into action anyway, it's probably just some pr stunt.

in reality the most you can get out of welfare in swedistan is like 1200$ if you've never worked before and have no other income. that's not a whole lot if you consider the higher living costs

>> No.21234969

When did world turned into such dystopia? 80s?

>> No.21235094

Well, bicycles are also an option. I used to ride mine 10 miles a day to and from work, at about 5mph uphill to and 20mph downhill from. And then often 30-40 miles for leisure on my days off.
But that's 2:30 travel time just for work, which is definitely kind of absurd and clearly inviable for people who don't exercise at all.
So yeah, that's a problem too. Though a far lesser one than usury's spread among the common population.

But another point on that. The only place I've ever lived that had massive travel distances and no public transport (Almost, one or two buses twice a week for church that people co-opted for other things around the same time) also had massive farm lands and farmer's markets that attracted plenty of people from elsewhere. So you could generally live on what you grow and sell, both for food directly, and for stuff like utilities or property taxes. And if you couldn't, somehow, then you could band together with the community to help with construction projects, or work for the church.
Being limited to unreliable DSL, satellite, or cell phone internet there is kind of a massive pain though.

It's been slowly changing that way for over a century, probably several. Through conspiracy or otherwise.

>> No.21237281

>sounds like it's ok for me to be a hikineet too then

So you are okay with being mentally ill?

>> No.21237403

Bunch of pathetic NEETs.
Why can't they just use their hobbies/things the like as a 'goal' to work or study so that, they can afford to enjoy those things without relying on their helpless parents?
And don't give me crap about muh depression and anxiety bullshit. They're weak and lack willpower.

>> No.21237427

>Why can't they just use their hobbies/things the like as a 'goal' to work or study so that,
>They're weak and lack willpower
you answered your own question

>> No.21237940

They subsidize to $200/month but the mother they interviewed was spending $1000 on the kid. The article described Seoul as a difficult place to be a parent with insufficient infrastructure and enormous waiting lists for daycare.

More importantly, it points out how young people have to leave their parents' towns and move to Seoul to find jobs, depriving them of assistance from the extended family when they raise kids. It describes the city as a fiercely competitive job environment where parents are afraid they won't be able to get new jobs if they take breaks to have kids, and they're forced to work inhumane hours plus absurd after-hours social time to please bosses. The wages are too low for families to rely on single incomes.

If they want more families, they need plentiful high paying jobs all over the country with 40 hour weeks and no after hours socializing. Yet somehow, in the face of this shortage of jobs and lack of worker bargaining power, foreigners want them to flood the labor market with cheap immigrants so big international businessmen can get the resources that should be going towards kids.

>> No.21239184

Stop buying sensationalist garbage from anglo news sources that Japan will die out by 2100. Every >70IQ person hopefully understands that a country won't go from 100+Million people to 0 without a significant change in population. The reduction in population will ultimately lead to higher wages and better workplace quality due to shortages of workers. Being able to feed a family without having both mother and father work or the father having to work 16 hours a day will solve most of the problems they face.

And this is exactly the reason why western european welfare states have been slowly deteriorating over the last decades.

Japan plays the long game Europe chose the short-term solution and decided to press the wages down by relying on immigration from lower educated places.

>> No.21240311

If the problem is that there's an inadequate supply of childcare services, then government subsidies might only bid up the price of childcare even more. To bring down the costs, you need to increase supply, and allowing in migrants who are willing to do those sorts of relatively low-wage jobs is actually a good way of achieving this.

The problem in places like South Korea and Japan isn't immigration, it's the work culture. When you normalize 50-60 hour workweeks, you make it close to impossible to keep a job and raise a kid at the same time. In the past when women weren't educated and had few job prospects, there weren't many choices other than getting married and staying at home. Now a lot of women have to choose between a good career and having children.

>> No.21240341

>reduction in population will ultimately lead to higher wages and better workplace quality

It's hard to say that for sure. The demographic changes in Japan are a major incentive to automate more jobs. Workers are going to be scarce in the future, so companies will shift to methods of production that require less labor. If there's enough adoption of labor-saving technology, then wages might not go up that much at all.

>> No.21240366

It's not some conspiracy, it's the result of economics aligned with some unfortunate policy/culture issues.

People and companies are more productive when they're closer together. Once, it seemed the internet would make working from anywhere viable, but it's actually increased agglomeration effects and created a stronger pull towards the cities. Firms are drawn to cities because they're more productive there, and people are drawn to cities because wages are higher.

However, in the US for various historical reasons the government has promoted a homeownership society (vs say Germany, where most people rent forever). This creates a problem because local homeowners are a powerful political constituency that tends to vote against development and public transit (no one likes having a rail line near their house). Combined with a car culture and a widespread perception that public transit is for the poor, there's very little political support for mass transit.

>> No.21241234

Migrants tend to be worse at childcare due to difficulty communicating, cultural differences including different expectations about how to treat kids, and lack of education. The article pointed out how Korean parents were already seeking out the best daycare centers and avoiding lower quality private ones. All the demand is for high end service.

One way or another, caring for kids needs to move up closer to good career territory. It's definitely true that those long work weeks aren't compatible with parenting.

>> No.21242060
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rich hikikomori

>> No.21245156

typical /alt/ poster

>> No.21247908
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> tfw you can't live a sustainable hikki lifestyle

>> No.21248211

It's possible to have too many people and a declining workforce, Japan doesn't want any more 30 year olds, the schools are empty and hospitals are filling up. Japan is also pretty overpopulated, but like everyone else their economy is built off of constant growth that needs a population to sustain it.

>> No.21248419
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>Up to 610k JKs and JCs impregnated half a century ago.

>> No.21248427

Immigration is a short term solution for a long term problem.

>> No.21248538
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That's true. Contrary to what /pol/acks believe, immigrants from countries with insane birthrates rarely continue the trend a few generations in. I know a fair amount of middle-eastern chicks that can wear miniskirts, binge-drink and suck dick as well as any white girl. You can only sustain this by inviting more and more immigrants. But then again, an economy based on perpetual growth is not sustainable to begin with.

>> No.21248553

Good boy, keep parroting whatever the news anchor wants you to believe.

>> No.21248645

Look up "Immigrant fertility in West Germany: Is there a socialization effect in transitions to second and third births?". I can't link to it because the post is flagged for spam for whatever reason.
> The findings support mainly the socialization hypothesis: the transition rates of first-generation immigrants vary by country of origin, and the fertility patterns of migrant descendants resemble more closely those of West Germans than those of the first immigrant generation.
You on the other hand can keep parroting infographics you saw on 4chan.

>> No.21249047


This is correct. The primary determinants for how many kids you have are wealth and female education. Girls that grow up in a rich country generally don't have a lot of kids, even if their parents were part of huge families.

If you live in a country like Canada or Australia where immigration is largely skills-based, this effect is particularly pronounced. College-educated immigrants from India or East Asia wouldn't have seven kids even in their old homeland, much less their new countries.

>> No.21249068

You're missing the distinction between growth of the country as a whole and growth per worker. Total Japanese GDP is about where it was in 1995 — that's the effect of the lost decades and the shrinking workforce.

But if you look at Japanese GDP per working age person, it's actually been growing at about the same rate as the US or other rich countries. Growth for people in Japan is possible even with a shrinking population as long as you innovate and adopt new technologies.

>> No.21249093

But why would you want to? Sure, there's plenty of interesting things on the internet, but it's not like that's the sum total of interesting things to see and do in the world.

>> No.21249122

I can go outside just fine. What I'm jealous of is not having to wage-slave to survive.

>> No.21249161

>If you live in a country like Canada or Australia where immigration is largely skills-based, this effect is particularly pronounced.
Minority of countries. Most like mine is "DUDE LET THEM ALL IN LMAO".

>> No.21249179

most pro inmigration shills are not white.

makes u think

>> No.21249240

Growth for people is absolutely possible, but the government needs its cut and the companies in Japan want the exact opposite of that to happen, they want buckets of cheap labor and huge GDP. Anything that isn't max growth is an economic failure.

>> No.21249251

Well, when the robots take over all the jobs and a universal basic income becomes law, we won't have to anymore.

>> No.21249270

> implying climate-driven mass-migration and other consequences of climate change won't radically alter society for the worse

>> No.21249272

The Europeans are really bad at accepting immigrants. You need some process by which people learn the local language, get jobs, and send their kids to local schools. For all that people in the US freak out about immigration, America mostly handles things pretty well. Even the illegal immigrants are workers, and they're actually less likely to commit (other) crimes than natives.

What you can't do is what Germany and France have done, which is to let in tons of migrants and then have them gather in ghettos so they never assimilate. Then you have a festering seedbed for fucked up behavior and prime recruiting ground for terrorists.

>> No.21249286

This is something really worth being concerned about. Migrants from Syria alone have pretty much derailed politics in Europe. If water scarcity and mass migrations become normal, rich countries are fucked.

>> No.21249306

In 1751 Ben Franklin argued that most Germans needed to be kept out of the colonies because they weren't white. By his definition, only the English and people from Saxony were white, while Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes were not.

Really makes you think.

>> No.21249327

Having a skill ceiling and not importing people who openly call for our deaths would be a better place to start tbqh

>> No.21249358
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It's not even about cultural clahes at that point. It's just sheer numbers. I'm a leaf, and seeing as how people are already concerned about what they see as American-style race resentment from Canadians, I dread the time where we'll be pretty much forced to accommodate millions of climate migrants or start shooting at boats or something. It will tear our society apart regardless of which path Canada chooses. It's infuriating how even what passes for a leftist these days doesn't do nearly enough to combat climate change. That said, I don't know how much we can even do.

>> No.21249376

>blaming the natives for the immigrants not assimilating

what a nonwhite post

>> No.21249389

This thread belongs on /int/.

>> No.21249399

/pol/ actually since spics and /pol/nutts are discussing inmigration

>> No.21249478
File: 189 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_8006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may not be an addict or alchoholic but go to meetings and work the 12 steps. I used to be like you but it has helped so much. IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO CHANGE. YOU CAN FIND MEANING AND YOUR OWN PROGRESS IN LIFE.

>> No.21249499

The bad results in Europe are the direct consequence of misguided public policies centered around "multiculturalism" that encouraged immigrants to live in immigrant-only neighborhoods and send their kids to private immigrant-only schools. UK, German, and French policymakers are responsible. If their policies had been more akin to the US, Australia, or Canada, this wouldn't have happened.

>> No.21249519

This. Both are terrible options. Reject them, and you have a humanitarian disaster. Take them, and your society faces enormous strain. People who choose to migrate are very different from people who were forced to migrate. The former assimilate easily, while the latter are a lot more troublesome.

Australia's already having a hard enough time dealing with refugees, and so far their solution has been just to keep them in camps on islands far from Australia itself. And the worst part is that the big drivers of climate change in the future will be China and India, countries with very little immigration.

>> No.21249525

How the hell did we start with middle-aged hikkineets and get to immigration? I thought this was /jp/.

>> No.21249528
File: 266 KB, 400x288, 9EF76F6B-7DAD-47D8-B019-8B15BAEBC921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the solution to the economic problem: abandon everything, demolish all of the cities, mandate Yayoi agrarianism, and appoint an empress with relation to the current emperor. No more exports and no more imports. Everyone gets a job, and it solves the weeb problem because no more anime or tourists

Lmao, either this situation really is as seriously bad is everyone makes it out to be or the country is really fucked beyond all hope

>> No.21249541

And at the same time you'd reduce everyone to subsistence living. That's literally a world where people are living on a few hundred dollars a year. Yes, everyone has a job, but that's because the alternative is starvation, and when famines strike even working to the bone won't help.

>> No.21249576
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>> No.21249605

>subsistence living
>dollars a year
I think you mean subsistence agriculture? Grains, vegetables, and beans aren’t grown to be sold in supermarkets, anon, that’s your income.

>everyone has a job because the opposite is starvation
Isn’t that how it’s always been? I’m not asking much


This is a good post

>> No.21249658

>this wouldn't have happened.

Yes it would have. People of different ethnicities will form communities with the people they identify with. Even if they are encourage to assimilate to the society that host em they will naturally form groups with people similar to them.

You cited America as the perfect immigrant paradise but the racial tensions are on rise and ethnic gropus are becoming more divided than ever.

Tribalism is an inescapable aspect of human nature and your silly and innocent civic nationalism idealism will not override it.

Also Japan needs plans to incentivize childbirth among its natives, no flood the country with foreigners.

>> No.21249696

Oh well, life goes on, society goes on.

>> No.21249710

We need to unironcally bring back the black plague to strip the world of atleast 4 billion people. We have TOO many people on this planet and it's going to take longer until NASA finds a habitable planet.

>> No.21249718

>tribalism is part of human nature
This is what separates the Jomon from the Yayoi. You have not met the minimum requirement to be called a human. Please stop referring to yourself as one. I believe it is cultural appropriation. Try “ape”, or “ancestor of mankind”, I believe it is more suiting

>> No.21249827

Accept the humanity will live and die on this planet. Abandon the fantasy of running away to another world to escape the problems we created for ourselves.

>> No.21249862

We can always run away to whatever is after death at least anon, there's some solace in that, no matter how bad it gets, you're gonna die someday, and be free of this world, whether the next will be any better, or anything at all, who knows, but it's still an escape (unless what comes after is reincarnation).

>> No.21249875

reading his and your posts again, I guess you mean humanity as a whole, I don't care about that much myself I guess.

>> No.21250473



>> No.21251088

Immigration is the problem. /pol/, /int/, /bant/, /a/, /v/, and /vg/ love to immigrate to /jp/ but can't assimilate.

>> No.21251165

Don't lump /a/ with the rest of them.

>> No.21251242


>> No.21251354

/a/ is absolute garbage now. Most posters are clearly /v/ermin

>> No.21251630

The only time /a/ hasn't been garbage since /jp/. was created was during the 2010-12 shitposting era when /jp/ was worse than /a/.

>> No.21251849

>underage /jp/sies forgetting why was /jp/ created in the first place

this board was one of the first containment boards ever

>who quot

you are mom, lol

>> No.21252339
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A containment board for AWESOMEtism, you dork.

>> No.21252554

/a/ was the first containment board.

>> No.21253089

Really makes you think.

>> No.21253297

This guy gets it,he’s old school.

>> No.21256916


>> No.21256953
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This is deep.

>> No.21257675

low quality posts are not allowed

>> No.21257711

>The 少子化問題 is really more a problem of policy than anything.
Why do people insert random Japanese terms into their posts like this?

>> No.21257711,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Japan needs plans to incentivize childbirth among its natives, no flood the country with foreigners

well, whites have clearly superior genes, so no problem there; but yes, most of the foreigners living in Japan are from other Asian countries and I don't like this
