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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 70 KB, 893x520, Japan is racist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2113982 No.2113982 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a fucking moron? EVERYTHING Japanese welcome, including an article in a JAPANESE dual language magazine about racism in the police.

Fucking idiot. How the hell did you get the job?


>> No.2113986
File: 112 KB, 320x348, 1235113639309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything Japanese welcome

Such a cruel joke.

>> No.2113991

Nobody gives a shit.

>> No.2113993

I learned from Police Academy that having more than one sequel is a terrible fucking idea.

>> No.2113992

That what was they said when your mom pushed you out of her filthy cunt.

>> No.2113994
File: 49 KB, 358x500, 1235113789792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported once again for a tiny-veiled old /n/ topic.

>> No.2113998

Unless it's a shitty VN or touhou thread, it gets deleted. Janitor hates everything else.

>> No.2113999
File: 342 KB, 966x1200, 1235113856454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he got carried away? Maybe he was confused by the reportfag impersonator? You should go easy on him, OP. It's late in the states.

Also, be careful of global rule 8.

>> No.2114003

lol OP raging

>> No.2114007

So, serious question op...Why do you, and practically every gaijin have to make a thread/blog bitching about Japan 24/7? Why not just leave or never think about Japan again? Or at least stop with the blanket statements like "Japan is racist".

>> No.2114011

It is true gaijin cause crime. They have a sense of entitlement that they are from a superior Western nation blessing an inferior yellow country with their presence and do dumb shit.

>> No.2114012


But Japan IS racist. I'm just sayin'.

>> No.2114015

Who said I bitch about japan 24/7? Do you think any EU country would tolerate that another member treat their immigrants and guest workers the way Japan does?

If not, then yes, Japan is racist. Not all Japanese are racists, but the state is.

>> No.2114017


TBH I would rather see another touhou or powerlevels thread than this shit.

>> No.2114019

Because the best thing to do when your thread sucks and gets deleted is make another one crying about it.

>> No.2114025

yes, because it works. this thread is alive, isn't it?

>> No.2114035
File: 11 KB, 131x225, 1235114339326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: The mods have always banned /n/ews topics on /jp/.

Do you want this to be a thread about the Japanese language or do you want it to be an old-/n/ shitstorm about race/racism?

P.S. Nice try trying to squeeze in an old /n/ topic. moot said don't question the mods/janitors. There's a reason why they were selected to guard this website Mr offtopic troll.

To all /r9k/ interboard trolls, /jp/ is a board about Japanese culture. Our userbase prefers to take it easy, so please keep your rage induced shitstorms on /r9k/.

>> No.2114042

racism is part of japanese culture.

>> No.2114045

Yet again another blanket statement, Japan doesn't treat it's immigrants much worse than most countries. Do you really think that europe treats immigrants THAT well? "LOOK TURKS, SANDNIGGERS, ZOMG ZOMG GODDAMN MUSLIMS".

>> No.2114046


>There's a reason why they were selected to guard this website

Nepotism? I'm just sayin'.

>> No.2114047

Just fuck off already.

>> No.2114053

Yes, Europe treats them way better. How many turks are there in Germany compared to Japan? How many immigrants are on welfare in Scandinavia and Germany or France compared to Japan?

>> No.2114057
File: 49 KB, 358x500, 1235114615267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases

>> No.2114069

>How many turks are there in Germany compared to Japan?
I genuinely don't know, but I'm guessing Germany has more just because Japan doesn't get many immigrants in the first place.

>how many immigrants are on welfare in Scandinavia and Germany or France compared to Japan?
I'm not sure I don't carry a statistic book with me, but Japan doesn't get that many immigrants in the first place...so I'm assuming far less.

>> No.2114071


>> No.2114073

and why do you think Japan lets in far less immigrants than let's say Germany which faces the same prospects regarding aging population as Japan?

>> No.2114075


>I genuinely don't know
>I'm not sure

You don't know very much. Do you?

>> No.2114084

>immigrants... on welfare
Oh fucking yeah, great way to improve a society right there.

99% of immigrants to any 1st world country are worthless garbage that will never contribute anything positive to society ever. Those that will should have enough of a spine to push their way through a rather difficult system. If they can't handle it then they can GTFO. Look at America, it lets all sorts of riff raff in just because it's afraid of being "racist" and look where that's gotten it, America is a fucking shithole.

>> No.2114091

About europe? Nah, I don't live there and you guys aren't important enough to me in my daily life to read about outside of major headlines and occasional reading. You probably wouldn't know a random statistic in my country or even general area without having to google crap and sifting through my indecipherable language.

>> No.2114098

What's the name of this magazine?

>> No.2114101

The topic is racism in Japan, and therefore ontopic. If the OP were expressing racist views as the sole topic of the thread, then that part of rule 3 could be reasonably invoked, but he isn't. Those portions of rule 3 alone do not make this thread reportable. If the OP is a troll, then it may still be reportable, especially if the thread does degrade into /n/ bickering.

>> No.2114103


Hiragana Times? Maybe?

>> No.2114104


>> No.2114105

At least he's not pretending to be an expert on a subject he doesn't know much about, unlike the people who always bitch about how terrible Japan is when they've never even been there.

America would collapse without its immigrant population. It's the middle class and rednecks that make America shitty.

>> No.2114107

the OP is right if this thread isn't gone as well

>> No.2114110
File: 5 KB, 147x136, 1235115233308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The topic is racism in Japan, and therefore ontopic (sic)

People seriously believe "everything Japanese is welcome"?

>> No.2114111

Japan has robots brah.

>> No.2114113

>>2114084 Look at the UK, it lets all sorts of riff raff in just because it's afraid of being "racist" and look where that's gotten it, London is a fucking shithole.
Fixed. How's Shariah law working out for you?

>> No.2114117

Actually, it's just about everything and everyone in America that makes it shitty.

>> No.2114120


>Actually, it's just about everything and everyone in the world that makes it shitty.


>> No.2114123

You must be one of those people that think that multiculturalism can do no harm.

I don't like the way multiculturalism (as a nation) is always paraded like some kind of super solution to all of the problems we have. I understand that it brings the good aspects of other cultures but it doesn't end there, the bad are also absorbed. Multiculturalism is a double edged sword that not everybody need as much as the western world would like to think.

>> No.2114121

>>2114105 rednecks ... make America shitty
What? What is this, Opposite Day? Corn and cows don't harvest themselves.

>> No.2114128

Filipino nurse program, heard of it?

>> No.2114139


>Heard of it?


>> No.2114144

Other than being annoyed by overly-PC college students who can never shut up about multiculturalism, I don't see what real harm it can cause.

>> No.2114145

But can you really blame them? Some foreigners act like fucking retards when in Japan.


>> No.2114148


This is why threads like this will never work. They almost always become racist old-/n/ shitstorms. Hence the reason why I'm going to have to report it.

One of these days I'm going to email moot, and ask him to start giving out public bans for these types of threads.

>> No.2114151

Japan's importing nurses from all over.


>> No.2114153

Rednecks don't farm, farmers farm. Rednecks compete directly with Mexicans for jobs that require only the brainstem to be active, and hunt small animals, and breed.

>> No.2114155

Just more bullshit, you're just pissed that your country didn't implement harsher immigration policies.

Do you want to know what is taught in the US police academies? It's all about "muslims, blacks, and mexicans will in general commit more crime per person as compared to other ethnic/racial groups."

And is that not true when you look within black, mexican, and muslim communities throughout the U.S?

Deal with it, at least the Japanese are trying to curb crime before it happens instead of AFTER all hell has broken loose.

>> No.2114158



>> No.2114168

/n/ threads would be ok if we lost the stormfront crowd in /jp/

>> No.2114172

LOL reminds me of Denmark. The best immigration policy in the world, but as soon as all the Muslims came to their country it all went to shit. The crime rate there shot up exponentially and now Denmark is considered the most strict country concerning immigration regardless of nationality.

>> No.2114178


Shut the fuck up. /n/ threads are never okay.

You'd be fucking retarded to think that racism is the only problem in them.

>> No.2114179

How to make an old-/n/ shitstorm. Make a thread about the xenophobic Japanese. Then inject a few key words like "multiculturalism" and you have a perfect old /n/ shitstorm.

If this thread was only about the racist Japs then I would be fine with it, but it almost always becomes Niggers, Jews, etc....

>> No.2114184

Just saying bro, foreign workers going up. Countries like Germany have had centuries of head start on immigrants.

>> No.2114185

LOL reminds me of Denmark. The best immigration policy in the world, but as soon as all the Muslims came to their country it all went to shit. The crime rate there shot up exponentially and now Denmark is considered the most strict country concerning immigration regardless of nationality.

>> No.2114189

>>2114115 rednecks ... make America shitty
What? What is this, Opposite Day? Corn and cows don't harvest themselves.

>> No.2114193

Why is it ok to be racist against Japan, but not against blacks, jews, etc? They are, if not more, racist than the Japanese in almost every aspect. The fucking Jews hate amongst themselves for fucks sake.

>> No.2114194


Shut the fuck up. /n/ threads are never okay.

You'd be fucking retarded to think that racism is the only problem in them.

>> No.2114203


>> No.2114198

Rednecks don't farm, farmers farm. Rednecks compete directly with Mexicans for jobs that require only the brainstem to be active, and hunt small animals, and breed.

>> No.2114201


Certainly but if I could only wish for one thing it would be that racism is a bannable offence on all boards.

>> No.2114208


>> No.2114206

Japan's importing nurses from all over.


>> No.2114210

About? You probably wouldn't know a random statistic in my country or even general area without having to google crap and sifting through my indecipherable language.

>> No.2114211


Will you stop whining?


>> No.2114212

Yet again another blanket statement. Japan doesn't treat it's immigrants much worse than most countries. Do you really think that europe treats immigrants THAT well? "LOOK TURKS, SANDNIGGERS, ZOMG ZOMG GODDAMN MUSLIMS".

>> No.2114216


This is why threads like this will never work. They almost always become racist old-/n/ shitstorms. Hence the reason why I'm going to have to report it.

One of these days I'm going to email moot, and ask him to start giving out public bans for these types of threads.

>> No.2114219

what the fuck is going on in this thread? Misquotes everywhere

>> No.2114222

Nah. I don't live there and you guys aren't important enough to me in my daily life to read about outside of major headlines and occasional reading. You probably wouldn't know a random statistic in my country or even general area without having to google crap and sifting through my indecipherable language.

>> No.2114226


>> No.2114229


Just saying bro, foreign workers going up. Countries like Germany have had centuries of head start on immigrants

>> No.2114230


You haven't noticed that practically all the latest replies are reposts of previous replies in this very thread?

>> No.2114232

what the fuck is going on in this thread? Misquotes everywhere

>> No.2114233

in my daily life to read about outside of major headlines and occasional reading. You probably wouldn't know a random statistic in my country or even general area without having to google crap and sifting through my indecipherable language.

>> No.2114234

That's why I said What the fuck dumbass

>> No.2114238

Protip The mods have always banned /n/ews topics on /jp/

Do you want this to be a thread about the Japanese language or do you want it to be an old-/n/ shitstorm about race/racism?

P.S. Nice try trying to squeeze in an old /n/ topic. moot said don't question the mods/janitors. There's a reason why they were selected to guard this website Mr offtopic troll.

To all /r9k/ interboard trolls, /jp/ is a board about Japanese culture. Our userbase prefers to take it easy, so please keep your rage induced shitstorms on /r9k/.

>> No.2114239


>what the fuck is going on in this thread? Misquotes everywhere
>what the fuck is going on in this thread? Misquotes everywhere
>what the fuck is going on in this thread? Misquotes everywhere

I don't see anything of what I said in there, partner.

>> No.2114242

You probably wouldn't know a random statistic in my country or even general area without having to google crap and sifting through my indecipherable language.

>> No.2114245
File: 6 KB, 389x138, 1235116881163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2114247


They have a sense of entitlement that they are from a superior Western nation blessing an inferior yellow country with their presence and do dumb shit.

>> No.2114249

>It's like homashinchi
More like kitashinchi amirite?

>> No.2114257

>Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases

>> No.2114260

Any posts regarding /n/ should be a perm ban offense.

>> No.2114261

At least he's not pretending to be an expert on a subject he doesn't know much about, unlike the people who always bitch about how terrible Japan is when they've never even been there.

America would collapse without its immigrant population. It's the middle class and rednecks that make America shitty.

>> No.2114268

TROLLS! Why do you keep forgetting trolls?

>> No.2114278

TROLLS! Why do you keep forgetting trolls?

>> No.2114287

TROLLS! Why do you keep forgetting trolls?

>> No.2114291
File: 26 KB, 474x473, 1235117595626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup guys, what did I miss?

>> No.2114298
File: 58 KB, 252x265, 1235117722843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all my brothers. This is how to stop an old-/n/ thread. Use their racist off-topic words against them, and if they report your IP, they'll just help the moderators and janitors find the off-topic thread.

Old-/n/ and/or racist comments will not be tolerated on /jp/. /jp/ is a board for the people who enjoy taking it easy. Leave your rage induced shitstorms in /r9k/ where it belongs. And to the op, threads like this will never work because they always become old-/n/ shitstorms. Global rule #3 "Do not post racism outside of /b/." Your post itself wasn't racist, but 50% of the replies to your post was indeed racist.

I might be willing to accept some old-/n/ threads if you come up with some new material. "Bawwww, multiculturalism, bawwwww Niggers, and Jews." It's always the same talking points. And what does anybody ever gain from it?

>> No.2114332
File: 59 KB, 415x582, 1235118228297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I like the religion thread strategy better.

>> No.2114377

That wont work because the mods have the ability to ban people from only looking at the image (e.g. you could potentially get banned but the old-/n/ thread would still be alive). Remember, our mission is to kill the thread and thwart the conversation. The only way for it to work is if we use text. And not just any text, it has to be their own racist/off-topic text.

I learned this guerrilla warfare in an Athens thread.

>> No.2114384

>>2114115 rednecks ... make America shitty
What? What is this, Opposite Day? Corn and cows don't harvest themselves.

>> No.2114438
File: 98 KB, 446x856, 1235119497530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the more you use this technique, the more the lowest class of troll will catch on to it and employ it in on topic threads in order to make the board suck more. You should never have explained it, or used it so liberally. Your desire to be recognized for being clever has proved the opposite. I was going to use this technique in the next diaper thread I saw, but now it will become bannable in no time. Way to go, bot fly.

>> No.2114449

Well I'm leaving for now. I'll leave the rest to my brothers. If the law fails, we shall take the law into our own hands. Spread the word about these tactics to more bros.

P.S. Don't forget to save these threads and/or bookmark them on the /a/rchive. I love using their butthurt tears for lubricant for whenever I masturbate. One time when I was doing this an old-/n/ troll said "please stop!" Man, I almost came on my keyboard. Yeah, I get off on making other people suffer. I guess that means I'm no different from the scum that I'm fighting against. If moot's reply limits become a problem I'll code a proxy based software to get past them.

I don't really care for either sides in this futile conflict, I just like watching other people suffer. I think I'll become the first troll that trolls other trolls.

>> No.2114458

>the first troll that trolls other trolls.
Haha, oh wow.

>> No.2114475

>I was going to use this technique in the next diaper thread I saw
No, this is only to be used in offtopic /n/ threads.

>But the more you use this technique, the more the lowest class of troll will catch on to it
Oh bloody hell, everything you just said was right. Brb, going to go delete my post now. I just didn't want to be the only person fighting. Also, I didn't invent this technique, I saw other people using it in one of athens threads.

>> No.2114480

>I think I'll become the first troll that trolls other trolls.

No, those have actually been around for ages. There are even people who troll the trolls trolling the trolls. If you want to do something new you should troll the trolls who are trolling the trolls trolling the trolls.

>> No.2114573

>I was going to use this technique in the next diaper thread I saw
What have I done... Let me just make this very clear, such techniques are NOT to be used on threads you disagree with. /jp/ is a board about many fetishes, what makes you think your fetish is above the other fetishes? As long as none of the said diaper threads show nudity they can be legally posted on all of the weeaboo boards. Old-/n/ threads are only allowed on /r9k/ and /b/ as stated on the global rules #3. In the case of the op, his post was technically on topic, but several post into his topic it became old-/n/. Hence the reason why I used such guerrilla warfare on these /n/iggers. I also only tend to use these techniques at night time when the children are sleeping.

tl;dr If you're not going to use these techniques correctly, then don't use them at all. With great power comes great responsibility.

>> No.2114654

Techniques such as these should never be used in daylight because moderation is at its strongest during daylight. Keep in mind that these techniques are used to thwart the trolls while the moderators are busy doing something else (such as sleeping).

tl;dr In daylight let the moderators/janitors do their jobs. Using techniques such as this in their presence will only hinder their mission.
