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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 241 KB, 480x504, D3b5ZTGUcAEJG4C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21125072 No.21125072 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>21111117

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EN: http://en.kancollewiki.net
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/

Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%CC%BF%C3%E6%A4%C8%B2%F3%C8%F2%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6#h7905b57

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png
Destroyer gun bonus: https://i.imgur.com/K7PxY6z.png
LBAS values: https://i.imgur.com/2feqAck.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me/

Drop and construction statistics:

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN): https://github.com/Madmanmayson/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/CirnoV/KanColleViewer
Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/silfumus/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (CN): https://github.com/RadarNyan/ElectronicObserver-ML

-Kongou will receive a Kai-IIC during the next maintenance in the middle of the month. It will be focused on increasing her yasen strength. デース!
-Hyuuga Kai-II has been implemented. It requires level 90, 2 BPs, 1 catapult, 1 AR, 1 Aerial Armament mat, and 181 dev mats. She is able to perform OASW due to her high ASW stat as a "BBH". With both Hyuuga and Ise Kai-II in the fleet and certain equipment it's possible to trigger a special attack.
-The new equipment added are the Suisei M12 (634 Air Group w/ Type 3 Cluster Bombs), Zuiun Kai-II (634 Air Group), Zuiun Kai-II (634 Air Group/Skilled), O-Type Autogyro Kai and Kai-II, S-51J, and S-51J Kai. Several of these can be obtained through new quests.
-CVs equipped with Proto Nanzan, F4U, FM-2, Stukas, and the Suisei M12 (634 Air Group w/ Type 3 Cluster Bombs) can now target installations.
-7 new quests have been added.
-The furniture shop has been updated. New and returning Hanami voice lines have been added for several shipgirls. A new BGM, "Zuiun's Sky", is now available in the jukebox and certain maps.
-The Spring 2019 Event is planned to begin sometime around Golden Week.
-The February ranking rewards have been distributed. The new equipment are the 35.6cm Twin Gun Mount Kai and Kai-II.
-Akagi will receive her Kai-II this Spring. Gotland will receive a second remodel at some point to re-turn her to a seaplane cruiser.
-The 2019 calendar hints at several new destroyers.
-More Fletchers will be implemented in the future, some illustrated by ZECO. Matsu-class from the Type D Destroyers are being prepared for the 7th year of KanColle.
-There are plans for expanding ASW with equipment from the land of black tea like ASDIC and hedgehogs.
-Full implementation of 2nd Sequence may take a year. Each Block will have new features added.

>> No.21125079

wew, that was fast.

>> No.21125083
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>> No.21125084
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>> No.21125092
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2P Kamo

>> No.21125104
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Bad ass Kamo

>> No.21125220
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Is there an updated list for luck modding?
ABKM is done.

>> No.21125221
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>> No.21125226

Kasumin with max late model quads.

>> No.21125230

Luckmod Prinz Myoko Poi Ayanami

>> No.21125233

The obvious ones are Ayanami, Yuudachi, Kasumi, Naganami, Myoukou and Maya.

>> No.21125315

Kloah13 is an absolute mad lad and I glad he exists.

>> No.21125531

More quests extensions.

>> No.21125546

Do drunken lonely shipgirls tell stories of mermen?

>> No.21125548


>> No.21125553


>> No.21125572

Wait, which quests are time-limited?

>> No.21125576

It's talking about how many quests you can have active at once, not quest going away.

>> No.21125585

Ah right. Apologies, that will be nice however knowing Tanaka, he will be probably put it behind another 5-3 / 5-5 / 6-4 quest.

>> No.21125588

I'd clear 5-5 ten times if it meant being able to have 7 active quests at once.

>> No.21125597

That's really good.

>> No.21125614

I don't know why you fags have problems with 6-4.

>> No.21125623
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>> No.21125651
File: 589 KB, 1280x1791, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your opinions on Shimakaze-kun?

>> No.21125656

Fuck off.

>> No.21125666

Are those guys playing the rapists or is it one of their boyfriends?

>> No.21125674

fuck off

>> No.21125676
File: 436 KB, 1280x1863, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good Shimakaze!

>> No.21125684
File: 1.76 MB, 2117x3029, 25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shimakaze-kun love!

>> No.21125695
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>> No.21125701
File: 1.69 MB, 1020x1842, __hamanami_kantai_collection_drawn_by_inorin05kanae__21e9013fbcf8e1d3488eea59bdfaed4b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do despicable things to a Gumo.

>> No.21125705
File: 441 KB, 1280x1851, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>out of 743 doujins 208 of them are Otokonoko related

>> No.21125713
File: 144 KB, 248x298, 1423632816910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord, imagine being this guy replying to his own posts with images of gay porn doujins.

>> No.21125716

Traps aren't gay though.

>> No.21125727

Shut up, faggot

>> No.21125731

Wow, rude.

>> No.21125732

Maybe he gets back to Kagaposting soon enough.

>> No.21125750
File: 98 KB, 640x868, liPt2HpnibQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post Abyssals!

>> No.21125758

Is this the same Okinami from the last Comiket?

>> No.21125760

Such as?

>> No.21125762
File: 550 KB, 1063x1513, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're the good thing about KanColle nowadays.

>> No.21125770

>out of 743 doujins 208 of them are Otokonoko related

>> No.21125771

>reddit filename

>> No.21125778

>There are people so obsessed with reddit they even know the type of filenames their images have
Who am I quoting?

>> No.21125779

Don't be silly, Reddit doesn't like KC anymore.

>> No.21125785

Check it out for yourself

>> No.21125792


>> No.21125794

I don't think they even knew it was a thing in the first place.

>> No.21125795

Major sites have pretty recognizable filename strings, like facebook, 4chan, twitter, pixiv, danbooru, especially since those are the ones that get posted the most.

>> No.21125800

Why does it matter to you?

>> No.21125802

Good joke, that place has some of the most obnoxious and vocal fans second only to the wikia.

>> No.21125806

Because you are a reddit nigger with stereotypical shit taste and should kill yourself

>> No.21125813

Which shipgirl has the second place?

>> No.21125825
File: 671 KB, 850x1200, 14546547856836346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post Tenryuu

>> No.21125828 [DELETED] 

Are you kidding me Anon? /r/KanColle has less than HALF the subscribers as /r/AzureLane. HALF.

>> No.21125838

Do you idiots actually believe that there are only 743 Shimakaze doujinshi? You're seeing everything through the bias of what people decide to import and upload, and apparently those people are trapfags.

>> No.21125841
File: 1.01 MB, 1690x2400, 1551815258477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21125844

Thank you, punch poster.

>> No.21125846

There are probably more that are so shit no one gave a shit about them.

>> No.21125866
File: 901 KB, 1024x1280, __hamanami_kantai_collection_drawn_by_giraffe_ilconte__d6e1964f7f1d3bfc35b95ca304b56263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blackmail sex and force drugs on her.

>> No.21125868

Needs more butt sniffing.

>> No.21125877

That's not really despicable, it's just weird

>> No.21125880
File: 94 KB, 1821x1317, IMG_20190406_204448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I love about KC is that EVERY girl has at least one devoted fan.

>> No.21125882

And? Having less doesn't mean those shitters don't exist.

>> No.21125886
File: 49 KB, 600x800, 1554494246764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21125889

Are those all boys?

>> No.21125890

It is if you do it while blackmailing them.

>> No.21125896

Honestly, why even limit the number of tagged quests? Just make every quest be active by default.

>> No.21125900
File: 91 KB, 847x1199, D3J7A4BU4AE0NRc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you doing?

>> No.21125901

I dunno about that, there are plenty who don't have dedicated artists at least of Pixiv.

>> No.21125904
File: 564 KB, 1240x1811, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her only use

>> No.21125906

That is most likely the case.

>> No.21125908

Even the VN kaibokans?

>> No.21125909

Could it be?! finally

>> No.21125917

When your vibrator's battery is dead and you don't want to wait for it to recharge

>> No.21125919

Lots of final day of the week sakusen.

>> No.21125925

I would do nothing but sexually abusing the BB hime 24\7 if I had an opportunity

>> No.21125927

Arm wrestling

>> No.21125933


>> No.21125934
File: 176 KB, 640x918, qKYCEmbGxjU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sorry, here's a non-reddit related picture Anon-san!

>> No.21125937

I would hold hands with her in public when she least expects it.

>> No.21125942

Anon, this is not the tit cow we know, it is just some random animu animal

>> No.21125945

Post heart-breaking abyssal pictures

>> No.21125947

Struggling a bit before she gets brutally raped.

>> No.21125949

WHOA THERE BUDDY, /d/ is further down the hall, we ain't need no degenerates here!

>> No.21125956 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.21125957
File: 140 KB, 966x601, h9S0a4pxbW4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! It's time for CUTE !

>> No.21125964 [SPOILER] 
File: 134 KB, 888x1242, 1554609474906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21125967

I wanna force Hoppou to eat nothing but ice cream for an entire week.

>> No.21125968

Please don't electrocute your shipdaughters.

>> No.21125973
File: 533 KB, 720x960, 68537360_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21125974

I've had enough cute, I want to be depressed

>> No.21125983
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>> No.21125987
File: 44 KB, 567x800, __hamanami_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kumadano__0ef0dadefc4bc3b449006b89f963b2eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to turn her into a dopamine whore.

>> No.21125988 [SPOILER] 
File: 495 KB, 827x1169, 1554609793783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you say so.

>> No.21125991


>> No.21125993

Where do they get all these people?

>> No.21125995

feeling sad yet?

>> No.21126001

The gumo factory.

>> No.21126004

but they are Gynoids!

>> No.21126005

Those are typical gumofags.

>> No.21126010
File: 133 KB, 1024x723, 1a843ee8503b1737a2dbcf531f722780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21126011

I wanna force Wanko to feed me with nothing but her breast milk for an entire week.

>> No.21126012

They already have someone for Hayanami.

>> No.21126013

The gumo fanbase is one of the biggest or they seem the biggest because they are the most tight nit of fanbases. They even have an annual gumo fan festival.

>> No.21126015
File: 48 KB, 889x1243, 1554296957195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No more being sad, time to be hopeful.

>> No.21126018

Now that's the diet I need.

>> No.21126020

You'll get horrible diarrhea like that

>> No.21126021


>> No.21126022

I want to go to a gumo festival and pick up a gumo gf.

>> No.21126024

somehing lewd

>> No.21126028

Worth it.

>> No.21126032

I want to crashland into evil Gamby's boobs!!!

>> No.21126042

You think the moans of the best abyssal isn't worth some shitting time in the toilet later?!

>> No.21126046

You'll end up raped and heart-broken by them all at once.

>> No.21126051

Is 14 people supposed to be a lot? You could find that much for anyone.

>> No.21126069
File: 271 KB, 650x872, __seaport_summer_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ao_hitomi__4d0e68f8a38351ca38a936ddb3a03c8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds good but I want some summer milkshakes too.

>> No.21126076

inb4 they're all crossdressers with bigger dicks than you.

>> No.21126088

It's a gumo gathering party, so the chances of girls present is very high.

>> No.21126097
File: 51 KB, 480x531, N__HIRO__-1114647566866452481-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21126103

Poor little hotel.

>> No.21126111

But those are not Essexes.

>> No.21126114

Imagine if one of the gumo cosplayer is Fujikawa.

>> No.21126115

More like, "If only you knew how bad things really were".

>> No.21126143

Reminder that all the destroyers died because of Yamato.

Yeah, fuck you too Yukikaze.

>> No.21126166

would fug at love hotel without taking responsibility

>> No.21126168

Isokaze died because of Yahagi though.

>> No.21126176

I love photos taken just before a disaster

>> No.21126177
File: 1.21 MB, 724x1023, __destroyer_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kodama_wa_ka_me__c6cb83de1b17858b05e3630570bfda56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe not exactly what you're looking for but it has a somewhat somber feel.

>> No.21126193
File: 341 KB, 850x721, Sohuzi-1114502338377441280-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21126222 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 945x451, reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We do need our EN, anon...

>> No.21126225

No thanks.

>> No.21126227

That seems to be a minor meme over in nipland whenever someone wants to find out Fujikawa's identity.

>> No.21126259
File: 302 KB, 1170x1560, nvkka-1114711688857538560-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21126265

You keep saying there are none but that shows there's still over 20000 of those shitters.

>> No.21126279
File: 1.70 MB, 1663x2196, __kaga_kantai_collection_drawn_by_batabata0015__c19fa567ab5c66521e2324c30fa29341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who wins? a game that has a globalised released with translations or a game that being cucked from any publication other then japan and has a foreign language, it's kinda funny that azur lamers calling kancolle dead just because it has the relevancy in the west

>> No.21126286

Aren't cosplayers usually sluts?

>> No.21126288

I really feel bad for Hatsushimo, she didn't deserve that kind of fate.

>> No.21126289


>> No.21126290
File: 1.00 MB, 3384x1442, seitei04-1114722473180667906-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

April 7th, the IJN's last stand.

>> No.21126296
File: 1.43 MB, 1000x1381, 8288eb3b20fc7134ffba2a0f75af61a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it kino?

>> No.21126302

Being JP only is quite a good pleb filter already. But the game system being "hard" and grindy makes it better.

KanColle TTK tends to do well in other grindy game like Granblue.

>> No.21126304

Last stand was Leyte. Ten-go was honorabu dessu.

>> No.21126311

Anyone who finds KanColle hard is by default already braindead. The management aspect isn't even that heavy.

>> No.21126322

If Ten-go happens, I expect a shitload of air nodes, and a skilled personnel which you can swap a taiha'd ship to ship who's in standby.

>> No.21126331

Of course not, it was totally retarded mission.

>> No.21126349

Some AL fags even think their two Wows collab are critical hit to KC popularity

>> No.21126359

>We might not win, but at least we can take a few of them down with us!
>We're not taking any of them with us!

>> No.21126362
File: 271 KB, 1254x1380, __fubuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ergot__30e6e5ca3d1dc9d47961aaf4338994eb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The many faces of my wife.

>> No.21126367
File: 508 KB, 827x1169, 73450389_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something about this ship that makes me want to defile her, I want take all the innocence left inside that little body and violate every single hole in her body. Make her mine and also make her understand and engrave in her brain that she only exists to serve me and only me with her body

>> No.21126378
File: 63 KB, 550x628, dd05139eeca3667cf75cf85944ae8ceb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real kino was Leyte

>> No.21126379

More like retarded, the Japs had a ton of intel and strategic advantage with their defeats, well only if they had spared their commander and admirals, use them to craft counteroffensives based in their experience instead of committing seppuku at the first sign of defeat. Retreat isn't cowardice, it's a tactical maneuver

>> No.21126395
File: 1.92 MB, 1500x2427, 8890138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing innocent about this warcriminal.

>> No.21126399

Genda had the right idea since the beginning. The seppuku stuff only ever worked in ancient times, that shit wasn't sustainable even during WW1.

>> No.21126416

They lost so many decent officers that take years and resources to replace just by "traditions"

>> No.21126419

Don't talk about my daughterwife like that when I'm here.

>> No.21126424

I want to commit war crimes against her butthole

>> No.21126426

Looks like every empire in history has a retarded tactic that makes them fall.

>> No.21126428
File: 120 KB, 600x800, yamato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some shipgirls with cool design.

>> No.21126438

Why the butthole?

>> No.21126441

>Engaging in a modernization program of the centuries upgrading from shit matchlocks and wooden ships to machine guns and steel battleships
ezpz. could do it blindfolded with one arm incapacitated
>abandoning your retarded traditions
Woah, calm down there, bud. That's taking it way too far.

>> No.21126455

Compared to Grindblue, Ship this isn't even that grindy.

>> No.21126457
File: 94 KB, 1200x675, C2ifUJCVQAEPsN8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated opinion, but every carrier is cool, especially Shogun Zuikaku.

>> No.21126459

Yeah, killing yourself is a great tradition, specially when you have the experience of engaging the enemy

>> No.21126461

I thought that was just a samurai getup.

>> No.21126464

Because she would end up enjoying it the other way

>> No.21126465

Ten-go was just getting rid Yamato.

>> No.21126470
File: 179 KB, 689x1024, Ohiimaru-1114683851584888833-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuuro's Saratoga.

>> No.21126472

That Kamo is cute.

>> No.21126480

Is there a chance that at least one of these is a girl?

>> No.21126481

>Shogun Zuikaku
Shogun is the leader of all Samurai, or military dictator, etc. however you wish to call it.
You meant Samurai Zuikaku. Because nobody for a minute would believe that Zui could be a Shogun.

>> No.21126484

>nun carrier
>angel planes
Don't know if want, this doesn't work nearly as good as Shinto.

>> No.21126488

That Okinami is definitely a girl.

>> No.21126490 [DELETED] 
File: 2.36 MB, 2275x1930, Jean_Bart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21126495

I like the nun getup she has on, don't like the angel planes.

>> No.21126500

I don't know about you but you have to give it to Yoshinori for not going for the low hanging fruit for depicting Saratoga as a nun. That said, kuuro's design is good too so I am conflicted.

>> No.21126501


>> No.21126502

She's cute but the getup, bell and angel planes are ridiculous.

>> No.21126505

What is the use of the girl if the rigging can fight on its own?

>> No.21126511

Why does this look like CV hime?

>> No.21126516
File: 619 KB, 850x1073, 1544747287673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they even copy WSG design

>> No.21126522

Is there a chance that at least one of these is a girl?

>> No.21126529 [DELETED] 
File: 3.39 MB, 3023x1584, lh90isivomw11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The victorian design of this old lady is quite impressive to me.

>> No.21126530

If it wasn't for that stupid hat, it could be a good character design.

>> No.21126541


>> No.21126544

Truly righteous country smack heathen Islanders who worship a jackal.

>> No.21126548
File: 461 KB, 729x739, Bismarck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21126562

She can be leader of the Samurai because the only other Samurai on base is Jintsuu, and she's polite enough to humour the turkey.

>> No.21126576
File: 1.98 MB, 1500x2040, Enterprise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best CV design among shipgirl genres so far.

>> No.21126583
File: 194 KB, 1024x656, DA0F9FDA-D9C4-4347-AE3C-A192AD087481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assassin creed enterprise is the only one who stands out to me. The one with an ahoge is cute though. Probably the cutest. Despite most being blondes they look pretty different because she has no KC template unlike Suzuya who is always a high school girl.

>> No.21126589

No because she uses a fucking compound bow. She is also just a grey hair version of her warship girls r incantation.

>> No.21126590

>compound bow
Automatic fail just like Roy, this isn't even mentioning the stupid eagle.

>> No.21126598

I'm going to give you the benefit of doubt and assume that was auto-completed incorrectly

>> No.21126601

Yeah incarnation is what I meant.

>> No.21126602

Imagine if they give Zeco the Yorktowns. The new designs under Tanaka could be incredible.

>> No.21126609

Is Suzuya really always a high school girl. Just posts links so we don’t have too much OC shit on this thread though.

>> No.21126616

Why doesn't Tanaka just learn to draw?

>> No.21126617
File: 576 KB, 1280x896, URT9t9L.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coolest BB design

>> No.21126623

Well as long as he uses either the Shia full or Yoshinori template. Fumikane is also acceptable. Plus ZECO has Sam use a P90 and Johnston use a mini 14 so he is not a stranger at trying to intergrate guns with rigging.
You love phalic symbols.

>> No.21126630
File: 26 KB, 260x334, 85D21401-927A-4AD2-867A-124CC89D911A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want this?

>> No.21126645

I dunno. Zeco's designs seem to cutesy for big ships to me.

>> No.21126647


>> No.21126656

Would look better if her jacket wasn't comically large, like a kid wearing her dad's clothes. And without the ridiculously oversized bow. And without the entire ship slapped on her side. And without the fucking eagle.

>> No.21126674
File: 49 KB, 640x384, kancolle_intrepid-kai_kaisou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you meant to say this one.

>> No.21126686
File: 143 KB, 413x413, 1553632119560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left for several hours but he is still here

>> No.21126693

Report harder

>> No.21126703

Just look at those bazongas

>> No.21126707

Not like here is any better.

>> No.21126715

I forgot today was ten-go, maybe I'll actually sortie Hotel.

>> No.21126716

Well the Shogun was still more of a dictator, the de facto leader of all Japan, not just the samurai.
So the Shogun would really be (You), the admiral. Unless one of the girls overthrows you but lets you stay in power as a puppet.

>> No.21126723
File: 522 KB, 688x971, c563ff6b667eb0090b93c32045c10ce9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally already happened

>> No.21126733

The Shogun was the ruler who had the Emperor as the puppet, until meiji restoration.

>> No.21126736
File: 525 KB, 898x1252, A9590D56-4FA6-4DDD-BC9E-C7E6D4774425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21126758

Yeah, I know, that's why I added the bit at the end about you becoming a puppet to whoever overthrew you

>> No.21126765

If Zui isn't the Shogun, she would fit as the daimyo/samurai.
I don't think Zui would try to overthrow you in a mutiny.

>> No.21126786

>not using a gun

>> No.21126790

You think a chink knows?

>> No.21126797

Oh yeah, totally. In fact I doubt any of the carriers would try something like that.
Of course the various clans, or uh, classes, would fight each other over the pettiest of reasons. Similar to what was seen during the Sengoku period however.

>> No.21126799

Maybe they didn't know better back then. Shibafu's archer-as-carrier design were living rent free in their head no matter how hard they shit on him.

>> No.21126802

>tfw shibafu setting the trend
Based potatoman.

>> No.21126817
File: 282 KB, 1322x1000, akagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shibafu's archer-as-carrier design

>> No.21126822 [DELETED] 
File: 1.46 MB, 1000x1500, 755576AC-F00F-48B2-AA79-9AB3D5FEFB18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enty is cute!

>> No.21126827

>Shibafu is a talentless hack
What else is new?

>> No.21126828

This is the greatest mystery, did he ripoff this unknown piece or was it a coincidence?

>> No.21126836 [DELETED] 

TFW KCfags think CV-bow design is their original creativity, Kek.

>> No.21126838 [DELETED] 


>> No.21126841

Have you tried fucking off?

>> No.21126844 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 645x906, E5C3D8F5-97AA-4831-865A-A1B4E3404F11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Azur Lane’s version of Akagi is much superior anyway.

>> No.21126849

What’s wrong with giving shipgirls cute nicknames?

>> No.21126851

This slut is just Ahri from League.

>> No.21126852

Too bad she's irrelevant.

>> No.21126853
File: 94 KB, 707x1000, b4f37861f93b2907ac2035f8b9c0b898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuro carriers are better anyway.

>> No.21126855

No one talked about originality, did I claimed it in >>21126799?
Back when shipgirl were still in mechamusume genre, there are many variation of rigging designs. Hell, I even saw ones where girls just sit on the whole boats.

But you have to accept that Shibafu is a trend setter. Those who came after him stuck with this pattern. Only mecha musume artists who came earlier than KanColle like those in MCAxis or some of Warship girls artists draw differently.

>> No.21126859 [DELETED] 
File: 724 KB, 1024x849, Admiral_Graf_Spee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21126860

Enty doesn't work. It sounds absolutely dreadful.

>> No.21126863

Just like you said in your post, we live in their head rent free.

>> No.21126871

You’re saying that like that’s a negative.

>> No.21126874

Is /alg/ closed right now? Why are you "people" posting here?

>> No.21126885 [DELETED] 

It’s not like this thread has any new thing KC related to discuss right now.

>> No.21126886

Don't try to engage it, just report and hope there are still some mods left alive

>> No.21126892

It's a metaphor to WW2 if you really think about it.

>> No.21126896

Seems like they have nothing better to do.

>> No.21126898

Too bad Kuro isn’t making new art for this game anymore.

>> No.21126900

I never liked az ship design they're all just generic moe loli shit or just a slut like ship with zero personality

>> No.21126906

Are you actually implying that KC ships have personality?

>> No.21126909

They have some sorta

>> No.21126915

>AL is the IJN
>KC is the USN

>> No.21126920

Certainly more than AL.

>> No.21126922

Can't wait for NTRprise!

>> No.21126925

"One may cry playing Kancolle"
How about your AL?

>> No.21126928

It's /alter/ nigger shitposting with his iphone.

>> No.21126936

Well, it does roll the tongue better.

>> No.21126937

FGO dead week?

>> No.21126938

LMFAO, are you actually implying that quote from Shigetaka Kurita was true?

>> No.21126941

Ja-ja-jannu. Nani kore

>> No.21126951
File: 8 KB, 362x225, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21126954 [DELETED] 

Better than our Sara.

>> No.21126957
File: 107 KB, 900x1006, IMG_20190407_010051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oiiiiii! TTK!

>> No.21126961

Quiet, I'm planning my 2-5 fleets.

>> No.21126965

I can't imagine if KC Enterprise would be drawn by Shibafu.

>> No.21126971 [DELETED] 

You know how a lot people left KC because of Intrepid? It’d be like that, but worse. The game would be seen as a laughing stock to everyone outside /jp/.

>> No.21126975

Oh man, I just lost my job and I got lots of time to procrastinate. Want to go back to the game but I haven't played since 2014 and I don't remember my account. Is it worth starting from scratch? The thing I miss the most is my wife Roma, she was my chosen one for the ring

>> No.21126976 [DELETED] 

Nah, just play Azur Lane instead.

>> No.21126977

I prefered to keep talking shit on officers commiting seppuku during ww2

>> No.21126978

>haven't played since 2014
Your old account would probably be missing anything important anyways then so it's not a huge loss. Just start over.

>> No.21126982
File: 275 KB, 1600x1201, IMG_20190406_021058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starting over
Pretty much never worth it, plus you'll be missing the stuff you had constantly. Try your best to recover your account. Why did you lose your job?

>> No.21126983

Roma is from 2014?

>> No.21126985

Have fun farming for her, again.
Isn't your account linked to your email?

>> No.21126986

As long as the titties are there

>> No.21126988
File: 163 KB, 1023x723, D3el-5jU4AAADdT.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yayoi's character development and it's semi official!

>> No.21126989

What. Unless you're doing some quests, isn't the comp pretty standardized.

>> No.21126992

Quit while you’re ahead anon.

>> No.21126993

Fuck her cunny.

>> No.21126995
File: 1.19 MB, 1200x720, 2019-04-07 10-11-37 28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, oh fuck
My very own hotel
I was actually trying to built Bismarck, so the odds for this are like 2% or something

>> No.21126996

Bob squad

>> No.21127001

>You know how a lot people left KC because of Intrepid
Did you mean those insignificant western players?

>> No.21127002

Cost reduction, my entire department got replaced by subcontractors that are cheaper. Shit happens with today's society

>> No.21127003

Butthurt that it would cause among Enterplebs would be hilarious.

>> No.21127004

Absolutely not, but the maps have been reworked so they're piss easy now. If I could trade my ships to you, I would have done it to you because I have plenty of dups that clogging up my space and have Roma too.

>> No.21127005

No, Spring 2015

>> No.21127007

Nobody fucking left. It's not easy to leave over something as petty as art when you invest years of your time and money into it. You need some serious bullshit like event maps not going your way like meganefag.

>> No.21127008

Yeah but it was one of those e-mails I created when I was just a college student and used to register to shit without soiling my real e-mail

>> No.21127009

Today is Tengou day.

>> No.21127010

How did he get Roma then, if he stopped on 2014?

>> No.21127011 [DELETED] 

Admittedly is mostly them but still, Intrepid is one of the main reasons why KanColle isn’t popular in the wet anymore, and also mainly why Azur Lane took over (in the West, that is)

>> No.21127013
File: 177 KB, 1080x1512, 1554591665990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hotel on Ten-go day

>> No.21127016

Why the fuck did Souta sell salt shakers in one Comiket?

>> No.21127017

Please don't encourage me like this, I'm trying to save up for the event

>> No.21127020

People did leave, check people’s responses here to Intrepids art when she was revealed.

>> No.21127021

Then it was 2015, I don't remember exactly, but the last event I did was saury fishing I think

>> No.21127022

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.21127024

So you don't remember your spam email?
Guess you're outta luck in recovery.

>> No.21127028
File: 687 KB, 700x950, t3342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21127029
File: 247 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20190407_010207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably just forgot the actual time he quit.

>> No.21127030

What a beauty.

>> No.21127032

That's not souta tho. Anon just got it wrong.
The real one is here.

>> No.21127033

I like precorine's tenryuu.

>> No.21127034
File: 63 KB, 800x611, HMS_Enterprise_WWII_IWM_FL_005389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actually good Enterprise when?

>> No.21127036 [DELETED] 

It’s a shame for the leftover western KC fans, being a fan of the game that’s no longer seen as the hot cool thing anymore.

>> No.21127037

Why? She's cute and has big titties, her voice us shit though

>> No.21127040

Not it's not, it's popular in the west because there's an official English release available. Your average prospective player is too retarded to get past sad panda which is about as hard as playing shipthis outside Japan if you don't speak nip.

>> No.21127042

Literally everyone on Yamato knew, Anon.

>> No.21127043

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
People love being included in the screencap

>> No.21127044

Just wait for Shibafu's Enterprise.

>> No.21127045

>liking a game only because it's seen as cool

You sound like a teenage girl.

>> No.21127046

>lowering binocular
>I have a bad feeling about this, girls

>> No.21127047
File: 334 KB, 1900x1080, iss_enterprise_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21127050

It is impossible for western plebs to appreciate the deeply Japanese concept of beauty that Shibafu's art evokes.

>> No.21127055

Good taste.

>> No.21127056

I don't think you're very familiar with western culture shitposter-san. Over here, the more unpopular and obscure a game is, the cooler it is to like it.

>> No.21127057

He probably wishes he was. That HRT must really be fucking him up emotionally to the point where he invests so much time in trying to ebin troll strangers on the internet.

>> No.21127058

I agree
Her accent is shit

>> No.21127059


>> No.21127060

They left because you guys shat too much on the popular shipgirls, namely Shitaryuu, Shoucuckcu, Caga, and now NTRprise.

>> No.21127067

I feel ya buddy, my boss just got fired and I think I'm next.

>> No.21127068

We only shit on shit girls that deserve to get shitted on.

>> No.21127069

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.21127072
File: 10 KB, 298x97, RSC check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RSC check anon. Are you prepared, cuz I ain't

>> No.21127080

>not 1701-D
He said the good one

>> No.21127082

>Leaving the game because 4chan was mean.
Not even the drama queens at wikia did that, and they hate us.

>> No.21127083

That's fine, dude
It'll be medium scale at most, trust me

>> No.21127085

I agree, that's why I like this cancerous place more than plebbit.

>> No.21127087

The worst part is that my line of work is getting obsolete by today's economy and I don't want to end doing lesser jobs to survive, I want to start my own business but I'm scared of getting a debt

>> No.21127088

Says who? I can't imagine calling a person 'enterprise' and saying this whole word each time I mention her.

>> No.21127091
File: 180 KB, 800x1131, tDlvJGB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That or they clinge to certain tactics for too long and don't change them because they feel absolutely superior at that point.
Greek hoplite phalanx ruled the battlefields for centuries, but using them against Roman legions was ... not so good. As well as in turn to send a Roman legion in the Teutoburg forest where it couldn't maintain formation. What could go wrong? It's only a couple of barbarians.
And so it was in WW2, especially the navies were full of guys who were still stuck in WW1 thinking.
Yamato was a good ship, but she was out of time, made for an era of war that was already over.

>> No.21127092

I wish I had a tenth of that, but at least I'm prepared to try 3-4 again

>> No.21127095 [DELETED] 
File: 536 KB, 1436x886, Screenshot_20190407-103339_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21127096

Shitting on the huge fanbase shipgirls was our biggest mistake.

>> No.21127097
File: 756 KB, 1000x647, 2dbsaz4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you want, but i like the carriers just because they are somewhat basic and traditional in design. Sometimes less is more.

>> No.21127098

Is that 2.6k players? Doesn't KanColle have more?

>> No.21127102


>> No.21127103

Maolane crashing

>> No.21127105

Even world of warships has more than that and that game is a fucking walking corpse

>> No.21127111

The hell is wrong with that nigger? Mental disorder?

>> No.21127112
File: 95 KB, 543x600, 1554559339638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know whether you should take advice from an imageboard, but you shouldn't let fear consume you.
Whether you're gonna start your own business or go into a different route, you're gonna have to make a choice.
The worst choice is not making one and being stuck.

>> No.21127113

So, like Touhou?

>> No.21127114

It's revenue and the green numbers are how much of a drop since the prior month.

>> No.21127121

Seaniggers baiting /alg/ /gfg/ and this general.

>> No.21127122


>> No.21127125

I want Caga to leave.
Have you tried NTRprise?

>> No.21127126

Yeah, he posted the good one.

>> No.21127128

>"...Girls? Can someone please scratch my ear? Because i can't!"

>> No.21127129

Enty just sounds awful. Have you never said it out loud?
Connie, for Constitution does sound good, however. I still don't know why.

>> No.21127134
File: 448 KB, 214x156, 1475877076131.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21127135

Why is a negative number green?

>> No.21127136

>they got kuroboshi to draw shimakaze
>still flops
Lmao maolane cucks

>> No.21127138

>>Have you tried NTRprise?

And if that is too long just cut it down to NTR.

>> No.21127137

Biggu iii

>> No.21127141

But that’s only if it stayed unpopular, like Touhou. If it started out popular but then became unpopular, then it’s no longer cool.

>> No.21127142

Yamato was more useful than another carrier, lets be honest here.
You can bitch and whine about muh striking range or muh uselessness, but having her tie up US resources by just existing in port is more useful than a carrier that doesn't have planes or pilots.

>> No.21127146

Exactly. Why do you think it got so popular over here in the first place? Then once it was well known it wasn't obscure enough to be cool any more and it got banished out of /a/ to a containment board made just for it. That's us. /jp/.

>> No.21127148

*started, not stayed

>> No.21127149

Azurlane is delusional burgerwank. Yuck.

I can't believe it's selling in Japan. Fucking traitors

>> No.21127150
File: 112 KB, 492x800, PkWYZpb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read this sentence and pronounce shit like Kongou does.

>> No.21127151

Yeah that's for the best.

>> No.21127153

2hu was fairly popular in the west for a few years. Among secondaries at least.

>> No.21127154

Any possible reason why their is also a rabbit?
Kuroboshi paying homage to Yoshinori?
Or they just ran out of idea?

>> No.21127156

Genki monkey is the best bong.

>> No.21127158

Fleet in being was so last century.
The Nips had their carrier without planes as well.

>> No.21127159

They want the Shimakaze audience.

>> No.21127160

>Or they just ran out of idea?
You're telling me they actually had ideas other than "steal what other people have done"?

>> No.21127164

Bunnies are cute

>> No.21127166

Well it's a chink game

>> No.21127167

Fleet in being was pretty effective in the North Atlantic, kept USN and RN forces tied up just in case Tirpitz decided to make a run for it.
Same thing goes for the nip BBs. Them existing in port protected by what little remains of the IJAAF is a far more effective means of keeping the Americans out than a carrier that has no planes.
The battleships still had their offensive weapons.

>> No.21127168
File: 87 KB, 841x595, oa52xmW4uF1ur7gloo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21127173

Kantai Collection is delusional nipponwank. Yuck.

I can't believe it was once popular in the west. Fucking traitors

>> No.21127177


>> No.21127181

>AL anime has Akagi the villain and Enterprise the MC
>they're gonna show this in japanese T.V.
>will probably sell high because they'd probably bundle BDs with limited SSRs like a greedy chink they are

>> No.21127190

At least it’s true to history, unlike KC.

>> No.21127192

>true history

>> No.21127196

>they got Zeco to draw Johnston and Samuel B. Davis
>still flops
Lmao canthis cucks

>> No.21127198

That's what they get from drawing burgers.

>> No.21127200

So Pacific war is an irrelevant sideshow and there is no real chance that yanks will lose the war.

>> No.21127202

But the Americans were already bombing them.
They could've had planes, but they diverted the 601 to Okinawa.

>> No.21127206

If the IJN won midway, they'd steamroll pearl harbor and keep USN out of war.

USN just got lucky on midway

>> No.21127225

The only winning move was not to play or at the very least wait a few more years before attacking.

>> No.21127228

>If the IJN won midway, they'd steamroll pearl harbor

Japs didn't have supply capacity to permanently neutralize US installations at Hawaii and no way to strike against US' core areas. Even sinking all of the US' pre-war carriers would had at most delayed Japan's defeat by year or two. Remember US had multiple shipyards that each built more ships during the war than all of the Axis powers put together.

>> No.21127233

>USN just got lucky
You mean breaking their code and Isoroku being a retardedly overconfident?

>> No.21127234

There's no stopping the japanese from bombing those harbours especially in the west coast. If they won midway, they'd have air cover

>> No.21127239

>at the very least wait a few more years before attacking.

By that point the first patch of ships ordered by Two-Ocean Navy Act would had already hit the water and made the gap in numbers even larger.

>> No.21127244

>they'd steamroll pearl harbor
They barely had enough troops to take Midway. You expect them to take a much larger island filled with not only thousands of US marines but also a civilian militia?
Are you fucking insane?
The best the nips could hope for is starving them out, but by then the US industrial might would rear it's ugly head and drown the nips in hundreds of carriers and thousands of airplanes.

>> No.21127246

Jap planes were not going to fly over and bomb the east coast.

>> No.21127250

They have germany to do that for them. Also they'd seize panama canal too

>> No.21127255
File: 517 KB, 1240x1564, 1509579786318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>commiefornia getting BTFO
What could have been.

>> No.21127256

The US produced 20 essexes

>> No.21127260

By that time it was too late. All they could hope to do was slow down the Americans long enough to get a better peace deal. Which a single carrier wouldn't have been able to do.
But this is where the battleships come in. Just like they historically did with Nagato you disguise them as sunk ships, and then when the troops come in to land on the beaches you throw off the disguises and take down as many of them as you can before they finally get you.
Basically Ten-go but without leaving the cover of your own airspace.

>> No.21127261
File: 900 KB, 1024x868, 1506134198207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany couldn't even beat down Britain then, and where would they launch planes from?
Graf wasn't even finished.

>> No.21127268

Should have burned those Pearl oil storages.

>> No.21127272

None potato essex when?

>> No.21127278
File: 189 KB, 1748x263, Pacific War.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how were the nips supposed to invade the west coast before the US stopped them?

>> No.21127279

This alternate timeline is way more interesting than what we got.

>> No.21127280
File: 44 KB, 457x422, 1545364456932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Akagi a villain
>Enterprise MC
>true history

Anon.. you are aware that Akagi and Enterprise were ships in true history, are you?
Ships. Two masses of metal.
Ships are neither MCs or villains in "history". Girls could be that. Ships can't.

>> No.21127284

They weren't it's just retarded funposting.

>> No.21127292
File: 114 KB, 904x336, Carriers with no planes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think I'm asking?
I like hearing ridiculous plans for winning wars.

>> No.21127297

>130k+ all res
How the fuck is this 'not prepared'? Unless you're going to farm the hell out of every map on hard, which is pants on head retarded.

>> No.21127299

They had nowhere near the logistics or manpower necessary to threaten Hawaii. They were already stretched to the limit just hitting Midway, and they really didn't have a large enough ground force to take it even if they won the naval battle.

>> No.21127301

Did warships at least wear cute dumb spikey things on their head?

>> No.21127303

I dunno. Sounds cute to me.

>> No.21127304

>and no way to strike against US' core areas
They never intended to.
The plan was to destroy the US fleet, maybe attack some west coast cities, get the US bases in the Pacific and then hope it would be sufficient to get the US out of the war.
Japan never had any intentions to conquer US mainland. Neither had Germany. Their goal was to remove the US from the war by causing them enough losses and then focus on their respective targets.

>> No.21127306

What the hell happened in 1944 for Japan? I thought the bombings did something.

>> No.21127307
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Interesting because they're too crazy to work.

>> No.21127310

Depends on what you consider to be a ship's head.

>> No.21127313

Why would they need huge ground force when they could bomb and shell that tiny island away?

>> No.21127314

24, +3 midways

>> No.21127319
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>> No.21127320

Gee, anon. Why didn't the US try that on Okinawa or Iwo Jima?
Probably because it's not as effective you you think it is.

>> No.21127321

Well, they had plans for long-range bombers capable of reaching the east coast, but those were rejected and wouldn't have been serviceable until 1945 or even later.

>> No.21127322

AL also has ayylmaos behind the scenes running shit.

>> No.21127324

Why would the japs go to the Atlantic with anything larger than submarines?
They're going to have a hard enough time in the Pacific as is.

>> No.21127325

This thread is diverse

>> No.21127330

Don't tell me we will have a 9 stages event helping Atlantic fleets.

>> No.21127337

The US basically tried that on Iwo, it just didn't work as expected.

>> No.21127338

You realize the burgers thought the same thing multiple times and it pretty much never worked, right? And that's despite them having way more firepower in their shore bombardment groups and far more ammunition at hand.

>> No.21127343

>5th column

>> No.21127347
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Linking up with the Germans.
They tried that with Indian Ocean raid and Madagascar, but Rommel couldn't take Alexandria or Suez.

>> No.21127352
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, Top-10-Proof-Of-Reptilian-Aliens-Among-Us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is also true for the real world.

>> No.21127355

You know they're getting desperate when intervention by their imaginary friends is an integral part of the plan.

>> No.21127356

>Crossing the Pacific

>> No.21127359

Are there any good historical war films depicting the pacific fleet in action? All I seem to find are movies centered around Pearl Harbor (Tora! Tora! Tora!)

Or am I left with only historical documentaries and reading war accounts.

>> No.21127362

Reptilians aren't aliens, dude. They're survivors of pre-human civilizations like Atlantis.

>> No.21127366

I've got ships to collect and my RNG is garbage. Ex. Up to 120 crafts for a 46cm and it ain't coming yet.

>> No.21127375

The latter, honestly.
The Midway movie isn't bad but it's old and hasn't aged well.
There's a decent nip Yamamoto movie that's fairly recent if you can find it.

>> No.21127377
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Like Hollywood movies?
I can't think of any.

>> No.21127379

This one?

>> No.21127382

Letters From Iwo Jima because I was watching that earlier in the day.

>> No.21127386

No movies for loser japs

>> No.21127392
File: 2.27 MB, 1311x1951, 1458461770999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okinawa 1,206.99 km2, Iwo Jima 21 km2, two Midway islands together 6.2 km2.
Midway is totally flat and doesn't have much vegetation compared to Iwo Jima. Almost everything would be seen from air.
Sugoi dechi!

>> No.21127395

I want to ruin her. I bet she's the tightest carrier.

>> No.21127400

I hope this isn't real, just the poster is making me cringe

>> No.21127403

>Yeah I found otokotachi no yamato

That's what started my interest in finding decent naval war movies centered around the pacific.

I'm also interested in movies like the Eternal Zero

>> No.21127412
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>> No.21127414

Yeah. I think the whole thing was up at some point but it probably got taken down.

Pretty sure anon meant naval combat. There are a number of decent ground fighting movies.

>> No.21127420

As bad as it looks

>> No.21127427

Never watched it, but its apparently about Hiryuu.


Maybe try "Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence" if you're interested in POWs.

>> No.21127434

Because in Azur Lane, all IJN ships must have animal ears. It's the law.

>> No.21127440

But why rabbit tho? She could be a cat or fox or dog. Can't really find any reason except Yoshinori's image is too strong.

>> No.21127441

Is she the only bunny?

>> No.21127446

Bunnies are fast?

>> No.21127449

Only European ones

>> No.21127450

Only bunnies are fast?

>> No.21127453

There are faster animals, chinks are just unoriginal.

>> No.21127460

The fastest land animal is a Cheetah, then antelope.

>> No.21127463


It's a chink game

>> No.21127467


>> No.21127480

The one fucking time their autistic fox ears would work in the context of speed, they decide to ditch it to ripoff Shimakaze. How fucking braindead are they?

>> No.21127485

My steel went below 200k today.
Join me in suffering brother.

>> No.21127497

Well the fastest WW2 DD was Maury I think or that french DD. AL has both of them.

If you notice they put jumping shoes on their Shimakaze. Either it's a homage by Kuroboshi Kouhaku to KC Shimakaze or just plain chink things.

>> No.21127499
File: 284 KB, 929x1300, __yamato_kantai_collection_drawn_by_pallad__2beefcd40ebec6bcaa0dcb506d8856ef[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yamto is so beautiful.
And this is probably my favorite seasonal. Really reminds me of that "What women think men want / what men actually want" meme.

>> No.21127503

Otoko Tachi no Yamato
Although the naval action is very limited, just tiny bits of the battle of Leyte Gulf and then full Ten-Go.

>> No.21127513

That's not even consistent, there are USN catgirls and IJN girls with horns and even some that have nothing.

>> No.21127524
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She really looks beautiful, and sexy in this outifit

>> No.21127528
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>> No.21127534

Why is AL kongou blonde?

>> No.21127538

What's this from?

>> No.21127539

Because she's from Britian.

>> No.21127540

Because she's a brit. And as anime taught me, all brits are blonde.

>> No.21127548


>> No.21127549

Also because she's from the UK her horns are fake, unlike her sisters.

>> No.21127553


>> No.21127554

Why are you asking here?

>> No.21127560

I don't want to visit their thread

>> No.21127568

Just too many anons have talked AL here.

>> No.21127573
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Yeah, imagine being below 200k steel

>> No.21127579

Well, they're assblasted with Yokosuka collab turnout. It's not gonna fucking work if it isn;t KanColle.

>> No.21127590
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More TE.

>> No.21127620

So what’s the latest theory on possible event location that anons are thinking of?
>midway possibly due to Akagi?

>> No.21127664

He's almost certainly a newfag. Why else would his steel be that low?

>> No.21127684

Is it weird that I don't want to watch Tora! Tora! Tora! because I know I'm going to get triggered by the ships they used?

>> No.21127717

what happened?

>> No.21127726

Making Bongo a blonde seems to be a consistent trait among chink games.

>> No.21127729

The Yokosuka city is near Tokyo, but the collab with MIkasa x WoWS and that game couldn't even gather people as much as unofficial event at Maizuru (which is super far away from Tokyo).
They thought this event would show the world that they destroyed KanColle, but sadly...

>> No.21127736

Meanwhile some gaijin AL fags think this 2nd wows collab is the final nail in the coffin for KC. Guess i will just wait for Zuiunfest.

>> No.21127764
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Aw c'mon it is a movie from 70s so they sorta have an excuse for boats looking wrong. Watch Pearl Harbor if you want really cringe over out of place boats (alongside with basically everything else in that fucking shitshow of a movie).

>> No.21127773

>Aw c'mon it is a movie from 70s so they sorta have an excuse for boats looking wrong.
I mean I know that, it's just an irrational fear of mine.

>> No.21127784

Not even /wowsg/ cares about the collab.

>> No.21127818

There's an old movie where they just put a german flag on a Des Moines and pretend it's the Graf Spee.

>> No.21127821


>> No.21127828

WoWS doesn't directly compete so I don't see why they have to care that much.

>> No.21127833

There was so moaning about muh weebshit, but that's it really.
I don't care about AL either way, but the new ships that come with the collab don't look interesting, the goodies you can get for playing are probably just some captains (which is nice) and some useless flags.
The best thing is probably that new port, and that's just because it's incredibly silly.

>> No.21127839


>> No.21127845

The wierdest thing in Tota! Tora! Tora! is when the Japanese squadrons fly in to attack and fly over the memorial for the men who died in the Pearl harbour attack.
Otherwise it's a OK movie.

>> No.21127847

This right here sounds like a future event. Brazilian boat when?

>> No.21127854

Taimu Toraberu

>> No.21127855
File: 121 KB, 600x800, 2015-07-24-754129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, in "A bridge too far" the Wehrmacht uses Leopard 1 tanks painted grey and equipped with a bit of metal sheet (not to mention that German tanks were not grey anymore at that point of the war).

>> No.21127886

I've seen worse. In Battle of the Bulge they use Pattons as Tigers and Chaffees as Shermans.

>> No.21127913

How they weren't able to get Shemans?

>> No.21127943

The daY they allow ship trading (they won't) is the day I sell my Bisnarck and Taihou dupes to unlucky bastards for bauxite.

>> No.21127950
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>> No.21127960
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>> No.21127968

Most of the collab is just some captains you have to buy for money that only add voice lines and some ugly camos for ships.
Even the paperships they turned into shipgirls are mostly shit that people don't like playing.

>> No.21128034


>> No.21128043


>> No.21128044

A guy in my PvP matches thinks that it is 坊の岬沖海戦. I'm thinking that we haven't had any relevant remodels for that.

>> No.21128093
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>> No.21128159

Akagi K2 is a big IF remodel.

>> No.21128170
File: 1.57 MB, 1190x1669, __ashigara_myoukou_and_nachi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kusaka_souji__e9bb3c14b5aa48398e7e7ae1158726dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You call that a hag? This is a hag.

>> No.21128175

only a homosexual would call Myoukouou a hag!

>> No.21128182
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>> No.21128192

I want to fuck a gumo cosplayer

>> No.21128199

Which one?

>> No.21128306
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>> No.21128329
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So when are we going to get actually cute burger and bong boats?

>> No.21128333

We already have John and Jervis.

>> No.21128340

As a wows player, I don't really care indeed.
That AL is getting Azuma (Design B-65) while Wows gets Azuma captain is hilarious, because that ship is so absurdly shit I can't see it as anything else but blatant "pls buy this garbage".
I mean, 1 million free experience for a ship that has no armor, no radar, exposed citadel, no agility, all because of some guns that aren't even all that great. Then you have Alaska, which for the same price has good armor (for a cruiser), underwater citadel, radar hydro and defensive AA, agility still bonkers, and guns that are just about on par with Azuma's. And they even ask why nobody buy Azuma.
The only thing that would get me to care about the collab would be if they added Taihou (likeable kind of crazy) as a captain. But right now Wows deleted Taihou from the game because of CV rework, so not happening until she gets readded.

Spoilered so I don't bother anyone with other game talk.

>> No.21128345
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There are no cute bong botes

>> No.21128371

>going for the newest little sister

>> No.21128382

I see WG still can't allow Japan to have good ships. Which I guess makes this collab even funnier.

>> No.21128396

Well, there is the Musashi and the Kamikazes

>> No.21128407

Kamikaze isn't that OP. It's just the line being utter shit and making them look OP.

>> No.21128418 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.21128449

All that power need to make soviet stuff historically accurate gotta come from somewhere, those perfectly balanced railguns and stalinium armor plates don''t make themselves you know.

>> No.21128453

That's not flat, she has budding breasts.

>> No.21128480

>"fertilize my eggs, teitoku"
Fucking knew they weren't human.

>> No.21128494

So how is War Thunder's naval combat? I guess you just get eaten alive by planes, but maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.21128502

You can watch a few videos on it.

>> No.21128523

Seems even more poorly balanced and grindy than WGs mess. And most of it is just shitty torpedo boats and AA barges with only a few DDs and CLs last I checked.
It does have a much more realistic feel though so there's that.

>> No.21128572
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>> No.21128592

A shit.

>> No.21128601
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>> No.21128648
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>> No.21128665

is there a DD-class more boring than Yuugumos?

>> No.21128676

How so?

>> No.21128677


>> No.21128686
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>> No.21128703
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They aren't boring.

>> No.21128705
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>> No.21128711

It was nice knowing you, anon.

>> No.21128717

Rude but true, not even bongs were foolish enough to use old capital ship secondaries to arm cruisers (mostly because those guns were reserved for corvettes).

>> No.21128751
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>> No.21128780

Before I clicked on it I thought I'll see some Burkes or Ticos or something, with that said, what are those dessies off to the side?

>> No.21128803
File: 334 KB, 1679x715, Iqc7Jzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knox-class frigates, Burges and Ticos were reserved for IJN.

>> No.21128842

You're boring, you shit.

>> No.21128843

WW2 would have looked very different if the IJN had 6 Nimitzes.

>> No.21128844

Don't post these.

>> No.21128865
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>> No.21128873
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2hu hijack?

>> No.21128982
File: 140 KB, 801x1200, D3jBj7BU8AAEuWe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong?

>> No.21129002

Fujinami not looking too good here. Like Michael Jackson, sort of.

>> No.21129040

When has Fujinami ever looked good?

>> No.21129057

When she is naked in my bed

>> No.21129066

All that gumo to pick and you pick the ugliest?

>> No.21129070

But I didn't say Makigumo

>> No.21129078

Assassin creed enterprise is the one who comes closest to a KC style. No girl wears a captains hat. This pic has made me realize November’s shit would be cuter if he didn’t insist on a hat and if his style was more anime like. I like the smaller girls in this pic who look less tacky.

>> No.21129082

But Makigumo isn't ugly.

>> No.21129088

Ugly on the inside for sure.

>> No.21129091

True, she is absolutely hideous.

>> No.21129093
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>> No.21129110
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>> No.21129196

I'll support the collab to encourage more collabs in the future, but the content itself is rather meh outside of the VAs. At least from what I've heard, Azuma's VA voiced best saekano so that might be worth it to me. The ship itself is a harder sell than that

>> No.21129254
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What are your favourite non-H- KC doujins?

>> No.21129260

Now that I noticed, I never got quest A91.
Or maybe I did it, but I don't have quest B126 showing. Fairly sure I never did it because it's fucking 5-5.
Were there requisites to A91? Wiki says ?? next to requirements.

>> No.21129290

The mutsu one.

>> No.21129311
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>> No.21129386
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>> No.21129404

You should only sortie her to your bedroom.

>> No.21129410

I'll send her to 5-5 on her own.

>> No.21129419
File: 328 KB, 1059x423, hey kid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk probably this one

>> No.21129450

I now want to see Nagato raising a child.

>> No.21129451
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>> No.21129457

Kaga wife

>> No.21129484

Japs apparently want another midway event.

>> No.21129498

With or without Musashi?

>> No.21129500

Midway Redux or Midway Burger Edition?

>> No.21129506

With Shinano.

>> No.21129510

Count me out then. That sister is an abomination.

>> No.21129513

Well that explains it. Going all the way back through the A79 requisites lands me at A47, which I've never done.
Thanks anon.

>> No.21129516

So that's where it comes from.

>> No.21129545

Poi meme?

>> No.21129566
File: 620 KB, 1920x1080, nkr3KGe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did the Nagamon meme come from, anyway? Not from the anime, they just picked it up, so?

>> No.21129592
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>> No.21129596

Same place breast envy Ryuujou came from. Fanartists can be real unimaginative sometimes, and just slap traits from other similar characters onto the new one.

>> No.21129610
File: 869 KB, 752x1062, __tokitsukaze_hagikaze_hamakaze_kuroshio_shiranui_and_etc_kantai_collection_drawn_by_takeshima_nia__2a16daf2870d31c0f9c0fdc8ffb301aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QMR series, Koruris doujins and these Kagerou-class ones.

>> No.21129618

The difference is that zeco isnt a big name like kuroboshi

>> No.21129651

The be happy poi quote.

>> No.21129653

Same place the Ryuujous breast envy meme came from. Fanartists just put traits on characters, even if it doesn't make sense.

>> No.21129672

Some old promo art has Nagato blushing with an apron and another with a tiny Shimakaze, somehow artists have decided to turn her into some insane lolicon rapist based on that I guess.

>> No.21129675

AL/MI was a ton of fun, but they can't recapture that feeling. Not that they should try to do that. AL/ML作戦改 should stand on its own.

>> No.21129678

At least they gave her more personalities because she was such a boring girl.

>> No.21129693

I can see it happen after Akagi/Kaga got their K2.

>> No.21129707

>but they can't recapture that feeling
You only say that because it was one of your first events. They've all bled together over the years, but everyone has that special event they first attempted seriously. Personally, I'd like to see a Midway event where the Midway part isn't a complete joke.

>> No.21129708

>crafting Ryuusei
>gets Reppuus

>> No.21129710
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>> No.21129725

>You only say that because it was one of your first events

Not him, but AL/MI was special because it was the first event to have combined fleet.

>> No.21129727

wait, which one was boring?

>> No.21129728

Deco series -lore and drama
Zazenbeat series - action and militia

>> No.21129732


>> No.21129736
File: 453 KB, 1280x1807, p03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zazenbeat has some tacticool stuffs.

>> No.21129737

Wrong, but I respect your opinion.

>> No.21129739

The KanColle one I'm sure.

>> No.21129743

The Bacious doujinshi are pretty hilarious, I wish we had more of them translated

>> No.21129749
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>> No.21129750

Subs are no longer popular.

>> No.21129757


>> No.21129758
File: 206 KB, 900x1200, Dvoo9U7UYAA2OVX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Okinami

>> No.21129759

Doms are better anyway.

>> No.21129766

My first event was IBS, but on a note related to what you're trying to say, part of the reason Midway was so fun was the threads. Seeing everybody else get stonewalled at Hoppou or Isokaze posting.

>> No.21129770
File: 100 KB, 724x712, 2018-02-22-951976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I read one doujin where Houshou goes on a rampage and singlehandedly wrecks an abyssal battle group to save some other shipgirls, if i remmeber correctly, young Akagi and Kaga.
Can't remember the name, though, but it was quite nice.

>> No.21129773

The recent ones don't even have japanese because chinks just put their translation up without the raws.

>> No.21129779

AL/MI was a huge undertaking that really put KC in the spotlight, but I wasn't there for that. The events that really stick out for me are the first trip to Europe and the Surigao Strait rematch

>> No.21129780

If its the one I am thinking about then it was pretty garbage.

>> No.21129781


>> No.21129788

I wanna be bullied by Hoppou.

>> No.21129797

Thx, will look for it.

>> No.21129799

Chinks always do that, they refuse to share raws because fuck them

>> No.21129804

As long as 4u is still somewhat popular I'm fine.

>> No.21129807

Chinks should be banned from the panda

>> No.21129809

No Orel, no reason to use subs.

>> No.21129814
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>> No.21129822

Chinks should be banned from earth

>> No.21129830

Can't compute. Didn't AL//MI gain its reputation because of difficulty, bullshit RNG, and miscommunication between players? How come people who came for those factors (I assume) and later left for AL said KanColle was too hard???

Maybe I got it seriously wrong.

>> No.21129858

The event was memorable because of very high LoS requirement. You'll need tons of radars and saiuns but you can still get off-routed.

>> No.21129862

E1 and E2 were rough, E3, E4, and E5 were piss easy, and E6 was brutal. If you cleared Hoppou, you were pretty much guaranteed to clear E3, E4, and E5. That said, a decent number of people couldn't clear Hoppou.

>> No.21129871

They didn't come for the event, they were already here especially when the lottery was still a thing.

>> No.21129876

>a huge undertaking that really put KC in the spotlight
No, that was definitely Ironbottom Sound. The biggest jump in players happened at the end of 2013, and the difficulty of that event was infamous, as well as the group effort figuring out how to beat it. People already knew what to expect by summer of 2014 and KanColle was hugely popular by then.

AL/MI also had the wonky early form of difficulty selection, where low level admirals had a much easier time.

>> No.21129879

>AL/MI also had the wonky early form of difficulty selection, where low level admirals had a much easier time.
I hit 100 in the middle of E2 and was super mad.

>> No.21129897
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Nostalgic time?

>> No.21129906
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>> No.21129924

That looks like an abyssal mated with the god warrior from Nausicaä.

>> No.21129967

They started out doing targeted high altitude daylight raids in Japan just like they had in Germany, but it was even less effective in Japan due to the jet stream and the decentralized nature of nip industry.
The firebombing raids started in early 45. They are what really killed nip production.

>> No.21129984
File: 1.97 MB, 700x866, __harukaze_kamikaze_oyashio_i_401_u_511_and_etc_kantai_collection_drawn_by_shimetta_seiya__21ee7dee02828194be5793b39b5ae838[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21130015
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>> No.21130020

Based artist.

>> No.21130036

do we have any hint on what the event will be yet?

>> No.21130051

Ten Gou

>> No.21130053
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>> No.21130059
File: 299 KB, 1290x1821, __abukuma_kantai_collection_drawn_by_negahami__e886879faeb1ff083d8304a2d397c5be[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your greatest MVP of all time.

>> No.21130064

Pan her hara.

>> No.21130085

How does she do it?

>> No.21130098

I'm probably confusing IBS and AL/MI, again since I wasn't there. I had been introduced to the series around that time by a friend, but I just couldn't be arsed to register considering the effort

>> No.21130112
File: 173 KB, 1280x764, 65669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21130116

Isn't Sara too recent to be nostalgic?

>> No.21130123
File: 567 KB, 900x1262, __i_19_and_i_26_hiroshima_touyou_carp_kantai_collection_and_nippon_professional_baseball_drawn_by_kirisawa_juuzou__aa020354dbeef08f31670d7fc5446424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking your boats to the ballgame

>> No.21130144

That's 80s Sara though

>> No.21130160


>> No.21130166

The problem with early events is that there was no difficulty selection for casuals or people who didn't prepare enough.

>> No.21130171

>hear of the nightmare that was old events
>still can't clear anything in Hard after years of playing
I hate myself and my lack of luck.

>> No.21130174
File: 190 KB, 850x1406, jPvPsDt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about some 80s music?

>> No.21130176

Nice recommendation question anon. Good thing we are bored and not uptight about recommendations during non-event time.

>> No.21130190

The most interesting ship is 18 inch American guns that is something I thought would never come in the game Too bad it's on the Iowa hull.
Azuma is shit in WOWs.

>> No.21130194

Unironically Tenryuu getting punched.

>> No.21130195

Dumb Turkey roping her straight-laced sister into doing her silly turkey dance with her always makes me smile

>> No.21130199
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, [Erai-raws] Nande Koko ni Sensei ga - 01 [720p]_snapshot_00.06.16.626_[2019.04.07_22.31.10].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please watch Kitakami's show.

>> No.21130202
File: 924 KB, 1003x1646, Kaga TTK love home comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21130203

Wait this got an anime? Because I remember it being basically softcore porn.

>> No.21130213
File: 182 KB, 696x1024, 1432567256606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From drawing cute boats to drawing heavily censored porn

>> No.21130215

Yes. Uncensored on Thursday however.

>> No.21130222
File: 288 KB, 527x439, 1551485263872.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still wait for a dancing Kaga.
Secretly, where nobody can see her, of course.

>> No.21130240

She's in Escort fleet.

>> No.21130322

Samidare will never be my daughter. I cry about it every night.

>> No.21130324

Anything by SEQMED, absolute geniuses.

>> No.21130383

How the fuck this trash gets a anime?

>> No.21130402

Do your weeklies.

>> No.21130406
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>> No.21130426

This is actually sad, what the fuck

>> No.21130520
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>> No.21130525

Fubuki is cute.

>> No.21130547

This class should already had been completed desu.

>> No.21130561

I don't get it

>> No.21130615

>three sisters die together
>the third is never mentioned by the first two
What did Tanaka mean by this?

>> No.21130681

Submarines were forgotten with phase 2.

>> No.21130683
File: 1.64 MB, 1058x1472, 4o96v1x1rctu9po1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21130693

Tanaka seems to really hate completing existing classes, there are so many only missing 1-2 ships for years already.

>> No.21130709

I want to molest Kaga!

>> No.21130724
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>> No.21130730
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>> No.21130794

I want Akagi to swallow my dick repeatedly.

>> No.21130803

She likes to bite.

>> No.21130811

I want to LICK!

>> No.21130819

I'd fuck them in the ass.

>> No.21130821

Not enemy subs.
Fuck that Loli. Give me regular one back.

>> No.21130822

>7 hours 48 minutes ago

>> No.21130826

She dicks down on my dick, I bite down on her clit. Only fair.

>> No.21130841 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 760x990, 1554672547759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does one survives this long?

>> No.21130850
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>She dicks down on my dick
I meant bite down, but that's funnier.

>> No.21130883
File: 144 KB, 723x1023, D3jABUcUIAEeNIx[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21130889

Is that a guy?

>> No.21130890

>implying she wouldn't simply eat you. Akagi is always hungry.

>> No.21130896
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>> No.21130904
File: 196 KB, 850x1003, __akagi_and_kaga_kantai_collection_drawn_by_mizuki_eiru_akagi_kurage__sample-04d53d37e92f9d07a7a49ad8776b0969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to pomf=3 these two. Finger fuck and eat them out.

>> No.21130908

Why the fuck did you throw down the cup? Think of all the good tea you just wasted!

>> No.21130909

What the fuck? That's not how you use a camel back.

>> No.21130910

>Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks Make sure to check your spam box!
Guess they didn't check their spam boxes

>> No.21130913

>good tea
I hate green tea. It gives me a headache.

>> No.21130924

No mods or jannies here, that's why the chink autism everyday.

>> No.21130926

I'm pretty sure that's punishable by firing squad, admiral

>> No.21130927

You have blood pressure problems, better go for a checkup

>> No.21130930

Black tea for me.

>> No.21130931

I drink it every day, all day. I love it.

>> No.21130938

How easy do you suppose a Gumo cosplay is?

>> No.21130945

Cosplay sex is a thing, especially at Comiket.

>> No.21130957


>> No.21130959

They actually deleted a lot of the crap yesterday.

>> No.21130966


>> No.21130976

The bisexual nerd orgies are one of the main draws of Comic-Con as well

>> No.21130977


>> No.21130980

So what, you just go up to your favorite cosplay, bust a nut on her and then help her clean? Cool, I wanna go to Comiket.

>> No.21130983

Only if you report.

>> No.21130984

Any more?

>> No.21130995

Can't you easily die from alcohol poisoning like that?

>> No.21130996

I wonder if a gaijin can get action like that. And of course I mean both ways.

>> No.21131003

Please more

>> No.21131004

The only ones they really check are the illegal content reports. Anything else they'll ignore for as long as they feel like.

>> No.21131010
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>> No.21131013
File: 142 KB, 850x1096, __houshou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yamashiki_orca_buteo_a6bd9a047b3f04ccbf698804bd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21131025
File: 187 KB, 1300x2150, hyuuga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, I like this younger-ish looking Hyuuga.

>> No.21131038

Imgur removed, go sadpanda, should be a ton there.

>> No.21131041

this stays but
this doesn't, good job mods

>> No.21131043

We can keep Nisshin.

>> No.21131064

They probably think she's a boy

>> No.21131077

Wait, this place has mods?

>> No.21131080
File: 690 KB, 850x1200, 66153060_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a precious ship, she deserves more doujinshi

>> No.21131099
File: 118 KB, 705x1000, __hyuuga_and_ise_kantai_collection_drawn_by_bifidus__48505e8bfb2fef599ed679b8c9afa3e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. By the time alcohol gets to you colon, a lot of it is already digested and removed by the liver. Since the colon can absorb more alcohol than the liver can filter, you can easily get poisoned.
I want to see how she looked as JC. Smaller breasts look good on her too.

>> No.21131101

>boy nipples are okay

>> No.21131106

Any specific tags? All I'm getting is the usual stuff.

>> No.21131133

How likely can a foreigner get/find a kinky slut like that at Comiket?

>> No.21131137

Imagine turning Hosho into a mother

>> No.21131146
File: 392 KB, 566x800, __akagi_enemy_lifebuoy_gambier_bay_houshou_and_kaga_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kyon_fuuran__d619be707763a51bb9a468c85d8812ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only while she's in her prime.

>> No.21131151

A shit.

>> No.21131164

Thanks for your valuable insight.

>> No.21131196

Imagine the STDs.

>> No.21131218

Gonorrhea is a small price to pay to simulate sticking it in Shimakaze's exhaust pipe.

>> No.21131281

That was a shit cosplay not even accurate to Shimakaze. Fucking that is like fucking a bootleg fat chinese version of shimakaze.

>> No.21131293

You're not supposed to wear your best cosplay if it's only going to get ruined.

>> No.21131302

I want to run a train on a Gumo cosplayer with /jp/.

>> No.21131320

If you are not ready to be accurate to the character when doing lewd shit then don't cosplay. If I want to stick my meat stick in a cosplayer I want to fuck the character not some random slut that wear a similiar cloth as the character.

>> No.21131324

Count me in

>> No.21131355

There are non-H doujins?

>> No.21131391
File: 351 KB, 667x1000, __abukuma_and_akigumo_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yamaioni_sasakama__f89e008ce7fe28f67cd33f250c5061a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have anyone in mind? Would you care if I invited a few spectators to come and watch so they can have some new material?

>> No.21131409
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>> No.21131424

Might have to break a couple of laws to get that to happen.

>> No.21131429

She doesn't look too bothered by it.

>> No.21131434

Where do I sign up?

>> No.21131439
File: 2.30 MB, 1770x2515, __kiyoshimo_kantai_collection_drawn_by_nagami_yuu__1984f986e893580c5ff33f7407b7d2d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wants it.

>> No.21131454

We should figure something out if you're serious. I'm willing if there are others.

>> No.21131465

Hah, well, I am serious, just moneyless and stuck in a shithole. Maybe once I graduate and get a job. Do have to wonder if there are cosplayers that'll do it if you know the right people, or if you have to get a girl from one of those cosplay brothels.

>> No.21131510

Hey, that's a nice edit.

>> No.21131516

>if there are cosplayers that'll do it if you know the right people, or if you have to get a girl from one of those cosplay brothels
I have no idea. A lot of cosplayers in the states are easy, but I stopped going to cons years ago. Too many kids and I don't want to get placed on a list because I couldn't tell a girl's age.

>> No.21131545

What ever you do, just don't let her start doing hard drugs in your company. That's how movies plots start.

>> No.21131551

Probably no reports for Nisshin. And who would, she's a total qt.

>> No.21131555

What kind of movies?

>> No.21131562

Oh, you know. Forensic investigations and such.

>> No.21131564

Sleazy ones.

>> No.21131569

Imagine getting a gumo cosplayer pregnant with /jp/ because no one wore a rubber.

>> No.21131572


>> No.21131582

That's why you only do it in the ass.

>> No.21131591

I want the thrill not just the feeling of irresponsible, unprotected vaginal sex.

>> No.21131602

Mixed jap babies are still jap babies, I guess.

>> No.21131606

That's cool dude, you take front and I take back then.

>> No.21131618

big bra for smol tits

>> No.21131626

That's one way to make use of her time. She'd probably charge us by the hour. If there's a lot of us, we'd have to get more than one dick per hole to maximize productivity.
She should just keep it off.

>> No.21131678
File: 60 KB, 595x630, D3lI22dU8AAFYr9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why everyone suddenly want to fuck a Gumo cosplayer?

>> No.21131684

Why don't you?

>> No.21131685

It's the closest thing to fucking a gumo.

>> No.21131694

If it's impossible to fuck the real thing, then the second best option is the best option.

>> No.21131714
File: 703 KB, 1980x1320, orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21131731

That Musashi forgot to smear poop on her arms and legs.

>> No.21131742

So it's true that they are all men

>> No.21131771

I think I'd rather just fap to doujins than fuck some ugly whore with a wig.

>> No.21131774

That's why you pool your money up with /jp/ so we can get a good looking one.

>> No.21131779

The closest thing should be fucking a seiyuu cosplaying as her character.

>> No.21131782
File: 406 KB, 960x540, 1549104795740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want the thrill not just the feeling of irresponsible, unprotected vaginal sex.

Impossible unless you are a saudi oil prince

>> No.21131795

Also the spectators that just want to watch have to pay too and we film it with intentions of making amateur porn so we don't get in twouble.

>> No.21131800

>The closest thing should be fucking Fujikawa cosplaying as any gumo.

>> No.21131814
File: 316 KB, 1200x801, D3jPEyoUEAA6_LL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Fujikawa also secretly participating as the ringleader of Gumo cosplay group? I find its pretty impressive for normal fans to keep doing cosplay gathering as Gumo

>> No.21131838

How has Fujikawa's identity not been found out yet? Does no one know where C2 HQ is?

>> No.21131840

That would be too obvious, she is probably the one that you least expect and sometimes looks angry when a gumo cosplayer fails to meet her expectations.

>> No.21131841

>Impossible unless you are a saudi oil prince
Or a rapist, you can easily track and follow her then plan the closest to a perfect crime or simply end it in blackmail to buy her silence

>> No.21131846

Some of these guys have quite the ass and hips

>> No.21131851

She probably work from home.

>> No.21131853
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.31_[2019.04.05_23.05.43].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The things that I would do to Akarin Kito

>> No.21131862


>> No.21131898

Over 70 years ago, Japan told Yamato to kill herself.
And Suzu survived.

>> No.21131904

To avoid monster like Jiji?

>> No.21131907

>And Suzu survived.
You forgot that she now protects Japan's coasts as a breakwater.

>> No.21131910

A lot of them are fat.

>> No.21131922

Japs are born eating soi products, that's the aftermath

>> No.21131933
File: 384 KB, 1237x1350, 1510937368376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And she's not alone.
