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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21092102 No.21092102 [Reply] [Original]

手引きなど: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

前スレ: >>21082367

>> No.21092116

shut up flashtard

>> No.21092128


>> No.21092141

Not actually a shitpost, but does ゲイ apply to girls too? Like, jisho says it's especially for guys, what would a girl say then? わたしはレズビアン?

>> No.21092150

just レズ is enough

>> No.21092191

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8Whjjdc2DI#t=27<div class="like-perk-cnt"><div style="text-align:right"><img alt="" width="32" height="32" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/temp/verified.png"></div></div>

>> No.21092226

got no replies so repostin
The layman: what is up homosexual
Me, a JET: 睥睨

>> No.21092236

Reminder to not trust anything Jamal says. Has has been repeatedly exposed to know no Japanese, not have read any of the works he claims to and him frantically running around from the chance to prove he can read some Japanese is nothing but laughable at this point.

>> No.21092306

>Has has been repeatedly exposed to know no Japanese, not have read any of the works he claims to
proofs?<span class="fortune" style="color:#f51c6a">

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again[/spoiler]

>> No.21092314

異性 = good
同性 = gtfo

>> No.21092315


>> No.21092332

Just do this if you want to read in 3 months and don't give a single shit about having a permanently crippled gayjin Japanese accent

>> No.21092336

In step one, you will learn the basics about Japanese. And by basics, I mean everything except remember 10,000 words.

You’ll be reading one book which, different from typical language textbooks that say too little in too many pages, will explain everything about Japanese grammars to you, even the slangs.

In step two, you will memorize the kana, which is like alphabet but a bit different.

In step three, you’ll start memorizing the grammars you’ve read in step one with the help of SRS.

After several weeks, you’ll be surprised at how you absorbed all this information so easily, and so fast.

In step four, you’ll start swallowing vocabularies, thousands of them.

Expect to spend at least 2 hours every day to fill your head with hundreds of new Japanese words. Your head will hurt. But hang in there.

In step five, you’ll start reading, a lot.

>Reward: can read in 3 months
>Punishment: permanently crippled gayjin Japanese accent

>> No.21092342

the only thing frantic atm is u riding my dick home boy lol

>> No.21092405

jamal, how many points u at?

>> No.21092417

i got fuckin hella points now boyyyy help me get some more

>> No.21092432

manga isn't reading

>> No.21092442

this guys native chinese so he didnt have to worry about kanji at all lol

>> No.21092443
File: 1.90 MB, 2000x1638, 62707283_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jamal knows Japanese. Being a stupid shitposter doesn't make him any worse, you're just mean. Stop freaking out and go read porn or something.


>> No.21092466

nah dont tell him that i want him to make more posts like this >>21091594 and dance like the muppet he is

>> No.21092480

What a silly language.

>> No.21092482

You are a good person, but I don't see why you would let yourself get fooled by Jamal.

>> No.21092500

ok flashtard ill bite lets pretend i dont know the difference between a chopstick and a bridge

what does it matter to anyone

>> No.21092513

I'm saying you can't read Japanese bitch.

>> No.21092524

ok lets pretend i cant tell ツ from シ

what does it matter to anyone

>> No.21092528

>I wanna talk
>There's something I wanna talk about
>I'd like to talk about something
>"wow what a shit language"
this is what you're doing, you're gay and retarded

>> No.21092535
File: 285 KB, 1072x720, doya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, that's me! It's still ten days too early for my "Five year update" post which I was vaguely planning to do.

In retrospect I was probably underestimating myself a lot there, but in any case, I've spent a huge chunk of the past year listening to Japanese in various forms. Jikkyou, voiceroid, v-tubers, anime, ASMR, h-audio, etc. I've honestly probably spent more time listening than reading this year just cause it's so easy to get into a 20 episode boiro/jikkyou/whatever series and watch the whole thing in one go. I really wanted to buckle down on listening to stop sucking at it and I'm pretty sure I've succeeded, I can watch basically anything and get reasonably complete comprehension. I don't sweat watching anime without subtitles or that kind of thing. I think one important thing to remember with listening is that it's totally fine and normal to "not catch" part of a sentence or something. I work for a Japanese company (translator btw) and my 100% Japanese boss in Japan occasionally transcribes voice clips into text documents for me to work on, and often he's just like "yeah I can't tell what this part is saying I'll contact the client". This kind of sounds like an excuse but really the point is that listening often requires one to be fluid and "fill in the gaps" of incomprehensible speech, which is pretty advanced. To be truly good at listening you have to be able to hear nothing, and still know what the speaker said, if you know what I mean. If you're not good enough at Japanese to produce the language the speaker is saying, you'll have a hard time, since you won't be able to fill in the gaps. Putting off listening learning didn't really backfire in the longrun for me (I think) since all the reading practice enabled me to have the level of competency required to produce misheard language.

My favourite boiro series is this one btw, Aoi is super cute in it and fangames are kami: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm27365150 . As for Jikkyou I'm watching this series right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eJrTo94G6g , the player has a really good voice and I like his personality. Vtuber wise my friends are pretty into Gamebu so I've gotten into watching a lot of their stuff too: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2ZVDmnoZAOdLt7kI7Uaqog They have a really cool dynamic where there's 4 separate vtubers in this game club, and like, if you have a favourite character you can check out their individual channels. Despite the name they have a lot of videos that are just crazy comedy skits, I like it. One of the few vtuber channels still putting out consistently high quality videos instead of just livestreams of random shit (though those can be good too). I actually have disliked almost every H-audio I have ever listened to, I dunno the fellatio sounds and shit are just an earsore and if they devolve into sex the screeching just kills it. However my favourite is this one https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ221853.html just cause the imoutos are kawaii and the single voice actor does a good job of voicing two different characters. I don't actually listen to the porn parts of this audio, I just play the 10 minute intro on loop where they're talking normally. It's kind of weird and maybe obsessive but it's therapeutic. I've actually listened to it so much I'm playing it word for word in my head right now. ASMR kind of suffers from the same problem as H-audio in that so much of it is just random noises without much talking but I try to deal with it. I've been watching boob ladies lately, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0nrx99W7JI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS7cjkUzymE etc.

Anyway yeah. I might write a more elaborate post for my 5 Year Anniversary of learning Japanese, maybe not. Really you don't make much progress at the 4-5 year marks. It's just an inexorable march onwards to from competency to native-like competency. Personally speaking, I don't know the rate others grow, but I kind of get the feeling it'll be another 3-5 or so years (8~10 total) until I reach True Native Competency, if not more. Osmosis is pretty slow when you already know 99% of what you encounter. Every time I see a word I've never seen before, it's like, welp I guess I won't see you again for 5 more years, cause somehow I managed to interact with Japanese daily for 5 solid years and never saw it once. There's not really much I can do to improve my production, I already talk to Japanese people at work and read Japanese, so I just gotta sit back and wait for osmosis and time to magically enable me to speak more elaborate sentences without effort. Anyway I really rambled at the end there, have some good shit


>> No.21092537

>Being a stupid shitposter doesn't make him any worse

>> No.21092539

i didnt know the 4th 1 translated to "wow what a shit language" but i lolled at ur post i hope it was intentional ftw

>> No.21092543

oh wow someone asks about some random post from a year ago and the poster magically happens to be reading the thread and gives an update.

haven't seen that before.

>> No.21092544


>> No.21092546

holy SHIt did NOt FucKin Read<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" width="32" height="32" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/trash@2x.gif"></div>

>> No.21092547

There's supposed to be a star in this after the 魔 to act as a ghetto syllable lengthener but 4chan deleted it because it thought it was an emoji. Oh well!


Almost everyone who still posts to DJT in 2019 is a stupid shitposter, it's not much of a thing.

>> No.21092550

My friend W*r*y* is always here and links me whenever someone mentions me. I've said this before.

>> No.21092551

you could have just made your post without this elaborate introductory bullshit where you pretend to link someone elses post

>> No.21092555

dude u cant even use arrows anymore 4channel is the worst everything since the switchover has been terrible

>> No.21092563

But I was replying to him! What kind of reply doesn't link to the person it's a reply to? Not any reply I want to be a part of.

>> No.21092564

guys give me more upvotes i need to unlock more of this shit<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F3F4;</div>

>> No.21092566

im saying you made the post you were replying to in order to make an excuse for your own post that noone gives a fuck about. your feigned ignorance at what i meant only proves it further

>> No.21092567

>But I was replying to him! What kind of reply doesn't link to the person it's a reply to? Not any reply I want to be a part of.
like 90% of the replies here lol

>> No.21092572

>tfw it takes me ~40 minutes to watch a slice of life anime with japanese subs if I want to understand anything
kill me

>> No.21092574

why would u even talk to him just take solace in the fact he wrote a giant fuckin wall of shit no one is EVer going to read

>> No.21092591

And you're wrong. There's nothing more to say on the matter. I know better than to try and convince someone on 4chan that samefagging didn't happen. It's impossible. Therefore, I don't bother. Drown in your fantasies and die.
I don't approve of such degeneracy. It's lame on 2chan and it's lame here. I think it's a reflection of a more passive culture that avoids confrontation. Real men are brave enough to link to the post they're replying to. Please recognize the insincerity of this message

>> No.21092596

I can understand everything people post here in "Japanese", thereby proving that nobody here does in fact know Japanese.

>> No.21092605

I once tried to check if anyone in DJT could transcribe thirty seconds of vocal music in thirty minutes and everyone failed across the board.

This thread is more or less a shitposting blog and I don't see why the staff even allow it to exist.

>> No.21092607

That's funny because my """Japanese""" is cobbled together from copy-pasting real Japanese in ways that retains its grammaticality and meaning, sometimes leaving entire sentences intact because I happen to know that they're exactly what I want to say, so you're just saying that real Japanese is fake and wrong.

>> No.21092615

Uh I was there and I participated and succeeded at transcribing it my man. It was also supposed to be a translating thing, not transcription, though I did both and just ran out of time to translate the last stanza or two. Don't embellish the past.

>> No.21092620

that sounds like a pain in the ass why not just learn japanese instead

>> No.21092626

I did mean to say "translation," so my bad there.

Everyone still failed, or at most one person succeeded, because not a single two person's translations resembled each other's. Maybe you're the one single person who got it right.

>> No.21092627

I know Japanese, I just do this to feel smug and superior when people say that my Japanese is wrong (as it eliminates any chance of an obscure word choice error).

>> No.21092630

そのキュートアンドセクシー君にlikeを<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F49B;</div>

>> No.21092637

sorry no one jumped at ur request to do work ppl get paid for for free lol

thats just really weird like ur communicating thru magazine clippings hella 80s and 90s kinda shit

>> No.21092639

>because not a single two person's translations resembled each other's
This is just how lyrical translation works. It's impossible to create a musical lyrical translation that doesn't distort the original. Go compare the most popular translation of the popular version of Bad Apple to the original lyrics for an example.

>> No.21092641

Just because you can stitch clauses together doesn't mean that the resulting sentence is correct or the resulting series of sentences is logically coherent.

>> No.21092642

sounds like some bullshit

>> No.21092671

It's really convenient that any task that could be used to demonstrate that anyone actually knows Japanese is blown away with "lol nobody's going to do that."

The shit translation from Bad Apple pulled off the Wikia ages ago largely resembles kafkafuura's translation from 2017.

Your argument just boils down to "my Japanese is correct because I'm good at Japanese and know how to stitch Japanese sentences together correctly," which is no different from "my Japanese is correct because it's correct." I used to stitch together sentences from the Tanaka Corpus. Japanese people still laughed at me.

>> No.21092678

I'm doing the Pimsleur audiobook course while also doing Core 2k AND RTK because why the fuck not.

>> No.21092683

spoiler alert

japanese ppl are ALWAYS going to laugh at u

better just accept it now instead of walk on eggshells all timid forever like a fuckin retard

>> No.21092691

shut up flashtard

>> No.21092711

then relish in it baby

>> No.21092721


>> No.21092725


>> No.21092736

>The shit translation from Bad Apple pulled off the Wikia ages ago
No idea what you're talking about my man. Did the "and it all would fade to black" translation originate on the wikia? Because I can't find it there anymore.

>kafkafuura's translation from 2017
Translating broken sentence fragments in-order and dropping a conditional that is vital to the meaning of the very last line in the song?

If you're trying to object to the notion that lyrics can't be translated faithfully while retaining their musicality that's absolutely hysterical btw.


>> No.21092737

i only read like 2 volumes and i got bored but i dont remember the art being that good altho the style was obviously similar

>> No.21092742
File: 475 KB, 1078x1600, edgy heart man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some page from the same issue

>> No.21092745
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>> No.21092752
File: 453 KB, 1078x1600, edgy 十字目.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21092767

Oh, I know what you were *trying* to say, friend.

>> No.21092782

is this the thing where u guys are gonna flash step behind each other for like 20 posts before some1 just gets bored and quits lol

>> No.21092786

Bonus points for explaining it in Japanese btw.

>> No.21092794

Like this post if you know how to read 広義?

>> No.21092807

>Translating broken sentence fragments in-order and dropping a conditional that is vital to the meaning of the very last line
The conditional is baked into the if statement. "If I am to defeat my enemies, I will attack their supply lines" is still a conditional statement.

>If you're trying
When did I imply this? I was pointing out that the translations issued in the thread were even less similar than the ones between the two translations of Bad Apple.

>> No.21092811

also like this post if you can read this: 狭量悪辣卑劣外道佞人奸物畜獣駄六愚昧蒙昧暗迷妄者小人曲物低俗堕落亡八輩の護摩の灰

>> No.21092813

am i allowed to like your post if i read it correctly but mistook it for 講義?

>> No.21092823

There's a VERY simple test for anyone in this thread knowing Japanese: pick some nontrivial English text from anywhere, that hasn't been translated into Japanese, translate it into Japanese (a paragraph should be plenty), and let the people in this thread pick it apart. And because you picked the text, nobody will get to whine about translation begging or various other retarded excuses.

Nobody will do it though, because it's much easier to make hundreds of shitposts insinuating you know Japanese.

>> No.21092825


>> No.21092845

I don't claim to be any good at Japanese.

If you're also fine with acknowledging that you're also shit at Japanese, then we can all be shit together. But there are a whole lot of people in this thread who insist they are not.

>> No.21092861
File: 553 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_2018-11-13_14-46-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be able to solve this.

First one to get the right answer will receive one (1) like.<div class="like-perk-cnt"><div style="text-align:right"><img alt="" width="32" height="32" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/temp/verified.png"></div></div>

>> No.21092862

why did you respond to the same post twice lmao once without your trip and once with it

>> No.21092877


>> No.21092881

>You can understand a Japanese text entirely and still produce a shit English translation, have you ever actually tried to translate a Japanese text?
One can still tell the difference between a Japanese-to-English translation that is bad because it is hard to translate and reads poorly, and a translation that is shit because the translator doesn't know Japanese.

About 80% of their skillset is shared. The final 20% is being able to rewrite things from bad English into good English but hopefully everyone here is capable of doing that at least somewhat.

>> No.21092904


>> No.21092918

Have you ever translated a proper Japanese Text like an academic paper into English?

>> No.21092930

you've been awfully angry lately dude, everything good?

>> No.21092932

>a proper Japanese Text like an academic paper
Don't go there, academic language is easier to translate than the casual and literary stuff.

>> No.21092949

your life doesn't necessarily have to be bad as a whole for you to feel these feelings of anger, hope you get the help you need godbless

>> No.21092952

so that is a no then?

>> No.21092962

lol wtf

>> No.21092977

People who shit on other people's Japanese without pointing out where it is wrong are indistinguishable from people shitting on other people's Japanese for no reason (to people who don't know Japanese, anyway, which is this entire thread.)

No. And, because I have not, and am fairly sure I cannot, you can all safely say that I don't know Japanese.

>> No.21092980

lol using a bunch of stuff you think is complicated incorrectly isn't being good at Japanese

>> No.21093001

お好きだと then

>> No.21093032

Cure Dolly:Japanese is the simplest, most logical, the most easily understandable language I have ever encountered—much easier than western languages.
Matt: I think Japanese is just an inherently fucked-up language that is, like, super hard.
Who should I trust?

>> No.21093041

nah were still fully embargd but i cant let yall starve

>> No.21093059

still not quite right, but close enough. here's your like.

the correct answer was:

>> No.21093074


>> No.21093090

there are many warriors in the quiz now. come watch the spectacle.

>> No.21093103

If mutt hasn't learned any other western languages (idk if he has or not) he doesn't have a baseline to compare japanese to since you can't gauge the difficulty of learning a language you're a native speaker of.

>> No.21093105

behold flashtards

>> No.21093129

I like this wisdom:
>"The importance of confidence becomes even clearer when we take a look at the difference between competence and confidence.
>Competence: The ability to do something.
>Confidence: Your belief about your competence."

That was from khatz. Matt's outlook is so fucking cancer. Ignore anything outside of helpful tips because that dude can't even watch anime anymore or anything japanese. He went for over a year without any japanese at all because his methods ruined the culture for himself. His brain relates it to torture now. Be like dolly who is positive, japanese is easy but it takes time.

>> No.21093171

Indeed, it is the low bar. If you can't do that you can do nothing.

>> No.21093173

Vocab is not the be-all and end-all of Japanese knowledge, and in fact no test tests perfectly for knowledge, whether it's J-E translation, E-J translation, J construction, or vocab.

They all measure Japanese knowledge with SOME fidelity, though, and if you dodge every single possible test that could be conducted in the thread in a reasonable timeframe propose one yourself or just admit that you're indistinguishable from someone who doesn't know any Japanese.

>> No.21093192

same, it's not the same skill at all

>> No.21093201

you don't know japanese

>> No.21093207

are you mentally ill or something

>> No.21093208

If you want to demonstrate your fluency in Japanese (the ability to speak or write a foreign language easily and accurately), then DO IT. Either translate a paragraph into Japanese or construct one from scratch to demonstrate said fluency (and not one that's just "watash wa gei" over and over again.)

Vocab tests aren't perfect, but they're better than no test at all, which is the standard that some people in this thread seem intent on pushing.

>> No.21093217

never claimed otherwise, but i know english and my native language very well

>> No.21093241

We're not, right now, talking about the best way to get better at Japanese. We're currently trying to assess whether any given individual in this thread (or literally any individual at all) is capable of fluently reading or writing Japanese.

>> No.21093301
File: 44 KB, 768x555, start of a new era.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Japanese era name:
Japanese: れいわ rei-wa
Korean: 영화 yeong-hwa
Chinese: ㄌㄧㄥˋㄏㄜˊ ling4-huh2

>> No.21093308

Attempting to shit on people who claim expertise they don't have is the lifeblood of 4chan.

>> No.21093327

I've never said a single word shitting on Matt because I don't know how good he is at Japanese, and don't plan to sit through hours of talking head videos to find out.

If he wants to take a rigorous examination of Japanese ability that puts a number on his skill I'd be happy to look at it.

>> No.21093357
File: 62 KB, 493x381, 1399295316339.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry people think it was you asking yourself.
It happens. I shouldn't have replied to them.

Just remain strong of heart knowing that anyone can be a success story if they keep at it for five years like I did. As much as you can call me a success anyway.
Yeah, my first two years I spent a lot of time on Anki and DJT. Leaving both of those behind to focus purely on consuming media was what spurred the most significant growth I have experienced. I'm not sure if those 2 years of Anki were necessary in the long run or not but I'm glad that shifting away from it was the right choice to make.

>> No.21093359
File: 376 KB, 969x1400, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is what yukipo saying in the 3rd block "for one month"?

>> No.21093382


>> No.21093407

I'm not even through the first year of studying, but I've already minimized SRS time by a lot and just try to use the language as much as possible.

Gonna see how much time I can dedicate to this in the long run, at this point I might be overdoing it, considering I have other responsibilities as well, but I want to be comfortable enough so just come back to it naturally even if its just for an hour or two per day and not fall off the wagon.

>> No.21093410

MIA over
Try to just
Trudge through it

>> No.21093417

That's news to me, AFAIK people criticized him for not taking any of the exams. It's nice that he is in fact decent at Japanese after having it made it his full time job for years. That's great. I still don't see why we should pay any more attention to him than any number of other Japanese individuals or buy his kool-aid.

>> No.21093448

>who even cares like why cant we just learn and support eachother
About 99% of every single thread is composed of either shitting on people in the thread or people not in the thread.

>so are people obsessed with "calling out" those fake experts, you're both two sides of the same egoic coin
One set of these gratuitously and inaccurately shits on people and spreads disinformation, and one doesn't. Your false equivalence between people who sell bullshit and people who call out bullshit is retarded.

Anyone focusing on LEARNING Japanese is asking a question about the Japanese language, answering a question about the Japanese language, or not in this thread. That's 5% of this thread at best. Ever.

>> No.21093485

>Not everyone lurks 4chan and sees these threads
Okay, but those people not lurking 4chan are not in /jp/ and not in this thread. If you want to do flashcards (the efficacy of flashcards aside), there's literally nothing wrong with Wanikani. For people who don't know that Anki exists it will probably boost their learning while they're still in vocab acquisition stage. It's not going to stop people from making fun of Wanikani here.

As for "common sense," I'm pretty sure generic and universal advice is kana, then grammar, than flashcards or consumption or both, repeat until you know Japanese. At it's core it is just not very fucking hard and everything sold on top of this is pointless tribal shitposting over shit that doesn't matter.

>> No.21093499

god this is so sad

>> No.21093500

i get where you're coming from but what i dont get is why you can't just accept that this thread is more of a chat room than a learning resource. i come here after im done with japanese for the day to unwind and shitpost a bit. and most of the thread is just shitposting as opposed to malicious misinformation. the /int/ thread is probably more your speed.

>> No.21093512

i mean it isn't quite as simple as that like if you just learnt all of the grammar points and what they mean up to lets say N2 or even N1 desu and then did a C6k vocab deck, you wouldn't be fluent in Japanese. If this shit is so simple then why on earth do most people who try to learn Japanese never actually get to a high level? I am all in favour of people making fun of wanikani, when did i suggest that people should use it?

>> No.21093514

>that this thread is more of a chat room than a learning resource.
/jp/ shouldn't have chatrooms. You can fuck off to some other board if you just want to have shitposting-themed chats with your friends. The very fact that it's been transformed into a shitposting chatroom has rendered it completely useless as a learning resource (which it used to be, in /a/, once upon a time.)

>and most of the thread is just shitposting as opposed to malicious misinformation.
Shitposting is retarded and encourages people to do retarded things.

>> No.21093542

You can't stop people from shitting on people, but you CAN try to make verify that the people who are shitting on people either 1. actually know what they're talking about, or 2. are explaining why the thing that was wrong was wrong.

>they should be called out but not in some piss-contest way
Every single time anyone writes ANY sentence in Japanese they are shit on in a piss-contest way. This is the norm. It is never going anywhere. If it is going to be the norm it's still better to force people to put up or shut up about it.

>you're forgetting the 3rd possibility of idk encouragement and posting about one's progress?? or even a 4th of sharing japanese memes and media or 5th posting interesting vocab/sentence finds just to share??
Sure. You can do that too. Nobody does this. Hell I wouldn't share any media I actually liked with this thread because the response to it would be 90% shitposting. Media I actually like I talk about elsewhere.

>i mean it isn't quite as simple as that like if you just learnt all of the grammar points and what they mean up to lets say N2 or even N1 desu and then did a C6k vocab deck, you wouldn't be fluent in Japanese.
I said "flashcards or consumption," which means that at the same time you're doing flashcards - or not doing flashcards! they're optional! - you should also be consuming Japanese media in audio or text form.

>I am all in favour of people making fun of wanikani, when did i suggest that people should use it?
It was an analogy. Wanikani could be considered a "good entry point" for something people might only "find after stumbling around the internet for a year or 2." So what?

>> No.21093580

We can, however, point out consistently and repeatedly that you've never done anything to show that you actually know Japanese.

>> No.21093612

i hope the flashtard understands my level is far higher than his

>> No.21093634

Have you ever done anything to show it?

>> No.21093644

no why?

>> No.21093861

>It was an analogy. Wanikani could be considered a "good entry point" for something people might only "find after stumbling around the internet for a year or 2." So what?
Except it isn't whereas matt gives summaries on how the exact process works rather than providing a set of flashcards. They really aren't equivalent

>> No.21093864

Fuck off and stop shilling that piss bottle autist. No one here is jealous of someone who lives with his mom.

>> No.21093868

like this if あなたはゲイ

>> No.21093874

Does it have the ability to save a list so I can go to anki and make cards?

>> No.21093890

Are you sponsored by Jeff Bezos?

>> No.21094027


>> No.21094055

i only read, virtually never listen, but i correctly identified the pitch accent pattern for 女王蜂 when i played the audio for it in yomichan.

>> No.21094090

r8 my japanese:

>> No.21094092

If tails, that coin flip didn't count.<div class="like-perk-cnt"><b style="font-size: 14px">Coin Flip: Heads</b></div>

>> No.21094104

you don't need the の

these are nonsense<div class="like-perk-cnt"><div style="text-align:right"><img alt="" width="32" height="32" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/temp/verified.png"></div></div>

>> No.21094138

死ねばいいのに 死ねばいいのに 皆死んじゃえばいいのに

>> No.21094148

t. 日本語学べないやつ

>> No.21094150

honto ha ne
watasi mo sinitai dawa

>> No.21094185


>> No.21094188

when 聞く is getting flung back and forth or pops up a few times in narration it makes me want to punt my fucking monitor out the window because i don't know if people are talking about someone asking something or hearing something.

>> No.21094193


>> No.21094205

Actually the first time they said it it was 効く and the second time they meant 利く.

>> No.21094207


>> No.21094246

if i get 10 likes i'll tell u

>> No.21094258
File: 30 KB, 627x321, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nopin outta that vid already

ah who am i kidding gonna watch anyway for additional lols

>> No.21094260

stopped listening here, don't want to catch the ゲイ

>> No.21094263

lol does he think hes good enough to do an april fools joke vid

>> No.21094273

Nobody gives a fuck. Stop shilling. This is a thread about learning Japanese, not cancerous e-celebs and meta-content.

>> No.21094274


>> No.21094303

Look flashtard. You're gonna have to learn to accept that not everyone wants to post about the cool new cards they've made from the anime they're watching. Now I'm not gonna shit on you for posting that sort of stuff even though it's irrelevant to learning Japanese (because nobody sane would copy what you do) but I'm going to ask you to do the same for me.

>> No.21094325

>already one dislike
which one of you fuckers was it?

>> No.21094326

Thank you for the disco*d invite. I took part in the quiz and lost big time. Now I know more than ever before that my goal should be to study harder and learn all the kanji.

>> No.21094329

>I'm going to ask you to do the same for me.
It'd actually be much better overall if you took the time to shit on him and he took the time to shit on you.

>> No.21094336

So it's closer to the former meaning. Thanks. Just wanted a quick idea of how to translate it because I've come across it like 4 times today but after looking up うえ I had no idea how it affected 覚悟.

>> No.21094345

ask him about >>21094090

>> No.21094356

what a piece of shit. dude's just trying to have some fun and you just shit all over it.

>> No.21094371

You don't use の when you're modifying a noun with a verb
会った場所 - the place X met
使っているパソコン - the computer X is using
読む本 - the book X will read

No disrespect, but you need more input. And probably chill with the output for now. Just my advice.

>> No.21094375

What's the difference between RTK and procrastination?<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F44C;</div>

>> No.21094379


>> No.21094424

procrastination is fun<div class="like-perk-cnt"><marquee direction="left" width="250" height="50" behavior="alternate"><marquee direction="down" height="50" behavior="alternate">&#x1F3C0;</marquee></marquee></div>

>> No.21094433

吾輩は猫である<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F431;</div>

>> No.21094434

Rolled 15 (1d100)

if 1 or 100 i stop shitposting and go learn japanese

>> No.21094437

not saying they're wrong, or to say that they are in fact being at least somewhat dishonest, but, especially with Japanese people, you have to be skeptical about how honest they're being when they say stuff like that.

>> No.21094439

if 15, kill yourself

>> No.21094455
File: 33 KB, 810x640, 1535887518994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I trained him to be harsh, or at least I want to believe that.

>> No.21094483

he gave "80% cause it expressed the meaning". imo it's much more important for something to be natural. what he wrote is actually weird as fuck (because of the reasons he gay and more) but a jap is never gonna admit that cause anything that sounds okay is amazing to them.

>> No.21094489

Don't be shy
Yeah, I agree. Natural Japanese that doesn't convey anything is more important that somewhat unnatural Japanese that conveys the idea fine.

>> No.21094504

i don't feel like taking it right now but i'm pretty sure i'd cream you on that test.

>> No.21094505

Your image reminded me that I still haven't mustered the courage to try reading the LOGH LN.
How hard is it really? Much harder than say Baldr Sky?

>> No.21094510

Man, you're pathetic. Write something to show to him or shut up.

>> No.21094523

this man has never read baldr sky (or any VN), or any LN. he's a fraud and cant answer that.

>> No.21094524

I really don't think you appreciate what a fine benchmark "understandable but a little awkward" is. Well, try not to kill yourself when people can still recognize you as a gaijin on the spot in 5 years.

>> No.21094529

>[日本語を学ぶのは何故?] が一番自然
This means I can into Japanese right?

>> No.21094594

Yeah I don't see the issue. Is this gonna be one of those "another thing coming" memes? If so I'm out.

>> No.21094607

no im saying he gave him a score of 80 out of 100. can you even read? im saying he deserves a score of like 50 for simply managing to express the meaning in the most unnatural possible way that makes him look retarded

>> No.21094610

>Yeah I don't see the issue.
That's because you're a fat and dumb American.

>> No.21094612

what i mean is the weighting for meaning in his grading rubric is far too high

>> No.21094613

>"what did we learn today /djt/?"
>"that outputting before you actually get good at Japanese is dame"
>"good. now do your anki reps for the day if you haven't already"

>> No.21094618

I'm not fat or dumb, but even if I was, what would it have to do with anything? It's not like I'd be driveling down my shirt.

>> No.21094628

>for simply managing to express the meaning in the most unnatural possible way that makes him look retarded
You don't know Japanese. His corrections are minor, like the comma.

>> No.21094694

>This thread is for discussing how to learn Japanese
No it's not. All sensible questions are answered in the guide. Beyond the basics it comes down to reading and listening a lot. This thread is for peripheral activities, which includes watching masters of the language who make great youtube videos.

>> No.21094695

>I'm not interested in how dumb Americans misspell dribble as drivel since you never used the word "drivel" in the first place.

>driveling down my shirt.

>> No.21094697

Japanese people are so racist, insecure, and full of shit.

>> No.21094711

Put it into the OP next time and see how far it gets you.

>> No.21094712

Intentionally being delusional to justify your shitposting isn't going to work.

>> No.21094718

It might get deleted by a mod, but mods don't determine the purpose of these threads. It's how people use them.
How is it delusional? That's literally what people use these threads for.

>> No.21094730
File: 57 KB, 1275x223, 1398392802503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to say, Jamal, if you're listening: I'm sorry for ever saying mean things about you. Your posting style and spamming of rap videos really got on my nerves but honestly now that 卑猥女子団団長 is truly shitting up the place, I realize you were never that bad. Despite everything, you had a positive attitude, and beneath all the irony, you did have everyone's best interests in mind.

Meanwhile 卑猥女子団団長 is just a smug asshole who's actually bullying people like a nasty high schooler. I don't even know. How is this discord bullshit real? I can't believe it. Jamal kind of painted the thread with a more casual shitposty tone rather than the lengthy academic debates and blogposts of the past, but 卑猥女子団団長 is just encouraging a really hostile environment where people bully each other's Japanese and get defensive/offensive over the slightest thing. Hot damn. Again, how is this discord bullshit real?

Whenever I visited the thread I found myself waxing nostalgic for the pre-Jamal past, but right now I'm just really really hoping 卑猥女子団団長 fucks off and never comes back. DJT is now truly unbearable with his presence and I feel really bad for any beginners who will join the thread when it's this hostile and immature.

>> No.21094739

who is this dweeb who can't shut up about howwonderful jamal is while shitting on other shitposters? is he the most ironic shitposter in the thread?

>> No.21094740


>> No.21094745

Hitting like on this because people are finally starting to see the light and understand that Uncle Jamal was the good guys all along.

>> No.21094746

wow classic meme

>> No.21094750

>卑猥女子団団長 is just encouraging a really hostile environment where people bully each other's Japanese and get defensive/offensive over the slightest thing.
Excellent. Nothing bad can come of the people who shit on everything being forced to put up or shut up.

>> No.21094752

Figured out what's going on here: trip-kun hasn't gotten a like on any of his posts all thread long. No wonder he's lashing out... He just needs friends here. He's giving out his discord as a "challenge" to others, but really he just wants someone to talk to, right? It's okay, danchou... It's okay...

>> No.21094770

I know the person who wrote the post you're responding to.

He has nothing to do with this conversation. At all.

>> No.21094776

stfu lol

>> No.21094795

>It's not my fault you guys are 揃いも揃って inadequate losers
See? Jamal shitposted and memed but at least he didn't act like a petty high school bully. Hot damn. Well, here's to hoping you fuck off sooner rather than later, or at least grow up a little.

>> No.21094797

people who obsess over high vocab level tend to have n4 or lower level grammar skills, scientists have proven this.

>> No.21094811

Vocab skill is one imperfect measure of Japanese skill. There are others. Nobody ever proposes one, of course, or else they'd have to test themselves instead of just shitposting about how vocab isn't everything.

>> No.21094813

Finding a dekiru itt: 机上の空論

>> No.21094814

pointlet<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F438;</div>

>> No.21094817
File: 20 KB, 562x102, nerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeling better about yourself from putting each others down
Literally a bully. And all this over some arbitrary kanji reading test, too. Absolutely ridiculous. Bizzaro DJT.

>> No.21094828

would love to see this dude try to comprehend a single page of kino desu

>> No.21094837

>look everyone! i'm the best at this test that i personally designed based on what i know!<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F602;</div>

>> No.21094839

What effect is 共 supposed to have here?

>> No.21094843

Yes yes we all know production doesn't mean shit and vocab doesn't mean shit and reading comprehension is king, but until someone proposes a way to actually measure people's reading comprehension instead of "take my word for it I'm real good at Japanese" the alternative is nothing at all.

>> No.21094859

i didn't take your test because i'm not a discord tranny<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x274C;</div>

>> No.21094889

dude i've been learning japanese for 6 months and all i do is read at most 2 hours a day. stop comparing yourself to me and leave me alone...

>> No.21094897

lol was this his april fools joke?

>> No.21094902

nah dude he was completely 100% serious u stupid ass motherfufkc!ER

>> No.21094906

no, that's just how he sounds when he's not reading from a script after doing multiple takes.

>> No.21094946


>> No.21094947

> i'm not a discord tranny
post thighs or i'm calling bullshit

>> No.21094976

He cleared up the lisp at least. He sounds much more like his english self.

>> No.21095012

It's delusional because it's not the purpose of the thread. Only a few shitposters use them that way.

>> No.21095030

no thighs but get a load of my points

>> No.21095038

but not for your eyes :(

>> No.21095051

lol hey dude i will return ur positive vibes thx 4 that

also why sweat that dude just take it back to basics

hes ur average "mount stupid" "n3 dunning kruger"

let him dance till he cant dance no more just for us just for me

>> No.21095074

excuse me sir but im afraid the quizmaster has declared thee a dekinai

>> No.21095081

ヽ(  ̄д ̄)ノ

>> No.21095087

like lets he honest im surpruised some of u guys cried that hes shitting up the thread and ruining everything instead of just plainly asked him to post his jcat lol

>> No.21095097

lol i just realized why is 車 in core twice? once for car and another time for car, automobile. with different example sentences. thats retarded

>> No.21095098

His J-CAT is 260 or something but he claims he should be a 300.

>> No.21095105

ask nuke

>> No.21095106

u know who else is in the 200-300 bracket of jcat ? u guessed it

its nuke chan lol

>> No.21095119
File: 6 KB, 791x67, 1540166575025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21095123


>> No.21095125
File: 81 KB, 305x171, chrome_b3gnfL1J2g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phew im safe

>> No.21095126

jokes on u no one in these threads ever listened to me

if they did theyd all know enough nihongo to properly appreciate how bad u r at it LOL

>> No.21095129

i didn't have time to post much today so i didn't get enough likes to use any epic perks... pity me.

>> No.21095134

quiz fight him then u wont pussy

>> No.21095138

here ill show u a special perk that not every1 can do<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F438;</div>

>> No.21095140

until someone proposes a way to actually measure people's reading comprehension

u could post a piece of text and have people come with their best summary in japanese

>> No.21095143

i will never fuckin play flashtards in either single player or multiplayer

>> No.21095145

only the first poster would count tho. it would have to be done by private submission lol

>> No.21095146


>> No.21095151

>feeling better about yourself from putting each others down
>Literally a bully. And all this over some arbitrary kanji reading test, too. >Absolutely ridiculous. Bizzaro DJT.
just a reminder that most of you have been bullies on here at some point or another and you all need to stop

>> No.21095152


>> No.21095165

shut up transexual

>> No.21095172

Paul von Oberstein had the best voice, but unfortunately his voice actor fell down the stairs and died.<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F641;</div>

>> No.21095182

Fuck off, newfag.

>> No.21095201

everyone below the 恐竜 is ゲイ<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" width="451" height="75" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/temp/dinosaur.gif"></div>

>> No.21095203

その通り<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F308;</div>

>> No.21095204


>> No.21095225

https://streamable.com/so9v7<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F437;</div>

>> No.21095234


>> No.21095239


>> No.21095244

is this cure dolly? did she get a new model?

>> No.21095249


>> No.21095253

thats uh old dolly dude

dont investigate further or u will be sorry<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" width="60" height="60" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/ba.gif"></div>

>> No.21095263


>> No.21095282


>> No.21095284


>> No.21095286

/djt/, let us 祈る for the narcissists among us, so that ある日 they will find 平和 in their 心 and no longer stress over being 上 others, using their 日本語力 for the good of 人間

>> No.21095294

wow this has to be the ゲイest shit i've ever read<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F308;</div>

>> No.21095296
File: 25 KB, 300x191, japanesee28090forums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liked what u tried to do but like its all wrong i mean

>being 上 others


>> No.21095301

stop shilling the flashtard's discord

>> No.21095305

the absolute state of djt<span class="fortune" style="color:#0893e1">

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger[/spoiler]

>> No.21095309

readtards would fail the real japanese proficiency test (listening comprehension)

>> No.21095316


>> No.21095318

貴方はゲイです<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F308;</div>

>> No.21095323

>but like its all wrong
in what sense?
>>being 上 others
how is that wrong? take your pick, one of the lexical entries for 上(うえ) is "above". being above others - not wrong

>> No.21095337

I'm a New Years resolution fag from last year and I'm finally giving up. I've been grinding anki every day since January 1, 2018 and my retention has been steadily dropping. I just can't do it anymore. I can't read anything, I can't remember new words, I'm forgetting old words, fuck this language and fuck anki.

>> No.21095341


>> No.21095343

good riddance, you should have been reading instead

>> No.21095345

I don't know any of that

Everyone told me anki was how to learn Japanese

>> No.21095347

should've tried to learn from the fun stuff

>> No.21095349


>> No.21095353

>Everyone told me anki was how to learn Japanese
oh get the fuck out of here retard. people in this stress reading more than they do anki.

>> No.21095355

Kinda same, but I don't give a fuck and just keep reading.

>> No.21095359

I go through phases, but never think about quitting. I do anki sometimes for 6 hours a day for months, then I do immersion for months just watching raws and reading stuff. When things get stale I do something else. And I grow more each time. I can give up when I'm dead.

>> No.21095362

Only 10 more minutes of this and then I can go back to learning Japanese again.

What score did everyone manage to reach?

>> No.21095367

there are even common words i forget here and there but so long as i read for 1-2 hours a day i always know more words the next week than the last. so when people complain about forgetting all the words in anki after a few months that means they're either utter retards or they don't really read.

>> No.21095386

If you only have a limited time, anki has a priority since it shows you the words that you need to see the most. Not everyone is a nolifer, after 2 hours of anki I can fit in less than an hour of reading on a good day.

>> No.21095392

Daily reminder that you will successfully learn japanese while having fun all the way through.

>> No.21095406

Be prepared for I have 現す

>> No.21095408

Im gonna make it

>> No.21095414

if heads ur not gonna make it<div class="like-perk-cnt"><b style="font-size: 14px">Coin Flip: Heads</b></div>

>> No.21095420


>> No.21095426

my post is in response to people who are "forgetting more and more words in anki" and want to quit because of it. if that doesn't describe you then keep doing what you're doing if you're somehow enjoying it. if it does describe you, you might want to start replacing anki with reading because apparently reading will help you remember words, seeing as how i'm not having the same problems the new years fags are.

and no, anki shouldn't take priority over reading if you have 2-3 hours of free time every day. anki should take 20 minutes at best if you're adding 10-20 new cards a day.

>> No.21095432

here to skelly post

>mfw i haven't practiced any japanese today<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/skeletons/6.gif"></div>

>> No.21095434

u must have done a lot of posting lol<div class="like-perk-cnt"><marquee direction="left" width="250" height="50" behavior="alternate"><marquee direction="down" height="50" behavior="alternate">&#x1F3C0;</marquee></marquee></div>

>> No.21095437

i think i've gotten 0 likes because people are posting images and rolling dice and i have no idea how they have access to them.

>> No.21095455
File: 213 KB, 620x539, YͅO͟U̦̤̣̜̝͈ ̡̮̯C̴̻̜̭̩A̬͍͎̻̳̺N̗̝̣̟&#039;͏̮̻͖͔̭̣͚T͙̺͞ L͎̙̣͢E̪̦A̞ͅR͚͠ͅN̨̺̗ ̴J̬͇̝̪͇̣Ḁ͓̖P͍̪̥̩A̕Ṇ̦̫̗̬ES̭̥̤͈͇ͅE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21095466

to get points, you just need to post or like posts
of course, getting likes helps too, but liking others posts gets points

>> No.21095471

like this post to learn japanese<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x2764;&#xFE0F;</div>

>> No.21095478

i've posted and liked posts. but i guess i'm not doing it enough because i still don't see how people are doing what they're doing.

>> No.21095503

it's because you're a likelet<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" width="451" height="75" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/temp/dinosaur.gif"></div>

>> No.21095504


lol good ol steve

>> No.21095509

last<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x2764;&#xFE0F;</div>

>> No.21095508

>>mfw i haven't practiced any japanese today

>> No.21095512

if you have under 100 you won't make it

>> No.21095513

I will dare the destiny. I'm gonna make it!

>> No.21095526

if tails, nobody from djt will ever learn japanese<div class="like-perk-cnt"><b style="font-size: 14px">Coin Flip: Tails</b></div>

>> No.21095533

if heads i reverse the tails and we all make it
if tails 私はゲイ<div class="like-perk-cnt"><b style="font-size: 14px">Coin Flip: Heads</b></div>

>> No.21095534

tfw i'll never be able to do this stuff

>> No.21095546



>> No.21095555

>>21095546<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F602;</div>

>> No.21095557

test 2<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F603;</div>

>> No.21095564

look at your 'perks' button next to your option field yw in advance<span class="fortune" style="color:#f51c6a">

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again[/spoiler]

>> No.21095569

i did it! i fucking did it bros! i was ignoring the text that appears after "post successful".

>> No.21095572

if heads that heads doesn't count<div class="like-perk-cnt"><b style="font-size: 14px">Coin Flip: Heads</b></div>

>> No.21095579

>/djt/, let us 祈る for the narcissists among us, so that ある日 they will find 平和 in their 心 and no longer stress over being 上 others, using their 日本語力 for the good of 人間

>> No.21095585

お前つえぇぇぇ<span class="fortune" style="color:#f51c6a">

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again[/spoiler]

>> No.21095591

why tf haven’t you been reading lol :/ there’s your problem

>> No.21095598

oh thanks.<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x274C;</div>

>> No.21095603

Rolled 12 (1d100)

if even nobody here will ever learn japanese

>> No.21095604

Rolled 91 (1d100)

if 80+ the LN i'm writing takes off in japan and becomes an anime!

>> No.21095606

Rolled 80 (1d100)

odds to reverse this, but only I will make it

>> No.21095615

Rolled 65 (1d100)

you can't learn a language anyways only acquire it, if over 50 everybody here will eventually acquire nihongo's

>> No.21095616
File: 397 KB, 1080x1920, 1524403957732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<div class="like-perk-cnt"><div style="text-align:right"><img alt="" width="32" height="32" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/temp/verified.png"></div></div>

>> No.21095625

everyone who habitually calls others gay and tranny is secretly attracted to them and can’t admit it to themselves

>> No.21095626

if heads everybody that plays link, young link, or toon link in smash bros dies instantly<div class="like-perk-cnt"><b style="font-size: 14px">Coin Flip: Heads</b></div>

>> No.21095633

if tails, traps are not gay<div class="like-perk-cnt"><b style="font-size: 14px">Coin Flip: Tails</b></div>

>> No.21095647

Rolled 38 (1d100)

this is where krashen is wrong. it's actually impossible to learn a language by reading. you can only learn by listening.

proof: this roll will be odds

>> No.21095648

if heads I will drink a japanese girls pee someday<div class="like-perk-cnt"><b style="font-size: 14px">Coin Flip: Tails</b></div>

>> No.21095650

豚フレンズ、集合!<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F437;</div>

>> No.21095654

if heads vore becomes socially acceptable to jerk to<div class="like-perk-cnt"><b style="font-size: 14px">Coin Flip: Heads</b></div>

>> No.21095662

Rolled 51 (1d100)

if over 90 m4tt is the chosen nihongo sensei the legends spoke of

>> No.21095668

if heads i leave 4chan for 16 hours<div class="like-perk-cnt"><b style="font-size: 14px">Coin Flip: Tails</b></div>

>> No.21095685

this new number thing makes it really easy to know who’s posting what

>> No.21095706

just like reddit!<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x2660;&#xFE0F;</div>

>> No.21095711

just took a wonderful poop

>> No.21095745

*jerks off my anki stats while going for my 3rd consecutive year of never reading anything*

>> No.21095749


>> No.21095753

you're cute and adorable but please lose the tripcode<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" width="451" height="75" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/temp/dinosaur.gif"></div>

>> No.21095756

shut up flashtard

>> No.21095772

My friend, someone who doesn't know how to read 祠 has no place shitting on other people.

>> No.21095776


>> No.21095793

When is this ending?<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F44C;</div>

>> No.21095805

when i unlock skelly
upboat this post to bring the april fools gag to a swifter end

>> No.21095812

watasi ha nippongo ga suki dawa

>> No.21095821
File: 24 KB, 600x600, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this nigger pos i hope someone punches his stupid fucking ugly face in

>> No.21095842

Why so 業腹?

>> No.21095848



>> No.21095856

>Perks are entered in the Options field.<div class="like-perk-cnt"><div style="text-align:right"><img alt="" width="32" height="32" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/temp/verified.png"></div></div>

>> No.21095858

go to therapy asap

>> No.21095865

Rolled 4 (1d6)

if odds matt is gay

>> No.21095867

Rolled 63 (1d100)

if odds あなた達haゲイ

>> No.21095871

damn btfo lol

>> No.21095875

No way<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x2668;&#xFE0F;</div>

>> No.21095885

hes a retarded nigger and im gonna flag all his videos hes actually autistic

>> No.21095907
File: 85 KB, 1544x849, 1541463726133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21095914
File: 105 KB, 841x999, 1530279195861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody cares you silly autist

>> No.21095917


>> No.21095925

私はskellingtonです。<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/skeletons/2.gif"></div>

>> No.21095933

namasensei yay or nay?

>> No.21095938

for a laugh, yay
to learn from, nay<span class="fortune" style="color:#2a56fb">

Your fortune: Better not tell you now[/spoiler]

>> No.21095941

yes if you want memes
no if you want to learn japanese

>> No.21095942

any hiragana / katakana learning videos for a total beginner?

>> No.21095946

You don't need a video for that.
Download a chart, handwrite them out 50 times each and then drill it in in some kana app.

>> No.21095952

if u wanna know what the kana sound like, just hover over them with nazeka or w/e and press p

to learn to read them use https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/kana.html + just read stuff

>> No.21095953
File: 1.89 MB, 2415x2415, 1521877073917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21095959

Ok, guess I'll just write them 50 times each.

How many per day do you guys recommend?

>> No.21095961


>> No.21095962

guess i better get my fortune told while i still can.<span class="fortune" style="color:#f51c6a">

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again[/spoiler]

>> No.21095963

All of them. One day for hiragana, one day for katakana.

>> No.21095969

すみません、あしたですね<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x2668;&#xFE0F;</div>

>> No.21096004


>> No.21096014

When does thread reset. I don't want to see yesterdays garbage.

>> No.21096033

It probably won't go away. You'll have to wait until the thread 404s and a new one is made.<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/skeletons/13.gif"></div>

>> No.21096035
File: 40 KB, 240x280, 1553400515799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21096072


>> No.21096077
File: 113 KB, 1024x1015, 1541288178962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not memorizing the individual kanji in two word compounds has generally been a mistake.

>> No.21096083

Of course.
If you mine a compound word with a new kanji, you should always find a different word with that kanji in the dictionary and add that too.

>> No.21096087

僕じゃない<span class="fortune" style="color:#fd4d32">

Your fortune: Excellent Luck[/spoiler]

>> No.21096145

What's the difference between どういう and そういう?

>> No.21096149

The first one is a question.

>> No.21096160

>dude just look at the words and you learn the kanji lmao
worked they wouldn't be the biggest stumbling block of the language. Do your Heisigs.

>> No.21096169

why? don’t you look at each individual kanji while pronouncing it’s reading as you review?
i got into that habit from the beginning and generally have had no problems noticing the same kanji in other words i come across. i do mix things up occasionally though and i want to be able to write any of my thoughts using kanji as well so i’ve started a kanji production deck (not rtk)

>> No.21096171
File: 80 KB, 740x558, 仮想敵.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21096210

Spoken like a true non-祠-knower. Read more different things and stop chasing "obscure" and "difficult" words.

>> No.21096267

It might also be Festival or Festival Car. I'm doing the cards via a German deck. It's the component on the right hand side of stuff like 戈 and 弋. (so in 桟, 滅 and 戚) I find it really hard to distinguish kanji with this specific bit in, and even harder to remember whether the ノ stroke on its left is present (absent in 域).

>> No.21096289

Why isn't vncore advertised more?
Like 400 cards in right now and it helped me way more than being 1200 cards into core2k/6k.
We could use a rev3 with example sentences, but even without that it's way better than c2k for getting into reading quickly.

>> No.21096307

How do I stop second guessing myself on kanji readings? Will this feeling go away?
I keep looking up words I know on dictionary just to make sure I'm reading them right

>> No.21096347



>> No.21096356

do you do listening practice? anime, podcasts, drama CD's etc

>> No.21096358

There's actually a rev3 now, but it's just minor fixes, so you should say rev4 or something.

>> No.21096360

>>21095885<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" width="32" height="32" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/trash@2x.gif"></div>

>> No.21096361

i think it's been advertised quite a bit on here. and i agree its a lot more helpful than the other core decks. since it's pulled from things we're actually likely to read, and not the newspaper.

>> No.21096365

And not a single specific old newspaper, even.

>> No.21096370

Oh, I missed it then.
I only found it when I was browsing the resources a bit ago, and it was an old version too it seems.

>> No.21096372

Yeah I watch anime and listen to jpop sometimes. I'm quite content with my listening ability, It feels like its about the same level as my reading

>> No.21096378

The current version was just put up today so don't worry about it.

>> No.21096439

if that's the case (you're hearing words a lot and getting verbal confirmation for words you know) i don't think it'll keep happening for long, unless you specifically have some ocd tendencies
i did have a phase like that when i was a beginner, but it went away pretty soon after i started doing both reading and listening regularly. nowadays if i feel genuinely unsure about a reading i will look it up, and i see no problem with that. its just part of the learning process. the vast majority of words i feel sure about though and dont feel any reason to second-guess
it might help to sound them out slowly, mora by mora, and repeatedly when you're first learning them and when you feel the urge to doublecheck, so the reading is better solidified. like
地域 ち い き、 ち い き、ちいき

>> No.21096457

That's my initial thought as well
I just moved to non furigana material very recently, like 2 weeks ago. I guess I'll get used to it sooner than later
Thanks anon

>> No.21096489

>likes are still active

How will my Japanese studying go today?<span class="fortune" style="color:#e7890c">

Your fortune: Good Luck[/spoiler]

>> No.21096502

>kono ore sama ha mada gei da

aniki wo yareru toki wa dou nandarou<span class="fortune" style="color:#e7890c">

Your fortune: Good Luck[/spoiler]

>> No.21096508



>> No.21096522


>> No.21096526
File: 32 KB, 397x419, 84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck were they thinking when they came up with this crap?
You'd get a failing grade if you tried to present this shite at any design school.

>> No.21096544
File: 16 KB, 831x614, 1533635080765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le beginner complains about kana post

simply epic.

>> No.21096560


Even with matt pretending to suck as a joke, his Japanese is better than jamal has managed in 5 years.

>> No.21096562

why didn't you beat him in the quiz if you want to talk shit lol? he already said he's not advanced but noone is any better than him

>> No.21096625
File: 71 KB, 800x449, french scrabble etc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A test of isolated vocabulary knowledge says very little about how much you know Japanese.

>> No.21096636

says a lot more than doing nothing at all, pussy

>> No.21096642


>> No.21096644

Flexing my skill level is below me.

>> No.21096648

it kind of does desu. its very unlikely that someone who hasn't been reading high level stuff would come in contact with vocab like that. its possible, like with the french guy, but this guy's shown he clearly understands sentences and grammar too

>> No.21096656

it says a lot of you can't even get 10/10 on at least the n2 words quiz, which are all ridiculously common and knowing them is a a pre-requisite for understanding basic native materials. noone could even do that lol. of course there's a point at which knowing words has no correlation with ability unless you're native but you have to be able to demonstrate you can at least potentially read something to understand it.

祠 is a rare word. my gf is native Japanese and she couldn't read it lol so calm down with that line. there's one literally 2 mins from her house but that doesn't mean she knows kanji or it has anything to do with knowing Japanese

>> No.21096661

much like your skill level is below the guy challenging you heh

>> No.21096668

>noone could even do that
This implies people have actually gone to your shit server and failed. Seems to me just no one showed up though.

>> No.21096670

imagine literally sitting in a quiz chat for hours watching people quiz so you could jump on a single rare word someone didn't know lol

literally mad as fuck babies in this thread. u all got absolutely destroyed by the danchou

>> No.21096675

it's not my server lol and multiple people did show up and then left because they couldn't take the heat, most people gave up after they saw what was being asked of them and there was no way to cheat

>> No.21096683

yall ever take the time to think about what kissing actually is? like what is that and why do humans do it? just licking and slurping another persons mouth and tongue? hmm

>> No.21096696

>let me tell you why this rare context specific word is not rare at all
Every time like clockwork.

>> No.21096698

lmao!!! ok now i get it. you played BOTW and saw it a million times and think it's a super normal word to know now because you know it. that's hilarious.

it's not a common word. most japanese people probably can't read it (unless they've played BOTW lol).

ive lived with my gf for over a year and we've been dating for over two years. she's not the 'act dumb to be cute type'. i asked her a genuine question and she gave me a genuine answer.

>> No.21096701

I never played BotW. Next.

>> No.21096706

>(it's a major word in Breath of the Wild for example)

>> No.21096708

Yeah? That doesn't mean I played it.

>> No.21096713

>heh.. I didn't play it.. but that doesn't mean I didn't watch it!! I'm owning this idiot in this thread hehehehehe

>> No.21096715

so how about you answer the part where you're wrong about how it's virtually impossible to for anyone to grow up in japan

common words on jisho.org extend to over 25,000 most frequently used. it's outside of 30k frequency. i don't have a list so i can't even check.

just because it's used in random specific contexts doesn't make it a rare word. if i worked for an electrical company i'd see 逓降変圧器 every single day but that doesn't mean it's not rare you absolute retard, and the fact you think it isn't says more about your lack of japanese knowledge (because you can't even distinguish what is and isn't).

>> No.21096717

When will it go into your head that the western outlook on literacy is inherently flawed when it comes to Japanese, or Chinese for that matter.
A Japanese person would never be so assblasted about not remembering some very specific rare Kanji reading like western learners seem to be.

The sooner you get rid of your unreasonable standards of 'literacy' the better for your outlook on learning this language.

>> No.21096719

>This notion is hysterical.
right that's why theres so many random anime-watching weebs who aren't even studying japanese reading N1 lvl kanji words like it's nothin
oh wait no theres not lol

>> No.21096727

祠 has rank 15000something on this list: https://namakajiri.net/nikki/a-2015-count-of-japanese-word-frequency/

Which is right next to words like 議定, 暴く, and 浮く, which you would be hard pressed to call "rare". This frequency list is also not particularly biased towards anything but academic vocabulary, since it's based on Wikipedia.

>common words on jisho.org extend to over 25,000 most frequently used.
The "common" tag on jisho is basically useless when you're trying to know if a word is rare. It's exclusively limited to newspapers, which categorically avoid all sorts of words for various reasons.

>> No.21096736

so sourcing newspapers bad but sourcing wikipedia good?

>> No.21096737

This was drawn from the complete dump of the Japanese Wikipedia on April 22, 2015 which was run through a morphological analyzer called mecab.

LMAOOOOOOO ofc it will be up there when theres like 10 million articles on wikipedia about shinto. this isnt frequency.

>> No.21096740


>> No.21096741
File: 34 KB, 919x766, chrome_8mnk6tB07f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this guy stays BTFO

>> No.21096746

>the fact that you know a word i don't, shows how much you lack japanese knowledge
>the sooner you realize that knowing words that i don't is unreasonable, the better your outlook at learning this language
look how desperate you guys are to defend the fact that you didn't know something, to the point of devolving into utterly nonsensical retorts lol just accept that you didn't know and walk away

>> No.21096750

he's not, you sore loser
i'm a spectator

>> No.21096759

it's not about not knowing the word. i did know the word but just didnt remember the reading. i knew its a small shrine same as most people japanese people probably. they dont remember how to read these random words, they just know roughly what it means and move on.

it's the fact that he thinks its a rare word or has any indicative properties that shows hes a dumbass. not whether or not he knows a word i don't.

stop using educational material frequencies for your source; they all relate to shinto heavily. if you want ill link you the actual normal frequency but you won't like it.

>> No.21096761

his girlfriend failed highschool and now he uses her as a standard for avg native japanese ability lmao

>> No.21096766
File: 22 KB, 634x414, chrome_2aNK5YMEUo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao these guys absolutely stay owned.

she's got a degree and works for a major international company and speaks better english than most of u.

stay mad cuz she doesnt know your ちゅうに words! ill be getting my dick wet!

>> No.21096768

>she's got a degree and works for a major international company
pachi pachi for her
doesn't mean she's not dumb lmaoo

>> No.21096770

>about to expose

dude is he gonna take his gun out oh shit

>> No.21096772

search 「ぴっちゃりレズ」on google images right now its really important

>> No.21096774

ok so your whole fucking argument shifts from "uh every japanese person knows this and you dont know japanese if you don't know it" to "japanese people who dont know it are dumb reeeee!!! they dont know japanese!!"

how about you just give up and accept that knowing 祠 is literally only indicative of a) having played BOTW or b) being interested in shinto minutiae

now stfu and step up in the quiz if you wanna talk shit!

>> No.21096778

>stop using educational material frequencies for your source
"The Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese" (BCCWJ) is a corpus created for the purpose of attempting to grasp the breadth of contemporary written Japanese, containing extensive samples of modern Japanese texts in order to create as uniquely balanced a corpus as possible. The data is comprised of 104.3 million words, covering genres such as general books and magazines, newspapers, business reports, blogs, internet forums, textbooks, and legal documents among others. Random samples of each genre were taken.

But sure it's educational text.

>> No.21096785

>about to expose
>speaks better english than most of u
yo im laughin too hard right now someone pass me my 吸入器

>> No.21096800

Stop bashing peeps that are below your skill level. Acknowledge that noobs be noobs and move on. Literally trash behavior my friend.<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" width="32" height="32" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/trash@2x.gif"></div>

>> No.21096806

>uh every japanese person knows this and you dont know japanese if you don't know it
that was never my argument in fact i don't even have one cause i'm a spectator
i just like watching this desperate scramble to try and make up for your lack of knowledge with excuses
hey at least you'll never forget that word now right!

>> No.21096808

Rank 12000ish in http://www.mediafire.com/file/3vitl2rmhs6efx2/Innocent_Novel_Analysis_120526.zip (word_freq_report_mecab.txt).

>> No.21096816
File: 182 KB, 819x548, levels of knowing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replace "heard" with "heard/seen" and i'd say this is pretty accurate unless you skip from 1 to 4 with anki

>> No.21096819

lol this is not about my knowledge. i dont give a fuck about 祠. im not going to play BOTW. this is about someone thinking it's actually indicative of something when it's clearly not.

>> No.21096842

Imagine being this bitter about getting properly called out for the holes in your knowledge after acting out like a bully towards people based on their knowledge.

>> No.21096852
File: 139 KB, 1888x676, notepad++_r6g2iUlnvw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since we're just throwing out random arbitrary lists, here's a research paper that has multiple word frequency lists based on analysis of BCCWJ and VDJR and the 祠 kanji doesn't even appear on the largest 60k list.

pictured is a text search of 600 novels, classic, modern and LN

as you can see it's only used consistently by 2 modern authors, and i should note that every time it's first used in these books it comes with furigana, even in the classic ones, which means they dont expect japanese people to know how to read it!

this is not common by any stretch of the imagination. i didn't even bother pruning examples that aren't ほこら by itself

>> No.21096857

im not the guy who gives a fuck about the quiz lol. i think the quiz is dumb as fuck as well. im capable of calling out people for thinking that not knowing random words is indicative and the quizmaster for thinking it means anything that you can read random words.

>> No.21096861

getting a japanese girlfriend is as simple as getting a McDonald's cheeseburger

>> No.21096865
File: 69 KB, 1920x349, notepad++_8Mh02cWa8w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's fine, what does that have to do with whether or not ほこら is rare?

heres the top part of the above image btw

>> No.21096873

i don't care about your stupid ass dispute at all, i'm just saying it's oof, yikes & cringe to flaunt your japanese girlfriend online lmao

>> No.21096880

who's flaunting? i just brought it up because it was relevant to the conversation and then someone called her dumb so obv im gonna reply to defend her honour so stfu nerd

>> No.21096881

>tfw still don't know how to use regex to create clean text files from my completed vns.
One day I will learn regex.<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F641;</div>

>> No.21096885

>lol this is not about my knowledge
yeah it is otherwise you wouldn't even have been arguing about this in the first place you would've just been like "oh"

>> No.21096887

>and the 祠 kanji doesn't even appear on the largest 60k list.
You don't understand how to use those spreadsheets or your spreadsheet program's search function is broken. It's rank 13000ish. It's right there.
>pictured is a text search of 600 novels, classic, modern and LN
If that's 600 volumes, not 600 different series, then it's irrelevant.

>> No.21096888

I appreciate the folder name "KindleShit"

>> No.21096889

>i'm just saying it's oof, yikes & cringe to flaunt your japanese girlfriend online lmao
damn i thought it was just me yeah that guy needs to stop

>> No.21096891
File: 18 KB, 1917x181, notepad++_jUn4KrLVN7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres all the VNs it shows up in out of 120 scripts i have

wow, super common word guys. definitely means you dont know japanese if you dont know it!

>> No.21096896

eating some precut パイン and wondering... why the fuck do humans KISS youre straight up licking and sucking someone elses tongue and lips? who invented that

>> No.21096901

you obviously arent following the point here.
he's saying that the quizmaster is shit at japanese because he doesn't know 祠, some random word that you'd know or not see if you were lucky enough to read one of the 7 VNs it shows up in or play BOTW.

yet at the same time these people can't even get words on the N2 vocab list correct? they have absolutely no place to criticise him. i can at least talk shit about the quizmaster, and do, because ive bested him in the arena.

>> No.21096904

Amakoi Syrups, Clover Point, Shirokuma Bell Stars, Summer Pockets, and Itsuka Todoku Ano Sora Ni are all pretty much ordinary Japanese and you should know any word that's used more than a few times across them if you want to feel like you know Japanese well enough to bully other people over their Japanese ability.

>> No.21096906

666 get!

>> No.21096908

you defending your japanese girlfriend's honour is pretty fucking cringe as well

a degree is not indicative of her knowledge, and don't pretty much all urban japanese have degree? the fact that you're impressed with a university diploma is indicative of you not having one

and mcdonald's is a major international company too, you know

>speaks better english than most of u
that's just patently false

>> No.21096912

I mean you guys can jerk off to your anki stats all you want I know less than 4000 words and just got home from hanging out with some local friends for about 5 hours and we only spoke Japanese lol I mean I couldnt beat you in a vocab test but I sure am beating you at the language.

>> No.21096916
File: 29 KB, 1499x205, notepad++_BBig80yH8T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well turns out 3 of them arent even using the word

apparently all of those VNs never use weird words! obviously some random baby SoL set in japan is going to use 祠 because people might actually go to one as a plot point. but it says nothing about your japanese ability whether you've encountered that specific plot point in your life or not. (my gf hasnt i guess!)

>> No.21096919

>he's saying that the quizmaster is shit at japanese because he doesn't know 祠
He never said that.

>> No.21096921

who cares if it's a rare word or not holy shit lol you guys are more autismo than matt when you say he's wrong about something lol if they can put the kanji in a game for literal children without defining it for them then its not so obscure now is it LOL

>> No.21096923

That's cool. Why did you show astelight instead of itsusora btw? Astelight is, like, the last boss of Japanese.

>> No.21096924

look you're just mad because you got demonstrably proven wrong. it's fine, but you don't have to go after my gf lol.
he said he doesnt have any authority to talk shit about peoples japanese. if you're able to read between the lines (its hard i know but follow along) that means that whether or not you know ほこら must be indicative of your overall japanese ability, and therefore his ability is low because he doesn't know it, so low that he can't criticise others!

well know now we all know the word 祠 so it looks like we just gained the authority to do so!

>> No.21096931
File: 12 KB, 960x105, notepad++_QQt89KCtUs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for making me look at it. they literally are just talking about the character itself lol.

>> No.21096932

None of what you just said follows from saying that he doesn't have the authority to shittalk people's Japanese. You have to have pretty much perfect Japanese to be able to shittalk other people's Japanese. You're just some dumb loser if you do it without being pretty much perfect.

>> No.21096933

yay argument complete now lets talk about something actually interesting

>> No.21096936

the point is that there are so many fake authorities in this thread trying to say they're good. like trying to say that 祠 is a rare word or not. but these people are unwilling to put themselves out there and actually show what skill level they're at.

there are almost no good ways to do this, but surely being able to read N2 kanji gives us a pretty good idea whether or not you're absolute dogshit. and yet almost noone from this thread was able to meet that challenge.

the whole point of this exercise is to make people stop shittalking other peoples japanese with no authority. you've failed to understand that!

>> No.21096940

That's the thing. You and the quizzmaster are just another pair of dumb fake authorities. That's what you don't get. That's why it's so pathetic.

>> No.21096941

the quiz is the authority. either you are able to meet the basic minimum for understanding written japanese or you can't. it's very simple.

i also dont give a fuck either way i just like shitposting and getting everyone riled up, i was the main guy trolling the fuck out of quizmaster for weeks but now it's funnier that you're all mad about him

>> No.21096942

Yeah, you guys took this quiz you happened to already be doing and aligns well with a skill you've deliberately trained and decided it would be a good mark of authority. Good job. How many books have you read without having to look more than a small handful of words up?

>> No.21096943

It's pathetic but the other guy is only half wrong.

>> No.21096945

広義 lol

>> No.21096947

lol how is it a deliberate skill to be able to read japanese? i havent trained anything. literally the first time i ever did the quiz was n1 vocab and i got them all right lmao

u see a kanji and you write it down? its not fuckin rocket science.

>> No.21096950

>but these people are unwilling to put themselves out there and actually show what skill level they're at.

Not part of this autism but to be fair input ability always precedes output ability. Asking someone to post a vocaroo or say/type something in Japanese says more about you than it does about them. A real test would be to demand a translation of something.

>> No.21096952

包茎 lol

>> No.21096953

except absolutely noone in this thread gives a fuck about production. we're all here to read VNs or watch anime or w/e.

its not even a fucking difficult test. thats the point. we're talking about recognising basic fucking words like 広義 and you guys cant even get the reading right.

>> No.21096957

Years of RTK and Core6k is pretty good JLPT vocab training, anon. The N1 mostly consists of words with predictable readings.

>> No.21096958
File: 18 KB, 98x249, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sentence obviously means "I've come all this way so I should cool down in the lake too"/etc, but the fug is that "涼しも" construction? Can't really find anything about adding -しも to い adjectives after searching.

>> No.21096959

>input ability always precedes output ability
input is literally reading words lmao what are you talking about? seeing a word and being able to pronounce it isn't "output"

>> No.21096960

uhhh so knowing japanese words with obvious readings lol?

>> No.21096964

shit his post was so retarded i didnt even realise what he wanted to say

>> No.21096965

lol this literal dekinai thinks that pronouncing words is input.
>and you guys
holy shit lol talk about vilifying the opposition lol I even said I wasn't part of your fucking autistic argument.

>> No.21096966

Looks like 涼しもう to me.

>> No.21096968

>lol this literal dekinai thinks that pronouncing words is input.
its not even pronouncing words. its not a fuckin speaking test. you type the reading of the word when you see it

if i ask you type the reading for 食べる is that output lmao
you guys means everyone in the thread, because no1 stepped up to the plate!

>> No.21096971

>you type the reading of the word when you see it
writing is output you retard

>> No.21096975

But the し wouldn't be there then for 涼む right?

>> No.21096977

たべる lol did I prove myself to you yet? oh wait I dont care and nobody else does, you keep shitting up these threads by getting angry about shit that doesnt matter LOL

>> No.21096980

I wrote 涼しもう, not 涼もう.

>> No.21096981

u guys r still fuckin goin huh

>> No.21096983

>shitting up these threads
theres literally nothing in these threads except the meditation tranny (you), jamal, and some other few retards. you're talking about talking a shit on a pile of rubble on venus

>> No.21096984

when you speak, you have this thing called an accent
if your accent is incredibly bad and you stumble over basic words that means you don't know japanese

>> No.21096986

some people are so egotistical about their own progress that they gotta shove it down other people's throats LOL thats why they get mad about every little thing rofl

>> No.21096989

what does speaking have to do with typing a word that u see on screen lol

>> No.21096990


>> No.21096994

this is literally an effort to get get the dunning krugerites of the world into the open air so we can expose them. i dont claim to be good at japanese, in fact im shit at japanese, however im absolutely 100% willing to say that and wouldnt pretend otherwise. yet there are many many people in this thread who think they are good (you included ms 'im fluent') but are unwilling to actually demonstrate even basic japanese skill. either put up or sh*t the fuck up and admit you're garbage like the rest of us

>> No.21097002

LOL the threads are anonymous you literal dekinai lol you can't out an anonymous poster holy shit lol I could just drop this type of typing and you'd never know it was me in the next post LOL maybe if you weren't so angry about what other people are doing then you wouldn't be so shit at japanese haha you've wasted like 2 hours you could have used to study and not be so shit

>> No.21097004

I have a question regarding the や particle in this sentence:
What does the や here do? Shouldn't it be の or something?

>> No.21097012

except i also dont care about not being shit at japanese. i just like shitposting. & you're dumb as fuck. and no you're as clockable as you are walking out in the street with your tranny getup

>> No.21097017



>> No.21097018

>this is literally an effort to get get the dunning krugerites of the world into the open air so we can expose them.
i guess it worked considering it outed you

>> No.21097021

>What does the や here do? Shouldn't it be の or something?
No? It's working as the bog-standard definition of the や particle.

>> No.21097022

do u understand what dunning-kruger is lol. i just said im shit at japanese. that means im assessing my skills accurately.

>> No.21097025

theres only been 1 d`krug proper in this thread

>> No.21097030

But you also don't care about not being shit so you dismissed any potential about being taken seriously so the other guy wins.

>> No.21097039



>> No.21097047

The only use of や that I know of is listing things

>> No.21097051

how is [name] & [everyone] not a list?

>> No.21097057


>> No.21097058
File: 40 KB, 382x382, 1548111270900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf I'm dumb

>> No.21097063

>if i ask you type the reading for 食べる is that output lmao
exactly lmao that guy is incredibly dumb

>> No.21097071

you think everyone you don't like is "meditation tranny" you're such a moron haha go suck off a tranny
or as you weebs call it "trap"

>> No.21097075

its only a trap if it passes

>> No.21097078
File: 1003 KB, 218x228, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21097090

apparently all this time when ive been typing words into dictionaries to search ive been outputting. fuck!!!!! krashen will kick my ass!!!!!!!!! its the silent period!

>> No.21097091

imagine agreeing to fuck a trap and he has a bigger dick than you
what would you do
A. 逃げ出す
B. 飲み込む
C. アナル受ける

>> No.21097092

>being this mad that someone on the internet is wrong when it doesnt affect your studying at all
holy shit just IMAGINE being this retarded

>> No.21097104

You have permenantly crippled your japanese. Should've used a mouse over dictionary
Better juat killing yourself now and not fucking it up in your next life

>> No.21097106

b then c then fuck them in the ass

>> No.21097121

>no しゃぶる option

what r u gay ?

>> No.21097142

bruh if you can't type a word on the screen then you just don't know it, has nothing to do with input ability or accents or any retarded shit you're trying to use an excuse for being shit

>> No.21097144

output* my bad

>> No.21097150

no idea what you're talking about i was just responding to something retarded

>> No.21097154

>i was just responding to something retarded

>> No.21097169

i go off for a day and when i come back there are many new memes.
what the fuck means the quiz guy
who is the mc donalds girlfriend
what the fuck is that kanji youve been posting about

>> No.21097174

>he doesn't know 祠
Play more video games, dude.

>> No.21097177

Explaining meme's is like dissecting frogs, yea you'll understand it but it kills the frog.

>> No.21097182

lol never saw this kanji in my life. i need to play more

but i dont care about the frog!

>> No.21097272




>> No.21097280

just finished RTK1 & started RTK3

100% japanese fluency here i come!

>> No.21097292

You gotta give it to RTK and flashtards. It really gives you the illusion of making progress, while the actual language acquistion process hardly ever feels this way at all.

>> No.21097301

That's right, everyone who studies will inevitably fail so you don't have to feel insecure about not doing anything. Keep on slacking anon, it's the way of the future!

>> No.21097309

grats on skipping rtk 2 i guess

>> No.21097313

even imouto knows 祠

>> No.21097319

ur never gonna make it if u dont know 祠


>> No.21097323

and this is the corpus that jisho uses for its common word tag, correct?

whereas yomichan's downloadable corpus is based off a bunch of novels iirc? odd.

>> No.21097330

Jap self-hatred is kinda hot but kinda sad at the same time.

>> No.21097334

you won't pussy

>> No.21097340

isn't romeo like the real shit though? keep seeing him get memed as much as mareni

>> No.21097349

romeo is like the polar opposite of mareni in terms of style

either way i linked the clip for a reason hopefully som1 can enjoy thinking about the 祠

>> No.21097354

self hating [nationality] are more likely to learn [foreign language] and to hang out with/date foreigners

you have a confirmation bias

>> No.21097355

i'm not saying they're similar i'm saying they're both hard to read, muramasa is nothing like albatross but they're both hard to read

>> No.21097356

no, jisho's common word tag is based on a single old newspaper. don't make weird assumptions

>> No.21097366

i wouldnt say romeo is hard to read hes hard to understand at times but hard to read not really

marenis text at face value is just much more difficult to approach

romeo on the other hand will just make u realize how much u dont know thru his writing

>> No.21097372

the 旧自体 form of 礻 is so ugly, goddamn
it would look better if it would be drawn exactly like 示

>> No.21097373

it's OK since i asked a question and expected a correction. why doesn't jisho just change the corpus the common tag is based off since it's clearly gay.

>> No.21097379

fucking google IME


>> No.21097386

it's just edicts (P) tag the jisho guy doesn't actually do anything interesting to get it

>> No.21097392

then why the fuck do niggas tell me he's hard to read and i shouldn't until i know japanese when i'm not even supposed to understand the writing wtf

>> No.21097400

hatsuon resources anybody?

>> No.21097407

unfortunately u basically gotta read a whole bunch of shit wrong before u can start reading it right

this is especially the case with romeo and mareni

what im saying is u can much sooner approach romeos text and read it like shit and not notice anything in how he writes and just have shit comprehension in general than pop open a mareni banger and be bombarded with a bunch of words u cant read and really long runon sentences that span the entire screen that u just get fuckin lost in

>> No.21097408

NHK accent dictionary yomichan/anki plugins

>> No.21097415

Dogen just released his full Working in Japan video
When will Matt release his full Japanese learning MIA video? There's only a 5 minute version (the full one is supposedly 35 minutes long)

>> No.21097421
File: 97 KB, 610x933, dies irae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me a list like this so i can make my progress towards reading mareni and romeo then

>> No.21097430

haha i cant do that dude r u kidding me i dont read books

i think a lot of that shit in there applies tho

>> No.21097468

>imagine thinking you can read fiction without having read the bible first

>> No.21097473

the Bible is pretty heavily referenced in dies irae it's actually one of the few examples in that list that aren't a reach

>> No.21097477

on hebraic!

>> No.21097484

since japs arent christians and, therefore they dont know the bible, i guess it will turn out just fine

>> No.21097488

btw you should read the divine comedy to read japanese media for real, every single time i saw 詩人 so far was when some work references dante

>> No.21097490

This list has so many prominent works of both canonical Western literature and what I'd call airport fiction, yet very little actual thematic relation between these works.
From what I've been able to tell, a philosophical work that would deal with many of the same themes as Dies Irae would be Fichte's Vocation of Man.
The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Mahabharata, and the Iliad are all older than the Bible.

>> No.21097492

I'm not saying most are like that, just that the phenomenon itself is hot.

>> No.21097504

if they're self-hating because of the whole past imperialism & atrocities thing, they're cool

if they're self-hating because they're individualist rebels without a cause who want to dye their hair blue or other stuff in the same vein, they're gay

>> No.21097508


>> No.21097533

but according to anon, you MUST read the bible first! or else, you won't understand ANY sort of fiction. Even twilight!

>> No.21097608

>So I decided to learn Japanese and I'm starting with zero knowledge. I've read online that the average time to pass N5 test is around 325 - 600 hours, since my schedule is extremely busy and it would take me 3 years to get that amount of hours into study I decided I'll try to do it in 1/10 of the time (around 45 hours).
>I know a lot of people are already there typing it's impossible but please wait, as I said I'm gonna TRY, probably I won't be able to do it but viewing it as a challenge I'll be more motivated to study.
>I also think I've some advantage that will help me reaching my goal:
>My mother tongue is Italian, the vowel sounds are very similar to Japanese so it can be a little advantage in pronunciation.
>I already learned another language: English, so I have some experience in what matters when you learn a language
>325-600 hours are calculated for schools, they are usually quite slow in explanation, I can do way more material in the same time
>I don't want to sound like an asshole but I'm an engineer so I'm more used to learning new things and memorising stuff than average people.
>That's it, I'll be posting some updates every once in a while, I'm planning on doing 1 hours max per day so I should be able to finish in 2 months, but probably it will take me a little more.
>If you guys have any advice I'm very happy to listen to them!

>> No.21097616

>The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Mahabharata, and the Iliad are all older than the Bible.
nobody read that shit though lol, lot of people read the bible cause they're born into christian countries

>> No.21097621

I mean some retards are really reaching with how long they supposedly take for things but I'm gonna give a rough estimate that learning Japanese at N5 level from zero in what equates to a single work week is literally impossible.

>> No.21097632

N5 is a joke, of course it's possible
It's literally これはペンです level shit

>> No.21097633

who cares about that though

there are better things to jerk to like the "if i know italian i have the perfect japanese accent", "i'm an engineer that means i can do everything better than the plebs" and of course "i've learned english, that means i have innate language learning abilities (actually my english is shit)"

>> No.21097643

>600 hours
Do they mean N1?

>> No.21097655

I honestly think N5 is probably one of the hardest level. Japanese is complete alien. No prior knowledge, no hiragana, learning "conjugation" of verbs and adjectives...

>> No.21097663

I wish I could erase my Japanese knowledge momentarily just to see how quickly I could do it
Now that I know how to study and not waste time with useless shit I'm pretty sure 2 weeks is easily doable

>> No.21097672

you clearly don't know how slow most classes are

>> No.21097675

Genki I + II

>> No.21097680

I do
I have a friend on second semester of a japanese school and they still didnt learn verb forms and have around 10 kanji under their belts

>> No.21097683

>>21097675<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F44C;</div>

>> No.21097686

I have never taken the N5 so my knowledge of it is only circumstancial but what I see flaunted as "N5" grammar, vocab and Kanji is definitely a bit more. And even if not, that's already more than people will usually be able to do in 40 hours.

>> No.21097688
File: 9 KB, 910x216, N5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N5 pop quiz time

>> No.21097692


>> No.21097694

Is the joke that 2 3 and 4 are all valid?

>> No.21097700

3 can't be right

>> No.21097701


>> No.21097705

Why not?

>> No.21097712

You can't use ni with verbs like that except for the verb 'being'.

>> No.21097713

I was unable to understand what そうじ was supposed to be without inserting the correct particle first, which in turn made selecting the particle hella awkward. I have never seen this written in Kana and things like this throw me off quite a bit somehow.

>> No.21097715

lol it's a girl and Japanese culture is intensely patriarchal, not to mention the slave-driving environment. almost anyone same would hate would be a female 社畜

>> No.21097720

>like that
meaning when you use it to describe a place. Ni can be used with verbs if it's used as a target particle

>> No.21097723

damn mobile got me fucked up. "almost anyone sane would hate to be a female 社畜"

>> No.21097729

this is actually ur own mental problem tho

>> No.21097734

you cant 部屋に掃除 though you can only 部屋を掃除 and since the object is already explicitly marked it's not making the target

>> No.21097737

I think Japan society is the best regarding man-woman relationship.
Without all those feminism bullshit of the west

>> No.21097739

Can someone translate an item description for me please?

>> No.21097738

I'm not a female shachiku so I don't know what problem ur on about

>> No.21097741

thats precisely why u have this hangup about it

>> No.21097745

sure dude why not

>> No.21097751

Japan is a little too regressive (see the recent incident where they fucked with uni applicants' scores because they didn't want female students)
Western countries on the other hand are too cucked
There's a healthy middle ground but neither societies have reached it

>> No.21097752

I don't have a hangup about it I'm just explaining why my gf doesn't like living in Japan and I can sympathize with her opinion. Why would you want you work 9am-11pm every day for shit wages and get treated like shit by creepy ojisanz when u know life is easier elsewhere lol

>> No.21097753

I am bad at explaining things meant was something along the lines of...

As a target: 冷蔵庫にしまう
As a place description : 教室に居る

>> No.21097760

yea but in the case of 掃除 it can't be used as a target

>> No.21097761

ah wakaitte iina lol

>> No.21097764

Why is 入る not a -ru verb?

>> No.21097768


○PCクッション アイカツ!いちごちゃん です。





>> No.21097771

Jo /djt/, I made an addon for mpv, which gets the subs to your web-browser, so you can look up kanji-definitions and such if you watch japanese subtitled anime.

>> No.21097773

Because the wise men of ancient Yamato created it as a u-verb that just happens to end in 'ru'.

>> No.21097774

I'm almost 30 lol

>> No.21097784
File: 53 KB, 664x446, 1541490537275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first one is what I saw in context, but I should mine the second one, right? That's what I've been doing with these types of expressions but I'm not sure to with ones that aren't as obvious as this one. Is it retarded to mine expressions?

>> No.21097785

cho wakai ne!! lol

>> No.21097788

Because only a complete idiot calls them -ru verbs. Nobody really knows why ichidan and godan verbs exist, just like nobody really knows why strong and weak verbs exist.

>> No.21097791

Imagine learning English and "mining" "give the stamp of approval". Jesus Christ please rethink ur approach.

>> No.21097792

Yeah, but in the tae kim guide it says that if a verb that ends in -ru has a syllable before the -ru that ends with "e" or "i" it's a -ru verb most of the time.
I just found out in the exercises though, that that's almost never the case.
Just have to learn each one on its own, I guess.

>> No.21097795

>only a complete idiot calls them -ru verbs
That's how it's written in the tae kim guide though.

>> No.21097802

Tae Kim happens to be a complete idiot so that makes sense.

>> No.21097816

whys every1 so mad at ru verbs now

>> No.21097820

ITHVNR for anime subs? Holy shit. Been wanting something like this for a long time.

>This plugin starts a webserver together with your instance of mpv, which will send displayed subtitles to your web-browser.
This the same way the AnkiConnect plugin for Anki interacts with Yomichan, right? Is there no Firefox/Chrome add-on required for this to work?

>> No.21097821

alright, i'll agree with you.
its just that if I had to choose which society is the best, i would choose them. but sure a middle ground would be better

>> No.21097824

What do you mean by first and second?
You should definitely mine 太鼓判を押す and phrases in general. 太鼓 is also useful to mine on its own.

>most of the time.
If there were no exceptions, the guide would have said "always". But yes, this is something that you will just have to learn word by word. It's not as bad as you think, as after a year or two of input it will get ingrained that 入る's past form is 入った, for example, and you won't really need to stop and think if it's an ichidan or godan verb.

>> No.21097827

the option i chose was the only that can't be right rip

>> No.21097830

There's only one right answer.

>> No.21097833

sounds cool thanks

>> No.21097860

Also, could you explain exactly what this command does?
>gcc -o ~/.config/mpv/scripts/subserv.so subserv.c -I . -shared -fPIC

I think the
>gcc -o ~/.config/mpv/scripts/subserv.so subserv.c
bit tells the gcc compiler to create the file subserv.so under ~/.config/mpv/scripts/ by compiling the file subserv.c, but I have no idea what the
>-I . -shared -fPIC
bit does.

If at some point in the future I want to remove this feature, is it just a matter of deleting subserv.so from mpv's scripts folder, or is there more to it than that?

>> No.21097862

btw the answer was 4

>> No.21097864

>Doing Anki for 20 minutes everyday is no problem
>Reading even a few pages, takes a lot of will power
How do I fix this?

>> No.21097866

read something you want to read

>> No.21097868

Read m0re<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F438;</div>

>> No.21097869

That's amazing, where do you live?

>> No.21097872

Can someone explain to me why people bother learning this language when they don't enjoy using it? I have to force myself to do my SRS garbage every day, after I'm done with it I'm glad every time, cause it means now I can just enjoy the content for the rest of the day.

>> No.21097873

what the fug? is the april fools stuff still active?

>> No.21097878

Sometimes I'm reluctant to start reading, but after 5 minutes I really get into the mood. Read something that draws you in.

>> No.21097879

there is no fixing it. you simply don't find japanese media enjoyable enough to struggle through text you don't understand. so you'll have to use willpower every day for months and months before the text is easy enough to read that you can tolerate it.

ignore this dumbass:
if there were something you were interested in you'd have found it or asked where you can you find it.

ignore this dumbass too for not understanding that you can enjoy the media, just not when you don't understand most of it and have to autistically parse it.

>> No.21097880
File: 10 KB, 470x260, 1547570038087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just in case

>> No.21097884

is this "after work" or "I have a job after this"?

>> No.21097887

You think that's bad?
いる itself ends in iru, so it's ichidan same as taekim says. But then we have いる that breaks this 'rule' and is godan, even though it's literally iru and is supposed to be the rule itself

>> No.21097889

the ui is buggy. Even the 'like!' thing still appears on my side.

>> No.21097901

this is "after work"

"after this" would be

>> No.21097902

It's not that I don't enjoy reading, it just takes way more willpower to do it than anki, because I kinda have to do anki or else I'll have to review even more the next day. Nothing happens though if I don't read one day.

>> No.21097905

this is not N4

>> No.21097910

really? it's not appearing for me anymore. i tried using the spooky option with that post and it didn't work either.
i can still see all the perks from yesterday's posts though.

>> No.21097912

what deck are you using, how many cards have you done in anki, and what are your daily reviews?

>> No.21097920

u have to feel not think, u see?<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x2668;&#xFE0F;</div>

>> No.21097923

i wanna start learning jp but i'm kinda overwhelmed. how long have you lot been learning japanese? and how high is your level? if your level is like N2 or some shit still after like 2 years that does not inspire much confidence in me

>> No.21097924


>> No.21097927

i think mine are broken<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F641;</div>

>> No.21097928

what the fug, this is bullshit<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x2668;&#xFE0F;</div>

>> No.21097930

oh, so some are still working. what the hell.

>> No.21097932

You haven't even started learning Japanese, but you're shitting on N2 level without even really knowing what it means? Try a better bait next time.

>> No.21097933

Did you think you could start shitting out perfect japanese with just 3 months of study?
It takes over 5 years to get anywhere near fluent and this is assuming you are a neet with all the time in the world

>> No.21097938

i wonder why people use this instead of vncore when people on djt literally call it vncore and not v2k. but idk what to tell you. you can quit anki if you want. people become literate just reading and looking up everything. albeit those people usually read many hours every day.

>> No.21097944

2 years ago people told me I should expect to put 2 years into it before being able to consume media at a decent rate. Guess what they were right.

>> No.21097956
File: 83 KB, 900x900, 392834572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It takes over 5 years to get anywhere near fluent and this is assuming you are a neet with all the time in the world

>> No.21097966

I think, I'll keep doing anki, since I can memorize words way better with it, than through reading.

>> No.21097976

It makes perfect grammatical sense it just doesnt make logical sense.

>> No.21097978

you're retarded for reasons you won't understand until you start reading more, but do what you want. it's just that you whined about having to do anki and not having the motivation to read.

>> No.21097981

ankidroning will brick your japanese

>> No.21097985

so the tripfag finally left? I was hoping he would drop a few tips but all he did was shit talk anyways..

>> No.21097988


>> No.21097990

>the autistic lowercase "anki bad" posts are still as frequent as always
Never change, djt

>> No.21097993

Beginner guy from yesterday here,

finished writing all hiragana, but I'm having troubles telling さ ち き apart.

any tips for remembering each one?

>> No.21097996

not an argument

>> No.21098001

Neither is
>ankidroning will brick your japanese

>> No.21098005

き looks like a key and that's also the way it's pronounced. Don't have anything for the others.

>> No.21098008

you could write each of them like 30 times while saying them out loud
then stop worrying about it because you'll see them so many times you'll learn them naturally anyways

>> No.21098010

Guys any tips on remembering b and d haha

>> No.21098011


>> No.21098016

ち looks like a face with an open mouth and no CHIn
さ looks like a wooden SAIgn on a hill
Use >>21098005 for き

>> No.21098020

i didn't say anki was bad. he complained that he barely reads because he "learns" words in anki and has no motivation to read so i suggested he drop anki if he wants to learn japanese. i know first hand that rote memorizing words in anki does not give you 1:1 understanding or even recognition of that word in the context of actual japanese. so if the choice came down to doing anki or reading i would suggest someone just read. but obviously anki does help with retention.

>> No.21098025

I can agree with this post. It's just that your original post didn't convey that.

>> No.21098027

Yikes i hope the quiz retard left for good. What a slime. His ebattle nemesis was calncer also.

>> No.21098043

Japanese people have a lot of ways to say "sorry".

>> No.21098044



could read those but what do you mean?

Also, what's that small circle on top left of ほ

>> No.21098046

it's way easier to remember d and b because they're exactly opposite of one another, where as ツ and シ and other characters have very similar shapes with slight differences in orientations of some elements. you could always recognize a stylized d or b because of that, but a stylized ツ or シ can confuse people for a long time until they learn the language.

>> No.21098053

Those are the ingredients for koubi

>> No.21098057

glad he left. i was almost gonna take his little quiz and dunk on him

>> No.21098067

just use djt kana and most importantly read more

>> No.21098073

Don't worry about being confused by similar looking things at first because it will just even out naturally. I remember having the same problem, the solution was to just read.

>> No.21098083

He would on you. He has good recognition but I doubt he read more than your average djter does in 2 years. He is quick but that is it.

>> No.21098097

Just some general advice because multiple people have complained about kana shapes since yesterday. As someone else has said it's a bit like asking "How do I discern between d, b and p?"

Or with ツ and シ it's like saying 'I can't differentiate between upper case I and lower case l, what do I do?' These are problems that will just disappear by themselves and I'm not convinced its even worth to effort to now focus on it for days up front.

>> No.21098118

ah fuck, the linux package from https://mpv.io/installation/ isn't compiled with client.h so this won't build for me. unfortunately it seems like i won't be using this.

>> No.21098119

While doing that kanji/vocab quiz I realized I'm missing quite a few N1 words.
Is there a list like Core6k, preferably with example sentences for all the N1-N5 vocab?

>> No.21098133

N1 words don't exist. A N1 word is whatever people decided to put on the N1. There is no N1 vocab list.

You should be comfortable to read and understand a variety of different subjects so your best bet is to just try that.

Maybe you can even find some previous N1 vocab things, but from all that I heard this is in no way any guarantee that these kind of words are going to be asked ever again.

>> No.21098158

he wouldn't i promise

>> No.21098168

join the discord then its still there or r u afraid

>> No.21098171

Yeah, I guess you're right. I already have 10k vocab mined and been reading for a while, I just had a bit of an autistic fascination about the idea that there might be an official list of N1 words that I should know so I can say I'm done with that list too.

>> No.21098180

share the link

>> No.21098200

the quizmaster isnt online right now but you can prove that you're worthy to face him.

>> No.21098206

shame on a ninja that buys this shit lol

>> No.21098210

Please redpill me on how I'm supposed to read this.
>Because/since it's not that I do not want to be together
For some reason double negatives in Japanese scare the shit out of me, like I'm supposed to interpret one negative as affirming the other instead of cancelling it out. I cancelled it out in my sentence.

>> No.21098214

cuz it's not that case that i don't want to be together

>> No.21098219

that even translates to english fairly well.
it's not like i don't want to be with you

>> No.21098220

一緒にいたくないわけ is 1 thing

>> No.21098222

So when two negatives stack, one negative is negating the other, and I'm retarded for thinking otherwise. OK then wew.

>> No.21098224

no ur definitely still retarded plz read and understand my post that is above urs plz

>> No.21098231

reminder that any word i know is common vocab and everyone should know or else they don't know japanese even if they're japanese natives but also every word i don't know is rare vocab only try hards learn to inflate their vocab

>> No.21098232

I don't know how to interpret わけ on its own but わけじゃない is a construct I've seen repeatedly.

>> No.21098248

To clarify it's been explained to me that わけ can mean "so that means" or "so it's the case that" but I know わけ can have other meanings, even a contradictory one, so when I come across it I short-circuit and have no hope of understanding it and just skip it.

>> No.21098253


>> No.21098255

you gonna keep blogshitting about your McDonald's girlfriend ITT or what?

>> No.21098260

wtf does mcdonalds girlfriend mean. are you talking about the girl who says mcdonalds funny?

>> No.21098262

protip: don't try to learn わけ on its own.
Look up phrases like わけがない, というわけだ and so on, look up example sentences and learn those instead. Because 90% of the time わけ is used, it's going to be in a phrase like that with an idiomatic meaning.

>> No.21098276

keep posting about your jap gf dude. i want to live vicariously through you by hearing your stories

>> No.21098277

if you want to know what fPIC and what shared flags do in gcc, why not google it

you'll get far more from it than a simple binary answer

>> No.21098278

no matter how hard u try in japanese the best u will ever sound is like this


>> No.21098282

dont worry i literally only post in this thread to get people riled up and sometimes answer sincere questions so i have no intention of giving up my trump card

>> No.21098286

alright give me a minute before i pwn this noob

>> No.21098298

not gonna lie having a japanese girlfriend is pretty ftw

>> No.21098303

it's an euphemism for your japanese girlfriend

see >>21096861

>> No.21098312

ok well i dont rly care about how easy it is to get a japanese gf? we both love each other so ur madness doesnt penetrate our love bubble lmao!

>> No.21098313

*walks in2 japanese mcdonalds*

yes ill take the mcgirlfriend and a mcrib koodahsai

>> No.21098319

literally how easy it is

>> No.21098336

easy come easy go

you gonna end up like this guy

>> No.21098346

dammn... a japanese wife cheated on her husband. fucking insane. crazy. im dumping my gf now

>> No.21098358


>> No.21098361
File: 126 KB, 1080x797, D3DDoriVAAImjmN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21098371
File: 114 KB, 1000x955, YFvGIVSsmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pdr san a muggle or a halfblood? He has pureblood teeth..

>> No.21098373

it actually means 'a perfect peace'. the manyoshuu passage its taken from uses it as an alternative character for 例 in the word 令月 to mean that the month is a perfect example of spring

>> No.21098374

Delete that picture with that fucking disgusting chinese font immediately.

>> No.21098379

私はその人を常に'jamal'と呼んでいた, 私がjamalと知り合いになったのは/jdt/である

>> No.21098381

why was 令 in 令和 written the chinese way in the official reveal anyway

and why isn't 令 displaying the japanese way when it should on my linux computer

i use arch btw

>> No.21098386

that font uses the japanese glyphs dumbass

see the han unification wikipedia page

>> No.21098390
File: 2 KB, 275x183, ダウンロード.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean? are you talking about the difference between the printed and handwritten style?

the right is how most people write it in japan (although some people do write it the printed way)

>> No.21098391

install gentoo

>> No.21098393

what a fucking ugly font

>> No.21098396

oh yeah i got it confused

right is handwritten but also the chinese printed form

left is japanese only and printed japanese at that

>> No.21098402

i actually used gentoo for a while but i couldn't handle the longass compile times

>> No.21098405

i don't think the font is ugly

it's normal except the 令 character

y'all got spoiled by 明朝体

>> No.21098408

>i dont think the font its ugly
>it's fine except one major ugly part
uh ok

>> No.21098424

why do you bother to speak your worthless 80 iq thoughts

>> No.21098426

it's not the font's fault dumbass

due to how the unicode codepoints are encoded, there is no unique 令 character for traditional chinese, simplified chinese, japanese, korean and vietnamese, even though they all vary


the browser guesses how it should be displayed from the context, and it varies by website, browser and operating system

this specific font has both of the character variants, it's not its fault, that may lie on mobile chrome, android or twitter

now apologize to the font

>> No.21098438

not reading all that nerd

>> No.21098446 [DELETED] 
File: 581 KB, 595x751, 1544057446698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jamal, is the advice in this article from cure dolly good or bad?


>> No.21098449

autist who have to prove they're not autism because they can't learn nihongo

>> No.21098454
File: 581 KB, 595x751, 1527316979657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jamal, is the advice in this article from cure dolly good or bad?


>> No.21098457

idk why u @d that post that wasnt me

also b4 even clicking that link im gonna tell u if dolly wrote it its trash

>> No.21098460
File: 73 KB, 812x660, malie_h2OsfbsKDV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will resume goodposting for now. pray that it lasts.

>> No.21098463

Jamal doesn't know japanese

>> No.21098469

neither do I

>> No.21098474

quit at the first sentence of the thing

>Can you really learn Japanese through Anime?

this is never what i am trying to push u toward when i say to watch 10k hours of eng subbed anime

the anime will give u a good chance but u still gotta learn japanese

so lets have a proper shobu

>> No.21098484

I'd rather have a cute model gf who also likes japanese stuff, like pewdiepie does

>> No.21098487

it's shōbu

how can you claim that you know japanese if you don't even know rōmaji

>> No.21098490

>this is never what i am trying to push u toward when i say to watch 10k hours of eng subbed anime

>First of all, I agree that watching anime with English subtitles is next door to useless if you actually want to learn Japanese through anime. You can pick up the odd word that way. You can actually learn more than the odd word if you are very disciplined. At the very beginning of attempting to learn Japanese through anime I went extremely slowly through a few with English subbies trying to catch the Japanese, looking up words I thought I heard. Working seriously on why that noise ended up as that subtitle. That was somewhat helpful, but still not all that useful in my view.

>> No.21098494

jamal btfo by dolly

>> No.21098499

I don't get what this is trying to say
I can't fucking learn japanese, i'm worthless.
two transfer students at the end of the term, there's nothing wrong with it officially
I don't get what this is saying.

>> No.21098500

She's a case of cute personality and voice really making up for lack of looks. She's not super pretty but she's still a high 9. Japanese girls are kind of like that too.

>> No.21098504

what's stopping you?

just approach the oriental lass you fancy at the closest McDonald's eating establishment and greet her with 「おまんこ見たいなぁ!」

>> No.21098507

lol he's a butthurt うらぎりもの since she shit on eng sub's

>> No.21098510

well in my case, I think i would relate more to girls who are not japanese, maybe a hafu

>> No.21098513

The two off-season transfer students apparently got used to their new school without any problems.

Not the guy who posted the image, but that's my interpretation.

>> No.21098515

if you're capable of relating to females, i've got some bad news for you, "son"

>> No.21098526

these two transfer students who came at the end of term had adapted to their new school seemingly without issue.って感じですね

>> No.21098528

>>21098515<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F602;</div>

>> No.21098529

it instantly makes sense as soon as someone explains it to me
i need to actually start reading

>> No.21098571
File: 1.30 MB, 4320x2432, CIMG4475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or is this font really hard to read? Not the entire manga is like this, just sometimes. It hurts my eyes.

>> No.21098577

just u

read more

>> No.21098588


>> No.21098613

No issue at all. Unironically read more to get used to font styles.

>> No.21098615

I'm saving my best shitposts for the new thread too so I get more (you)s

>> No.21098618

you're right about some things

>> No.21098619

i'm busy with something but you're about to regret mocking me and this thread

>> No.21098622

i gave in and filtered him i couldn't bear it any longer

>> No.21098633

why would u ever filter someones posts on the internet idgi lol

>> No.21098635

Watch better manga not that shitty one.

Whats up guys i was gone for a few days what the fuck happened to this thread and are there any Calvin updates?
you 祠 fags need to shut up and play cross channel

>> No.21098642



>> No.21098649

what was that vocab quiz bot called

>> No.21098652
File: 6 KB, 333x132, explorer_2019-04-02_14-30-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to make it so win+space defaults to Full Katakana instead of Half Alphanumeric or Hiragana?

>> No.21098665

watch out hes gonna train up to beat you

>> No.21098717

u do

but if u wanna do it u should do it anyway

not like u cant read it multiple times or multiple dozen times >: )

ah romeo

>> No.21098739

man to be quite honest i'll probably just read it once and never read it again, never re read a vn in my life, tried with tsukihime in japanese but got bored after the first real fight scene in that

>> No.21098752

Why is there such a focus on VNs here? Is it because that's what most people like to do anyways? Personally I first thought I'd learn Japanese mainly to read manga, but by now I'm far more into it for light novels. I might play the odd VN at times, but thats like a once in a year occurence.

>> No.21098755

tukihime is def a read 1 time only game tho

>> No.21098756

it's because you're on /jp/ dumbass

>> No.21098763

this thread doesn't really belong on jp through, its just the migrated thread from /a/

>> No.21098773

it's just learning japanese attracts a lot of people to wanting to learn japanese cause a lot of the shit isn't translated and there's a few enshrined vns who either don't have a translation or a good translation that are memed by japanese readers a lot. also reading manga while it's still ongoing in japanese is kinda shit if you don't wanna spend money

>> No.21098781

well i should proofread my shit more

it's just vns attracks a lot of people learning japanese*

>> No.21098789

HEhe kvething kikes are the funnies

>> No.21098801

>evidently you use this thread as procrastination from learning.
h-he's on to us

>> No.21098810


>> No.21098814

based naruto 陛下

>> No.21098827



>> No.21098833

>Why is there such a focus on VNs here?
They're the best thing to read at any stage in the process, but especially for beginners.

For beginners, they have a bit of a video game sort of feel to them which, along with the pictures, audio, etc., helps to make them fun even when you're shit at Japanese, and the existence of ITHVNR means that, on a technical level at least, they're the easiest thing to read. They also have audio so you can get some listening exposure to what Japanese is supposed to sound like while you read, in that sense having similarities to anime with Japanese subs (but easier to play back specific sections of dialogue and easier to look up words in a dictionary).

>> No.21098844

another cultist kicks the bucket;/

>> No.21098877

wait. was carubin switching back to japanese?

>> No.21098919

Never give up. You will learn Japanese no matter what. Don't let anything or anyone stop you.

>> No.21098925

you're wrong i'm gonna fail

>> No.21098944

Nope he stayed at chink

>> No.21098949

Manga isn't reading.


>> No.21098964

kill yourself

>> No.21098967
File: 8 KB, 229x173, dekinai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21098974
File: 201 KB, 792x764, 1534698188892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21098979
File: 1.47 MB, 1460x1068, rip carbin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just crazy how many times this boy has died

>> No.21098983

You will never defeat me.

>> No.21098990

djt: ecelebs and dekinais

>> No.21098998

quizztard please go away

>> No.21099006
File: 622 KB, 601x850, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21099008

eceleb poster please put a bullet through your head

>> No.21099026

minna genki desune : )

>> No.21099051


yoloshikune : )

>> No.21099059

Ready to start translation

>> No.21099073

watasi no sucanreeshon wo joinshitekureyo

>> No.21099075

Just recreating the authentic Japanese classroom experience for your benefit.

>> No.21099083

DJT scanlation group when

>> No.21099097

shut up flashtard

>> No.21099119

stfu retard

>> No.21099133
File: 44 KB, 756x217, 1552295982280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21099139
File: 33 KB, 756x167, 1535986925105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21099148

Matt is so noble and kind.

>> No.21099156

Sorry I'm late. had to do some stuff.
For client.h you can just add this file: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mpv-player/mpv/master/libmpv/client.h
in the same directory you are compiling from.
This should work.

"-I . " just tells gcc to look for dependencies in the directory its compiled from. So you should put client.h in the same directory.
"-shared -fPIC" is just stuff you need to compile the addon in general.

just download client.h from the mpv github (link above), and put it in the same folder you are compiling from and it should work.
I thought about putting it in the same repo, but I don't know about licenses and stuff.

Nothing but the shared library in your plugin directory for it to work. Its pretty easy. Mpv is quite well made.

>> No.21099175


from which video is this from?

>> No.21099187

sorry all i have is this


>> No.21099238

Also maybe I should add stuff about getting client.h from the mpv repo into the readme.

>> No.21099248

this one before he took it down:
>Hating on 'Japanese From Zero'

>> No.21099269

good thing he took it down so he got all the exposure from making it and still looks like a good guy

>> No.21099280

i mean, mistakes happen even if they can benefit you? good job twisting his regret into a bad thing though.

>> No.21099281

he doesnt look good to me

in fact the thing matt did to jorge i would do to matt lol

>> No.21099282

>Hating on 'Fluent Japanese From Anime' Pt.1
>Hating on 'Fluent Japanese From Anime' Pt.2

He took these two down as well at the same time.

