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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 34 KB, 500x500, 何このスレ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2106577 No.2106577 [Reply] [Original]

I got bored, here are some translations of what they said at http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/streaming/1234882771/, picked at random by me.

Pic not really related.

Perhaps this is the beginning of a new international era for this thread?
So now we've dominated Chinese and English as a thread now
World peace is soon to be reality...?

Vocaloid is going to make this world unite!

But in reality, it's just a bunch of disgusting otaku from around the world uniting
Oh god this world...lol
Striped underwear is treated as a symbol of Japanese otaku and well accepted by foreign otaku.

>> No.2106586

what the butt

>> No.2106593

>Striped underwear is treated as a symbol of Japanese otaku and well accepted by foreign otaku.


>> No.2106590
File: 18 KB, 354x302, 1234992094187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Striped underwear is treated as a symbol of Japanese otaku and well accepted by foreign otaku.

Oh really?

>> No.2106597

>But in reality, it's just a bunch of disgusting otaku from around the world uniting

>> No.2106598
File: 34 KB, 800x600, 1234992163080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Striped underwear is treated as a symbol of Japanese otaku and well accepted by foreign otaku.
I lol'd

Moar translations please

>> No.2106599
File: 14 KB, 398x267, 1234992164630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vocaloid is going to make this world unite!

>> No.2106601

quick correction,

>I heard that Striped underwear is treated as a symbol of Japanese otaku and well accepted by foreign otaku.

Sorry, missed the rashii part, I should get some sleep...

>> No.2106603

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>> No.2106606
File: 21 KB, 704x480, 1234992266457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brofist for my nippon brothers

>> No.2106610

I'm trying to google translate the page but why does it only do a chunk of it?

>> No.2106615


same here, maybe the page is too big

>> No.2106618
File: 55 KB, 506x500, 1234992518989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>google translate

>> No.2106628

How can you be so stupid? Translators can only translate normal text written in html, not flash objects. that would be like using translator engines for your anime jesus christ.

>> No.2106626

So we should take it that luca has attracted originality fans?
>ちょと /jp/のスレ覗いてみたけど、たこルカ人気だなw 
So I checked out the /jp/ thread, it looks like octo-luca is popular over there

And I heard that there are english singer versions, why don't they use those?

Ehhh, I suck at picking out shit. Give me some requests and I might do it for you.

>> No.2106629
File: 24 KB, 108x148, 1234992731128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this just proves every country has its fair share of mindless retards with no taste whatsoever.


>> No.2106631

>And I heard that there are english singer versions, why don't they use those?

Yeah that guy should make a english version!

>> No.2106636

They probably didn't realize that most of the text there is in a flash object.

>> No.2106638

inb4 101 responses to this.

>> No.2106639


>> No.2106643

Hooah Rangers Lead the way!! tell these cherries to the fuck up and let you do your job!! Doing a Great job son!!

>> No.2106647
File: 290 KB, 950x800, 1234992930153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denpa Teki na Kanojo

>> No.2106655

They found it humorous and funny.

Sorry if they aren't sour faggots like you that can't appreciate anything. More proof 2ch is superior than this shithole.

>> No.2106665


Why are tripfags stupid?

>> No.2106673

Don't lump me in with avatar-fag. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.2106674

日本語の発音 : 拙い。無調教かな?
オケ : 歌と打ち消しあってる。単体で聴けば普通。
歌詞 : ><

So, my unreserved critique
Pronunciation: Clumsy (perhaps untrained?)
Orchestra: It's clashing with the singing, fine when one layer
Lyrics: ><

>> No.2106676
File: 168 KB, 600x315, 1234993296305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>More proof 2ch is superior than this shithole.

>> No.2106675

Has to do something with names and such.

>> No.2106679

If you guys are wondering, these comments are just /jp/ idiots reassuring themselves that what they produced is "GUD" and "accepted" by the Japs.

Honestly, it's the exact same thing as a troll posting in his own thread acting as though he is being trolled from his own comments.

>> No.2106680

>More proof 2ch is superior than this shithole.

What are you talking about? This is the best board on 4chan. We just have too many tripfags.

>> No.2106681

ugh..."untuned" is what I meant.

>> No.2106685


I wouldn't do that. He's infinitely better than you, jackass.

Pretty bad. Just not as bad.

>> No.2106687


Wait, wut? Flash text?

I just assumed it stopped translating since it was too long (sudden back to cuts back to Japanese around 600 something).

>> No.2106696

Why is this faggot still here?
proof that there are no mods on /jp/

>> No.2106697


Haha, oh wow. No.

>> No.2106700


I wouldn't put it past you guys. I'm just sayin'...

>> No.2106702
File: 62 KB, 266x223, 1234993660739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the best board on 4chan

I like this place too but, come on.

We are the dumpster of 4chan and you know that.

Not that I'm criticizing the place but you should at least realize where you're posting.

>> No.2106703

I'm afraid i have to tell you that programs aren't lazy.

>> No.2106706

oh god i hate people with avatars (especially here)

>> No.2106714

but there are still really little amount of newfags and trolls compared to internet shitholes like /v/

>> No.2106716


What? Are you telling me that instead of being just a regular retarded tripfag this guy is a tripfag who pretends to be a some sort of an animu character?

>> No.2106720

No way!

>> No.2106724

Shit you've clearly never been to any of the other boards.
/a/ is shit
/b/ is shit
/v/ is shit
/hc/, /t/ and /h/ are entirely spambots
/mu/ is shit
And no one posts on anything else

>> No.2106728


>> No.2106729

Er....so no translation requests? Because I'm going to sleep soon if nobody has any.

>> No.2106730

That's /b/. /b/ is the shithole of the internet, washington post agreed, don't bother them about it.

>> No.2106733

A lot of people post on /tg/.

>> No.2106736

>We are the dumpster of 4chan and you know that.

Really? Look around. People begin sentences using capital letters. No emoticons. No "lol u tk him 2da bar|?". No camwhores or attentionwhores. This is the last good board on 4chan.

>> No.2106741
File: 26 KB, 480x381, 1234994190318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's good for people that like VNs and Touhou.

>> No.2106744

That's not true, I was posting pics of myself earlier.

>> No.2106746

Just translate whatever you think is interesting. How can people make requests on something they cant even read anyway?

>> No.2106750



>> No.2106752

Like this: Oh, that kanji looks pretty cool. It's message must be pretty cool as well.

>> No.2106754

/tg/ is good too.

/r9k/ is shitty. There's really nothing but a flimsy filter that forces people to end posts with 'LOLMUTEFILTER891284' that seperates it from /b/. At least /b/ prides itself on being shitty, /r9k/ believes it's good, and I can't honestly say which is worse.

>> No.2106756

I love VNs and Touhous are pretty okay. Anyone who does not share this opinion is probably some idiot who thinks it's cool to hate Japan, anyway.

>> No.2106757
File: 53 KB, 460x800, 1234994402225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2106758

I like your logic, aniki.

>> No.2106765

I don't visit all those other boards.
/jp/ is my basement.

>> No.2106764

Basic summary of reception

"Sounds really amazing, maybe a fluent speaker helped?"
"Oh lawld touhou is popular over there too"
"Hahaha awesome"
"speaking of stripes, why does the american flag have so many stripes?"
"blah blah 13 colonies blah blah blah"
"ah, blah blah blah Japanese flag blah blah bl ah"
"Good job gaijin"

Shit's all the same, nothing especially interesting in my eyes. Also, I'm too lazy to search.

Anyway, I'm going to bed.

>> No.2106768

/an/ is perhaps the most sane board in this hellhole.

>> No.2106769

Sweet dreams, OP.

>> No.2106772


So... what makes 2ch so special, again?

>> No.2106773

Are you implying that /g/ and /r9k/ are good boards or that people post there?
The first option wouldn't make much sense.

>> No.2106776

>/tg/ is good too.

I agree, although it's filled with tripfags, furfags and circle jerking.

>> No.2106778


Surely you jest.

>> No.2106781

How can they act like they're so smart and superior when they don't even know about our flag?

>> No.2106782

This is still the best thing to come out of this jp theme


>> No.2106791

Spell checkers and shift keys aside, /jp/ is still full of childish individuals and generally poor posters. They might not be attention-whores, but they don't need to be in order to make shitty posts. I don't mean to say that we don't have some genuinely cool people, because we do. However, with each passing day, their voices become just a little bit fainter. /jp/ is still young, but our decay is already apparent.

Yes, there are worse boards, to be sure, but there are certainly better ones as well.

>> No.2106792

They don't, they're complimenting and not being assholes about it. Stop thinking all of Japan hates you or something.

>> No.2106787

moot should bring /n/ back. Nothing's wrong with trolling. It's not like they were doing anything illegal.

>> No.2106789

I tried /an/ one day, but there were females camwhoring with their pets. Had to leave.

>> No.2106790

But it's tech support.

>> No.2106795

i dont think that /g/ is THAT bad..

>> No.2106798

And endless arguing over which OS is superior and countless threads about how awful Macs are. Considering where we are it isn't a bad board, but as a whole it isn't that great.

>> No.2106800

Somehow i miss religion and physics theads on /jp/ havent seen one in a while. Then again im not online 24/7

>> No.2106806

Then maybe you should make one.

>> No.2106809

/r9k/ bro

>> No.2106810


Fuck you

>> No.2106811

Tripfag makes a thread = instant shit.

>> No.2106814

>/jp/ is still full of childish individuals and generally poor posters.

The fact that everyone sages your threads about pig disgusting 3D doesn't mean that /jp/ is full of childish individuals and generally poor posters.

>> No.2106816

Because you can't post anonymously, right?

>> No.2106817

Religion threads are /jp/ material.

>> No.2106818

Please compare them to this

We have far lower post rate, 10% of total number of tripfags, proper use of sage and healthier post activity.
This is safe land, the last place we can go to that can be considered good. You're making a big deal out of it. Check the other archive if you don't believe me, the early days weren't so different.

The anniversary is in two days, I better see some smiles and celebration.

>> No.2106823

>The anniversary is in two days, I better see some smiles and celebration.
/jp/ is a tsundere board. That will never happen. Enjoy your meta-threads complaining about the state of /jp/.

>> No.2106824

Religion and physics exist in Japan. I really don't see the problem.

>> No.2106827

My favorite threads are those about world economics, haven't seen one in a while because people who don't understand what we're talking about report us.

>> No.2106833

Religion: Nobody cares about it in Japan
Physics: Kicked to the curb

>> No.2106834

I love statistics yay!

>> No.2106836


>> No.2106842


I enjoy those threads where people make irrational comparisons between classics of world literature and VNs. They turn into nice heated arguments about literature.

>> No.2106838

/jp/ religion = loli.

>> No.2106839

Intelligent threads on /jp/ are hit or miss these days, and you've got to be lucky enough that some shitmod won't delete the thread.

>> No.2106847

You faggots need to stop whining about your off-topic threads getting deleted.

>> No.2106853

First, I generally don't make threads, or even post in the type that you mention. And second, yes, it really does. The fact that you people have bought into your little groupthink so much that you aggressively work to get rid of threads you deem unsightly merely proves my point. Just do as I do, and ignore or hide them.

But go ahead and lump me into whatever imaginary e-faction you'd like. As long as it helps you marginalize valid criticism, so much the better. Sticking our heads in the sand and ignoring upsetting things has always worked for us in the past!

>> No.2106850

Why is /jp/ updated every 3 days? /a/ every 6 hours?

>> No.2106851

Classic literature was great when it first came out, now it's copied to oblivion and improved upon. So in my mind classic = nothing but cliche.

>> No.2106852

Talking about the practicality of the gold standard in modern day economies was fun.

>> No.2106858

My favorite threads are fig threads, i love to see pics of fig collections.

>> No.2106865

I agree. In fact, the only classic literature I seem to ever really enjoy is the really old stuff, like epic poems. You don't get much in that style anymore.

>> No.2106867

I am now reminded of the "ZUN > Vivaldi" thread.

>> No.2106860

>/an/ is perhaps the most sane board in this hellhole.
Does /an/ still go fucking crazy when you mention declawing?

>> No.2106880

That thread was probably one of the best we've had in weeks imo. I've taken a liking to Mussorgsky thanks to it.

>> No.2106882

>But go ahead and lump me into whatever imaginary e-faction you'd like. As long as it helps you marginalize valid criticism, so much the better. Sticking our heads in the sand and ignoring upsetting things has always worked for us in the past!

I know that you believe that what you just posted sounds smart and in some other internet community post like that might lead to group hugs and circe jerking, followed by backstabbing and more circle jerking. But that's not how things work here.

>> No.2106877

That was fun.

>> No.2106878

Not Russia, AoC. Yeah, he's hosting another archive, needs updated dumps for better data. Although I saw him complain when I gave him the link for the last sql dump, it seems a simple report takes hours to be queried.
I can confirm, 60 minutes for a simple anonymous/tripfag ratio.

I need you to get Taro, and update the easymodo archive with proper statistical analysis.

>> No.2106886

>I guess this just proves every country has its fair share of mindless retards with no taste whatsoever.
The ironing is delicious

>> No.2106888

>"ZUN > Vivaldi" thread.

Haha, oh wow. I remember that. We should have threads like that more often.

>> No.2106898

He's still correct.

>> No.2106896

Enjoy your burns.

>> No.2106914

I don't go to other communities, so I wouldn't know. I do know, however, that circle jerks aren't exactly rare on /jp/. Regardless, pretension and pedantry were never my goals. Nor did I mean to offend you in any way. I specifically avoided mentioning names or examples in my first post to achieve this end. So relax; there's really no need for you to get so defensive.

Yes, community spirit is all fine and dandy, but at some point it's important to acknowledge both our personal flaws and the flaws of /jp/ as a whole. Only then can we work toward fixing them.

I'm done arguing now. Humble sages can only get me so far before I start feeling silly.

>> No.2106950


The furfags are trolls, and so are the tripfags.

/tg/ does love to jerk itself off at every opportunity, but that's because they know they produce the most original content out of all the boards.

>> No.2107005

I wish I had /tg/ related hobbies.

It would probably require leaving my house and making friends, though.

>> No.2107022


Get maptool, son

Play some Dungeons and Dragons


>> No.2107029

Play dawn of war 2

>> No.2107031

So is the edition trolling over yet?

>> No.2107045

It doesn't seem like playing it online would be the same. I used to play D&D and MtG quite a bit back when I wasn't a complete social failure (before I heard of 4chan). There was a comic shop in my town that I would go to all of the time where the owner would let people play whatever they wanted and there always a lot of people, but it died out and he eventually rearranged the store so there's no more room now. I wish people still went there. It wouldn't be hard to meet people then.

>> No.2107047


For the most part, yeah.

Most people can now make a Fourth Edition thread without LOLSHITTWINKIE sagebombing.

/tg/ actually really likes 4e, but they still have threads honestly discussing why they might not every now and again.

>> No.2107053


It's the next best thing.

You won't get the mountain dew and cheetos everywhere, though, so that might be a plus.

Buy yeah, Maptool. It really helps to facilitate games when you can't get real people together.

>> No.2107060

I have this problem too. I used to play when I was in high school, but I haven't known anyone since then who was interested in playing.

>> No.2107061

According to Wikipedia it won't be released until tomorrow. Are there torrents available?

>> No.2107081

I suppose I'll look into it then. Thanks.

>> No.2107084

I played the beta the whole time online, it's a nice game.

>> No.2107094

All right, thanks. I'll give it a try.

>> No.2107098


Yep. Maptool is what will connect you. You'll still need to make a post on /tg/ to find players/a GM. Don't worry, they'll fall over themselves to play most of the time.

>> No.2107554

/jp/ is ok. But i think the best thread i read here is Samurai VS Knights. lol at the debates

>> No.2107578


Apparently the Elevens are linking to /jp/-threads on their blogs now

>> No.2107698

Honours for this video (13)
#24 - Most Discussed (Today) - Australia
#3 - Most Discussed (Today) - Entertainment - Australia
#63 - Most Discussed (This Week) - Entertainment - Australia
#9 - Top Favorited (Today) - Australia
#2 - Top Favorited (Today) - Entertainment - Australia
#40 - Top Favorited (Today) - Entertainment - Global
#44 - Top Favorited (This Week) - Australia
#13 - Top Favorited (This Week) - Entertainment - Australia
#59 - Top Favorited (This Month) - Entertainment - Australia
#15 - Top Rated (Today) - Australia
#3 - Top Rated (Today) - Entertainment - Australia
#54 - Top Rated (This Week) - Australia
#10 - Top Rated (This Week) - Entertainment - Australia

>> No.2107708

There are two people in Australia.

>> No.2107723


Uh.. no?

Internet Usage Statistics:
15,300,000 Internet users as of Dec./2007, 74.3% of the population, according to ITU.

Internet Broadband Subscribers:
4,700,200 Broadband subscribers (connections) as of Sept./07, 22.8% of the population, according to OECD.

Latest Population Estimate:
20,600,856 population for 2008, according to Census Bureau.


>> No.2107725

Suddenly, out of nowhere
Fuck you Akio, you're the worst troll ever

>> No.2107728

Can someone summarize this thread?

>> No.2107729

Looks like 2 people to me.

>> No.2107731

Did you just seriously respond to that?

>> No.2107742


>What are you talking about? This is the best board on 4chan. We just have too many tripfags.

The best board on 4chan is still worse than 2ch.

>> No.2107759

He must be Australian.

>> No.2107766

How do you know this?

>> No.2107777

>The best board on 4chan is still worse than 2ch.

It's like 2ch is the best board ever existed in the internet eh? lol

>> No.2108492

He needs to die.

>> No.2108523

>This is the best board on 4chan

This is what /jp/ actually thinks. /jp/ and /a/ have a similar relationship to that of /r9k/ and /b/. Just because /r9k/ is better than /b/ doesn't mean that it's good or interesting. /jp/ is nowhere near the best board on 4chan, the best board would be one of the boards that have a community of people who actually enjoy discussing the topic they love without resorting to trolling like faggots. Something like /trv/, /tg/, /po/, one of the small boards.

>> No.2109235

Those boards are fucking boring though.

>> No.2109902

/r9k/ was good in the beginning but quickly succumbed into the depths of SHIT

Just look at that ridiculous "femanon" bullshit

Just for that alone everybody that posts on /r9k/ should be shot.

>> No.2109920

/fit/ is the best board?

>> No.2109949

Most camwhore board on 4chan.

>> No.2109962

So it's outside of 4chan then?

>> No.2109970

>one of the boards that have a community of people who actually enjoy discussing the topic they love without resorting to trolling like faggots

/jp/ actually enjoys VNs and Touhou, what's your point?

>> No.2109972

>have a community of people who actually enjoy discussing the topic they love without resorting to trolling like faggots.
Sounds like /jp/

>> No.2109973

That would be /fa/

>> No.2109983

They are so polite, you could learn something from them /jp/ instead of trolling 24/7

>> No.2109984

/fa/ my god.

I clicked that place a few times, once there was a topic and EVERYONE agreed that wearing fucking shorts was unfashionable and anyone who does should be ashamed of themselves.

I mean, really?

>> No.2109996

i just looked there the first time..
First thread i see is about ''japanese schoolgirl uniform fashion''
/fa/ is awesome!

>> No.2109998

Really man.

>> No.2110000

Dude, shorts really are awful.
Just like wearing sandals with socks.

>> No.2110004

But I like shorts ;_;

>> No.2110008

but ok, the thread is just something really, really awful..

>> No.2110022

I live in a place where it hit 100 degrees in the summer. Shorts are my livelihood

>> No.2110016

Ah, our friend the investment banker.

>> No.2110029

"shorts are comfy and easy to wear!"
