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21038044 No.21038044 [Reply] [Original]

As Gensokyo is engulfed by war, fairies cast off their shackles and slaughter Remilia's maids on the fields, and bands of roving Kedama terrorize villages, raping women and ruining crops, who will you side with?

>> No.21038052

>fairies cast off their shackles and slaughter Remilia's maids on the fields
Why would the fairies kill themselves? That makes no sense.

>> No.21038058
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I'm on remilia's side ready to rape,loot and slaughter faeries.

>> No.21038061

Were the bugged maps ever fixed? How am I supposed to conquer in the name of my Radiant Lady Kaguya otherwise?

>> No.21038071
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That's what I tried telling them, too.

>> No.21038082

Fairies fight and kill each other all the time. See Clownpiece and Luna.

>> No.21038083

Auto resolve is always an option
But I think so

>> No.21038100

If you're talking about Origins I think one anon was working on scene fixes but I don't know if he ever uploaded that. In Tinder I don't think any maps are irredeemably broken (although many are hard to play with).

>> No.21038113

I'm sure I broke something somewhere, but I'm not seeing it right now, so here's a new version of Origins:

and here's a patch version, which still isn't tiny because I can't remember what all I added, but I did what I could:

This update is not savegame friendly. It includes an adjusted map, a ton of fixed scenes, imported stuff from Tinder, revised troop trees with more even progression and new troops, new equipment, lords/garrisons that employ a wider variety of troops, and a lot of more minor changes. I'll give a brief overview of some of the more significant troop changes I remember: the Hakurei Shrine now has a heavily-armored elite infantry unit, which can be recruited at the human settlement and Suzuunan. Phantom Swordmasters can now be recruited at most Netherworld cities. Earth rabbits can be upgraded into hammer-rabbits, which carry giant wooden mallets that can crush through blocks. Moon rabbits can be upgraded into rifle-rabbits, who carry single-shot rifles; these have a great reload speed but lack bayonettes. Sohei are far more powerful and start carrying a few throwing spears as they get upgraded. Crusaders were replaced with a new unit that primarily wields throwing weapons. Ghostly samurai are now primarily infantry equipped with guns, swords, and heavy armor, and they can optionally be upgraded into cavalry with bows, spears, and swords. The kappa troop tree is longer than before, and mecha are at the end of the engineer branch rather than being available after one upgrade. Lots of troop trees now use a wider variety of equipment as they get upgraded, and under-appreciated troops like earth rabbits and daoshi now have significantly better gear when fully upgraded.

I still have a few maps to fix, and that remains my priority for the moment. I'll also probably decide what I want to do with the UI before too long.

>> No.21038120

I only played the Origins ver. that random anon was fixing here. What's the Tinder version?

>> No.21038125

I'll be sad to see the days of viable Mech spam gone. Kampfer's the best.

>> No.21038149
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Latest tinder version: https://mega.nz/#!owgH0SaA!PpnaeLHGYmKNPvHOuX1fzBObrurFoWpdQqB3omyEATo
Update files only: https://mega.nz/#!A8hzUA4D!w1opWP_1qiMIM1sTN0TExIDVCLFJgGP2I4_q5_gAfIs
Patch notes: https://pastebin.com/dayq47Q2

The original Chinese guys made a newer version of the mod with a new map, new features, story mode, newer items and models. A few of us are working on polishing up this version up cause it's definitely rougher around the edges than Origins is right now.

Good shit, time to start a new playthrough of Origins.

>> No.21038164

I've been waiting for this all week. Thanks anon.

>> No.21038184

A few more bugs I noticed with Tinder. Guild Master quests seem to have gotten out of sync. For example, one of the 'special' caravan quests auto-completed, making new ones not spawn a caravan to escort. Likewise, when I started a ransom quest later, the flags seem to be messed up because the first thing the bandits tell me to do is to leave despite me never having paid them. After killing them and taking the girl by force, it won't let me turn her back in. As of now, I have an incomplete caravan escort since the special one has no fail date.

Meanwhile, I got a quest from the book seller to get a book from Magic Library, which I did. Now I can't seem to find her. I know she's hard to find, but it's gotten a bit ridiculous. Anyone complete this quest know what it gives?

Secondly, for the main quest, I'm on 'Find Daiyosei' which I did. It told me we're going to go find Cirno now, but the quest is still Find Daiyosei and she isn't in my party. Do I need to just keep looking for her? It's kind of hard now because I'm apart of the Underworld and they're constantly at war with SDM.

>> No.21038198

I'll take note of all of those. All the quests they added are a bit weird so they have strange triggers for completion and such.

Never saw the first or second bugs.

Also never saw the third one but I assume the problem is that your party was full when you tried to recruit Daiyousei and the game didn't have anything prepared for that circumstance. You can always use the cheatmenu to manually recruit Daiyousei or just force advance the questline if it gets stuck.

>> No.21038229

I'm getting near constant crashes when I enter new scenes. It's not always the same scene but usually if I try entering a few one of them will crash. Is this just a thing unique to me or something?

>> No.21038270

And, just as I post that, I potentially found a hardlock to the game.

If you run into the belligerent drunk, and you kill him, you won't be able to exit back to town menu. If you have auto-save on quitting, unless it drops you back to the town menu, I think this would hardlock the game.

>> No.21038285

You know I haven't actually run into a belligerent drunk in a long while. Where did you encounter it?

>> No.21038298

I tested the scenes I added/revised pretty heavily and didn't get any crashes while doing so, so I'm at least pretty sure there's nothing particular to them that's problematic. I do occasionally get crashes when quickly switching between scenes, though (and always have, this isn't the result of anything I've done.) I have a suspicion about what might be causing it, which I'll investigate in a bit.

>> No.21038308

This is specific to scenes in the town menu, so yeah if I go between the castle and the tavern I might crash. I wasn't getting it with the last Origins version, guess I gotta be more careful.

>> No.21038358

I had this happen to me too. But the thing with town scenes is whenever you save and quit, you will always spawn on the overworld, never on the scene itself so it should be okay even if you have quit&save only.

>> No.21038392

Companions sometimes seem not to sell everything in their inventory in Tinder when given the command to. This has resulted in my Tenshi equipping random armors and legs a lot if they exceed her default set in stats.

>> No.21038469

Can't recall. I've been spending several hours just going to different towns looking for the damn bookseller so I can turn in the book I stole.

I figured that might have been the case but I didn't want to test it.

>> No.21038542
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Bit of flavor text for Lord Kastor. I took a bunch of ideas from anons and mashed them together to make something cohesive and hopefully funny and loreful as to why a fucking Rhodok would claim himself to be the rightful ruler of Youkai Mountain.

>When I came to this land from Calradia I sought the highest mountain to make my home. We Rhodoks are people of the mountain, so naturally I settled down in Youkai Mountain where I offered my services to the court of Moriya Shrine. Yasaka Kanako ruled with an iron fist and tengu families weren't happy with the terms of their recent unification. Too many of them were forced to march to war instead of guarding the mountain as was their ancestral duty.

>I told the tengu that I supported their plight, so they called a vote among the noble families of Youkai Mountain to select a ruler. It was a close vote but in the end I won by a few ballots over Kanako, mostly due to the support of the tengu families. She did not accept the result of the vote, infact she wasn't even present for it and declared it to be illegitimate.

>She marched her armies through the tengu towns, burning and looting, executing nobles until they bent the knee, which of course eventually they did. After she was done there remained the question of what to do with me. I did not join the rebellion so she could not execute me, so instead she banished me. If Kanako should think herself the ruler of the Youkai Mountain, she should think again. There are still families that call her a madwoman, and cheer my name in their private halls. I shall return and Kanako will bend the knee to my rule.

>> No.21038554

It took me a while to figure this out, but you can grab the items in each companion's individual inventory.

>> No.21038735
File: 182 KB, 1366x768, 20190322212416_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Origins anon most of these landscape changes are great but some of them look... strange.

>> No.21038794

Yeah, there should be fire down that hole for maximum immersion.

>> No.21038796

It's always a little hard to tell how it will look in-game before transferring it over and loading it up, and I didn't spend a huge amount of time polishing it. I can smooth out those edges and that desert/terrain transition there later without breaking anything, assuming that's what you're referring to. Map changes aren't a big deal to existing saves unless locations are being moved around or impassable terrain is being introduced.

>> No.21038819

Desert/mountain terrain transition, I meant to say. There's one spot where it doesn't blend that well.

I do wish there was something better available for underworld terrain.

>> No.21038847

What are you using to edit the map anyway? Are you just hand relocating everything in the text files? What about the terrain and geography?

>> No.21038875

Swyter's Cartographer and Blender. Swyter's Cartographer makes it relatively simple to move villages/castles/cities around, and it can convert the map text file to and from .obj format to make editing topography simpler.

>> No.21038902
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The bandits must grow larger.

>> No.21038920

have you fixed the hakurei shrine starting battle map?

>> No.21038928

I hope Origins anon never fixes this bug

>> No.21038937

It's a feature!

>> No.21038944

The one you enter at the beginning of the game if you start there? I applied a lazy fix to it by just moving the spawn points. So, the map still makes no sense, but it's more functional.

I consider that a feature. I haven't yet seen what impact the map adjustments will have on the formation of giant bandit/patrol/caravan blobs, though.

>> No.21039212
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I like a lot of the ideas you implemented into the troop tree Origins anon but I think there might be too much versatility in most of the factions.

When you look at troop trees like Hakurei, SDM, Youkai Mountain, Underworld, and Netherworld they're so jack of all trades it makes them all play fairly similar. You don't really get a sense of that Rhodoks vs Swadia or Nords vs Khergits you would get in the original game where there were clear strengths and weaknesses. Here it just sorta feels like strengths and stronger strengths. The Lunarian Renegades faction is a bit better designed cause there's a clear playstyle. You have no cavalry but an extremely powerful gunline, so you need to play support the gunline using your infantry. Just my honest opinion.

>> No.21039317

I understand where you're coming from, and if I'd designed everything from the ground up I probably would have tried to have clearer specialties for the factions. It would be a bit tricky, though, because there are a lot of factions and the game ultimately only has so many troop types. There's also the issue that the player has no real incentive to stick with one faction's troops: so in the case of the Lunarian Renegades, for example, a player is likely to take the strong gunners and just look elsewhere for other troops (or use an all-gunner force) rather than trying to screen with weak earth rabbits and working with the faction's limitations. Using weak troops to "counterbalance" strong troops doesn't really work that well with the game's default recruitment mechanics.

So, given that making factions have clearly defined specialties would basically have required burning the entire existing troop list to the ground and starting anew, and would be difficult to pull off well even then, I instead decided to embrace the mod's "everyone gets awesome shit" approach. While the factions as a whole largely lack particularly obvious strengths and weaknesses, I think this is somewhat made up for by the uniqueness of the individual troop types. The Hakurei Shrine, Underworld, and SDM all have extremely powerful elite cavalry, for example, but these individual cavalry units have differing strengths, weaknesses, and general utility. They're much more distinct than the top-tier cavalry choices in Native, which are largely interchangeable.

>> No.21039325

>There's also the issue that the player has no real incentive to stick with one faction's troops
I think that's the players prerogative because you have a much harder time at recruiting units than most other lords do anyway. The reason why I make the point isn't really because of the players experience in recruiting units but rather the players experience fighting the AI. If you're fighting the SDM, you gotta eat a Chaos/Scarlet Knight charge, then fight off Shield Maids and War Maids while getting shot by high level Maid Crossbows. It's brutal and there's not much counterplay to it. Which is why most players don't come up with fun compositions to beat stuff out, they just spam Mecha cause they're gonna have a rough time if they don't. Ultimately I think that ends up killing the enjoyment of battles and sieges more than anything else.

>> No.21039327

Keep your war out of my Gensokyo!

>> No.21039340

There is no counterplay to SDM's Knight charge because mounted combat isn't well simulated in Mount and Blade (ironically). Its primary weakness - pikemen - aren't even viable as a unit. There's also little good with killing their horse as since they take no damage from falling off at 30mph and they only really get deadlier the moment they become footsoldiers.

>> No.21039344

Tons of mods have pikemen that can brace, and if horses try charging into it they usually instantly die. Napoleonic Wars had this mechanic too. It just doesn't seem to be implemented in neither Origins nor Tinder.

>> No.21039354

I think I recall seeing an option for bracing in the mod options menu in Tinder

>> No.21039368

I recall hitting that button and it not changing anything, but I might just be a brainlet.

>> No.21039448

That's a fair point, though I think it only really applies to the SDM and Underworld. Every other faction has some sort of deficiency that can be exploited, but those two are solid on pretty much every front. I'll think about whether or not I want to adjust this in some fashion.

It is annoying that cavalry units lack a real counter beyond "fight them in a castle where they don't get their horses."

>> No.21039471

I guess then there are also some units that serve such similar roles that make you wonder why they're even there. Why do you have Tengu Gunners when you have both Tengu Archers and Kappa in the same faction? Stuff like that.

>> No.21039503

I don't disagree, a few units are a bit superfluous. I probably would have done things differently if I'd created the troop trees in the first place, but I don't think it causes any real harm.

>> No.21039509

Personally I don't mind, the excess units give me the option to play around certain boundaries like roleplaying a full tengu army. I couldn't do that in Tinder for example since they lack a ranged unit.

>> No.21039706

Anyone know how to finish the Parade quest on origins? I already have the shide on my hands with reimu on the shrine but she didn't say anything

>> No.21039867

After the first tier, Remilia largely uses human maids, the implication being that the fairy maids were so useless in the role that she fired them.

>> No.21039884

Give the SDM slower horses and make their weapons generally slower and suddenly they're like Vaegirs. This will make them more susceptible to strong ranged units.

Lower the armor rating for Underworld units and now they're a Nord/Khergit mix. This will make them susceptible to heavy cavalry.

>> No.21039893

Alternatively in the interests of nevernerf, because screw nerfs. Shields and a lot of cosmetics can be made a bit stronger, with generic clothes being brought up to par with cosplay items and the cosplay items being made a teensy vit stronger. This'll keep units (and you) alive just a tiny bit longer against the reaaallly high damage stuff.

>> No.21039914

For the underworld, couldn't you instead give their marksmen only throwing weapons? Would help solidify their role as close range, but might make them too weak against ranged options.

>> No.21040006
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Regarding the powerhouse that is the SDM, I've been doing more mechanic checking in other mods for an attempt at turning the fairies into an official faction with several unique mechanics, by combining them with outsiders (both of them are largely downtrodden parties viewed as the bottom of the Gensokyo foodchain) and having their gimmick being using reclaimed ordinance from past wars with human auxiliaries forming the spearhead of the faction in much the same way kappa form the powerhouse of Youkai mountain.

The basic idea would be that they alongside the Lunarians would be the primary factions using semi-automatic and fully automatic firearms (while also updating the AI to properly utilize automatic weapons to make certain Lunarian units significantly more dangerous, as well as utilize more "modern" tactics such as fire and maneuver, utilization of cover, and suppressive fire), up to and including crew-served weapons, with said firearms along the bolt-action (later upgraded to semi-automatic) and HMG lines being both accurate and armor-piercing, allowing the latter to counter chaos/scarlet knights that attempt to charge them head-on, while the former can reliably kill multiple maids of a tier or two higher by largely ignoring their armor and taking potshots at them from both a longer range, more accurately, and faster than their crossbow counterparts, in essence making the outsider the "anti-maid" corps.

Their main deficiencies would be the fact that the AI counts them as far weaker units than they are on the field when it comes to NPC/NPC auto-resolve due to their low skills, the difficulties in maintaining several different ammunition types with ammunition in general being scare to come by without questing on the player's part, and possibly downgrading their effectiveness against youkai units (luckily, Tinder has made the race distinction clearer and that function can be backported to the main fork), so their devastating firepower is really only devastating when fighting human/fairies like the SDM, as well as a hard unit cap that dictates the maximum number of outsider units the fairy rebellion can possess, necessitating the backbone of the faction be filled with fairies, who with enough upgrades might start wielding firearms themselves, but with less efficiency than their outside peers.

Statistically, outsiders have more health than their SDM counterparts for a given tier, but are otherwise inferior on average with worse skills, possessing slightly better armor at lower tiers that end up getting eclipsed by the maids in higher tiers and of course, no shields.

Other ideas include making the fairies and outsiders separate minor factions with weaker initial unit line that automatically merge if one or the other is threatened by the SDM, or making both factions conditional ones that only exist if certain events transpire while Cirno remains unclaimed as a companion, with other ideas being the outsider faction led by Sariel, Sumereko (maybe not led directly, but Sumi is an important figure), or Cirno alongside ice fairies. Character-wise, outsiders are modeled after the unfortunate bandits of Dolls of Pseudo-Paradise, and are one of the few largely male unit lines in the game.

>> No.21040020
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As for some of the mods where these new mechanics would be donated from, I've been taking some long looks at The Parabellum and The Reckoning, which perform several important updates to unit AI which allow them to access more advanced weapons, though I've heard the latter is pretty buggy.

>> No.21040398
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>> No.21040432

alright i realized there're 2 different modules here, a russky and chink one, which one should i play?

>> No.21040490

The one with Sariel companion obviously

>> No.21040503

After playing both for a bit, I find myself liking the chink one more

>> No.21040868

What's the mod's intended way to beat Youmu? She cut through about half of my army before I realized she was actually intangible and I'm forced to autoresolve her to death. Horse charges seem like the only other thing that affects her.

>> No.21040958

If I remember correctly, you just need to walk around the streets of Hakurei Shrine with the shide rather than the castle.

>> No.21041098

It somewhat applies to almost every character, but you essentially have to just defeat their forces and then surround them. If you're particularly strong yourself, you can probably just duel them into submission but I recommend against it in the case of Youmu and Remilia.

>> No.21041108

Kill it with fire.

>> No.21041116

I mean my bullets were going straight through her and killing friendlies on the other side, she's physically untouchable. My guess is blunt damage might be the key but I had only spears, swords and guns.

>> No.21041128

Ghost types have a 50% chance that any and all attacks will miss them with no exceptions. It applies to Mima and Yuyuko as well. The tactic is literally just masses of attacks.

>> No.21041161

>clouth ripping

>> No.21041483

Find a killer sword, that thing has 255 speed. Re-enact this scene.


>> No.21041874

Fighting against Eiki, Komachi and/or Yuyuko is hell. While they're on the field, all units respawn as Spirit 1s, which might not be so bad on paper, except Spirit 1s also respawn into Spirit 1s, and I'm forced to fight a literal undying army at the same time as try and assassinate a hero with at least a 1000 hp pool...

>> No.21041884

I think it's fun. They're supposed to be crazy strong Netherworld bosses, the kind of thing you don't defeat til you're very well equipped and closer to endgame.

>> No.21042049

I have Dynasty Warriors flashbacks everytime I do it.

>> No.21042756

I think it villifies Kanako TOO much, and puts her in a light where her own claim isn't very sympathetic. Even Harlaus had a point in the original game, and we all know him aa a feast-happy lunatic.

I think you're the right anon for the job as far as writing these goes though.

>> No.21042833

The idea is that Kastor is going to exaggerate how terrible Kanako is because he wants to take the throne. Kanako of course will have her own version of the story which will make her seem more sympathetic. I think you have a point though in the sense that even as an exaggeration, burning and executing seems a bit too heavy-handed. I'll tone it down a bit on Kastor's side.

>I think you're the right anon for the job as far as writing these goes though.
That means a lot to me.

>> No.21042855

>I think it villifies Kanako TOO much
I would say that depends on Kanako's response. If she claims that her political enemies held a vote to determine leadership while she and her supporters were off fighting to defend the mountain and then rose up in rebellion after she returned and refused to cede power, she would come off looking alright.

>> No.21043194
File: 289 KB, 1440x900, 20190323201017_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP location change for Hakurei Shrine. Also moved Tanuki Forest further north to fill a lot of empty space there. Don't worry about how it looks since this isn't final at all, but do you guys think this is a generally better layout for this area?

>> No.21043370

Wait, where do you get that?

>> No.21043379

Sold in stores or I think dropped by White Wolf Shinobi.

>> No.21043431

Alright, thanks.

>> No.21043773

I like the new hill design. Layout seems fine I guess? Not sure about Myouren being just a fine line between SDM and Hakurei, but I don't feel too strongly about it either.

>> No.21043824
File: 124 KB, 900x587, sokyomaptranslated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever seen this map? These mods made me interested in what Gensokyo's geography would be like. It's real interesting to see how many different interpretations there are.

>> No.21043937

map is wrong, the road of liminality and sanzu passes through/beyond youkai mountain

>> No.21044001

Reminds me of Prophesy of Pendor with the thousands of Jatus in the desert.

>> No.21044028

I think I like TPDP's interpretation of Gensokyo the most. Its a good mix of accurate and fun to play in.

>> No.21044190

Why yes, you're correct. Do you know any other maps that're interesting?

How is that? I'm not really into pokemon type games myself so I never gave it a shot. I looked at the overworld map and see it's just sort of well, pokemon. I don't mind the layout at all though.

>> No.21044197

They don't try to stuff too much shit into the overworld map. Instead they use multiple maps like one for Gensokyo, one for the Underworld, one for Makai, etc.

>> No.21044240

How do I stop getting myself rekt by youkais and demon hunters?

>> No.21044354

Either outnumber or outrange them.

>> No.21044541

I got some new siege scenes for Nine Heavens Waterfall and the SDM working reasonably well in Origins. I went ahead and uploaded them, because I consider them the two most badly broken scenes that I hadn't addressed as of the last update.

I was originally planning to just excise Kastor from the game, but I think I'll make use of this. I'm feeling less burnt out on writing dialogue now, so I might also go ahead and flesh out the SDM and Hakurei claimants.

Yeah, I looked at a ton of fan-made maps back when I first started writing my Touhou tabletop RPG. I eventually found a few that seemed potentially accurate-ish, but I'm not sure if I still have them saved anywhere.

>> No.21044885

>ever seen this map?

>> No.21044891
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Forgot picture

>> No.21045598

How do I get the money to buy more troops during early game? other than tournaments

>> No.21045679

Selling prisoners pays a lot. A Shieldmaiden 7 goes for 900+ gold.

>> No.21045698

Oh fuck, time to snatch some people then.
Any rec weapons or equipment? for regular battles

>> No.21045985

Early on I tend to use the best stuff I happened to loot. Those goheis the caravan guards use are pretty good. Nearly everything but most basic recruits is at least decently armoured, so blunt or piercing damage is a good idea.

>> No.21046382

Get a good 1h/2h and a shield. The Gohei mentioned earlier is a really good blunt weapon that can net you a lot of prisoners and fits the 1h/2h bracket.

Then you want some form of ranged weapon. If you're playing in Tinder you'll get the greatest gun ever made at the end of the story, but in Origins you have your run of the litter. Glyphs are neat, Hakkero if you can afford them show up often in stores as do Tomes. Throwing Swords are also a fair option.

Then get a mount. Don't ask questions, don't think otherwise - get a mount. Constantly buy better mounts, even leave some in your inventory.

>> No.21046394

Get Sword of Hisou(Ranged). A cheap, powerful bow.

>> No.21046649

Honestly I found the best thing for starting out is to do a bunch of the guildmaster quests, they give a ton of exp and pretty decent cash. Once you have enough cash buy a bank account and a caravan and start making bank

>> No.21047050

>Don't ask questions, don't think otherwise - get a mount.
Horses have no place on the battlefield! I can't remember the last time I actually equipped a mount for anything other than those "hunt down the fugitive" quests. It is nice to have a few in your inventory, though.

>> No.21047631

If Origins, yes. After grabbing a bunch of the companions.Or at the very least, one with good surgery and first aid, and then a bunch of combat focused ones. Getting surgery high means you'll hardly ever lose units.

>> No.21047640

Gotta be able to afford the companion's recruitment fees. Definitely grab 'em though, I tend to just let them suicide into enemy forces so my gunmen can get into position properly and loose havoc.

>> No.21047742

They're super affordable compared to Tinder. (Which, has them both more powerful and far more expensive.)

>> No.21048175
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Huh, so I just figured out how spear bracing works in Tinder. You enable it in the camp menu and then press K in battle and all units holding a spear will brace, B to brace your own spear. I did it with White Wolf tengu and it put a full stop to a cavalry charge.

These are Maid Knight 3's vs mostly White Wolf 1's.

>> No.21049556

Regarding the story, I've just given the false report about the zombies to byakuren and now there's no telling me where to go next.
What do?

>> No.21049708

me too. I suppose there is more has the new game let me chose something after a fairy rebellion

>> No.21049740

Gather 300 renown and get 50 units. It isn't well-laid out, but that's whatcha gotta do.

>> No.21049873
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also just to let you guys know, I'm having a blast, a weekend full of fun.

only one thing, I love to see some of the stuff from gekokujo daimyo edition, like being a a soldier for a commander, some pre battle strategy stuff and some other stuff for the lord play, like choosing what units you want your lands to generate.

So far I have played more the Tinder edition, it feel more refined, the Origin one is fun but since forever there is a bug that kill my game at random when I enter a map, so is a pain in the ass sometimes.

crtl + F9 is a must to use if you want to coordinarte a nice attack.

Love your work Developers.

>> No.21050368

So am I free to do whatever I want then? can I be someone's vassal? i don't want to break any event flags.

>> No.21050374

Yeah, you can be someone's vassal if you want. I typically recommend being a mercenary before a vassal, but you've gotta play the game your way you know?

Anyways, once you've met the above requirements of 300 Renown and having at least 50 soldiers you'll see a unit called "Scarlet Messengers" approach you. Let them.

>> No.21050399

One more thing though, what's the recommended equipment for kosuzu, akyuu, maribel and renko? they sucked at pretty much everything combat-wise

>> No.21050493

Maribel and Renko are actually expert gunners, so they should be given the strongest firearms you can acquire.

Akyuu and Kosuzu are a little more malleable, but I tend to give them a strong pistol and shield along with a 1h sidearm.

If you ask companions what their skills are in the party menu, if you look at their proficiency you can see what sorts of things they excel at.

>> No.21050566

Should I give them mounts? even though they have 0 horse archery?

>> No.21050618

Depends on the firearms you get them. If the firearm cannot be used on horseback, don't bother with a mount. If it can, go ahead. Mounts in general increase the surviveability of units in this game.

>> No.21050627

Does the horse archery skill matters for firearms?

>> No.21050858

You betcha.

>> No.21050897

Damn, how do I level up my companions then? leveling up seems harder on tinder seems harder than on origins

>> No.21050968

The training skill stacks and helps out a lot if you put points in it all over. Otherwise, just participate in battles and get them kills. If you really must, control one during a battle and kill many many people with them.

>> No.21050982

Are training grounds effective? I could just make them commander for a bit and then do training grounds until they're ready

>> No.21050996

Really early on, yeah. Once you're past level 10 or so ut's sort of a waste of time.

>> No.21052912

What's after the battle where you save cirno? Instructions are vague.

>> No.21053250

That trigger completely broke for me and some anons in a previous thread, so you might need to enable the cheat menu and advance your story progress by one.

>> No.21053264

When you save Cirno? You wander around a bit and you'll see a fairy force in the area where you were hunting fairies. Once defeating them, an event will eventually occur.

>> No.21053976

Dunno if it's been addressed before, but the village of Giant Toad's Pond has an issue when you train the villagers, where the training guys spawn half in the docks and can't escape.

>> No.21054481

actually it seems like they spawn to the right and behind one of the buildings compared to where you start, it's just the path they take to get to you can get them stuck in the ground.

Also the shining needle throwing weapon is thrown like and spins like an axe, and it really seems like it should be thrown like jarids/darts

>> No.21055599

Flaming sword of hisou wen

>> No.21056971

In time anon.

How's our progress so far on development? Is there anything some anons can get their hands on and help with?

>> No.21057044

As far as Tinder goes, I was working on it but some IRL stuff caught up to me so I'm going to be a lot more busy for a few weeks now.

So far here's what I've got for the new patch completed:
New dialogue added for most companions (character conflicts, character matches, home locations)
Edited the UI windows to be more easily readable
Fixed a few broken menus like the bank, etc
Remade quest descriptions and quest names to be more clear (also added triggers needed to progress main story line to certain ones).

Overall it's not an enormous amount but it's a good start. I had been working on editing the map to put Hakurei Shrine closer to the action at the time but my work seems to be put on delay for now.

>> No.21058297

Hey not bad. Hope stuff works out for you fella.

>> No.21058635

Is there a way to get giant fuck-off energy beams for Master Spark emulation? I mean, the Hakkero is there and all.

>> No.21059451

You'd have to create a trigger for it. It's also fairly simple to port triggers from other mods so if you find a big laser beam master spark weapon anywhere else you can grab the trigger.

>> No.21059632

I hadn't documented that one yet. It will probably be easy enough to fix by moving some spawn points around.

>Also the shining needle throwing weapon is thrown like and spins like an axe, and it really seems like it should be thrown like jarids/darts
They and the thrown swords also stick into things handle-first rather than point-first, which looks silly. I'm not sure offhand what needs to be changed to alter that; it's not something I've looked into yet.

I've been taking a break since finishing those last two scene fixes and cleaning some superfluous crap out of the mission templates file. I found a few more toys to play with once I get back to scene editing/making, though, which is what I've found to be the most enjoyable part of Warband modding.

If people are looking for something to contribute: I believe Seija is the Hakurei pretender/claimant in both Origins and Tinder, and she doesn't have dialogue yet.

I'd been considering looking at how the mod handles the particle effects and such for Marisa's master spark spellcard and seeing if I could figure out a way to adapt that into a weapon trigger, but it will probably still be a while before I get around to it.

>> No.21062524


>> No.21063270


>> No.21063765

It'd probably work just by taking the Gungnir Spear and giving it a trail?

>> No.21064158

I pretty much learned everything about M&B modding from working on this mod, so I'm actually not sure how to do that at all.

>> No.21066033

Finally think I was able to make a layout for the Hakurei Shrine area I'm fairly happy with for Tinder. Are there any other areas you guys consider annoying to travel through in the game that I should touch up?

>> No.21066663

I think I don't like all that space where like bhava-agra and reimaiden are. Just a lot of empty space behind it that feels like it should have SOMETHING.

>> No.21066886

Is the 'secret weapon escort' mission on tinder repeatable? what do we get by attacking the escorts?

>> No.21067906

For what I see your are not supposed to attack them even if you see the battle pre menu, you need to talk to them, the. Follow them and protect them from some raiders, then just follow until they get to their destiny

>> No.21069178

Really liking the flavour text fixes. It's small, but they really go a long way in terms of immersion. Good job, anon.

>> No.21069498

Goddamn, I hate Flan so much. We keep getting her army down to her alone, only for her to whittle all my girls down one by one until it's just the two of us left. Stupid SDM bias.

>> No.21069576

So, Bannerlord is going to have a closed beta soon. That might mean the release date is close.
Hopefully the 2hu autism gets to Bannerlord fast and makes the best mods.

>> No.21069896
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>> No.21069913

No way to retreat your peeps?

>> No.21069922

>Bannerlord is going to have a closed beta soon
Do you have a source for that?

>> No.21070313

I see, is the mission repeatable though? since the reward you get is 8k

>> No.21070402

It is. Not instantly, there's like a timer on it. But it's repeatable.

>> No.21070775
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I just want to let you know this has taken me hours to turn this boring piece of flatland into a somewhat less boring piece of land.

>> No.21071666

I appreciate you.

>> No.21071733

Thank you for your work.

>> No.21072068

Just got the scarlet summons and told to hunt down rebels, where to find them tho?

>> No.21072076

oops didn't mean to reply

>> No.21072221

In my case they where around dark manor

>> No.21072260

What's the name of the units?

>> No.21072641

Should just be groups of Fairy 1, 2, and 3's.

>> No.21072969

So what are the race bonuses in Tinder?
I remember fairies having flat HP regen and ghosts having evasion but that's about it
The ones of playable races would be extra nice

>> No.21073098
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Why are the white wolves so fast in this mod? the moriya fucked me up real good even though I have the advantage in numbers. that and suwako takes a million damage to die.

>> No.21073143


>We realise that this overview of Skirmish has probably raised a lot of questions about multiplayer in general, especially for Warband veterans. However, fear not! We will discuss much more about multiplayer in future blogs, including Bannerlord’s new class system, matchmaking, additional game modes, and, of course, details about the upcoming closed beta!

>> No.21073258

Been conquering a few big cities expecting to use the opportunity to turn coat and claim them for myself, only for Kaguya to both of them to me. I'll follow this NEET to the ends of the Earth.

>> No.21073298
File: 264 KB, 850x601, __reisen_udongein_inaba_ringo_and_seiran_touhou_drawn_by_suenari_peace__sample-6a868d5990eb4a624c2cddcdd88e2e13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These mods have really made me appreciate ranged positioning playstyles. Back in vanilla, I just used to lazily charge into troops with near-impossible to kill knights. Dominating battles and demolishing cavalry charges with some Napoleonic rabbits on a hill is immensely more satisfying.

>> No.21073434

Interesting. Still, not holding my breath until there's a defined date.

>> No.21073803

Would you guys be interested in some kind of guide for Tinder? Lots or stuff is confusing. It would just be a general guide outlining stuff like story mode triggers, race bonuses, each factions playstyle, and other mechanics unique to the mod.

>> No.21073816

Infographics are always good for games with obscure mechanics.

>> No.21073851
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This would be nice to see.

>> No.21074137

Tried asking the Chinese for a list of racial bonuses. Here's what I got

>guess we need it as well, actually the one who set up the race system has been missing for over 2 years, since we were a very small team at that time there was no document for this.

They never documented what each racial bonus does and they themselves don't actually no. They said they'd make a rough race info sheet for me but that they don't actually have the numbers.

>> No.21074267
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Holy shit china, get it together.

>> No.21074290

Jesus christ. Everything we hear about the chinks just paints them as an increasingly incompetent trainwreck. I'll honestly be surprised if they don't wind up abandoning Tinder as well if this is how things are going.

>> No.21074297

The Chinese may throw shit together but the West produces nothing so it's probably a wash.

>> No.21074308

Yeah that's the reality of it. The West doesn't have gigantic Touhou fanbases like Japan and we also can't profit from fangames like China can due to their lax copyright laws so we don't make as much content.

>> No.21074978

This better be good. I'm getting massive flashbacks to playing this old Berserk mod for the original Mountain Blade.
Been awhile since I got a good campaign going.

>> No.21075306

I got back to editing some scenes, starting with working on a replacement for the Myouren Cemetary siege scene. The current one is functional, but boring, both in form and function. It consists of a tiny fenced-in area from which the attackers climb a ladder onto a small wall, and that's pretty much it. I should be able to manage something more interesting.

This is my first real game-modding project in general. Previously, I'd never done anything more ambitious than editing some .ini files, altering soundtracks, and making Starcraft maps.

The SDM becomes a lot more manageable if you can get Flan to defect. Alternately, defeating the Scarlets in siege battles until you get at least one of them safely locked away in prison can leave their territories vulnerable.

At minimum, it sounds like it will take them forever to implement any sort of significant improvements to the mod. That said, there is one area where they do appear to severly outclass Tinder-anon and I: the creation of 3D assets. Neither of us would be able to do much without the huge pool of assets they put together.

I might experiment with rigging some meshes later, just to see what's involved and how easy it is to repurpose character models for use in Warband.

>> No.21075571

By the way I'd love to work together with you at some point. I've been thinking for a while that you're very good in the areas where I just don't have your talent, like scene editing and dialogue writing. On the other hand I think I can compliment you in the tedious things that I actually enjoy like map editing, individual troop/item editing, and scripting for weapons/other triggers.

>> No.21075762

I feel the same way; I think our skillsets complement each other pretty well. You clearly outclass me at coding/scripting, and I'm generally pretty impressed with what I've seen of your work. Additionally, now that some of the novelty has worn off, I find myself wanting to focus more on the modding elements I enjoy and have some skill at, rather than continuing to bang my head against problems I'm not really equipped to solve. I'm open to the idea of pooling our efforts together, though I have no specific proposal right at the moment.

>> No.21075851

Maybe both of you just finish off Origins since I think it's a lesser endeavor than Tinder to make a 'complete' version for? Just keep in contact with the Chinese to stay abreast of the changes and then you both can work on that.

>> No.21075865

I think if we need help with anything the other has already worked on/wants to work on, we could make it a lot easier just by having some form of consistent communication. We can decide which version to work on first anyway, and I can keep you in contact with the Chinese guys. I don't know if you use Steam/Discord/email/Pony Express/smoke signals to communicate but whatever you want to use I can just provide my info and we can stay in touch more easily that way.

>> No.21075978

Email is fine with me. I don't linger much in any chat-oriented programs these days, and you're likely too distant for smoke signals to be viable.

>> No.21076032

tinderanonjp@gmail.com. Feel free to shoot it an email. Actually anybody who'd like to contribute to working on either version of the mod can shoot that an email and we can see if we can coordinate ourselves a bit.

>> No.21076553

I'm new here. Is this for Warband only?

>> No.21076604

Would totally be okay if all efforts shifted from Origins and Tinder to a /jp/ collaborated effort to make a 2hu mod. I want to make babies with my favorite 2hus and lead our children to glory.

>> No.21076810

Obviously it would be a joint effort between us and Tinder guy porting everything to the next version, but having a male outsider scenario is something that I've personally been working on.
Don't expect for things to start easy, though. This isn't an isekai. Or maybe it technically is, but not that kind.

>> No.21076986

this mod only works for bannerlord

>> No.21078921

>Don't expect for things to start easy, though.
Could it be hard like how playing a commoner woman would be in vanilla? Or do you have something a little more creative in mind than just a RtR climb. I'd be all for either.

>> No.21079415

I played around with particle effects a little, and inadvertently created an animated flame/lava geyser scene prop. I think I'll call that a successful experiment, even though it's a little ugly and not what I was actually trying to make.

I also made quite a bit of progress on some earthworks-style fortifications around Myouren Cemetary. That should help give the place a unique look, rather than being basically indistinguishable from a Native siege scene.

Yes, it's for Warband.

>> No.21079602
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So it turns out there's this one she-chink (the original author of Origins apparently) that went through Tinder and fixed like 90% of the bugs, so the mod author invited her to work on the team. She accepted so she could just steal the source code and then run off and make her own Touhou mods with it. Then out of spite the mod author refused to use her bug fixes in any version of the mod. I'm usually not one for gossip but this stuff is great.

I had actually been looking for a texture of the sort to decorate the hell/geyser area with. That's pretty useful.

>> No.21079641

Holy shit that's hilarious

>> No.21080159

What are chances she actually has list of racial bonuses?

>> No.21080192

That's actually not too important now. They were able to track down the programmer who made it and he said he'd make a detailed list of bonuses. I also found that list of bonuses myself in the source code myself, if you want I could just pastebin the code for you guys to see the modifiers (messy to read) or give it day or two and if the guy doesn't actually make the list, I can just make one for you guys. Which do you prefer?

>> No.21080993

What the hell? What kind of fucking backwards baboon tribe are we dealing with here? More and more shit like this keeps coming up that it makes me seriously concerned that you are gonna be in for some bullshit eventually if you keep working with these people.

>> No.21080999

Wait for his list and if it sucks, your own will be better.

The ride has already begun and will probably never end.

>> No.21081008

Nah don't worry about it. I've barely done any work for them and they actually help me with my work. I just gave them a bunch of translated files which is stuff I'm working on anyway and they're already grateful for that.

>> No.21081465

probably because more work has been done in the past few weeks than they have gotten done in a couple years

>> No.21082765

I've finished transferring my current progress to the csv files, now I'm rewriting the next chapter. I have to say it's a heck of a lot easier to write with normal spaces instead of underscores.
- Editor anon

>> No.21082881

Just rebind space to underscore
There's no way it could go wrong

>> No.21082967

Why is there no kaname stone ride in the mods? that would've been perfect for tenshi

>> No.21083948

Wouldn't work since there are also legitimate uses for the underscore, copying and correcting (if necessary, the scene tags. Also, it's not just the underscore, but also the various data stuck between the scene tag and the dialogue string itself that is a challenge to manage, as one wrong delete or missed space would break the scene. With the csv format, I only need to worry about the scene id and string, conveniently separated by a |.

>> No.21084836

In Origins, does Reimu even have a hitbox? Is it wonky, or just a cheeky reference to the original games?

>> No.21085275

She wasn't unusual in that regard previously, but I haven't fought her since importing her Tinder model and skeleton. I'll look into it later.

>> No.21085517

Just in case this happens to be the issue: she carries a shield with an unusual appearance, and could just be blocking attacks.

>> No.21085598

Just to chime in on this, I've fought her in a tournament once and I couldn't hit her. I could clearly hear when I hit her shield, but everything else would just whiff through her.

>> No.21085605

Great job, looking forward to seeing how the next one turns out.

>> No.21086025

That means the skeleton is fucked up
If the size of the skeleton was replaced at all, and doesn't line up with what's supposed to be Reimu's actual skeleton, you just flat out can't hit her
Either a problem with the mod or you moved files around or something. Doubt it's the latter.

>> No.21086178

I am able to reproduce this, and I see now that I made a stupid mistake when porting over skeletons. I thought hitbox data was stored with the skeleton, but it's actually in a separate file. I should be able to fix it momentarily.

>> No.21086293

That was easy enough. This will make it so that Reimu, Remilia, Youmu, and others using that skeleton are no longer intangible. Just replace the old skeleton_bodies file in the mod's data folder with this one:

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Given how few characters are using that skeleton, it probably would have taken a while for me to notice.

>> No.21087347
File: 328 KB, 769x1000, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_yaza__56b0552f4ddfb98146ebbe93b82b68f2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem. I've been running in terror from them for the past few hours of gameplay, with Reimu singlehandedly storming our barricades and going full protagonist on my army's collective ass.

>> No.21087582

Reimu is hard enough to deal with when she isn't literally untouchable, especially during castle assaults. She tends to draw and withstand a ton of fire, which allows her honor guard to reach the front lines at full strength and massacre everyone. I would rather face any other lord in that situation, even Remilia. At least Remilia might miss with Gungnir and kill her own troops or something.

>> No.21087620

are there any plans to give other faction leaders like Byakuren and Miko spell card like things like Remilia has?

>> No.21087941

I have some interest in doing that, but I would need to learn more about weapon triggers and particle effects before I could make an attempt at it. I'm also lacking in ideas regarding what sort of weapon effects would be appropriate for a lot of major lords, including the two you listed.

>> No.21088131

Reimu is just really tired of your shit and is going Fantasy Heaven on your ass.

>> No.21088262

Byakuren could have something themed like Devils Recitation

Specifically Shinki's; just deal anywhere from 5 to 10 damage to all units in battle on both sides.

>> No.21088524
File: 76 KB, 508x561, More judging than Eiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At worst you can give them automatic danmaku shotgun that holds a bunch of ammo without any more ammo in their inventory so they shoot off some generic stuff until they get something more unique

>> No.21088550 [DELETED] 




>> No.21088587

What's the story for this claimant? A rogue Flandre clone who took on a life of her own?

>> No.21088592

How does that work anyway? What defines the appearance of shot coming out of a gun with no supplied ammo?

>> No.21088609

You could probably make a gun with infinite (absurdly large) magazine size. Iirc, it might just take the default bullet particle, having equipped guns without ammo.

>> No.21089156

That's more or less the idea I'm planning to run with for the SDM claimant. Though the "rogue clone" may or may not just be a ploy set in motion by Flandre to seize power for herself. "I didn't turn against my sister! It was my evil clone!"

>> No.21089734

This does explain how Reimu became the tyrant of the Human Village overnight, and makes logical sense: in an all out war, Reimu isn't gonna play nice and send out oni to kick your ass while she's busy doing her best impression of the Juggernaut using her god-granted right to invincibility.

>> No.21091948

Kanako having Tenshi's earthquakes, Satori copying the commander's gear, Byakuren getting a seven hitbox shotgun, Miko getting sword beams, Reimu getting fantasy heaven, and Kaguya getting up a few times when defeated?

>> No.21095590

Got the list of racial bonuses. Gonna do some google translate fu and upload it in a few hours.

>> No.21096471

Waiting warmly

>> No.21098111

What's the point of tenshi's earthquake?
doesn't seem to hurt anybody

>> No.21098448

literally to be annoying to both sides. if you don't like it you can remove her sword of hisou. there are stronger swords for her anyway

>> No.21098754

What are the best equipment in tinder? how to stop getting raped by the 2hu characters?

>> No.21098817

I finished making a new siege scene for Myouren Cemetary, and wrote dialogue for the Hakurei and SDM claimants.

It causes a tiny bit of damage sometimes, though I'm unclear on how that is determined. It mostly just makes a mess on the battlefield, but it can have a huge impact on maps that have choke points, like most siege scenes.

>> No.21099854

Lunar Sniper Rifle, hands down. Snipe them to death, preferably on horseback.

>> No.21100057

Touhou - Tinder Racial Bonuses Spreadsheet

This took a bit longer to complete because the notes I was sent were incomplete. But here they are:


>> No.21100976

This is pretty fucking impressive, too bad the guy who did all that is dead.
Thanks as always anon.

>> No.21101141


>> No.21101171
File: 45 KB, 453x508, 1533737684106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based anon

>> No.21101174

Making changes to these stats isn't too hard though. I'll probably go back and give real stats to Kappa at some point.

>> No.21101178

What if I haven't beat the main story?

>> No.21101187

The Celestial Blade is great. Big fucking sword that KOs instead of killing. Netherworld Plate is some of the best armor, along with Half-plate and a Kabuto. I believe Oni Deva's Mail is the best armor set in the game but you need like 27 strength to wear it.

>> No.21101191

Where can I get them?

>> No.21101203

Everything is just sold in shops. None of the items are designated to only be sold at certain cities or anything so you just have to keep checking shop lists til you find this kinda stuff. You can also get pretty good cosplay armor by getting like 15-20 relationship with a lord/vassal and asking them for their cosplay set, or imprisoning them and releasing them.

>> No.21101399

More starting options when?
Also consider sticking it into readme folder with game files

>> No.21101415

If some anons want to create some very basic flavor text along the lines of what's already used at the game start menu when choosing race options, that would make my work a bit easier.

>> No.21101526

There's also a chance where you can get Lunar Sniper Rifles if you raid Lunarian camps. Not sure how rare those are, though.

>> No.21101568

>Human race is hard mode
I guess that is to be expected
Where can I find lunarian camps?

>> No.21101580

So apparently things like doll slavers and kappa farmers are still humans according to troop trees in reports menu
Also going non-human > whatever > back leads to human menu for selecting how you came to be in gensokyo

>> No.21101633

I talked with the Chinese and apparently since they were unable to balance certain races properly, they didn't assign the races to units. Some of them they were just lazy about though, so that's something I'll have to fix.

Thanks for the heads up on the menu bug, I'll take a look.

>> No.21102030

There are Lunarian troops (I forgot their exact name) that randomly spawn in the map. Their camps should be around where they are, or just follow them around.

>> No.21102693

>those hourai doll stats

Pure kino

>> No.21103138

How do you turn off the top right map in battles

>> No.21103331

I'd love to, but looking at all the dialog files from a normal text editor is headache inducing. Are there any better tools for the job?

>> No.21103831
File: 2 KB, 237x35, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notepad++ has a bunch of colour schemes bundled in
I personally use Bespin, it's easier on the eyes

>> No.21104095

I don't believe that's possible, unfortunately. I dislike the minimap, and the only reason I haven't tried to remove it previously is that it's helpful for identifying where enemy troops are during siege battles when they spawn in inaccessible locations. Now that I've largely dealt with that issue, I might look into stripping the minimap out. It's ugly, takes up a bunch of screen space, and harms immersion.

>> No.21104107

Could just make it so you can only see it when you press backspace. That way you get the tactical advantage without having it eat your screen. Or reduce the size of it.

>> No.21104118

How can you do that? Backspace brings up orders
I can't find a command to remove the minimap at all

>> No.21104139

open the orders menu (backspace) then press ESC to open the main menu, close it, and then you get rid of the mini map for that battle (unless you press backspace )

>> No.21104143

In Tinder it's kinda weird. The minimap often seems to go away on its own and to bring it back up you press backspace. Not sure if that's how it works in Origins.

>> No.21104321

I know that mods like 12TH have option to disable the minimap

>> No.21104375

So, which is more fun? Tinder or Origins?

>> No.21104425

Perhaps one day you'll no longer have to choose. :^)

>> No.21105475

You press M, at least in Tinder
It also disappears if you enter the character menu

Please don't

>> No.21106201

After playing Tinder for awhile, I'm curious. Does anyone know what determines when you deal double damage? Also, do any of the lords ever hire mercenaries for campaigns? The tavern keeper says they're hiring, but they haven't offered it to me a single time in all the hours I've played.

>> No.21106298

Checking the scripts it looks like it's calculated as attacker agility & attacker weapon master skill vs defender agility, and then they take that formula and shoot out a number, roll RNG out of 1000, and any roll under that number is a double damage hit.

And yeah you should definitely get hired at some point. They might not offer it to you if you're low renown though. I've gotten the offer by asking for tasks from vassals.

>> No.21106305

The minimap disappears when you are in the commands menu (backspace) and you press Esc (pause).

You bring it back by pressing backspace again and exiting commands menu normally.

>> No.21106314

I don't even know how it's calculated in normal Mount and Blade. I always assumed that only a specific vassal out of an entire realm will give out a merc job, and it seems to be random (not always the marshall, not always the highest ranked vassal in the realm, etc)

>> No.21106385

I'll keep trying then. Maybe my renown was the problem. One thing I noticed when trying to get hired is that there always seems to be one vassal who constantly hires you to try and start wars with other kingdoms. I don't know how far they go with it, but I got that mission three times consecutively from one person before I had to decline. I didn't want to be on the shit list of every other kingdom. Not sure if that's intended, but it is amusing.

Anyways, thanks for the responses.

>> No.21108639
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playing as akyuu drive-by shooting youkais is really fun. On another note though, just found some lunarian scums, should I take them out?

>> No.21108667

You'll probably get rekt unless you outnumber them 4-1 or have your own moon rabbits AND outnumber them 2-1

>> No.21108710

Well shit should've said it sooner, my whole fucking infantry got wiped out. how the hell did they fire so fast?

>> No.21108718

Racial bonus of 135% to fire rate and 115% to accuracy.

>> No.21108719

Moon rabbits have insane reload rates.

>> No.21108768

Can I get them in my unit?

>> No.21109209

Not the elites, outside of taking them prisoner from Eientei lords and recruiting from those.

Still, the Moon Rabbit 3 is impressive, even if it is not Moon Rabbit Ranger/Commando.

>> No.21109212

Kagerou being a bloodthirsty warmonger always pushing for war never fails to crack me up.

>> No.21109227

It sort of makes sense for Rumia, in a strange way

>> No.21109740

Why is celestial sword's tip on fire? why not the whole blade?

>> No.21110910

She made a good wife. Supported all my war choices.

I made her marshal and she starts going around with an army of 200-400 powerful soldiers. Always went to the place I most needed her and saved my army more than once. Took some major cities without my help too.
10/10 would marry again.

On another note, Rin fucking loves doing feasts. I had like 80% of all of the vassals, and yet she was the one constantly having feasts.

>> No.21112045

In case anyone's wondering, Sakuya's quest in Tinder where she tells you to "kill 0/10 and 0/2" means to kill 10 bandit parties and destroy 2 bandit hideouts.
The cruciform shield you get from it is really good. The size is so large that it protects you while it's down.

It's a little silly that it KOs enemies while the wooden buster sword doesn't

>> No.21112062

Anyone know where race identifier files are stored for Tinder? I want to see how much I can play around with as well as correct some misapplied instances (Namazu is considered human, for instance)

>> No.21112128

Source files, it's pretty much impossible to edit without them cause it's done in scripts.txt and just shows up as strings of completely random numbers. I'd share them openly but the Chinese would probably roast me like a dog if I were to do so. Shoot me an email and we can figure something out, otherwise I plan on going through and fixing all those myself anyway.

>> No.21112270
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Aye. Hit me up on Strongest@Chiru.no - I've been doing my own modifications sporadically in Origins, and have been looking to play around with the structure of Tinder some more.

One thing I noticed is that the otherwise out of place male underwear armor is a great fit for Sinsacks, making them much closer resemble their "traditional" appearance on the field. Was that perhaps whoever included them's intention for their use?

>> No.21112392

Any particular patched version of warband or anything works?

>> No.21112403

Whatever's newest on Steam. It's like 1.174.

>> No.21112504


>> No.21113611

When are we getting flying battles?

>> No.21113616

Never, thankfully

>> No.21113622

When are we getting spellcards?

>> No.21117102

Better question is when will we get custom troop trees

>> No.21118837
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Tinder anon here. Origins anon and I have decided to partner to make a merged mod and have already started working on it. We're using Tinder as the base (mostly because Origins has proved to be quite unstable at times due to a lot of outdated modkits being used). After discussing things with him quite a bit we both realized that we have fairly identical goals with the mod and our talents compliment each other fairly well.

Something we've both agreed to collaborate on is that even if we're going with the Tinder version, the maps of both Tinder & Origins are severely flawed so we're probably going to start from scratch and create a new one entirely. There are several other things we've been discussing over the past few days, but at the moment he's working towards making unique textures for landscapes, so the Underworld doesn't look like a generic desert anymore and actually looks like Hell, and I'm working on troop renaming alongside another anon (giving more unique names than just Miko 1) as well as balancing troops to be more functional.

Looking forward to seeing how everything comes together!

>> No.21118875

>the maps of both Tinder & Origins are severely flawed so we're probably going to start from scratch and create a new one entirely

As a much earlier geography autism anon, does this mean I'll actually be able to play the mod and not have some weird feeling in the back of my mind at all times?

>> No.21118885

If you have geography autism I actually wouldn't mind hearing your take on how you would structure the geography of the map.

>> No.21118959

Will you be keeping Tinder's story mode? That's really one of the unique features I liked about it.

>> No.21118973

The story mode is already optional so there's no reason to take it out, I enjoy story mode too. Besides I know there's an anon out there still working on making it less Engrish and I'm not planning on disappointing him by removing story mode for no good reason.

>> No.21118982

Oh that sounds good. Good luck to the both of you guys.

>> No.21119106
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'merged /jp/ 2humod when'fag here.
This is truly marvellous news.
Do you guys have a set out plan for the overmap? What canon will you be basing it on?
As a second note, while it is good to be faithful to source lore, the map must also be interesting and fun to traverse. Though I'm sure that's a given for you, seeing as you are already redoing the old ones.

>> No.21119173

I'm the person who has been modding Origins, so I'll add my own thoughts here as well.

After some investigation and discussion, I do think it should be possible to combine the strengths of both mods without really losing much of anything. Collaborating on this also opens up a lot of new possibilities, as we have somewhat different skillsets, and I at least feel like I can focus more on the minutiae of the mod if I'm not obligated to tackle basically everything myself. I've had ideas for a lot of improvements that could be made for a long time that I never got around to attempting, because it seemed like there was always something more pressing and important to work on. I should be able to spend more time on things I'm actually good at rather than banging my head against the awful mess that is the decompiled Origins source code.

Overhauling the map will probably take a bit of time and effort, but it should be worthwhile. The map has a big impact on the flow of the game and whether or not the setting feels genuine.

Some oddities are inevitable just due to the nature of the mod, in which Gensokyo houses a number of sprawling queendoms. There are also a few concessions that need to be made for the sake of gameplay. We'll probably still end up with something more accurate to the setting than either of the current maps, though.

Right now we're mostly still at the planning and asset preparation stages. We have a reasonably good idea of what we want to accomplish and how, it's just a matter of bringing those ideas together into an outline that can then be fleshed out and polished.

>> No.21119193

If I could make a suggestion: More really needs to be done to differentiate towns, castles and villages. It could be as simple as a font size change.

>> No.21119405

Anon who was giving you the siege map info here. Glad to here the collab is happening since that was something worrying me since two parallel projects sprung up. I would offer to dip my hand into the coding aspect of things, but as I pointed out prior, there's no point in having multiple hands in the same files. I've done several modding projects in my spare time including the Era games, but have a mostly traditional coding focus from my work.

Nonetheless, if you think you have something you could set aside that you don't think you'll be touching for the time being, I wouldn't be opposed to taking on the task. I ask because you and Tinderanon would have a better idea. Too many hands on code files slows progress.

Other than that, I suppose I'll drop a few things I noted from my time playing both games.

-Assuming you are using quests from Tinder, several of them bug out. I've already reported cases I've found. I think this is a medium priority task. Not exactly high since this can be gotten around. However, something you might want to implement is something that -resets- quest flags in debug mode. The bugs I ran into, based on how they broke things, seemed to involve flags for quests being out of order as a result of other quests. This at least should be an easy addition and one that should make the original problem a lower priority.

-Lunarian Earth Posts. These are really hard to fight on land.(to the point my units where getting smoked before they even killed a single rabbit) Maybe my units and I never got high enough level, as I stopped Tinder to return to other projects, but I had devaplate, 27 strength, and my companions were several of the bought ones that start with good stats and good gear I bought them. If someone whose gotten further than I have(started their own kingdom in it for instance) could confirm whether these are a lost cause to fight currently, it would be appreciated. If they are, I'd propose toning them down a bit unless they are meant to be stupidly powerful. Hopefully the rewards are worth it then.

-Male characters? I'm indifferent, but I think some mentioned this being a desire.

-My own personal request. I want to marry Kosuzu. Can I marry Kosuzu? If not, make it so that I can marry Kosuzu. I would rank this somewhere between high and highest priority from my extensive time with both of the mods, thanks. Lower priority: If possible I think some people may want to be able to marry any of the characters, including the rulers. Assuming that is possible.

Also, this. Big time.

>> No.21119850

Where do the fairy rebels spawn after you accept fighting them from Sakuya?

>> No.21119858

Around Dark Manor

>> No.21120167

It's basically minor stuff like the Hakurei shrine being the easternmost location, Youkai mountain being opposite the bamboo forest (relative to the human village), Nameless hill being opposite of the human village, (relative to Youkai Mountain), the garden of the sun being on the south side of the mountain, Kourindou being in between the human village and forest of magic etc etc.

>> No.21120190

I'll definitely let you know if there's any burning task I can't complete and you want to take a crack at it.

As far as a quest flag reset goes, I wouldn't have a clue how to code that in. There's a debug menu that let's you jump around in the questline but that's about as far as it gets right now.

The Lunarian Posts are actually something one of my friends became an expert at clearing out. If you shoot one of the Lunar Infantry units, it'll draw most of them to charge your location, so you engage them around a mountain or a cliff where they don't have time to shoot you. After you kill one you take their rifle and start sniping Moon Bunnies. Think less Mount & Blade and more Metal Gear Solid.

Male characters can probably be added but not extremely high priority.

As far as I'm aware you can marry a companion if you turn them into a vassal for your kingdom.

Good idea, I'll see what I can do.

> Kourindou being in between the human village and forest of magic
I thought that part was actually accurate.

>> No.21120201

Make Kozusu a lord and then marry her.

>> No.21120215

I should clarify, the locations I mentioned are how things are supposed to be, but the current map (for origins, i'm assuming tinder doesn't change much) has a few issues such as kourindou being between the shrine and human village, the bamboo forest being opposite the SDM, and the garden of the sun being literally next to/within the SDM

>> No.21122401

Awesome, keep us updated

>> No.21122721

So are we done with the chinese?

>> No.21124253

They said they don't want anyone independently modding Tinder because it's "plagiarism" (even though they took all the Origins assets without permission to create a new mod), so in a sense we've always been done with them.

>> No.21124958

so is this going to be posted on ModDb or something when its done?

Whats the mod proper called? Tinder?
first time seeing it looks interesting

>> No.21124974

Who needs to bother? Everyone's here. The devs, the writers, the players. Often, all three at the same time.

>> No.21125611

Threads don't stay up forever anon, and discussion may die down whenever it is finished.

>> No.21125668

And that's fine. That how things should be.

>> No.21125858

the finished product should still be kept SOMEWHERE aside from anon's hard drive

>> No.21125922

Yeah, like the 15 or so anons who download and play it. Just chill, anon. Origins was still somehow salvaged out of the darkness after being lost to history for years. The stuff made here won't just vanish into the aether if and when these threads die.

>> No.21126019

The situation is a bit precarious right now since anything I "officially" publish will cause a Chink uprising, and will continue to do so until they decide to get off their asses and upload their stuff on the Steam Workshop. Don't get me wrong, I don't care, but if they come out of the woodworks and start screaming that we stole their mod it's gonna get ugly.

>> No.21126221

It's better off keeping it in these threads until you are all done with it, then. For sure.

Tinderanon, do the chinks know you represent /jp/ or are you just some westerner looking to get in on the mod team to them?

>> No.21126256

The latter. I'm not sure they even know what /jp/ is. They're not very clever because they've not once thought to ask what the "western community" is, but I don't even intend on telling them much even if they ask.

>> No.21126267

Hilarious. These guys are so cartoonishly incompetent it's a wonder that they have anything to show at all.

>> No.21126310

At the very least, you should keep a thin veneer of cooperation with them, if only so you could keep getting the newest models, which is the one of the points of credit I could give them chinks.

>> No.21126763

>They said they don't want anyone independently modding Tinder because it's "plagiarism" (even though they took all the Origins assets without permission to create a new mod)
Typical chinese mentality

>> No.21126772

They sound more up their own asses than fan translators.

>> No.21127473

Gonna upload the newest version of Tinder here in a bit. I've been holding onto a lot of changes for a while so I want to upload the newest stuff so you guys get the fixes/changes as well as Origins anon + any other potential modders are working off the same version as me. I'm a bit tired so I'll just upload the full version & changelog right now, and I'll add the update file only version and describe what is and isn't savegame compatible in the morning.

>> No.21127495

Editor anon here. Have you been playing around with the .csv files, in particular menu and dialogues? Just so I know if I need to merge things or if I could just plain overwrite the csvs with my own.

>> No.21127517

Mostly troops but I did re-do a lot of companion dialogue lines and a few menu lines. There isn't a huge amount to merge I would imagine.

>> No.21127541

Thanks for the info. I have a merging tool so it should be easy enough.

>> No.21127624
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Alrighty, here it is.

Changelog: https://pastebin.com/4GQRSZTR

I'll answer any questions and do the other stuff in the morning.

>> No.21127691


>> No.21128440

Can I just copy paste this to the mod folder?

>> No.21129606

Any thoughts of potentially adding the freelancer sub mod to this eventually?

Always fun to do in early game or RPing just a soldier or ever day fairy or something

>> No.21129859

Yes that works. I renamed the entire mod folder instead of just the archive by mistake.

>> No.21129989

So I can't use my current save, right?

>> No.21130224

As far as saves go, you can still use your current save. Nothing will be broken but troop stat changes, map changes, and banner changes won't apply until the next new game you start.

You CAN just drag this folder onto your current Tinder folder. It's the same stuff, but I just renamed it by accident. Infact you have to do that to preserve your savegames.

I'm gonna go put together the upgrade only files. Hopefully I'm able to make things a bit more clear in the next thread.

>> No.21130376

Touhou Tinder April 7th Ver (Update files only)


>> No.21130776

save compatible

>> No.21130923

Appreciate the work. Both mods have already come a long way, looking forward to the collab.

>> No.21131488

Could some anons come up with possible names for this new version?

>> No.21131522

Great news, thank you for your hard work, and good luck.

>> No.21131601 [DELETED] 
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but at the moment he's working towards making unique textures for landscapes, so the Underworld doesn't look like a generic desert anymore
I hope you make this map in particular look better
The actual castle is pretty cool to siege with its multiple staircases and platforms, but the surrounding area is...

>> No.21131613

You know they even had a good idea going with the cavern thing, the execution was just... something else.

>> No.21131741

Since it's based on Tinder, I'd just go with Tinder-E (for english) or something
