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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2101731 No.2101731 [Reply] [Original]

With millions of weaboos around the world heading towards Japan, and American media influencing daily life over there, will Japan become another boring Europe-like nation, with no fascinating culture?

>> No.2101745

Zoos were created so that animals that would normally go extinct get preserved for the novelty of looking at them and being amazed at how "exotic" they are.

>> No.2101746

Touhou is the future of Japanese culture. Go figure.

>> No.2101747

Japanese culture is already dead.

>> No.2101748

So are you suggesting we put elevens in zoos?

>> No.2101752

I don't think weeaboos will kill Japanese culture, mostly because there's nothing left of it for them to kill.

>> No.2101757

/jp/ - touhou

oh wait.

>> No.2101766

Their culture will simply be replaced with a more superior one, one that is based on modern standards instead of those of centuries ago. Fascinating as they may be, backwards culture is backwards.

>> No.2101780

Japanese culture? What culture?
It stop being such when they started mimicking Prussia in everything.

>> No.2101794

yes, yes, nice trolling everyone.

>> No.2101791

Fuck that picture is depressing.

That's more or less how it was when I was over there though.

Just like everywhere else.

>> No.2101797


>> No.2101821

Wait, people go to Japan expecting to see the Japanese living in the stone age or something?

>> No.2101824


They still drink tea.

>> No.2101839


Why are there three people wearing surgical masks in that photo?

>> No.2101847


trolling aside, majority of the western population probably do expect to see less modernized version of their own society in Japan unfortunately.

>> No.2101848

they are sick/dont want to get sick/allergies

>> No.2101851

OP is a racist.

>> No.2101868


That's... weird.

I've never seen anyone just walking around with a surgical mask in the US.

>> No.2101878

we don't get stuffed into full subways and buses everyday

>> No.2101879

It's an allergy mask, not a surgical mask.

>> No.2101882

It's common in E. Asia (Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, etc.). It helps filter out some of the pollution in the air.

>> No.2101894

My god, you'd almost think different places have different cultural habits. What a strange thought.

>> No.2101907

jews destroyed european culture long ago

>> No.2101916

jews made the European culture

>> No.2101942


I'll try to remain nonplussed the next time I see an Arab walking down a crowded street wearing ice skates.

>> No.2101981

Thinking about what that man must be feeling made me cry manly tears.
Isn't America supposedly the icon for the modern world? Well... maybe it was up until recently... sucks as of late, but yeah it's fucked up over here, don't give me that backwards country bullshit because America is totally full of assholes, at least most people in Japan are nice, even the racists usually try to be polite in telling you to fuck off when you try going to their "Japanese-only" shit. And Japan still holds onto the traditional family aspect more than America does... well maybe not all that much if you exclude the niggers, but still.

>> No.2102031

You mean those Jewish Greeks

>> No.2102038

>Isn't America supposedly the icon for the modern world?

>it's fucked up over here,
okay, let's hear the explanation

>don't give me that backwards country bullshit because America is totally full of assholes
there are no country not full of assholes

>at least most people in Japan are nice, even the racists usually try to be polite in telling you to fuck off when you try going to their "Japanese-only" shit.
they aren't, they are same human beings as us. their society has taught them to just be polite no matter what and hold everything in. America is the perfect balance of being truthful while maintaining only the necessary courtesy, not bullshit hours of compliments that both sides know don't mean shit.

>And Japan still holds onto the traditional family aspect more than America does... well maybe not all that much if you exclude the niggers, but still.
are you fucking kidding me? yeah we have thousands of dumbasses divorcing with teen pregnancies and all that crap, but the Japanese family values are there solely so that they won't be looked down upon by others. divorce and such will basically ruin your reputation in the society so no one thinks of it. it is common for fathers to never see their children more than an hour a day and talk to their children more than courtesy greeting. I can go on about the the fakeness of their so called values.

>> No.2102062

>europe, boring, no culture

Go back to your american rifestyre, we no want american gaijin.

>> No.2102068

actually it's because they are sick and don't want to infect the others.

but how should a weeaboo like you know.

>> No.2102076

>With millions of weaboos around the world heading towards Japan

This is not the case.

>American media influencing daily life over there

Japan has plenty of its own media in the form of variety shows, dramas, anime, music, etc. With all of the entertainment they produce I doubt that American media has as much of an influence as you think it does.

Tea isn't traditional English culture. They took it from the Chinese.

>> No.2102077

oh hai superior Japanese

>> No.2102084

it does have an influence though.

>> No.2102087

Because I've lived in Singapore and Taiwan for several years. Also, not a weeaboo. ┐(´ー`)┌

>> No.2102088


>> No.2102101


>> No.2102115

>'ello I am on 4ch and post in the japanese board and I am a wannabe-japanese. sadly my inferior genetics only made me go to fucking china so far...

>> No.2102114

An influence, yes, but it's not like their entire culture is being completely displaced by American media like how the OP makes it sound.

>> No.2102154


>> No.2102159


>> No.2104294
File: 115 KB, 1024x779, 1234954380782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol barbaric gaijin.

>> No.2104341

its not the gaijin, its the young japs that are ending their culture.
no-one wants to grow rice on a farm so they move to the cities and thus the dieing old people are left to feed everyone.
also, no one wants to spend years practicing the tradional training of being a geisha anymore.
also, their national sport isnt even their sport. more people watch baseball than sumo wrestling because the government, and changing times pressures them into westernizing and thus give up their culture for the world market.
etc, etc.
like every country, their culture will eventually become restricted to text books, tv shows, and museums.

at least they're not like europe and allow an influx of muslims. otherwise they would have lost their culture waaaaay long ago.

>> No.2104362
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>> No.2104365
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>> No.2104367

japanese "culture" if you could even call it that, is terrible and only a step above savage inferior african nations. It is a good thing it is dying out.

>> No.2104369
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>> No.2104371

Korean spotted.

>> No.2104373
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>> No.2104374
File: 92 KB, 802x574, 1234956338156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Korea, right?

>> No.2104380
File: 83 KB, 355x450, 1234956630082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don know your color of skin. but European stole ukiyoe from Japan in Edo period.

>> No.2104399

Japan always adapts other cultures to their needs and then tosses them away when they're finished. This situation is no different. Worry about more simple minded nations like China which already show signs of a future complete loss of culture.

>> No.2104419

You're claiming Europe doesn't have culture? It's the exat opposite. We've kept in touch with our culture, while also having access to every aspect of American/global culture. If anything, it's the arabs who are destroying our culture.

As for America, I don't think any countries see them as an ideal, unless they're from some third world shithole.

>> No.2104434

I used to think Europe, where I live, had no culture.
Than I began studying other cultures and noticed that we do infact have cultures.

The Japanese culture have a tactic of only picking up good stuff. Just like they picked up Chinese architecture and "Japanized" it, they'll be picking up American things to "Japanize" them.

It is literally impossible for the entire world to be submerged into one single culture. Regions will always develop things that make them different from others.

>> No.2104437

>It is literally impossible for the entire world to be submerged into one single culture.
No shit. Every human being would have to be exactly the same for that to happen.

>> No.2104575


>> No.2104582
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>> No.2104591

japan will die from population implosion

>> No.2104603
File: 78 KB, 420x559, 1234963388338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a talent for restating the obvious.

>> No.2104627

They still speak Japanese don't they?

>> No.2104706
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>> No.2104713

Rice farming isn't culture, and just a few hundred years ago there were no geisha at all. Your arguments are as retarded as saying americans are killing their culture because nobody wants to be cowboy any more.
