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21028723 No.21028723 [Reply] [Original]


round 1 usa/half-functional e-amuse shills get fucked edition

>> No.21030082

playing data is cheatimg

>> No.21030556

in 20 years: downloading data into our brain that lets us MAX-0 everything is cheating

>> No.21030561

i mean it wouldn't really be any fun if we get robot arms and perfectplay everything

>> No.21030563

also this is a shit op, keep your rage to yourself
i'm actually annoyed i validated the thread by replying

>> No.21030570

new to rhythm games threads, why do people think sdvx sucks dick? is it a meme or actual complaint?

>> No.21030725

Low skill ceiling, shitty music overlaid with obnoxious effects, insufferable niwaka fanbase

>> No.21030734

enjoy your outdated games faggot

>> No.21030765

>tfw ddr extreme is still the best bemani game

>> No.21030848


playing cannonballers instead of rootage is a small price to pay for a perfectly maintained machine where the turntable surface isn't completely peeled up and the cab volume is perfect

>> No.21030890

implying people havent been playing rootage for months

>> No.21030931
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It's not even the best game that ran on the 573.

>> No.21030943

(hint: they have)
news flash: CB data

>> No.21030970

tfw one obnoxiously loud butthurt faggot thinks that he can guilt trip people into changing how they've been playing for over 10 years with some moral fagottry

>> No.21030999

It's genuine aversion most of the time because this thread is full of old people. Overproduced electronic music, vocaloid, touhou remixes, anime boobs, a gentle difficulty curve, and now anime songs. It's pretty much the ultimate boomer repellent. Imo it's the best bemani game though.

>> No.21031008


I play data at home, but playing on a cab is more fun

>> No.21031015

Why am I looking at a pile of shit?

>> No.21031203

>gentle difficulty curve
maybe like sub 16 but none of that shit matters because it's not hard

>> No.21031316

iidx is hard lol

>> No.21031527

sdvxs difficulty curve sucks.
honestly konami shot themselves on the foot making high level sdvx gameplay all about absurd speed

>> No.21031575

another "VIP" has been "removed" from the "community"

>> No.21031580


>> No.21031592

i'm assuming this is referring to mouseish

>> No.21031663

i aint even mad bro, round 1 usa is fake eamuse, just a fact, been like 8 years now, it aint gonna change

>> No.21031674

what was up with that, saw it in the sows shit, also lmao mouseish, didnt he start the original shitstorm over leaking x3 data or something

>> No.21031685
File: 704 KB, 720x404, SDVX difficulty curve.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It used to be pic related but it's better now

>> No.21031692


>> No.21031709

can I get a tldr

>> No.21031762

rape fetishist and psycho manipulator finally gets called out on it, at least thats what i deduced from the little bit i read before i exited the fuck out of there because rapey forcey manipulator dudes make me blood red angry

>> No.21031794

who the fuck cares this nigga has not been relevant for years now

>> No.21031796

It's legit... damn.

>> No.21031810

>Low skill ceiling
How so?

>> No.21031819

compare the amount of people who are inf dan to people who are kaiden

i mean there's no logistical way to do that but it's a lot easier to get higher level in sdvx than iidx

>> No.21031905
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Every male in the bemani community is rapist.

If you're here on 4chan you're alright because you're clearly still a virgin, although every chick in the community still views you as worse than a rapist.

>> No.21032001

this just aint true bro. sorry

>> No.21032006

i mean yes i agree completely and lmao @ calling him a VIP but like...yeah...still...gross...im all for calling out any rape dudes so i can ignore them until they die

>> No.21032039


>> No.21032047


>> No.21032086

every 20 in the game has been puc'd
meanwhile in iidx no difficult 12 in the game is even close to max'd and the game's been out since before people posting on this board were born

>> No.21032093

to add to this max'ing like 8s is impressive lmao

>> No.21032136


Crits are a looser timing window, though. SDVX doesn't have a flashing great/marvelous equivalent.

>> No.21032151

yes, exactly

>> No.21032196

>inf/kaiden = skill ceiling
What did he mean by this?

>> No.21032413

It's almost as if fandoms centered around niche shit are cesspools of mental cases.

>> No.21032414

Ok so if you want to bring back PERFECT in IIDX which is just all GREATs then there are still many, many songs where that has not been accomplished either so... what's you're point, that sdvx is indeed easy

>> No.21032442

Why does every autist want every game to be iidx hard?

>> No.21032464

what i meant was that it's easier to get to what is considered "high level" in sdvx than it is in iidx, retard

>> No.21032521

Is a better game decided by whether or not it is hard, or fun? I find sdvx to be a happy medium where I don’t hate myself for being completely shit.

>> No.21032554

Thanks for spelling out the obvious, lowercase-kun.

Both. If the mechanics are good, overcoming a difficult challenge adds to the fun.

>> No.21032577

iidx is stupid though

>> No.21032635

Because otherwise getting a good score is meaningless, like in jubeat.

>> No.21032709

Which phone/tablet music games are the best?

>> No.21032713

hi jeff

>> No.21032736

call me lowercase-kun again and i'll suck your dick

>> No.21032737

>>21032442 i just like how unforgiving the timing windows are. it forces u to be good at timing. there are so many games where the timing windows are xbox huge. i dont know, i guess its a bit Autistic, but there's plenty of people who like games with good mechanics to be hard

>> No.21032744

sdvx is fun but the knobs are NOT as good/responsive/feel accurate as the turntable, sorry sdvx caretards. and yeah, the difficulty is braindead ez until u hit like 13s, there's 12 difficulties of adding rudimentary rhythms to already rudimentary patterns, then suddenly KNOB SHIT KNOB SHIT KNOB SHIT

>> No.21033303

iidx is too serious for me

>> No.21033700

What if every game had an infinite level range

>> No.21033783

Is a "game" defined by its game mechanics or by its charts?

Some games have mechanics that could allow for much more difficult charts than currently exist, does that mean it has a low skill ceiling?
Some games have very simple mechanics, but have stupidly difficult fan made shit charts that are just physically impossible to play. Does that mean those games are high skill ceiling?

>> No.21034198

A game is defined by the individual player experience.

If the game has lots of room for you to improve, it's a high skill ceiling game.
If there isn't much room for you to improve, it's a low skill ceiling game.
Emphasis on "you". Everyone is different. I'm progressing steadily on sdvx but im still not comfortable swinging sticks around on drummania. You can say whatever you want to me but I'll forever believe that drummania has a higher skill ceiling than sdvx and only my own future experiences can convince me otherwise.

If you want to compare skill ceilings across games, it's not fair to take 2 charts from 2 different games and objectively judge that one is more difficult than another. Even taking 2 charts from the same game, it's not fair to objectively judge difficulty. Maybe there's some guy out there who can perfect the hardest chart but has trouble with some patterns that appear at lower difficulty levels. So which chart is harder then?
It depends on the player.

So I'll reiterate my answer.
>Is a "game" defined by its game mechanics or by its charts?
It's defined by how you play it. Believe whatever you want to believe. Nobody should convince you otherwise.

TapTapRevenge > everything else
Protip:You can't

>> No.21034242

theres no point discussing chart difficulty in community created games really. Also keyboard 4k is ass cancer

>> No.21034649

If you want to get higher skill points then you have to turn on hard mode. It tightens the judgement to levels close to IIDX I think

>> No.21034664

i'm getting into real bemani shit now after being sick and tired of playing imitation knockoff games

what's it like being way better than me at the games

>> No.21035092

oh no whitenoise forums poster #17384 from a decade ago your secret is revealed

>> No.21035399
File: 328 KB, 400x533, masaya oya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he a meme?

>> No.21035672


>> No.21035743

Honestly, it feels great. Get fucked.

It also feels terrible cuz there are people way better than me too.

>> No.21035763

it's always an amazing feel to nut to goli thighs

>> No.21035968

keyboard 4k ends up just being "go fast" RSI experience

>> No.21036181

Nobody does zettai ryouiki quite like goli, the master. The way the plump, glistening thighs bulge out of the legging is truly inspirational.

>> No.21036502

yeah but that's why he's a lovable dude

>> No.21036526
File: 13 KB, 589x91, 2019-03-22_11-33_7701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is he a meme

idk you tell me

>> No.21036583

Are the timing windows weird in Groove Coaster? I tried playing it for the first time for 30 mins and had trouble with accuracy. Always got a few cools and a good or two out of nowhere. Maybe I just need to get good but it doesn't feel like other games.

Pirated Steam version by the way. Wanted to test it before buying it.

>> No.21036947

How often do you beat your best scores when you play?

>> No.21037079


There are days where I wreck my own records nonstop and there are days where I play like absolute trash.

>> No.21037267

I play like once every three weeks now so pretty rarely. I spend half my sessions derusting.

>> No.21037495

how is jubeat pronounced?

>> No.21037557


>> No.21037575

plife is communism

>> No.21037794

PC version is garbage. Get the mobile version.

>> No.21038737

How do I pass 7s

>> No.21038766

sounds like my kinda shit

>> No.21038897

auto scratch, 5key, easy, and assist-easy, only known way to pass 7s at this time

>> No.21039159

7s are still ez mode. The first wall if you have a really shitty play style should be 9s.

>> No.21039172
File: 39 KB, 720x720, 825F00E4454843D485A17D107B476AE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW guy in Nick Wilde Pajamas is FC’ing 16's at the DDRA I frequent

>> No.21039662

>konmai uploads samples for rootage/cb soundtrack
>everyone dislikes the shit out of the disc with death zigoq
kek stay classy

>> No.21040249

have the long versions been announced yet?

>> No.21040355

Since I'm a major autist and like to collect eAmuse cards, are there any Vivid Wave specific cards out yet?

>> No.21040371


>> No.21040389

Looks like you can only redeem them from cabs right now using in game vip points, or am I reading it wrong?

>> No.21040396

Yeah, keep an eye on yahoo auctions and other secondhand places for them.

>> No.21040427

I actually have a friend in JP for work right now who has played a little so maybe he can pick one up if I can figure out how to redeem the points for a card or if it's even viable since I'm sure it requires a fucked amount of points to exchange

>> No.21040522

death zigoq is now legendary status

>> No.21040528

the iidx ones were like...32-40 games, shouldn't be too bad. just wish they gave an iota of fuck about america. reminder to get fucked eamuse shills

>> No.21040615

Turns out my friend has enough to redeem but I can't figure out how the fuck I do it. I'm logged into his eAmuse account and I can see the option for the cards so are they posted out or can you actually do it at the cab? He said there's a little drawer to the right of the cab that seemingly has a flap to give out cards but doesn't actually see an option in game for it

>> No.21040849

Why should they give a fuck about America? The only games Konami officially supports here are DDR A and Tsum Tsum. Anything else is just Round1 piggybacking off of their own shit over in Japan.

>> No.21040887

I love Sound Voltex.

>> No.21041192

ddr is impossible

>> No.21041476

thats for the stupid sdvx trading card things, eamuse cards are different

>> No.21041850

could you always get 4 songs in step up on official? wish I knew this sooner

>> No.21042309

For real, SDVX at least innovates

>> No.21042531

do u want in

>> No.21042576

what the fuck are you on about

>> No.21042752

VP seems to be able to be exchanged for the eAmuse cards but it looks like you have to go to a location you have enough points in and physically show one of the attendants that you're exchanging the points and then they will give you a card.
Insanely shit system but it wouldn't be Japan without some backwards system.

>> No.21043097


no, and its only with that bookmark item that it activates

>> No.21043510

wow 6 buttons and 2 knobs instead of turntables wow innovation off the charts

>> No.21043531

i do :'(

>> No.21043877

Update in case anyone cares, that's exactly how the system works.

>> No.21046372

Do I need to be over 21 to go to round one by myself?

>> No.21046472

Assuming whatever location you go to actually enforces the rules, you need someone 25+ with you if you're under 21.

>> No.21046496

How to findout which locations enforce their rules?

>> No.21047060

the hours only matter trying to come in after like 10pm

>> No.21047274
File: 236 KB, 1076x991, Screenshot_20190324-145428~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The website says otherwise.

>> No.21047289

this is only the case if you stay past like 10(?) or if your R1 is an anchor store in a mall whenever the mall closes

>> No.21047545

the website is retarded. its 18+ after 10 and 21+ after 12.

>> No.21047689

what's the best way to play iidx on PC? Lr2, hdd rip, or infinitas?

>> No.21047774

lr2 honestly, infinitas if ur a shill, hdd if u got good hardware for it and/or dont want to deal with setting lr2 up

>> No.21047960

where could I get trustable hdd rips? and also what kind of hardware are we talkin?

>> No.21048500

just get a whole cabinet ayylmao

>> No.21048642
File: 70 KB, 228x228, JPEG_20190315_203046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only anon, if only

>> No.21048819


>> No.21049044

like, what controller do u have? I think the KOCs work better with lr2, or if you have a kinda shitty or old pc, the hdds arent gonna work so well. if you have a newish computer that isnt 400 dollars from walmart you should be fine though. and yeah, sows, reliable

>> No.21049137

what the fuck kinda bullshit is this

>> No.21049352

Are there any new charts for vivid wave made for ksm?

>> No.21049618

what does seyana mean

>> No.21050367

I'm thinking of buying an FP7 or PEE from gamo2, I got comfortably up to 7 difficulty at a local arcade but I'm not too interested in driving there and spending money for entry/gas too often

>> No.21051426

after 12 am. 10+ 18+ 12+ 21+. 25+ with 17- 10+ is ok same with 20- 12+

>> No.21051430

id say get an fp7, unless you REALLY want to be sure you can 1:1 with arcade, but fp7 is fine enough

>> No.21051431

I don't really understand what you mean here, but I'm 21, so I can go wherever whenever right?

>> No.21051604

it's a kansai-ben thing

>> No.21051827

did they finally put this in a bemani game?

>> No.21051992

Until recently most people with a dedicated setup played on Dell Optiplex 780s and Radeon e4690s. Running the game was more about having the right video card and audio chip.

Canonballers is far less picky when it comes to hardware. I've got some shitty FM2 processor and a GTX 660. The game runs perfectly fine.

>> No.21052002

Of course. The age restrictions are only in place because round1 serves alcohol.

>> No.21052791

why does konmai keep getting girls who clearly don't understand iidx to commentate

there's cute cosplayers walking around that can play 12s

>> No.21052792


>> No.21052976

It's been a month round1... where's vivid wave?

>> No.21052984


Please provide citations.

I don't doubt you at all, just... other reasons.

>> No.21053021

are u near dunellen

>> No.21053027

There was a KAC equivalent in SE Asia. The announcer is a normalfag.

Every bemani player I know all say it was an absolute trainwreck.

>> No.21053339

>tfw local arcade had UsaNeko when I first started going to it
>didn't care for pop'n until it got taken away
now I'm just stuck with their eclale machine, can't complain but I want to play oTo so bad

>> No.21053432


>> No.21053479

never ever

>> No.21053857

no :'(

>> No.21053867

english speaking cosplayer with 50k followers get the fuck out of here i dont care how well u can IIDX thats a nasty ass normie skank

>> No.21053912

would you prefer boipucci instead

>> No.21054109

what state u in

>> No.21054289

himitsu desu :3

id prefer no useless announcer desu

>> No.21054428


...literally what

>> No.21054569

i have heard anecdotes from people in japan of cute-ish girls with all-white

>> No.21054638

anyone with an insta is an autoblock for me

>> No.21055850

What's the best home SDVX controller right now? Last time I bought a home con was a two dicks controller like 9 years ago via DAO but I hear their SDVX controllers have a lot of problems. Also what's up with kshootmania not supporting portrait mode? You would think that's the first thing to implement.

>> No.21056647

I don't know what you've heard but the svse5 with 50g omrons and copal knobs is the standard recommendation. That's what I've been using for almost a year and I've yet to encounter any problems.

>> No.21056710

Mainly knob issues and general build quality issues. I was even thinking of going with SVRE9 but it seems like the Yuan SDVX seems to have the most recommendations and is cheaper still than the SVSE5 while seemingly having better build quality.

>> No.21056779

What's the lead time on arcin boards? Couldn't find any information aside from the website selling them.

>> No.21057154
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Does anyone have a link to any bootleg taiko no tatsujin programs? A Chinese person I knew for a short while gave me a download to one on mediafire with like 400 official songs, but I lost my old hard drive. Any Idea where I could find anything like that again? Osu and Emulation have been fine so far for getting my Taiko fix

>> No.21057575
File: 102 KB, 640x800, 1551482404292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also interested in official charts for taikojiro.

>> No.21057906 [DELETED] 

what's up with bemani being filled with pedos?

>> No.21059032

Overwhelmingly the people who say this suck at the game lmao

>> No.21059090

I'm having a hard time understanding why you would get good at a game that sucks ass

>> No.21059105

But Anon, they got a AAA on a 9 on their first credit! There's no reason to keep playing after accomplishing such an incredible feat.

>> No.21059130

I know so many people in the music game community who have this attitude and lowkey everyone hates them lmaooo. Keep it up tho dude you're super cool

>> No.21059135

"I AAA'd all the 16's I'm done with this shit game" ~ Never gonna be Kaiden

>> No.21059145

Why does everyone in this thread talk like a faggot?

>> No.21059238

Nobody likes voltex players go suck yourself off somewhere else

>> No.21059287

OK buddy. Enjoy having 0 friends who care about your music game achievements.

>> No.21059398

Who wants to play a game that adds shitty effects to the song when you play and has 90% ADHD seizure music?

>> No.21059435

Why do you faggots think that because you dont enjoy the game it automatically makes it and the players inferior to you

>> No.21059439

dude this is 4chan. why do you think

>> No.21059441

I unironically like a lot of the seizure music in SDVX actually but don't play it because the effects ruin the listening experience

>> No.21059461

nah, it's the community in general

>> No.21059464


>> No.21059492

hating on sound voltex is a meme. everyone gets so butthurt whenever their stupid fucking game gets made fun of. nobody gives a fuck if you like/dislike anything. back in my day people could argue about meaningless bullshit without needing 24 valiums to cope with someone not liking their game online. I see this with literally every music game, anyone who actually likes music games plays them all and doesnt give a fuck about this petty retard shit. just stop getting mad about gay opinions online for real

>> No.21059510

You'll get used to it

>> No.21059525

was he cute

>> No.21059534

It's fun to identify which games the person hating on SDVX likes and make fun of it back cause it's IIDX 90% of the time.

I knew a dude who was Kaiden in IIDX, and would constantly say "sdvx is shit" cause he couldn't wrap his head around the lasers. Once he learned them he stopped being a bitch lol

>> No.21059698

well...once u appreciate the timing windows and 1:1 gameplay of iidx, it's hard to take shit like knobs seriously

>> No.21059847

Yeah I can see that. But *hard to take serious* doesn't need to equate to *shit game*

Chunithm has the most lax timing and general mechanics and niggas still play that shit religiously

>> No.21059880

chuni and sdvx both have the same problem. Their charting meta is stale cos of lax judgement and generous input mechanics that the only way to increase difficulty is to challenge the physical limit of players by going super fast. Not hating tho

>> No.21059914

in other words: the korean approach, of which i am not personally a fan

>> No.21059918

thats why i said originally, its just memey to be like lol this game is shit, when its not up to the arguably absurd standard of iidx, a ton of music games are worth playing but still easy to pass off as "shit"

>> No.21060100

tf is a korean approach

>> No.21060204

copy everything badly: see EZ2, pump and come on baby

>> No.21060229

is the sdvx yuan controller any good? how does it compare to the DAO?

>> No.21060355

ez2 and pump are good tho

>> No.21060730

Bud, if you are taking anything about rhythm games seriously, it's time to slow down and reflect.

>> No.21061086

Illness Lilin can suck a fat one.

>> No.21061643

Le sigh... still no word on vivid wave in america?

>> No.21061771

Just go to Japan.

>> No.21061774

I think Taiwan and Singapore now has it too. Dunno about Korea.

>> No.21061780

Yeah but then you can't get sweet eAmuse cards.

>> No.21061791


>> No.21061817

Nah I am never leaving the borders of the good ol' USA again. I can't stand planes, airports, hotels, foreign cultures, traveling, the whole of it.

>> No.21061893

>can't stand foreign cultures.
Makes sense. You amerifats are always the ones I can hear a mile away before I can see them.

>> No.21062068

This song in bemani when

>> No.21062074

dont impose your rules for reality on other people, Bud

>> No.21062078

djmax, o2jam, pump it up, huge ass timing windows and terrible osumania quality wall of garbage charting, since the only way to make a wide timing window game harder is to go fast and a lot, ie the sound voltex top tier charts, ie the korean approach

>> No.21062096

IIRC it took people years to even AAA mei.

>> No.21062133

Most of that was Happy Sky and DistorteD having broken ass IO timing.

>> No.21062144

For singapore we got it about a day after release. I heard about the hardware upgrade so I was surprised the upgrade was as fast as it was.

>> No.21062229

>people openly flaunting current version data all the time since recently
>vivid wave delayed to the US

completely unrelated!

>> No.21062257


>> No.21062302

This has happened with every update that required a hardware change.

>> No.21062744

There are ~50 cabs that Round1 needs to upgrade. They likely sent all the shit over in a shipping container. That can take around a month.

>> No.21062805

>Being a pleb and not traveling to Nippon to play it yourself
Absolute state

>> No.21063015

lol retard

>> No.21063020

on top of the fact that the chart was like 200x harder than anything else at the time, now there's a much gentler slope to mei's difficulty

>> No.21063022

Got a brand new USKOC for 30 bucks time for fun

>> No.21063295

It's BEEN a month. Something is clearly wrong here. This is the longest kit upgrade delay we've ever experienced, for any new game.

>> No.21063338

Openly where? I don't see any of it in any of the Discord servers / FB groups I'm in.

>> No.21063351


its almost like we would be more of a priority for them if we werent a literal community of thieves

>> No.21063368

Vivid Wave will likely show up at some point. They're likely not going to let dozens of cabs become useless. Even Korea apparently only just got it today.

>> No.21063485

Even the Japanese community is playing rips and sims, you really think they're spending all their time on the games in arcades? Konami don't give anyone else an option and even then they do let people have the cabs they're missing shit because of eAmuse & Paseli.

>> No.21063609

anyone know what [redacted] is? saw some peeps talking about it

>> No.21063993

just lol retard and move on

>> No.21064000

[redacted] was used in place of the word retard and other Banned Slurs Trannies Dont Want You To Know About, i havent seen it used at all beyond that context

>> No.21064142

People were flexing the networks they're in and they included that name (it's not PLife)

>> No.21064265


>> No.21064290

I'll be buying a SDVX con soon and I'll probably go with the Yuan. There's videos out there of people playing on them if you want to see for yourself and I keep seeing the same complaints about the DAO cons where they seem to have issues with the knobs.

>> No.21064325

Yuan apparently has his own custom made knob, just not sure about how good it was compared to copal/ac. He also has chinese buttons as standard. The sanwa buttons seem to be also expensive from him.

>> No.21064339

It's a modded copal as far as I know? There's enough people out there with them, including good players who have access to arcade, and no one seems to have made any big complaints about them.

>> No.21064515

Yuan uses Chinese omron encoder clones. They're not custom at all except for the "damper" which is just an oil seal. You can buy them on eBay for like $10/u. They're not great but they're sturdy and thanks to the way the game's judgement works it's not like they really have to be good, IV's judgement is more or less if it's spinning the right way.

>> No.21064646

I'll rim you if you play sdvx with me

>> No.21064933
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>> No.21065292

momokarin desu

>> No.21065405

Any FFR players?

>> No.21065498

I'm going to the big deal. I can't wait to see all the faggots from Plife tarding out by the IIDX machine. See everyone there!

>> No.21065758

DDR now has dan mode. 8dan is 4 level 17 songs


>> No.21065762

what artist who currently has a song in bemani feat. nanahira would be the strangest song

my vote goes to gekidan record

>> No.21065764
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>> No.21065767

Akhuta or Asaki

>> No.21065770

>4 17 songs
oops it's 16 16 16 17

>> No.21065886

I wanna see how much of a clusterfuck DJ Mass MAD Izm* feat. ななひら would be.

>> No.21066003

I'm imagining something along the lines of bass 2 bass but it's all just prim noises on the TT

>> No.21066023

I could see Kaiden having MAX 360 challenge in it.

>> No.21066188

Or all 19s

>> No.21066343

Sorry I don't speak broken wrist

>> No.21066360
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*cough cough* JEFF!

>> No.21066393

where is vivid wave

>> No.21066396
File: 47 KB, 409x496, IMG_20181213_065127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really did, IIDX was incomprehensible, all the DDR players hated the new gold cab they decided to use for dumbass reasons, Pop'n was meh, and so on

>> No.21066699

Why is that can of sprite so big? I thought nyami was human size.

>> No.21066730

also mei is possibly the worst charted song in the game

>> No.21066731

Sprite cranberry is too powerful to be contained in a regular can

>> No.21066733

Isn't Mei one of the more "ITG like charts" in DDR (aside from elemental creation and anti-matter)

>> No.21066771

bmk is the best music game tourney dont @ me

>> No.21067103

yeah its pretty bad honestly i dislike most 11/12s from around happy sky they just didnt know what the fuck they were doing

>> No.21068281

Hey this is a bad opinion just thought I'd let you know

>> No.21068468

what's wrong with happy sky 11s

>> No.21068678

when is popn getting dan mode

>> No.21069477

ok i was mostly thinking about minimoo G, but imo pollinosis is dumb, so is jouka. but little little princess is fun. inazuma is fun. rest are fine, so maybe nvm on the blanket 11s.

for 12s, scripted is fun, but those jacks are dumb as hell, and yes I can do them fine im not a retard. rau has that random ass like 16th/32nd jack in the chordstreams that imo is dumb as fuck and most likely a chart error, scream squad is a stupid chart, and mei is itg bullshit, yeah they're all pretty dumb

>> No.21070295

pop'n already has skill points similar to gitadora

Then again it doesn't mean anything until you get to 93 or so.

>> No.21070768

A bit, I think?
He even had a matching quilted backpack.
Certainly looked cool enough being able to FC those songs wearing the costume over his pants and shirt while I'm standing around trying to catch my breath from failing to clear (Kaban) on ESP.

>> No.21070880

giv invite to sows

>> No.21070931

sent :)

>> No.21071104


>> No.21071138

used to have it but konami decided it was too much of a hassle for a dead game
I cleared like 7 48s and Im apparently god rank or some shit lol

>> No.21071139

Holy fuck if district of the shadows doesn't get a long version on the A20 ost im gonna flip. What a song.

>> No.21071150

Yeah that's the top rank. Anyone getting more than 91 is that rank.

>> No.21071269

How to get gud at ddr

>> No.21071279

>try a 49
>get BTFO
>my rating goes up

>> No.21071362


>> No.21071703


>> No.21071761

In Japan. You cucks aren't getting it for at least another month lmao.

>> No.21071780


>> No.21071928

Even when you get it half the features will be disabled LMAO

>> No.21072056

Well I'm not so upset about that. Standard start isn't a big loss, ARS honestly just feels like cheating and ruins the tension that comes with using excessive gauge. No blaster might be annoying if I were better at the game and wanted more access to hard stuff but I'm just an SL10 shitter. You can easily blast GRV/INF charts at home anyway on コナステ version so it's not as bad as it could be. The only paseli feature I would want is the ability to print up to five genesis cards per session.

>> No.21072495

Play a lot more.
Find and correct any major problems with how you play. Talk to some good players in your area. Someone might be willing to help you. Otherwise you're just going to have to play a shitload and hopefully eventually learn the hard way what you're doing wrong.

>> No.21072508

Chances are you're making a lot of extra movements. Be very present when you are playing and don't zone out. Pay close attention not so much to the notes but how you feet are positioned and how you are moving.
Same goes for any other rhythm game too, pay close attention to your hands and you automatically cut down on a lot of extra movement. Even if the chart is hard to read, if you focus more on your hand movement your hands will make up for the slack.

>> No.21072828

Should I bother waiting for Yuan to take orders again for a SDVX controller or just go with DAO?

>> No.21074243 [DELETED] 


>> No.21074388

oofa doofa my dude

>> No.21077210

more like blessed image

>> No.21077490

Scripted is really good, and the jacks are overflowing with personality. The entirety of Scream Squad is also good. Everything else is right though.

>> No.21077823

>the jacks are overflowing with personality
what did he mean by this

>> No.21077989

one or eight (A) is the best 12

>> No.21078137

I liked Museca...

>> No.21078146

It is chart defining in a game where many charts are incredibly similar

>> No.21078270

The heavenly haven servers are shutting down at the end of the month, right? So the sdvx cabs at round1 will be completely non-functional then?

>> No.21078913

But scream squad is the best 12

>> No.21079240

mare nectaris [L] is the best 12

>> No.21079409
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>> No.21079466

and who are you

>> No.21079501

guys, my new favorite sample is the YIKES! from say bay

>> No.21079578

I mean, people like mouseish and jeffito are the actual dregs of the bemani community.

>> No.21079586

I post here because I want to talk about music games but distance myself from the community.
I'm not any less of a fan because of where I choose to express it, fucking tumblr retards.

>> No.21079725

That guy posts such trashcan scores all the time, really annoying

>> No.21080013

Anyone who posts in this thread is shit at all bemani games anyway lol (not excluding myself of course =) )

>> No.21080077

osu is the best rhythm game and you can't change anything about that

>> No.21080595

They really hit it out of the park with the new songs/charts for A20. If only there wasn't so few new songs, it'd be top tier right out of the gate.

>> No.21080627

same bro twitter got real bad halfway thru the 2010s basically just carefuckers and tryhards on there now disregard 99% of bemanitweeters unless youre there to jackoff to hot anime retweets

>> No.21080663
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lol these are literal 18 year olds who think 4chan is all /pol/ users, definitely disregard, theyre just mad about the butthurt UK guy anyways

>> No.21080704

So I've got a really old DAO FP7, from like 7+ years ago at this point, and it still has PS2 output on it. Windows 10 is acting real fucky with it. Do new DAOs come with boards that are straight to USB? Thinking of trying to order a new board.

>> No.21080858

ok now this is reddit

>> No.21080903

shut up reddit mind

>> No.21081177

kat's a tranny right

>> No.21081239

I'm new to rhythm games and am just curious, why is there hate for round 1? There's one that's going to open at a mall near me this summer and am pretty excited about it.

>> No.21081266

normalfags ruin everything, especially minorities

>> No.21081388

Some locations aren't necessarily as anal about maintenance as some players want them to be. There's a difference between fixing things and things taking a long time to get fixed, the latter usually being due to waiting on parts. But then there are also the people who make a huge fuss about things like the springs being totally wrong when other people are completely fine with them.

>> No.21081474

Ah, I see. That's unfortunate to hear because the mall near me that's supposed to open a R1 this summer is ghetto and infamous for alot of shady activity. So I imagine this location is very likely going to be ass and the staff won't give two shits about maintaining the machines.

>> No.21081608

New Daos have usb input, yes.

>> No.21081618

You’ll probably have one or two cool bemani mechanics that you can get close knit with.

Just be prepared to rage at niggers who go full ape on DDR and let their monglets smash all the cab buttons.

>> No.21081639

Nothing pisses me off more than nigger children in public so I will aim at going on weekdays in the early afternoon or very late at night hoping my car doesn't get broken into

>> No.21081663

Most locations do have mechanics who care about rhythm games. Just bear in mind that they could have a bunch of other shit that needs to be fixed or set up as well.
So fixing things that aren't completely broken (something like a slightly wobbly SDVX knob) can be lower priority.
If you do ever run into game issues make sure to bring them up at the front desk if you can't talk to a mechanic yourself. They're not necessarily going to know if something minor is broken unless it is brought to their attention.

>> No.21081695

Will keep this in mind, thanks

>> No.21081822

op here, atthe end of the day round 1 is great and infinitely better than nothing, just inconsistencies in staffing and general higher-up corporate shit that sucks. hopefully nobody smashes up ur favorite game, and if they do, hopefully you can get it fixed in a timely manner/at all.

>> No.21081924

just go right when they open on the weekend, subhumans can't wake up that early

>> No.21082072

Thoughts on Audica?


Better than beat saber or no?

>> No.21082080

That's good to know, when the new R1 opens at my local shithole mall I'll finally have an actual reason to go outside other than work

>> No.21082363

>hitting the sensors

look at this uncoordinated dimwit

>> No.21082379

5th mix is better

>> No.21082489

Mouseish and jeffito are the type of people who would post here

>> No.21082533

I've bought Tatakon for ps2 and it's almost unresposive. Is it ok or not?

>> No.21082562

I didn't know that old Daos only had PS2 output, that's really interesting.

>> No.21082791

This but unironically
>hundreds of thousands of charts
>any songs you want
>no need for retarded $500 China quality controller
>decent community
iidx is just osumania for autistic people

>> No.21082924

they dont really have much high quality ranked charts tho(at least on 7k). Also lack of visual offset adjustment sucks balls

>> No.21083027
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Put me in the screenshot!

>> No.21083066
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ok retard

>> No.21083071
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>> No.21083171

Reminder that Nyannurs comes on here to bitch about the UK community because he was too shit even for them

>> No.21083189

their personality is intense hatred for you and everything you stand for

>> No.21083272

what if you enjoy jacks

>> No.21083392

What else were you gonna use them with besides the ps2 games? Infinitas wasn't around back then.

>> No.21083658

Data wasn't a thing back then?

>> No.21083672

spek has an alt in enigma discord

>> No.21083698

Why would a ethical, legitimate company like dao provide products to aid in the partaking of legally questionable activities like playing on data?

>> No.21083848

5th is probably the best mix aesthetically, but 4th Plus is what really does it for me in terms of the song list.

>> No.21084291
File: 709 KB, 1200x2012, 190401_april.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's that time of the year again

>> No.21084329

accidentally listened to the hamtaro song and now it wouldn't leave my head
fuck you

>> No.21084356


>> No.21084582

A course full of the past April fool songs for a title.

And a new automation paradise with more songs I guess

>> No.21084747

Daos had USB input before infinitas came out, using it to play data was an open secret.

>> No.21084909

what are dregs?

>> No.21085233

whens the next bemani x touhou

>> No.21085285
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>> No.21085330

for BMS players perhaps? data isnt the only reason people buy daos

>> No.21085685
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>A course full of the past April fool songs
scratch that

>> No.21085730


>> No.21086224

how do i change the resolution to be 1080p in infinitas? it's stuck in 720p and giving me black bars.

>> No.21086272

You don't

>> No.21086292

Dao's based in China, it's not like they give a shit about copyright law. You can find bootleg n-0 cabs in the wild pretty easily.

>> No.21086682

apparently yuan does though lol, can't even put any bemani logo on his controllers

>> No.21087267

Remind that Lain is a Fat, Dumb, tranny who's autistically obsessed with Galko and good at IIDX. Honestly he is too obese to even be considered a girl by any means

>> No.21087423

720p on a 16:9 monitor shouldn't give you black bars as it's the same aspect ratio as 1080p.

If it's a tiny window surrounded by a border of black, check your scaling settings in your graphics card control panel.

>> No.21087719

99% of the UK community is trash tho, both in terms of human beings and being good at the game

>> No.21087783

all the bemani trannies are fat and/or ugly af

>> No.21088427

ur just plain wrong at this point, but I am pretty bad
pls don't group me in with rhythm games uk, I went to a qmeet once and it was pretty ok, not doing it again though

>> No.21088434 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 858x478, ddr_-2017-02-11_13-44-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is their any way i can get my fucking round1 credits back,cause 嘆きの樹 was like a big fuck you to all of us. I basically played a really expensive round with my controller. This year was supper horrible. I get it so many people showe up but dont you have it set to 6.4 credits for a reason just incase of falling profits. I dont mean to be a bitch i mean i knew i was going to lose but 灼熱Beach Side Bunny didnt even have a challenge it was just scratches.

>> No.21088450
File: 66 KB, 858x478, ddr_-2017-02-11_13-44-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is their any way i can get my fucking round1 credits back,cause 嘆きの樹 was like a big fuck you to all of us. I basically played a really expensive round with my club card. This year was supper horrible. I get it so many people showe up but dont you have it set to 6.4 credits for a reason just incase of falling profits. I dont mean to be a bitch i mean i knew i was going to lose but 灼熱Beach Side Bunny didnt even have a challenge it was just scratches.

>> No.21088472

Go away faggot literally no one likes you

>> No.21088477

your a fucking faggot consider suicide, dont talk to me until you AAA black by nigger fade

>> No.21088556

imagine caring about ppl on the internet lol ur probably some pathetic antisocial freak of nature but ur kaiden so that's cool

>> No.21088625

Can you Twitter clowns stop shitting up the thread and go back to circle jerking about how bad /jp/ is or something? Your posts are painful to look at.

>> No.21088705

Fair enough bro I'm leaving

>> No.21088919

>implying this isn't one of the worst boards on here

>> No.21088947
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As a counter point I havent even been posting, just lurking. I think that says more about the quality of the average poster in this thread than anything

>> No.21089288

/jp/ is the best board on the site and has been since its creation. This thread being temporarily awful doesn't change that.

>> No.21090151

you're right you dont bitch about people on here you do it on your private twitter instead

>> No.21090458

tard here

do they still have idolm@ster rhythm games in arcades? whats the most popular game now?

>> No.21090777

Is Lain actually fat? I always assumed from seeing his hands that he was a 6'5" skeltal who just wants massive tits.

>> No.21090807

No thanks

>> No.21091091
File: 78 KB, 533x960, 55744490_10205757398971472_5987690619764473856_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They changed the credit prices before they changed the card charge prices.
Games can actually end up being cheaper when the new charge pricing is rolled out.

>> No.21091101

It's being rolled out today

>> No.21091169
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<span class="fortune" style="color:#f51c6a">

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again[/spoiler]
