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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2101712 No.2101712 [Reply] [Original]

Just installed this. Wondering if I should read this or do something else? Worth reading?

>> No.2101729

[x] Good morning forehead crusher

>> No.2101735

>do something else?
Yes. You should be making new threads on /jp/ instead.

>> No.2101732
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At least ONE route is.

>> No.2101759

An Anonymous recommended it to me because of a question I asked (what VNs had characters who had lost the sense that was critical to their dreams, like sight for an artist, hearing for a musician, etc) but after a while I just quit and uninstalled it.

The writing was truly fucking terrible for at least as long as I put up with it. I don't know what it is with Japanese writers and being completely retarded and putting inappropriate SO RANDOM XD jokes and characters everywhere.

>> No.2101785

Do something else. Seriously, it's shit. While some of the romance is a bit nice, the general feel of it is hamhanded random-as-fuck humor mixed with 'did that really happen, or is he just fucking around?' scenes.

Not to mention the guy giving up after failing a one-handed drumroll, which is one of the most basic things any skilled drummer at his age should be able to do.

>> No.2101801

Given that it's one of the three best translated VNs around, perhaps VNs just isn't your thing.

>> No.2101813
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>> No.2101822

What are the other two?

>> No.2101815
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>> No.2101823

It's one of the only three I've actually read, and I still wouldn't put it in my top three.

>> No.2101827

>one of the three best translated VNs



Which ones are your top 3?

( I'm >>2101759 , not >>2101785 )

>> No.2101840

SnU, Umineko. At least BR (tututututu xD) is a great improvement over other slice of life shit like Kanon.

>> No.2101836


I've played Ever17, Saya no Uta, Narcissu, and Crimsoness (which barely counts) and I can say without a doubt that Brass Restoration is no where near my top 3, let alone top 10, even though I haven't even played 10 VNs yet.

>> No.2101854

Do I need to read higurashi before I read umineko?

>> No.2101857


>> No.2101864

No, the relations are slight and Ryukishi may be abusing our ideas from Higurashi to trick us in Umineko anyways. His games usually demand "DON'T DRINK THE WATER, IT IS MADE OF BEES" levels of paranoia.

>> No.2101867

I heard there are spoilers for higurashi in umineko.

>> No.2101896

What's with the sudden mass amount of hatred? I remember /jp/'s reaction being very positive when it was released, with Forehead Crusher threads everywhere.

>> No.2101911
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Well, it was the spur of the moment, and figuring out how to choose between ORA and MUDA.
But even the forehead lost it's novelty somewhat.

>> No.2101912

We like TakaJun, but after the initial "lol awesome another translated VN" rush subsided we all made our own judgements on the actual quality of the source material.

VERDICT: It's shit.

>> No.2101913
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>> No.2101915

How long is it?

>> No.2101919

Every VN has it's honeymoon phase.

>> No.2101935

Is It worse than Chaos;Head?

>> No.2101939

...I'm sorry, I just find it hard to believe you'd put Brass fucking Restoration in league with Saya no Uta and Umineko.

>> No.2101943

everything's worse than chaos;head

>> No.2101944

Well, unlike CH, it does not build up expectations and have them ruined with the most anticlimactic endings possible WHILST you have to fight of corrupted saves and glitches.

But, it's simple random entertainment and romance.

>> No.2101954

Admittedly it's the worst of the bunch and I haven't played some very well-recieved ones like Ever17 yet (Though I'm pretty sure Ever17 breaks physics at some point. A 4d being can't see an 3d universe and a 4d one simultaneously, can it? Well, better to leave the argument after I get more than cobbled-together, spoiled "facts". And a minor inconsistency doesn't prevent it from being a good VN after all. )

>> No.2101962

I enjoyed it. Light hearted and humerous little read.

>> No.2101964

Will they do a final release of Chaos;Head or did they forget about it and will leave it as is?

>> No.2101967


They can, but we'd only see them as 3D sections.


Watch that. He can explain it much easier than I ever can.

>> No.2101970

RC1 patch is as good as it gets for now.

>> No.2101980

You are looking at 2-dimensional universe on a 3-dimensional object right now.

>> No.2101987

Does anyone have chapters 2 + 3 of Umineko available for download? I really don't feel like supporting the guy who made Niggerashit.

>> No.2101988

It's been at RC1 for 2 months. Bugs are still there in RC1?

>> No.2101994

I'll go to sleep soon, quick reply. Will watch later, bear my ignorance if I'm errored.

Take a piece of paper. This is your 2d surface. Except it isn't, it has a thickness. Halve its thickness. Then halve it again. Then again. After a while you won't be able to see the paper. Same with 4d being trying to see an 3d one.

>> No.2102003

I thought time was the 4th dimension...

>> No.2102008

Only in campy sci fi comics.

>> No.2102023

Depends who you ask. It might be, but then again, it might not be. If it were, then seeing an object in four dimension would mean seeing all of that object, from the beginning of time until the end of time, all at once.

>> No.2102042

Anyone remember the KS thread last night where someone was asking how one could tell if a VN was truly popular?

This: when a thread about a completely different VN derails into a discussion on the physics of a different VN that has already been translated & out for something like 4 years.

>> No.2102050

Not according to mathematicians, who probably know what they're talking about.

>> No.2102054



>> No.2102079


Not really on topic but isn't the history of science made up of the failures of people who "probably know what they're talking about"?

>> No.2102265

Brass restoration has eroscenes?

>> No.2102316

Not the last time I checked. Grabbing tits and kissyface are the extent.

>> No.2102335

Use /rs/, you fuckwit. Also, you can play all the past episodes with episode 3's patch.

Fucking morons in my fucking /jp/ that won't fucking use fucking /rs/ fucking first.


If you're talking about the manga, Gaku Gaku, you fucking moron.


>> No.2102339
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>> No.2102347

It's cool, Miku. I'm the epitome of easy.

I still profess my love for you, as well.

>> No.2102353

what about me

>> No.2102360
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My love is not that freely given.

>> No.2102406

Heh, you really honor your trip, White Ren.
