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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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20990418 No.20990418 [Reply] [Original]

Where did otaku culture go wrong?

>> No.20990428

It never did. Ironic Otaku/Weeb culture went wrong at it's conception.

>> No.20990436

The Japanese finally figured out how to translate character devotion directly into money without requiring any sort of narrative inbetween.

What you're talking about and what OP is talking about are entirely fucking different things. Make your own thread.

>> No.20990439
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>> No.20990447


>> No.20990452

Bang on

>> No.20990580

When normalfags latched on to it. The second death is when companies started to pander to normalfags. The last bastion of otaku culture is in the doujin community but it seems as time goes by more and more circles are acting like companies. And there's also lots of controversy over H doujins, particularly those featuring loli/shota content. Doujin culture will die someday too.

>> No.20990598

Gacha and idols. The lust for a female idol is what ruined otakus, and the ridiculous lengths people go with gacha is insane

>> No.20990684

sailor moon

>> No.20990719

Actual physical Gacha machines that dispense capsules with figurines and various other Otaku culture related trinkets are pure Otaku culture. Microtransactions in mobage is the gacha that ruined Otaku culture.

>> No.20990723

bafed idols chadolas finna livin in ya head rent free ya simp

>> No.20990728

Yeah I mean that is fine at least. Shit like granblue, fate grand order, etc is terrible

I dont speak wrassle in these parts

>> No.20990772

What compels people to waste money on that shit? The games will close some day and you won't be able to keep it.

FGO is objectively the worst fucking gacha game, especially with how popular it's gotten over the years.

>> No.20990807

Some people just have no value of money, I swear. But it's a mix of a lot of different people from what I've seen.

>> No.20990819

Smartphones were a mistake.

>> No.20990868

They're definitely a "second revolution" to the already world shattering invention that is the internet. I really wonder what the world will be like 30 years from now. Smartphones are only 12 years old, they still have plenty of time to evolve and even further change society.

>> No.20990944

>Where did [x] go wrong?
For a very brief moment I thought I opened /v/ by mistake.

>> No.20990946

I have a friend whos addicted to both granblue and F/GO and claim they keep playing because of the "story"

>> No.20990951

I used to play mobile games for the story but one of the stories was really substandard all the time and the other one I just couldn't be arsed to find the time for anymore.

Still put a couple thousand dollars into them.

>> No.20990953

Please go back there, then.

>> No.20991025

F/GO is a proper Fate entry with world building and so on despite being gachashit, so it actually does have the "story" excuse at the very least. Spending money on it is still retarded though.

>> No.20991108

Everything that lives is designed to end. Existence is a stream of ups and downs. Everything is temporary in one way or another. Otaku culture may die, it may not, little can be done from an individual standpoint. Even if you have thirty kids and raise them all as traditional, hardcore, /jp/sy otaku, if otaku culture comes to an end, it will come to an end. It will always live on with individuals, however. This is the age of the internet, and even if otaku culture is fully corrupted and becomes totally FUBAR, it will live on amongst enthusiast individuals, it will continue to be a part of their lives, it will persist at the small scale. At the big scale? That's up to corporations to decide. Just as politicians aren't representative of the citizenry, stockholders and marketing divisions aren't representative of true otaku culture, which can and will be perpetuated by it's enthusiasts, who are really it's true citizens, not it's illegal immigrants.

>> No.20991119

weebs identifying themselves with stuff they waste money on

>> No.20991314
File: 450 KB, 871x543, Le ironic weeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Der ewige normalfaggot

>> No.20991322

The further commoditization of otaku culture. Nothing is protected, nothing is sacred. Every niche you carve out for yourself will be found and turned into a cash cow eventually. Unless you deliberately protect yourself using the system like ZUN did, you will be gobbled up. And even with that, 2hu isn't immune.

>> No.20991397

I've found it... the worst post ever made...!

>> No.20992424

Normaletty worked into a seething shoot.

>> No.20994778

(You) all

>> No.20994832

Mmmmmm, based

>> No.20994926

lol u tk her 2 da bar|?

>> No.20995346

Lost Pause is being ironic? He seems pretty genuine. Have the people who make this accusation even watched his videos? He seems sincere, earnest, actually a big fan of neptunia and anime, without irony. I really like him, he's a funny guy. If anyone here hasn't checked out his channel, please do so, he may just be the best let's player around.

>> No.20995548

I dunno, probably when Akiba turned into the monstrosity it is today. Probably earlier than that desu, but that's what I'm going with.

>> No.20995576

Oh hell yeah

>> No.20995761

I want to know how older otaku perceive the new generation. Back in the day you spend your dosh on limited editions, concerts, exclusive merch etc etc while nowadays you just have mobile and you're hoping that you get those 2% chance jpgs.

>> No.20995930 [DELETED] 

What killed "otaku culture" isn't normalfags, gacha, microtransactions anything else mentioned in this thread.
It's all of you who fucking killed "otaku culture" by referencing it outside of the place it normally originated in.
You could of just stuck to your fucking western capeshit, made your own DOS VNs and fucking played already available English games released here, but you fucking faggots had to be so fucking special watching anime and reading erotic dojinshi, buying the Japanese games and merchandise that Japan bombarded us with in the 90s and early 2000s.
(((They))) did not ruin "otaku culture" (You) did

>> No.20995959 [DELETED] 

get out

>> No.20995972

>implying westerners matter

>> No.20995973

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.20996231

who quote

>> No.20996247


>> No.20996658

Where's the irony?

>> No.20996701

You'll regret it if you don't tell me who you are quoting.

>> No.20996709

Oh boy, it's time for another meta-otaku culture thread! Did anybody watch the Akihabara@DEEP movie since last time?

Anyways, in what ways do you think otaku culture went wrong? Do you mean otaku culture or "/jp/ - Otaku Culture"? Because if you're talking about the former, I don't actually know how much of it has actually changed overall. It's mostly the same hobbies and communities doing the same things in the same general locations with the same relative crossover they've been doing since the 2000s (maybe even since the 90s, but I can't really confirm that based on my own research). Some people in this thread seem to think that gatcha mobage have replaced actual gatcha machines and physical media collecting, but that's definitely not true at all. The Japanese are suckers for both limited edition things and physical media, so not only are those aspects still alive and thriving, but I don't really see them dying anytime soon. The main thing that has changed is the internet, but the impacts that the internet have had on otaku culture are less specific to otaku culture and are more so an impact on Japan (really the whole world) as a whole.

If you're talking about the former, you're going to have to explain what about this board has changed so much since "the good old days." Anytime we have a discussion about old jp, a lot of it is the same old "if you weren't there, you wouldn't get it," which is really unhelpful in correctly identifying were things actually went wrong.

And if for some reason you're talking about otaku culture in the west, then that's not really a thing, and never really has been. Otaku Culture is a really Japanese concept, and while pretty much all of the "otaku hobbies" have userbases in the west, "otaku culture" as a concept never really made it over here for a handful of reasons. I think figures like Noble and FilthyFrank built a really strong and stable bridge between the western anime community and the "le epic dank memes" community (for worse, in my opinion), but as far as ruining western otaku culture, there wasn't a whole lot there to begin with.

>> No.20996731
File: 50 KB, 640x480, otaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been wrong since day one. Where have you been?

>> No.20996756

Finally, after 27 posts of shallow ‘nostalgia’, a discussion was started.

>> No.20996847
File: 34 KB, 614x260, anime-industry-domestic-foreign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's really not very much to say that hasn't been said before. Most of what's in his post was said in the last A@D thread.

And notion that things the same as ever is also not true. Gacha has taken huge chunks out of both anime and VNs, the two classic mainstays of otaku culture. On the VN side, classic developers have been imploding one after the other; on the anime side, the size of the Japanese anime market has actually been shrinking year on year every year since 2014 (and is only doing okay because foreign investment is plugging the gap.) Consider also that in 2017, FGO alone made 982 hundred-million yen, meaning that FGO, literally by itself, is nearly as much as 10% of the entire domestic Japanese animation market. Otaku only have so much money to throw around and if they're pissing it into mobage they're not spending it elsewhere.

As for /jp/ itself, it's history is a buried garbage fire that is better off left alone.

>> No.20997000

Where did you find this image of me?

>> No.20997282 [DELETED] 

My post was deleted because of how right I was and how triggered the Janny was by my overwhelming truth of the matter yet this retarded thread is still up.
You non Japanese speaking faggot weeb special snowflake niggers are the reason that "otaku culture" is what it is today.

>> No.20997313
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They don't but they are the ones who made this "culture" a thing outside of Japan, and because so many people couldn't just enjoy what was already available to them they went and introduced the rest of the western market to Japanese media.

>> No.20997332

worst Galaxy Angel

>> No.20997397

Nowhere. Normalfags latching onto it and forming this "ironic weeaboo" culture is one of the worst forms of cancer currently, but as >>20990436 said it's an entirely separate problem (which will thankfully never affect the core otaku culture, especially because people into it should move on to another fad eventually).
I would even say that gachage aren't an issue either as they're just another kind of game, but then again they're basically legal gambling.

>> No.20997509

From which part of Japan are you from?

>> No.20997719

Can someone read my perverted feet story? I’m posting here because I like this board:

>> No.20997886

As long as fanmade/derivative scene and works don't shrink everything's okay though in my opinion. Fanmade/derivative/doujin scene embodies everything's right in otaku culture, what makes it truly unique, and what actually support and make commercial businesses bigger despite being almost purely non profit, for fun, and about building/sharing relationships with others/fellow enthusiasts at its core. Once it's stained or degraded by anything you bet I will find a different hobby in a heartbeat

>> No.20997896

Haha le epic NEP NEP bro, notice me senpai! I'm such a weeb xD who iare ur waifus? Mine are Noaru~, Toobie and the Awoo! Hey dude check out my steam where I keep all my Neptunia, so embarassing lol
>tfw no reimu in smash

>> No.20997986

>obviously eva can be read 8 ways from saturday but
>i think very productive
>is you look at it as a character study of an extremely schizoid personality
>schizoid means withdrawal as characteristic defense
>preconscious warding-off of contact with other peoples egos
>basically it's narcissism but with an operator flipped somewhere
>a narc will have their externalised self-image which they themselves become a servomechanism to
>the instagram pathology, xd
>whereas for a schizoid they have this very vivid internal fantasy realm into which they withdraw, and it's that inner fantasy the human becomes enslaved to
>now eva understood this
>particularly wrt waifus
>the waifu is perhaps a definitional schizoid entity
>people think it just means some uguu 2D girl who will accept you just as you are anon :3 but whom by definition ywn meet
>but in fact this is a distortion of the truth
>waifu really refers to a certain kind of social relation in which there is no possibility, read danger, of ego-contact with the Other, precisely because the Other is always-already exhaustively circumscribed within the internal fantasy
>a relation in which there is no possibility of miscommunication, in which discourse glides smoothly between parties
>which, sure, can be correlated with being uguu but by no means is restricted to it
>there are all kinds of waifus
>anyway in eva rei is supposed to be this kind of entity
>eva is kind of a reduction to the absurd,
>well no not really but like
>it allows the notion to unfold through to its logical conclusion
>and exposes what lies behind the schizoid waifu fantasy
>which is the mother
>or more precisely the mother's womb – the schizoid gesture of withdrawal is fundamentally aimed at a kind of womb-like state of perfect security, safety, unconsciousness
>thus, rei being a clone of yui, etc etc etc, everyone gets hugged and turned into tang
>kimochi warui
>we know all this
>but eva was over 20 years ago
>and naturally predates mobage, internet in the contemporary sense etc
>what precisely has changed
>is first of all the unprecedented expansion of the database, compartmentalisation, modularisation of characters
>and second of all – and this is corollary to the first – the degree to which the internal fantasy realms of schizoid types have been colonised by the database
>let us not believe this is anything other than the apotheosis of consumer choice
>don't like her design? her personality? manner of speaking? the length of her hair? is she married in canon and thus unavailable?
>don't worry anon
>we'll make another version of her with the necessary adjustments
>precisely because, as modularised components, characters are now things you can just fork off another version of when you need
>under contemporary conditions the basic critique laid out in eva still holds
>it may be that the mother, the womb, that is hiding behind the waifu fantasy, has changed in...nuance
>there's irony, in which the critique from earlier is taken up and recuperated as a ward against anxiety – ie people who post about tfw no mommy gf ;_; etc
>but this is really just another symptom of the progressive evacuation of all content from the subject
>the death of affect
>as schizoid fantasies become progressively more deadened, ossified, frozen
>through internal colonisation by the logic of modularisation and exchange
>the character of the fantasy mother begins to exhibit a bias toward the archetype of the Dark Mother, the inanimate, freudian todestrieb, absolute nigredo in other words dissolution and death
>in the aeneid somewhere there's mention of an ancient punishment
>in which a living person was tied to a dead body, the two facing each other, such that as the dead body putrefied the rot would eat into the living person and slowly kill them
>this is an apt metaphor for the condition of man and his waifu in tyool 2018
>in such an age as ours where the frozen image of the past dominates the present – which is to say, dead labour dominates living labour – death is in the air
>schizoid fantasies manifest this inwardly, the will toward death
>if you look at the things people ironically joke about killing themselves is way up there and keeps rising
>the present situation is intolerable
>industrial civilisation is already incapable of reproducing itself without keeping most of the population in an anti-depressant stupor
>technics is on the road to obsoleting most of humanity, producing vast swathes of population reduced to bare life whose existence has value equal to zero
>latent suicidiality exists wherever you go, why should your hobbies be exempt
>the endgame of waifufagging is necrophilia
>because dead girls don't say no

>> No.20998037

An autist on BL wrote this about FGO but I think he's more or less on the money concerning the general situation of otaku media

>> No.20998218

Pretty spot on except it comes from a normalfag's perspective, someone who could never make it to Gensokyo.
I sure do love my death mommies though.

>> No.20998219


>> No.20999745

3 years ago maybe.
stop shilling.

>> No.20999750

What the fuck is this shit
Who are you quoting
what the shit is this fuck

>> No.21000160

This has got to be bait, whether it's genuine or not, but okay. Anno is a hypocritical prick who has done exactly the things you're describing with Asuka, and he's everything he hates, him and Miyazaki as well. He's a big projector, which there seems to be plenty of in Japan. Yoko Taro claimed that imouto fetishism is bad, and went on to make NieR and Automata, which would've originally had 2B as the younger character. Miyazaki hated the violence in japanimation, and once peacefulness became prevalent, via otaku-pandering moe/SoL, he again lost his shit. Hypocrite. I think most otaku are harmless, not a danger. People who do terrible things generally will do terrible things, in one way or another, regardless of circumstance. That's what they teach in criminal psychology, afaik. People like the Otaku Killer would've done that shit regardless of whether or not he was or became an otaku, but people like him do not define them all. The worst thing an actual, common for an uncommon, necrophiliac will do is break into a morgue, not murder, unless there are other problems, such as psychopathy. Psychopaths like the ones in the news and the movies are 1% of the population, relatively rare. They just push up a storm when they do bad things. All this being said, if there are any Otaku necrophiliacs, they're likely harmless, or 1 in a million. Nothing wrong with them, either, if they never hurt anyone, aside from themselves. However, judgemental people will be judgemental, and they'll probably be used as an example of what all Otaku are, which could be bad if the masses saw what this poster is writing about as threatening. Remember, players of D&D were murdered, stalked, harassed, framed, remember, at least one player of Doom was killed for Columbine, etc. It was apparently pretty bad in Japan for Otaku for a while after the Otaku Killer, imagine how much worse it would be in America. America is pretty harsh on those they deem undesirable. Anime caters to the mentally ill, the degenerate, the outcasts and perverts, people who aren't looked at in a positive light, this is known, what isn't is how much the masses would feel threatened by this.
For whatever reason, OP2, this quote(?) has really made me assmad. Why see this as a bad thing? If these people put it in a way where they contributed to society, couldn't it be positive? Entertainment, porn, art, all of which can be considered beneficial to society. Turning drawbacks into advantages, right?

>> No.21000250

Here's a question, how does this information help the individuals in question? There's nothing really to be done, just acceptance of that being who they are. If it's purpose is anything more than to help the people in question, it seems dangerous.

>> No.21000262

>For whatever reason, OP2, this quote(?) has really made me assmad. Why see this as a bad thing?
If this is a genuine reply to that quote then you'll want to redirect your post to Dullahan on Beast's Lair. I'm not sure if the dude is still alive though and I'm pretty sure that was just a really pretentious way of shitting on FGO.

>> No.21001904

When /jp/ was created.

>> No.21003002

Everything changes, everything is changing all the time, you are just clinging to the past and nostalgia.
Otaku culture cant die or go away because there will always be a small subset of people that want to go against the mainstream but it will continue to change

>> No.21003021

>you're going to have to explain what about this board has changed so much since "the good old days."
doujin ero voice threads are gone and it makes me sad

>> No.21003176

I miss Japan/General and meido.

>> No.21003256

They're on /h/ now.

>> No.21003331

What a horrible fate, but thanks for the tip I guess

>> No.21003357

This board was only titled Japan/General during the time it was intended to be what /r9k/ became.

>> No.21003687
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>he's a funny guy

>> No.21004961

Get out of /jp/ please.
