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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 173 KB, 934x370, trash - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20970244 No.20970244 [Reply] [Original]

After the shitshow of "surely someone else downloaded a demo build before it got nuked" I decided to just translate 0.502 myself instead of waiting around.

and virustotal with one false positive because they're shit:

More in the readme, but it was able to run on a fresh Win10 image just installing DirectX:
Unless you're running XP or live under a rock, you should already have .NET 4.0 and 4.5.
After that just unzip and run.

Don't expect any further development, or even any more updates, this was entirely a side project and I'm not opening a Patreon because I'm not an idiot.
Still, if you find any of the new bugs I've added, let me know, and if anyone can throw together what exactly what is missing from the dev streams (sprites, area maps, transcribed text, battle patterns, etc.) I might consider doing a bit more work on it.
There's some multiplayer in the code, but apparently someone else tried and it was buggy and barely worked. I might take a look at it, but I've also literally never worked on netcode, so don't get your hopes up.
I might release source code eventually, but if anyone were interested, they could've gotten everything the exact same way I did and decompiled the demo. The only additions I'd be adding would be my own shitty code.

A word of warning: I translated in alphabetical order of maps, and haven't written character dialogue since highschool, and don't even speak a word of Japanese so all this is through the power of Google/Bing Translate and context clues.
Because of that, I've also externalized the language files, so you can fix things however you want.

Have fun.

>> No.20970323

The salaryman thanks you all for your hard work.

>> No.20970375

bodysuit shanghai is sex

>> No.20971446

Quick rundown?

>> No.20971697

Thank you anon-kun.

>> No.20971829
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Good job anon.

>> No.20973149
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>> No.20975301

Did this only edit the executable, or did you edit the resource files?

>> No.20975320

I'd like source code/the decompiler you used to compare it to what I've done myself.

>> No.20975372
File: 31 KB, 736x519, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's some multiplayer in the code, but apparently someone else tried and it was buggy and barely worked.
The code that grabbed your internal ip address was buggy, and the netcode loop itself is primitive and unfinished. It desyncs absurdly easily, and I never managed to get it to connect to something other than my pc -> my pc.

>> No.20975439

Crash in Shanghai's room, using save that reached the furthest possible in Rom Base.

>> No.20975473

Resource files too, since having english and japanese in each msg was one of the ways (plural) that Koki did i8n.

dotPeek and really nothing worth looking at, just a whole lot of busywork.
Just swapped out strings with a service looking up keys in the language files, same with in the resource files+handling to look up a key, etc.
Then a bit more just messing around to fix a few pet peeves/get familiar with the code.
I'll clean some things up, but prepare to be disappointed.
Show me yours and I'll show you mine, too, I also want to see how mine compares.

A save would be helpful, I haven't played through yet. There was a bug there earlier but I thought I quashed it.

>> No.20975484


should be my save with all chips (I edited the save file).
As for my edits, I only edited the executable with dnSpy which had some issues that prevented me from doing all the edits I wanted, but allowed me to swap navi data around to make the mima/youmu/kikuri patch (swaps out medicine, tankman, marisa for those) and poke around the multiplayer which is an enormous mess.
I also made it decrypt/recrypt the save but that was ultra shitty code.
I'm more interested if you are capable of decrypting the resource files or the map files, that could allow for placing fights with mima/youmu/kikuri there instead of swapping navi data and maybe a way to give the player the kikuri chip more easily (I'm really bad with messing with data encryption).

>> No.20975496

Thank you sincerely anonymous.

>> No.20975501


swaps out navi fight data

my shoddy attempt to reenable the netcode
a necessary file for the netcode hack

>> No.20975510
File: 806 KB, 1000x1000, 1547480237154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't there some anon discord dedicated to translating this shit? saw a screencap of it back in the /v/ threads
anyways good work

>> No.20975518

Python scripts for deobfuscating/obfuscating. Compatible with an unedited version, I didn't make any changes to that part.
Needs pycryptodome for the TCD audio/graphics files, and fiddling with the paths since these were just test scripts that happened to work.

>> No.20975581
File: 39 KB, 736x519, step 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20975584

When are we getting more lewds of her?

>> No.20975614
File: 34 KB, 736x519, ex room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dump this into your game's data folder, puts koki's navi test things into the ex room.
Doesn't have my hp edits for mima or kikuri though. Going to make another for the gauntlet probably.

>> No.20975706
File: 157 KB, 400x225, 1354375785693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much, anon. I really hope I remembered to fix my chip folder after experimenting with different styles at the end of the demo

>> No.20975739

Let's add another tally to "ways you can tell Koki never intended to translate this".

Give me a day or two and I'll put the solution together.
Feel free to do whatever you want with it after, even put it up on a public repo, if you're fine with dealing with big scary letters from Capcom.

>> No.20975759

He was developing the entire thing in his new event editor that included options for both Japanese and English text. That hadn't changed after 0.432.

>> No.20975769
File: 305 KB, 1094x1899, 1515193826333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never because the game is already dropped dead before launch. It's really sad because it had been getting fanarts while it's still being developed.

>> No.20975803

How many more chapters are there between this and the demo?

>> No.20975832

Bad phrasing, let's go with "did not think about translations when he wrote the code".
I appreciate that he made the game, but in this case, the interiors had IDs of their Japanese name + "in", which told the code to parse the first part as an enum, whose int value was the index of the english name in a list he didn't update.
This is on top of the parts where he translated by doing a string replace of japanese text with english, the "English.she" file of english strings by order of appearance in the maps (which also wasn't updated for inserts and deletes, throwing off all the text after them), writing the xtrafolder name directly into the save, or the good old ?:/if else.
To be fair, the rest of the code seems solid, it worked up until it got shut down and someone else had to deal with it, and I sure as hell wouldn't start a project thinking to support Japanese or one of those right-to-left languages, but almost half the work I did was dealing with this, and I still didn't get all of it.

>> No.20977855

Note that these scripts don't work on the save. I already have a way to decrypt those tho.

>> No.20978048

Your english version is incompatible with map file edits, probably because of the language text xml files I don't know how to mess with.

>> No.20978428

Had a feeling this would happen, even put it in the readme.
The originals used a "msg:<japanese>:<flags,face,etc>:<english>" format, and I changed that over to "msg:<key>:<flags>", which naturally makes them incompatible. Mixing the two will just lead to a crash since they're expecting two different formats.

The language files are just xml listings of Key:Text/Dialogue mappings, where the en-US or ja-JP folders are loaded depending on language setting.
Text tags are generally for fragments of text ("a subchip", "a battlechip").
Dialogue tags are for the actual character text, lines separated by comma (use japanese punctuation for commas, apostrophes), with properties for Monochrome (Mono="True") and the face of the speaker (Face="Shanghai").
Every line of text should be in the languages folder, in case I messed up a translation, and you can enable the DialogueTester in the config to just dump and show lines of xml dialogue into the game (running around on the map screen) without having to reload the game.
If you rebuild/understand the map files, you could technically get working on (mostly) finishing the game right now, and when I get the source together you'll have access to all the virus/navi ids, etc.

>> No.20978436

Well, atm I'm thinking I'll try to put in custom graphics. If I can get that working, I can either start working on custom battle stuff with trying to make a custom navi fight, or I can try to make/restore map areas (I'd like to make a deep area and restore white heaven area) and maybe try to make an actual final boss fight and credits. I'm not sure how to mess with completion stars though.

>> No.20978581
File: 1.48 MB, 1354x1366, exesuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20978723
File: 112 KB, 800x1000, 46911054_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much.

>> No.20978740


>> No.20978879

Someday the effort of those fanarts' artists wouldn't be a waste when Shanghai.exe is revived.

>> No.20978892

Shanghai has so much personality in this game. It's amazing

>> No.20979027

what version of python did you use for your scripts? Having issues with encodeTCD.

>> No.20979113

Not a Python guru, so I just got whatever Python3 version was on the website at the time, not too long ago.
If it's not pycryptodome, which it shouldnt be since I assume you got decodeTCD working, there's not much I can say besides it works on my computer.

>> No.20979117

I was using an outdated version of python, but it grabbed pycryptodome for me I think so when I tried to use updated python to deal with a syntax error I needed to do some fuckery to get my pip to cooperate because it had weird shit going on from me using python years ago.
Managed to get it to work.

>> No.20980429

Should be everything excepting my scratch scripts which were riddled with absolute paths, but they mostly just processed base 0.502 files to use translation keys.
Feel free to distribute or even put it up on a public repo, I would do it myself if I weren't terrified of corporate lawyers paid to sit around and shit on things like this.
If anyone does, I'd probably contribute as long as someone else were willing to be the nail that sticks up.

>> No.20980438

>feel free to put it on a public repo
I'm not that crazy, and I don't really need to do much in the executable for what I want to do. It will make editing some things easier because I won't have to deal with recompiler sillyness at the least.

>> No.20984219


>> No.20984873

Fair enough, completely understandable.
Offer's open to anyone else if they want to try to rope someone into actively developing it though.

Anything in particular you're going to be working on besides >>20978436?
I was planning in looking at netplay (eventually), but as I said it'd be a learning experience for me.
I'd rather not step on anybody else's toes, or someone else is working on it I'd rather work on something that won't be made obsolete.

>> No.20984904

My idea is that when you beat the final boss, a flag will let you enter a new undernet area that will have the entrance to the white heaven area in it. The White Heaven area I'll probably put BN3 Secret Area style Security battles in and a fight with youmu (with no yuyuko, maybe have mima in there too) and in the new undernet area after a couple areas you'll reach an area like the BN5 postgame which I'd like to put new Chip Traders in (the chip trader code looks quite weird, but I could make new code for it with different RNG) and I'd like to spread out the bonus room content throughout the internet, so as the story advances you can reach new gauntlets.

As for netplay, the netcode already there is so bad I'd rather rip it out and put in new code. Even if that would require me to document and figure out how all of the battle code works, It would allow for implementation of a standard delay netcode (rollback would also be nice, but I have no idea how to put that together).

>> No.20985230

Sounds good, can't wait to try it out. I'll leave it to you, then.
I'll just muck around with the directx, see if I can fix a few issues I've been having on one of my machines.
Maybe even try to recreate that map editor, but I wouldn't hold out for it or expect a finished product any time soon, or ever.

>> No.20985422

KeyConfig bug
Setting Inactive Window to Paused doesn't actually pause the game when the window is inactive. It keeps running as if it were set to Running.

>> No.20985514

Turns out all that option did (in the original game, too) was pause keyboard and gamepad inputs when inactive.

>> No.20987696

Oh, really? My bad, I haven't played Shanghai since v0.43 ages ago so I guess I forgot.

>> No.20988029

It really was a useless option otherwise, so it's good that it's fixed.

Also finally playing through and I noticed that the request board has a bug where it always give the "you already have a request" text regardless of if you do or if you're even accepting a request.
Fix coming later today, anything else that should be included in the next build?

>> No.20988999

I'd like a guide on how your language stuff works so I can try to make my map hacks compatible with your version.

>> No.20989628

Touched on it a bit here >>20978428 but essentially it's just a dictionary loaded from xml.
Every displayed string now goes through a service that takes a key (pretty much any arbitrary unique string, the current formats are just convention/autogenerated), and returns what is essentially a string from the en-US or ja-JP language folders, depending on the configured language.
"Essentially" a string because I introduced a helper Dialogue class which allows easy index access to dialogue lines (separated by comma) and holds the face of the speaker.
If you're just doing mapfile stuff this doesn't really matter to you, but it's what it's doing in the background.

In the mapfiles, the affected areas should be the map name (first line, what's shown in the bottom left) and the "msg:", "question:", "numset:", and some "battle:" lines.
I can't recall where they're processed (MapField.cs?), but its in a gigantic switch-case statement you can search "question" etc. and you'll find it.
What I did was just strip out the "japanese text", "english text", "face sheet", and "face number" fields, separated by ":", and replace it with a "key" field to look up a key in the language files associated with those values.
"question:" lines also had options text, also replaced with a key.
"battle:" lines only had the "japanese text" field (using string replace for english) so I just replaced that with a key.
Face sheet and face number have been replaced with a string/enum name, listed in Common/Face.cs.
To add your own text, you'd just define a new key in the language files (or create your own language file, every .xml in those folders is loaded), then reference that key in the mapfile.

For example, if you want to add a new dialogue:
1. Open or create .xml files in the en-US and ja-JP language folders.
2. Within the <data></data> tags, add the line
<Dialogue Key="NewMap.AnyKey" Value="Test Line1!,Test Line2!,Test Line3!" Face="Sprite" Mono="False" />
(or maybe it was "Text" instead of "Value", sorry can't remember)
3. Inside your new map or the map you're editing, copy a "msg:" line from somewhere else and change the key to "NewMap.AnyKey".
4. Wherever that line was inserted, there should now be a sprite interjecting with "TestLine1!" etc.

The convention I've been going with for keys has been "<category>.<file><objectid>Stage<X>Dialogue<Y>Face<face>".
ObjectID I literally machine-translated since it's all internal.
StageX is a general grouping of messages, incrementing with cutscene events, branching (always 1,3,5, etc. because a script bug)
DialogueY is the index in each stage.
Face is leftover from before adding the Face= property, but I found it useful.
Questions usually have "Question" appended, with its options having "Options" appended to that.

I'd try to keep the en-US and ja-JP files synced for sanity's sake (surrounding the untranslated bit with [] or something), but I think I have a test in there somewhere to show key mismatches.

>> No.20990909

Fixed the Request BBS board, forgot an else.

>> No.20991075
File: 1.06 MB, 720x480, 2019-03-13 19-58-31e.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to make a new undernet background, didn't really work out.
Thanks, that'll help a lot later.

>> No.20991090

looks kind of like a wall of puckering anuses

>> No.20992294


>> No.20994882


>> No.20996011

The names of random unternet navis are still in japanese.

>> No.20996705
File: 72 KB, 736x519, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason the game rejects images saved by gimp, so I need to make something else save an image before I put it in the game's resource folder.
I'd bet that the game using outdated direct X is the reason.

>> No.20996730


Wouldn't surprise me, but try playing around with the bits-per-pixel settings, I remember seeing something in the code about that.

>> No.20996812

actually what is missing?
And what is unimplemented?

>> No.20997027

Druidman, Flandre, almost the entire postgame, the credits, whatever else would be done for four of the completion stars.
The final boss, youmu, mima
White Heaven area.

>> No.20997691

just wanted to say thanks

>> No.20998647

The cybeast boss is missing as well. It was the last thing he completed before the game was taken down. If we count "missing" things that he hasn't even started working on, there's also CirnoBX and MissileMan.

>> No.21000718

Does anyone have a compilation of this stuff?
I know he did dev streams, but I'd rather not have to go through everything.

>> No.21000754

Are you planning on stitching together graphics from a stream? Good luck if that is the case.


>> No.21001374
File: 41 KB, 736x519, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking with completion stars was easy after I stopped being dumb and realized that the chip code stars aren't tied to flags.

>> No.21001401

I actually read somewhere that the 0.502 build is not the latest one that got released? But I am not sure if that is true at all, the person wrote that 0.502 is neither the november nor december build.

>> No.21001418

Gonna make wild guesses as to what these are for:
>Beat final boss
>Beat bonus boss
>S Library
>N Library
>D Library
>Complete all requests
>Beat all SP Viruses
>Collect every Virus pet
Though I'm only separating the libraries because I have no clue otherwise.

>> No.21001429

I'm missing the PA library star in that shot.
All the non library stars are tied to flags (or the placeholder code was set to flags) and I don't know if there is a flag for when you've beaten each SP virus/caught every virus. I could maybe check through the flags in the virus room and code in a check for that, and maybe look into the bounty flags for that as well.

>> No.21001473
File: 670 KB, 640x360, SPnavis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that's gonna help, since Nico doesn't let you rewatch livestreams if you don't have a premium account, and deletes them a week or two after the broadcast.

All I have is his videos that I recorded. That's how I know for sure that White Heaven Area was like 99% completed. For example, CirnoBX and MissileMan would remain just a rumor from sprites that Honekaryudo posted once if Koki didn't add an NPC that tracked defeated SP navis in one of the last streams, who mentioned them both.

>> No.21001544

Then maybe something like beating SP Navis and then an SP final boss?

>> No.21001689

There are plenty of normal videos.

>> No.21001716
File: 19 KB, 249x333, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21002034

You're welcome, have a bugfix.
I changed the fancy "pause longer at periods and commas" stuff to handle english periods, but didn't realize how annoying pausing at every "Dr." and "Ms." would be.
Those are now specially handled since somehow I can't find an alternate period character to separate them from end-of-sentence periods.

>> No.21002071

This seems like it's going to be an ordeal without some sort of OCR to yank transcripts from the videos.
A good starting point though, see you in the year 20XX.

>> No.21002101

>Rin was also planned
I never even noticed this until now. So that makes 3 navis he didn't even start working on, and this one was still drawn by Nameko.

>> No.21002145

>Grimoire Style

>> No.21002769

How is the English in this version compared to the official 0.432[English]? Any bugs?

>> No.21003834

Sounds like it'd be like Hub Style and just do everything all at once while only looking slightly different (Maybe a Hourai recolor?). Might be possible to add if someone figures out how to add styles.

>> No.21003932
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x720, grimoire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koki described exactly how it would work. It gave you bits of every style, typically their less unique features. It also was supposed to be an addon, so no idea if you could use other styles together with it.

>> No.21003951

Oh, so it's more Hub Batch than Hub Style.

>> No.21003992

The addon's description still calls it "Grimoire Style", though, even if the addon itself is just called "Grimoire". But those abilities don't look like they'd completely override any style, either. Except, maybe, Fighter, unless 2x Buster effects from the addon and the style stack, which would make it really powerful.

>> No.21004034
File: 18 KB, 953x635, green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you green?

>> No.21004642

Blame Koki.
And me since I also accidentally made all the chip traders say they were 10-chip traders.

>> No.21004778

I'm really impressed at how fast you are with fixing everything that's mentioned here, you're a hero.

>> No.21004854

Can someone write down those effects exactly? I might be able to try finishing the add-on if I know exactly what it does.
Do you know how the chip Trader code works? I want to make five more chip Trader types to put in a post game room to make getting the last couple chips less painful.

>> No.21005079

Not 100% sure on this, but:
Get a list of all normal+navi chips (1-254) and split it into owned and unowned chips.
For every chip to be dispensed:
Get a random rarity of the chip.
Normal: 60% 1-star, 30% 2-star, 10% 3-star.
Rare: 40%, 30%, 20%, 9%, 1% from 1-5 stars.
Filter the owned and unowned chips by that rarity.
75% chance to get an owned chip, 25% chance to get an unowned chip.
Set a random chip code.

Debugging it, there may be an off by one error on chip number, so the actual behavior might be different.
I don't think you'll be able to easily add a custom list of chips for a trader by extending this code, you might need to create a new map object.

>> No.21005100

Is there an updated guide for this version?
Y'know, for chip drop tables and lottery codes and such?

>> No.21005102
File: 28 KB, 959x640, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I finally got to the "new" stuff, I can start pointing out errors. Like here we have destitnies instead of destinies.
I want to fondle Shanghai's destitnies.

>> No.21005236

Freud would be proud

>> No.21005258
File: 607 KB, 752x1062, uuuuuuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21005327

Thanks for your hard work, and shame to see that this games fucking dead now.

>> No.21005929
File: 24 KB, 959x640, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some items seem to just be treated as foreground when they shouldn't and cover the characters I guess?
The warps in the Clock Tower Comps I'm using as an example are obviously one, but there's also the fridge in Alice's house when it's freezing over from Cirno's attack and the food Henchie and the servants take from the buffet on the cruise, in the cutscene when Murasa attacks.

>> No.21006181

Not that I know of, but here's a dump of chip drops per area and trader codes.
Ugly, but maybe someone else can put something together, maybe slap a big ascii title on it and put it up on gamefaqs.

That one's going to be a pain, I was hoping it was just on my machine or just for small items since it's almost guaranteed to be decompiler fuckery. I'll see what I can do.

>> No.21006336
File: 2.18 MB, 640x360, powerchecker.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure about those effects myself, but:

Light Blue
5 cores, 15 hertz
Custom +1 (but no 12 chips max like Doctor)
Attack x2 (so it fully replaces Fighter for the purposes of using buster unless those effects stack)
FloatShoes (which includes air shoes in this game, but you don't get Wing's wind resistance or evasion move)
Elemental chip +10 attack (but no status immunity or extra +10 to any element like Witch)
SuperArmor (but no Gaia's defense bonus)
Charge Step (probably for chips, like Ninja, but you don't get faster movement and reflect)


>> No.21006353

This thread makes me happy because of the efforts on it but at the same time it makes me deeply sad because of what it could have been. It's not fair. It didn't have to end like this at all.

>> No.21006359


>> No.21006602

Making those is probably doable, I just need to look through the battle addon code and style code to find the effects to copy paste.

>> No.21006786
File: 23 KB, 813x184, modified.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a pain and I still don't know if it broke something else.
The issue was with hitrange:0:0:0:0 objects, which threw NaN and inf into the render order calculations.
I've added a check for those, but I have no idea how this would affect intangible map objects that are supposed to render over other objects, or if those even exist.
I also fixed a random railing in Eien Town that rendered behind Alice for a completely different reason, which was fun.

>> No.21006845
File: 363 KB, 480x270, 1532985229889.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're doing God's work anon

>> No.21007100

>Attack x2 (so it fully replaces Fighter for the purposes of using buster unless those effects stack)

would the +10 for null chips not work better?

>> No.21007353

Not for the purposes of using buster attacks.

>> No.21007375

Those aren't my ideas for Grimoire, it's what's written in that spreadsheet.

>> No.21008726
File: 1.43 MB, 960x668, sluthai.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This lady is out of control.

>> No.21009080

Can anyone tell me where the salvage program is for the Becoming a Navi request?
I thought it was just a simple matter of walking to the end of the cruise comp since it mentions a ship that just launched and a view of the sea, but that wasn't it, and I already tried rubbing my A button on every dead end I came across in the place too.

>> No.21009245

Check a railing somewhere on the ship, one of them should have a description that you can jack in to the endcap.

>> No.21009265

I never would have thought to do that, you're a lifesaver.

>> No.21009613
File: 1.10 MB, 2000x1200, 1546806042249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just out of curiosity, what do you use to record/make webms?

>> No.21009653

I was using some old-ass version of Camtasia I had lying around since I have nothing else. It's generally garbage but for a game like this it's not a problem.

>> No.21010365

I forgot how much I hated the money grind during the early game.

>> No.21010419

I just used CE to set it to like infinity (Seriously, if you go high enough it just sets itself to "Billionaire" and never decreases), mainly so I can buy any furniture I damn well please.

>> No.21010584
File: 15 KB, 956x640, legal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got to the end of the story (or what was left of it), so here's an album with everything I happened to come across.

>> No.21010811

I'm pretty sure it does decrease. I saw Koki run around with that tag, and he later dropped back to a few millions again.

>> No.21010832

I dunno, I bought out every interior store, multiples of several of them (like walls, couches and such) and everything from every chip store and I'm still walking around with it.

>> No.21011241

Much appreciated, surprised there weren't more instances of talking to invisible people.
Also some addon fixes, some of the original "translated" text was just copy-pasted placeholders.

Took a look, should just be for display, and now shortened to "Billions" to fit in the box.

>> No.21011289

Disregard that, missed the second half of the errors. You can see why there were errors in the first place.

>> No.21011359

Thanks a bunch, pal.

Also worth mentioning trying to use this crashes the game when you try to enter the bonus room, or maybe that's just what happens trying to do it with the English version in general, I dunno.

>> No.21011632

Was busy yesterday and feeling awful today so I didn't do much, but I'd like to know if anyone here has a recording of Koki going into the final area that a transcription of the text may be possible to get from. I'd also like to try putting together druidman if I can get a set of his sprites and maybe focus on putting together an ending rather than my current frustrations with making new maps.
I'm also want to try fixing the chip library so getting those completion stars is possible without hacking in dummy chips and I'd like to *try* making a druidman chip before chopping down the number of chips in the Navi section.
I'd also like ideas for dark chips. I've thought of two I'd like to make but would still need two more (or I could just chop down the number of darkchips).
That room only works in japanese mode in an unmodified v.502. I'm unlikely to update that for anon's translated version as I'd like to make the content in that room obsolete.

>> No.21011691

The final area, as in the one with the final boss? Or Deep Area? I think I have a full video of cutscenes before and after you fight the final boss, including the ending.

>> No.21011698

Final boss area.

>> No.21011720

Ah, that makes sense. I'll be waiting for that then!

ALL the cutscenes? That's amazing, I figured those were lost.

>> No.21011743

I'm not sure if I have the cutscenes for DruidMan. But if my memory serves me right, I have everything related to that final room with the pentagram, and everything that follows. I'm looking through the videos at the moment.

>> No.21011829
File: 555 KB, 640x360, druidman_missing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all I have for DruidMan, I'm sorry. The next video I have starts right before the final boss sequence, with DruidMan already defeated. I even have a video of myself cropping a screencap from the final boss fight and posting it here.

>> No.21012059

Guess he has to be made from memory/guesswork then?

>> No.21012102

Not sure if this will help, but Koki uploaded a playthrough on Nico Nico Douga. It went up to the end of the Druidman fight.

>> No.21012205
File: 2.96 MB, 640x360, shanghai ending 01 pre-boss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless Koki came back to this boss fight again later and I recorded it, I have nothing to help you with, sorry. I don't have a video of it because I was very busy at the time, so I haven't even seen it, not just didn't record it. So you'll have to rely on somebody else's memory if other anons watched it, too. I was lucky enough to record him doing the final tests of the final boss fight, because I had to watch him code the majority of that part of the game on my phone.

Oh, that's perfect then. I'm pretty sure that's what anon wanted.

Encoding this takes forever, and I'll have to split the ending into 6 videos to upload it here, AND I keep failing to guess the final filesize by like 100 KB. So please wait warmly.

>> No.21012269

Attempting to edit chips has been more frustrating than expected. I may need to switch to using anon's source code.
You could just upload the video file into mega or something.

>> No.21012325

What version of visual studio are you using?

>> No.21012458
File: 2.97 MB, 640x360, shanghai ending 02 boss part 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That may be a good idea. But I recorded them without audio, so you still won't hear Koki commentating what's going on. Figured it would make this more accessible to anons if an archive had them, too.

I wonder why encoding just slows to a crawl halfway in, though, this is just painful.

>> No.21012528
File: 2.79 MB, 640x360, shanghai ending 03 boss part 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, it's slightly faster now, and it helps that I don't get distracted.

>> No.21012576
File: 2.00 MB, 640x360, shanghai ending 04 bonus part.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21012615
File: 371 KB, 720x480, 2019-03-17 21-50-12c.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This needs to be improved but I'm not sure how to do so. Working with the code for chips is somewhat frustrating if you aren't copying code outright.

>> No.21012633
File: 2.96 MB, 640x360, shanghai ending 05 after boss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Koki was adding new chips, he always copied the code of existing chips in full, and then edited variables in them as necessary. At least that's what I've seen of him working on navi chips. Marisa was a common template chip for them.

>> No.21012649

I started with a Yorihime v1 chip and put in stuff from the attack when she uses it but my decompiler isn't cooperating with the charge effect stuff that I'd copy from Ran's chip otherwise.
I can probably copy code from the Utsuho chips for a Mima chip (mima dash) and maybe I could make a Ran DS chip that acts more like the bn4-6 bass chips.

>> No.21012682
File: 2.00 MB, 640x360, shanghai ending 06 ending.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The End

>> No.21012688


>> No.21012727

>0502e.9 build
>0502e.9 source
Just had to muck around in the Sakuya chips to make it so knives didn't spawn outside the field, and they seemed legible at least. Maybe I got lucky with however dotPeek decided to decompile.

VS2017, whichever one was free. That's going to be the common denominator of the stuff I'm using.
I have a few python build steps that work on my machine but I'm not sure how portable they are.

>> No.21012745
File: 269 KB, 640x360, botnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the one Koki was using in the later videos, too. I think I have one where he just installed it for the first time.

>> No.21014021

It's always something to see a dev unable to beat their own boss.

>> No.21014680

Any way to speed the game up? Speed hack doesn't seem to work.

>> No.21015026

Kikuri as the final boss is quite an interesting choice. Though I suppose she's the only one who can pull the large and menacing look.

>> No.21017154
File: 34 KB, 736x519, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what to make for the last two dark chips. There are two unused icons left, one that looks like a paladin sword and the other like an elemental sword/step sword. I don't think a dark paladin chip would be particularly great and for the other I'm could probably put together something like the Elemental Sword PA.
However, I could make a Mima or Ran DS chip instead. What do you guys think would be better?

>> No.21017163

I can only imagine the horrors of a RanDS when RanX is already so broken.

Personally, I'd go with the Navi DS chips since there's so few of them.

>> No.21017167

I'd be making it use the bass attack from bn4-6 rather than the 1-3 one the other Ran chips use.

>> No.21017169

That's pretty rad, I'd be all for that.

>> No.21017279

What chips have you added? The last dark chip was supposed to be Lavateinn. I think I have a video of it in action.

As a rule, dark chips don't have an X counterpart, and vice versa. Koki even made a mistake in his patch notes and said that he fixed a bug with SandPitX in one of the latest versions.

>> No.21017294

Dark Flare Gun as a mediocre copy-paste of Flaregun 1 with altered variables, and a YorihimeDS that uses her Grand Breaker attack instead of the sword combo.
Got the Lavateinn video?

>> No.21017367
File: 2.73 MB, 640x360, flandre_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. The chip isn't very complicated in how it works. Just noticed that he gets Flandre F from this battle, too, and this may or may not also be a dark chip. I'm not sure yet.

I'm trying to find a video of him going through a full dark chip library. Pretty sure there was MimaDS, if that isn't in the game already.

>> No.21017381
File: 2.96 MB, 640x360, flandre_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21017385

I'm pretty sure Flandre F was supposed to be a Navi chip as there was a leftover name for FlandreX in the code. No chip code though.
I could probably put together the Lavateinn chip with data from dark wiper and brave sword, but I'd need to clean up the chip icon/graphic which might be a little messy.
There was no data for a Mima chip left in the code or graphical data, which really sucks because I don't know what to put as the chip graphic.

>> No.21017511
File: 2.88 MB, 640x360, library.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the last video I have of the library, and it still only has 15 dark chips. Maybe the cybeast was supposed to give out the last one. And yeah, Flandre is a navi chip, but there is also FlandreDS.

>> No.21017573

I'm still frustrated that Yuyuko isn't in the v.502 files.
I've got an idea of what a Flandre chip would do having seen the fight, but with no clean graphics I can't make it.

>> No.21017633
File: 350 KB, 640x360, druidmanrv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21017686
File: 407 KB, 640x360, Kikuri K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, is this in the game?

>> No.21017704
File: 32 KB, 110x121, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to try and recreate the art for this?

It is. I'll probably put it behind a postgame door.

>> No.21017719
File: 541 KB, 640x360, druidman icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have higher quality art for Druidman. I'll see if I caught a higher quality Mima icon, too.

>> No.21017925
File: 26 KB, 712x368, DKGGyoaUEAUeU_R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a video of Koki working on Mima's chip, but the man who drew that (and almost the entirety of the rest of the postgame sprites) had this on his twatter nearly a year before Mima was added to the game.

>> No.21017939

Thanks anon. It might take a bit of effort to get rid of the twitter compression stuff but it will be significantly easier than remaking it from >>21017704.

>> No.21017965
File: 11 KB, 232x200, DJSaQPGUEAIB0V7.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why he insists on posting these as jpegs, but looks like there's no going around that.

>> No.21017981

That's just how Twitter is, nothing to be done about it.

>> No.21018036
File: 2.76 MB, 720x480, 2019-03-18 23-19-09e.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't take too long to make, but the graphics are placeholder ugly. If anyone has advice for making good dark soul palettes/color overlays in gimp, I'd like it.

>> No.21018051
File: 27 KB, 736x519, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark flare
Boring reskin of flare gun chipline. Not sure what to replace it with.
Uses Grand Breaker on enemy position, needs a bit of graphical polish and balancing.
Uses Mima dash, but the graphics don't like working right and I just can't get her to dash the correct direction. Also needs balancing probably.
Because I don't know much about Lists in C# the panels chosen are random, which might not be too bad but I'm pretty sure the Bass chips this is inspired by are not random. Strongly needs a better palette.

>> No.21018582

gotta go fast edition
Added a turbo button to allow the game to update faster than 60Hz, configurable in the options (still limited to the speed of your computer). Slower too if you feel like cheating, but you have to tick an additional box in Extras just as a final check against temptation.
This affects the "time played" clock too, so don't be surprised if it says you've been playing longer than you thought.
Also made general fixes to FPS in general, no more silly 58000 FPS, and you can set whatever you want/your monitor can support in the config.
Fixing the FPS may have also made the refresh rate do what it was supposed to, so if things feel choppy even though you're still at 60, try bumping it up.

>> No.21018659

Damn you're fast. Based
I caught a bunch of missing punctuation in the later chapters and a few messy sentences (esp the ones about Shanghai's origins) but overall this is a nice translation.
And now I go finish the BBS and shit because ROM Comp4 wall

>> No.21018664

I forgot to ask: will saves be compatible in the long run with these builds? Since that seems kind of important

>> No.21018992

Okay reporting a couple of nitpicky things that were maybe not found:
- select to set regular chip on empty spot says "you don't have enough regular memory" - it really should do nothing, since there's no chip there (and it interferes with select+start to empty the folder)
- fighting a friendly navi when the ominous pre-final-boss music is playing, the music is restored to the area's normal music and not the ominous tune (fight medicine for example, you end up with the university music afterwards)

>> No.21019304

Mima's dark chip is just Mima, not MimaDS. And if it isn't too much trouble, you could try to replace those chips with these >>21017633.

>> No.21020126

Should be, I made sure the first release would be compatible with unedited games and haven't touched the save format since.

I'll take a look.

>> No.21020600

I noticed one more oddity: The mystery data behind the ROM door in Undernet 10 is an AddOn (FullOpen) that is identical to one acquirable somewhere else (I forget where), and you can't equip two of them (same color, same function.) This seems like an oversight to me?

>> No.21020950

I'll take a look through the original files to make sure migrating didn't mess anything up, but otherwise I'll leave it to endgame anon since I have no idea what should go there and don't want to create any version conflicts.
I did find an "Unshuffle" AddOn in the code but I suspect it's just a debugging tool since it seems a little overpowered to say the least.
If netplay gets implemented, you may want to plan out some validation, rulesets, etc.
When I was testing the untranslated chips to see what they did, I accidentally gave myself a folder full of PA chips and the game happily let me slot 6 of them in one turn.

>> No.21021032

He demonstrated a video of it. I don't remember for sure, but I think in his notes it said that you were supposed to get Unshuffle from Quiz King. Also, check out its core and Hz requirements.

PAs are treated just like chips, his debug menu listed every PA right after the commands to get stuff like Lavateinn.

>> No.21021083

Bass chips in BN2-3 were random, BN4-6 was 8 shots in a 3x3 to 1x3 depending on how much area they have at 60 damage per shot.

>> No.21022060

I can change that, but anyone who picked up that won't have the change likely.
Unshuffle is stupid broken, I probably won't be putting that in because it would turn battles into 'press A to use stupid combo'.

>> No.21022268

You could try changing the mystery id or whatever is in the savefile that tells if a BMD has already been picked up, and they could pick it "again" (or the new one that's in the exact same location while the old one's gone).
They'd still have another copy of FullOpen, but there's not much to be done there without modifying the save file.

>> No.21022423
File: 2.14 MB, 1278x718, unshuffle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an overpowered postgame toy that forces you to stay at 1 HP and with at most one free core. What's your problem?

>> No.21022981

Oddly enough, only some overwrote the BGM and others like Wriggle worked fine.
While I was poking around in there, I also decided to add another config option to disable the emergency/incident BGM override in case you want to hear the regular area music again.

>> No.21023082

Nice work, crisis music gets annoying in every BN game.

>> No.21023471

Sweet. Another few things (am I annoying you yet?)
- In Shrine Comp2/Shrine Comp1 there's this brief window during the flame fade in which you can take the portal back to the previous area. Doing so causes all the buttons to be locked - you can't jack out, collect BMD or open the start menu, and no viruses appear until you take the portal back. You get hit with the fire from the area immediately when going back.
- Prob not worth fixing, but one time I killed a bunch of viruses and died simultaneously - the reward window appeared but I was deleted in the background, glitchy music for a second and then it kicked me to the title screen. So the game is apparently not equipped to deal with cross-kills.
- On the topic of battles, the message says "enemy bustered." Which is kinda wrong.
If you need DeadBody to even equip it, I don't think it's very broken to take the whole folder sequentially. This game makes dodging everything extremely difficult compared to BN, and there are some attacks that can make dodging completely impossible.

>> No.21023573

No, not a problem at all. Without a set tasklist of bugs to fix I wouldn't get much done at all, I'm not the creative sort.
>enemy bustered
I think that's an actual graphic that someone spent time drawing/putting together.
I'm tempted to just leave it in, or just for the hell of it make it available by config setting with some other ESL jank, it's got a certain charm to it.
>the rest
As good a time as any to figure out how cutscenes and scripted sequences work instead of skimming over them, I guess.
DeadBody changes things, I only looked at the description and flags, but there's a whole lot of broken things you can pull especially with invis/auras, fullcust, PAs, etc.
Knock yourself out I suppose but netplay (if I'm not getting ahead of myself) will need some special handling to avoid having all folders designed around avoiding 2-3 PAs to the face right off the bat.

>> No.21023638

You can only put one fullcust in a folder since it's 50MB, Invis maxes at 3 I think since it's 31MB. Even with FastGauge, Invis doesn't last a whole turn. Auras aside from the dark one are pathetic in this game and might as well just absorb a single attack since numbers are higher than BN. WhiteCard also can only be put in once, so it's not like it's BN3 FolderBak shenanigans.
The obvious counter for this is to dump a whole lot of shit on their field (cubes, mines, webs, flame) and have enough health to take a few PAs (read: HP+ Addons and ChipCure) All you need to do is wipe the aura out and hit them once within three turns.
If I find anything else, I'll let you know but this was all the obvious stuff I could find thus far.

>> No.21023874

Okay, apparently you can acquire the LostLight addon twice as well - one from a normal shop (I think), and one from the Undernet 3 bug trader NPC. Same as the last addon issue, having two of these is pointless

>> No.21023879

That seems extra weird to me. I can buy normal add-ons being duped since he might just have messed up and intended to give it a different colour or something, but minus add-ons are always the same colour.

>> No.21023884

Yep. I just checked and the other shop is the guy in Lord Usa Comp, 18000Z

>> No.21024043

Speaking of add-ons, is there perhaps a way to make Humor and EirinCall not require a pink core? It feels like an oversight considering both are rather useless add-ons, like Ammo, BigAmmo, and BlueBuster.

>> No.21024104

Now that you mention it, I'm probably just being stupid but I can't figure out how to get Eirin to say anything aside from three lines. Is it based on the area you're in or is it just broken?

>> No.21024118

Eirin's add-on gives you data on the viruses you've captured. If you've captured every variety, she'll tell you all she can.

>> No.21024171

Figured I was just being stupid. Thanks.

>> No.21024250

1 HP means that SynchBody kills the Unshuffle users unless they exclusively use status damage. And they are forced to use poison element styles or Wing style to not immediately die to PoisonStage or Medicine. PoisonGaia scores an instant kill in that case. And using any means of defense means that Hakuroken kills them immediately. WhiteLily and GasGarden just kill. Still kills immediately no matter what. An Unshuflle netbatlle would still become an A button mashing contest like BN3, but you are not entirely escaping that even with shuffled folder.

>> No.21024526
File: 17 KB, 956x640, humor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'd have kept walking around with them if they didn't make me stop using add-ons I like, as it is it more or less just encourages going through everything in one go and then getting rid of it.

>> No.21025565

I forgot to check the older versions, but that is odd and I don't think I modified those areas much.
I did find some AddOns with missing/duplicate IDs though, maybe they were supposed to go there.
Did you find AddOns named Statue (no movement) or Loner (No Navi chips, thought about naming it IronMan) anywhere else in the game?
If not, I feel like Statue could go to Undernet 10, and Loner to the Lord Usa shop.

>> No.21025575

Not him but I found both, don't remember where exactly though.

>> No.21025635

If you've got the time, could you go through "languages/AddOn.xml" and check for AddOns you don't have?
I'm still at the "bully Marisa for CrimNois chips" stage of my playthrough.

>> No.21025640

language/en-US/AddOns.xml or something similar, rather.

>> No.21025715

They're on some random evil girl navi in Undernet 6 I believe. She sells them for bugfrags.

>> No.21025741

Sure, but keep in mind there's a few ROM barriers I didn't bother to walk all the way to and I might have just missed an item or two in some comp. I feel like I did a fairly thorough job exploring besides that though.

What I'm missing are:

I was gonna guess either that, or the guy selling stuff for FreezeFrags somewhere deep in the Undernet in some open space.

>> No.21025772

Dark chip plus and speedrun are in the game, I've got one in my save and I've seen the other in other people's saves.
Grimoire isn't finished.

>> No.21025786

Dang, I was hoping I wasn't just a dumb and ran right past Speedrun somewhere, because that's something I'd have liked to have.

And yeah, I know Grimoire wasn't finished, was just for completion's sake.

>> No.21025878

Yeah, I think he only added a placeholder with correct color, Hz and cores requirements, but none of the effects he planned for it.

>> No.21026072

Having a Baldy as your Virus Chip crashes the battle when the fight ends, and it doesn't have a portrait in the chip select screen (description works fine, though). Additionally, bringing up the "Help" function in the Virus selector will crash the game after a short time. Relatively minor bugs that are easy to avoid (a Baldy is probably a pretty shitty virus to use anyway), but if someone could fix them it'd be appreciated

>> No.21026189

Marisa is such a pain to fight to me, I keep getting hit by her magic missiles because the startup for that is kinda like a spark fake-out and it gets me every time.

Sakuya is way easier.

>> No.21026227

Most viruses that weren't fully implemented back in the 0.4x days missed portraits, and Baldy was one of them. But the virus itself used to work correctly before, and I thought Koki finished the virus breeding part of the game.

>> No.21026303

Holy shit, I hope that exists.

>> No.21026316

It's in the file, so it should. Seems like it'd be part of the Starforce add-ons but I never got it while I did get the shield, lock-on and area loss.

>> No.21026333

Always felt Marisa was a bit slower and easier to counter, I always had to use Tailwind to get Sakuya in a position I could get to to counter in time.
Never got a hang of her attack patterns either since I stuck with Marisa, but I thought there was a bit more variety and volume which tended to trip me up.

I don't recall anything about breeding, but I wouldn't be surprised if I broke something there, the code for viruses varied a lot compared to chips, and I used a script to swap out strings.

>> No.21026405

Not sure about viruses myself. I don't remember recording him working on them, only that he posted a twatter update about it. But yeah, the virus part was finicky in general, so I won't be surprised if something broke.

>> No.21026494
File: 130 KB, 320x240, 66225039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to bully Medicine. Heat Wing + heavy heat/elec folder. Also, the occasional appearance of Iku's Drill Break for the finisher is great.

>> No.21026515

Medicine has suffered enough, leave her alone.

>> No.21026531

nah, she tried to kill people

>> No.21026541

Do NetNavis even feel pain?

>> No.21026547
File: 22 KB, 957x640, 06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was hanging out with the wrong crowd and just needed a friend, it wasn't her fault.

Shanghai on the other hand is naturally a monster.

Would be weird if they can't with all the "ow that hurts" stuns that make them invincible for a while.

>> No.21026550
File: 684 KB, 1190x889, 55031430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah. True. Either way, it's not like friendly NetBattles are lethal. If they would you'd get a game over afterwards.

>> No.21026562

Ah, another fellow Medicine bully. I go into it with PoisWitch and just chuck MarisaV3/2/MedicineV3/V2 when possible, dump mines, webs and flames everywhere and then destroy the flowers if they crop up. She dies quickly. Mono-code folder (M) if you can't tell from the description
I think Speedrun was a request board reward.

>> No.21026573

I always wondered how that works, since you do fight until one of you is deleted.

Nah, I'd have gotten it then. I completed all of them.

>> No.21026594
File: 73 KB, 669x608, C7DiVdnVAAA7KMz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The easy answer for most NetNavis is that both parties make a backup before the battle, but that doesn't work for select navis like MegaMan.EXE or Shanghai.EXE since they both are too big and complex to restore properly. So the hard answer is that maybe navis are coded with some sort of "training mode" routine which allows them to be "deleted" without actually being deleted.

>> No.21026628

Why would you pick a bully victim who doesn't have an elemental weakness? Medicine is pretty much the ideal bully victim because she even spawns grass on the field, just don't get hit by a tornado and it's free S ranks.

>> No.21026635

speedrun is en eien town, cross the street, go down.

>> No.21026643
File: 500 KB, 1200x1074, CPbtklsVEAAZERI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medicine is pretty dumb. She's not even grass element, but she makes grass on the back of the field at the start? Why? Does she like losing? Maybe her v1 just wanted to die or something considering how quickly she changed her tune.

>> No.21026662

The actual answer is that her flowers need to be on grass, grass panels hit with poison attacks become poison panels, and she's supposed to get more powerful the more poison she has available, she just doesn't have a reliable way to hit those back grass panels with poison because whoever built her is a sadist.

>> No.21026675

Huh, I remember checking down there first time I came to Eien Town, and it was just empty. Thanks a ton. Even if it's kinda useless to me now that I've done pretty much everything already.

>> No.21026689
File: 202 KB, 786x1024, CQ9sdrlUAAAJjwV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, Shanghai isn't much better than her programmer.

>> No.21026712
File: 155 KB, 667x800, __medicine_melancholy_touhou_drawn_by_vils__afeb50a57a8bf8dffb391c321c40e669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second quiz guy, right?
Aside from that Medicine is just disgustingly easy to dodge and moves slow. Sakuya by comparison is a fucking silver hedgehag, good luck hitting her with anything that isn't aoe

>> No.21026714

More like thankfully, Weak navis deserve to be bullied. It's kill or be killed on the net, just ask Carrie

>> No.21026722

Sakuya is really easy to hit though. She always starts with two warps into an attack, so that one is basically a free counter for something like Aura Sword, then she follows that stun up with a jump into some piss easy to dodge knives and spends most of the rest of the fight throwing out single slow knives that leave her wide open for charge shots or more chips that stun her, repeating the cycle until she poofs out of existence.

>> No.21027131

As the other anon said, grass panels turn into poison panels when any poison attack contacts them, that's the reason why Medicine uses grass.

>> No.21027181
File: 24 KB, 362x374, CPbticmUEAAz-sc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm aware of this, doesn't change that Medicine's battle strategy has... problems, especially since her flowers can just be spawned with no grass beneath them.

>> No.21027457

Managed fix the manager crash, if a virus has a V code it tries to turn it into the V2,V3,etc. symbol but crashes since it's looking for a number past the end of the name.
I should be able to cobble together an icon just by putting a yellow filter over Typhoon.
Can't replicate the battle crash, though, could you upload your save?

>> No.21027470

You're probably gonna wanna make icons for all the other new enemies too since they most likely lack one as well.

>> No.21028246
File: 62 KB, 736x519, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having some issues with making new maps. Besides the parser having a fit frequently, I'm having issues getting stuff be aligned properly as seen in pic related. The game doesn't have an actual tile system (it loads a map as a png and the map file as a collision map/data markers for events, map objects, variables etc) so it will probably be a lot more frustrating to make new maps than I anticipated.

>> No.21029119

Miscellaneous fixes.
Finally checked the map files, even the originals had the same AddOns, so we'll have to decide what they should be.
Didn't get around to changing Humor and EirinCall colors, since that will need some handling for if you've got both on at the same time.

Don't sweat it, it hasn't even been 2 weeks since you started working on it, and any release date is better than what we had before.
I'll put a barebones map editor on my todo list after these immediate concerns, might even be good practice for upgrading the directx.
It might take me a while to understand how things work though, so take your time.

>> No.21029719

You mean the map is one gigantic image? Use Tiled (www.mapeditor.org) or something. Pretty sure the tile size is configurable and it can export as a giant png.

>> No.21031450

So, I've kinda skimmed the thread, and it seems to me like a/some kind anon(s) are working on implementing stuff the original author couldn't while also translating it. Is that right? How's the progress on that? Will the game be "complete" in that you can do the whole story? I've never touched the game before, and only recently learned about the original author having to stop development. Even without the extra game stuff, it'd be nice to at least be able to play the "normal" content to completion if that's possible.

>> No.21031473

There's no harm in playing what's there now, all that the story is missing is the final bosses and the ending and along the way there's tons of side stuff to do.

>> No.21031550

Heck, there's a whole extra campaign even. It's short, but the hospital campaign was fun. Speaking of extras though, where in the net are Scissor Man and Chen? I'm having the hardest time finding them and they're the only v2 and 3 I haven't faced.

>> No.21031567

Chen V2 is in the entrance to the Border comp in the city area. Her V3 is in Undernet 3 I think. I don't remember where is scissor man is if he's implemented.

>> No.21031587

Scissor is in a dead end in Undernet 3. Bottom left, in center of a 9x9 area iirc
Also, there's kinda *two* bonus dungeons, the undersea ship one just isn't as fun since there's no real boss.
...I really wish that Okuu was harder. I mean, Melt is a pain, sure, but that's not interesting like throwing tiny suns all over the place

>> No.21031588

Speaking of, most of the extra stuff could probably fit on the request board, like I can see Flan belonging there.

>> No.21031595

I enjoyed the ship's "dungeon" more than the hospital's, but yeah, it could have used a proper boss.

>> No.21031603

I thought the autoroid was enough of a challenge, and the constant fights against those hardcore zombie sprites was awesome.

Also, I guess since we're on the topic, where's Okuu v2/3?

>> No.21031608

Maybe just make Yumeko a boss you can challenge like Sakuya/Marisa/Medicine.

>> No.21031617

Maybe if someone makes some Sprites for her.

>> No.21031630

The autoroid was easy, but I agree the whole mechanic there was great. Just...the lack of a boss left me unsatisfied.
I was thinking more along the lines of Nue for a boss there as something appropriate.

>> No.21031644

As much as I like Nue, I wouldn't want to replace the "intended" boss.

>> No.21031655

Maybe the autoroid could have used a more complex moveset? Perhaps giving it like an actual combo-based folder? Or heck, make it a PA spamming psychopath, but with stronger PAs.

>> No.21031657

I thought that the hospital scenario could have been integrated in the main plot, which had some minor pacing issues. The raid on Border concern was really rushed and came out of nowhere.

>> No.21031667

>make it a PA spamming psychopath
Oh god, please no, I don't want another Carrie. She's a monster.

>> No.21031675

I suppose so. It is what it is, at that point we're just modding the game.
But still, that place feels oddly incomplete. Like, it's never explained why it's there, why it's full of glitchy progs, and why the program down there in the first place.
It would have been better to give him some sort of screwy moveset that messes with your head, since all the progs in the area are glitchy and broken. At very least, it would make me feel like I was fighting something unnatural rather than a tanky autoroid.

>> No.21031690

The messed up Progs is basically just that they "died", the one at the entrance kinda hints towards that. I think the Sage might have said why the ship has the program but I don't recall, just that he says they have it.

>> No.21031743

The sage only said it was on the ship when it sunk.
You're walking through a place of busted progs screaming in pain to get a program that supposedly turns a prog into a Navi. Isn't that kind of ominous? I mean, it smells of a horror plot to me.

>> No.21031763

Now there's an idea. I wonder how hard it would be to change that specific autoroid's moveset. There's lots of chips that could work, like it spamming status ailments, panel manipulation, and things like synch body and shadow body.

>> No.21031786

Probably very easy if I can find out what version code that enemy uses.

>> No.21031872
File: 115 KB, 641x429, stuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got stuck in one of the N1 qualifier battles
enemy is not moving so I don't get my space back.

>> No.21031922

Ouch. I take it you have no chips that hit above you like Sakuya?

>> No.21032026

you are forced to use the N1 folder, so no

>> No.21032146

Scissor is in undernet 6 actually

>> No.21032168

Yeah, I just found him. He's such a fun fight, do you know if he sticks around in Undernet 6?

>> No.21032261
File: 2.83 MB, 640x360, kirisame.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There already was another PA spamming psychopath in the works, but I don't think any of the character-specific postgame requests made it into a playable build of the game.

>> No.21032265
File: 11 KB, 1088x720, uraNet10f5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's such a fun fight
The SP5 might make you not say that.
I can look into other things (cutscene system, transcribing the webms with endgame dialogue, restoring the last floor comp, and making some poor attempt at a credits, OR attempting to make a bossfight) but the big issue is with the map's png file not being aligned properly. A basic map editor would help a LOT with making sure things are in the correct place though, the grid system is bizarre with being isometric.
It would help if you could tell me exactly how the header worked though.
Does Tiled have good isometric options? I would need to figure out the exact numbers for tiles, but the big thing is just making sure I can have all 'tiles' that you walk on be aligned so that I can align them to the games collision map which is kinda weird.
Map images are big png files seperated by floor (and slopes) so undernet 10 is five different images, as an example.
Not super much has been done to 'finish' the game, I've wrote up some plans for postgame areas and the sort of flow I want with the few post game bosses avaliable and may try to restore the final bosses map. Regardless of my issues with maps, I can set completion star flags whenever.

>> No.21032308

It got up to 17 requests. Kinda a shame because the later ones got really good.

And damn, that one looks really tough.

>> No.21032341
File: 21 KB, 467x592, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pft what
Is that Mari's mom, Marisa?

>> No.21032367

her dialogue box is Marisa.exe just with purple clothes, so it's probably either Mari's mom/other relative or some sort of alternate universe thing caused by the probably literal magic used for the final boss.

>> No.21032389

What chips did it use?

>> No.21032398

so everything is fully translated now?
i miss my battle network

>> No.21032435

It's fully translated but it ends right before the final boss.

>> No.21032452
File: 2.60 MB, 640x360, OC.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have time to translate her dialogue right now, but I'm pretty sure it's just a cosplayer. Marisa's mom was almost guaranteed to be in, since MissileMan was confirmed to be a boss, but that was not her. This is just someone using a normal navi called Kirisame.

>> No.21032550

It'd be kind of nice if we could contact the devs and see if they have any notes they could just share.

>> No.21032613
File: 2 KB, 264x196, DrfTEqXU8AAebWI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koki is on twatter, as are both of the main artists.

>> No.21032665

This seems like a bad idea.
It's not like they had to stop working on it because of time commitments or anything, they got told to cease working on it, after restricting access to it behind a paywall.
Best not to tempt fate.

>> No.21032670

I doubt Koki would want to say anything more about Shanghai, seems to me he just wants to pretend it never existed.

>> No.21032752

that isn't to bad
the final boss is already scripted and only needs a area correct?

>> No.21032774

The boss before the final boss isn't coded at all, I think.

>> No.21032782

game isn't launching for some reason.

>> No.21032888

is there a way to enable the game to render the pixels in way that doesnt make it blurry?

>> No.21032925

Wasted most of a weekend trying to answer that question, and it looks like the answer is no, short of getting a different GPU, rewriting the graphics engine, or a directx9 expert/competent person (i.e. not me) taking a look at the source at >>21012727.
I'll get there eventually though.

The source is all I can offer you, unless you want to mail me your computer.

>> No.21033018

Your source looks identical to the way the code looked when Koki worked on it. Is it a feature of C#?

Although he used event editor to automate most tasks that didn't involve adding new sprites or enemies, so working on the game still wouldn't be as simple as it was for him.

>> No.21033080

A C# thing, though it's not perfect. I doubt he had a habit of using byte.maxvalue instead of 255, which kept screwing up a lot of my parsing scripts.
That editor would be real handy right now, though.

>> No.21033243

any way to get the game to detect the d-pad when setting controller inputs?
it detects the analog as buttons but not the dpad

tried with several controllers and nothing

currently using the 8bitdo snes pro controller since my switch pro doesnt detect diagnol movement

>> No.21033297

Nope, directinput through that same directx9 library that hadn't been updated in 8 years and whose website was down when I took a look.
Try Antimicro or something to remap controller inputs to keyboard presses.

>> No.21033933

how do i turn off the image blur?
screenshots above have it off

>> No.21034016
File: 1.14 MB, 720x480, 2019-03-21 23-36-59e.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attempts to make a bn4/5 style Dark Soul fight didn't go nearly as well as I had hoped, and I had a ridiculous number of problems and crashes trying to get the enemy to grab the chip folder you were using to make them use it, so I ended up just editing the normal navi code to see if I could get them to use various chips.
What I found is that even after you remove all the BS from their chip pool they will still embarrass you randomly.

>> No.21034079


>> No.21034083

That's how dark soul worked in those games. It only was powerful because it would occasionally pull out a giga chip or a PA. In BN5, it would even substitute chips that were marked as "unusable" by dark soul (like Attack+) with Cannon, even though I'm pretty sure no one used those willingly.

>> No.21034087
File: 257 KB, 896x599, blurry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic for reference

>> No.21034184

> replaced the regular internet theme with the one from megaman battle network 3


>> No.21034190

That is some impressive work though, I dig it.

>> No.21034243

I believe they also had a Dark Sword by default. Dark Invis/the berserk 'about to die' dark soul ran off of the same value pool as the boss fight I think as well, resulting in some silly rules in japanese BN5 tournaments.
I never did have much of an issue with the fights in BN4/5 probably because the AI would spam weak buster spots.
It isn't super more technically impressive than the normal navi fights are, it just so happens that those fights are limited to three chips it seems. People were talking about improving a boss that used the normal navi code earlier and I could change out the chips it uses very easily, but it would be limited in how many it had unless I reworked normal navi fights to use more chips.

>> No.21034343

>exactly how the header worked
You're going to be disappointed but here's what I got from a deep dive of the mapfile parsing (MapField.cs).
Haven't even gotten into the actual item definitions, but it was a good start on getting to know enough for a map editor.

see >>21032925

>> No.21034375

if the answer is no, then how the hell is >>21034016 not blurry

>> No.21034400

>rank (0 is usually SP)
Usually Navi's have a v1/2/3 and any other number goes to the switch statement default which is SP. If the version is above a certain number it increases the HP for sp2-5. 0 is an alternate set for some Navi's like Utsuho DS or Kikuri HM.
The enemy encounter info is pretty useful to know, I had no clue what most of the options other than navi, version, and audio actually did.
>special encounter flag
Is the header info actually relevant for that? It looks like the v2 encounters set the flags themselves. (though I'm not really sure how the events process flags sometimes with terms)

>> No.21034410

Because it depends on your GPU/gpu driver, and whether it defaults to linear or point filtering when scaling up a window.
Some do, some don't, it's a highly requested feature for drivers, and some games get around this by actually scaling the game's graphics, instead of stretching the output to fill the window, then resizing the window.
The original developer didn't do this, and I don't understand his graphics engine code well enough to fix it, I've tried.

>> No.21034425

I think the encounter flag is for roaming V3s where defeating the V2 sets the flag that V3 can be fought.
What I'm just realizing is that I have no idea how an SP virus battle sets the flag that it's been defeated, I don't think it's in the map file.

>> No.21034436

SPBustedFlag() in EnemyBase.cs, I found it by accident when hunting for a way to fix ShanghaiDS getting stuck in using a chip (fix to that was to add them to a switch statement in ChipBase ActionEnd).

>> No.21034445

Actually fuck, that's for SP Navis.

>> No.21034629

Tiled is meant for editing maps, and yes it has an isometric mode. You can manually set the tile width/height to an arbitrary value and it will handle the tile alignment. If you're ever used RPG Maker's map editor thing it's a lot like that

>> No.21035972

Two of the SP virus locations aren't properly translated. DrillBitSP is in Battleship Model Comp instead of Battleship Comp. SquidAnchorSP is in simply Cruise Comp 1, not Cruise Ship Comp 1.

Additionally, the sprites in both bonus dungeons have no new dialogue after completing those dungeons.

>> No.21035988
File: 79 KB, 715x477, lib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What chips are supposed to be in that gap there?

>> No.21036021

No idea on what was intended, but at the moment there's no data for those, just dummy chips.

>> No.21036045 [DELETED] 

Is DruidMan implemented? Or at least named as chips? And if not, are there any navis who lack chips?

>> No.21036133

Judging by the location, a friendly navi. However, there's no friendly navi that is between SpannerMan and HakuTakuMan. So it'd probably be best to just delete those chips. It seems like there was maybe something planned for the tournament arc.

>> No.21036137

This is the last look at the chip library: >>21017511, >>21017633. It has Druidman and DruidmanRV, but those three chips are missing even there (7 are missing in total). According to this list: >>21001473, that space must have been reserved for MissileMan, Rin and CirnoBX, with CirnoBX likely only getting one navi chip instead of 3 versions, similar to Utsuho, Flandre and DruidMan.

>> No.21036247

What do RV and BX even stand for anyway?

>> No.21036257
File: 998 KB, 250x251, we just don&#039;t know.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21036289

RV would make sense as "Revived." I wouldn't be surprised if DruidMan, considering his absurd strength is from Beyondard like the cloaked navis. BX meanwhile... I have no idea, is there anything Cirno specific that would apply to her?

>> No.21036309
File: 530 KB, 640x360, cybeast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RV likely stands for "Revived", though DruidManRV's chip description is exactly the same as his normal chip's, so no idea why it needed a special name. Not sure what this chip's event was supposed to be, since I don't remember him in the notes for DeepArea or anything else like that. Could have been another request he wanted to add later or something.

BX in Cirno's name could mean "Beast Cross". Her sprites looked like she used abilities of something like Falzar, that X in her name looks like a cross symbol rather than a letter, and cybeast was supposed to be an important boss in DeepArea, where CirnoBX was also supposed to be found.

>> No.21036345

How about B for baka, followed by an X which makes everything ten times cooler?
BeastCross makes more sense, all (9)ing aside.

>> No.21036366

>How about B for baka
That sounds like something Shanghai would say after Cirno introduces herself.

>> No.21036443
File: 4 KB, 947x220, 05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does have a tendency to do that. And it's the best.

>> No.21036510

Missileman's chips. I think there was going to be chips for Orin as well.

>> No.21036659

cant into japspeak
what do these say so i can set the loop points for the oggs for custom music

>> No.21036664
File: 12 KB, 440x79, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.21036699
File: 156 KB, 1006x645, looppoint.txt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, the loop points are right here.

>> No.21036705

wew lad im a dummy

>> No.21036718

When will we hit a breakthrough in modding that will allow someone to add game over rape events?

>> No.21036734

I think I am too. While you can just replace the music in the music folder and edit the looppoints.txt file directly, I think the mod folder lets you keep the original music intact, so you don't have to do any extra work when restoring the original music.
The format is sample based. The first number (red) is the point in which the loop begins. The second number (blue) is where the loop ends, before returning to the first number to keep playing. Green is obviously the file name of the music file being used.
That text file is supposed to be named the same as the .ogg you're replacing over in the music folder. So replacing Genso Town you'd need to name it gen_city.txt

>> No.21036747

good thing audicity exists for this

>> No.21036750

Anon decompiled the game, and its source looks almost identical to what Koki was working on in his streams. This isn't even modding, it looks like you are free to rewrite the game however you want.

>> No.21036933

>full sprite animation of shanghai getting pounded by undernet thugs never

>> No.21036954
File: 159 KB, 500x500, 1410734178002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's written in C# and isn't obfuscated at all. Learn to program.

>> No.21037001
File: 823 KB, 720x920, 43907135_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you mean to reply to someone else?

>> No.21037070
File: 490 KB, 784x559, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I did. Wow, me.

>> No.21037120

I might not know how to program, but at least I know how to reply properly!

>> No.21037155

dumb cirno posters.

>> No.21037157
File: 386 KB, 1190x1572, touhou cirno 9 ball different confused question marks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21037164
File: 135 KB, 682x1024, CYbdRKoUAAAEzMb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21037166

I've been up more than 18hrs, cut me some slack
One of those isn't even cirno
Unrelated, but I really wish each boss had different music. That would be sweet.

>> No.21037275

Yeah, most of the soundtrack had been decided 7 years ago, so individual boss themes were never in the plans. I wanted to look up Koki's blog post from 2011 about the planned soundtrack to see if Deep Area and VS Cybeast themes were there, and it turns out that he deleted it (or I'm blind). Considering that every track mentioned Battle Network games that they were supposed to be based on, is this tangential proof that he wasn't lying about Capcom?

He retweeted art of Shanghai not so long ago.

>a Baldy is probably a pretty shitty virus to use anyway
From what I gathered back when I was testing viruses, all of its versions could have been pretty valuable if we ever got netbattling. A bulky source of grass panels to power your fire attacks, a slightly better protected ice maker compared to lily (way more HP, but it always refreshes the ice panel it's sitting on) and a rapid sand dispenser are all great assets to have.

>> No.21037839
File: 42 KB, 736x519, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was able to set the completion star for defeating SP Navis. ATM its kinda a "beat SP5 gauntlet" star because you can't find some bosses outside of it, and this is after I put Youmu and Mima in the gauntlet.
If you know the flags for defeating SP viruses, I could set that Star too.

>> No.21038186

You can use virus order completion flags for that, no?

>> No.21038188

Do you know which flags those are?

>> No.21038199

No, i haven't looked at the code outside of what appeared on streams (which mostly was code for new chips and bosses).

>> No.21038288

Other anons have answered it, but to clarify a bit: both RV and BX class only appear in BN6. The former in Graveyard area against, you guessed it, Revived Navis. The latter is Forte's class after he absorbed the Cybeast's fragment, so yeah Beast Cross.

>> No.21038306

So, I was tooling around in the ROM comps, and in comp 3 I ran into CirnoEX again, cutscene and all.

Finding that strange, I went through the other comps, Murasa was in comp 1 at the end. Medicine was still hanging out off the railings in ROM comp 2, but no boss at the end. Obviously I can't check ROM comp 4, but this makes me want to go back and double check all the new campaigns. Perhaps in reverse order?

>> No.21038730

I'm going to put a pause on new releases until I beat the game and maybe have a basic version of the map editor ready, I haven't been able to follow the last few discussions since I just haven't gotten to those areas yet.
See you all in a bit.

>> No.21038899

good luck

>> No.21038925

If the thread dies, will you make a new one?
Also, you can abuse the chip traders by buying the 100z chip in the shop and shoving them in.

>> No.21038976

Not until I have something new to release, but if anyone else wants to make one to discuss things, go ahead.
>100z chip trader
I'm shying away from making balance changes, but it seems harmless since it's singleplayer, takes a bit of effort, and that trader's weighted towards lower rarity chips anyways.

>> No.21038982

I'm gonna guess this is just part of the area's unfinished nature and he never cleaned it up or something?

>> No.21038991

I meant that as a suggestion for you to get chips more easily in your playthrough

>> No.21039015

Oh, thanks, completely went over my head.
I'm looking to play through it "properly" though, I spent all that time working on it and never actually played for anything other than testing.

>> No.21039023

Oh, refighting Murasa there softlocks the game after she's sent back to rehab, game probably can't figure out the tank's already busted.

>> No.21040035

Probably, and thanks, I forgot about that during my research, I was in a bit of a rush to get through comp 2.

Although, thinking about it, having those two, maybe even all six as ghostly navis in the post-game to challenge at will for easy battles against the EX forms would be good.One of my least favorite things in the BN games was tracking down the EX/SP navis in the post game.

>> No.21040130

Having to run into every corner of the map to try and find a refight really blows, Starforce tried to fix that by having said refight like halfway through a dead end corridor, which just presented a whole new problem of accidentally running into a refight you're totally not prepared for.

Shanghai did it really well at first by having several Navis in CirnoV2's area straight up telling you there's gonna be some shit there, but then kinda dropped it with the others.

>> No.21040153
File: 111 KB, 1128x1000, Dc674NzU0AA7y2v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I still have no idea where to find ScissorMan v3 and Utsuho v2 and v3, if they even exist.

Youmu isn't implemented, so she's excused.

>> No.21040527

>Utsuho v2 and v3
Can be fought if you raise the virus level in the demo bonus room, and you can get their chips, but they count as illegal data and don't appear in the library, so I take it as confirmation that you can't fight the v2 and v3 legit.

>> No.21040687

Yeah, by chance I got a Utsuho v3 while grinding out PoisonDoc style against Marisa. That's sort of disappointing, perhaps she should show up in Eien area 2 or 3? Or even just as a navi you can fight. Oh, and on that note, Satori is in her hospital room after the dungeon, but has no dialogue. She's just sort of... there.

>> No.21040770

Yeah, and after Tenshi leaves the hospital you can check the cabinet in what was her room and it'll still say her things are in there.

>> No.21040842

That's especially weird since behind the curtain you can find a cloaked navi who will give you a dark chip.

>> No.21041294

Heck, I had no idea. Thanks for that one.

>> No.21041349

It means Koki hadn't finished messing with the encounter data. One of the first things I did when messing with the chip code was place those chips in the correct spot in the library, but I would need to leave the illegal chip slot in if I didn't want people to lose their Utsuho v2/3 gained from crimson farming.

>> No.21041361

Honestly, losing navi chips isn't that much of a loss. Utsuho isn't even that hard of a fight on v1, v2 and v3, if you just took her base UI and script and sped it up would be easy enough to S rank.

>> No.21041829
File: 1.87 MB, 1280x1840, 6371511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night, Shanghai. We will see you again.

>> No.21041859

she's dead, man. let it go

>> No.21041861

Are you sure v2 and v3 chips for Utsuho are even supposed to exist? It looks to me like all navis with a DS (or RV) chip only have one entry in the navi chip library. This is true for Flandre and Druidman, so it seems like it would apply to Utsuho as well.

>> No.21041876

Considering I got a Utsuho v3 today and it works fine, I'd be surprised if they weren't meant to exist. Besides, does Koki's opinion really matter now?

>> No.21041879
File: 24 KB, 959x640, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to feeling empty and sad again.

>> No.21041894

Wow, I forgot about that line... ScissorMan is such a creep.

>> No.21041903

He has good taste though.

>> No.21042108
File: 958 KB, 1254x1891, 50981655_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes he does. And hey, she's legal!

>> No.21042153

Given that Koki needed to make them for them to exist, yes.

>> No.21042154

It's only legal if she wants it too...

>> No.21042412

Considering how she acts towards most of the male navi cast... she probably is into navis who can keep up with her. Beetleman perhaps? Her sister totally has a thing for Wriggle too, it'd be a nice mirror to Battle Network, if we ever get Shanghai 2: Electric Boogaloo.

>> No.21043534

i want a modded in Megaman.EXE fight just for shits

>> No.21044146
File: 51 KB, 486x488, 51905277_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w h e n

>> No.21044317


>> No.21044508

Bye =(

>> No.21044635

