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20962924 No.20962924 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing gameplay of touhou games.

>> No.20962937

I fucking hate MoF's bombs so much. Such a shitty system to share bombs with power, and the bombs themselves feel so lackluster and bland compared to every other bomb.

>> No.20962949

bombs are free points during the stage and downright sabotaging during boss fights unless you're fighting kanoko and get walled in because all of her attacks are practically designed to do that

>> No.20962953

are B's bombs

Ive didnt know this.

>> No.20963566

god SA is so frustrating
>2 lives at start
>first 3 stages play like lunatic mode from prior games
>bombs are basically useless

>> No.20963571

ZUN's worst era of Touhou

>> No.20963579

Don't forget:
>laser spear thing spam everywhere
>high velocity danmaku everywhere
>every other boss attack is one of the above so when something doesn't use either of them and you are actually able to relax for a second without getting instantly walled and/or velocitytrashed it feels extremely strange

>> No.20963600
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Come back to SA once you've nobomb cleared all the earlier games and it will come naturally.

>> No.20963673

To me they feel broken ironically enough, you can bomb all fucking day and get your P back easily.
It's only fair that the bombs are very bad.

>> No.20963766

It's very broken. Pretty sure you can bomb/die to every spell and nonspell in the game and still make it through fine.

>> No.20963780

am i a bad person for playing alibat more than touhou this month?

>> No.20963781

The bomb system is what makes the game easier, since you can just bomb skip everything except for Mountain of Faith/Divine Virtue of the Wind God

>> No.20963803

The power for bombs system is difficult to adjust to if you come off earlier games where bombs were something that was important to conserve and deathbombing was not only possible but relatively easy.

Once you figure out you can mash the x button during stages to constantly collect free points it breaks down from there.

Also doesn't help that kanoko is unironically one of the most annoying bosses I've ever fought in touhou with every attack being essentially designed to wall you in and force you to bomb when you are overtly trying not to, with high velocity danmaku to hit you when you aren't expecting it causing you to waste 5 bombs or whatever per life lost to random high velocity clips.

>> No.20963819

Also: in SA you can't spam bombs (they are actually quite scarce) but you can also actually deathbomb so it's possible to play bombs similarly to 6,7, or 8.

Downside: using a bomb can be a death sentence because two bombs drop your dps by like 60% forcing you to suffer through far more of the attack than you otherwise would have.

>> No.20963854

agreed, I loved the last spells from IN, especially stuff like final spark that had real impact both in gameplay and in impressiveness
the shitty little invulno-bubble is garbage

>> No.20963943

holy shit cry more

>using a bomb can be a death sentence because two bombs drop your dps by like 60%
This is a misconception. In SA and on there's damage balancing where typically only the main shot and one option will deal full damage, and the others will do half damage. The raw damage output at 2.0 will obviously deal less than at 4.0, but it isn't nearly as impactful as people seem to think. Losing Power affects crowd control a lot more than raw damage.

>> No.20964131
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I have been playing PCB, and for some reason I have 4 continues instead of three. It seemed to happen randomly, and there doesn't seem to be a way to set it back to three in settings. Does anyone know how to fix this?
It's minor, but it really annoys me, it happened to me before, and I reinstalled the game, but I don't want to clear my data, since I have gotten better.

>> No.20964203

You might be playing hard mode? You get more continues on higher difficulties. Anyway, continues aren't a bad thing, your goal is to finish with 1 credit, so if having extra continues doesn't matter, as it just means more practice

>> No.20964320

It's definitely on normal, I know it is stupid, since I'm pretty close to 1ccing it, it just annoys me

>> No.20964466

Too green fags.

>> No.20964613

You don't get more continues on higher difficulties. On a fresh score file you'll have three continues; at some point they just increase up to 5; I assume it's just game time.

>> No.20964643

Who are you quoting?

>> No.20966731

This is a weird mechanic/feature/whatever you would classify it as. Does this exist in every game? I've never noticed it before.

>> No.20966790

I really hate PoFV's split screen thing, it's really weird compared to the early games, it brings me discomfort.

>> No.20966998

SA had my favorite bombs for Reimu but the most difficult to use for Marisa
Also, only stage 5 is difficult and maybe 4 if you are new/rusty

>> No.20967727

SA's resource system allows for comebacks more than any other game

>> No.20967761

ITT: Newfags can't get used to new games to save their lives.

>> No.20969837

Played GFW again after years of not playing it. It is still ridiculously difficult. I thought it was just lack of practice but I remember HFiFS was really easy when I played it on release and I'm sitting here barely able to cope with Daiyousei+fireballs.

Also there's a glitch apparently with restarting that makes it record you runs wrong. Does it affect extra unlocking? I remember extra never unlocking for me because it said I never finished one of the routes even though I thought I did. If restarting always shoved it off one, it would explain that, otherwise I don't know wtf.

>> No.20970191

>bombing prematurely because thought I may get hurt
>no bombs left for when I get hurt
Every fucking time

>> No.20970279

I beat every game except 10 and 11. 10 just fucking sucks aside from the music and I suck at 11.

>> No.20970305

It's just PCB. Judging by the patch notes he added it during the trial, so it was probably just something he threw in just because.

>Selecting "Give Up and Retry" on stages A2-2, A2-3, B2-2, B2-3, C2-2, or C2-3 will cause the recorded route of all subsequent runs to be shifted down one route in the sequence A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2, until you return to the menu. Repeating the glitch results in additional shifts; for example, doing the glitch twice then playing A2 will result in the recorded route becoming B2. Shifting past C2 appears to cause crashes, but the crash may not occur immediately. [...] If you clear the game, the wrong ending will also occur, and for the purposes of unlocking Extra, the wrong path will be marked as cleared.
Just restart from the title screen if need be after Stage 1.

>> No.20972413

>It's just PCB. Judging by the patch notes he added it during the trial, so it was probably just something he threw in just because.
I wonder why it never returned. Such a weird thing to just decide to add randomly.

>> No.20972497
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>also playing a game where deathbomb timer is a fraction of a second so can't even properly deathbomb
I know that feel bro

>> No.20972744

>weird compared to the early games
>Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream

>> No.20973752

Why do shot types other then reimu homing or marisa lazors even exist? They are really really bad.

>> No.20974080

Most of his early games he just did whatever came to mind, I don't think it's all that strange.

>> No.20974163

You aren't supposed to depend on deathbombing. That isn't the point; you bomb anticipating a hit or a dangerous scenario and if you get hit anyways it's leeway. Acting as though you should be reacting for it is completely wrong.

In which game? In nearly all of the games you have multiple types per character, homing amulets are not strong at all and are mainly for crowd control, and her needle shot types are typically much better overall. The only exception is maybe MoF.

>> No.20974325

Needles/lasers are far superior when the boss allows you to stay under them, and/or when they stay still for a while. This is most bosses.

In other cases you can have trouble even damaging the boss if the attacks are designed to pin you into small areas on the map and/or the boss moves quickly and erratically. Kanoko and Mokou come to mind, but Clownpiece and Kaguya are even worse offenders in some cases.

>> No.20974330

Mokou and kaguya are seriously blunted because half of yukari's dps seems to come from Ran and she homes in on them.

>> No.20974899

I acknowledge this? The post I'm replying to is just saying other shot types are bad, which is clearly false.

>> No.20975303

There are examples of garbage shot types in nearly every game, usually more than one but it depends.

>> No.20975397

UFO is annoying me more than any other game so far. it's not really the resource system, but how absolutely horrible regaining power is (and having to sit through sinker ghost every run too)
also my reflexes are too slow for some of the laser cards
but i'm slowly getting there

>> No.20975630

>also my reflexes are too slow for some of the laser cards
Literally bomb the fuck out of Shou and Byakuren. You don't have to deal with their shit.

>> No.20976848

Do you lot find you stop improving after too much play time in a single session/day?

>> No.20976955

Only if I'm angry. Angry about crashing into things.

>> No.20976982

Yes, and then I get worse if I keep trying until I've spend at least an hour doing other things

>> No.20977871

you can't cut back on dodging! you will regret this!

>> No.20977922

Yeah, that's normal for most things. Like how studying is only fully effective for four hours a day.

>> No.20978014

I can manage 2 runs, then I get nervous and fail horribly

>> No.20978107

usually I get 3-4 runs before the tension gets to me and I either have to stop or deal with grinding my teeth, and usually my first run of the day is my best score wise, and the ones after are better for progress.

>> No.20978168

Hiiiii~^ Naz+rin, prepare fore trouble by being my cuddle pillow! +
©sexy buzzing noises<

>> No.20978559

lol wut, Any game after SA beside TD allow you
to get more resources.

>> No.20978588

Read again

>> No.20978593

Yeah. Disregard that post, I suck cocks.

>> No.20978595

Your silver points are showiin'

>> No.20979962

What are the hardest shot types to 1cc Lunatic with? Has anyone tried them all?

>> No.20979975

I never used the software once, funny yes?

>> No.20979985

Probably either Sakuya or Alice solos from IN

>> No.20980526

There is an anon that pretty much filled his chart.

>> No.20980644

How many hours do you guys have playing Touhou approximately? I just got into playing it a few weeks ago and overall spend >10 hours and I still have trouble with the later stages normal on ESoD

>> No.20980647

It took me like 60 hours to get my first normal 1cc, anon. You're fine.

>> No.20980690

10 hours is nothing. Keep grinding.

>> No.20980709

>a few weeks ago and overall spend >10 hours
You play 15 minutes a day?

>> No.20980728

It's more like I play it on and off

>> No.20980748

To get better at danmaku you need consistency. Even 30 minutes every day shows visible progress.

>> No.20980768

That's actually the best idea for a beginner. Going ham and obstinate at first will burn you out. Take it easy at first and let the passion come to you.

>> No.20980787

naw fuck this shit, when my laptopworked I was playing from wake to sleep and that was all I needed. you should be playing 10 hours a day.

>> No.20981172

>Take it easy at first and let the passion come to you
Sounds like way he's taking it way too wasy. There's a dude that managed to get lunatic clear in 3 month and you're telling to take it even more easy. You should be able to get your first 1cc on normal in a first month no matter how much you suck.

>> No.20981209

People are not all the same. Some have experience to this kind of game, or a better predisposition to them, others don't. In the end, it's a game. If you're not used to difficult games and the "die and retry" aspect, bruteforcing through will only cause an early burnout.

>> No.20981812

Regardless of raw time played, it's in your best interest to play regularly rather than sporadically. Even if you average works out to 15 minutes a day, you're making things harder on yourself if you're getting all that time in playing once or twice a week rather than actually doing 15 minutes a day.

>> No.20982971

Who's considered the "broken" characters in PoFV's lunatic mode? Is it just Medicine and Aya?
I'd like to give this game an honest attempt before just taking my free 1cc.

>> No.20983452
File: 669 KB, 640x960, pofv ai mirrors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no others destroy the ai as hard as those two, although reimu also has a decent chance of trapping it with spells and ex attacks. most other characters have something that can trap (ex: knives, icicles, flowers) or insta-hit (ex: lasers, souls, notes, tewi's ex) the ai to varying degrees, but iirc none do it as frequently as reimu does.

mystia and reisen have a very tough time hitting the ai, and i imagine that komachi would be in the same boat. so those two/three should be your best bets, although anything that isn't aya/med/rei is probably honest enough.

>> No.20983478

accidentally put tewi's ex in the wrong parentheses.

>> No.20983620

Only 208 min for a Mystia mirror to finish? What difficulty was that on?

>> No.20983631

Thanks, that's useful. I'm fine with choosing a powerful character, just not a character that barely needs to interact with the game systems (...For now).

>> No.20983911

don't know. not my tests, and they're from years ago.
difficulty shouldn't change the result by more than a few minutes, though.

>> No.20984167

hey [B]ina

>> No.20984915

striped abyss is beyond gay

>> No.20985005

That's her easiest phase, dude.

>> No.20985035

I was playing pointdevice and beat every other card except for hell eclipse in fewer than 10 tries

striped abyss got to 99+ before I quit

>> No.20985082

It's just circular motions dude.

>> No.20985234
File: 1.90 MB, 960x720, cute clown.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope this helps.
>circular motions
Not even that.

>> No.20985671

i want to breathe in striped abyss

>> No.20986832

I thought that "phantasmagoria" was just a word ZUN made up, and now that I found out it isn't, I feel very silly.

>> No.20986901

ESL or are kids nowadays really that ignorant? I remember when DDC came out and everyone thought "double-dealing" was Engrish...

>> No.20986951

I'm a native English speaker, and I'm also 23 so I don't know if I really fit in the group of "kids nowadays". I had just never heard it outside of the context of Touhou until recently, at least not that I can remember. Maybe its more common of a term regionally or something? It seems bizarre to me that people would thing "double-dealing" is Engrish because that's a pretty common term.

>> No.20987076

Last year around may i had this weird touhou phase that lasted until september where i played ufo almost everyday for about 3 hours. still never got a lunatic 1cc. now i'm thinking of getting back to touhou and get my first lunatic 1cc, wish me good luck guys and thanks for all the good times i had here in 2018

>> No.20987111

Which game are you hoping to lunatic 1cc this time, anon?

>> No.20987364

Nice meme post, try actually thinking now.

>> No.20987771

>I'm a native English speaker, and I'm also 23 so I don't know if I really fit in the group of "kids nowadays"
Anyone born 1990 or later.

>I had just never heard it outside of the context of Touhou until recently, at least not that I can remember. Maybe its more common of a term regionally or something?
That's what they said about double-dealing.

>> No.20987791

No, you suck, I just run the Battery Zone.

>> No.20987796

>How does Kangaroo taste?

>> No.20989198
File: 188 KB, 640x480, 1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably easier than the original.

>> No.20989383

where do I download this

>> No.20989437

https://maribelhearn.github.io/tools under Graphical Patches

>> No.20991344

DDC no focus is harder than I expected.

>> No.20991357

You've revealed this before too.

>> No.20991373

But I just started doing no focus runs a few days ago. Guess it's not just me then at least.

>> No.20991840

It's one of my all time favorite English words, right alongside somnolence. Shit's hella fantabulous.

>> No.20992321

It was the best era art-wise though.
Also UFO was fun and not as challenging as SA and not as dull as MoF.

>> No.20992386

"Poltergeist" is pretty lit.

>> No.20992414

this >>20967727
you can bomb like 40 times during a run and when you pick an overpowered bomb like ReimuC or MarisaA you trivialize the game.

>> No.20995595
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>> No.20996677

>an overpowered bomb like MarisaA
Alice's? How so? I've always thought it was the worst bomb by far.

>> No.20997295

You get 8 of them, you can use it to shotgun, and it barely hurts your power to use one to get out of danger.

>> No.20997779

just bought a dpad wish me luck lads

>> No.20997861

Which one?

>> No.20999437

a snes controller and also a xbox one

>> No.20999561

Did you get a NA SNES controller or a JP SFC controller? The dpads on the SFC pads have always felt weird to me.

>> No.20999609

a NA one
also idk why but the controls feel extremely slow when i'm not using vpatch
will try the xbox controller later

>> No.21001526
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>> No.21001532

