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File: 581 KB, 852x1237, Youkai Master Race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20953423 No.20953423 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that for normal humans, Gensokyo is a horrible place to live.
The villagers constantly live in fear of the yokai are though they aren't hunted and eaten, they are still livestock raised to power the youkai via emotions and their personal happiness or wellbeing is of no concern to the powers that be. They are under constant surveillance for any possible thoughtcrime, and the few Humans who speak up and try to rally the Humans die in "accidents". If a human from the outside world gets spirited away to Gensokyo, they're hunted down and eaten by the various youkai. Most if not all the youkai shown to us in the games are known human eaters, either by their race's description or quotes they say about eating humans in games ie. Rumia, Mystia, Sekibanki, Rin etc.

Your favorite Touhou probably dines on human flesh on a regular basis and would probably eat you too if you actually went to Gensokyo.

>> No.20953429

Fuck off.

>> No.20953519

How can you deny the facts when they're in front of you?

Most humans are largely ignorant of their situation, which is largely intentional due to Keine's efforts to instill collaborationism among the youth she teaches, tengu propaganda papers used to keep the humans passive and entertained, zashiki-warashi and tsukumogami surveilling people and households, and disguised youkai living amongst the villagers, monitoring their activities directly and taking care of any individuals posing a threat to the status quo. It's hard for them to know the truth since their entire perception of reality is manipulated by the youkai elite.

When you stop and think about it for a moment, the Human Village is nothing more than East Germany.

>> No.20953550

Get a job, you fucking NEET.

>> No.20953858

Where do you think you are?

>> No.20955147

I think I'm in place there are some fucktards like you, tried to interpolate real life problem on their imaginary friends but denied fucking real life "problems".
For example: wild, "half-wild" animal include human.

>> No.20955203

Cool. What about it?

>> No.20955298

We fix it.

>> No.20955431

No one gives a shit.

>> No.20955517

Nuke Gensokyo.

>> No.20955531


>> No.20955785

This is why my ideal life in Gensokyo is to work at the SDM instead of the human village.

It likely won't be indefinite, but it'll be amusing until Remilia gets bored of me and decides I don't bring any utility that Sakuya didn't already bring. At which point I'll probably have the good fortune of being killed by a human instead of a youkai.

>> No.20956177

What a disaster! Maybe you should go to Gensokyo to asses the situation in person!!

>> No.20956385

It's nothing like East Germany. Commies are materialist, so they would have no choice but to deny the very existence of the secret agents they're hiring and the whole system would collapse. A better comparison would be somewhere like Iran or Tibet before they got invaded.

>> No.20956452

ITT: fanfiction

>> No.20956673

So grimsokyo anon, there's a legit question to ask, if everything is designed explicitly for the youkai, why the hell did okina go along with it? She's the Buddhist God matararaijin, she should be getting benefits from spreading her faith rather then just brutalizing the people who would worship her.

>> No.20957190

there is a reason we only learned of Okina recently.

>> No.20957314

Buddhist Gods don't operate on faith, only Shinto gods do.

>> No.20958479
File: 1.29 MB, 1151x1757, 1543843346903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20958543

>believing Reimu.

>> No.20958666
File: 58 KB, 445x386, 1498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"its canon!"
"e-except when its not fitting my fantasy wank!"
secondary tier
also who are you quoting?

>> No.20959057

eccentric cutie-pies

>> No.20959327

This commentary of Reimu's has a flip side; there's the face value part that Gensokyo largely unmasks youkai from their original natures, but it should also be noted that Reimu is viewing youkai from the privileged position of not being afraid of them whatsoever and not being part of the society that is actively influenced by the youkai in order to maintain their existence, so of course she doesn't see most of them as anything but eccentric.

>> No.20959368
File: 280 KB, 751x1051, Kamishirasawa.Keine.full.1315334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We humans have nothing to fear because we have (((our greatest protector.)))

>> No.20959537

She's a half-youkai. How so we know she won't betray the villagers?

>> No.20959688

Reimu, the person who was brought up and thought by a flying turtle and a gap youkai, and almost never interacts with the villagers outside of official or shady business. She's a neutral party for sure.

>> No.20959698

Eating humans with my waifu!

>> No.20959983

Getting a prion disease with my waifu!

>> No.20960012

Not if I turn into a youkai first.

>> No.20960428
File: 149 KB, 298x298, 1fa1ba9f360322e1966ea626d15619a0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my retarded human! How could you even think
I would betray humans?! I'm your friend I protect human children from those youks
And also burn down Hakurei youk shrine
Be good human.

>> No.20961200

>prion disease
Don't drink contaminated water without sterilization or breathe air which may contain aerosol form of contaminated fluid without RPE
Same for meat and another food, if you doubt or don't know how safe your original source, better use heat treat for preventing foodborne disease.

>> No.20961653

eirin could cure it
yukarin could gap magic it
prions aint shit

>> No.20962149
File: 367 KB, 1200x1732, 26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least shes doing her home duty and creating more Humans.

>> No.20964133

She is addicted to human cocks.

>> No.20964168

Sp.「NEET OVERLOAD SIGN」〜 Black Tewi's Personal Gensokyo Theorem!
This won't work much on a Sage of Gensokyo but I WILL HAVE A FINAL SAY!

YOUR, PAIN, YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS, YOUR PLEASURES, YOUR REIGN-*holds card to the sky Utsuho style*

>> No.20965700

She's a lesbian.

>> No.20965724

Her ability does absolutely shit all against yukari even when she tried to save the human village. She's not terribly reliable anon.

>> No.20965780

Keine teaches the Youkai that without mass outside world human immigration Gensokyo will not survive.

>> No.20965845

She's Mokousexual

>> No.20966068

The fact that this is your ideal life is genuinely sad. Like, say what you want about people that want to live in fictional settings. But at least in most cases the setting they want to live in is actually a decent place.

>> No.20966084

>why the hell did okina go along with it?
Because the gods also benefit from it. Okina in general is a weird case, as her nature as a secret god means she's worshiped in a very different way than somebody like Kanako. But Gensokyo is general is a perfect place for more ambitious amoral gods to flourish.

>> No.20966113 [DELETED] 

Reimu is, eh, kind of biased. As other people pointed out, she's easily the most privileged human in all of Gensokyo. It's no wonder she would view most of them as harmless eccentrics. She's also ignorant as all hell, up to and including not realizing what being a Hakurei Shrine Maiden actually entails.

With that said though, I won't deny that a lot of them are harmless eccentrics. For every murderous sociopath like Yukari, there is somebody like Wriggle or Aya that is pretty easygoing and friendly. The youkai of Gensokyo have changed. They have a choice to do evil nowadays. The problem is, a lot of them still choose to do evil. And the actual systems of Gensokyo are set up in a way that the ones that do choose to be evil can do so without consequences.

To sum it up: Gensokyo is a bad place run by bad people made for the sake of bad people. But good people do still exist. And pretending that all youkai are evil is stupid, but pretending that all youkai are harmless is stupid as well.

>> No.20966117

Reimu is, eh, kind of biased. As other people pointed out, she's easily the most privileged human in all of Gensokyo. It's no wonder she would view most of them as harmless eccentrics. She's also ignorant as all hell, up to and including not realizing what being a Hakurei Shrine Maiden actually entails.

With that said though, I won't deny that a lot of them are harmless eccentrics. For every murderous sociopath like Yukari, there is somebody like Wriggle or Aya that is pretty easygoing and friendly. The youkai of Gensokyo have changed. They have a choice to do evil nowadays. The problem is, a lot of them still choose to do evil. And the actual systems of Gensokyo are set up in a way that the ones that do choose to be evil can do so without consequences.

To sum it up: Gensokyo is a bad place run by bad people made for the sake of bad people. But good people do still exist. And pretending that all youkai are evil is stupid, but pretending that all youkai are harmless is stupid as well.

>> No.20966118

Kill the youkai sages. Obviously.

>> No.20966134

Too be fair kasen seems to at least be attempting to be less of an asshat.

>> No.20966149

Yes. She also seems to have left their little club. If anything, I imagine she would play a vital role in any rebellion against the youkai sages. Since she seems to loath Yukari and Okina.

>> No.20966325

Oh look, someone else who pretends the human villagers don't have it great and love it too.

>> No.20966494

Keine doesn't believe in backwards anti-human concepts and wants open barriers, she created an adult youkai entertainment network called HUMANED.com to promote interspecies diversity between humans and youkai. She truly is the youkai's greatest ally.

>> No.20966769

I think you mean "Somebody who understands the human villagers are miserable."

Or are you seriously going to claim a society that almost collapsed because they lost hope is a happy one?

>> No.20967947


>> No.20970564 [DELETED] 

>Or are you seriously going to claim a society that almost collapsed because they lost hope is a happy one?
Well I guess Gensokyo couldn't possibly be happy if they can't lose their hope like us outsiders yet continue to wretchedly drag themselves on into the rotten future, cursed.

>> No.20970592

>Gensokyo is a bad place run by bad people made for the sake of bad people. But good people do still exist. And pretending that all youkai are evil is stupid, but pretending that all youkai are harmless is stupid as well.
Sounds rather nuance, I don't want that.

>> No.20971121

Too bad.

>> No.20973108

Truly our greatest Ally.

>> No.20974145

I thought the greatest ally was Kasen since she works in the shadows to ruin the sage's plans

>> No.20974840

any society without hope would collapse, retard; how do you think religion became an established thing?

>> No.20976169

>any society without hope would collapse
Nonsense. A society filled with actually happy people would be able to function without hope. The human villagers are simply so miserable that it's ONLY hope in a better tomorrow that keeps them going.

>how do you think religion became an established thing?
Then isn't it noticeable that religion is dying in the outside world? Almost like the people there are happy enough that they don't need false hope anymore. Unlike the human villagers, who's entire society relies on the notion that things are going to get better to continue existing.

>> No.20976319

She is.

>> No.20976498

phew, this much delusion

>> No.20980203


>> No.20980282


>> No.20980627

it's literally a completely standard belief in japan that people need hope to live

>> No.20982507

No, it aint

>> No.20983005

Is that why most of them don’t have any?

>> No.20985594


>> No.20985869


>> No.20987220

So they live in 1984?
