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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 46 KB, 800x600, how2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20950737 No.20950737 [Reply] [Original]

This is a Japanese language learning thread for those interested in traditional otaku media such as anime, manga, light novels, bangers, and Japanese video games.
If you have no interest in otaku media or want to request a translation, this is not the thread for you.

Read the guide before asking stupid questions.
Old guide for those afraid of change:

If you want help, post the full sentence and any relevant degenerate context.

前スレ: >>20943211

>> No.20950747 [SPOILER] 
File: 53 KB, 1235x709, 1551911930133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

click here to learn japanese instantly

>> No.20950755
File: 38 KB, 679x382, Iz05aWJA.jpg_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I can read like, super archaic Japanese cus of ajatt/mia - and more importantly, rtk

>> No.20950767

>mfw https://streamable.com/yr6fm

>> No.20950775
File: 1.25 MB, 4032x3024, pitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pitch accents too hard guys fuck mathew

>> No.20950791

not too hard if you're not a dekinai

>> No.20950820


>> No.20950821

People keep arguing about the best method to learn japanese... while the answer is clear: find a nihongo book that teaches japanese solely in romaji...

>> No.20950829

how should one approach pitch accent if they dont want to go mia

>> No.20950834

lol nukemarine unironically owns

>> No.20950838

Searching for "japanese pitch accent" on youtube.
Finding many videos explaining the patterns.
After that, paying attention to the words you learn.

>> No.20950839


>> No.20950844

literally forget u ever heard of it and just watch 10000 hours of eng subbed anime

and especially dont look up blowgen

>> No.20950847

>read and listen to a lot of Japanese for at least 30 minutes a day
even that's a little low I feel like. I think if people didn't bs throughout their day, pretty much everyone would be able to get an hour of input at least. and even then you should really be going for more.

>> No.20950852

I don't even understand how pitch accent works.
Are you supposed to say it more loud when it's "high"? Or with more emphasis? Or raise your voice tone?

>> No.20950864


>> No.20950872

pitch accent doesn't actually exist. don't buy into the meme

>> No.20950875

voice tone

>> No.20950879
File: 12 KB, 360x270, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need to help him take the next step and not stutter when hes gonna tell someone they dont know japanese

this is yalls mission for this thread

>> No.20950887

Little bastards

>> No.20950898

little bustards?

>> No.20950899
File: 31 KB, 400x149, yametekudasai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she really need to show her bra? I can't concentrate.

>> No.20950908

u just gotta suru some gaman dude

>> No.20950914

ugliest kanji ever

>> No.20950925
File: 47 KB, 800x600, how3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20950926

At one point in time, jamal said "those kanjis arent self explanatory. we should create kanji that represent its meaning"
2 kanji later, jamal was excluded from the tribe

>> No.20950939

what would you really achieve if you did only 30-60 minutes of nihongo per day for 4 years?

>> No.20950950

basic fluency

>> No.20950955

what are u gay ?


>> No.20950959

more than most japanese learners

>> No.20950984

ok can you define that for me please? how well would you understand a run of the mill anime raw?

>> No.20950986

let's be honest japan should have simplified their kanji even more, like china has done

>> No.20950991

probably 90-100% depending on the subject matter

>> No.20950999

Latin-America should have simplified their latin alphabet, I can never tell fucking 'd' and 'b' apart

>> No.20951000


>> No.20951001

the chinese simplified system isn't really that much better easier to learn except for writing. learning to recognise each character is just as difficult.

>> No.20951006

i'm not sure i buy that after only ~1000 hours of reading/listening

>> No.20951012

learning to recognize them isn't difficult at all and in fact the wackier the easier. i just mean the writing.

>> No.20951011

>didn't do rta

>> No.20951014
File: 84 KB, 710x478, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its funny u mention this at this moment as i am indulging in some of the uh finer pleasures

>> No.20951016

I'm aroused every time I see a kanji with 女

Is this normal?

>> No.20951023

what do u think about this one 嬲

>> No.20951027

鸚 u freak

>> No.20951030

fuck off matt

>> No.20951034

it all adds up!

>> No.20951041

its not the amount of time doing the thing its the amount of time that goes by that u consistently do the thing for some amount of time and with focus that makes u good

>> No.20951043

crossboarder, please ignore

>> No.20951044

absolutely disgusting quarter-width spaces

>> No.20951050

45 min a day

>> No.20951053

do u think the hira sfx here is the same hira as in the title of "hanahiraっ" ??

>> No.20951060

i mean ideally you're gonna be in the 4 hours a day range it's just if you go below 30 minutes you're not gonna make it it's just a threshold

>> No.20951068

ye i know, the original post said 30 minutes and an edited one said 60 so i just averaged it

>> No.20951069

good post

>> No.20951074
File: 1.92 MB, 3024x4032, 20180406_143307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u will definitely know enough nihongo to read this sign in 4 years

>> No.20951083

The reality of the matter is that "X minutes of Japanese a day" is only a factor at the very, very beginning of your language learning career. By the 1 or 2 year point, you won't even be considering how many "minutes" you spend on it a day, cause it'll just be a natural part of your life. I see a new moco78 video. I watch the video because I enjoy them and want to. That's ten minutes. Do I mark down on a notepad that I've completed 10 of my daily allotted 45 minutes? No, I just keep living my life. There comes a point where stringent time management is just not a relevant part of language learning. The language becomes part of your life.

>> No.20951087

so do chinks use kanji in the same way japs use hiragana in regards to conjugations and shit like that or how does it work? does each character only represent one word?

>> No.20951090

good word

>> No.20951094

agree im just a crowd pleaser and happy to scribble to make it look shittier
but imo its not actually about the time the time is just a side effect
if u aint amped enough by ur eroge to sink some real time into it ur prob gonna quit in the first year
i misread ur post lol

>> No.20951098

sounds like that approach + only doing 30-45 minutes per day on average would result in a plateau

>> No.20951101

each character represents one word. some characters represent grammatical concepts, but there's no conjugation.

simple example 我吃了 means "i ate", because 了 acts as past tense

>> No.20951120

actually thats an oversimplification, obv chinese has some multiple character words as well

>> No.20951124

>simple example 我吃了 means "i ate", because 了 acts as past tense
ye thats what i meant. so chinese should be substantially easier to learn then? though the pronunciation seems kinda aids

>> No.20951129

hanzi encode pure morphemes and modern chinese has nearly zero non-isolational morphology
as long as you don't exclusively read social media and forums you're gonna get good no matter what you do

>> No.20951133

お えさ


>> No.20951134

yea its actually very grammatical similar to english at the most fundamental level so u dont have to destroy your brain as much trying to make sentences. it's just a big memorisation game & pronunciation is much more difficult for anglos

>> No.20951138

I mean if you to 1 hour min for four years you're at about 1500 hours. and if you can get extra time, even on the weekend, you'll be sitting pretty nice. and its completely doable.

>> No.20951141


>> No.20951147

You missed the point, which is that the arbitrary "30-45" figure will lose all meaning by that point. I might decide to spend 3 hours that day marathoning boiro videos just because it's what I want to do. That's what, a week over the 30 minutes a day figure? But from my perspective, it's just me living my life normally and doing what's entertaining. To directly spell my point out: By the time you've been studying (efficiently) for about two years, stringent time manage of X minutes a day ceases to be relevant because you'll actively be spending hours upon hours interacting with Japanese as just a natural part of your daily life. You'll watch Japanese videos and TV shows just because you want to. You'll read Japanese articles and books and webpages just because you're interested and you can. Japanese will cease to be an alien language you dedicate X amount of daily time to studying, and it will just become a part of your life that you interact with normally.

If 2 years into studying you dislike Japanese culture so much you have to force yourself to spend half an hour interacting with it, then maybe learning Japanese isn't what you really want to do. Or are you going to spend the rest of your life tracking your time and forcing yourself to do things you don't want to?

>> No.20951151

Right so how the fuck do you joke in Japanese?
Saying perverted shit makes tou seem creepy to Japanese people. Saying rude shit makes you seem rude.
The worst of the worst is translating english expressions literally, like "suck my dick". Why do they hate that?
What's some funny stuff to say?

>> No.20951156


>> No.20951163

yeah i understood that fine man, i'm coming more from the angle that the 4 years have hypothetically passed already and you have averaged 30-45 minutes per day on average for whatever reason (i understand it wasnt obvious due to being a bit autistic). obviously i'm studying under the assumption that i will transition into the stage you are describing otherwise what would be the point

>> No.20951164

just tell people マンコを見せてくれ, they'll fucking die laughing

>> No.20951172

japanese people are simple minded and still prefer puns and slapstick, so bonking them on the head or something will make them laugh 9 times out of 10.

>> No.20951175


>> No.20951177

do jap really pet kid on head like dog?

>> No.20951181

u should prob have this approach before the first year is over even if u waste 6 months ankidroning
if after 18 months u still arent chillin and lettin the nihongo wash over ur body it might never happen

>> No.20951182

Literally exactly the sort of thing I thought would be a funny thing to say when drinking with Japanese lads

>> No.20951192

it's not really exclusive to japan we do it here too (middle east) but it's more like a greeting and not related to praise (also kids don't like it)

>> No.20951194

i still dont understand the dolly hype

>> No.20951197

Oh, in that case don't worry about a plateau. There's a very important adage in language learning, which is "it's easier to remember than it is to learn". This means that the more time you spend with the language, the easier it will be to get better, since you're doing more remembering than learning. Every day you spend with Japanese, be it 30 minutes or 3 hours, you'll be learning bits, remembering other bits, and just generally accumulating knowledge.

The only thing that will lead you to a plateau is inefficient studying. Reading a book for 30 minutes will give you permanent, meaningful gains. Doing RTK writing practice for 30 minutes will do almost nothing. So just make sure you're doing productive studying.

>> No.20951204

u realize ppl get killed every day in the hood for tellin someone to suck their dick right

it goes both ways

anyway this reminds me of a good example


in the comments theres a dude that doesnt get why homeboy takes his shirt off

purebred japanese just dont understand what it means to go hard

>> No.20951206


>> No.20951214

there is none its over

>> No.20951225

no more dolls only voicebots now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_aH-rAfZJM

>> No.20951244

thats a step backward technologically tho

>> No.20951245

is that a jojo reference lol

>> No.20951249


>> No.20951251

you gotta give a lil to get a lot

>> No.20951279
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, kininarimasu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you could not read it out load for your lit club you can not read it, and therefore rtk is useless. QED

>> No.20951289

rtk doesnt teach you 旧字体 tho so you cant (except maybe 國 i think thats in rtk3)

>> No.20951292

Speaking of YouTube links I'm actually somewhat surprised we don't have a resident J-Pop spammer

>> No.20951294


>> No.20951342


>> No.20951344


>> No.20951356


based af

>> No.20951358


>> No.20951363


>> No.20951372


>> No.20951373

>What did it say?
based af

>> No.20951387

tbqh a lot of people wouldnt have the balls to ask that here

>> No.20951391

Should I bother taking and studying for the winter N1?
I most likely won't ever get a job involving Japanese but I could probably just about pass the test if I had to do it tomorrow

>> No.20951402

whatever it says, it's not japanese

>> No.20951406

The Japanese that (((they))) teach us is too polite, right? So you shouldn't hesitate to use some regular nihongo on your peers?

>> No.20951407

what do you guys think of parallel texts? if i read a translation and then immediately read the japanese that makes it comprehensible input, right?

>> No.20951412

no you probably wont pass it's just a waste of money, only 15% of people taking it every year pass and you're probably not in the top 15%

>> No.20951415

does it matter. you can't be taught a language. just read and listen to shit until you dekiru.

>> No.20951428

u can totally be taught a language if someone takes the time to work with u and provide u a good curriculum

>> No.20951433

If you feel like you need to study for the N1, you shouldn't take it.

>> No.20951439


>> No.20951446

disagree with this especially on a paid test

>> No.20951448

I used them a lot and it really helped.
>if i read a translation and then immediately read the japanese that makes it comprehensible input, right?
I didn't use it like that though, I tried to figure out the Japanese and checked the translation whenever I was stuck.

>> No.20951595

if this is a dream i won't remember?

>> No.20951596

that's probably a better strategy, thanks anon!

>> No.20951598

the fucks ur problem

>> No.20951599

if by "don't understand" you mean "understand but disagree" then you're a dumb fuck. actually you're a dumb fuck either way.

>> No.20951604

That's 覚める as in "wake up"
Extremely different from 覚える as in "remember"

>> No.20951613

They should have extend the simplifications to the entire script at least. As it is now you are forced to learn alternative kyuujitai components in a lot of the non-jouyou kanji. And for many of those characters there exist two variants (摑/掴 for example) and no-one can agree which one is the one that should be used, so you have to remember both in the end. At its current state the simplification is a bit of a failure since it further complicates learning of the writing system.

>> No.20951617
File: 51 KB, 472x590, 664d95eb74fd0ba2d9a9afac0724dc67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no dolly hype. there are like only 7 sorta frequent users so if something is talked about here it is by no means hype plus dolly is a nonentity that means nothing to me.

>> No.20951622

it's actually a good thing that they didn't since han unification ended up happening

>> No.20951625

agreed. there is no "hype" just some people who think her videos are good. what a fucking dipshit. fuck that idiot.

>> No.20951636

dolly hoyyppeee

>> No.20951640

"if this is a dream please don't let me wake up"

>> No.20951641

Would that have been a problem though? Japan adding some more variant characters to the set.

>> No.20951643

if this is a dream i am fucking gay.

>> No.20951648

they 100% would have merged all the semi-simplified japanese characters into the same codepoints as the characters they derived from

>> No.20951663

Guys I've spent LITERALLY 7 years at university studying japanese as my major but I dont use it over the breaks and always end up forgetting anything that isnt the basics

The dream feels so far away...

>> No.20951675
File: 12 KB, 360x270, oisisou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is most delicious manga to eat? I feel like eating manga as an easy break from novels. any recs?

>> No.20951676

you don't actually like japanese

>> No.20951678

eat my balls

>> No.20951687

american unis are such a scam lol. how can you study for 7 years? you'd be kicked out here if you didn't pass the set amount of credits and core modules every year

>> No.20951692

berserk is a fun read

>> No.20951698

But ive been watching anime and reading manga my whole life

I want to be in VN translation for a job in the future...

I love japan unlike half the fake ironic weebs these days.

>> No.20951703

>i love japan
>ironic fake weebs

nope u fuckin lost dude ull never be one of the awoken elite

>> No.20951712

if i had done this i would 100% kill myself, no question about it

>> No.20951715
File: 29 KB, 704x396, 陰謀.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

academics is literally a pyramid scheme, as the only job you can do with studying humanities is teaching, in which you will be teaching more people to become a teacher. Only go to university if you need it for a specific job in which you should get the degree and get the fuck out and never return. I don't get why people go to uni so much.

>> No.20951722

bc their parents from a completely different time it might as well be tell them its important

everyone tells them its important

and for-profit education is literally turning millions of young people into indentured servants

>> No.20951726

well it's completely free in my country and he education you get is quite good. even if you are doing japanese or something you will at least come out with n1 which doesn't seem likely in the US. a lot of japanese studies alumni from here work at nintendo europe in germany for the localisation team

>> No.20951728

Of course education is a scam in the modern age.

>imagine paying for information when the internet and libraries exist

jesus fucking christ my tomodachi

>> No.20951735

i mean if u go to postsecondary to "pay for information" u deserve to be scammed

thats not the reason u attend

>> No.20951736

decent unis are really about testing your own ability to harness information and analyse it and produce results based on that etc. anyone can use Google but a software engineer earns 100k because they know what Google results to copy in their code

>> No.20951737

>tfw getting masters degree at 23 after 4 years of uni and still feel like a failure
how do you live with yourself after wasting 7 years at uni

>> No.20951738

How do you feel about the fact that a (former?) DJT poster is now a professional VN translator?

>> No.20951751

congrats u made sure all plotge will never make it both in the west and in general since it has long since hit the ceiling and all that remains is run of the mill titty jackoff games as more and more big name brands die

omigoto lol ur translations are so shit u killed eroge

>> No.20951761

>and he education you get is quite good
you're confusing innate student ability with quality of education

>> No.20951762

uhh what

>> No.20951764

Did they mention what titles?

Because quite a lot coming out these days (from proper japanese studios) are filled with so many grammatical and spelling errors.

Working in translation for actual japanese companies isn't hard, as long as you have some form of university completion papers and "know"/speak english they'll take you

t. englishman who worked in a japanese company where they hired spainards who could barely speak english to teach english

and yeah I know the english teaching thing in japan is fucked and flawed.

>> No.20951767


>> No.20951769

You can just ask him. https://twitter.com/mr_quof

>> No.20951771
File: 71 KB, 752x752, bd2fd3fc224e9b6d38b9389d3b29e460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys i have been semi frequint poster here for 2ish years and have become pretty epic at the japanese. as i am still in uni(STEMlord) i have not really done much japanese, but in 1.5 years i will come to this thread after moving to japan and tell you how I made it. Name to remember: david

>> No.20951781

wait wait wait

this guy has 8000 subs and is making 2500 per month from patreon. is he some master salesman or what the fuck? i've never watched any of his videos but i've seen channels with 250 000 subs making 1/2 of that on patreon

>> No.20951783

not really. it's possible to actually have a challenging curriculum. they have you translating news articles by the 3rd semester. of course there's a 75% drop out rate in year one but that keeps the quality of the Japanese degree higher than the joke it is in the US. the shitty US education system has completely devalued lots of degrees because retards assume it's the same shit everywhere

>> No.20951786

he probably subs to himself on patreon (or asked his dad to) for 2 grand

>> No.20951793

>they have you translating news articles by the 3rd semester.
Why do I get the feeling it's some nhk easy type shit lol

>> No.20951798

really sad this didnt get any mileage >>20951678

u do know theres a manga called my balls right

>> No.20951804


>> No.20951810

he's a cult leader

>> No.20951830

>reading LN
one hundred million lines per minute, can go for hours understanding 99.9% of everything, unknown words are there but not constantly a hindrance
>reading VN
takes 50+ hours to finish one route, sometimes the characters have a conversation that i can't understand more than half of, feels like i'm moving in slow motion
why is this?

>> No.20951832


>> No.20951835

answers pretty simple

~u dont know japanese~

>> No.20951836

i don't think anyone that started lurking 4chan after around 2008 would recognize that, man.

gegege no FUCKING kitarou will culturally enrich you in ways you didn't know were possible

>> No.20951837

LNs are for stupid teenagers and romans visueles are for epic mature adults like myself. It's only natural that they're much more complex.

>> No.20951838

idk maybe one piece of content is objectively harder or some bias is at play

>> No.20951845

anyone have some good 姉ショタ VN’s they’d recommend? :)

>> No.20951852

maybe i've just only read really easy lns and really hard vns. i didn't think there'd be much of a discrepancy because haruhi i handled decently (even yuki's infodumps weren't that bad) but typical plotge are running a wreck on my rear, man.

>> No.20951860

you know ive been shitposting here for so long that i never really think about how fucking weird it is that you lot a) jerk off to cartoons and b) learn a language this hard just to increase the pleasure you derive from doing so

shits crazy as hell

>> No.20951869

>not really. it's possible to actually have a challenging curriculum
it doesn't matter. learning is largely a matter of self-teaching and self-motivation. voucher lottery studies prove as much but it's intuitively obvious. prestigious universities are prestigious based on the quality of the students they attract and not because they're uniquely able to teach (or "challenge").

>> No.20951870

What's weird about that?

>> No.20951872

damn that doujin jrpg he's posting about sounds pretty much epic ftw he's praising it to hell and back, anyone else have a second opinion?

>> No.20951874

i mena sometimes i switch it up and jack off to 3d moans and high pitched squeals while they look absolutely miserable getting fucked by a small dicked asian that im self inserting as

its important to remember that no matter how much u love 2d u are 3d

>> No.20951883

All his e-celeb friends love it too, must be quite the kamige.

>> No.20951885

i got your back my man pretend this is an LN and have your eyes opened by its might and power

>> No.20951887

here's the article they had to translate as one section on their exam from what I heard. it's not asahi shinbun but without a dictionary it's not that easy for someone with only a couple of semesters of teaching. certainly higher than US standards


>> No.20951899

reaction image.jpg

>> No.20951902

it depends what your idea of learning is. obviously Japanese language makes up like 20% of the curriculum and getting a degree isn't just about learning shit. it's about becoming a productive member of society

>> No.20951907

yeah i for sure couldnt translate that without a dictionary 1 year in

>> No.20951909

looks like a rape fic or a boring overpowered mc genocide fic

>> No.20951918

post chinchin

>> No.20951928

when is hollywood going to realize this shit doesnt work

>> No.20951932

>anyone can use Google
can but do they
miaers aint no punk bitches when it comes to their japanese

>> No.20951934

google machine translation has gotten to a point now where its fine for translating japanese.

in b4 no u dont get the subtle nuances of the languange then

lmao take a look at urselfs

>> No.20951942

dont make me have to link the streamable if ur gonna post that


>> No.20951946
File: 27 KB, 590x114, what the actual fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is like shit a comedian would say in 2007 before launching into a ten minute bit about airplane food. why the fuck does anyone give this guy money?

>> No.20951949

nah it really hasnt outside of really small pieces dont even think about it fucko

>> No.20951952
File: 21 KB, 225x350, namori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah for most things it absolutely is enough but if you are translating literature, then translation is pretty much the same as writing a book, meaning it cannot be done by a machine any time soon.

>> No.20951955

oh stop being petty

>> No.20951957

ill be honest i did laugh at how shitty that punchline is

>> No.20951960

meanwhile heres what the posting party at djt looks like


>> No.20951963

the dude is basically king NPC. he distils information for low IQ retards. like the morphman shit, I was using morphman in the way he was talking about 2 years ago but now it's a major meme cause I guess it's too hard for retards to figure shit out by themselves.

>> No.20951965

i'm a NEET but matt motivated me to start learning japanese. although i don't watch his videos for advice (it's pretty obvious what you need to do once you start reading and listening and mining) i will donate money when the government bucks roll in.

>> No.20951971

i didnt want to search for it aligatou

>> No.20951972


>> No.20951975
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mini Toji - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.03_[2019.02.19_23.46.02].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any phone apps that would help me with learning Japanese?

I don't always have access to a computer but I always have my phone with me so what can I put on it to start learning Japanese?

>> No.20951977

the fact my tax dollars goes to that piss jugger upsets me greatly. I would prefer if you spent it on heroin. time to vote republican.

>> No.20951978 [DELETED] 
File: 1.61 MB, 2048x1364, 1544267113372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too intelligent to derive "inspiration" from other people

>> No.20951980


>> No.20951984

wow that pic really speaks to me its like im seeing into the tegami to reveal my true sugata lol

>> No.20951986

duolingo is all you need to be 上手です

>> No.20951987

lmao VERY good post

>> No.20951988

btw i was referencing the guy that posted a mirror at me the last couple of times i said 2 post the tegami dont even think about it scrubs.

>> No.20951999

way 2 ruin ur own joke!

>> No.20952004

sorry dude im still really pissed abt the my balls thing i feel like i have to ruin em all now

>> No.20952005

I'll check it out, thanks.

Are those apps actually good/reccomended? Like Duolingo or Memrise?

>> No.20952010
File: 190 KB, 1920x1080, tegami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post what now

>> No.20952011


>> No.20952013

why she got egg shaped ta tas

>> No.20952017


>> No.20952020

cuz art is dead

>> No.20952026

I find the fact that Matt gets 2k a month really funny because it's not really enough to be happy about since it's not gonna last forever and it means he has to keep doing what he hates lol. I'm sure he needs the meditation to keep from noosing himself desu

>> No.20952031

looking through more of his posts i'm seeing a ton of stuff about rpgmaker games from japan. i've played a few english-translated ones in the last few years but man this seems like a hell of a rabbit hole. maybe some day when i can read without a text hooker.

>> No.20952044

he can live off his father forever the money means nothing to him
he prob does it cause it makes him feel like he has something to offer

>> No.20952061

this he idolized khatz and now he gets to be khatz for a new generation

>> No.20952063
File: 6 KB, 200x178, 1551921448511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know every. Single. First grade, joyo kanji. Not tea bag if I do say so myself!

>> No.20952070
File: 188 KB, 928x900, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20952073

kono chew kara?

>> No.20952080


wrong on all counts

>> No.20952087

thats it im making a patreon a twitter a discord a twitch channel a instagram a yt channel im gonna do it all

>> No.20952097

where is khatz now

>> No.20952098

if it dont pay a dime it aint worth ur time

>> No.20952105

time is money thats why its important to get ahead early so u can afford to spend time having fun before ur 50

>> No.20952108

last I heard he married a 13 year old Muslim Uyghur girl in Xinjiang and now has a small farm on the outskirts of Ulaanbaatar

>> No.20952132


>> No.20952140

the grammar is more easy for english speakers to follow but instead of having to learn on and kun you have to learn pitches.

>> No.20952141

you don't have matt's charisma or jewish iq

>> No.20952146

its safe to read it wont cripple your nihongo. your welcome I risked all my studying to report that.

>> No.20952149

pretty sure im bigger in both departments

>> No.20952155

the more japanese I learn the less appealing translating seems.

>> No.20952158

yah translatings really fuckin gay dude cuz easier to just take in japanese and say fUCk it

>> No.20952164

ITHVNR works just fine with RPGMaker games and I've had a very good and sexual time with several of them. It's a world just waiting for you to discover it.

>> No.20952165
File: 48 KB, 205x251, 1525533873926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

problem: a gf will definitely cripple your nihongo

>> No.20952169

otoh gf is the only reason i learned nihongo

>> No.20952180

i enjoy translation. it's like a language puzzle. how do u get across the original intended meaning in a natural way while losing as little as possible? u get some real curve balls with japanese

>> No.20952184

yea my gf ruined my nihonged go as we all know

>> No.20952201

right here https://www.patreon.com/ajatt

>> No.20952206
File: 140 KB, 646x511, 天使の絵の向こう側_2018-07-17_09-44-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

フリゲ as they're often called is quite the rabbit hole, partially due to the low barrier of acquiring the games and partially because they tend to be brief bursts of passion - putting aside ksg, defined as games that take longer to complete than to download, the average furige might only be a couple hours long. It's easy to just casually finish a couple furige in a single afternoon, which is a big difference from say long visual novels which you need to set out a week for. The fact each furige is made out of pure passion with no financial incentive is pretty great too, it means just about every one you play will be unique and interesting in its own way, as opposed to say by the number moege (though there's a fair number of VIPRPGs that focus on the 魔法具現化 which are mainly a group of qt lolis). There's just flat out insane stuff out there like Smash Brother clones made in RPG maker 2000. It's just an endless roller coaster of cool, crazy shit that's easy to pick up and fast to finish.

What set me down this road of furige is definitely Tobiden (扉の伝説). It's actually a 100-ish hour long JRPG packed with meaningful content that tells the story of a heroic 15 year old girl's quite emotional journey. It's kind of like the Trails in the Sky series if you're familiar with that, but with much faster pacing and a lot more brutality. A friend of mine described it as "one of the best video game experiences of all time" and that's not really an exaggeration. It was kind of a life-changing game for me because it set me on a quest to find another game that made me feel the same way, and other furige were the most natural place to look. Unfortunately, Tobiden is just really unparalleled in quality. It's thankful then that furige are such a nice little rabbit hole to explore. I haven't found anything as good as Tobiden but I've found a lot of neat games. 詩歌を嗜む, 去り行く運命, and エンディングノート stick out immediately though ふたりの旅のきろく is the game to play if your'e just getting into furige/viprpg.

I just saw >>20952164 and yeah there's a lot of HRPGs made in RPG maker that are good too. That's a whole different story though since they're more about generating sales on DLSite than anything. I've played a lot of good ones ( 働くアイリがキリ斬りス's writing really caught me off guard) but they're just fap material most of the time so I'm not too invested in them beyond that.

I doubt anyone cares about my biography but I left DJT after about two years of getting my feet wet here (got linked to this thread by my good friend wa*eya who's an eternal DJT goer bless his heart). There's like a point where you no longer need the support of DJT to keep yourself going and are either just wasting time shitposting or otherwise breaking your back trying to help the constant influx of beginners. I hit that point and left to save myself the opportunity cost. Had I learned Japanese to shitpost on DJT, or to read stuff in Japanese? The choice was clear. Even now whenever I nostalgically visit DJT or get linked here I end up just writing post after post explaining Japanese, giving guidance, etc. It never ends and feels largely fruitless since 95% of people give up (I've personally tutored like 5 people but they all gave up, not due to harsh study plans or anything, but because they stopped caring enough to put the daily effort in). My mental vision of DJT is just a huge vortex sucking up time.

Also this place is a lot worse now. Who the fuck is Matt? Bring back Steve posting, please. And where's all the god tier Dekinai edits? Jesus Christ get it together people.

>> No.20952213

unironically tl;dr

>> No.20952219

how do i do a custom study session reviewing everything again not just ones i forgot?

>> No.20952220

>read a paragraph
hey pretty cool i think i got that
>check translation
lot of nuance missed or misinterpreted

How do i even get better at that? inb4 read more

>> No.20952221
File: 235 KB, 884x1257, ありすorありす - Alice or Alice Imouto jp v01 - 89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panel (0, 1).
I can't figure out what the fuck that is.

>> No.20952223

Yeah, sorry, I write huge posts. It's just a thing I do. I like writing.

>> No.20952229

it's inconsiderate you need to respect the time i spend here

>> No.20952231

if u like writing u should get better at it cuz u fucking blow.

>> No.20952237

This is why nobody likes you Jamal!

>> No.20952243

u know i mean it but not that seriously

>> No.20952244

お (adds politeness)
で (and)

>> No.20952249

we are living in his head
soon he will be ours

>> No.20952252

careful some autists here will get offended if you translate で as and

>> No.20952259


>> No.20952261

Thanks oneechan!

>> No.20952265

so-called professional translators all really suck at writing lol shits maddening. ppl are so easily fooled by anyone who can string 2 sentences together without making an error these days

>> No.20952270

Thanks for the long and detailed response.

>> No.20952274

the ones who clear m$ word spellcheck get hired by sekaiproject the rest can tl for mangagaymer/jast

>> No.20952279

the eops hiring translators have prob seen a lot of horrendous translations that they think just accurately reflect what a strange language nihongo is so its what they expect

>> No.20952285

as the bard said: "brevity is the soul of wit". and by gosh da*g it he was right

>> No.20952287

This is definitely why all of famous literature is extremely brief and the antithesis of verbosity, such as Ulysses

>> No.20952289

ulysses is shit so you're not really saying much here. pick up a copy of something actually good like of mousey men

>> No.20952290
File: 124 KB, 627x606, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sure ready to pay 45 bucks for this game and jack off

>> No.20952294

Thanks for the post. When did you start studying Japanese and how long did it take you to get good?

>> No.20952300

if ur gonna respond to this fuckhead pls keep it smaller than the old twitter limit so i can scroll by it faster thx

>> No.20952302

misses the point as to be expected of a fool. if they could say what they wanted to in less words they would have. u however have no excuse for your 'Reddit poster who averages 15 upvotes' ass style lol

>> No.20952304

why learn nihongo when all the best shit is translated now

>> No.20952309

Aren't you always saying that you'd like to read DJT success stories or whatever? You've got a guy who started out here and now makes a living out of translating porn games and has enough free time to beat Evenicle 2 in 5 days.

>> No.20952315

i dont think youre capable of writing a success story

but by all means the floor is urs

>> No.20952320

I mean is it really a success if he's annoying tho. like whatabout that flashtard guy he's never gonna be a success

>> No.20952322

I'm not him, just saying that if anything you should be the one asking him questions.

>> No.20952326

i dont really see anything exemplary here that demands my inquisition

plus he said he left dude

literally leaving djt is a success story in and of itself and boosts ur chances of literally doing anything else by a lot

>> No.20952328

地味 - dirt flavored - plain, subdued
地味子 - perfect woman

>> No.20952330

someone needs to write a guide on leaving djt

>> No.20952334
File: 42 KB, 306x530, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk dude just follow ur heart

as for me i have a date with ms wackenheim

>> No.20952335

That doesn't change the fact that he spent 2 years here and left because he felt he no longer needed DJT's help (meaning he did need/appreciate it before).

>literally leaving djt is a success story in and of itself
Fair enough, I can see why you of all people would think that.

>> No.20952338


>> No.20952342

i-im not him!

>> No.20952344

there was never a time when anyone needed djts help

also yea i post a fuckin lot dude thats why i wrote that

>> No.20952361

Not true, who else is gonna tell beginners to watch 10k hours of anime?

>> No.20952386

if i gotta tell them that they are already fucked

think about it from my perspective

until lately i had to watch noob after noob fly into the bug zapper its been really hard but i think weve finally started to keep the noobs out

and now i have to watch all the aidsjatt matt cult shitters start to die one by one as they realize their dream isnt getting any closer (rip carlbin and that fro dude and that other random youtube comment some guys posted)

the literal high point of djt right now is the fact nuke marine finally broke 200 on jcat

do u understand my anguish now (plz just say tldr)

>> No.20952389
File: 159 KB, 800x600, fish oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

April 13th, 2014. I don't really know if there's a single point where I "got good", but I remember that it took me about 2 years to stop using a texthooker. The biggest steps in my language learning career were grinding 6,000 cards in anki (core2k + 4k mined) and then dropping it entirely to do nothing but read. The stats in pic related are actually mine. Never missed a day for about two years. To this day I don't know if the Anki was worth it or if all my gains were from reading VNs at the same time. After about 3 years I was picking up LNs and VNs without worrying whatsoever about the difficulty or wishing I was using a texthooker, and since then I've just been reading and listening to things with no attempt to constructively study whatsoever. I think this has been harmful in some ways, I would benefit from going out of my way to do speaking practice, but it has only been relevant at one point in my life so far, where I had to speak Japanese in an interview.

tl;dr 2-3 years, but you never stop improving really.
Playing Evenicle 2 for sixteen hours a day was a mistake. I spent the next few days working non-stop to make up for lost time. One benefit of being a translator is setting your own hours, but as they say, you are your own worst enemy.
DJT's help was definitely essential (I stumbled upon the thread on /a/, never would have started without it). Without Anki's daily structure I would have been too apathetic to study every day I think, and being able to post here with anonymous questions was nice. I had a good time memeing too. I have a huge folder of steve/dekinai images. This 10k anime stuff is nostalgic to me because I remember finny introducing the meme in the first place. Anyone remember finny? Or makifag joining the navy? Good times. Man, I actually miss old DJT. I had a lot of fun there. Meanwhile, modern DJT is not so comfy. For obvious reasons. The tone of a community can be completely colored by the active posting of a single regular with too much spare time on his hands, and that's really happened to DJT I think. Name of said regular omitted for privacy reasons. (It's Jamal).

See? I write long posts. It just keeps happening. I warned you bro. I warned you about the long posts.

>> No.20952405

did u already forget the alcoholic thats cold

>> No.20952413

i believe in nuke chan.

>> No.20952419

lol u actually thought ur writing style wasn't instantly clockable.. u shouldn't pretend to be other people in the thread m8

>> No.20952422

The biggest reason is actually that the /jp/ janitor who was active 2 years ago has been AWOL for awhile, allowing e-celeb worshipers to run the thread into the ground.

>> No.20952423

didnt read lol

omfg that guy fuckin died too holy shit

this is the only remaining footage of him ever existing in our world

god why do they all have to die

>> No.20952425

I don't samefag, nerd. I am however used to people being delusional so carry on.

>> No.20952432

woops forgot to paste heres the last known footage of the yotteru dude lol https://streamable.com/x545u

>> No.20952436

the only mia guy whose gonna make it is the guy who made a video about how you can get fluent with nothing but eroge demos

>> No.20952441

Is it worth to do the 6k/10k core deck?

>> No.20952442

has he posted a new vid yet ? if not i got bad news he prolly went from "low key anki" to low key fuckin quitting forever and killing himself.

>> No.20952446

It took me 3 months to get through my first VN but if I can read another 6+ VNs within the next 9 months will I get as good as rarepotato?

>> No.20952448

When you say
>After about 3 years I was picking up LNs and VNs without worrying whatsoever about the difficulty or wishing I was using a texthooker, and since then I've just been reading and listening to things with no attempt to constructively study whatsoever.
Do you mean that you hardly ever came across unknown vocabulary, or that it's irrelevant/easily inferred from the context? At this stage did you manually look up words while reading?

>> No.20952450

Whos this guy?

>> No.20952451

protest all u like. we both know I'm right, and that's the sweetest victory of all.

>> No.20952452

1.5k-2k and then mine

>> No.20952462
File: 570 KB, 816x639, clear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally fucking did it. Jesus Christ that was long. By the time I finish this game's routes I'm not even gonna remember all the shit that happened in it.

>> No.20952463

That sounds less appealing than knowing Japanese.

>> No.20952466

if mia even kills eroge guy truly no one is safe
the number of lost lives is prob in the hundreds now and will be in the thousands by next year

>> No.20952469

>inb4 read more
why do you ask the question if you know the answer

>> No.20952472

heres ur fucken success story biotch >>20952462

gj my dude it gets better

>> No.20952475
File: 459 KB, 650x506, 1439006588129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, we had Steve worship in the past, it's just swapped over to the vastly inferior Matt. And for my entire DJT tenure we were on /a/. The swap to /jp/ happened after I left, as I recall. Celebrity worship is kind of inevitable since human beings love that kind of gossipy drama and 4channers are no exception.
Irrelevant or easily inferred from context. Just think of how you treat unknown English words and it's the same thing. I did start manually looking up words when necessary. When using anki I specifically targeted words with kanji I didn't know, or kanji I failed to read, so that I could look up words easier on my own (radical searching kanji was just too slow for me to consistently bother with). Nowadays when I bother to look up a word I just google it. JDICT is shockingly lacking in the broad scheme of things.
Come on, anon, he's going to think I'm you. And I was going to not reply at all because he just wants attention. Never forget that giving shitposters a (you) is a victory for them, friend.

>> No.20952478

well good thing i can have both and thankfully my english skill is beyond reddit 'elon musk fanboy' tier as a bonus

>> No.20952480

remember to commit to a sustainable approach.
burnout is the biggest cause of failure.
commit to a method you are comfortable doing for the rest of your life.

>> No.20952485

i literally cry every time i lay down to sleep and think about all the dreams that have died


>> No.20952493

But Steve isn't a snake oil salesman.

>> No.20952497

i like reading japanese comics with little girls in them

>> No.20952499

>commit to a method you are comfortable doing for the rest of your life.
if that method isnt to enjoy compelling eroge and let the nihongo wash over ur body then ur really fuckin up ur life

>> No.20952503

Very true.
This video may have saved my (japanese) life. It's what really got the idea into my head that reading is the most important that, and languages aren't learned through textbooks (I was going through Genki at the time. Very early.)

>> No.20952508

>I did start manually looking up words when necessary.
How often was that, on average?

>> No.20952512

glad u put down the genki before it was too late

>> No.20952514

let me show u the truth about ur hero steve since u might be out of the loop


>> No.20952517

he posted on the discord last week:
"Monthly update.

Reading: I spent this month going through my 6th and 7th light novels. For the first time this month I stopped reading fantasy (Konosuba LNs) and started more widely reading with something more contemporary/slice of life. As expected, at first my reading speed dropped by half as I got used to it, but after a week I realised that the same vocabulary was being repeated over and over at a much greater degree, and my reading speed shot up. I feel like for the first time my understanding of written Japanese isn't anything mechanical like vocabulary or grammar, it's just trying to understand what the author is actually trying to convey with the language they're using.

Listening: actively watched almost all of terrace house: boys & girls in the city this month. For passive I mostly keep seasonal anime episodes on loop during my commute, and at work I listen to youtubers. As always, I need to put more hours into it. Also, usually I wouldn't recommend anything dubbed from English into Japanese, but I really like the Japanese dub of Gravity Falls, voice acting feels very natural.

I've been slacking a bit the past couple days, need to get back into the grind. Goal is still to read 10 novels by end of may and then I'll reevaluate."

>> No.20952519

your posts are all easily identifiable, I wouldn't confuse you with another poster lol

>> No.20952532

btw can that other guy post that yt comment of that dude (japanese) shitting on steve for using baby tier nihongo lol

steves native unvetted now dude welcome to the new meta wheres ur god now

>> No.20952534

any idea about what is this new LN he is reading?

>> No.20952536

idk probably toradora or some shit

>> No.20952539

dude those are all the signs that hes spiraling dude

hes not terminal yet he could reverse his descent but hes already in slow orbit around the drain

>> No.20952542

what happened to eroge i dont even want this guy to make it anymore hes not even trying to be compelled its like he wants to fail

>> No.20952543

I remember counting once and looking up a total of 3 words for one VN. Really it's up to you how much stuff you want to look up, because when you know every word in a sentence except one, and have context on your side, it's trivial to guess the majority of words. Generally I only have to bust out the dictionary when I'm trying to understand a lecture on some topic I'm not familiar with. Basically the times you would bust out an English dictionary too.

>> No.20952546
File: 582 KB, 1428x1760, Screenshot_20190307-034928_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im on mobile but I'll recreate it here

>> No.20952553

god that is so much anal tearing if steve wasnt already poopin in diapers he is now

>> No.20952580
File: 94 KB, 1463x305, can yo ueven f UCKing read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20952588
File: 991 KB, 1263x2643, 1433223957424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting a relic

>> No.20952589
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>> No.20952590

a unko a day means at least ur shittin


>> No.20952593
File: 1.35 MB, 1600x1280, 1462779702289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting another relic

>> No.20952596
File: 102 KB, 709x368, 1550966800730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting new meta shit

>> No.20952600
File: 259 KB, 822x1158, 1480226067083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep that was the end of the good old days

>> No.20952602

Damn, I miss imouto. He still posts here, but without the Ichigo Mashimaro pics and not as often.

>> No.20952606

jamal is chaotic good hes a tragic hero

>> No.20952613

oh fuck i remember the laser guy lmfao

>> No.20952628

theyre not supposed to realize this till like 10 years later

>> No.20952662
File: 200 KB, 1216x273, 1425578594669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out what i found

>> No.20952671

now thats some fail i cant even imagine what djt was like before i started showin up

>> No.20952686


>> No.20952699

o-i kuso jiji
ecchi shinai

>> No.20952720

etti siyou

>> No.20952722

The thing about a constant lurker is they pop in to comment on anything that catches their eye, not to mention posting whatever comes to mind. If you stay in the thread, you're constantly assaulted by their inane opinion on everything. Its hard to describe the kind of influence this can have on a thread's culture. It's like someone shitting into a local water supply. Every sip you take has their nasty taint infecting it. And since people are free to post as much as they want with no recourse, the only defense against this is leaving the community.

Basically, in some ways, Jamal is indeed a tragic hero. He's nature's way of keeping people from staying on DJT. Every day you stay here is another day in his presence, drinking his shit water.

>> No.20952728
File: 121 KB, 516x1664, 1409782957651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20952730

no jamal tries to save noobs every day of his life but they just ignore his advice everything he touches turns to dekinai like the midas touch or something

>> No.20952744

>i cant stop posting but its completely different cuz my opinions are essays

>> No.20952754

Who are you quoting?

>> No.20952757
File: 64 KB, 395x377, 1435689144252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i bet someone i know took this screenshot good times

>> No.20952765

idk dude baller sky dude is winning pretty hard and im pretty sure i have some stake in that

>> No.20952766
File: 1.93 MB, 400x289, 1435002324917.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes
what an era
too bad g*m*rg*t* happened and ruined the whole entire site. some things just aren't meant to be.

>> No.20952772

post more bye please

>> No.20952777

Uh, this site does get worse with each passing year, but ぞい子 was after gg, dude.

>> No.20952779
File: 146 KB, 802x647, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20952780
File: 230 KB, 1924x1972, 1438373565538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good god some things just never change feel free to post this with the original timestamp filename whenever an rtk argument is destroying the thread ok bye gotta go do something else

>> No.20952791
File: 285 KB, 361x393, 1300117670137.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more post i guess: i didn't say otherwise, i was there the entire time, everything slowly deteriorated out of control as individual boards and threads fell and moot stopped trying to pretend to care (who's moot again? i forgot)

>> No.20952818

he touched me and im still reading eroge
plz no tease

>> No.20952839

do you guys ever day dream about starting ur own japanese school and what classes u gonna have
>6 core classes, 3 for genki1,2 and 3 for tobira
>3 writing prerequisites 2, 4, 6 from core
>5 kanji classes 500 kanji each, taken in order
>3 speaking classes same as writing
>2 reading classes
>2-3 culture shit or language theory
electives choose 4
>Keigo 1 and 2 prerequisite 3 and 5 from core
>Casual speech, focus on contraction slang and shit
>Pitch accent theory, senior class
>jlpt prep classes N2, N1
>some more culture shit

I'm tell you guys anime is booming and the demand is HIGH making a competent language school would be rad since all of the good ones are in japan.

>> No.20952844

>do you guys ever day dream about starting ur own japanese school and what classes u gonna have

>> No.20952855

oh boy

>> No.20952857

is it ethical to farm dumb redditors wallets like that

>> No.20952858
File: 1000 KB, 1280x958, 1484040268602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

かわいいかわいいちょうかわいいDJTの女の子, please post pantsu pictures with timestamp for admiration and (You)s.

>> No.20952881

Is senpai about 40 years old?

>> No.20952886

not even close

>> No.20952893
File: 980 KB, 1280x958, 1551934556787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20952945

n5 here how many decades should i study to be able to play an average jrpg

>> No.20952949

Play? 5 years. Interpret and understand on anything but a surface level? 20 years.

>> No.20952958

>wa*eya who's an eternal DJT goer bless his heart
cool guy but he made one of those petty faggot virtue-signalling posts about disliking conservatives on twitter so he went from an 8 to a 7.

>> No.20952964

I used to study Cantonese because reasons, that bitch has 7 fucking tones. I never got conversational in it, but once I grasped the tones it was like opening my eyes for the first time.
Even if I didn't understand a word from a phrase I could recognize each tone, write it down and imitate the speech pattern in ding dong ching chong nip nong.
Protip: listen to as much as you can but focus on tones specifically. Tune out the words and meanings and only hear how the pitch changes, if that makes sense. Also listen closely to recordings with transcripts annotated with tones, but I guess those are much less common for Japanese than Canto.

>> No.20953058

畝 <- fucked up looking kanji

>> No.20953081

i think it's because he's crippled and thinks free healthcare will solve his problems.

>> No.20953085

凝 look at this dude

>> No.20953107

jrpgs are probably the easiest media to get through, but they're also kind of a pain to look up words from, especially retro JRPGs with shitty looking low res kanji that are hard to recognize for a beginner.
i'm nearing 2 years and find them pretty easy but i do have to look up words all the time, of course. though i did drop anki after around 8 months, because i'd do my anki for the day, be satisfied that i "studied" japanese, and then do other shit instead of actually enjoying the language and its media. i dont regret starting with anki but i'm also glad i dropped it.

>> No.20953126

without djt i never would've taken the first step and now i'm living the dream babey

>> No.20953143

thanks to djt i realized the 9999 hours i spent watching anime were all worth it

>> No.20953153

when i get bored i visit djt so thanks guys

>> No.20953164



>> No.20953187

i saw it in a tweet https://twitter.com/axi1205/status/1102556769190965248

>> No.20953245



>> No.20953280


>> No.20953285

>Finally good enough to realize that Moses isn't good
Shit I can't trust anyone anymore.

>> No.20953408

Tfw learning japanese just for shit like https://twitter.com/KSHMRrrrrrr/status/1101714060792365057

>> No.20953450

do you guys ever farm sentences from VN's? or do you just look up and keep reading

>> No.20953689

sono ichi
itsumo to chigau ga migata ni, ki ga suru kooto
Sono ni
chanto kuutsu made miru koto ii ne?

>> No.20953759

how could anyone willingly do this to themselves.

>> No.20953774

I started my first jrpg after 4 months. Needless to say I'm not finished yet but nothings stopping you.

>> No.20953908


>> No.20953928

Haha I know this kanji it's 疑

>> No.20953936

The fact that 即尺 exists shows how precious this language can be

>> No.20953951

Is Anki the greatest program ever written?

>> No.20953956

Yes Damien is a god.

>> No.20954014

Any good LN recommendation for romcom genre? I'm reading Jaku-chara Tomozaki-kun right now, considering Gamers! next.

>> No.20954026


>> No.20954080
File: 10 KB, 1010x54, upb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20954095

Japanese is the Assembly of spoken languages.

>> No.20954123

Why didn't anyone tell me ero shit is so fucking easy to understand?

>> No.20954136

wait a sec if ero shit is ez to understand then isn't it bad for improving

>> No.20954142

Who cares? My dick is happy, and I'm happy.

>> No.20954145

yea more power to you. i wish i could find such basic and boring shit compelling

>> No.20954158

do you not experience sexual arousal?

>> No.20954163

He probably masturbated to matt's vids twice a day.

>> No.20954164

yea but either ero is so easy to read i'm not learning anything or i have to look up shit in the middle of my fap. why? that's retarded. it's so pointless.

>> No.20954168

>or i have to look up shit in the middle of my fap. why? that's retarded. it's so pointless.
Just makes the finish all that more rewarding.

>> No.20954175

no it doesn't. makes it worse.

>> No.20954178

>You prolong the time before you cum
>You get to cum
>You learn something along the way
What's not to like?

>> No.20954180

you can do all those things without eroge

>> No.20954185

There's erotic content other than eroge, anon.

>> No.20954190

you can do all of that without erotic content. in fact it's preferable. you get to fap to what you like the most and you can also read the best stories which stand on their own merits. ero is the worst of both worlds. it's such a stupid fucking meme. fuck you for perpetuating it jamal.

>> No.20954201

What if what I like to fap to the most is a Japanese-speaking woman whispering into a microphone, role playing as someone having sex with me, the listener?

>> No.20954207

i'm asexual and dont masturbate

>> No.20954225

how can i make the monolingual transition if i can't tell these fuckin words apart?

>> No.20954234

what do you mean? the second kanji in each word look nothing alike, how is it hard to differentiate them?

>> No.20954243

i know their readings but they all mean the same thing except the first one.

>> No.20954270

wait what did i do now

whats ur issue

>> No.20954287

事故 is not even close to meaning 事件

>> No.20954293
File: 5 KB, 179x213, vncore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did vncore lie to me? how do i learn what they actually mean? this monolingual stuff is tough.

>> No.20954315

*takes a hit off a fat spliff*

duuude isnt it weird how some japanese words are like hella specific and the other 1s r like really hella broad ?? like what hte fuck dude japanese is totally bull shit

>> No.20954332

fucking lol, based vncore

>> No.20954342

〔出来事〕 an event; an occurrence; a happening; 〔問題〕 a matter; an affair; a question; L a res 《pl. 〜》; 〔困った問題〕 complications; a trouble; a difficulty; 〔訴訟の〕 a case; a cause; 〔事変〕 an incident; 〔陰謀〕 a plot; 〔不祥事〕 a scandal; 〔犯罪〕 a case; a crime.

an accident; an unexpected misfortune; a mishap; 〔故障〕 a hitch; trouble.

>> No.20954343


>> No.20954414

to put it more simply

some fuckin SHIt that happened

>> No.20954452

incident not an accident

>> No.20954453
File: 26 KB, 334x499, 41SrqsRB2oL._SX332_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i read RTK 1+3 and my nihongo is around N3 level

is there any way in which RTK 2 (the one with gook pronunciation) could be utilised? I see that it could be used at least to identify the common radicals that make groups of kanji be pronounced the same way

>> No.20954460

idk dude i think this ones best served by watching more anime than deciding what 1 english word to try to put on it

>> No.20954463

no never do rtk2 just go through core or mine your own vocab by reading

>> No.20954466

Let me check my sentence bank to see how these words are use-- wait I deleted my sentence bank...

>> No.20954468

imagine trying to find an excuse to do MORE rtk

>> No.20954495

>A lot of people come at me with "How do you deny the science behind spaced repetition systems". There is no science if I don't like to spend my time doing it.
is he right?

>> No.20954499

sorry dude no one cares about ur gay old man who sucks at japanese as evidenced by >>20952546

>> No.20954505

well does that mean he's wrong?

>> No.20954531

you should try learning japanese instead

>> No.20954553

i think it means im not interested in anything he has to say because hes got nothing id want

>> No.20954562

i have nothing you'd want but you're interested in what i'm saying. so you're actually lying. i got you good here. stop being unreasonable and let me know if he's right or wrong.

>> No.20954598

jamal btfo and doesn't reply what a surprise lol

>> No.20954599

i dont even read posts before i reply to them dude dont kid urself

>> No.20954603
File: 11 KB, 500x119, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw u very much do have something i want heres a pic of it

>> No.20954608

you talk a big game but deep down you know you're a fucking loser lol

>> No.20954614

ur gonna have to do better than that if u wanna drag me down baby

>> No.20954639

is there a way to check how many words from a source (core2k, core6k, 10k, etc) are present on a given text?

>> No.20954664

who the fuck cares dude whats it gonna do for u

>> No.20954679

was it a reply meant to me?
answering your questions:
I DO care and I really want it for researching purposes

>> No.20954712

this isnt a research thread tho this is a learn fuckin japanese or fuck u thread

>> No.20954739

also upon checking the op i realized its also a thread for bangers


>> No.20954775

Wow, what a full of rage fella
How's that learning japanese thing working out for you?

>> No.20954784

i mean i write snappy shit sometimes just cuz its fun not cuz i feel like the thing im writing dude

next ur gonna think im serious when i write わたしはゲイ how preposterous would that be haha,,

>> No.20954789

jamal are you retired or what? do you shitpost from work?

>> No.20954813

I wouldn't think you were serious if you wrote that. I'm pretty familiar with it being written 60 times a day in here.
I would think you are stupid, though. But that's just my opinion.

>> No.20954814

i dont ask u what the fuck u do dude and i dont care to know


>> No.20954823

hmm suddenly secretive ok ok

>> No.20954838

"next ur gonna think im serious when..."
"i dont ask u what the fuck u do dude and i dont care to know"
Maybe I was thrown off by the mention of how I would respond to something.
But whatever, man. I just wanted help, no one was interested in it (which is fine), a man-child replied (which is also fine) and life goes on.

>> No.20954878

what do u mean suddenly ive always been anti that shit go on fuckin twitter with all the other normies if ur into that shit

idgi u quoted my posts back at me in a way that doesnt make sense and then called me a man child ? couldnt u have just done that in less words lol

>> No.20954944
File: 262 KB, 1026x574, ziken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drop anki and play axanael

>> No.20954965

watasi wa gay

>> No.20954971

weve fuckin solved the case dude

>> No.20954988

None of these are 類義語 or hard to tell appart for that matter
If you believe otherwise either you need to put in more hours or your learning material is wrong

>> No.20955031

>situation, matter, affair
>not similar

>> No.20955036

no it hasn't

>> No.20955041

>look guys I'll hand-pick a very specific translation for each of these words that makes them appear more similar than they really are am I fluent yet?

>> No.20955047

大事件: わたしはゲイ

>> No.20955056

youre giving him too much credit

>> No.20955057


>> No.20955084

but the whole point is that i'm not fluent so they are synonyms

>> No.20955094
File: 35 KB, 676x509, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese is fuckin bullshit why do they conceptualize shit so fuckin stupidly compared to great perfect logical english ???

>> No.20955101

Japanese is an actual language. English is just a tool for communication.

>> No.20955106

japanese is a bunch of backwards savages grunting sounds at one another. english is an actual tool for communication.

>> No.20955120

yes, there is

>> No.20955122

>want to ask djt for life advice
>not good enough to ask it in japanese

>> No.20955126


>> No.20955134

i like u better when ur real

>> No.20955151


>> No.20955156

this is real its a satire dude on a pretty critical issue plaguing many would be carlvins

>> No.20955165

well i like ur other satires better take the constructive criticism however u want

>> No.20955174

fellow dekinais: how long does it take you to watch an episode of slice of life anime with japanese subs?

inb4 21 minutes

>> No.20955183

Took 1 day to watch half an episode of Gochiusa.

>> No.20955185

22-25, it depends.

>> No.20955186

24 minutes
only complete plebs skip the opening and ending

>> No.20955188

? why would it be anything except 20mins lol. do ppl really keep stopping and rewatching parts?

>> No.20955190

21 minutes because why would i rewatch it instead of just watching something new where the same kind of dialogue will be repeated anyway?

>> No.20955192

>fellow dekinais
i use it as reading practice pretty much so yeah

>> No.20955197

about 2 hours cuz i always have to pause and look up every single word i dont know and 100% understand it or i cant continue playback

>> No.20955202

uncle jamal please dont resort to such false dichotomies

>> No.20955227

gotta try lots of things and see what happens

>> No.20955249


>> No.20955254


>> No.20955271

if you want voiced reading practice just read eroge
youre wasting so much time with all of the gaps in dialogue and its easier to reread something when you dont have to skip around and pause

>> No.20955283

nah i enjoy this so i dont care about wasting time, i'm still getting input in the end

>> No.20955287

you have a very low IQ and probably won't make it but at least it's enjoyable while it lasts

>> No.20955291

if you consume japanese content for any reason besides "this pwns" you are NOT gonna make it

>> No.20955294

what makes you say that bud

>> No.20955322

If you are a pedophile, you will learn Japanese.

>> No.20955332

u will also go to jail and later hell and hopefully i can beat u up sometime before that

>> No.20955364

but you will learn japanese

>> No.20955378

Would it be considered funny if me, a gaijin, spoke like an anime character to the staff of a weeb shop in Akihabara?

>> No.20955383

no just cringy

>> No.20955386

yes they will find it very funny and they will definitely not quietly wish you would drop dead while they smile and give a token laugh and nihongo jouzu desu ne

>> No.20955390


>> No.20955396

just talk like this and ur golden


>> No.20955410

Can a gaijin become a seiyuu?

>> No.20955432


>> No.20955433

yeah that one russian chick did it

>> No.20955439

japanese are horrible ppl

>> No.20955449

thje funniest thing about this is they make a point of saying the script is in japanese. lmao how the fuck do they think shes reading it

>> No.20955459

variety shows are aids

>> No.20955486


>> No.20955506

dakara nani

>> No.20955519

Rank these languages in terms of usefulness:

>> No.20955527

Chinese Mandarin
Chinese Cantonese

>> No.20955542

maybe they meant nihongo as opposed to hiragatana or romanji

>> No.20955545

1) Japanese because Japan actually produces compelling content.

???) All the rest. Virtually worthless. Only a tiny selection of people can ever really benefit from knowing these languages, even from a business perspective.

>> No.20955548

dont think so b/c her reply to their question frames it in reference to russian

>> No.20955550

Rest of the world:


>> No.20955554

For normalfags:
Important tier: Mandarin (many jobs require Mandarin)
Useful tier: Cantonese, Arabic
Less useful tier: Japanese
Absolutely useless tier: Korean

For people who love Japanese media:
Important tier: Japanese
Sometimes useful tier: Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean (many manga raws are uploaded on the internet in these languages faster than in Japanese)
Absolutely useless tier: Arabic

>> No.20955559

>For normalfags:
>(many jobs require Mandarin)

>> No.20955562

the majority of chinese speakers outside china speak cantonese, and if you know cantonese you can read/write mandarin easily so knowing cantonese is much more useful than japanese/korean

>> No.20955567

Do you know what "raws" are?

>> No.20955569

almost 900 million in fact!

>> No.20955574

yea, go and compete with those natives....for some reason....yea guys mandarin is so useful! heh

>> No.20955579

Oops. Meant to say scans.

>> No.20955583


>> No.20955584

when u get typecast as the kyara that says watsumaranai
why even live

>> No.20955602

my question is why isnt she doing jav yet

>> No.20955689

epic retard

>> No.20955705
File: 61 KB, 647x955, 1550593784487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>begun learning japanese 3 years ago
>stuck at N4 level

what do I do to proceed? Grammar isn't really a big problem, but Anki bores the fuck out of me, I knowing grammar points but reading long sentences is still a chore. I feel like I don't even remember simple sentences sometimes.

>> No.20955725

do rtk

>> No.20955728

I did that when I started. It helped me a lot in remembering the radicals, but that's all.

>> No.20955737

have you tried reading things you're interested in

>> No.20955744

I do that from time to time, but not regularly.

>> No.20955748

it's the only way

>> No.20955752

after three years how have you still not figured out that to improve at reading japanese you need to read japanese

>> No.20955754

I feel like i'm burning out of anki
Can't finish core6k at this rate. Perhaps taking a break from new cards is not a bad idea

>> No.20955763

yall need to take a peak at the op image it could save ur life

>> No.20955764

welcome to shared decks, they're all going to have potentially confusing word choices like this so suck it up and don't treat them like gospel

>> No.20955801

also take a peak at the first post image

>> No.20955814


>> No.20955824

nihongo its all peeks and valleys

>> No.20955826

what's a good number of mature words to have in anki before you quit anki and only read. 6k?

>> No.20955829

at least 15k morphs

>> No.20955841


>> No.20955848

you can drop anki and just read at any time, it doesn't really matter

>> No.20955855

I actually really like kanji guys.
It's just stressful, that's the only downside. Otherwise they are 100% aesthetically pleasing, artistic and cool.
Heck, I feel like a genius when I'm writing some of them. I really like them

>> No.20955862


>> No.20955868


>> No.20955870

Absolutely, kanji are teh shits.

>> No.20955911


>> No.20955940
File: 453 KB, 1330x2000, 1548976647286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're burning out than you're doing something wrong, you're probably using Anki too much compared to the rest of your studies.

For example, imagine doing a big core deck and then you realize it has like four words all just defined as kitchen and you have no idea how or if they're different, and you start to blame your Anki stress on little things like this.

It's not the deck's fault. It's not your fault either. It just means you're overexposing yourself to pure Anki.

You have to read and listen to real Japanese more.

>> No.20955951

they look cool and have an interesting history but i don't pretend they're anything but inefficient and fucking stupid, and people only pretend otherwise to signal how easy they were to learn and how brilliant they are for it.

>> No.20955961

how r they inefficient. look at twitter. you can fit way more info into the character limit using japanese than english. even more if it's just pure hanzi like chinese

>> No.20955964

if its ez it doesnt make u brilliant now does it
it signals a lot more to complain about it instead of letting the nipponnin culture wash over ur body just like the nihongo

>> No.20955967

You see, if you were to remove kanjis from the Japanese language, you would have to change the whole language. Hiragana is not a good alphabet to read without spaces especially.
I agree that kanji is an absolute pain to learn, but shouganai desu.
I love them for what they are

>> No.20955968

>the amount of pixels the text occupies defines it's efficiency

>> No.20955979

u make me sad

>> No.20955982

the information contained within those pixels does. the more information per pixel, the more efficient it is.

>> No.20955989


Good luck reading Kana like that without spaces kiddo

>> No.20955991

u picked a dumb example because both are easy as fuck to read desu

>> No.20955994

You are right, I do need to read more. I want to read more, but I don't have much free time to spare. I have like 2-3 hours a day. I want to read and play games but if I do that then i'll be too tired to go through anki. So I usually just do anki and then stop because by then I'm too tired to get any reading done
I only get to read and do anki both in the same day on weekends.
I'm hoping to push through to finish 6k then slowly pickup more reading as I have more free time. Just 2k words to go

>> No.20955999

I realized after I just posted it and re-read it. fuck

>> No.20956015

>without spaces

also i think koreans should go back to using chinese characters cuz of culture and shit.

>> No.20956028

how long do your reviews take
just drop anki and read or at least cut off new cards
your anki vocab size means nothing if you cant actually read and anki aint gonna solve that

>> No.20956031

Speaking of kanji, for some reason I really dislike this one 字 and 安. I can't explain why. That radical at the top above a very basic kanji just triggers me for some reason. I don't understand why myself. Can anyone relate?

>> No.20956035

no. it sounds like you may be suffering from autism

>> No.20956039

no, but i did RTK and through heisig and koohii's community stories i became intimate with most components.

>> No.20956044
File: 261 KB, 1024x768, 1375885772820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure kana text is ALMOST as easy to read as mixed kana and kanji if you actually know Japanese, but there are a lot of cases where individual hiragana words are just annoying to use (e.g. if they're ten syllables long or have a lot of homophones), and kanji make it easier to learn new words anyway (saying this as someone who didn't do isolated kanji study), so who give it a shit?

>> No.20956054

I sometimes confuse 学 and 字. I think they should've kept 學.

>> No.20956060


>> No.20956061

I hate to say this but unless you're planning to read newspapers that last 2K isn't going to help you much. If you want to read novels start now, open them in a browser and read with yomichan. If you really love anki you can build a more useful deck that way, or you could just drop anki completely.

>> No.20956066

obviously it's easy to read kana if you know japanese because it's basically the same as listening if you arent retarded. reading a newspaper or something very literary with only kana would be annoying as fuck tho cause no1 speaks like that

>> No.20956075

i sometimes confuse 体 and 休. they should have kept 體

>> No.20956079

it's about time the written and spoken language converge. i'm really tired of japs doing this stupid fucking shit. in fact i'm getting so fucking mad thinknig about this i'm gonna play minecraft

>> No.20956083

>pronunciation is much more difficult for anglos

pretty sure both of them are so far above *nglo skill ceiling mentioning this doesn't matter

just imitate a horrid anglo or korean accent, will get laughs 99/100 times
note: if you're actually anglo they will laugh at you not with you

>be tired
>read 文学 as moji
yeah fuck that radical

>> No.20956092

Around 1.5 hours, sometimes 2
It's probably slow by djt standard but thats as fast as I can go
I think about dropping anki every day, the reason I haven't done it is because I feel like i'll regret it if i do.
It's not like you can pick it up again if you do drop it

It's not like I don't read at all, I can read furigana manga pretty comfortably now, it's just that I don't read every day.
The rest of my free time after doing anki goes to watching anime or shitposting on 4chan

>> No.20956106

>It's not like you can pick it up again if you do drop it
yea you can. if you're reading every day you just mine the words you feel you've forgotten. not really a big deal.

>> No.20956107





You spend too much time on Anki. If it takes any more than 30 minutes then you have too many active cards. If it takes any more than 60 minutes then you're abusing it.

>> No.20956119

>It's not like you can pick it up again if you do drop it
thats a trap
you can just start a fresh mining deck with whatever feels worth reviewing whether you had a card for it before or not
but if you give reading your full attention for a couple months and actually made some real progress you prob wont want to go back

>> No.20956128


>> No.20956133

Are there any reasonably recent EPWING or other J-J dictionaries that can be somehow procured? I've got a couple of kokugo ones, including big stuff like Kojien, but they're from the 2000-s and for some reason whatever J-E thing Rikaikun and WWWJDIC often have things they don't, and whatever Weblio is using for both J-E and J-J is damn brilliant, but I don't know if that exists as an EPWING.

>> No.20956138

what program are you using the epwing for?

>> No.20956144

Every epwing dictionary is from the early 2000s or earlier because that's the only time when epwing mattered. It's a terrible format and there's no reason to use it if you're making an Android/iOS app or a web app.

>> No.20956145


>> No.20956151


>> No.20956155
File: 77 KB, 750x481, IMG_6330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a girl i can vouch that this is really fucking hot.

by the way, how do you say "hot" in this context, like a sexual turn on even if it's not what would traditionally be considered セクシー?

>> No.20956158


>> No.20956169

That's a good point. I havent't considered that before

It took me over 60 minutes since the day I started, and I've slowed down to 10 cards a day for a few months..

For now I decided to stop adding new words for a month to bring down review time and increase my mature rates. Maybe I fully drop it after that
Thanks anons

>> No.20956181


noone wants to hear what women (male) think

>> No.20956188

Post a screenshot of Anki with the front and back of a card visible. And mention whether you do anything like writing practice and if you have bad retention or not, or if you did something stupid like disable leech suspension option.

>> No.20956201
File: 173 KB, 360x627, 10b7fd17cceb0f8528154fa195545774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is /jp/, we're all cute little girls here.

>> No.20956204


Not only does ****'s method apply to Japanese, but it applies to what I'm assuming is Chinese. Such a genius.

>> No.20956209

Yomichan and EBWin. Don't really know much about this stuff as I'm only now trying to switch over to J-J.

What should I look for now, then? Keep using online services and ignore offline mode, anki integrations, and whatnot? Are there other formats?

I'm not even making an app, just heard that these things are good J-J dictionaries.

>> No.20956215

>yotsuba kicks my ass everyday
>literally read this without looking up anything
is yotsuba being easy really is a meme?

>> No.20956218


>> No.20956220

why does it take you that long? if its taking you 15-20 seconds to remember a card you dont really know it well enough to recognize it in context

>> No.20956221

It really doesn't matter, just google the words you're looking up and read whatever you find. That's what pretty much everyone does. Using dedicated digital dictionaries is the exception these days.

>> No.20956233
File: 323 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190308-000548_AnkiDroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad retention
It's aroynd 80% without adding new cards. 70% with

>did something stupid like disable leech suspension option.
Guilty as charged

>> No.20956237

For Yomichan use Shinmeikai
It was recommended by y*******s and m***.

>> No.20956248

why in the fuck do you need to know what that word means

>> No.20956249

I learned some grammar through Tae Kim ages ago and then picked things up from reading, but I'm feeling a lack of basic understanding every now and then, due to maybe an indo-european language way of thinking or something. Especially bad when I'm trying to write sentences, as that always turns into weblio copy-pasting. Can you recommend me some book or resource that I can use to "re-learn" grammar in a structured way? It's fine if it's in Japanese, hopefully I'll be able to understand.

>> No.20956255

so I need 4 years to proof this

>> No.20956260


>> No.20956261

oh boy do i have the thing for you


>> No.20956264

Thanks, will try that one.

That's what I'm usually doing, but it's convenient to have an instant offline lookup and one-click send-to-anki. Also convenient to have an offline dictionary on my phone. Has been super easy with J-E, but J-J seems to be its own world.

>> No.20956268

You get used to it. You can study Japanese linguistics if you want but it's not really going to help. Just keep reading and listening.

>> No.20956271

you seem to think you need to rote memorize all the grammar patterns as described in basic guides so that you can write letters or some shit. all i'll say is good luck buddy cuz you're gonna need it

>> No.20956278

it hurts to go back and see what i thought was a promising android

>> No.20956280

Don't tell me you're reading the entire back of a card like that whenever you flip it or something.

>> No.20956288

I write down the answer and the example sentence each time to get my literacy up.

>> No.20956300

English: I must go to work
Japanese: I must not not go to work (仕事に行かなくてはいけない)

>> No.20956304


>> No.20956307

lol shut the fuck up if you're not actually going to be helpful.
you're probably just mad that you get no sex in real life.

>> No.20956310


>> No.20956314

>I write
>the example sentence
boy what the fUCK u think ur doin
dolly told me that means to not go to work would not do

>> No.20956318

thats not what the second sentence says tho. it's a conditional statement for one thing

>> No.20956328

actually i have a cute japanese gf (female). stay mad sis (male)

>> No.20956332

as a dekinai, if i read the second sentence in context i'd understand it as "it would be bad if i do not go to work"

>> No.20956336
File: 192 KB, 389x372, 5jJBSu1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20956337


>> No.20956342

Thanks, will check that babiniku out.

I don't even know linguistics of my native language, let alone English, just flabbergasted that while I'm reading texts I can get stuck on a に or some unexpected, for me, usage of a basic word, looking like an idiot at something anyone can immediately understand. Just want to read weeb shit and interact with an occasional acquaintance.

But yeah, will keep reading/listening anyway, that's what I'm learning this for, after all.

Well I understand that it's more practice than rote memorization, but having something to scan through and rely on in time of need would be nice. For now I just end up googling a lot with questionable success.

>> No.20956349

does anyone still sometimes farm sentences the traditional way? like via physical books and manga?

>> No.20956361

lol i highly doubt that

and if she does exist, she's probably as active as a wet leaf in bed

>> No.20956369

it is in no way traditional to "farm sentences"

>> No.20956376

tbqh id rather have a wet leaf (female) than whatever the fuck is the opposite of that (male) but go off king

>> No.20956386

I see there's a 7th edition of Kojien dated 2018, is it available for download somewhere without shelling out 90 bucks?

>> No.20956395

Exactly. Unless your goal is to read newspapers core 6k is worthless. No, worse than worthless because it steals time you could use for more useful and pleasant activities.

>> No.20956401

does anyone actually use 嬉しむ or is wikipedia fucking with me again

>> No.20956450
File: 16 KB, 359x95, notepad++_UulIjbjjSf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a search of 550 books from itazuraneko

>> No.20956455

jamal why don't you ever post some good asian rap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rILKm-DC06A?

>> No.20956457

it's tanoshimu you turbobrainlet.

>> No.20956473

sure, fake girlfriend dude. lol you're pathetic.

>> No.20956485

is this bait

>> No.20956488

i mean within the context of farming sentences, are there people who still do it from physical books vs. VNs and online text etc.

>> No.20956494
File: 4 KB, 176x117, s6jxkF4r9J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20956502

>he doesn't use 愚 as his pronoun

>> No.20956516

just look up the last like 3 years of threads i posted a lot

>> No.20956520


>> No.20956525

>he isn't a fat middle aged virgin with a neckbeard who uses <own name>+chan as his pronoun, even when talking in English
Are you even trying?

>> No.20956541

actually ill chime in on this since i have experience here

its not -chan its -hime

thats when u know uve really struck gold

>> No.20956561
File: 52 KB, 383x500, when u spot a dekinai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's more pathetic, having a fake gf (which i dont), or being a fake woman?

>> No.20956569


>> No.20956578

Anything but 俺様 is creepy weeb shit.

>> No.20956588

>not being man enough to be a fake woman

>> No.20956589

is relating to people as 君 creditworthy?

>> No.20956600

no, only if you use 我が君

>> No.20956611

kimi no chinpo sukunai

>> No.20956614

I always use 貴様 for every pronoun, whether it's I, you, he, or she.

>> No.20956615

forget fake woman about just a woman in general lol

>> No.20956627

I think you could have screamed "I don't know Japanese" in my ears for 2 hours straight and I still wouldn't get the point as well as I got from these two posts alone
Way to make a fool out of yourself son

>> No.20956644

neither is as pathetic as engaging from either side plz stop shitting up the thread

>> No.20956656

imagine telling a dude taking a shit onto a pile of shit to stop shitting up the turds

>> No.20956658

i heard this word in an anime: "wagahai" does it mean "duude I'm high" like wa ga hai?

>> No.20956659

its been well established that it's impossible to shit up a thread that's already shit. i can post w/e takes my fancy and you'll enjoy it 坊や

>> No.20956690

I'm not sure RTK doesn't teach readings and I'm only on my 10th kanji so still ways to go but as soon as I'm fluent I'll answer this question as truthfully as possible

>> No.20956695

i wont personally enjoy it but i have no problem w. it
