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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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20907501 No.20907501 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20909059


4chan magazine cover thread

>> No.20909378

Good thing I still have 2 years left to pick up a copy

>> No.20909389
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>> No.20909440
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I don't know why I saved it but have this thing
No, I don't know why it's circled either.

>> No.20909560

Fcuk. It was 2007.
Don't be Desu, Suiseiseki. Please.
I didn't know this guy had a name this far back.
Can you, or anyone, give me a rundown of this guy? I've heard a bit about him but the closest thing I have to a "Cyber Akuma" dates back to M.U.G.E.N and some rando if I'm lucky

>> No.20909579

2007 was the turning point thanks to social media, smartphones and mass adoption of broadband.

>> No.20910848


>> No.20910873
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Here's the original

>> No.20911000
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>> No.20911004
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2013-11 FCM.png

>> No.20911016
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>> No.20912386
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>> No.20912391
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>> No.20912398

this >>20909579
and popularity and internet virgin's in general

>> No.20912428
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>> No.20912638
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>> No.20914790
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>> No.20914801
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>> No.20914908
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Times have unfortunately changed quickly, and as such the dreamlike day of this board is a mere past...

>> No.20915562
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Wolf and Spice aftershave

>> No.20915571
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Four Chan Magazine
- Strike Witches Special
- your ultimate guide to turbine-powered women

>> No.20915589

There really isn't anything of much value here anymore. I just come here out of habit, all of my favourite content creators and most discussion have moved to Twitter.

Lash out at me for going to the dark side, I don't care. I held out for eight years. Wanna know where all the oldfags went? Twitter. We're all on Twitter because social media is the only game in town for fresh content. You will make the move as well after you get sick of the image dumps.

>> No.20915612
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How can we keep making new things if they always got stolen?

>> No.20915926

They died, just like your youth.

>> No.20916672
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Buried under paranoia and bitterness.
If we ourselves from these shackles, perhaps we will taste again the sweetness of good ol' freedom.

>> No.20917494

It died when we went from doing shit because we liked it to defending shit because of cancer coming in.
Defending culture only leaves you with something old, it doesn't create anything new by itself. /jp/ has become the old people home filled with stuff they only half remember themselves.
You can't just keep fighting cancer like that's all /jp/ is about. You also need to create something apart from it.

>> No.20918508

/a/ is the only board that matters due to /jp/ being full of jaded twitter egoboosting users

>> No.20918721
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Four Chan Magazine
-- voted best magazine of the interwebs

>> No.20918728
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>> No.20918880
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You mean the board that is now filled with normie shonenfags and generalfags?

>> No.20919296

It's always depressing thinking back on anything pre-2010, it was such a better time, there were retards and it wasn't perfect but it was fun and people were always doing something interesting. Old people's hobbies died because people just lost interest over time, but now it seems like normalfags just piledrive something I like into the ground until it barely resembles its old self effectively killing it, then move on to do the same thing to something else after they get bored.

>> No.20920238
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Fan communities don't exist in the same way they used to before the 2010s. We don't congregate in separate forums or IRC channels anymore, or at most of us don't. We're all dumped into two or three big arenas, like high school cafeterias or prison exercise yards. We can still congregate among ourselves, but now content and discussion bleeds from one community to another without any resistance. It does not help that these social media platforms actively encourage content sharing regardless of where the content comes from or who it was intended for.

It's hard to really develop the tightly-knit communities that fandoms thrive in within these environments. It's possible to limit your exposure to the western otaku genpop on social media by only following Japanese creators and defaulting to pixiv whenever possible, but social media is so ubiquitous now among Japanese creators that people who refuse to engage with it will miss a lot of new content.

Most of all, I do miss the in-depth conversations I used to have here with other fans. It's pretty much impossible to have them anymore, both here and elsewhere. The only thing that's gotten better is the quality of dojinshi and eroge art.

>> No.20920471

Yeah, I guess that's how I feel about it too. There was a real sense of community, and people were actually original and tried putting effort into stuff. Just take a look at what /a/ did with Katawa Shoujo, all because of Raita's rough sketches. I know there's no going back to those times but it's hard to move on. Now we get the same jokes, the same content, the same posts and shallow discussion everywhere no matter where you go repeated ad nauseum. There is no originality or effort put into things anymore. It's like the worst possible outcome that could have happened. I envy people who never got to experience those times in a way because I'll always have to remember how much better things were.

It's kind of interesting to note though that currently, Japs sort of have their own personal place in the internet due to the language barrier. They haven't been dragged into the homogeneous blob of content yet but I'm sure in time that will change. In fact I believe the whole reason they started mass-migrating to Twitter in the first place was due to the influx of Westerners flooding Pixiv, but I could be wrong.

>> No.20920497
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>It's always depressing thinking back on anything pre-2010, it was such a better time

Back in 2010, people lamented about the then current state of fandom and how jaded it was, and longed for the "good old days of 2000". Yet, back in 2000, people lamented about the early days of manga and anime fandom of the late 1980's through the first few years of the 1990's as being the golden age of anime fandom and discovery of the hobby.

People were more appreciative for the things they got and would talk about the fandom aspects of it. This seemed to be a common part of the dedicated fans. But now, so many "normies" are just mere consumers and do not care about any other aspects other than acquisition.

Complicating the issue of normies are the effete subpar-anti-fans that are willing to consume but at the same time say how poor the stuff is. And they act as if their time was too valuable to waste. They are self-entitled jerks.

The scarcity of the material in the earlier years meant that badly-behaving people were shut out. Thus, they had to behave "better". Now that everything is so available, these jerkwads can behave as badly as they want without penalty.

Fans still exist. But many are in their own private areas and even private IRC channels and private FTP sites. There's quite a bit of material yet not out in public hands because we simply don't release our scans and translations.

>> No.20920540

Ah yes, I love seeing e-celeb threads up with hundreds of replies everytime I go there.

>> No.20920618
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>I love seeing e-celeb threads
I don't.

Those social media users try to make themselves into twitter and facebook e-celebs with their follows and social links and how many "reads". The real fans don't worry about that and keep to their private sites and share their works, scans, translations, japan travel photos, etc with each other. We know better than to get onto social media. The vultures are bad enough with their self-entitled social-media social-welfare demands of "you owe us a copy of everything you possess, bought, or created".

>> No.20920665

Sarcasm, anon. But you make a good point, though I don't think it's the main reason you see threads about it there.

>> No.20920858

>They haven't been dragged into the homogeneous blob of content yet but I'm sure in time that will change
They have their own homogeneous content blob to get mired in. Our Japanese counterparts are just as plagued with riajuu and niwaka as we are.

>> No.20921335

Switch the boards and you're right.

>> No.20922580
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>> No.20923181

>Kyoanus is now into fujoshit!
I'm still mad.

>> No.20924101
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>> No.20925136
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>> No.20925915

You all stopped trying and started piggybacking on what others before you have already done.

>> No.20926627
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>> No.20926733
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>You all stopped trying
Too many people with jaded or bad attitudes making up the majority. If you try something, hate and trolling masquerading as criticism starts coming. There's no need to release things for the assholes to benefit from.

>> No.20928768

You have to seriously be braindead to say that.
Especially now.

>> No.20929063
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>> No.20929371

Every board has basically turned to shit and im sure the only reason people still come here like me is out of habit of doing this for years, minus the shonen normans.

>> No.20929423

Look at that weeb who think he's hot shit

>> No.20932784

yes. we are kind.

>> No.20940177


>> No.20943418

I remember when this site was about having fun than trying to uphold the highest standard as possible.

>> No.20945029

I don't know how bad it is that threads like these are the main thing I look for on my occasional visits back here. Even though people have always been saying that things aren't as good as they were, it wasn't until about three years ago that it really hit me, despite being around for over a decade. I don't know if there's still anything good out there somewhere, but if there is, I'm sure you've got to have the right connections, which I never made. I never thought I would need to, not that I was capable of it anyway.

>> No.20946130

Twitter bans me too much

>> No.20946256
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I think once moot left any hope that was left of turning things around were sunk. Hiro doesn't care about whatever course we're on as long as he makes money, just look at the vtuber shenanigans he started but couldn't even follow through with. He didn't even have a plan for it.

Regardless of how shit things get here though, I think it's a good thing to have not jumped ship for IRC/Discord/Twitter/whatever secret club or circlejerk some oldfags have flocked off to. Where whatever one says only carries as much weight as however popular or recognized the person saying it is. It's like the worst of those old forums when they were still popular - there was always that group who thought they lorded over everyone else because of something as arbitrary as their obscene post counts. Except now they actually have a reason for their inflated egos, because only the most "liked" and "popular" content and people will ever see the light of day in those places. At least here content is given equal opportunity to be seen, regardless of what it is or who posts it.

>> No.20948518

>shonen normans

>> No.20948661


>> No.20951310

We are witnessing the collapse of civilizations.

>> No.20951350
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forgot pic.

>> No.20951639

The people who made them real got a job or killed themselves

>> No.20951688

but what is to create something new if cancer contaminates that as well.

>> No.20951964

I remember someone saying we go back to old places because we can't go back in time.
I think that's the only reason i still come here.

>> No.20951991
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I want to ___ yuyuko

>> No.20952007

Its been in collapse for several years though.

>> No.20952116

I think the problem is that the internet become too common and too big of a part of people's lives. Back in 2007 it was almost exclusively a computer experience and even if you had broadband with unlimited data going on the internet was an "activity" it was something you chose to do with your free time which made it more exciting.

Fast forward now and your basically online 24/7, there is nothing special about the internet anymore, there is nothing exciting about online interractions, in fact for many it turned into a chore. Considering this it's not surprising that online interractions became mundane and people got lazy. What's the point of engaging in a deep conversation if the topic has been discussed to death and brings the same lazy responses? What's the point of making a creative original thread when online discussion has become so mundane it lost all value?

Being jadded isn't the solution though, even if it seems like a waste of time it's worth enging in discussion, even if it takes trolling, it's always more fun to get mad and call each other nigger than replay the same old jadded shit over and over again.

>> No.20952166

Then it might be time to erase the cancer so it could no longer contaminate anything anymore.

>> No.20952267

And who are you to have the power to do that.

>> No.20952272

Be the one who makes the change, not constantly sit on the issue that it surrounds

>> No.20952298
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by the power of the moon i will punish the crossboarding scum

>> No.20952310

The 18 year old millennials ruined it. They are responsible for all the evil in the world today!

>> No.20956227

