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2089907 No.2089907 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /jp/. I've come to you with a question today. Has anyone here ever bought a masterwork katana from a 'smith online? I'm looking to buy one in the price range of $2,000-$3,000. I've searched before and didn't come up with any good results.

Halp me, /jp/.

>> No.2089921

Have fun not being able to do fucking anything with your expensive piece of steel.

>> No.2089920

Spend that money on figs, doujins, and j-pop CDs.

Thank me later.

>> No.2089930

>doujins, and j-pop CDs.
>Useless shit you can get for free.

>> No.2089934

Do you actually have no other use for that money?

Well, whatever. Just check your local laws before buying. Some places won't allow blades over a certain length.

>> No.2089946

Settle for nothing but Hanzo steel.

>> No.2089964

>masterwork katana
Doubt they make those outside games nowadays. But, you know, money opens doors...
Like anything legit is ever sold on there...
...ummmm... well, eh....

*died facepalming his way to the core of the earth*

>> No.2089973

Do you plan to kill somebody? If so, use that money to buy an M82-A. If not, put the money back into your savings, because owning a good sword is completely worthless beyond collector's value.

>> No.2089978

That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.

I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.

Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.

Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.

Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.

So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas:

(One-Handed Exotic Weapon) 1d12 Damage 19-20 x4 Crit +2 to hit and damage Counts as Masterwork

(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon) 2d10 Damage 17-20 x4 Crit +5 to hit and damage Counts as Masterwork

>> No.2089988

I think $2000-$3000 is pretty much the price of having one made, of course its having one made ... not buying a old one from a famous smith.

Now why the fuck you even want one is a different matter.

>> No.2089991

be a man and buy a revolver

>> No.2089994

Nice Kopipe

>> No.2090001
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>Whole goddamned post

>> No.2090006
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>fold it up to a million times

For a minute I was almost believing you were just a moron with more money than sense.

Sadly, you are just a moron.

>> No.2090007

>American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first

Men with Katanas were widely known to be the officers. Kinda stupid of them to make themselves so identifiable, huh?

>> No.2090011

Where is this pasta from, again? I'm pretty sure it didn't originally come from 4chan.

>> No.2090015

/tg/, of course.

>> No.2090044

Japanese katanas for the blade the metal was folded over many times over and over again, maybe not as much as a million but it was still a lot

>> No.2090082

buy a gun instead

>> No.2090085

Hello, you must be new here. Learn to Google entire sentences.

>> No.2090091

That is a tiny door.

>> No.2090101

I know that it is copypasta, I only posted once saying that Japanese swords were indeed folded over many times during the forging process

>> No.2090104

They had millions of layers, but it doesn't take many folds to get there. A piece of steel has one layer; fold it once, two layers; fold it again, four layers.
8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, 131072, 262144, 524288, 1048576. So with only twenty folds, you have more than a million layers. Not quite as impressive as people want you to think, so they generally leave out how many folds there were and say 'Japanese master swordsmiths folded their blades until it had several million layers', which really only takes 23 or so folds.

>> No.2090105

I actually care about random, stupid posts enough to pop them in google and check if they're copypasta.

Oh wait, nevermind. Just the opposite. I don't give a shit.

>> No.2090112

And the copypasta says "fold it up to a million times."

>> No.2090126
File: 107 KB, 680x1024, 1234746371598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a shotgun and a "gun"

>> No.2090127

You do not understand how katanas are formed

you start off with a piece of metal
you fold it into a small square
you hammer the small square into a sheet of metal
fold it again into a small square
you hammer the small square into a sheet of metal

repeat ad infinitum

Japanese swordsmiths commonly spend entire weeks just folding and refolding the same piece of metal. It is not like a piece of paper were you can only fold it 7-8 times before it becomes impossible.

>> No.2090143

that's how all swords are formed. depending on the price it was going to sell for, more folds. and no, Japs didn't spend millions of dollars equipping their officers with actual masterpiece katanas.

>> No.2090151

Why would you put a knife mount on a shotgun? So you can shoot while you stab for double damage?

>> No.2090153


Wasn't the main reason for the large number of foldings due to some high carbon(other element) content found in their iron ore?

>> No.2090162

wow what a waste of time
all that time to create awesome killing power just so the wielders can be shot with a single bullet and die

>> No.2090163

>that's how all swords are formed.

nope, especially not European ones, the typical European sword was just cast iron poured into a mold or iron hammered into the shape of the sword, but folding the metal, rehammering, refolding, rehammering was mostly a technique created by the Japanese.

>> No.2090188

>wow what a waste of time

Yeah making quality swords were a waste of time because everybody was running around with guns in the 13th century right? having a sharper, lighter, stronger sword wouldn't have made the difference in a fight right?

>> No.2090190

Did I say it was? No, I simply said getting to a million layers is significantly easier than people seem to think.

>> No.2090213

the Japs were actually very fast to use guns. but their AMAZING VIRTUOUS SAMURAI SWORD POWER made them abandon them because it wasn't honorable compared to fighting with backwards, ridiculous waste of time, money, and manpower ze almighty katanas.

>> No.2090217

the copypasta said FOLDS not LAYERS

1,000,000 folds means that the iron used in the sword was folded over, rehammered, refolded a million times not that it had 1,000,000 layers.

>> No.2090242

I wasn't defending the copypasta, I was offering a possible explanation for where '1 million folds' could have come from.

>> No.2090240

certainly not in the 13th century, the first flintlock came into use in the 17th

having a masterwork katana automatically gave you a damage, speed and durability bonus compared to someone using a shitty katana made in a couple of hours rather than months (legendary katanas actually were folded over and over again for years)

>> No.2090250

>While blades folded hundreds, thousands, or even millions of times are encountered in fiction, there is no record of real blades being folded more than around 20 times.

This is obviously, a dumbass white guy's information. We all know that the almighty land of the rising sun could easily defy physical boundaries and make katanas that can cut through tanks in one slash.

>> No.2090249

Abandon guns? Didn't the main government mow down the last remaining sword-users?

>> No.2090274
File: 25 KB, 403x396, 1234747609969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow you guys are idiots. Folded a million times?
You actually believe in myths?

>while heating and folding serves to even out the distribution of carbon throughout the blade, a small amount of carbon is also 'burnt out' of the steel in this process; repeated folding will eventually remove most of the carbon, turning the material into softer iron and reducing its ability to hold a sharp edge.

>> No.2090275


How about a gun that shoots Katanas?

>> No.2090276

Why wouldn't you put a knife at the end of your shotgun?


>> No.2090295

Okay, that was hilarious.

>> No.2090313
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>> No.2090317

Okay, where do I begin...
Let me just expose how much of a dumbsass diouchebag you are by corrupting what you said:

That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas shouldn't be into any fantasy game or it turns into a weeaboo naruto fanfic that makes all people who enjoy anime drown in shame.

I should know what I'm talking about. I myself considered purchasing a genuine katana in Japan. I have however settled with a mere substitude made of aluminium for fiscal responsability's sake. I have been cosplaying with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut vegetables, bamboo and shit my katana.

Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and produce the finest blades known to mankind. Hence, they require great skill to manufacture and good worksmanship doesn't come cheap.

Katanas are much more sharp than European swords and much more durable for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate if a human being could swing the blade hard enough.

Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too far away. But even if they weren't, they wouldn't bother crushing it for the little natural resources it contains. Besides, the Arabs were already giving them a busy schedule during the Great Crusades.
Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because they were were wealthier and commonly of higher rank than the others. And besides, killing the nutcase running towards you with a melee weapon while you are weilding a firearm seems logical enough.

>> No.2090318

no wait

i got it

how bout a katana that shoots guns

>> No.2090342

...so, how did modifying the copy-pasta expose ANYTHING about the guy who posted it?

>> No.2090343

I think your post has the opposite effect.

>> No.2090346


Shows how much you know...

>> No.2090360

Didn't you ask us this yesterday? But wasn't it $100 that time? I think that was a much better attempt.

>> No.2090373

Yeah because laws of nature don't actually exist because it's on wikipedia amirite!

seriously, get over it. you're japanese myths are myths, or are going to say that all certain people could actually mow down thousands of people Sengoku era with those awesome million folded katanas that a smith spent an entire year making?

>> No.2090384

You have to fold the metal many times to make a good katana everytime the sword is refolded the impurities are removed and the carbon becomes more uniformly distributed, folding the metal a million times will remove almost all the impurity and depending on the forging process you used certain ones readded the carbon that was lost in the proccess

>> No.2090395

>mow down thousands of people Sengoku era with those awesome million folded katanas that a smith spent an entire year making?

Where did I say this? The only thing that I have said so far was that the guy did not understand the process of folding

>> No.2090409

itt: weeaboos and trolls

>> No.2090427

PRO-TIP: get an iaito for 1/4 the price

send the rest on other goodies

>> No.2090428

also refolding the the steel decreases grain sizes Hardness increases with decreasing particle size. This is known as the Hall-Petch relationship. thus increasing the macroscopic strength of the metal

>> No.2090437

>price range of $2,000-$3,000
Just buy a plasma TV. You'll thank me later.

>> No.2090435

2000-3000 USD should be able to get you the real deal, though hardly anything too exciting by nihonto standards.

Lurk and learn. A few god books probably wouldn't hurt either. The Craft of the Japanese Sword by Kapp&Yoshihara and he Connoiserur's Book of Japanese Swords by Nagayama are recommended, substitute the latter for The Japanese Sword by Sato if you must.

Good luck.

>> No.2090467

OP probably has one already especially if he has 3000 to throw away

>> No.2090558

Not OP, but I never understood the hate for spending a lot of money on a good Katana. It's a matter of collecting and some people want the real thing, not some shoddy knock off. Is it just cause it's distinctly weeaboo compared to other expensive things?

>> No.2090586

other expensive things tend to cost less than 2~3k

>> No.2090698

He really likes swords, there's nothing odd about that. And peoples hobbies shouldn't come to question here of all places.

>> No.2090706
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I like swords.

>> No.2091684
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Before you buy, you should go to the PBS site (pbs.org) and look up the NOVA special on how katana are made. It is quite informative and seeing how it is made will keep you thinking that your cheap (3K) katana should have multiple types of steel in it (like a REAL katana) instead of a single type of steel.

The home shopping network had a katana for sale before and it was made with some elite sounding named steel. However, after so many uses, when striking something firm, the blade could snap off near the hilt. So, having a katana blade made from just one type of elite steel is not the way as the informative NOVA show will tell you.

>> No.2092442
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There are much better things to spend $2-$3k on.

Things that can be used. Or enjoyed.

A fucking forged Katana is a useless lump of metal and hubris that will sit on your wall for years.

You will take it out and play with it once. You will either get bored and hang it up, or you will cause yourself serious injury by accident.

You will only ever pull it out to show friends. They will want you to put it away because a samurai sword in their face isn't what they wanted. Or they will play with it and hurt something.

I can't tell you how much of a bad idea it is to own a sword. Also such a waste of money unless you've actually taken Bushido classes.

Swords will Fucking cut you wide open.


>> No.2092459


HOLY shit, Trip Fisk

>> No.2092471
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I like swords too.

>> No.2092476

All your life, you've been a sword.

>> No.2092478
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I like swords because they give me more power, mongrels!

>> No.2092565


>> No.2092725

> and no, Japs didn't spend millions of dollars equipping their officers with actual masterpiece katanas.
If only the Americans hadn't implemented the iron embargo to prevent the Japanese from arming everyone with a katana the Japanese army would have been completely unstoppable.

>> No.2092752

Other than, you know, guns and nukes.

>> No.2092758

The ability to destroy a city is insignificant next to the power of bushido.

>> No.2092759
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Please tell me you dont believe this

>> No.2092767

Hey OP, can you put a measuring tape up to the door for me? I'd like to know if the sword on the right is long enough for me to use.

>> No.2092776

You must be an incredibly dull person.

>> No.2092781
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Sure is Weeaboo in here.

>> No.2092792

last time i checked, this isn't a computer game; i've never heard of any legendary/epic weapons irl

>> No.2092797
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>> No.2092801

I guess you haven't heard of Genghis Khan, he single-handedly lay Europe under his feet with his masterwork katana stolen from his Japanese conquest.

Unfortunately he died from some STD and the katana was buried with him, ending the conquest.

>> No.2092818

i wonder what kind of enchantments it has

>> No.2092819

Disregarding Katanas, the fact that he went against CHINA and that he died from falling from his horse...You have nothing left actually

>> No.2092829

>legendary/epic weapons irl

Excalibur? muramasa? masamune? they were all real weapons

>> No.2092848



>> No.2092888
File: 20 KB, 292x295, 1234783266117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invest in the future of armed combat

>> No.2092894


>> No.2092895

this thread was a masterful troll, 9.5/10

>> No.2092946

I herd you like guns so we put guns on your swords so you can shoot while you slash

>> No.2093004

I like how no one answered the OP's question.

Well its not like the OP should have expected any serious answers anyway...

>> No.2093012

i don't think most people here have that much money to burn

>> No.2093021

but >>2090435 did

>> No.2093025

You won't be getting serious responses when you're using words like "masterwork katana".

>> No.2093078

It's his money, let him spend it on whatever he wants.

I highly doubt you'll get yourself a quality sword buying online, though.

>> No.2093142

Why'd we want a quality sword that can be bought online?

>> No.2093200


I don't remember the details, nor can I find a citable source, but there's laws in Japan which restrict the number of "authentic" katanas a swordsmith can produce in a given year which keeps the prices artificially high. Your best bet is to look for a sword made by a Japanese swordsmith in China. There's no production limit there so they can build more and thus sell them at a lower price point and they're basically the same thing.

However if you just want something that looks good but isn't a piece of junk, look into a performance piece. These are solid enough that you can swing it around without it falling apart in your hands, though they are still not really "combat ready" either. They cost a couple hundred bucks or less for a good one.

>> No.2093210

That's the Katana Anti-Proliferation Treaty which regulates the production of those mass-destruction weapons.

>> No.2093215


God help us if the terrorists ever get their hands on them.
