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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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208886 No.208886 [Reply] [Original]

February 10th: 2 gaijins in Tokyo.

One went to their HQ. There were guards outside. He walked past and gave them a look and a nod. "We are here".

Gaijin number 2 handed out fliers. The mask is because he had a cold: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raOQtWPjF0E

>> No.208891

I saw an anon get collectively bitched out for wanting to bring a sign that said "Xenu died for my sins"

I haven't followed this since then.

>> No.208896

You're on 4chan. If some conflict scares you ...

There are some people who want all fun to be gone, but most people encourage some "lulz" as long as it doesn't interfere too much with the goal, which is the lulz of seing Anonymous actually accheiving something beyond just fail.

>> No.208902

Death Note style video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aKwPRYRmk8

15th video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTdtoRM0CyQ

>> No.208911

Hopefully we'll get some Yamato people this time. Most weeaboos are not allowed to take part in this kind of thing because of their work/school/insurance contracts.

>> No.208915

>>You're on 4chan. If some conflict scares you ...

Seeing people get castrated for wanting to have a bit of fun doesn't scare me. It pisses me off.
Therefore, I stopped following this.

>> No.208917

Internet bullshit isn't amusing in reality.

>> No.208929

Well many Anonymous will agree that killing all the fun is a really stupid idea.

Still that sign isn't very effecitve - it would be better to have a half serious sign full of mudkips and an inflatable Xenu. Or go dressed as Xenu - that is actively encouraged by everyone including the old anti-cult people.

The point is that while we are having fun we should tell the public why this isn't yet another fur pile or Anime Cosplay 08 event.

>> No.208930

>Internet bullshit isn't amusing in reality.
Most of it isn't but some of it is.

>> No.208944

>>Still that sign isn't very effecitve

That's the point.
The fact that this is all about getting a message across effectively makes it seem pretty lame in my eyes.

>> No.208946
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There shall be cake.

>> No.208958
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What people fail to realize here is that there is a synergy. Lulz reinforce the message. The message will lead to lulz. Have you heard all the stupid leaks from the inside about how they think Anonymous is an FBI/German inteligence/alien Marcab Confederacy group? And the media coverage?

Without the lulz we would just be another group of butthurt faggots that the world doesn't want to care about except staying out of their way. Without the message we would be a mascerade that nobody does anything but laugh at. GATTAI these two - however - and add some viral marketing, and it leads to win.

I offer this test for signs: If your sign is the only sign that shows up in a 30 second news segment on WTFOTL CBS Bumfuck, Nebraska, will you call them faux news? If so, don't bring that sign.

>> No.208989


If I wanted to waste my valuable life just for some grand possible moment in my future, I'd spend it doing something that would have more of a gain than just a chuckle.

This business is just serious for me.

>> No.209001

Would you avoid going to your mates' birthday parties today just because there's a wedding and a funeral in their future?

>> No.209007


Would you slave your life away at a steel mill because you might be able to afford a house someday?

I can make false analogies too.

>> No.209050
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>steel mill
See image

>> No.209076
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>> No.209097
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>> No.209099 [SPOILER] 
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That's not fatherly love, Shirou....

I wonder what your father did to you.

>> No.209103


Still busy playing UBW?

>> No.209112

Oh right. In Tsukihime it was Akiha who was the clueless about sex one, while Shiki was the Rin.

>> No.209122

I would love to see a group of super buff guys do the ninja alter egos of everyone.

>> No.209148

>German inteligence

jesus, I knew that they are retarded and all, but why the german inteligence ?

>> No.209154


Germany formally banned scientology.

>> No.209261

It's funny because they've been banned under the same legislation that was put in place to stop nazism or stalinism ever from rising again in Germany. It's a bit like an official stamp saying "Your group is like the nazis, signed the country that knows nazis better than anyone."

>> No.209276


It's also unfortinuate that germany also bans a lot of things, and they just happen to hit scientology in their warpath

>> No.209278

I know I haven't watched S2 but I'd just like to say holy shit Shana is hot.

>> No.209281


>> No.209297


I think eating anything associated with 4chan would cause violent stomach spasms and eventually anal prolapse.

>> No.209333

Well Naruto violence isn't banned because they're trying to destroy democracy.

>> No.209334

Well Naruto violence isn't banned because its makers are trying to destroy democracy.

>> No.209355

We stomach HnG, so we should be fine.
