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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.20729398

Things sure have changed since CITY was published.

>> No.20729402
File: 57 KB, 426x600, 1548390385369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our god YHVH

>> No.20729423

The great Abrahamic god looks like a plastic blow-up doll. It's perfect.

>> No.20730753
File: 594 KB, 1890x1230, char.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20731562

Do we have which gods Yatsui and Scarecrow are? They weren't mentioned in chapter 8.

Rather, does anyone have a guess?

>> No.20731662

Yatsui is almost certainly Omoikane: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omoikane_(Shinto)

Omokane in her name is written with the same kanji as Omoikane and Yatsui in her name is written with the same kanji as Ya-Gokoro in the Omoikane's full name.

Scarecrow is probably Kuebiko: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuebiko

>> No.20731768

Neat, thanks for the explanation. I don't think I'd have been able to figure that out myself.

>> No.20731770

What is the meaning of the 7th and 3rd mentioned in early chapters js06, do you have any idea?

>> No.20731792

Makes sense considering they both are in charge of the library that they're related to knowledge and intelligence in some form or another.

And the names do fit too, Kubiki is already sorta like Kuebiki plus the whole "scarecrow" thing. Plus "represented in Japanese mythology as a scarecrow who cannot walk but has comprehensive awareness". And she has mobility issues. Plus on the short 3 they mention that "Her hair and such are supposed to look like ears of rice hung up to dry", which again goes back to the agriculture part.

Definitely it's Kuebiko.

Thanks for the explanations, I couldn't have guessed that myself either.

>> No.20731840

The only guess I've seen in these threads (since it has not been mentioned in the novel itself and it won't be mentioned in quite a while since they said the name won't be revealed until she's powerful enough) is that Nanami (7-3) would reference to Izanami. Which is one of the two gods of the Shinto myth of creation. Which would sorta put Sumeragi in the role of Izanagi.

But this is all speculation.

>> No.20731996

The Japanese suffix used for 7th and 3rd there means "7th generation" and "3rd generation", so I had assumed it was in reference to this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamiyonanayo

But in Chapter 9, Senpai says she is an Earthly God (国津神) whereas the Seven Generations are considered Heavenly Gods (天津神), so who knows.

>> No.20734493

Dont die.

>> No.20735529
File: 3.17 MB, 2192x3000, 000a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is something a bit exclusive me and Muton were working on.
Gallery itself is uploaded, and torrent should be added shortly.

I believe you know where to find our releases by now, right?

>> No.20736337

Of course.

>> No.20736894


>> No.20737314

Sorry I don't know

>> No.20738564

Mother of god, those thighs!
I can't decide if I like Senpai or Scarecrow better.

>> No.20738607
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>> No.20738814

Try panda.

>> No.20739065

I get the feeling that the Ara-Ara to Ufufu ratio is heavily skewed to the latter with these two.

>> No.20739838

For all the talk about "big dick energy", I think their "big tit energy" is stronger.

>> No.20740491

Thanks, Ivan and Muton!

>> No.20742830
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>> No.20743271

Scarecrow, senpai is too generic.

>> No.20743864
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>> No.20744397


>> No.20745516


>> No.20745838


>> No.20745844

Get your Kawakami merch now

>> No.20746128

He also has a new tier on fanbox now for 1000 anime dollars a month on which it seems like he'll be publishing digital versions of his Doujins

>> No.20747317

>Web novel
>Now doujins
Where is the new LN kawakami?

>> No.20747643

Updated my mega folder, apart from HDDD stuff it now also has Fanbox stuff.
Files are named in order of release with p denoting patron exclusives.

>> No.20748057

The Technohexen are unable to summon their brooms or contact Edel Brocken, but Naito and Naruze still have their old brooms in storage.
Angie and Yoshiaki use those to fight and defeat the High Area Wyvern.

>> No.20748342

Wait, is this from the story after the ending of horizon right?

>> No.20748590

So far it seems like a repurposed story from the Horizon Obstacle Overture.

>> No.20749886


>> No.20750117

Thanks a lot. I liked how they showed Toori's view of his own past there.

>> No.20751646
File: 2.16 MB, 2390x1760, 1429198026248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Sayama so much...

>> No.20751654

Same. As far as I'm concerned, there has yet to be a better MC.

>> No.20751687

Well, Horizon doesn't have a clear MC. While Toori is sort of the central figure, since it's a choral work, the figure of a "main character" is muddled down.

If anything, I'd consider each academy/country a "character". So you could say that Musashi is the Main Character.

But yeah, Sayama was a great MC.

>> No.20751736

Ledouche would probably challenge that.

>> No.20751749

The only thing Lelouch has going for him is Fukujun's voice.

>> No.20751761


>> No.20751978

Toori is a better Fukujun than Lelouch.

>> No.20752529

Honestly, they're so different I didn't even realize it was the same person at first. Fukujun's got some pretty impressive range.

>> No.20752795
File: 989 KB, 830x1190, LAWRENCE WILL CURBSTOMP YOUR ASS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top shlomo travelling with Asama, swindling the goyim left and right, high and low.

>> No.20752811
File: 1.47 MB, 1200x1600, 72446535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then again, who's jewing whom?

>> No.20753934

Wrong thread faggot. Go back to your containtment board.

>> No.20754496
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>> No.20754513


Why they never sell these? the only one I've ever saw was the one of Nate, horizon and Asama but what about the rest?

>> No.20754537

I just assumed its one dude making it, fairly certain its not for mass production.

>> No.20754605
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>> No.20754948


>> No.20755331

making garage kits is not illegal, but im fairly sure selling em do is cause copyrights

>> No.20755894

Pretty sure they sell them on wonfes, but the numbers are SO FUCKING LOW that it's near impossible to get one.

I mean, they make them by hand.

>> No.20757521

This chapter felt so short.

>> No.20759507
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>> No.20759935
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>> No.20760253

Something is wrong with the Bakareader version of this chapter, it shows the images incredibly big and the words super small.

>> No.20760353

Why I'm getting the feeling that Senpai isn't really what she pretends to be? that last part about the plan was really weird, like this plan was more important than Sumeragi who's only a tool.

So basically every time Sumeragi dies he gets his memory restarted? that is a little bit too convenient to manipulate him.

>> No.20760534

What is Kawakami working on right now? Horizon is finished right?

>> No.20760542

Like, read the thread?

>> No.20760549

God damn I had a total lapse of attention. I was hoping he was working on something more substantial than Godless Planet

>> No.20760558

We don't know
Godless Planet can be next big series too in future

>> No.20760879

Is WN, knowing him godless planet is going to get a LN pretty soon.

>> No.20762953


>> No.20763910

So I just got into this stuff recently, and I have to ask, is there a reason why Rapid-fire King has been skipped over entirely? It's only two books.

>> No.20764091

It's an entirely standalone story about a high school boy playing shmups and trying to figure out how he feels about his childhood friend.
I enjoyed it, but there's nothing connecting it to the Kawakamiverse other than the Forth label on the cover.

>> No.20764111
File: 738 KB, 853x1200, eVvUgyzHPjCuM1L9uAzvppTL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20764184

Well yeah, Forth is supposed to be the modern world. Of course it would be different from the other stuff. I'm not saying you're obligated to translate it, but that seems like a silly reason not to.

>> No.20764199

I plan to translate it. I just meant it's low priority because it doesn't tie into everything else.

>> No.20764220

Sorry, I didn't mean to some across as demanding. I was just curious to know why a series that was shorter than Hexennacht and came out before it hadn't been done while Hexennacht had 4 books done.

>> No.20765779


>> No.20765994

To be honest, it doesn't seem as exciting as Kawakami's other untranslated stuff. I think it's the right call.

I'm beginning to think Naruze is more of a self insert than Neshinbara at this point.

>> No.20766678

Everything can be made lewd with enough censor bars...I think?

>> No.20767737
File: 231 KB, 1216x1736, 巴里下_049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20768192


>> No.20769192

Thanks! I need to get onto reading City desu.

Not entirely sure if she's as low as she says she is, but who knows. But Sumeragi dying not being part of the plan (and it having happened before) seems like it brings interesting questions on the plot.

Finally got around reading this chapter. I love seeing things that could be easily related to the gears in OnC.

>> No.20770455

New chapter on his main thing

>> No.20772566


>> No.20773756

So basically anyone who wants to get then is fucked.

>> No.20775342

Senpai is definitely hiding something under that good girl looks.

>> No.20776622
File: 1.03 MB, 1600x1200, 72969428_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly are the gods of Horizon? Just the people who didn't get fucked up prior to the age of dawn? If so, why don't they help their fallen brethren more?

>> No.20776848

Read OnC and EDGE then comeback.

>> No.20776955

The OnC gods (a race of people) don't feel like they're quite the same thing as the Horizon gods (objects of worship who give blessings to believers), and I haven't had the time to catch up with OaGP yet. And isn't it more exciting to start a discussion rather than telling people to read this and that?

>> No.20777028

I haven't caught up with OaGP yet, but my understanding of the Horizon gods is that they're basically transcendent (i.e. incorporeal) entities, with the exception of the Emperor. They can still interact with the material world through the ley lines, but only in fairly prescribed ways. For instance, spell users can achieve certain effects in exchange for ether/internal blessings or substitutions (in Shinto).

At the very least, the gods don't seem to have the ability to act freely.

>> No.20777038

We also know about the environmental gods running rampant, which is why only the Divine States are habitable in GENESIS. Those gods seem more like poorly functioning robots than sentient anthropomorphic deities.

>> No.20777248

Any sufficiently advanced technology, you know how it goes.
Literally blessing ATMs.

>> No.20777254

>blessing ATMs

That's a great way of putting it.

>> No.20777553

>And isn't it more exciting to start a discussion rather than telling people to read this and that?
>Isn't more exciting spoonfeeding rather than go and read the LN to understand the evolution of the concept?

>> No.20777577

The gods used to be closer to humanity as everyone saw on the 10th gear but still far away from them to be entities with massive power, that's one of the reasons why they decided to go to the reservation by themselves.

Gods on EDGE are entities created with massive power that are not even close to a human and they're immortal.

Gods on Genesis are exactly the same and here is a correction for you, the Emperor is just a mindless automaton. The difference is that Humanity and all the races knew that at some point on EDGE everyone achieved the same power of the gods but since people is retarded, they went into an all out war losing the tech and the knowledge that allowed them to achieve that.

>> No.20778376

Interesting. Do we know for sure that the gods of 10th Gear are related to the gods created in EDGE/present in GENESIS?

Jord and the other 10th Gear gods are pretty powerful from an individual standpoint, but they could still be defeated by skilled humans and weren't immortal.

>> No.20778483

The gods in EDGE/GENESIS are closer to actual Gods (as in, all powerful) since they work directly affecting the leylines and the ether, the ones in AHEAD seem to be just very strong and just called themselves gods.

>> No.20778570

Yeah the 10th gear is basically the world of the gods, you can say that Apollo fits on that description too. The problem is that Kawakami was getting ass fucked by the editor so he couldn't go deeper on more details even if he wanted to.

Jord is basically a one woman army who can't die and they're not defeated by humans by any means, Jord was the one who wanted to lose because her view of the world changed, nobody has ever defeated her.

>> No.20778915
File: 727 KB, 1434x2048, Horizon7-A537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20778972

>look ma i alone decide what is allowed

>> No.20779117

Looks great. Thanks!

>> No.20779245

Good job at proving my words.

>> No.20779259

Cope more.

>> No.20781402


>> No.20783430


>> No.20784583


What the actual fuck is this?

>> No.20784646

The Musashi transport ship was damaged in the wyvern attack and it crash-lands in England.
The group on the ship runs across two ghost-like figures who are actually data entities that are essentially created from England's "memories".
The image names give away that they're Galahad and Gawain.

>> No.20784716

Aren't those 2 knights from the round table?

>> No.20784810

Yup. Galahad is famous mostly for his purity and legends surrounding his quest for the Grail. He's also a relatively late addition to the Arthurian canon; texts don't mention him until the 13th century.

Gawain is King Arthur's nephew and plays a major role in pretty much all the Arthurian lore dating back to its earliest Welsh roots. He's pretty much the only knight who could be considered a peer of Lancelot (although Lancelot is stronger).

>> No.20785120
File: 783 KB, 2400x2400, bestgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting best girl!

Also, a Futayo succ https://imgur.com/kAhVqsF

>> No.20785638

That shit looks like it was made on paint in 2 minutes.

>> No.20785655

At least 1000 hours :)

>> No.20786283


>> No.20786765

Please tell me they break into song.

>> No.20787189

Thanks for the chapter!

>> No.20787549
File: 1.91 MB, 200x180, Skorpion Dayo~.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honey Badger PDW finally dropped
>Weekend Waifu was peaceful
>Crafted an AA-12 during shotgun rate up
>Got some Futayo as a milf art
>Wake up to this

Unf, I love it! Thanks Mary-anon, It reminds me of an unfinished Viper sketch. This week's pretty great to me, I hope you're having a fun week as well!

>> No.20788161

Another one

>> No.20788551
File: 375 KB, 600x400, nextbox_ooyatoane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how Kawakami intends to develop Horizon Next Box.

So far it seems to be a new extended edition of the story in the mobage (now with narration and the SPEERs involved as an actual sequel) but it also says this is the HDDD England Arc, implying there will be more later.

>> No.20789576

Where did this come from?

>> No.20789741

Please tell me you're baiting.

>> No.20790990

The memory figures tell Mary to "take care of the king" and disappear.
They run across a group of warriors including someone wearing armor made from dragon bones. The image names say dragon armor guy is Lancelot and the group's leader is King Lot.
Those warriors want to arrest the Musashi group, but a mysterious figure in a hood shows up and convinces the warriors to instead talk things out in a nearby village.
When the hooded figure sees Tenzou, she almost calls him a name starting with "Per" (I assume Percival) and says he reminds her of someone.
She removes her hood to reveal blonde hair and introduces herself as Three Thirds.
The many similarities to the plot of Vol. 2 (crash-landing in England, busty blonde in a hood) do not go uncommented upon.

>> No.20791069

>Three Thirds

Hmm...I'm guessing this is a reference to the Welsh Triads? Welsh folklore (from which the earliest Arthurian legends stem) attaches great symbolic meaning to the number three. The Triads are basically a giant list of triples — see here for one translation:


I'm guessing our mysterious hooded figure here is Guinevere, since if you look at triad 109 it's mentioned that Arthur had three wives, all of whom were named Gwenhwyvar. That seems pretty fitting for Three Thirds.

>> No.20791261

If it goes like in the Horizon mobage, she is Arthur, there are just 3 persons with the inherited name and 3 different factions.

>> No.20791626

What, so it's three different people competing over the same inherited name? Are One Thirds and Two Thirds going to show up next?

>> No.20791817

On Horizon one person can inherit multiple names, or many people can inherit one name. Is not rare at all.

This means that probably the other 2 thirds are going to show up and Musashi needs to deal with their problem.

>> No.20792288

Don't die

>> No.20794285
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>> No.20794317
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>> No.20794413
File: 77 KB, 427x640, DS7VmT9VQAALRR5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, that's Arthur?!

So, what was Futayo's role in this story?

>> No.20794459
File: 424 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20171119-015040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is also Arthur. Reminds you of the Mary and Elizabeth situation? It seems very intentional.

>> No.20795274

Given that Mary and Elizabeth are spirits (and thus connected to the English leylines), isn't it entirely possible that the ghosts are being influenced by that? Knowing Kawakami, the resemblance must have a reason.

>> No.20795441
File: 380 KB, 1200x849, large-8bd907fadcd5efd73d599ff69de99244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current Dengeki magazine seems to have something about NEXT BOX and On a Godless Planet. Just a promotion, I guess.

>> No.20795762

>Promotion for a WN
Either Kawakami or someone at dengeki went full retarded.

FFS just make it a fucking LN.

>> No.20797453

Uhh same hat.

>> No.20798535
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>> No.20800043


>> No.20800054
File: 239 KB, 853x480, [HorribleSubs] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 18 [480p] 0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OnC anime confirmed!

>> No.20800081


>> No.20800151
File: 59 KB, 749x694, 2988fj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you doing this to me

>> No.20800261

How many HDDDs are announced?

>> No.20802816

Get ready boys, we're gonna get assfucked for a month, NT22 is coming soon and for what it seems, is the longest NT to date.

>> No.20803494

Further proof that German UCAT is best UCAT.

>> No.20804019

I would impregnate her without hesitation.

>> No.20804072
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>> No.20804789


>> No.20804795
File: 323 KB, 386x900, february-c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20806636

This WonFes was as expected.

The GKs were alright though.

>> No.20807285

Very nice. I love Horizon's new expressions.

>> No.20807613

Why are Pixiv Fanbox links coming up as blocked urls?
Regardless, Kawakami posted on his Fanbox that he's looking for translators that might be interested in working with him. Specifically Japanese to English, and Japanese to German. Preferably those that are located in Japan, but native English and German speakers are what's most important to him. If you're interested, he asks to reach out through Pixiv or Twitter.

>> No.20807766

Which post is it? Just copy the number at the end of the url.

>> No.20809848
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>> No.20809970
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>> No.20810147

Man, the art sure has changed.

Also, this is a pretty incredible scan/cleaning job.

>> No.20810829

I tend to look at it and think it could have been so much better, considering what we archieved with later volumes.

>> No.20811875

The only thing achieved on the later volumes is just abominations and deformed girls everywhere.

>> No.20811967
File: 9 KB, 80x80, tenma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New On a Godless Planet chapter.


>> No.20812069

I think he was talking about the scan/cleaning process, not the actual drawings.

>> No.20812486

Thanks for the chapter!

Nagabuto's surprise was nice to read.

>> No.20813164


Satoyasu please save Kawakami from his madness.

>> No.20813183

It looks so fucking weird. Those tight pants are so tight I wonder why are her legs not blue.

>> No.20814438

Those pants gave me nightmares.

>> No.20815136


>> No.20815517


>> No.20815600


>> No.20816757

Is it just me or are Spenai's reactions, or rather emotions, all over the place?
At some point she seems to care and at another she's just extremely cold which Omokane's reaction seems to support at the terraforming line.

>> No.20817277

Thanks for the speedy translation!

Seems that we'll soon-ish know Senpai's identity. Also, I sorta guessed it would happen that when they didn't show Sumeragi's portrait when talking.

I'd say she tries to keep things professional and at the same time she has a different sense of value over things, because death is clearly not as big a problem as people would have considering it's the 12th time Sumeragi died.

>> No.20817904

I hope js06 finished up volume 7-A before doing Index. Just six chapters left.

>> No.20817994
File: 58 KB, 690x369, MB0mgnj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the recent speed, it's very likely. 2-3 Chapters of Horizon and one of Godless each week.

>> No.20819741

After these 10 chapters I'm still not convinced with Sumerargi, is too damn dumb to be funny or entertaining. Toori was amazing, Sayama god tier MC but Sumeragi just makes me want a new MC.

>> No.20820114

Yeah, same thing here. I hope this gender change will change things around, but I'm not too hopeful. I'm more interested in the world and the Gods than in Sumeragi.

>> No.20821529

I just want to know what's the deal with the world too.

>> No.20823804
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>> No.20824269

Hey, the paizuri I was waiting for is finally coming through.

What do you think about the sketch Himugane sent? https://imgur.com/a/GOBEMVI

>> No.20824475

New NB chapter

>> No.20824637
File: 44 KB, 200x250, bwblRIN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you think about the sketch Himugane sent? https://imgur.com/a/GOBEMVI

I am excite, looks great so far! I dig the expressions. Thank you very much for this!

>> No.20825968


>> No.20827640

The Musashi group arrives at the village/base in England.
They talk about how weird everything is in England at the moment.

>> No.20827940

This england you're talking about is the one from the past or the present england? (the one with elizabeth as the queen).

>> No.20827967

The one they find themselves in.
To the reader, it's been obvious from the beginning they're in the past, but the characters haven't figured it out yet. Which is why things seem weird to them.

>> No.20828195

I see, btw who's the queen/king of england at that time? Arthur?

>> No.20830871

Don't die

>> No.20831336

Another one

>> No.20831542
File: 13 KB, 80x80, 80_percival.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, Percival.

>> No.20832890

When is the new NT coming out so I can go to hibernation for a bit until is finished?

>> No.20832930

March I think. It's apparently the longest to date.

>> No.20834038

More discussion about how weird everything in England is. They're getting closer to realizing what's up, but don't quite get there.
A Tenzou lookalike shows up and the image name confirms he is Percival.

>> No.20834197

For some reason I feel like this is the story of 10zo's father.

>> No.20834251

More like great-grandfather

>> No.20834254

Is there a difference in how NB or Godless are written compared to the LNs or is it mostly similar with addition of the images?

>> No.20834337

More like 1000 years of the lineage..

>> No.20834416
File: 84 KB, 550x400, The Werewolf Queen is at it again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's less narration between dialogue because the images tell you who's speaking and (to an extent) their emotional state. It also feels to me like it's more dialogue focused overall, but maybe that's just the images giving the dialogue more emphasis.

And the silly little images like this aren't in the LNs.

>> No.20834743
File: 797 KB, 1434x2048, Horizon7-A643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20836084

Thanks for the chapter!

>> No.20836976

I dont know why but I can't feel anything from kiyomasa x fukushima relationship, it doesn't feel like marga and naruze at all.

Maybe is because kawakami didn't spent much time with them?

>> No.20838622

Don't die

>> No.20838661

I honestly struggle to feel anything about anything involving the Spears.
Which kinda annoys me because I know how they're important to the plot, but I find them extremely boring.

>> No.20841098

I love that image.

>> No.20842705 [SPOILER] 
File: 973 KB, 1266x900, 1550324362159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fanbox HDDD II is up

>> No.20843614

Can you please make a mega file?

>> No.20843737

It's in my mega with the rest of the HDDD and Fanbox stuff, check the archive

>> No.20844507

Archive already ate the thread...

>> No.20846833


>> No.20847150

Yep can confirm, archive went full retarded.

>> No.20847699

>Marga and Margot are hot as sin
>can’t commission them because no artist will fuck with 6 wings
I just wanna watch dyke witches scissor

>> No.20848375

Reading the recent translations

>“Ishida Mitsunari is a data entity just like Ootani Yoshitsugu.”

>Everyone gasped.

That felt weird, we've known Mitsunari for a while now and it never occured to me the main cast didn't

>> No.20848698


>> No.20849447

Remember that we've seen the SPEER side so we know about them way more than Musashi does. Also we've had js06's summaries so we knew about Mitsunari from before the translation even.

>> No.20850036

Didn't know about that one, thanks.

>> No.20850893

Seems that js06 has started translating Railgun SS3, so it'll be a while until we get any new chapter.

>> No.20852361

And then the new NT volume which is the longest one to date, well seeya everyone in 2 months.

>> No.20852429
File: 1.29 MB, 1802x2642, 669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20853356

js06 have 6 core processors >>20852429

>> No.20855129


>> No.20856313

Sometimes I have a hard time distinguishing what we know from spoilers and what we know from translated chapters.

>> No.20856317


>> No.20858618

Dont die!

>> No.20859959

Thanks for the chapter!

>> No.20863376

>She swung down her raised hand.
>“Let the Kantou Liberation begin.”

Yoshy is so cool.

>> No.20863733

Sucks that after 7-A we're going to be kinda dead thanks to Index, right when we entered the meat of volume 7.

>> No.20863792

We'll get through it just like always. Patience.

>> No.20865011

Is there any new info regarding Manabu Ono's hypothetical all-new anime work that probably will air this autumn alongside SAO Alicization's second season.

>> No.20865028

It gives those of us who have fallen behind a good opportunity to get caught up.

>> No.20866200

Nothing related to kawakami.

>> No.20866312


>> No.20866770

I haven't heard anything. What's this about?

>> No.20866931
File: 10 KB, 80x80, shifu_tere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20867770

Who's this?

>> No.20867877

Are you serious?

>> No.20867991

Yay, more Godless.

>> No.20869977


>> No.20870035
File: 1.14 MB, 1810x2643, 691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20870229

Amazing, thanks!

>> No.20870239
File: 552 KB, 1434x2048, p0691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20870258
File: 336 KB, 1434x2048, p0999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The long gloves-long boots-backless combo in Yoshy's new outfit is simply too much.

>> No.20871990


>> No.20872181
File: 765 KB, 2048x1446, p082-083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20874084

Finally HQ.

>> No.20876902
File: 324 KB, 1165x829, __adele_balfetto_mukai_suzu_and_nate_mitotsudaira_kyoukaisenjou_no_horizon_drawn_by_shinozuka_atsuto__22b9a59900c98141eb3de4cca9be7d54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Dead

>> No.20877685


>> No.20877717
File: 10 KB, 80x80, pigeons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. Quite the erratic release schedule, though.

>> No.20878838

I hope we get more translations for godless in the meantime.

>> No.20879756

I should get to these chapters by the end of this weekend or early next week.

For now I'll reveal that the new group introduced is from the Epic of Gilgamesh: Gilgamesh (although Kawakami is going with the Bilgamesh version of the name), Enkidu, and Shamhat.

>> No.20880321

Out of curiosity (due to playing FGO JP). What characters did they use for Enkidu's name?

Also, thanks for all your work!

>> No.20880408

Kawakami uses エンキドゥ, so literally just Enkidu.

Although the Gilgamesh and Enkidu characters take heavy inspiration from Tower of Druaga, so Enkidu generally goes by Ki (カイ).

>> No.20880413

Oh, nice. Also neat to hear where the inspiration comes.

>> No.20881910 [DELETED] 

Do nor diedie


>> No.20883136

Introduced as enemies?

>> No.20883412
File: 133 KB, 468x655, D0GVL09UYAEdEmE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not sure what does this mean, but new Godless art.

>> No.20883420

Chapter title images added up through Chapter 7.

>> No.20883435

Ooh, nice. Just checked and shorts don't have them either. They are in the same way as the Horizon ones were, so all good. I prefer the chapter images than the cover images Horizon had.

>> No.20883454
File: 97 KB, 422x600, kamigami_souga_007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20884190
File: 36 KB, 422x600, kamigami_souga_005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's great.

>> No.20884209

All those wonderful greys.

>> No.20884213

This image is terrifying for reasons I can't really explain.

>> No.20884274
File: 95 KB, 422x600, kamigami_souga_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope these are still somewhat sketchy, just look at this one.

>> No.20884286

They seem pretty loaded.
I very positive that this basically confirms the LNs 100%. Too bad it's that new label and it's going to be ~1400 yen even with normal thickness but it's worth because it's Kawakami after all.

>> No.20884291

Now this is what I'm talking about, please kawakami stop this web novel bullshit and release the fucking LN.

>> No.20884378

It's like those from Hexenacht

>> No.20884781

I don't know how i feel about the black stripes, hm. I mean they where in Gekitotsu but i didn't mind much since i don't care that much about the work itself. But seeing Hoshi with this type of ilusts make me a little sad, ngl.

>> No.20886748


>> No.20887301

Is the full song anywhere? I guess it came with the BD Box, but I haven’t seen any uploads of it

>> No.20888193

The album is on nyaa

>> No.20890025
File: 1.27 MB, 853x1200, QME71RYl3gKHIkBG30hbHjYp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For fucks sake

>> No.20890720


>> No.20890973

And now we know what's going to happen to bitches hand.

>> No.20892405


>> No.20892521
File: 11 KB, 80x80, godless_ki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20892857


>> No.20894110


>> No.20894542

New NB chapter

>> No.20895924


>> No.20897015
File: 358 KB, 600x400, nextbox_statusexplanation_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Percival explains the situation between the First, Second, and Third factions in England.
The Musashi group STILL doesn't figure out this isn't the England from their own time period.

>> No.20897090

Is kawakami using mental gymnastics or there is a good reason about why they don't get it?

>> No.20897965


>> No.20898028

Even after all these chapters Sumeragi is still a shitty MC, is not interesting at all, doesn't have anything redeemable or at least a glimpse of anything that can compete with Sayama, Toori or Kagami.

I was expecting more from Kawakami and his talent to make good MCs but this time he failed, I still trust him when it comes to his stories but Sumeragi is so fucking bad that makes every secondary character, even Balancer, more interesting.

>> No.20899310

Maybe this is the idea with him.

>> No.20900102
File: 197 KB, 422x600, nextbox_souga_h000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NB also got some illustrations now

>> No.20900175
File: 193 KB, 422x600, nextbox_souga_h001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20900389


>> No.20900447


>> No.20900640

I love Masazumi's gloves.

>> No.20901206


>> No.20902088

>not loving Masazumi`s everything

