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File: 317 KB, 769x1000, zFQslMeQ_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20856102 No.20856102 [Reply] [Original]

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h
Content Aggregator: Anubis.moe
Writers list: https://pastebin.com/RTLpHEmk
Sabbath Grimoire Scans: https://imgur.com/a/CATcaGk

>> No.20856108
File: 279 KB, 1000x1000, 1550515568042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wurm posting!

>> No.20856111

Harem horse a cute

>> No.20856134

Vampires a best.

>> No.20856140

I want to sing Linkin Park songs with my big titty banshee gf

>> No.20856151

Gayest mg?

>> No.20856180
File: 1.88 MB, 2141x1404, fine wares.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just let me know if anything catches your eye.
>Although... it would appear that something already has.

>> No.20856193

How much to touch danuki mofu

>> No.20856194

Such floofy hair

>> No.20856205

Big Wendi butts drive me nuts!

>> No.20856234


>> No.20856244

The real secret hidden beneath their cloaks

>> No.20856248
File: 416 KB, 1200x804, 1464579379809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have to ask, you can't afford it.

>> No.20856253

What if I touch without paying first?

>> No.20856269

By desert law, men who cannot make good on a debt pay in indentured servitude.
Blame the lazy cats who rallied for that particular law.

>> No.20856274 [SPOILER] 
File: 97 KB, 941x884, 1550520533790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20856294

What would she make me do? I hope it's not making me brush her tail

>> No.20856303
File: 100 KB, 650x960, y8KbZ0rh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly moth.

>> No.20856342
File: 206 KB, 1200x1200, 1548550154189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so a bunch of zombie dragons are going to plummet your city into a societal chaos from all the men they kidnap from there, leaving single monster girls already living in your city upset, it is your job to solve this problem. what do you do?

>> No.20856351
File: 311 KB, 1280x1245, 1533618902786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course not. That's a reward for doing well at other tasks.
It's really difficult to run a store all by oneself, and you're perfect for reaching those high shelves, among other things.

>> No.20856353

How much for the art on the right?

>> No.20856358

>other things
Oh my.

>> No.20856364

Depends, mofuslut or dragonslut?

>> No.20856372


>> No.20856377

I like your booty but I'm not gay

>> No.20856385

Scant few people who enter servitude through the law ever decide to leave, even after earning their freedom.
"That was the point, of course." - Pharaoh

>> No.20856395

Indentured servitude is a weird way to describe dating and marriage

>> No.20856407
File: 199 KB, 1212x876, cdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for sale, unfortunately.
That one was a gift from a friend.

>> No.20856408

True, but that's just how Tanuki like to spin it.

>> No.20856462

Anon! You and your waifu somehow got invited to a party hosted by the Demon Lord herself! It's likely to be the party of the millennium; would you and your waifu be able to fit in with the other, likely powerful and high class guests, and more importantly, what would you wear?

>> No.20856477

Scrubs to help with the delivery of the baby.

>> No.20856484

Fine. What about the other pictures?

>> No.20856497

I'd just wear whatever she picks out for me probably
I'm not very fashion savvy

>> No.20856505
File: 463 KB, 791x1010, EtfAvgcg_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20856511

Can a lilim change into lilim blanco?

>> No.20856513

What the fuck did you just reply to me with???

>> No.20856514
File: 691 KB, 750x1061, 1494721189492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll be fine.

>> No.20856517

Welcome to the no-text image spammer.

>> No.20856524

10000¥ for most of the paintings, 700¥ for the Night of the Living Mofu poster.
She's not quite sure how that one got in there.

>> No.20856529

I like foot fetish stuff, but the foot tickling shit will never make sense to me, and the post of mine that they replied to, had nothing to do with it.

>> No.20856531

>he didn't read the dark elf profile

>> No.20856532

Yes, but his peanut brain/shitty bot sees "servitude" and posts a dark elf.

>> No.20856563


>> No.20856583
File: 1.34 MB, 2795x3603, c22-4. [manosdetrapo] Ophelia_outfits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dress might be a little too casual for such an occasion, but it's pretty close to what she might wear. Her and I certainly wouldn't be anywhere near the center of attention, but my waifu is quite successful and knowledgeable in magic and science so she'd at least be able to carry a conversation with similar types. As for me though I'd just be sitting there like a bump on a log watching things go on around me.

>> No.20856585

Not so sure about tickling, but I am really into dark elves.

>> No.20856591

My dear Hatter wife and I have had plenty of visits to the Red Queen’s Court, we would be delighted at such an invite! She would wear her absolutely most handsome and flattering pantsuit and jacket and I would go in a matching two tailed tuxedo and pince-nez to coincide with her monocle!

>> No.20856596

Entirely nude, both of us. Fucking the entire time.

>> No.20856608

I’ll take that last one. She doesn’t need to be seen with it.

>> No.20856618

What kind of yuppie house is she living in?

>> No.20856630

I'd imagine the party would basically just be a sabbath black mass orgy.

>> No.20856643

Is your waifu easy to carry or are portals involved?

>> No.20856649

>Young Dark Elf never figured out how to actually torture someone sexually so she just tickles them instead
It's a sad day when momsters can't teach their daughters how to properly deal with a man

>> No.20856664

Id probably wear some bearskin coat or some weird stuff she made from the animals she had hunted. She would just go nude and wear her coat probably.

>> No.20856672

If his wife is a JubJub, it would be improper if she wasn’t fucking him the entire time.

>> No.20856677

Tickle torture isn't so bad.

>> No.20856684
File: 235 KB, 850x1038, oni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to party with a red oni
>both drunktards and get wasted
>get the center of attention easily due to obvious free entertainment for others, also drinking contest
>clothing doesn't matter since it'll be ruined and puked all over

I wonder if we would get kicked out.

>> No.20856686
File: 81 KB, 495x267, 1548782632637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20856692

God I love smug muscular girls.

>> No.20856782

>Anon leaving the desert Tanuki after his debts are paid
>Only for her to buy him anyways
The ride never ends

>> No.20856830
File: 283 KB, 800x600, 70808248_p38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would your price be?

>> No.20856841

I mean, I guess. It still just sucks to think that you could do everything in your power to get your waifu - or the waifu you think you want - like get a mana marker, get training from a Hakutaku - and you still could get cockblocked by the reality of it all. And you probably will, at least if you're a hopeless powerslut like I am.
I'm curious, where do you think the line is between "girls you could realistically waifu" and those you can't? I'd imagine lilims, ryu, dragons, baphos, and the more powerful inari/youko would be in the latter group, but beyond that I'm not sure.

>> No.20856849

She could probably buy out the company Anon was working for so he'll be working for her again.

Or a new house with 24/7 Kiki service

>> No.20856863
File: 112 KB, 1074x945, 1550439150324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a weak waifu so I can be the one that overpowers her, but I always want her to have the ability to grow and become more powerful so I'd easily go for a zombie and wight her up

>> No.20856887
File: 582 KB, 1415x2119, 1539670723571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the best tomboy types of monster girls?

>> No.20856890

Does anybody have that cute pic of the guy and the big fluffy(i think ogre) girl on the train?

>> No.20856892
File: 55 KB, 310x440, Kitsune_Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cute. Along the same lines, I like kitsune because you can get with them when they only have one tail and help them out with the rest, being by her side as she grows from basically slightly more magical than human to damn near god-like in power.

>> No.20856904
File: 403 KB, 763x786, 1535885944592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind I found it

>> No.20856934
File: 143 KB, 1200x899, Oni Bus2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When your hand accidentally brushes up against her ass

>> No.20856940

who is the artist of this? reverse image search doesn't seem to be working

>> No.20856946


One of the most comfy artstyles here

>> No.20856963

god damn you're right. his art style looks very comfy

>> No.20857007
File: 934 KB, 1444x875, Latenight Lich Wight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are a thread treasure.

>> No.20857062

>We should get an XL sized parfait to share! This one's on me!

>> No.20857072

It'll go right to their thighs.

>> No.20857075

What that bump on the lich's chest? If I press it where do the eight red coins spawn?

>> No.20857137

That depends on what happens once she’s bought me. Does she have control over every aspect of my life, or are there specific things she can and can’t do to me?

>> No.20857153

and that's a good thing!

>> No.20857156
File: 184 KB, 1278x2048, 1523826677415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes Gyaru monsters so great?

>> No.20857162

The bitch attitude.

>> No.20857170

She's one of those girls whose calories all go to her boobs. However she doesn't seem to realize this hence the calorie counting she's doing in her head.

>> No.20857175

I wouldn't call it bitch, more fun loving.

>> No.20857190
File: 132 KB, 900x1200, Pharaoh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, thanks to your loyal service in helping your Apophis boss take over the Pharaoh's kingdom she decided to gift you the, now former, ruler herself to you as a slave. What is your first command to your new Pharaoh servant?

>> No.20857210

Order her to break the spell put on her and reinstate her as the rightful ruler of the kingdom!

>> No.20857222

There's no way to undo a graped Pharaoh, unfortunately.

You can at least have sex with her 24/7.

>> No.20857235

what are some unpopular monsters that lack fanart? i'll draw them now

>> No.20857236

ur mum

>> No.20857244
File: 117 KB, 295x500, 38282817e8575d23f23f2b4a390f7f3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arch Imp!

>> No.20857248

Vamp Mosquito

Especially one where she's clinging on a man while sucking his blood.

>> No.20857251

but anon, there's tons of fanart of pharaoh

>> No.20857262

What >>20857248 said, vamp mosquitos need love just as much as any vampire does

>> No.20857267

>Pharaoh turns into an extremist after being graped
I bet she enjoys conquering other human towns as the Apophis takes care of her former kingdom

>> No.20857271

Probably the latter, unless you're an extremely bad negotiator or you've found an exceptionally yandere Tanuki.

>> No.20857273

In the fairy kingdom there are hundreds on men imprisoned on the charge of "being a big ol mister grumpypants". Be wary going through these kingdoms Amons.

>> No.20857293


>> No.20857301

Sea bishop

>> No.20857311

Matango. She's my favorite.

>> No.20857330

Decline the invite and stay away.

>> No.20857341
File: 1.45 MB, 858x1046, Titania11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stub your pinky toe on the coffee table
>Curse out loud and the fairy cops hear you
>They know this is serious and call for backup
>Before you know it the chief of police Titania is yelling to come out quietly
>Laugh at the prospect of fairies arresting you so you lay back down and ignore them
>Suddenly fully grown ara~ ara~ fairies are at kicking down your door and bursting out of your windows
>You barely have enough time to react before they slap the cuffs on you and cart you off to prison
>When the day of your trial comes up the Titania judge sentences you to community service on grounds of being grumpy
>You have to read stories at the library to the lil fairy girls

>> No.20857349


>> No.20857354

Mandragora, Umi Osho, Ant Arachne and Otohime currently have the lowest amounts of fanart.

>> No.20857356


>> No.20857360
File: 129 KB, 500x332, tumblr_nfrfw9ltvc1snzw8bo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what all factors in to how blood tastes to vampires? do fear and pleasure hormones make it tastier?

>> No.20857363

Dark Angel

>> No.20857376

Jinn of the Jar, Beezle/Devil bug, Tritonia

>> No.20857379

At least the cells are comfy.

>> No.20857382

Dryads are pretty low on fanart iirc.

>> No.20857383


>> No.20857399

>instant loss in MGE

>> No.20857412

>all the fairies fall asleep before you even manage to finish the story
>can't help but groan in frustration
>librarian brings a hand to her mouth in shock, but eventually promises to not rat you out because she "likes bad boys"
Fairy life is tough

>> No.20857413

I think some prefer Anon's blood when he has a fearboner while others prefer him after he's stung by a Manticore.

But all of them think their husband's blood is the best food in the entire world.

>> No.20857447


>> No.20857452


>> No.20857454
File: 686 KB, 1600x1200, d607d64e-45b4-4504-8697-63acf3e58932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever just think to yourself, "eh, what are the chances an arch-imp will come by and just fuck me?" and then you just dismiss her as a regular imp only to find out she really is an arch-imp when she starts taking advantage of you without permission?

>> No.20857462

You had my curiosity, now you have my attention if only the art was better though

>> No.20857473

That was fast, thanks for the speedy arch imp. That scenario is part of why they're great too.

>> No.20857477
File: 389 KB, 1060x1764, 1519105264559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always imagined vampires liked eating blood just as one of their servants gets the male to climax with pleasure and fear

>> No.20857479

What happens when a Manticore becomes a mother? She becomes a Mama-nticore

>> No.20857487
File: 39 KB, 225x350, 195707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I posted the wrong photo

>> No.20857497
File: 219 KB, 1000x1000, 1544022855149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20857502

Stealing that workout plan. Fuck you anon.

>> No.20857504

Boy did you ever. Looking for future husbands Alpy?

>> No.20857506


i'm getting fit to fight vampires

>> No.20857509

>this guy has a picture of a muscular man's bulge saved on his computer
>and based on the filename he saved it from 4chan so it's not his own picture either

>> No.20857513

Cutest little imp around.

>> No.20857514

its not gay its just /fit/. I saved it for a new routine after my cut. not my fault theres a giant bulge

>> No.20857549

Imagine a Vampire biting you to steal your gains

>> No.20857564

>stage zero alp

>> No.20857567
File: 189 KB, 1540x1480, Dzm8vL8U0AAbtmu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20857574

>its not gay its just /fit/
Oh I’m laughing

>> No.20857576

That's no slave. That's an ungraped, but corrupted and powerful Pharaoh

>> No.20857585

Devils are scary!

>> No.20857620

Imagine a succubus using level drain and you become a DYEL.

>> No.20857660

Oh golly geez.

>> No.20857673
File: 2.02 MB, 1600x2560, 16d49fe5-0229-4e45-be1a-92049d888dcf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romantic blood-sucking

>> No.20857723

>Vamp-mosquito gf says your blood takes better after you work out
>Go to the gym everyday besides the rest days, those are for cuddling

>> No.20857894

You ever shower and then you drop your shampoo only for an unrecognized giant crab claw to pick it up and hand it back to you

>> No.20857899

add to the myconid pile so she can have more of a start

>> No.20857904
File: 928 KB, 1600x1200, bd4bfa80-7243-4c7a-ae6a-b219ee7c0aaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20857917
File: 352 KB, 600x806, RgqD4Wwr_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20857920

Lmao, I made a second 'you ever just' post. Alright imma do sea bishop next

>> No.20857960

Kumiho luring anon into an alley

>> No.20857972

>1.5 years of lifting gone in seconds from the succ

not sure if it would be worth it

>> No.20857989

I want to see a dark mage at work making potions

>> No.20858000

Fuck off Bollocks

>> No.20858006

excellent spongebob reference

>> No.20858046

I'm gonna build a strongfat harem and no one's gonna stop me!
One's gonna be a dwarf!

>> No.20858050

How much blood do they take?

>> No.20858070

Toddlercon please go

>> No.20858075

I like when a nice lady offers to show me a shortcut.

>> No.20858080

Shortstack dwarfs are the only way to go.
KC dropped the ball with his.

>> No.20858097

It's gonna be so hot when she eats your liver after ripping you open during sex!!!!guro!!!!!!!<3

>> No.20858101


I'd imagine going to the gym would be hard if that bug keeps your blood supply low

>> No.20858102
File: 414 KB, 750x1600, e9271a9722fc4a4c0639f8ee0f337985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20858103

>Am I fitting in yet fampai?

>> No.20858104

She looks so innocent like she just wants to help

>> No.20858156
File: 1.44 MB, 2100x2900, 71a7030ac983d86a171fa555ee16c51f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


manmojo magic

>> No.20858158


>> No.20858170

problem is the dumb nigger is actually a gurofag and tried to make it seem appealing after posting about him finding a monster eating and killing him arousing

>> No.20858175
File: 303 KB, 790x502, dryad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come rest under the shade of my tree

>> No.20858183

Is she stroking her husband off?

>> No.20858192

What if an apple falls on my head!?

>> No.20858199

irrc there is an opening for his penis and that's where she'd be sitting

>> No.20858200 [SPOILER] 
File: 655 KB, 800x600, 1550543246635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one Dryad for me.

>> No.20858206

I'm gonna move to the big city and teach a bicorn to love again.

>> No.20858209
File: 113 KB, 823x667, MG Police.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20858216

Stop spamming this image fucko.

>> No.20858225
File: 18 KB, 374x358, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a mad scientist gave you the ability to create a custom MG, would you do it, or just stick with the normal mgs?

Would you make a Kiki that is as aggressive and indomitable as a hellhound? or a succi that is as timid as a bunyip? Or would you just fuck nature entirely, and create some kind of abomination with the lower body of a lamia, and the top of holstaur?

>> No.20858227
File: 1.10 MB, 1600x1200, e94ea5f6-dd9c-4b2f-9d1f-d18c9ef6f58e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should forbid headphones and earbuds during sea rituals

>> No.20858255

falseflag more

>> No.20858263
File: 282 KB, 640x480, penis_inspection_day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you have to find some way to get off if you have a micropenis

all i see is a a tree
you fail at botany

am i the only one that finds the concept of 'creating' a waifu off-putting?

>> No.20858277

Oh my god she can’t hear us. Oh god oh fuck.

>> No.20858283

So it's pretty well understood that she's listening to "Under the Sea", right? That's not just me?

>> No.20858286

Friendly reminder that if you're having sex with a canine monstergirl then due to close proximity you could probably feel her tail wagging in your dick. Especially if you're doing anal!

>> No.20858287


How can it be off putting when the entire concept of monster girls is literally just some guys creating exotic waifus from different animals and myths

>> No.20858297


in that they exist, but aren't some type of lab selected appearance and personality.
some kind of stepford wives bullshit right there

>> No.20858382

>The Lady or the Tiger, but they’re both Jinkos and one is in heat while the other isn’t

>> No.20858394

Cheshire purring also has useful applications.

>> No.20858410

Getting a smug, chubby cheshire purring is the best.

>> No.20858418

how chubby are we talking.

>> No.20858421

Imagine asking her to help build and live in your new treehouse.

>> No.20858435

>Canine/big cat MG grabs you from behind
>they growl and it reverberates through your entire body

>> No.20858436

Cuddlecat tier

>> No.20858438

It's a bit self-indulgent to pygmalion yourself a waifu from scratch, don't you think?

>> No.20858442

How much blood do vampires typically take/how often? would it get draining after a while if they can't hold their appetite?

>> No.20858456
File: 303 KB, 800x1195, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20858463

No idea what that is.

This is top tier. good man.

>> No.20858471
File: 171 KB, 1200x1600, mermaidwaifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If mermaids "almost never aggressively attack humans", what exactly would flip their switch from dere dere to full on rapey?

>> No.20858497

Lack of dick.

>> No.20858498

Dangerously meaty

>> No.20858501
File: 547 KB, 819x1525, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, anything by Methonium, Fukumaaya and maybe Muronaga Chaashuu is top-tier

>> No.20858504


99% of monsters have that problem though

>> No.20858513
File: 2.54 MB, 1600x2560, 5a76c8b4-adef-4b00-a070-bfe4debefd81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you like it

>> No.20858520

What is the best sex position for having sex with a loli monstergirl?

>> No.20858525

This is precisely how thick I want my Apophis' human part to be
with a tail thats even thicker by comparison

>> No.20858529

Oh man that's adorable, what a cute shroom. Let me ask you something, are you the old Salamanderfag?

>> No.20858536



>> No.20858558

Variety is the spice of life but bending one over assorted furniture where their legs can't quite reach the floor seems optimal.

>> No.20858566

Lotus is always nice. I'm also a fan of the one where I'm standing up and holding her to face me, and her legs are draped over my arms.

>> No.20858567

>Stuck in her pyramid because the broke through the floor in the entry hall

>> No.20858572

A vial of tentacle potion falling into the water.

>> No.20858574

Her laying on the bed with your face buried in her cunny.

>> No.20858587
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x1024, c4cfda3e-40aa-4f73-81fd-5feaf4778c13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's me

>> No.20858588

Reminder that beating up Myconids is not a crime, but encouraged.

>> No.20858591

Oh shit anon, welcome back. I missed you.

>> No.20858595

*cackles in grape from the basement*

>> No.20858598


There's a more plausible one

>> No.20858609

Nice to see you're still around and that you stuck with art, your stuff is cute and great. Cute wife too!

>> No.20858644

i do

>> No.20858650
File: 414 KB, 1280x1785, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What different types of lizard girls are there?

>> No.20858654

Cue the Desert Nuki shop music.


>> No.20858662


>> No.20858672

Which shopkeep gets the hammer tune?

>> No.20858679

Undead Kingdom merchants sure carry around a lot of guns and ammo.


>> No.20858685

I wish I had a Gazer gf to sleep with

>> No.20858693

I wish gazer could vision link with me while she rides cowgirl so she can use a stalk to feed me vision of her asshole.

>> No.20858697

Draw more of your salamander

>> No.20858700

Same but instead of a gazer I want an overweight dormouse so I can molest her breasts and tummy when she sleeps!

>> No.20858705

>Hey kid, you wanna bounce?

>> No.20858710

I want two cats to do that with, one big and buff, one small and THICK

>> No.20858713

CC barometz are also scary.

>> No.20858717

>tfw no shortstack Kiwi Harpy.


>> No.20858725

i am now imagining a myconid that keeps dropping terrible pickup lines and gets sent flying until the guy is high on spores and laughs then agrees

>> No.20858726

>You went to an Undead Kingdom for vacation
>Pretty gloomy but at least the architecture is nice
>Suddenly you hear a voice down an alleyway
>"Over here stranger"
>You follow the sound of it and before you stands a hooded figure
>"Got something that might interest ya!"
>She pulls open her cloak and reveals that she's not only packing plenty of heat but completely naked
>"What are ya buyin'?"
>You point towards her just for shits and giggles
>She blushes and closes up her cloak
>"Y-you really wanna buy me, stranger?"
>You realized that maybe you've gone a little far but no going back now
>Months later and you and your new wife make it a date every month to go out in the woods and fire off some of her guns

>> No.20858755

I fail to see the harm in it.

>> No.20858766

I'll shoot some guns in the nearby lake with her

>> No.20858775

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, please make sure you get a big bed for a big girl.

>> No.20858786

Small bed, so your big girl has to cuddle up with you!

>> No.20858794
File: 224 KB, 600x780, 1548828544079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smaller bed, so your small girl has to cuddle up with you!

>> No.20858797

A big bed to have plenty of small girls!

>> No.20858801

Nah, I want a big bed for my two small waifus and lots of hot kinky sex!

>> No.20858804

I actually like lolis alot more than big girls, I just wanted to go along with the post

>> No.20858818

are myconid kuu?

>> No.20858824

There’s nothing sexy or appealing about having your legs hanging off the end.

>> No.20858831

It's big enough for two humans, but for her it's too small, so you have to be her teddy bear!

>> No.20858843

What species is she?

>> No.20858846

Anon, discomfort is not cute

>> No.20858847

What would be one of the hardest things to explain to a Sandworm? I bet explaining beds and pillows and blankets would lead to her trying her best to emulate them inside her shell.

>> No.20858855

Clothes. It's dumb but I like to think silk won't dissolve inside inside sandworms because it's a byproduct of worms.

>> No.20858857

who needs those when you're surrounded by warm and squishy?

>> No.20858860

I don't actually know any of the big girls, I like lolis more, but I can appreciate wanting a big/taller girl than you.

I'd cuddle my waifu like a big teddy bear if she wanted

>> No.20858871
File: 444 KB, 877x620, 73186986_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want a bite?

>> No.20858878

But I can't digest that many minerals!

>> No.20858909
File: 448 KB, 1080x1920, 8lwbwyf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post wholesome stuff.

>> No.20858912
File: 639 KB, 1173x1078, 1550334896463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20858917
File: 206 KB, 1841x1010, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the last thing you see before falling asleep

>> No.20858922
File: 505 KB, 1200x1600, 1538537797778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20858929
File: 204 KB, 437x605, Nightmare12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not a nightmare
Anon we all know who the wet dream queen truly is

>> No.20858930

Shit, that's cute.

>> No.20858935

Bite the vampire first for dominance

>> No.20858937

Anon, no! That's how you get the ball gag!

>> No.20858944

more like the vampire will go into panicked confusion

>> No.20858948

Does a vampire's heart even beat, would she even bleed? And wouldn't her wound heal the instant you let go? At best she thinks you're being kinky and drains you dry in the good way at worst she thinks you're insulting her feeding habits drains you dry in the bad way

>> No.20858962
File: 465 KB, 600x1172, 1472515605841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How wholesome we talking?

>> No.20858972

I just love how you can feel the nervous crying from this image. What a cute shyfu.

>> No.20858977
File: 739 KB, 1418x884, latenight shog dance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of my favs.

>> No.20858982
File: 367 KB, 784x857, RjYoqjU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tom Clancy's Meido Cell

>> No.20859004

Why does a tree get to be smug?

>> No.20859007

She's got wood.

>> No.20859010

>"May I have this dance, my lady?"
>"Ufufufu~ Oh mastah~"
There's gonna be a lot of eldritch snuggling and slowkissing that night.

>> No.20859015

What have you been fantasizing most about lately anon? It could be innocent or lewd, just tell us what's been on your mind. Thread appropriate things only though.

>> No.20859019

Ms. X giving it to me.

>> No.20859021

Armpits and licking them. Never really paid much attention to that before but I've awakened to it recently.

>> No.20859023
File: 880 KB, 1957x515, shog mastah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are the cutest latenight couple imo. She looks so happy in that pic, and latenight really does a lot of justice to Shogs in general.
Myself and a Gremlin refit an Automaton with flight gear and attempt airspeed record.

>> No.20859031

>Myself and a Gremlin refit an Automaton with flight gear and attempt airspeed record.
Dude. I was writing a thing where a guy wanted to fly and a Gremlin built him a wingsuit and later on they discover an Automaton in a sunken ruin.

>> No.20859032

I want a owl to molest me through the window at night!
To come every night and tell me that she wants in

>> No.20859035
File: 933 KB, 1352x1119, Latenight Gremlin Automaton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great minds think alike.

>> No.20859045

>D-Do you like the dream I made for you Anon?

>> No.20859046

Romancing a nerdy tundranubis librarian.

>> No.20859047

Our wedding. I have a plan in mind, from the proposal all the way to the honeymoon. I know the perfect place for a private ceremony, and I know exactly what I would say to her as we made our vows.

>> No.20859055
File: 2.48 MB, 1675x2431, tell her.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I thought I was the only tundranubisfag.

>> No.20859057

I've been thinking about my daughteru a lot lately. Being slow and sensual with her with my waifu, us helping her get dressed in some wonderfully tight latex, tying her up in different ways and generally making all her lewdest dreams come true.

>> No.20859059

Disgusting like always.

>> No.20859060

My story takes place in Junk Town. How about yours?
Tundranubis should do a let's play of Penumbra and explain the mythology and lore behind it!

>> No.20859063
File: 308 KB, 250x300, smug mofu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20859066

Seaside town with rolling hills and open prairie, and a large workshop by the fields with plenty of space for activities. Junk Town also sounds like a righteous setting.

>> No.20859073

They're based in what used to be an observatory!

>> No.20859076

I thought there were a handful of us.
I want to fluff your tail.

>let's play of Penumbra
I'd watch it

>> No.20859077

Now it's a sexy missile silo.

>> No.20859078

laying in a shog hammock while enjoying the wind as she runs her hands through my hair

>> No.20859080

More like an erotic aeronautical engineering facility.
I should get back to that story at some point.

>> No.20859092

Ah. I didn't see that many other posts about her besides my own so I figured it was just me. Cool that they're becoming an established variant species, then.

>> No.20859103

Disgusting is relative, anon.

>> No.20859152
File: 383 KB, 506x699, 66138895_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snake, try to remember the basics of CQC Close Quarter Cuddling

>> No.20859157

Does your waifu have a best friend or group of friends? What are they like?

>> No.20859159

we need a cheesy villain vampire
one what whishes to dominate the world wth a sassy lich assistant

>> No.20859160

Former soldiers of fortune, now retired and living happily in a valley surrounded by a range of mountains.

>> No.20859171

She'd probably have friend or two from work, and then maybe a few of our daughteru's friends' mothers too.

>> No.20859173

I want to make the Lich assistant come to her meetings with a creampie oozing out of her freshly used pussy. Of course she will then make fun of the vampire for being a virgin when the vampire tries to berate her.

>> No.20859178

A Demon and a Dark Mage who are both ranking officers in the DL army. They are powerful but degenerate, and like to waste their free time drinking with my wife. They are lewd and shameless, and often try and convince my wife to do favors for the extremists, or rope themselves into my wife and I's lovemaking sessions.

>> No.20859182

kunoichi trained holstaur infiltrates ice cream factories and uses cow magic to taint their milk supply

she might speak to other maids

>> No.20859198

I like the idea of the neighborhood moms forming a secret club that meets to brag about their husbands and compete over how great their daughters are.

>> No.20859206

I think my favorite daydream this past week is probably getting intimate with my large mouse after she finishes either her volleyball or track practice and molesting her sweaty body as we shower together.

>> No.20859212

What’s your waifu?

>> No.20859214

She has a rock band with her old school friends that she casually plays with. They don't perform very often but like to meet up and jam whenever they can.

>> No.20859216
File: 583 KB, 587x658, firefox_bAKOe3HL8o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuddlefucking a puppy witch and familiar after playing.

>> No.20859218

A Dark Slime sorceress.

>> No.20859219

I think that outside of family, she'd be closest with her boss/science partner who I've always imagined as an obscenely rich Lich who sponsors all sorts of science and magic experiments. My waifu would also be quite friendly with a Gremlin (probably from work as well), one that is very good with making super intricate automated architecture and sex machines. Past that I don't think she'd have anything more than casual acquaintances with anyone else. Although my waifu can be quite charming and social when she needs too, she still very introverted like I am so these two main friends would probably be all she needs in terms of friends, and similar to her in those respects.

>> No.20859229

Do maids have a guild or union that trains young meidos and organizes the distribution of maids to single mastahs? Maybe there are cabals within the guild like the kikimora traditionalists, the shog consortium and the automaton faction.

>> No.20859230
File: 1.53 MB, 1978x1200, VERYCUTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and my wifes magic tag. Gotta win against her more than 10 times.

>> No.20859245

Is your wife the lich?

>> No.20859248
File: 1.12 MB, 1240x1754, Hellhound7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plowing a hellhound doggy style
>Her tail keeps smacking you in the face

>> No.20859256
File: 1.51 MB, 1675x2724, mywife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20859261

Cute wife for a dead girl. Interesting waifu group photo.

>> No.20859270
File: 1.40 MB, 2550x3300, 113ad5a0a7562ae4f5c9b865d7601401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not wrapping it around your back.

>> No.20859285

Shogs can sense mastah~, they will distribute themselves.

>> No.20859300

Yeah, I felt like getting all my buddies in two of the discords I go to a gift. I'm just waiting for the color version.

>> No.20859388

Shogs don't come to you, they call to you and you go to them.


>> No.20859407

What manner of Hellhound Kung-Fu master has crossed Anon's path this day?

>> No.20859412
File: 377 KB, 1200x1771, P269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20859441

Hey are you that same drawfag who made art requests about a week ago???

Would it be okay if I may ask for another request that isn't exactly what you just said? Thanks.

>> No.20859454
File: 124 KB, 730x1095, combat_soldier_stock_vii_by_phelandavion_dcrwrpi-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you don't mind this request.

Would you draw a modern day style soldier fighting a lizard or salamander. And by fighting I mean they're just trying to push each other's face away from each other in a comedic fashion.

I hope no one minds the image, it's just there for reference.

>> No.20859583

Why do so much MG art have chicks who have sagging breasts? The only way they can wear the clothes they are in the positions they are is if they are sagging like someone from Ruwanda. They remind me of Ai Shinozaki from /s/.

>> No.20859608

Gonna have to point out some examples there, because I haven't really noticed as such.
If anything I see weightless balloons way too often.

>> No.20859619
File: 181 KB, 850x1138, 1550545389318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the idea of MG, but the only way some of the girls can wear what they do is if they are sagging.
t. breast connoisseur

>> No.20859646

I don’t really see it. Just looks like no bra on to me.
Unless you mean artists hiding nipples when they should probably be showing?

>> No.20859658

The next time you have some spare time, check out the fatties threads on /b/. They're sagging so badly that they have to do tricks to make it look like they're not a South American tribal beast woman. Nipples should be facing forward or slightly up if the woman is healthy, but being able to have clothing which covers only the very lower part of the breast strongly suggests massive sagging.
I'm not trying to be a dick, it's just too much experience and PTSD with ugly chicks and I like my MGs busty and pert.

>> No.20859674
File: 636 KB, 1109x1382, 65385344_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found your problems.
Anyway it's seriously just artists taking liberties in not drawing nips to keep it technically SFW.

>> No.20859702

Oh damn can't believe you are alive. Welcoma back to you, your wife and the six daughterus.

>> No.20859767
File: 143 KB, 554x1218, 1488991255711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paladin Jane of House Stalvern waited. The lights above her blinked and sparked out of the air. There were Monstergirls in the base. She didn't see them, but had expected them now for years. Her warnings to Archbishop Joson of The Order were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
Jane was a space marine for fourteen years but was then promoted high rank paladin . When she was young she watched the spaceships and she said to her Noble mom "I want to be on the ships mommy"
Mom said "No! You will BE KILL BY MONSTERGIRLS!"
There was a time when she believed her. Then as she got oldered she stopped. But now in the space station base of the Order she knew there were demons.
"This is Archbishop Joson" the radio crackered. "You must fight the monstergirls!"
So Paladin Jane gotted her palsma rifle and blew up the wall.
"SHE GOING TO KILL US" said a demon girl.
"I will shoot at her" said a succubus/Lilim operating a Sunrise Mecha Fighting Robot suit and she fired the rocket missiles. Jane plasmaed at her and tried to blew her up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill all the Succubi!" Paladin Jane shouted
The radio said "No, Jane. You are the succs!!!"
And then Jane was a zombie girl idol.

>> No.20859781
File: 340 KB, 1200x1691, g7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20859865
File: 114 KB, 726x1100, 4c28dadae022a23d483f196b11b97279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its only dead because the zombies keep the peace

>> No.20860035

>Zombie/Ochi knights/samurai keeping the peace
I can dig it

>> No.20860057

You just want to look at her ass when she is bending over.

>> No.20860066

"I'm telling you, it's just a reaction to their energy! It's beyond my control!" I pleaded.

The Valkyrie drew her lance, and pointed it at my throat. "Nonsense. You were having lewd thoughts the entire time. Look at you, still hard, knowing that your life is in danger."

"It's only natural that he'd get like this." The Cupid squad leader sighed. "Men tend to get pent-up when left unattended."

"Why couldn't he just satisfy himself?" The Valkyrie grumbled.

"Think about it–he's been camping with us, under our current supervision. We made him nervous."

"Oi!" The Valkyrie tightened her grasp on the spear. "You haven't been relieving yourself? Are you mad? What's so scary about touching yourself around seraphim, huh?!" She growled.

"To be honest, I'm rather disappointed, myself." The Cupid mopes. "It's almost like he doesn't think about us like that. Even though we've grown so close, too."

"Ugh, I've had enough!" The Valkyrie glares at me. "Strip. Now. If you don't let it all out this instant, I'll punish you for your disobedience."

The Cupid's eyes suddenly light up. "Oh, what a pleasant idea!" She pulls at the collar of her camisole, revealing the slightest view of her exposed breast. "Need some motivation, little guy?"

Is this an acceptable fate?

>> No.20860067

I want to stare at a lot of asses

>> No.20860091
File: 561 KB, 976x1042, p8JYDp4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I'll make that little cocktease of a Cupid a mother.

>> No.20860096

A lesson to us all.

>> No.20860125
File: 47 KB, 317x500, Brown Ant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Together we are stronger!


>> No.20860173
File: 1.18 MB, 966x719, 1523478550709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are ant and bee colonies established by already married queens? Or do new queens establish a nest first, then have the workers search for a suitable husband?

>> No.20860176

They find a man and then populate their nest until becomes a colony.
Or in the case of the super-colony in that documentary you just have multiple queens per nest and everybody gets along marvelously.

>> No.20860277

I wanna minotaur to bully me until I get mindbroken!

>> No.20860318

Weird, I expected new girl today.

>> No.20860348

>She then is revealed to have already been monsterized and the Valkyrie has too.

>> No.20860522

Late this week or early March. The last two were near the end of their month.

>> No.20860593

Do shogs believe in gravity?

>> No.20860621
File: 99 KB, 510x566, good thing I brought her along.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all. It bothers how such a wonderful man like mastah can let himself be bothered by such a silly thing like gravity, but Shoggy's a good maid! She'll indulge her kind mastah's whims, even if he's ever so silly~

>> No.20860636

Shoggy is so useful! Is there anything she can’t, or refuses to make herself into?

>> No.20860639
File: 17 KB, 441x387, alternative to kiki cleaner for pc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can't and won't make herself any less devoted, if that's what you mean!

>> No.20860690

Remember to give your Minotaur daughters maze puzzle books when they’re young.

>> No.20860754

I'm going to give her a copy of One Punch Man and tell her to solve the maze of Boros' ship.

>> No.20860783
File: 199 KB, 1500x2000, Dw16DNfXgAAORi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New girl soon right?

>> No.20860802
File: 1.01 MB, 778x1280, 1549809422742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't we appreciate her just a little longer?

>> No.20860818
File: 278 KB, 944x967, 72959040_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright then.

>> No.20860820
File: 888 KB, 1041x1400, 1547785855790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I wouldn't do for a harem of deliciously plump monsters. I want them to giggle whenever they teasingly call me "carnivore" and ask me if I want to order a Meat Lovers pizza. I want to be smothered by their warm, plush bodies as we all sleep together at night.

>> No.20860821

Not if the advertisers have anything to say about it.

>> No.20860826

Oh right, I already forgot we got the other mushroom girl.

>> No.20860832
File: 52 KB, 486x398, 1548785449584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of business would want to advertise on 4chan anyway?

>> No.20860833

Beware! If your horde wears fur coats, be on the lookout in case one of them goes awawaa~

>> No.20860834

likely because she isn't board safe in her natural form

>> No.20860839

their good christian waifu porn games obviously

>> No.20860850
File: 369 KB, 1200x1600, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to lure a bapho into sex?
What's the best way to get her to become my cock sock?

>> No.20860862

Given that it’s name is Papa’s maze, that’s really appropriate.

>> No.20860878
File: 268 KB, 1176x1068, u2MRTJJY_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like they need a new god.

>> No.20860894

just exist and be attracted to little girls

>> No.20860905

I'm beginning to feel like a rape god, rape god~

>> No.20860910

Awaken one

>> No.20860911

can i worship her anus and tail?

>> No.20860913

Surely there's something you can use to bait them in though. A certain item, food, or toy, something the entire species likes.

>> No.20860917

juice manjuice

>> No.20860947
File: 268 KB, 765x612, vkBZkgPT_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20860955

I bet baphos are little sluts for CapriSuns.

>> No.20860959

>thicc wendi confused whenever you mention her meat
too cute

>> No.20860991
File: 30 KB, 243x190, 1540789868750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deer pussy.

>> No.20861010

Nah, she prefers Hi-C

>> No.20861013

My father would be ashamed

>> No.20861025

mine would too but honestly everybody else can fuck off if i have an mg wife

>> No.20861027


>> No.20861028
File: 275 KB, 850x683, Shog tie latenight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are supposed to be watching your weight, silly mastah.

>> No.20861042

>Increase my metabolic rate, will you dear?
And that's the end of that chapter.

>> No.20861045

1) Approach 935 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20535, preferably with a t-shirt professing your love for lolis.
2) When asked, enter black van. There will be beer and Rock CDs inside.
3) Enter "temporary sabbath-husband holding chamber". Wait until they bring you your bapho.

>> No.20861053
File: 735 KB, 1161x1600, clariarikari-666315-Gyaru_Bunyip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20861075

cute upsidedown fluff snek

>> No.20861129

I hear you

>> No.20861140

I want to stare at a lot of asses too.
>loli Dark Mages and Liches in short skirts bending over tables to reach potion ingredients
>loli Salamanders in micro bikini
>loli Anubi in revealing loincloths
>loli Wisps wearing oversized shirts and nothing else

>> No.20861147

>TFW your tie starts sucking your dick

>> No.20861152
File: 702 KB, 960x700, Atlach Nacha 1484138706231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By the way, there was a single impetus that led to the writing of this book. I had an encounter with a certain wandering scholar of monsters who was continuing to write a monster encyclopedia while traveling the world. Originally, he was supposed to coauthor this book with me.

>But as of now, he's disappeared since boarding a ship to the “mist continent”, and there's no response even from the “projecting mirror” I gave him so he could contact me. It is well known that ships headed to the mist continent are frequently thrown off course by the mist only to never be heard from again, but even if his ship sunk, the monsters of the sea are always lurking along that sea route to obtain, or rather, rescue men, so it's hard to imagine that he's dead. At the bottom of the sea, in the abyssal depths where not even sea monsters or sunlight can reach, it is supposed that a world of unknown monsters called “abyssal monsters” exists, could it be that...

So how do you think the scholar is going to get out of this one? Perhaps the abyssals will just let him go eventually so he can spread knowledge of them to the rest of the world? Then he can finally get to the Mist Continent like he's wanted to do for years.

>> No.20861169

>Loli cow in a naked apron who seems surprised you aren’t eyeing her milkers

>> No.20861182

That’s what you get for wearing such a long one.

>> No.20861198

>loli Wisps wearing oversized shirts
I like the way you think.

>> No.20861208
File: 167 KB, 1200x1084, I9kUAhlP_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You underestimate the art fairy.

>> No.20861213

Art Fairy and her Earthbound fan game!

>> No.20861226

I just want one loli to marry, worship, love, and spoil for all eternity.

>> No.20861238

What species?

>> No.20861244

This resonates with my very soul. Any MG becomes even better with MEAT.

>> No.20861245

>Art fairy princess carries scholar out of the abyss.

>She's so small that from the front it looks like he's just floating.

>> No.20861251

I want to gently and sensually train away my Kobold daughteru's gag reflex.

>> No.20861255

My loli Night Gaunt wife.

>> No.20861274

Like any of the other chaos girls themselves, I'm sure they will seem creepy and Lovecraftian on the surface but in the end be no different than any other loving monster girl plus the spooky transformation fetishy stuff added on.

>> No.20861281

>worship night gaunt
You might summon something more of the abyss if you aren't careful!

>> No.20861306
File: 633 KB, 814x1200, qToszAIB_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

>> No.20861317

>”Yaaarro... you bitches think you can ruin all my hard work and take him away from me?”
>the art fairy cracks her knuckles and pulls down her beret
>”Tch... such a pain in my ass. Looks like I gotta knock some sense into you!”

>> No.20861325

>spammer filename

>> No.20861328

KDF, loligagging is no.

>> No.20861340


>> No.20861362

It feel even worse for me since it's one of my commissions of my wife being used by a shit poster.

>> No.20861423

Yes, that's kind of the point you cheeky anon.

It would probably be a several week long process anon, but we'd devote at least an hour or so each day to her training. Her natural oral fixation would definitely help, but we'd still take things slow because we can. She'd probably want to wear a ring gag during the training sessions though, I'd probably be fine but she'd likely be afraid of biting me.

We'd start by just getting her comfortable with having things moving around in her mouth. I'd sit her in my lap so I can hold her in place and reassure her if things get scary. I'd explore her sensitive little mouth with my fingers, slowly going further and further back until just before I trigger her gag reflex and hold there as long as she can take it. She'd get more and more comfortable with it until I could eventually tickle the very back of her little tongue and gently fondle her soft palate and uvula.

Then we'd move on to dildos. Fingers are one thing, but she'd have to get comfortable with things that are much longer and thicker too. We'd naturally start with something small and thin; I'd have her lean her head back on my chest and stick her tongue out through he ring gag while I slowly and gently fuck her throat with the first dildo. I can only imagine her pride and satisfaction when she feels it slide into her throat without any discomfort for the first time.

On her final session, I'd finally let her have what we'd been working up to for so long. Load after load of my cum down her eager, willing throat during a nice long session of ring-gagged oral sex!

>> No.20861426

Feels bad anon. I do miss seeing your commissions.

>> No.20861434

You're a fucking loser, spammer.

>> No.20861437

jesus fuck.

>> No.20861446

I hope you get arrested.

>> No.20861451
File: 323 KB, 192x256, 1550554363994.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20861452

Anon there would be nothing illegal about this when monstergirls are concerned.

>> No.20861456
File: 987 KB, 500x452, I&#039;m seriously dissapointed in you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20861461

To be fair licking fruit exists to help train lolis to have an oral fixation and to teach them what to do.

>> No.20861470

Yes, but that doesn't foster intimacy between lovers as well.

>> No.20861473


>> No.20861477

>loli Demon with a garterbelt that skindentates against her thighs and butt
>conservatively dressed loli Dragon but you get to stare at her bare ass all the time when she's in your bed on all fours

>> No.20861478

KDF you are truly fascinating.

>> No.20861506

I've submitted like 6 tips to the FBI about this guy already and I'm genuinely surprised he hasn't gotten a knock on his door yet.

>> No.20861507
File: 68 KB, 696x470, TNzwscu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long can a Lich work nonstop before plopping on her desk like pic related?

>> No.20861509 [DELETED] 
File: 1.60 MB, 350x197, 1386604103214.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20861516

You think you're hot shit, don't you bud?

>> No.20861525

>I've submitted like 6 tips to the FBI
Then there's this guy

>> No.20861526

I'm sure they've got him on a list at least.

>> No.20861529

That's pretty hot. Training your waifu is great way to build intimacy and trust between you. Don't get what the reaction image posters problem is.

>> No.20861531

>implying that works without mountains of evidence

>> No.20861532

Would you do an alp?

>> No.20861533

It's not his waifu, it's his daughteru

>> No.20861543

Look man, there's a line. I can't point out exactly where that line is, but I know when it's crossed, and KDF has taken a running leap over it.
Don't you remember what got him chased out of here the first time? He started writing stories about fucking kids who were still in diapers.

>> No.20861544

She's basically a waifu though.

>> No.20861546
File: 1.11 MB, 720x720, Crab-chan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20861547

It's objectively superior to Be trained by your waifu

>> No.20861551

>Don't you remember what got him chased out of here the first time? He started writing stories about fucking kids who were still in diapers.
None of those things ever happened.

>> No.20861555

In m haste, I replied to the wrong person. My post was meant for >>20861525

>> No.20861560

Reminder there are only two kinds of people who like Kumiho.

Faggots, and Gurofags.

>> No.20861562

i'd a fully developed alp

>> No.20861563

>Just came back after an absence and read the myconid profile
Oh, he fi ally made a shroom I like. It was hard to be much more than ambivalent on hatters.

>> No.20861571

but dude lemme change my posts from talking about having my liver eaten and when i'm blasted for being a faggot i'll just say ebin mamaojo healing so i can be her all you can eat buffet!

>> No.20861578

Eat shit with your revisionism, KDF. We all remember the stories you posted as Quicksilver wherein the girls became younger and younger. It was when you introduced diapers into the mix that people finally lost their shit and you fucked off for a good while.

>> No.20861586

I really like her too since she is made for stomach bulging.

>> No.20861588

You seem upset

>> No.20861590

Just buy her one from the store dude

>> No.20861596
File: 240 KB, 750x850, 8f0d6f66ca9ba61e7838aed0a93d9d74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20861599

yeah that's one of the things the faggot ass tried to change up when he got blasted

>> No.20861600
File: 126 KB, 1200x960, Y97Qonih_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better luck next time

>> No.20861604

I’m not KDF.

>> No.20861645


>> No.20861647

Is there any actual difference between Kumiho and Kitsune besides the liver thing and that Kumiho are Korean?

>> No.20861654
File: 133 KB, 700x687, 1546867969385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagne having a wolfgirl GF and trying to have sex but all the other wolfgirls in her pack want to watch

>> No.20861661

The jap equivalent of /pol/ hates koreans for some reason,
So I guess it's like making a black or female version of a character to them

>> No.20861671

kumihos are shown as malicious/selfish/evil

>> No.20861686

I don’t care what you faggots think, this is sexy as hell.

>> No.20861717

>tfw we are never ever going to have a Coyote

>> No.20861735
File: 216 KB, 441x553, 1435710619490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's usually not much of a physical discrepancy between the Korean Gumiho, the Chinese Huli Jing, and the Japanese Kitsune, no. Universally they can shape shift into humans, are spiritual creatures, and play both sides of the coins. Gumiho, on the other hand, are considered the more malicious and malevolent of the three. While they can and will at times depending on the folklore marry and have children with human men it's usually in the form of a curse. The curse of course, is something to do with them becoming human and has intrinsic ties to the cyclical nature of Buddhism and reincarnation. It could be as simple as her husband telling nobody of her true nature or her not eating any human livers or hearts for 1000 days. Keep in mind if he or she fucks up, it's done.

Now, for the Chinese Huli Jing, just read the story of Zhou Xun and Da Ji. Their foxes tend to be assholes but not always malicious or predatory.

Foxes in Japan are just nature spirits of some kind with the Tenko being the most divine after gaining all nine tails. They're also sometimes servants of Inari, the Rice God.

TL;DR: Gumiho are evil ( usually ), Huli Jing are 50/50, and Kitsune are more tricksters than malicious. Difference between them is literally just physical appearance in human form and what they eat.

>> No.20861740

How unsightly, her big Dhampir butt is exposed and pointing up!

>> No.20861774 [DELETED] 

friendly reminder that all lolifags deserve death

>> No.20861783

Friendly reminder that you seem lost. I think reddit or the discords may be more your speed if loli bothers you this much.

>> No.20861794

What are you gonna do, report us to the FBI?

>> No.20861810
File: 746 KB, 1021x535, 1550039755457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebodies gwumpy!

>> No.20861841

A spammer wouldn't have bothered to say anything.

>> No.20861861 [SPOILER] 
File: 178 KB, 1561x1144, 1550601374896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cursed image.

>> No.20861869

>he says on /jp/
Most monster girl discords are fine with loli but have to cover their asses because the furry discord staff are hypocrites.

>> No.20861872

That vampire clan got some nice butts

>> No.20861881

They already gave the hammer to furry cub

>> No.20861887

>My daughter keeps trying to "hunt" me instead of finding a husband and biting him
>what do

>> No.20861903

>furry cub
Oh man, those fuckers make KDF look positively normal.

>> No.20861941

Fuck off KDF.

>> No.20861970
File: 282 KB, 1280x1024, 8B8C3BDB-7010-4E6A-A31F-51651E5925C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20861973

>Blessed image.

>> No.20861975

Just to play devil's advocate here, has there been any definitive proof of a spambot?

>> No.20861976 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.33 MB, 1789x1997, 1550602357541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one of those.

>> No.20861982

i wanna feel her hot loli breath on my sack

>> No.20861994

Muscular dominant women for men of great taste >shitty lolis for smelly pedos in denial

>> No.20861995

How would a vampire mother combat this? Hire a cute butler for her daughter to snap and attack? Put out a quest for her own head so rugged adventurers come to the castle and accidentally woo her daughter? She can't just rape her way out of this one.

>> No.20862012

Took them getting mainstream media attention to do it due to one of their trust and safety team being a cub porn lover. Hope they gave him the axe too.

>> No.20862021
File: 41 KB, 232x242, 1550258749570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree

>> No.20862030

You're allowed to disagree, it's your choice if you want to be wrong after all

>> No.20862031

i like both and also accept that i love little girls

>> No.20862041

The worst people in this thread objectively are Loli lovers(pedophiles) maledom lovers(autists) and /tg/ rejects (edgelords)

>> No.20862042

Both are fine but not too muscular.

>> No.20862055

Going to pull the samefag card here.

>> No.20862060 [SPOILER] 
File: 541 KB, 1434x4266, 1550603147660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maledom lovers

>> No.20862082

>post saying pedos should die gets deleted
>kdf’s autism pedo story is just fine

>> No.20862088

It's a cunnyspiracy.

>> No.20862103

desu femdom fag is more loud and annoying

>> No.20862104


>> No.20862105

I wouldn't be surprised if you were one of the /ss/ mommy fags that will circle jerk about Kloah or Dark Mages but completely hates loli and lacks the self awareness of how much of a hypocrite you are.

>> No.20862107
File: 1.06 MB, 2732x2048, 72223381_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you gonna do about it, nerd?

>> No.20862108


>> No.20862109

It's almost like one was talking about monster girls and the other was going on a dumb personal rant.

>> No.20862118

I also disagree with this message

>> No.20862127

He's also ignoring fatfags, cuck posters, trap posters, the image spammer and the extreme femdomfag who'll derail the thread over the slightest thing who are all way more of a problem than the groups he's mad about.

>> No.20862134

They were both going on dumb personal rants, one was just on a dumb personal rant about monstergirls.

>> No.20862136

Sometimes i wonder what it would be like to be held at gunpoint by a group of lolis and taken advantage of in a van.

>> No.20862138


>> No.20862142

Anti-maledom-kun has been MIA ever since >>20862060.

>> No.20862145

All you had to do was take the rock CDs, bro. It didn't have to be this way.

>> No.20862148

‘member when loli was just as taboo as futa or ntr in this thread?
yeah, I ‘member!

>> No.20862152
File: 1.97 MB, 852x480, Sabbath in action.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20862160

Their goal was to lure me in and one of them films it to use for blackmailing so i buy them things.

>> No.20862162


>> No.20862169

Don't you love completely making things up?

>> No.20862175

Findom is some weird shit

>> No.20862184

Nothing weird about it, boyim. It's perfectly natural snd so much better than crude, boring physical femdom, isn't it?

>> No.20862186
File: 124 KB, 939x723, PA_on_Firedog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old /mgt/ was also infested with MGU-rapefugee paladinfags. Should we go back to that too?

>> No.20862190

I actually want this to happen to me. A cute little group of loli mgs pulling the classic pedo-van routine on me. Hopefully the suspension is strong enough.

>> No.20862193

What do you think goes on at each Sabbath's Black Mass?

>> No.20862195

I don't like the idea of being taken advantage of, in any way, So you can have fun with that on your own. I'll be over here with my loli waifu who sincerely cares about me.

>> No.20862210

ropu sabbath has a big feast of magical beast and then they can either fuck or play!

>> No.20862218

>waifu who sincerely cares about me.
Same. It's just the thought of a familiar telling me if I don't buy her another bag of gummy bears and cheez-its she'll release "Friday Fun-time pt. 2" to the authorities is kinda hot. Besides, these are mgs, genuine love is a given.

>> No.20862222 [SPOILER] 
File: 172 KB, 467x401, 1550604941936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to play Super Smash Bros Ultimate with Bapho-Sama!

>> No.20862227

Kuro and Bapho-sama's are probably the basic public sex and showing off your onii-chan. I don't know if Momonika would have them since it's just a club her and a bunch of her real loli friends made if she did it would probably be similar but simpler since it's just a bunch of kids acting like a real sabbath. Ropurotto is different in that it's a group hunt.
>Their black mass activities are rather unusual too; many witches use the power of theriomancy cultivated within themselves to hunt an enormous “mamono realm beast”, and after they've all eaten their fill of the feast, they each do whatever they please, be it napping or breeding.
And the others seem less about the loli thing so who know if they have them.

>> No.20862231

It's just a random thought but i'd much rather have a witch and familiar to hug as hard as i can

>> No.20862238

What about neither loli, nor mommy shit? I just want an average girl around my age and maturity.

>> No.20862241

Same. No blackmail about money or doing this or that. Just mutual love.

>> No.20862247

That's the thing, they get really feisty about hugs. They dial 911 and almost press call and everything if they don't get their hugs.

>> No.20862256

Shiro's would be some seminar about magic

>> No.20862298

Probably pretty similar for Greilia, she'd just hold a normal meeting on how to treat diseases.

>> No.20862310
File: 477 KB, 2182x2800, 1483365899270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs more gremlins.

>> No.20862319

>911 services
>Yeti dispatcher answers the call
>it's a 1031 No Hugger, 2 squad cars sent to the scene to deal with the perp

>> No.20862329
File: 1.40 MB, 1500x2000, 73278300_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20862370

That's my secret I'm always upset

>> No.20862383
File: 405 KB, 1098x1400, 71126454_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK then.

>> No.20862401

Goddamn that's a top tier girl.

>> No.20862417

If you move to Winterstown, do you get 2 wives?

>> No.20862432

>long, ranting blogging is okay when it's the thread's lapdog doing it

>> No.20862435

I’d take that winterstown deal

>> No.20862438
File: 223 KB, 1100x587, wC7026Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Awawawa! Meat for two, meat for two!

>> No.20862449
File: 429 KB, 1058x1500, 1549358244659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd marry a girl with a dexterity and strength level this high right?

>> No.20862458

I hope the artist makes a story with her soon.

>> No.20862469

>talking about a personal fantasy in a positive way
You don't know what that word means do you? Figures an ESL is the one getting bent out of shape.

>> No.20862492

Ranting has nothing to do with positivity. It means to rave about something for a length of time in an impassioned way.
You can not fucking convince me that he isn't passionate.
Oh nevermind, you're just that shitposter, back again.

>> No.20862496

>You don't know what that word means do you?
And why should he?

>> No.20862502

What? If that's how you're going to attempt to defend me, then I would prefer if you would keep quiet.

>> No.20862504

That loli Manticore from Momonika would pretend that she'll bite your dick off with her tail. Or they'll play the game of how many spines onii-chan can take before he uses her tail as an onahole.

>> No.20862519

Be careful they don't try to set you up with rival wives like a Yuki Onna and Yeti

>> No.20862537
File: 536 KB, 1280x1780, 72827782_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.20862541

I see nothing wrong with that.

>> No.20862547
File: 1.41 MB, 1419x2070, 1550287567079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did my best, okay?

>> No.20862554

what if it backfires and i use her anus as a cock sleeve until her tummy swells?

>> No.20862562

She spotted a high level virgin or a wizard of renown.

>> No.20862564

It means she wants to be princess carried

>> No.20862572

>Yuki Onna wants you cold and frozen
>Yeti wants you warm and snuggled
The Winterstown Matchmaking Bureau will not help you in the event they break into song and dance about being Mrs. 10 Below, Mrs. Icicle and so on

>> No.20862637
File: 350 KB, 1205x1722, DFLaiWgUMAE-e2V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, now what?

>> No.20862648

power bomb her.

>> No.20862663

"rant" implies a negative/angry tone to me, and just about all dictionaries i looked it up from agree.

For example Oxford's: "to speak or complain about something in a loud and/or angry way"

There is an "and/or" there, but imo at least an undertone of disapproval is always present when the word is used by native speakers.

>> No.20862668

Let’s settle it on Blursed

>> No.20862672

I am a native English speaker. I just prefer not to pay any attention to connotation when choosing words.

>> No.20862685

Can’t you two Alps just find a man to share already?

>> No.20862690
File: 524 KB, 1000x748, Unicorn and Drank slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MG Wrestling Federation would be out of control.

Especially when it's legit with a Unicorn team on the sidelines.

>> No.20862707

The unicorns were probably meant to be medics, but my mind initially went to them being the wrestlers. My head hurts now, I'm going to imagine oily lamia wrestling instead.

>> No.20862755

How desperate do you have to be to have a threesome with alps?

>> No.20862763

i'd do it
for money

>> No.20862794

Imagine getting your feefees hurt this bad by another persons fantasies.

>> No.20862818


>> No.20862827

I’d do it for wives

>> No.20862835

I'd try it once. Then I'd have to do the same with a couple of regular succubi. You know, for science.

>> No.20862836

How desperate do you have to be to have a threesome with succubi?

>> No.20862843
File: 294 KB, 1057x1500, Succnotebook_cover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t.Buttblasted 3DPD

>> No.20862857

Everyone would be desperate to have even a twosome with a succubus.

>> No.20862943
File: 136 KB, 1200x848, big ears are best ears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me anon, in your travels of the MGE world, where I'm certain you'd be hunting through it for a certain kind of lady, what do you do when a different girl comes hunting after you instead?

Will you lay down and just take being...taken?


>> No.20862950

I really liked the part about their private rooms. It'd be fun to accidentally stumble into one.

>> No.20862953

Flee, imagine fighting a bapho in a public park

>> No.20862960

Didn't you post this a couple threads ago?

>> No.20862965

He did

>> No.20862983

>Public park
She'd probably go easy on you as to not hurt any bystanders, you're best course of action would be to grab her horns

>> No.20862987


>> No.20862999


>> No.20863004

there are plenty of species i straight up don't want ever so i'd try to flee or make it damn clear i don't want a disgusting p'orc

>> No.20863008
File: 586 KB, 1535x2048, Dahlia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was with a Baphomet and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znkBQOvDLeg as your theme.

Last time you picked flee and that was the end of it.

This time it's with a rabbit knight (I mean I originally wanted it to be open ended but whatever) that's tired of waiting and wants you for a stud to sire her children whom will either grow up just like her or Dahlia. Also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bFesW6-LLU is your theme this time.

However >>20862953 has already picked Flee so I guess we're fleeing again and the game is over before it even starts.

>> No.20863015

imagine getting slammed on by spandex horse booty

>> No.20863026

I enjoy many girls.

>> No.20863034

I'm heading into the mountains of madness and you can't stop me.

>> No.20863062

And a Tekeli-li to you too

>> No.20863068

I like seeing evil looking girls flustered

>> No.20863071

>Harem horse
Sounds like a super hero name

>> No.20863072

Please, I'll hit the elder wendis first

>> No.20863073

In my world/headcanon a genuine and caring decline works. Unless "not giving up" is part of the bio like Wurm.

>> No.20863077

Two shillings

>> No.20863078

Magic followed by fleeing, that is the best shot you have ta escaping. And by GOD I will have my undead waifu no matter what!

>> No.20863082

Fighting evil every day!
And preventing evil by getting them married (to her husband)

>> No.20863083

What happens when two wurms collide?

>> No.20863090

You wish good luck to the man pinned between them.

>> No.20863097

There are also mana markers. Considering that want and sexual desire can be strong enough to impress a Baphomet to give up their desire for an already perfect mate and take a normal person. I imagine monsters, as highly empathetic beings, would understand if you desire someone else with all of your being.

>> No.20863100 [SPOILER] 
File: 82 KB, 797x800, 1550616121291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20863110

A concept alien to her: Free.

>> No.20863129

Fight with magic of course,

>> No.20863135


>> No.20863153

I'm sure it's easy to feel like you're winning an argument if you just don't care what words mean.

>> No.20863155

>Most Wendis are the wholesome awawawa in sparsely populated forests near cities
>However, closer to domains ruled by chaos, more feral, cloudy blue eyed, gnashing mawed Wendigo lie in wait
Their children are still pretty cute though once your SAN recovers

>> No.20863160
File: 126 KB, 500x687, naruto-when-beating-the-hell-out-of-the-enemy-doesnt-34088788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20863170

Well the truly undesirables would just stay away, so that's nice, but present day me doesn't really have much option other than to run like a bitch from the mediocre girls or load up on pocket sand. Good thing I like vanilla succubi, or I'd never make it to the choice girls.

>> No.20863176

I want a witch to cast magic on her familiar's cunny to flavor it

>> No.20863194

Why is it everytime I go to this thread I get hit with a sperm donor ad?

>> No.20863201

What flavor would it be?

>> No.20863204

First man with a technobus. I'm jelly.

>> No.20863219
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>Finally, the experiment was a success!

>> No.20863225

If I had a gremlin, she'd be pushing the boundries of BEEG

>> No.20863237
File: 1.22 MB, 2500x1702, 1548426041220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20863244

I’m normally ambivalent about the Bot or Not debate but this is just fucking ridiculous. No breathing human is this stupid.

>> No.20863297
File: 250 KB, 1024x768, 1534576661565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey boya, you wanna visit the big titty kingdom? Just get inside this unmarked cart.

>> No.20863306
File: 137 KB, 1200x969, e1b5b9_6948832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like big butts better

>> No.20863314

You get into the unmarked one on the left then.

>> No.20863316

I enjoy both!

>> No.20863318


>> No.20863322

Sounds like a secret sabbath kidnapping

>> No.20863329

Anon there is absolutely no Sabbath presence here.

Onee-sabbath on the other hand...

>> No.20863336

And this is why you don't trust women under four feet tall. They could be spies.

>> No.20863342

nuts for monster butts

>> No.20863344

Denotation is what words mean. Connotation is what the masses think a word feels like, and is therefore subjective, and is therefore not something I consider valid.

>> No.20863360
File: 244 KB, 933x1366, 1476172761246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like big butts with small chests.

>> No.20863368

I like small girls with huge butts AND chests

>> No.20863380

The entirety of the English language is subjective you absolute dunce.
The entirety of every language is, language by its very nature is only granted meaning by consensus.

>> No.20863383

You. You I like.

>> No.20863397

With that logic, obscure words just don't exist because most people don't know them.

>> No.20863423

Not in the slightest, that's an entirely baseless conclusion. Which words have meaning besides that which we give them? None, because the English language has no objective basis in the natural world. Words only have whatever meaning we give them and that meaning changes as the population of speakers of this language change the way they use those words. Dictionaries eventually must be updated because they're books that list the generally accepted definitions for words. They describe how language is used, they do not authoritatively prescribe how language ought to be used.
Your whole "I take everything literally and there is no room for context or nuance" shtick doesn't make you smart it just makes you a textbook autistic.

>> No.20863426
File: 2.03 MB, 2000x2500, 1480796195827 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You usually go to the gym during night but feel confident enough to go during day
>Start out your workout at the bench
>Put your earbuds in and play your workout track
>At your third set you hit your max and absolutely destroy it as you get 10 reps
>Wipe the sweat from your brow and take off your earbuds
>You realize that your phone fell out of your pocket and unplugged your earbuds
>You realize that you've been blasting the gym with Eye of the Tiger
>You realize that every Jinko is staring at you
>Some even ask you if you need a spot
>Try to play it off like you meant to do it as you finish your workouts and practically sprint to your car as some Jinko asks you if you wanna shower together
>On your way home you promise to never come during the day ever again
>Vampires and Oomukades are much easier to deal with and are generally as antisocial as you are

>> No.20863428

If no one uses a word does it exist?
What about a word that doesn’t exist that everyone uses?

>> No.20863432

Small but very large is best

>> No.20863438

This is what it sounds like when a hakutaku and a crow tengu with clinical Autism get into a debate.

>> No.20863442

MGC gym is a scary place, especially for newcomers.

>> No.20863446

it sound more like an xavier renegage angel episode,
im reading their posts in his voice

>> No.20863447

>unplugged the earbuds
>didn’t pause the music
What kind of phone is that?

>> No.20863451

Which is the autistic one? Or is it both?

>> No.20863454

All this from KDF's horny ramblings.

>> No.20863457

It's obviously the "I only use the dictionary definition of words" guy.

>> No.20863473

[x] Smack

>> No.20863477


>> No.20863485

Congratulations on surviving your crippling brain trauma, you might want to talk to your doctor about the severe attention span degradation you're demonstrating.

>> No.20863486
File: 140 KB, 1135x1200, BmeXmlpy_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy both!

>> No.20863488

Technically, all of this is just the result of KC’s horny spamming of his convoluted OC

>> No.20863492

Do you mean KDF?

>> No.20863496

ok kid

>> No.20863500

brainlet tier reply

>> No.20863507

Think bigger picture.

>> No.20863568

>Vampires and Oomukades are much easier to deal with and are generally as antisocial as you are
Yeah, but then all the owl mages stare at you when you come out and the oni have had plenty of time to start their drunk lifts.

>> No.20863602

Your monstergirl daughteru would likely become the envy of all her peers and quite popular at school if you dick her. Doubly so if you get her pregnant.

>> No.20863607
File: 820 KB, 640x1024, Sirena2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you like your sea MG?

>> No.20863609

Quiet, you.

>> No.20863610

Since when does KC post here?

>> No.20863617

I’m gonna marry that Rata who lives underwater to study ways of getting news underwater

>> No.20863624

When did the average IQ of the thread hit single digits? because this has been a very sad thread.

>> No.20863625

Does she have any cart that goes to the land of the Pharaohs? Or do I have to get kidnapped by some Pharaoh navy ship?

>> No.20863628

It’s okay. The next one will be better.

>> No.20863635

>t. isnt fascinated by pedophiles

>> No.20863636
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>> No.20863638

>Pharaoh navy ship
Imagine a smug Pharaoh going “ufufufu~” from her Khufu Ship

>> No.20863639
File: 1.25 MB, 993x1200, 1546291352981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching The Year Without a Santa Claus with the ice family

>> No.20863648

>She's a pirate
>Not because she needs money, but because it's fun
>Her Anubis hopes she'll grow out of it soo, but the dune doggo is getting pretty used to this first mate thing.

>> No.20863652

armed like a battleship

>> No.20863657

That's sounds like a great Pharaoh to serve. Ambitious and set on conquering new lands.

>> No.20863663

Which Ice Girl would make the best Santa Claus?
I only ever saw a trailer for that movie as a kid. I assumed the plot of the movie was Snow Miser taking Santa’s job

>> No.20863673

Strong enough to break keels, cute enough to only use that strength for tight hugs.

>> No.20863675

>Pirate Anubis
I know we already have a lot of variations on her species, but I would love to see that.

>> No.20863681
File: 229 KB, 702x915, 1513812382738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuudere Ice Queen-chan who learns about the spirit of Christmas and unites the Tsurara miser and Lava Golem miser fighting over cold vs warm

>> No.20863690

When scuba diving, is bumping into a transparent sea slime their equivalent of running into your fated lover on the way to school?

>> No.20863734
File: 291 KB, 1279x1782, 1548894608418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW no big tiddie goth dwarf gf

>> No.20863737

Duerger are for pinning and pounding.

>> No.20863746
File: 98 KB, 750x1200, MKENBXba_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shortstack banshee!

>> No.20863766

I wanna cheer up a Banshee and make her laugh, or at the very least smile

>> No.20863778
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Me too.

>> No.20863803
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>> No.20863819

>"transparent sea slime"
>Easily seeable
How am I supposed to bump into her by accident if I can see her?

>> No.20863825
File: 93 KB, 350x197, rsz_lateforschool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold a piece of toast in your mouth-gets them every time.

>> No.20863841

Honestly, that's how i feel about the Nacho. I want to protect her and keep her bit so she can be happy and be in peace.

>> No.20863848

Who likes soggy toast?

>> No.20863854

You don't actually have to eat it-just hold it in your mouth and you're guaranteed to bump into her.

>> No.20863900
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>> No.20863913
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Dragon booty.

>> No.20863922


>> No.20863928

I like my dragons like I like my bacon, with plenty of FAT

>> No.20863940
File: 653 KB, 657x949, 70456198_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat-bottomed dragons make the whole rockin' world go round.

>> No.20863948

You're just straight up reposting this from reddit, aren't you

>> No.20863959

He sure is. He could at least change the file name or something, christ.


>> No.20863970 [DELETED] 

What is the most efficient way to kill a monster girl?

>> No.20863973

You kill youself first, ordernigger

>> No.20863974

Hety buddy, I think you're lost->>>/tg/ is that way

>> No.20863984 [DELETED] 

>White knighting for monsters
They don't actually love you. They just want to use you and then throw you away. Don't fall for their lies!

>> No.20863985

You are unironically worse than the pedos. Fellate a shotgun, dipshit.

>> No.20863988 [DELETED] 

Monster girls don't love you. You are nothing more than a convenient source of food and semen to them.

>> No.20863997

Ammonia+Bleach Anon. That way you won't have to deal with monster girls ever again, and everyone else can live in peace.

>> No.20863998
File: 51 KB, 529x842, 6e2465af-ba3a-4dfa-96c0-426d7c654827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and throw you away
I think you've mixed up monstergirls with 3DPD.

>> No.20864008 [DELETED] 
File: 553 KB, 1012x1152, 20190219_182925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such hostility... I only want to open you eyes to the truth.

>> No.20864011
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>> No.20864012

>Be me
>Tanuki City PD officer.
>Recently joined and city got overrun by zombie girls.
>Trying to survive as the TPD building is overrun
>Virginity of course still intact.
>Cant say the same for my coworkers.
>poor bastards.
>Running low on DE Bullets.
>Trying to keep away from some super buff zombie girl.
Would you survive anons?

>> No.20864018

You might as well be handing out KKK pamphlets at a synagogue.

>> No.20864023
File: 1.19 MB, 1228x1736, 1543554428696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What MG could you make Taller or bigger in general?

Aside watering an Alraune or Smile possibly I can't think of anything else.

>> No.20864024

go back to /monster/ or whatever discord you came from nigger faggot.

>> No.20864026

Bitch, I'm just gonna wear a sign that says 'Fat Chicks Only'
I'd like to see them try and touch me then!

>> No.20864038 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20864041 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 868x800, Vietnamese-pickled-cucumber-pickled-gherkin-slices-in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20864042

They'd just shout "Cuck!" at him.

>> No.20864046

>he thinks a sign will stop Ms.X
I hope you like fat Milk jugs then.

>> No.20864048

I mean...I do but she's more muscle than fat.

>> No.20864050

Based jannies doing their jobs for once.

>> No.20864052
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>> No.20864055

Any monster can be changed according to your preferences through the power of mamamanabobana

>> No.20864057

Im only running from the big one because its nice to finally have a girl chasing after me.
>dodge a grab from her, she stumbles a bit forward.
>her back is now turned to you, all you see is her stretch her shoulder in agitation.
God help you if you grab her hat and tease her.

>> No.20864065

Then maybe the Croc Zombie girl is your style. Although i hope you dont mind her oral fixation.

>God help you if you grab her hat and tease her.
Anon NO, She is definitely gonna give it to ya if you do that.

>> No.20864067 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20864072

What sort of things would you and your waifu say to each other if you were talking dirty during sex anon?

>> No.20864075

Im going to wear it and there is nothing she can do to stop me!

>> No.20864083

I hate it when I'm taking a shit and the toilet water splashes on my ass so I was wondering if I can use your mouth as my toilet from now on.

>> No.20864087

piss and scat /monster/ niggers out.

>> No.20864089


>> No.20864099

How would you even get close to do that without being pinned to a wall and raped? Trying to steal her hat is as dumb as having you cock out near a Licker.

>> No.20864118

Maybe but she's getting a bath once we drag her out of those sewers.

>> No.20864129

Its all in the moves anon. You just got to get it when her back is turned or she is distracted.
>flashbang her.
>swipe it before she can just bang you.
Congrats you now have a angry and embarrassed brickhouse chasing you down.

>> No.20864137

>Stealing her hat
>Not snagging her bra

>> No.20864166

I am sure she wouldn't even care. Or if she does she would probably appreciate it.

Well then i hope you are ready to run away from an extremely horny and embarresed beefcake.

Anon dont do it. thats just asking her to go into her super form.

>> No.20864174

Even worse.

>> No.20864178

She's getting washed, although walking through the streets with her nearly naked while all the zombies are about will be odd, especially as THICK as she is.

>> No.20864182

What? Was the bra a power limiter on her breasts?
Are they larger than I thought?

>> No.20864188

It was her sexual power limiter! Not only is she even stronger, now she is even hornier!

>> No.20864192

Shoot her in the head with a shotgun a bajillion times.

>> No.20864193

Oh, that's not that impressive, although it may be interesting to see some swelling, bulging muscles on her.

>> No.20864194

most men are busy being fucked senseless by their new zombie waifus. Most people wont even be paying attention to you and your thick lizard wife.

>> No.20864196

Yeah but I imagine some of those zombies don't have a guy yet.

>> No.20864198

Her breasts do swell up anon. Theotheranon just forgot to mention that.

>> No.20864204

Ah, so I was right.
Stupid umbrella, I bet that she has to wear the bra or the grow unreasonably huge even for a girl like her!

>> No.20864221 [DELETED] 

At least she isnt as bad as those G-Girls. Those Girls live to be impregnated with those huge girls.

>> No.20864223
File: 686 KB, 814x1011, Spell of Megamorphosis censored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the megamorphosis spell, any loli type can become permanently mature.

>> No.20864238
File: 2.70 MB, 1728x2479, 066_63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you have forgotten flow kelp?

>> No.20864240
File: 580 KB, 2893x4092, 1550516241677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Gremlin is always prepared!

>> No.20864244

At least she isnt as bad as those G-girls. Those girls have even bigger chests with an impregnation fetish to match.

>> No.20864251

I wanna be big baa chans little spoon!

>> No.20864262

I means its not like those girls really care though anon, but if you really want to keep some modesty then i am sure you can convince her to where some clothing.

>> No.20864268

Yeah but they also have more eyes to watch you....and we don't know how big/strong Ms. X can get!
I mean, its not like there's some super G girl in the city

>> No.20864269
File: 1.68 MB, 1500x2750, baphomet_by_nanostar_dcyw9di.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But with the spell of pedomorphosis, such disgusting fat lumps can be fixed for good!

>> No.20864273

I appreciate the nonchalant approach they take to heretical magic.

>> No.20864275

Unless a megamorphosis is used again. Its an endless cycle anon, neither side can truly win.

>> No.20864276

Every time I see this image I think grem-chan went with some cardboard looking aesthetic. Like some nintendo labo thing.

>> No.20864280

Imagine using Megamorphosis on a Marune sabbath girl.

>> No.20864281
File: 197 KB, 528x600, dragon00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite the reign and influence of the current Demon Lord and due to their immense power, dragon family girls are still able to transform into their form of enormous dragons such as it was in the era of the former Demon Lord.

Supposing you have a dragon girl as a waifu, would you ever want to see her in her true dragon form?
How would you go about asking/convincing her if she didn't want you to see her like that?
Would you do anything naughty (lewd or just bad-behaviored) with her in her true dragon form?

>> No.20864285
File: 129 KB, 840x1006, DhiUDHAWkAAZZDp.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We win, Anon.

Or maybe they win.
Every time.

>> No.20864290

I want her to stick me in her giant dragon pussy.

>> No.20864297

Weird feral furry/unbirth/bestiality bait if you ask me.

>> No.20864306

>don't know how big/strong Ms. X can get!
They can get pretty strong, but nothing can compete with the thickness a Super-G girl can achieve.

>some super G girl in the city
I have some bad news anon.

>> No.20864313


How thick we talking?

>> No.20864319

I want to wipe that smug off her face.

>> No.20864327

If a Croc Zombie girl is homogenized Tier then Super-G is Cream tier thick.

>> No.20864328

I wanna stick it in her smug mouth!

>> No.20864335

Ah, but little did they know, I've found their one weakness.
And missionary where I can look them in multiple eyes.

>> No.20864336
File: 722 KB, 705x1000, 4db4e5c7481a692fd5342a5348c531df11341-f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is zero sexual appeal, but I wouldn't deny that I'd love seeing a dragon family wife in her primal form for the sheer coolness factor.

>> No.20864343
File: 262 KB, 800x800, 1442025872537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it feels like i'm washing a car

>> No.20864345

>lifting herself with her tail

>> No.20864366

You have to wash ALL of the Dragon!

>> No.20864376

She doesn't care if he's not strong enough to carry her, but she knows he likes to feel like he is.

>> No.20864390
File: 474 KB, 1920x1080, I&#039;m CIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you secretly record your Amazon wife trying all the crazy good culinary delights humanity has crafted?

Since let's face it, when the portals open it's either going to exclusively be Amazons, horse pussies, or both.

>> No.20864394
File: 198 KB, 558x580, 231_wyvern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya know, I just noticed that the art of the wyvern's primal form lacks the chest gem/ornament that all the dragons in humanoid form have (and in fact has an indentation around where it would have been).

So perhaps the purpose of that gem is to hold the primal form when not in use? Or maybe it is itself a condensed version of their primal form?

>> No.20864400

I respectfully disagree. Amazons will be what become of all the femnazis that get succ'd/corrupted, and even then both options are far preferable to having nothing but siths.

>> No.20864408
File: 153 KB, 1280x720, Gerudo Questions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does your waifu answer this question. Also voe means man if that isnt obvious.

>> No.20864419
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>> No.20864429
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>> No.20864430

>How does your waifu answer this question

>> No.20864433
File: 49 KB, 182x199, tips bonnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religion is dumb!

>> No.20864436

CONTROVERSIAL OPINION: Despite the fact that I'm really really really excited for the rest of the Norse girls & addition of Aztec girls, I think Cerberus and Pegasus should be added for some more Greek Girls. However, technically, there are tons of greek monsters, I'm just saying blatantly greek, like Medusa and Scylla

>> No.20864438
File: 54 KB, 522x666, 1487285828319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vodka runes say Обниму и согрею конечно "I'll hug him of course"

>> No.20864443
File: 101 KB, 908x946, 20961961_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too would like to see some winged horsepussy.

>> No.20864444

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.
Instead, remember to go to your friendly neighborhood doctors to get checked out regularly!

>> No.20864449

Technically, arachne as well. Greek myth is an untapped well for inspiration.

>> No.20864466

We’re both intelligent beings. I’m sure we could come to an understanding.

>> No.20864473

>local goats accidentally discover one weird trick to instantly improve* any monster!

>> No.20864482
File: 1.17 MB, 962x542, 8c55a9ad4e1f9ee01b7f06b6bc594f98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rub rub rub

>> No.20864483

>Grem-chan’s very first build!

>> No.20864484

The things is Harpy, Centaur, Arachne, Lamia, Minotaur and Siren are all greek, but only Scylla and Medusa give the "chilling under the mediterranean sun next to some marble pillars, waiting for the next comedy to start" vibe.

>> No.20864485
File: 518 KB, 1126x1000, d7fa993903a210f7da7789b4598fa77f105d9d370e655cca95ff701b577f9f8a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're dumb!

>> No.20864487

It’s not for sex, but it’s definitely for pampering as you shine her up and make look her as regal as she feels

>> No.20864489

gonna megamorphosis an angry goat to see what happens

>> No.20864490

I’m not sure I understand.

>> No.20864492

I like the idea of something like a mantis or slime that doesn't speak an d claims you for herself.

>> No.20864493

Maybe the gem represents their “true soul” and they just take the equivalent appearance depending upon what form they’re in.

>> No.20864499

You can occasionally see lamia climbing around Greco-Roman Columns

>> No.20864502
File: 344 KB, 540x436, 1543612786249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna send a heretic to the chamber of violet orgasms

>> No.20864506

Same. I want a mega Bahpo Waifu.

>> No.20864509

>mega Bahpo
does megamorphosis stack with repeated castes?

>> No.20864513

Is that how they make those screaming orgasm videos?

>> No.20864515

What happens if you mix the two together or drink them alternating one after the other? Can you get an effect where she changes back and forth?

>> No.20864517
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>violet orgasms

>> No.20864520
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>> No.20864525

Splatoon has ruined this noise for me.

>> No.20864527

I only know it from Feck World. What are you talking about?

>> No.20864530

She changes sizes when she's emotionally volatile.

>> No.20864531
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>> No.20864532


>> No.20864545
File: 245 KB, 1000x1000, smugoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iirc Runya mentioned that it's not actually forbidden, and completely reversible.
I think there were hints that many of the Baphos have tried it out at some time or another, but they (as evidenced by their current forms) simply prefer staying small.

>> No.20864547
File: 99 KB, 641x564, 0748fd37053b901cd758631c217d9ec29e07632e16bacc099d4c499abd689884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're gonna party till we're purple

>> No.20864552

the goat in that pic gives off an aura of "wants a husband who is shorter than her to dominate"
Eh, I'd look for the heretic offshoot that stay big, or try it on an already large species like minotaur to see what happens

>> No.20864554

honestly i fell asleep on that thought but apple

>> No.20864561

I to like the idea of a sabbath that is full of loli species that have undergone Megamorphisis.

>> No.20864562
File: 821 KB, 1280x800, tumblr_pmvl5ciGfa1vglk3yo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ushi-onis are good girls who suffer from bad press.

>> No.20864563

>Apophis miles away feels her ear twitch and looks around

>> No.20864566

Seems like a safe place to be.

>> No.20864572
File: 230 KB, 1202x1400, tumblr_phuvpqDJWF1vldipoo1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The safest!

>> No.20864573

If you didn't suffocate in your sleep, few forces on Earth would be able to harm you. The ones that did would wish they didn't.

>> No.20864581

Do cow-spiders spin webs?

>> No.20864582
File: 142 KB, 1200x1040, DqKGxzoWsAAy7aP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heard you were talking shit about my hubby

>> No.20864585

Sort of. It's no silken finery but it's good enough to lasso somebody.

>> No.20864589

So can you make a love-nest out of it?

>> No.20864590
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>> No.20864594

A hammock seems manageable.

>> No.20864599
File: 1.19 MB, 1200x1043, 59204697_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One fine autumn morning Marisa flew to the Hakurei Shrine and saw something strange...

>> No.20864606

Looks like another scam.

>> No.20864608

Templates like that are forbidden.

>> No.20864616
File: 1.99 MB, 4032x3024, Sabbath_Elder&#039;s_meeting_in_session..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20864619
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I want to spoon with her in a hammock.

>> No.20864629
File: 423 KB, 960x720, 28125113_p17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Moriya Shrine conspiracy!

>> No.20864631

So apparently there is a mg for Nun fetishists... Which one was it?

>> No.20864633
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Sounds like Dark Priest.

>> No.20864636
File: 550 KB, 1322x629, Dark_Priest_book_profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20864650
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>> No.20864656

Oh Sister, I have a confession! A confession of unholy lust! Please, help cleanse me of this sin!

>> No.20864661
File: 153 KB, 800x1300, InNFEyt0_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alright then

>> No.20864674
File: 250 KB, 673x886, 12550340_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, medusa really was popular back then.

>> No.20864680
File: 276 KB, 695x949, 9qFiUKAi_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna make Druella wear a frilly dress!

>> No.20864683

Oh God, she's drooling mad!

And a cheeki breeki to you too, sister!

>> No.20864687
File: 250 KB, 1660x1829, 1535633846737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheeki breeki

>> No.20864692

>Cheeki breeki kiki
Somewhere, a hatter began laughing hysterically. No one knows why, but this isn't out of the ordinary so she's ignored.

>> No.20864694
File: 1.14 MB, 2070x2288, Dingo_thing-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MG extreme sports

>> No.20864697
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>so she's ignored
Delete this.

>> No.20864701
File: 438 KB, 1095x1080, 71364372_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which MG would be most likely to do this?

>> No.20864705

Gnome. They look like such big, strong hands, don't they?

>> No.20864707

Hold hands or have autism?

>> No.20864712
File: 403 KB, 595x842, rd323TLJ_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.

>> No.20864718
File: 651 KB, 1400x990, Bunyip_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_nav_530ae36d1d9ca1231a12ca2d03feb5ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not both?

>> No.20864723
File: 271 KB, 1280x1742, one_gal_army_by_uradori_dd063c8-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20864725

Troll. She would need a much larger paper, though.

Bunyips wouldn't ask. They'd write the note, then drop their spaghetti and end up Autist Tackling you anyway. You'd get a cute apology text afterwards.

>> No.20864727

How does she walk and/or stand in those heels?

>> No.20864732

Very carefully

>> No.20864733
File: 545 KB, 1200x1163, rU0tXUOY_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the way she's built.

>> No.20864741
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>> No.20864743
File: 666 KB, 1500x1353, OY1TxklT_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But can she run?

>> No.20864745
File: 557 KB, 1400x1500, 4gFwvoBO_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd definitely hold hands with a troll.

>> No.20864747

They're her feet, so yeah. Automatons confirmed for whores that can run in heels.

>> No.20864749
File: 76 KB, 1000x1000, h8DYeDh8_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be so mean.

>> No.20864752
File: 200 KB, 1280x1660, living_the_dream_by_uradori_dd036ix-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wild arch imp pic appeared!

>> No.20864762

Too smug. Can't handle it. Hope a shark bites her floating thingie.

>> No.20864763
File: 197 KB, 1120x840, 73200794_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20864766

I'm imagining her going into nervous overdrive. She's holding hands, which is embarrassing and she's afraid you won't like, and that requires you to be close to her, which means you might smell her, which is embarrassing and she's afraid you might not like. Little would she know that you're trying to position yourself to smell her even better.

>Only whores can run in heels
>Automatons can run in heels
>Automatons are whores
QED. Even she'd have to appreciate how clean that logic is.

>> No.20864767
File: 803 KB, 1000x1304, 1545011997568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hope a shark bites her floating thingie.
