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20771401 No.20771401 [Reply] [Original]

Updated Versions Edition


>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs:

>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>Elona+ Custom-G Release Thread:

>Omake Overhaul English Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona+ 1.86 (2019-01-06)
Elona Omake Overhaul EN (2018-12-14)
>Latest Custom:
E+C 1.86.1 (2018-01-12)
Elona+ Custom-G (2019-01-21)
Omake Overhaul EN Hack final release (2018-12-14)

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to WINDOWS 7.
Using GIMP to create a sprite or PCC? Select "do not write color space" and save it as a 24-bit BMP.

>> No.20771548
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>subject present instead of empty
>fixes for common crashes restored
We've been blessed with an excellent thread.

>> No.20771817

Whats the name/location of the place to reset dungeon levels? (the one in act 2) I accidentally cleared a level 200 dungeon and now everything that spawns is 100+ even though I'm only level 50.

>> No.20771862


>> No.20771968

Thanks man, I knew it was somewhere but it wasn't marked on the map on the wiki so I wasn't sure how to search it.

>> No.20772342

So I started again as a Eulderna Warmage of Kumiromi because I don't know what am I doing. Don't really know if Magic Eye is worth it but let's do this.

>> No.20772500
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Just tried to go to Leimas 16 and got fucked by a room filled with poison hounds.
Rate my team and tell if this is why I'm bad please.
Cat-Dual daggers
Machine Infantry-MG
Wizard-Magic I guess?
Juere Infantry- Axe
Dragon-Is dragon child.

I think I want to swap the wizard and JI for a Wisp and Gryffon.

Only 30 hours in to this game btw, but I'm loving it.

>> No.20772525

Oh and LG has cooking for breakfast, and they all have pickpocketing if that makes a difference.

>> No.20772795

If you're losing to poison hounds then you need either more poison resistance or more HP. Most of those pets don't really stand out in any way (though it should be said that anything can become a godslayer with enough effort). The fire dragon child is a good tank and an especially solid early game choice.

>> No.20772813

Mk, I figured just finding different poison resistance things would be the answer.
What I really wasn't sure of was just how min/maxy I need to be with pets while planing for the long haul. Thanks anon.

>> No.20773338

Resistances are definitely important. Just having ## in a resistance halves the damage you take from that element, and it also cuts down on the chance you get status ailments/secondary effects from the damage too. At your level you don't need to worry too much (Although resistances are nice), but later on you'll want both you and your pets to have good resistances to everything.

>> No.20773443
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>See an adventurer in town
>He has a shitty doomed gauntlet, pic related
>Try to trade it off of him so he doesn't cause troubles in town
>The only things in my inventory he'll trade for are my precious god statues and a book of wishing
>Even though his glove is only worth 245 gold and is horribly cursing him

Well gee fuck you I guess you can stay cursed then. I knew the NPCs were awful about trading but the estimated prices really shows just how stupid they are.

>> No.20774060

Equipment has a huge -% value associated with selling, which is what that value you see is. And i believe it gets another because it's doomed, but the NPC doesn't take either of those into account when assessing its value.
The NPC thinks its valuable because it's a decent base type, made from silver, miracle quality, with multiple strong modifiers on it. He doesn't care if they're negative modifiers.

>> No.20774163

If you kill him he might either drop them or retire from adventuring.

>> No.20774399

Playing custom-g and oomsest at the same time with similiar characters, can't decide which one to commit to. Love both of them so much.

>> No.20775483

It probably holds sentimental value to him

>> No.20776910
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Me waiting for Elin

>> No.20777110

Just got a younger sister from a journal.
Should I put her in the ranch or should I just level her up? Is her corpse valuable?

>> No.20777281

What should I do with small medals after I've already bought everything I want with them?

>> No.20777294

I have 200+ saved up but I already have all the artifacts and furniture I want from the workshop.

>> No.20777982

Something that kinda bothers me about Elona+ is that you pretty much have to get good at everything. So end-game every character ends up very similar since there's nothing you can really specialize in. It makes roleplaying not as fun as well. But hey, at least there are piss mechanics. Does Elona Omake Overhaul play similarly? I never played the original Elona or any other variants.

>> No.20778146

>you pretty much have to get good at everything
What exactly makes you think this?

>> No.20778185

I got a Butler's diary

And I noticed he has no arms.
What, why?

>> No.20778357

Build a new storage house in some remote location and turn it into your secret medal vault.

>> No.20778393

Please respond.

>> No.20778433

Please don't eat your younger sister. At least give her a job or something, like a shopkeeper.

>> No.20780690

maybe they're just behind his back?

>> No.20780849

Time to gene engineer him so he can have two weapons and two arms behind his back.

>> No.20780893

So is pets you leave on your ranch as breeders taking up spots on your party a balance thing or a free game no bitching thing?
Does is also do this with ones you leave to run shops or anything?

>> No.20781070

Where do you guys place your houses?

>> No.20781077

>just started playing on E+
anything I should know?

>> No.20781217

Farmer is the strongest starter class in the game, elea wizards are ultimate cunts, be careful around wells if you have a pet with you, pay your taxes or you will become a criminal scum, Shena's ass is so powerful her panties can stop time and even make you immune to alien pregnancy (too bad she never wears them).

>> No.20781236

Any pet working for you will take up a slot, even if they are working on your shop or warming up your bed.
To keep a pet on "standby" but completely remove them from your party, you need to leave the in your Discarded Ranch (building deed) or in the Dojo near the North/South Tyris border.

>> No.20781373

It's a balance thing, at least at the moment. You can use the dojo or a discarded ranch to store pets without them taking slots from your party.
If ranching pets didn't take up slots, then there's nothing that would stop you from making hundreds of ranches, which would definitely be very very useful.

>> No.20781404

I haven't played in at least a year. Any major changes to how necromancy works? Or anything really...

>> No.20781509

Oh, the butler always kills himself due to overcasting. Nice.

>> No.20782550

How do you make it so numbers show on stats instead of ##?

>> No.20782620
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>> No.20782647

Damn. I wanted the butler too.

>> No.20782994

Mistake I done when still new
>Didn't know how potential works. (...silly me playing my first playthrough wondering why it take *forever to grind up the stats. )
>Not using bonus point and feats that are gain from level up.

>> No.20783027

Their stats and abilities are unremarkable, but they are kawaii. I like to use a younger sister as a shopkeeper.

I mean you do want to specialize in one combat skill above others, but yeah you want pretty much every non-combat skill at a reasonable level. Omake Overhaul definitely encourages more specialization through its greatly expanded feat list (good!), increasing platinum costs (bad!) and using the vanilla potential system (debatable!).

Fairies and snails are garbage races and mutant is not recommended for a beginner. Good feats to start out are exorcism (protects your stuff from getting cursed, trust me you want it asap), hypnotism (100% accurate weak attack that inflicts sleep), and strings assassin (100% accurate strong attack, a bit redundant with hypnotism).

Martial arts and magic are the top tier damage skills, but it's a grind game so ultimately anything will work. I think long blades are still the strongest weapon type since lightsabers ignore armor. Living weapons are insanely good, hold on to any you find. Even if they're not the weapon you specialize in, they make superb "stat sticks" since you can put elemental resists and skill boosts on them.

Start out by accumulating platinum by going to the job board in town and taking easy, safe jobs like gardening, trading, and low level escorts (don't do beauty and the beast escort quests). Herb gardens are vital to your character's long term strength, keep any herb seeds you find until you're ready to start a farm. Playing with allies is recommended but not necessary, and the little girl is the strongest of the starting pets.

>> No.20783129

It's a good idea to pick up the riding skill early since speed is the overall most important stat in the game. If you play as a golem then you absolutely ought to pick a class that starts with the riding skill to fix your otherwise unbearable speed. You can buy horses in yowyn and better ones become available as you level up. If you can find a level 50 or higher pokeball you can catch a yerles combat jet, which is an excellent early to mid game mount. Later on in the game you can increase your speed to 500, and then eventually to 800 relatively painlessly. Once that option becomes available, it's up to you whether you'd rather keep using the riding skill or if you'd rather just increase your own speed.

Every time you level up (up to level 10 iirc) a skill ticket will be sent to your house. It can take a week or two to show up, but it will be in your salary chest. These can be exchanged for learning one skill instead of spending platinum. Platinum costs increase over time, so it might be worth spending platinum first and then using the skill tickets once things get expensive. With that said, if your character needs a certain skill to function then I'd just use the ticket now, platinum won't be hard to come by later on.

>> No.20784148
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What is this? I cant find Azul in the wiki.

>> No.20784350

Fortune cookies in Elona can give you both good tips and bad tips (like "good/bad" fortunes of the real ones). You got the bad one, though the result isn't that bad (wishing for it will give you a Secret Treasure of Kumiromi, it gives you an extra feat of choice if you have enough levels to earn it).
But secret treasure of azul exists as a "debug" item. It gives you the mutant's racial feat (random body parts as you level up).

>> No.20784355 [DELETED] 

>What is this?

>> No.20784486

It's nice and it doesn't kill himself anymore after I set it to only attack after <20% mana so

>> No.20784513

First living weapon, a battle ax, that I had the money for since I began playing about a few months ago (I always found a traveling trader carrying them when I put my money away in a bank, unfortunately) and I wanna know what I should try to add to it. My main weapon is Kumiromi's scythe, and I was never actually paying attention to what is a good weapon enhancement. Playing 1.85 +CG, if that makes any difference.

>> No.20784556

Magic-element damage. Nothing else. The only thing that increases DPS more is lightning-element damage, and then only if you hit the enemy with Element Scar and Wet first.

>> No.20784774

Ended up coming back to my Yerles character because I'm way too lazy to do everything again.

>> No.20786634

Magic element damage like >>20784556 said is generally best if you want to use the ax itself for damage. You can also throw a full set of different resists on it and equip it as a defensive stat stick. A third option would be to use the ax to enhance a chosen skill like your main weapon's skill (scythes in this case) though a decent living weapon will vastly outclass the kumiromi scythe. For the latter two options, keeping it in your ranged weapon slot is fine if you don't want to dual wield.

You can level up a living weapon up to level 10 with no downsides. After that it will periodically inflict bleeding on you. The level cap is 15.

>> No.20786636

Oh yeah I forgot to mention, if you don't like the enchants available on your weapon, just try again next month. Eventually it will have what you want.

>> No.20787056

You can always level up and its never too early to get into herb farming.

>> No.20787446

Each choice has a finite cycle of enchantments (go read the wiki). you can manipulate the list by using enhancement levels. Adding an enhancement level (blacksmith/scroll) advances the list, removing an enhancement level (acid damage) moves back in the list.

this is why you shouldn't put acidproof on a living weapon until you've finished levelling it.

>> No.20787456

living weapons are dirt-cheap in E+ these days. by the time I got to act 3 I had enough to outfit myself, my two pets, my mount, +Negotiation sticks for my shopkeeper, and several more for skills.

protip: you can make a set of lvl 15 +Luck sticks for getting better gear out of blackmarkets. If you have multiple arms this works out swimmingly.

>> No.20787816

You can still use acidproof liquid, though. Specifically, there's a pot for fusion recipe that uses it which sets a weapon's enhancement to 0.

>> No.20789853

*multiple hands

>> No.20790620

Which versions of Omake does what?
Im currently conflicted between Hack And south tyris (Oomse ST?)

>> No.20790851

Just like how Custom-G is basically a variant on top of another variant (Custom) on top of another variant (Plus) on top of vanilla, OOMSEST is basically tons and tons of variants (based on Omake) on top of each other. OOMSEST have everything that OOENhack have, except for the "grindy adjustment" menu (Hack-exclusive), plus all the stuff added by Modify (QoL stuff), Sukutu Edition (features from other Omake-based variants), South Tyris (even more QoL stuff, WIP South Tyris map).

>> No.20791358

Do Artifact seeds have a harvest cycle like other seed types in +C? I seem to get exclusively rings and necklaces.

>> No.20791544

Feeling extra dumb. Wanna try using the map editor to make myself a huge ass farm, but can't get the damn thing to work. Playing on +CG 1.85.2, and I've tried using all the .exe files from Elona+ to +CG, adding medit to the shortcut so they look like this "elonaplus.exe medit" or "ElonaC.exe medit" and "ElonaCG.exe medit"

The only video on the map editor is from 2014 by a guy using base Elona, but on the Map Editor wiki page, there's some guy from 2017 claiming it can be done using +C still, so I'd expect that to still be a thing in CG

>> No.20791588
File: 141 KB, 1366x665, works on my machine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"C:\whatever\Elona\elonaplus1.86\ElonaCG.exe" medit

>> No.20791629

For some reason, you posting that string helped me figure out that I needed to not JUST rename the shortcut and I actually had to muck about in the properties. Thanks anon, I need to go bash my head against a wall for an hour, maybe knock some sense into myself.

>> No.20792695

You get Lulwy's trick when you follow Lulwy right? In oomSEST, if you follow Lulwy from the character creation, you don't get Lulwy's trick. Is this a bug?

>> No.20792790

This game looks fucking amazingly stupid and amazingly interesting.

Is it really that unique in design? (I'm probably going to start first time playing tomorrow)

>> No.20792976

Gameplay-wise its not that unique. It's a roguelike inspired by ADOM with a few life sim features (you can have a house, a farm/ranch, a shop, a museum, get married, etc). The main story takes itself too seriously and have absolutely no impact on your adventures (political power struggles and intense elf fetishists fucking shit up, with a touch of "muh trees gotta protect nature").
Most of its "magic" comes from unintentional humor caused by the lack of rules (for example, anything can be set as cattle in your ranch, even a little girl), North Tyris' weird culture (all gods are just crazy in one way or another) and a weird selection of enemies.
The game also have a few variants, each one with its own wackiness (Plus have even more wacky enemies, Omake family have a rather intense love for younger sisters, they even grow on trees).

>> No.20793712
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Elona+ is the only game I know of where it's possible to play as a team of Power Rangers, complete with transformation and a combination attack. (Although it'd take some doing to set up all four allies with transformation sprites...)

>> No.20795527

It's probably the most elaborate sandbox RPG there is. Mechanically it's very similar to a roguelike but in spirit it's more of a sandbox/life sim. If you imagine Harvest Moon + ADOM + Morrowind you won't be too far off.

>> No.20795532

Also it's highly recommended that you play a variant rather than the vanilla game. The Omake Overhaul family improve a lot of mechanics and add mostly sandbox features while Plus adds lots more enemies and quests and is more combat focused.

At this point, OOMSEST is the overall most recommendable Omake variant and Plus Custom G is your best bet for Plus.

>> No.20795852 [DELETED] 

How are the other elona versions compared to elona+?

>> No.20795865

is there a combined version that adds a lot of sandbox stuff with more combat elona+ stuff?

>> No.20795958

Not unless you feel like learning how to decompile HSP and spending a week or two cleaning up the decompiled code of the latest flavor of Omake.

>> No.20796121

do you lads prefer plus custom G or oomsest?

>> No.20796136

I've been playing oomsest for a bit and the kobolds show up as a white square, any idea how I could fix that? Also, since I'm a complete noob, should I just keep going with oomsest or should I try vanilla or plus first?

>> No.20796225


>> No.20796500


Did you do anything with custom graphics? I've heard a few people say they got white squares from outdated sprite sheets and such. Plus isn't bad and it's surely more beginner-friendly than Omake variants. If you play it definitely go with custom g so you don't have to deal with Plus's new thirst and piss systems.

>> No.20796600

I do have some custom graphics, but I tried with the vanilla sprite sheet and they're still white squares. Fuck, this bothers me more than it should.

>> No.20796726

Alright nevermind, I just reinstalled the whole thing and now it works fine. I guess I had some old version or something.

>> No.20797784

Aight, thanks, I'll follow your advice.

>> No.20799070

Does OOMSEST have the pet content that E+ adds? Pickpocket in particular is a huge quality of life improvement that I doubt I can go without. Also sleep sharing is fun.

>> No.20799114

It has a very comparable system to pet gathering skills where you can leave pets to gather materials in various places (like mining in vernis and pickpocketing in derphy). It's generally not as powerful as E+'s pet material gathering but since it's passive you can have a dozen pets gathering materials at once. They can gather gold passively but they have to stay in yowyn. I don't think there's any equivalent to sleep sharing, though they did expand the list of NPCs you can sleep with when they're drunk.

There's no dojo or discarded ranch. Pets can work at your farm to improve your plants. There are special pokeballs that work in the void. Gods can bless food which is nice for the player's potential (if used correctly) and ridiculously good for pet potential. A special type of food, steamed meat buns, can be blessed by the gods to raise their stats including the harder ones like life and speed. Pets with money don't need to be near an NPC to train their potential - outside of towns they spend their money on online classes for the same benefit. Giving them money isn't as convenient as Plus's evochat and pickpocketing skill, but it's easier to get large amounts of gems and there are more valuable gem types so giving them money for training isn't too bad. Pets gain skill points and feats from leveling up and you can spend them just the same as your own.

>> No.20799237

Sounds a little toned down compared to E+ but at least it's not vanilla E pets that were almost impossible to train. There's no AP right? Is there a good enough way to train pet speed to make long term training viable?

>> No.20800215

Food. Pets gain like 10x or more stats/potential from god blessed food (potential) which is pretty easy to get, and steamed buns(xp). Lulwy should give speed potential/xp, Izzy mana, oppatos life.

>> No.20801026

elona+ always crashes when I get to the customize appearance section of the character creation process. I'm running it in windows 7 compatibility mode but no cigar.

>> No.20801068

works on my machine

>> No.20801085

Do you have any custom sprites or anything?

>> No.20801100

no, it's elonaplus 1.86, I tried to find the latest stable but couldn't find a working DL for it thus far.

>> No.20801819

Theres an item that increases your overall level when its blessed and I can't remember what its called, anyone know?

>> No.20802078

Potion of Descent

>> No.20803398


>> No.20807216

I had this issue before (and only with Plus for some reason), but unfortunately I never found a way to fix it. It disappeared eventually.
I simply tried to create my character as fast as possible. The game crashed anyway during the tutorial, but the save file was created anyway so all I had to do was to load it.

>> No.20807455

Pets are, if anything, even stronger compared to the player than they are in Plus. Blessed food can easily keep their stat potentials at 400%, including their life, mana, and speed potentials while the player will have to put in effort to maintain 100% potential.

Every once in a while you'll run into a catsister who wants to play a game or needs to be rescued, and upon succeeding, she'll reward you with steamed meat buns. Bless those by your god of choice and they'll train stats rather than potential, and just like with god blessed food, the effect is much, much stronger for pets than the player. Feed a pet Lulwy or Mani-blessed meat buns to increase their speed, and then feed them Lulwy or Mani-blessed regular food to get their potential back to 400%. Kumiromi and Inari are also good because their food raises the potential of all six basic stats for pets. For the player Kumi's food only raises learning and if I remember right Inari's raises charisma.

Raising speed for the player is harder. You can trade small medals for potions of hermes blood. Small medals are easier to acquire in oomsest, but you'll still fall well behind a pet eating Lulwy/Mani food, and you yourself will need blessed food to recover your speed potential. You can use the spellmaking feature to make an ultra-powerful, long-lasting speed spell, but that's a late game thing. You could use the wings and hooves mutations, with both you gain 1.5 speed per level up. Prior to postgame, though, your best bet is riding. You can feed your horse/black angel/whatever steamed meat buns or you can keep catching faster pets. Since there are void pokeballs in oomsest, there's no real limit to how good of a horse you can get.

>> No.20807477

Thinking about making a new gene (e+c g) since my current party is a bit too powerful. Any recommendations for what I should RP as? I'm looking for something slightly challenging but not snail tourist tier.

>> No.20807502
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>> No.20807510

I dont like having more than 1-2 pets though, and last time the three I did have got so overpowered they were clearing lvl180 nefias at ~level 50

>> No.20807566

Be a pokemon trainer.
start with your starter little girl and use nothing but monsterballs to capture new allies, and of course leave the battles to them.
Gotta catch them all!

>> No.20807623

I guess that could work if I only use one at a time, and 6 before teleporting back to town. What all skills can I use to avoid drawing aggro?

>> No.20807633

Is there a way to change your pet's class in oomsest?

>> No.20808007

You can change both your and your pets' classes by talking to certain NPCs. The guild leaders can all change you to the classes you'd expect them to have, and the strange scientist in the cyber dome has a few too. I don't know if there are any others.

>> No.20809908

Spellcasting. Cast Incognito, and enemies will ignore you and focus on your pet(s).

>> No.20812834

Elona+ 1.87 is out.
>Leold's new sidequest gives music tickets or something
>New gizmo that toggles some kind of sniper mode that boosts ranged weapons
>Yet another special action that does Gene Engineer-based damage

>> No.20813806

>kai hasn't posted a video in over 6 months
RIP you crazy god punching bastard

>> No.20814354

On the note of kai, How on earth did he get that many tokens?
In the last video he had like 1300
What is his magic method...

>> No.20814441

Tokens? You mean plat? Just run quests/dungeons.

>> No.20814448

No the ones he uses at garoks

>> No.20814477

Either the bronze or small medals? I think they show up more often in higher level dungeons.

>> No.20814512

I do level 1300 awoken dungeons and get maybe 1 medal per chest / completion.
Am I doing it wrong?

>> No.20815123

Assuming you're playing at least v1.72, it should be impossible to get less than two small medals for clearing a L50+ Awoken Nefia.

>> No.20815319

You could always copy a bunch of yacatect statues with the little sisters quest: https://elona.fandom.com/wiki/Statue_of_Yacatect

From the comments:

platinum coin spawns on the 8th or 10th day of the month

small medal spawns when the day * month is equral to 90

This should scale forever, as you get more statues.

>> No.20815479

Maybe dumb question, but since I'm playing +CG do I wait for all three to be updated and then install?

>> No.20815541

Yes. The vast majority of the game is in the EXE that you run.

>> No.20815565

Cool, thanks anon.

>> No.20815778

Couple of questions about things I'm not certain of from the wiki.
On the cute fairy page it says you can farm seeds by breeding them at the ranch. How do you feed things that are in your ranch? Or do you have to take them out to feed them?

Also it says I can identify a statue of Lulwy in Lumiest so that I can get a copy from the Little Sister quest, but I don't know how to get to the platform.

>> No.20815794

You're misunderstanding. You have the Cute Fairy as a companion/pet/ally in your party, but you can breed them at the ranch. To get seeds, you have to feed them things like bread and noodles until they poop out seeds.

As for the statue, you do a quest in Lumiest, the book of rachel one that you get from a guy outside the mage guild/magic shop

>> No.20815821

Mk, I figured that was the case with the seeds. Part of me was hoping I just have them live on a ranch, punch trees and watch them eat the food that drops.
And with the statue is says I can "burn your way to the statues decorating Lumiest, identify one and buy it from little sister quest". I figured this meant I could extreme case nuke Lumiest and pick up one of the statues, because fuck me I don't want to go searching for the books.
I just want to be a good farmer boy and eat my herbs, man. Waiting for rain blows

>> No.20815842

That's why I modded the game personally. Herbs are pretty much a necessity, but they're so hard to come by. I just took out the fairy's nerf of "One seed poop a resting cycle" and I got lots of seeds in only an hour or two using a trick including the fetter of earth from Opatos and a shelter.

I don't know about the statue though, so meh. I almost never go to Lumiest, I really have no need.

>> No.20815880

Mk, I just read the article the mentions the fetter of earth and shelter trick and that's pretty funny. Thanks for the tips, man.

>> No.20816667

Not sure a nuke would work. It's referring to casting Fire Wall. If the flames spread in the right direction, they'll burn the ocean to ashes, letting you walk to one of the placed statues.

>> No.20816819

>You have the Cute Fairy as a companion/pet/ally in your party, but you can breed them at the ranch

Does this actually still work? I tried that a while ago and just got Titans.

>> No.20816889
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>that I needed to not JUST rename the shortcut and I actually had to muck about in the properties

>> No.20817985
File: 163 KB, 305x252, 1531717213447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know how to fix this? The black parts show up just fine when I'm choosing it but they show up transparent when I actually choose it.

>> No.20818011

They look fine because the background is the same black color, but they're still ttransparent. Use another dark color for your sprite.

>> No.20818052

I fucking love you, thanks.

>> No.20818125

>That's why I modded the game personally
I need this please. Is it a text file you need to edit or something else?

>> No.20818163

You have to edit the source and compile the game. Custom-G comes with a guide for it.

>> No.20819293

Elona+ Custom 1.87.1 is out:

Elona+ Custom-G is also out:

>> No.20819365

Using the guide that the custom-g files come with, edit the gsource file using the hsed3 compiler. have notepad++ for much better times searching the code for what you want to change and use the scroll bar in the actual compiler because the Search function freezes the compiler more often than not.

>> No.20819845

So what are some good race/class where I can minmax like a motherfucker

>> No.20819917

Snail Pianist. Riding removes the speed penalty, and once you get to South Tyris you can fully customize your equipment slots. Give yourself 8 or 10 hands and use Continuous Attacks to do ~150 attacks per turn.

>> No.20820255

Why would you waste a little sister reward on statues of lulwy?

>> No.20820269


>> No.20820313

Alright guys, so what's ideal when gene engineering parts into a bell of emergency? Or better yet, what's best to gene engineer into a pet in general? I imagine something crazy like multiple hands but i'm not sure.

>> No.20820408

Because I've returned 4 little sisters and have found 0 Books of Rachel and I really want to make it rain so I can minmax farming because autism.

>> No.20821191

FYI there's a bunch in the water in Lumiest and Houzanha will get you access to them. You can't steal them but you can use them.

>> No.20821222

Obviously I didn't actually read the post chain attentively, but it seems like you'll find the information useful.

>> No.20821224

My thing is I don't know how to use the ones that are in the water because I can't reach them (I think).

>> No.20821259

Yes, spam Houzanha and it will eventually clear you a path through the water.

>> No.20821386

Oh shit my bad, I thought Houzanha was another place with statues, didn't know this action existed. Guess it's time for me to power level mining then. Thanks for the patience and help, anon.

>> No.20821581

You'd be much better off trading little sisters for statues of kumiromi or kumiromi's gem stone of rejuvenation. The former is arguably the best source of seeds in the game and the latter can either revive dead plants or cause living plants to grow instantly.

>> No.20821816

I'm 100% going to make copies of the the statue once I actually complete the main quest. Getting the gem is taking forever because getting fruit from veggie seed blows

>> No.20821827

The gardening skill hard caps pretty early, and rain only modifies your effective skill (technically difficulty, but whatever). You only need about 60ish to ignore weather completely.


>> No.20821900

I shit you not I just read this article and realized my 65 farming makes it so I don't have to worry about regrowth. I though that harvesting during rain would effect if it would wither or not during the next grow, not that it only checked for wither the first time. I guess it's all about the journey not the destination.

>> No.20822293
File: 778 KB, 1602x961, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wall Creation is the greatest spell in this game and here's why

Also, does Martial Arts actually get a mutlihit bonus like the wiki says? Is it the best weapon style for melee pets?

>> No.20822349

Kinda, it's more that it recaps your bonus from 4 hits to 8. You'll still need gear that grants enough multi-hit to hit 8 hits.

>> No.20822737

So, is anyone planning on making use of the sniper mode anchor thing?

>> No.20823643

....Yeah, me either.
Well, how about the new stat gains you get from drugs? Anyone actually willing to put up with the addiction system?

>> No.20825263


>> No.20825265

Just pickpocket vegetables from Yowyn.

>> No.20826357

It seems like I caused the magic vendors in my hope to have so much investment that they wanna only sell me cheap shit again. >500 in all 4 of their investmants, and they don't even wanna sell me a single sacred potion of ordina or whatever. Lot more blessed items though. +CG

>> No.20826362

Home, not hope.

>> No.20826446

That's....not how the investment system works. Seems like you just had bad RNG.

>> No.20826600

What kind of pets do you guys use? I tend to have Gwen the Innocent warrior, bright flame dragon, a valkyre from the little sister at the start and a golden knight.

>> No.20826653
File: 250 KB, 607x388, 971356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only problem I've had with these guys are high level five god heads and the last boss of arc 3 that keeps beating my face in

>> No.20827130

>last boss of arc 3
...but...the last boss targets you specifically and can be manipulated with teleport. Do you mean the first phase when he's a static caster...?

>> No.20827791
File: 93 KB, 432x360, fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to generate some random portraits with DCGAN, and failed miserably.

>> No.20827968
File: 2.35 MB, 1200x1697, 547968a887383f226d6b46d3a4abde11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does a battle vs a inner god usually goes? spam meteor offscreen hoping it dies before it can reach you?

>> No.20827975

Bell of termination,she soloed all inner gods via savescummming help and ALOT of luck of course


>> No.20829376

I'm making some kind of unholy necromancer Lich Priest thing, so I'm raising a zombie girl that will eventually become a Stacy. (One thing I'm wondering about before evolving her, is the AP speed cap in the latest version still 800?)

Afterward, I'm going to work on an Exile because that seems suitably evil-preisty.

I want one more after that, but I'm not sure what would fit thematically. I'm ruling out the other undeads because they're already covered by the Coffins of Necromancy. Perhaps an eldritch horror? The decision's a ways away.

>> No.20829776

I just realised I found <another heart>, gonna try this
and this

>> No.20829807
File: 17 KB, 575x22, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing oomsest for the first time, and kind of a new player in general. What does this do exactly? If your weapon's weight is higher than 1.5s you get... a bonus? I'm not sure I understand, please help

>> No.20829911

That looks like the "martial arts + two hand" feat. If you are have a single light weapon (less than 1.5s) in your hands, part of your martial arts' damage roll (up to 100%) will be added to your weapon's damage roll.

>> No.20829949

I see. Thanks.

>> No.20830703

god I want to fuck cummyromi so bad

>> No.20831299
File: 19 KB, 174x196, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the God pet limit not a thing anymore? I thought you could only get two?

>> No.20831383

It's capped by your Faith.

>> No.20831671

Just looked it up and this is right. You can have another pet every 10th level

>> No.20832045

But he's a boy

>> No.20832052

Punching it to death

>> No.20832075

At that point what is your hand to hand level? 2000?

>> No.20833308
File: 13 KB, 237x85, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the code for this somehow different for oomsest?

>> No.20833573

Game is nigh unplayable on a larger monitor. Has anyone found a workaround for the broken text display or microscopic UI?

>> No.20833613

Did you already try adding 1440x808 as a custom resolution?

>> No.20834178

use display scaling. late versions of windows 10 even lets you have per-app display scaling settings.

>> No.20834290
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and he's a god, he can take getting his ass ruthlessly penetrated

>> No.20834436
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>> No.20834449

Noa... Now that was a real developer.

>> No.20834482

Outside of combat (txtCalm) you can use {npc} or {snpc} tags for your pet's name, it shouldn't matter. In combat {npc} is opponent's (target) name while {cnpc} is pet's name.

>> No.20834658

>started playing over a week ago
>stuck with some firearms warrior after scrapping a dozen other chars
>now level 18
is it normal to still have no damn clue to what I'm doing? like I haven't touched stuff like gene engineering or farming yet because all I'm doing now is level stats for combat and grinding Mani to get the shotty

>> No.20834721

Sounds like you're doing fine to me. Go as far as you can, but if you ever feel like starting over again, be sure to get married and make a gene first so your future characters will be able to inherit your hard-to-get stuff.

>> No.20834722

I started a week or so ago and I've got 50 hours on my char. My take is that learned I game mechanics, gene engineering or farming, once I saw that I needed it or that it seemed interesting.
I learned that gene engineering lets you put skills in to pets, so I decided to engineer basically every skill on to my pets.
And then I learned that my dragon child can hold weapons if I engineer hands on to it, so I started farming different monsters to let it equip everything.
I feel like the best way to play the game at the start is to pick a goal, you getting the shotty for example, achieve it, then pick a new one.

>> No.20834746

>be sure to get married and make a gene first so your future characters will be able to inherit your hard-to-get stuff.
Aren't some items unable to be inherited, like <Nightmare>?

>> No.20834788

Anything with examine text denoting it as "precious", along with small medals, figurines, and several other things. The wiki has a complete list.
A lot of useful things can be inherited, though. Barbecue set, happy bed, crafting tools, randart equipment...

>> No.20834819

Okay two questions
One, where the fuck can I find a BBQ set, because I've invested in to people in The Embassy and they've yet to roll it. And two, does the material affect the quality of food the same way that have a paper piano is the same as playing a normal piano?

>> No.20834888

>One, where the fuck can I find a BBQ set, because I've invested in to people in The Embassy and they've yet to roll it.
The embassy's the best place to look, although any merchant that sells furniture has a chance to sell one. Alternatively, you can train Pickpocket up and steal one during a Party Time quest.
>And two, does the material affect the quality of food the same way that have a paper piano is the same as playing a normal piano?
For usable furniture (beds, musical instruments, food processors, etc.), material only has two effects: the base weight, and the value. If you carry it around with you, you'll want to make it paper, yes.

>> No.20834912

For some reason I thought the BBQ set weighed a lot more than it does, like when I tried stealing fruit trees, so I'll go for stealing one then.
And cool, thanks for the information. I had seen rather wrong or outdated information on the wiki in threads saying stuff like the price of the bed affects the potential bonus, glad I got that clarified.

>> No.20835345

The best way to get a barbeque set is to steal if from a party quest. Wait until you find one with only low level NPCs nearby, kill them all, and then use the pickpocket skill to take it.

>> No.20835401

Thank you.

>> No.20835823

Teleporting the npcs away and then using a wall creation rod to surround yourself and the bbq helps

>> No.20836723

if only he come back

>> No.20837059
File: 522 KB, 797x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything specific I should wish for as a new player? Most guides say either seven league boots or happy bed, is there anything better to wish for in oomSEst?

>> No.20837140

OOMSEST uses vanilla rules, so SLB and happy bed are very important. Aurora Rings can be useful early (after you get SLB) if you want to be a travelling merchant and get maximum profit from Noyel.

>> No.20837148

Cool. Thanks.

>> No.20837364

once you have SLB and happy bed, go for kumiromi's secret experience.

>> No.20838827

I got two level 40-something pets a while back but they seem to be leveling so fucking slow. Am I doing something wrong? It's been like 4 or 5 in-game months and only one of them has leveled up once.

>> No.20838878

Have you fed them herb-infused herbs?

>> No.20839003

Yeah, forgot to mention it, although just started recently. That and the occasional dungeoning is what I've been doing. Maybe I should let them do all the job at dungeons, or is there a better way? Maybe feeding them some blessed potions of potential?

>> No.20839168

Do they have Pickpocket? It gives them money when they kill an enemy which they use to train their potential in towns.

>> No.20839487

>my char is 19kg
best way to get out of skellington mode?

>> No.20839532

Just drink milk. Then you will become a long skellington.

>> No.20839659

Yeah. Will give em a try at dungeons again sometime soon then. Thanks.

>> No.20840219
File: 101 KB, 651x440, super lure with 50 fishing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So...<Super Lure> is available for 9000 music tickets, this took about 3 minutes.

>> No.20840290

I played this a while back on +custom1.40 or something. And I was considering getting back into it from scratch.
But is there any setting or mod, working on the most recent version of Elona+ (Custom G? I think I want), that makes it less grindy?
I don't want to spend another 100 hours doing the same tedious things over and over again.
Though I can take some difficulty, and enjoy some fairly slow progression; I remember it taking far more than "some" of either or.

>> No.20840397
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>> No.20840451

100 hours was just an estimate base, I don't want to spend 50 just getting back to where I was either.
And I lost my save file somewhere, not that would probably work with such a vast difference in version numbers anyway.

Mostly I just want to skip really grindy things like platinum coin gathering, farming, or whatever. Relaxing as it may be, a slog is a slog.
But I also kind of want to try playing it on a sort of speed roguelike mode, with drastically faster games but also high risk/replayability.

So, are there any such mods or settings for that?

>> No.20840602

Overdose mode.

>> No.20840971

So how do I set up E+CG? Install Elona+, then Elona+ Custom on top of that, then Elona+ Custom G on top of that?

>> No.20841071

ye, just in to the same folder. Launch the E+CG exe.

>> No.20841745

New player here. Is it possible that my character became alcoholic? Or did I just accidentally hit some setting? She keeps automatically chugging all potions she has in her inventory. I tried googling around but didn't find anything. Any way to fix this?

>> No.20841755

It's an ether disease. You need to get a potion of cure corruption. Easiest to get those by winning at least 4 or 5 in a row at blackjack betting one chip.

>> No.20841776

Ah, I see! Thank you.

>> No.20841789
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1510321293538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't read the part where monster balls can't cap <> monsters
>tfw now I will never cap a Big Daddy and name him Sahelanthropus

>> No.20841858

oomsest feats are much more powerful than vanilla/plus feats, and there are more of them. A secret experience of kumiromi is never a bad choice.

Experience levels aren't particularly important. As long as their stats and skills stay up they're fine. But if you do want to raise their levels to get their HP and MP up, the fastest way is to gene engineer higher level pets onto them. In plus you can buy high level pokeballs from Lend the taker, in oomsest you can catch void pets using void pokeballs.

Don't vomit - cut down on alcohol and don't eat/drink cursed and unidentified stuff. Eat something filling as soon as your hunger falls below satiated.

>> No.20841860

Yeah it's an ether corruption. If you do the very beginning of the main quest, King Xabi will give you a PoCC for free. Otherwise wait for a lucky day and play blackjack. Collect casino chips from gathering points in the meantime.

>> No.20841939

What does sending a pet on an adventure do in oomSEst? Will they ever come back?

>> No.20841988

It turns them into one of the NPC adventurers. They'll visit towns and dungeons and collect items just like the others. You can hire them for 7 days for a fee and can re-recruit them with high enough affection.

>> No.20842511

Hey guys, does crit multiplier still depend on weapon weight? I was thinking of using an extremely heavy 2h weapon for big damage, but if I understand correctly, your equip weight (including your weapons) determines whether or not you count as using heavy, medium, or light armor, which means a heavy weapon would increase spellcasting failure chance. Is this how it works or am I mistaken?

>> No.20843021

You can copy one using an astral light pen and showering him with gifts.

>> No.20843033

Hey, so I might be remembering wrong, but don't you get stat points to assign for levelling up? Or is that only done by spending platinum points?

>> No.20843102

oomsest uses a different face1.bmp "template" than the ones included in most graphics packs, right?

>> No.20843148
File: 21 KB, 549x39, whatinthefuckisthat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also what are these and should I buy them?

>> No.20843159

They allow you to prepay taxes so you don't have to visit the embassy every month (you still have to pay the listed amount plus the buying cost)

>> No.20843167

>what are these
>should I buy them
You pay ~10% less taxes if you prepay

>> No.20843435

If you mean skill points then yeah, go into your character screen where it shows your skills, there should be a line on the bottom that says you have X points to spend. You can spend them by pressing spacebar

>> No.20843443

Yeah it's mostly for their HP and MP, and I totally forgot gene engineering higher level pets into them. Any guidelines? Are bulkier types better for HP & wizards for MP, etc?

>> No.20844007

Any music packs anon can recommend that aren't in the pastebin?

>> No.20844826

I'm searching through the bin for music mods too

>> No.20844881

Does anyone know if the Kaneituuhou (god coin throwing weapon) counts as a shuriken for range damage multiplier?

>> No.20845031

After a few years of not playing decided to get back into this. Seeing all these variants was a bit confusing but I'd like to play the oomsest version. As far as I can see, however, it's not really translated?

>> No.20845036

For experience levels, all that matters is that you add something higher level onto your pet. If the pet you sacrifice is both higher level and higher in one or more stats, the recipient will gain a point in those stats. Since you've been feeding your pets herbed food their stats are likely to be miles ahead of enemies and won't gain much aside from HP and MP.

Basically just invest in Lend the taker until he sells balls at a good enough level for you. Take the knockout feat and capture things above your pets' levels. Your gene engineer needs no lower than 5 levels below the pet's level, so you might have to powerlevel it with the slave trader. Fortunately, gene engineer is one of the fastest-growing skills in the game. The stat boosts your pets can get are pretty minor, if I were you I'd just raise their levels as much as possible as quickly as possible. Be wary of adding unwanted limbs as this will cripple your pets' speed.

>> No.20845052

oomsest itself isn't translated, but there's a fan translation, just like plus.

>> No.20845236

I'm not sure if I found the right one, is it the linked Omake Overhaul? Could you be so kind to link it, please?

>> No.20845423

Do the quest mods in the Elona+C mods pastebin work with +CG?

>> No.20845436

I don't see any reason why they shouldn't.

>> No.20845770

I always play as a hand to hand or 2H sword user,why does magic scale so slowly and spells are RNG to get?

How long would it take for a solo character to finish act3/inner gods? i always rely on a uber bell of termination to solo everything for me while i just cheer is from a mile away to not get minced

Also what happens if you ball/dominate enthumesis 2nd form?

>> No.20845782


>> No.20845815

I dont think its possible, his level is scaled to about 3500 with the boss hp modifier.
You might be able to astral den it?

>> No.20846476

Omake Overhaul is a different one, oomsest is a few versions after it. Right now there is a beta release on the discord, it's pinned in the embassy section.

>> No.20847570

Is Stradovarius better than a Grand Piano, or the other way around? I know that the Strad makes rewards better, but I don't quite understand that when actually put into practice. My Performer skill is 156 ATM.

>> No.20847609

GP is 200 quality, the Strad is 180.

>> No.20847661

I really want to have an inner god as a pet but the level requirement....

>> No.20848694

Time to start your blessed potion of descent collection

>> No.20849304

How do you know this?

>> No.20850867

Necromancy,bow,throw and firearms cant clear act3

prove me wrong

>> No.20851056

Food shop is borked. Says it made a huge sale, and put gold in the strongbox/safe, but nothing in there. It's been happening for a few in game months now, and I'm really bummed.

>> No.20851099

>Food shop
Have you just been taking all your profits out of a different shop's strongbox?

>> No.20851141

Pretty sure I haven't. I check food shop first, because I'm usually dropping off tons of food ASAP because tentacle worm eggs are plentiful after completeing chapter 1 and I literally cannot cook them all at once without dying a horrible horrible death from being buried alive and crushed. I have been cooking eggs for about 2 days straight IRL now, and I'm still not done.

>> No.20851223
File: 496 KB, 740x493, claw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Claw also increases life by 3 because rubynus, provides interlocking shooting mechanism [##] (99) and negates sleep. Sell or keep? That massive minus to chaos resist makes me think I should toss it in my shop.

>> No.20851243

Sell, any chaos attack will oneshot you.

>> No.20851487

I'd be willing to try that. What restrictions are you putting on this character?

>> No.20851671

Is it just me, or are all of the King Heart evolutions kind of lackluster or outclassed?

>> No.20851771

I have way too many of every evolution heart, Only really useful for making new equipment, But ive had no luck so kind of left a growing pile somewhere in the south west area of my house.
Also the evolution bonuses feel quite weak overall, with the exception of god hearts.

>> No.20851829

I guess they're really just for pets you think look cool, or RP stuff.

>> No.20852239

Returning player who never really got the hang of micromanaging stat potential and going into +CustomG, is there any particular relationship between skill development and its parent stat that should make me hold off on trying to level up skills (ie, if I work skills up but let parent stat potential stagnate until later, will that higher skill level penalize parent stat development) or are there enough different non-skill methods for training stats that I can just focus on skills/levels/loot until I can scrounge up enough steady cash to plow into magic vendors for potions of potential?

Also, is there any modern equivalent for the music add-on available for the original version? Coming back just having midi and especially not the old soundtrack is kinda' jarring.

>> No.20852277

But if did that, wouldn't that ruin my character progression?

>> No.20852325


>> No.20852363

>Also, is there any modern equivalent for the music add-on available for the original version? Coming back just having midi and especially not the old soundtrack is kinda' jarring.
If you ever figure that out I'd like to no too. Copypasting the old one into user/music doesn't seem to work at all.
Though really, it doesn't sound like MIDI. And it most certainly is not stored and ran as MIDI because BASSMIDI doesn't affect it at all.

>> No.20852395
File: 108 KB, 787x537, explorer_2019-02-17_21-42-26_MID_-_Search_Results_in_elonaplus1.87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's weird.

>> No.20852460

God, this interface looks so comfy.

>> No.20852623

I figured it out, I think. You've only got two shops right? And the other one is the one you placed second and/or moved it's shop strongbox since placing the food shop? Pay attention to how much it tells you you're making, cause all the money is likely going to one strongbox

>> No.20852755

That chaos weakness is a dealbreaker.

I'm pretty sure your skill's level won't affect gains for the stat associated with that skill. But even if it did it'd still be irrelevant in plus because most stat growth is gonna come from herbed food anyway. There's no reason to hold off on your training.

No, why would it? Level scaling was a big problem in earlier versions of vanilla, but these days it's not a problem.

>> No.20853422

any way i can increase stat potential early game aside from sleeping and kumiromi/inari blessed food in oomsest?

>> No.20854081

That's all you've got until you can afford potions of potential, and potions of potential are pretty underwhelming outside of plus. A huge stack of blessed puff puff bread is your best bet. Kumiromi/Inari food are great for pets but they're probably the worst ones for the player. They only add 1% to your learning/charisma potential, and only if you're hungry enough.

>> No.20854711
File: 43 KB, 960x543, stretch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything big change from 1.82 to now? I'm using elona + custom g and just wondering if I should go through all the headache of making stuff function again, I'd like some new stuff to chew on but if its all turbo endgame changes or small stuff I'd rather not bother, since I wanted to make a fresh char.

Also a more specific question, I'm wondering how I'd go about editing/hacking in a few specific pets to start out with for my char, at lvl 1. I just like the feel of having my pets be there from the start so they are always with my char and go through everything together.

>> No.20854841

>I just like the feel of having my pets be there from the start so they are always with my char and go through everything together.

>> No.20854900

I mean yeah I guess. I was hoping for a more instant solution.

Would this work if I used a save file from like an old ass vanilla elona+ patch like 50 or 60 something to make the gene? Because thats the strongest file I have to go find the pets I want.

>> No.20854953

Old Plus save files should work no problem.
As for big changes, more recent versions of Custom-G restore more missing cutscenes and allow you to disable automatically sleeping while travelling. The newest version also translates the Gauge Release attack messages.

>> No.20855027

It's been ages since I last played. How in the HELL do I quickly 100% prevent bullshit like acid/flame completely destroying pets and items early on?
I remember something about some item bonuses in late game to help prevent things like that for pets and items I already owned and kept on me, at least. But not what they are, where to get them, or how to handle it all in early game.

As it is, my little girl falls apart like paper any time any such effects are used on her. Grinding on Hunting jobs and whatnot doesn't seem to help that much. Nothing is showing up in shops with large resistances.
I got some wings so that acid puddles aren't a giant issue. But direct acid attacks still are, and flame can apparently burn the wings off so that sucks.

Is there anything else that feels like bullshit that I completely forgot to watch out for?

>> No.20855061

For fire, give her fire resistance, dip her equipment in fireproof liquid and/or give her a (charged) fireproof blanket.
For acid, dip her equipment in acidproof liquid. Acid can only destroy your equipment in higher difficulty modes, and only when its enchantment level is -10, so go to the blacksmith to upgrade her equipment if it goes into the negatives.
Cold can break your equipment just like fire, so you'll need some cold resistance or coldproof blankets.

>> No.20855138

Okay, thank you. Blankets and potions.
Now how do I get my pets to wait at my house when I don't want them to follow me for a bit? I see a "wait at town" option but not "wait here".

>> No.20855241

I think that might be a house board option.

>> No.20855477

How do some people level up so fast in this game? I see people in other places talking about getting to lvl 200 or some shit in an hour and a half?

>> No.20855993

I ate a fortune cookie and it said something like "The game failed to find a valid fortune because your save data is corrupted"
I haven't experienced any problems so far but should I be worried? Playing oomSEST by the way

>> No.20856059
File: 137 KB, 832x846, lomias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like your hard drive might be dying. You should back your files up right away.

>> No.20856562

How do I make a mage strong? Do I still just use magic storm and the lightning aoe spell? I use medium armor for the spell enhance too right? idk is there just a big info dump guide or something for this?

>> No.20856642

ANyone know which nefia type Manticore's usually spawn in? I need to farm duel gloves.

>> No.20857321

Try cemeteries, since there is where you can encounter cat type monsters the most.

>> No.20858639

What's the best way to get scrolls of superior material? I'm around level 25, and playing E+ v1.86

>> No.20858718

Investing in magic shops

>> No.20859068

Either this >>20858718 or train up your jeweler skill and make your own. Also, it's better to use your scrolls of superior material on material kits and then use those on your equipment than it is to use the scrolls directly on your equipment.

>> No.20859153

>how do i make a mage strong
By doing whatever you want
You can make anything stronger by doubling your stats

>> No.20859239

What happens if I pray for a god pet while I'm at my pet limit?

>> No.20859375

Thanks, that's the plan. I got a silk material kit, but haven't found a scroll to re-roll it yet.
I think I'll put more money into the shops, the three I have at ~100 haven't had any on 20 or so times I'd checked.

>> No.20859797

The game asks if you want to forfeit the pet. If you do then it's a normal prayer and you won't get the pet but you will be able to get the second reward once you have enough favor. If you choose not to forfeit the pet then the next time you pray you'll try to recruit them again, and if you're still over the limit you'll be asked again if you want to forfeit.

No matter what you do you can get the pet later by leaving and rejoining your god.

>> No.20860059

How to make my elona+ comfy? Very very very tired from default music and design.

>> No.20860654

Default music is as comfy as it gets, but the sprites needs a lot of rework though.

>> No.20861149

I tried compiling ElonaFoobar on Linux, and it's utterly broken.
First it threw an error about /src/thirdparty/nfd/CMakeLists.txt. The "target_include_directories" statement was missing a mandatory parameter, so I changed the line "target_include_directories(nfd ${NFD_GTK_INCLUDE_DIRS})" to "target_include_directories(nfd PRIVATE ${NFD_GTK_INCLUDE_DIRS})".
Then /src/snail/input.cpp threw an "explicit constructor" error about these lines:
>using KeyTuple = std::tuple<Key, Key, Key, ModKey>[];
>for (const auto& tuple : KeyTuple{
I messed with it for a while and eventually found a kludge that made it work, and then touch_input.cpp immediately threw the same error. It'll probably take me hours to get this thing working.

>> No.20861333

I haven't played Elona+ in a year. Why are piss mechanics a thing?

>> No.20861408
File: 9 KB, 260x194, KingKai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Ano is weird.
Play Custom-G, it removes those.

>> No.20861498

Does custom-g plan to update along side with new elona+ features, or branch out onto their own?

>> No.20861819

>No matter what you do you can get the pet later by leaving and rejoining your god.
Does this mean you can get multiples of god pets by serial apostasy? And does the answer to that apply to other god gifts as well?

>> No.20861918

What, you haven't gone through the adventure academy lessons? One of the teachers straight-up explains that to you.

>> No.20862287

So far it has been updated along plus-custom, albeit removing some previous nerfs and that bullshit thirst system, alongside other stuff.

>> No.20862483

I haven't. It's my first time and there's a lot to chew through.

>> No.20862635

After those two, I ran into a couple instances of unsorted_maps being handed unhashable enums. Really simple problem to solve, at least after I managed to figure out that "typename" is a reserved C++ keyword and not placeholder text.
Gonna keep working on it tomorrow. If anyone else is crazy enough to try, you need SDL2 >= 2.0.5 (for SDL_WINDOW_POPUP_MENU) and Boost >= 1.60 (for boost::filesystem::relative).

>> No.20863012

It's been ages since I played this, all the downloads that were on google drive seem to be down?

>> No.20863020

What do mysterious maps do? I can't find anything on the wiki.
Also, is the loot from treasure maps tied in any way to character level or dungeon level, or something else?

>> No.20863043

>What do mysterious maps do? I can't find anything on the wiki.
>This furniture type cannot be interacted with and while some may have other uses, the majority do not.

>> No.20863210

Oh, thanks.

>> No.20863251

As for the loot from treasure maps, only thing I know is if you wait for a lucky day to dig it up (meaning, having high luck), the stuff is considerably better than otherwise.

>> No.20864421

>not having your luck so high you got permanent lucky day

each happy apple gives what,20 permanent luck?

>> No.20864423

thereabouts, yeah

>> No.20864919
File: 509 KB, 1280x769, elona error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting this error/crash in Elona+CG. It happens most when trying to accept a job from job boards, but sometimes it happens when I talk to shopkeepers or go into a menu. Anyone know what I can do to fix it?

>> No.20865008

Windows compatability mode set to windows 7?

>> No.20865080


>> No.20865084

All hail Eyth

>> No.20865632

>isn't an asshole or a maniac
>doesn't require you to do anything yet still blesses your shit
all is right in noaverse

>> No.20865690

Have you tried temporarily changing the game's window size back down to 800*600?

>> No.20865907

Jure is no asshole or maniac

>> No.20865958 [SPOILER] 
File: 31 KB, 411x179, 1550669111128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a slut

>> No.20866077

No, I'll try it when I have a chance. Why would that help?

>> No.20866793

There's precedent for game resolution causing crashes:
>Fixed the crash from vanilla Elona that occurred when the game window is set to 1152 x 864, the cursor is placed on the top right corner of the window in Design mode, and then the left cursor key is pressed to cause the view to scroll to the side.

>> No.20866870
File: 50 KB, 487x58, myHat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain't that bad.

>> No.20867058

I won't be able to try for some hours yet, but assuming that is the issue, is there a solution? I mean other than in playing 800x600.

>> No.20867125

If Elona were suddenly 3D, what art style would you like to see it in. Personally I'd like to see it in a kind of Dragon Quest style, with Monster Hunter/final fantasy graphics for things like Orphe and the Inner Gods.

>> No.20867687

Haven't played since E+ 1.47. Any tips for going pure melee as a Golem? So far I've only previously played as a lich and I've been dying a lot in hunting quests.

>> No.20867755

Starting out as a golem, you need to use Riding to make up for your low speed. On my last golem character, I was riding the Kaneda Bike when I beat Zeome.

>> No.20867917

Sure. Playing in practically any other resolution until one doesn't crash.
It'll accept any multiples of 4 in both directions, up to a height of 768.

>> No.20867937

The exact same art style it has now. With all characters still drawn as sprites facing the camera.
Though I'm not sure why you'd want 3D at all, 2D allows a much simpler control scheme to be intuitive and doesn't let graphics take any excess priority in work. Replacing graphics is easier (Even just sprites rendered to a 3D field can have plenty of issues), coding and thus modding in general is easier. Without changing any gameplay, Elona would not benefit from 3D at all. Or analogue inputs for that matter.

>> No.20868194
File: 274 KB, 653x443, ElonaCG_2019-02-20_17-22-04_Elona+_Custom-G_1.87.1.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, a madoka cameo. Very nice.

>> No.20868324

Well, compilation reached 100%:
>Scanning dependencies of target util
>Building CXX object src/util/CMakeFiles/util.dir/filepathutil.cpp.o
>Linking CXX static library libutil.a
>Scanning dependencies of target elona
>Building CXX object src/elona/CMakeFiles/elona.dir/init.cpp.o
>Linking CXX static library libelona.a
>Scanning dependencies of target Elona_foobar
>Building CXX object CMakeFiles/Elona_foobar.dir/src/version.cpp.o
>Linking CXX executable Elona_foobar
And then it throws a ton of "undefined reference" errors about not "filepathutil" and "elona" namespace stuff. Normally those only happen if you had mismatched function declarations or something, but I checked and there don't seem to be any problems like that.
I was able to fix one error by going into init.cpp and replacing
>const auto file = filepathutil::to_utf8_path(entry.path().filename());
>>const auto file = boost::locale::conv::utf_to_utf<char>(entry.path().filename().native());
But there's like a hundred of these errors, and I doubt that the other included-yet-somehow-missing functions are as simple as to_utf8_path().
Just how unfinished is ElonaFoobar at this point? It's supposed to be able to compile and run, right?

>> No.20868555

Alright. I'll try shortly. Thanks for the help.
As a side note, is there a way to figure out what that error message is attempting to convey? I feel like troubleshooting this would be easier if I knew what the game was complaining about.

>> No.20868588

I think you might be able to make the kana display correctly by changing your locale to Japanese. I know some visual novels work if you do that.

>> No.20868936

Does inner ehekatl special move have a name? the one where she rains death prayer beams to everything on the map

or thats the MewMewMew

>> No.20869769

Is there any way to change the player's name?

>> No.20869797

Fire Breath seems like a nice early game ability if you're a golem/have high Con, but does it train your Con or does it just earn you level XP as you kill everything indiscriminately?

>> No.20869887

Just interact with yourself.

>> No.20869893

Oh, derp. Thank you. I didn't think interacting with myself would do anything.

>> No.20869957

I might be mistaken, but I don't see anything in the code for SKILL_TYPE_BREATH that gives any kind of exp. Even SKILL_SPACT_CONVERGE_BREATH doesn't seem to give exp, and Gauge Releases usually do (although of course Converge Breath has its overheal effect).

>> No.20869979

Alright, makes sense. It's nice to have if you need to kill something quick I guess, but I'll avoid using it unless I have to. Or just get a different feat on a new character.

>> No.20870271

Don't you die on me.

>> No.20870279

Bump limit, silly. It's okay. Accept the thread's death, let it flow over you.

>> No.20870515

So what's supposed to happen on the PC's birthday? Is getting a lucky day it, or is it just coincidence that I got one the day after? Did I screw myself out of something special by making it december and hanging out in Noyel?
Also is there anything useful to do with a lucky day Noyel other than gamble chests?
