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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 3.34 MB, 864x648, 女の子のスレ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20855851 No.20855851 [Reply] [Original]

New guide:
Old guide for those afraid of change:

Remember: Don't listen to any advice from DJT
前スレ: >>20847353

>> No.20855852


>> No.20855857
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, ankichan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do ur reps

>> No.20855858

Second for N1 is shit.

>> No.20855860

Why do japanese uragiru their ancient chinese origins?

>> No.20855867
File: 48 KB, 480x360, The Eternal Dekinai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And also,

Starwoods Spaceschool.

>> No.20855871

Do you mean ethnicity or culture?

>> No.20855873

We must purge re*****rs. しかない
Past 5 threads were garbage. If you see itazura linked on reddit report for copyright material.Thats the only way to hold this dark plague .Only way. Amen

>> No.20855878

we should purge europeans, especially germans

>> No.20855885 [DELETED] 

Awwwww little Dekinai faggot can't handle a little bit of itazura. There there it's alright my little homosexual.

>> No.20855887

Germany is already a (melting pot). You don't have to worry about that.

>> No.20855893

wow 10 posts and this thread is already on pace to be as horrendous as the last one

is there anyone that can save us

>> No.20855897

You need to go back

>> No.20855900

Besides kanji, what would you guys say is the most overhwelming part of learning japanese? The thing that make you go "I'll never ever get a hang of this"?

>> No.20855901


>> No.20855905

djt is basically a breeding ground for the next generation of nukemarines. we all have to accept our fate.

>> No.20855908

More steveposting could help

>> No.20855915 [DELETED] 

Your Burger anus is quivers in anticipation, loosening b-breathing in reticent hope, once a EVROPEAN approaches either in public or on the Internet, your body seeks the seed of the EVROPEAN BVLL.

>> No.20855921

>The thing that make you go "I'll never ever get a hang of this"
nothing, everything can be learned

>> No.20855922
File: 212 KB, 800x480, Go Back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20855925

just the fact that altho i can read stuff if i go through it slowly and think about what theyre trying to say, i cant just read & let the nihongo flow over me

>> No.20855929

it also could not

>> No.20855931

You don't know japanese

>> No.20855938

Seething eop.

>> No.20855940

Do you invite strangers to your home so casually? how daring

>> No.20855941

What have I done?

>> No.20855942
File: 62 KB, 680x822, NAMEK'D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like we got another one here...

>> No.20855945

i dont know i just dont like that guy who always capitalised Dekinai and im sure hes german

>> No.20855949

Why are eop even here.

>> No.20855951

>Trying this hard to LARP.

>> No.20855954

i might need a bigger dose doc

>> No.20855961
File: 23 KB, 354x352, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20855964

Why are Reddit Dekinai's even here?

>> No.20855969

Nayamukotoaruno anonkun? You can tell us we mean no harm.

>> No.20855982

El Duende del 56%

>> No.20855988

I hate to say it but the fun-loving and warm accepting nature of this thread has caused stupid crossboarders from /v/ and even /pol/ to come here and shit themselves in front of us and then act like they're cool and like they belong. I think we should all strive to be a little meaner and also maybe report badposters.

>> No.20855990
File: 337 KB, 1100x520, Tenshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20855996

Nice post Jamal.

>> No.20856007

I don't have it in my to be mean. I'll be in your care.

>> No.20856013

El Demonio Siempre Negro

>> No.20856016

do u really think i would ever do a post like that ever

>> No.20856028

All you low case posters are the same.

>> No.20856032

is this one of the threads where we focus on assigning the blame for djt being shit

>> No.20856036

I hope not because I already know the answer: low case posters.

>> No.20856037


>> No.20856039

but that was a up case post dude ?

>> No.20856040

>watching anime to learn japanese in 2019

>> No.20856042

i literally just watched some anime in 2019 but not from 2019 and it owned

>> No.20856047

>unironically participating in the shitfest

>> No.20856049

You just got epicly trolled, my condolences.

>> No.20856054

>learning japanese through japanese content

>> No.20856055


>> No.20856056

beg ur pardon ?

>> No.20856058

>I think we should all strive to be a little meaner and also maybe report badposters.
>report badposters
The eternal low case poster.

>> No.20856062

i liked it better when u just posted braps

>> No.20856066

only ESL think capital letters are important

>> No.20856074
File: 665 KB, 985x1200, Day in the life of Kirino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Josh, time for core reps.

>> No.20856079

Just because you don't know grammar doesn't mean everybody else should.

>> No.20856083

yea ur english is kanpeki as fuck here lol. what an inspiration

>> No.20856085

learn english

>> No.20856093
File: 667 KB, 1336x1952, 1534629094730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im stil lreally mad at u but here u can do this 1 as well and mangle some more of my beautiful work

>> No.20856096

lowercase posters are the avant-garde; we're not constrained by the stifling stylistic limitations of 'proper' english orthography

>> No.20856100

Learn grammar and also English.

>> No.20856101

what did he mean by this

>> No.20856107

DJT was only ever good for like half of 2017 when there was a janitor around 24/7 and at least 25% of the posts in a given thread would get deleted.

>> No.20856109

Nah you're just making excuses in order to hide the fact that you're a brainlet.

>> No.20856115

if anything you should have learned capital letters are useless from japanese. they are arbitrary enforced by some academic authority and have no basis in the spoken language

>> No.20856121

do you understand the concept of "low hanging fruit"

>> No.20856126

I remember that time. I wonder what the mods call this thread internally in their irc room. We've probably turned into some kind of cancer containment bin for them.

>> No.20856127

I think you should master proper English first before you go learn Japanese.

>> No.20856133

i have the highest iq and biggest penis in the thread

>> No.20856137

why didnt you use a comic font

>> No.20856138

i think you should stop spamming off topic posts

>> No.20856139

and the best dubs yet

>> No.20856141

MUHHHHHHHHH academic authority and basis in the spoken language.

>> No.20856143

Let's be real guys.. The real reason djt wasn't as shit then was that reddit invasions were blocked more or less.

>> No.20856150

u right i can never remember where the caps go what are the rules again

>> No.20856152

You can't have both.

>> No.20856153

it requires a greater knowledge of english to bend the language to fit your own style than it does to blindly follow grammatical 'rules' as if someone was sitting behind you grading each of your posts

but if they were, you'd get a D for originality my tryhard friend

>> No.20856155

People who make a big deal out of typing in lowercase just come across as either trying too hard to put on an aloof front, or trying too hard to be e e cummings (a guy who died over 50 years ago).

>> No.20856157

how do you pronounce a capital letter ?

>> No.20856160

should I add the optional images to the core Anki deck? Does it help or nah?

>> No.20856161

how long do you read per day that seems excessive even if its your first vn

>> No.20856162

a : a.
A : aaa!!!

>> No.20856165

By being vanquished to the place you originate. T reddit

>> No.20856171

people who type in 'perfect english' online are the same people who go to community college classes dressed in a suit and tie

>> No.20856172

if someone makes a big deal out of capitalization the natural response is to make a big deal out of the absolute unyielding superiority of not givin a shit

>> No.20856179 [DELETED] 

>it requires a greater knowledge of english to bend the language to fit your own style

Is this why niggers are the most intelligent and also go to prison allot?

>> No.20856182

now this is a good analogy

>> No.20856186

while this thread may finally be the beginning of the end i would implore u to not use the n word and also be a retarded american

thank u

>> No.20856188 [DELETED] 

Nigger logic right here.


>> No.20856191

this is how i measure my japanese progress


i can still read it so that's how i know that i don't know japanese

>> No.20856197

Nothing wrong with typing in lowercase out of laziness and convenience, I do that on IRC. It's when you start talking about "stylistic limitations" and "bending the language" that it gets embarrassing.

>> No.20856206

this is actually never gonna change ur hardwired bro

>> No.20856212

if ur response about typing the way u do is literally anything but i dont give a fuck and just type what i want then pls just fall back in line and start using caps and periods and shit plz i dont want to be associated with u

>> No.20856213

GUyz i'm currently bendin the languagee to my own needs . Hue hue

>> No.20856215

you aint wrong but the bigger question is why you put more effort into a shitposting thread than irc

>> No.20856218

not surprised a spectrumite cant figure out what satire is

>> No.20856220

good thread guys keep it up

>> No.20856223

Post your favorite video game.

>> No.20856228

Essentially, this. Tryhards stick out like a sore thumb.

I don't make a distinction between this thread and the rest of 4chan(nel) and I'm used to typing like this on 4chan.

You know what they say about ironic shitposting.

>> No.20856229


>> No.20856231
File: 1.05 MB, 1336x1952, Lesbian ninjas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the name of the manga?

>> No.20856233

if people from /pol/ hate refugees & illegals so much why are they invading and taking over our peaceful, racism-free, threads? hypocrites much? go back to your own board!!

>> No.20856237

New gay!

>> No.20856238


>> No.20856239

you best be shittin me get out of this thread right now

>> No.20856240

You needs friends to cleanse red***. No more brother wars. We come in peace

>> No.20856243

shut the fuck up jamal

>> No.20856251 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 413x307, 1538413045680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20856256

this thread is sinking fast the only chance u have to survive is to hang out in my secret discord with the chosen elites of djt

>> No.20856262

I'm not going to run non-free software on my PC, "bro".

>> No.20856265

Already tainted by r*d**t. We need to search for the new holyland.

>> No.20856268 [DELETED] 

More like the secret discord of /jp janitors that suck /jp mod's dick (for free) while /jp mod is getting pounded in the ass by the EVROPEAN BVLL.

>> No.20856272

kodomo no jikan is a literal masterpiece though, dont you dare sully its name

>> No.20856279

At least they aren't members of a tranny harem. It's better somewhat

>> No.20856282

make ur time

>> No.20856283

what gets this guy off his rocker is it a time of the month thing

>> No.20856284


>> No.20856288

how do i learn japanese without a japanese friend?

>> No.20856291

read eroge

>> No.20856295

make use of one of those enkou jks

>> No.20856296

i can simulate having a japanese friend by talking to you in broken english and saying sugoi jouzu if you like

>> No.20856301

japanese camsluts or twitch streamers

remember to donate generiously aswell

>> No.20856306

plenty of that in int

>> No.20856307

i need a real (girl)friend

>> No.20856310

maybe you should work on that before you pick up a language

>> No.20856314

A real girlfriend will never be as nice as your eroge waifu.

>> No.20856315

you need a fat butt right up your face and have it release the day's pile up of gasses


>> No.20856324
File: 34 KB, 495x503, 31ed786f1ea4440254043981eaa1208c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seven rings = 七輪

>> No.20856331

>Have money
<be a giant 3dpd subhuman slut

>> No.20856333

>VN supposed to take 10-20 hours to finish
>takes me 3 months

>> No.20856334

the update was better catch up

>> No.20856338

What are you reading sir?

>> No.20856339

how do you say deja vu in japanese?

>> No.20856340

what sick vn was it by the way

>> No.20856345

>3d girls
Not even once.

Just kidding. There's nothing better than having a cute tsundere who pretends to hate you.

>> No.20856346

me trying to read a volume of shonen manga

>> No.20856348

i don't think they should be purged but the fact they and other europeans think their grammar is hard because of incidental simple as fuck bullshit like gendered nouns that barely affects comprehension says something

>> No.20856349

I mined this but I can't remember it from the top of my head and I also can't search for it because all of my cards are j-j.

>> No.20856373

>3d tsundere

>> No.20856381

Flyable Heart so it should take 10-30 hours. It's supposed to be so easy that that makes it worse. The past week I've forced myself to read 2 hours a day but before that it varied 30 minutes to 2 hours. I get the feeling that if I rushed sentences with grammar I don't completely understand I could have finished it a long time ago. But it feels like the only way I'll learn the grammar is if I force myself to look it up every time. Sometimes I average like 5 minutes or more per sentence. This method is boring so when I finish FH I might start randomly reading anything (while being prepared to instantly drop anything) and skipping past more sentences as long I get the gist based on the words being used.

>> No.20856384

everything i think is cute in anime is really awkward when it happens in real life. people are boring life is lame

>> No.20856394

Every sentence you read increases your mora/minute reading speed. Keep reading and sleep a lot and this metric shall increase in time.

>> No.20856409

>it varied 30 minutes to 2 hours
read something more engaging and this wont happen
>if I rushed sentences with grammar I don't completely understand I could have finished it a long time ago
if it takes much effort to figure out you probably wont remember much from it
you should still look some shit up but youll get better on deciding what to invest time on
your plan is good

>> No.20856435

>joyo kanji
>not used in any words
wtf lol why does this keep happening

>> No.20856454


theres your answer (its used in the japanese constitution, and is basically de facto considered non joyo anyway)

>> No.20856526

Stfu retard

>> No.20856555

bet u cant read this word correctly

>> No.20856561

Generally as a beginner you should be prepared to spend 2-4 times as long a native/fluent reader. However, if you're spending 5 minutes on a single sentence, you should give up and read something shorter/easier.

>> No.20856701

half this thread will get the stroke order of 何 incorrect

>> No.20856711

half will get the stroke order of 右 incorrect, the other half will get the stroke order of 左 incorrect

>> No.20856713

heh thank god i did rtk...

>> No.20856715


>> No.20856719

the 1st stroke goes the same direction as the 3rd stroke

>> No.20856722

nice tip

>> No.20856729


>> No.20856737

naka ni?

>> No.20856746

ii choudai

>> No.20856748


>> No.20856752

凸 is the best kanji in the 世界.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.20856761

look like a lego

>> No.20856767

looks like a penis

>> No.20856768

凸 aint even 凸

>> No.20856775

It's more 凸 than it is 凹.

>> No.20856831

depends how you measure it its got twice the dimples

>> No.20856842

really guys u think the likes of that is gonna save this sinking 船

>> No.20856846


this took a lot of effort to write and its probably wrong

>> No.20856853


>> No.20856857

it's entirely wrong and u wasted your time because no-one here is gonna bother trying to correct you

>> No.20856858


>> No.20856860

whose talkin about savin im just chillin same as always

>> No.20856862

f*ck did it again one day ill learn my lesson

>> No.20856870

who? what?

>> No.20856873

man u r quite the マゾ

in not too long ull be chilling 海の底 my ninja

>> No.20856878

thats aight maybe ill learn nihongo down there

>> No.20856879


>> No.20856884

grow up

>> No.20856886
File: 535 KB, 999x1600, ぱぱのいうことを聞きなさい!_1_187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20856898

Misa said nobody cares about the stroke order

>> No.20856901

misa is also a greasy goblin

>> No.20856903

u mean ドM? who says マゾ

>> No.20856905

I don't get rtk desu
So these keywords are not what the kanji actually mean? These early ones are the same though, 一 and 二 and 田 are the same actual meanings as the keywords. Are some of them the same and others not?

>> No.20856907
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 1520019226276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20856912

most of them are, others are just related to certain meanings that they have (because he's trying to avoid duplicate keywords/meanings, since a few kanji basically share the same fundamental meaning)

>> No.20856913

sorry i wasnt imitating anime there

>> No.20856914

A lot of kanji have several meanings. It doesn't matter too much, as long as you're able to keep them distinct.

>> No.20856922

i dont watch anime, japs irl definitely use that way more. u can just google it

>> No.20856929
File: 96 KB, 1000x532, 20190218_222802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one of these has the correct stroke order. can u identify which?

>> No.20856937


>> No.20856939

jibun wa doM desu
doS na kanojo ga hoshii na-

>> No.20856941

dont @ me with that shit

who gives a fuck u fuckin dork

>> No.20856948

>who gives a fuck u fuckin dork
calm down just trying to liven up the thread a bit u cynic

>> No.20856949

don't do RTK

>> No.20856950

post something good then like a banger

>> No.20856954

here what about this video


>> No.20856962


>> No.20856965

should i do RTK or KKLC?

>> No.20856970


>> No.20856975

start reading without any knowledge of kanji is impossible

>> No.20856982

ah okay

why not

>> No.20856985

i did RTK and i still had no knowledge of kanji so idk what you mean

>> No.20856989

rtk because that's what i'm doing

>> No.20856991

rtk and kklc aren't for "knowledge of kanji", they're supposed to teach you how to write them
"knowledge of kanji" comes from drilling vocab and reading

>> No.20856994

I learned kana stroke order just to graffiti アノンはここにいた on the walls.

>> No.20856996


>> No.20856998

you should be able to understand word meaning even if you can't read them.

>> No.20857001

not a fan of this type of thing but good 4 them i guess

unfort this songs the worst and not a banger

>> No.20857002


>> No.20857003

why is learning japanese so hard?

>> No.20857011

most people don't have a good plan on how to approach it

>> No.20857012


>> No.20857014

its not its really easy as long as u aint standin still


>> No.20857016


>> No.20857021

SRSing RTK the way heisig recommends (keyword on front) does not necessarily help you remember the meaning of the kanji. moreover if you want to remember all of that you'll have to do upkeep after finishing RTK. but even if you could remember all the english keywords, if you want to actually learn the word you have to look up the reading anyway. so knock out two birds with one stone and learn the word and reading of the word. the "optimization in bulk" thing is a retarded waste of time in this case.

>> No.20857022

imagine being this mad

>> No.20857024


>> No.20857027

its not hard per se it just takes a long ass time, and the time it takes depends on how dumb you are, so if youre the IQ of a navy boomer then it'll take 40years

>> No.20857029 [DELETED] 

Where is that video of the cute japanese girl (maybe an idol?) rapping?

>> No.20857033

still entirely readable tho so i wont even complain if you want to post like that my man u do u

>> No.20857043

"knocking out two birds with one stone" is how you end up not remembering anything properly and mixing up words (the fate of all bruteforcing corefags)

>> No.20857044

>learn the word and reading of the word
Kanji through vocable doesn't work. It's simply shite. I spent two years on that and got absolutely nowhere.
Even after doing just 1/4 of RTK my reading ability was already vastly better, as now these words actually started to stick.

>> No.20857045

If the ideal plan in start reading LNs then I know why people quit almost immediately

>> No.20857051

good luck at starwoods spaceschool idiot

>> No.20857052


>> No.20857056

>Kanji through vocable doesn't work. It's simply shite. I spent two years on that and got absolutely nowhere.
you sound like a retard maybe that's why it didn't work out

>> No.20857057
File: 388 KB, 1128x1600, NEW GAME!_2_047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nenecchi's big poppin' office adventure

>> No.20857060
File: 19 KB, 1030x137, chrome_AeAwEYtsxC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20857061

i've never done rtk and the words stick but whatever you say

>> No.20857065

ignore all advice that comes from lower case posters

>> No.20857066

nice self own ?

>> No.20857068

does that include your post

>> No.20857070

is it possible that some people learn better in different ways and there is in fact no unified theory of language learning?

>> No.20857073

not her. but thanks

>> No.20857076

So that normalfags who only consume entry level garbage will never learn it.

>> No.20857078

i used to think "just learn kanji along with vocab bro" until i knew more than 1000 words
simply put, not doing RTK is shortsighted

>> No.20857079

no, that's an excuse for lazy fags who don't put enough effort into it
everybody learns language the same way

>> No.20857080

ill start learning chineese hoping kanji to seem easier

>> No.20857084

possible but unlikely. humans all operate the same way. we are not genetically different enough for our brains to work completely differently.

>> No.20857088

no one uses the same forms of kanji as japan

>> No.20857089

i did rtk ages ago and personally think it helped me a lot. ive never once found kanji to be something im 悩んでるing about. feels more like learning french or something

>> No.20857090

Simplified or Mandarin Chinese?

>> No.20857091

i used to think "just learn kanji along with vocab bro" and i was right
simply put, doing rtk is a waste of time unless you want to write by hand

>> No.20857094

the very cool one

>> No.20857096

they're close enough that it's basically the same & learning one when you know the other is piss easy

>> No.20857098

Will I look more kawaii in a good way if I try to speak in a slightly femenine way?

>> No.20857099

Round Table feat. Nino
EGOIST (Chelly)
Maaya Uchida

>> No.20857100
File: 169 KB, 500x742, 383055_101512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20857101

straight fire

>> No.20857102

Why is Pleco so much better than every Japanese–English dictionary?

>> No.20857107

If you're not white. If you're white, you automatically come off as cringy regardless when speaking a foreign language that's doesn't originate from europe.

>> No.20857113

My bet is the 5

>> No.20857114


>> No.20857118


>> No.20857121


>> No.20857123

i knew a guy when i was studying in tokyo who pretended to be from nara (he was white european) and spoke in kansai-ben. he also 自称'ed as "-chan".

>> No.20857128 [DELETED] 

knew a nigger who sucked 100 cocks while i was in osaka and he said RTK is useless

>> No.20857130

the fucks ur problem

>> No.20857140

to rtk or not to rtk

>> No.20857141

Ara that's great because I'm slightly brown nano desu

>> No.20857144

my dude nobu was looking for friends
he used to hate bitches though

>> No.20857158

it ain't even a question.

>> No.20857163

why would you ever start handwriting? what an absolute waste of time

>> No.20857164

it's fun

>> No.20857168

to gain a deep understanding and proficiency with kanji

>> No.20857176
File: 27 KB, 500x325, 20190218_011606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to not be illiterate

>> No.20857179

the real goal with learning japanese isn't for the sake of consuming japanese media or speaking with japanese people, it's so that you can give snarky, condescending pseudo-advice in all lower case on 4channel.

>> No.20857184

bro am i supposed to be able to read this

>> No.20857187


>> No.20857188

are you some kind of illiterate or something ?

>> No.20857191

ichiban kldsfjdklsfjlsjflsdljfjdklsfjkldsfkljskljdfkljdsfjkl

>> No.20857192

全員 (zengin) listen up. Todays word is寡聞

>> No.20857198

pic unrelated

>> No.20857202

i hope to learn the grass script some day

>> No.20857204


>> No.20857209

grammar is difficult for an english native.

>> No.20857230

Today's word is 聖廟. Not to be confused with 性病, which is what you get after visiting the priests there.

>> No.20857291


>> No.20857294
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>> No.20857306
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Great thread to share your stories with other internet polyglots, djt! ctrl+F "japan" to narrow your results

>> No.20857312
File: 118 KB, 330x390, chitoge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20857315

don't 実況 your reddit browsing here moron

>> No.20857316

Special secret word of the day:
Dont tell anyone i told you this.

>> No.20857320

you should give that guy reddit gold

>> No.20857327

yeah i recognize that from my rtk studies

>> No.20857331

my gf prefers the 大根 instead because I have a 微根

>> No.20857333

>is how you end up not remembering anything properly and mixing up words
no it's not.

>> No.20857337

sent ;)

>> No.20857345


>> No.20857346

Thanks I haven't mined 艱 yet

>> No.20857353

How come I don't see デカマラ more often?

>> No.20857384


>> No.20857387

Because the stories take place in japan most of the time.

>> No.20857389

As a 6'11 white dude, I can totally relate lol

>> No.20857428

so once i'm done with hiragana I should go for vocabulary right?

>> No.20857434

no you have to spend months associating scribbles with english words

>> No.20857436

Vocab. And grammar. And kanji.

>> No.20857439

After hiragana you do katakana.

>> No.20857441

>those lame as shit stories
>____ here.
>As a ______, can confirm.
fuck me cunt nuke normalfags

>> No.20857444

Heh, hold up buddy, you need to do RTK first.

>> No.20857461

3, it's obvious

>> No.20857465

i wasnt gonna bother saying which one it was but since you were so confident i have to let you down. it's the first one lol

>> No.20857466

why do dekinais hate rtk
"no don't do rtk bro you have to study grammar first" lol

>> No.20857467

i was reading from the right

>> No.20857471

? there's 5 and it's the first one on the left, so you're still wrong ??

>> No.20857474

i meant left

>> No.20857482

It's the opposite. People who know the language don't like it because they know it just delays you from reading japanese.

>> No.20857488

yea i was gonna say that

>> No.20857489
File: 485 KB, 1093x3284, anki-stats-2019-02-14@22-42-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because i did RTK and it was a waste of time

>> No.20857494

you can read japanese on your own time after you finish your reps

>> No.20857496

actually if you read from the left and repeat three two times you arrive at 1 so he was technically correct

>> No.20857498

>those rates
obvious false flag

>> No.20857499

You only need vocab in your reps, no other shit and especially not RTK.

>> No.20857501

you're not far enough into the japanese journey to say what is and isn't a waste of time

>> No.20857503

are you saying they're good or bad?

>> No.20857510

actually the shorter the better because i can remember how easily i could learn words before and after RTK. after another year or two i'll have completely forgotten and i'll have to rely on what i remember my opinion was at this exact moment.
>hm i thought it was a waste back then so it must have been.

>> No.20857511

dont listen to people who rely on yomichan for every single word as to whether or not rtk is useful. it's obviously not useful if you never actually need to remember a kanji

>> No.20857517

so there's absolutely no difference in the ease of learning words when you already recognise the kanji vs when you have to learn the kanji (possibly multiple) and the word at the same time? sounds legit. you just haven't learned enough words, or tried to learn enough words before rtk, to realise the usefulness of it, and you'll forever be biased.

>> No.20857521

bro i learned how to write 人 and 一つ before i did rtk and it was super easy, rtk is such a waste of time!

>> No.20857526

I can't use yomichan on tv though.

>> No.20857527

rtk sucks because i don't have the time and don't want to be good at japanese anyway

>> No.20857529

there is a difference but it doesn't make up for the 300 hours i spent finishing RTK. by the way, the subtle gains quickly disappear when you stop reviewing. and if you maintain your reviews you'll be spending more time on that than time you'll save in increased efficiency.

i think this is what fellow RTK users don't understand. they're really fucking dumb so they only think about how much easier it is without considering the massive costs.

>> No.20857540

do you want to write by hand?
yes, i do! ---> rtk is worth it
no, i don't! --> rtk is not worth it, just do some lazy kanji and move on

>> No.20857545

RTK users are naturally very dumb since they fail to recognize kanji they did trough vocab and reading again and again so they need to rely on isolated RTK kanji recognition. Oh wait, RTK users don't have the balls to read natural japanese since they are busy learning fuck all because they are too retarded to memorize kanji as they appear.

The more japanese you learn the easier all the kanji will get. This is the sole reason why RTK is useless as fuck. It gives you a slight edge in the beginning but for that slight edge you wasted months of grinding kanji.

>> No.20857546

>here is a difference but it doesn't make up for the 300 hours i spent finishing RTK.
across learning tens of thousands of vocab? yes, yes it does. that's why i said you haven't done enough to realise how useful it was yet, but you probably will never realise now anyway.

if you'd stuck with it for like a month after you'd finished you'd be doin like 15 reviews a day so it's hardly a massive time sink.

anyway, it looks like you did rtk3 right off the bat, which was obviously going to horrendously cloud your judgement because almost all of those are absolutely pointless to learn as a beginner. there's like 2 kanji in RTK3 that are used in common vocab.

>> No.20857551

What about reading handwriting?
I don't want to be illiterate

>> No.20857557
File: 220 KB, 1000x750, 20190214_232034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea you really dont want to be unable to read simple handwritten kanji like the people above

>> No.20857560

You learn this useless skill by reading tons of handwritten text you dumb fuck.

>> No.20857563


didn't do rtk btw

>> No.20857572

congrats you can read a gaijins handwriting lmao.


>> No.20857575

>across learning tens of thousands of vocab? yes, yes it does.
the time spent on daily reviews will always eclipse time saved in retention. retention issues plummet the more words you know.
>if you'd stuck with it for like a month after you'd finished
i finished it in 3 months and did reviews for 2 months. reviews dropped to around 20-30 a day.
>it looks like you did rtk3 right off the bat
i only did RTK1.

>> No.20857582
File: 287 KB, 1280x720, kyouko17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RTK and all that shit is just a drop in the bucket. You're spending way too much time worrying about your studying method for the first ~1 year, which is irrelevant. As long as you get to "I can recognize kanji" in the end, you're good, whether it takes you 6 months or 18, because what really matters is the following period of 100+ months where you actually have to build your Japanese skill through input.

>> No.20857588

exactly. it just gives you a very solid foundation from which to build upon & makes it very simple to move forward. i doubt anyone ever finished rtk then quit learning japanese

>> No.20857597

yep. rtktards are retarded

>> No.20857608

but i am not english

>> No.20857612

木: A tree
林: Some trees
森: A lot of trees
Japanese is ez pals

>> No.20857613

>makes it very simple to move forward
Said no RTK user ever.
>what a person who started grammar and reading as fast as possible is going to say after a couple of months
"I am starting to grasp the language, it's starting to get easier"
>person who did RTK and grammar in that same time frame
"Oh my fucking god, what the fuck is going on? Time to do core10k before reading"

>> No.20857617

step 1 hiragana and katakana
step 2 vocabulary core 6K
step 3 grammar
step 4 RTK
is this the right order?

>> No.20857618

really can't trust a man who doesn't do rtk
just committing to rtk in the first place shows your goal is excellence

>> No.20857622

>makes it very simple to move forward
just a mere several hundred hours of not learning the language and it's super simple!

>> No.20857624

excellence ? no

all it does is show that u want to remember the kanji

>> No.20857625

This is the correct order if you wan't to be a dekinai forever.

>> No.20857626

step1 kana
step2 do tae kim
step3 do core6k until you hit 3k cards
step4 read
step5 ???
step6 big nihongo gains ftw

also consume anime during all stages

>> No.20857627

Anyone who thinks "several hundred hours" makes a difference in the big picture definitely doesn't know Japanese, and shouldn't be shitting up the thread with learning method arguments.

>> No.20857631

can i replace tae kim with Dolly or goblin?

>> No.20857633

1. rtk
2. reading and watching anime until fluency
core is strictly worse than reading

>> No.20857634

several hundred hours of boring nonsense that isn't actually the language makes a huge difference if it discourages people from bothering or causes them to quit you fucking retard. that's why whenever rtk rears it's ugly head in this thread it should get fucking bitch slapped.

>> No.20857636

RTK is worth it if you don't want to keep mistaking 都会 for 都合.

>> No.20857640

I dropped learning japanese after finishing RTK for a long time, maybe 2 years or so, it just burned me out.

>> No.20857642

pretty good but you should add several hundred hours of not learning the language between step 1 and 2.

>> No.20857645

tokai and toai?

>> No.20857650

>learning to read and write is not learning japanese
fucking anti-rtkers are grasping lol

>> No.20857652

You may be braindead if you can't distinguish them after comparing them once.

>> No.20857654

just learn 会合

>> No.20857663

rtk does not teach you how to read

>> No.20857667

No. Tae Kim doesn't take long. Read it once and supplement it with anything you want after that.

>> No.20857668

one has a square and the other one doesn't. guess i can only tell the difference because i did RTK.

>> No.20857669

Based Dolly. Some should make a core that includes all the words of a group of manga, like Yotsuba. So you would be more motivated to do that and then read the manga. Doing a core with generic words won't lead you far away

>> No.20857670


tae kim can be cleared during a weekend

>> No.20857682

it teaches to recognize

>> No.20857683

where do i get jp subbed anime tho

>> No.20857689

why not greasy goblin?

>> No.20857696

you'll achieve most of the benefits of that by doing 500 of the most popular kanji.

>> No.20857698
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, ritsu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, of course, which is why the best method is pick whatever you want as long as it gets you there. There are people out there who used RTK and were fine. There are people who tried and decided it was shit, and dropped it to drill anki or read or do whatever else. All of that is fine. It's barely the beginning, what really matters is what should probably be called "advanced hell," building your skill with the language once you have excellent comprehension. If you can't think for yourself and push through the beginning then you don't have the character to learn the language anyway.

>> No.20857699
File: 15 KB, 380x260, 19478594_1404065009686485_245179359_o-380x260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys got any of those subs2srs premade decks?

>> No.20857703

>premade decks
Never gonna make it.

>> No.20857705

videos are too long and have little information in them. Watch if you like the videos but it's not as effective as dolly.

>> No.20857720

Anyone who learned japanese without RTK knows there comes the point where everything will become easily comprehend- and learnable like magic. Your brain literally transforms. That's why there are very very rarely advanced learners of japanese that recommend RTK.

>> No.20857724

but matt....

>> No.20857731

could've done it faster if they did rtk

>> No.20857736

Most of those people probably did use RTK at some point, take that as you will.
What this probably means is it doesn't matter whether you do it or not and you morons are asking the wrong questions.

>> No.20857741

>ur dumb moron
shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.20857764

I'm one of the few people who did half of rtk. I don't think it's hurts if you like doing it. Once you start to hate it you can quit and then learn the rest more organically. If you're thirsty for the kanji knowledge it's pretty good. I think the keyword to kanji people are retarded though because you'll never need to write it and it makes it all incredibly harder to do.

>> No.20857766

just found an old DJT post of mine defending RTK:
>if you have autism like me you won't be demoralized. you'll just keep chugging through RTK while literally destroying RTK haters in DJT without knowing an ounce of japanese.
i was a true believer but i'm man enough to admit i was wrong. also the first person to post "rtgay" was in that thread.

>> No.20857769

manga is a better way of learning

>> No.20857772
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>> No.20857777

i'm not listening enough but it's hard to bring myself to do it

>> No.20857779


>> No.20857780

>I think the keyword to kanji people are retarded though
I disagree. If you don't do this RTK is completely useless. Being able to write the kanji in your mind from the keyword alone is what really manifests the kanji in your mind.

>> No.20857786


>> No.20857787

nice quads
when are you going to upload it and be useful

>> No.20857791
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>> No.20857794

keyword to kanji is literally the only reason to do rtk, what are you even talking about
you're not supposed to look at kanji and then associate them with english keywords

>> No.20857799

just watch the cartoon lol there's no point in drilling it

>> No.20857802

oh fuck i've been reviewing the kanji i write out to the keyword oops

i should be writing the keywords and remembering the kanji

>> No.20857803
File: 460 KB, 761x437, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And why would I do that?

>> No.20857807
File: 659 KB, 1280x985, j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the man who invented and recommends an absolutely retarded system in the first place claims you must follow his retarded system in a way he prefers or you're doing it wrong!
No one cares.

>> No.20857812

did you think the book was called "reviewing the kanji?" idiot

>> No.20857816

if you're not reading english posts in djt and trying to recall the associated kanji then you're doing rtk all wrong and you need to fix that shit asap because based heisig said so

>> No.20857817

i think somehow you both got the point and missed it entirely in the same post

>> No.20857819

it's common sense

>> No.20857829

Why the fuck would you want to leran to write kanji when you first start? You can learn to write later, you should be learning to read and understand first.
You want Kanji to hiragana and audio, with picture/english hint keyword. You want to see the kanji and understand it it's meaning not know how to write from english words thats the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

>> No.20857838

i care

>> No.20857847

Because the knowledge of knowing how the kanji are constructed by writing them, be it physically or in your mind makes you truly remember and distinguish a kanji against others, you complete fucktard. Why would you learn to recognize english keywords when seeing kanji? This is only useful for the most beginner tier words, who the fuck would ever do RTK for this?

>> No.20857855

so I downloaded some RAW episodes and some JP subs but the timing doesn't match at fucking all, what am I supposed to do?

>> No.20857860 [DELETED] 


>> No.20857862
File: 346 KB, 639x609, ray2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw the clowns arguing about kanji in this thread probably couldn't even guess the onyomi of 汗

>> No.20857864

>Why the fuck would you want to leran to write kanji when you first start?
literally who are you quoting
i never said you should do rtk at the start, but if you are dead set on doing it, keyword to kanji is the only way that makes sense

>> No.20857873

turn off the subs

>> No.20857879
File: 38 KB, 513x576, akari7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a) give up
b) find different subs
c) retime the subs yourself in aegisub

>> No.20857884

I'm going with kan

>> No.20857887

>makes you truly remember and distinguish a kanji against others
bullshit, I learned all of the kanji without ever writing them, took me half the effort
>Why would you learn to recognize english keywords when seeing kanji?
How are you magically not doing that by writing it out? You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.20857897

what's the point of even arguing about it. just do w/e works for you lol no need to be a zealot

>> No.20857898

Just go to one of the sites that offers raw anime with japanese subs that are especially made for learning like daiweeb.org, retard.

>> No.20857905

animelon dude.

>> No.20857909

Don't ask me, I'm not retarded enough to need to do RTK to begin with. I'm just telling you that there is fucking no benefit to doing what you're doing. Might as well have not done it at all.

>> No.20857911

ew the video quality is so bad

>> No.20857912

you are a massive retard whether you say it or not

>> No.20857925

Beggars can't be choosers. If you're just starting out you won't watch any anime anyway, you will go trough a slideshow.

>> No.20857939

seconding aegisub

>> No.20857952

I've been able to read thousands of pages and I'm barely 6 months in. I'd say it worked great.

>> No.20857962
File: 142 KB, 800x600, 15321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something something how much do u understand

>> No.20857974

had to look up 氏神

>> No.20857975

I finally understand 振り回される. 以上ざます

>> No.20857978

my texthooker isn't working on this image, mr stark

>> No.20857981

Post the highest work you have read.

>> No.20857982

the anti rtk brigade likes to give examples of words and say how easy it is to "just know the difference" or whatever. they don't tell you that you have to memorize thousands of such cases.
rtk makes you build a system to remember instead of just rote memorization that gets hairy. and after all that shitty memorization with no method they still don't know how to write lol. worst is they'll call you "dumb" for doing it the easy way. just goes to show you any dekinai can type the word dumb online
if you can't write 櫻 from memory you aren't worthy of speaking to me

>> No.20858011

The fact that you think you can write after doing RTK is proof of your idiocy. You don't know Japanese by the way.

>> No.20858012

every episode i need to go there and timeshift everything back? what a pain in the dick

>> No.20858019

what's this from looks cool

>> No.20858028

it'll only take a few minutes unless you have like 400 episodes

>> No.20858031

i know japanese and can write

>> No.20858033


>> No.20858034

You don't need to use rote memorization at all. You can use mnemonic techniques just as well without RTK, even better since you don't have to clutter your memory with heisig's retarded mnemonics. After two weeks of learning vocab the kanji become significantly easier to memorize and this continues to happen the more kanji you know.

>> No.20858035

that's why I learned to watch anime without jp subs

>> No.20858044

download an alternate release to see if one better aligns with the jp sub you dummy

>> No.20858055

it's usually an issue of them being synced to accommodate commercials, so any BD/DVD release will not fix the problem. you either need a different source for subs or to retime them yourself

>> No.20858057
File: 126 KB, 991x481, uCRgf8IBCT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying I'm a pro reader or anything but at least I can read basic stuff pretty easily. I'm 15% into both of these books. I also read some Haruhi, NHK youkoso, Kino no tabi, fanda menda mausu, and a bunch of other stuff. I"m only having to look up 1 word per page sometimes. I'm still a noob, but great for 6 months.

>> No.20858062

why don't japanese DVD/BDs have subtitles?

>> No.20858063

he made it sound like the timings are just off by a few seconds rather than off due to the reasons you described. in that case just use these:

there's also a timing tool linked at the bottom of the thread that automatically aligns the timing of the JP subs to english subs (regardless of how distorted the timings are by commercial breaks) and it works pretty well.

>> No.20858074

And why would you give RTK the credit for this? What makes you better at reading is reading. I have read since my first week and I could read basic LNs too after a couple of months.

>> No.20858085

I'm not giving rtk the credit, I'm saying I learned to do it without writing the kanji like rtk suggested. I only matured half my rtk deck and got sick of it and deleted it.

>> No.20858090

off by about 2 minutes actually, can't fathom why because all of the dialogue lines up perfectly once I moved everything earlier. wish it was just in the pack. both Dragonball and Bleach weren't included in that guys mega pack, seems like a pretty big oversight..

>> No.20858098

oh shit, I'm not the guy who asked but I forgot this existed, it was even already on my hard drive

>> No.20858110

when i watched DB a few months ago, i used the jp subs on kitsunekko which are only off by like 1 or 2 seconds with the DB release i downloaded. and they were easily corrected with the aligner. few hitches here and there but was enjoyable.

>> No.20858118

haven't mined anything in two weeks

>> No.20858139

Manga isn't reading.

>> No.20858146

what is it

>> No.20858178

looking at pictures

>> No.20858180

lots of things

>> No.20858185

what about the japanese text

>> No.20858186

is manga learning japanese

>> No.20858197

why don't you ask manga

>> No.20858210
File: 38 KB, 346x86, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20858224

i can't believe "people" actually enjoy this shit series.

>> No.20858231

reading names is the hardest thing in this language desu

>> No.20858235

Why is it shit? I like it.

>> No.20858256

Because they can literally choose any kanji and read it as they want

>> No.20858269

Yes, but at least it doesn't matter if you get it wrong, unlike some obscure grammar that can completely change the story.

>> No.20858308


Day 5 and he's already trying to learn by reading. What a trooper.

>> No.20858325
File: 1.17 MB, 800x600, System40-stretch_2019-02-18_08-52-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i leave you alone for eight hours and you do THIS to yourself what the fuck djt do you ACTUALLY need to have someone sitting around directing all arguments toward irrelevant bullshit

>> No.20858329


not watching your channel fat aspie

>> No.20858335

FUCK what do I need to convince you it's not me man?

>> No.20858340

toradora vocaroo

>> No.20858346

how did u find my yt

>> No.20858348
File: 46 KB, 750x502, i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20858354

alright since you guys are still being retarded let's spark that dark flame once again

>> No.20858397

and the thread falls silent. is this the most definitive BTFO in DJT history?

>> No.20858416

if ur that guy from before its amazing how ur still this lost lmao

>> No.20858425


>> No.20858469

wait wtf happened in relation to すぎるです

>> No.20858491

dont ask just check the last thread literally the last 300 posts of it or w.e

>> No.20858492

I frequently end up in Japanese VRchat groups, and want to actually talk with people in virtual caster. I'd love to be able to talk with them beyond using body language. What should I focus on to be able to have a baseline of communication with them? I'd also like to eventually look into the Japanese gaming community as they have a bunch of neat things, but I want to focus on speaking and understanding the spoken part first.

>> No.20858493
File: 3.04 MB, 3264x2448, 0218192230_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poll time /djt/
When you see this do you either:
A. Read it and move on
B. Shitpost on DJT about how Tae Kim is an imbecile and that the Japanese language is impossible because a guy ended a sentence in わ

>> No.20858506
File: 947 KB, 800x600, 1550274800673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive got just the image 4 u

>> No.20858509

no i want a 今北産業

>> No.20858516

Can you understand this whole video?

>> No.20858521

the tldr is djt is full of people who dont know japanese and judge natives for the correctness of their casual speech because they cant draw a line between jsls using things they dont understand and jsls making mistakes

>> No.20858524

This'll blow your mind.

>> No.20858527


>> No.20858540

when will djt make its own grammar guide

>> No.20858554

theres enough encyclopedic shit out there

just do the ani 10k w. eng subs then think abt reading later

>> No.20858565


>> No.20858568

I actually posted because I remembered that pic from the other day desu

>> No.20858581

glad it stuck with you mate

>> No.20858592

im sure this sounded better in your head (switching to english because you don't know japanese)

>> No.20858594

glad we could be here to assist the latest round of newbs with their foray into reading or listening to anything for the first time

>> No.20858616
File: 4 KB, 228x157, message.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to play Muramasa, but this keeps coming up. I downloaded it from 2 different sources already and have my locale set to Japanese. I'm running out of ideas.

>> No.20858617

Big man here, good thing you can make helpful and useful comments such as that one. Imagine having a superiority complex on an anonymous image board.

>> No.20858624

have u tried inserting disc 1

>> No.20858628

have you tried mounting ディスク1

>> No.20858629

not ready for muramasa

>> No.20858636

sounds like its you with the complex here if u wanna learn japanese u have to accept theres a pecking order in everything if u dont like it work hard and get some rank bitch

>> No.20858638

Ah, thanks. It makes sense now. Had a bit of a trouble with it because I couldn't get the text hooker read from that popup window.

>> No.20858641

understandable do you have your text hooker set to use google translate or bing

>> No.20858645

u shouldnt have made this post u totally blew ur cover mate u coulda waited for some ppl to express higher quality lols at ur original post before doubling down

>> No.20858746

become bald, bare, wear out, waste away, little girl employed at a brothel


>> No.20858758


>> No.20858761

You've got to learn how to be a senpai and kouhai to make it in nihongo.

>> No.20858796
File: 12 KB, 200x200, yuta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Konnichiwa fellow Japan lover, let's make love in Japan.

>> No.20858799

why would they shave the poor girl's hair?

>> No.20858812

except for these errors, your writing is pretty good

>> No.20858825


>> No.20858834
File: 24 KB, 380x703, IMG_20190113_112831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello, is there a way for text from a texthooker to show up on my google chrome browser for easy anki card making and translation?

like an extension or website that reads my clipboard so that I can easily use yomichan?

>> No.20858838

I'm not asking anyone to explain, but I may never figure out what だって means. I've considered the grammar dictionary entries already. It's okay desu.

>> No.20858858

what you want is a clipboard inserter/grabber extension
read the guide
it means でも if a girl or young person says it
it means で if a really old person or military person or politician says it
it means だ+って if a salaryman says it
and any of the above people can roleplay as one another whenever they want

>> No.20858862

Read example sentences and 感じろ

>> No.20858894

How do I become a やまとなでしこ

>> No.20858902

did these really both need to have サク as a reading?

>> No.20858915

>clipboard inserter/grabber extension
is there anything like that for google chrome or do i have to use firefox?

>> No.20858916

did these really both need to have セイ as a reading?

>> No.20858934

found one


>> No.20858956

木村: family name
小林: family name
大森: family name

>> No.20858978

>anxiety, worry, good offices

what the FUCK is GOOD OFFICES, CORE?! that's not even on jisho..

>> No.20859037

You realize that you can use the same radicals to guess a lot of onyomi readings. It's a good thing .

>> No.20859048

I found a book at my school library that has conversations to read in romaji. I think it's pretty decent with tips and translations

>> No.20859052

The brain can use so many tricks. If two kanji share radicals and have the same reading, it can save some memory space by grouping them appropriately. It's like zip compression. It unzips back to the correct information but it takes less space. Kanji must take up a lot of brain volume. You must give up or spend 20 cm^3 on them at least.

>> No.20859061

were you able to get it working? it's not doing anything for me.

>> No.20859069

Got to turn to Wikitionary sometimes. It's probably obscure.

To clarify the intended sense of office (“kindness, service”) and to distinguish from antonyms such as ill offices.
good offices pl (normally plural, singular good office)
The beneficial services and acts of a third party, particularly mediation between two parties in a dispute.
office, kindness, service

>> No.20859072


read this, make the html file and open it up and turn on the extension. also there's some instruction on the extension page that you have to enable some setting in chrome

>> No.20859084

Looking for definition for 互い違い
and got this:

is this 入れかわる a form of 入れ替わり??
Sometimes I got confused if its not written in kanji. Why they use hiragana instead? Just a custom or is there any special meanings behind it?

>> No.20859109

yes that's why they were created with 生 in ancient china 5000 years ago

>> No.20859115

man that's incredibly stupid. as far as i can tell it's not even accurate. there's no usage of 心配 (shinpai) in that way.

>> No.20859119

ahhh, i didn't realize that i had to download a special html page to make it go. would've figured that the extension's chrome store page would bother to make a mention of that. thanks anon, this is going to make reading vns a lot faster than copy-pasting each line manually into jisho

>> No.20859132

Who knows? Even jisho.org gives this:
1. worry; concern; anxiety; uneasiness; fear
2. care; help; aid; assistance

The "office" wording fits maybe #2. It may be precisely the right feeling, but uncommon.

>> No.20859139




>> No.20859243

Thanks, somehow your explanation is more concise and easy to understand. Are you a native?

>> No.20859252


>> No.20859284
File: 120 KB, 480x641, o0480064113783205621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.20859313

what languages are you going to learn after you master japanese. I'm thinking of picking up spanish, french, german, and korean.

>> No.20859322

A gaijin will never master Japanese.

>> No.20859328


>> No.20859337

People have an incredible capacity for self deception. This is nothing. He'll tell himself he's mastered Japanese, give up on improving, move on to other languages, and never look back.

>> No.20859343

jesus christ i forgot how toxic you guys were

>> No.20859346

rather optimistic that youve already lined up four others

>> No.20859351

konasawa fellow djt

>> No.20859352


>> No.20859451

is "action +~しきる" = handling/managing some "action"? I look up for some def it said "物事を処理する". Also while I'm at it maybe I should as about this のみ (or のみで?) form. Taekim describes it as a formal version of 「だけ」
Here is the complete sentence:

>> No.20859455


so if it's really interchangeable, the 研修のみで can be replaced with 研修だけで?

>> No.20859459

I want to be able to read arabic or hebrew

>> No.20859462

Might be good for your future.
If you live in US, learn hebrew. If you live in EU, learn arabic.

>> No.20859473



>> No.20859482
File: 111 KB, 900x1200, DzwS4edU0AAn_0V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20859559

I'm going to start on French some time this year. Imagine the rapid progress you'll feel putting in 4 or 5 hours a day after Japanese.
