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20843380 No.20843380 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on the voice dramas?

>> No.20843438

Like anything westeners touch, Gachi, Inmu, they ruin it immediately by going all meta, drama filled, and other shit.. Easter is okay, but the next one is fucking horrible. Fire those SEAmonkeys that cant even say shit.

>> No.20843446

Yuuka sounds really cute though

>> No.20843473

Kofji played a mouse.

>> No.20843507


>> No.20843510

Innocent, cute, and fun

>> No.20843543

maru is based

>> No.20843571
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>drama in a voice drama

>> No.20844734

How hairy can a Greek girl be?

>> No.20845471
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MariAli Cookie Kiss:
I don't think it's the most hilarious thing haha lol excksesedee so bad it's so good but I do think it's kinda laughable on how it's written.
For example Marisa suggesting them to bake cookies because they can draw faces in them only to later wonder what she should draw in the cookies, Sakuya ends up suggesting them to draw the faces on the cookie, Koakuma agrees and only then Marisa says she'll do the same. In the end, when Sakuya gives her cookie to Meiling, she shoves it directly into her mouth meaning Meiling never got to see it, Sakuya drawing on the cookie was meaningless.
The clashing artstyles grew on me, maybe because I just got used to seeing them in general, but there isn't one artist that I look at and I think that I dislike that. One interesting thing is that on the fight against Yuuka, there's just a clusterfuck of alternating art-styles where each panel is drawn by a random artist, meaning there wasn't an artist to draw the whole scene and it causes Yuuka asking "what is that" in reference to them destroying some sunflowers while chasing mystia to barely make sense in context.
How some lines are read are also kinda funny to me.
Koakuma is very cute in this..
Alice in this creeps me out. HNS's giggling doesn't help;
In the end I just think it's a kind of laughable and mediocre yet very inoffensive video. But you know, meta stuff Hazuna Rio homos otomads blablabla and now here we are, with a weird fascination towards this voice drama.

Touhou Christmas Planning 2011
I like how Reimu's a piece of shit on this one.
I find it very funny how MZ is reading her lines as if she's recording at 2AM and she doesn't want to wake up her parents.
This one is written to be comedic but the only scene I really find it funny on purpose is Reimu's giving different meanings to Sanae's presents, which I think it's more than enough considering it was made to attract the cookie crowd.

Touhou New Year's
Fuck you to hell Suzuki, KNN's voice is fantastic, by far my favourite performance in the cookie videos. Well, it is because it cracks me up.
pretty boring story since it's a nothing story with no objectives but it's worth it just for KNN's performance.

Touhou Christmas Planning 2013
goddamn this one is pretty boring too, I guess it's cool how Youmu and Aya just fucking die in the winter snow. The high point is Taisa's commentary on the end.
Taisa putting unsuspecting girls into her voice dramas is pretty iffy to me but I can't help but find her cool by acknowledging her age but doing these seemingly unfitting things cause she wants to, with the constant portrayal of the smoking + cleavage it gives off a pretty "cool old person" kinda of feel.

Touhou Early Summer Voice Drama Project
Atouda is a fucking degenerate motherfucker and I love it
I really like his artstyle too.
His voice dramas all reference earlier ones and despise being pretty fucking stupid (enema diaper/sarashi wearing sumo) it is also pretty self aware. They're like a weird commentary on this whole shitshow that's cookie.

The Reimu's Happy Holidays
I really like Akira's portrayal of Taisa's Eirin and I find how everyone gets into Reimu's ass, including herself, fucking funny.
nothing more about it.

Reimu and Marisa's Chocolate Heart
Back to the style of the MariAli and of course it's just a reference fest to the same, it does seem to mockingly attempt to be happening in the same timeline. It is actually pretty well made. At least it's better edited than MariAli but I don't think that's saying much.
Irashaimaseeee~, Tamago kudasai, Nai desu and of course "KONNA MONO... KONNA... TEZUKURI CHOCODATE, KONNA!", I remember the first time I watched and it kinda blew me away, I was just not expecting it.
Pretty short fun.

Touhou Christmas 2015!
Once again a reference fest, parody of an earlier video and a commentary on the whole shitshow that's the cookie phenomena.
Obviously it won't stand on it's own but it does ended up as a very interesting video in context. One of my favourites if not my favourite.

>> No.20845479
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Touhou Summer Vacation
It has music I guess, some references to earlier videos and I think some inmu ones too (I probably missed a lot of these throught since I dunno much about it) and pathetic art most of the times.
this one irks me a bit desu, Marisa reminiscing the time she baked cookies is as if the creator is screaming at your face "HEY GUYS THIS IS A COOKIE VIDEO".
Seemed to worry about audio besides the music, it has different audio balance depending on where the character is positioned on the screen at times. It also have some misc sound effects here and there.
The band playing scenes feels a bit painful to watch, with the zooms and rotations on the static drawing.
The only thing that made me a bit happy is the VA for Koishi who's obviously a guy forcing a girly voice.

Komeiji Koishi's Heart Throbbing Nabe Party!
"Yuugi, you didn't put any onion ring, right?", this pleases the side of me that likes fucking shit puns.
I kinda enjoyed this one, didnt loved it but I wasn't bored, I like how each character has a remix of their themes when it's their turn to pick something from the yaminabe.

Clownpiece with a Bit of Courage
Pretty damn boring, but still, Ladies and gentorumen~.

Alice and Marisa's Easter Egg Hunt
I really like it, I find it funny that it's pretty much WEB talking to herself for 20 minutes and I greatly enjoy the general dorky atmosphere on this one.
probably my favourite.
Not feeling it about Major pulling a Taisa by getting VAs that don't know about cookie.
And of course, I play a mouse.

A Touhou Thanksgiving Dinner
I throughly enjoyed this one as well but it eventually becomes a bunch of random stuff happening one after the other, a lot of stuff that either felt meaningless or that might have gone over my head.
Many fantastic artists. Seeing Setz art just melts my heart.

Marisa's Bullet Drive
This one bewilders me the most, because Major fucked around with the cookie multiverse to make a Half-Life reference.
A grandiose narrative feels really out of place when you consider it to be a cookie video. Using cookie to express yourself feels really out of place when you consider it to be a cookie video. Because of that it feels more like a "things that I like put together" fanfic.
Still, I was entertained.

Kemono Friends ~ Delicious Mountainous Teahouse
Pretty tanoshii YAY!

>> No.20846911


>> No.20847459

The english ones are despicable, I can't even bring myself to watch them to the end due to unbearable full-body pain. I hate that japs incorporated those steaming piles of cancer into cookie.

>> No.20847541

>as if the creator is screaming at your face "HEY GUYS THIS IS A COOKIE VIDEO".
I feel immediate disgust whenever this comes up. Completely ruins a vd, imho.

>> No.20847573
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Majormilk is a okay guy, but the best person is WEB. Shes sweet honestly and I like her voice acting

>> No.20847650

In the time you spent watching all that trash you could have watched a good anime instead.

>> No.20847667

it's like one of those things you're happy that you experienced regardless of being bad or not

>> No.20848181
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that's fair, I don't usually mind it since most of the consequent voice dramas were attempts to tie in with the original but this one is fucking painful
It is the cursed one after all

>> No.20848247
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tru, but it fascinates me
tis as well is otaku culture

>> No.20849730

English voice dramas can be really good.

>> No.20849815

>Marisa's Bullet Drive
Just when I thought those "lel broken recording lel" shit from Thanksgiving is bad enough, then there's this thing. Thanks for the warning.

It's barely tolerable because there arent any language barrier between the cringy dialogue and our ears. If the japs middleschoolers does it I can wrote it off as them being children, or cultural differences from the producers, but if you make it as a standard and just churn out derivatives, of course the end result are most of the times, just ugly.
Legit would rather hear Simpson tier Voice Drama at this point from the westerners. Save me from those meta shit.

>> No.20849989

Kofji Plays a Mouse

>> No.20850003
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I still think the Ibarakasen cover was a Cookie dog whistle.

>> No.20854145
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holy shit

>> No.20854271
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You sure went pretty deep.
What about the one that made using flipnote?
or that one by siriri?
or the recent one with momiji?

>> No.20854347

I swear I can't be the only one to notice. What does niconico and cookie madogawa thread say about this?

>> No.20854413

But that cover is 5 years older than the vd where SZ came from isn't it

>> No.20854451

Well. Fuck.

>> No.20854509

Here's your change

>> No.20854739
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I want to watch whatever I can but I don't moonspeak so there's a lot of stuff that I just have a vague understanding of, and since Kinbousei (bless you) was the translator for the cookie videos besides MariAli and was also the only one working on the wiki but stopped I don't think I'll be seeing anything too soon.
If I ever get more motivated to understand em, I'll search for a transcript and just translate line by line but for now I don't really know what happens in them. Probably starting with the one with Miramikaru Riran, since that's the one that interests me the most atm.

Fun fact. AIOI兄貴/Aioi Aoi (who drew fox-eyed SZ) might not be Azuma Aya, but have worked on a official Touhou book (Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia). Along with ALISON they're official artists that were known to do cookie related stuff.

>> No.20858288
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