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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2080510 No.2080510 [Reply] [Original]

Today the Japanese Language Proficiency Test test results came in the mail, at least in Japan they did. Anonymous unexpectedly passed 一級 with 314 points out of 400.

How did you do /jp/?

tl;dr: JLPT 2008 thread.

>> No.2080515



>> No.2080517

Inb4 ten posts explaining how taking the JLPT is too 3D for /jp/, and five posts expressing the opinion that it doesn't mean anything.

>> No.2080518

>> 54


>> No.2080532


Can I pass JLPT yet?

>> No.2080548

You are in luck! I hear they are adding a new level especially for you in 2009.

>> No.2080555

私わ 大学生です。

>> No.2080561


>> No.2080944


>> No.2080962


>> No.2080977


>> No.2080982

When is it gonna come for the rest of the world?

>> No.2081007

>私は 大学生です。



>> No.2081380

I think that would depend on the country. Airmail takes a week at most from Japan to Europe.

Pass or fail, at least the wait is over. Two months of wondering whether you passed or not is annoying.

>> No.2081447

what was the point of JLPT again?

>> No.2081473


>> No.2081476

Pick any of the following:

* A personal goal to pursue. It gives you a tangible goal to study for if you are learning Japanese.

* (Mostly JLPT 1) Employers that work in or with Japanese clients or companies looking for an employee capable of improving his or her Japanese as well as having a solid basis like seeing this on your curriculum vitae. It does not tell them how good your spoken or written Japanese is, but it makes filtering candidates a lot easier, and provides them with a baseline reference to your skill.

* Practising for the JLPT does improve your Japanese grammar, listening skill, vocabulary, kanji knowledge and reading skills.

>> No.2081478

It's like we're really Japanese!

>> No.2081482

Good job anonymous!
I haven't taken any of the levels yet. Could you post what you used to learn please?

>> No.2081489


so whats the point learning japanese again if you're not even staying/working at japan?

what so Japanese is the new French now? a romantic language?


>> No.2081531
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I'm currently studying in Japan and intend to go into a line of work where Japanese language skills are required, either in Japan or in another country at a company that works with Japanese companies or clients. So yeah, it's pretty useful to have.

But everybody has his own reasons. Some people just want to challenge themselves. Learning Japanese is a challenge, and it helps if you have a way to test your progress besides the actual usage of the language in conversation.

Thanks. I've used a number of textbooks bought in Japan for practising. There are quite a lot of textbooks aimed at studying the JLPT at all levels. Some focus on very specific parts of the test; my weakness is reading comprehension and grammar, so I focused on practising those areas. (Pic related).

But most helpful were the booklets with the exams from previous years, including the listening CD's.

>> No.2081553
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well this is /jp/ and by saying weeaboo would be pointless.

For me its different, i learn a shitty language just because there's an influx of japanese immigrants polluting my country. fucking nips. they've already destroyed this country and they tend to do so again.

there are other countries thats better than japan you know. its just that culture shock that got everyone "OH NIHON IS SO KEWL I WANNA GO NIHON AND FUCK SUM 12 YR OLD NIHONJIN GIRL"

>> No.2081564

Bro, you might want to go to back to sleep.
You seem awfully bitter this morning. I can understand it though - between /b/ and our own shitheads, I'm feeling the same way.

>> No.2081578

Japanese immigrants? They immigrate? The only country I can think of that has a large populace of Japanese is Brazil. That said, the Japanese seem like one of the most desirable people as far as immigrants can be called desirable.

>> No.2081591

I agree that a lot of people start studying Japanese because of the Animus and Mangos, but most of the people that actually get past intermediate level are driven by something else. An interest in the culture, a Japanese partner, a challenge. For those same reasons people study Korean, or Chinese, or hell, English too.

>> No.2081592

>go to back to sleep.

degatory term for expatriates.

>> No.2081601

You know what, I just deleted that post because I realized you're not ZUN!bar.

Fuck off.

>> No.2081607


believe me, if you want a language that will be useful in your future, Mandarin is the new Japanese.

>> No.2081618
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troll says what?

>> No.2081633

It's not always about picking the language that is economically the most viable one.

>> No.2081645

Disregard that, I suck cocks.
I apologize for being such a fucking shitty poster. I know I am in every way inferior to ZUN!bar.
I'm sorry, /jp/. I'll go away to /a/ now.

>> No.2081652


disregard that i disregard that i suck cocks

all of you are just fail weeaboos that don't realize america controls japan and yet the opposite is happening culture-wise.

>> No.2081648

Besides, speaking a number of languages is a useful trait no matter what.

If you want to pursue new business opportunities and have a chance at making it big by becoming an entrepreneur in the Chinese market, than yes, Mandarin might be a good choice.

But there are plenty of reasons for studying any language.

>> No.2081660


i want to study latin so no one in the world understands what im talking about.

>> No.2081713

Except for all those other people studying Latin.

>> No.2081735

Or you can make up your own gibberish langauge. Wouldn't that be easier?

>> No.2081757


There's stuff in Latin that's interesting. Plus as someone said, some people like learning languages for the challenge.

>> No.2081793

>the opposite is happening culture-wise.
Do you really believe this? Some teenagers like anime shit, otherwise ???.
Japan on the other hand is fucking dominated by western culture in most aspects of their lives.

>> No.2082006


>Japan on the other hand is fucking dominated by western culture in most aspects of their lives.

How so? LIke give examples.

>> No.2082079

>>Japan on the other hand is fucking dominated by western culture in most aspects of their lives.

Not more than any other country undergoes a lot of influence from other cultures. Cultures mix. They always have.

>> No.2083178

> ?


>> No.2084013
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>whats the point learning japanese
Why do people always want some kind of bullshit justification for this?
"my company has a branch in Tokyo and I’m looking to get promoted"
"I'm interested in Japanese culture and history"
blah blah blah fuck that shit

I learned Japanese so I could enjoy eroge, cartoons, comic books, video games, novels, light novels, side-story novels, side-story novellas running only in four specific issues of some random magazine, artist blogs, writer blogs, seiyuu blogs, doujinshi, doujin games, drama CDs, doujin drama CDs, seiyuu radio shows, doujin-seiyuu-radio-drama-CDs-of-your-little-sister-telling-you-“good night”, Niconico douga, character polls, bonus website access codes that come with limited edition Blu-ray releases, and all the other kick-ass shit that comes out of Japan’s otaku culture, approximately 0.00000001% of which will ever be translated into any other language, and so I can talk to people on 2ch about it and not be limited to huddling together with the other losers on English forums busy crying “subs where?? ;_;”

And you know what?
It's totally awesome.

>> No.2084363


For a 35 years old, your tastes are utter shit. If you feel so superior, you can at least put your skills to better use like, you know, actually read a proper book in Japanese, if that's not much strain for you.

>> No.2084753
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lol, maybe if I was 19
At my age, it just means I've had time to learn. Anyone here can do the same, and I strongly encourage it, because, as noted, it is awesome. That's kind of the point. Don't be embarrassed to study Japanese for the sake of what you love. It opens up a whole new world.
>proper book
Yeah, I'm pretty sure this falls under the "fuck that bullshit" category I addressed at the beginning of my post.
If you want to read “proper” books for the sake of impressing people, go right ahead.
I know what makes me happy.

Though if you mean books with no illustrations in them, I do read those occasionally. (pic related)

>> No.2085832

Well, yeah, there is that of course, but that's pretty much a given isn't it?

>> No.2085876


You may be right, I started learning Japanese because I watched anime and played games as a teenager, but you know what...

I find that I really, really enjoy talking to people halfway across the world who speak Japanese. I enjoy learning about their culture and its differences with ours. Should I ever reach the point where I can read entire novels, you can bet that I would.

Because as you meet more people, anime and games slowly becomes less of the main event and more of a sideshow.

It's called ... growing up.

>> No.2086144

Whenever someone describes an action and they say they stopped doing it because they "grew up," it just doesn't sit right with me. It implies there is a linear progression of things people should do as they grow older, and in a way that is just following what society believes kids and adults should do. I am convinced that anyone of any age could find something enjoyable as long as they are interested in it for whatever reason. A kid who likes to read classic literature could still very well be immature and an adult who still plays games or watches anime could still be considered mature. Come to think, our concept of maturity in itself is largely a social construct.
