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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 148 KB, 1284x1533, Vivaldi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2077410 No.2077410 [Reply] [Original]

ZUN > Vivaldi

>> No.2077418

Beethoven ripped off ZUN's Septette for the Dead Princess

>> No.2077424

ZUN = Vivaldi

>> No.2077434

ZUN x Vivaldi = ?

>> No.2077435

Saint-Saens > ZUN

>> No.2077438
File: 15 KB, 250x279, 250px-Josef_Hofman_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hofmann > Vivaldi.

>> No.2077453

Damnit, why did you have to bring Vivaldi into this? Asshole.

>> No.2077471

I love my crappy $300 NEET violin and play it everyday. Too bad I still suck at it.

I wish I had money for lessons.

>> No.2077473

If that's a cross product, then = 4D danmaku.

>> No.2077482

You just raised my respect for you, Anonymous.

>> No.2077493

We should meet up sometimes and play violin sonatas together, I'll accompany you on piano.

>> No.2077499
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Jeff Mangum > ZUN

>> No.2077507

Unfortunately, violin (moreso than piano) really needs to be learned from a teacher and not self-taught. Bad fundamentals will make it impossible to get above low-intermediate level.

>> No.2077514

Vivaldi was pretty shitty as far as Baroque composers go, so I'd agree with OP, even as a CLASSICAL MUSIC EXPERT.

>> No.2077528

So, as this thread seems to indicate people have a semblance of taste, what has /jp/ been listening to lately in the field of classical music?

>> No.2077544

Violin Concerto from Bach
I'm a simple guy

>> No.2077555

Hofmann Hofmann~

And a lot of piano renditions of Bach Organ Concertos.

>> No.2077565

None because I haven't found a dedicated classical music radio station since I moved 6 months ago.

>> No.2077568

As much as I am.
No matter what I listen to, I still hold his 9th Symphony in great respect.
That being said, I've found myself a renewed interest in Prokofiev's works lately.

>> No.2077581

There are a few internet ones, I guess.
Or you could try random sampling of various composers.

>> No.2077592

Listen to some Ravel. Most notably Le Tombeau de Couperin, Jeux d'eau, Miroirs, and Daphnis et Chloe. Both his piano and orchestral arrangements are ingenious, and he 's probably my favorite composer.

>> No.2077613

Schubert's string quartets, 13, 14, and 15, and the second movement of Shostakovich' 10th symphony, just to get in the mood to read some Soviet history. Unfortunately, I only have time to listen to music in the background, which doesn't work that well with classical music. Tried listening to Elgar's violin concerto while studying, and it was a complete disaster, as I couldn't concentrate at all when all that shit was going on in my ears. Therefore I mostly stick to chamber music, though I still feel bad about not being able to savor it properly.

>> No.2077624


>> No.2077638

No Impromptus?

>> No.2077640


>> No.2077645

I dunno bro. I grew up on classical music, playing it, listening to other people play it, etc. After a while there isn't anything "new" in it.

>> No.2077651

/jp/ - Classical Music

>> No.2077668


>> No.2077680

The string quartets was just something I suddenly noticed I had downloaded at some point, without remembering why. So they are pretty much the only stuff I have by Schubert. But I'll definitely explore his stuff deeper when I get the time.

>> No.2077695

A dedicated classical music board would be nice. Though it would probably suffer from /mu/'s taste elitism x 100.

>> No.2077719

Ah I see. Here's something I like anyway, in case you're interested.


>> No.2077726

Sunn 0))) > ZUN

>> No.2077738

I can already imagine the trolling.

>> No.2077759

Baroque vs. Classical vs. Romantic vs. Impressionist, discuss.

>> No.2077764

>ZUN > Vivaldi

Holy shit. Even if the troll is blatant I couldn't help myself.
My eyes twitched and I FFFFued IRL.
8/10 - Master Troll

>> No.2077779

I don't really like Vivaldi a lot though.
Actually, most italian stuff seems to lighthearted to me.
I guess his winter piece is alright.

>> No.2077811


How big hands ZUN has?

>> No.2077837

Those guys are freaking awesome. Watched the "I Will Survive" video before.

>> No.2077841

I can't stand classical music because generally it's too slow for my (shit) taste.
The exceptions are vivaldi, bach, and very selected few pieces of mozart, beethoven, chopin and liszt

>> No.2077856

theres a shit lot more composers who might be to your taste than just that, judging by the "slow" definition

but fuck you dog i am drunk and willnot type them out

>> No.2077858


Besides his complete inability to draw hands, yeah, he's good.

>> No.2077862
File: 35.00 MB, 2195x3026, 1234566083029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I've always liked Takeuchi, I think his newer stuff for Kara no Kyoukai and 428 looks pretty good. So I don't see what the concern is.

>> No.2077870

His hands are 'correct' actually, he just draws them in the most impossible. unreasonable and uncomfortable positions a man could ever choose, and that annoys the fuck out of me even more than pics where the scaling, anatomy and proportions are WRONG.

>> No.2077872

Seriously, what is with that face?

>> No.2077873

Itaru Hinoue was one of the original members of Key and does the art for the games in which she designs the characters. All of the games she wasn't involved with were done by other artists and now even Rewrite, which she is doing the character designs for, seems like it will have art done by Na-Ga (Little Busters artist).

>> No.2077874

Oh wow, this is awesome, those guys are funny.

>> No.2077878

Sideways anime face.
Snout syndrome.
Surprisingly common.
Like no lips etc.

>> No.2077880

The hell was the guy trying to do in that one, some kind of jewish version ?

>> No.2077881

how much influence will Ryukishi07 have?

Will it have cannibalism?

>> No.2077882
File: 12 KB, 174x223, 1234566506950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man

>> No.2077884

whyy am i so drunk right now ?jp/?

>> No.2077889


Sober up, dear anon and expand my culture.
If it's fast, melodic, has violins (organs) or piano , no orchestral , no voices, I'm definitely interested.

>> No.2077887

Probably because you drank some alcohol, I'd say, bro.

>> No.2077888

Even though it's only Light

>> No.2077903

Oh god, these guys' mix of the Bond theme and the 40th symphony is hilarious.

>> No.2077901


I dunnow. Why are you so drnuk now<hic>?

>> No.2077935

How can you not like orchestral music? Seriously, I don't get it.

>> No.2077938


diff'rent strokes, diff'rent folks... y'know?

>> No.2077939

Haha, superior wino.

>> No.2077941

Subterranean Animism is the only Touhou game with even slightly good music.

>> No.2077947

I don't really know man.
I was searching for a second what I could advise the good man with, but after a while, I noticed that I didn't really know any outstanding non-orchestral pieces.
Maybe I haven't been looking at the right places, tho.

>> No.2077967

You need to listen to more Russian composers

>> No.2077976

I already said I have shit taste.
My best friend is a professional clarinet musician and he learnt not to talk with me about classical music because he rages like the fotns.
Btw to me orchestral is confusing, I find difficoult to follow the main "theme" of the song, also I find it slow, compared for example to bach fugue.

>> No.2077979
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>> No.2078027


I tend to prefer chamber sized pieces as there's better clarity in the parts and the variations in expression is more evident. Especially true if you compare pieces that have a chamber and full orchestral (or full strings) version.

Anyways, I've been listening to some Webern lately. It's amazing how compact and ordered - ie, a piece might contain only one major pitch set one secondary one, but they're propagated throughout both horizontally and vertically - and yet still sound very dynamic and expressive.

>> No.2078028

I used to listen to classical music a lot; commuting to and from college I'd turn on the classical station (though I'd get shit reception beyond a certain point), and sometimes listen to stuff at home too, though I don't have much of a collection myself. But lately I hadn't been listening to much of anything beyond ZUN's (not remixes, just ZUN)

Just started getting into classical again while I've been watching Princess Tutu; first season didn't catch my attention too much, but then the second season had multiple instances of Dvorak's 9th Symphony, and the end of Ep22 was awesome with The Great Gates of Kiev (the whole 5.5 minutes instead of just an excerpt).

>> No.2078030

Same here, I don't really value small ensembles and solos that much, so I don't have much, but I'll give it a try:

-Schubert's string quartets, particularly the 14th.
-Beethoven's piano sonatas, particularly the 8th, 13th and 23rd.
-Brahm's cello sonatas
-Chopin's etudes (particularly the 12th, which I have stuck in my head right now), mazurkas and valses.

>> No.2078062


ty :]

>> No.2078095

oh, also while I'm here I would like to thank the anon that 3 or 4 days ago posted the song of saya link.

so beautiful, can't stop listening ;__;

>> No.2078124


can you post said link

>> No.2078164


>> No.2078302

When I lost my cd collection some years back all I had left was Vivaldi's 4 seasons which was in my cd player and dear lord I was happy to have it.

My father retired from being an astrophysicist working at JPL to being a professor of violin at Fresno State when I was born. I grew up to the constant sound of violins. Vivaldi is one of my favorite composers.

Poor poor Zun, being compared to a genius composer will only end badly for him.

>> No.2078621

Wut the hell. Why did all those posts get deleted?

Anyways, some fun string music:


>> No.2078641

Because reportfags don't care at all about quality posts, just a fascist adherence to "rules".

Comparing ZUN to Vivaldi is nice and all, but let me ask one question: Will ZUN's music be remembered by many 300+ years after he has expired?

>> No.2078645

Zigeunerweisen by Pablo Sarasvate

Probably spelled both of those wrong.

>> No.2078649

That depends on whether any of us, or the Japanese otaku who like Touhou, have children or not.

>> No.2078650

Vivaldi was a hack

>> No.2078678

Putting aside other commentary;
>otaku who like Touhou
>have children

This might happen, definitely not in the sense of 'father progeny' though.

>> No.2078689

Well, maybe if memories of Touhou become genetic memory somehow, and the children of those children's parents choose not to abort.

>> No.2078699

that's an awesome song. i've tried playing the violin solo before, but the allegro portion is too tough.

>> No.2078702

Pablo de Sarasate

>> No.2078741

Yeah, that's it. No fucking clue where I got the v from.

I want to learn to play it on the piano but from the looks of Youtube videos, solo isn't possible without a violinist.

>> No.2078763


Been listening to a lot of Holst lately - Planets, Suites For Winds, St. Paul's Suite, etc


>> No.2078827

Those of you who prefer chamber to orchestral music should listen to Ravel's orchestrations. Particularly Daphnis et Chloe, Valses nobles et sentimentales, and La Valse. All of those are brilliant. I think most of you have heard Daphnis et Chloe, for it was played in the episode of the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya in which they play the space computer game.

>> No.2078835


>> No.2078847

Here's a link to a performance of Daphnis et Chloe for anybody that's interested: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrOJcEHXYWM

>> No.2078852

It's true that most stuff is kinda slow, but the fast pieces make my heart beat faster. Fucking amazing.

>> No.2078880

Merzbow > ZUN

>> No.2078909


Ahh, yes. Certainly one of my favorite from him.

Ravel's definitely a great orchestrator - some other nice orchestral pieces I like from him are Rhapsody Espanogle, Ma Mère l'Oie, and obligatory mention of Bolero as well.

But sorry, my favorite from him has to be his String Quartet haha. Absolutely gorgeous piece of work.

>> No.2079016
File: 13 KB, 251x236, 1234579383307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boring music is boring. It takes too long to get good, and even when it does get good it only last for a few seconds. I just found some sheet music for some classical music:

shit - shit - shit - shit - good - epic - shit - shit - shit - shit - epic

They assume the audience has an infinite attention span. Modern day music is much better at getting to the climax. In my opinion, for each second your sheet music is mediocre, you should lose points. Classical music goes in waves of good and bad.

tl;dr It's much to slow for a generation ADD person such as myself. It's no wonder why the vast majority of Touhou remixes are done in modern music like rock and metal.

Best remix, or BEST remix?

>> No.2079025


That's fucking beautiful. While I'm here, can someone recommend something REALLY sad sounding? Like the kind of thing that would make you cry?

I love sad sounding pieces, especially when there's that "one note" from a violin.

>> No.2079027

You're a disgrace to ADDfags everywhere.

>> No.2079053

The only exception to this is when a violin is involved. Violins always sound good.

>> No.2079054

Honestly, ZUN is one of the best composers that I have ever heard of. It seems strange to compare him to the likes of Vivaldi and others but his pieces all sound unique and are consistently well thought out. The Touhou fanbase only makes him sound better by continually releasing quality remixes. It makes me sad that most people will never get to hear his great works.

>> No.2079063

thats alright....
My favorite by far is Septette for the Dead Princess (best of tempest)
try it. the VERY BEGINNING is slow...for like 40 seconds...then all out "YEEEAA!!!"

>> No.2079070

As someone who was diagnosed with ADHD many years ago, I would have to agree. Classical music is beautiful, and anyone who denies this has some serious screws loose.

>> No.2079092

>>2079054 Has never played the old Castlevania, Metroid, Megaman, Sonic, Starfox, Earthbound, Final Fantasy games before.

Out of 14 Touhou games, only 5 of them had good music. The rest of them might of had one or two good songs, but that was it. ZUN is good, but to say he's the best composer ever is a stretch. If we were to compare him to the other composers in the video game industry he wouldn't even make the top 30 list. Music and art is not his forte. ZUN is a programmer, and a decent one at that.

Are you trolling, or are you just being a fanboy?

>> No.2079111

Sounds like Demetori.

>> No.2079116

go away, robotechguy

>> No.2079120

Fuck off Robotechguy.

>> No.2079137


Lolwut? i'm just stating some of my opinions lol

>> No.2079515

Classical music is boring, I never understood the appeal. Whenever I hear some it makes me both hungry and sleepy.

It's a shame there isn't more focus on the instruments rather than the notes, the sound of orchestras gets old fast.

>> No.2079546

I'm pretty sure its appeal is quite wide-ranging. Some people might like the more "relaxing" quality of some songs.
For me it's more of the technical aspect of it. Either the complexity of the notes, dexterity required to play, or the way chords transitions are done brilliantly, that sort of stuff.

>> No.2079599


You're a fucking idiot and probably don't know anything of what you're yapping about if you find Mussorgsky's or Verdi's music "sleep-inducing", as you say.
Go back to listen to your JPop garbage, you don't deserve any better.

>> No.2079629

I can understand people liking the relaxing quality, but even then I find there are songs much better at giving a nice, relaxing atmosphere.

For the technical part, I don't know, I don't particularly care about how skilled the person playing is, if the music is complex and technical enough it's the same thing for me. For complex stuff I listen to metal and IDM.

>> No.2079631

You're listening to the wrong classical music then. That's the equivalent of saying all movies are boring or all books are boring. Try finding something you like and sticking with it.

>> No.2079646

>It's a shame there isn't more focus on the instruments rather than the notes, the sound of orchestras gets old fast.

How ignorant can you get?

>> No.2079656

I am low-tier in classical music, what would you suggest?

>> No.2079668

look at the links in the thread - there's quite a few that are excellent pieces to start with

>> No.2079687


Enjoy some entry-level non-boring classical.


>> No.2079693

I dunno, everyone has unique tastes. I recall a classical music cd called I hate classical which had a selection of classical music from movies and advertising that people don't realize is classical music. The first thing I got which started my journey was Bach, for a kid who listened to heavy metal in his teens it was incredible.

>> No.2079701

No. Saying you dont like classical music is like saying you dont like television comedy, not the entire media format. Classical music sounds similar to other classical music and theres no way around it.

>> No.2079743

I'm utterly shocked that anyone can believe say ... toccota and fuge in d minor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FXoyr_FyFw sounds anything like the Goldberg variations http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7LWANJFHEs and that's the same composer!

Some people just can't take classical music and I don't get why they think it's all the same

>> No.2079745

It's unfortunate, since I think there's quite a lot of variety in classical music (particularly between different periods), but these differences may seem insignificant for a person not trained in recognizing the differences. At any rate, classical music isn't for everyone, it's OK if you can never get into it.

>> No.2079771

I am much more impressed by a simple catching melody than a finger smashing repetitive piece with no flow or emotion which I commonly hear in classical pieces

I am a pianist and guitarist of about 10 years. Play trumpet too.

>> No.2079887

What? The amount of timbre variation in classical music comes across as very small to me. Sure, the instruments do vary, the players have different techniques and stuff, but not nearly as much as is found in a lot of contemporary music.

Looked around, nothing that has blown me away. Too bad for me, I guess. Maybe I'll keep looking, maybe i won't. Thanks anyway.

>> No.2079937


0/10 my god you aren't even trying

anyway, all music is good. subject to personal tastes. end thread. [ / thread desu ]

>> No.2079983


You're really overgeneralizing too much. "Classical" music is probably the most varied genre of music there is, especially if you include the more contemporary "classical" stuff. Here's some examples of really timbrely expressive music:




>> No.2080032

You classicfags need some culture.


>> No.2080267

I really like this stuff, but it's not at all what i think of as classical music. I did generalise, I guess, but now I'm not really sure what defines classical music now.

>> No.2081171
File: 52 KB, 453x604, 1234613400791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you people for fuck's sake put the title of the piece you're linking to over all your goddamn youtube links?


Christian Sinding - Music for violin and piano (Henning Kraggerud, Christian Ihle Hadland, first track will blow you away)

Geirr Tveitt - Sun God Symphony, Prillar Symphony (Stavanger Symphony Orchestra, Ole Kristian Ruud, thrid movement of SGS is awesome)

Jean Sibelius - Violin Concerto in D minor, Op. 47 (Arve Tellefsen, Royal Philharmonic, Paavo Berglund)

Sergei Rachmaninoff - Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor (Arthur Rubinstein)

>> No.2081209
File: 30 KB, 500x325, 1234614100314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, Geirr Tveitt is a genius orchestrator. Even over Ravel and the likes in my humble opinion.

Sun God Symphony: 3rd Movement

Piano Concerto No. 4 "Aurora Borealis": 2nd Movement

>> No.2081220

Why is that violin bass so small?

>> No.2081227

This thread is awesome.
Keep up guys.

>> No.2081234


thanks, you're awesome

>> No.2081252

I don't really get how anyone can claim classical music has a more limited timber than... any type of music except electronic. The typical metal band, for example, usually has the same three different instruments, two of them string and one percussion, while the usual orchestra will have at least 15 different instruments, percussion, strings, woodwinds and brass all included, providing a huge variety in timber. And there are no rules for what instruments to include in an orchestra, at least not after Beethoven's time.

>> No.2081254

number of instruments does not correlate with the variety of style.

>> No.2081262

I'm also fairly low-tier in classical music, but I love these
Mozart's Dies Irae
Adagio For Strings
Moonlight Sonata

And for more modern classical there's obviously Lux Aeterna (aka Requiem For A Dream), One Winged Angel, and Neodammerung. You must have heard at least one of these

>> No.2081265

We're not talking about style, we're talking about timbre. And I wouldn't say classical music is any less varied in style either.

>> No.2081272

oh I see, I misread.

>> No.2081267



give me something similar /jp/

>> No.2081276

Just get anything you can by Shostakovich. Trust me, it's worth it.

>> No.2081278

Number of instruments doesn't really correlate with the difference in timbre either. But I do agree that most music is the same as classical music being only recorded with few instruments.

>> No.2081292

I wasn't talking about number of instruments, I was talking about variety of instruments. And if variety in instruments doesn't correlate to variety in timber, then what the hell does?

>> No.2081303

Here's some nice things :
Holst's The Planets op.32 : Jupiter.
Prokofiev's Romeo & Juliet Ballet.

>> No.2082252
File: 40 KB, 500x557, 1234632542276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with Grieg and Tveitt Piano Concertos.

Edvard Grieg - Piano Concerto in A minor (Jeño Jando)

Geirr Tveitt - Piano Concertos 1, 4, 5 and Double Concerto for Two Pianos (Håvard Gimse, Nils Mortensen, Sveinung Bjelland, Gunilla Süssmann)

>> No.2082261

I have a bunch of Grieg but with Ewa Poblocka instead of Jando. Though I think most of the Beethoven Sonatas I have are performed by him and are all excellent.

>> No.2082285

Self taught, and one of the few composers to make a serious effort to advance music. He was wrong about a lot of things, but that's better than not trying at all.

Future music will be based on this guy's work.

>> No.2082304
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I'm not too big of a fan of Jando, Poblocka I haven't heard. Leif Ove Andsnes is the definitive player of the piece though I have no recording of him. Went to a concert and he played the hell out of the whole concerto.

>> No.2082330

Ever come across any András Schiff? He's performing at the National Arts Centre here and I might go if it's worth it.

>> No.2082340

You'll never know if it's worth it if you never go.

>> No.2082531

Does anybody have a link to the previous classical thread that got deleted?

>> No.2082568

Just search Brahms in the archive.
