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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2076841 No.2076841 [Reply] [Original]

Oh cool, turns out we can't even discuss /jp/'s past anymore, guys.

>> No.2076848

It was a meta thread anyways.

>> No.2076851
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>> No.2076850

On the bright side, looks like NSFW images are perfectly OK, they're still up.

>> No.2076852

Probably since it's a meta thread.

Just for your information, mother-son incest threads exist from the start as well. That includes ransmirk.jpg and LongChen.jpg as well.

In addition to my previous post, Kordox, Sion, Adjutant, formely-anon, Miku and Blick Winkel.

Also to that Anon requesting the ronery thread, can't find it sorry. Do you have the thread number or a cap?

>> No.2076854
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>> No.2076856

/jp/ has no past. We are the product of a causal singularity.

>> No.2076858

>A new /jp/ imageboard would be nice.

>I'm getting tired of these faggot janitors who delete /jp/ related threads (like the big /jp/ project thread they deleted just now). I am also tired of moot constantly trolling us (switching /a/ and /jp/ around, organizing some nonexistent meeting in Japan, etc.). And I really don't want to be associated with 4chan anymore.

Someone, do it. Please.

>> No.2076862

I've reported the first image in each series. You report the same ones. Maybe they'll get taken down.

>> No.2076866

Janitor? More like FAGnitor, m i rite?

>> No.2076871

Thread 404'd ?
Eh, it was fated to happen, interesting things often disappear without reason.

>> No.2076881


>I'm getting tired of these faggot janitors who delete /jp/ related threads (like the big /jp/ project thread they deleted just now)

I don't even know what the "/jp/ project" entails but I have an irrational hatred for it and report the threads without even reading them.

And you can do nothing to stop me.

>> No.2076876

What the fuck, it didn't even get reported.
Why do you do this, janitor. ;_;

>> No.2076886

Remember: it's (an extended) Newfriend Weekend. That's when the janitor comes out as well.

>> No.2076890

I never report threads/posts, even when they should be. It's bizarrely amusing in a way, what stays and what gets deleted.

>> No.2076891

Janitors are around yet ZUN!bar isn't banned yet, good job faggots.

>> No.2076897

>What the fuck, it didn't even get reported.

you'd be surprised if you knew how many people report bu don't post anything.

>> No.2076898

Oh fuck, did Dan draw this?

>> No.2076903

I was the anon who expressed interest in setting up a new imageboard in the previous thread. Unfortunately I don't know exactly how to go about doing that. I've got a spare computer I could use for hosing, and plenty of bandwidth, but I don't know where to go from there. Alternatively paying for a host is fine, if anyone knows a decent one.

>> No.2076904

Janitors don't have the power to ban, bro.

>> No.2076906

Janitors can't ban, dumbass.
Plus, I dn't see why you guys hate ZUN!bar so much. He doesn't look annoying at all.
/a/ has had much worse ones.

>> No.2076910
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For those looking March 3 2008's archive, look at pages 3855 to 3875. Still can't find that ronery thread.

>> No.2076911

I've been saying we should make a new board for a while now, but last time I got banned for it.

>> No.2076914

>create a new /jp/.
It's not as simple as setting up a new site. There are already many /jp/-like imageboards out there, yet none of them are as good as /jp/. You'd have to create a site that does something about the high immigration of newcomers. I don't mind newcomers if they are good users. You just have to find a way to filter the good users from the bad users.

>If someone does this, it should be forced anonymous, or at least have tripbans placed on tripcode users that cause any trouble.
A.k.a, no freedom of speech. Let's ban everybody I disagree with.

>And I really don't want to be associated with 4chan anymore.
Then leave.

>> No.2076917

Until you get banned for frivolous reporting.

>> No.2076930

>If someone does this, it should be forced anonymous, or at least have tripbans placed on tripcode users that cause any trouble.
>A.k.a, no freedom of speech. Let's ban everybody I disagree with.

You can't honestly tell me that there aren't tripfags here that do nothing other than troll and shit up threads. Banning them is the same as banning any troll. If they choose to stand out in this area it's their own decision.

>> No.2076923


>A.k.a, no freedom of speech.

The internet is a series of localized monarchies, not a democracy.

King Moot can do whatever the fuck he pleases, you do not have human rights here.

>> No.2076926

Just take over a board on iichan, you'll only have to deal with faggots whenever 4chan goes down

>> No.2076931

They're deleting mother threads too now. Fuck this shitty board.

>> No.2076934

I missed whatever the fuck just happened. Recap please, as I don't understand why we are suddenly at a revolution.

>> No.2076935


Really though, if you guys are that bored with this place, why not just make threads about stuff you like. 'Japan' is an amazingly vague subject, and there should be a good deal of stuff you guys should be able to talk about.

Or you can make a /jp/-tan, a loli made in the image of /jp/'s collective hivemind. Is it fag-like? Yes, but it would be more fun than constant meta threads that whine about "the old days" (a.k.a. last summer).

>> No.2076942
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Retarded--Yago-moe-blob Meiling is moe~

>> No.2076941

We just had a nostalgia thread, that was wiped away by janitors.

>> No.2076945

Someone made a thread about the /jp/ archive. We were discussing days of /jp/ past and possibly making a new board. Thread was deleted.

Thread about /jp/ project was deleted. Another thread that was made about the same thing with less posts and that was reported multiple times was left alone.

Abundant NSFW content was also not deleted.

>> No.2076958

ZUN probably reported it

>> No.2076952

The only thing I'm interested in talking in that can be talked on on a somewhat interesting level at this time of the week is meta material.

>> No.2076953

janitors are wiping threads and leaving NSFW images on the frontpage untouched (yeah, yeah, they're too busy fapping or something).

>> No.2076960

Surely someone has to know something that could help out here.

>> No.2076964

Why would you delete the delicious little brother thread?

>> No.2076968

Well, NSFW content is always appropriate for /jp/ in the right context, moralfags be damned.

As far as a new board or some meta-project bringing down the janitor's puerile fury, you have to remember that this is the same drunken janitor that is also apparently our only janitor.

If you had to clean up /jp/'s mess by yourself all the time, you might be heavy-handed, too.

>> No.2076976

It has NSFW material in it, which is actually against the rules.

>> No.2076977

We want to talk about incest, but the janitors don't want us to.

>> No.2076979

>You can't honestly tell me that there aren't tripfags here that do nothing other than troll and shit up threads. Banning them is the same as banning any troll. If they choose to stand out in this area it's their own decision.
Now that I think about it, I kind of agree with you.

But at the same time it would start to get complicated. Permabanning Investment Banker is obvious, but what about Athens? Arguably Athen's shitstorms disrupt the board much more than Investment Banker's threads. The definition of the word troll is someone that starts an offtopic flame war. And if you've ever seen one of Athens 200+ reply shitstorms, you'd know he's a troll. Are there any other /jp/ trolls I'm forgetting?

>> No.2076989

I think it would be different if we had our own board. For one, there wouldn't be as many bad, new users posting everyday since the board would not be on 4chan. Also we would hopefully have a few moderators so the (small) workload would not all be on one person.

>> No.2076988

if you don't know enough about computers to set the board up yourself, it's probably not a good idea to do so.
there would likely be all kinds of maintenance and such to perform

>> No.2076993

Stop bitching so much. bawww a janitor deleted our thread bawww /jp/ has bad posters bawwww we get trolled all the time

Seriously, these are minor complaints at best. You can always repost a new thread, janitors don't have the power to ban and, judging from their frequency to delete posts, probably aren't even on 4chan for the majority of the day. Ignore trolls, don't reply to threads or posts made by people you hate, and if you're organizing some sort of project and a janitor deletes the thread, just repost it or wait until the janitor inevitably gets bored and goes off to fuck around on some other board. Or go complain to moot.

>> No.2077000

>Thread about /jp/ project was deleted.
I missed it. Anybody have a link? I'm too lazy to search the archive for it.

>> No.2077012

>Then leave.

What I meant was, I don't like being on 4chan because it's one of the most hated websites. How many times has it been on the news already? The bomb threat, the raids, scientology, mask-wearing bullshit, 13 year olds who think that they are so awesome for knowing about 4chan and mudkips, and all that stuff. That's what I dislike. I love you guys, but I hate the fact that we are a part of 4chan. But as long as you are all still here, I won't go anywhere either.

>> No.2077017

hey hey,
troll threads shouldn't be deleted at all - don't be butthurt faggots.
what's wrong with trolls?
i enjoy reading their posts

>> No.2077019

> judging from their frequency to delete posts, probably aren't even on 4chan for the majority of the day.

Someone doesn't browse /jp/ often.

>> No.2077025

Janitor supports Aya Hirano, surely he must be a good person. Talk about metathreads somewhere else, you ungrateful cowards can all leave, but I will stay on this board until I die.

>> No.2077020

>Ignore trolls
This doesn't work, especailly with the increase in newbros over the past few months
>don't reply to threads or posts made by people you hate
>and if you're organizing some sort of project and a janitor deletes the thread, just repost it or wait until the janitor inevitably gets bored and goes off to fuck around on some other board.
Also understandable. It's very annoying to have a thread deleted in the middle of a good discussion though
>Or go complain to moot.
Hah. Moot hates /jp/, he doesn't care.

>> No.2077021

"baww" is one of the most annoying things to have come into existence thanks to 4chan.
Don't use that fucking expression, god damnit.

>> No.2077023


ZUN isn't such a bad person really.

>> No.2077024

Wow what a pack on moaning faggots in this thread.

>> No.2077034

There wasn't much in it. Except, at the end everyone was just panicking because the forum died.


>> No.2077035


>You can always repost a new thread

This kind of attitude is stupid and servile. Yeah, you COULD repost a new thread, but everything in the old thread was lost, like all the useful information/witty comments. You know, the things that actually make a board worth reading. And people may be hesitant to make witty comments the second time around because it'll just be deleted anyway, and their genius will be lost. Like dust to the wind.

>> No.2077042


I agree. That and butthurt are irritating as hell.

>> No.2077036

page 7 of the archive.

>> No.2077037

When the userbase starts complaining about the userbase, it's a sign that the board is about to die.

Just look at /a/ and /v/. Are you denying that those boards died? 3 strikes and you're out. I don't want to lose another board. And yes it's not a problem right now, but 1 and a 1/2 year from now /jp/ will probably be like /a/.

I guess the only person that can save /jp/ is moot. I suggest instead of whinnying about it here, we bother moot.

>> No.2077038

ZUN, when not being the self-proclaimed god of elitist faggots, is a decent poster.

Sort of like Sion when he isn't posting in a meltan thread.

>> No.2077040

>Janitor supports Aya Hirano

But that's not a good thing

>> No.2077041


>> No.2077050

>I guess the only person that can save /jp/ is moot. I suggest instead of whinnying about it here, we bother moot.

Yeah because as his s.witching /jp/ and /a/ a couple of days ago, he really cares about the quality of /jp/

>> No.2077065

Moot thinks /jp/ as a whole is a failure of a board. He called us all directionless pedophiles, remember? Although the directionless part is partially his fault for having such open ended rules, we can't expect any help from him. We can't count on moot or the janitor, so what are we to do about keeping up the quality of /jp/? Migrate elsewhere? Put down trolls and the like until they become discouraged (like that's going to happen). Migrate elsewhere?

>> No.2077067

You know, that fucking scared the shit out of me, /jp/ is pretty much the only thing I bother interacting with nowadays.

>> No.2077077

>Abundant NSFW content was also not deleted

Are you talking about the shota thread? if you are then FUCK YOU! SHOTA IS THE ONLY GAY EXCEPT FOR TRAPS THAT ISN'T GAY!

>> No.2077078

Yeah aside from lurking some IRC channels the only place I regularly come to is /jp/.

>> No.2077091
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>> No.2077100

I go to /tg/ too, they can make awesome out of anything.

>> No.2077103


>> No.2077106

I wish we could all just somehow move to a new imageboard together at the same time.

>> No.2077112

What did they do this time?

>> No.2077115

how is baby formed?

>> No.2077126


>> No.2077128

Janitors can only do so much. If you want to leave /jp/ then leave, otherwise you can continue to post in a way you think is good for /jp/ without trolling and then it will be fine. You're all so whiney this afternoon.

>> No.2077141

We want new /jp/!

>> No.2077142

The amount I have raged to a /jp/ friend of mine still doesn't get close to the disappointment I have about this ridiculous rate of thread deletion.

I read that /jp/ projects belong in /v/ and /mu/, and the same was said about Touhou.

Now hold on there, by the Mod and Janitor's logic, Touhou has to be in /v/, Hello Project in /mu/, ALL VN threads into /v/, figurine and doll threads into /toy/, and anything about Idols (DHAF etc.) will have to go to either /tv/ or /a/.

The only thing is that nothing has changed since you mentioned this stuff Mod and Janitor, so why have you done fuck all? I think it is because you just sculpt /jp/ into something you want. Which is a disgrace.

>> No.2077147

Going to /tg/ reminds me of my days playing DnD. I miss those days

>> No.2077154


>Moot thinks /jp/ as a whole is a failure of a board. He called us all directionless pedophiles, remember?

Moot is so full of shit. We are not directionless.

>> No.2077155

New /jp/ for what? There would still be moderation of some sort and you'd still get people trolling etc etc. /jp/ is horrible on the weekends lately but on an average day with average topics I still love coming here. All this whining really isn't necessary.

>> No.2077166

>Moot is so full of shit.

Please state something unobvious next time.

>> No.2077170


> Touhou has to be in /v/, Hello Project in /mu/, ALL VN threads into /v/, figurine and doll threads into /toy/, and anything about Idols (DHAF etc.) will have to go to either /tv/ or /a/.

So.../jp/ is a non board, everything that is talked about here can/should be discussed somewhere else. Kinda like /m/ with more lolis.

>> No.2077175

Most likely that /jp/ project thread was deleted because it was reduntant (there were other two already).

The metathreads get deleted because they're shit. This one will probably get pruned too, don't be butthurt over it.

Wanna make /jp/ a better place? Then contribute. Make good threads and good posts, report and ignore trolls, don't pay attention to tripcodes, don't troll or be the troll's bitch, leave alone threads you don't like, and most important of all:


Go browse some other board, or some other site, go chat in some IRC faggot channel, play a vidya, turn off your computer and go outside, whatever. Come back when the kids aren't around.

>> No.2077181


>> No.2077177

A new /jp/ would bring us hope.

>> No.2077184
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The irony of that thread was that when I clicked on it I got the OP's image.

The truth hurts.

>> No.2077194

Well there is always this http://mikuchan.net/

Let's ask him to make a /jp/ there.

>> No.2077202


/jp/ is approaching the cancer phase. Truth be told, all boards eventually die.

/b/ dead.
/v/ dead.
/a/ dead.

Even moot knows /jp/ is dying. Userbases mature together and die together with the passage of time. Newcomers cant mix with veterans. That would be like putting some kid from middle school in high school. Right now it's fine because the ratio of old to new is 30 to 1. But in 1 1/2 year from now the newcomers will out number the veterans. Moot needs to create a hyperbolic imageboard that never dies.

>> No.2077203

The new /jp/ should be like the old /b/, a.k.a. Japan/Random. Anything goes, no moderation except for deliciously illegal images.

>> No.2077225

Janitors != moderators.

>> No.2077228

i agree with this.
sadly i doubt moot would ever do that, and if he did i doubt it would be able to work on 4chan

>> No.2077236

No, new /jp/ should be brand new and awesome. And it shouldn't have a lot of boards.

>> No.2077242


>> No.2077243

So you want retarded forced memes all the time? Old /b/ wasn't as bad and repetitive as it is now, but if you think it was "good" and you want /jp/ to be that instead then you're an idiot.

>> No.2077246


That's /a/. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.2077253

No, you can mix newcomers with diehards, but only if you have two understandings:

1. Newcomers should attempt to learn as much as possible before thinking they know what the hell they're doing.
2. Veterans shouldn't act like they're the bastions of all that's good and holy, the sole carriers of the true belief.

Arrogance cuts both ways.

>> No.2077254

>Anything goes

No thanks. I want /jp/ to still be worksafe.

>> No.2077259

> So you want retarded forced memes all the time?
Why not? Shit's going to be better than our shitty Touhou/T-M forced memes at least (depending on the attracted userbase).
> So you want retarded forced memes all the time? Old /b/ wasn't as bad and repetitive as it is now, but if you think it was "good" and you want /jp/ to be that instead then you're an idiot.
It was amusing.

>> No.2077271

I just want /vn/. I couldn't care less for all the other shit.

>> No.2077265
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Oh, thanks for making a jpchan fo-

What the...

>> No.2077266

it wouldn't be completely like /b/, it would be japan-related only /b/.
and memes are actually rather amusing when there is a relatively small userbase - in those cases they're more like inside jokes than annoying catchphrases

>> No.2077268

>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

This thread is technically reportable. I have done so on the grounds that it has degraded into trolls encouraging people to whine, and I invite all sages and silent onlookers to do so as well.

>> No.2077276
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This thread is fascinating

>> No.2077275


Shut up, Alabama.

>> No.2077281
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>> No.2077282

Great. Guess this thread will die any second now. Thanks a lot, pal.

>> No.2077284
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>The new /jp/ should be like the old /b/, a.k.a. Japan/Random. Anything goes, no moderation except for deliciously illegal images.
/jpa/ - Japan/Alternative or Random.

But he would have to rename /jp/.

/jp/ - Japan/Culture

Japan/General is too ambiguous. It should be called doujin, culture, Visual Novels, or Neta.

But moot doesn't need to create this board right now. He should wait until /jp/ dies. That way there would be a new home waiting for us. Every time a board reaches 8M post, moot should create a hybrid board to slip up the overgrown userbase. /b/ grew too big that even splitting it up (/r9k/) wasn't enough. He'd have to make 5 /b/s in order to do that. But doing so would be hard on the moderators. That's why the new boards should be user moderated. He could hire 30 janitors per board. These Janitors could be trained by the Anonymous moderators in a secret board.

>> No.2077286

Fuck you, I hope you die together with this shitty board.

>> No.2077299

>he could hire 30 janitors per board

Wouldn't work.

>> No.2077302

My final board lurking schedule:

/b/: 2004-2006
/a/: 2006-2008
/jp/: 2008-2010

So this thing happens every two years. I'll probably just call it quits after /jp/ dies next year.

>> No.2077303

>off-topic replies
See, kid, NONE of these replies are off-topic. Well, maybe some of them, such as YOURS.
The thread itself isn't reportable.

Well, see you guys in the archive.

>> No.2077308

>These Janitors could be trained by the Anonymous moderators in a secret board.

>> No.2077310

Call it quits and do what instead?

>> No.2077314


But /jp/ is already dead.
