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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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20768076 No.20768076 [Reply] [Original]


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>> No.20768079
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>> No.20770044

Is Touken Ranbu worth playing?

>> No.20770775


>> No.20770784

The dudes are hot, but the gameplay is not.

>> No.20771284

no, just fap to the fanart or something

>> No.20771327
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I already do that, I was wondering if the game was fun too, but I guess I'll stick to fanart.

>> No.20771336

just watch hanamaru or some shit

>> No.20772075

It's just grindy auto battles with barely any story.

>> No.20773002

no, the characters are ugly in hanamaru

>> No.20773789
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Touken Ranbu - Hanamaru - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.22_[2016.12.12_03.36.23].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Hanamaru is fun and comfy. It doesn't suffer from too much QUALITY either.

>> No.20774020
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They all look and act the same

>> No.20774299

The middle one has the cutest seiyuu though

>> No.20776018
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What went wrong?

>> No.20776137

Watch Katsugeki then
Hanamaru is objectively the better show though

>> No.20776317
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I know, yet there are still people going on about how their shitty idol kusoge is unique from the others. No, it's all the same shit. This topic makes me irrationally mad.

>> No.20776479

What is the fgo equivalent of otome mobage? Aka a mobage that has a really really good story

>> No.20776646


>> No.20776885

>fgo equivalent

Overrated shit? Idolish Seven probably, but that's not otome

>> No.20777011

That sucks. I tired to look for some and most if them were just husbandu simulators

>> No.20777041

well yeah, that's what otome is.

>> No.20777664

The middle one is the biggest slut out of the three.

>> No.20777853

What's wrong?

>> No.20777866

Readyyyy is like every single popular idol shit put into a blender with the SEGA brand name slapped onto it. I can't wait for the hype to die.

I'm also really bitter about YumeCast still.

>> No.20778179

Those are some ugly ass char designs

>> No.20778234


>> No.20778307

Dudes in a girl band idol game.

>> No.20778424

None of them are attractive.

>> No.20778442

Wait I though they will be in their own spin-off game or current players can choose to play or ignore the boys while new players only in it for boys can do the same.

>> No.20778648

They were supposed to be hot. Please tell me they can at least sing

>> No.20779707


>> No.20779893

It is a spinoff, though time will tell if they have loose connections to BD.

>> No.20779899

They don't have to lose any connections it can be like sideM.

>> No.20779900

Hyuuga and the naginatas WHEN
I wanna see the Osafunes be cute together as well

>> No.20779902

If anything, watch it for good Mutsu moments. I really liked him in that anime.

>> No.20780414

hasebe makes me laugh

>> No.20780829


>> No.20781944

Not bad, I expected VA tier singing

>> No.20782092

It hurts, bro. YumeCast was cut down before they sincerly tried to save it, and here comes Readyyy looking like a bright and shiny upgrade. And it’s just more of the same. Why? Why not implement any of that into YC? The start of the struggle was clear early on and it felt like outside of Genesis, they pulled back everywhere else and making it more simple just backfired. I still mourn the loss. What a great group of guys to kill.
I know some are hoping it will be brought back, but I can’t see it happening. We would have had a downtime and second act reopening of sorts if anyone cared to not throw it all away. I miss my sun.

>> No.20782919
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Wait, Ken ga Toki got released in China?
Or is it just that stolen asset one?

>> No.20785352

Bandori is trash

>> No.20786251

Played a few routes of Meiji Tokyo Renka and enjoyed it for the relatively lighthearted story and dummyhead mic scenes.
Can anyone comment on how the anime is set up? Boy of the week? Jumble of the routes?

>> No.20786396

Fucking sucks that the herald of quality all female-targetted mobile game strive for is fucking Ensemble Stars and/or A3, both of which has the shittiest gameplay I've seen that make FGO look playable.
>muh story
Yeah, I could give that to A3 with it's relatively tame and non-contrived stories too but I hate how games like them treat like females are some dumb monkeys who only know how to play Cookie Clicker.
Otome games are a dying form thanks to the model that mobile games set-up to the point that BL games have it better off since they aren't polluted by gacha shit.
Ensemble Stars was a mistake.

>> No.20786998

You just have to deal with the fact that it's a niche as niche genre and that the phone games are apparently one of the only things that are profitable.
I just hope that I can get a couple real games a year at least.

>> No.20787145

i hate enstars the characters are not even hot, they look like children

>> No.20787158

kuro is the only hot, he is the best boy

>> No.20787264

LMAO. SE should just give up making idol/otome game.

>> No.20787314

wow not even a full year of service.

>> No.20787359

that was fast

>> No.20787365
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>I hate how games like them treat like females are some dumb monkeys who only know how to play Cookie Clicker.

Females that play these games kind of are honestly.
Even console games outside of the ones Konami/Koei rarely get that complex, especially now. Too much work, too much risk, not enough budget, and in the end it's not really what the userbase wants. When you see how games for girls are marketed the most important factor is always how easy the game is.

Ensemble Stars is just banking off the formula Cinderella Girls got popular from anyway.

May as well stick with omnipandering games that won''t die immediately for only targeting the smaller audience.

>> No.20787374

>Some kind of an offline version planned
I wonder how it's going to work.

>> No.20787409

Wow, Nomura spent all that time on these unique designs for nothing


>> No.20788002
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>I hate how games like them treat like females are some dumb monkeys who only know how to play Cookie Clicker
>most popular idol kusoge are cookie clickers
Really makes you think. They do it because women don't have any fucking standards when it comes to kusoge. People complain all the time, but at the same time they still be ranking for their fuccboi.

>> No.20788056

good, the characters are ugly

>> No.20788869

Seemed like a jumble, but the anime was kind of awful so I stopped watching.

>> No.20788891
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>> No.20789262

Will it save GCrest?


>> No.20789371

Whats even the gameplay?

>> No.20790694

No one cares about game play as long as it has cute chars

>> No.20792236

I still try to find some fun gameplay to go with it.

>> No.20793260

I don't know why they killed the original version then announcing some kind of remake and TV anime immediately after it.

>> No.20793780

We can probably get rid of that otomex calender in the OP for future threads. It's very out of date and lists canceled games.

>> No.20795002

Yeah, thanks for brining this up.
I was skimming for the last thread start and noticed that it wasn’t a complete update source anymore. I was thinking about the bl cd wiki, but as implied it’s CD only. You guys have suggestions?

>> No.20798020


>> No.20798170

Is there ever gonna be a good otome anime. VN anime have Stein Gate and Fate. His hard is it to make a proper otome adaptation

>> No.20799693
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>Implying having a MC which just casually slips out of a kabedon isn't a sign of good otome anime

>> No.20800281

Dialovers and kamiaso anime were fun in their own way.

>> No.20801377

4gamer has a schedule:

>> No.20801429

I liked damepri's.

>> No.20802172

True. I won't be able to forget the word tokubetsu any time soon because of it.

>> No.20802198

Im just tired of the same auto shitty mobage-otomes. I'm not even playing On Air and Readyyy because of it, and I really like OA's art and boys (specially Mikado).

>> No.20802466
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Has anyone played Steam Prison? I'm trying to decide if I should get it, but Yumas being the writer for it scares me. Ozmafia was shit btw

>> No.20802928

And the lore served up a small dish for the bl fans. Man that series put out some awesome CDs.

>> No.20805089

shit wonfes

>> No.20805843


>> No.20806016

>Ozmafia was shit btw
What did you think of the brothel route? I've ever encountered an otome MC who willingly went there. It was refreshing even if the route, and the endings were a trainwreck.

>> No.20808868 [DELETED] 


>> No.20809810
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>> No.20811306

Even he looks disappointed he doesn't get to slut it up as a bunny man.

>> No.20811327

>implying REBORUUSHON wasn't good
It wasn't, but it was funny after I stopped taking it seriously


>> No.20811507

Boring ass pose

>> No.20811872

S;G and DEEN Fate anime were shit though

>> No.20812692

how is this grneral so dead?

>> No.20812819

They're obviously taking the time off to prepare for their Valentine's date/s with their husbando/s. I can't wait for my date with Seiji. I hope he won't notice that everything else other than my accessory's the same thing.

>> No.20812821

BL and Otome games are dead since they moved to mobages and drama CDs.

>> No.20812952
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] B-Project S2 - 04 [720p][00_09_26].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please come back.


>> No.20814483

The CD market always baffles me, especially when they don't sell enough to release the rest of the series.

>> No.20815366

When has that ever happened?
The reason they make so many CD's is because it doesn't cost nearly as much as a game, but they still seem to sell well.

>> No.20817810

I think anon was talking about Rejet's CDs.

>> No.20819100
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We Tokimemo now

>> No.20819179

10/10. Are there any more of these I can view?

>> No.20819332
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The classic

>> No.20819527

This. I hate Nip fujos/otome fans for putting up with such a shitty industry. Most of the games are so shit but they still buy it, so none of it changes. Otaku wouldn't put up with half the dumb shit female Nips do. I want the type of games that otaku get, but as otome.

>> No.20820566

I thought Rejet CDs sell enough to make several sequels of the same series

>> No.20821798

No, there were others. Citrolarme had a few series that didn't make it, not to mention the double score and e:robotts series

>> No.20821808

The popular ones get a ton of sequels, true. Is Rejet's limit four or five, because I've never seen them go beyond that if the franchise's name isn't DiaLove

>> No.20822065

We'll see how far rejet goes with Criminale

>> No.20822758

>double score and e:robotts series
Ah I finally remember the names of the forgotten ones. I was looking forward to e:robotts before it got discontinued.

>> No.20822893

Double Score and the robot stuff were different. They were combined media projects. There was some trouble with the artist I think with DoubleScore.

>> No.20823668

As much as I usually don't care about western indie stuff, I have respect for the Paradiso guardian team for trying to make a BL game with actual gameplay. I'd like to live in the timeline where a professional company would try that or something like Baldr sky but otome.

>> No.20823690

>BL and Otome games are dead since they moved to mobages and drama CDs.

Why not include these as part of the threads topic? Expanding the type of media posted won't change the thread much as the target audience is the same anyway.

>> No.20824564 [DELETED] 

I think they are already part of the thread? Atleast judging by the first image of a drama cd and the second post about Touken Ranbu.

I wouldn't mind posting about drama cds but do other anon's even care about them?

>> No.20824574

I think they are already part of the thread? Atleast judging by the first image of a drama cd and the second post about Touken Ranbu.

I wouldn't mind posting about drama cds but do other anons even care about them?

>> No.20824816

It always has been included. CDs especially have been used for numerous thread starters. Mobage has gotten a fair amount of discussion despite an understandable amount of Anons not caring for them. We’re kind of a catch all.

>> No.20824983

Just accept that you are not getting male 2hu, ever

>> No.20825065

You're going to spend Valentines with your otome/bl husbando, right? What are you going to play tomorrow?

>> No.20826413

I'm going to listen to Kaede-kun.

>> No.20826739

Not just the artist, but the director and writer walked out. And now Blue Moon is dead, RIP

>> No.20828478
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>Citron's Valentine's line

Right in the kokoro.

>> No.20829216
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Wow, Didn't realize they were crowdfunding for the fandisc.

>> No.20829317
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They may have taken my game, but they will never take my dream.
I busted out laughing. Masumi’s was also in character and funny. Taichi’s is up there. So darn open hearted.

>> No.20829388
File: 245 KB, 613x638, recent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any FUN (meaning not necessarily good) recent BL games
pic not related

>> No.20829400

I like this person's art, but I can't unsee Tsujisaki Gakuen whenever I look at other works. And I hated TG.

>> No.20829410

I'm surprised they went so far with both it and Yuugen. I was half expecting Wasurenagusa to last a couple more years, but looking back they kind of told everything that could have been told, since they went all over the Shinsengumi timeline and then did a prequel.

>> No.20829416

At least I have rencaroid to fill the void.

>> No.20829474

Was this game even good?

>> No.20830287

nie no machi

>> No.20830517

Is this the thread where I can find a fujo girlfriend?

>> No.20831555


>> No.20831758

Kind of. I was interested in the mysterious plot, but in the end I stayed for the characters, rose route bad endings, terrific ost, and Miki Shinichiro. Most of the cast were well-written. The writing can get repetitive with how the true route unlocking was laid out. The plot overall was a huge disappointing clusterfuck.

>> No.20831841
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New prince? If so his looks are more in line with Kouichi than the blonds.

>> No.20832566
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>> No.20832573
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and bf too

>> No.20832633
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Goddammit Banyaro fans

>> No.20833427

I can exchange 1(one) bf for 1(one) fujo gf. Sorry, 3D only.

>> No.20834130

This game has cute and hot boys, but is dead

>> No.20837293 [DELETED] 


>> No.20837387

add me on myspace

>> No.20837765
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>an otome MC who willingly went there
Fuka isn't particularly bright.
As for the route itself, I agree, I thought it was hot and easily the most entertaining part of the game. I wish Fuka got to fuck Manboy more

>> No.20838140

You know grand order has better husbandus then half the otome mobages out there which is suprising since its mostly waifu themed

>> No.20838545


So basically 80% of the upcoming Switch games are from the same one company.

>> No.20838708

And most of them are just ports too. Truly a dead hobby.

>> No.20839362

need a little help. any idea who any of these VAs might be? Or the BLCD at all?
It sounds so familiar to me but I can't put my finger on it.
Fuck I despise this "YAOI LEMON FANPAGE YOUTUBE OWO" reposting shit without any reference and scrolling through 12 year olds comments to no avail.

sorry for begging.

>> No.20840980

Still waiting for Variable Barricade. PV looks qt with Hibari.

>> No.20842333

Just started Steam Prison. I don't need the main character to keep reminding me that she's a strong womyn who don't need no man 10 times per sentence, but at least she's not as brain dead as Fuuka

>> No.20844801

no, they are ugly as fuck

>> No.20846866

He cute

>> No.20847356

I wish I didn't agree with you. The otome/fujo favorites are bland looking and I'm tired of having to look at KotR wank. The guy with the rice and teal hair was cute though

>> No.20847363

they really miss their husbands. And I don't blame em, I miss them too.

>> No.20848812
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Whoops, I meant, I've never seen an otome heroine like that. But anyway, I wish that route was longer. Manboy's way too pure, and loyal. Prime husband material. It was quite entertaining than the rest of the other routes especially how it went down when she took over in the other ending.

>> No.20848826

What BL game has the best soundtrack?

>> No.20848971


>> No.20849756
File: 120 KB, 700x700, uta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody Hates Uta.

>> No.20850722

He seems like a little bitch. I like his duo's music though.

>> No.20852496


>> No.20852516
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Any tolerable routes? I couldn't bring myself to finish the overprotective blond guy or the brown refreshing guy.

>> No.20852599
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Taking my favorite senpai to places he hates on his birthday!

>> No.20852612
File: 290 KB, 1264x686, p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop trying to seduce my husbando

>> No.20853418

Whoa. I gotta try that sometime too. Why is he so cute?

>> No.20853421

Where is bad egg god dang it

>> No.20853770

If you don't like those 2, then you won't like the other 2 either.

>> No.20854394

Anyone have that senior thesis on why Diabolik Lovers will ruin society?

>> No.20854845
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>> No.20855033

Will Otome games ever recover from the kusoge/idol shit trend, anons?

I know several companies have closed in the last five years, and we're seeing more and more canceled games. What do you think the industry needs to come through this alive? Why is it dying in the first place? I know mobile games are on the rise, but is it so bad that companies are no longer making a profit on normal otome games anymore?

>> No.20855239

They should stop treating otome gamers like idiots and make some game with real gameplay. Or just new TokiMemo.

I think one of the reasons for the stagnation are current trends. Everyone is already tired of idols, but idols generate extra merch. And we know, that jap girls love their merch, so it's like free extra money for the franchise.
Also, the gamers age, but their games do not. There aren't that many "adult games", or just games with older characters, which would attract the fans.

>> No.20855358

He cute, and I like his fox

>> No.20855411

You mean this one? https://repository.arizona.edu/bitstream/handle/10150/319959/azu_etd_mr_2014_0031_sip1_m.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

>> No.20855512

Idols were OK until companies started releasing games with shit plots and bad character designs thinking they would surpass UtaPri's gameplay and popularity.

About the industry as a whole, it'd be nice if they made more playable games and not heavy in writing. For example, I love Otomate's stories, but they would be more enjoyable if they gave more freedom to the player, like Neoromance's classic games. Kiniro no Corda and Angelique still being superior to many games released nowadays.

>There aren't that many "adult games", or just games with older characters, which would attract the fans.

I totally agree with you. Idol games are full of children-looking characters, and the good ones have more adult looking ones or are canon adults. Pretty much the reason why TsukiPara (especially TsukiPro) is being popular lately.

>> No.20855566

idolmaster side m is the only i see adult characters

>> No.20855650
File: 41 KB, 769x490, fire-emblem-three-houses-release-date-sothis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will Otome games ever recover from the kusoge/idol shit trend

No. Abandon ship and switch to unisex games.

>> No.20855953

>idol shit
It'll probably continue as long as there are people out there who consume the media and fuel their bucks.
Which in my opinion, idolshit needs to be considered a separate industry from that of otome games, etc. (yeah still 女性向け maybe, but nonetheless).
Like >>20855239 said, >idols generate extra merch.
These include things like music CDs that come with lottery tickets for a live stage or voting tickets, and hardcore fans will purchase loads of them even if casual fans fall out. This is all very reminiscent of how real life idol fans spend their money to support their idol groups (and also an effective money making tactic). At this point the games are not even idolshit games anymore; the characters are literally getting idol treatment, and the companies are investing in creating idols. The game becomes a mere platform to attract female otaku. So I think unless the 2.5/virtual idol industry more or less dies down, they will continue pumping.

>> No.20856033

But I'm terrible at Fire Emblem style strategy games, anything else?
Maybe Starfield will have something, hopefully Cyberpunk will have more than one night stands.

>> No.20856202

rune factory 5 unless they go back to male mc with female bachelors only again

>> No.20856581

>At this point the games are not even idolshit games anymore; the characters are literally getting idol treatment, and the companies are investing in creating idols.

I think you hit the nail on the head there. Your statement acquires a lot of sense if you think in UtaPri. It started as an otome game, but now Haruka is so inexistent it's both, hilarious and sad at the same time.

>> No.20857403

Is he related to Nakigitsune?

>> No.20857665


>> No.20857773

>fire emblem

>> No.20858274

I dont think they will. The creator mentioned that rune factory 4 sold the most with one of the reasons being adding male bachelors and frey

>> No.20859122

>They should stop treating otome gamers like idiots and make some game with real gameplay. Or just new TokiMemo.

God, this. I think I posted a similar thought in the last thread, but otome gamers (in Japan, ofc) are fucking insane to put up with the industry as they do. I know several asian otome/bl gamers and their complaints are all the same... but when I ask why they still buy all the merch, they say they want to support the circle/company or Satoshi Hino/whoever the fuck is voicing the character so they're going to buy the promotional materials anyway and it's so strange. In America, if we dislike something, we don't spend money on it. That's why movies flop and shitty game studios shut down.

Even if I have my feelings towards the otaku/eroge market, they at least treat their players with some type of dignity and release quality games. Or maybe I'm confusing the sheer quantity of games in that market for overall quality.

>There aren't that many "adult games", or just games with older characters, which would attract the fans.

This would also be a huge boon for otome imo. The demographic has aged in the last 15 years, but most characters are still 16-19. Not that women aren't as into younger men as men are into younger women (I'm still looking for a good otome game with more shota-esque characters because I get tired of the ikeman types), but I think games with mature characters would lend itself (naturally) to allowing better writing, better character development, and better resolved storylines. I can't begin to list all the games I've gone back to over the years and cringed at how childish the cast is, or sat there wondering why a route is full of overreactions and meaningless manufactured drama.

>> No.20859130

Fire Emblem has become a waifu collection simulator disguised as a unisex game. None of the males even compare in quality or uniqueness to all the flavors of female you have in the games. It's completely stacked in otakus' favor.

>> No.20859851


>> No.20859991

It's true that we could use more adults but I assume otome aren't made only for one generation. As the older fan ages so does the younger who then gets into this genre hence characters can't grow up just with (you). And I doubt mature characters would make the writing "naturally" better either. It might feel more relatable but it's still up to the writer cause just like you can stop teens from constantly overreacting you can create plenty of drama between adults too.

>> No.20860872


NOPE, that gay pedo already had his way with them

>> No.20862603
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>Not idols
>Older characters

Look forward to Otome Yuusha's return!

>> No.20863003

In fuckability anyway. Some of the boys are actually rather fun to read about, but their plots are often unexplored. Hell as much as I was ambivalent about Fates I did like Zero with Mozu, Arthur's shitty luck, and even Forrest. The ones girls go gaga over are usually the super prince types like Chrom or Marx anyway, so even if we got different boys the only relevant ones the devs will give a shot about will be of the same type.

>> No.20863630

>Otome Yuusha
Thanks for the rec, will give it a try. Looks good. Kurahana's character designs are always a yes from me.

>> No.20863782

FE's mediocre at best but it's not like waifus didn't have the usual archetypes and there was no variety in husbandos or as if they didn't both get the same events/dlc/etc.

>> No.20864382

completely depends on what you like, if you're already reading it you might as well give mio/asuku a try, personally i couldnt stand koko/narumi
if you want some more recommendations for FUN recent BL there isn't much unfortunately since they barely come out and im sure you know about the more recent stuff, but ill try to throw some stuff out there that i think is fairly ""recent"":
omega vampire (if you're looking for fun this one will probably do it if you havent read it already)
ego to koukai no dilemma
tokyo onmyouji
sorry if i couldnt really help you, im still waiting on some new arrivals to scratch the itch myself

>> No.20864519
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Started this game and I already finished 5/6 main routes. It's more on war stuff than romance but it's surprisingly great. It's ironic that the main guys who are depicted as enemies/assholes ended up having the best routes in the game aside from Chouun who's a good guy since day 1. Kakouton's probably had the best development with Kan'u while ChouUn/Kan'u are also pretty cute together because they act like newlyweds but parts of his route were ruined when they started to reveal Kan'u's past with Enshou making things worse in the background (who happened to get a shitty route that continues from ChouUn's bad ending). Chouhi's attitude can be overbearing but he did get a good character development at the end. I loved the scenes where he gets BTFO by the other characters though.

>> No.20865305


>> No.20865954

Fuuka was better. Yes, she was dumb as bricks, but she was aware of it and was humble (and she had a good reason to be so fucking stupid). She was so dumb but so sweet at the same time that she went from being annoying to adorable.
This mc from ST is dumb but thinks she is the best thing ever. Was looking forward to play this, but I can't deal with such an unlikable and arrogant mc.

>> No.20866639
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>> No.20866663

>dumb, unlikable, and arrogant mc
How bad is it? Like a xianxia MC?

>> No.20867605
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inb4 GCrest kills one of their otome for Hoshinari Echoes

>> No.20868232

are there any kind of forgotten or overlooked psp otome games worth playing?

>> No.20868818
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Yeah, now that I've been playing for a bit and I have to agree. She's just not likable no matter how you put it and she can't back up her arrogance neither with knowledge nor actions. The writing for her is just inconsistent as fuck in general. One moment she won't shut up about being a tomboy, loving her job and never wanting to wear a dress, yet in Eltcreed's route she's suddenly okay with going all girly and being a "decoration" instead of being a proper bodyguard. His route also sucks
Xianxia mcs get shit done, this mc gets btfo all the time. She's also just really dumb

>> No.20869861

It just shows you have to pay attention to the scenario writers too, not just the art and setting.

>> No.20869897
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I know it's only my fault for falling for cute art and good reviews again. Yumas shouldn't be allowed to taint any game with their shitty writing ever again.

>> No.20870172

When will they stop teasing in habataki watcher twitter and announce tmgs4 already?

>> No.20870212
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At least they are still getting paid while being under Konami.
God just release some info already fuck

>> No.20870336
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>taking your dude to the skating rink with low FIT

Ya blew it

If there's anything to announce I'm guessing it'll happen at the event in April.

>> No.20872844

The uncensored version of Hadaka Shitsuji is coming to Steam.

>> No.20873396
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I didn't get to fool around with this innocent young college student enough.

>> No.20875536

Hoping they are going to finish the story first at least before killing them.

>> No.20876259

How is Code:Realize Wintertide miracles for ya guys?

>> No.20878667
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Updated port when?

>> No.20879337

There's already a complete edition for PC.
Vita is dead, you want it for Switch?

>> No.20879544

The Complete Edition's interface is pretty clunky and the skip function is bugged. Don't know if the DMM version ever fixed that.

Omega Vampire is getting ported to Switch, so at the least Karin is open to Switch games.

>> No.20880392
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It's up http://hana-awase.net/I/

>> No.20881086

What is that 4 years after the last installment?
Is this series as edgy as it looks? Cause it looks super edgy and full of dumb drama.

>> No.20881318

Oh my, steam prison mc is insufferable. Yumas still can't write for shit

>> No.20882420

That's some nose.

>> No.20882529
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Yaoi nose is the new hotness. I'm not sure how to feel because I wanted to fuck his female version all along.
I played it a long time ago, but It's indeed as edgy and dramatic as it looks. Nevertheless I still found the game entertaining and some of the boys were pretty great.
It also has the "the main boy must suffer" trope which I dig

>> No.20884764 [DELETED] 

So are you guys all gay or is this thread populated by fujos?

>> No.20884994

but you could say this for all idols and seiyuu that had to suck and fuck for roles

>> No.20886696 [DELETED] 

It's also the Otome general you know. There's a third option.

>> No.20889041
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-random fanservice-

>> No.20889901

where are the nipples

>> No.20890520

I know this was probably discussed to hell and back here but what do you guys think about the possibility of P5 getting a P3P treatment?
I just started replaying it yesterday and damn I missed it.

>> No.20890549

Not likely and would require too much rewriting. Also a completely superfluous decision, the game doesn't need it. Besides, after the performance of the dancing games/q2 I doubt atlus is going to be jumping into new stuff rashly like that.

>> No.20890618

Doubt it. If it gets a remake at some point, it'll be more like P4G with an additional character or two for some extra side plot.

>> No.20890786
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If you're talking about FeMC here, then 0%. Atlus is too busy sucking male fans' dicks to care about the rest of their players since they'll still buy the game regardless of the MC's gender.
Same goes about homos, Atlus has spent months talking about muh "really brave representation" in Catherine, just to have the third heroine be an alien

>> No.20890914
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Disregard the part about Catherine please

>> No.20891611

nice spoiler

>> No.20891889
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I've been enjoying it and taking it slow. It's very cozy and sweet.

>> No.20893739

yes, it's the only game with good characters design and gameplay

>> No.20893961
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Cute girl

>> No.20894114

otomedream is a pain

>> No.20895228
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Would you a monk?

>> No.20895517

Nice OP


>> No.20897399

RIP 2019 bdays and holidays
Eternal tears

>> No.20898588

>good gameplay
loving every laugh

>> No.20898610
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So this year it's Knights' turn to ruin White Day

>> No.20899272
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the best boys is in this unit

>> No.20899485


>> No.20900862

This + top husband Ango and miracle of the universe Komugi

Shame their music is the blandest though. Should do more light rock like SOARA or Otoya's solos.

>> No.20900935


swordfags are the worst

>> No.20901176
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>Ozmafia was shit btw
After putting it off for so long, I've currently been trying to 100% this game. The love triangle arcs are so bad, characters were acting completely out of character. I remember /blog/ was talking about how shitty the true end/grand ending was back when this game was new but I don't remember WHY it was garbage. Axel best boy. How can the other boys even begin to compete?

>> No.20901375
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>Shutting down in April

RIP in piece

>> No.20902414

At least it seems they are planning some kind of offline version unlike most other dead mobage.

>> No.20903183

What holiday hasn't Enstars dramatized by this point? School holiday had the monument of shattered dreams, Setsubun had a suicidal twin and one with a bigger inferiority complex, and Christmas was a clusterfuck.

>> No.20903190


Well, they at least have that much. 0lus the boys are reasonably cute.

>> No.20903229
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I heard rumors that Wand of Fortune was getting one but it was bs. Ouran was one the first anime and that's what got me interested in otome, but it's not based on a VN so nevermind.

>> No.20905127

Amnesia is $1 on Humble Bundle

>> No.20905459
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JPN beta started. Chinese and Koreans seem to like it but it seems like a jew game.

>> No.20906787

Only reminded me because you said Chinese, but what happened to that Ken Kimi app that was to be released both in China and JP?

>> No.20906873

Chinese version of that is out. I only played a few minutes, but it felt like a FGO clone.

>> No.20908733

I liked Scarlet and Axel's route, everything else was pretty boring/shit.

>> No.20911015

I liked his route too. Manboy's as well.

>> No.20913345
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also, today is Ai's birthday

>> No.20915040
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can someone translate this page for me? also why is only ~half of this author's work getting scanned?

>> No.20917194
File: 57 KB, 600x606, six 6(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no detective mysteria for pc despite the company's promise to release it at the same time as the vita version
>still no 7scarlet release date; it's by the same company as psychedelica which means bugs and endless postponements
Being a retarded eop pleb is suffering

>> No.20917794

Be grateful those titles didn't get Solmare's Wand of Fortune treatment at least.

>> No.20917934

What happened to it? It sure couldn't have been worse than katakana Alice?

>> No.20919804
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>> No.20920056

There are very few otome games that are worldbuilding and story heavy enough to create a good anime. Juuzaengi is one of the few and Cao Cao's route is pretty much made for a Twelve Kingdoms type show (war, conquest, Cao Cao trying to deal with his army commander/traitor wife), but it doesn't have a large enough fanbase. And since Nip otomefags have shit taste and only care about mobage now, you can forget about ever getting a decent anime.

>> No.20920068

Did you play the first game? It's better than 2, though there's even more war.

>> No.20920284

>worldbuilding and story heavy enough

Random mobage and LN adaptations don't have this either and yet the adaptations are still better

>> No.20920567

Strange translations aside, WoF has no voices and buying a route costs as much if not more than a full game. Truly the mobage experience.

>> No.20921925
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I want to bully my underage master.

>> No.20922342

Is this game any good? Considering of picking it up

>> No.20922366

Do we really need otome anime though? It just takes away from the choice of routes and self insert appeal.
And no matter what it would have cheap animation so that's not a plus.

>> No.20923731

>It just takes away from the choice of routes and self insert appeal.
Not all heroines are meant to be self-inserts, though.

>> No.20926468

wait what? you mean the people who post here are girls?

>> No.20926672

>It just takes away from the choice of routes
Yeah, would be my main gripe. I play otome so that I don't have to put up with an annoying love interest being shoved down my throat like in most shoujo/jousei.

>> No.20930041

So Hanamaru's manga is ending. Was it any good?

>> No.20931143

But that's the point of anime adaptations, anon. They are supposed to trim down superfluous VN shit and create a coherent, well-rounded story from it.

>> No.20931558
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Loved the first game. I'll get around to the other ones eventually.

>He tricks her into eating lemons when she's sick
>She buys him a voodoo doll for Christmas

Why are they so perfect?

>> No.20934934


>> No.20935746
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>2.07 billion yen in 3 days
What the fuck. I'm glad I'm not KnightsP.

>> No.20935999

But the boys I like almost always suffer outside their routes and I like proper romance.

>> No.20936749

Need help. I'm looking for an old DS game with gameplay. The main character is running a clothing shop and she is customizable. The capture targets range from models and fashion designers.

>> No.20936799

What happened to that /blog/'s katakana Alice translation project

>> No.20937477


>> No.20938008

Dead hobby needs advertising.

>> No.20938278 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.26 MB, 999x562, 1551728982622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were right, /blog/. Ozmafia is fucking trash fire. The epilogue/grand ending was even worse. Personally, I'm a bit salty that Axel doesn't get to marry the MC despite the rest of the Oz trio getting to marry her. You also have to cheat on Axel twice to get 100% while the other two only require you cheat on them once or never. Last personal gripe but the epilogue has Kyrie mention he always knew you were Dorothy, who was a child from my understanding, but that apparently didn't stop him from introducing you to and subtly pushing you towards the brothel by letting your curiosity bring you there.
Axel, Scarlet, Manboy, and Hamelin were good boys stuck in an absolutely awful game. I'm proud of you guys for not putting this game on the recommended list. Anyone got the OST for the game?

>> No.20938442

>switch to unisex games.
How BL usually "wins" the fandom scene in a lot of these kind of takes the sting off of not having a real game. Sometimes I enjoy that more than the source material.
