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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 32 KB, 294x445, rapelay_70122t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2075526 No.2075526 [Reply] [Original]


"Looks like Amazon is in toraburu for selling Japanese rape simulation games. Excerpt from Belfast Telegraph article:

The shocking 'rape simulator', Rapelay, is set in Japan and carries a sickening game description on the Amazon website. An MP said last night that he plans to raise the issue in Parliament.
Reviews by gaming websites have expressed horror at the basis for the game.

One website review describes "tears glistening in the young girl's eyes" as she is attacked in graphic detail.

Players begin the game by stalking a mother on a subway station before violently raping her. They then move on to attack her two daughters described as virgin schoolgirls.

Players are also allowed to enter 'freeform mode' where they can rape any woman and get other male game characters to join the attacks."


>> No.2075532

>Reposted by No.2075526.

>> No.2075567

Honestly, AG3 is better.

>> No.2075577

Rapelay is so old now...

>> No.2075584

western society needs to eat a dick and calm down

>> No.2075600

no, it fucking well isn't.

Rapelay is the last decent fappan game Illusion ever made. everything after that has been a steady decline.

>> No.2075604

only game that comes close is Schoolmate, and only because it's practically the same system with updated graphics. and you know what? Rapelay is still better.

>> No.2075615

From the comments of that article

Truly an abhorrent concept for a game. But, Danny, how do you reconcile the fact that your own website celebrates "moe" -- imagery and products centering on super-cute, very young-looking women? Don't you think that those kinds of portrayals contribute to the objectification of women (and thus lead to products like this one?) Curious to hear your thoughts, as I've seen positive comments about "ero-ge" (erotic games) that don't go quite as far as this one on on your website before.

>> No.2075639

I wish Illusion would get its act together and release Rapelay 2, instead of dicking around with the fucking Schoolmate expansion pack.

>> No.2075640


>> No.2075661

people that play games like this should be hanged

fucking sickos

>> No.2075675

The only good woman is an objectified woman.

>> No.2075688

With that logic, anyone who has played a game with semi-realistic depiction of killing someone should be in probation.

>> No.2075691

I hate women.

>> No.2075711

everyone knows cell shading is superior

>> No.2075716

it's not even a new game. they're just repackaging schoolmate with a few extra scripted scenarios and positions and selling it for the price of a new game. fuck that shit.

>> No.2075718

God forbid a country with a different culture than ours do something that we don't approve of. This is pathetic.


>> No.2075729

If anything we SHOULD be raping women. All this feminist bullshit has got out of hand, and it's about time we teach women in general a lesson. Best way to do that is to assert our authority by forcing them to have sex with us against their will. So I fully support this "Rapelay" and similar games in teaching the youth of this country that rape is a good thing.

>> No.2075731

>Players are also allowed to enter 'freeform mode' where they can rape any woman and get other male game characters to join the attacks."

If this is made into an MMORPG I'm signing nao.

>> No.2075738

Oops, didn't realize the big deal was over Amazon UK selling it. Since that's the case, I don't really care. loleurope

>> No.2075742

It's not a rape simulator...! It's much more... sophisticated!

>> No.2075743

tame the girls, then stick cat ears on her


>> No.2075746

Shut up retard

Haven't you noticed you're the person doing the rape? And you enjoy doing so nevertheless. Games usually doesn't correlate the fun factor with genocide, you're always killing zombies or monsters.

Shit like castle of wolfenstein isn't produced these days anymore.

>> No.2075757

You've got war simulation, games like GTA or Saints Row, Ninjas slaying ninjas...
Accepting a fictional rape sim is a bad thing is like saying that fictional murder harbors dark impulses.

>> No.2075759

GTA was here. Your point is invalid.

>> No.2075765

Return to Castle Wolfenstein says otherwise.

>> No.2075787

War games are okay because you kill nazis.
GTA is okay because you kill niggers

>> No.2075788

>are you guys kidding me!? This is nothing like GTA! yes, that game involves murder and prostitution, but this games sole purpose it to stalk and rape women. That is the most messed up thing I have ever heard!! This game is seriously upsetting to me. Anyone who would play this, or create this is insane and would likely commit rape as they are obviously stimulated by the images. I mean come on - tears in the girls eyes? Sounds of screaming and crying and saying no? How could anyone not feel sick to there stomach with this game? Amazon should seriously remove this game from they're site. DESPICABLE!

Rape. Worse than murder.

>> No.2075791
File: 12 KB, 641x398, 1234546119479.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...sounds like someone knows fuck all about games.

>> No.2075803

Except the main point of the game is not committing genocide. The player is free to choose his way of action, but the joy about taking away the life of innocents isn't expressed in the game. Unlike Rapelay for example where the main character(you) clearly enjoy twisting the life of a family and even forcing a little children into prostitution.

>> No.2075812

You kill their SOULS.
That's much worse then...ending their life forever with no chance of happiness ever again, cause the victim won't have to carry an scars and traumas, they just killed him already.

Or something.

>> No.2075816

So? I don't see why this is such a big deal. If you don't like it then don't play it.

>> No.2075822

Postal, Carmageddon, Manhunt, etc etc etc.
beg to differ.

>> No.2075823

Not really. GTA:SA had a railroad plot. "What? You want me to murder innocent people just so you can progress your career? That's horrible." "Do it, anyway." "Yes, master."

>> No.2075830

The trolling in this thread only is worth 1/10.

>> No.2075833

'Man, you do not care about the HOOD at all.'
'Okay, I will kill the 100 gang members so we can leave in peace and RESPECT'

>> No.2075834

>twisting the life of a family and even forcing a little children into prostitution.

Tame. Find something more interesting to get offended about.

>> No.2075837

San Andreas is the worst-best game ever where you play as a black man who can run around with a chainsaw and mow down 25 or more people on the street before triggering a one-star status.

>> No.2075838

digital women have no rights

neither do yukkuris

>> No.2075850

Yukkuris have the right to die.

>> No.2075852
File: 51 KB, 500x400, 1234546635988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like fun!
Downloading now.

hurr durr, computer games aren't real.

>> No.2075854

It's a deal because Amazon UK sells it

Rapelay itself is tame compared to other eroge out there

>> No.2075862

Poor Amazon.

>> No.2075868

Rapelay doesn't have any forced prostitution

You're thinking about Musumaker ( <- google it )

>> No.2075872

Why shouldn't they sell it?

(Other than the fact that it breaks the new (fucking ridiculous) "extreme pornography" laws that have just been introduced over here, and thereby Amazon are technically committing a legal offence.)

>> No.2075870

So the new Friday the 13th movie was released today.

>> No.2075873

Guaranteed to be shit if made by the Hollywood of today.

>> No.2075881

There is no immorality in England. The government is protecting the pure hearts of its people.

>> No.2075882

>digital women have no rights
The PROTECT Act of 2003, clearly states that "it is not a required element of any offense under this section that the minor depicted actually exists."


>> No.2075883

Fuck Britain.

>> No.2075887

The rage is more at the fact that Danny Choo posted that.

As if he was ever a true bro: he isn't. He's just a normalfag with a hip blog that calls itself weeaboo just when it's convenient for him.

>> No.2075889

I'm 70% sure it features teenagers going on a drunken weekend.
The gang includes a drunken bimbo, an athletic nigger and two men who fancy a woman.
They get picked off, starting with the nigger and the bimbo.
Than, one of the guys fancying the chick gets killed and that scares the shit out of the two remaining kids, who find an armory and shoot the shit out of Jason.

>> No.2075905

I'll still go see it, if only out of nostalgia for the old movies.

It's not considered child pornography here unless real children were involved or it is presented as being child pornography. Sorry bro.

>> No.2075911

Normalfags are so retarded.

>> No.2075918

Amerika's laws against CP are so over the top and stupid that kids are being arrested over CP charges.

>> No.2075922

I wonder if people know that rape fantasy is very common kink

>> No.2075930
File: 24 KB, 110x150, 1234547422987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem because then end up falling in love with you

Just don't rape the little girl, fucking pedophile

>> No.2075934

So by deleting pictures of characters, I am a murderer?

Goddamn, I must be closing in on Genocide by this point if that's the case.

>> No.2075940

This may be true. But the cause of Amazon pulling Rapelay was due to British politicians. Not American. Even though it wasn't the UK version of Amazon that was selling it.

>> No.2075943
File: 4 KB, 132x131, 1234547540711.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Important note: all characters in this game, as in all the hentai/bishoujo games we sell, are aged 18 or older.

>> No.2075956

Protagonist: 22 year old 2nd year high school student
Little sister: 18 year old middle schooler

>> No.2075960
File: 52 KB, 448x268, 1234547763312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>18 year old
>middle schooler

>> No.2075964

What is he trolling exactly? Have you never played an English VN translation that has done this?

>> No.2075969

Are you retarded?

>> No.2075976
File: 2 KB, 50x50, 1234547914799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol u mad?

>> No.2075983

The middle schooler is, though. Poor, poor, retard, being left behind that many years.

>> No.2075994
File: 124 KB, 799x599, 1234548071412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all over legal age.

No need to worry about a thing.

>> No.2075993

So I guess this is now a /b/ thread? Wonderful. I'll try back later.

>> No.2075996

Usually you'd be out of highschool by that time.

How is this not trolling your customers to make
you think she's older than she actually looks?

>> No.2076006

It's not trolling, it's legal dodging.

>> No.2076015

I don't pirate, I make legal copies of software I legally own.

>> No.2076014

It's called 'taking advantage of a loop-hole) much more acceptable and efficient than trolling.

>> No.2076013

It's trolling.

Stop throwing fancy words around.

>> No.2076021


Did you know ?Trolling your customer is a fad in Japan.

>> No.2076024

You're missing the point. In the original game she would have her proper age. In official translations released and sold over here, having minors depicted in sexual situations is illegal. Thus, the translation company just says the character is 18. It's not a very hard concept.

>> No.2076025

>Trolling your customer

It's called "marketing."

>> No.2076031

I still don't follow.

>> No.2076029

It's a pretty hard concept for me, if you know what I mean.

>> No.2076030

I'm sorry, but I don't.

>> No.2076033

It means you are an 18 year old middle schooler?

>> No.2076037

You lost me.

>> No.2076049

I'm so going to sue Amazon for this.
