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20755403 No.20755403 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>20708184

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)

DMM (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)



>> No.20755404
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>> No.20755500
File: 350 KB, 776x412, team-1922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while since we've had one of these. How have your teams been doing, /jp/?

>> No.20755648
File: 529 KB, 775x411, thestart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Streptocarpus' Bloom out, I finally managed to clear the tutorial and get pass 600k.

This is the power auto-sort. Currently reassembling at least the first row into a Critical Party.

>> No.20756158
File: 111 KB, 764x417, fkg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have Wolfberry, Japanese Silver Grass(Swimsuit), and Kugaisou all on the sidelines for now. I'm low on normal ampoules for the first time in a while.

>> No.20757242
File: 513 KB, 779x470, 983219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

697k at the moment. 1 more rainbow will put me over 700k, but I'm holding off on buying Kugaisou at the moment in anticipation of one of the teased lolis.

>> No.20757476
File: 677 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20190202-130457_Puffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new rainbow
>dupe tsubaki is the same one I picked with the anniversary ticket
not based

>> No.20757494

That's actually specifically why I haven't picked anyone yet.

On that note, does anyone know if there's like an expiration on the ticket or anything? If not, then I probably won't be pulling until after I throw stuff at the new Oncidium.

>> No.20757534
File: 150 KB, 958x514, 1517708216344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting at 698990 points right now, so once I make up my mind on who to get with my medals (Hitsujigusa, Stella or Koonita) and replace Helio, I should be around 710k.

>> No.20757931
File: 772 KB, 1440x960, 1532774911558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep forgetting Baal is just tanned and not actually brown.
I wonder what would she look like with her natural white skin because I dig pale girls with red eyes and white hair

>> No.20757937

Tickets never expire.

>> No.20757956

Good to know. I usually don't hold onto them, but I'm also not usually showered in free 11 rolls backed up to a new banner I really want to roll on. The plan right now is to get gold Saintpaulia if I don't end up with her on accident. I got three of the other gold when I tried to roll on her banner.

>> No.20758920

>pale girls with red eyes and white hair
Is this a common thing nowadays? It's become a style that I didn't expect to like but it has grown on me hard.

tan w/tanlines is the superior flavor of brown

>> No.20759093


Albinos are top tier taste

>> No.20759308
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I think it used to be a staple of vampires, but then spread out.

>> No.20760604
File: 340 KB, 1920x1080, A1A3BC98-FF7A-47D9-9D38-EF3C5F5BECB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best alt skin.

>> No.20761224
File: 1.40 MB, 960x641, 3gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck. I love the Daily Free 11 Rolls now.

>> No.20761716
File: 506 KB, 769x407, Screenshot_2019-02-02 FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - DMM GAMES R18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

637k here. I eagerly await the day this whole page is full of lovely brown and/or glasses girls.

>> No.20761754

You probably can't wait for the next event then.

>> No.20761933

I am indeed very excited for another Cymbidium. And the new Oncidium.

>> No.20762251

So this is why every character in the next event is of 打-type.
Can't wait to see the maidens convey their feelings with their fists.

>> No.20762255

i didnt know my cute flowers were into fisting, that's kind of hot

>> No.20762307

Danchou getting fisted this Valentine.

>> No.20762557

Good taste. Shame she's not very strong.

>> No.20762559
File: 179 KB, 772x408, bypower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>set out to bring peace and yuri to spring garden by subjugating the evil danchou that kidnapped novalis-sama
>fall in love with him at first sight instead
Kalanchoe, what are you doing? This was your shot to reconcile the Warring States by replacing the MC with a loli danchou who seduces older girls.

Poor girl, though. It looks like she's another "childhood friend killed by pests" character.

Best taste. New Barley would be great too, she's very popular for multiple reasons.

And speaking of brown girls, Kurenai's appearance in this event confirms the "flower knights can dress skimpily in any climate because of worldflower protection" thing that was mentioned in the novels. But Sanvitalia, a Lotus Lake knight, doesn't like Winter Rose because of the cold... so is Banana Ocean's worldflower actively supporting their lewdness by giving them extra weather resistance? Maybe Ghost Weed is only freezing herself because she betrayed Slut Nation's values by dressing heavily, she'd be warm and snug if she went around in nothing but a string bikini like Wolfsbane.

FKG ends service because Dendrobium punches a hole through Winter Rose and sinks the whole continent: the event.

>> No.20762798

>fall in love with him at first sight instead
More like first fight. He dodges her attacks and patted her on the head. Honestly, DANCHOU is the deadly being in the game. If we take into account the various CQs, Events and Main Story, he's probably stronger than the strongest Flower Knight.

>> No.20762845

Here's a page about Danchou's exploits

>> No.20762867

Yeah, I saw that page too. The AFN wiki is good at cataloguing all these things.

>> No.20762909

>the wiki that swats aside unnecessary stuff like stats and quotes and goes straight to how breedable Viola is
I forgot all about them, but they're good.

>> No.20762957
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Certainly a man to fear

>> No.20763453
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t-thanks, free rolls

>> No.20763520

Game officially certified you as a lolicon, I see.

>> No.20763591
File: 743 KB, 1557x414, TeamFeb2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left: sorted by overall power (647k)
right: team with girls I like for easy stuffs

The anniversary was good to me and gave me 3 new rainbows, with Novalis from the newcomer gacha, Curcuma from one of the free 11-rolls and Habranthus from rainbow medals.

>> No.20763896
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Hey, other anon playing this. Who should I +40? Leaning toward Alice or Karin, they seem to get the best passives, but I probably need to go through all of their stories and scenes before really deciding.

Also, is there interest in Tokyo Necro? I could write up a guide if I ever got around to finishing story to unlock raid initiating and guilds.

>> No.20764050
File: 122 KB, 773x108, team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys get such high overall power teams?

This is my strongest fully blossomed and affectioned team. Does high speed mean your other stats suffer that much?

>> No.20764206

It shouldn't, no. Any team of rainbows should be able to exceed 170k easily. Are they ampied?

>> No.20764215
File: 36 KB, 100x100, DEF_Ampy[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full bloom, second affection max, max amp.

feeding 100 ampoules of all three types (hp, def, atk) gives 4400 stat total to a character. multiply that by 5 and you have 22000 more power in your party.

for example, in my left team here >>20764050
All the characters in the first and second party ate 300 ampoules, while in the third party there's only Chocolate Cosmos.

>> No.20764222

>for example, in my left team here >>20764050
sorry, meant to quote this post here >20763591

>> No.20764434

Girl designs & scenes have me interested, but the abuse of Live 2D & shitty game design & gacha implementation x events is just a massive turnoff

It won't last very long.

>> No.20764585

You think the new Taimanin dmm game killed both Taimanin games?

I used to play the old one a decent amount, but the new one felt pretty shitty and now I feel like there's no reason to go back to the old one.

>> No.20765000

My main issue is that I find myself constantly running the level-up material maps to level up girls. I'll spend a whole stamina bar and find that I'm still short. Weekend just ended too so even if I limit break one of my 5-stars, it's going to take all week to level them up. Gameplay seems to be mostly a numbers game, I was able to do okay damage for the recent raid but it was easy to get completely wiped out and it wasn't forgiving to newbies at all. That said, I've ran most of the events so far with only the grindable event girl for bonus. Not to completion usually as even running the current event with full bonus, it looks like a lot of grind. The other anon has been more hardcore about grinding than me.

Long-term, I'm not sure how they're going to keep up this pace of three fully voiced character stories and scenes, animating the scene for the new 5-star, three times a month. They already implemented a pity guarantee to gacha but I don't think that's a bad indication like some JPs seem to think.

Ultimately, it combines a lot of common mobage systems for each aspect but didn't remember to implement all the QoL stuff every other game eventually added for those systems. So even if it runs quickly compared to older games, there's a lot of tedium still. They seem to be intending to fix that at least.

>abuse of Live 2D
Not sure what you could mean by this.

>> No.20765140

I guess some people just can't stand floaty live2D sprites, and prefer static sprites.
Personally I think if they can keep up the pace, together with some QoL updates and improvements, the game could last a year or two, as long as they don't go full retard somewhere along the line.

>> No.20765165

>I guess some people just can't stand floaty live2D sprites, and prefer static sprites.
It's a complain I've heard before and IIRC it has more to do with the characters moving just to move rather than moving in ways that make sense for a normal person. I don't know what they look like in that game, though. But it's basically a complaint about the characters moving a lot for no reason.

>> No.20765311

Most aren't bad for a typical idle animation. These don't bother me like PAD's stuff or from what I've seen for Destiny's Child. Alice is likely the worst offender of my collection. Maybe Karin, but it kinda works for her.
The wolf girl in red and one of the other 5-stars seemed kinda annoying though. Maybe 4~6 others in the lower rarities.

I could probably record some, now that I remember I can do that.

>> No.20765697

Artwhirl question: What does it mean when someone has medium range? Short seems to be just hit the front row and long is hit anywhere (may or may not be priority on the back?). What's medium?

>> No.20765781

Man this guy got as many rainbows in 1 roll as I have golds so far. Thanks free rolls!

>> No.20765916

Wiki says:
Short-range: Targets the front row.
Medium-range: Targets the front row, but if the front row has 2 enemies, she'll focus on the other (front row) enemy that's not targeted by close-range attackers.
Long-range: Targets the back row.

>> No.20766055

Is there more than one wiki out there? I couldn't seem to find it on there. Could you link me where you found it? And thanks, that's helpful.

>> No.20766206

Well there are multiple wikis out there, but wikiru seems to be the most up-to-date.
I found this info on wikiru itself, hidden in some sandbox which only surfaced through a Google search.
Also a bit unrelated but still useful, that search also brought some nice pages to my notice, containing info that even wikiru lacks:
General impressions: https://432web.net/2018/11/12/035623/
Recommended characters: https://432web.net/2018/11/27/215007/
Character info: https://432web.net/2019/01/02/224501/

>> No.20766300

Okay, I was looking on wikiru, but yeah, I didn't see it in any of the proper articles. Thanks. That character recommendation list might be even better since I'm mostly just trying to pick a third character to go with Gina and Pauly. I'm not really liking Maho in the team.

>> No.20766637

Basically skipped the last event because the points given per Raid was bullshit and basically impossible for those that didn't roll the Gacha.

Got Alice in the third Step of the new Step-Up Gacha, is it worth it to go all the way to the 5th step for that guranteed 5* (and maybe get a dupe for LB)?

>> No.20767241
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If you want, I don't know what your S-Materia situation is. Accumulation seems generous but the wall is likely to come quickly when you don't get who you wanted, like in any other game. I got Usagi from my guarantee and decided to roll the half-off roll afterwards which gave me Alice. I had over 30k so had room to roll, would've been more if I wasn't being retarded trying to roll an umbrella for Karin. I'm back up to 21k from running the event.
Usagi has a nice +2 skill boost available before any limit breaks, but I don't have it unlocked since I don't want skill spam on mooks in the event.

This is February event line-up however.
>Valentine campaign, just a story?
>No Rules Triangle - next event
>Raid event with guild stuff if you're in one
>365 Day Idol - event going into March?
No idea what those will have and no idea if they're going to continue with the step guarantee. It'll probably reset if anything.

They noted complaints about the raid difficulty, so hopefully it isn't ass next time. The nonstop counters pissed me off and the scaling meant the event girl would still get one-shot at VH.

>> No.20767495

If Danchou's so powerful how come he doesn't fight?
I understand the technical reasons but it doesn't make sense lore-wise. That's why I like Aigis, its protag is actually a gameplay element instead of some beta self-insert excuse.

>> No.20767641

He's apparently not much help against pests because he doesn't have worldflower protection, it's one thing to teach swordplay and another to rip into giant bugs. He's also more of a "can do whatever the plot wants him to" character rather than truly strong, he says in Monotropastrum's CQ that he can't match flower knights.

And nah, I don't want the Prince's ugly faceless mug in every battle. I'll only accept it once they implement the title that turns him into a cute girl.


By the way, here's a questionnaire to settle the "is X a loli?" question once and for all. The only real surprise is that Garden Peony is considered a bona fide loli on 2ch.

>> No.20767653

>ugly faceless mug
>ugly faceless

>> No.20767772

>If you want, I don't know what your S-Materia situation is
Well, I do have 25k left, so I might as well just roll those last 2 steps and reaccumulate from there.

>> No.20767803

Personally, I was more shocked by Freesia being considered a loli. She looks a bit older than that from the pre-Evolved art and was more borderline, but I don't remember how she sounds, so it might skew things a little.

>> No.20767847

Freesia needs a buff, she's super cute and should be super strong too.

>> No.20767903
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She's already better than the standard-package attack/evade/skill up/skill or boss damage rainbows like Azalea, Multiflora, yukata Geranium, or miko Anemone due to her 40% double-act chance so if she gets buffed I want them to as well.

>> No.20767921

Buff them too, no need to be stingy with buffs. Its just sort of sad seeing girls with 60% chance to double attack and six different skills while these cuties are left behind.

>> No.20768445
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So, who did you guys vote for?

>> No.20768448

The one in middle.

>> No.20768455
File: 516 KB, 800x1040, 65836943_p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20768549

Most popular: Lily and Lechenaultia, although I focused on Lily after it became clear that she had a shot at getting within the top 20.
Private time: Streptocarpus
School Uniform: Heather
Newcomer: Lacquer Tree
Although, for the topics, I focused on Streptocarpus all the way after giving 1k to the others.

>> No.20768566


>Note that if a character won in multiple areas, rewards of highest priority area will be taken into consideration, and (if the rewards include a new form) only one new form will be made. The other rewards will be transferred to closest character and the original winner whose rewards have been transferred will get different, additional rewards instead.

So, does that mean, even if Anemone wins/won the Private Time poll, it's going to be Enotera that gets it because of 2nd place?

>> No.20768598
File: 106 KB, 640x426, 4k7L6pD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your average Anemone voter.

>> No.20768635

The one with big tits

>> No.20768838 [DELETED] 

>literally first roll

Staying up paid off.

>> No.20768841
File: 439 KB, 1920x1080, BAB98EC5-4985-4DB8-854C-3FFC0073789B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally first roll

Phew, avoided the glasses landmine.

Staying up paid off, apparently.

>> No.20768923

Mum and Miltonia because I didn't like how low they ranked in the last contest. Barley in newcomer because she has a good shot at getting a new version.

And gosh, new nushi map is no joke either. Even full rainbow teams don't cut it anymore, thankfully the stages are permanent so you don't miss anything if you can't clear them right now.

Yeah. On one hand, it's good because you only get one new Anemone at most. On the other, it's bad because Anemone fans will be angry and make her win for the next 35 years too. Why settle for just an Anemone party when you can have an entire Anemone whale ship?

>> No.20769016
File: 137 KB, 800x800, 1526126767954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kitsune no Botan, though I only managed to get 40k tickets in the general category and 20k in the newcomer one. Didn't bother with the other categories cuz fuck 'mone and the likes.

>> No.20769229
File: 161 KB, 600x800, 967177c17db48fc75ec8da9ed8143022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same girl as last year. She climbed quite a few places from last time at least.

>> No.20769288

Chocolate Cosmos on the main popularity poll and after I saw the stream last week, Japanese Anemone in the school uniform ranking

>> No.20769607
File: 552 KB, 960x1280, 100(00)_stones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5th rainbow in ~4 months. Hail NZN.

>> No.20769627
File: 2.13 MB, 1437x1277, 12rolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, did 12 11-rolls. No Oncidium. Novalis decided to spook me as payback for ignoring her Gacha, I guess. The one up-side is that the Dendrobiums I got was enough to get her Max Skill levels. Also used up my 100 tickets and 1 D-ticket, nothing really there.

I could use the 300 medals I have for Onci, but still not sure if I want to yet. There's still time and those 40oo gems after all.

>> No.20769969

>FKG has good ra-

>> No.20770752

>One character can just win everything forever
The developers of this game really badly suck at this popularity contest thing, must be the worst poll system I have ever seen.

>> No.20771663

Purple Tulip for main, Purple Pansy for everything else. I want literally anything for either of them, but I'm sure neither will get enough votes for anything. Hell, I honestly just dropped the main votes for Purple Tulip hoping she wouldn't continue staying at the very bottom of the list of 4*s waiting for rarity growth.

Said literally no one at any point in the game's history.

>> No.20771773
File: 1.43 MB, 960x640, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took about 18 or 19 rolls before I got a rainbow, and then I think the game suddenly remembered what the odds were supposed to be. In the process, I got 6 Dendros, 13 Cymbidiums, 2 new golds, and 7 dupe golds.

>> No.20771815

It would probably be best if this went unanswered but I'll ask anyway.
How did any of you other filthy gaijin charge DMM points? Directly with a CC or through paypal? Going to the local conbini to buy a point card?

>> No.20771828


>> No.20771856

Last time I went with card, the bank called me because of "suspicious activity".

>> No.20771879
File: 217 KB, 1200x799, 1545421598896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CC, for that juicy 1% omake.

Had that as well, but once I told them that the transaction was intended they never bothered me again.

Not as lucky as you, but at least I got an equipment slot, 10 levels and a yandere out of it.

>> No.20771934

Guess I'm setting up a paypal.

They should know I'm into weeb shit but it's been a while since I've ordered anything from Japan that came up as an international charge instead of already converted.

1% omake is tempting, but kinda don't want them to know where I live, muh paranoia and all.

>> No.20771945

You're making it sound like Paypal is some sort of anonymous payment method. It isn't.

>> No.20771959

I think you need to connect you paypal with your bank info for it to work now.

>> No.20772017

Damnit, why did you assholes answer?

DMM already knows I'm connecting with a foreign IP, but sometimes my dumb vpn works. I doubt they would lock-out permanently with an address on record but other services have been more paranoid about that stuff.

Seems I already made one for something else, just have to see what other hoops I have to jump through for Japanese funny money to work on it.

>> No.20772443

I use my CC normally and had no issues whatsoever, but then again I only play Aigis.

>> No.20772816
File: 163 KB, 953x634, oncidium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well everyone else is getting rainbows so figured I'd give it a shot. Only needed to use 250(00) stone so not too bad. Also got 3 each of the new golds on the way.

>> No.20773263

Valentine event starting on Jewel Princess today, alongside Mahou Shoujo Agate event. We will be getting chocolate equipments.

>> No.20773909

I see dragon maps are still the biggest scam in FKG. I just did 10 runs and all I got out of it was 40 bronze dragons. I wish a dev could have been standing behind me watching so I could see the shame wash over his face at the embarrassment of how fucking bad dragon maps still are.

>> No.20774833

>farming dragon maps after we had two weeks to farm dragon/petal maps

>> No.20775003

I need that life linking fedora but i want to save sc for valentine waifus. What do?

>> No.20775007
File: 59 KB, 504x530, AyCBlr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those cute tiny tanlines
God I want her AW2 so fucking badly

>> No.20775299

Look, don't even. I spent the last two weeks leveling 34 gold and rainbow units from 1 to bloom 60+. I farmed that blue dragon/bird map until I was sick of it (and the gold maps, too). But the new banner is all blue and the event unit is, too, and I need more.

>> No.20775426
File: 587 KB, 1113x623, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiny Mahou Shoujos.

>> No.20775666

>fkg devs are so generous that getting the dragons to raise girls is harder than getting these girls

>> No.20775681

That's not entirely incorrect. They "fixed" manyu drops by adding a 100 stam with guaranteed gold drop and higher gold rates on the random drops, but didn't do the same for dragons for some reason. Dragon maps are trash, probably the one true frustration left from the old days.

>> No.20775720

They probably think the log-in bonuses/whaleship purchases are enough. I have 121/119/124/102 dragons and I haven't run the dragon maps in years.

I guess running out of dragons only applies to people who have to catch up with event girls and so on.

>> No.20775731

No, I've been playing for years and I can still run out. Though I'm not buying out the whale shop every time it refreshes. Usually spending my medals there on birds because they're even harder to get than dragons.

>> No.20775775

That's strange, then. I've run out of birds and petals many times, but I can't recall being low on dragons. But yeah, farming dragons does suck if you do have to farm them, they should probably make these dragon/bird/petal maps permanent and just refresh their clear rewards once in a while. That, or allow you to enter dragon maps with high rates using fairy keys.

Incidentally, the modern dragon maps may be even more frustrating than the old ones, as there are some suggestions that the rates have been stealth nerfed way back in the awful age of spinners and medal collection events.

>> No.20776385
File: 39 KB, 426x530, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2nd cutest gold after Rino getting valentine skin too
Very nice

>> No.20776432
File: 34 KB, 460x460, DynQOX1U8AArAmu.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20776462


>> No.20776511

Vast improvement. Too bad she's the event girl.

So who do you want as the other Valentine girls this time around? The return of Valentine's Memento and choco-skeletons? Valentine's Ingrid with yet another shockingly indecent outfit, now featuring a half-melted chocolate bra? Valentine's Sybilla doing wakamezake play with chocolate instead of sake?

>> No.20777183

What are common knights that can get you through 怪奇?おかしな害虫を討伐せよ!'s bullshit? I tried bruteforcing it with raw speed, but that only worked in the earlier maps.

>> No.20777205


>> No.20777231

Lilac with 525 base speed is a real fucking drag down. My party gets caught up during the fourth map.

>> No.20777257

Did you try her? I'm sure that her selling point is the ability to ignore speed altering panel.

>> No.20777282

Parties don't even make it to the slowdown panels in the first place. You need something like 800 base speed to stay ahead of the slug or something.

>> No.20777355

There are tons of gold knight that increase party speed though.
Find 移動力が

>> No.20778090

>a fucking Leaf
Don't give a fuck about this year's valentine's then I guess

>> No.20778364

I don't think you can outrun the slug in the last map, you have to fight it. You still need a fast team 1 to let loose the chibiNZN corps/take out the fry nodes so that their path is clear (wiki recommends 700 speed), otherwise lots of dodge/guts/counter girls (plus barrier/revival if you have them) and the +20 speed attachable ability will have to save the day.

The slug has 100 HP. Good luck.

>> No.20778810
File: 75 KB, 568x530, DysMyTDUcAEthnf.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valentine's Sophie

>> No.20778896
File: 48 KB, 543x530, DysNST_VAAEgoxO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be rolling for the Plat

>> No.20778952
File: 230 KB, 753x926, DxnHK9SU0AATjIO.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they say what type of event is next?
Did I imagine reading about another popularity contest?

>> No.20778955

This looks like a simple edit but then you notice they actually changed the names of the games too

>> No.20779002

It's not fair, Dorca should've been given a sexy valentine version.

>> No.20779876

February plans, not this event since we're getting a unit

>> No.20781540
File: 1.23 MB, 968x644, 8942124891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got a rainbow out of the free rolls and it's a damn Anemone dupe.

>> No.20781645
File: 106 KB, 272x275, 4209141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It put me over 300 medals, at least. Who do I pick, guys?

>> No.20781733
File: 100 KB, 507x574, 2A3363C8-F4C2-4C6B-BBD0-3BCB50C87B1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20781760
File: 223 KB, 797x509, bestgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20781864

Pepo if you have (hero) Lantana, DG otherwise.

>> No.20782488
File: 42 KB, 225x115, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opted for regular version since the skillset looked better. Threesome scene when?

>> No.20782650

So Nutaku's FKG has this code hunt thing going that can be redeemed for a 6 star ticket. Most obvious is B1 in the current event screen.

>> No.20782745

>Nutaku gets a bunch of free rainbows and japan gets 10 daily 4*'s
nice anniversary

>> No.20782789

>You can find the puzzle pieces anywhere in the game, so keep an eye out for them, first come, first served basis!
What did they mean by that? Is there a limit to how many times can they be redeemed?

>> No.20782822

>You can find the puzzle pieces anywhere in the game, so keep an eye out for them, as it's a first come, first served basis! There can only be one winner! Good luck!
Seems like it's literally a single ticket for the ONE person who uses the code first, fucking wow.

>> No.20783371

>Threesome scene when?
When FKG anime happens, each non-Blossom Hill nation gets an anime original danchou, and Banana Ocean's is revealed to be an extra lewd onee-san whose first scene is her waking up with Pepo and Lantana in her bed. Clearly the Slime collab is just priming the audience for that kind of goal.

Speaking of which, even our pure and innocent Onci-chan smoothly recruits a loli in this event. I guess that tentacle monster in Dendro's forbidden room is going to have another little girl to train.

Probably not, they aren't stupid. It's really a pretty nice gesture, reminds me of the scavenger hunts and other little games that used to happen on small forum RPGs.

>> No.20783380

I wish I could pick someone. There's just too many choices so I get decision paralysis and just sit on it.

>> No.20783413
File: 25 KB, 640x143, 1540740533236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me almost one month to decide. No regrets though, Koonitabirako is pure love.

>> No.20783489

I was going to use my 1200+ medals on Nipplewort, but then I actually yolo’d her and was back to square one.


Maybe if that upcoming loli not-Laffey rabbit is a rainbow and I miss her, she’ll be my next target.

>> No.20783549

>Probably not, they aren't stupid.
FKG Discord sort of confirmed that it's a one person thing only. You think they'd just give everyone a free 6* ticket?

>> No.20783595

They've done that multiple times in the past, so yeah

>> No.20783608

>Plumeria's mature loli aura, Dusty Miller's good wife type supportive loli appeal, is the glue preventing the Nanakusa madwomen from accidentally the whole Spring Garden (alongside Jersey Cudweed), cute voice gimmick that hides deep loneliness, delivers the "dinner, bath or me?" line
FKG has a lot of dangerous lolis, but they really hit home with her. I'm not a lolicon, but her appeal is something else.

Still waiting on that second glasses rainbow here. At least I exceeded 600 and could pick Mistletoe, after randomly getting another target in Black Baccara.

Then I stand corrected, that's stupid. I thought extra rainbows were the only good reason to play on Nutaku nowadays, they should capitalize on that.

>> No.20783690
File: 858 KB, 1200x1050, 1527590831703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FKG has a lot of dangerous lolis
Yes, yes indeed. And as if the original art and voices aren't bad enough, there's also fanart that increases said danger by quite a few orders of magnitude.

Point in case:

Ever since I saw that piece of art I've been having a hard time suppressing the urge to spend my remaining medals on Komugi.

>> No.20783899
File: 132 KB, 800x667, DZxEUbUU8AA5T6t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's good taste right there. Too bad she doesn't get much interaction with Mistletoe or Barley, but she does appear in this event... under somewhat suspicious circumstances. Did she just poison a cooking instructor to take her place? Danchou-nii better not think about cheating on her, or else he may find himself sampling fresh-baked arsenic cookies, or baked into Ms. Wheat's meat pies.

That said, I wonder if the anon who was into little sisters is still around. Her lines are tailor made to give that kind of person a heart attack.

>> No.20784330

>That said, I wonder if the anon who was into little sisters is still around. Her lines are tailor made to give that kind of person a heart attack.

Surely there’s more than one anon fitting that description.

Personally, I’ve managed with “just” Asagao and “just” Henna, though I wouldn’t mind adding Wheat to the list.

But she’s also not a loli, so I’ve been a bit hesitant in dropping medals for her right away.

>> No.20786693
File: 1.65 MB, 1060x1111, 857b60d3dc02efc4e1f216cfee05f7ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that crotch tattoo.

>> No.20786716
File: 229 KB, 567x225, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally got the DMM login ticket

Useless cute, also lolicept chink

>> No.20786718
File: 296 KB, 650x465, d3295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20787141

Well she'll be useless as a unit and I'm not fond of event units anyways but I'll be damned if my dick doesn't want her.

>> No.20787258

Cute little devil witch

>> No.20788560
File: 33 KB, 520x138, Aigis_2019-02-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 13 rolls
>Moritan dupe
>Creepy nails
>Wrong brown girl
>Mangled feet
Rate up is a lie, as always.

>> No.20788639

ema a cute
she loses the nails on her daywalker AW2 though

>> No.20789245
File: 1.38 MB, 960x643, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon that did 12 11-rolls for Onci here. With the 40oo from the login bonus and 40oo more from the Popularity Contest Celebration, I tried rolling again. First 11 was a Silver Pot, but second one was this.

>> No.20789264

meanwhile I'm 85000 without a rainbow
buying centis with gems starts to sound like a good idea at this point

>> No.20789596
File: 214 KB, 800x404, IMG_20190208_014546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up next in Artwhirl:
- New 危険な event (Sakura, Priscilla, Amanda)
- New heroine: Luce (?) (present in PV)
- New system: Memories. Something about turning memories into power. Speculation so far is that it has to do something with panels (obviously).

Also, everyone's favorite ガチニート関根 missed getting into top 10 by a hair. Then again, the fight to the top was really close this time.

>> No.20789622

Sadly I was too weak to push anywhere close to the top. I'm pretty sure I was still in bronze territory. But damn, if there had been a ranking for what you rolled, I'd have been in the running for a gold. I spent thousands of points trying to get a damn vertical six star panel. Finally got one (the face I wanted, too), but it took a lot to get there.

I don't know how I feel about panels starting to mean something for gameplay, if that is in fact what this is, since I like them just kinda being a useless fun thing. I worry about a pronounced difference between paying and non-paying players if they handle it wrong.

>> No.20789681

Yeah the thing with panels worries me too. I guess the devs wanted to make the special panels feel more 'special'.
I hope the new system isn't too much of an extreme change.

>> No.20789795
File: 291 KB, 955x629, holyshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually got one of the girls from my wishlist in free rolls
I'm still in shock, I can't believe Nazuna decided to be nice to me.

>> No.20789920
File: 294 KB, 960x640, emelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats. We got like 200 rolls between all the giveaways, it was bound to happen eventually. FKG devs best devs.

Also, rate up was a lie today, but I'm happy with it. She's cute, and I can turn the entire map into one big pincushion with her, Asherah and Katina. I think her dodge stacks with Fate Diviner too, could be useful to duel Gusion with her + Fei.

>> No.20790057

I can't wait for my bound to happen roll. I'm at 4 golds from all the giveaway tickets/daily rolls.

>> No.20790191
File: 30 KB, 857x118, practically a greater demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They throw five of these guys at you at once in the last stage on the same row.

>> No.20790291

oh so that's how my Tenma died
I was half asleep and just really not paying attention so I got a 2*

>> No.20790875
File: 677 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20190207-205558_ R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, a shinier Thing That is Not Rinne

>> No.20792005

Guys, I'm feeling sick of this game. It has finally hit me. What do?

>> No.20792033

which one

>> No.20792413

Stop playing it.

>> No.20793086

Whats this paidy thing in DMM's emails?

>> No.20793275
File: 205 KB, 796x552, IMG_20190208_154201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new "Memories" system seems to give stat bonuses to characters based on the no. of 6* panels you roll. Rolling a dupe improves that panel's bonus.
Only Luce's and Valentine Dee's panels have their buffs implemented in game for now, with other characters' (including the ones you have already) to be added down the line.
Seems to cater to whales but given how the game plays now, there shouldn't be much of a disadvantage to a free player.

Also, Victoria (princess introduced in Luce's story, and future playable) seems to blow Vanessa and Rola off the water, basing entirely on royalty.

>> No.20793387

Is there actually a decent map(s) for amp farming? I kind of want to dump my stamina nectar and try to get some, but I have no idea where to go.

>> No.20793527

I don't think there's a huge difference between the various maps that drop amps. I personally go for whatever is 30 % off, which would be story missions right now.

>> No.20794217

Say, how do I read that movespeed & attackspeed stat? It's just a arbitrary number to read.

>> No.20794456


>> No.20794924 [DELETED] 

An approximate conversion to pixels-per-second is to take 6% of the listed value.

>> No.20794971

For attack speed, it's just the number of frames per attack, assuming fps. For movespeed, an approximate conversion to pixels-per-second is to take 6% of the listed value.

>> No.20794977

*60 fps (the game runs in 30 now iirc, but it's too much trouble to convert.

>> No.20795264
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 1520087422082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20795538


>> No.20796074

Turns out someone brute forced it before the rest of the letters were released with the 2nd event part.
They announced the code, and indeed it was 1-time use. Now everyone tries the code and gets mad.
This is a real fucking stupid decision

>> No.20796373
File: 551 KB, 778x507, box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I started this game during the mobile launch campaign (guess it was during october last year, idk), and this is my box today. Is this a good progress?

>> No.20796653
File: 611 KB, 798x493, fkgteam18-07-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess, about as bad/good as I was.
I started mid-March and I still have this screenshot from early July. as far in as you are now.
You own 4 more rainbows, but two of them are the smartphone release freebies and I remember that I pulled 2 rainbows in July after I made that screenshot, so we're almost even.

7 months later, my current team >>20763591

>> No.20796764

You know, that seems fair. It doesn't look crazy broken. How is the +0 bonus given?

>> No.20797639 [DELETED] 

You automatically get +0 when you roll the corresponding 6* panel for the first time.
After that, +1 when you get your first dupe, +2 on your second and so on.

>> No.20797646

You automatically get +0 when you roll the corresponding 6* panel for the first time.
After that, +1 when you get your first dupe, +2 on your second and so on.

>> No.20797650

Alright. Not that I've ever seen a non-event one out of the normal gacha anyway, but whatever. The first one is the biggest boost, so it's not asking for too much to get a boost at all.

>> No.20797755

The treasure hunt at Nutaku is over. They're announcing the full code on the scrolling bar because... I dont know. For some reason they released another code on the weekend gacha page despite the treasure hunt being already over which implies someone created multiple accounts just to guess the full code

>> No.20797977

Classic Butaku shit. Hype something up to give a fucking ticket to ONE PERSON.

>> No.20798489

Lucky bastard

>> No.20798600

It's looking pretty good, yeah. Dendrobium, Sensitive Plant and Easter Cactus have rare and useful kits if you want to take on some high-end challenge stages, and you have dodge covered with Higanbana, so you're only missing barrier among the cheat abilities. I don't think this team will face too many problems down the road, no matter whom your follow-up rainbows may be, and five gacha rainbows in a few months is reasonably good luck too. Plus, prioritizing Ivy for bloom shows good taste.

Who are your favorite girls so far? That's what really matters here.

>> No.20799381

How did we get from
>Welcome, Danjou-sama! Please protect Spring Garden.
>Yo, my dude! Secure my hood

>> No.20799385
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>> No.20799435


>> No.20799525
File: 190 KB, 559x221, black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I focus on Platinums I like already, or is there someone here who I need to level as soon as possible?
I only really want to be able to reliably clear events. From the looks of it Majins don't seem to drop too rare items

>> No.20799528

I have 3 5* pick tickets saved up in FKG, are there any 5*s that have must-have kits?
I have most of the big titty golds from previous tickets, and I'm only at 9 rainbows.

>> No.20800473

You have the two most powerful units so level up whoever you want. I would suggest getting a decent healer but Silvia doesnt need one and i cleared everything (excluding majin 10+) without Rinne or Saria so do whatever.

>> No.20800542

Does her passive post-attack delay reduction work on Pikaprince's lightning/Hekaprince's rocks?

>> No.20800933
File: 114 KB, 960x640, honmei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20801069
File: 563 KB, 959x640, ホトトギス.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>toadlily slowly moves from dying of embarrassment to a successful "I love you, be with me forever" confession
This is bad for my heart.

Nah, 5* are nearly all the same. Dodge is useful in a pinch but dodge is extremely common in golds so you'll get a lot of girls with it eventually. High stat total golds like Peach and Woodsorrel help too, and the former is at the top end of the bust ladder while the latter is good to put into these teams because of her complex over her chest size (also cute).

5* kits only start to be relevant when you promote them, but promotion crystals are so obscenely rare (one promotion per ~5 months is the norm) that you should only do it to the girls you really love. Powergaming is the worst thing you can do with them.

Majins drop black armors at levels 5 and 10, so they're very good for quick leveling, but level 15 is solely for bragging rights. But >>20800473 is right, you're pretty much set for life.

Raising the (shrine) plats you like is also a good idea in general because you never know who'll be useful after the next buff wave or gimmick map.

>> No.20801167

>to a successful "I love you, be with me forever" confession
And to yandere

>> No.20801232

She holds a special place in my heart. 2nd favorite after Aburana, and the first ever gold I got back in my Nutaku days.
Currently both my files have one of each version in my team.
...I should get back to playing character quests and date scenes one of these days.

>> No.20801307

I can't say there are any with "must-have" kits, but the real standouts in my mind are probably Peach. due to her having near-rainbow stats despite being gold (I can't even imagine what kind of mess she's going to be with rarity growth), and Cymbidium (original), who has a skill that doubles the entire party's chance of using skills on the first turn of a fight. Beyond those two, you can pretty much get the same mileage out of anyone.

Personally, I would just recommend dick-picking it for all of the tickets.

>> No.20801354

The speed ones are good.

>> No.20801379
File: 178 KB, 783x417, casual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These people with all good progress
>Started last year too and my team looks like this
I've been playing very casually though and yeah the girls I got from anniversary are level 1 because reasons but I'll get to that soon so no bully.

>> No.20801593
File: 98 KB, 761x398, fkg_team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm super lazy but this is my progress in 1 year, units sorted by total power (with some reshuffling based on their skills).

>> No.20802067
File: 843 KB, 960x638, valentine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh? Looks like I have a secret admirer. I don't remember setting him as vice leader.

>> No.20802179

>first ever gold I got
Same here, way back in the 3% gold era, and first promotion too. She's the reason I'm trying to make a lily team rather than promoting Cornflower.

Too bad I'm shit at reading, so I proceed at a snail's pace in CQs. There are too many cute girls in this game, and Aigis too for that matter.

>12 rainbows in a year
I had 2 in my first year, so that's really good progress. But it's been raining rainbows for a while, even I got a couple this month. Maybe 1% rates weren't placebo after all.

As for leveling, use your fairy keys if you haven't already. You can buy some more with the bond crystals from daily silver rolls.

>> No.20802203

They're not leveled not because I don't know how to but because I haven't really had the chance to sit down and work on that lately. More concerned about trying to improve/optimize my first and second teams with my new cuties then toss the rest to strengthen my 3rd and non-existent 4th team.
I got enough for a 2nd rarity growth too and possibly a 300 pick ticket but I need like 20 more points for the ticket and have no clue who I even want to get from here.

>> No.20802268
File: 134 KB, 830x859, DPEVDLNVQAUoDzb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first teams
Dusty Miller/Zhuge/Pygmy Waterlily/Wolfberry/Fox Peony (with provoke). You get stupid amounts of durability thanks to barrier + dodge, plus stupid amounts of turn 1 burst thanks to a combination of critical/skill/weak point boost, which all stack multiplicatively. You're no slouch on the following turns either since there are enough skill up abilities to put up a fight then. Place two Wheats and Oenothera to each of the other teams for 1.65x skill up support, distribute the rest however you like.

>no clue who I even want to get from here
Not even a contest.

>> No.20802418

I know FKG isn't the kind of game to worry about this in, but are there any rainbows that are just super broken?

>> No.20802424
File: 524 KB, 768x410, 2019020913230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started during popularity contest and have no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.20802526

All of them. But Dendro maybe? With very minimal skill boosting from other party members (a party of 4 other people with the very common 1.2x from affection skill rate boost and a couple of skill blooms, or one more party member with a bigger skill rate boost), she can do two skills on the first round of every fight.

>> No.20802553

>All of them
They say all rainbows are born equal, but you look at Mimosa, then you look at Kerria and you see that's just not true.

>> No.20802555
File: 204 KB, 546x222, Rainbows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, I thought there was bound to be a few total duds.
Just wondering because I've been only logging in for a while and rolling on the game because I didn't have the spare time to actually play it, and I was interested in actually starting now. Was hoping I'd just have a hidden gem since the game cursed me not to draw any big tit rainbows.

Now I just need to figure out how to teambuild with the overwhelming amount of golds I have.

>> No.20802574

The only rainbow dud is rainbow Alstroemeria because they made her back when they were afraid to give people free rainbows at all. She's pretty fucked unless they eventually rebalance her stats because she can't even use rarity growth to be rebalanced since she's already rainbow. She's stronger than a gold, but way, way weaker than any actual rainbow.

>> No.20802595

Dodge gives you 80% damage immunity for two turns, which is crazy good in itself, and rainbows get an attachable provoke ability that redirects attacks to them, so they protect the rest of your team as well. Rainbow dodge was so good that new top-end stages usually come with mechanics like piercing to bypass it, but even then, having a dodge + provoke rainbow in every squad is a surefire way to improve your survivability at no cost.

Barrier nullifies the first attack you take, and stages you really have to mixmax for all have enemies that can easily oneshot people, so surviving an extra attack has a huge effect. It makes dodge even more reliable, and there's no way to bypass it, so it's currently the best ability in the game. Unlike dodge (which is fairly common in rainbows and very much so in golds that you could promote), barrier is handed out very sparingly, the only girls that have it are Apricot, Habranthus, Wolfberry, Tritonia, maid Cowslip, and RGversions of Cyclamen, White Clover, Apple of Sodom, Kalmia, Sedum and kigurumi Serruria.

There are other high-tier abilities like Violet Cress' weak point enhancement, Easter Cactus' revival, Sensitive Plant/Pygmy Waterlily's "add attribute" abilities, 1.65x skill up on first turn that shows up on a lot of girls, some extremely coherent kits like Kerria, Adenium, Saffron and Dendrobium, and solar drive boosts that are individually useless but stack multiplicatively to let you oneshot everything if you have five girls with that ability.

But you don't really need any of these for regular content, and in this era of high amps and level break, even weaker rainbows can stomp over nearly all content. Things that really need high-end teams, like aqua shadow/Nidhogg/nushi maps, also have permanent rewards so you can always return to them when you're stronger (like Aigis' majin, except usually available under a more forgiving schedule).

That's a pretty solid core, you'll be limited less by your rainbows and more about the fact that things like ampules take time to accumulate. But you can crush all regular maps without even trying.

As for rainbows all being broken, people actually complained about the game becoming P2W after Higanbana got an ability that was considered extremely broken at the time (+15% attack per enemy), so the devs said "I see your concern, but don't worry, we'll balance things by making everyone just as broken". They've been buffing everything to high heaven since then.

Alstroemeria, as >>20802574 says, missed that train and is the only really terrible rainbow. Some RG girls have rather sub-par kits too, but they're still subject to buffs, and RG should only be done for love anyway.

>> No.20802624

>so the devs said "I see your concern, but don't worry, we'll balance things by making everyone just as broken". They've been buffing everything to high heaven since then.
I still really don't see this, there's some rainbows that look busted and then there's some that look dated/inferior.

Like Rainbow Rose rarity growth for example who's better than most of the attackers in the game when you have some boring/disappointing rarity growths. Or some rainbows that are straight up and objectively inferior to other ones, no game is perfectly balanced and FKG is really not the exception for this.

>> No.20802710

Well that's just unfortunate, she's really cute.
Interesting, thanks for the huge infodump, I really appreciate it. I have a few of the golds you mentioned, so that's nice. Dumb question, but which of my rainbows should I keep together and which should I just spread out to other parties? I have no idea what I'm doing when trying to set up teams.
I could show my gold collection, but I can't imagine anyone would want to wade through that and help set up teams for a stranger on the internet.

>> No.20802880
File: 124 KB, 811x1200, DyU6wzVV4AER5Om.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's less "every rainbow is equally strong" and more "the bar for 'strong' is so low that every rainbow clears it". You can reach obscene numbers with Rainbow Rose or Bupleurum, but if you don't have them... well, I guess you can't oneshot Nidhoggr core with one girl. You have to use your weaker rainbows and clear it in ten turns instead, and that's not exactly a "oh, woe is me" situation.

I guess nushi maps have changed the status quo a bit, you do need amped rainbow teams and some teambuilding to get through them. But any ragtag team of golds is more than enough for vanilla content, and every rainbow is so much above that baseline that they're more or less equal to one another, even though they do have internal power levels when you get to the details.

Well, here's general information on your girls' kits:

Sakura: Has a straightforward offensive kit that doesn't excel anywhere but gets the job done. A lot of things count as bosses nowadays, so her anti-boss abilities are useful, you'll find her (relatively rare) single-target skill to be a godsend in maps that pit you against a single superboss that has to be whittled down quickly (Nidhoggr comes to mind, as does powering up the whale cannon).

Colchicum/Pink: Other good offensive rainbows with no bells and whistles, Colchicum has a critical focus while Pink is notable for her 1.36x skill rate up at SL5 (so any rainbow skill flowers you may get should go straight to her). Pink has the highest attack among all girls in the game, by the way, so while she may not be flashy, she does hit hard.

Saffron: A perfect storm of defensive abilities, she combines the notorious dodge with counter and defend (which also lets her survive an otherwise fatal attack three times per map) to become the ultimate stalling machine (only the HP regain/dodge rainbows can match her durability). I hear that she also has a really cute personality when you get to know her, she at the very least has a huge and extremely unfortunate fanbase that places her right outside the "guaranteed new version" ranks with every popularity contest.

Dogwood: Extreme specialist for solar drive. Her initial increase to the solar gauge is invaluable in whale maps that reward you for using SD as soon and often as possible. Her damage increase is very mild under normal conditions, but quickly scales out of proportion if you happen to get other solar drive rainbows (which unfortunately is up to luck).

Stock: Notable for her attack reduction, which is another ability that is unimpressive on its own and broken if stacked with others of its kind. Otherwise fairly generic kit, you could give her provoke to abuse her "35% damage up if attacked last turn" ability in tandem with her defend, but she just isn't as durable as dodge girls.

Oenothera/Novalis: Dedicated burst units (especially Novalis who is all about turn 1), stacking these in one team is a very popular way to breeze through every map by quickly killing things before they can react. In addition to making a single super-team that smashes everything, you can spread them to two squads and give both of them a good skill rate on first turn. Beware that this is another "was so popular that new bosses come with countermeasures" strategy, though you don't have to worry about it until much later in the game (the first anti-burst boss is in the second Kodaibana map that needs something like 600k power to even consider, and then you get to Ume and Sakura's rape dungeon).

Wolfsbane: Speaking of rare and broken abilities, her first one is ridiculous. Her other abilities are nothing to write home about, but "25% chance to steal a turn" more than makes up for it, and has amazing synergy with the aforementioned dodge/barrier.

Overall, I'd go with something like Novalis/Wolfsbane/Pink/Saffron (with provoke)/Sakura for an all-rounder first team, and put Oenothera and some other offensive rainbows on the second team.

>> No.20802894

>You have to use your weaker rainbows and clear it in ten turns instead
I don't think you can survive those 10 turns

>> No.20802903

>It's less "every rainbow is equally strong" and more "the bar for 'strong' is so low that every rainbow clears it".
These are completely different things though. There's one thing for the average content to be so easy that any rainbow can clear it and its a different thing for every rainbow to be equally strong or equally broken which is what I was taking issue with.

>> No.20802946
File: 1.52 MB, 960x750, 1526599955276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20803012

Now I'm curious, what golds have the biggest tits?
I think I have a few 5* tickets as well.

>> No.20803110

>Using anything other than crit team

>> No.20803236
File: 261 KB, 1028x584, winner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit lads, i actually won one of the weekly 5k point lots. That's a free fiver, fuck yeah.

>> No.20803692
File: 695 KB, 549x2040, Roster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attached my full roster just in case anyone's bored and wants to help a newshitter figure out what to run. Thinking I'm going to take Peach, Tall Stewartia, and another busty knight from the 3 5* picks I have. Maybe Balloon Vines Easter version as the last one.

Thanks a ton, anon. Really appreciate it. I'll use them as my first team and just try to figure out what the hell I'm doing as I go. I'm honestly not sure how much I should be looking for skill synergies, and how I could do that while balancing my teams speeds appropriately.

>> No.20803744

The most powerful girls are the little girls because Flower knight game is a game dominated by lolicons

>> No.20803804

I choose a wedding dress because holy fuck just let her be happy

>> No.20803877

>Flower knight game is a game dominated by lolicons
Citation needed

>> No.20803920

You don't need a citation, you need a look at the roster.

>> No.20804050

Did it and saw more not-a-lolis than lolis.

>> No.20804106

But I'm not a lolicon.
I like everything except loli, basically. I don't even hate lolis, I just prefer oneesans.

>> No.20804115

sounds like you picked the wrong game then

>> No.20804142

Honestly, the only thing that rivals the lolis in the game are the onee-sans. It definitely feels like there's a lot of those too.

>> No.20804156

4 out of 5 of the last rainbow girls I pulled in FKG where lolis.

If I hated lolis, that probably would have made me quit.

>> No.20804183

Golds are mostly interchangeable, so feel free to choose them by their looks. Sometimes you need a certain damage type (dodge golds with piercing/magic attribute for Ume & Sakura, for example, or girls like German Iris for budget solar drive teams), but this is only for extreme cases where you want to clear a challenge map and don't have enough rainbows.

I needed 10 and 11 rainbows for two of the hardest challenges in the game (Ume & Sakura Re:EX and pre-nerf Nidhoggr core), and every rainbow has gotten at least one major buff since then, so your current roster may be enough to handle everything short of nushi maps and the higher whale sets. They absolutely need ampies to get to that point, though, and that'll take quite a while (amping is something that happens gradually, you can grind for it but doing so is mind-bogglingly boring and it's much easier to accumulate them from gifts).

This is ancient history at this point, but in one of the early NND broadcasts (I think the second), they asked the users what kind of characters they wanted to see in the game. Something like 80%-90% asked for more loli, so the devs said "sure, why not" and added a ton of loli characters (many similar things have happened before and since, the game's strongest point is that it listens closely to its players). They even asked top-tier onee-san artists like Shuz and Moneti to draw loli knights, and I'm still not sure how they convinced them (maybe the real reason Moneti quit is that they forced her at swordpoint to draw Loquat).

But nowadays the loli faction has lost nearly all its power, instead we have a "three kingdoms" system with roughly equal numbers of players preferring lolis, onee-sans and "in-between" girls (think Oncidium or Cosmos, neither petite nor mature). This is reflected in new character demographics, we've had similar amounts of each type for the past couple of years.

I personally prefer onee-sans, but FKG does have a lot of lewd lolis, and I might be converted if we get something like a glasses-wearing loli rainbow. Then again, yuui's addition was a godsend for this game, Japanese Anemone, Bupleurum and Peroperone are all goddesses.

>> No.20804201

I personally think the good/strong point of FKG is how many lolis and petite girls it has. Older girls and big breasted ladies are a dime a dozen with them being in absolutely every game without a single exception while smaller or more petitte girls are objectively rarer. There's some token ones here and there for fanservice but never in large quantities like how many FKG has so abandoning what made them popular and their roots would be pretty shitty and an absolute downgrade.

>> No.20804221

Awesome, thanks anon. So realistically, golds are just stat balls for the most part?
If that's the case I suppose it's just a matter of trying to get one of each type on every team and balance/manipulate speeds as needed?
Gonna use that 5 rainbow team that I was recommended and then I guess I just sprinkle the others in wherever.

>> No.20804266
File: 657 KB, 700x953, __chocolate_cosmos_and_pepo_flower_knight_girl_drawn_by_knenj__a5df294350c46429409fa4bbe85542fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll certainly become one of us one day if you aren't already, your team had a lot of cute little girls for someone that says that isn't a lolicon.

>> No.20804287
File: 51 KB, 667x600, DyeWqrqUwAE3Z1s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So realistically, golds are just stat balls for the most part?
That, and they get some useful support abilities. The event girl Dipladenia ignores slowdown/speedup panels that show up in some maps, she and many other golds have +party speed abilities for when you need them, Strawberry Candle is personally responsible for saving many of my runs thanks to her "add solar panels to map" ability (Rice and Nigella get the same), Lavender likewise for her 3x heal from panels (not very useful nowadays but incredible for early clears, some other event girls have that ability too), many girls have "start with solar gauge" abilities for cheesing whale maps (e.g. Rose, German Iris, Moutan, Allium, bride Ardisia, swimsuit Cattleya, swimsuit Holly, Kiwi and Suzuna), Cymbidium is amazing despite her low stats because of her unique 2x skill rate to party ability (not even rainbows get this, glasses girls are the best after all).

>balance/manipulate speeds as needed
Speed modulation is currently not very important, as there are attachable abilities that let you increase/decrease party speed. But yeah, having one team to crush everything and spreading your rainbows to the other three to pick up stragglers sounds like the best idea. As for types, it really depends on the map, but you won't care 99% of the time and the very few times that it'll matter will be way down the road, when you have more developed parties.

Fortunately, leveling got several quality of life improvements, so it shouldn't be too difficult to quickly get a well-balanced team and start thinking about extras to put into the whale ship (which takes 40 girls, 40% of which must have the same attribute to change the whale color, so you need a minimum of 16 girls from each attribute to really get going).

>> No.20804313
File: 399 KB, 543x639, 32436455354754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about FKG, if there was a chance for marriage your favorite flower (one free ring for every account) who would you marry?

>> No.20804330

Would probably be an indecisive fuck who would mull over the decision forever and never pick.

>> No.20804358


>> No.20804376

Neat, thanks again. Guess I'll just throw my rainbows and favourite big titty oneesans into my teams. I had no idea about the detachable abilities, would you mind giving me an explanation on that one?
I know that the early maps/events are RNG heavy and need a lot of speed manipulation, but I heard that gets less common as I get deeper in.

Seems that most of my favourite girls are purple, so my teams are going to be so horrifically magic dominated, it's hilarious.

>> No.20804400
File: 885 KB, 2757x3895, CmwwNJGUMAAcIXz.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20804414

Who's that?

>> No.20804417
File: 926 KB, 2684x3792, CmwvCy0VMAAYW4x.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife, Ivy.

>> No.20804447 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 610x408, フヴァ-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had no idea about the detachable abilities, would you mind giving me an explanation on that one
On the upper left of your party screen, there should be a blue "育生アビリティ装着" button. You equip them from there, you must buy them (first panel) but they aren't particularly expensive and they're unlocked for all girls once bought. You can also level them up from the third panel, you need some source thingamawhat but it drops from everywhere so that shouldn't be a problem. Speed up and down are available to all girls and, once equipped, either add or subtract 20 from the party speed. You can equip them to every girl in the party for up to +100/-100 speed.

They're also useful for battle, provoke as previously mentioned becomes broken in tandem with dodge, while critical up/first turn attack up/weak point damage up abilities are situationally great for adding a little more oomph to your attacks.

>I know that the early maps/events are RNG heavy and need a lot of speed manipulation, but I heard that gets less common as I get deeper in.
It used to be the case, but this is another instance of "people asked about it, so it's fixed now". The nightmare maps with half a dozen spinners and speed barriers have been replaced by arrows with more deterministic pathing, only a few spinners remain in these stages. Newer maps are almost universally free of spinner-based pathing (the spinners themselves, but they're essentially decorations).

You'll never see the original 10-5 experience now, and that's a very good thing. During very early stages of FKG, the game decided it wanted Kancolle's pathing horrors for some reason, and it gave us things like this monstrosity and the Calla event's girl locking... which was so awful that they had the event on for a couple hours before taking the game down just to remove that bullshit. This was a turning point in the game's history, and all following maps were made to be as user-friendly as possible.

>> No.20804501
File: 156 KB, 610x408, フヴァ-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had no idea about the detachable abilities, would you mind giving me an explanation on that one
On the upper left of your party screen, there should be a blue "育生アビリティ装着" button. You equip them from there, you must buy them (first panel) but they aren't particularly expensive and they're unlocked for all girls once bought. You can also level them up from the third panel, you need some source thingamawhat but it drops from everywhere so that shouldn't be a problem. Speed up and down are available to all girls and, once equipped, either add or subtract 20 from the party speed. You can equip them to every girl in the party for up to +100/-100 speed.

They're also useful for battle, provoke as previously mentioned becomes broken in tandem with dodge, while critical up/first turn attack up/weak point damage up abilities are situationally great for adding a little more oomph to your attacks.

>I know that the early maps/events are RNG heavy and need a lot of speed manipulation, but I heard that gets less common as I get deeper in.
It used to be the case, but this is another instance of "people asked about it, so it's fixed now". The nightmare maps with half a dozen spinners and speed barriers have been replaced by arrows with more deterministic pathing, only a few spinners remain in these stages. Newer maps are almost universally free of spinner-based pathing (the spinners themselves remain, but they're essentially decorations, except in some story maps where a small number of run-killing spinners survive).

You'll never live the original 10-5 experience now, and that's a very good thing. During very early stages of FKG, the game decided it wanted Kancolle's pathing horrors for some reason, and it gave us things like this monstrosity and the Calla event's girl locking... which was so awful that they had the event on for a couple hours before taking the game down just to remove that bullshit. This was a turning point in the game's history, and all following maps were made to be as user-friendly as possible.

>> No.20804531

Oh man, used my first 2 5* tickets to get Balloon Vine Easter, and Cowslip. Why is it using your last one is always the hardest choice? So many cuties I want. Peach, Rubinas, Strawberry Candle, Japanese Water Iris, Ivy, Tall Stewartia, Heather, Aster, Wax Vine (Christmas), Rabbit-ear Iris, Coral Flower, Nightshade, Baby Blue Eyes, Peperomia, Tiger Lily (Christmas) or Lithops, lads? They're all pretty pleasing to my dick and I can't choose. I don't know how often you get 5* picks, either.

Wew, that's another cutie I missed and had to look up.
Oh neat, I can buy all of them except for speed up right now, it seems. Seems to me like there's first turn damage up, critical up, speed up/down, and some other stuff. Do any of these just dwarf the others in terms of usefulness? You know, before I waste resources on buying any. Gotta be efficient.

>It used to be the case, but this is another instance of "people asked about it, so it's fixed now"
Now that's some fantastic news, glad to hear it. Did they go back and fix earlier maps/event stages? There's a few permanent revival event girls I'd like to get for my teams (praying their stats aren't crippled like Aigis event characters), and praying it's not too bad.
Can't understand why anyone would want the nightmares of Kancolle's pathing.

>> No.20804607
File: 141 KB, 559x346, anni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anniversary has been pretty kind to me these couple weeks.

>> No.20804612

>Do any of these just dwarf the others in terms of usefulness?
Provoke is the most critical for cheesing maps, critical up/turn 1 attack up are alright generalist choices because they're available to both golds and rainbows, weakness damage up can only be equipped by rainbows but is more useful for endgame maps (you can put it on whomever's going to hit the boss' weakness, and hand crit/turn 1 burst out to others). Healing is very situationally useful for characters with the "attack up based on HP percentage" ability, shield up is useless.

>Did they go back and fix earlier maps/event stages?
They did.

>praying their stats aren't crippled like Aigis event characters
They are, unfortunately (or rather, their abilities are). Some girls like Lavender, Hypericum and Rice are good statsticks, but unless you promote them, event golds play second fiddle to the gacha golds you'll get in abundance.

People had to use them in the old days, and that's how some of them earned extremely dedicated fanbases (in addition to being our yandere number two, Lavender is also famous for being a key unit for early teams, while Edelweiss ranked top 10 in the first popularity contest and her segway hammer started the extremely long-running joke of hammers being transport options in Spring Garden), but that's because gacha golds were very rare back then, and a rainbow was a "buy a lottery ticket" kind of event. Nowadays you're neck deep in cute girls, so event characters kind of had their thunder stolen, though some like Ipheion and Rainbow Rose do leave a mark through their personality/art/RG statlines.

>Why is it using your last one is always the hardest choice?
I wouldn't worry too much about gold choices, gold pick tickets aren't very uncommon. If you really miss a girl, you'll probably be able to pick her again in a few months.

That said, FKG's cast is now absolutely enormous, consistently adding 4 girls every two weeks for four years has paid off. Almost everyone will find a personal favorite now, and many of us will find them in spades.

>> No.20804619

Definitely jealous of that viola. She's one of the girls I really want but both her forms are rainbows.

>> No.20804750
File: 712 KB, 960x640, lewdvine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Creates chocolate for Danchou
>Drops into her cleavage
>Asks Danchou to remove and will make a replacement
>Danchou wants to eat the cleavage choco
Truly a man of culture, Danchou.

>> No.20804779
File: 154 KB, 960x640, トリカブト.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which, I wonder what kind of lewdness Wolfsbane is up to this time... oh, mouth-to-mouth chocolate feeding.

Looking forward to seeing it in next Secret Garden.

>> No.20804783
File: 971 KB, 1293x1800, f45c2ee5fa80381f447a82084e27a31d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first rainbow, and the girl that got me interested in this game in the first place.

>> No.20804787

Dahlia, duh.

>> No.20804799
File: 253 KB, 953x636, despa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this cute dork saying?
All I'm getting from GT is something about "haunted chocolate".

>> No.20804824

She made... sheet ghost chocolate that's white chocolate on top and dark chocolate underneath? She also made coffee and tea, and Nightshade will be coming over for tea time too. I think?

As usual, cute dork minion of cute dork master thief.

>> No.20804879

I have so many sexy oneesans I can't even fit them all into my teams, holy shit.
And not a single one of them is blue. Welp.
Thanks again for the help, guess I'll just dive on in. I picked Christmas Tiger Lily in the end, too lewd to turn down. I remember reading before that there was 2 or 3 pick tickets I could get from the whaleship for 2015 characters, I think.
Are there any special maps that I should be aware of/do?

>> No.20804895

>Are there any special maps that I should be aware of/do?
Start with 17-5 and see if you can push further

>> No.20804965
File: 90 KB, 600x835, C9aknL4U0AEceOp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sexy blue onee-san
Pingpong Mum here fits that description to a t, and she's a doting mama-type Dutch onee-san too. Too bad she's a serial code character, and there haven't been any other Sasayuki knight for a long while. His prequel series was a treasure and really shouldn't have ended after only two volumes.

>I remember reading before that there was 2 or 3 pick tickets I could get from the whaleship for 2015 characters, I think.
Three for 2015 and one for 2016, yeah. They're a bit pricey, but they should be within your reach once you get a decent whale airship and accumulate some stamina nectar (you might have already, if you've been logging in for random rewards).

>Are there any special maps that I should be aware of/do?
Just the events, the current temporary revival (Ceanothus is a fairly mature girl, you probably won't want to miss her) and sometimes they have special campaigns like this week's set of gold maps. These are the only maps with limited-time rewards, so you want to clear them before they're gone. Be sure to get the event equipment, the rings in particular are very good.

Also keep an eye on the item exchange, you usually want the rainbow skill flower from life crystal exchange, D-medals (at least the 500 cost set) and the cheapest set of second affection items from bond crystals, puchi centis from flower stones (and the slot flowers for the current rainbow if you have gotten/are serious about getting her), at least the second affection items/rainbow skill flower/ampies from whale medals, and ampies from special map medals with every reset. Other items are also good (I usually all but empty the whale shop every time it restocks), but these are the rare and important things that you shouldn't miss out on.

In any case, good luck.

>> No.20804970

why are serial code girls on par with event golds

>> No.20804973

Easy, because otherwise people would complain about P2W. Now they're strictly for show, so it's okay that they aren't available to non-paying players.

Kind of a shame that all non-Wolfsbane promo girls are unpopular because of their promo status, though. They aren't on par with event golds, they're worse off.

>> No.20804983

>Three for 2015 and one for 2016
Fucking awesome, thanks! I knew it was the right call to get a newer girl with my last ticket.
I have 157 stamina nectars it seems.

The gold maps are the ones that have a premium ticket as the reward and ask for 170k power, aye? Don't think I'll be hitting those. I have a huge chunk of what seem to be keys as well, do they unlock maps to farm exp fodder even if it isn't their day?

Is that rainbow being sold for 9000 flower gems worth it? I kinda wanted to gamble on Geranium, but no point bothering with .5% rates, I think.
I'll have to take a look at the wiki about ampies and the second affection items, I'm pretty clueless there. Grabbed the rainbow skillbloom, thanks. Bond crystals are from selling silver+, I wager. No idea how to get the life ones, though.

Kinda wish I'd asked sooner, I would have loved to get Novalis' equipment slots unlocked.

>> No.20805045
File: 752 KB, 850x1200, 69514450_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The gold maps are the ones that have a premium ticket as the reward and ask for 170k power, aye?
Yup, should be these. I think we're at the end of that event, and their rewards will reset the next time they come back, you'll probably be ready for them then. I don't think they actually need that much power to clear, though, since they only have a single small fry node.

>do they unlock maps to farm exp fodder even if it isn't their day?
Yes, and at better rates than usual. Fairy keys were implemented as a solution to the "everyone gets too many golds and can't raise all of them" problem, and they've done a bang up job of it.

>Is that rainbow being sold for 9000 flower gems worth it? I kinda wanted to gamble on Geranium, but no point bothering with .5% rates, I think
She is, 9000 gems for a rainbow is a steal. But she's available indefinitely, so you can wait if you want to collect flower stones for something in the future (upcoming collab with that slime isekai, for example). And yeah, always go with the 1% banner, the rest are no longer worth it. They should up them to 1% too already.

As for Novalis, I don't really like the "buy now or miss forever" aspect of the slot flowers in exchange shop (rainbow slot flowers are extremely precious, being the only item that isn't normally made available to free players, so missing out on them stings even though extra slots don't matter that much). I hope they make these available again somehow.

>I'll have to take a look at the wiki about ampies and the second affection items, I'm pretty clueless there.
Ampies give extra HP/attack/defense to your girls, up to 3000/1000/400 for 100 ampies of each type (plus another set of high ampies that have extremely limited distribution and should only be given to your single absolute favorite). They drop all over the place, but since you need 300 of them to max out a single girl, they build up slowly (one girl maxed every ~2.5 months, maybe?) Second affection is like the first affection gauge, except it has to unlocked with a special item (bloom hearts), gives you another H-scene at the end (if implemented, these come bundled with bloom art so if your girl has her third art she also has her second scene) and two flower stones as bonus instead of one. Their questline gives you lots of ampies.

>Bond crystals are from selling silver+, I wager. No idea how to get the life ones, though.
It's a bit of a bother, yeah. Game's been around for a while, so it introduced a lot of different currency to keep things fresh. Bond is from selling or fusing bronze+ (so if you get a dupe gold, you should fuse her for slot/skill boost rather than just selling, both give the same amount), life drops in small amounts in many maps.

In any case, both EN and JP wikis do a great job of documenting this stuff, so they're the better resource to consult there.

>> No.20805114

Echinacea doesn't have a rainbow yet, does she?
Kinda tempted to save for a potential one in the future.

>> No.20805342
File: 1.08 MB, 962x642, naae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I think Danchou is stealing Naae's chocolate and pretending it's giving it to him? What a monster.

>> No.20805371
File: 182 KB, 1000x1307, IMG_20180831_030948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20805428 [DELETED] 

Where did you get that? Because that's not what it says at all.
She's just offering Danchou her chocolate (which she meant to eat) because she's already full.

>> No.20805436 [DELETED] 

Oh wait I think I get it now.

>> No.20806278
File: 174 KB, 800x1200, 1540156998378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kind of a shame that all non-Wolfsbane promo girls are unpopular because of their promo status, though.

Indeed. Devil's Claw is still one of the best and most lewd lolis around, but never got much exposure. But then, I guess her artist is a lost cause anyway considering they had their soul stolen by one of their creations.

There's also Tithonia and Annabelle by "The artist formerly known as Frost Funi", who are quite underrated as well.

>> No.20806292
File: 862 KB, 476x444, stroke.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this place think of shin koihime?
The scenes have honestly the best usage of live2d i've seen, and the castle conquering mode is pretty fun

>> No.20806352


>> No.20806357
File: 198 KB, 640x480, ゆきのしろ62054827_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20806363

how can you post such arts without a source? smth

>> No.20806366

the way she moves is pretty damn creepy

>> No.20806377

I don't play that game, but she's a koihime (carp princess). She's obviously underwater.

>> No.20806431

Figured someone would've given it a try since this is the DMM general.
Guess Japanese gacha masturbation games are just too niche to get any english discussion, and fucking 2ch is still blocking IPs outside moonland.

>> No.20806507

Surely, someone will show up but it mostly takes a few hours until someone finds your posts when you talk about a non-top5 popular game

>> No.20806517

Koihime might have its own general.

I don't know. I know Taimanin has its own general where in /h/ where they can talk about their games.

>> No.20806635

>2ch is still blocking IPs outside moonland.
I don't know if I'm lucky or if it's because I browse the site on a phone, but I can post there.
I mean I do keep hearing about gaijin blocks but my post goes through, so I wonder if 2ch blocks only specific regions, like Europe which I know is explicitly blocked.

>> No.20806751

>wonder if 2ch blocks only specific regions, like Europe which I know is explicitly blocked
might be, as i'm from Europe

>> No.20806854
File: 160 KB, 959x637, silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess there's 1 day left, but this anniversary is going to leave some silver pot scaring. I think I've been silvered on 11 or 12 days.

I'm from burgerland and they block me.

>> No.20807113
File: 1.22 MB, 959x640, yay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20807120
File: 287 KB, 960x638, Ihateflatandloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just when I'm happy to get a rainbow

>> No.20807208
File: 149 KB, 960x640, anniversary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No rainbows so far but I can't really say no to all these free golds.

>> No.20807258

>Too bad she's a serial code character, and there haven't been any other Sasayuki knight for a long while.
Miltonia, but she's also a serial code girl.

>And yeah, always go with the 1% banner, the rest are no longer worth it.
Aren't the pick-up banners only 0.5% for a rainbow, but they're guaranteed to be the rainbow on the banner?

>The scenes have honestly the best usage of live2d i've seen
I'm just gonna say someone was talking about "abuse of Live2D" a while back and I was having trouble explaining what they meant to another person here. This. This is exactly what they meant.

>> No.20807269

Post the relevant scenes.

>> No.20807414
File: 1.21 MB, 953x627, pull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got Black Baccara yesterday on free pulls, and today I got this. All my fkg's luck for the year has been drained, hasn't it?

>> No.20807496 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.00 MB, 776x634, 1549824563693.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more like it's the best I've seen since it's the only one where it doesn't look bad enough to make me wish it was just static pictures.
Also since they actually bother to have the animation change with the scene.

please be kind with me gook moot

You might still be having trouble explaining it.

>> No.20807634

15 fairy sake and not one 4 star in kanpani today. I don't know if it's just because I've been souring on the game because of the constant barrage of limited girls, but I feel like my pulls have been so garbage lately and my desire to log in is at an all time low.

>> No.20807676

Looks really good and cute

>> No.20807680


>> No.20807973
File: 668 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20190210-120258_Puffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two rainbow dupes from the free rolls
this is so sad

>> No.20808015
File: 107 KB, 600x835, DRBAQ2cU8AAm6fD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much appreciated, thank you.

Oh yeah, I kind of lumped her with Pingpong Mum since she's also bundled with a prequel volume. But she's great too, as is Sinclairiana.

>pick-up banners
Yeah, but the event banner has a high (~50%?) chance to land the banner rainbow too, so pick-up's 0.5% for a specific rainbow doesn't measure up to event's 0.5% desired/0.5% other. But it could be good if you have any "I will die if I don't have this girl" rainbows.

Tithonia I have high hopes for, since her sister is our gateway to Banana Ocean politics and may even end up being a rainbow like other aristocrats, but Annabelle didn't leave an impression on me. FKG's "vanilla only, no fetishes allowed" thing was in full swing when she was implemented, so she doesn't have slut moe like the other hydrangeas. I guess she's cute and could appeal to people who like master/disciple relationships, I didn't even know she was into Hollyhock.

Oxygyne is still the best Arikawa Satoru girl, though.

>> No.20808023

Red/Pink haired little girls are my weakness, theey're absolutely perfect.

>> No.20808034

>Yeah, but the event banner has a high (~50%?) chance to land the banner rainbow too, so pick-up's 0.5% for a specific rainbow doesn't measure up to event's 0.5% desired/0.5% other
You realize that 50% of 1% is 0.5% and is exactly the same, but you can't actually still get fucked with a different rainbow on the pickup, right?

>> No.20808038
File: 612 KB, 1032x570, brave girls raven 23898930894389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20808042

>Look her up
>Only two abilities
>Gets full body clothing for bloom
this sucks

>> No.20808058

It's 0.6%. Seriously, no one checks the rate before make a reply?

>> No.20808068

Not him, but you should end up with 2 rainbows instead of one on average assuming you're willing to spend the same amount of stones on each gacha.
That being said my last rainbow from the 1% banner was Royal Water Lily who I have no interest in.

>> No.20808079

Shit, forgot they added that thing. So the final tally is like this:

Pick-up: 0.5% chance to get the rainbow you want
Event: 0.6% chance to get the rainbow you want, extra 0.4% chance to get another rainbow.

Easy choice there.

>> No.20808208
File: 366 KB, 2000x2400, 1543398086835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Flower Knights are turned into catgirls!" event when.

>> No.20808226

Cute dupe

>> No.20808242

But I don't want the newest rainbow

>> No.20808296

I'm that guy. Check Destiny Child https://lokicoder.github.io/destiny-child-tools/live2d/?model=c000_01&size=500 for various examples of okay to good & some excessive ones but all done professionally, unlike the above offender which is a mild case.

The base art is shit making it look worse.

>> No.20808364

how is DC popular being so fucking ugly

>> No.20808368

Daywalker or Carmilla for Ema?

>> No.20808383

Carmilla to block lanes
Daywalker to fight bosses

>> No.20808386

I really hate the main artist they hired for it

>> No.20809345

You are right, this indeed looks good.
Why aren't there any rips about this game on sadpanda? ;_;

>> No.20810111
File: 331 KB, 955x634, 3456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what? How?
Team, what goes bottom should be super fast. But that arrow right after left respawn send fastest team forward , so first team will reach finish before you kill bottom spawn anyway.
I dont understand.

>> No.20810160
File: 311 KB, 952x632, 5475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, i did it. There was also one more monster spawn right after that cursed arrow. I had to build a fast team, what kill that additional monster pack but die to boss after, so everyone else would clear map. So retarded.

>> No.20810273

I gave up on the game after they announced the last collab.
Half a year of non stop limited and collab characters spam is just too much for me to stomach.

>> No.20810325

they're just catching up on years of not adding limiteds

>> No.20810544
File: 207 KB, 1104x736, 2019-02-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desire sensor is fucking with me.

>> No.20811236
File: 711 KB, 780x948, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went through serial code characters in search for cuties worth to spend money on.
Oh, found one that might be worth it

>¥ 3,888
Golly, no thanks then.

>> No.20811402

Nightshade and Streptocarpus' Valentine's messages both mention the other trying to interfere in them giving Danchou Chocolates. Pretty cute rival stuff.

Any of the other Flower Knights have such interconnected messages?

>> No.20811682

I have Lulu, Charme, Haruka, Puniru, and Prisna, and of those, I only use Lulu somewhat regularly, even though I have other majins except I sold Rak because that fucking art. I do want Belphe though.

>> No.20812278
File: 1.35 MB, 961x641, lastfree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last Free Rolls ended with a cute Snake Gourd, so I'm contented. Didn't get any Rainbows from it, but a few new Golds and some dupes.

>> No.20812342

You went through serial code characters full of cuties and somehow picked the ugliest one, this is some next level shit taste

>> No.20812388

>dissing breast linker
Capital punishment.

>> No.20812904

Haruka, Prisna and Lulu look nice as well.
>I only use Lulu somewhat regularly
I hope she doesn't end up hating you. Give her some tender love occasionally.

She's a cute genki girl who comes with not just one, but two premium fun bags - Combining the strength of Lolis and Onee-sans in one character. What's not to like?

>> No.20813376 [DELETED] 
File: 227 KB, 936x384, fkg_fileAfileB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver pots on the final day...

Anyways, the final stats are:
File A: 16 golds (11 new, 8 unique to this file)
File B: 17 golds (12 new, 9 unique to this file)
No rainbows but all in all great anniversary.
Congrats to everyone who scored a rainbow.

>> No.20813389
File: 227 KB, 936x384, fkg_fileAfileB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver pots on the final day...

Anyways, the final stats are:
File A: 16 golds (11 new, 8 unique to this file)
File B: 17 golds (12 new, 9 unique to this file)
No rainbows but all in all great anniversary.
Congrats to everyone who scored a rainbow.

>> No.20813395
File: 24 KB, 400x400, Gelica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a long while since I played Kahime Project, was building an earth team (Titania/ Cronus/Cybele/Hermes and Saraswati), should I pull BIG SIS one or wait for earth rotation?

>> No.20813412

9 dupe gold, 6 new gold, and 1 dupe rainbow. Could've been worse, I guess.

>> No.20813551

14 Golds, Zero Rainbows.
Just what I expected.

>> No.20813575

Didn't keep track what came from where, but 10 new + 22 dupe golds from daily rolls + 500oo stones.

2 new rainbows too, but these came from banners for sure.

>> No.20813734
File: 159 KB, 955x630, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 golds from free rolls and like 3 more from the tickets. Pretty crappy, but wasn't expecting much.

>> No.20813760
File: 223 KB, 329x467, Portrait_164406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My total count was the bottom row in >>20801379

Got a few golds, like 5 that aren't pictured? and decided to buy Kugaisou because I forgot she was in the shop for a pretty nice total. Meanwhile in aigis anniversary all I got in 60 free rolls were full dupes and even had some rolls without a plat.

>> No.20813856

Charme is who you're looking for.

>> No.20813909

15 golds overall, 11 dupes and 4 new. Oh the downsides of having well over half the golds in the game.

>> No.20814038

Is the special/daily mission the best way to farm gold in FKG, or is there another?

>> No.20814160

6 new golds, 4 dupes one being a dupe of a dupe
1 new rainbow, 2 rainbow dupes
an abstract kind of kansha

>> No.20814854

The /e/ thread is gay so going to bitch here
>Traveling soon, start trying to set up VV on an old laptop
>Launcher crashes
>Completely update windows
>Start looking for graphics drivers
>No updates allowed
>Double check potato requirements
>Laptop is on DX10 hardware
Looks like I'm going to be missing a week. Not awful in the grand scheme of things but got screwed with the danmachi gacha.

>> No.20815564

