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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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20728051 No.20728051 [Reply] [Original]

New guide:
Old guide for those afraid of change:

Remember: Don't listen to any advice from DJT
前スレ: >>20722708

>> No.20728100

does anyone know any jp vpns that still work on netflix? they blocked all the ones ive been using

>> No.20728113
File: 200 KB, 412x350, 72852805@2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I need to blow up the font to read Japanese

>> No.20728226

>If you're not doing X anki cards at least, you're never going to make it
>If you're doing anki at all and not just reading, you're never going to make it
>If you're reading and not listening, you're never going to make it
We have yet to see what the next stage of eternal dekinai is after listening purists.

>> No.20728293


if you're not skyping with japanese NEETs on a daily basis you're never going to make it

>> No.20728303
File: 135 KB, 412x350, 72852789@2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sign up for iTalki or else you're never gonna make it. Here's my promo code

>> No.20728785


>> No.20729045

137 / 180


>> No.20729139
File: 7 KB, 91x223, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf where did the に after the ず go

>> No.20729149

the に is optional

>> No.20729159

緩めず is a verb with ず form

>> No.20729171

you guys keep taking the piss out of matt but he was right. ずに is more much natural when the meaning is ないで

do more sentence reviews

>> No.20729184
File: 147 KB, 337x297, especialista.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone, without shitposting, fill me in on the utility of sentence cards? I'm not on anki right now, but I'm sort of considering this sentence card thing which seems somewhat intriguing and not too difficult to do.

>> No.20729191

God dammit, I already knew the word 推薦状 but didn't recognize 推薦.

>> No.20729194


it's just so you don't end up having a bunch of words floating around in your head without any context. it limits your ability to actually understand anything, and speak well, if you are just associating words with plain definitions

>> No.20729202


then you didnt know the word desho

>> No.20729208

there is no utility actually. you can just read a new sentence in a book and learn something new or review stuff you already know in a new context. also your word knowledge is constantly expanding instead of remaining the same with a static sentence card.
try doing it for a while and see how you like it, it's free (minus ur time)

>> No.20729220


just seeing it once isn't going to help you remember the words though. if you see one word and look it up on page 1, then by page 100 when the word shows up again you'll probably have forgotten it without using anki or other memorisation techniques.

>> No.20729231
File: 30 KB, 750x573, a215ac88ecfa5fd9d6127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I fix my JP keyboard input method to go back to converting Romaji to Kanji/Kana (typing k+i to get き)?
I accidentally set it to the original JP input (typing k+i gives me のに).

>> No.20729236

i know. in that case you look up the word again and realize that you looked it up 100 pages ago. then after you understand the sentence you just read you move on to the next one. considering you need to know tens of thousands of words to read fluently, it's more efficient to expose yourself to these words in many contexts as much as possible by reading more. that means foregoing the time you spend on anki to read for that much more time in a book or whatever for fun. or are you going create 50,000 flashcards to become literate?

>> No.20729261


it's arguably a much more efficient use of your time doing your 30mins of anki a day to make sure your knowledge base is set, so you don't have to keep re-looking up words that you should already know though. if you only have 30mins a day to spend studying japanese then maybe it's not worth it, but if you're doing it on top of an hour or two of reading then it will be hugely beneficial in the long run.

>> No.20729271

nevermind found the solution thread can be closed :)
it's ctrl+shift+caps

>> No.20729300

if you should know the word then you will learn it without SRS eventually... and in the mean time you are making progress learning new words, sometimes that are remembered forever just on the first dictionary lookup. i think if you're concerned with the end goal and are in japanese for the long run and not a one year race to basic fluency then anki is really unnecessary and counter-productive

>> No.20729315

i'm not part of your discussion but that sounds like you're taking wild guesses here.
personally i find a lot of words i see frequently within a short timeframe are still to foreign for my brain to grasp even after meeting them just a day later. anki is very useful for difficult words, mining is a worthwhile process

>> No.20729336

how many novels have you read?

>> No.20729337

is there a term for someone who shoots a random passerby to test out a new gun or does this term apply?

>> No.20729351


you could probably make up a neologism if you wanted to express that. like 辻射ち or something

>> No.20729370

p good

>> No.20729373


sure, it's pointless if you think about it "in the long run", like 20 years from now. but it's definitely a more efficient method than simply reading if you want to learn words quickly.

it's undeniable that you'll have a greater retention rate of words using anki than just hoping to see the words come up again in a book. if you don't see them for long enough you're probably gonna have to look them up again, the point of anki is to make sure they stay in your brain in case you don't see it again for a while.

>> No.20729377

i don't know, why would it matter? novels are usually boring inane shit

>> No.20729384

Wtf I won't drop anki anymore?

>> No.20729387

if you think it takes 20 years to learn how to read then you simply are not reading. if this is the case i wonder why you are even trying to learn how to read when you could just focus on listening and speaking. either way good luck with the 50k sentence cards let me know how long that takes you lol

>> No.20729391

wtf anki is based you guys kept telling me its slower now youre telling me its faster whats the truth tell me how to learn nihongo please

>> No.20729408

If your only language is English: you'll never make it.
If you know more than one language: Do you think anki would have helped with this and why?

>> No.20729409


>> No.20729410

when you say things like "i see a lot of the same words frequently and i can't remember them" it makes it seem like you are at a very low level in terms of reading which means you are at the very beginning of your journey. basically you just need to read more! i think core2k or something at that level is ok so you don't have to look up words それ or 私 but you need to keep throwing yourself at the language and you'll get there eithwer with anki or without

>> No.20729416


im not saying it takes 20 years to read, im just giving a random future point at which it won't even matter what methods you used to learn japanese if you aren't a retard.

anyway most people suggest around 10k as enough to have essentially reading fluency, which i would probably agree with. that should only take around 3 years, and if you're reading every day anyway it's probably going to be less than that.

i just don't see the point of completely overlooking a tool that undoubtedly improves your retention of japanese words, as if the dozen pages extra you're going to read every day instead will offer the same cost performance

>> No.20729428

oh ok sorry i misunderstood you. yeah good luck with your goals. what i want to say though is 10k words is not enough to read a novel fluently, which as you said you do that while you are reading every day. in other words most of the vocab you learned won't be in anki. in other words anki is not necessary to learn words. which then you arrive at the conclusion that just reading is enough to learn how to read. anyways that's just the logic i won't argue any more since i think both sides have been presented well enough

>> No.20729430

im an eop but through the power of eroge i will make it watch me

>> No.20729436

Good luck, plebeian. I will make it by reading manga.

>> No.20729438

>それ or 私
those aren't difficult words, i'm talking about stuff that consists of at least 3 kanji, ideally ones that you don't know at all. read as much as you want, if it's a text that contains a lot of those that are even partially similar, it will get confusing very quickly, unless you have a great eye for subtle differences in the kanji to spot them from the get-go. that's not to say that you can't learn them by just brute forcing your way through more of those texts, but anki will certainly speed up difficult word retention. it's probably bad for easy words like you posted

>> No.20729440

feel when pc gaymes have too small text compared to emulated ones

>> No.20729443


i can already read novels pretty fluently (depends on the author i guess, just finished 沈黙 and that was pretty easy but struggled with 雪国 a bit)

>in other words most of the vocab you learned won't be in anki.

im not sure you understand the method.. you read the book and take the sentences from the book whenever you don't know a word. so obviously the vocab you learn will be in anki if you're doing it via novels or whatever else.

>> No.20729447


is this working or is it incomprehensible?

>> No.20729450

Not even going to read it. Looks like it will permanently cripple my ability to learn japanese.

>> No.20729452



>> No.20729454

maybe you are underestimating the size of your vocabulary? if you can read entire novels without looking any words up then your vocabulary is much greater than 10k words my friend.

>> No.20729466


10k sentences doesn't equate to 10k words though. sentences have 6-7 words in them on average probably. you don't need to make a sentence card for every single word you don't know, just the ones that are infrequent enough that you can't realistically memorise them just by reading books. random words that come up once a book like 手妻遣い or something

>> No.20729486

Thanks to these daily threads I came to the conclusion that I will never learn japanese.

>> No.20729493

glad to be of some use to you

>> No.20729500
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I learn to speak Japanese this well? Piss bottles?


>> No.20729504

the master himself says anime but i have a feeling the piss bottles and toilet lunches had a lot to do with it

>> No.20729506

i see what you mean. i don't recall ever seeing 手妻 before but the reading of it is pretty standard and apparently it is similar to 手品? surely the next time you saw it you would understand what it meant from the context alone without making the anki card for it or you could just read the wikipedia page on it to really expand your knowledge on it but i'll yield here since i don't have a sentence card for tedumatukai yet

>> No.20729513

Is there anyone involved with teaching/learning 日本語 that you guys actually like or respect? Not necessarily defending guys like Matt or Kauffman (although I don’t really have a problem with either), but any time someone is talked about here they’re usually being shit on/memes on. Would be curious to know if any that are well liked around here and why.

>> No.20729519


no because anyone who professes to have all the answers is necessarily a con-man. there isn't the same cult for learning french or whatever, people just learn the damn language

the problem is japanese attracts all these autistic computer nerds who think they can maximise learning efficiency, whilst simultaneously never learning fuck all

>> No.20729521
File: 173 KB, 540x360, 1398975451588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't identify what dialect this is on sight and what kind of character would use it, you don't know Japanese. Anyone who googles it is baby-tier. Are you a dekiru enough learner to recognize it?

>> No.20729526

dolly did a pretty good job tryin to teach nippongese grammar instead of gaijin grammar but then she started talkin about flash cards as if it was the same solid factual information
almost everybody respects the krashner
who else exists i forgot

>> No.20729549

is there a reason why matt has such a hardon for rtk but loathes wankani and similar apps/sites/books, though they both go about teaching kanji in the EXACT same way through mnemonics and building up radicals, etc sometimes I think matt is legitimately retarded

>> No.20729553

Regardless of the actual content being taught, Wanikani deserves to be shit on for producing an objectively bad user experience - zero meaningful experience, no way to expand lessons, no way modify card content, no access to metadata, etc. Wanikani is literally anki but much worse in every way. It could teach the best content possible and it would still deserve to be shit on.

>> No.20729554

haven't seen anyone talk shit about taekim

>> No.20729558

In the Tae Kim's guide there is literally all the japanese grammar?

>> No.20729564

No, you need to read Sakubi and Boirodaisuki to fill in the some gaps.

>> No.20729565

>the EXACT same way
why would someone pretend to know what theyre talking about on the internet

>> No.20729578

Guys I want you to know that I learned how to write the 5 vowels in japanese hiragana and katakana. Anime without subs, I am coming!

>> No.20729588

You're going to make it.

>> No.20729591


what's the point of those fucking sentence cards
i don't get his arguments supporting it at all, what context, what usage? i can get the same just reading stuff

>> No.20729601

if you dont understand how valuable it is to rep 全国の天気 youre beyond help
youre not only learning 全国 and 天気 but youre learning の and most importantly 全国の天気
youd have to read 全国の天気 for years to remember that the complex nippongese language could be used that way without the power of anki

>> No.20729604

scroll up man we just had a big debate about that

>> No.20729606

Anki makes me want to kill myself

>> No.20729611


not everyone has the willpower necessary to learn a language

>> No.20729618

lmao good point bro
yeah i actually did that after i had posted, sorry

>> No.20729621

Anki is so user friendly that I want to kill myself.

>> No.20729628


>> No.20729649

i found out today what a misreable feminist place Korea is and i'm so glad i'm interested in the superior language and culture of Nihon aka Nippon

>> No.20729652

wtf im going to learn korean

>> No.20729654

Wow, after 10 years he was finally set free from his mining addiction!
10 more years and he would have learned the full dictionary by heart!

>> No.20729659

At this point I may as well continue

>> No.20729663

What do you guys do when you look up a word and the definition still doesn’t help you make sense of the way its used?

>> No.20729671

Continue watching 10000 hours of anime. Even English does not always make sense when translated to my native language.

>> No.20729672

when that happens its usually part of an idiom, try expanding the search term. if not then just move on to the next sentence if it's been a while

>> No.20729683
File: 199 KB, 1600x900, c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Chinese easier? I heard Chinese respect you a lot if you try to learn their language. And some chink girls are pretty.

>> No.20729691

yes chinese is easier than japanese but is it worth it to you? it will still take a long time to learn

>> No.20729696
File: 2.63 MB, 4032x2712, IMG_20190128_140045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I can. I am being serious about going to make it.
Anki helped me with kanji and the both readings. Besides I practiced writing so I complement my kanji study

>> No.20729701

better luck next time you see it
keep reading and dont obsess over single sentences

>> No.20729704

sick bedding can you read it what does it say

>> No.20729712
File: 1.79 MB, 3264x1840, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga pls

>> No.20729717

After a certain point it ceases to be willpower based though

Once you know enough that you can generally read shit, it's just a matter of seeing enough Japanese, which is where all the "read more" memes come from. At that point, it's literally just doing enjoyable things and learning from it as you go along.

Your acquisition of knowledge should slow down over time because you should be needing to look up fewer words in general, and being able to make strong contextual guesses for the smaller amount of things you don't know. These will have stronger memories tied to them because you aren't worried about merely understanding, but now you're focused on just that one word's meaning.

Also your brain will eventually stop needing to fight with assigning meaning to things because it will be effectively "fluent" in how the language works, it will simply accept it. This isn't true for the early parts of learning because you're still fighting with your brain as you try to convince it that this ass-backwards language can make sense. Therefore even if you've managed to go 1 year without seeing the word ヤギ but know every other animal worth a damn, you're gonna see it the one time and never need to think about it again, because it's obvious. Same with less obvious stuff, like 亜空間 or 混沌 or 投擲, you only need to see them the one time and bam, you own it.

This isn't true if you're still hung up on dumb beginner/intermediate shit. But, I promise you if you stick it out and let the knowledge stew long enough in you brain, it gets easier and easier.

>> No.20729726


this is childs play. i threw out all mine ages ago but i had like 20 volumes of this shit. my handwriting is shit enough to look native now

>> No.20729731

sick can you rp us another love letter

>> No.20729735

why are you here if you're so good?

>> No.20729736
File: 79 KB, 770x770, fbc56dbb77540d0a0d593798b370f4a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a /djt/ recommended music guide? What do you guys listen?

>> No.20729742

I apologize if this isn't the proper place, but DJT is the only group who would plausibly know this:

Are the Phenomeno light novels posted online anywhere? I don't see them on the resources/guide page.

Thanks for any help.

>> No.20729755


>> No.20729764

Should I apply for a japanese course? How much do they cost?

>> No.20729781

i just guessed the reading of 鬱陶しい. is this the power of anime?

>> No.20729783

I started 3 months ago bro.
And you pic shows a paper filled with 4 kanji

Yeah It's just some random kanji 香氷都

>> No.20729790

apply for a course in googling

>> No.20729796


if it has a standard reading it's not really a guess

>> No.20729846

well i guess i feel ready to pwn words using 陶 now

>> No.20729911

What was VN core based off? Frequency list of some VNs? Can anyone provide specifics

>> No.20729951

How the fuck do I setup this j-j epwing shit
I can't find the book in qolibri after unzipping, it says 1 book found (-1 subbook) and I can't add it

>> No.20729962

matt has a video about it

>> No.20730001 [DELETED] 


Dude, even japanese dont know Kanji. Why should I learn them?

>> No.20730013

if youre talkin averages here amerikajin ha eigo wakarimasen whats your issue

>> No.20730028

never looked at it but a couple posters have said its based on one of these http://wiki.wareya.moe/Frequency%20lists

>> No.20730029


just cuz random retard women cant read some reasonably obscure kanji doesn't mean they dont know kanji, but go off king

>> No.20730038

japanese people know kanji. youtube isn't reality. there are no excuses for you to not get good

>> No.20730091


>> No.20730094
File: 8 KB, 225x225, agiridesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20730128

The files from the new guide don't seem to work

>> No.20730136


it sounds like you're just doing it wrong. you know you're not supposed to extract the dictionaries right..

>> No.20730143


i lost my virginity and got my first girlfriend (a beautiful japanese girl) at 26. maybe you will be lucky too.

>> No.20730162


>> No.20730167

If I don't unzip them they simply don't show up at all in the book section
The thing that weirds me out is I managed just fine with a j->e dictionary but applying the same methods I can't get j->j files from the new guide to work

>> No.20730224

he seems confused
you get zips when you convert a supported epwing for yomichan
for qolibri you should have a folder per dictionary with a file called CATALOGS in it
youre probably doin something dumb but you can try matts all in one upload instead linked from one of his videos on sentence card bullshit

>> No.20730263

Explain 感じ

>> No.20730310

It's something you 感じる

>> No.20730343

its just another way to write 漢字 if you dont know as many 漢字

>> No.20730361

If I'm talking to someone irl how will they know I mean 漢字 instead of 感じ?

>> No.20730372


write it out in the air with your finger

>> No.20730373

its literally impossible you might have to draw the ji with your finger in the air

>> No.20730377
File: 118 KB, 1595x601, 1530498157021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20730378

Black Eyed Peas - I Have a Chinese Character

>> No.20730392
File: 270 KB, 2048x1544, 052BACB6-445E-4A9C-B2D1-B7BE6D98512D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a non-meme answer on how to give gifts in Japan?

I’ve got a nice pen set to give to a female artist I work with next week and I’ve heard it’s in their culture to refuse gifts at first?

>> No.20730395


did you try selecting the 日本語 folder as the search folder

>> No.20730396

You take the gift and give it to them. If they refuse they probably think you're a creep. Make sure to cum in your palm before shaking their hands.

>> No.20730397

She'll accept it, but she'll refuse to reward you with sex

>> No.20730398

>>>/int/ japanese thread (not djt)
>>>/trv/ japanese thread

>> No.20730406

Yes, same result

>> No.20730411

Are there any low level resources to read through?

I want something with kanji but with easy grammar since I'm the type who learns best by reading/absorbing material.

>> No.20730415


did you press start search

>> No.20730420

Ignore this, I'm an idiot who didn't check the guide first.

>> No.20730426

why is somethin called daijirin in all books already
downloaded new qolibri to test and it worked for me
maybe your copy of the epwing is fucked after all i admit the -1 looks like a problem

>> No.20730428

It's because you can't have Japanese characters in the path name. Rename all jap folder names to something using the alphabet and try again.

>> No.20730432

>Go to /int/, larping English teachers it /trv/, poor sexpats
/jp/ gatekeeping is lame

>> No.20730435

thats hilarious i tested to confirm
bug doesnt exist in good old unbloated qolibri 1.0.4 though

>> No.20730439

this is a japanese language learning thread, not a japanese cultural courtesies thread. what do you expect desu ka?

>> No.20730441

Does anyone know why YouTube randomly translates the names of videos into English? You can still see the Japanese title in the tab name, it on the page it’s in English. It doesn’t do this for all Japanese titles though obviously.

>> No.20730444

Are you under the impression that I'm some kind of retard or something

Thanks a lot, that fixed it. Gotta love shit ass dictionary software that doesn't even support utf-8 characters in freaking paths and doesn't even handle the error

>> No.20730447

This and subtitles being set to be on and be english by default annoys me. Are you logged into your google account? I wonder if it has something to do with it being set to english

>> No.20730449

True japanese always carry around a whiteboard

>> No.20730450

no one here knows nihongo and still you think we know culture
gatekeeping aside it does sound like more of an int thing even if int is shit

>> No.20730454

Iirc fans of the channel or some kind of community sub it and put the captions in the video. Ai channel and that girl who eats a lot come to mind

>> No.20730459

Yeah I’m logged in. Maybe the uploader can set a different title for each language, idk but it’s annoying as fuck.

>> No.20730462

don't do it man you're going to make things awkward

>> No.20730477

How did this guy manage to pull?

>> No.20730486

it is based on ui language yes
i assumed the uploader can set localized titles and descriptions but i am unsure

>> No.20730498

>a beautiful japanese girl

>> No.20730506


i think shes beautiful anyway

>> No.20730516

You guys know of any good 日本語 documentaries?

>> No.20730518

Do I want to be Japanese? Of course not! Being black is great! However, pretending to be Japanese somehow enhances this AJATT experience. You see, I am realizing that AJATT is something that is as hardcore as it gets when it comes to learning a language. I mean, you are saying that you are going to immerse as much as you possibly can every waking second of the day. That is really something crazy. It is almost as if we are creating our own little Japan in a sense. AJATT inevitiably became a huge part of my life. So, why not pretend to be Japanese? I find that this also adds something to my immersion. Almost as if I have a stronger connection to the Japanese.

>> No.20730528

How do people learn japanese just by watching anime? I tried watching some anime without subs. I just stare at the images with my brain off

>> No.20730533

>There is something truly magical about giving your absolute all into something.
whens karubins next blog post im on the edge of my seat

>> No.20730535

>Being black is great!
Stopped reading.

You're supposed to watch 10000 hours of anime WITH subs. Afterwards you can maybe think about turning the subs off. Of course you will never learn Japanese if you only read the subs and don't listen to the dialogue.

>> No.20730551

>Being black is great!

>> No.20730570

No one learns by JUST watching. While just watching will help your ear get used to the language, you should also be learning grammar, reading, and mining words/sentences to review. Input is incredibly important , and the more you listen the better you’ll be, but isnt that useful on its own. If you listen to 10,000 hours of Japanese and never look up any words or grammar points you’re still not gonna know Japanese.

>> No.20730574

>No one learns by JUST watching
>If you listen to 10,000 hours of Japanese and never look up any words or grammar points you’re still not gonna know Japanese.
multiple people have learned this way

>> No.20730578

>multiple people have learned this way
citation needed.

>> No.20730583

every native

>> No.20730589

khatz with cantonese
matt also mentioned that he knew of 3 people who watched thousands of hours of anime as children and did the same thing

>> No.20730592


implying japanese kids dont take 国語 classes at their 塾 from age 1

>> No.20730600

brace for neuroplasticity posting

>> No.20730610

>multiple people have learned this way
Ehm, but they are illiterate

>> No.20730616

moving the goalpost

>> No.20730617

Do you think there is no grammar when people speak?
You learn the grammar naturally just like you did with english if you're not an EOP.

>> No.20730619

Natives don't learn by watching TV alone. Have you ever seen how people interact with small children and teach them language? If someone did that to you essentially 24 hours a day you'd learn as well. This is not the same as just watching some drama on TV and not understanding a thing.

>> No.20730624

this anon is right. you don't learn your native language frm the tv, but thanks to your parents

>> No.20730646

>Have you ever seen how people interact with small children and teach them language?
the majority of what they do seems useless and the kids overseeing interactions their interactions with other adults is comparable to watching tv
also dont forget babies dont know shit about the world you have the advantage of being able to infer a lot more of whats going on
>This is not the same as just watching some drama on TV and not understanding a thing.
agree its useless if you dont understand a thing but you probably do
never seen a neglected kid learn a language huh

>> No.20730666

10000 hours of anime is a meme but its also probably true. ive watched maybe 400ish hours of anime (subless) and listened to the audio of those episodes again afterwards and i can understand a lot of whats said in anime (depending on the subject matter of course). i think 10000 hours of anime is real and if you aren't totally fluent at that point there might be something wrong with you. but then again is there even 10k hours worth of anime that you can watch? im already burnt out after 400 hours and cant find anything interesting to watch

>> No.20730668

>never seen a neglected kid learn a language huh
I agree with you mostly but it's not uncommon for severely neglected kids to only have very underdeveloped language abilities for this exact reason.

>> No.20730669

it takes kids way more than 10,000 hours of exposure to actually get to a reasonable standard of language usage tho. 10,000 hours is like 2 years of awake-time. what can kids say at 2?

>> No.20730670


if you get enough input youre going to learn it eventually. the fact that you can watch shows in languages youve never heard before and still pick up occasional words shows that at least some of it is comprehensible from day 1

>> No.20730675

Input alone is not enough. It’s why there are people that have lived in Japan for years and still know fuck all Japanese. It’s probably the most important factor, but if it’s not supplemented by other things you aren’t going to get very far.

>> No.20730680

Of course if you keep watching while also making an effort to actually look up vocabulary and understand sentences and everything that comes with that you will get better. It doesn't even need to have an Anki component or anything to it. And if you reach a certain level you can probably mostly do without the looking up stuff as well.

I'm ESL and there are a large number of words that I know in English where I couldn't even give you a translation in my native language because I never learned them this way.

>> No.20730695

Do you know anything about AJATT? Input is the core principle but it’s not JUST input and Khatz didn’t JUST listen and ignore everything else. He looked up grammar, he mined sentences and used an SRS.

>> No.20730700

how do japanese type with their pc?

>> No.20730716

admit i havent read much about it but i assume those kids are so neglected they dont hear much language at all
really though i think undervaluing reading and trying to focus solely on listening as an adult is probably a mistake based on my own experience with how much faster i made progress with reading im just sayin it can probably be done and that the importance of grammar and anki is overrated
depends on the quality of input and theyre probably doin other shit like stackin blocks cause like i said they dont know much about the world either
mostly the same way you do

>> No.20730719

This is a well known concept in language learning called i+1 input, or comprehensible input. You don't gain much from language you hardly comprehend at all, but you gain a lot from language you mostly comprehend with just a bit of new information (i.e. a fairly clear picture of those new bits).

The most important reason why you wouldn't want to emulate kids, anyway, is that even 10 year olds have pretty sucky language. Do you want to take 8-10 years of watching anime just to have the skill level of a barely literate child in elementary school? Don't think so. If you study efficiently, then in 3-4 years you'll be able to absolutely dunk on kids in language ability, particularly kanji.
People live in countries and don't learn the language because they close themselves off in a bubble and don't actually expose themselves to the language, sticking to English-friendly places (or vice versa if they're foreigners in an English place). As Stephen Krashen once said, all language you produce comes from acquisition (input), and everything supplementary to that will just give you a filter to try and "correct" errors in that language you've produced.

That said, I will agree that speech practice is important, but only so that you get more used to producing the language you've already acquired, not so you magically acquire more language by trying to produce it. Even without it you'll eventually get good at production anyway given enough input.

>> No.20730747
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>> No.20730782

I read an interview with James Heisig where he mentioned learning to speak Japanese by playing with children, somewhere up in the mountains. How could you even make this stuff up? So when I heard the man was in Tokyo, I knew I had to ask him about it.

Because here’s the extent of what I learned from children by teaching grade school in Japan for several years: The word for lunch. How to say “I’m so cold.” How to say “I’m so hot.” How to grab your teacher’s penis and exclaim “bigu sticku.” How to insert your fingers up his butt in a move known as the kancho. Beyond that, children typically ramble about some toy or cartoon or playground game. They’re not going to coach you on how to make hotel reservations or order up another plate of gyoza. The idea that one could learn to speak from them is insane. They can’t even use the language decently themselves. That’s because they’re freaking kids.

I met Heisig at a writer’s workshop. He seemed a pleasant enough fellow, and a fine teller of grandiose stories. After listening to his well-polished tale about singlehandedly inventing a way of learning Japanese characters that millions of Japanese folks had never thought of in their thousands of years of history, I finally got a chance to ask him, “How did you learn to speak it?”

“I played baseball with the kids,” was his reply. “Up in the mountains. In Nagano.

“You played baseball?” I asked. “With children?


“And that’s how you learned to speak Japanese?

“Sure. Children are the best teachers.”

Now, that sounds reasonable. Everybody nodded. But it isn’t reasonable. It sounds good, but it’s actually nuts. Children are the worst teachers. They make no damn sense.

You know, over the years, I’ve asked many people how they learned Japanese, and their answers consistently fall into one of two categories. They either describe a systematic method pursued diligently over the course of several years, or they make up some convenient bullshit because they don’t really want to respond to the question. I looked at Heisig, and had my answer.

>> No.20730783

n+1 sentences are sentences that contain only a single thing that you know very poorly, and the rest you understand at least well enough to get by

that single thing can be a word or grammar pattern or idiom or whatever

a closely related idea is i+1, which is an abstract concept describing what things you can acquire language from easily, and the letter and number don't actually mean anything

>> No.20730799

celebs aside wouldnt children be good teachers to get you to child level since their active vocab is small

>> No.20730853

So /djt/ should hang out with kids?

>> No.20730866

i'm fucking PISSED that there was another thread up for 11 hours while i had the old thread open.

>> No.20730870

what does 何百人 mean? or better, what does this phrase mean?
does it mean she's a slut?

>> No.20730878

This isn't a flash based dating sim.

>> No.20730880

yes. it means hundreds. a large number. it means she's a huge slut who has slept with tons of guys

>> No.20730891

fug, I didn't want to accept it but oh well
thank you for clarifying

>> No.20730945

is there actually any good japanese music outside of this?
and no, all those hiphop songs aren't good, they are ok at best.

>> No.20730962



>> No.20730970

和(あい)= Dust or love?

>> No.20730971

man these guys are coming up with some crazy gijutu to make their tangotyous now

>> No.20730997

wow thanks, that's actually quite good and the singer is slow enough to maximize learning opportunities.

>> No.20731000
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>> No.20731005

I'd appreciate if next time you decided to stop using discord and twitter (for what I assume are distraction reasons), you'd at least tell me first, would have saved me the effort of looking up death reports from your city before finding activity from you elsewhere.

>> No.20731048

i don't know what kinda business ya have or who ya have it with but that's some creepy stalker shit man

>> No.20731051

im gonna go MIA guys dont think about looking up my death in the obituary im with Matt and my new discord family now

>> No.20731063

Drops a huge redpill about ajatt

>when I think of AJATT and MIA now, I don't think of people who are enthusiastic about learning the language. I think of pretentious people, honestly, who look down on others.

>> No.20731073

when is watunkun gonna make his own brand since mia and ajatt have been spoiled

>> No.20731088

He's actually made pretty good progress for a first year and seems like an iiiii yatsu.

>> No.20731090


>> No.20731096

i predict he will surpass matt sama and become a true messiah to the japanese learning community

>> No.20731174

If I haven't learned or practiced in a long fucking time (June 2018), is it worth it to use my notes from the previous time or should I just start from scratch?

I had quit at around 1800 Kanji learned.

>> No.20731177

never start over. always move forwards. no retreat

>> No.20731178

Manga isn't reading though.

>> No.20731222

You don't need any notes in the first place.

>> No.20731262

We're fucked

>> No.20731266

So, how do I learn nihongo?

>> No.20731323

Watch manga
Just Have Fun

>> No.20731331

>tfw notepad freezes when I try to open these

>> No.20731356
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>> No.20731357


>> No.20731367

are there any books that use things like 其の、此の、呉れる、何時、其れ。basically using as little kana as possible. bonus if its a vn.

>> No.20731378




>> No.20731383

I still dont get how I should mine words/phrases if I dont know anything and I don't wanna install Anki

>> No.20731392


>> No.20731406

i saw the dying fetus tee in the thumbnail and clicked the vid cautiously then i heard the konnichiwa and was like whoa this dudes already better at japanese than every other one of these ajatt fuckers

but alas it wasnt meant to be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEn6zeto9SM#t=278

>> No.20731410


nothing written in the last couple of centuries

>> No.20731413

i mean im sure he rehearsed the intro line like 100 times until he got a good one but hey a boy can dream

>> No.20731423

gaijin no yume that reminds of how the kanji for hakanai is written

>> No.20731514

Holy shit guys this guy is nuke's long lost half-brother that spawned when nuke's father had an affair Vietnam. 8 years n3.

>> No.20731640

open them in a spreadsheet program instead, they're tab-separated-values files

>> No.20731650

libreoffice calc froze first which is why i tried using notepad.

>> No.20731696

did you know the second least frequent word is イラマチオ? it needs to gain its rightful place among the top

>> No.20731781

Googled it and I found it came from Latin "irrumatio"

>> No.20731819

nord worked for me a few days ago

>> No.20731905

libreoffice calc will work, it just takes a while

>> No.20732102

how do you read 5~6人?

>> No.20732136


>> No.20732137


>> No.20732142

better question is how do you read 2-3人

>> No.20732148

better question is how do u read わたしはゲイ

>> No.20732154

ty. so a short pause in between the two numbers

>> No.20732155


>> No.20732176


btw theres some gomi in your name field just lettin ya know

>> No.20732190

if you want gomi check the comment field of every post ever in any of these threads

>> No.20732191

baldr sky really is good so far. i just wish i could read faster because it feels like forever between gameplay segments, which are fun and seem like they're pretty well-developed but pretty sparse. i know they're not the main draw, but they're cool.

>> No.20732286

damn everyone reading rn huh

>> No.20732329

yeah reading konosuba, it's bretty easy for an isekai

>> No.20732341

What are some things for a beginner to read?

>> No.20732351

There are plenty of manga that do it, although not constantly and for everything, but for example かぐや様 frequently uses 迄 and 兎に角 without furigana.

>> No.20732355

A volume of yotsuba then whatever you're interested in

>> No.20732357

kinos fuckin tabi

>> No.20732377
File: 73 KB, 741x961, kinounimasaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20732403

i tried opening the file with calc and left it there for 2 hours (since i read your post) and it's just been frozen.

>> No.20732439
File: 119 KB, 406x499, 1485024924796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think in such long-ass sentences Kyon god damn it

>> No.20732459

The very start of haruhi has the worst of that, it gets more manageable as you get into it.
t. Read the first volume at the start of the month

>> No.20732497 [DELETED] 

ching chong ping pong walla walla bing bong egg fry rice rice rice ching chang Jackie Chan

>> No.20732501

ZUN has some specific preferences about that kind of thing, haven't read the official manga but 香霖堂 uses a bit more kanji in that way than most reading material.

>> No.20732505


>> No.20732507

open up calc then drag and drop it onto it

it should bring up an importer widget because it needs to know the format of the file, it's probably buried under other windows and/or inaccessible when alt+tabbing

>> No.20732513
File: 50 KB, 290x280, kutsu_170623miltank01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokemon 赤緑・金銀

>> No.20732514 [DELETED] 

Yes ching chong ping ling

>> No.20732517

I feel most LNs Ive tried are like that, they gotta set up the world.

>> No.20732524

if it's the box with the option to open it by tabs, commas, etc. i already accepted that.

>> No.20732527

The newer ones with kanji and furigana are way better.

>> No.20732532

okay well i guess something is just screwed up like it's silently running out of memory or something

install a better text editor than notepad and look at it with that

>> No.20732534

This is the official OP of DJT.

>> No.20732558

this is the official op of djt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui1ClppRpOk

>> No.20732578

i know what u guys really want

heres the real op of djt


>> No.20732582

how the frick do I type 犯人 on my keyboard? it comes out like this: 範囲n

>> No.20732588



>> No.20732611

got it, thanks for helping out a brainlet

>> No.20732617

yeah but they fucking suck to actually play

>> No.20732641

So do the old ones if you take off your nostalgia goggles.

>> No.20732697

i never got why the pokeman thing took off personally

>> No.20732708
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didnt get any answers last thread:
how many volumes of oreimo must i read for my reading speed to go up? im almost done with the second one but my im still at ~300 ji/maifun which means it takes over 10 hours to read a volume even though there are close to no new words

>> No.20732734

so are you able to sit down and focus 100% for those whole 10 hours?
how long did it take you to become able to read an entire book in 2 hours in english? even if it's 300 pages long? even if it's complicated?

>> No.20732757

>so are you able to sit down and focus 100% for those whole 10 hours?
no, i can do about 100 pages at a time.
>how long did it take you to become able to read an entire book in 2 hours in english? even if it's 300 pages long? even if it's complicated?
literally dont remember

>> No.20732761

How long have you been studying for?

>> No.20732762

11 months

>> No.20732770 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20732773

the point i'm trying to make is that it's something that a. will take a long time, b. will happen without you really realizing it, and c. isn't something you should be paying much attention to. just my onion though.

>> No.20732779

there really needs to be a "this retard is crossboarding from /v/" report category

>> No.20732792

Is Asian Andy our guy?

>> No.20732817 [DELETED] 

Yes indeed.

ching chong ping pong.

>> No.20732823

Just curious

>> No.20732825

succi succi fucci fucci?

>> No.20732831

Light novels aren't reading.

>> No.20732923

nobody likes you in Japan and ultimately outside Africa

>> No.20732969

you cant read light novels so youre here posting this shit

>> No.20733050
File: 550 KB, 2048x1536, ChnfWaoUUAEgcAX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 詞 is reading

if you can't feel the 詞 you have strayed from the true path

>> No.20733124

Eternal Dekinai detected.

>> No.20733172

Just post more matt memes you fags
I don't come here to study

>> No.20733184

Coming here to study? LOL

>> No.20733320
File: 276 KB, 730x345, eigo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're lewding 英語!

>> No.20733352
File: 7 KB, 450x49, Saekano volume 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the top supposed to say.

>> No.20733361 [DELETED] 

ching chang ping pong wang bing bang egg fried rice Jackie Chan

>> No.20733368

read an eroge and you will know

>> No.20733369

The same thing it says at the bottom.

>> No.20733370 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20733437


>> No.20733441

I am seriously considering reading poems is a must for mastering Nihongo.

>> No.20733451
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>> No.20733460 [DELETED] 

shut up tulipnigger

>> No.20733465
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>> No.20733555

>it's actually raamen

>> No.20733602

it's actually la mien

>> No.20733617

what _OP am i if i can speak neither english nor japanese

>> No.20733660


>> No.20733672
File: 15 KB, 572x230, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is getting native corrections such a meme?

>> No.20733676
File: 69 KB, 450x450, 1ae37ddca8b91c11302e374eca09af79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slowly starting to read raw mango
>Read side-by-side with eng translations sometimes to make it easier
>tfw realizing that like 75% of translations have massive wild inaccuracies strewn throughout (usually in failing to interpret grammatical structures properly) that even some barely-N3-maybe like myself can obviously see, and I've been reading them for over a decade

>> No.20733684
File: 26 KB, 500x334, 1536588682640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even japanese people can be stupid

どくどく is a good one though holy cow

>> No.20733714




>> No.20733820


>> No.20733855

Something like five to twenty percent of the things you think are mistranslations probably aren't.

>> No.20733871

These are fairly reasonable comments if the medium is the written assignment of a foreigner.

>> No.20734068

What does the 枠 mean, I really do not understand it.

>> No.20734184

"classic crazy"

>> No.20734201

"fresh crazy"

>> No.20734279
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I'm about to get this. Is there a better dictionary ? (Anki is fine but I want something hardcopy)

>> No.20734321


>> No.20734417

A lot of translators are also brainlets who often miss some very clever wordplay/metaphors

>> No.20734465
File: 2.86 MB, 404x226, 1518913418845.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What japanese tv shows are good for getting used to the language?

>> No.20734470

like a チンポ in a ケツhole わたしはここにいるよ

all of them especially the ones u wanna watch

>> No.20734471

Ones you enjoy.

>> No.20734504

if they are fansubs yeah i have noticed this too. if it is a professional translation then you probably just dont know japanese or what makes a good translation

>> No.20734508

>Japanese: A certain island
>English release: An uncharted island
Changes are quite often completely arbitrary

>> No.20734518

If you don't think translating onigiri as doughnut is a good translation you don't know japanese.

>> No.20734522

if youre gonna give comparisons with no source the least you can do is actually give the nippongese in nippongese so all us dekinai can come to our own conclusions

>> No.20734528

pretty much. what the fuck is an onigiri?? is what an american is going to think. you gotta write it as something they can understand like rice hamburger

>> No.20734543

it would be awful if someone watching a show based in a foreign land was exposed to new culture

>> No.20734555

they should spend 3 years of their life watching anime all day long and make 50,000 flashcards

>> No.20734569

>50,000 flashcards
五十万 unless youre too dumb to even master 日国

>> No.20734582

is there a way to export a list of lookups (search history) youve made in qolibri to a file? i think it would be interesting to see how many words you look up over time and how many times you look up each word but idk how to do this

>> No.20734588


if you read for hours every day and listen for hours every day for 2 years will this really be an issue? when a normie passes n1 it must not mean much.

>> No.20734603

if your listening didn't consist of unscripted conversation between japanese people yes that will happen. there's nothing strange about it and it has nothing to do with jlpt

>> No.20734611


when have you ever read the phrase "a certain" in english lol, 99% of the time its unnatural as fuck

>> No.20734613

Peppa pig, unironically

>> No.20734626

what are you tryin to say

>> No.20734627

a certain magical index is the only thing that comes to mind

>> No.20734633


im saying if they just translated it as "a certain island" it would be a garbage translation

>> No.20734634

a certain someone
a certain extent
a certain age
and quite a few english book titles

>> No.20734635

Read more books in English retard

>> No.20734643

whether its a good translation or not seems beside the point that the translation given changes the meaning

>> No.20734644

you guys are really trying to argue this shit 無理矢理 style. a certain island sounds retarded and so does an uncharted island

>> No.20734645


i said there are times when it is natural. if you just say "a certain" in the way japanese uses 或る it sounds dumb as fuck 99% of the time

>> No.20734659

most writing sounds dumb if you think too much about it

>> No.20734665


well it's pointless arguing about that without the full context in japanese, but usually people who complain about "wow this translation sucks the meaning is completely different" dont actually understand why literal translations are dogshit

>> No.20734669

thats sexual

onigiri is a japanese rice treat

learning japanese is like tryin to become the hokagay

it should go without saying that tld anime titles will cripple ur japanese and should be avoided at all costs

get fucked index fags

>> No.20734671

It sounds fine, standard comic book establishing text box.

>> No.20734678

>it should go without saying that tld anime titles will cripple ur japanese and should be avoided at all costs
i avoid them at all costs thanks for reassuring me

>> No.20734702

I think you're confused.

>> No.20734730

thats absolutely the wrong tone tho

>> No.20734746

srs addict journal log

im not gonna do it im not gonna install an srs and put new words i find in there im just going to keep reading. i dont need the srs i am an addict

>> No.20734765

im thinkin about installin anki again cause im afraid of accidentally makin it and then i wouldnt be welcome here anymore

>> No.20734803

>watching a show
>my brain: you should be reading
>my brain: you need to listen more
Why am I like this

>> No.20734809
File: 10 KB, 288x207, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

visual novels solve this problem

>> No.20734820


vns are garbo tho

>> No.20734825

not gonna make it

>> No.20734837

its true vns in 2019 are garbo

real shame u couldnt play when they were good circa 15-20 years ago

>> No.20734841

nostalgia is a sin but luckily even you can play 20 year old vns today

>> No.20734854

i mean how can anything be good anymore when art and culture has degenerated this much


>> No.20734869

its not the same tho cuz uve lived too long in the world that exists after them

>> No.20734880

like nostalgics werent sayin the same thing 20 years ago

>> No.20734912
File: 1.04 MB, 1678x1200, good_scan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't know how bad this is

>> No.20734923

馬そう lollllllllllll stopped reading there

>> No.20734931

No it's pretty fucking good. You just don't know nip well enough to understand what's at play here.

>> No.20734932

dont get me wrong i was saying art and culture were dead when evangelion dropped

me sitting there watchign eva in like 1995: who the fucks this pussy boy this shits gay then i reclined in my chair and said まさに失われた10年だね before rolling over to my pc98 and losing myself in a great computer game

>> No.20734952

lmfao not this thing again oh man i love me a good scanlation

>> No.20734982

makes me think of the 1 year ajatters saying they understand 90% of everything they read and listen to. how many umasou biirus have they drunk to arrive at those numbers i wonder

>> No.20735004

idk but theyre all fuckin お上手af

>> No.20735013

provin my point if you cant appreciate the genius of eva its your own fault innit

>> No.20735015


but did you see daikon 4 live

>> No.20735046

if u ask a japanese gomer about evangelion theyll respond by asking u if its that popular game all the kids these days play where they catch all the weird 動物s

>> No.20735063


nah everyone in japan knows eva. its always on top 20 in the karaoke booths in tokyo

>> No.20735079

what does that have to do with anything at all

>> No.20735087

Do I have to pay money to get *att to notice me?

>> No.20735094

yeah thats how it works

>> No.20735098

yeah if you buy his highest tier he will say ur jouzu and pet your head

>> No.20735103

i might have weird expectations but after 2 years i figure i'll get around to listening to more unscripted convos in podcasts or youtube videos.

>> No.20735105

dont make shit up if you have highest tier he will talk to you for a whole hour every month about anything you want like youre best buds
during that hour he will say jouzu though im sure what kind of best bud wouldnt

>> No.20735121
File: 8 KB, 242x202, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing whatever is fun to you at every moment is the fastest way to acquire japanese

>> No.20735128

visual novels just make you use one as a crutch for the other. they're not a solution.

>> No.20735140

when youre a beginner it doesnt really matter you can focus on one when you arent shit at both

>> No.20735147

>We found that vocabulary learning was 20 percent faster after intense physical exercise
Why aren't you running yet?

>> No.20735154


>> No.20735156


>> No.20735158


i just came back from a run. time to hit the decks.

>> No.20735168

>27 healthy subjects
that was an ez dismiss. holy fucking SHIT most "science" is awful.

>> No.20735175

I can't go through my anki decks for hours after a workout. Have to cool down with eroge.

>> No.20735185

abstract made it sound like reading not flash cards but thats all i read

>> No.20735190


here's a meta-analysis on the same subject if scientific rigour is what youre after


>> No.20735191

Does this phrase also work in japanese as in to become friends? If so what other things cam be directly translated?

>> No.20735195

作る does work, but I have personally heard 友達ができる more often.

>> No.20735198
File: 108 KB, 751x173, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20735200

I've also heard できる more, but I think it could help to mention why that might be.

There's a slight difference between 作る and できる, which is that 作る can feel like there was more of a deliberate effort, and できる feels more like a natural outcome.

It's probably because of this difference that you tend to hear できる more when people say they made a friend, but you hear 作る more when it's used in phrases like 友達の作り方.

>> No.20735202

I think it’s like the difference between “I made a friend” and “we became friends.”

>> No.20735204

that's exactly it
irrumatio (fellatio wherein the majority of movement is performed by the fellatee)

>> No.20735222

Meta analyses are stupid. Garbage in, garbage out. Only physicists know how to do science anymore.

>> No.20735237

It says it's a violent form of fellatio, and it was used in the Latin literature. Damn, why they didn't teach me this a school?

>> No.20735241

This is the filth that betrayed our sekrit club.

>> No.20735247

According to Matt I'll never learn japanese for 2 reasons.
I do not meditate.
My sleeping schedule is super fucked up

>> No.20735257

wait for watun to ascend and he will bring us the new covenant that wont require us to meditate or sleep at night

>> No.20735275

it definitely does not a have a positive effect on it.

>> No.20735277

whatd i miss is someone gonna become the new patreon overlord that dolly could never be

>> No.20735282

>Meta analyses are stupid
cuz they can't control for the file drawer effect?

>> No.20735296

do you think steve and matt could nakama ni nareru?

>> No.20735303

really bored by the convos itt right now. let's talk about the IQ threshold of learning japanese as a second language. i believe it's 106.5

>> No.20735307


>> No.20735309

Having a not too low IQ would actually be more beneficial to learning than being above average.

>> No.20735314

if its that low can i even be proud of myself for learning nihongo

>> No.20735317

wrong iq is associated with measures like self-control/patience too so the higher the better

>> No.20735319

check out all these stats

how many nhk easy articles have u read?

>> No.20735338

I barely know English as my second language. Japanese would be the third language. No chances

>> No.20735348
File: 70 KB, 1723x494, chrome_2019-01-29_11-53-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he act like such a child when talking with people?

>> No.20735352

japanese learners really love their stats and spreadsheets and shit dont they

>> No.20735365

You didn't track how many english news articles you read?

>> No.20735374

being generally aware of which books or manga you read over a period of time is cool but i don't think anyone who is actually going to succeed in learning the language will replicate precisely what someone else did so it's needless precision.

>> No.20735383
File: 66 KB, 1194x245, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he has a superiority complex and needs to one up everyone no matter the context or appropriateness. this is a common theme for responding to anyone that comments on his stuff if they don't include praise/admiration/total agreement. another example is in his video he uploaded where he tries to show off his reading skill of something he thought was difficult and someone commented saying its actually not hard

>> No.20735384

that's a perfectly legitimate response to some smug jackass redditor bragging about how awesome wanikani is.

>> No.20735392

caring that much about tracking your minutes is a strong sign that youre gonna give up cause youre not letting yourself have fun and lose yourself in a good eroge

>> No.20735395

that's a legitimate response too. matt does have a superiority complex but these are not good examples of it.

>> No.20735398


lol implying muramasa isn't hard. any normal japanese person would be looking up half the words

>> No.20735402

>>to glimpse my ability
>that's a legitimate response too.

>> No.20735406

oh no i misquoted

>> No.20735409

Why are all this nihongo youtubers so narcissist? Does it make you superior knowing japanese?

>> No.20735427

thats not what he said in the video though. he said he read it because his friend told him it had difficult japanese in it.

this is him being tuntun since someone called him out (which he takes as an attack to his superior nihongo skills) on the contents of the video. this activates his superiority complex and makes him create excuses so he doesnt look inferior to the guy who commented above him. thats my headcanon anyways

>> No.20735443


im 99% sure if you did a reading comprehension check on him after he went through that he'd fail anyway. he's a snake oil salesman

>> No.20735444

does anyone have a picture of when someone called him on rehearsing it and he responds with somethin like
>i never claimed this was my first time reading it

>> No.20735451
File: 81 KB, 960x720, test 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you read a book and a half yesterday, so you only need to read half as much today to keep up the one book a day pace

>> No.20735454

>so you only need to
not gonna make it

>> No.20735457

Not going to make it

>> No.20735467

you're gonna make it.

>> No.20735496

I have standards that I need to keep, yeah, cause I have self-respect.

>> No.20735501
File: 246 KB, 1143x1049, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit shit shit nihonjin be careful. Why are you doing this?

>> No.20735502

>self respect
>not readin what you want to read when you want to read it cause you feel like it

>> No.20735510

The slacker life without structure or goals in life is fit for some people, but not I.

>> No.20735512
File: 56 KB, 518x179, the jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20735520

Jesus, how horrifying.

>> No.20735531
File: 5 KB, 55x189, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me out with this one?

It's not 貝や, is it?

>> No.20735534

if muramasa was hard to the point of being a pain in the ass to read it would one not be a big hit and two be enjoyable which it is both of those things

>> No.20735537

>4chan shits on wanikani
>all ok
>matt shits on wanikani
>what a child

>> No.20735545


it's a big hit among (typically university educated) nerds who like that kind of shit. i guarantee the avg japanese person would find it very unenjoyable to read through

>> No.20735553

Who is this DJ named T?

>> No.20735560

Isn't Wanikani better than Anki?
Instead of just memorizing cards it lets you to write meaning and reading of each kanji/vocabulary

>> No.20735564
File: 602 KB, 1280x960, 日本のとるも.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the Donald John Trump thread for weebs.

>> No.20735567

whoda thunk eroges target audience would be social elites who go outside lol

>> No.20735585

>whoda thunk eroges target audience would be social elites who go outside lol

the kind of people who play eroge in japan are like 45 year old fat nerds who work in IT companies

anyway im exaggerating a bit, it's been a while since i played it but there are definitely stretches where it's completely fine and stretches where it's horrendously annoying having to look up random words/kanji

i would ask my japanese girlfriend (who is japanese, and also my girlfriend) what she thought of it but she'd probably get bored within 10 seconds and call me a nerd loser for showing it to her

>> No.20735587


>> No.20735599

>it lets you to write meaning and reading of each kanji/vocabulary
Anki lets you do anything, it's very modular and has a ton of plugins. Literally everything Wanikani can do, Anki can do better. That Anki lets you modify card settings to be ideal for you puts it head and shoulders above Wanikani, which gives no such options, to say nothing of the slow pace it forces on you.

>> No.20735601

Wow, I'm braindamaged. Thank you.

>> No.20735613

Yeah, but Anki is so difficult to set up

>> No.20735624


how is it difficult to set up? you just download some decks and change a couple of settings

making your own cards also helps you to learn/remember so it's not wasted time if you do that either

>> No.20735633
File: 169 KB, 610x973, wasteoftime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anki is truly amazing

>> No.20735639

Looks like I've been using anki all wrong.

>> No.20735652

>and call me a nerd loser
hot whats stopping you

>> No.20735661

i mean yeah now

but were still all in our early 20s at heart

>> No.20735670

hi nuke

>> No.20735681


implying nuke's wife isnt black

>> No.20735686

don't forget if you haven't done RTK you don't know Japanese

>> No.20735688
File: 4 KB, 221x242, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she hears ur japanese

>> No.20735692

dont forget わたしはrtゲイ

>> No.20735697

Yo, this is helpful

>> No.20735705


just use a pen and a piece of paper. why does everyone to do w/ japanese learning have to be technologified

>> No.20735723

if u do that thing in the vid ur still gonna suck ass anyway and itll just be one more weird party trick unless u deal with handwriting and others' handwriting often

>> No.20735729


if you use this you'll still end up with the wrong stroke order because it's different for a lot of chinese characters anyway

>> No.20735759

it is more difficult to learn but because of its better functionality and price, only a retarded redditor would use wanikani. or a 40 year old dad with no free time who will never learn japanese anyway.

>> No.20735766

what's it like to be white and have a japanese gf

>> No.20735771

if ur a skinny weak white dude the only type of girl that looks right next to u is an asian real talk

>> No.20735785
File: 32 KB, 633x195, Ddgu_eKVMAAzyLV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after learning japanese i only like 2d japanese girls now. the 3d ones dont do it for me anymore

>> No.20735794

God imagine being an ajatt cultist

>> No.20735797

imagine being a ajatt cultist and a furry

>> No.20735804

Can I skip ajatt and just perform self-flagellation while I read fun things?

>> No.20735806

is ajatt a cult?

>> No.20735812


idk she's the only gf ive ever had so i have no comparison. it's pretty good i guess but she's also dumb as fuck, however im okay with that because i dont want one of these woke bitches

she destroyed my nihongo jishin when i first met her by telling me stop talking to her in japanese because im awful at it, so now we just talk in english anyway

>> No.20735817
File: 69 KB, 1170x292, jt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing cultist about it. it's just intelligent, logical people (many of whom are programmers) following the advice of someone who's been vetted by a native.

>> No.20735818
File: 8 KB, 852x176, careful who u trust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20735820

>telling me stop talking to her in japanese because im awful at it,
haha ouch.

>> No.20735839

if uve never mimicked eroge dialogue during sex with japanese girlfriend then smfh

>> No.20735851

You sound like you're a pushover and like you're not going to make it.

>> No.20735859



>> No.20735864


nah i give her the slap when she gets out of line m8, im just one of these lazy people who doesnt really make an effort when english is fine

>> No.20735870

"give her the slap" lmfao plz say no more ur betacuck tendencies are too painful

>> No.20735887
File: 133 KB, 425x509, 1328028236997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak niponese to her then if you're so tough.

>> No.20735888

you give her a reading assignment first or tell her to wing it with her native status

>> No.20735890

really if you were in control she would be using sonkeigo towards you 24/7 even if you dont understand it because she wants you to learn japanese and respects you but instead youre just an eikaiwa with a nikubou

>> No.20735902
File: 3 KB, 215x117, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a minute

< -- are u this guy ??

>> No.20735906

also this is true https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOfAKhrkREo

>> No.20735928

How do such clowns make it to japan?

>> No.20735933


no who is that

>> No.20735939


imblying im an eikawa monkey

>> No.20735956

>she destroyed my nihongo jishin when i first met her by telling me stop talking to her in japanese because im awful at it, so now we just talk in english anyway

自覚しろよこのボケ lol

>> No.20735957

i went to one of them japanese hibachi restaurants only to find out the family that owns and runs it is fuckin chinese and they all have normal white people names like peter

>> No.20735968


she lived abroad for ages so her english was already perfect when we met, havent taught her a thing except maybe what "stop taking the piss" means

>> No.20735971

no dude 英語でいいから plz やめて lol

>> No.20735984

How do I get a japanese dude to suck me off no homo?

>> No.20735987


your jealousy is starting to show my friend. if i told her to talk to me only in japanese from now on she would do it w/out questioning my supreme authority

>> No.20735988

uhh just ask? complement them on their mouth and see if theyre down

>> No.20735991

Get an axe wound(vagina).

>> No.20735994
File: 292 KB, 500x500, 37519647_big_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure senpai we believe you. You don't have to prove yourself to us.

>> No.20735996

ur really tryin to force it bad arent u cuz u aint gettin no real bites

sorry but ive raised the level here a long time ago u gotta do better than that

>> No.20736006
File: 52 KB, 383x500, 484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you got me

>> No.20736011

alright keep us updated on how that goes

>> No.20736020

whered u get that pic of my girlfriendthats really weird

>> No.20736025

Where the hell do I grab a DL of Axanael? The AB version seems borked

>> No.20736027


>> No.20736034

Please someone tell me what "ハの字" is

>> No.20736035

besides you i'm probably the most proficient baiter here. but i'm tactful about it whereas you just misspell shit and repeat tired memes. but baiting is bad so don't do it.

>> No.20736039

when have i ever "baited" im not into none of that bull shit

>> No.20736053

If any of you spend your time shitposting on eating manga you still wouldn't know japanese.

>> No.20736057


phrases like that are usually used to give an idea of what something looks like. in this case whatever is being described looks like this ハ

>> No.20736059

jamal admits it. i am officially djt's best baiter.

>> No.20736062

Is there a link to a bigger core vn deck than the 1.25k in the guide? 1.25 doesnt seem like a lot

>> No.20736063

So this is your limit huh. If you were able to just take a glimpse of my true nihongo power you would't talk like that. You are 10 thousand years too early to defeat me

>> No.20736064

Thanks so much anon
Hopefully no russians steal my credit card info

>> No.20736071

first thing i grabbed off of sukebei worked

>> No.20736072

careful that u dont misinterpret my diction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4PKCcGyyx0

>> No.20736079

Its actually pretty impressive to have such a shit taste in music. Keep it up

>> No.20736087

what if i told u never actually liked any of it and just posted it ironically all this time as to make fun of it

>> No.20736092

I'd be genuinely impressed.

>> No.20736095

We both know thats a lie

>> No.20736098

i genuinely wish this were true. it would add a layer of depth to the jamal lore and thus djt lore but i don't think it is.

>> No.20736101
File: 204 KB, 1440x1080, sorry-hand-gesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this hand gesture called, that you see in animu all the time? One hand is sort of perpendicular to the face. It means sorry/please but I can't find any links that explain it.

>> No.20736106

It's for white supremacy

>> No.20736114


>> No.20736119

im giving up

>> No.20736123
File: 87 KB, 750x749, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20736125

You couldnt learn anyway dumbposter

>> No.20736137

whats the deal with misatos sausage fingers

>> No.20736138
File: 107 KB, 319x158, 1548080708523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>340 due
It's over.

>> No.20736151

Just do it you big baby

>> No.20736152
File: 104 KB, 158x319, 1548793332014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all u gotta do is turn the chessboard my dude

>> No.20736156


>> No.20736161


>> No.20736167
File: 7 KB, 258x196, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20736171

Story of my life. I guess I'll give up.

>> No.20736173
File: 445 KB, 1200x1200, 1536258017221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my scanlation

>> No.20736181
File: 59 KB, 625x348, anki_2019-01-29_16-23-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20736183


why should i read if i can just sub to this guy?

>> No.20736189
File: 444 KB, 1100x1038, お金.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is now.
So that's what it's called. Can't find links, so no one needs it to be explained any further.
Her fingers are pretty.

>> No.20736202

literally 17 minutes for one line

sounds par for the course at the djt

>> No.20736204

if i'm starting to learn should i follow the guide or use a textbook like genki?

>> No.20736207

can somebody please hook me up with oreimo s1 720 p no subs kudasai

>> No.20736212

Here I'll bite.

>> No.20736217
File: 357 KB, 2069x969, hentai chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch 10000 hours of eng subbed anime and then figure out how to start reading and then read everything on here and u will learn japanese guaranteed

>> No.20736227

Dont forget to meditate .

>> No.20736229

ive watched a huge tonne of anime and know some words and phrases already, i only really wanna know enough to read h doujins and play eroge so would the guide be the best way to get to that level? I have learnt hirigana aswell so guess ill start katakana

>> No.20736233


Seem like all the links are dead no matter how you spell the games name. The rutracker link is alive by I'm stuck at %33

>> No.20736235

every windows 10 alternative you gtards suggest has flaws. nothing wrong with a little bit of chrome. who cares if my anonymous data is being processed for the betterment of the computer science profession and therefore, mankind? rather spend that time worrying about nippongo

>> No.20736236

you will never learn katakana

kanji is easier than katakana

>> No.20736239
File: 210 KB, 1440x1080, すまん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's such a cute gesture. I want Misato to apologize to me for stealing my underwear and going to work while I was asleep.

>> No.20736246

Best way to read doujins and eroge is to read doujins (which isn't reading apparently) and play eroge.

Man this is too true. I know hiragana and many words perfectly, but can only remember a few katakana.

>> No.20736248

>windows 10
Stop posting for your own sake.

>> No.20736249

i want misato to turn into tang and wash my impurities away

>> No.20736254

its a half assed way of apologizing just like not taking the time to say sumimasen and spitting out suman. anything less than a dogeza is unacceptable imo

>> No.20736257

Are you fucking retarded, son?

>> No.20736258

Look boi i'm gonna be honest. If you don't have the dedication you wont make it.Starting reading without grammar is a meme it never works, your just gonna torture yourself then quit after 2 days. You must dedicate yourself. The fun stuff starts only after year+ of learning , the time when looking at wapanese doesn't induce a felling
of wanting to hang yourself .

Bonus points if you are a neet.

>> No.20736260

u gotta follow ur heart dude and just do what u need to do

>> No.20736268
File: 111 KB, 1193x614, kata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20736270

If you actually read the guide you'd know to read Tae Kim and then just start reading shit and watching your anime raw.

>> No.20736275

listen to this guy. you need to do RTK for three months first otherwise it's a tell tale sign that you dont have the discipline necessary to learn nihongo

>> No.20736276

i did lessons for like 6 months but stopped going because they were really slow and then i never picked it up again kek but wanna get back into it

thats why i was asking just wanted to know if the guide is best or if i should use a genki book

>> No.20736278

Yeah, why use the most powerful, up to date OS with the largest user functionality and largest amount of apps on the planet? Makes u think

>> No.20736279

I highly doubt japanese know all katakana

>> No.20736283

its the suman aka the sorry not sorry aka the im fucking up and inconveniencing u can u plz find it somewhere in ur heart to just let it slide aka im being very selfish and putting u in a position to be tangled up in my shit without ur prior approval cuz i am a stupid aho bitch girl gesture

>> No.20736286

The problem isn't really textbooks. The problem is that a lot of people never progress beyond textbooks.

You could do genki 1 and then " and then move to some other textbooks.
Or you could just go through Tae Kim quickly and move on to real japanese.

>> No.20736295

Well yea... what's the native resolution? I compared them. I'd swear there's more detail in the 1080p version vs. the 720p one.

>> No.20736296


>> No.20736297

this guy has watched 10k hours of anime. incredible nuanced cultural knowledge

>> No.20736300

i misremembered i have a bunch of rars good luck with your googlin if rutracker doesnt work out

>> No.20736303
File: 116 KB, 500x500, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a community discord? I would love to get some advice from this well-educated furry. Or do I have to pay $10 to join an elite server to ask hir questions?

>> No.20736304

alright ill just do the guide desu

>> No.20736311

525 scan lines.

>> No.20736315

dont talk to furfags

>> No.20736326

i know youre meming but i talked to a japanese person today who didnt know ヿ(こと)

>> No.20736329

Where did misato hurt you?

>> No.20736361

Have you ever considered people have different needs than you. Personally, I use WK because I don't want to fuss about with all of the surrounding stuff and just grind Kanji and some basic vocab. It's not built to be a stand alone learning tool, you need to do other shit around it.

>> No.20736364

WOW, that clears it right up. sumimasen

>> No.20736372

>I don't want to fuss about with all of the surrounding stuff and just grind Kanji and some basic vocab
>you need to do other shit around it.
what did he mean by this

>> No.20736374

Can you even wrap your head around how fucking retarded it is to be paying for that?

>> No.20736383

while azanaeru is on the menu whats djts and more importantly ntrs itiban sukina nitoropurasu geemu

>> No.20736390

Not everyone is a NEET anonさん. 300 dollar is nothing.

>> No.20736401

Wait wait wait, Wani Kani is a PAID service? People PAY for that shit? Hahahaha I had no idea holy shit, what a bunch of fucking retards

>> No.20736411
File: 32 KB, 660x371, 99431378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jisho.org didn't bother to put in a definition for unyuu. Had to go to urbandictionary.

>> No.20736413

or u can spend 300 on real nihongo books and read to get better results. it doesn't teach you words that don't use kanji so of course you have to do other shit. it's just another distraction that follows the philosophy of learn japanese first out of context then you can finally enjoy it which i don't think works as well as just reading real japanese

>> No.20736415

maybe u can start adding all the moe bitch noises to jisho to help future ppl like urself

>> No.20736421

>he went for the lifetime cause he knows its gonna take at least 3 years to learn jouyou
knowing you cant buy nihongo is everything
>it doesn't teach you words that don't use kanji
read more though

>> No.20736425

The problem with WaniKani is that it locks you into levels until you achieve high levels of proficiency rather than accounting for the fact that it's natural to forget things. If you really want to use WK just download the pirated deck and stick it into anki

>> No.20736436
File: 20 KB, 240x320, que-14113459824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you thought when okita says でさ it was で+さ but actually the whole time it was ですわ

>> No.20736437

any wanikani success stories?

>> No.20736440

I'm starting to read some 夏目 漱石 with fuck all vocab. Here we go!

>> No.20736456

good luck u might want to look into what comprehenisble input it is and how it helps you learn nihongo if you cant understand what you are reading

>> No.20736460

watching a matt video why is sugoi da yo grammatically incorrect? I'm just supposed to say sugoi yo instead?

>> No.20736466

Yes, i stopped using it after free 3 levels, so i didn't waste +89 USD

>> No.20736472

shoulda picked up a genki
next post is gonna be wtf why is sugoi desu yo allowed

>> No.20736476

grammar isnt real, matt is not an authority, and i have heard native japanese people say that before unironically

>> No.20736506

never seen that before

>> No.20736524



>> No.20736525

i cant read that

>> No.20736532


obviously they got mikan from the satsuma han where mikan were exported from, what the fucks a muri though

>> No.20736536

>he doesn't know the brackets

>> No.20736539

Are the yellow ones important?

>> No.20736542


>> No.20736547

is this a djt joke?

>> No.20736552

>300 dollar is nothing
How much money do you have saved up?

>> No.20736553
File: 84 KB, 937x630, C_047CAUAAAXIY_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember that if you cant read all the kana then you'll never make it

>> No.20736554

This whole threat is a joke "dude".

>> No.20736558

If you plan on taking the advanced 漢検 levels you should probably be generally aware of the fact that they exist

>> No.20736560
File: 150 KB, 447x600, wani2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This meme was a success

>> No.20736561


>> No.20736562

I'd bet $300 he's in debt.

>> No.20736564





Fuck katakana

>> No.20736566

I dont see them in the kana grind page, also they don't have a correspondent hiragana.

>> No.20736579

1. Why are there a variety of tangerines and daikon named “Satsuma” and “Mooli” in England?
2. Explain the roles Thomas Glover had before and after the Meiji Restoration
3. Give some example to explain the roles of hired foreigners
4. Talk about Japan’s Industrial Revolution (“Leave Asia, Enter Europe”, Iwakura Mission, Ookubo Toshimichi, Land Tax Reform, Industrial Increase, Government Factories, selling government properties, Zaibatsu)

>> No.20736580
File: 88 KB, 342x1024, 1535364146121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20736581

They are constantly used when writing foreign words in katakana. The way they are used is logical so there's no real reason to learn them one by one, you can figure it out when you see it

>> No.20736586

What's a point passing a test not even japanese can pass?

>> No.20736592

I have a couple thousand in savings. Would rather not post exact numbers, but enough to be unemployed for half a year.

>> No.20736593
File: 17 KB, 400x225, 00_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didnt nama-sensei do a lesson on these? im fucked for my kana test tomorrow at school

>> No.20736594 [DELETED] 


>> No.20736597

lol i spend ur whole life in a day kid

>> No.20736603
File: 128 KB, 1462x2136, 041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"read more" they said

>> No.20736608

u just acquired how to ask what language something is congrats on your lvl up

>> No.20736609

>couple thousand
>throwing ~10% of that away for nothing
You gonna be poor soon enough

>> No.20736612


>> No.20736617

>completely anonymous on the internet
>would rather not post exact numbers


>> No.20736632

I get new money every month, but thanks for your concern.

Don't want the tax man finding out what I keep under my mattress.

>> No.20736634


as if he doesnt already know unless you're a drug dealer

>> No.20736641

if aint no one claminin it they dont know but when they do come to know ur ass is grass u know

>> No.20736652

>I get new money every month
So does almost everyone else but there are still poor people all over the place. Also that source could dry up any day without warning

>> No.20736661
File: 109 KB, 400x240, ニポンゴ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20736663

I try to keep it on the down low, but they say only the stupid get caught so I'm pretty much fucked.

That's why I keep plenty of savings to keep me going for a bit. They have to notify me 3 months in advance as well, so there should be ample time to find a new source.

>> No.20736669

>almost everyone else

>> No.20736688

well u prolly wont get caught this year lol

>> No.20736695
File: 233 KB, 2718x1808, 1521668145724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do the fuckin' nips have to be this much better than us and our absolute shit culture?

>> No.20736702

Heh losers. No money=no tax

>> No.20736705

cuz they don't have a ###### problem like we do

>> No.20736718

>shit culture
American literature and film btfo japan though, you're just too much of a brainlet to realize it

>> No.20736720

Why do Japanese book sites only take credit cards reee

>> No.20736727

i know what you mean but i think he's talking about present time and neither of those are true right now

>> No.20736734

Do you want your loli doujins or not? Get a fricking credit card.

>> No.20736737

only if you view the world through a narrow /tvpol/ lense

>> No.20736739

you might make it

>> No.20736750

theres nothing good coming out of japan right now tho ?

>> No.20736805

who do I go to to fix my shitty 陥入爪? the doctor or a nail saloon?

>> No.20736813


the saloon. and get me a sarsaparilla

>> No.20736854

Isnt saya nitroplus? If so, that.

>> No.20736896


>> No.20736905


>> No.20736918

Should I ask /int/jp to teach me nihongo? There are real japanese over there

>> No.20736949

dang burnn loll *reps anki*

>> No.20736966

just click this and there aint nothin there u aint seen before https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RoKsza70EM#t=119

>> No.20736975

しなきゃ isn't a regional accent lol

>> No.20737045
File: 284 KB, 600x558, 1326833746295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you fooken dare.

>> No.20737055

*reps anki* *takes a big drag off vape* *blows it at u*

>> No.20737062

Massive fucking retard here with a retarded-ass question. Is there like.. an order to read words of a sentence in? Every time I try and read I feel like it’s just a random splurge of words that I need to re-order to make any sense of. Even when I know the meaning of every word in a sentence it can take me forever to figure out what the fuck it’s actually saying.

>> No.20737083

you are not retarded you just are not fluent yet. you read one word after the other. jumping around the sentence is a bad habit, you should practice reading from beginning to end and comprehending from there.

if you know every word in the sentence but don't know what is going on that means there is a piece of grammar there that you haven't acquired yet or maybe your brain just isn't focused right then.

the surest way to overcome this is to just read more and more until your brain accepts japanese sentence structures

>> No.20737086

i shouldnt have read the best first

>> No.20737087

>Is there like.. an order to read words of a sentence in?
Yeah, the order they are written in

>> No.20737093

this should go without saying but if you mentally reorder words in your head you may actually become the first person to permanently cripple their nihongo

>> No.20737114

Try to learn how each particle is used in a sentence. This helped me out a lot whenever I had trouble reading longer stuff

>> No.20737155

the best thing that happened to my japanese reading grammar comprehension is watching a shit ton of anime with english subtitles

>> No.20737178

ive been able to pay with an american debit every time
except when i tried to subscribe to dtv for the free period but that's not a book site

>> No.20737181

its ok dude it can be our little secret : )

>> No.20737183

how do I read 拒まない?

>> No.20737197

with ur eyes

>> No.20737203

your dictionary will answer that faster than djt

>> No.20737211

*unzips dictionary*

>> No.20737212

read it however u feel in that very moment

>> No.20737215

Ah. So they weren't mastered on film and scanned at a later date. Maybe they were!

>> No.20737216 [DELETED] 


>> No.20737223

kobe bryant

>> No.20737240

Actually favorite is dramatical murder but i dont think you're into homoge

>> No.20737250

idk most of nitroplus sux desu i would check out superior eroge brands like elf and blue gale

>> No.20737271
File: 46 KB, 640x426, 1745586184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evangelion was mastered on 16mm film. I'm pretty sure it's been scanned at 1080p.


>> No.20737284

wait where did the post above this go that is so fucked up

>> No.20737287

If we're talking elf it's gotta be yu-no right?

>> No.20737323

Is mere access to 5ch blocked for western IPs now?
I just tried to open a thread on something I'm interested in and I'm greeted with a blank page.
I remember I could access it willy nilly in the past, but now it's fucked for some reason.

>> No.20737328

yunos pretty good and prolly the best all around choice but theres a lot of good there u should explore for urself

>> No.20737331

for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd0QZCkxHpI

>> No.20737368

ill wait for the yuno anime

>> No.20737371

i can see it fine

>> No.20737398

Lucky you, only the homepage and the board list look fine, as soon as I click on a board, the page becomes completely blank.
It's not my browser either, tried it with several so far.
What's your area?
Mine's germany.

>> No.20737441


does the same for me

>> No.20737454

Well, tried to connect with Tor and now it works fine, though with no scripts (obviously).
Seems like some IP restriction bullshit, sneaky nips can't even let gaijins read their internet ramblings.

>> No.20737467

Works from the US.

>> No.20737470

Are you from the EU? Might be a GDPR measure.

>> No.20737481
File: 34 KB, 617x462, 1520554253076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, that was a thing.
Fucking EU.

>> No.20737573

Well, it should only affect sites that collect personal information so either they misunderstood GDPR or they are collecting your personal information.

>> No.20737588

God damn every place on this planet is jewed. Can't even masturbate without turning into femboi. Disgust

>> No.20737605

GDPR just forces websites to display a notification if they are collecting personal information and they must purge or show you your data if you ask for it (unless they are required by local law to keep it, for example for accounting reasons)

>> No.20737616

Ah thanks for the info senpai

>> No.20737619

there's a longer frequency list it's based off of with tens of thousands of entries, but past the first thousand-ish words there's no point in doing anything with anki but mining your own cards from what you're reading/listening to

any shared deck that's very long is going to have lots of problems, and the longer a frequency list is the less it's going to agree with the japanese you personally use and need

>> No.20737724


it applies just to any use of cookies, so all websites that use tracking cookies etc must have it.


that's the error you get on 5chan now so it's definitely GDPR

>> No.20737736
File: 24 KB, 648x538, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is a gunwale

>> No.20737751

>> No.20737756
File: 1.95 MB, 415x9916, Nuke 600 Vids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuke's 600 videos on how not to learn Japanese. Why?

>> No.20737758


obviously it's part of a ship you ignoramus

>> No.20737764


dont you want to know how you can avoid ending up like him?

>> No.20737769

is it the 舟's 玄関? thats the only thing i got from it i actually just deleted anki after i saw that

>> No.20737770

is that matt's premade rtk deck

>> No.20737780

With RTK or English terms for kanji, it's a good idea to look up meanings if not images for the word and the kanji separately. In this case, they match up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunwale

>> No.20737791


it's the edge of a ship. it comes from the fact that from the top down they look curved similar to a bow's string (弦) when taut

>> No.20737793

Remembering the Kana lesson of NukeMarine are funny. Maybe I can learn hiragana.

>> No.20737802

what program is even that?

>> No.20737805

I thought Nuke was okay, at least with the kana.

How can you made huge screenshot like that?

>> No.20737807

are you sure it's not because it's pronounced 玄 and is semantically related to 舟

>> No.20737809


its just the card preview function in anki.. ur not gonna make it if you havent used it

>> No.20737810

i don't even want to answer that since i think it's better if you don't know

>> No.20737813

firefox has a fullscreen screenshot console command

>> No.20737817

>ur not gonna make it if you havent used it
I know.

>> No.20737820

well I guess chrome is shit

>> No.20737836

not him but it appears to be both


>> No.20737850

whoops that first site is a script you gotta search 舷 here

>> No.20737855

i kind of wonder how they actually verify the etymology of more obscure 会意 characters like that tho, was someone writing this shit down in china when they coined the character?

>> No.20737863

the most important families pass down the secrets of 感じ from generation to generation

>> No.20737877

Wrong kanji nigga

>> No.20737883


>> No.20737886
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 1242756373002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20737905

i see thanks for the source

>> No.20737920

>「その通りですよカズマ! まあ、習得に必要なポイントはバカみたいに食いますが、冒険者は、アークウィザード以外で唯ゆい一いつ爆裂魔法が使える職業です。爆裂魔法を覚えたいなら幾いくらでも教えてあげましょう。というか、それ以外に覚える価値のあるスキルなんてありますか? いいえ、ありませんとも! さあ、私と一いつ緒しよに爆裂道を歩もうじゃないですか!」

How is megumin so based bros??

>> No.20737940

why is 通り such a cool fucking concept to me, or rather why is the way the japanese language handles that concept cool to me.

>> No.20737951


you tell me

>> No.20737962

maybe the japanese language doesn't handle it in any exceptional way and it's the same "slap on a suffix to convey meaning" shit and i'm too much of a dumbass to recognize that i just like the reading or something.

>> No.20737964

honeymoon stage

>> No.20737970

>search for 女陰
Happy to be learning 日本語.

>> No.20738014
File: 23 KB, 354x352, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.20738025
File: 119 KB, 640x480, 1541482066510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20738030

Asking whether or not this is correct in a dying thread.
>It would take even more than 4 years from the closest alpha kenta.
My comprehension is already bad but when particles get stacked I can't do shit.

>> No.20738043

So what I must do is:
>download Anki
>download the Core 2K/6K deck from the guide
>drag and drop it on Anki
>click and the deck and start studying
Is it that simple?

>> No.20738044


you missed an ichi

"even if it was from alpha centauri, the closest (star system), it would still take 4 years"

>> No.20738049

Thanks. An ichi?

>> No.20738051


is what that simple? learning 2 to 6k japanese words? i guess so

>> No.20738058


一番 not 番

>> No.20738060

Oh whoops yea.

>> No.20738063

lmfao good thing this is at the end of the thread before someones japanese was permanently crippled by a n3 dunning kruger

>> No.20738066

No, i mean is that simple the configuration of Anki? That's what scares me the most

>> No.20738067

who's the n3 dunning kruger everyone is being cordial and honest about their abilities or lack thereof

>> No.20738071

it's been a long time since i first installed anki but i think so.

however i'd recommend installing the extension(s) on this page as it fixes some things that are annoying about the default behavior which are explained on the page if you're curious:
but it's not necessary.

>> No.20738072


you dont have to drag/drop, you just double click the deck. apart from that yeah.

>> No.20738079

>who's the n3 dunning kruger

>> No.20738092

ay por dios

>> No.20738102


>> No.20738110

holy shit

>> No.20738128


>> No.20738142

