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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 56 KB, 395x454, 682406_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2072149 No.2072149 [Reply] [Original]

Listen, bro: I know you hate our guts.

But that's understandable; we /jp/ posters are NEETs, virgins, and completely obsessed with our Japanese 2D hobbies. Personally, I have seen nearly 1,000 anime and played every video game in existence. The only thing I do all day is fap and play STGs (that means shmups/shooting games for our new lower power level friends).

We take pride in that fact that we're not /a/ (the Crunchyroll imageboard) or /v/ (the GameFAQs imageboard). /jp/ is the true heart and soul of the past, present, and no doubt the future of 4chan.

All true NEET, virgin, and 2D worshipping bros post in this thread and show your support. We will not let these lower power levels from /a/ take over our dark and smelly room called /jp/.

>> No.2072156


>> No.2072159

shut up fag

>> No.2072168



>> No.2072171

cool story bro

>> No.2072174


>> No.2072177

Sounds like something ZUN!bar would say.

>> No.2072183


>> No.2072197
File: 187 KB, 450x555, reimu wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I have seen nearly 1,000 anime

... that's supposed to be a badge of honor?

>> No.2072205

What else would it be?

>> No.2072207

>I have seen nearly 1,000 anime

Not known to death, nor known to having a life
But those hands will never hold anyone. ;_;

>> No.2072209

Kakkoii kopii-pasuta, aniki.

>> No.2072219

I have a job, I study, I work out twice a week, but I don't have friends, and my dream is to have a well paying job in Japan.

>> No.2072225
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>> No.2072236
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>> No.2072286

/g/ > /jp/

>> No.2072289

/g/ = /jp/ = /prog/

>> No.2072294
File: 40 KB, 389x334, aki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sexually attracted to Tako's renditions of Touhou characters. Her style is wonderful.

>> No.2072296


It's just him posting without a trip.

>> No.2072308
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She is evil

>> No.2072313
File: 68 KB, 512x512, r444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Youmu thinking about in this pic?

>> No.2072319

/g/ == /v/
/jp/ == /prog/

>> No.2072329
File: 302 KB, 515x1652, touhou81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is happening to Reimu's armpits in this pic? Nitori has the original Gameboy in this pic, which is awesome.

>> No.2072353


>> No.2072363


>> No.2072384

>/v/ (the GameFAQs imageboard)
don't remind me, I miss /v/ so much. I mean I still get most of my /a/ fix from /jp/, but for general games...well, I'm fucked.

>> No.2072428

Hooray for elitism!

>> No.2072563


>> No.2072570


>> No.2072573

atlaest i'm not a fag

>> No.2072574


>> No.2072693

I feel the same way, bro.

Ever since the /a/ invasion, I can't bear to look at half the threads. It seems as if the chronic plague threads like translation, /lang/, /trv/ to Japan threads, and All Japanese Things Welcome! threads have increased ten fold. Not only that, we are beginning to see a lot of anime relevant threads that should, quite frankly, stay in /a/.

To /a/ people, please at least lurk for a while before posting. Take some time to acquaint yourselves with the culture of the board.

>> No.2072716

/a/ browser here. This is actually the first post I'm making in /jp/ I just kinda observe every now and then.

>> No.2072742

If I recall correctly, the definition of belonging to /jp/ wasn't that you were a pathetic virgin who never left his room. That was certainly fine to be so, but not the whole point. The point of belonging to /jp/ was that you liked stuff from Japan, but didn't like Japan or didn't care about it. The point was that 2D was infinitely better in your mind than any 3D equivalent.

But it certainly didn't mean you could never leave your room, have a job, or do things in society. It just meant that after all was said and done, the thing that united us was our love of Japanese stuff without giving any reverence whatsoever to Japan itself.

>> No.2072746

Question. Why are you even observing? Did something strike your fancy?

>> No.2072795

>All true NEET, virgin, and 2D worshipping bros post in this thread and show your support
Since all of those are bad traits, one'd though their time would be better spent on getting a job and/or laid.

>> No.2072798

Of course, he did say that--during the /jp/ = /a/, /a/ = /jp/ ordeal almost 2 days ago. Why someone felt the need to repost it is beyond me.

>> No.2072802


>> No.2072806

Virginity is a good trait.

>> No.2072809


>> No.2072819

If that's how you feel then you're welcome to leave.

>> No.2072821

I've been busy having fun (masturbating to Princess Waltz) for the past few days. What has happened?

>> No.2072823

Since /jp/ is the only board which has maintained it's quality (pretty much), I rarely leave to visit other boards. But I can honestly say that those few occasions I did go walkabout I came back feeling depressed and bitter at what /a/ and /v/ have become. I might give up with my NEET lifestyle too, there just isn't enough to fill my days anymore.

>> No.2072826

/jp/ is now

/jp/ - Japan/Language/Normalfags/Camwhores/Tripfag Circlejerk

>> No.2072830

/b/ "raid," average retarded shit, and now apparently a resurgence of pathetic elitist self-worship which I thought we had left behind on /a/.

>> No.2072833

I visited /a/ for the first time during the whole /a/=/jp/ massacre.
It's literally the worst board in 4chan

>> No.2072834

Not a badge of honor

>> No.2072838

Eh, sometimes I just like to go to different boards. Every now and again I pick up on something interesting.

>> No.2072840

I'm no NEET, virgin, nor 2D worshipping dude. My free time is well spent here.

>> No.2072846

If you're a normalfag, yes I suppose you're right.

>> No.2072847


Maybe I should pick up a new VN, then.

>> No.2072849

Only if you're a christian or are scared shitless of STDs

>> No.2072854

Then don't bring it up and keep it to yourself. Your kind isn't welcome here so there is no need for you to talk about yourself or your social life.

>> No.2072858

STDs are horrifying. Who wouldn't be scared of them?

>> No.2072859

That might be a good idea.

>> No.2072862

/jp/ is an inclusive place, bro. Always has been. Perhaps you should mellow out a bit.

>> No.2072867


What was that?

>> No.2072873

Obvious lies.

>> No.2072874

>Your kind isn't welcome her
For you perhaps. And to think that you really believe that you represent all of /jp/... what a joke.

Relax, I won't bring my personal life here... except on one of the many threads who are created for that purpose. Oh, and when trolling NEETs.

>> No.2072885

Well, isn't this thread just filled with faggotry?

>> No.2072886

I bet you're a big hit at parties.

>> No.2072894


>For you

Not just him. I'd rather not hear about your bullshit here, either.

>> No.2072896

ZUN originally posted it in a thread during the /a/-/jp/ fiasco a couple nights ago.

>> No.2072911

protip: there are more normalfags than you think

>> No.2072914

And that's why this board is turning to shit. Good observation.

>> No.2072915

And every last one of them should fuck off.

>> No.2072922

Let's flame them, that always works.

>> No.2072933

Better than just letting the board turn bad and then leaving in defeat.

>> No.2072935

Too bad you can't do anything about it, uh?

>> No.2072938

Thanks for helping make /jp/ shit.

>> No.2072944

>>Oh, and when trolling NEETs.

what's the matter? jealous that we can do anything we want to, while you're stuck in some dead-end job, having to waste 8-10 hours a day to do uninteresting repetitive shit instead?

>> No.2072947

There's a huge gap between being a "normalfag" and the shut-in, jobless, dreamless virgin that some would like to believe symbolizes the best specimen of /jp/ user.

This isn't what /jp/ was founded on.

>> No.2072949

/a/ invasion? Well, I recall a /b/ invasion today... (even though they're the same thing).
Good thing I spent the whole day reading stuff on tvtropes.org, and I'll probably read more until the shit wears off.
Don't worry, OP. Kids grow tired of toys they play around with too much. It's always been this way, it's never going to change. They're going to go away in 2~3 hours, and then we can have our fag-free best time of the day.

>> No.2072959

Baww more.

>> No.2072965


>> No.2072960



>> No.2072967

im a normalfag

>> No.2072970

>shut-in, jobless, dreamless virgin
Just because moot doesn't like it doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

>> No.2072972
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I really love /jp/, it feels like I can actually talk about the stuff I like without "LOL UR GAY SHIT COUNTRY/TASTE GET OUT LOL WEEABOO" comments every five seconds. I wish it could be more personal sometimes, (LOL AIM THREAD MI RITE??? IRC ANY1??????) but I also enjoy the anonymous part of it.

>> No.2072979

/jp/ was founded on annoyance. Moot doesn't actually care.

>> No.2072982

As I've said before, that's fine if you want to live that way. It's certainly not going to raise eyebrows, but making it seem like that's the godliest lifestyle in the world and the only one which should let you post on /jp/ is a little disingenuous.

NEETs rail at "normalfags" talking about their lifestyles, but then the same NEETs start insulting anyone that doesn't live like the lifestyle they need to describe in numerous threads.

>> No.2072985


You're annoying.

>> No.2072992

I'll read your posts when you start posting anonymously.

>> No.2072999

Well, at least it doesn't happen every 5 seconds, but it does happen.

>> No.2073003

NEET propaganda to keep the normalfags away. That and loli. Do your part to maintain the /jp/ religion.

>> No.2073011

If you want to talk to normalfags then there are plenty of boards here that you might enjoy. Don't bring /jp/ into it.

>> No.2073010
File: 220 KB, 700x700, 1234494977967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll consider the validity of your opinion sometime between the end of the world and never.

>> No.2073013
File: 546 KB, 2336x3504, 1234495006248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>^___^T. Anonymous is legion XD.

>> No.2073024

Reported for /b/.

>> No.2073028

There's some kind of anonymizer script for Greasemonkey, get that and never rage at tripfags again.

>> No.2073031
File: 117 KB, 448x408, 1234495192561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do your part to maintain the /jp/ religion.
>/jp/ religion

>> No.2073034

It's both a retaliatory and preventative measure. Basically, we've been driven out of everywhere else by normalcy and we would prefer to keep /jp/ for ourselves.

That said, I'm pretty sure most of us who act like that don't really mind it if otherwise normal people use /jp/ so long as they respect the abnormal culture.

>> No.2073036

But if I do that I might end up responding to them legitimately. I'll consider it, though.

>> No.2073040

This anon has my support

>> No.2073043

There's a script that removes posts made by anyone with something in the name or email field, too. I'm not sure where exactly you'll find the code, but it shouldn't be that hard to do yourself if you know how.

>> No.2073046
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 1234495391754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you're right, but people on other boards are serious. I'm assuming on this board they're just trolling. ( ・ω・)

>> No.2073057

Well, for the most part it seems that people on this board actually know the difference between someone that likes anime/VNs/whatever and a weeaboo, so yes, they're just trolling.

>> No.2073064
File: 52 KB, 459x416, 1234495599068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no trolls on /jp/.

>> No.2073066

>NEETs rail at "normalfags" talking about their lifestyles, but then the same NEETs start insulting anyone that doesn't live like the lifestyle they need to describe in numerous threads.

The only time I see this happen is when a normalfag instigates the argument by criticizing NEETs. The /jp/ NEETs aren't nearly as antagonistic as you make them out to be (this coming from a non-NEET).

>> No.2073072

This. The only time I ever bring anything up is when people feel the need to make posts like "HURR DURR I HAVE A JOB AND I'M NOT A VIRGIN. I'M NOT LIKE THE REST OF YOU FAGS."

>> No.2073078

I've seen it, but yeah, it isn't that widespread. It's just disturbing that there's a faction who use it for trolling, but then there's the ones that actually believe it and consider it some sort of pinacle lifestyle that they must share and discuss with loving prose.

Sort of the same fascination that ends up plaguing /jp/ in the form of diaper threads.

>> No.2073075

>Baww more.
Yeah, please do.

>what's the matter? jealous that we can do anything we want to, while you're stuck in some dead-end job, having to waste 8-10 hours a day to do uninteresting repetitive shit instead?
I could tell you that I just work part-time on a job that I love, but I promised to not talk about my personal life, so I won't.
I'll just say that I'm easily amused of people like you, easy to troll, fast to rage.
If you feel angry enough to stop posting for a second, then I've done my part. Close-minded faggots like you are a cancer to this board. The spirit of 4chan in general and /jp/ in particular is no different than the French legion: no matter what you did or who you are, if you're here, you're one of us. You know where am I getting at, right? By supporting and acting like faggots, who want to boost themselves by believing that this board is theirs (y'know, just like OP), you're no better than a tripfag. And that's saying a lot.

>> No.2073079

>>In a forced-anon system, every post is taken completely on its content and value, Good threads are posted in, bad threads are generally ignored (or devolve into a shitfest of trolling, which happens in both forced-anon and systems with registration). In a system where tripcodes are rampant, posts are taken on past-reputation, off-the-topic posts referring to the tripcode user (ex. tripfag posts something, the people who hate him call him a fag, he defends himself, thread inevitably de-rails)

tl;dr Anonymity in fact contributes to the quality of a board, rather than taking from it.

You're on to something here anon. I often wonder what would happen if my team at work were forced to have meetings anonymously. There are often times when egos and reputations get in the way of solid innovation and sound business decisions.

>> No.2073083

To add, (if I may!)

"One Toshiaki (the default name for an anonymous poster ) is as good (or as much a loser) as another." There is no reason for anyone to feel like they stand out as someone important in this Japanese community. If nicknames were used, as the creator of the board Hiroyuki Nishimura once explained in an interview, those people would gain authority in this network over time... an authority which would make it harder for others to tell them "what you say is wrong/boring/lame." Nishimura says, “All information is treated equally; only an accurate argument will work.” And: "People can only truly discuss something when they don’t know each other."

>> No.2073084




>> No.2073086

>The spirit of 4chan in general and /jp/ in particular is no different than the French legion: no matter what you did or who you are, if you're here, you're one of us.

Reported for /b/.

>> No.2073088

Forced anonymity is a lie. It solves nothing. In fact, it made /b/ worse. And if you believe most tripfags would respond any differently when posting anonymously, then you're ignorant.

>The spirit of 4chan in general and /jp/ in particular is no different than the French legion: no matter what you did or who you are, if you're here, you're one of us.

Yes, this. Exactly.

>> No.2073089

Closed-minded faggots are what caused this board to be made in the first place. Closed-mindedness is the heart and soul of /jp/.

>> No.2073091

>>NEET vs Normalfag thread
>>White Ren justifying his tripfaggotry
>>ZUN!bar copypasta

Good job shitting up /jp/ faggots.

>> No.2073093

Sorry, deleted because I failed gureen (oh fuck, does anyone else remember green?)

>>In a forced-anon system, every post is taken completely on its content and value, Good threads are posted in, bad threads are generally ignored (or devolve into a shitfest of trolling, which happens in both forced-anon and systems with registration). In a system where tripcodes are rampant, posts are taken on past-reputation, off-the-topic posts referring to the tripcode user (ex. tripfag posts something, the people who hate him call him a fag, he defends himself, thread inevitably de-rails)

>>tl;dr Anonymity in fact contributes to the quality of a board, rather than taking from it.

>>You're on to something here anon. I often wonder what would happen if my team at work were forced to have meetings anonymously. There are often times when egos and reputations get in the way of solid innovation and sound business decisions.

>> No.2073100

Anon of Russian Federation's scripts and moot's period were the causes of /jp/, not closed-mindedness. It's not like a bunch of elitists got together, prayed for providence, and had a board created for them.

Can't shit up what was already shit, but that point is irrelevant, since you're the one calling attention to something that nobody cared about in the first place.

>> No.2073101

Fucking this. 4chan needs to have forced anonymity.

It made /b/ worse? Oh well. /b/ doesn't count as an actual board.

>> No.2073110

Normalfags go back to /r9k/, /b/, or /a/. I'm sick of you trolling our NEET threads.

>> No.2073112

>The spirit of 4chan in general and /jp/ in particular is no different than the French legion: no matter what you did or who you are, if you're here, you're one of us.
This is fucking retarded. The only way to be one of a group is to have similar thoughts. Anyone who comes to /jp/ and doesn't agree with the average /jp/ user needs to leave.

>> No.2073120

I was refrering to moot being close-minded, but, whatever.

>> No.2073118
File: 79 KB, 606x431, 1234496433723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It made /b/ worse?

Good sir, /b/ was always shit. On a more serious note, the shit-factor of /b/ was never dependant on whether or not it was forced anonymous.

/b/ has been in and out of forced anonymous more than a few times, and it has had little effect. What made /b/ worse was /b/ publicizing itself to the world (habbo, scientology, facebook groups etc [seriously, what?])

>>And if you believe most tripfags would respond any differently when posting anonymously, then you're ignorant.
Of course they would. Now, before i say this, I'm going to just say that tripfagging on /jp/ hardly is an issue, If you want to see tripfags shitting shit up, go to /g/ (in particular) or /fa/ (maybe?) Constant threads such as "Who is your favorite tripfag?" or some anonymous faggot shouting "HEY (trip here) YOU'RE A FAG"

>> No.2073119
File: 32 KB, 423x486, 1234496444308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, problems arise when Anons try to be individual, unique snowflakes.

Spoiler: Anon is fat, a NEET, a virgin, ugly, and will forever be ronery. It's fine if you personally aren't these things, but keep it to yourself. /b/ and /a/ eventually died because Anons stopped keeping it to themselves.

If you want to be different, then use a trip. But be aware that this brings a whole new set of challenges (especially from mods/janitors).

Also, posting a pic in a discussion forum type thread.

>> No.2073131

>Closed-minded faggots are what caused this board to be made in the first place. Closed-mindedness is the heart and soul of /jp/.
Is that so? I don't have arguments against it nor I see arguments in favor of that idea, so I'll just state my opinion: /jp/ is more than a bunch of close-minded faggots.

>Reported for /b/.
Just because I used the word 'Legion'? Or because I suggested that people with the same tastes yet different lifestyles are part of this board? Hell of an argument you got there pal.

>> No.2073133
File: 24 KB, 387x259, 1234496689936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I totally agree with everything this post is trying to say,

>One Toshiaki (the default name for an anonymous poster )... ...creator of the board Hiroyuki Nishimura

deserves a facepalm.jpg

>> No.2073135

What, too 2CHAN for you?

>> No.2073140

Forced anon was only attempted when /b/ was already in terminal decline. It was too little, too late.

>> No.2073142

/co/ was here.

/jp/ is a also a good board.

>> No.2073143

/jp/ should be called /neet/, and /jp/ should about Japan/General like the fucking title says

>> No.2073147

Thanks. Could you please stop shitting it up by posting in this thread without sage?

>> No.2073148

People on /jp/ are REALLY touchy about anything at all /b/ related, to the point that even mentioning a /b/ meme or saying anything positive about /b/ whatsoever will basically nullify your entire post as invalid.

Personally I still enjoy /b/ even today, but I know how to switch gears when I come here so my posts almost never get criticised.

>> No.2073149

Seriously, people have bought way too far into this idea that there are a bunch of drooling idiots (outside of /b/, mind you) running around screaming "ANON IS LEEGUN XDDD"

Wanting an anonymous board has no bearing on whether or not you're a /b/astard or not.

>> No.2073151

And then the board would get roughly one hundred posts per year. Brilliant.

>> No.2073153
File: 23 KB, 209x168, 1234497036890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2073154

>/jp/ (the danbooru imageboard)
