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File: 1.58 MB, 1200x891, 1547940512037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20714651 No.20714651 [Reply] [Original]

The birds and the bees!

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h
Content Aggregator: Anubis.moe
Writers list: https://pastebin.com/RTLpHEmk
Sabbath Grimoire Scans: https://imgur.com/a/CATcaGk

>> No.20714655

Bully the shorties!

>> No.20714658

I want to tease my genki tomboy manticore childhood friend until she snaps and rapes me for days on end!

And then wake up with my face buried in her neck with her wings tightly wrapped around me and her tail squeezing me closer in!

>> No.20714660
File: 1.68 MB, 3000x3000, 1471333596945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to give your Anubis waifu the gift of metatron every chance you get. She has ambitions!

>> No.20714665

But why?

>> No.20714677

Ratas give me dark inspiration.

>> No.20714686

Because they are short

>> No.20714701 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 2.53 MB, 1280x720, 1548489451017.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20714706

I've been away for a while, has KC done anything since genies?

>> No.20714707
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>> No.20714725
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Red demons > blue demons.

>> No.20714730

Why not have both and go with a lovely purple demon.

>> No.20714748

How about a harem of an ogre along with a red and blue oni?

>> No.20714753 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 1803x1412, 1541682563488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A conversation between a Lich Mage and a soldier monstergirl:

"Goddamit Meridia! Stop taking drugs!"
"Meridia! Need some help here!"
"Can you make my Boooo-Beez bigger!?"
"Okay! I'm ready Meridia."
*the Lich casts the spell at the Monstergirl soldier*
"OH NO! My feminine clit!"
"DAMMIT MERIDIA! I said make my Boooo-beez bigger, NOT GIVE ME FUTA COCK!"

>> No.20714758
File: 96 KB, 800x900, 1483426743243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds good

>> No.20714768
File: 1.04 MB, 840x900, Oni-Fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have no personal favorite

Do we have any MGs that aren't the standard red, blue, or purple?

>> No.20714769

so a punch up drinking sex party evey other day?

>> No.20714778
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You're both wrong.

>> No.20714794
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>> No.20714799

That loli oni is probably the most dangerous. I want her to put a leash on me

>> No.20714805

>Still censored

>> No.20714815

>banana colored penis
>allowed on 4channel

>> No.20714832

But that's just a banana, it has a peel right there.

>> No.20714843
File: 1.39 MB, 1062x928, Griffon Captain Small Pochi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20714851

Why are oni in human clothes so hot?

>> No.20714858
File: 105 KB, 600x834, 1536812151182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are oni in schoolgirl uniforms hot?
We may never truly understand, but they are.

>> No.20714860

Gonna marry that griffon and become Emperor!

>> No.20714864

Not just schoolgirl uniforms. Business suits are great too.

>> No.20714885
File: 1.04 MB, 1252x2538, Gremlin tits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano kindly sketched me this Gremlin earlier. The world needs more shortstacks.

>> No.20714909

Going to put a spring-snake inside her toolbox.

>> No.20714943

Airbags deployed!

>> No.20715023

Do all monster wombs fully absorb semen, i.e. nothing leaks out over time? I have always assumed they do, but I'm wondering if it's actually said anywhere.

>> No.20715060
File: 1.18 MB, 1475x1191, investigation application.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's oddly pleased to hear that.

No idea.

>> No.20715067

Probably need to use sticky mushrooms if you want it all to stay put.

>> No.20715105
File: 425 KB, 651x1200, 263_troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When semen is poured inside their womb, they don't waste a single drop, they let it permeate their body and greedily try to become pregnant with a man's offspring.

>> No.20715177

I want to watch the sunrise with a flat troll.

>> No.20715242

I want to miss the sunrise with a fat titted Troll because we were too busy mating all night.

>> No.20715284
File: 1.10 MB, 2291x2220, 1545497608355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big milkers!

>> No.20715290

Is it a glitch or a feature?

>> No.20715298

Feature. It's a momsterbot model.

>> No.20715308

I need the dombot model.

>> No.20715323

Gentle or hard dom?

>> No.20715332

More on the hard side.

>> No.20715349
File: 2.13 MB, 2769x1502, 1536337543385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maids are for ____.

>> No.20715386
File: 402 KB, 1637x673, 36.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kikis are for fun, lite bullying and passionate sex.
Shogs are for delving into madness and rough sex.

Both are for deeply loving. this lifetime and the next.

>> No.20715402

>Wake up to huge blobs of silicone pressed against your face
>"Mmnn, good morning sweetie."
>The robot whirs as its hand strokes your hair
>You ask it to let go
>"I don't wanna, there's a pretty bad thunderstorm today. Stay here and comfort me, okay?"
>You peer up from her breasts and notice a dull, pink luster in her eyes, the definitive sign of a short-circut

>> No.20715410

>no automaton called jenny5

>> No.20715420
File: 162 KB, 576x480, Anubis Monstergirl Cop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cops in Demon Realms and monstergirl cities will lecture and or outright guilt trip resisting males who are declining the advances of Monstergirls. However, only human boys and men who are the ones involved in such domestic calls where a monstergirl called the cops specifically on them will be directly lectured by cops. So basically envision some intimidating (or typical) LAPD looking cops lecturing and guilt tripping a youth male for saying no to the advances of a good mannered kobold girl. And said cops then practically force the male youth to apologise to the Monstergirl who he has been saying no to and to be her boyfriend on the Monstergirl's behalf.

Super worst case scenario, SWAT might get involved depending on the type of monstergirl that reported about the guy she likes declining her advances too many times and for too long. So perhaps if high tier or upper class Monstergirls like demons, Succubi, dragons, vampires, liches, wights, or powerful lamia subclasses report to police about a guy they like has been declining their advances and courting for too long and too many times. Then SWAT will be sent in, (all with their combat-tactical gear and demon real silver guns just to be safe) and the lecturing and guilt tripping will be even harsher and mean even, saying how it is outright Heresy against Eros to say no to a monstergirl's advances so many times and how Eros is very mad at you for being such big meanie and jerk for breaking a young girl's heart.

And if the male continues resisting, specifically, if he keeps saying no "I dont wanna be a monstergirl's husband/boyfriend." Then police officers in monstergirl territories and or Demon Realms are authorized to use Demon Realm Silver batons or Demon Energy Tasers on the resisting make to knock some sense and love-for-monstergirls into them.

>> No.20715425
File: 614 KB, 1200x1452, Oni Bar4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna get black out drunk and wake up next to an oni

>> No.20715439

I can'r help but think of Kikis as light doms who will say "Master" with affectionate sarcasm whenever you do something stupid, and Shogs as girls who will do something stupid with you as long as it isn't too harmful.

>> No.20715444

>next to
>not under
Step it up senpai.

>> No.20715463
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>> No.20715490

>Tfw never used to like kikimoras
>Tfw they've grown on me and I love them now

What are some girls that you used to dislike, but over time you've come to love and adore them?

>> No.20715504
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>> No.20715516

I actually really disliked dormice because I hate sleep sex, but once I got it into my head they could be like wheresheep and could just be super drowsy all the time. Sleep sex isn’t good, but sleepy sex sounds much more fun and cuddly and romantic.

>> No.20715527
File: 51 KB, 553x471, 1515565570811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So have you been building any snowmen?

>> No.20715553

I generally dislike femdom because it often seems to focus on cruelty in a way "maledom" usually doesn't. However, I've grown to like the idea of Hellhounds as "a dog that cannot be controlled." They view you as theirs, below them in "the pack" and therefore something they have free access to, but they still have the overwhelming love and affection of a dog-girl. Like if a dog was able to drag you on walks whenever they wanted, rather than having to wait patiently, but for everything wife related. Never ever a well-behaved "pet", but always very loving.

>> No.20715570

What made you think this was a good idea.

>> No.20715577
File: 689 KB, 2800x2800, 1548296439701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "Never can be tamed" thing was always a meme. All you have to do is put a couple of kids in her watch her melt in your arms

>> No.20715609

I think it varies from Hellhound to Hellhound.

>> No.20715618

>in a way "maledom" usually doesn't
Funny, because maledom doujins ect ect are often kinda cruel towards the girl from my experience. Depends on what you consider outright maledom I guess.

>> No.20715630

I've been building lavamen recently due to how hot it is here.

>> No.20715638

Been snuggling with soft cats.

>> No.20715648

"Slowing down" as a result of being a mother is slightly different I think, but I see where you're getting at.

Possibly, but I only like it when the "victim" is shown to ultimately enjoy it, same as male "victims" in MGE always enjoy whatever happens to them, orherwise it doesn't happen. If there isn't a 4koma or something where she asks for it again, I don't want to see it.

>> No.20715651

As much as it’s been trying to the past week it never snows down here, I’ve just been freezing my bits off and staying inside when I can.

>> No.20715659

How the fuck would I build snowman in the middle of summer while enduring a record heatwave?
Not like it snows here in winter.

>> No.20715669
File: 717 KB, 1275x1255, 62951870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hellhounds can recover their ability to be smug and defiant, so they stay prime for manhandling and domming every time.

>> No.20715672

That they all have vaginas that can freely move, clamp down, and suck on things would suggest that leaks would be minimal unless so much gets poured in that they can't swallow it all down fast enough.

>Once their devilish vagina engulfs a penis, it tightens up as if to keep the prey from escaping, and begins pulsation to milk out semen as though it has a mind of its own. Through extreme pleasure, the inside of the man's head is stained one color with thoughts of them. Even after semen is released, in order to swallow up every last drop of it, the womb greedily holds in the beloved man's alter-ego and won't let it go. Once all semen is completely released, the pulsation will greedily start again right away to try and get more semen.

>> No.20715732

I want a loli/petite hellhound with a huge rear.

>> No.20715739

>Young girl belonging to nobility turned into hellhound somehow
>She lost her parents when she was very young, but she has a Kiki momster wetnurse
>You are her new servant

>> No.20715753


New set of the mice came in! I don’t know why five sets I’ve been waiting for for 3-5 months all finish in the span of three days.

>> No.20715830

>Wow I want to sex this cutie!

>> No.20715835

Does it count as a nipple if it’s made out of gum?

>> No.20715845

I feel like this image needs a frame of reference. She looks like a big busty girl, not a short stack to me.

>> No.20715854

Invite an Ice Queen to the Australian outback to spice things up, the bogan Bunyips will be pleased with the weather change

>> No.20715863

Oh gee, that style's really great. Collar play's pretty lewd too!
How much is that artist per pic?

>> No.20715869

Meant to quote >>20715753

>> No.20715871

>Invite Ice Queen to Australia
>Temp goes from 40 to 37
>And that’s while your standing next to her

>> No.20715899

Anon, I...

>> No.20715909

>only 40
What parallel universe is this in?

>> No.20715912

What is that pink stuff coming out of her mouth?

>> No.20715921

Anon must be talking about lying in bed with her at night.

>> No.20715929


>> No.20715933

>pear shaped loli hellhound
Made for doggystyle, prone bone, bending over things, suspended congress and lifting against a wall for vertical mating press.

>> No.20715939

Are you going to tell me, or are you going to be a faggot?

>> No.20715941

You know it.
The fattest of loli asses for pounding and filling till it shows.

>> No.20715947

Purer than a unicorn.

>> No.20715961

Cuddle with her and it will go down to 35!
Have cuddlesex with her and put a baby in her freezer and it will go down to -35, her motherly instincts will activate and she won't let the new heir to the ice throne grow up in this heat!

>> No.20715965
File: 190 KB, 907x716, 1393541678919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you home schooled?

>> No.20715989

It's supposed to look like an inflanted condom. Think anon, think.
It's still probably just gum.

>> No.20716000

Still, imagine poor delinquent monstergirls trying to impress an anon who completely does not understand a single one of their signals and just thinks they are doing regular things.

>> No.20716064
File: 28 KB, 734x940, Pure Succubus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw your ideal mg!
Here's my pure succubus! What'cha think?

>> No.20716079

Don't Ice Queens become colder when she sees other monstergirl couples cuddling each other while she's still single?

>> No.20716135
File: 55 KB, 1134x748, Modest Dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Through clever use of her anatomy she is able to remain covered even when naked. Notice also the heart-shaped smoke rings.

>> No.20716138
File: 55 KB, 672x479, 1513812381835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heard it here Australia, record yourself cuddling Bunyips and send the videos to the Aussie Ice Queen to fix your heatwave

>> No.20716142
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>> No.20716144

I can't believe alp is alive!

>Notice also the heart-shaped smoke rings.
I still plan on commissioning that someday.

>> No.20716161
File: 77 KB, 1127x615, B_01a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20716174

Marshmallow Wan?

>> No.20716187

Nah, that's another sentient hat by the looks of it.

>> No.20716203

These were 50 a piece !

>> No.20716209

Lich's bonus MGE2 art features her leaking out cum after some broken phylactery sex.

Succubus/demon types with sharp long nails are unfair. No man can see those and resist the urge to be toyed with.

>> No.20716238
File: 27 KB, 399x403, marshmallow jackal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marshmallow pets are excellent gifts and pets for your waifu!

>> No.20716241

>Kiki and her husband/master adopting a tiny shog blob(along with making kiki daughters)

>> No.20716248
File: 213 KB, 900x1200, 72838580_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the sclera's black, don't turn your back.

>> No.20716264
File: 455 KB, 1923x2052, good morning maids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 20 years time, their poor neighbour boy will wake up to this every morning.

>> No.20716267
File: 289 KB, 2000x1414, XAznmZc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20716293

What anime is this?

>> No.20716295

>cheshire gives you a gag gift for your birthday
What does she give you?

>> No.20716307

Boku no Pico

>> No.20716314

>Years later
>Small kikis running around in the household doing chores or playing
>Shog blob is yet to get her proper form, but she is still sliding and bouncing around after the other children

>> No.20716316

>Lich's bonus MGE2 art features her leaking out cum after some broken phylactery sex.

>> No.20716395

Her ass in a box?

You can find the full MGE2 scans on sadpanda

>> No.20716408

Sometimes, poor runt Shoggy gets swept up with all the dirt in the excitement, but with a little love she's able to eliminate it just fine! All those hard-working maids deserve a break

>> No.20716428

thank you, anon.

>> No.20716450

Haunted astolfo plushie

>> No.20716451

I wonder if some succs and demons put special demon realm silver armor as "rewards" for noble adventurers from the order to obtain during dungeon crawling.

>> No.20716468

>Order heroine successfully clears a high difficulty dungeon
>He expects the treasure chamber to contain countless riches
>It actually only contains a single set of armor
>It's a legendary tier magical armor
>She puts it up to upgrade her equipment without a second though
>A week later she is now an Arch-Demon with a big corruption fetish

>> No.20716469

>Shog blob sits in the middle of the table when it is dinner time
>She loves to pass around all the food and so on with her tiny tendrils

>> No.20716477

Fake pregnancy test.

>> No.20716487

A fake engagement ring.

>> No.20716497

>A week later she is now an Arch-Demon with a big corruption fetish
Nice. I bet she has a super seductive voice

>> No.20716508

yes exactly. I feel sorry for her male companion though who has to look at her wearing her skimpy demon silver armor while she is still an oblivious human.

>> No.20716514

Or cursed swords disguised as a long lost legendary sword from an ancient kingdom

>> No.20716519

What's with anon and pure succubus?

>> No.20716530

>Her ass in a box?
Would immediately take it with me to another room and lock the door

>> No.20716536

Is it one of those rings that causes you to be constantly horny and can only be removed by the one who gave it to you?

All Demons have a seductive voice, it's a necessary trait for their kind. Nobody would sign a Demon's contract if she was of the shy quiet voice type.

He'd probably know that something is up with the armor but he'd keep quiet because he enjoys the eye candy. Of course responsibility will be taken.

>> No.20716543

Hnnngh. I bet the younger Kikis who're practising their cooking take turns to feed her the pastries they've made, while the older girls stealthily adjust the flavours of the imouto's food with condiments before serving it to Shoggy.
How would they share the bath, though?

>> No.20716554

>All Demons have a seductive voice, it's a necessary trait for their kind. Nobody would sign a Demon's contract if she was of the shy quiet voice type.
I guess that's true. I just imagine this one to basically be able to make anyone fall

>> No.20716557

She would probably ~ara ara~ at him when she finally transforms fully and he goes of to do his usual thing to keep himself "satiated".

>> No.20716575

A shog probably doesn't really need to bath so I guess she would mostly help the others get clean.

>Shog blob absorbs a lot of bath water and then spews it out everywhere, creating a big mess to the delight of her sisters
>Just as kiki mom or master enters
Uh oh

>> No.20716578

I bet they like to get in real close and whisper in your ear.

>> No.20716594

What folklore from your country do you think could be included in the MGE universe?

>> No.20716602

what percentage of this thread is even non american? i imagine less than half at least.

>> No.20716609

That's an effective strategy.
They first get you to sit down at a table with the contract right before you and as you ponder whether or not it's a good idea to sign it they walk behind you, get close enough that you feel their breath on your ear and then go in great details about all the pleasures signing the contracts will bring.
Legend has it that this is sometimes enough for some especially depraved men to cum.

>> No.20716627

Anon the ghostly homo.

>> No.20716639

That's really scarousing.

>> No.20716654
File: 883 KB, 2147x1255, 1463096056326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Master has a disapproving expression but his eyes shine with mischief
>He starts splashing all of them with the shower head
>Until Mama joins them in the shower

>> No.20716668

As pretty much selling your soul to a literal demon should be.
Most anons in this thread are hopeless sluts who would sign without even reading but most men would need a lot convincing.

>> No.20716687

The single second any demon made any interested facial expression at me I'd be hers forever. I guess I can only wish another monster doesn't see me as such easy prey.

>> No.20716699

>Most men.
State the cons of signing the demon's contract.

>> No.20716712

>mouse on a leash
oh my!

>> No.20716717

I bet demons (and most monsters) would be surprised at how little convincing we need.

>> No.20716724
File: 564 KB, 1963x948, LD4t2Ky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I started negotiating the laytime clause? It means something else in other contexts, but it means exactly what it says here.
By most conjugal standards, laytime is a minimum of 3 hours a day accounting for sleep and biological necessities. However, with a bombshell vendor like her I believe it's in our mutual interest to expand the scope of her services rather than sticking to the boilerplate.
On top of that, the drafting is somewhat outdated with Astoleth v Astorith, and she's gotta insert a specifically-worded cuddle-cat clause if she wants me to give her exclusive care for her marshmallow pet.
Altogether, she offers an interesting package but there's quite a few matters we should look into. I'll send her an email with the draft agreement attached, containing my comments and "All Changes" tracked.

>> No.20716733

>No strongfat H'Orc and gym bunny to run into in the gym.

Life is hard.

>> No.20716738

>I still plan on commissioning that someday
But you just saw it rendered perfectly.

>> No.20716742

>A Demon lightly smiles at Anon
>He's starts begging for her to let him sign the contract already
Looks like she'll have a lot of healing to do

The cons are theoretical if there are any. It's just that most men would think dozens of time before accepting to become soulbound to an evil monster girl who is offering a deal that seems way too good to be true.

>> No.20716743

Yeah but I'm going to do it with my dragon

>> No.20716795

>It's just that most men would think dozens of time before accepting to become soulbound to an evil monster girl who is offering a deal that seems way too good to be true.
But isn't the contract supposed to put her in the same position as you to begin with?

From the entry:
'At a glance, it looks as if the Demon has total domination over her man, but in actuality, the situation is a bit different. The Demon herself is also bound by the power of the pact, and can never go against it. In other words, it means the man can also use the demon's body for the enjoyment of pleasure whenever he wants and in any way he pleases. If a man demands sex, she must accept everything.'

>> No.20716807

>Shog blob goes completely flat when she feels bad or embarrassed
>She vibrates really fast when scared
>She wobbles slowly when happy
>She stretches herself really tall when showing dominance/being belligerent(like towards the house cat)

>> No.20716821
File: 62 KB, 769x502, shog tunes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she hums an eldritch tune when she's with the people she loves

>> No.20716845

Considering he mentions soulbound and evil I assume he means someone either in world or someone that has never read the entry and just met this strange woman offering a magical Faustian deal would most likely think twice before signing something like that if they didn't know about KC's world or that it is pretty much a marriage contract that goes both ways.

>> No.20716930

>But isn't the contract supposed to put her in the same position as you to begin with?
Correct but as fair as a deal as it sounds it's actually way more in the favor of the man. What can she ask of you? There isn't a whole lot a lone man can do. However you can ask plenty of things from her since she has magical power, superhuman strength, can fly ,etc...
Even if we stick strictly to the sexual stuff I'd argue a man still gets more out of the deal.

The actual monster girl encyclopedia is a banned book sold by a wandering scholar and his art fairy. I doubt more than a hundred or so people actually possess a copy in MGE's world.

>> No.20716941

Isnt it banned because of druella putting a curse on the first one hundred books?

>> No.20716945
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>> No.20716967


>> No.20716970

That's what I meant since the original post was about most anons are willing to make a contract meaning someone in our world that knows what MGE is and how the world works. but even in world while not everywhere I could see false book copies existing.

>> No.20717004
File: 151 KB, 500x500, 1547220306018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take online class requiring discussion posts
>recognize writting style of one of the posters
Should I...?

>> No.20717011

$25 dollars in single bills

>> No.20717012

Is paradox translated yet?

>> No.20717017


>> No.20717047

Sure, as long as you play it cool. What's the worst that could happen?

>> No.20717051

First chapter is already done, but everything else is still an "ongoing project."
It took me 3+ year to finish the original thanks to long translation times and me getting tired of replaying the same things over and over gin in order to get it complete. This time I will wait until everything is translated before starting so I can have a better experience.

>> No.20717058

How much does your waifu weigh?

>> No.20717065

Neither say but both are heavy for differing reasons.

>> No.20717067

The jobi fofi from congalese mythology. I want a Brown Arachne.

>> No.20717068

Scared off and no longer write stuff

>> No.20717072
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Like 75 KG.

>> No.20717073
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>actually falling for it

>> No.20717075

It happened before, do it Anon.

>> No.20717082

Around 65 kg normally, 90 if you count her monster parts and a few tons in her dragon form.

>> No.20717083

>druella putting a curse on the first one hundred books?
I think that was WG1. The encyclopedia is banned as an heretical book by the Order.

Making false copies and spreading them around sounds like something a lot of monster girls would do so you're probably right.
This could lead to very relatable scenarios
>Young man fails to find love in his Order city
>Leads a boring lonely life
>Stumbles upon a False Book MGE
>Decides to use his life savings to go on a quest to awaken and marry a Pharaoh
>Thus begins the story of a perverted boy on his quest to dick a brown cutie

>> No.20717088

150 tons

>> No.20717091

Average for a lamia, whatever that is.

>> No.20717110
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42,000 tons

>> No.20717116
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Golem is already in

>> No.20717118

I imagine her as a small washboard flat loli that probably looks around 10 years old so I guess maybe around 75lbs~ since she isn't too monstrous.

>> No.20717126

>Hey there tall fella, need a holster for your tool?

>> No.20717136

She's only building that snow man so she can practice chuuni attack moves, yelling things like [Tiger Claw]! Before striking the snowman.

>> No.20717139

she's about 75 pounds. also i was forced into the sabbath's beliefs. send help

>> No.20717144
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Shalom, my greatest ally.

>> No.20717150
File: 124 KB, 300x900, 1508006264815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always had a thing for red demons since first watching Tim Curry as the Lord of Darkness in Legend. Just the idea of a demon or devil woman waxing poetic while being driven by what she believes to be love in order to conquer the world for the object of her desire is the hottest shit. It's not helped either by the fact that Red as a colour usually represents emotions at their extremes. Or the fact that usually in monster girl media, anything with red is actually extremely lustful and seductive. Lord only knows that because of its association with fire, they could heat their bodies to be hotter than iron need be for any craft for lewd or predatory purposes.

Blue demons are fine as well but goddamn.

>> No.20717151
File: 1.30 MB, 900x1308, 72859843_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20717158

Sorry anon. It’s your own fault. Maybe next time you won’t have shit taste

>> No.20717159

Shalom fren!

>> No.20717161

Jersey Devil will exist for sure. i want a monster to chase me down in the forest and then rape me at super sonic speeds with her hooves of might

>> No.20717164

Tanuki shops like that need some sort of theme music.

>> No.20717175

I bet its an upbeat jingle that stirs the heart

>> No.20717176


>> No.20717179

forcing them to have sex with you

>> No.20717182
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>> No.20717186

Cute dragon.

>> No.20717190

Welcome to Nukimart, please check out our popular Yeti cups

>> No.20717193


If they're good maids you don't need to force them.

>> No.20717197

underwear + pants that turns invisible when you put them on!

>> No.20717199


>> No.20717203

I'm picturing a shop menu on the right side of the screen, while the Tanuki has a cute idle animation on the left.

Whenever you purchase something, she reacts more excitedly and happy depending on how expensive it is.

You can also check each items info and she'll explain what it does. Sometimes stretching the truth a little.

>> No.20717209


Maybe that is for the mino smith instead

>> No.20717227
File: 248 KB, 1330x1600, 1542475935357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolis are weirdos that want grown ups to look after them. this is why i'd rather settle for a grown up monster who acts mature and doesn't act like a kid whenever they want something. screw the sabbath. a bunch of kids that do stupid shit. fuck them.

>> No.20717245
File: 2.48 MB, 1711x2489, 1 yI0O0AP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone got a scanlated version of world guide gaiden 2's dark knight made and posted it over on Redux. The usual translator and site staff were not involved, as they don't have permission to translate the gaiden books.

It should be noted that its not the most legible of translations. There are a lot of spelling errors, and likely terminology errors among other things. For one thing I don't think the "demon" translation refers to the actual demon race, and for some reason they call them demon knights despite the name "dark knight" being in English on the first page before the page was translated.


So long as one keeps in mind the translation isn't fully reliable, its worth reading as its certainly a lot better than trying to google translate the info.

>> No.20717246

>weirdos that want grown ups to look after them
As opposed the all the /ss/ mommyfags? Some people like the idea of taking care of someone weaker than themselves. Not everyone has the same tastes. Not to mention all the haughty oujo loli stuff that exists.

>> No.20717252

>Cape of Minos, a wise choice! Beast types are colorblind to red and will make you nearly invisible to them
>Mofu Seclusion Blanket, warms your body and soul! Use it on a cold winter's night and prepare yourself
>Nuki Shop Owner? N-Not for sale traveler, please pick an item

>> No.20717265
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>> No.20717268

Is there any pics of tanuki girls with long hair?
That is my fetish.

>> No.20717276

Might be from the Russian community.

>> No.20717282

Probably around 100 pounds, maybe a little less.

>> No.20717283

I want a noir detective story about a private detective and a Ratatoskr.

Starting off with "As soon as I saw that big fluffy tail bounce into the room, I knew she'd be trouble."

>> No.20717289

Write it yourself, then.

>> No.20717297

>Cloaker Smoker
That's one of the guys from MGU I think? I think he goes by a different name now.

>> No.20717299
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>> No.20717311
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Based Russkies.

>> No.20717322

Would fuck the three of them.

>> No.20717328

2nd part story is like 70% done. Someone else translated all the lewds.

>> No.20717338

Then go for Shirokuto's girls. They're for people who want lolibabas or just dislike the Sabbath's tendency to behave in a childish manner.

>> No.20717347

I'm bad at weighs. Kind of ironic considering my waifu.

>> No.20717349

On a second read, it's not. I've been working on translating Side II from Russian to English(Hoping that the russian translations are accurate), but it's still in no shape to be posted in here.

>> No.20717364

If I want a fanart-Midna expy for a wife, would an Imp or a Devil work better?

>> No.20717365


Cute blue girls. Would gladly allow myself to be raped and husbando'd by the tsurara, then seduce the queen and glacies when they grow curious and want to try out that sex thing they see when they peek on me and my wife.

>> No.20717368

I just want pure succubus.

>> No.20717383

Human midna or imp midna?

>> No.20717386
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>> No.20717389

Imp midna, I have taste

>> No.20717396

Not homely enough.

>> No.20717399
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>> No.20717414

So am I, I just said random numbers.

>> No.20717420

Seconding what the other guy said, arch imps are highly underrated lolis.

>> No.20717422

This right here. Though I mean midna is just great as she is, why change anything up? If you must put her in MGE just say she’s the arch-imp leader of a dark demon realm dimension but is otherwise the same minus the humanoid part.

>> No.20717427


>> No.20717426

Tell me more about Arch-Imps.

>> No.20717429

The best kind of pure succubi are the ones who are actually extremely perverted and masturbate multiple times a day but can't even fathom actually doing all the things she fantasizes about with a boy, even just seeing a dick in real life would cause her to run away flustered.

>> No.20717433

>Monsters before the invasion of Lescatie had to kill knights attacking them
Uh... what the fuck?

>> No.20717435


>> No.20717438

>Lich has a husband of average intelligence.
>Compared to her he's really stupid however.
>Sometimes she tells him the details about her experiments and when he doesn't get it she dumb it down to "drink this potion and fuck my pussy." levels.
>Despite this they love one another and even have play of their differences in intelligence.

>> No.20717450

No you don't

>> No.20717452
File: 825 KB, 1000x1480, n56aWQkt_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How new are you?

>> No.20717454
File: 544 KB, 1324x629, 113. Arch Imp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unexpectedly powerful, said to be compared to imps what Lilims are compared to succubi. Only not quite that strong obviously, not daughters of the demon lord and all.

>> No.20717457

Golly there sure is an awful lot of weebs in here.

>> No.20717458

We've known for ages that monsters will kill to defend themselves. That said, I do wonder if this is an instance of something being lost in translation, as obviously monster knights like dullahans existed before the fall of Lescatie.

>> No.20717463
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This place needs more fire

>> No.20717466

>Because suddenly anons are fine with monsters killing men
Try harder.

>> No.20717467

>weebs on /jp/
You don't say.

>> No.20717471
File: 2.50 MB, 1182x1863, 1536940237904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All I wanted was a boyfriend, not 1000 not a bunch of sluts not money none of that. All I wanted was to be loved, yet no one cares about me I'm 27 years old and I've never had a boyfriend before and I'm still a virgin, this is why I'm planning on shooting up a public place soon and being the next mass shooter cause I'm ready to die and all the boys the turned me down is going to make it right by killing as many boys as I see

>> No.20717476

KC has never been apologetic about his world having a fucked up past. It serves as a nice contrast to the current set up.

>> No.20717479
File: 109 KB, 1200x1113, vicc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking a monster killing a man in self-defense is the same as a shikibus fucking a man to death

>> No.20717481

Vampire's and other undead will have wildly different personalities and views based on when they were alive, some might even say inappropriate things since "it was different back then".
What century would your wife be from?

>> No.20717485

I want my Kobold waifu to put on a latex catsuit, sit on my chest way up by my face, and wrap her soft rubbered thighs around my head so I can eat her out for hours!

>> No.20717490

Its not about being fine with it or not, but about it not being new info. To quote from World Guide 1:

>For that reason, unless it's for self defense, or protecting their friends or husbands, they won't take the lives of human men or women.

And given that Lescatie knights tended to attack the equivalent of monster civilians, its likely many of these civilians lacked the realm silver weapons and such that warrior monsters use to avoid lethal results in combat. Such monsters, if unable to flee, would have to fight to the death or die themselves.

>> No.20717501

The whole reason why Lescatie was invaded was it was dangerous, producing more heroes than any other order country.

>> No.20717514

With what we know about Banshees and the cult of Hel in general, it can be assumed many of the human knights killed in unavoidable skirmishes were revived as undead-type incubus.
Quite a sad scene to imagine banshees and Liches floating across the aftermath of a battlefield though. Still probably not a very pretty sight. It’s why the Demon Lord needs everyone’s help!

>> No.20717526

>If someone is trying to kill you, you shouldn't fight back
Are you perhaps a gun grabber?

>> No.20717543

you're ok, KDF.

>> No.20717579

>last thing lescastie knight remembers is a Minotaur backed against a wall with her captive male behind her
>he almost swears he saw the thing... crying? As it suddenly charged him down and gored him
>he assumes he must be dead, looking up at nothing but pale gray
>but then the gray pulls back, and he sees... legs?
>pale gray legs of a woman floating above the ground, her tattered robes hanging loosely on her small yet attractive body, solemn eyes surveying him
>he weakly manages to speak
>”A-are you the riverwoman?”
>She blinks and cocks her head
>”Charon? I am not. Have you met her previously, subject 2114?”
>the knight is confused, unsure of what strange afterlife this is he’s landed in
>the pale woman continues
>”I assume that you are referring to human folklore rather than the actual individual. This confirms my previous assumption of your single nature. You have been assigned subject m137. m137, please tend to 2114. Good day.”
>before he can question, he is suddenly smothered in softness around his face, while hearing the muffled sobs of a beautiful woman
>”Waaaahhh! I’m so sorry this happened my love! It’s just so tragic! I will keep you safe from now on!”
>he was confused, scared, and for some reason as those tears poured down onto him while those soft things were pressed against his face... aroused?

>> No.20717590

Lich-san is busy! She must already have an assistant.

>> No.20717629

/ss/ and loli are both shit

>> No.20717636

Its my first day

>> No.20717640

I thought that one goddess made it so that people didnt get killed in combat

>> No.20717645

Cant a monster just rape a man in self defense?

>> No.20717646

It was cold and dark. But that's not as unusual as I like to pretend, after all, it's a dead city. Not dead in the sense that it was deserted, no sir. There were plenty of dames about, but none of them had a pulse. Of course, that didn't stop them from moving and talking like you and me. Damned monsters, make me miss the old rook days on the force. At least then I'd be working a nice, comfy beat in uptown. But no, privatize, my old lady had said. It's better money, she said. Of course, she could sell opulent jewelry to a blind man.

How does an old walrus like yours truly get roped into putting feet in Little Hel, you ask?

A dame, believe it or not. With my age, you'd think I'd known better. After all, as soon as I saw that big, fluffy tail bounce into my office, I knew she'd be trouble.

>> No.20717665

They still do die-they just come back as undead afterward.

>> No.20717671
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>> No.20717685

Would you think an alice was weird if she had a shrunken down dormouse that she treats like a doll?

>> No.20717686

I want to become a Pyromancer, with a harsh unforgiving Ignis as my master!

>> No.20717690

Only if she won't let me dick the Dormouse too.

>> No.20717727

I need a genki tomboy demon to awkwardly try to convince me into signing her contract.

>> No.20717748

You mean Aries? She makes death in large battles "rare" but not nonexistent, as she's not all powerful.

Also one would presume that Lescatie soldiers massacring civilian monsters wouldn't come under the sort of "battle" that she has domain over.

>> No.20717763

neck your daughter and self

>> No.20717777

what about lolibaba?

>> No.20717801
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>> No.20717809

What happens when she decides to 'play doctor' with her doll like some children tend to do?

>> No.20717819

It's an alice, so not much.

>> No.20717820
File: 214 KB, 700x694, 62568337_p59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than me.

>> No.20717821

Talking to political monster girl would be really interesting.

>> No.20717829

don't you just become undead in mge though?

>> No.20717842
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>> No.20717843

It takes special effort and magical skills for a man to be raised as an undead, and presumably it doesn't happen in many cases.

>> No.20717845

>However, their body unconsciously remembers the pleasure they received from the man, the taste of spirit energy, the man's weak point, and the sexual techniques acquired during the encounter, and they also won't forget the parts of the conversation they had during sex that weren't directly related to sex. (For example suppose a man told an Alice “I love you" during sex, even after the deed is done and she goes back to being a virgin, she'll still remember it, and she'll insist “me and onii-chan are lovers.”)
>And then, each time they have sex, due to their memory, their body will rapidly grow sensitive to pleasure. Naturally, their body will use the techniques learned, and they'll be able to milk even more spirit energy out of the man.
Alices can be lewd and learn things from sex. They will probably just think of it as a fun game like what they play with their Oniichan.

>> No.20717849

Breeding war, impregnate the tanukis

>> No.20717853


>> No.20717856

And of course, they eventually go to Wonderland and regain all their memories, as well as cease forgetting sex.

>> No.20717890

Which wonderland monster is in charge of taking care of the dormouses anyway?

>> No.20717902

>They have no problem sleeping while walking, and amazingly can even carry on conversations with others by muttering in their sleep. It seems they can still hear the sound around them in their dreams even while sleeping, and they can definitely hold conversations while asleep, but sometimes the topic gets distorted, and they can't understand.
They can still live their lives and take care of themselves while asleep.

>> No.20717903

Hatter and Hare.

>> No.20717951

We don't put our friends in tea pots.

>> No.20717952

Delerite seems like a good shorthand term to use for demonic silver.
>tfw there are spear wielding Dark Knights, but there's no art of them

>> No.20717964
File: 471 KB, 1240x877, TO ME MAIDS OF SIGMAR! FOR THE EMPEROR!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20717968

Dude, it has been explicitly said several times in the lore that killing humans is the absolute last resort for monster girls.
Stop making it seems like they are fine with killing ffs!
They intervene in HUMAN ON HUMAN WARS to stop them from needlessly killing each other.

>> No.20717969

Dark mage pyromancers!

>> No.20717978

Firey redheads!

>> No.20717979

But the breeding wars are just a ploy by the tanukis! Open your eyes!

>> No.20717993

Is it wrong for a demon wife to be named after an actual demon? Asking for a friend.

>> No.20718001

Do undeads get mad if you refer to them in the past tense?

>> No.20718006

I usually say realmsilver

>> No.20718014

Kind of depends, what demon?

>> No.20718015

With plenty of MEAT beneath those ragged robes they wear.

You say that but why else would my girlfriend want octuplets?

>> No.20718018 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.92 MB, 960x540, 1548535905758.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20718033
File: 995 KB, 1000x1414, 66336871_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ give me that fox in the back.

>> No.20718038

Icy cold foot jobs!

>> No.20718070

>Glacies holds up her sharp point leg while curiously cocking her head
Uh, maybe not from her.

>> No.20718071

Possibly named after one of the dukes of hell, not actually based on one but just the name.

>> No.20718080

You are like little baby.

>> No.20718087

Trust between mamano and husband is very important and very beautiful.

>> No.20718094
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>> No.20718113

The best part of a monstergirl, and I will not budge on that.

>> No.20718117

Need me a caramel skinned Kakuen with a brazilian-tier big badonkadonk to tease me and put me in chokeholds with her surprisingly high athleticism despite her thickness.

>> No.20718134

>ask her why she wears such tight panties, borderline thongs just walking around
>"What panties? These are my shorts!"

>> No.20718165

Do you have the root imgbox directory with all the galleries?

>> No.20718173


>> No.20718186
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>> No.20718216
File: 314 KB, 1707x1864, BGfLWw7G_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

Glacies-chan sure has a lot of lewd art despite her popularity

>> No.20718221

>tfw no thick as hell Troll who teaches Home Economics at a high school. Teaching young monsters that the way to a man's heart, and a way to get inside his pants, is through good home cooking.

>> No.20718228
File: 677 KB, 1255x1100, 69858429_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't say.

>> No.20718232

>tfw Hakutaku sensei will never strip me naked, throw me on her desk in front of the whole class, and demonstrate the act of dominating a human boy to all the mgs in the most scholarly way possible, articulately explaining all the thrusts and grinds and maintaining a scholarly composure throughout

>> No.20718234

Another deadly Shark attack!

>> No.20718242

>On the other hand, since their fangs contain mamono mana and have the same properties as mamono realm silver, they do not injure humans.

>> No.20718249
File: 225 KB, 900x721, no fun allowed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20718252

I wish sharks had butts

>> No.20718255

Fuck off retard.

>> No.20718275
File: 629 KB, 2792x3901, C7JTLYiXUAETH76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man husbandoed by mersharks would have no idea about the magic properties of her fangs until she actually demonstrated them.

>> No.20718277

She's so elegant!

>> No.20718285

She can be either elegant and smooth or thick like Nav's snowmound glacies. I want one of both!

>> No.20718286

I wonder how terrible food and drinks are at deep ocean towns

>> No.20718289

You're confined to live in her palace forever though.

Woe to the Whitehorn who delivers food to said palace.

>> No.20718293

Would you ratter go to MGE now and possibly make a diference, or in the future and life a even comfier life.
inb4 " just marry a undead and get the best of both worlds"

>> No.20718295
File: 175 KB, 640x960, 1548370108410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It probably is bad if you hate seafood

>> No.20718299

dumb old hag

>> No.20718300
File: 1.57 MB, 1152x1648, 1518068591517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ONLY 17!

>> No.20718304

I love seafood but I don't see then having a good setup for cooking and beverages

>> No.20718306


>> No.20718309

Dumb old hag

>> No.20718312
File: 413 KB, 850x1020, 1526578842749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't hurt her feelings!
Go away Sabbath.

>> No.20718313

>Q:Do sea based mamono build underwater village/kingdom?
>A:Yes, there are many settlements and kingdoms in the sea. Even in the water, there are unique spaces that objects will not float around, the magical light that can illuminate inside the water, and the building materials, cloth, and strings which can be used in the water. With the unquenchable fire, even cooking is possible.

>> No.20718315

t. Momonika Sabbath

>> No.20718316


>> No.20718320

Idols are dumb and deserve to be made fun of

>> No.20718322
File: 51 KB, 704x396, [a.f.k.] Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei - 03.avi_snapshot_05.33_[2013.06.01_14.28.51].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20718326

I want to go and get a mana marker and find my wife then I would get soul married and receive the blessing of undeath.

>> No.20718327

It's not like all of them live in shipwrecks or undersea caves. The Otohime lives in an underwater palace.

>> No.20718333
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>> No.20718340

Should I watch shield hero?

>> No.20718345

Dumbest lizard. Doesn't deserve to be called a dragon.

>> No.20718347

If you want to then sure. But why not ask /a/?

>> No.20718351
File: 235 KB, 850x1782, 1518721422975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bully.

>> No.20718352

I really liked it, but there really isnt a focus on the MG, raphtalia at the moment. She's super cute and precious though.

>> No.20718353
File: 477 KB, 620x1280, 1499202527296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey idiot, >>>/a/ is this way

>> No.20718354


>> No.20718356

>Dumbest lizard
>I said, Dumbest lizard!
>Zombie Dragon sleeping in the corner, not making noises intensify
Damn layabout.

>> No.20718357

That art is a crime against humanity.

>> No.20718358
File: 142 KB, 900x1125, 1500319992438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did I just say?

>> No.20718366

That's ok. I like when girls feel inadequate.

>> No.20718374

I wanna marry a dumb flat lizard

>> No.20718375
File: 2.73 MB, 2598x3508, 1518961893416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20718380

Raphtalia is a good girl.

>> No.20718394

What if a succ were actually shy timid towards a guy she likes?


How would you feel, at least how would you make advances to such a shy Succ?

>> No.20718400


>> No.20718409

>reddit spacing
>english dub
>cosplay tier trash

>> No.20718415

I want to hug and headpat her and tell her that it'll all be ok

>> No.20718425

Might as well, the source material goes off the rails but it's a fun ride while it lasts.
>fizzshire poster being a cunt
Like pottery.

>> No.20718426
File: 423 KB, 1200x1050, Demon drunk dial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well? how do you answer?

>> No.20718432

Get this thot out of my bed

>> No.20718438

I want her to hug me and say that I didn't do it

>> No.20718446

Call her a whore and hang up.

>> No.20718447

I have a wife, I can't rape her but then again I can't leave the boys like that in danger.

>> No.20718449

Stop spamming.

>> No.20718456

I might have binged the whole manga last night, raphtalia is a very good girl

>> No.20718457

I was gonna say it'd be neat to have an air pocket in some sea lair but the you'd be out of the water away from your wife who deeply wants cuddles

>> No.20718460

But I'm not a NEET.

>> No.20718475

She's a very good daughteru that does nothing wrong.

>> No.20718478
File: 126 KB, 456x448, 1527726852830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like pottery.
Pottery class with Cheshire Cat!
Makin' fun of Gnomes!
Laughin' at the Worms!
Even though they try their best!
Rollin' on the tables!
Havin' lot of sex!

>> No.20718484

Clay stuck in her hair!

>> No.20718487

>Pottery class with Cheshire Cat!
You fool, elves are the best pottery teachers

>> No.20718496

>But the
Fucking phone.

>> No.20718500

I don't really care!
We can shower later!
Not like it will dry!
If stop right now!
I think she would cry!

>> No.20718511

Sculpting class with baphomet

>> No.20718520
File: 388 KB, 1688x2048, CfvswH6UUAIJs_U.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Singing songs with Cheshire Cat!
Let's plays with my GF!

>> No.20718540

I can only imagine that let's plays with MGs would have to be on pornhub or equivalent, too much teasing and too many sexual innuendos.

>> No.20718542

It would be like GG but hetero

>> No.20718551

>Let's Plays
Die, please.

>> No.20718554
File: 1.29 MB, 3300x2400, Bap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like it could be pretty fun, actually.
She's going to require that she sits in your lap for it though.

>> No.20718574

Something tells me the two shy or timid people trying to or unable to confess their feelings to each other can piss off and irritate Eros and Eros girls like cupids. They'd have mixed feelings for it at best. Because on one hand when Eros or any Eros girl sees two shy and awkward people, they go all- "Yes! You go girl and boy! Let the power of love consume you both! Confess your feelings!" But at the same time they'd go- "UUGGH! Why must you two best so dense!? Silly mortals!!! As much as I want to go down there myself just to tell you two to confess each other's feelings and kiss already, I can't because other couples in the world need my help! SO KISS ALREADY YOU TWO DORKS!"

Not him, but I dunno what's wrong and not sure about the Reddit spacing thing. But that is a pretty good sounding dub where the voice actors sound enthusiastic, invested, caring and loving/enjoying their roles. Another good sounding dub I can think of is the Tsurezure Children dub. But whatever, your opinions.

>> No.20718575

Implying she's not going to pose for you

>> No.20718584

Plus the games they play are stuff that monsters girls normally play. Like Chokemon, Devil May Cum and Super Smashed Sisters

>> No.20718594

Implying you're not posing naked for the class as the only human man there

>> No.20718596

It's a shame there are still faggots here that push this kinda shit.

>> No.20718599

>Devil May Cum

>> No.20718600
File: 137 KB, 900x1200, CIr4NcS5_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Hakutaku sensei to keep me chained naked under her desk during school hours!

>> No.20718606

Fuck off Ace.

>> No.20718614

>Anon doesn't play Vidya with his GF
Me on the left

>> No.20718624

>implying the cancer will ever learn to fuck off

>> No.20718634

>wanting to be chained naked

>> No.20718640

It's worked before.

>> No.20718646
File: 200 KB, 792x891, Whitehorn32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to double impregnate a whitehorn

>> No.20718650

Posting Ace trash is almost as bad as being Ace himself.

>> No.20718659 [DELETED] 

That's because moderation was less shitty during that period. Nowadays mods are inactive nigger faggots sucking eachother off in Discord and IRC channels.

>> No.20718668 [SPOILER] 
File: 299 KB, 800x1064, 1548543195999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does that work? Do centaurs have two separate wombs or do they join up somewhere in the middle?

>> No.20718671

Fuck off retard.

>> No.20718676

A Demon Realm Knight or cleric praying to the Demon Lord or to Sabbath or any high ranking exalted Monstergirls:

>"Lord, what do I do?"
>"Destroy the child. Corrupt them all."

>> No.20718682

>Have a Horseman baby
Man that'd be a helluva reason for Bojack to be depressed right from the get-go.

>> No.20718684

I want to be raped by one of the Centaur family.
No wait! I want a possible contender for my waifu to come riding in on a skittish, virgin Centaur and rape me on the spot while the Centaur watches.

>> No.20718685

>muh boogeyman
wrong. I want Taku sensei to spend all day eating her out while shes teaching class, and to smuggle me in and out of work in a dufflebag full of her gym cloths, and if you have a problem with any of that you are a egg shell skinned faggot, and probably have bad tastes as well.

>> No.20718698


>> No.20718716

It's a game where you hunt down monster girls and sex them. Then in the end, devils never cum.

>> No.20718717
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>> No.20718721
File: 21 KB, 249x238, 1543014500671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons describe a fantasy they have regarding a certain species
>never detail how the monster parts factor into it
On to of posting Aces headpat cancer, you're the true faggot, anon.

>> No.20718724

top of*

>> No.20718731

That sounds like Monster Hunter instead of Devil May Cry

>> No.20718756

got a problem with it? then go start a discord and bitch to people who care

>> No.20718810 [DELETED] 

>muh thread standards
Why not try resetera?

>> No.20718846 [DELETED] 

>anons describe a fantasy they have regarding a certain species
>never detail how the monster parts factor into it
that seems like kinda a common thing on here.

>> No.20718850
File: 114 KB, 1189x1500, sweet lion bird thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a way to sweet talk a manticore into fetching me a big gooey messy hot delicious cinnamon roll at the bakery? ever since one of them gave me one out of kindness, it tasted a whole lot better for some reason

>> No.20718862 [DELETED] 

Actually to clarify it seems to be pretty common due to how KC draws mamano.

>> No.20718875
File: 563 KB, 2048x1862, mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't follow.

>> No.20718882
File: 100 KB, 756x772, 1518416631620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>threads have been mired with shit like spam, /d/ faggotry, and trash-tier posts for the past year
>lmao go to resetera faggot
Quality control might not matter to a /trash/ dweller like you. But there was a time when the /jp/ threads weren't imagedumps with low effort greentext text prompts.
Hell, the most worthwhile discussions possible here involve setting materials. But even those are momentary pleasures.

>> No.20718885

I actually am not entirely sure either. just gonna delete it because it doesn't make sense.

>> No.20718890
File: 2.68 MB, 1718x2459, Cheshire1_After_School_alt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tease her ears! Maybe pat her bum!

This works on most kitties!

>> No.20718899

I'm just waiting for the potion translations.
Beast potion

>> No.20718915

Potions should be fun to read.
Doppelganger potions for me, they've been featured in a book before but any new info would be nice.

>> No.20718917

Anyone have the English version of this?

>> No.20718923
File: 301 KB, 1093x838, criticalsmuglevels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doppelganger potion

>> No.20718946

I hope it works sorta like your a hivemind so you feel everything your clones feel. It would make orgies with your wife, her clones, and your clones so much better.

>> No.20718968

That's sort of how it was described the first time I think, I'm wondering if runya added any more hidden advantages to them
Would love to fuck my wife on every surface in the house at the same time either way

>> No.20718969

There isn't one, as far as I know. I've only ever seen it at its source and here.

>> No.20718972

Broke: "Enjoying" Monstergirls and or MGE for dating monster girls and having sex with them

Woke and legitimately enlightening: Enjoying such settings to prove thw stubborn resilience of Humanity by ensuring the survival of human genes trough out all the overpowered corruption shenanigans going on.

Why haven't you fight for Humanity and resist corruption yet? Don't you wanna preserve and protect your identity, race, culture, religion and very being?

>> No.20718990


>> No.20718991
File: 135 KB, 600x800, flat,800x800,070,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hail the Pharaoh!

Also her snake is cute.

>> No.20719005

there's no relative emotional meaning to corruption and purity. love and embrace your waifu if you really want to just like she does for you. if you don't want kids. then don't sex your wife unless you have protection, she'll understand because she loves you and that's your choice!

>> No.20719009

Is she a former member of the flying circus?

>> No.20719018
File: 114 KB, 1200x1019, DLYA6q1UEAAqUSl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to explore tombs and awaken the Pharaoh before a grapesnake finds her

>> No.20719028

I like to imagine my Pharaoh's already established.

>> No.20719032

highly probable

>> No.20719034

stupid grabe snake always stealing my queen! this is why i hate evil monsters. they all just want to eliminate the competition to get a man who'll foolishly fall for them. that's why you must conquer light and dark and waifu both of them first.

>> No.20719047
File: 166 KB, 1860x972, d5808c31-e1c8-4d8e-a4c0-c664c40a5a03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder

>> No.20719059
File: 1.49 MB, 2048x1862, 1511861204199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi oi oi!!

Now please translate >>20718520 please

>> No.20719062

Man, I ain't readin that!

>> No.20719072

Very cute.

>> No.20719073

It's not gonna go away just because you refuse to acknowledge it.

>> No.20719097
File: 123 KB, 900x860, 72396467_p13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20719099

What a lovely pig.

>> No.20719107

Screencap posts have been so consistently worthless I've been conditioned to never open them. It's not really about acknowledgement.

>> No.20719109

I can already hear the chimpouts.

>> No.20719113

Looks like meats back on the menu

>> No.20719118

Hey man, if a monster gal wants to ride a big red rocket who are we to judge. That's why Wonderland is essentially the containment realm for /d/ shit.

>> No.20719125

Porkers is a wonderful restaurant.

>> No.20719131
File: 1.97 MB, 1713x2111, 2357953245789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genetically perfect pigs

>> No.20719133

Go away.

>> No.20719134

Gonna pump my pretty piggu up.
Gonna make extra extra visits with her.

>> No.20719142
File: 307 KB, 2048x1400, Csn2OS0UEAEHhK-.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want an OniTengu wolfu.

>> No.20719149

Fat faggotry go and stay go

>> No.20719151


>> No.20719154

It's not FAT it's THICC

>> No.20719155 [DELETED] 
File: 507 KB, 4096x1775, Dx3uaNbWwAAScrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20719158

Which is codeword for obese by thiccniggers.

>> No.20719160

>Sexy Spongebob Physics

>> No.20719163

Either spambot or subhuman redditor posting trash

>> No.20719165

If women at Christmas Cakes, what are men after 25? 30 is wizard right?

>> No.20719172
File: 552 KB, 1000x1551, __baphomet_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_nav__d1b60e8cdd26261b78f0f8746b772334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20719176

Those are some fantastic sized juggs.

>> No.20719177

>”Haaah...Cuddliest Lizzard"
>With impossibly fast movement for an undead, she’s boob hatting you and holding you close

>> No.20719178

Stop spamming.

>> No.20719186

There is absolutely nothing to bully her about except her good hands.

>> No.20719190

Cha cha cha!

>> No.20719192

Don't look at me man.

>> No.20719194
File: 525 KB, 1025x1450, __baphomet_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_nav__1d70a8205c37694df8307a15747b44c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still waiting for Nav to draw Marune.

>> No.20719197

Dragon Zombies are so fucking cute. I wanna just watch her goofily go about her day. Maybe remind her every once and a while that she's got big clumsy claws, resulting in her overthinking her walking and stomping around all silly.

>> No.20719203

Reminder that all food goes right to an MGs thighs.

>> No.20719211
File: 372 KB, 595x842, 61560826_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They could use more lewds.

>> No.20719214
File: 935 KB, 1488x1217, 1542410572106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sabbath btfo

>> No.20719218

>She looks up with an inquisitive smile
>"You're dead!"
>She cocks her head, but then frowns, and starts feeling her body all over, then notices her tail and starts chasing it in circles
>As she scampers about, laugh and just watch her dizzy herself
>Finally throw your arms open
>"Its okay! I still love you!"
>She instantly turns towards you, slipping a little, stumbling forward and tackling you while nuzzling your chest and kissing you up and down, arms holding you close
>"Luv you too hubby! Luv you hubby!"
I pity people who can't appreciate the joy of a simple minded waifu.

>> No.20719221
File: 1.69 MB, 1736x2448, Bapho Marune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And boobers

>> No.20719223

That's a filthy lie anon, what about butts and tits and tummies?

>> No.20719224

My kingdom for a hourglass monstergirl.

>> No.20719226

and then they'll blow up

>> No.20719228

I want to mate with these.....cows I think?
And ass.

>> No.20719231

>Don't you wanna preserve and protect your


Remains (provided you were secure in said identity)


Remains (aside from most things that would interfere with sex with monster girls).


Remains, unless the god you worship is opposed to monsters (and sometimes even then).

>and very being?

Your soul remains.

>> No.20719234

I believe they are musk ox's

>> No.20719236


>> No.20719238

That is until she thinks every time you sleep you died so she grabs you and rushes you off to the lich

>> No.20719251

>"Uwaaah, hubby wants to go again?"
>"Hubby?! OH NO!"
>The villagers at the base of the mountain tremble as miasma starts fuming from the cave at the top of it

>> No.20719252

I assume the musk is pleasant.

>> No.20719272
File: 206 KB, 1200x1200, 1548061148711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I could handle that. Having to calm her down each time and watching her jump with so much joy that her heart practically started pumping again. Still it'd be the sweetest thing ever

>> No.20719278

preferably with butt involved

>> No.20719280

Dragon Zombies probably look truly monstrous when they're rampaging like that. Not like other monsters' "scary but sexy" monstrous, but legitimately unhinged and frightening. Its a cool aspect.
She'd eventually catch on and calm down. Its just a sign of how much she loves you. Maybe you could teach her to just hold you close every night, that way she can be assured that nothing happened to you and you're still just sleeping.

>> No.20719295

you would need to put your face in their armpits and inhale to find out

>> No.20719300

>Dragon Zombie always proudly shoves her big tits in your face
>One day you ask her to turn around and show off her butt instead
>She does so, and realizes that it turns you on even more, its perfect oversized bubble shape perfectly arousing you
>Now she always not-so-subtly faces away from you and wiggles it when she's in the mood, hands on her knees as she turns her head back with a lecherous tongue-out smile
>And she is very often in the mood

>> No.20719313
File: 270 KB, 824x617, CLIPStudioPaint_2019-01-27_01-58-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20719331
File: 142 KB, 550x500, 1548220321775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delet this

>> No.20719334
File: 531 KB, 1280x1780, 72827782_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendship with Viccy over!
This is my new friend Lilim!

>> No.20719338

Fuck off nigger.

>> No.20719346
File: 596 KB, 1096x1000, Rtil (6.1) [F].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never ask a lady her weight, it's rude!

>> No.20719355

>They seek powerful males
Hey, if one man isn't enough to satisfy her, then why not? It's his fault for not taking raging shrooms.

>> No.20719358

He's right, go away.

>> No.20719359


>> No.20719361

I don't need to ask for Jabber. I already know the answer is "lots"

>> No.20719369
File: 83 KB, 1280x960, I seriously hope you paladins don't do this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for obvious bait

>> No.20719378

Is that a Costanza pose?
It's close enough

>> No.20719387
File: 64 KB, 369x309, CLIPStudioPaint_2019-01-27_02-12-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second time, not second at the same time.
Then again, cloning spells/potions are a thing

>> No.20719397

We don't talk about that here.

>> No.20719406

Yes and they're trash.

>> No.20719415 [SPOILER] 
File: 57 KB, 1161x745, 1548551951406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we change the subject and talk about best girls aka centaurs

>> No.20719419

>He wouldn't want to wake up to his waifu giving him a morning blowjob only to pull the blanket and find it's four of his waifu

>> No.20719423

Translations soon.

Also, we literally talked about that earlier today.

>> No.20719425

Centaurs are for bullying and fisting.

>> No.20719431

Has a Centaur thread lately.

>> No.20719436
File: 222 KB, 824x617, taxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10,000 hours in MSpaint later.

>> No.20719437

>Translations soon.
That won't change a thing.

>> No.20719439

>implying KC is gonna let it work that way

>> No.20719441
File: 324 KB, 801x761, slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20719443

The position of the door in the lower right makes no sense, judging by where the feet of the oni are, the stairs would block the middle of it.

>> No.20719446
File: 518 KB, 781x1546, 1534787740715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about asking what era she was born in?

>> No.20719448


>> No.20719458

KC's stance is "as you wish, as long as not counter to the spirit of MGE" If you want to clone your waifu, then go ahead.

>> No.20719461


>> No.20719462

Why would it not

>> No.20719466

Thanks for the free (You)

>> No.20719469
File: 38 KB, 449x431, 1547799872263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asking a woman for her age
If you want to sleep on the couch that night, go ahead.

>> No.20719470
File: 325 KB, 915x1062, N8QaE22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deer pussy>horse pussy

>> No.20719476 [DELETED] 

With that fact that he's also including a bestiality potion then I'm sure this one is gonna be for cuckolds that want to watch their wife get gangbanged.

>> No.20719481

You could have told me earlier if you were just going to go full retard.

>> No.20719486
File: 172 KB, 956x1200, CuteCat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We are Number One" but every time say "Number One" we make Anon cum

>> No.20719488

>I was just PRETENDING to be a fucking retard from the_donald
Kill yourself

>> No.20719496


>> No.20719498
File: 165 KB, 824x617, 1548550840579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I win anything?

>> No.20719500

Obvious bait

>> No.20719501
File: 388 KB, 772x509, Hhhori_3.2_FM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How new are you? KC has made clear on multiple occasions that he will NEVER cater to NTRniggers.

>> No.20719505 [DELETED] 


>> No.20719507


>> No.20719513

It's not NTR if they're just clones of you :^^^^^^^^^^^^^)))))))))))))

>> No.20719520
File: 72 KB, 600x705, 049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These Zombie Dragon greentexts got me sweating. What are the other simple minded MGs? I know about Z. Dragon and Wurm but are there any more airheaded teddy bears?

>> No.20719527

regular zombies and fairies

>> No.20719530

Titania's are pretty airheaded.

>> No.20719533 [DELETED] 

You did it wrong, it goes like
Any intercourse that doesn't involve you is considered NTR.

>> No.20719534

I want a kunoichi kat.

>> No.20719535

Ignore them.

>> No.20719536

or zombie fairies if you want to use your imagination

>> No.20719538
File: 748 KB, 1322x629, Sandworm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20719547

>Belly teats
Ah yes, a true patrician of culture.

>> No.20719550
File: 187 KB, 1129x909, comminglingofassets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something from Fiddler on the Roof seems appropriate.

>> No.20719554

I want a vanilla succubus Asuka and a Salamander Homura.

>> No.20719557
File: 95 KB, 476x357, 1402986820336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much all the slimes except shoggoth. Goblins and hobgoblins as well.

Note that "simple" doesn't necessarily equate to dumb. Goblins are noted for being a bit clever, but are still referred to as being simple because they think about things in childish ways.

>> No.20719561

Hobgoblins are simple minded too, albeit with a slightly cocky flair.

>> No.20719576
File: 194 KB, 485x550, Dark_Slime_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretty much all the slimes except shoggoth.

>> No.20719579

>Pretty much all the slimes except shoggoth.
Dark Slimes.

>> No.20719585
File: 205 KB, 1200x1076, bndsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't hate Matangos if they looked like this!

>> No.20719586

>Upmarket Tanuki Store, full of very rare items at very high prices.
>Tanuki owner is very well-dressed and is smoking from a long pipe.

>> No.20719592

Big Fat Mushroom Butt

>> No.20719594

Yes I would.

>> No.20719597

This is true.

>> No.20719609
File: 416 KB, 1200x804, deserttanuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, now, smoking would scare away the customers. And all raccoon goods are rare and highly priced as is her heart.
Honestly I'm just finding excuses to post Fiddler on the Roof.

>> No.20719610
File: 288 KB, 800x1080, 1490361067336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if they’re doing business in monster form, they’ll never lie, and always be truthful, so one can have peace of mind

from the profile

>> No.20719613

>Titania drinks Doppelganger potion
>Covered in mounds of titflesh

>> No.20719614
File: 474 KB, 1536x2048, hatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually having legs is a good start, but lets make them act a bit less like your average lvl 1 slime and... hold on a sec.

>> No.20719617

That's just a uncouth Mad Hatter

>> No.20719623

Who made this? Do they make more heavenly rumps like this?
Theres not gonna be much room in that mushroom mush womb

>> No.20719633
File: 587 KB, 1200x1200, 1543094075616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Yes dear? You were saying?"

>> No.20719634
File: 1.23 MB, 1536x2048, wPf5n8wt_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20719637
File: 118 KB, 694x1098, 1543091307989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's responsible for this fat bottom Hatter.

>> No.20719638

Hatterfag truly has the right of it. Mad Hatter is a great waifu.

>> No.20719644
File: 179 KB, 800x800, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're reaching levels of thicc that shouldn't be possible

>> No.20719648

Actually, this one >>20719585 is Bendacriss, but I'd imagine most people here would not be fond of him. He does draw fantastic rears but is pretty western in his finished works which I know sets some people off.
Twas not my decision, but hers! I love my dear Hatter wife!

>> No.20719653

Hooooo MAMA!! Who is this grace from God? What angel bestowed him from the heavens? Who is he!?

>> No.20719655

And its wonderful

>> No.20719658
File: 562 KB, 1297x600, Dark Slime book profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark slimes are listed as simple as well. Hence why I noted that "simple" doesn't equal dumb. Dark slimes have the intellect for spells and such, but since they tend to use it for simple purposes they are still called "simple."

Though I wouldn't be surprised if humans who get turned into dark slimes can be exceptions to this.

>> No.20719670

All those tea cakes have gone straight to her thighs!

>> No.20719672
File: 110 KB, 1200x1200, DN41ncBW4AEahQz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist name is DaAxem.

>> No.20719679

Cheshire-chan's gotta step up her game to keep up with dat ass.

>> No.20719681
File: 1.29 MB, 1462x1968, 1543093197208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not an error, its a feature! A noble Hatter delights in comfortability with her malleable body!

>> No.20719687

Surely you mean medusa Asuka.

>> No.20719692

Those are good.

Nah, Asuka needs to be vanilla.

>> No.20719697
File: 86 KB, 503x292, Gee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acciid finished drawing Viccy. Yall need to get your minds out of the gutter about two weiners. Also including the Viccy clones doodle she threw in.


>> No.20719699

Many thanks! I ran into bendacriss on tumblr, he's really good. Also, I'm already following DaAxem, found him in another thread. Thanks for showing me the trail to the pot of Badonkadonk at the end of the booty short rainbow.

>> No.20719706

No, I picked vanilla succubus since just like Asuka they're easily forgotten in place of newer girls.

>> No.20719721

western women go into the trash

>> No.20719734

>Hatter yells "Change places!"
>All the other Monsters including her run to new seats.
>You don't get up in time, and the Hatter has taken a seat on your lap, grinding away as she continues drinking her tea.

>> No.20719767

She is a genius!

>> No.20719774

Smartest Slime! Smartest Slime!

>> No.20719776
File: 347 KB, 1280x1770, img000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20719787

The fuck is going on there

>> No.20719788
File: 294 KB, 1057x1500, Succnotebook_cover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20719790

actually i'd rather not have obese hips

>> No.20719791

consensual sex w/ hellhound > consensual sex > hellhound

>> No.20719792


I never get tired of the MC's expressions.

>> No.20719798

But true

>> No.20719799

Oyakodon followed by the moths creating a puppet they send back into the real world to ensure they remain undisturbed forever.

>> No.20719805

Those moths deserve to die.

>> No.20719806

Yeah but look at the huge milkers the mom moth has now.

>> No.20719814

Boobs are not worth being the mindless cumpump for a woman you hate.

>> No.20719815

I bet some vanilla succubi would take up cosplaying other succubi species to make themselves more appealing.

>> No.20719817

Eh, I've seen bigger.

>> No.20719822

It's all his fault for being so difficult.

>> No.20719831

It's her fault for being a horrible rapist that can't act like a normal woman.

>> No.20719840

>Mashiro's tits are even more massive after giving birth
>no lactation at all
God fucking dammit.

>> No.20719842
File: 528 KB, 3500x3500, ARttALf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a horrible rapist that can't act like a normal woman

>> No.20719850

Stupid smelly spider.

>> No.20719853

I'd say being unable to take no for an answer is a pretty human woman trait.

>> No.20719861


>> No.20719867

Go away /tg/.

>> No.20719869

Would a Echidna's breasts keep growing and growing with each daughter?

>> No.20719870

That Moth is a terrible woman and doesn't deserve love. You don't need to be /tg/ to understand this.

>> No.20719871
File: 672 KB, 827x1200, MGW2 Scan Page 69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well ushi-oni can certainly act more normal than those moth girls who have incredible powers but don't seem to do much of anything beyond waiting for that boy to enter the room.

>> No.20719872

I hope so.
And I hope her hips go with them.
Because we're going for plenty of kids.

>> No.20719877

Nah, probably only after the first one.

>> No.20719880
File: 529 KB, 1059x937, luvyouhubby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20719883

No, they're perfect. PERFECT.

>> No.20719886


What a good dragon.

>> No.20719887

This is a comfy dragon

>> No.20719888
File: 149 KB, 629x877, Echidna extra art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There would have to be a limit or you get into pretty iffy fetish material pretty quickly.

Besides, its not like each successive baby would need more milk than the previous one.

>> No.20719891

It's the same face I'd put if they were spidergirls to be honest.

>> No.20719892


>> No.20719896

Blessed by cute dumragon wife! Thanks LN!

>> No.20719904

Those aren't cold dead eyes, they're warm loving eyes meant only for H U B B Y

>> No.20719910

I want to hug the dragon of death.

>> No.20719914

she seems pretty ok to me that guy is just a huge faggot

>> No.20719922

What's that cutie doing?
What's that black stuff underneath them?

>> No.20719924

t. Moth

>> No.20719949

>Winter months with Lich wife
>Since you're usually so warm she decides to cuddle with you almost all the time
Name a more comfy life.
>If you manage to wake up early enough you can see a tiny hint of a smile from her as she enjoys your warmth
Name a more comfy life with a monster girl.

>> No.20719958

the black is suppose to be her wings

>> No.20719964

Is there an alternative link?

I did try that trick where you just replace the "x" of the link with - to by pass the panda. But apparently it's been removed, so anyone mind sharing an alternate link like a different hentai site?

>> No.20719966

Ah, so she's got him in a full wrap.
Dragon instinct remains even after death!

>> No.20719973

>"Hubby, ah... I wanna shake my hips again... again, again Hubby!"
Insatiable creatures.

>> No.20719981
File: 332 KB, 550x440, 1548283937980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he cant get onto sadpanda

It's because there's loli in it, is why its blocked for e-hentai

>> No.20719983

Setting that shit up isn't hard at all, special ed.

>> No.20719998

She has a big butt for a doughragon, neatly obscured by her tail.

>> No.20720000
File: 619 KB, 774x1200, Dq53-V3UcAA95gl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to help a Demon relax from a day at the office

>> No.20720005

It JUST got deleted too, unlucky.

>> No.20720006


>> No.20720008

>beauty mark on face and butt
>HUGE tits
I'm going to plow her in the wheelchair toilet for hours.

>> No.20720010

Having two hellhound wives in winter
>squeeze in between to go to bed
>feel them both instinctively curl closer in
>end up with your head buried in between their combined fluff
>drift off to sleep with their arms around you, their bodies pressed against you and their scent filling your senses

>> No.20720013

It's still up for me.

>> No.20720016

This is turning me on to Dragon Zombies far too much.

>> No.20720017
File: 222 KB, 1297x1400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being THICC is a dragon zombie racial trait.

>> No.20720024

She looks like the kind of gal who overloaded when selecting what attractive traits she wanted to have.

>> No.20720046

I said it got deleted and or removed. O already said I replaced the "x" with "-" in the link but it got deleted it removed.

So I'm now asking if theres an alternate link.

>> No.20720048
File: 1.59 MB, 1000x1393, 1548092612035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now imagine having two hellhound wives in the summer
>They cuddle you like a stuffed animal
>Despite it being over 100 degrees humid outside
>Hellhounds don't care cause they think living near lava is perfectly normal
>Spend summer nights taping ice packs to your body so you don't suffer heatstroke

>> No.20720056

>undead girls in winter
I want to do the "reading a book under the covers" thing with a loli Lich or Wight and use a magic light/wight claws as the light, while a snowstorm is howling outside.

>> No.20720062

No it's still there are exhentai retard.

>> No.20720070

>reading spooky stories with your childhood Lich and Zombie friends as children
>discovering the same books as an adult and deciding to read them with your Lich and Wight wives.

>> No.20720072

No worries there, from MGE volume 2 its noted that volcanic monsters can actually drain heat away from men to protect them from too much heat and make them more comfortable. And of course once you're an incubus with a volcanic region wife you gain the same power to resist, absorb and transfer heat.

>> No.20720077

I'd deal with it. For warm snuggles in the winter, I can deal with some hot snuggles in the summer. Besides, I have powerful ass AC in my home.

>> No.20720090

>"But it turned out... they were drowning all along!"
>Wight: "Kyaaaaaa!!!"
>Lich: "oh nooooo."

>> No.20720108
File: 188 KB, 750x1000, 1548172207941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sad there's no art of a young looking Anon with his zombie waifu moving into their first house, then years later there's another picture with an older looking Anon, his wight waifu and their children posing in front of the same house.

>> No.20720154

Those trunkish thighs
Those firm full tits

>> No.20720169

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that dark mages can specialize in differing schools of magic.
I mean, there's no way to know if the one your speaking with has mastered illusions to the point that she could be a curvy, busty woman or one who's taken it to the extreme

>> No.20720184
File: 186 KB, 305x613, Eyesight_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of Murata's monster girls?

>> No.20720225

>"Ah~ It can be so hard to maintain this illusion for these~"
>"Gulp... is that why they look so big?"
>"Ara ara~ Foolish boy. That's why they look so small~~~"

>> No.20720232

Anon better get ready for that bed....or for the conjuration specializing one to teleport him away.

>> No.20720261
File: 277 KB, 677x1000, 02682d9e0176bd0e54d8e65a1d12c9e3-d8n8mrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i praise an ogre for her combat techniques, you think she'd teach me how to fight with those techniques? i ain't marrying a rapist so i have to learn to defend myself. plus i'd like being a muscular brawler type hero with a smol and cute waifu

>> No.20720272
File: 129 KB, 900x1440, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't she be real?

>> No.20720273
File: 212 KB, 1500x1500, IMG_20190126_225139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big shoutout to Loen for drawing my waifu based off a few cute images I made of her with a character-maker thing (these: https://imgur.com/a/A0R7ndt))
She's so cute and Loen's artstyle is really amazing.

>> No.20720281

Because you touch yourself at night

>> No.20720283

She'll try to husbando you anyway

>> No.20720285

Character maker?

>> No.20720286
File: 1.08 MB, 2727x2736, Gyaru Banshee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20720293

>i ain't marrying a rapist so i have to learn to defend myself.
Just get a mana marker.

>> No.20720307

what if i'm in a situation where i can't?

>> No.20720308

>"He's playing hard to get"
>"I'll show him why I'm way better than one of them could ever be"

>> No.20720319


>> No.20720338

So it’s basically a Mii maker online. Cool.

>> No.20720346
File: 1.13 MB, 1121x782, 1538765518309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20720347

What a dork.

>> No.20720348
File: 652 KB, 1080x2353, Monster Hunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna go monster hunting for the perfect waifu

>> No.20720351

That guy really needs to stop worrying so much.

>> No.20720361

Shit. I forgot I have no imagination.

>> No.20720381

What is even going on here?

>> No.20720383
File: 663 KB, 891x1400, solar fox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there no beast that cannot be improved with vitamin D?

>> No.20720389

I want a golden holst like that (don't tell Moses)

>> No.20720394


>> No.20720396
File: 1.04 MB, 920x1330, 1516563820280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little melanin can go a long way.

>> No.20720406

I see what you did there

>> No.20720443
File: 280 KB, 1081x1400, tumblr_p77a6k92J01vldipoo1_r1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20720444
File: 246 KB, 850x1201, 1540759157409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can't go far enough, though

>> No.20720454

Shirohebis should be Shiro

>> No.20720472

combine a monster girl species with an element they are totally unrelated to and make a new monster out of it
for example:
>hellhound + ice = frosthound

>> No.20720473

I'd like to see one instance of a momonika shirohebi just to be sure.

>> No.20720478

Would kobold newborns be more like puppies or babies?

>> No.20720479


>> No.20720486

and they should be hebi

>> No.20720490

>wan wah

>> No.20720492

which mg is best for pregnancy fetish that isn't haughty dungeon snek or scratchy vampire?

>> No.20720498

Your waifu. Take responsibility.

>> No.20720503


>> No.20720506
File: 254 KB, 800x710, waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess she could just make herself look pregnant

>> No.20720510

bappies sounds less like crotch hair

>> No.20720521

it's midnight, and the witches are out to play.
we men must not come about alone on our endeavors late at night.
or else we'll be enraptured by little girls who are out to lay.
so you better watch out or our baphomet neighbor shall see the fruits of her might.
what's that? you're curious to see what would be happening?
you will regret such action upon realizing.
that this is the night the witches are successful in their kidnapping.
so listen to the only witness of the sabbath's darkest agenda and heed my advising.
you have been warned, brothers.

>> No.20720527 [DELETED] 
File: 1.83 MB, 1087x1578, 1548031050.pokumii_marchhare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20720528

I'm gonna go out and fuck a little Witch in her butt!

>> No.20720544

Any of the incest ones: Mice, Devil Bugs, Wererabbits, etc.
Any Loli
Or, of course, your Waifu

>> No.20720546

I want to violate the magestic pharaoh dragon.

>> No.20720547

But not too hebi or else they have to go to the gym.

>> No.20720548

Real talk, why are there so many pedophiles in this thread?

>> No.20720554

Happy vacations, anon.

>> No.20720559

Book tanuki

>> No.20720561

i tried to tell them. but they won't listen to my poem. guess they'll be captured by lolis and be taken to their sabbath church to get baptized in loli cum or some shit

>> No.20720562

This is a thread for people who want to fuck cartoon monsters, there are no pedophiles here.

>> No.20720564

>captured by lolis and be taken to their sabbath church to get baptized in loli cum or some shit
There are plenty of worse fates.

>> No.20720567

>Out shoveling snow an hour ago
>Hear something strange nearby but can't locate it
>First reaction is to think of a wendigo girl coming
What the hell have you all done to me?

>> No.20720571

Low quality bait

>> No.20720580
File: 149 KB, 1060x900, Dx1FxksVsAEczIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't need those levels anyway.

>> No.20720583
File: 109 KB, 509x501, firefox_RxM7iHwvJ3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20720590

I love my waifu.

>> No.20720596

Once in a while you can hear coyotes howling and making noise out in the woods where I live. They often get mistaken for women's or children's cries and people freak out. This is part of where skinwalker legends come from. People get lost in the woods looking for the source of the screams and never make it back.

>> No.20720598

like what? being covered in the cum of witches sounds pretty gross enough to some people. maybe men face a fate where they are forced to pamper the baphomet? does that sound worse? i heard the monsters with goat features often turn out really crazy

>> No.20720600

>not wanting loli squirts

>> No.20720606

My waifu could beat up your waifu!

>> No.20720610
File: 547 KB, 1200x1000, 72601245_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh really?

>> No.20720625


>> No.20720638
File: 93 KB, 881x882, 1497389630733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you were out partying and having premarital sex she studied the blade!

>> No.20720664

KC should make a skinwalker MG come to think of it. Or at least some kind of Native American monster.

>> No.20720666

Its already too late anon. She will find you, sometime when you're out in the wilderness a freak storm will move in and she will find you. The only question left is whether she was a "feral" one, or an awawawa one

>> No.20720672

Thunderbirds are in, and Wendigos are there at least in name. They seem to be based more on lovecraftian myth though.

Skinwalker might be neat. A sort of tribal witch.

>> No.20720681
File: 614 KB, 1200x800, baaa0eb9a61d095cb19678b8af204325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the lesser races needed to do something to stand out

>> No.20720697
File: 142 KB, 692x642, winter wurms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>premarital sex
>when sex is the point in time at which a marriage begins for MGs
Wurm-chan, you gotta learn words better.

>> No.20720699
File: 81 KB, 180x180, 1547708776598.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey hey!

Human Merchants are better than Danuki because at least human Merchants are honest are not connivers like Danukis.

>> No.20720702

See >>20719610

>> No.20720707

She studied glorious nippon steel, not semantics anon.

>> No.20720720
File: 99 KB, 913x660, thank you for your business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Papa! Neighbour-kun called me a liar agaaaaain.

>Wah, Wurm-nee-chan is so strong! You'll protect me from neighbour-kun right?

>> No.20720722

I wish I could taste a hellhound's home cooked from-scratch dinner.

>> No.20720730

>A sort of tribal witch.
That's what i was thinking.

>> No.20720745
File: 2.14 MB, 2000x2452, 1508839188838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A1 grade beef steaks, medium incinerated
>hand-kneaded garlic bread with claw marks in it, butter evaporated and garlic turned to ash
>grilled veggie sautee, welded together and broken into crumbly chunks for easy consumption
>the more burnt it is, the more flustered and excited she was cooking it
>her ears are folded back and she's staring at you as you eat
>it's ashy, dry and burnt to a crisp, but still it's not bad
>the charred black bits taste like her kisses

>> No.20720749

I'd clean my plate, get up, walk over and give her a nice head pat and ear ruffle. Effort deserves reward.

Though I would make sure to cook alongside her the next time.

>> No.20720759

Lesson 1: There are settings other than High or Broil

>> No.20720767

I'd be down for a more muscular and lean dark mage with feathers, body paint and animal bones all over. Maybe she can imitate monster features like vertical pupils, claws, fangs and horns. Like a mage class version of the Amazon's fighter class.

>> No.20720813

Should probably just start with teaching her how to make basic casseroles. Those are easy enough. And the time it takes to cook is enough time to fit in a few quickies.

>> No.20720825

Careful. If you tell her she's a good girl she might start cremating your other food.

>pour some corn flakes in the morning
>audible POOF
>get a faceful of soot
>there's a black cloud and a stain on the table in the shape of a heart

>> No.20720833

>Dark Shaman is a muscular advisor of an Amazon tribe that captured you
>While certainly exotic, your perception can tell that she's actually not an Amazon herself, but is using a fair bit of disguises to blend in and appear more exotic
>Point this out to her as she passes by
>She whispers in a new york accent bluntly
>"Ey pal, pipe down will ya? I gots a good thing goin here! Tell ya what, I'll make it up to yas if ya play along! We got a deal?"
>Nod, and she backs away before putting on a almost comically stereotypical tribal accent
>"Oooh greeeat seestahs! De goohdess has spohkan to meh! Dees one has been called to do dey trials wit me! I shall bring him back to da Sacred Playce to ovasee his ascenshoon!"
>Cheers go up from the tribe as she turns and winks while shaking her rump a bit
>You're almost certain this is one of those dual-feature deals where you get out of your predicament but also get married to the one that saved you, but as you glance at her toned booty again, you figure its not the worst fate you can imagine

>> No.20720841

And 'oo ee oo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang" to you too.

>> No.20720846

>"Shut it, pal. I was workin on dat accent foh years. Now you gonna keep starin at my caramel ass or you gonna keep walkin?"
She's a feisty one, anon.

>> No.20720849

>Can't I do both?

>> No.20720853

I could certainly go for a big booty ebony dark mage.

>> No.20720857

That's gonna earn you an interested 'mMMm~' and a 'pit stop' on the way to the sacred place (really just a relaxing natural spring)
I must confess that's a high pick for me too. Not just pharaoh dark but real midnight black sexiness.

>> No.20720861
File: 581 KB, 768x768, GyouboDanuki4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet somewhere in the profile it is said Danukis will sell corruptive demon realm foods to any non-corrupted and nin-monster aligned people with telling them.

Therefore Danukis are dishonest connivers! Fact!
