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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 479 KB, 610x334, NDO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20708967 No.20708967 [Reply] [Original]

New guide:
Old guide for those afraid of change:

Remember: Don't listen to any advice from DJT
Last thread: >>20699232

>> No.20709033

I was hoping you were gone for good this time.

>> No.20709089

I wish you fags would stop putting those gay angles in the subject.

>> No.20709137

I wish you fags would stop

>> No.20709169
File: 36 KB, 657x322, 64u56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you shitting me dude

>> No.20709179
File: 22 KB, 671x351, I hate this word.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20709183

i'm aware all languages have equally retarded shit, i'm still gonna shitpost about my frustration

>> No.20709188

Go ahead I'm not actually upset I'm shitposting too to give my brain a break from all this reading I'm doing.

>> No.20709191

You don't seem to be aware on anything but surface level.

>> No.20709200

oh enlighten me with your superior knowledge, infallible nihongo master

>> No.20709214

please stop adding space between 」 and 第 theres already padding in 」
what the FUCk is kakeru

>> No.20709230


>> No.20709252


>> No.20709268

I doubt he's got anything to say to you, as true enlightenment need not be shared.

>> No.20709292

need be but cannot
one must find their own path

>> No.20709443

Whelp, we know OP was Nukemarine - https://youtu.be/ECukjKF_tjQ?t=841

>> No.20709472

nuke isnt cool enough to write something as sick and savage as dont listen to any advice from djt

>> No.20709475

this is the reason why i still love kanjidamage
掛 hang / halfway done

>> No.20709477

he copied the second to last OP you absolute brainlet.

>> No.20709486

he would have taken that part out because hes too nice you absolute brainlet

>> No.20709495
File: 209 KB, 419x551, 1493129340160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When mining should I make sentence cards or is vocabulary enough?

>> No.20709498





>> No.20709505

people change.

>> No.20709518

Will you fuckers stop making fun of Nuke? He's probably better at japanese than all of you.

>> No.20709521

i didnt look at the upload time and i gotta admit my faith is shook can you imagine nuke writing 日本語出来ない男 and chuckling to himself this isnt the world i wanted

>> No.20709586

No I'm not. I still spend too much time fucking around on reddit, even worse mainly in /r/politics and not even Japanese related stuff. Imagine where I'd be if I just watch and read Japanese an extra two or three hours a day instead of getting a chubby hearing that Roger Stone got arrested.

>> No.20709612
File: 17 KB, 400x258, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20709631

holy shit dude you're obsessed.

>> No.20709651

do whatever you think is more fun since that's a big determining factor of whether you stick to an srs routine or not. you can try reading this but idk how true it is https://www.supermemo.com/en/articles/20rules
ive done sentence cards and vocab cards in the past and found them both to work well in different ways

>> No.20709662

Honestly you don't need sentence cards if you're reading enough anyway because you'll see the words that actually matter in the wild enough to gain a true understanding of what they mean and how to use them.

>> No.20709682

hey guys is it ok to stop learning japanese to do retarded shit or should i keep learning japanese

>> No.20709709

Doesn't matter, we'll never amount to anything, not you, not I…

>> No.20709711

>Honestly you don't need cards if you're reading enough anyway because you'll see the words that actually matter in the wild enough to gain a true understanding of what they mean and how to use them.

>> No.20709713

Can someone tell me if my use of の is correct?

>> No.20709715

Just do retarded shit in Japanese.

>> No.20709718

I want to 掛ける myself

>> No.20709724

Can you stop translating please?

>> No.20709736

Mind telling me where I'm wrong?
I'm not translating anything. Just doing genki.

>> No.20709740

It'd be easier to tell you where you went right and that's still hard.

>> No.20709750

Stop using grammar "rules" to make up Japanese phrases that no native in the history of Japan have ever uttered. Use the grammar "rules" to understand the phrases that every native in Japan have uttered.

>> No.20709760


>> No.20709771

New learner here, I've started the vncore today. Is there any way I could optimize Anki to learn more efficiently ?

>> No.20709798

add the sentence as a reference

>> No.20709816

>think your pronunciation is on point
>record yourself speaking
>sound like retard

>> No.20709818

you post this occasionally and it's always in response to someone who isn't arguing their method is good or bad in terms of reaching fluency so it's confusing.

>> No.20709820



>> No.20709826

The quintessential eop experience.

>> No.20709837

he means youre translating your english thoughts into nihongo instead of adapting nihongo sentence patterns youve seen a hundred times
its about more than grammar rules its about the shit natives actually say
ask for corrections when you know enough nihongo that things come to your head relatively effortlessly but you know that something feels a little off about this one
until then focus on understanding
and when you get to that point ask natives not djt cause no one here knows nihongo

>> No.20709846

he could be doing homework for a class since that's where genki is mostly used. if that's the case he should ask his teacher the next time he has class

>> No.20709872

stop posting the new guide till the maintainer fixes the broken home-page

>> No.20709876
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>> No.20709899
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It looks like Anime was real after all...

>> No.20709949

big ass takos aint no joke dude

>> No.20709962

aside from the venom how hard can otako bite

>> No.20709964

Am I ever going to understand 渋い on anything but surface level?

>> No.20709966


Read the explanation and video if you want but tl;dr this is a straight upgrade over anki's default behavior. There's a download link to the add-ons at the bottom of the page.

>> No.20709985

u know what else is a straight upgrade to ankis behavior

deleting it forever

>> No.20710036

i bet you write 薔薇 too fag

>> No.20710038


>> No.20710041

i bet you write わたし

>> No.20710077


>> No.20710133
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>> No.20710156

wow this vids aids i rage quit in like less than 10 seconds


>> No.20710158
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>> No.20710167

touhou rap is where all the real talent is

>> No.20710173

i made it to 30

>> No.20710180

How does that even work?

>> No.20710183

this guy knows whats up

>> No.20710185

can matt's ajatt even be considered language learning? it's like learning to play the piano by memorizing songs one note at a time instead of learning scales, chords, progressions, modes and so on.
in that respect it's no different than laoshu's (moses) methods

>> No.20710187

This one is not that hard to understand lol I have seen worse.

>> No.20710189

What a shitty comparison, how american of you.

>> No.20710207
File: 1.22 MB, 1047x770, Amerishart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the Amerishart meme was real after all...

>> No.20710210

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.20710212

haha dont try to talk about the piano around me ill stain the keys red with ur blood

anyway to answer ur question no anything matt is just high school level trash

>> No.20710278
File: 48 KB, 480x360, The Eternal Dekinai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that playing 12 year old shoujo otome games is not reading and not knowing what 林間学校 or 書 means after 30 years of studying means that you are never gonna make it.

>> No.20710279

How do I immerse when I can’t read yet? It’ll take me at least 3 more months to finish learning 2K Kanji, and another month or two after that to learn VNcore. In the meantime, should I watch raw TV/anime or something?

>> No.20710291

starwoods spaceschool for the motha fucken win

>> No.20710297

Playing Eroge is the best immersion there is.

>> No.20710306

>when I can’t read yet
with that attitude you never will

>> No.20710307

If you don't wanna end up like Jorge-chan the first thing is probably to quit playing baby shit like shoujo otome games and play Eroge like a real man.

>> No.20710312

>learning 2K Kanji
stop this immediately
>learn VNcore
start this immediately
>should I watch anime?

also read manga with furigana

>> No.20710321

10000 hours of anime

It actually works

>> No.20710326

otomege usually take place in tryhard yuropoor settings so i assume they're more difficult to read

>> No.20710328

>It’ll take me at least 3 more months to finish learning 2K Kanji
Please drop kanji study around the 500-1000 mark. You won't remember the meaning of many of those kanji and you won't remember how to write them unless you continue SRSing them for years afterwards. You'll have acquired the ability to stop seeing kanji as random lines long before you do all 2k.

>> No.20710349

Okay I will play Starwoods Spaceschool...

>> No.20710358


>> No.20710378

it's a bit eerie that for some cards, what i actually committed to memory was just the SCREEN associated with it. i'm unable to recognize them in a different context, on a screen that doesn't look like the anki interface anymore

>> No.20710385

pretty typical. it's why reading is important.

>> No.20710388

you need to actually read the card and think about it when you do anki otherwise yeah you are just flashcarding pictures in a sense

>> No.20710397

did you listen to the brainlets who tell you to spend max 3 secs on a cards?

>> No.20710400

This is exactly why reading is very important. Playing visual novel Eroges is a good way to remember all the words that a ゲイ needs.

>> No.20710405

heres how u learn japanese https://streamable.com/e1tbh

>> No.20710408

That said, if my theory is correct, then you don’t need to learn Chinese in order to acquire pitch accent; you can simply train yourself to reach “pitch accent fluency” in Japanese the first time.

what the fuck lmao he is getting paid 2.5k a month to write this

>> No.20710413

thats it im making a patreon

>> No.20710422

you say that all the time, you don't have the guts to do it, pussy.

>> No.20710428

i mean besides the fact that i only do it for free i think any not new fag would understand why im pretty fuckin unlikely to ever register on a site like patreon

>> No.20710429

The main reason I wanted to learn Kanji first was because it made vocab easier for me. I tried doing Kanji and VNcore concurrently, but I have a hard time remembering kanji combinations if I don’t know how to identify them. Once I know the kanji, it’s easy (時間 time + interval/space = hour/period).

>> No.20710435

Daily reminder if you don't do flashcards you're an AJATTer.

>> No.20710442

i was gonna read this shit and then i saw that it was the length of a short story but now you got me interested in how far gone this kid is

>> No.20710445

cuz your a pussy?

>> No.20710447

im stil lsad this guy drunk himself to death and deleted his vids

>> No.20710453

woops forgot link https://streamable.com/x545u

no cuz its fuckin gay

>> No.20710455

it is hard in the beginning. it is really hard in the beginning. but what i want to say is the time you spent learning that 時 means time and 間 means interval independently could have just as well been spent looking at the word 時間 and coming to the same conclusion that it's read じかん and means time

>> No.20710457

>45 minutes
Give me a quick rundown

>> No.20710467

it seems like it works in the beginning but somewhere between 500 and 2k its way faster to focus on words

>> No.20710468

abridged summary here https://streamable.com/hlr5f

use for any other mattvsjapan vids as well

>> No.20710472

when did he say this

>> No.20710475

well you're pretty gay yourself 相当だ

>> No.20710482

this is the source https://massimmersionapproach.com/table-of-contents/stage-3/theory/acquisition-of-pitch-accent/

i didnt read the whole thing i just skipped to the bottom and found that part and loled

>> No.20710486

matt says hes was addicted to numbers that he didnt even comprehend his comprehensible input he just writes down sentences to put into anki later cause ankis the real endgame
so to attempt to address his addiction and have a shot at finally learning nihongo he deleted his deck
he assures all you scrubs that you should do exactly what he did until you get to 10k sentences anyway though because obviously theres nothing wrong with his method

>> No.20710489

Normie doesn't have the discipline to stick to flashcard studying. Claims its too hard for him and that it makes him miserable and that you don’t need to remember uncommon words and just be a semi literate ゲイ that will never master Nihongo.

>> No.20710501

充満 sentences or 芸

>> No.20710515

Hi /djt/. I'm translating a doujin as an amateur, and I have a question.
I'd like to find a better way to phrase the english used in this exchange between two characters.

Character 1:

I'd rather be dead than stay in this world.

(Somewhat later in the doujin) Character 2:

I want you to try to understand...
You're not a person who should ever feel that they would rather be dead.

I'm trying to go for similar phrasing in the English as it is similar in the Japanese, but it comes out sounding awkward to me. Does anyone have any ideas to make it sound better?
Thanks for the assistance.

>> No.20710532
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>> No.20710571

>I'm trying to go for similar phrasing in the English as it is similar in the Japanese, but it comes out sounding awkward to me.

ok i found your problem

>> No.20710577

>I'm trying to go for similar phrasing in the English as it is similar in the Japanese, but it comes out sounding awkward to me.
Coming from a professional translator, this is the biggest mistake amateur translators make and you should abandon this philosophy immediately. There's nothing inherently worth preserving about the sentence structure of the Japanese unless it's crucial to a joke or something. Write the sentence as if it were originally written in English, first and foremost. Readers won't be thankful that the sentences are oddly structured and read poorly, they'll just wish they were reading a better translation. If there's one thing you should keep close to your heart at all times, it's "How would this be written/said in English?", that's a line of thought that will pretty much always guide you to success.

Also you misunderstood the second line, it's "You're not a person who would be better off dead", not "You're not a person who should FEEL that they would be better off dead". The first line is also a very dry translation, it's hard to describe but you cut the ぐらい and わ which provided emotion to the line, meanwhile "I'd rather be dead than stay in this world." is very flat and emotionless.

>> No.20710607

>Also you misunderstood the second line, it's "You're not a person who would be better off dead", not "You're not a person who should FEEL that they would be better off dead".
I understand that "feel" is not something used in the japanese, it was just the phrasing I was forced to use to try and preserve the similar sentence formation in the japanese.

>There's nothing inherently worth preserving about the sentence structure of the Japanese
it's not the sentence structure I'm worried about preserving, moreso the verbage used and the fact that 死んだほうがマシ is the same phrasing. I've already actually considered changing the 2nd line to exactly as you've suggested, "You're not a person who would be better off dead.", but I felt that it should match the first line's meaning of "Rather be dead" instead of "Better off dead", if that makes sense.

>> No.20710613

>it's hard to describe but you cut the ぐらい and わ which provided emotion to the line, meanwhile "I'd rather be dead than stay in this world." is very flat and emotionless.
How would you recommend I change that, then? I can't think of a much better way to make that sound less dry, since "wa" as a sentence end isn't exactly something you translate.

>> No.20710622

that is perfect,your expressions are no problem. Those are speaking way of Japanese, but native speaker don't use it when they write.

>> No.20710641


>> No.20710644
File: 721 KB, 800x600, yr80m0hYDC.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just learn nihongo they said
>it will be better for vidya animu and mangu they said
day 194

>> No.20710654
File: 149 KB, 600x600, Anon BLACKED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why translations are always shit. I feel sad for the brainlets that don't study Nihongo.

>> No.20710662

Keep studying faggot.

>> No.20710664

Neither sentence uses originally "feel" though, you're making it less like the Japanese there so any gains in making it both "rather" would be lost.
Depends on too many things to count, lines like that can't be taken out of context. It's important to think of the character as a whole and develop a voice for them which you use across the board to add emotion/depth to otherwise dry lines. You can't really just look at one individual line and develop a voice just for that one particular line.

>> No.20710675

Alright, so ignoring the dryness in the first line, you'd recommend at the very least changing the second line to "You're not a person who would be better off dead", yeah? at least, that's what makes more sense.

>> No.20710687

i havent watched eva in a long time but its pretty dope to just instinctively know everythnig that pops up there lol

>> No.20710725 [DELETED] 

Unrelated but whites love BBC.

>> No.20710731

ur fuckin ded bro

>> No.20710736 [DELETED] 

every indicator we have of interracial relations indicates white women are the least likely to partake in it but i don't get why you post this here.

>> No.20710759 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 427x532, 僕はゲイ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL salty whitoid detected.

>> No.20710796

is there a page where I can get kanjis by mixing the radicals? google translate or https://kanji.sljfaq.org/ tend to fail me sometimes

top-to-bottom, kinda like this
ケ (well this is katakana. it's the closer i got)

>> No.20710810 [DELETED] 

google translate. there's a button you press and a panel appears and you can write the kanji.

>> No.20710819

>running proprietary js

>> No.20710826

for some reason i missed the fact you specified "google translate" so nvm.

>> No.20710828

what part of
>google translate or https://kanji.sljfaq.org/ tend to fail me sometimes
you failed to understand?

>> No.20710839

that's probably the "hurry" kanji in RTK. thanks RTK.


>> No.20710848

i'll try not to write super complex and complicated sentences in the future lol
kay. it's fine

perfect, that's the one. thank you!

>> No.20710858
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>> No.20710861


>> No.20710901

>reading translations


>> No.20710916

whats wrong w. translations theyre really good in japanese too unlike gross gaijin english tls


>> No.20710923


>> No.20710951
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>> No.20710964
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>reading american garbage
>could have been reading this instead

Being fair, most LNs are not as good as キノ, and even this isn't exactly brilliant writing most of the time, it's just typical YA literature with consistently thought provoking themes.

>> No.20710971
File: 11 KB, 357x218, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it a stroke order problem?

>> No.20711004


>> No.20711007

you got a real pretty kokoro

>> No.20711021

>be spic
>kanpeki pronunciation by default

It feels like I already had the japanese pronuncation pack installed

>> No.20711032



>> No.20711034

is kino genuinely kino or are you biased because i'm about to finish my first VN and i'm not sure what to read next.

>> No.20711050

掛ける is ez
wait till you see 付く

>> No.20711058

Kapenki..... desu yo

That retard didn't have watched 10000 hours of anime

>> No.20711072

kinos isnt exactly trash but this guy who really loves it in 2019 is kinda chotto so ヽ(  ̄д ̄)ノ

>> No.20711085

sugggoi its the real jorge sensei

>> No.20711133

Not him but i liked kino a ton. It's also accessible to beginners because of its format as 'a collection of short stories' so it's more digestible. Some of them are hit and miss, but I would say it's more good than not.

>> No.20711145
File: 35 KB, 350x500, 51PZrrTOHVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino is kino af but again make no mistake, the story being interesting or making you think does not equal it being great writing.

Same concept as reading this piece of shit book, but in reverse. The writing is about as pretty as you can make Japanese without it becoming fucked up/incomprehensible poetry, but the story is cucked bullshit and thank god it's such a short book. The average 異世界 protagonist is more interesting and less shitty than 島村.

>> No.20711152

that's a famous book so you must be wrong. it must be good.

>> No.20711155

I think "story interesting" is more important than "writing good." What does good writing even really mean?

>> No.20711157

>didn't have watched
this guy should'must've watched 10000 hours of films

>> No.20711178
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2019-01-25-12h26m43s606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does good writing even really mean?

nice i like it

>> No.20711181

IS this the thread where i ask how the fuck learn nihongo?
I want to learn because there are so many underrated works that will never get a translation and i feel i am gimping myself.
Are there any youtube channels that make a good explanations of the basics of japanese?

>> No.20711187

How do you know when a word ends?
I mean japanese doesnt have space right?

>> No.20711196

you just need to improve your vocabulary and read more. it naturally becomes easier and easier.

>> No.20711199

by knowing where the next word begins

>> No.20711209

Japanese doesn't have "words".

>> No.20711219

You've gone too far this time anon.

>> No.20711225

No bully

>> No.20711227

japanese is just complete cucked bullshit

>> No.20711241

But i need it to read underrated mangas sadly.
This shit is too hard, why cant it be easy like korean.

>> No.20711243

just like the american language

>> No.20711245

wtf are kotoba and tango then

>> No.20711256

- learn the hiragana/katakana. no, you don't need to be able to write them.
- build some basic foundations in grammar and vocabulary however you want. don't spend more than a month or two on it.
- start reading.

>> No.20711261

Wait, i just need hiragana katakana?
I tought i had to learn kanjis before starting reading.

>> No.20711270

>no, you don't need to be able to write them.
How can you learn a language without being able to write in that language?

>> No.20711278

not gonna make it

>> No.20711280

>Are there any youtube channels that make a good explanations of the basics of japanese?

>> No.20711283

you need to know hiragana to look up kanji readings and katakana for words not written in either hiragana or kanji.
since words are made up of kanji and have different ways of being pronounced based on the context it's better to look up the words in kanji as you go than to study them out of context.

>> No.20711286

There are only 2136 Kanjis to know.
You can learn them in a week

>> No.20711291

>There are only 2136 Kanjis to know.

>> No.20711293
File: 4 KB, 99x83, tango.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't that some kind of dance

>> No.20711296

kanji aren't words and there's a shitton of them why would you learn them before you start reading
just learn them as you go
man im glad i broke my djt ban and responded to you you'd be lost without me

>> No.20711302

I see, thanks.
BTW, how do you even know whether what you are reading is katakana, hiragana or kanji?

>> No.20711305

sorry i should explain this better

there is a word 大事

studying 大 and 事 out of context as having the meaning big and thing respectively isn't going to help you read it as だいじ (daiji) or おおごと (oogoto) depending on the context you see it in and understand the different meanings. so really you can only "learn kanji" is by seeing how they are used and read in real japanese. the only way to do this is to read japanese and look up words as you go

>> No.20711308

you'll know that automatically once you learn the kana

>> No.20711312

btw i read 口コミ as rokomi the first time i saw it lol

>> No.20711319

you're retarded don't even bother trying to learn japanese

>> No.20711320

how long have u been "learning" "nihongo" and how much of this do u understand


>> No.20711328

>japanese is hard

>> No.20711333


>> No.20711341
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>> No.20711350

guys how do you not get burned out? I'm on day 79 of core 50k and i dont think i can take it anymore.

>> No.20711359 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 1000x1000, You will always be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20711364

what grammar points did you have particular trouble with before you got good? i even wanna ask jamal this but he won't give a serious answer.

>> No.20711373
File: 49 KB, 720x540, NIGGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had problems with 私はゲイ。

>> No.20711387
File: 300 KB, 665x492, ゲイ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20711396

in terms of gaijin grammar, the auxillary verbs させる and られる and their linking into させられる because the way i learned initially was so fucked up. thanks genki. japanese is pretty intuitive though as long as you dont poison your mind with stupid english explanations youll figure stuff out with enough input

>> No.20711401

>japanese is intuitive

>> No.20711407

Every single thing I look up in dojg bc the explanations sound like this:
>An infix attached to the stem of an adjective い to indicate something that one cannot objectively measure on any scale (e.g. human emotion).

>> No.20711418

>im glad i broke my djt ban
take my place buddy have a good one

>> No.20711421

To give a less vague answer, しか as in 戸田さんしか煙草を吸わない. My brain always goes "oh he's the only one who DOESN'T smoke" when actually it's the opposite.

>> No.20711423
File: 28 KB, 337x309, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can learn them in a week

>> No.20711435

i dont even know what this means honestly


>> No.20711455

>You can learn japanese in 18 months if you are a dedicated neet

>> No.20711456

How long have you been studying?

>> No.20711461

never ?

>> No.20711469

Go study?

>> No.20711477

>You can
lmao no you dont

>> No.20711489

It's one of those languages you can only learn if you are a baby

>> No.20711498

why ?

>> No.20711502

studying is for nerds just read eroge and watch anime

>> No.20711506

In order to make some gains?

>> No.20711510

No it isnt.
You dont need to know all the kanjiis to speak japanese.

>> No.20711512

Yes do that while studying is the best way.

>> No.20711523

You can surpass George in reading in a year quite easily which is the goal newbies should shoot for.

>> No.20711532

Who is george?

>> No.20711539

Starwoods Spaceschool

>> No.20711558

>decide to shell out bucks for a physical copy of Tobira
>order cancelled
Well fuck me

>> No.20711567

open the door

>> No.20711569

Hereby known as "SS" for short.

>> No.20711571

there is a really high quality scan on the internet for free that is comfy to read.
if i could go back in time i would spend $0 on learning materials and put that all towards japanese books instead

>> No.20711589

If you went back in time you'd be stuck in a period where all of that stuff either a. didnt exist yet or b. wouldn't have been scanned yet/readily available for free yet. You'd have ended up buying it either way

>> No.20711613

How many hours per day should i invest in learning japanese?

>> No.20711617

Most of the ideas of Low Key Anki are good. Anki's spacing model is actually very bad for language related learning, particularly what it does when you fail cards. You can get 80% of the way to the benefits of Low Key Anki by doing the following things without using any addons:

- Setting the review limit to 9999
- Setting the lapse interval factor to something between 10% and 40% (I recommend 20%)
- Never EVER pressing the Easy or Hard buttons
- Suspending or deleting cards you're 100% certain you'll never forget again (like if you see 犬 with a four month interval, and you read a lot, you can just suspend or delete it.)
- Set your default ease to 130 and your interval modifier to 200%. (I have not tested this. In theory, it should be almost equivalent to making the "Again" button not affect card eases, which is a good change to make.)

This is not the complete Low Key Anki experience, but it should get you 80% of the way there. If you want, you can also set the minimum lapse interval - the day value, not the lapse factor - to something like 2 days. Or your normal minimum interval.

>> No.20711643

Very tired of seeing various strategies for avoiding learning japanese given capitalized names. Lazy Kanji, Low Key Anki, etc goddd just stfu matt

>> No.20711646

oh yeah btw matt's interval modifier bullshit is actual literal bullshit with no experimental or mathematical backing pulled out of anki's manual where it has no explanation or justification, frankly anki's developer should be ashamed

why the fuck would matt be posting that shit

it's a copypasta from an earlier djt

>> No.20711650

Seems like shit he would write up and people love posting his blabberings here for him so it checks out

>> No.20711652

>Most of the ideas of Low Key Anki are good
matt would never construct a sentence like this, he's too much of an arrogant asshole

>> No.20711659

or just use supermemo

>> No.20711664

supermemo is worse than anki

>> No.20711666

It’s not really about morality, it’s about about wanting a physical book, I can’t into e-books at all, otherwise I would totally have a Tobira scan downloaded

>> No.20711681

Why is it necessary to use anki?

>> No.20711687

It's at the bottom of maslow's hierarchy of needs together with water food shelter and wifi

>> No.20711692

anki is not necessary next question

>> No.20711694

Hey bros if i am a spic and visit japan will i suffer murder?

>> No.20711696

belonging is more important than shelter prove me wrong

>> No.20711697

who said it was you falseflagger

>> No.20711706
File: 754 KB, 1000x1500, radical fingerpainting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my work here is done farewell djt i hope you someday graduate from being a collection of idiots repeating misinformation arguing with people who accidentally learned japanese

>> No.20711715

>people who accidentally learned japanese
How is that even possible?
English ok, but japanese?

>> No.20711719

Please don't leave me here

>> No.20711720

Does it work?

>> No.20711729
File: 1.12 MB, 907x682, 1453093197582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Hero Departs

Jikkyou is his body and boiro is his blood
He has created over a thousand arguments
Unknown to Reading,
Nor known to Learning.

So as I pray, Unlimited Shitpost Works

>> No.20711754

cringe af desu

>> No.20711758

>i don't know what this means ah bukkake
strange sentence

>> No.20711762

i like bukake

>> No.20711778

IDIOTS buchake and bukkake are totally different... god

>> No.20711784

so does your mom.

>> No.20711830


>> No.20711835

if i was a girl id like it more too

>> No.20711925

omg wtf rikaichan are you shitting me

>> No.20711977

>Stuck in a world like this you'd be better of dead.
>will you understand just this for me? your not some kind of person who would be better of dead

>> No.20712000


>> No.20712055

How many years should I study to understand shimoneta?

>> No.20712077
File: 401 KB, 853x480, vlcsnap-2019-01-25-14h14m34s049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20712118
File: 171 KB, 442x442, らいおんきんぐ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is らいおんきんぐ and his Spanish studies doing? Has he given up on it yet just like he gave up on Nihongo?

>> No.20712127


>> No.20712140
File: 119 KB, 455x651, uchinomajou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I posted this

>>20700843 >>20700843 >>20700843

And while I mostly kept my vow of not coming to 4chan besides one time, I must break it now because I'm going to drop this book. About 100 pages in and I'm starting to have to force myself to go forward. I just can't find any interest in this type of self-insert bland MC tragic sick girl love story. However, my strategy of pronouncing to jaypee what I am going to read without coming here helped, as I felt shame for wanting to come shitpost and instead forged ahead. I'm going to switch to this book now, and hopefully with your support I will conquer it. Thank you in advance friends.

>> No.20712141


>> No.20712150

How do I unsubscribe to this blog?

>> No.20712151

delete 4chan

>> No.20712154


>> No.20712155

yea i really hate blogposting and prefer eceleb posting and that one unfunny retard who keeps bringing up the lion shit.

>> No.20712167
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>> No.20712175
File: 237 KB, 1280x960, Retarded Faggot's Suicide Note.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like to make fun of retards. That is what DJT is for.

>> No.20712250

A one word sentence card is still a sentence card

>> No.20712265

what exactly is the context of this?

did somebody post it and claim to be a teacher in japan or something? did somebody post it and claim to be lion king kikuchi?

>> No.20712337

ah the class roster very status quo

>> No.20712369

I'm gonna name my kid something traditional like 忍

>> No.20712389
File: 38 KB, 402x446, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20712459
File: 141 KB, 268x402, Lion King.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one who created and posted this is the らいおんきんぐ. He basically claims that this is real. He might still be here although he did say he gave up on Japanese and went studying Spanish instead. Just another dumb Eternal Dekinai faggot.

>> No.20712502
File: 1 KB, 87x22, getting there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I'm starting subconsciously recognizing kanji I've learned before and using the readings I know to remember new words.
I might make it bros.

>> No.20712517

i only know 1k words and that already happens to me

>> No.20712524
File: 148 KB, 1440x808, dea48e84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is I, lighto.

>> No.20712529

Yeah, that's the 6k/2k deck so I'm at 1k words too.
So this is the point where this starts to get easy.

>> No.20712579

let's be honest here... a average japanese knows 2136 kanji (and their combination)?

>> No.20712594

it is わたし、ゲイ

>> No.20712623

This is some Jorge-Chan logic here.

>> No.20712624

i read 80 pages in oreimo 2 today where is my ご褒美

>> No.20712630


>> No.20712633

Here is your reward *unzips pants*

>> No.20712641
File: 59 KB, 604x509, 1536013149688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok carubin.

>> No.20712650

whydo we pick on jorge sans nihongo he can do what he needs to do with it which is like a shit load of normie shit u guys need to find a real ass otaku ninja to fuck with

>> No.20712658

I think that probably the reason matt came to hate japan and japanese media is because even after like ten years of "studying" it he can still barely understand anything

>> No.20712660

do you really think he could read that much tho

>> No.20712664

How the fuck do you guys even read kanji on 4chan? That shit is so small I can’t tell what the fuck it is unless I’m in my phone.

>> No.20712666

We hate normies and his Nihongo is shit. There is a reason why he is a interpreter and not a translator.

>> No.20712671
File: 179 KB, 608x819, Neo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20712674

i think it's because western media is just better and the best japanese material gets translated and those translations are good enough.

>> No.20712686

By replacing your 12" monitor grandpa

>> No.20712689

You might want to get your eyes checked?

And yes, some kanji get very compressed and barely recognizable. However, once you get used to it seeing it multiple times you can read it with no problem.

>> No.20712707

hold ctrl and scroll up on your mouse's scrollwheel.

>> No.20712709

Serious question. How long did matt study Japanese?

>> No.20712712

i really believe this but there is a certain autistic thrill to consuming the media in the language it was made in

>> No.20712716

I have two moniters, a 24” and a 32"

I mean i wear glasses and just got a new pair last month. I have no problem telling them apart when theyre big enough but i have to CTRL+ once or twice to read them here.

>> No.20712717


>> No.20712719

i give him like 5 pages before he just caves and buys back his computer graphics card and videogaming joystick

>> No.20712722

A "4K" 3840x2160 27" monitor at 175-200% desktop scaling is the least everyone should have generally. It doesn't have to be expensive.

>> No.20712723

I think it's fair to pick on George from zero kara hajimeru nihongo because he takes the position of a teacher but is full on garbage at it. That video where he "analyzes" the nihongo in the gravure model video has him mishear a couple things within the first minute, and he barely has the requisite knowledge to explain boob sizes.

His comprehension of spoken japanese isn't terrible, but it's not anywhere close to good either, even in the context of him being a stupid old guy who does boring normie shit all the time. It's like C+ level. He's got a lot of weird gaijin tics from learning kanji super late too, like using RTK keywords to translate kanji compounds, which is fucking weird considering he's supposed to have been a professional interpreter.

>> No.20712729

Just read more and then you have no problem. Are you a beginner?

>> No.20712736

I spent my money on 1980p@144hz instead.

>> No.20712742

*1080p, not 1980

>> No.20712749

otoh he also knows a bunch of other languages and procreated

>> No.20712758

>not wagahai

>> No.20712764

4k more like 4gay 4head

>> No.20712767

People calling him dumb isn't a jealousy thing, he's just dumb.

>> No.20712776

at least hes dumb and doesnt pretend to be smart like someone else we all know and love

>> No.20712779

At best he is a garbage tier interpreter only able to interpret the most basic baby conversations. And yet, His followers that watch him interpret don't understand Nihongo and think he is interpreting very good while actually they talk baby shit all the time. And George is probably shitty at it too. And yet, He earned so much money selling retarded weebs textbooks.

>> No.20712788

>aru when you could use gozaru

>> No.20712794

the hilarious thing is vjg is free and better and ppl still buy bad hackneyed content from hack ass creators

>> No.20712797

He kind of does though. He makes content aimed at teaching people shit just like Matt Bender. I don't see the functional difference.

>> No.20712802

Thats samurai talk. 我 and である get used together all the time in media.

>> No.20712808

Why are normies so dumb? You probably think this kid is legit too. Literally George tier retarded.

>> No.20712810

>gozaru when you could use なり

>> No.20712811

How shitty is JapanesePod101? They just want you to buy their stuff

>> No.20712819
File: 317 KB, 2518x1024, です.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20712820

lmfao how do u even find this tripe

>> No.20712823

No just no.

>> No.20712824

>he also knows a bunch of other languages
He only "knows" Korean and considering his Japanese isn't great we can assume his Korean is significantly worse.

>> No.20712841

I found it in the past randomly.

He is telepathic and knows more than 5 languages including Japanese.

*The kid reads a flashcard with 緑 as みどい and her braindead mother be like yeah midoi very good!!!*


>> No.20712843

Congratulations on the least intelligent comment of the month award.

>> No.20712854

maybe u can just only learn japanese if ur 4 years old and telepathic lol

>> No.20712861


Hah. Look at that you guys. This is proof that I'm fluent in Japanese!!! *Jorge-Chan logic*

>> No.20712881

for what its worth thats tied with one other post for best nihongo in the thread

>> No.20712883


>> No.20712890

That's jamal logic.

>> No.20712900

no its not ill tell u why there is no logic to anything i post i just say whatever

>> No.20712904

>radicals all 女(じょ)

>> No.20712928
File: 1.97 MB, 1172x1416, 黒手.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. I'm not a Jamal fan. However, I bet 100% Jamal's Nihongo is way much better than that off Jorge-Chan. If you really pick Jorge-Chan over Jamal then you will not make it...

>> No.20712934

How many fucking times are you going to post this stupid image lmao at this rate you're gonna get in trouble for avatarfagging

>> No.20712935

Kanji is art.

>> No.20712937

man can u stop posting that im sick of that dudes gross ass pubes

>> No.20712945


>> No.20712947

do you never look in your own pants?

>> No.20712954
File: 40 KB, 300x200, Safe Hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20712986

how can you tell if someone actually knows japanese?

>> No.20712991

just ask them ? im sure theyll tell u the truth and not be weird about it haha

>> No.20712998

do you know japanese

>> No.20713000

the only way to know is to be better at japanese than they are thats why i dont know if matt actually knows japanese or not

>> No.20713009
File: 62 KB, 680x822, PICCOLO'D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp I'm off to bed.

>> No.20713010
File: 33 KB, 482x394, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20713012

Is it possible to study Kanji just with the radical approach?

>> No.20713017

I might be retarded but what's the difference between 行きませんでした and 行かなかった?

>> No.20713029

what do u think the difference is lets start there

>> No.20713034

the first one uses ません and でした to make it sound more polite than the second one which uses なかっ and た ordinarily

>> No.20713035

Not really because of kanji compound words. However, radicals are extremely important because even in Japanese schools when they teach Kanji they also teach all the Radicals as well. This way you can remember it better or if you forgot the reading of a kanji you can guess the Kanji by looking at its radicals and then apply the correct on or kun yomi reading.

>> No.20713040

i meant desi and ta hhehe yurusite

>> No.20713042

行きませんでした is the increased formality variant which they would use in e.g. processions of the imperial court and 行かなかった is the traditional variant for peasants and working folk.

>> No.20713047
File: 51 KB, 491x585, 1513187022889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>なかっ and た

>> No.20713050

also 行き is in renyoukei and 行か is in mizenkei conjugation

>> No.20713053

Oh, i got fucking confused because usually Tae Kim doesn't use grammar in his guides that hasn't been introduced yet so when i read 行きませんでした in his Compound Sentences lesson i got fucking confused and started questioning my life

>> No.20713054

And also don't forget that でした is just the past tense of です

>> No.20713057

this is as far as im willing to go for u knuckleheads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSAyBoMImaQ#t=15

>> No.20713060

u are cute but you need to put a sock in it

>> No.20713062

行きませんでした is the negative form of 行きます
行かなかった is the negative form of 行く
that's it

>> No.20713064

*past negative

>> No.20713066

Hey fagboys lmao

Can you please recommend me some stuff where an English speaker translates every sentence as they read something in Japanese that way I don’t need to look everything up myself please

>> No.20713067

you forgot the past tense :]

>> No.20713069

yeah here you go lol https://youtu.be/bzIp2PtS-Wk

>> No.20713070 [DELETED] 

So i have to study all 200 radicals, then all kanji isolated and then all the vocabulary? Damn
That image that was posted in the last thread said not to learn all Kanj individually that is stupid

>> No.20713079 [DELETED] 

Also, is it very important "to write" in order to learn japanese? Can you just watch/read kanji?

>> No.20713081

not this titty bitch again

why does 3d stir up such disgust in me

>> No.20713082

>3840x2160 27" monitor at 175-200%
my condolences about your vision

>> No.20713084

How do you guys remember grammar rules? When i read shit it's often gibberish because i forgot some random grammar. It never sticks ;_;

>> No.20713089

i feel you

>> No.20713090

>the negative form of 行きます

>> No.20713094

just read books ftw

>> No.20713095

read more nihongo and less grammar explanations

>> No.20713096

read more

>> No.20713100
File: 102 KB, 1326x702, feel the epic win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20713103

it might sound funny but that's 100% on point literally exactly what it is
~ません is the negative of the aux verb ~ます

>> No.20713109

what i dont get is why u guys picked both of them apart into pieces instead of just compared the 2 statements ヽ(  ̄д ̄)ノ

>> No.20713115

Okay guys i'm not kidding here
I'm gonna paypal 2000$ to the person who rerecords all of Cure-Dolly's video audio with their own voice (matching in time with what is said in the videos of course) and uploads them as audio tracks so i can watch these grammar videos without having to endure """her""" voice. I know i could just watch with audio off and subtitles on but i have ADHD or something

>> No.20713120

yeah but you said the negative of ikimasu in your original post

>> No.20713128

money cant buy u nihongo

>> No.20713132

i stopped watching this pretty early when i saw it last thread but i want to report that i just scrolled a bit later to ~40 mins and this guy can't even pick up the word コンセプト and then it takes him like 5 rewinds and a few minutes of fucking around on google translate and jisho to piece together the simple reply the girl gives afterward

its like watching a beginner what the fuck

>> No.20713136

that wasn't my post and i put the cool tildes there for a reason

>> No.20713146

lmfao ok i cant defend jorge anymore even ironically https://streamable.com/cp62l

starwoods spaceschool and now this its just too much dude i cant lmfao

>> No.20713147

he's an entrepreneur who got rich af selling beginner japanese books with anime covers on them. i don't think he has any real teaching qualifications besides his personal experience but that's self employment for you he knows what he is doing 100%

>> No.20713165

I just happened to scroll there before reading this post and it sounded like she said ハイキングくれちゃった

>> No.20713193

I hope so, haven't been following the guy so I can't say either way but it's sad to think a guy like this could think he has pretty good japanese

what's bad is there's a solid amount of weebs and larpers watching & reading his stuff who think he does, and that they will also have good japanese if they absorb his content and get to his level, but at least (hopefully) none of them are budding entrepreneurs or cult leaders

>> No.20713208

he still figured out what it meant

>> No.20713227

george tells his followers to try a wide variety of methods and has said "hey you should try input for several months just to see if it works". but then he advocates doing pointless stuff. and i haven't read jfz but i'm guessing it just covers the basics like any grammar resource, so he's probably not worse than anyone else but it's still surprising to me how much difficulty he has with simple text and audio.

>> No.20713228

i guess i can still defend jorge

at least hes comfortable saying he doesnt know to his customers and the internet at large when he doesnt know something so common that was well enunciated like that

how do u get by as an interpreter when u cant even deal with that tho i shudder at the thought lol

>> No.20713239

also compare to a guy like mott binder who instead of acknowledging he cant read words in muramasa just makes up readings for every single one of them while trying to maintain his farce

>> No.20713247

>just makes up readings
you ever think he just genuinely thought they were something else?

>> No.20713248

>but at least (hopefully) none of them are budding entrepreneurs or cult leaders
matt seems like a pretty nice guy if you pay to talk to him and you are better than him at nihongo hell push you to be more like him plenty of patreon dolla for everyone he might even take it to the next level with you if your hair screams that you too have experience with toilets
>at least hes comfortable saying he doesnt know
definitely respect him for that and thats also why i think hes not a self aware scammer hes just genuinely unaware after all people have paid him for his abilities

>> No.20713252

lmao did matt really make up readings in that video? thats too much

>> No.20713254

nope cuz he rehearsed them that way effectively doubling down on his aids

>> No.20713261

video+timestamp onegaisyimasu

>> No.20713263

>he rehearsed them that way
so he had time to rehearse them and look up the actual readings, but upon realizing "i have no idea how this is read" he decided "i'm just gonna make this up and no one will know"? or alternatively he rehearsed and thought he knew what the readings were but was wrong?

please listen to yourself.

>> No.20713269

its amazing the oversights u make when ur too full of urself

: )

>> No.20713270

Nah, people can't possibly make mistakes, it's all part of the plan.

>> No.20713276

yall gotta remember thats how matt inputs
he runs his eyes over shit he cant understand and guesses readings and saves some sentences from his ipad to investigate and add to anki later
he directly said himself that he rehearsed that video so its up to you to decide what to make of that

>> No.20713283

In order to read as smoothly as possible I kept trying to keep my eyes ahead of my mouth, and it looks like this lead my brain's predictive abilities to fail me a few times: I read "機能" as "状態" and "外し" as "躱し". Also pronounced "村" as "むね" one time....

do you get it now? it's because his brain's predictive abilities failed him due to keeping his eyes in front of his mouth

>> No.20713289

he was obviously focused 100% on his *tries not to laugh* pitch accent *lmaos* because as long as he sounds convincing who cares

>> No.20713296

hontoo nara ookii
its not even about convincing he just wants to sound like what he imagines some kinda fuckin samurai or somethin would sound like cause that would be wicked sick and really complete his journey to nihonjin ni naritai

>> No.20713301

Humn. Reading English is IQ dependent. If your IQ is at least moderate, you can read a sentence at a glance, and reading out loud is very smooth. Your eyes are way ahead of your mouth. But weaker people read slowly and don't make good narrators.

The same must apply to Japanese people and language, and doubly so to those learning it as a second language.

>> No.20713304

please dont give yous to iq posters resist the urge

>> No.20713308

he only became "redpilled" on the topic of pitch accent after making that video

you should be able to tell because his pitch accent is complete bollocks

>> No.20713310
File: 67 KB, 780x328, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20713318

he didn't begin studying pitch accent much until after that video iirc. really sick of you hating on my homeboy.

>> No.20713322

i'm going to spend an hour or so reading baldo sky!

>> No.20713324

>to glimpse my ability
love it i hope he never stops

>> No.20713336

Me too, the amount of seething in this thread brightens up my day.

>> No.20713337

Why do people meme that japanese is unlearnable unless you a kid?

>> No.20713342

>I can't learn it so it must be impossible, it can't be my fault

>> No.20713343

we sure like to joke about him but there's for sure something messed up with the guy's head

he's somehow chained his ability to speak japanese on his channel behind a perceived barrier of "cringe" i.e. he is basically too embarrassed and narcissistic to actually use the language his cult is built around

>> No.20713345

ive glimpsed matts ability to sort of read the intro to muramasa after practicing hard everyday for a month

so i bring u the next level https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SW8-KfItpdQ#t=156

>> No.20713351

if you have to imagine that to smile its all good as long as were all smilin
sometimes i feel a little bad laughin

>> No.20713362

i was gonna play it at someone's recommendation and cuz jamal told me i never would but then i saw gameplay and realized there was probably too much i wouldn't be able to understand, and too much which probably wouldn't work with a texthooker, so jamal was right.

>> No.20713364

We have excellent learners like Nick who have verified Matt's superiority so there's really nothing for him to prove.

>> No.20713366

How hard is japanese compared to english?
I know i can be recognized as a ESL by the way i construct sentences but my english is good enough to read books and comunicate.
I have learned it with my videogame english and reading books and searching unknown words.
How much harder would that be with japanese?

>> No.20713367

thats not the kind of right i wanna be tho : (

can u just do something about it and play ballr sky anyway ill teach u how to do a sick combo with the giant robot

>> No.20713371

theres languages that are like english by default and then there are languages that really are not until you learn them and find out maybe they kind of are like japanese

>> No.20713373

nick might be more messed up in the head than matt if you can even believe that

>> No.20713374

at least his nihongos better even if hes perma cucked

>> No.20713385

the gameplay menus are pretty dense but the gameplay itself is both simple and skippable (i think it's skippable anyway)

>> No.20713392

dont skip playing the fuckin game

playing is important

like how u play with urself

>> No.20713393

Depends what your native language is.

>> No.20713396

How much time do you guys think i need to get the basics to read a LN(GS)

>> No.20713400

i mean im not gonna because i'm a "gamer" who also gets his dick hard from looking at mecha so it's win/win for me

>> No.20713409
File: 35 KB, 551x473, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my gamers

genkis in the chat i know u got em

>> No.20713417

My uncle from a third world country (insane third world tier) is a professor at some uni in Nagoya and is fluent in Japanese. If he made it..we are all gonna make it.

>> No.20713422


>> No.20713424

classism and socioeconomic status are independent of nihongo

much like jesus nihongo will accept u if u just have faith the size of a mustard seed

>> No.20713429

do you guys think matt actually understands 学問のすゝめ or just shadows it with his voice without paying attention to the words

>> No.20713431

and watch ur 10000 hours of eng subbed anime

>> No.20713433

Do japanese like black people?

>> No.20713436

ive seen some porno covers that seem to indicate this to be possible

>> No.20713442

depends on how fast you want to read it.
If you don't mind going slow a week.

>> No.20713446

What’s with that guy that never uses commas or punctuation or capitalizes anything? Why does he seem to be on here 24/7? Creeps me out.

>> No.20713455

You mean like how Nukemarine read and recorded all of Tae Kim's lessons on YouTube?

>> No.20713456

if u want my サイン just ask

>> No.20713459

there are babies that were born today who are less new than you jesus christ

>> No.20713461
File: 181 KB, 952x640, vKCcnlJYNl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

under 2 hours a day doing 50 new words per/day.. shits easy yo

>> No.20713481

>If you don't mind going slow a week.
What do you mean by this?
btw i am a neet so i can easily study for 2 hours with no worries.

>> No.20713484

if you don't mind reading slow in the beginning

>> No.20713487

how many exposures to 颯爽 do i need before i can remember its reading

>> No.20713488

are you suggesting this can be avoided

>> No.20713493

theres slow and then theres slow

>> No.20713496

I mean that in a week you can learn hiragana and basic grammar and you can google/jisho the rest as you read.

>> No.20713509

Yen press takes too long to translate shit.
Also, is duoling good for learning japanese?

>> No.20713524

Like two dude those are pretty distinct kanji

>> No.20713527

I tried the 'just start reading' meme in the beginning and it failed me hard. I did it for a month and didn't notice much. I went back to minimal reading (like an hour or two) and anki for 2 hours, and watch shit. Just read if you want to read rediculously slow, not understand anything, and maybe you'll be different. Warning from me though I think you should do VNcore than mine words till 5000 and then maybe start focusing on reading.

>> No.20713532

Okay, simple characteres i can read, but this shit is impossible to read for me, its too small.

>> No.20713546

there's "reading" and then there's reading

>> No.20713548

maybe i should use srs for kanji readings after all. i think ive had 3 exposures to the word and forget the reading every time. maybe i wont forget it this time though

>> No.20713553

Be warned, it will be extremely slow.
Yeah, doing anki reps will make the learning process faster but he asked how quickly he can start reading which is when he can read the characters and understand basic sentence structure.

>> No.20713559

I mean apparently everybody has their own way tat works best so you have to test the waters and see what works for you. I like srs. You still have to hear and read the words for them to be aquired but the instant access databanks in your head make it easy for me at least.

>> No.20713563

There is "shitposting" and then there's shitposting.

>> No.20713579

Problem is he won't be able to read kanji, and there will be plenty of sentences that are not basic. You guys shouldn't sell snake oil.

If you're in a rush to understand shit that doesn't get translated it probably means you're missing the proper motivation. You don't want to learn japanese, you just want to know japanese. No one like that is getting anywhere.

>> No.20713599

If the thing he's reading has furigana he can just jisho the words.

>> No.20713601

True. Motivation is like 99% of it. It's one of the most difficult things you could learn and spend years of your life on. You don't get that kind of willpower for some earlier subs.

>> No.20713603

Ppl really out here recommending "jisho every word in the sentence and then try to guess the meaning" huh lol

>> No.20713614

How can you learn the proper stroke order and how write kanji with flashcard game?

>> No.20713616

Yes, that's the level one of reading a foreign language.

>> No.20713635

Because fuck that. That will slow down my aquisition rates. I just want to read and watch stuff better and faster. I'm trying build a neural bridge between me and the language. I'll worry about how pretty I draw it out in 5 years.

>> No.20713636

Not everything is translated tough, there are some jewels that wont ever get translated.

>> No.20713654


>> No.20713681
File: 114 KB, 694x256, furigana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it mean when the furigana is completely wrong like this? Are they trying to be funny or make a pun or something?

>> No.20713682

Being OK with translated media is the #1 sign of someone who will never learn Japanese. That's the red flag here. It's hidden in the "I want to read it now and not when it gets translated in X years" mentality.

>> No.20713688

it's an epic japan exclusive literary technique, the kanji is the hidden/implied meaning and the furigana is what gets said out loud

>> No.20713691

You don't have to be autistic to learn a foreign language.

>> No.20713706

I mean, japanese never hand write stuff?
Some people say strokes order is very important to remember Kanji, others say it's pointless if you can arrange the complete Kanji in your own way

>> No.20713711
File: 641 KB, 1280x720, 1535041817199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks japanese is just another foreign language
>he doesn't know

>> No.20713713

my reason for learning japanese is much more genuine than yours pfft

>> No.20713714

Oh so the author is just being a cutesy faggot. That sucks. I thought this was going to be pretty good reading material but if it's full of incorrect furigana I'm not going to fuck myself over like that.

>> No.20713720

The stroke ourder is important on like 90% of them but not always. But the stroke order is a non problem when you learn the rules to it, it's kind of obvious to me.

>> No.20713725

t. haven't given up on nihongo despite fitting your description

>> No.20713731

Honey you've got a big storm coming lmgao (laughing my gay ass off) that type of thing is in the vast majority of japanese text especially otaku media and if you hate that shit you should quit now and go back to reading translations

>> No.20713733

it's kind of how 超電磁砲 is said as レールガン. It's not a cutesy thing it's just how japanese is. The kanji is the clue not the spoken word. Watch overlord like 50 words do that because they're from rpg's.

>> No.20713741

It's not about having a fanatic weeb devotion to Japanese, it's just that the two languages are not compatible. You can't get what you have in the original Japanese replicated in English. The only significant motivation for spending years consuming untranslated content comes from the place inside you that wants to know what your anime bitches are *actually* saying, not just a rewording in your native language, and if you're too dull to have a part of you that wants that, you're just going to end up a langauge LARPer.

Good luck.

>> No.20713754
File: 23 KB, 320x321, ans-82574793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i learned how to write kanji with "proper" stroke order and dont regret it.
my memory of some of the components i dont have to write often are kind of 曖昧 but i dont care anymore since i only write into handwriting recognition software that is stroke order agnostic. i dont give a fuck about the different first two stroke orders of 右 and 左 or what is the first stroke in 凸 is.
i have seen japanese people write kanji with incorrect stroke order not giving a fuck at all and i have seen japanese people erase entire kanji and rewrite it with the proper stroke order and apologize for mistaking it before even though the end result looks the same.
it seems like its a lawful/chaotic alignment type thing

>> No.20713774

>i dont give a fuck about the different first two stroke orders of 右 and 左
These two are extremely intuitive, they just alternate directions to be easier to write because 工 and 口 start opposite.

>> No.20713775

can you learn stroke order and radicals with Anki?
Can you manually write Kanj from your pc?
Do they use that program in universities too?

>> No.20713779

Generally as a rule you need at least 2 of these to stand a chance at getting fluent. If you just love the culture you might make it to near fluency.
1. An obsession with japanese culture
2. An opsession with japanese women
3. An obsession to work in/with japan

This is a marathon not a race. Motivation is everything.

>> No.20713781

>incorrect furigana
its extremely common and not going to hurt you read more

>> No.20713785

i dont care i just write it how i feel at that very moment epic style

i just wrote each kanji on genkouyousi 5-10 times every day for a while

>> No.20713789

you can narrow that down, 2 doesn't have anything to do with the language, and if you have 3 you probably also have 1 so 3 doesn't need to be there

>> No.20713792

those are warning signs youre gonna end up like my boy matt over there who regrets what hes done after realizing that nipponguni aint wonderland
if you want to make it you just need to love eroge and anime

>> No.20713809

>i just wrote each kanji on genkouyousi 5-10 times every day for a while
Each Kanji you know 5-10 times? How much does it take?

>> No.20713813

Or you just need discipline

>> No.20713825

if you think you need discipline you aint gonna make it

>> No.20713839

do anime women count?

>> No.20713850

damn i don't have any of those. i don't even love japanese media that much albeit i partially feel that understanding stuff in the original language would be a bit more rewarding.

>> No.20713899

its the media that sunk your ship time to pack up

>> No.20713902

can i still post here? i love jp djt's culture.

>> No.20713905

That was a test and you passed it.

>> No.20713909

im gonna make it!

>> No.20713910

yes but you're demoted and from now on you can only post わたしはゲイ and "you don't know japanese"

>> No.20713919

if you had any chance of making it you would be in the wrong place but it sounds like you qualify
no ranks here were all equally ゲイ

>> No.20713923
File: 92 KB, 600x600, Gun10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to buy 250 anki cards?
That'll be $50.

>> No.20713928

How do I upgrade my djt account to gold so I can finally post できない with kanji?

>> No.20713958

you already can you need to pay to post 出切ない though

>> No.20713990 [DELETED] 

What happens if I post 弟気ない

>> No.20713991

O* v**

>> No.20714066


>> No.20714078

Stop using these features. In 2 years time I have never seen it work. Just stick to googles online handwriting tool (The offline one sucks)

>> No.20714092

doesn't his screenshot indicate it worked?

>> No.20714133

hush my child and let him spread his wisdom

>> No.20714472

My listening has severely lagged behind my reading. Any good, interesting recommendations? 4000 passive vocab if it matters.

>> No.20714478

8 years in which he has read 10 books and watched 3000 episodes of anime

>> No.20714484


>> No.20714487

I think he claims he did AJATT for a year and became fluent but he intentionally ignores how long he's studied before that because he wants to make AJATT (and by extension his knockoff) sell as much as possible. He's probably studied for 3-5 years before AJATT.

>> No.20714508

Any tips for an absolute begginers
Like, i just finally got the courage to try and learn, i have no idea where begin.

>> No.20714519


>> No.20714539

>I think he claims he did AJATT for a year and became fluent
no he doesn't you fucking retard. he said it wasn't until his 3rd year of AJATT where he felt he reached the point of fluency.

>> No.20714540

how about you google "learn japanese" and take it from there

>> No.20714555

Thing is, there are many sites that give directions, but i heard from anons that many of these guides are flawed and can fuck up my learning.

>> No.20714561

Learn kana
Breeze through tae kim
Do a bit of core (optional)
Read and mine
Now you know nihongo have fun

>> No.20714565

I was trying to fit in to the Japanese thread on /int/... but my Japanese is not good enough. I'll just have to post here with the other dekinai.

>> No.20714566

>4000 passive vocab
What does this mean and how can you read with so few words? I'm around 10k (matured in Anki's donkey thanks to flashtarding) and I can't do shit -- or at least that's the kimochi I motsu.

>> No.20714577

Please, how do you use a verb as an explanation. Please take できる for example。Let's say someone says my Japanese is odd. Do I just say, できないんだ?

>> No.20714586

You can't fuck up, learning Japanese isn't like building a house, it's like pushing a boulder down a hallway. There's only one way to do it and it's really fucking simple, just listen and read to a shit ton of Japanese.

Use google to look up anything you don't know or can't figure out.
How do I read? What does X mean? Google knows the answer.
Also use common sense, like comparing reliable sources and not trusting shitty redditors.

>> No.20714600

your english is odd

>> No.20714612
File: 1020 KB, 500x373, 1421551487847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No doubt sir, but I'm a native speaker.

>> No.20714626

>Getting this angry that your cult is attacked
Sorry I don't watch all of Matt's videos through 10 times each the day they release and I don't take notes. I must have confused it because he always does "1 year progress report" videos.

Because most authors have certain words that they use a lot. For example, NHK news. After I mined 1000 words from NHK news, most articles only have 1 or 2 new words tops. Same goes for Aesop's Fables.

>> No.20714639

Sorry I forgot the other part of your question. Passive vocab means words you recognize but can't fluently produce yourself. It's natural to have a much higher passive vocabulary than an active one, even in your native language. My active vocab is probably only 1500-2000. It doesn't matter because input is how you learn anyway.

>> No.20714643


>> No.20714646

>because he always does "1 year progress report" videos.
post one. you're probably confusing britvsjapan and mattvsjapan because you're a retard that only watched his videos 9 times. smdh.

>> No.20714673

Imagine being so brainwashed that you think someone is a retard for not knowing your youtuber trivia.

>> No.20714684

Imagine being a retard making up shit about someone then getting defensive when you get called out on it. Matt does lots of stupid stuff, no need to add lies to give his cult something to honestly defend.

>> No.20714685

guys, how about we learn some matt sama facts instead of fighting

matt-sama started AJATT in the second half of 2011, which has been documented in his fc2 blog and the reddit post where he was looking for study buddies. speaking of that reddit post, it was made in mid 2015 and by that time matt sama had already reach a level of "beyond fluent" much to everyone's surprise, no one was ready to see what he had become.

>> No.20714687

About the same but you learn them the exact same way. Only thing is with Japanese there's no way to know a reading for sure without looking it up. English is the same way with pronunciations. In the end you get used to the patterns. English has more exceptions but I would think the spoken language is easier to understand because the words are more distinct.

>> No.20714697

If I take time out of my day to link you some will you kill yourself and rid the world of your presence?

>> No.20714700 [DELETED] 


>> No.20714772

Can I replace the 10000 hours of anime with 10000 hours of AV?

>> No.20714781

if i mine ten whole japanese books for n+1 sentences will i also have a passive vocabulary larger than the average native adult

>> No.20714811


That's all I've got for you tonight.

>> No.20714825
File: 366 KB, 2224x116, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning english words through japanese nukige every day.

>> No.20714969

you will only get good at hearing 気持ちいい and 一杯出して

>> No.20715062

what's the difference between listing nouns with と and で?

>> No.20715086


>> No.20715133

Doesn't と mean ~"and" while で means ~"at"?

>> No.20715184

How do you guys write in japanese and english at the same time?
Do you have some special keyboard?

>> No.20715200

Why does Japanese have so many borrowed English words for basic things? For example レストラン.

>> No.20715221

>borrowed english words
now try the borrowed chinese ones

>> No.20715226

That I can understand since they originally had Chinese roots.

>> No.20715233

You know that restaurant comes from French, right?

>> No.20715240

every language has borrowed words from eachother, if you think japanese is bad, try learning a germanic or romance language, you dumbass anglosphere faggot

>> No.20715245

Because they're cucks.

>> No.20715258

Why so angry?

>> No.20715312

Except nipland is an island on the other side of the world. I blame Francisco Xavier.

>> No.20715333
File: 196 KB, 1600x1067, JD1C0231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of expensive, but I'm glad that I got one. How else woud you even type 日本語?

>> No.20715341

Fucking seriously now.

>> No.20715359

Obviously they don't all fit on just one of those. But you for starters you can just get the Jouyou set and then upgrade later on

>> No.20715365

radicals keyboard ftw
kanji keyboard ftl(for the losers)

>> No.20715419

I wonder how those are ordered on the keyboard. It kinda looks like it's by main radical.
