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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 90 KB, 500x695, __ichijou_ayaka_alice_gear_aegis_drawn_by_blade_galaxist__3e00f02e93d32b492e2493e402190b99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20708207 No.20708207 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous thread: >>20676669

>> No.20708249
File: 132 KB, 900x473, DxvDqGkUcAEYlXb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shizuru is going to die next month

>> No.20708299 [SPOILER] 
File: 135 KB, 512x300, 1548399033401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shironeko next event spoiler.

>> No.20708305

Please day this isnt another Rekto

>> No.20708320

is housamo allowed here if images aren't posted
not even shitposting i'm just genuinely garbage at this fucking game and have no idea how to build a decent team

>> No.20708324 [DELETED] 

I thought it was supposed to be mikos bro

>> No.20708325
File: 144 KB, 450x600, シュガー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows since Wild Arms gacha changes isn't happening until Jan.31.

I thought it was pic related at first.

>> No.20708326

Isn't that a furry game? As in so furry the last poster got banned for rule 3?

>> No.20708329

That's why I said "if images aren't posted".
I'd try asking over on /trash/ but it'd probably just turn into a shitty porn dump instead of any actual gameplay discussion.

>> No.20708335

Ah I see. I was going to try and reroll for it but it doesn't seem to like emulators.

>> No.20708354

I see two fun joke events in a row were too much and we need a quick turn to the opposite to balance it out.

>> No.20708359

If its so furry you can't post images of it without getting banned then thats limiting and probably makes it so its unlikely someone here plays it. That's what I think at least.

>> No.20708444 [DELETED] 

Uma bros...

>> No.20708448

you left them behind at /gbfg/

>> No.20708452

>probably not setsuna
thank god, looks pretty edgy so maybe it's finally another brave the lion event.

>> No.20708462

if sizzle is welfare then i wont spend any on this banner

>> No.20708464

Eriko is likely the welfare

>> No.20708467

There is a new voice data for Fran according to datamine for some reason.

>> No.20708498

That seems like a poor business decision

>> No.20708517

please be limited gacha. i dont care about hornlets

>> No.20708522
File: 57 KB, 750x1334, 1533208392991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP priconne

>> No.20708528

Rino will be welfare. No one likes her anyway.

>> No.20708530

Rino and Eriko

>> No.20708546
File: 8 KB, 251x141, DYHyTwZUQAAg177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time.

>> No.20708569

Seems unlikely there's an actual version for Rino since she's still wearing her default outfit.
In any case, really hoping Eriko is the welfare. After Yui and Hiyori took all my money, I'm barely floating above 3k jewels.

>> No.20708584

huh interesting. if it is brave the lion it should be a larger set again so i could see her being a part of that. that or she could be one of the valentine's girls this year and they added it early.

>> No.20708596

>Yui forgot to show up for Valentine's
Is she getting cucked again ;_;

>> No.20708599

Only 1 alt for every character for now and she just had an event

>> No.20708620

Well that was a pretty annoying hell quest.

>> No.20708784

>No damage/HP/ailment barrier allowed

>> No.20708820

it's pretty fucked, normally i can do these with a 90% town but this ones timer is really short.

>> No.20708840

I want Muimi to be my Valentine

>> No.20708846
File: 97 KB, 600x300, rank_190123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20708895

Based on their outfits Shizuru has the more 3* worthy one since Eriko just gets an apron and a new axe over her regular outfit, but then again Rei was /fa/ as fuck and she's still the welfare

>> No.20708897

300mb priconne update

>> No.20708900

I bet Eriko is a better cook than Shizuru

>> No.20708975

why dont koreans or chinks use wikis like civilized people? every time I want any info I have to look at it in real shitty forums

>> No.20708984

It could be a naked apron you never know.

>> No.20709127

You can see a little bit of her dress peeking out, but maybe in real life she really did give Kishi-kun chocolate naked

>> No.20709224

more like 350mb

They gave 1mil mana and 150 shekels

>> No.20709289

But why? Pre-anniversary?

>> No.20709359

I'm not ready.

>> No.20709469
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How lewd/cute will Eriko be?

>> No.20709565
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>zerker MC is still top

>> No.20709722

Is it just me or did they mess up the sound this update? It's kind of choppy during fights

>> No.20710290

I have to download 626.57mb. Why?

>> No.20710527

Surprisingly most of the enemies didn't hit TOO hard. Worst phase for me was the two iraruki's and then the 2 furry flying fuckers. At one point they kept me in a charging knockdown loop for 20+ seconds

>> No.20710695

Datamining sources on 5ch say the PriConne update has some new assets for enemies, Twinkle Wish, Ayumi, and Kasumi.

>> No.20710784

I'm going to need some proof for that or this is going to be as retarded as the NY Gourmet """"leak""""

>> No.20710869

To be fair the NY Gourmet was from facebook while the datamining is from 5ch.

>> No.20711235
File: 1.47 MB, 6272x3528, Claire_Victorious_1527754549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God Eater characters coming to Rays are Alisa and Claire
Nice. Haven't played GE3 but Claire looks fine.

>> No.20711259


Wish I had towa so I can trivialize every new content that comes out

>> No.20711644

>Dropped below 10m mana
>Ran out of EXP pots completely
What the fuck is going on

>> No.20711680
File: 287 KB, 356x468, ( . Y . ).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to be rooting for her next event
Onee-sans are overrated anyway

>> No.20711685

>Did obligatory 10-roll on Rays new gacha
>Got Victor normal mirror instead of the Overray one
I guess it's still better than getting 0 5* or dupe mirror.

>> No.20712099
File: 900 KB, 1080x1920, at least i got to use a girl this time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this one to be one of the easiest so far, if not the easiest one. Maybe Judah just trivializes it but I finished this one without really having to try.

Use a magic damage character for everything except the third wave where you need a pierce. Reign spamming his S1 works well if you have him but I tried Ciela a bit and she's fine too, using a mage to restore SP makes it pretty easy in all honestly and should buy you a lot of time.

>> No.20712238

Looking at videos with him it seems like it would be easier. Soara is strong and all but the stage is full of grabs and knockdowns so not a lot of room for mistakes.

And for pierce...well...I got Chaguma Ruka who took a while to get used to. I suck at consistently doing the dodge+attack roll CC archers have. I see some sites recommend using original form for her but didn't like it. Once I stopped being a shitter and could actually get a S2 off then it was an easy wave.

>> No.20713121
File: 1.07 MB, 640x842, DxldgVdV4AAX8za.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>villain gacha out, maybe one or two people from my list had its cards up from what I noticed
>today's BBA gacha out, suddenly plenty of Erikas everywhere
Burn in hell Kusopl, this is too many gachas for a single event. I wanted to get Anko in peace.

>> No.20713129

Same. This hasn't happened for awhile.

>> No.20713662

This nonsense of releasing more gacha sets with better bonuses than the original set during ranking has been going on for 6 months now. I have a pretty good amount of cards with bonus but
>All 50%
>The last stages have the exploding mines (again) wasting time
>Distance to S-class nearly doubled while my position in A-class stayed the same
Border is at 1731k

I still need to see what kind of asspull they did for Erika getting her transformation. I'm not really sure if I want to roll her gacha or not, I only have 2 cards in the list but it's pretty fucking long and I'd almost rather roll the current set more instead.

>> No.20713694
File: 154 KB, 716x954, 71392984_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to look through my list and try to guess who had relevant subcards up, but then I got lazy and switched to just going with the default ones. At least they generally have 1 card + weapon bonus.

Which now that I think about it, that's a terrible plan for this event. No weapon bonus this time, and all the +100%s around even if they don't have any relevant subcards.

>this is too many gachas for a single event
Yeah, agreed. Though I'd probably still roll some Nightmare for extra bonus if Constellation hadn't brought me below 1k.

>> No.20713696

>Decide to look at King's raid
>Shits deader than mbgg before the move
I absolutely refuse to be the bump slave again

>> No.20713847

The only mention about Kasumi in the thread is some anon saying they'll never be implemented cause of all the limiteds

>> No.20714124

Does anyone actually use blessed weapons?

>> No.20714149

I use the bow occasionally, but not very often.

The others I haven't bothered getting yet, since I don't feel like grinding out their runes and don't want to just toss them into my ever-growing pile of present box hammers.

>> No.20714289
File: 124 KB, 635x900, https:--pbs.twimg.com-media-Dxw7sBaXQAEZQw4?format=jpg&name=900x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20714510
File: 279 KB, 1000x545, 1542624125624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dodging ghost of terror is the next Karma circle unit.


>> No.20714517

how many units are there by now. Has to be over 100.

>> No.20714527


>> No.20714592

These shironeko “””challenge””” quests are such bullshit. The last floor of the NY one with jaguar and mudakade is so unfair it basically forced you to take a stealth tablet and you still get one shot. My Onsen ruushe can’t run fast enough and I can’t dodge jaguar’s grab

>> No.20714608


First vid I found with her for 3rd floor. Dunno if it will help you at all. I personally used elemajaja and just one shot the jaguar with stealth.

>> No.20714610

This guy really loves ruushe

>> No.20714738

>Characters level cap raised to 95
>More new items to grind
>No mention of free character for Nanatsu collab
Are they going to increase the level 99 then do service closure after it?

>> No.20714742

That's not the worst part of it. You need 555 for the first 3 gates to even start the 4th+5th. So you need to waste sins/shards/mats on useless gates for a majority of the characters.

>> No.20714755

I'm conflicted over rolling for Hiyori. It's hard to manage all these limiteds since you want to at least 4* them.

>> No.20714761
File: 677 KB, 563x1290, 1517646815163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New years Rei seems pretty useful.

>> No.20714765

do I have to level up yet another girl????

>> No.20714767

New piece for the stall cancer meta and Vshizuru is going to make stall even worse if she keeps her support role. More stall killers when KMR? We need the next Ilya, speco or Hshinobu.

>> No.20714789
File: 75 KB, 831x845, 9634f6fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave those sluts to me

>> No.20714853

Can she also deal with more stall including Sizzle and Jun with their exclusive weapons?

>> No.20714882

>More limited nensou as well
Fuck Jewmi. These free NY gems are already went to drain in the 1st month of this year.

>> No.20714884
File: 298 KB, 1000x670, e190151_explain_02_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20714887

very cute

>> No.20714894

Only if you use both Erikos

>> No.20714898

Do we know what Jun's does yet?

>> No.20714916

>Ilya and SPeco
Those two can't even do shit against the generic stall team now. The heals greatly outpace their damage with NY Yui and the drunk with her weapon. Plus if you upgrade Ilya to make her attack stronger, you're also making her riskier to use with more crits.

>> No.20714939
File: 193 KB, 1280x192, 1523707503986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ilya is still used to break stall teams though.

>> No.20715411
File: 59 KB, 640x362, z2oYTP4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taiwan Shironeko gets a BGHS collab
confused looking anime girls with interrogation marks on their heads.jpg

>> No.20715910
File: 167 KB, 413x596, 1548508017996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like my favorites didn't make it in.
I'd still roll for them, though.

>> No.20715917

Oh god Kurumi what happened to you

>> No.20716365

Have they said how much of the story Another Eden will be launching with?

>> No.20716440

Maybe it's the same with original JP version. As in, the entire 1st arc is available but no side stories. I'm disappointed it's a completely different app instead of English language option in JP version.

>> No.20716444
File: 710 KB, 956x537, 1540958744564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come KMR lets Eriko have two events??

>> No.20716507
File: 29 KB, 241x388, DoFxNcXU0AACxwW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hard 2x ending
>Still need another 94 Ilya frags to even get her

>> No.20716592
File: 427 KB, 1868x1047, fffffffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck are we supposed to do the new abyss? I can't even clear the trash mobs because they have a trillion health. lvl 73 in Sinful btw, so it's not even a high bracket.

>> No.20716754
File: 45 KB, 600x600, Dxv0sdxV4AAT48b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy mode: Fully geared HOV Kiana + CH Theresa + DP Kiana with Mjolnir. Say fuck it to the gimmicks and overpower everything with physical damage.
Pleb mode: Check the weather and make your team based on it. For example in some floors enemies might have 50% resistance to Ice but they take 35% more Fire damage. They might resist physical in some, they take more Lightning damage in other. Sometimes a certain type of enemy will spawn more than others which might decide who you can bring, like +ice weather so Kallen if all enemies are mecha or Sakura if they are zombies.

You can't Judah your way through. You also only have like 3 minutes before the bleeding kicks in and once it does you absolutely can't survive. Some fights are also harder than others. A single elite will be stronger and harder to beat than a wave with 12 enemies. The linked fights can be hard as fuck depending on the enemy comp. The black Houkai Emperor and the ghost zombie are cancer, the ice enemies too since they slow you down.

Basically variety is the key. It's the type of mode where you need to change your team every other fight unless you whaled for HoV. My go-to team is SK Fuka + Phoenix Fuka + someone else depending on the fight, usually DP Kiana or a Bronya like Chariot or Silver Wolf. If the weather doesn't let me use Phoenix then I bring Kallen or Sakura instead since -fire comes with +ice. If it is a single Houkai elite then NS Fuka + CH Theresa + DP Kiana with Mjolnir. So far I've managed to retain RL with these comps but if I ever get -lightning on the last floor I'm gonna be in real trouble since I depend a lot on SK.

>> No.20717371
File: 667 KB, 1710x2264, xouwdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were some Compass announcements at some tournament earlier today.

First off here's the trailer for Adam's brother: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYt9uNZd-gY
Here's some gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7gaDf3piIY
He's got beefy defence, alright damage and piss poor health. His attack range looks to be the same as Lyrica's, his attack speed is also very consistent with the same interval between attacks. Casting speed is alright, though AoE cards are very fast.
Hero action is the same as Adam's - sends out an icicle that damages and sends enemies airborne..
Hero skill is sort of similar - casting it grants him an AoE freezing effect and leaves a trail behind him for the duration. Anyone that gets too close will be frozen and susceptible to a one hit kill - not sure if walking in the path also freezes you.
And his special ability is that his hero skill charges when near a friendly or hostile Adam.
Just bring a long ranged piercing card and you're good. He'll be released on the 28th after maintenance.

The next ranked season will be themed around Adam. Like before, there will be a special costume that can be obtained by just playing for 7 days. They're also expanding the ranking threshold for obtaining the limited season chips by 20,000??? Not sure of the specifics but it should be easier to get them anyway.

>> No.20717664

>You can't Judah your way through.
>Basically variety is the key. It's the type of mode where you need to change your team every other fight
Not him but it sounds like they made abyss way more annoying. The horror stories of people reaching 70+ and having everything suddenly be mega hard spooks the shit out of me too.

>> No.20717742

>shironeko responds to my flicks a lot better if I use thumb instead of index finger

But it's so uncomfortable

>> No.20717907
File: 65 KB, 566x396, DpDkbZPV4AAkXvu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed my daily 200 stamina and 360 stamina before reset. I'm foaming right now.

>> No.20717935

Do Idola animations still look like they were made by an unpaid intern in a day?

>> No.20718816

>360 stamina before reset.
What? Have I just been stupidly not seeing this something the whole time or is that part of the monthly scam pack?

>> No.20718884

Maybe he's referring to the cheap 40 crystal refreshes per day x 3 which is 360 in total. The scam pack is just doubled dungeon rewards along with 50 crystal and some mana per day I believe.

>> No.20718912

skip tickets too. I think 30 of them

>> No.20719031

I hope if the edgy boy on new Shironeko teaser is Rekto then that means a new Sera or Rinea

>> No.20719266
File: 232 KB, 1856x340, lmao99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally have no mechanical DPS chars. My meme has been stuck at 99/100 frags since literally every frag last week has been DB.

>> No.20719325

It's a single elite fight isn't it? If you can shield break the ghost you could juggle it with Shadow Mei but since she's only S she might not be strong enough to kill it on time. What about your orange characters? A decent NS would be better than that Rita you were using since at least she wouldn't have type disadvantage.

>> No.20719516
File: 396 KB, 1857x1033, rip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rita is my strongest/most geared valk. Finally did it after more than a hour of resetting and retries. Fuck doing that again.

>> No.20719582
File: 1.71 MB, 1080x1920, 76c2db6a78b14e9df756c62a9ac0a5bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good work. Hope you get better spawns next time. This mode can be punishing but I'll pick it anytime over the snoozefest the old Abyss is.

>> No.20719593

Do you really have to switch teams for abyss though? Wasn't the strat in JP to just go with the same three characters up to 20? Or did they do further changes to abyss? I'm not too up to date on what the latest stuff is on Houkai so that's where my confusion comes from.

>> No.20720076

I'm still sort of surprised none of the /mbgg/ games have done a SAO collab considering how popular that thing is and airing right now.

>> No.20720107

Ive barely seen any games collabing with SAO recently
Fate and Vtube cancer are the current trendy collabs it seems

>> No.20720109

What game has done vtube collabs outside of that one aichan collab?

>> No.20720231

Dear KMR,

While I don't mind all the holiday variants since like fucking June, can you please hand me Kasumi soon? Ideally before next century.

>> No.20720239

Look forward to anniversary, easter and june brides! Then a repeat of the limited vomit again when summer starts.

>> No.20720291

Rays had one last year. Wouldn't surprise me if we get a second collab featuring Alice and Eugeo this year, Bamco loves doing collabs with its own properties.

>> No.20720370

shironeko tennis, crash fever and I think tagatame had one announced afew threads ago
theres probably more with literally-who tier mobages that are just bandwagoning

>> No.20720375

Tagatame has had it twice but it's just MC for the streams. No actual game content

>> No.20720379

I'd roll a lot for a SAO collab in Shironeko to be honest. I'm one of the few that probably would and none of the games I play have ever had one.

>> No.20720464

>Watching grimms notes
>Male MC can turn into a cute girl
I didnt know this game had a genderbend aspect to it

>> No.20720569
File: 2.94 MB, 392x698, 20190126231937.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20720703


>literally crying over a mobage

>> No.20720724


>> No.20720732

It's not playable for another 36~ hours

>> No.20720792
File: 1.38 MB, 1440x1411, 1548569143899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Special 10+1 gacha, can reroll till you get your desired 4*
>Paid carat only
As expected of Kusopl. Overall, the anniversary news has been pretty shitty so far.

>> No.20720795

Why not just make a pick ticket if you can reroll it

>> No.20720804

Because gacha gacha you get to roll more gacha!

>> No.20720831

That's pretty common in every game, but at least you're only at the mercy of RNG until you get who you wanted. It does feel like there's not much for f2p players to look forward to however.

>> No.20720836

Reusing the tutorial function would be less troublesome than coding and implementing a new feature.

>> No.20720850

Is it worth playing monster strike if you aren't in japan? I heard it's heavily co-op focused

>> No.20721151

>Got 2 Fana and 2 Oscurol from 5 10-rolls in Shironeko while I wanted Soara or Carlos
Being lucky and unlucky at the same time is shit.

>> No.20721156

My luck on shironeko has been decent lately and it's scaring me. I ended up with 3 Oscrolls and Carlos in 4 10+1 rolls, then got Soara in about 3 singles afterwards when hard came out.

>> No.20721274
File: 538 KB, 750x1334, AB7BB949-60B3-44C8-A970-CCF1060A14B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do for these two? I made progress but not sure how

>> No.20721284

Complete the Soara event dailies, the ones on that list that give weapon tickets. It's too late to catch up now.

>> No.20721288

Oh those? God damn it

>> No.20721304

It's okay anon, I didn't do them either.

>> No.20721324

They were a real bother and I wasn’t planning on google translating them every day

>> No.20721329

I can read the requirements
They were still bothersome most of the time and I don't really like playing Shironeko much anymore.

>> No.20721332
File: 760 KB, 1267x709, unknown-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems there's gonna a miku rerun in compass but they added a new miku skin that has new music, i wonder how the rateup for her is gonna work

>> No.20721336

They weren't that bad. Most annoying part was having to keep opening overdrive2 for easy x00 kill missions and doing 10 king castle runs. Already bought out all the shop, have 200% necklace and plenty of coins for sphere resets.

>> No.20721337
File: 852 KB, 1028x450, Dxu_zxTVAAI5PTu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did another 10-roll on Rays trying to more of his weapons
>Got a dupe of Victor normal mirror and a dupe of Ix normal mirror
Being lucky and unlucky at the same time is really shit.

>> No.20721340

I hope GE collab is officially announced soon so I have motivation to save tower gems coming up.

>> No.20721352

Fuck doing a 20* coop like today one although it's just extra 5 weapon tickets now since I already got and wasted these 100 gems.

>> No.20721354
File: 703 KB, 1265x710, unknown-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also 3 free tickets and some bm, atari anime short was shown too but i cant find it uploaded anywhere

>> No.20721355

For future reference, the fan sites typically will tell you which stages to run and you can just check those instead. I used 9db but the famitsu one even has a translate button on the left top that will auto translate the page to English for you if you're super lazy.

>> No.20721358

The 20* for today is the easiest one(imo). I carried it with Judah even with the smart randoms in my group using fire characters for my first run.

>> No.20721573

Really wanna start Honkai3, but which server should I go with? Global/SEA, Japan, China?

>> No.20721659

CH If you wanna be up to date. SEA if you want to play in english.

>> No.20721673

Global is fine, you don't need to play on the SEA server unless you actually live in that region.

>> No.20721784

Thanks, there's no other differences besides the patches the servers are on right?

>> No.20721785 [DELETED] 
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190127-202856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice Gear Aigis has had a brief one-year anniversary celebration where the main six actresses express their thanks for supporting Narukozaka and AGA for a while now, it's quite cute.

Even here everyone's character stands out. I always thought AGA did a good job with that stuff. Also reminded of how bad I am with formal Japanese in general but it can't be helped.

>> No.20721797
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190127-202856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice Gear Aigis has had a brief one-year anniversary celebration where the main six actresses express their thanks for supporting Narukozaka and AGA going for a little while now, it's quite cute.

Even here everyone's character stands out. I always thought AGA did a good job with that stuff. Also reminded of how bad I am with formal Japanese in general but it can't be helped.

>> No.20721813

did they ever add in anything new or is it still girls unique pink gear is BIS?

>> No.20721826
File: 1.03 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190127-204230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortunately someone who probably couldn't manage formal remarks even if you beat her over the head with them is always there to make you feel at home.

Happy first anniversary, AGA.

>> No.20721843

I'm not sure what BIS is? I don't think they've added any particularly new stuff recently but I actually haven't been playing that long.
Even now I mostly just stick around for collabs which is a shame because I actually really like the characters and just can never find time to play the game.

>> No.20721876
File: 85 KB, 800x471, 1543811245188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my 365 day login bonus two days ago.
I'm missing 3 Sitara outfits, the whale sweater puppies, the alt-suit, and the one from an event I forgot to do. So it's been kind to me in that regard even if I can't roll the flower loli or reporter girl despite having all of their motif gear already.

I'm hoping I can roll Yasuri but I haven't really been trying to amass tickets. Don't really find myself grinding much recently, but that ambition comes and goes.

They added normal weapons that can be upgraded to different upgrade paths from drops in co-op. When they first came out there didn't seem to be any point to them, but they can fit a temporary spot if necessary since base weapons are really weak.

If you're talking about investigation grind, then, well...

>> No.20721918

I myself actually only started with the Frame Arms Girl collab and have only logged in super inconsistently since then, so I'm still missing tons of stuff. For all but a few girls the best I can outfit them with is still the Lv.60 stuff raided from events, people still have to carry me through events and shit (fortunately if you pick a reasonably outfitted healer and stay alive nobody seems to mind).

I've sort of given up completely on collecting anywhere even near the full set of girls and just run around with a few favorites now, they really do keep coming out with them. The Strike Witches collab has actually been pretty neat for for me since SW was one of the first anime I watched way, way back in the day. Hopefully I'll (and the game will) stick around for a good while longer~

>> No.20722020

I never realized AGA has been out longer than pricunny

>> No.20722078

Why does PTD have collabs with VTuber shits all the time?

>> No.20722089

I finally got Shiina's swimsuit. That's all I need.

>> No.20722138

Anyone have the OST for Wild Arms Million Memories?
It's just released last week.

>> No.20722180
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It was really cruel with the timers at the start so, combined with nonstop investigations, it didn't last long here.
The AGA threads are one of the faster generals on futaba. Full of research too.

I'm jealous. I might risk my last bag but want to see what the last maid set looks like since I risk dupes in every other set.

>> No.20722367

Sometime people use those weapons over the character motif weapons. Most common case is the purple lightning sniper rifle, since most lightning chars have shitty normal rifle weapon, which sucks ass. However trying to get a good one is quite annoying since the skills you can get from upgrading them are random, you can end up with a 1 shitty level 1 skill, and that weapon is basically fucked.
Another one is the 2 hand sword from Rin adventure event, it's probably the strongest 2 hand sword in game, but you can only get 1.

>> No.20722450

I wish they did something about Assault Rifles. They're pretty awful to use.

>Purple Energy sniper rifle
>Bullet type, not laser
That's about the same level of awful as standard assault rifles.

Rei's adventure was an event I didn't finish. Node events are the worst since drops are butt and you can't skip anything.

>> No.20722522

It depends on the skills you can get on them, one with range and AOE blast increase skills sure as hell would be ten time more useful than standard assault rifles.

>> No.20722859
File: 1.53 MB, 1334x750, 3rd Anniversary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5th Spica nensou dupe from the free roll
Shit's rigged.

>> No.20723130
File: 899 KB, 797x870, 6657678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like we are getting some sort of scouting we can do as many times until we are satisfied. Is this just for new players or everyone?

>> No.20723145

For everyone who is willing to open their wallets.


>> No.20723176

Oh oops I thought I scrolled up to where I last left off. I'd almost be willing to open up my wallet if it lets me get Yumi's last costume

>> No.20723219

I doubt they would include limited characters, but we'll see.

>> No.20723336
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>> No.20723636
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Atari's will be released on Nico later on, just like with Tadaomi's.
Fuck me that's a nice skin, but there's only one thing in store for me if I try and get it.
The whole Vocaloid rerun will start on the 1st, doesn't say how long it'll last but I'd guess until around the 10th or so.
There's also a prime lounge that will be added later on in Spring. It's an interactive chat room for Prime members only - looks cute but tfw don't speak Nipponese. They'll probably give out a few free days when they release it.

>> No.20724117
File: 983 KB, 1280x720, 2019-0116_kotobuki-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone wanting to play that WWII fighter plane game based on the currently-airing anime (荒野のコトブキ飛行隊), here's some links about reviews and early play impressions.

>> No.20724373
File: 528 KB, 1024x576, Screenshot_20190127165831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monthly login gacha ticket
Finally I have best Theresa.

>> No.20724384

Congrats anon, you finally have the cutest girl in the world.

>> No.20724577

Looks better than Ace Virgin at least. Always miffed how that game did nothing unique with the plane motif and was just literally kancolle but instead of girls with anchors and big guns it was smaller guns and wings.

>> No.20725180

Is it true that they censored a skin in Azur lane JP because EN bitched and cried about one of the loli skins?

>> No.20725325

I know it's still 4~ months away, but who do you think will win King's Crown this year? Obviously some sleeper hits could come out before then.

>> No.20725447

I can't speak for EOP trash but JP is still completely untouched as far as I'm aware. Half naked loli submarines and such are still very much present.

>> No.20725463

Talking about Isokaze's skin. Did they end up giving her a skirt on JP too or is it untouched?

>> No.20725488

Still uncensored. Both servers are ran by the same localization team, but the former's side of things doesn't really give a shit about what waito piggu think about their chinese cartoon military propaganda game.

>> No.20725530
File: 518 KB, 1958x1005, 1548596930340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this and thought they might have censored it considering how EN has been an absolute plague for that game.

>> No.20725533

The only thing I know which is laughable about EN is that their 'official' discord regularly bans art from the game that is too loli.

>> No.20725540

I don't know what that other guy is saying but Isokaze came already censored to JP and has stayed that way. The JP audience has only seen the uncensored version during a livestream and promo art. Some may argue it's not censored because we never got the uncensored ingame in the first place, but we all know that's bullshit.

>> No.20725587

That sucks. Hopefully it doesn't become the norm, JP was nice because it was safe from all the censoring bullshit and the babies crying about the rights of fictional characters in this side of the world.

>> No.20725638
File: 805 KB, 963x1026, Albacore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's not allowed but 2 pieces of thin string is fine
I'll never understand these decisions.

>> No.20725644

Albacore was a miracle given to us by boat gods

>> No.20725704

If you think about it, Little Lyrical is literally loli Twinkle Wish.

>> No.20725760

>this side of the world
>CN/KR have been censoring their games for years

>> No.20725766

Do only certain missile/cannon attacks from King Castle knockdown? It seems random what circles I can stand in while using S2 on Rein and get knocked down during it or not.

>> No.20725786

>Hiyori loves helping people
>Misogi loves playing pranks
>Mimi is a dummy
>Rei is capable as fuck
>Kyouka is careful and suspicious of strangers
>Yui easily puts her trust in others

>> No.20725792

They'll grow up to be capable young ladies and beat out twinkle wish, just you watch!

>> No.20725805

From what I noticed it's the bombs that come out of the front and laster attacks that will knock him down and everything else is fine. Just stand to the side to avoid the bombs and you'll be safe from everything except the big laser attack but that has a huge telegraph and i think you can just guard it to avoid the knockdown.

>> No.20725832

By the time they grow up Twinkle Wish will be the next generation of Seven Crowns

>> No.20725837

more like dragging their canes like dumb hags

>> No.20726221

>The JP audience has only seen the uncensored version during a livestream and promo art.
They showed the censored art during the livestream, the announcement tweet is the only place where they showed the one without the skirt. And they claimed that they picked the skirt one based on people feedback after the initial announcement.

>> No.20726389

Fuck even with the extra x2 drops the R12 equips have been pretty unforgiving
Is it too much to ask for one month where they don’t increase the maximum rank/ equipment slots

>> No.20726424

3* drops next month

>> No.20726429

The amount of farming we're allowed to do (without spending ridiculous amount of KMR coins) is indeed seriously lacking compared to the amount required to keep up more than 2 characters. Even on double drops. Really wish we could get a permanent doubling to the free 200 login stamina. That would at least help mitigate the issue.

>> No.20726536
File: 385 KB, 1196x371, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New equipment should not be an issue in theory. The issue is the slowly increasing absurd requirements on some pieces combined with a 1/3 drop rate AT BEST. Image related. The drop rate is the real problem and as long as they're making the requirements for equipment steeper and steeper the problem is becoming more and more noticeable, especially if you're limited on stamina and not blowing thousands of crystal every day on refreshes like some people do.

>> No.20726721
File: 339 KB, 623x900, oKVkltZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute sizzle.

>> No.20726725

irl Sizzle is cuter desu

>> No.20726744
File: 223 KB, 858x1200, DxgIK0AUYAAnflq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

otouto when?

>> No.20726752
File: 2.46 MB, 960x540, 1522326856706.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sizzle is a mean bully

>> No.20726771

Assuming Twinkle Wish is showing up in next month's story episodes, as we've seen IRL Rei, I really would like to see Yuuki having an awkward position of having to choose between Yui and Kokkoro for something. Didn't expect Yuuki to care for Kokkoro as much as he does until seeing the latest episode.

>> No.20726780

Nobody in my clan wants to hit the fucking turtle.

>> No.20726781 [DELETED] 

our girls is getting cucked bros what are we going to do
bro he cuddles with kokkoro every night

>> No.20726805

What wave are you in anon? Is the boss at its final buff version?

>> No.20726822

Yeah, 12

>> No.20726903

>Sky Princess will never reach that.
Is your clan top 500 anon? How do you even join a random top 500 nip clan?

>> No.20726908

I'd hit it but the timings fuck me up, maybe if I had some kind of video to study the timings and shit. That and Yukari stuff is a pain.

>> No.20726917

What team do you use anon?

>> No.20726923

None. I was using Kaori/Stamaki/Xtina/Makoto/MItsuki for round 2 but i'm one of those people that don't want to hit the turtle or suffer with Yukari.

>> No.20726927

I just found it normally. Top 500 clans aren't fussy as long as you contribute.

>> No.20726939

I'm stuck because I already used Jun against a different boss and Jun seems to be required against the turtle. And if I don't borrow either Christina or Makoto the damage becomes shit anyway.

>> No.20726965

> And if I don't borrow either Christina or Makoto the damage becomes shit anyway.
And this is everything wrong with CB and PriConne in general. They really need to do a huge balance pass and bring other girls in line so they're not as fucking useless. Even with unique equipment it has changed pretty much nothing. Sadly this wont ever happen but I can dream.

>> No.20726984
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>> No.20727001


Is the 2nd shinki new for her?

Wish they would rerun Nachtdonna already. Last run was early July

>> No.20727007

I can only imagine how cancerous the community for that will be given past experience with Idea Factory/Neptunia shit. On the plus side most of them are EOPs so maybe it wont be too bad?

>> No.20727015

Oh, that was fast. It looks pretty good.

>> No.20727027
File: 478 KB, 700x840, 51520579_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure she was already on second as of last rerun. Unless she's getting a third, in which case that's new.

>> No.20727028

Indeed. I spent so much investment into Mifuyu for both versions, but she'll never be anything more than a niche "middle tank" and some poor DPS because "dude just use Jun/Makoto/Baba for everything"
But hey, at least she's pretty.

>> No.20727090

I'm pretty sure Yuuki would be worried sick no matter which girl it is unless it's like Neneka. I doubt Yuuki will ever be made to choose between Kokkoro and Yui since it seems like they'd get along, but if it isn't a player choice, then it's going to depend on whether his subconscious bonds with Twinkle Wish is more influential than his conscious memories of Kokkoro's care

>> No.20727112

I think im leaving after GW bros. Its been fun.

>> No.20727114

It might also depend on the situation since Kokkoro is pretty submissive to everyone unless it's against an enemy while Yui tends to hesitate before acting but usually commits once she overcomes her fear or embarrassment and if nothing unexpected happens afterwards. If all of Twinkle Wish is there Yuuki would probably get taken by Hiyori or Rei instead who are both far more proactive

>> No.20727135

You wont be missed.

>> No.20727136

>Hiyori or Rei
Nah they always go 'he has Yui' and shit even in their stories.

>> No.20727155

I know, but if their patience runs out then Yui is doomed desu. That probably won't ever happen with Hiyori since she sees Yuuki as a comrade and a senpai but Rei definitely feels like she likes Yuuki as a guy

>> No.20727159
File: 148 KB, 800x800, E578E3AD-7FEF-4DA5-9211-A55A16BF25A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Trinity 7 any good?

>> No.20727195
File: 847 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190128-003525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maintenance ended in compass and cohn is out, i got lucky and got best skin

>> No.20727237

Eriko will win the Kishibowl this Valentine's anyway

>> No.20727255

Sizzle will win anon. She will finally get Yuuki's sword and he will union burst inside her.

>> No.20727305

>8 tickets in and he's my first 3x rate character
3 times the rate my ass

>> No.20727319

>600 runes needed for the stone slab with 20 drops each run without scroll or book
>Rokka only quest at the end with starting SP of 30 and SP regen limit of 3
Fucking Kusopl and their filler event.

>> No.20727355

If Shizuru will win then why isn't she the event welfare?

>> No.20727415
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>> No.20727450

>Scamco killed Sailor Moon Drops after it survived about 3 and a half years
I wonder how long that one will survive.

>Found out the Rokka only quest is the same with 19* coop Mermaid after grinding the runes
>Got killed in the 1st room by the iron knights since they reacted to skills usage and Rokka S2 animation is too long while it's her main source of damage

>> No.20727456

If she's at full HP and you line it up they should easily die before it goes off. I used Judah motif and it was a godsend since the regen was basically 50% of her HP a tick

>> No.20727548

When is the touhou gacha game coming out?

>> No.20727605


>> No.20728633
File: 154 KB, 960x540, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easiest skippable collab.

>> No.20729179
File: 26 KB, 400x400, xmCU6jGE_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are like a little baby. I spent all 19 and still didn't get him

>> No.20729222

They weren't kidding when they said end of January release, it's on the last fucking day.

>> No.20729255

marriage system in Priconne when?

>> No.20729285

After the universe stops getting in Yui's way

>> No.20729358

In case anyone care the eng version of Another Eden release today in around 2 hours.

>> No.20729399
File: 89 KB, 645x900, Dx_kZZUVAAETT-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass has updated and Thorn has been added. A """"triple"""" rate up hero gacha is available until the 3rd.
There is also a special card gacha available until the 3rd that only requires 25 pulls to get a hero ticket - I think there's also a higher chance of getting Yuriev themed cards also.
A 7 day login campaign will run from now until the 8th - rewards are 3 hero tickets, 2525BM, 30,000 energy, 3 UR tickets and 3 free hero tokens.

For Miku stuff, it'll start on the 1st and last until the 12th. A double UR gacha will be available from the 1st ~ 3rd. How the Snow Miku costume is split in the gacha remains to be seen.

There have been some hero adjustments also:
>Attack increased from 1.35 to 1.40
>Barrage card animation speed increased by 14%
>Special ability strength increased by 20%
>Special ability radius increased by 50%

>Regular attacks hit 8% faster
>Hero action healing effect is 10% stronger

>Movement speed increased by 2%

Zack and Ray:
>Defence modifier increased from 1.00 to 1.05

>Health modifier increased from 0.85 to 0.90
>Hero skill needs 7% less to charge

>Defence modifier reduced from 0.65 to 0.55

>Damage of dash attacks has been modified - Initially it would deal double damage regardless. Now it only deals double damage when breaking a shield
>Casting speed of close range cards increased by 15%

Thorn's range and attack speed is an absolute cunt

>> No.20729487

What happened the first time?

>> No.20729525

Hopefully they removed clan battle for a while like the laughable coop.

>> No.20729626

Not going to touch it unless I can my transfer my JP data. Fuck hoping I'm going to be at least as lucky in JP now ior grinding for the stupid mining town side story again despite the concept is interesting.

>> No.20729639

Yeah i would like to transfer my JP data but i bet it's a brand new server without any of the "event" and not the full current story so rip.
I'm still going to play it since i really like the game.
Also still waiting for more info about the switch version.

>> No.20729784

I hate Ilya so much that I can't wait for a new mage crown to remove her forever from every magic comp ever

>> No.20729924

More like sexier.

>> No.20729932

Mage comps don't use her outside of the first round of fights anyway. She's a liability otherwise.

>> No.20729939

She's always a liability

>> No.20729967


>> No.20729973

>open arena
>stall x3
>close arena
ebin, kmr. simbly ebin

>> No.20729989

You don't like free wins?

>> No.20730006
File: 69 KB, 440x107, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blocks your path

>> No.20730030

I'm convinced that the people who hate stall teams are the same people who hate Ilya because they're pretty easy to beat when you use her.
Stall teams are only hard when they use multiple of them in princess arena because then you don't have enough dps characters.

>> No.20730045

A proper stall team will easily outheal the cleave of Ilya. Stall teams also tend to slot in HPudding for added annoyance so your backline is slowly dying while your Ilya is attempting to punch through a wall that is constantly healing itself.

>> No.20730049

Also, if NY Yui gets her burst off then you pretty much lost because have fun trying to outdamage those heals.

>> No.20730106

Don't waste your time, you're either talking to a dumb whale or a shitter who isn't fighting actual teams.

>> No.20730151
File: 97 KB, 670x109, 1546114209405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well of course you need more than just Ilya to beat them. She's usually the top damage dealer though.
Adding HPudding just reduces their overall heal and makes the team even easier to beat. Just put Kuuka as your tank and she taunts the first two HPudding UBs. They have almost no damage so kuuka will survive until half of their team is dead.

That's because you're a shitter who doesn't know how to form a proper team.

>> No.20730207

Not all of us have access to every seasonal limited.

>> No.20730217

That's only one seasonal limited and she's pretty core to any magic team you want to make, thank KMR for that.

>> No.20730234
File: 330 KB, 974x874, 1543633169211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need to post this again?
It's a bit outdated now but maybe swap a character or two and most of them will still work.

>> No.20730242

What about >>20730006 ?
Tsumugi adds an element of randomness and RNG that makes fights a horrible pain

>> No.20730268

And I hate it because I couldn't get her so I have to borrow a traitor cat from my clan every day for clan battle.

>> No.20730279

On the plus side, he hasn't released any ultra core characters since summer. You could argue Halloween shinobu is pretty core to PVP but that's it, all of the other limiteds are very replaceable.

>> No.20730299

I don't even care for Arena desu. Sitting around the 2000 rank area for both arenas with my 40 gems a day is comfy enough for me.

>> No.20730375
File: 98 KB, 243x164, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your attempt to 3* hard mode nodes*
*blocks your GW score*
only saving grace is that shes semi-limited

>> No.20730393

Yeah, she returns and will continue to return so I didn't count her with the other limited diarrhea.

>> No.20730582
File: 223 KB, 966x966, 72194158_p3_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just use that stupid summer limited haha

>> No.20730593
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Rec me some mobages made by them.

>> No.20730596

S Karylet? Just quit.

>> No.20730605

Summer rerun soon

>> No.20730607

Is there a single version of Rekto that was actually good when he came out?

>> No.20730627
File: 51 KB, 743x121, arena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had a lot of success with the unga bunga physical team. Can deal fine with these cookie cutter stall teams most of the time.

>> No.20730642

I hardly even see NY Yui anymore. Almost everyone in my arena has transitioned to teams like >>20714761 already.

>> No.20730657

Original and I thought ShareHouse. But they all drop off quickly.

>> No.20730665

Sharehouse motif was top tier(maybe still is, haven't looked). Don't think the character itself was any good

>> No.20730834

oh another eden really doesnt want you to reroll

>> No.20730839

Why is that

>> No.20730848

apparently its 30 minutes to do the first roll

>> No.20730851

Isn't Houkai like that?
Sounds like its not that it doesn't want you to reroll, its that rerolling in it is a pain.

>> No.20730916

dont reroll and just play. a single 5* dps can turn the game to braindead mode

>> No.20731264

Yeah I remember the original version being hyped up as the savior of variants and being gold SS. I think they purposefully gave him very high damage for the time to make him look worthwhile as a fire/blunt over Setsuna but he was released right before they did a gigantic powercreep so it didn't last very long. After him, the memorials started to get S3 skills that pushed them over the top for a while, If I remember correctly then the 2 sets of memorials after him were Soara/Oscroll and Yukimura/Iromero and I believe that was also around the time when Tetra became god tier.

>> No.20731317

Oh right, that was during the elemental mess I think.
Actually, where's the insurmountable power creep that obsoletes everyone? Or is it now to the point that if you don't have 3 auto-buff party members that you can't do any of the super extreme 0sp start 1sp regen maps?

>> No.20731325

>autobuff characters
>0start map
nice eapu

>> No.20731477

In my opinion the ingot weapon powercreep is too lucrative to give up so soon, it's so incredibly Jewish with how many dupes you need for one of them that if they keep pushing out more and more broken ones and then releasing new characters that synergize with ones people never bought they can easily end up milking whales for another year. The recent "powercreep" has been DA immunity characters, we saw Guren 3 Werner go from SS- to the highest rated archer on every site in a couple of months because of how strong having DA immunity is along with good ingot weapon synergy. That's why Aisha is currently the strongest character, she has good Skull Magna synergy along with DA immunity. The only characters comparable to them are ones like the WE MC and WOH Reign who can't die if you play them properly. WOH Reign going from S- to top 5 overall almost everywhere is hilarious to me and it's hard to imagine a lancer that will powercreep him out of relevance.

They're currently designing the hell challenge quests around these broken characters though so who knows what might end up happening. The enemies weak to pierce in the current event can't be killed by Guren 3 Werner, they designed them to be impossible for him to kill on purpose because of how hard he's been carrying people in every hell event since his release.

>> No.20731693

I'm still hoping to get Towa somehow from chara presents. Just watching her 3 shot all the pierce mobs in Hell is dumb

>> No.20731922

I dunno, I wouldn't be upset to get her but having to buy the Gigas bow when it's only really good for her seems like a complete waste of ingots. Most recent archers should be able to OHKO those using the Heliobright and a stealth plate and the Heliobright just seems more useful overall since the archer form change is one of the best ones.

>> No.20732117
File: 608 KB, 1920x1080, Tales of Berseria - COMBO MOVIE (テイルズオブベルセリア コンボ動画).mkv_snapshot_06.02_[2019.01.29_00.22.23].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes. Her costume reminds me of this one. Muzet looks good too, I can already hear her saying ara ara.

>> No.20732125

Was the new healing arte for her already added to shop?

>> No.20732132

Not yet. They didn't say when but I think it should be added with this event.

>> No.20732165

>Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too

>> No.20732174

Arknights beta in march, pretty hyped

>> No.20732224

I'd talk about Last Origin but it went into a 3 week maintenance that will end in mid February. The spritework was really good for what I played tho!

>> No.20732311
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>> No.20732395
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I hope they don't scrap the pre-existing designs for Arknights, Some of what we've seen already is pretty cool.

>> No.20733002

Shironeko spoiler.

>> No.20733016

>officially released PV

>> No.20733017

So why do they wear the masks?

>> No.20733079
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>> No.20733085

My Valentine on the left

>> No.20733227

I'm dropping this shit I don't get Sizzle.

>> No.20733257

mobage makes the only thing about valentines good.

>> No.20733284

What did anon mean by this

>> No.20733286

Mobage is the only thing that makes valentines day good

>> No.20733362
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>possibly swordie and berserker
Colopl, you're scaring the kids with all these edges.

Oh boy here go

>> No.20733419

>only 2 characters
Here's your powercreep, anon. Let's see if they can remain relevant longer than Piana and Fuckthis did.

>> No.20733446
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>> No.20733547

I hope the girl isn't a lancer. Basically dead on arrival

>> No.20733647

>Basically dead on arrival
I'm not too sure about that, DA immunity on top of Just Guard would be insane if they have decent damage.

>> No.20734000
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>> No.20734153

Kind of hoping Rino gets a valentines version but they'll probably just give the 3rd one to a random unrelated character like with H. Misaki

>> No.20734566

Well I'll just hope it's Io or Misato then.

>> No.20734606

Can't see her doing any Valentine's related things desu, if she gets a seasonal it'd be something comfy like Christmas
Pretty likely desu since Yui is out unless kmr is a madman, Suzuna's possible too

>> No.20734640

I changed my mind. I want a summer Io or Misato instead.

>> No.20734757

>Only 1 day of 2x normal left

>> No.20734771
File: 277 KB, 718x864, Starteen2046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't think they'd try this again after the Sailor Uniform nonsense two years ago but here we are.

And I swear this Shiho/Kanon outfit is from some other outfit.

>> No.20734786 [SPOILER] 
File: 134 KB, 188x1128, 1548777598865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the actual lineup.
Also some nonsense about Hoshimori Gacha Pickup Guarantee tickets, two flavors.

>> No.20734937

Cute Sadone. Still not rolling, though.

I don't think it's quite as bad as the other uniform thing since they're at least different designs. Not sure why a bunch of classmates are wearing totally different school uniforms, but that's a different matter.
