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20687861 No.20687861 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>20678389

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Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%CC%BF%C3%E6%A4%C8%B2%F3%C8%F2%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6#h7905b57

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png
Destroyer gun bonus: https://i.imgur.com/K7PxY6z.png
LBAS values: https://i.imgur.com/2feqAck.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me/

Drop and construction statistics:

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN): https://github.com/Madmanmayson/KanColleViewer
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-The Winter 2019 Event, "Intercept! Buin Defense Operation", has ended. The current maintenance is planned to run from 11:00 to 20:00 JST. Setsubun furniture will be implemented in this maintenance.
-Very soon you too will be able to own your very own 1/48 scale ZUIUN.
-4 Kai Ni have been announced. Hyuuga, an aircraft carrier, a Yuugumo-class destroyer, and one other battleship will receive kai nis by the Spring.
-The November ranking rewards have been distributed. The new equipment are the 533mm Quint Torp Mount (Early Model) and SG Radar (Early Model). Both of these are available from Johnston.
-Gotland will receive a Kai Ni at some point to re-turn her to a seaplane cruiser.
-The 2019 calendar hints at several new destroyers.
-There are already plans for the 7th year of KanColle.
-More Fletchers will be implemented in the 6th year, some illustrated by ZECO. Matsu-class from the Type D Destroyers are being prepared for the 7th year of KanColle.
-There are plans for expanding ASW with equipment from the land of black tea like ASDIC and hedgehogs.
-Full implementation of 2nd Sequence may take a year. Each Block will have new features added.

>> No.20687871

Yay, maintenance!

>> No.20687870


>> No.20687878

DMM rebate fucking when

>> No.20687881
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Somebody still doing

>> No.20687882

Good thing it's over. Fuck the cat.

>> No.20687886
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Don't forget to leave her as flagship and pray that tonight is her time.

>> No.20687898


>> No.20687906
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Last run to farm Johnston. Literally scraped the bottom of the barrel by scrapping equipment.

...and got a Tone.

Welp, guess it'll be awhile til Sammy gets her partner here.

>> No.20687907


>> No.20687915


>> No.20687922


>> No.20687933

At least you made it to the boss. I got a taiha at J on my final run.

>> No.20687942

Made it to the boss on my last 5-5 run. Even got a kill, but couldn't S-rank it. Maybe next event.

>> No.20687943

Did you have fun with the event?

>> No.20687948


>> No.20687953


>> No.20687958

Yeah. It feels less stressful when theres less maps.

>> No.20687959
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>> No.20687965

God, no.

>> No.20687968

always do,
quit the game last year, but whenever theres an event it makes me want to play again.

>> No.20687976

Framing John was really frustrating, fuck that. The rest was OK.

>> No.20687982

Yeah, nice and easy.

>> No.20687986

No because doing hard is not comfy at all.

At least I got my first e-peen memedal.

>> No.20687989

Nice, short, and relaxing is how Winter events as supposed to be and Buin was exactly that.

>> No.20687991
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Catbombed right at the start of Z on my last run.
Fuck it.

>> No.20687995
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Clearing was fun.
Farming not, still got everyone though.

>> No.20688007

What event?

>> No.20688009

It was nice to use different DDs from the norm. Fuck AS+ unlocks though.

>> No.20688012

Yes, I got all I wanted and liked the FF mechanics, looking forward to see other people's fleets in future events.

>> No.20688040

No, I hated it. The little time I could manage to play it was spent getting catbombed and I only managed to beat E1 despite dropping to ultra kuso yesterday halfway through E2.

>> No.20688054
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Potato fleet clear.


>> No.20688066

If it wasn't for the cat bombs I would have fun.

>> No.20688072

Yes, E-3 had some great music. And while sub hime may be a bitch, the route wasn't as bad as certain other events

>> No.20688090

Dunno if its the time where I play or if Hashirajima is pretty stable, but I didnt get as many cats as I expected.

>> No.20688091

What I hate more is the fact that next events will probably be harder and I kinda missed a chance to get a memedal because of said fucking catbombs.

>> No.20688105

This event was miserable. I got Johnston but this event totally killed me from the catbombs. It was so bad for that that I was worried I wouldn’t finish at one point. And the radar mechanics nerfed the hell out of all my fleets. And this was the winter event? Can you imagine if this had been large? Fuck man.

>> No.20688108

>Can you imagine if this had been large?
I would've finished after New Year's instead of before.

>> No.20688116


>> No.20688133

Very easy event. Took less than 100buckets and 40k fuel. Took more time and resources farming for Johnston and Hayanami than getting my memedal.
I like sun hime, she is like an abyssal straight out of yuyuyu

>> No.20688136

Radar meta was okay, having to use a radar on a flagship was unnecessary especially if the BB isn't 5 slotted.

>> No.20688144

Pretty boring event, it wasn't challenging nor enjoyable.

>> No.20688167

I hate the nelson meta. the next event needs to bring back slowbully so iowa can take the best bb throne back.

>> No.20688169

What's a challenging and enjoyable event for you

>> No.20688179

Fuck you kongo

>> No.20688197


>> No.20688204

>so iowa can take the best bb throne back.
That's only true against installations. Against surface ships Bisko still reigns supreme.

>> No.20688214

It's time to move on grandpa. You can't keep clinging to the past forever

>> No.20688230

Midway was basically perfect, but we're never going to get something like that again.

>> No.20688240
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>the best

>> No.20688247

IBS, Midway, 2nd SN saksen

For me, Leyte and the zuiun meme operation are both overrated

>> No.20688248


>> No.20688253

Thematically yes, but the only challenging part was E-6. There was nothing challenging about E-3 through E-5's bauxite drain

>> No.20688315

Cute poop princess

>> No.20688318

I wish I attended the events before arpeggio

>> No.20688352
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Too bad, I'll just make her fast with turbine and boiler.

>> No.20688358
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The reason I liked Midway so much was that it was at that point where everybody and their mom was playing the game. It was a lot of fun to see people going insane in E2, and I actually feel like something was lost when they swapped to the current 丙乙甲 system since people can just drop when they hit a wall. Also, shit opinion, but I liked it more when the girls were the memedals.

>> No.20688416

Not really. Had a good sense the previous event what I needed to work on but after this one I just have no idea what I need to do for the next event to go smoother.

>> No.20688419


>> No.20688430


>> No.20688466

Even with slow bullying you can just put a boiler and a turbine on Nelson. Or Nagato if you don't like brits.

>> No.20688470

It bored me quite a lot.

>> No.20688501

Wouldn't you have to give up an AP shell or plane for that?

>> No.20688503

Yes, and?

>> No.20688504

Doesn't sound worth it especially if the flagship needs a radar.

>> No.20688514

Less damage bro. Also less LoS means less activation.

>> No.20688559

Well it does mean she's less likely to contribute on the route nodes.

>> No.20688605

Yeah that's the problem. You get a fast ship but lose some fighting power. Not really worth it if you have any FBBs other than the 4 Kongou's.

>> No.20688618

Which shipgirl, aside from Nagato, can 1v1 an Alien and win?

>> No.20688626

She lost, though.

>> No.20688641

Just shoot it.

>> No.20688653

That event was pure cancer and it had the most casualties out of all the events. The worst part is that no newfag could ever understand the hellhole we veterans went through.

>> No.20688658
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>> No.20688660

A shit.

>> No.20688665

I've always wondered what's the point of these kinds of doujin where it's completely detached from the original series and the character's canon personality

Isokaze even loses her uniform on page 13. Why not just go full OC at that point

>> No.20688668

>most casualties
Are we excluding sacrificial destroyers

>> No.20688675


>> No.20688677

>yet another CG for the Ushios

>> No.20688701

What are those pins?

>> No.20688703
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>> No.20688707

Why do people do this? Aside from the uniform it has no relation to KC.

>> No.20688713

76.9% event clear rate.

>> No.20688714

Because she look like the girl from KC?

>> No.20688726

>1v1 an Alien and win
Pffff, call me when a shipgirl can kill a servant.

>> No.20688733

Using a character from a popular franchise gets more attention and sells better than if they make up some random girl.

>> No.20688734 [DELETED] 


>> No.20688736

Kitakami can pretty much kill anything she wants.

>> No.20688739

E1: Hard > Otome > Kuso > Super Kuso
E2: Same as above, with hard being overwhelmingly chosen.
E3: Kuso > Hard > Otome > Super Kuso.

>> No.20688757


>> No.20688814
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>> No.20688820

KTKM can fuck an Alien if she wants. She has many torpedoes for that purpose.

But can she deal with several of them at once?

>> No.20688823

Tell it to the guy I replied to who thinks it's a good idea to bring a gimped Nagato/Nelson along to cancerous route nodes.

>> No.20688824
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>> No.20688825

the game is alive thanks to the madlads like this one

>> No.20688826

Yes, since they scheduled enough time that I didn't feel rushed and I did it early enough to avoid the ddos. The event itself, characters, and design were good, but they really need to add a resume/abandon sortie option when you relog.

If only they'd give exact 甲 percentages.

>> No.20688831

Not bad at all.

>> No.20688850

Talking about >>20688466? Because that's me. And if you read the post you'll notice I didn't say it was a good idea, just that you could do it.

>> No.20688874

would fug

>> No.20688927

I enjoyed it. It was one of the more comfortable final maps in a while. No reason for Hayasui juice, the route was incredibly cheap, a lot of freedom in building your fleet, and the nighttime bonus damage was fun to see. It wasn't exactly a free win but I never felt in danger of failing. I lucked out and got Johnston early and finished the event well before the catbombs started though.

>> No.20688939
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>> No.20688945
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And john is very sexy desu.

>> No.20688950



>> No.20688951

So are we going to learn which BB is getting their Kai Ni this maint or can I go to bed?

>> No.20688960

Today is just Kazagumo.

>> No.20688966

Really? Sweet. Then good night, anon.

>> No.20688969

Just go to bed anon, the only relevant thing about this maint is the delays.

>> No.20689001
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Where the bingo?

>> No.20689010


>> No.20689016

Unless you fap to the announcements, there's no reason to stay up.

>> No.20689020

Head too small.

>> No.20689024

Someone shoop Gamby in the background doing Gamby things.

>> No.20689048

Who was Nimitz's waifu?

>> No.20689067

this is fake - you can't have more than 1 of those things.

>> No.20689084

I thought it was pretty good. The clearing and drops were pretty kind to me.

>> No.20689106

Yes you can, just scrap Johnston.

>> No.20689121
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>> No.20689159
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What yall doing?

>> No.20689164
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, __akashi_and_mechanic_kantai_collection_and_etc_drawn_by_thealagator__06283e7d6430225bef110cedf6172ee4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20689171

rape division

>> No.20689177

Wishing I could grind XP.

>> No.20689184

most improved art division

>> No.20689188

Is Amagiri is the ugliest boatgirl in the game? How is she getting so many seasonal?

>> No.20689197

No. Yes.

>> No.20689237

She has a different style compared to the other drew girls.

>> No.20689257

Wishing I could punch Asashio's belly.

>> No.20689258
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You can't just call every girl with glasses ugly.

>> No.20689262

I wouldn't call her ugly, but she's ugly.

>> No.20689264
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>> No.20689280

Good content.

>> No.20689281
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Perfect. Going to my collection of shipgirls getting punched.

>> No.20689296

Kitakami could probably 1v1 God if she felt like it.

>> No.20689300

No. Tanaka pretty much forced you to farm post clear. Unless you have decent luck in farming it's impossible to say otherwise.
They really need to rethink the whole farming design. Forcing players to choose map rewards or easier farming experience is simply dirty.

>> No.20689304

>Tanaka pretty much forced you to farm post clear.
This is bad how? I've been doing it since the beginning.

>> No.20689309

Sexy stuff.

>> No.20689311
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Yeah, but can she defeat Uchiha Madara?

>> No.20689319

What's the issue?
Kou drop rate is so much higher than kuso mode, only an idiot would actually farm in kuso mode.

>> No.20689320
File: 1.60 MB, 1061x1500, __nisshin_kantai_collection_drawn_by_nigo__f2fcbf5fe6cdaf9c6e40535fe49d0f97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nisshin was the best thing from the event.

>> No.20689322

Eh. She wasn't particularly better than any other new boat.

>> No.20689323

Now I just have to level her, but I don't think 5-3 is an option in this case.

>> No.20689324


>> No.20689326
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>> No.20689328
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>> No.20689333
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Don't forget this one.

>> No.20689334

Rewards come first so I usually farm hard if I don't get drops from clearing. I figure this is more time-efficient and less stressful than diligently resetting the gauge every time and delaying clear times.

>> No.20689336

>so much higher
It's still only 2% difference anon. I got John within 54 runs in kuso, while needing 140 runs, 111 boss fight to get Hayanami.
I mean, compare it to previous event. If you clear on hard you could farm Kishi in a comfy node. You could also farm Goat prior clearing. That's what I call good farming design because it didn't discourage you to clear on hard.

>> No.20689340

Only retards ever farmed on kuso instead of getting the event over with and farming after.

>> No.20689344

Good joke.

>> No.20689349

>I got John within 54 runs in kuso,
You are an idiot. So you gave up 2x 4stars Type C and still needed 54runs? Even worse if you are resetting the bar after every 3sorties is it? A rank for kou mode has the same drop rate as S rank for kuso mode. You can even setup for A rank and it would probably be cheaper than resetting kuso mode bar.

>> No.20689350

nice try bob

>> No.20689360

Where's the joke?

>> No.20689370

her accent is so good

>> No.20689387

Good for you then. For me shipgirls come first so this event has been pretty frustrating.
I farm prior clearing if possible and I got every single shipgirls without being frustated, so being retarded is a good thing I guess.

>> No.20689389


>> No.20689395

I want to fuck her in the ass and stroke her boyish bean.

>> No.20689398
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I'm not really sure what face to make.

>> No.20689411

That "only 2%" pretty much doubles your droprate.

>> No.20689414

>4stars Type C
It's a great equipment yes but at least it's not a gamechanger like Hayabusa so I guess I could live without it. Meanwhile John may not return for a year or more.

Kuso have 2% less chance but you could have almost 100% consistency and less bucket consumption. I farm Hayanami on hard and still need more than 100 runs to get her. Cost and consistency is arguably more important than 2% bonus chance.

>> No.20689417

>Meanwhile John may not return for a year or more.
Drops always return fast.

>> No.20689422

E3 is easier to farm than E2
You just have low EQ and terrible cost benefit analysis skill.

>> No.20689423
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>> No.20689426

I know but unless it adds like 4% or so, personally I don't think it's significant enough.

>> No.20689446

>this event has been pretty frustrating.
>I got every single shipgirls without being frustated

Farming post-clear isn't something that's always frustrating for everyone. Many times I don't even need to do it because they drop while I'm chipping the boss bar and not even thinking about them.
Whatever, you do what you do.

>> No.20689447

Imagine having a S2 anime event

>> No.20689457

I don't remember much from the first one except enjoying the fact that versions of Fubuki (the song) was used as boss themes.

>> No.20689464

Just keep shitgure and yahagi for bonus nuke damage. Current meta heavily rely on bonus ships, poorfags with 100slot have it tough.

>> No.20689465

It was the first memedal event, and the last map required Akashi if you didn't want to deal with maelstrom.

>> No.20689476

What is this?

>> No.20689488

Aquila needed a year and Tashkent and Jervis still haven't come back.
To be fair for the last two it might just be because of the phase 2 event hiatus.

>> No.20689489

Imagine S2 anime not sucking. Now that would be something different.

>> No.20689494

Jazz event.

>> No.20689508

What's oldest exclusive ship right now even? As in the last time they were available.

>> No.20689514

Wevee & co show up to save us from Shigure?

>> No.20689516


>> No.20689517

It won't be as fun without WANKER.

>> No.20689519

This. E-3 was also much cheaper to run. You could forego route support, there was only one surface combat node en route, and you arrived at the boss with 70%(!) ammo left. Running 1st & 2nd LBAS with ASW was also an option to let you bring more nuke-capable ships in the escort fleet. There were also no dodgy PT imps to ruin your S-ranks.

>> No.20689521

Iowa has an unhealthy diet.

>> No.20689522

She dropped last event.

>> No.20689525

Gangut maybe

>> No.20689533

Apparently Yuu and Amagi haven't shown up since Summer 2017.

>> No.20689537

Definitely one of the experimental carriers. I only have Amagi. The others bum-fucking never show.

>> No.20689538

Probably Jervis or Tashkent, the other drops only ships all made a comeback. That said to me the hardest girl to farm is still Hitomi when she first made her appearance. Thank god fatman put her in E1 at the next event.

>> No.20689540

That's not true

>> No.20689543

The correct answer is Amagi and Yuu. AWOL for 16 months and counting.

>> No.20689547

I'm torn between Hamanami, Shigure and Shimakaze. I want to ring them all but only one can get the first ring.

>> No.20689548

Toss a coin.

>> No.20689550

It's gonna be more fun with newfags asking questions.

>> No.20689551

I did. Couldn't find any.

>> No.20689555

Amagi and Yuu all made multiple appearance in the following events after their first appearance.

>> No.20689556

>cost benefit analysis skill
Let's agree to disagree then. Anyway according to >>20688739
many people who clear E2 on Hard also clear event on kuso, so that's something.

I just don't like it when you're being forced to farm in combined fleet post clear, especially if you're a lucklet. Having alternatives always nice.

>> No.20689563

But she is a rape toilet

>> No.20689567

I like broken girls. Easier to abuse.

>> No.20689569

Toilets get rings too, look at Kaga.

>> No.20689574
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That sounds meaner now that I'm rereading it.

>> No.20689576

Low emotional intelligence ie easily flustered, mentally weak, cant cope with stress etcetc
Put it this way, lets assume best case scenario where you can score S rank 100% of the time and have 0% retreat rate in kuso mode. It is still no better than kou mode since the drop rate is half of kou mode if you can make it to the boss node at 75% rate.

>> No.20689577

Tried to be clear but my question was about any ship you can't get right now, so he got it right.

>> No.20689588

Unryuu drops in 6-3 but the droprate is absurdly low.
Might be heavily skewed depending if you can get dupes there or not.

>> No.20689593

Thought she was going to be an personification of the loli BBA meme, but turned out to be a bit of a surprise.

>> No.20689596

Hamanami for hipster points.

>> No.20689602

Easy choice there, Shimakaze.
The other choice is shitgure and the other is a literalwho gumo where the fandom is filled with 3dfags and fujos.

>> No.20689603
File: 84 KB, 661x920, __minegumo_kantai_collection_drawn_by_danbo_rock_clime__9551662a18288a85665d8eb76650f972[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20689609

>the last map required Akashi if you didn't want to deal with maelstrom.

>> No.20689611

Oh, good to know.

6-3 is balls-to-the-walls stupid to farm though.

>> No.20689622

Only problem with Shima is that fag that has to shitpost trap memes about her.

>> No.20689624

6-3 is pretty light and not that bad.

>> No.20689625

I lost almost 200k fuel dan 500 bucket for 125 runs of failed Hayanami farming before going to E3 though. Also I'm not a NEET who can farm 24/7

I mean, if you consider a person who choose safer choice considering the situation and resources as mentally weak, then I don't have anything else to say.

>> No.20689628

It's the one where you have to use AV+CL+4DD, right?

>> No.20689631


>> No.20689635

It is not that bad. You can use Nisshin now
It is cheap on resources but expensive on buckets.

>> No.20689638

I'll prolly try it again after getting Nisshin to Level 60.

I still only have the HP Bar down to half since the start of Phase 2.

>> No.20689671 [SPOILER] 
File: 67 KB, 692x626, 1548147002426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20689675

too big

>> No.20689692
File: 191 KB, 1200x1600, DxM-x5BUUAAuU4I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't care about her at first but after levelling and listening to her she grew on me fast.
But I still liked the other girls more.

>> No.20689693

Too big and me in the back.

>> No.20689703
File: 164 KB, 727x556, Shima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen him in few months.
Shimakaze is a good girl. Make her fast and strong.

>> No.20689718
File: 382 KB, 479x812, Shimakaze_Winter_2018_Event_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K2 soon. I can feel it. All they have to do is recolor her ribbon to black.

>> No.20689727
File: 158 KB, 606x1150, DxgPdy5W0AEY0ZY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fug bono

>> No.20689728

Is that symbolism of her getting defiled?

>> No.20689733


>> No.20689738

By me? yes.
I want to lick those ribs.

>> No.20689740
File: 349 KB, 1475x935, Attilio_regolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

43 knot pasta CLs when?

>> No.20689741

Her next next seasonal will have her ears recolored red, probably for christmas.

>> No.20689753

I want bono to want to fug me.

>> No.20689763

I want to bug her

>> No.20689764

What a hothead.

>> No.20689767

She doesn't like fatsos.

>> No.20689773

But I'm a hungry skeleton

>> No.20689776


>> No.20689784
File: 29 KB, 360x360, kancolle-20190122-182156-000-resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20689785

Sakawa again?

>> No.20689787

That leg looks funky

>> No.20689794

Needs to reveal the belly so I can punch it.

>> No.20689800
File: 677 KB, 675x1200, DwihNKyVAAES_k-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20689807

No that one has breasts, looks like Agano from the turret color.

>> No.20689810

I want this dude to grow more hair

>> No.20689818

down there?

>> No.20689821

Hairy chocolate banana sounds like a pain to deal with.

>> No.20689823

I fucking love pubs, especially when they're just spouting.

>> No.20689849

Canon ugliest girl. She'd probably ride you so hard you'd cum endless times though, I can see her moving like a beast.

>> No.20689860

Amagiri is very handsome.

>> No.20689861

>-Gotland will receive a Kai Ni at some point to re-turn her to a seaplane cruiser.
Do I keep my dupe Gotland then?

>> No.20689864

Yes, you will probably get another bofors or a unique plane.

>> No.20689865

Sure why not.
1 wasted slot doesn't hurt.

>> No.20689882

Floodgates opened for foreign ships in construction when?

>> No.20689887

>unique plane.

It is Sweden so even if there is one it will probably be shit.

>> No.20689889

When we get 15 more gaijin girls.

>> No.20689893
File: 176 KB, 872x1200, DxgdDUIUcAAJI4T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too huge

>> No.20689900

S(uper)LSC soon

>> No.20689902

Actually would the girl herself be ship-sized (whether her height corresponds to bow-stern length or to highest vantage point), or would she be so big her equipment is real-life sized?

>> No.20689957

They didn't even have other seaplanes, so it would be foreign plane or nothing.

>> No.20689972

she's a big girl

>> No.20689987
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>> No.20689989
File: 1.39 MB, 1200x895, DxgkZW2XgAAmHET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20689991


Fucking fatman.

>> No.20689992
File: 73 KB, 405x202, DxgkinZWsAAUoGY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20689998

>more farming

>> No.20690002

cute Agano

>> No.20690011

My fuel was cut in half from the event and now I have to farm again. Shit pisses me off, but I need another Ginga.

>> No.20690012

Something about flag, something about max 1. Better than nothing though.

>> No.20690016

I can't believe I have to play KanColle instead of doing nothing for the next 3 months.

>> No.20690025

Just do it for Ginga.

>> No.20690029
File: 188 KB, 441x345, IMG_20190122_193749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690033


>> No.20690034

Wtf, where is my idlecolle?

>> No.20690036

Obviously for fancy UI shit not the actual sprite.

>> No.20690037

Douglas A-26 Invader when?

>> No.20690041

Fatty slut

>> No.20690044
File: 64 KB, 408x567, Dxgn45BW0AMVlH1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690045

She runs on nothing but FREEDOM seamen. What did you expect?

>> No.20690047
File: 122 KB, 661x1085, 1537305150551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690050
File: 139 KB, 728x1020, Dxgn2hTX4AA-0TC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690051

perfect for baby making sex

>> No.20690057
File: 92 KB, 428x1065, 1531937203564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690063
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>> No.20690070
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>> No.20690077
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>> No.20690078

Cute Gotland

>> No.20690082
File: 56 KB, 546x366, Bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My childhood girlfriend

>> No.20690084


>> No.20690085
File: 91 KB, 555x993, 1537555446868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690090
File: 333 KB, 500x602, I'm cum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to rape this

>> No.20690091
File: 95 KB, 586x941, 1540479899914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20690092

no kai ni?

>> No.20690095
File: 28 KB, 288x288, Midickisready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fujikawa is goddess

>> No.20690098

10▼【改修工廠(明石の工廠)】新改修メニュー追加実装&更新 改修工廠(明石の工廠)において改修可能メニューが拡張されます。 ある艦娘たちがサポートすることで 【533mm五連装魚雷(初期型)】 の強化改修が可能となります。 改修可能装備は秘書艦及び曜日によって変化します。

>> No.20690108


>> No.20690114

13▼ソ連艦装備「130mm B-13連装砲」の能力向上 ソ連艦小口径主砲兵装「130mm B-13連装砲」を従来のフィット補正に加えて、 ある艦に搭載した場合、より高い戦闘能力を発揮します 同戦力向上は数値で可視化できます。
14▼ソ連艦装備「533mm 三連装魚雷」の能力向上 ソ連艦魚雷兵装「533mm 三連装魚雷」を従来のフィット補正に加えて、ある艦に搭載した場合、より高い戦闘能力を発揮します 同戦力向上は数値で可視化できます。
15▼アクティブソナー「三式水中探信儀」の能力向上 我がアクティブソナー「三式水中探信儀」を従来のフィット補正に加えて、ある駆逐艦に搭載した場合、より高い対潜戦闘能力を発揮します。 同戦力向上は数値で可視化できます。
16▼小型量産対空電探「13号対空電探改」の能力向上 我が小型量産対空電探の改良型「13号対空電探改」を従来の能力に加えて、ある艦艇に搭載した場合、より高い戦闘能力を発揮します。 同戦力向上は数値で可視化できます。

More fit equipment.

>> No.20690116
File: 315 KB, 1200x720, 20190122_19023679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in
No kai ni

>> No.20690123

No, those are for spring.

>> No.20690132

No more Taitei NTR.

>> No.20690137

And Johnston is in the correct position when you sort by class now.

>> No.20690140


Some irrelevant buffs.
Aquila got an amazing +1 armor and +4 firepower.

>> No.20690145
File: 1.11 MB, 1200x720, DxgrgcPUUAABxUF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow It's fucking daily holy shit

>> No.20690146

Still the CV with the highest cute stat.

>> No.20690150
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, kokona sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I lost my xmas box, it wasn't permanent

>> No.20690154

Who was Aquila again?

>> No.20690158
File: 69 KB, 539x426, Dxgrzk9UwAAk_Sx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tashkent the strongest.

>> No.20690161

Yosh yosh dispenser.

>> No.20690168

What are the requirements?

>> No.20690171

Ugly ocean liner with a mid-life crisis.

>> No.20690173
File: 430 KB, 515x417, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, equipping Taitei just drops the slot to 1.

>> No.20690174


>> No.20690176

3 S wins with 2 DD or 2 DE

>> No.20690179

Guess that Tanaka didn't want us to have a boat that can actually handle Emilys.

>> No.20690180

3pvp wins

>> No.20690182

More big foreign DDs when?

>> No.20690190
File: 96 KB, 251x227, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and then you're stuck with the 1 slot until you sortie her so you can resupply bauxite, amazing.

>> No.20690191

>Fucking onions bean event
Suffering never ends

>> No.20690198

提督の皆さん、ご協力ありがとうございました! 本日実施の「艦これ」稼働全サーバ群重メンテナンス&節分アップデート、全作業完了しています。更新や接続が不安定な場合は、お使いのブラウザのキャッシュを削除した後、再接続をお試しください。節分も艦娘たちも、よろしくお願い致します!

>> No.20690199
File: 1.63 MB, 1200x720, 2019-01-22 11-22-20 77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My office broke.

>> No.20690201
File: 210 KB, 455x602, 1520474411460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did PVP before checking quest

Go on without me.

>> No.20690202

Devs said they nerf 5-5, what changed? No more REEEEE?

>> No.20690217

They buffed the old hime and demon during last event and made 5-5 and 5-3 harder but now they nerfed the other ships to compensate the buff

>> No.20690220

Lol jap's programing

>> No.20690226

Yes, so I assume they nerf the two REEE escort

>> No.20690229

Based tanak.

>> No.20690235
File: 191 KB, 1200x720, 20190122_19321377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I just need to collect another 120k for the furniture

>> No.20690238

>no Kazaguma Kai Ni
I saw it coming since she had a Setsubun CG and it would've overwritten thr K2 CG but I am still sad.

No, they're supposed to come between now to Spring. Not all in Spring, BY Spring.

>> No.20690239

Can't wait to overfish beans.

>> No.20690245

It's just daily quests.

>> No.20690249

Oh okay then.

>> No.20690255

Also a weekly quest

>> No.20690257
File: 151 KB, 1077x713, DxgxK5ZV4AAtXo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690260


>> No.20690261


>> No.20690263


>> No.20690267

Sexy hoppo.

>> No.20690268

>masked hellcats

>> No.20690270

dumb hopo

>> No.20690273

inhuman beast!

>> No.20690277

>no thicc thighs and hip
Not my Agano

>> No.20690281

Grumpy Hoppou is the cutest.

>> No.20690282

What the literal fuck, don't Akashi repairs work during maint?

>> No.20690283
File: 334 KB, 661x979, Dxd7gFOVYAEw5ms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20690285

I didn't even realise Fukae's VA was still unknown.

>> No.20690287

Worked fine for me.

>> No.20690303
File: 601 KB, 1040x555, Screenshot_35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally their pre-maint HP.

>> No.20690313

Now the Soviet destroyer equipment shows the bonus.

>> No.20690315

I'm more surprised she actually wears a bra.

>> No.20690316

Me too, but we can still do it today, because PvP resets before daily quests.

>> No.20690317

I have no idea, maybe some shit happened on your server. I had Akashi working during the maint and she repaired just fine.

>> No.20690321

There is 4dailies and you only need 20beans for ginga. Basically you only need 5days to get your ginga. Next maintenance is weeks away

>> No.20690326

What else you can get?

>> No.20690330

Did she have her cranes equipped?

>> No.20690333

pvp, world1 daily, world3 daily, no idea about the 4th one

>> No.20690337

Obviously, there's no reason to take them off.

>> No.20690338

Screws, a window, type 1 bomber.

>> No.20690347

So did DMM scam us or what?

>> No.20690348

Torpedo still isn't worth it. B-13 might be worth it especially if it upgraded.

>> No.20690352

Do we know if we can only get 1 Ginga?

>> No.20690357

It's common sense, dumbass

>> No.20690359


>> No.20690365
File: 344 KB, 1920x1280, Mitsubishi_Ki-67-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tanaka doesn't want beautiful Hiryuu?

>> No.20690376
File: 99 KB, 800x800, eto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Etorofu is the only good potato.
<pls be my escort

>> No.20690377

Tanaka has shit taste in planes.

>> No.20690379

Which planes he likes?

>> No.20690381

But Erotofu is a furniture girl, not a potato.

>> No.20690384


>> No.20690388

World 1 and 3 are weekly.

>> No.20690394
File: 49 KB, 512x512, DxccS9xVAAArTOj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690408

I'll max one Hayabusa IIIa later in the spring if he doesn't show anything else to waste these screws.
Some day it will become upgradeable to IIIb.

>> No.20690437
File: 738 KB, 1400x946, 1547805683151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last weekly is a 2DD 5-5 quest again...

>> No.20690444

What the fuck is wrong with Tanaka? He think people like this shit?

>> No.20690446
File: 346 KB, 1000x916, shock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weekly 2DD 5-5?

>> No.20690447

I like that shit.

>> No.20690448

Nelson can be used and A rank is enough so it is not as hard as Sara quest.

>> No.20690462
File: 45 KB, 630x770, Dxg_gmUU8AEP3AR.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690465

Kouya no KOTOBUKI Hikoutai collab soon?

>> No.20690467
File: 89 KB, 1028x366, setsubun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World3 and World5 give 2beans

>> No.20690468

With a 2DD requirement? You intend to bring a single carrier to 5-5?

>> No.20690469

>Mystery BB getting remodel soon
>Konishi drawing Comptiq cover
God save the Queen.

>> No.20690473

Nelson, Sara, Musashi/Ise, Zuizui 2DD
DD can trigger Nelson touch

>> No.20690474
File: 31 KB, 360x360, 1548160871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690477

Nelson Mk2

>> No.20690482

Not thicc enough desu

>> No.20690492

ANGERY 2hu noises

>> No.20690493

Why did Suzuya dye her hair black?

>> No.20690494

would rub with my penis

>> No.20690495
File: 103 KB, 1264x632, g3_battlecruiser_by_helgezone_d2ablnr-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Historical one or 200% bullshit ala basically half oof nip BB remodels.

>> No.20690506

>Fucking fatman

why are (You) even surprised?

>> No.20690513
File: 125 KB, 700x700, tama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else still getting frequent catbombs or having the game get stuck?

>> No.20690514

Rub what?

>> No.20690522

Try clearing your cookies & cache

>> No.20690527

forehead and face

>> No.20690528

I get black screen every time I sortie, just playing on my Android now
Could be some isp or routing issues

>> No.20690532

I can't believe this fat fuck wants to give me the best LBAS plane for minimal effort. What a bastard.

>> No.20690533
File: 75 KB, 400x512, disdain for pleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will laugh at you when Mutsu or Yamato get k2

>> No.20690536

Did that a while before posting to bitch about it. It's been a little better since then but still pretty bad.

>> No.20690542


>> No.20690543

Stop botting

>> No.20690549


Definitely Yamato Kai2

>> No.20690550

Both are those are doomed to look fugly when compared to their non-remodel forms though.

>> No.20690559
File: 104 KB, 807x1200, Dxg_Q-CUYAAgvUM.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690560

Faster and uglier Nelrod, what a wonderful sight.

>> No.20690567

Yahagi k2 soonTM

>> No.20690574
File: 167 KB, 708x1000, 3e05a974bfe1c260beec12df8c5c6e06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After Abu, Kinu, Yura it should be Bari's turn first.

>> No.20690577

It's funny, isn't it? Despite being a better gun arrangement all forwards are fucking hideous.

>> No.20690587

What? The bonus is only meant for tengo fleet? Rest of the akiduki class get nothing?

>> No.20690610

is she screaming for help?

>> No.20690634

What's your routing path?

>> No.20690640

fuck I only have 80% on the quest and I won't be back home until after daily quests reset. I got 4 pvp wins. do you need to win 5?

>> No.20690649

3 完全勝利=3 S

>> No.20690660

fuck that's going to be hard with my fleet full of new ships I'm trying to level

>> No.20690663

Just wait baka

>> No.20690699


Is this Fujikawa?

>> No.20690796
File: 587 KB, 2048x1766, DxhQRRKV4AAOFKS.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690899
File: 130 KB, 778x1000, DuYptyPV4AIm_vn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are they doing on MY couch?!

>> No.20690912

Performance art.

>> No.20690924


>> No.20690936
File: 521 KB, 646x910, 9a775b56218c92e3e2d4f72030f278c9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know but I'm gonna leave them be and go find Naka.

>> No.20690973
File: 295 KB, 850x1186, __admiral_fubuki_kashima_kasumi_ooyodo_and_others_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ichikawa_feesu__sample-c1918a3f5877a7825ce93c12e3168ea9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are giving a show for their Teitoku

>> No.20690980

Any composition for 3-5? 3AV, 2DD 1CL is giving me out routed 100%, 11 tries.

>> No.20690988


>> No.20691000
File: 416 KB, 517x589, 1548160520051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20691032

Mizuho, Teste, 2 DD, Abu & Yura

>> No.20691044
File: 244 KB, 1199x719, 2019-01-22_22-49-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These new ships are pretty OP

>> No.20691127
File: 265 KB, 1200x720, 2019-01-22_23-03-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically you need to farm for 32beans to get the furniture and the 2 planes. Max beans you can per week is 12. I wonder how long this mini event will last.

>> No.20691136

Gingga is obviously capped at 1 right?

>> No.20691141

Everything except screws should be capped at one.

>> No.20691142

You say that like it's the first time this has happened

>> No.20691147

is she clean shaved?

>> No.20691155

who is this literal semen demon?!

>> No.20691167

I already got like 10 of the shitty type 1 bomber I never use so I'll just skip that.

>> No.20691171

Do I need to S-rank the PvP for the quest? I did 3 and it's only 80%.

>> No.20691177

Yea, still need 2weeks min to get both furniture and ginga. Lets hope fatman add more quests,

>> No.20691205


>> No.20691244
File: 107 KB, 600x800, CUGXaw8XIAYMYIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My useless cow carrier does odd things when she's sleep walking. What do?

>> No.20691316
File: 53 KB, 414x585, DxgJBKHU0AUxSyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20691340
File: 296 KB, 1367x2048, hm61u82kawb21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20691350
File: 1.03 MB, 1036x1382, 40287172_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20691360

Would you head under skirt?

>> No.20691369

>tab away during pvp
>tab back after half an hour
>pvp is still not done

>> No.20691385

Tanaka is fairly generous these days.
Quest that delivers Reppuu Kai, now a Ginga for beans.
Shinden Kai when

>> No.20691400

After 64th

>> No.20691409

So how exactly did Tanaka "nerf" 5-5 to counterbalance the hime buff? Anyone tried it yet? Did he remove the Re-elite comp at boss or something?

>> No.20691434

Is Sendai a seagull?

>> No.20691436
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He added some super kuso comp

>> No.20691450

Eh, post-clear comps were a pushover anyway.
I just hope that pre-clear comps got nerfed too. Line ahead double Re-elite with the buffed hime was literally unwinnable.

>> No.20691531
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>> No.20691546
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I need more shipgirls with their hair down.

>> No.20691565
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Best DesDiv

>> No.20691600

>Take a fleet consisting of 1 BB or 1 CV as flagship, 2 DD 3 XX and score an S rank at the boss nodes in 5-4 and 5-5.

I don't want to go to that shithole in this month once more.

>> No.20691607

It's a weekly. You get to go again on Sunday.

>> No.20691618

terrified boner dot jpg

>> No.20691634

I want to breed a destroyer

>> No.20691652
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Fluffy destroyers

>> No.20691680

I know the quest is a weekly, the thing is I don't want to go to 5-5, it's pointless if you don't receive something that worth it.

>> No.20691686

You could always hope the event goes on for two weeks. It's enough to get 20 beans if you only want the Ginga and don't want to go 5-5.

>> No.20691687

Is a Ginga not worth it?

>> No.20691694

a rare long haired myoukou!

>> No.20691698
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My teenage housewife!

>> No.20691714

Do you need A or S for 5-5 weekly?

>> No.20691716
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She has long hair it's just tied in a bun.

>> No.20691725

I want to brush my Myoukou now

>> No.20691726
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>> No.20691730

A but fatman already nerf the map so it should be easy as long as you don't get double Ree

>> No.20691736

Abukuma's normal hair is dumb. This is much better.

>> No.20691747

No. They are good for tugging her back onto your dick when she tries to escape.

>> No.20691748

Wikiwiki says S-rank.

>> No.20691755

God I want to night battle with Sendai.

>> No.20691766

Fubuki is cute.

>> No.20691773
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>> No.20691785

But long hair is better for this since there's more to grab.

>> No.20691833

While I like DFC, I've never felt the urge to fap to RJ until this image. I don't know why.

>> No.20691855
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What is going on?

>> No.20691887
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>> No.20691902

>many people who clear E2 on Hard also clear event on kuso, so that's something.
The clear rate on E-3 was equal between Hard and Kuso until the last minute. There was a huge surge in Kuso when time was running out as people dropped in difficulty.

>> No.20691969

Oshiete, Hyuuga-sensei!

>> No.20691978

The girl on the cover is supposed to have the same seiyuu as Fukae. Neither of the bongs have the same seiyuu.

>> No.20692008

Only the PVP quest is weekly, right?

>> No.20692013


>> No.20692032

Whoops yeah meant that, thanks.

>> No.20692034

Pvp Daily, Sortie Weekly.

>> No.20692045

Maybe you just underestimate Shuu's capacity to change her voice.
Or maybe it'll just be one of the Nagaras.

>> No.20692049

Is Akashi's seasonal a warning not to get my dick anywhere near her mouth?

>> No.20692051

>70kb/s max DL speed
Tanaka please, pay for a decent host.

>> No.20692082
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Updated OP:

>> No.20692094

Is KanColle a job?

>> No.20692097
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Well, I guess I have reason to do あ号 more than once this month. Gotta sparkle everything for the 5-5 weekly.

>> No.20692110

It's a lifestyle.

>> No.20692119
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>> No.20692134
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>> No.20692151

So even if I ignored the 5-5 weekly, I can still get Ginga in 2 weeks. That seems fair.

>> No.20692158

I can't believe I might clear 5-5 for the second time in my career.

>> No.20692169

What is the fastest way to leveling Nisshin?

>> No.20692174
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I want to hug Abukuma.

>> No.20692183

5-2 with Ise rockets.

>> No.20692199

Johnston farming

>> No.20692217
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So I'm gonna have to play everyday for Ginga?
Can't get it in a single day?
The Dong is gone too.

>> No.20692225

If you ignore 5-5, you can get Ginga without any problem.

>> No.20692237

You get 7 beans from PVP a week + 3 from the 2 easy sortie weeklies so in exactly 2 weeks you can get Ginga. If you do the 5-5 weekly you can have 12 beans per week.

>> No.20692240

It's only 3 fucking PvPs a day and a couple of sorties per week.

>> No.20692241

I like her cloud print on the apron. Her design is too good for an Asashio class.

>> No.20692257

What's the problem here? Don't you want to have FUN?

>> No.20692319

Were are my fucking points, you slated eyed island Jews?!

>> No.20692327

Thanks man.

>> No.20692340

gib points

>> No.20692344

Which bit of points will be delivered at the end of January couldn't you read?

>> No.20692361

Fuck reading. Where are my points?

>> No.20692368
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Ever since the DDOS attacks I've been getting catbombs when I return from being idle.
I don't even have to idle for long sometimes it's as short as 40~ minutes of being idle.
Clearing cache and restarting my router did not help, I'm using EO as my viewer.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

>> No.20692372

Are you one of these "homosexuals"? I'll bet you are, you queer.

>> No.20692380

Scrap your entire fleet.

>> No.20692386

Install gentoo.

>> No.20692396

This >>20692372 but change ">read" for "EO".

>> No.20692400

What error code does it give you in the log?

>> No.20692403


>> No.20692410

Fuck off KC3shitter.

>> No.20692421

If you're talking about "eolog.log" I don't see any error codes when it happens.

>> No.20692443

I fucking wish I had a job that fun and easy.

>> No.20692500
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>fun and easy

>> No.20692512

Fuck off newfag.

>> No.20692522

It's a state of mind

>> No.20692587

where's the bingo?

>> No.20692598

Four new girls, the memedal, and being generous four old drops that people might have wanted? Nine squares does not a good bingo make

>> No.20692600

Go back faggot

>> No.20692622

I would make one, but I'm busy for a couple days.

>> No.20692630

South or North for 5-5 weekly?

>> No.20692636 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20692640

Both are the same.

>> No.20692671

Which plane could potentially top Ginga?

>> No.20692678


>> No.20692700

>Ginga Kai (FictionalAG/Skilled)

>> No.20692740

B-29 Kai + P-51D Escorts (Skilled)

>> No.20692748

Can't wait, honestly.

>> No.20692756
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>Two planes in one.
I don't think Tanaka is that mad yet.
Which one of them torpedo bombs?

>> No.20692757

Lancaster with Tallboys.

>> No.20692758

We don't do it anymore because reddit keeps stealing it.

>> No.20692766

Any big heavy bomber.

>> No.20692773

PB4Y-2 Privateer
Avro Lancaster with Tall Boy or Grand Slam
B-29 Superfortress (393d Bombardment Squadron)

>> No.20692783

What's it armed with?

>> No.20692801

Little Boy

>> No.20692802

Literally any heavy bomber, Ginga is a medium one.

>> No.20692816

Anon... Airburst atomic bombs don't kill ships.

>> No.20692818

Eh, most allied medium bombers were also better than it.

>> No.20692821

Little buoy

>> No.20692827

Radiation just makes Abyssals sexier.

>> No.20692833

Those are very ineffective against moving ships.
At torpedo bombing at extreme range? Certainly not.

>> No.20692837

It doesn't, and it's not much radiation either.

>> No.20692839

Installations then.

>> No.20692843

>Those are very ineffective against moving ships.
Fortunately, a sizable number of our enemies are not ships.

>> No.20692844

Because ships are the only enemy in the game.

>> No.20692913

Then it's certainly not better than a bomber which can attack ships. It would be very interesting to have such thing in game, but Tanaka would surely make a way to limit it's use, so players couldn't assassinate event installation bosses. When did we last time have a real installation boss in somewhat difficult map?

>> No.20692919


>> No.20692921

He'd let us use it to deal five-figure damage to Supply Depot.

>> No.20692927

Fairies will survive it.

>> No.20692940

If you failed the bombing run or didn't have enough bombers, Pearl Harbor was kind of a pain.

>> No.20692939

Tanaka already said Ohka and similar suicide devices will never be added.

>> No.20692947
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Satisfy yourself with the Nips' bingo for now.

>> No.20692957

Way too easy.

>> No.20692971
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>> No.20692977

Instead Do 217 with Fritz X to molest pasta BBs and Warspit.

>> No.20692992

He wants to breed that Shigure with his dog.

>> No.20692997

Where did their faces go?

>> No.20693008

Everything but top left and bottom right.

>> No.20693012
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>> No.20693025
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Basically any bomber can do anti-shipping duty if given right weaponry or deployed in sufficient numbers.

>> No.20693040

They are censored to protect the rabid fans

>> No.20693041

I forgot to make the bingo again. Sorry lads.

>> No.20693058
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Mines and mine clearing would be worse than plague.

>> No.20693081

Skip bombing J variant and J-2 variant gunship

>> No.20693087

Bristol Beaufort (late war model) with
18" Mark XVII torpedo.

>> No.20693095

Jokes on her, 3 of them will just walk it off.

>> No.20693105

I want C2 to give us expanded amphibious landings with daihatsu slot counts, veterancy, and shore bombardment fulfilling the role of AACI in reducing the casualties taken by our brave fairy marines. Perhaps landing cut-ins with tank marine marine. Subsequent sorties would carry drums and reinforcements to reinforce the embattled groups, and no amount of shelling could reduce the boss bar. It would be gated by the number of fairies you could land and keep supplied while they slowly deplete the enemy forces, which would in turn slowly deplete the gauge.

>> No.20693124

You're asking for a more tedious version of the TP phase.

>> No.20693128

Paratrooper fairies too?

>> No.20693135

Tedious is the wrong word. This is clearly a more fun TP phase.

>> No.20693140

>Those are very ineffective against moving ships.
So was Ginga

>> No.20693143

>nip marine fairies

Guess that every event will basically impossible to complete without having gotten yank marine fairies from ranking.

>> No.20693150

There's a point at which you stop using roman numerals and this is it

>> No.20693156

Ginga was very effective against moving ships (presuming of course if said boat was unarmored and preferably on the smaller side) when used as a kamikaze vehicle.

>> No.20693158

But roman numerals didn't stop there so we can keep going.

>> No.20693168

I thought it was 4000.

>> No.20693175

Not when used in its intended role though, which is all that matters for ShipThis since no kamikaze weapons ever

>> No.20693193

Why did the bongs keep using those Roman numerals?
I don't see how the plane itself was bad. It was fast for a twin engine torpedo bomber and not the largest target either. Ability to dive bomb was nice too, but might not have been worth it.
Mainly the problem was lacking escorts and enormous AA dakka.

>> No.20693211
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Proper rocket armed anti-boat bombers when?

>> No.20693226
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Literally this but with fairies

>> No.20693239

Not a big fan of 5-5!

>> No.20693305

It's not that it was a bad plane, it's just that using medium bombers as torpedo bombers was an awful idea. The nips kept trying to do it throughout the war and it was always a disaster, barring the enemy doing something monumentally idiotic (force Z).

>> No.20693333

Double Re is still a thing, they only changed the submarine to normal

>> No.20693351

And how are you supposed to do this quest by managing firepower / air superiority / LoS requirement, etc if 2 slots are wasted on DD-s?
Give fleet comp kudasai.

>> No.20693376

I want to molest and take their first time!

>> No.20693383

>RN baited nips into doing something idiotic the entire time at the cost of a BB and a BC

>> No.20693384

Focus on Firepower and LoS

>> No.20693397

That's some next level shit right there

>> No.20693402

I hope not.

>> No.20693403
File: 129 KB, 715x1000, DxhqPdOUYAAu_3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh baby

>> No.20693435

My underage wife.

>> No.20693442

>Conisi wants to get rid of this
What the fuck is her problem?

>> No.20693444

Underage in what way?

>> No.20693460

Conisi wants to fuck an Asashio that isn't hers and she's confused.

>> No.20693465

She's a breastlet

>> No.20693470

Biologically 11-12 but actually 70+.

>> No.20693526

I want to taste her tongue.

>> No.20693540

Would harapan hard.

>> No.20693569

Big if true

>> No.20693598
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I don't get it. Minegumo is boring.

>> No.20693600

Wouldn't it be "small if true" in this case?

>> No.20693622
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I think she's pretty sexy.

>> No.20693626

Only gumofags get it

>> No.20693629

Conishi pls

>> No.20693649

Big braids+big tits is a sexy combo

>> No.20693681

Two sorties into 5-5, both boss comps were line-ahead double-Re elite.
Thanks for fucking nothing, Tanaka.

>> No.20693692
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I want to ambush a sweaty sleepy Kirishima

>> No.20693767

>fully sparkled node support fails to show up
Why is this allowed? Why?

>> No.20693778

What's the leveling strat now
Rarely played seriously lately outside events, but I really need to level these new ships already

>> No.20693816

5-3-P is great. Cheap, fast, easy. Take the weird DD torp/radar/lookout cut-in on every girl that isn't the flagship for increased evasion. Line ahead the first node and P. Don't repair chuuha girls. You get one retreat every 12 or so sorties, but gain anywhere from 1600 to 3200xp on the flagship depending on how things turn out. I haven't tried it with low morale yet, but that's probably a stupid idea anyway.
