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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 113 KB, 850x637, 1233740810675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2065324 No.2065324 [Reply] [Original]

Girls with no self-esteem or confidence are the worst.

I know that I will be choosing the other character route (the girl that is both loli and healthy).

>> No.2065328
File: 94 KB, 680x850, 1234396873329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the shy no confidence kind.

>> No.2065329

>both loli and healthy
The best.

>> No.2065332

>both loli and healthy
I beg your pardon?

>> No.2065339
File: 96 KB, 565x800, 1234397043280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's possible.

>> No.2065359

>both loli and healthy
I'm not following you there.

>> No.2065360
File: 144 KB, 636x900, 1234397267208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest you cheat for money. because shit gets pricey later in the game

>> No.2065389

>I suggest you cheat for money. because shit gets pricey later in the game
>later in the game

what is this i dont even

>> No.2065409

You ever had an actual girlfriend like this?
High-maintenance doesn't even begin to describe it.

>> No.2065421

Shy but determined for me. Too bad they don't exist neither IRL nor in VNs.

>> No.2065430
File: 97 KB, 408x600, 1234397928596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, if she's shy and quiet and polite then I guess she wouldn't be too needy or high-maintenance.

>> No.2065435

Would Nagato Yuki count?

She's not real or from a VN, but still.

>> No.2065440
File: 75 KB, 641x448, 1234398011947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has both a loli and healthy mode.

Yeah, shy is always, always fappable.

>> No.2065483

Not the shy part, the no-confidence part.
No confidence = no self-esteem = need for constant reinforcement = high-maintenance.
My last GF was like that, and although she's a good person, she had a bad tendency to explode if she thought someone wasn't paying significant attention to her or if she otherwise took something the wrong way.
Feel free to play the redeemer in case you come across an attractive girl like this, but you might need to devote a lot of time, effort, and attention to her to help her regain her confidence, and be prepared for the chance that she might not want to get better.

>> No.2065530


>> No.2065545
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Really? My characters have been using the same items for 15+ game hours now!

>> No.2065546
File: 203 KB, 480x580, 1234399234991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah Misha

>> No.2065552

What's the sauce on OP pic?

>> No.2065559

Ah, kinda like Klein Klan?
Except with the whole giantess part.

>> No.2065565
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Not fapsafe, so linking to there. I don't remember the guy's Pixiv.

>> No.2065563

Shurelia's cosmosphere was like playing a real VN.

>> No.2065587

Oh god, I finally figured it out who she was, and where she was from. Aurica or something from Ar Tonelico.

Well, can't be that amazed since I never really liked her and was pretty much focused on Misha the whole game until she reverted back to the healthy form, bawwwwwwww.

>> No.2066082
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>>Well, can't be that amazed since I never really liked her and was pretty much focused on Misha the whole game

I don't think anyone liked her.

>> No.2066087

>Girls with no self-esteem or confidence are the worst.
But guys without any of that are?

>> No.2066096

[/spoilers]she can turn back into a loli[spoilers]

>> No.2066100

Sage for butthurt female.

>> No.2066107

At least they don't go having sex with every girl they meet.

>> No.2066117

guys, knock it off. no need to derail a /v/ thread.

>> No.2066119

What if every girl they meet wants to have sex with them?

>> No.2066141
File: 100 KB, 500x603, 1234407468503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't worry; I can assure you that glorified VNs are indeed /jp/ material!

>> No.2066296

Best girl out of both games, no contest.

>> No.2066319


the good thing you're missing out my american counter part, is that they are gullible too.

>> No.2066312

Better than Luca at least.

>> No.2066336

You'll end up picking Shurelia just like everyone else.

>> No.2066351

Agreed, Jakuri/Mir is the greatest girl in the game.

>> No.2066432
File: 174 KB, 829x860, 1234410603387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well if that's the case, then I'll try to beat the first game a little bit faster.

>> No.2066445
File: 117 KB, 400x604, 1234410705200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game always reminds me of this advertisement.

>> No.2066473

Indeed you should.

>> No.2066477

>the girl that is both loli and healthy

that's disgusting, man

>> No.2066492


>> No.2066512
File: 326 KB, 500x711, 1234411421548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can deal with shy. Shy is fine.
But yeah, I hate no confidence. I hate the Japanese fascination with the "perfect wife" idea. Adoring girls who cook and clean and fucking baby you.

Dammit, I like girls with AMBITION. They have dreams, ideals, and things to do that don't involve me. I can get involved and help, but ultimately, she can work alone if need be. Pic fucking related.

>> No.2066522

Ar Tonelico, look it up, retard.

>> No.2066544

What about guys with no self-esteem or confidence?

>> No.2066553

I would hit Naoto at full force

>> No.2066554


They post ITT.

>> No.2066571

Wait, why the hell did I bother spoilering that? It's so obvious that if you don't see it, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.2066573


>> No.2066603

Jesus fuck the PAL versions of the first game are expensive. Better be worth it.

>> No.2066608


>> No.2066624

Rise and Amagi being the shitty waifu girlfriend bitch who babys you.

>> No.2066649

Naoto > Rise > Yukiko > Chie > Ai > Ayane > Yumi

>> No.2066689
File: 33 KB, 315x400, 1234413120521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this expression

>> No.2066690
File: 691 KB, 1500x1052, 1234413132158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I agree with your Naoto being on top, you're doing it wrong. It's a Persona game. Be a pimp.

Or stick with just Naoto. A gun slinging, brilliant, reverse trap detective who secretly has a great figure is enough for me.

>> No.2066737

You'd put the Loli with neverending blush spots above the forehead girl?

>> No.2066747
File: 98 KB, 420x600, 1234413598846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forehead girl is awesome.
Plus, I heard you like drama, so we put drama on the drama club.

>> No.2066757
File: 161 KB, 939x949, 1234413701162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2066767

I know, but the guy who rated all the girls says she's worse than the Endless Blusher of the music club.

>> No.2066837
File: 98 KB, 648x779, 1234414267792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping so Remilia can save the OP ass pic.


Maids are my one weakness.

>> No.2066964

Dear ZUN !bar

>> No.2067002

Hey ZUN!bar, are you still here.

>> No.2067011
File: 106 KB, 1001x920, 1234415776479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, of course.

>> No.2067040

What's your email address. I want to ask you some offtopic things about music/composing.

>> No.2067089
File: 173 KB, 730x825, 1234416540370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't got one, bro. I can't think of a reason why I'd need to use e-mail.

Just ask away here. Or honestly, make a thread about it. There's an alarming amoung of music bros here in /jp/. Say it's for /jp/ Project or something.

>> No.2067128

Give me a list of all the music software you use. Do you have any good tutorials and/or ebooks for learning how to read/write sheet music.

What's the difference between normal music and video game music?

>> No.2067138

What's the name of that slut?

I need something to fap to.
See it as a exchange for giving you Klein.

>> No.2067159

>I don't got one, bro. I can't think of a reason why I'd need to use e-mail.
Why not just create a temporary one for dicking around with your fellow Anons (that's what most Anons do). Creating a new account at gmail only takes 2 minutes.

One of these days I might need your composing skills for one of my projects. It's always useful to have a contact location.

>> No.2067175
File: 57 KB, 429x600, 1234417384391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2067180

I know! Ask athens for the password to the peahippo@gmail.com account he made. It's not like anyone uses it.

>> No.2067208
File: 63 KB, 400x665, 1234417779827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is a good girl

>> No.2067211
File: 195 KB, 568x448, 1234417818351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All right, made zun.bar@gmail.com. I'm racking my brain trying to think of what info to give to music Anon anyways. It's sort of a lot of stuff. Send me a mail there, bro.



She's from the second game.

>> No.2067218

I thought peahippo was used by Anonymous Jones

>> No.2067230

It would be cool to have one shared /jp/ email account where we all can read and write email from it. It's a shame something like that would never work because a) there would be too much abusers (i.e. the people that would change the shared password) and 2) most email host only allow one browser to enter the inbox at any given moment.

>> No.2067365
File: 165 KB, 758x909, 1234420606618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What would we talk about, though?

>> No.2067392


You can turn her back into a loli.

>> No.2067397

We could use it to discuss random shit that would normally get banned from /jp/, or we could use it to exchange knowledge and/or projects.

>> No.2067469
File: 401 KB, 550x777, 1234421947991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me >>2067128 here. I guess I forgot to tell you my time is very limited. I have a dentist appointment in the morning.

tl;dr When I wake up tomorrow I expect to find my inbox filled with all of your composer knowledge. That is all.

Here's my email address: 4thanon@gmail.com

>> No.2067523

I got all 6 at once. Souji is a pimp.


Endless blushing wasn't quite as annoying as Yumi's woe is me bullshit. Though its funny as fuck if you go on a Sunday date and either Sun S.Link meets Rise or Ai.

>> No.2067528

I actually started to like her once I got more into her cosmosphere and she started to believe in herself a bit.

>> No.2067610
File: 49 KB, 515x527, 1234423536723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I too have a bustling schedule tomorrow; this game isn't gonna play itself. Plus, I need complete it so I can start AT2.

But I will send you one of those electronic mail things.

>> No.2067632

>There's an alarming amoung of music bros here in /jp/.
I've noticed this too. I wish all the musicbros of /jp/ could get together and do something awesome, like make an orchestra. But unfortunately, 50% of them seem to play electric bass.

>> No.2068378
File: 116 KB, 640x841, 1234438657448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I actually started to like her once I got more into her cosmosphere and she started to believe in herself a bit.

I wonder at what level that starts to happen, though.

>> No.2068412

That's just her. No confidence/self-esteem does not equal to attention/drama whore.

>> No.2068418

>You ever had an actual girlfriend?

Nope. Normalfag go home.

>> No.2068421

Girl spotted.

Same girl.

>> No.2068422


Y'know I honestly didn't like AT2 as much, what with a kind of shitty translation, game freezing glitches, and the characters being kind of assholes. The music was nice, but I think I liked the first one more overall, and even just on the music alone.

>> No.2068433
File: 794 KB, 920x680, 1234439392640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shurelia and Mir are really just the best things ever.

Frelia was kinda meh.

>> No.2068465

You see, that's the difference when you have a vagina. A woman can always find hot dickings. There can't be such a thing as a man with no self-esteem or confidence and women wanting to have sex with him.

>> No.2068470


'women cant be ronery'? and all that shit?

>> No.2068471

Well I liked Aurica and Luca the best on their respective game, seem like their not very popular though

>> No.2068475

>A woman can always find hot dickings.

Haha, no. There are some women who are just pig disgusting even by normal people's standards.

>> No.2068487

Woman can't be ronery. Woman might get lonely when they choose it and that's it. There's almost no 24 years old virgin anywhere unless they are fugly and or christfags.

>> No.2068484
File: 60 KB, 938x736, 1234440212742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2068490

They don't count as women.

>> No.2068502


this is what /jp/ males actually believe....

>> No.2068508

Reading this just made me convinced that there are no ronery men either.

>> No.2068512

Let's meet on the halfway here. I'd say that women can always find dickings, but you need to be above 3 on the 1-10 scale if you want it to be hot dickings.

>> No.2068514

They have tits and a vagina, Tim. Im pretty sure thats what it takes for a human to be regarded as female.

>> No.2068516

You make it sound like you don't.

>> No.2068525

Are you a girl?

You aren't doing your case much good.

>> No.2068529


>> No.2068528

Actually the XX chromosomes are and no, they are whales, you should hunt them for food.

>> No.2068543

>Are you a girl?
What would lead you to that conclusion?

>> No.2068544

I'm living proof that it's not true, I'm 24 and I've had just 3 one night stands in my entire life. I had to be the proactive one in all of those cases.

>> No.2068551

>I've had just 3 one night stands
Just 3? Is that all?

>> No.2068560


because you seem to have experience of that kind of thing

>> No.2068561

Eh what? You had sex with 3 woman so far?

>> No.2068564

I'm talking about female virgins. I don't see your point.

>> No.2068567

Just 3. Two when I was 17, 1 was I was 19 at college.

I realise now that the kind of guys I used to go for were the kinds that will whisper sweet nothings to you and then get all angry and violent and lose their temper when things don't go their way or their ego is bruised.

See, we may be impressed by their arrogance when we are younger, but we eventually want nicer, more easy going guys when we reach our mid 20s, so give us a chance.

>> No.2068572

Okay this thread is now homosexual. Dude...

>> No.2068576

Oh wait, you are a woman? Then you're living proof that my statement IS true. You already had sex. You are not virgin.

>> No.2068582

Don't ignore the other points I made, about how we eventually grow up and get tired of guys like that treating us badly. And we want to settle with a decent guy who will treat us like gold. Please don't give up hope anon.

>> No.2068581

>See, we may be impressed by their arrogance when we are younger, but we eventually want nicer, more easy going guys when we reach our mid 20s, so give us a chance.
It's a troll, guys. He does practice good subtlety, though.

>> No.2068586

But you're so OLD!

>> No.2068583

Goddamn, I need more time to play this.

>> No.2068585

You reap what you sow bitch. Thats how the world works, dont expect it to change just because you have a vagina.

>> No.2068587


Aren't you a girl? What are your thoughts?

>> No.2068589

This. After acting like you have for many years, you expect guys to treat you "like gold" when you're finally prepared and ready to stop sleeping around? Hah.

>> No.2068596


Shut up.

>> No.2068592

Men can't be ronery.

>> No.2068599

Eh, I don't really care about being ronery or whatever. I prefer nice, intelligent girls and that's it.

>> No.2068598

Don't be silly, girls don't have thoughts.

>> No.2068602

Men can't stand to hear the truth.

>> No.2068611

>>nice, intelligent girls

Mutually exclusive comment is mutually exclusive.

>> No.2068606

You can't just grow up and expect everyone to just forget about your previous deeds. Anecdotal evidence shows quite clearly that you cannot trust a female promising that her past activities are behind her and she'll never do it again.

>> No.2068610

Jokes aside, I do want to believe in that. It's like our only chance left. But at the same time you expect someone with 0 experience and a ronery lifestyle to threat you like a proper bf, don't you? Even though you had a head start.

>> No.2068615

When did you decide you preferred girls and why do you prefer girls, also, did you ever try and get into a relationship with a guy to see if it was possible? I'm curious about girls who exclusively like other girls, lesbians basically as opposed to those fashionably bi girls.

>> No.2068618

I've met quite a few, but they had one flaw: they prefer dick.

>> No.2068625

There is no room for forgiveness; no such thing as redemption. This /jp/ believes.

>> No.2068633

Several of my male friends have successfully turned straight women into lesbians; are you saying that it works the other way as well?

>> No.2068635

How can men 'not be ronery' as you put it?

What do you mean? We are supposed to forgive those who shunned us and now want to leech off of us like parasites? No, no room for forgiveness for girls like that.

>> No.2068637

Nah. You've seriously never met an intelligent and nice chick?

>> No.2068639




>> No.2068646

Why do male /jp/ers like to pretend to be lesbian tripfags so much? Goddamn teenagers and their yuri fantasies.

>> No.2068647

Men are physically incapable of being 'ronery'; all they have to do is lower their standards and they can find someone to have sex with.

>> No.2068650

A synthesis of two facts:

1) /jp/ likes girls
2) /jp/ wishes to be the girl

>> No.2068659

I think somebody should post moar sexy Jakuri pics.

Just a suggestion.

>> No.2068657

They just tend to be less slutty, less attention whoring and easier to get along with.

>> No.2068667

I grew up being 'one of the boys', so to speak. I've always had male interests, and upon playing my first eroge (at age 8), my mind seemed to have been set to like girls exclusively.

Of course, being in a conservative Christian country, such a life is quite difficult, but I persist. (I've been rejected multiple times.)

Eh, it would depend. Some girls are easily turned, being on the fence about their sexuality. Some are quite set in their ways.

>> No.2068661


>> No.2068663


LOL! You can't honestly believe that, it's the other way around!

>> No.2068675

Do not answer to trolls please.

>> No.2068676

Is it not fair to expect them to keep it to themselves, just as we wouldn't want furries to become tripfags and pretend they're a real anthropomorphic fox or something?

Considering everyone claiming to be female tripfags also claims to be lesbian, I see a certain correlation between attention-whoring and claiming to be lesbian.

>> No.2068680


>> No.2068683

Stop trolling /jp/ you manwhore; how many women have you slept with? Four? Five? How could someone like you know what it means to be ronery?

>> No.2068687

Wait, I think I'm starting to realize something here. It's the same for both.. However, men have pride. Men don't want to lower their standards.

>> No.2068692

>upon playing my first eroge (at age 8), my mind seemed to have been set to like girls exclusively.
>my first eroge (at age 8)

Mind blown.

>> No.2068694

Furries don't troll /jp/ because they can't get a reaction from /jp/. People claiming to be women or lesbians do, and are thus encouraged.

This is your fault. Your fault.

>> No.2068696

So if you met the perfect girl and she was forthright when she needed to be, and shy and cute at times, shared your interests, was really loving and kind and open to new interests and so on but wanted to wait for maybe 5 or 6 months before you had sex, would you say yes?

>> No.2068700

Men lower their standards in order to stop being ronery. Women lower their standards just to get laid.

>> No.2068708


>> No.2068709

>>2068687 men don't want to lower their standards
Nobody 'wants' to lower their standards. That's like wanting your job to pay less.

But if you lack the skillset, you need to make a choice between McDonalds and the homeless shelter.

>> No.2068713

You are lying. Even if you are telling the truth you're only a virgin because you choose not to be.

>> No.2068719

That type of girl is one in a million, of course I'd agree. I'd hold off sex as long as she wants to.

>> No.2068721

Why, would YOU sleep with Athens?

>> No.2068724

It seems only lesbians can understand us.

>> No.2068726

That's so cute and adorable. Why do you girls get this kind of thing and we male anons don't?

>> No.2068727


>> No.2068732

Yes. Of course I would. Who wouldn't, seriously?

>> No.2068736

Well yes, but indirectly and subcosnciously. I _choose_ subconsciously to be lazy and lethargic as far as socializing goes, so this is the end result.

It's indirect though.

>> No.2068738

Well, let me rephrase it then: Men don't consider it worthwhile to lower their standards, and thus they choose not to.

>> No.2068743

I was under the impression that this was a pretty common thing to happen in heterosexual relationships?

But only before age 15.

>> No.2068762

If you're consciously aware of the choice, it's not subconscious.

I think we've gone too far in trying to prove that women cannot be ronery, as our definitions are starting to exclude too many of the males who are genuinely ronery.

>> No.2068776

Subconscious was the wrong word, it's not like I actively set out to isolate myself from possible relationships, that's just an indirect symptom of other choices I make, most notably the fact I hardly ever talk to anyone outside of my close circle of friends (all male).

I think step 1 is to have a good female friend. Damn, I used to know this girl who told me to come along to GAYMEN club once, she was indian and not particularly pretty but it would have been nice to have a female friend at least.

>> No.2068787

Really, that's the kind of girl that you love and cherish forever. I'd be perfectly happy just being with her everyday, talking about stuff and going places and hanging out.


>> No.2068797

>>2068776 GAYMEN club
I honestly don't know if that is /v/ speak for "gaming club", or if you were actually invited as a girl's date to a gay bar.

Fuck, I've never been invited to a gay bar by a girl. ;_;

>> No.2068808

To be quite honest with you, my good man, you seem a bit like you're making excuses to pity yourself. Trust me, you won't feel that much better by convincing yourself it's a matter beyond your control.

>> No.2068812

Such a slut.

>> No.2068816

>it's a matter beyond your control

You missed the point entirely if you think that's what I was trying to say. I was just illustrating the difference between a proactive choice and an indirect choice.

>> No.2068819

But that is the very source of his power, the thing that has allowed him to become a /jp/ superstar! Who would give that up?

>> No.2068820

I don't think they let girls into gaybars. Might be the only place left in the world where we can actually get some peace from these females. I miss the old heterosexual gentleman clubs.

>> No.2068824

I just want him to stop being so lonely. Does that make me a bad person? ;_;

>> No.2068832

Maybe I was thinking of one of those places where gay men strip for a mostly female audience? What are those called, again?

>> No.2068835

That's kind of sweet. But I wouldn't expect anyone to do that out of pity. Just chilling and talking about books with some tea is enough.

>> No.2068844

Can we dress up like touhoes while drinking the tea?

>> No.2068860

Only if it's as Rinnosuke.

>> No.2068861

I still believe that by stressing the difference between those two types of choices, you are just trying to distance yourself from the fact that you've made a choice that is just as valid as an active choice.

>> No.2068862

Possibly. Dress up as Patchouli and you've got yourself a deal, or maybe Kaguya, not sure.

>> No.2068864

You are a real bro ;_; I hope you find someone like that one day, even if I can't.

>> No.2068870


>> No.2068872

No, if you want to know what I mean by illustrating that choice then I'll tell you. It means that I can't simply 'start talking to girls' as a panacea for all my ills. I need to work incrementally, slowly, being happy enough to have self-confidence in the first place instead of trying to fake it.

>> No.2068878

But who would you dress up as?

>> No.2068883

I would enjoy drinking tea with you. I am male.

>> No.2068891

I'm not sure. Perhaps.... Hmm I really am not sure at all.

>> No.2068896

All are welcome to join. Regardless of gender.

>> No.2068898

Where do you live now?

>> No.2068902


>> No.2068903

Poor sod.

>> No.2068905

Oh... I'm in Athens.

>> No.2068911

>athens !SysNpnp3nU


>> No.2068919
File: 117 KB, 471x800, 1234446514114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally fucked up on my playthrough of P4. I stayed just friends with all the chicks, aiming ultimately just for Naoto. Unfortunately, I got friend zone'd by her, and my MC ended the game as a virgin.


>> No.2068922


Fate has decreed we shall meet some other time it seems.

>> No.2068935

I'll drink tea tonight while thinking of you.

>> No.2068942

Played like a true /jp/edo, even virtual pussy is unobtainable.

>> No.2068949

Don't worry, atleast you still have Nanako.
She did say she was going to marry you when she grew older.

>> No.2068963
File: 301 KB, 800x400, 1234447433362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro. Me too.

>> No.2068970

Oh hahaha, true, so true.

>> No.2069067

Fuck you AT2. Still can't play the game; the first game i am not able to run fully on my modded ps2. First I wasn't able create save states and after that my memcard was corrupted with the failed not-load-able state which I can't delete anymore (not even with LaunchElf)


>> No.2069076

Fuck you AT2. Still can't play the game; At2 is the first game I am not able to fully play on my modded ps2. First I wasn't able create save states and after that my memcard was corrupted with the failed not-load-able state which I can't delete anymore (not even with LaunchElf)


>> No.2069083


>> No.2069101
File: 37 KB, 500x479, 1234449829193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LOL! You can't honestly believe that, it's the other way around!
I found an old picture of Athens.

Athens always manages to make one big flaw in his argument. He tries to speak for all men as if the numbers and/or statistics are on his side. Protip: You are a minority. Your social anxiety disorder prevents you from interacting with both males and females. Most men (i.e. normal men) don't have trouble finding a girlfriend. I hate to sound like a normalfag, but Athens doesn't have any play.

"Normal men" are much better at getting into a relationship than females. On any given night, a normal male could walk into a bar and flirt with several women. Normal women on the other hand are forced to feign abstinence (otherwise the politically correct society will label them sluts), thus they have a much harder time getting into a relationship with the opposite sex. Back in my high school days the jocks dominated the sexual engagement arena with an iron fist. Nerdy females and/or average looking females weren't given the light of day. Even the cheerleaders (i.e. the few good looking girls) were manipulated by the males.

On an anti social website like 4chan, people might agree with Athens because (just like Athens) they are completely blind to the truth.

>> No.2069121

That's why you should always have a normal un-modded ps2 for just such an occasion.

>> No.2069133

>On any given night, a normal male could walk into a bar and flirt with several women.
This is called "one night stand".
>Normal women on the other hand are forced to feign abstinence (otherwise the politically correct society will label them sluts), thus they have a much harder time getting into a relationship with the opposite sex.

You see, those women that society would label them as sluts, do one night stands, don't look for relationship, as the men you already described above.

>On an anti social website like 4chan, people might agree with Athens because (just like Athens) they are completely blind to the truth.
You've missed the point. We do not talk about "normal" people. We talk about ronery people. And our point is that women can't be ronery. "Normal" people, both men and women, aren't ronery anyway.

>> No.2069141

>You've missed the point. *We do not talk about "normal" people. We talk about ronery people.
Semi true, but in the case of Athens he tends to generalize all males and females.

>> No.2069157
File: 17 KB, 256x352, 1225566142818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You've missed the point. We do not talk about "normal" people. We talk about ronery people. And our point is that women can't be ronery. "Normal" people, both men and women, aren't ronery anyway.
Wow, I cant believe I didn't notice this. Contradiction much? Re-read your words now tell me what you did wrong.

>> No.2069158

I don't care about Athens, I defend the points made.

>> No.2069169

butthurt feminist detected.

you've gotta be seriously butthurt to drag up such an old thread.

>> No.2069178
File: 29 KB, 1066x778, 1000hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obvious that the women here aren't "normal" too. Here let me draw it for you.

>> No.2069194

>You've missed the point. We do not talk about "normal" people. We talk about ronery people.
You just said we only talk about "ronery people."
>And our point is that women can't be ronery.
Let's put this on the record that you just said females cant be ronery.
>"Normal" people, both men and women, aren't ronery anyway.
Now you just said "normal people both males and females" hinting to the possibility that there exist a demographic of non-normal (ronery) females.

>> No.2069207

/jp/ females are nice.

>> No.2069212

No. /jp/ anons = not "normal" people. We are a subgroup of the people group.
/jp/ anons are divided into male and female /jp/ anons. Two subgroups separated of each other, both subgroup of people group.
Ronery people are a subgroup of /jp/ male anons group.
Got it now?

>> No.2069216 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 1066x778, 1234451251463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, this picture contradicts your argument. If females cant be ronery than why are there two separate categories for females? If even the nerdy females cant be ronery, then why not fuse the two female demographics. After all, it is a graph about who can or cannot be ronery. Way to defeat your own argument.

Wow, you guys are really bad at this stuff, but have no fear, I've fixed your picture.

Quit posting as an Anon Athens and receive your verbal ass whooping like a man. Regrettably, I'm a pro at this shit.

>> No.2069248

Sorry I thought I was talking with someone who was looking for serious discussion and had an intellectual level of an adult. I guess I was wrong.

>> No.2069255

>If females cant be ronery than why are there two separate categories for females?
Because I can? Given that, your picture is also wrong, why you separate the /jp/ non-ronery anons with the "normal" men? Not all /jp/ anons are ronery.

>> No.2069264

>>2069248 Maybe he'll go away if I throw a tiny-veiled ad hominem at him. I refuse to lose a debate on the Internet!

>> No.2069309

>Quit posting as an Anon Athens and receive your verbal ass whooping like a man. Regrettably, I'm a pro at this shit.


>> No.2069362
File: 8 KB, 200x150, 1207442698443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT intentional logical fallacies and tailored arguments.

But in the end I succeeded at accomplishing my mission (trolling the trolls). Remember kids, next time you see a troll -- run and hide. Save yourself the verbal abuse that would pursue.

Thread over.
