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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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20643253 No.20643253 [Reply] [Original]

Daily Japanese Thread for flashtards, 10000-hours-of-anime-ers, rtgays, resolutionists, manga-isn't-readingists and other idiots.

Guide & resources:

前スレ: >>20630004

>> No.20643262

oh fuck me wrong number

>> No.20643301
File: 151 KB, 1600x900, FirstMature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some of my first mature words. Pretty happy about that.

>> No.20643305
File: 35 KB, 551x473, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ok the numbers are like the points on whose line is it anyway they dont matter

its the same fuckin thread every time

anyway lets start it off proper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5y4L4bneyM#t=77

>> No.20643341

also this vids really important if u wanna learn nihongo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45Ekd6KKXpg

>> No.20643448

Can someone please translate this?


>> No.20643506
File: 147 KB, 381x354, 弟.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can do it anon I believe in you

>> No.20643510


>> No.20643512

A person majoring in fields related to Japanese · Japanese culture as the major major.
In addition, those who mainly major in fields other than Japanese-Japanese culture and who are studying various circumstances of Japan (engineering, economics, agriculture, architecture, art, etc.) as a part of learning are not included.

>> No.20643520

what ?

>> No.20643536


>> No.20643546

What does this mean?

>> No.20643555

>mature words
>doesn't even remember them

>> No.20643598

So irs 6? Why would japanese write it like this

>> No.20643810

I'm beginning to see why people say Anki is bad for you.

>> No.20643900

Not gonna make it

>> No.20643924

flashcards are dangerous

>> No.20643938
File: 12 KB, 70x359, 017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invested eight years of my life for this, do not make the same mistake
Do not learn japanese

>> No.20643958

maybe entertain urself with something more entertaining than anime cum

>> No.20644022

absolutely roflmaoing at anyone who learns japanese just to end up not liking otaku media

>> No.20644029

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

>> No.20644094

I will learn japanese so i can translates stuff to german and totally btfo the english audience. Go fuck yourself Amerifats

>> No.20644111

id just like to interject for a moment わたしはゲイ

>> No.20644117


>> No.20644119
File: 525 KB, 925x476, Udklip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if your youtube subfeed doesn't look like pic related you wont learn japanese

>> No.20644138

im pretty sure if ur feed looks like that ur just normie trash

>> No.20644152

>having boys in your feed
l o l fag

>> No.20644222

When is it a good idea to start getting into light novels?

>> No.20644224

Is itazuraneko main guide ok?
I mean, I was happy when I read their method, because I really like reading oriented learning.
Can anyone share some experience?
grammar>core 2k/6k>reading native stuff/studying
no genki or x, y or z textbook.
Of course some individual study of kanji along with core 2k/6k, but not exhaustive methods like RTK.

>> No.20644245

Doesn't the main guide there recommend using RTK to learn kanji?

>> No.20644267

They dont make it clear, they simply say that both methods: individual study of kanji and not studying individually, but rather "through vocabulary" are efficient. If you choose the first option they recommended, of course, the RTK. But if it's the second option they simply recommend core 2k / 6k plus reading. But of course an individual study is welcome.

>> No.20644275

>individual study is welcome.
individual kanji study is welcome**

>> No.20644318

when u can read a little bit ???? when u really want to read 1 cuz uve bought into the fake hype that its actually good and epic when its actually trash ?????

1 of those

>> No.20644403

wheres your nihongo perapera da
dont finish core before you read
some kids were talkin about vn core bein better months ago never looked at it
just watch cure dolly for the grammar ftw
important message

>> No.20644455
File: 113 KB, 650x518, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're over estimating, it should look more like this

>> No.20644466


>> No.20644485

also if ur feed doesnt have this in it then i guess i havent posted it enough yet


>> No.20644516

Yeah you're right, well they're not wrong, both are good, if you prefer picking kanji up through vocabulary then do that, but like they mention in the guide, if you are slow to pick them up or have poor retention then individual study might be better.

>> No.20644527

Do people really consider themselves fluent without having learned all the jouyou kanji?

>> No.20644532

What does that have to do with fluency?

>> No.20644554

Is there an add on like yomichan for anki 2.1? I cant find anything atm aside from ankiconnect, which needs yomichan apparently, or is does it mean yomichan the chrome extension?

>> No.20644631

do people really consider nippon children fluent before they finish secondary school

>> No.20644639

Are you a child?
Didn't think so.

It's the base for an adult?

>> No.20644642

They obviously aren't

>> No.20644659

in nippongo you are baby
hontou nara ookii

>> No.20644668

You don't need to be an adult to be fluent lmao

>> No.20644699

璽 can you read this? i can xD

>> No.20644722

Do people who have no idea how the language works really think they get to choose who can call themselves fluent and who can not?

>> No.20644882

fluent and literate are 2 different things if u guys must play ur foolish label game

>> No.20644917

Fluency for children can be considered as early as 6 years, since at that age most children dominate the standardizations, rules and possiblities of the UG, having passed the critical period of language acquisition. At 8 years is almost complete. And some aspects of the learning process is eternal, since the vocabulary of any language cant be 100% mastered. Throughout our lives we always expand our vocabulary

>> No.20645006

shit that hinders fluency.. you can be fluent and illiterate. not the other way around

>> No.20645008

you can memorize 3000 zi and be proud of your adult level mastery of drawing chinese houses but will you be as good as a native 10 year old at nihongo

>> No.20645014

cant wait for all the not fluent but self proclaimed literate guys to come fight this one

>> No.20645016

Is is impossible for some a non-native with an IQ below 130 to truly become fluent in japanese.

>> No.20645020
File: 3.89 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I tell where words end and begin in this? Its yotsubato chapter 1 if that helps

>> No.20645027

is there any bait as high tier as iq bait

>> No.20645030

am I the only one wishing I could ever become as good as 10 years old native

>> No.20645040

>but will you be as good as a native 10 year old at nihongo
I wish I was that good

>> No.20645041

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Originalio just in caseo

>> No.20645063

vncore is better for reading early because it's actually a frequency list and frontloads the most important words

>> No.20645076

Once you get good enough, it comes naturally
For the time being, use the pack and just type everything into jisho, it can split up the words most of the time

>> No.20645130

also trial and error when jisho aint spoonfeedin ya and if that doesnt work it aint gonna kill ya to miss some shit and move on
trial and error includes obvious substitutions with long vowels or common casual sound changes but you learn the latter from knowin more nihongo or anime ftw
if you still have much trouble after 3 or 4 volumes you must not have watched enough anime

>> No.20645147

and i aint talkin about immersion bullshit im talkin about good old eng subbed anime
if you cant figure out that sugee is sugoi and dekkee is dekai and janee is janai then the 10000 hour requirement must really be true

>> No.20645187

But did you learn?

>> No.20645197


>> No.20645280

i learned those with only 100 hours

>> No.20645374

How about doing/reviewing 5 random kanji (mostly 常用) each day together djt? Maybe this would bring some life back to these threads and we'd get some actual learning done.
I'd pick characters based on their frequency class and add in some less-frequent (but not totally obscure) characters so as to appeal to learners of all levels. All 5 daily kanji would come with at least two or three basic sample words. The idea is to have some kind of concrete material to focus on and get whatever kind of learning you feel like doing done. For example it's already something to acknowledge that a character exists as opposed to being completely oblivious to it, or you could reinforce a character you've already seen before.

If a handful of people starts showing interest I'll try it out.

>> No.20645387

I think probably the most productive thing we could do is have a reading group where we all read a few chapters of the same ln each week, like int did. I guess thatd turn this thread into ln discussion instead of dnt though.

>> No.20645412

While this is probably more productive and less gimmicky it'd be pretty much impossible to pick reading material that suits everyone's level, whereas kanji and vocab are more universal

>> No.20645428

oh great more kanji of the day shit that doesnt help u learn japanese at all great idea would really help to bring the threads back to the status quo : )

>> No.20645455

Well considering you're still here after all these years it would appear that kanji of the day or not you still haven't learned Japanese

>> No.20645471


>> No.20645473

ah nothin more status quo than tellin ppl they dont know japanese

>> No.20645480

post the girl w. the creepy grin now and really bring this thread back to the great old times : )

>> No.20645483

hey now no attacking other dekinai this is a safe space
eroge of the month
any fucker posts hey whats easy shit for baby to start readin say look at the fuckin op do it or dont
eroge are accessible to all if you compelled enough

>> No.20645610

aint no one gonna do anything as gay as play the same eroge and cum in here and talk about it

>> No.20645631

i think thats exactly what djt would do if djt could read
you can pass on the talkin though
i probably wouldnt play em either
but at least it takes care of recommendations straight up and we can reserve the thread for more important shit like ecelebs

>> No.20645639

in other words ~ status quo ~

>> No.20645652

Easy solution is to just open with a very easy ln like kino, which in addition to being accessible is extremely epic ftw

>> No.20645666

nothin more status quo like kinos

>> No.20645706

i aint likin when my status quo is disrupted by someone thinkin theyre reclaimin the thread for real nihongo questions sayin please spoonfeed me on bein optimally compelled
ill start us off for the rest of this month heres the answer to all recommendation posts
babies try nursery rhyme
if you are at an advanced enough level to handle kino then for you its oretuba prelude
dont like em try bein your own man for once
these suggestions generated through a highly complex method if you figure it out dont spoil next month
questions comments suggestions not welcome express your feelings through shitposts

>> No.20645723

lol no ones even gonna read enough of your post to see the two titles youre recommending

>> No.20645727

also nursery rhyme is ftw regardless of ur nihongo level

>> No.20645735

dont think i aint know that ill put it in an op
no i wont i dont put anything but shit in ops
cant say i didnt try though

>> No.20645741

How can nursery rhyme be epic it looks pretty standard haremshit and even has loli which... yikes desu i thought you were cooler than this

>> No.20645762

i been questionin his taste for months but ive never read an eroge so defer to the master

>> No.20645802

how am i supposed to explain one of the pinnacles of moege from like 15 years ago to a zoomer

>> No.20645809

Not a single capital letter in sight, keep up the good work.

>> No.20645871

Not even a month past and I can tell this is lewd

>> No.20646048

I can't imagine how, did 蹂躪 give it away?

>> No.20646053
File: 1000 KB, 680x1388, 10 hours of anime with english subs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20646095

if you're so afraid of a new status quo being established what do you really want this thread to be used for?
i'm asking you to dig down deep into your kokoro and tell me what your fuckin kokoro wish is, no bullshit no ten layers of irony no nonsense no dumb memepost i want you to tell me what you really want

>> No.20646114

i want you to know japanese

>> No.20646117

i want more people to learn japanese and for them to not be spoonfed bad resources by the djt guide i helped write when i was a beginner

>> No.20646131

Here’s an idea:
Instead of LN reading group it’s with 2ch threads, now that’s otaku immersion

Incidentally, any tips for checking out 2ch?

>> No.20646149

i said no bullshit im talking about specifically what do you want to use this thread for because nobody's learning nihongo while they're here so unless you want this thread to basically just be a link to prank cat with a chatroom attached i want a real agenda on my desk asap no later than tomorrow at midnight thanks

>> No.20646151

what happened to pop quiz song translation guy while were talkin about dumb ideas

>> No.20646166

maybe we could circlejerk about how much nihongo we know instead of how much nihongo we dont know
youre a man of action why dont you make a proposal
>nobody's learning nihongo while they're here
what if i told you im readin based eroge right this minute and youre interruptin me

>> No.20646190

if u want the bottomest of my kokoro shit then look no further than todays nihongo word of the day 解散

dont come back tomorrow for the next nihongo word of the day

>> No.20646199

i want to use this thread for helping people learn japanese and attempting to undo the damage i did as a beginner

>> No.20646350

i already made a proposal but it's not gonna go anywhere because if there's one thing people ITT don't wanna fuckin do it's crack open a book they'd rather watch matt-sama's videos and hypothesize about secret shortcuts to """"""fluency"""""" than hit the fuckin pavement and do the actual legwork. nobody here is gonna solve a single murder at this rate and its sad

that's quitter talk first you say you want people itt to know nihongo now you're shoutin for kaisan which is it


>> No.20646365

i just wanna set u free and finally claim the eternal rest i seek

>> No.20646369

if you want to set me free then kill djt

>> No.20646378

until each and every person itt learns nihongo you aren't allowed to die and in exchange you get to post rap vids that's the deal you made with me we had a contract and everything

i mean that happened in your last life and this is what youve inherited after reincarnating in this isekai though

>> No.20646382

i added words i see in videogame menus to a txt file which i open up and look at occasionally

>> No.20646384

i meant yall but u are part of the yall

also workin on it

>> No.20646396


>> No.20646398

my isekai deal was also to be able to shitpost as much as i want in one thread but never be able to leave did we all fall for the same scam

>> No.20646410

no i picked the multi-community-shitposting perk and redefined shitposting to include sincere discussion so im basically good to go as long as i check back in here once in a while

>> No.20646413

im just so fucking gay

>> No.20646426

don't get it twisted though as much as i would like to see this thread be used for good or at least have more of an actual purpose you guys keep me coming back i love yall

>> No.20646465

excuse me but how the fuck do 稲 and 妻 combine into "lightning"?

>> No.20646546

u just gattai-suru them like anime

>> No.20646562

what's kino?

>> No.20646635

man why doesn't anyone in these threads ever know a really good vn

>> No.20646648

i know every good vn

>> No.20646773


update from our guy!

>> No.20646791
File: 17 KB, 225x400, にゃんぱすー.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20646807

ragequit at him saying wanting to show him doing monolingual stuff while making a video speaking in english

gambare calvin chan

>> No.20646826

>Kyoto-ben (~nai becomes ~hen)

what the FUCK?

>> No.20646846

hes gonna be starin at こんなの構わなくていいよ while refusin to sit back and enjoy some eroge

>> No.20646956

man LNs with "otaku" MCs are hard to read. every other line of dialogue every character says is an anime quote i can't keep up i should've watched my 10000 hours

>> No.20647058

Im about a hair away from deleting anki but getting ~75% on mature cards when in reality its just like 4 out of 15 cards makes me want to remember words

>> No.20647067
File: 238 KB, 1004x725, dame na atashi o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20647169

>Man'yōgana written in cursive style evolved into hiragana, or onna-de, that is, "ladies' hand," a writing system that was accessible to women (who were denied higher education).
>Major works of Heian-era literature by women were written in hiragana
Based women.

>> No.20647204

I’ll take an anime episode... and watch it!!

>> No.20647224

ふふふ。。。 not bad so far, ankidronekun, but let's see how you handle THIS

>> No.20647273


>> No.20647288

>go to Japan
>feel like a complete idiot since I can't make a conversation flow properly, just a few awkward sentences
>still get laid
I feel like I could have gotten more jap poon had i been more eloquent in my sentence-forming. back to the grind!

>> No.20647294

going back to full time immersion, it's been fun

>> No.20647305 [DELETED] 

That's just a conglomerate of usual words, you fucking nigger.

>> No.20647309


>> No.20647483

For those just starting out what's some good baby/kids shit to listen to so that you can somewhat comprehend and gradually push up from?

>> No.20647490
File: 197 KB, 600x800, 002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't start with baby/kids shit, start with stuff you want to read. You don't need to worry about "gradually pushing up", that will just slow progress. Trial by fire is the most effective form of language learning, that is, under the hardest conditions you will learn the most and fastest.

>> No.20647505

Teekyuu anime

>> No.20647524

>under the hardest conditions
thats takin it too far
you shouldnt be seekin out the hardest shit you can find just like you shouldnt be seekin out the easiest shit you can find
you just need somethin compellin enough that however hard it is doesnt matter to you cause every time you figure somethin out youre like shit thats sick whats next
how hard it is has a bit of influence on whether you get that feelin or not but its not the main factor for sure and you should just try shit until you feel that

>> No.20647583

How did /jp/ go when they first started learning kanji? It seems very daunting at a first glance.

>> No.20647595

Just started doing anki reps, it's not that bad.

>> No.20647714



>> No.20647717

where do you see these?

>> No.20647720

Watch ぼのぼの

>> No.20647723


>> No.20647725

easyish. anki helps but try to look at what the kanji is
kangaeru for example looks like a kangaroo

>> No.20647805

everything looks like what it is if you read more

>> No.20647817

by knowing basic japanese grammer

>> No.20647822

i know, thats what im saying. like swim just looks like complex water and gu

>> No.20647871
File: 736 KB, 1280x720, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good is Minna no Nihongo for learning grammar?

>> No.20647888

Is there a way to make Japanese text more readable in Chrome? It's really small.

>> No.20647903

havent read it but most grammar resources for gaijin try to make grammar easier by hiding how easy it actually is
cure dolly is ftw though

>> No.20647911

After Tae Kim just start reading.

Then the only grammar books that are worth something are ones that can be used for reference and looking stuff up. Like DOJG and HOJG.

>> No.20647931

ctrl +

>> No.20647952
File: 139 KB, 600x350, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After Tae Kim just start reading.
I'm planning to do just that. It's just that I feel like some explanations in Tae Kim are a bit lacking or somewhat confusing at first for non-english speaker, hence I want some back-up source of grammar which gives more thorough explanations in my first language.

>> No.20647966

Yeah it happens, but most grammar only "clicks" into place once you start reading. You could also try to google for more examples on a certain grammar.

>> No.20648064

how problematic is it to learn kanji through vocabulary instead of the other way around?

>> No.20648096

Not at all, you can't first learn Kanji and then combine them to make words, this is not Chinese.
This is Japanese baby, you learn a word and then you learn which chinese characters people decided to use to write it hundreds of years ago.

>> No.20648101

good to know. i tried starting with the joyou kanji and it was just so hard to make myself care with no context to what i was learning.
Right now i'm learning a word and its meaning and pronunciation, then noting the meaning of the kanji that compose it.

>> No.20648115

I'm in awe at how good these dolly videos are. Holy shit

>> No.20648125

I have never purposefully "learned" kanji, just learned vocab and I know most of the elementary school kanji by now.

>> No.20648135

who dat

you can learn them together but are you also learning how to write them?

>> No.20648143

don't dedicate large amounts of time to skills you're not going to use.

>> No.20648147

No, I've practiced writing some of them for fun but I don't need to know how to write them by hand if I'm just learning how to read.

>> No.20648160

/int/ warned me about your kind

>> No.20648215

It's possible, that's how Japanese do it. Ever seen something saying something like "It's written with the kanji for X" in anime? Well for a Japanese person X is a japanese word, for a JSL who did isolated kanji study it's an English word.

So when you find a new kanji, associate it with that word.

The advantage is that you don't have to isolated kanji study and just learn them as you go and you're learning at least one reading together with it. The disadvantage is that you might not know which Japanese word it might be best to associate it with. Another is that you're trying 2 things at once.

Now doing RTK also has its advantages. If you ever want to be able to write it's the easiest way to learn it and it helps with distinguishing lookalike kanji. It also sets up a whole system of primitives and mnemonics so the burden stays relatively low as you learn more and more.

But don't ever bother with Jōyō kanji or frequency lists. They are completely useless for an JSL.

>> No.20648233

If you're on Win10 and have Microsoft IME installed, you have a pretty good Japanese font.
Go to chrome://settings/fonts and change your Standard Font to Meiryo.
If you don't have MSIME installed and don't want to install it, search for Manage Optional Features in the settings app -> Add a feature -> Japanese supplemental fonts

>> No.20648246
File: 162 KB, 189x414, djt trap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be able to read this title without pausing.

>> No.20648270
File: 1.76 MB, 1366x768, 1547022661288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Years ago these threads were on /a/ (if I remember correctly)

Did you guys choose to move here or did mods force you out?

>> No.20648297

whats some other easy manga / books to read? yotsuba is boring, albeit a little challenging?

>> No.20648339
File: 39 KB, 241x306, 1359048653348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zettai Reiiki

>> No.20648423
File: 191 KB, 470x600, 1539000696704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an addon or plugin or whatever that can export your anki deck and put it into an excel, pdf or html file?

Tried to export it via anki to a txt but it's a big wall of text and I need at least a blank line in between cards to know where it starts and ends.

>> No.20648590


>> No.20648596

Anki's txt export are tab separated.

>> No.20648616

is it ok to not know how to write AT ALL? i have a hard time constructing inside my head words i could easily recognize in a sentence

>> No.20648619

Yeah. You shoudn't force yourself to output.

>> No.20648625

depends what your goals are. ultimately if youre learning a language its an incredible disadvantage

>> No.20648629

you can be fluent and able to read but not able to write a damn thing even kana

problem is as soon as you stop looking at computer type and look at really any kind of stylized text or often simple calligraphy you are 100% fucked

>> No.20648630
File: 11 KB, 194x280, 天帝妖狐.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post current readings

picked pic related up at random. It really easy.

>> No.20648632

and obviously anything but the neatest handwriting is a lost cause

>> No.20648644

Isn't this the imperial seal?

>> No.20649063

imagine being this impressed with urself that u can read the cover of a childrens book

>> No.20649083

Started reading 容疑者Xの献身 today. Got through the first 2 chapters. Seems pretty interesting.

>> No.20649092

started reading naurto today got through the first 2 chapters seems pretty interesting

>> No.20649198
File: 93 KB, 400x489, 1381353576238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fool, you absolute doofus. Obviously the title made me double take and thus I posted it in a challenging manner to encourage people to charge forward and stumble as I did. It's all just a big jape, you ignoramous, you unbelievable dullard.

>> No.20649273

i didnt even click the thumbnail lol

>> No.20649361

Obviously, it's legible as a thumbnail

>> No.20649394

all i saw was densetu and was like nice childrens book glad u could read the cover of it bro and moved on

>> No.20649405

Fitting that you would recognize a children's book, given your child-like attention spam

>> No.20649415

cant believe youre actually this mad about being congratulated on reading your first childrens book cover

>> No.20649440

Someone needs to take you down a few pegs, Jamal

>> No.20649442

damn why are 着ると切る pronounced the same and taught at the same time

>> No.20649468



>> No.20649581
File: 687 KB, 1127x1600, a29e660a4d489d899e1115248afa6d19IMG_089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading PARALLEL PARADISE manga recently

>> No.20649600

Is it cooler to say 私 or 俺? I can't decide.

>> No.20649617

if i catch u sayin ore ima beat ur ass cuz ur askin for it

>> No.20649628

only say 俺 when you want to sound masculine so it's good to use it when you're talking with a girl and trying to seem confident
avoid speaking like this to a man since he might think you're trying to intimidate him

>> No.20649650
File: 3.07 MB, 2000x1369, EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 5_20190114105941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not asking for a full translation. This is from earth defense force 5. Is there anything interesting or memey on the noticeboard here?

>> No.20649664

trust me if ur not an azn man or sound obviously foreign even the girls are gonna laugh if u ever say ore dont do it

>> No.20649689

Even if you were ugly this would not happen.
Asians are respectful to everyone and especially the gajin that impregnates their girls.

>> No.20649700

this really puts into perspective how fucking stupid japanese is. pokemon games show you how smart japanse could be.

>> No.20649703

I fully intend to use 我 and you should too.

>> No.20649707

the 'no spaces' pleb filter seem to work as usual.

>> No.20649713

its like flies to the poops

>> No.20649739

watch cure dolly

>> No.20649753

ye how do you read it anon. no dictionary

>> No.20649777

this is your last chance to learn japanese

click here or perish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qH5p0ATANqI

>> No.20649790

It's ji right?

Very coincidentally i looked up a list of strange kanji YESTERDAY and that one particular character caught my eye.

>> No.20649804

wagahai ftw

>> No.20649820

I use ore cause I fucked up and turned it in to a habit and whenever I say watashi people think I say atashi which is a killer

>> No.20649850

You better put some northern dialect in there to make it not sound like your a fucking asshat

>> No.20649858

>not using 僕

>> No.20649863

nothin more status quo than the pronoun discussion

>> No.20649869

my favorite character midoriya says boku so i do too

>> No.20649895


>> No.20649901

his shows also called boku and his hairs fucking green

>> No.20649942
File: 1.61 MB, 1440x750, 1543001266662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>character with black hair - Kuro
>character with white hair - Shiro
>character which can morph into a cat - Neko
Why do they do this?

>> No.20649958

trust me thats only the tip of the iceberg for how retarded anime names really are

weebs think they are cool japanese names but they are really the equivalent of porky pig and elmer fudd

>> No.20649961

btw are you watchin the new handshakers lol

gohands ftw

>> No.20649970

Depends on the anime tbhq desu senpai

>> No.20650014

what is she saying here?

>> No.20650082


>> No.20650107


>> No.20650111

if you're a girl atashi is the best thing to say desu

>> No.20650114



>> No.20650127


>> No.20650130

っていうか、生意気だから一人で帰るよといった。財布を持ってた(Cuts off)

>> No.20650136


>> No.20650182

That's not uchi.

>> No.20650272

JLPT results will be available in a week, anyone else knows he screwd up but is still waiting on those results?

>> No.20650285

Wow it was bad today i got 8/12 mature cards correct

>> No.20650301

it really isn't watch some more anime. also where is that clips from shes cute with that accent

>> No.20650314


>> No.20650364

Which online dictionary has the most words?

>> No.20650380

Why does it matter?

>> No.20650381

if コトバンク or weblio jp. learn japanese

>> No.20650400


>> No.20650425

I just realized lmao sounds like 笑う

>> No.20650441

wait until you realize red hair dude is akaou

>> No.20650473

it's for thots

>> No.20650518

I have a few questions regarding this:
What ist this video about? Are they just walking around and why does she occasionaly shows more naked skin?
What is this channel about? What I understand, is that they try to make horror movies, but why the skin (see above)?
Also, does she speak standard Japanese? She sounds different than the newsreporters I listen to.

>> No.20650573

whats this hos problem

man i wish i could walk by when some ho is doin that shit

id fuckin kick her in the ass and ask her what her problem is her parents would be ashamed

>> No.20650618

i read denyuuden first

>> No.20650636

any other way is literally a waste of time. Remember the natural order of language learning includes all aspects. this means dedicating the exact amount of time to reading kanji, understanding grammar that you need to get some kind of comprehensible message. In the beginning learn vocab as you get used to start clicking kanji in yomichan and noting the readings. If you want make a mining deck in the begging but drop it after 4-6 months when it becomes trivial. dont get memed in to rtk,

>> No.20650723

I was wondering if haruki murakami writes in japanese or english. The reason is I don't like translation and want to read in the native language a book was written in.

>> No.20650739

gayest post I've ever read on 4chan, if this isn't bait you should invest in some female hormoines and dye your hair pink

>> No.20650750

youll understand when you become 69 years old like me and see these young people runnin around lookin like total clowns

save this post for that day and remember ur good old grandpa

>> No.20650778

also is all his books references to other books like 1Q84 and kafka on the shore?

>> No.20650804

here's your fuckin daily japanese training, this one is pretty 適当


>> No.20650815

he writes in japanese but i've only ever read him in english. that having been said while he does reference stuff a lot it's not going to affect your enjoyment much if you aren't familiar with said references: these books are written with a japanese audience in mind and thus are appropriate in keeping that kind of thing in moderation

>> No.20650816


>> No.20650817

I thought that reading was also good as it was appropriate , but I started reading without feeling anything, but this is surprisingly interesting and the page goes forward. After all, books do not understand fun until reading . Like, reading.

>> No.20650818

lmao that thot could break any weeb's delusions about nip women.

>> No.20650832

lolled at epic irony

>> No.20650868

damn machine-kun if you clean that up a little bit with your eigoryoku you might actually be able to pass it off to the EOPeabrains and start collecting patreon bux

>> No.20650875

Thanks I have been wanting to get into more japanese literature and I thought he might be a good place to start.

>> No.20650882

I can never seem to wrap my head around this.

What's the difference between こう and こういう (same with そう and そういう)

>> No.20650898

i'd recommend "hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world," it was my first murakami book and i think it's one of his best.

>> No.20650902

You would wrap your head around it pretty quick if you read more.

>> No.20650903

One is kou and the other is kouiu

>> No.20650908

But I've seen こう translated as "this way" and こういう as "like this."

>> No.20650915

nothin more status quo than asking what the difference between 1 word and 2 words is

>> No.20650927

ah i know how to turn this ship around

hey guys wahs difference between は and か"

>> No.20650935

you reverse the ten marks and you get your answer ばか

>> No.20650950

One is ta and the other is ga

>> No.20650956
File: 44 KB, 319x310, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill give it up to u bruv its been a while since djts been quick witted

>> No.20650970
File: 514 KB, 1115x1600, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck does she mean by this? This finger stop? I don't get it at all.

>> No.20650986

that manga looks diseased calling the cops

>> No.20651004

nah it's daijoubu

>> No.20651005


>> No.20651010


>> No.20651022

It's a game.

>> No.20651024

based on context i assume it means stop at this finger. ie come here, stop at my finger type shit. But i dont translate and understand japanese through the feeling of my penis so take that into consideration.

>> No.20651030

I know たかおに is a variant of tag, but i still have no clue what she means by that second sentence.

>> No.20651033

oh my fUCKIGN god

>> No.20651037

Imagine being extremely new to english and hearing "tag, you're it."

>> No.20651040

oh she is saying that the person who is tagging to not come past this finger.

>> No.20651052

誰がit *nonchalantly shits pants*

>> No.20651059
File: 299 KB, 726x496, 瀞.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20651064

any tried Yesjapan.com?

>> No.20651066

sure dont but its prolly not unlike 泥

>> No.20651082

is she erotically fingering 17 strokes on his chest what the fuck is japans problem

>> No.20651091

welp time to jack off

>> No.20651102


>> No.20651124

how new?

>> No.20651148
File: 710 KB, 2448x3264, snapshot_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started learning today. Thoughts?

>> No.20651163

if you're not a readtard this site is useful to figure out a grammar point.

>> No.20651167

Write in vertical lines. Gives more weeb points and also has a more natural line flow between characters

>> No.20651210

That's just one of the many pages you did, right?

>> No.20651217

remember draw each kana 10000 times before you even think about reading you wouldnt want to permanently cripple your japanese would you

>> No.20651249

ok back i had to pinch it in a strange way but i managed to skeet every stroke of 惚 on my wall

>> No.20651259

>tfw I learned all kana without writing any of them

>> No.20651265

i also drew all the kanas hundreds of times when i started, the autists will disagree, but it does help you alot to memorize them

>> No.20651273

How does DJT drill their grammar? I've been steadily learning the basic rules with Tae Kim's guide and some of what's in Genki, but I feel like without some practice, I wont remember what I've learned. Any advice?

>> No.20651274

>the autists will disagree
i think you got this whole situation backwards innit

>> No.20651280

by reading nihongo

>> No.20651282
File: 668 KB, 706x738, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello guys, i'm studying japanese, already know katakana, hiragana, some kanjis (<150) and grammar. I want to do the JLPT N3 at end of the year, it is posible?

>> No.20651290

But what if I misread the grammar and learn the wrong thing? It's harder to unlearn and re-learn than to just learn, so I'd like to avoid that.

>> No.20651291

Good job proving him right.

>> No.20651296

read up on them in tae kim or dohg and then use >>20651163 to find real examples
i passed n5 last summer,can tell you in a week if i passed n4 in december

>> No.20651304

How many words do you know?

>> No.20651317

im so glad ill never have to start learning jap ever again. theres just so much bad information out there. even though it sounds like a meme, discovering nihongosharks kanji deck and the ajatt website/matts videos is maybe one of the luckiest things to happen in my life so far

>> No.20651319

zenbu ha kanou

>> No.20651328

yikers dude

>> No.20651335

i read a sentence in japanese, i understand it, but i struggle to translate it into english

why is this

am i retarded?

>> No.20651336

I was learning vocabulary from the Lingodeer App, some 500+ words (reading and listening, not the writing of those yet).

>> No.20651343

>not the writing
Not gonna make it

>> No.20651354

talk more about that

>> No.20651377

Of course, you can just stop learning japanese and start learning the JLPT

>> No.20651386

Post an example.

>> No.20651401

post the mareni shit

>> No.20651407

what do you want to hear

>> No.20651418

What kind of advice do you think is bad/misinformation. I started 2 months ago, so if I can correct my course I'd like to do it sooner rather than later.

>> No.20651424

you can check shit while youre reading if you think its a good thing to check
you underestimate how much shit you misunderstood as a child and you sorted out through thousands of hours of hearing and reading more
aint nothin wrong with readin some grammar shit but if you think you can get it all down in advance and not risk misunderstandin shit youre mistaken
also harder to unlearn and relearn ive been hearin my entire life and im convinced its absolute bullshit spouted from the peak of mt stupid

>> No.20651431


i know what it means, but it can be translated into english in multiple ways

but dont worry

but it will be alright

but it going to be okay

they all basically mean the same, but it still makes my brain melt when i try to translate it

>> No.20651433

best thing u can do is vacate this thread immediately and permanently and stop looking for nihongo help online and just go play

>> No.20651437

問題なくはないでしょう : )

>> No.20651447

EOPs are so cute when they discover what "different language" actually means

>> No.20651448

as an aside is there anything in nihongo as based as でも大丈夫

>> No.20651451

not the OP, but, one of the best way to learn something is to transform from something that you don't understand to something that you understand.
Make a vocabulary first of, like, 700 common words (colors, body parts, profissions, etc), then try to translate simple texts, and each new word you write down and go increasing your vocabulary.
For some people works.

>> No.20651455

Any good anki decks with all pictures instead of english words? I want to learn visually rather than in english.

>> No.20651456
File: 257 KB, 471x375, guzukats2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just the conventional learning methods. Genki, Core, jlpt lists, never actually reading/immersing without subs, japanesepod 101, never going monolingual and so on are all pretty damn bad, leading to 4 year in n2s that post about japanese being really hard on reddit all day. Literally all you need is to RUSH nihongoshark kanji (it can be done in a month if you are really motivated) and then sentence mine/get a base understanding of everything in tae kim. then its just immersion and sentencemining till you feel like you can go monolingual. remember to delete cards that you dont need along the way. i'm about 11 months in doing exactly this and got 257 points on the jcatt recently and all i do to get better now is chat with japanese people on skype, read novels and watch anime. i'll start pitch accent when i hit khatz' 18 months

>> No.20651459

heres the two most important pieces of advice you can get
anything other than consuming native content is supplementary at best
you have to find your own way cause even if some shit is right and some shit is wrong you cant tell the good advice from the bad

>> No.20651460

any of this translations are good. The meaning behind has to stay the same.

>> No.20651465

sure, but its the same thing with translating english to my own language, it just takes time despite me being near-fluent

i guess i need to stop thinking in english and just think in nihongo instead, just like i do with english

>> No.20651470

"ill start pitch accent when"

not gonna make it 100%確実

>> No.20651471

text chat only btw dont want to wack up my accent. also i forgot podcasts

>> No.20651484

how good were you 11 months in

>> No.20651501

>isolated kanji
>sentence mining
>monolingual transition
>deleting cards
nice meme

>> No.20651506

i have no idea when "11 months in" was i cant even remember what i ate for yuusyoku

>> No.20651510

yeah the meaning is there, but i guess it just kind of annoys me you cannot make a 100% true translation as there will always be a different way to translate the sentence

>> No.20651513

good tips :) never heard about shark kanji. In 4chan /t/ (torrents) there is a torrent with 40gb of japanese learning material, do you guys think that worth it (already downloaded).

>> No.20651515

>never actually reading/immersing without subs
>reading without subs

>> No.20651524

whats wrong with deletin cards its the first step to deletin anki
also dont question the advice hes parrotin cause its native vetted

>> No.20651525

can u stop being a eop and accept that theres other languages in the world that are not at all like english (tho ultimately u will find many similarities but save that for when uve already watched ur 10000 hours of anime w. eng subs)

>> No.20651526

i think when you translate something, never it will be on 100% true translation.

>> No.20651534

So, essentially, start reading actual Japanese early and often, after building a small list of common kanji? That makes sense. I've been doing anki since I (mostly) learned Hiragana/Katakana, and trying to read Yotsuba since I had the manga on hand, but I find the reading process painfully slow and error prone. Is this just how it is for a beginner?

>> No.20651540

now this is the most status quo post of the thread

>> No.20651550

im already bilingual so i know that

i just need a different approach to it

>> No.20651551

click for accurate translation of でも大丈夫

>> No.20651554

>Is this just how it is for a beginner?
ye. through immersion the very rough understanding of grammar gotten from rushing tae kim will be strengthened automatically. and then eventually there will be fewer and fewer "new" words left

>> No.20651557

looking cute today

>> No.20651560

If you have a simple enough sentence and the two languages are closely related it's possible.

>> No.20651565
File: 57 KB, 1111x757, 1547675427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20651577

and thus i give u "compelling content"

>> No.20651578

This is why I'm learning Japanese. The subs distract me from the hot anime babes.

>> No.20651592

yeah, translating a germanic language into another germanic language will nearly always leave you with a pretty true translation, but once the language families are farther apart eachother there's going to various options

>> No.20651599

here ill give u a sentence that is impossible to fuck up translating


>> No.20651602

Alright genius, how do you learn japanese then?

>> No.20651606

that pronoun's gay.

>> No.20651608

You don't.

>> No.20651610

dont try so hard and just go play

>> No.20651611

but loan words are not true japanese, so it doesn't count

>> No.20651613


>> No.20651623
File: 41 KB, 384x389, krashen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally its time to post this again

>> No.20651633

be careful some innocent beginner might be mislead by that highly amusing imagery

>> No.20651637

あなたの顔もゲイ : )

>> No.20651644

nah i think its about time we start trashin krashen cuz hes mostly just a parrot and a hack as well

speaking of hacks i cant believe dolly chan sensei just threw it all away

>> No.20651662

big if true but parroting parrots who parrot read more is more valuable than parroting parrots who parrot rtk
speaking of dolly that video is based on blogposts from years ago you just didnt love dolly enough to learn about dolly

>> No.20651664

I write grammar points in my phone's notes while reading, then look them up later because I like to do things one at a time. I just browse the grammar reference in the guide and TK but that sentence finder anon posted looks real useful

>> No.20651675

i didnt need to know that about dolly its like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNY9MQmaBBI u dont need to have this conversation either

>> No.20651710

whats it with dudes bein afraid of career stats you afraid she can take more dicks than you

>> No.20651728

its not afraid its u dont wanna know cuz now u dont wanna kiss on the mouth for a while till u forget its pretty natural unless ur some kinda deviant

i mean u dont want get with a girl who doesnt know how to work your shit but u also dont wanna know about how she got so good at puttin her finger up there while spottin you some of that good becky namean

>> No.20651737

just skim tae kim and then start reading, use the explainations in yomichan for all the most basic structures and particles. you can use google to but do it as you read you have to learn these things in order. dont worry about not understanding everything. isolated grammar study is pointless and will burn you out.

>> No.20651744

now that is some status quo useless to no one posting

>> No.20651748

Is it better to skim tae kim or skim milk?

>> No.20651749

i meant useful to no one woops ヽ(  ̄д ̄)ノ

>> No.20651756

maybe but its all about that positive mindset gotta remember she sucked 36 dicks that werent good enough to hold onto
now if she sucks a dick after yours thats when you can get flustered unless youre into that

>> No.20651764

sounds like youre the one with the fear issue i wasnt thinkin about shit like bein good enough or not

>> No.20651779

you got it backwards if youre afraid a not bein good enough hows her leavin 36 dicks behind gonna boost your confidence seems thatd amp up the fear

>> No.20651792

why is it an issue of confidence i just think its gross to think about other dicks in her mouth it aint about the status of a relationship its just a gross thought to have

also i had a random thought i was like man "sleet mage" is such a sick alias and then i found this ftw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCZKlwZZPBI

>> No.20651817

im more sayin if all you can take from that is the thought of other dicks in her mouth thats your problem but i got a thing for lust
are you for real cause that guys bose vetted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07qQfTd-nfY

>> No.20651828

Whos been playing gacha games here

>> No.20651861

no thats what i mean dude ive been thinkin that since the last round of vids i linked i was like man whats up with this name its so sick

also yea idk about the dicks dude let the past be the past im ready to get poz now

>> No.20651883

speakin a bose this reminds me i got eroge to finish

>> No.20651935

did u not finish saya yet lol

>> No.20651980

no judgin im on what i assume is last branch

>> No.20652003 [DELETED] 

wtf is that tewomawasu

>> No.20652022

get them hands rolling

also i do that everyday

>> No.20652074

every time someone calls krashen a hack, someone fails to learn japanese

>> No.20652078

krashen is just a more antiquated version of mattvsjapan

there u go now u can be free from the illusion

>> No.20652084

krashen doesnt tell people to do rtk and meditate in fact he's actually against studying writing systems in isolation (check out his work criticizing phonics)

>> No.20652087

oh in that case this krashen guy seems pretty smart and agreeable

>> No.20652092

There is literally nothing wrong with RTK, it's just another effective way to learn kanji.

>> No.20652094

Nice, I started yesterday and still can't write あ in the correct order because it comes all warped. I write it backwards and it comes up alright, for some reason.

>> No.20652098

not learn


>> No.20652099

rtk is useless if you dont know japanese and pointless if you do

>> No.20652102

nothin more status quo than rtgay

>> No.20652127

if only you knew nihongo you could just look up how to write hiragana on the youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQFVugs1MdM

>> No.20652157

rename djt to the if only u knew nihongo thread

>> No.20652189

How much japanese do I have to know to read Fate

>> No.20652190

Isn't 口 the subject and not the object in this sentence? Why is it followed by を?

>> No.20652205

For some reason I keep glitching in Anki and I have to finish editing the existing card first, when there is no edit window. pls help

>> No.20652213

the equivalent of the amount of english youd need to know to read a hentai version of harry potter

not makin it

>> No.20652215
File: 3.28 MB, 1800x2386, 1521772504768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what's your story but you seem like a nice fellow.

>> No.20652225

What 中級日本語 textbooks have you used, anons?

>> No.20652231


>> No.20652241

The 口 verbs on the ペニス

>> No.20652248
File: 16 KB, 351x356, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank u

ure nice as well

>> No.20652327

>tfw no one realized this is a reddit post

>> No.20652333
File: 132 KB, 500x500, 1538397179174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does she speak standard Japanese?

>> No.20652345

Oh shit wait no I'm just dumb. Sorry.

>> No.20652363
File: 157 KB, 1021x216, H0rRZ2g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a hard time understanding the meaning of the second part, could someone please help? I get most of it but I don't get how it all ties together.

>> No.20652368

dang i forgot to lol at this post


>> No.20652371

Why would anyone notice that? Maybe you should go back there.

>> No.20652376

わたくし is the thot pronoun

>> No.20652531

oh yea then why am i here? i even hate kanji but i still read every day. just because i wanna understand japanese content doesn't mean i have to pretend their writing system isn't fucking dumb.

>> No.20652568

the ultimate irony is calling any other writing system dumb with a post written in english


>> No.20652580

whinin is dumb but
>i still read every day
props for that gambare

>> No.20652788

>the equivalent of the amount of english youd need to know to read a hentai version of harry potter
So, a lot?

>> No.20652792

lmao this

>> No.20652822

depends if you just want to read it or you want to understand it on anything but a surface level

>> No.20652846

everything nasu wrote ever was surface level at best anyway

also yea dude u kinda need to know japanese dude

if u dont ull just have to run it thru ur filter of hurrr i know words from the dictionary i know whats going on guys im totally not lost on literally everything hey look mana dolphins

>> No.20652912

How the fuck do you read 開ける?

>> No.20652975

ah keh rooh

>> No.20652979

how the fuck do you read 家

>> No.20652980

>hurrr i know words from the dictionary i know whats going on guys im totally not lost on literally everything hey look mana dolphins
bruh... that shit hurted. how do i become good? i have a moderate amount of grammar understanding but sometimes i just skip stuff.

>> No.20653004

ooh chee

i spent quite a bit of time enjoying content that way theres really not much else to say but keep enjoying content any way u can and do and see more things

>> No.20653010

that's what i've been doing. i'm trying to read a lot of books this year by making more time to do the things i enjoy. as long as "just keep reading more" really does work i guess i'll be okay

>> No.20653012

oh i remembered a pretty good feeling

u know ur makin it when u get tired of trying to make sense of things in english and just let the nihongo flow

>> No.20653251

Man, I don't remember Kyon being like this.

>> No.20653455

because only a redditor would do something like that. and idk if there's a point in going back if people here are just as likely to respond to a fucking picture of kana writing practice lmao

>> No.20653475

i went to a japanese streamer on twitch and typed
わたしはゲイ and he read it out loud, shook his head, and said "no"

>> No.20653483

what is the difference between here and reddit

>> No.20653486


>> No.20653508
File: 23 KB, 220x327, haruhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the first volume of this. It wasn't as hard to get through as I expected, and I enjoyed it a lot more than I enjoyed the anime way back when it was airing.

>> No.20653554

the most fucked up part of english is the pronunciation desu

>> No.20653725

zoomers can't tell meme's from reality

>> No.20653765

not really. english has compound sounds unlike japanese which even without spaces will always read the same a e ate aegis, etc

>> No.20653822



>> No.20653853


>> No.20653861

How am I supposed to practice generating Japanese using Tae Kim's guide if there are no exercises?

>> No.20653864

>practice generating Japanese

>> No.20653873


>> No.20653883

do a bachelors in cs (3 years) and create an ai that generates japanese. i just did this, but using tae kim as input it just rambles for days about particles

>> No.20653895

I wanted to say "how am I supposed to practice writing" but I didn't want retards swarming in to say that learning how to write it is useless

>> No.20653920

>I didn't want retards swarming in to say that learning how to write it is useless
just ignore them. learn radical stroke order, and just practive the kanji in your anki reps. a cool way could be, when youre writing in english do your best to translate it to japanese and then write the kanji.

>> No.20653930

why would you need grammar excercises to practice writing i think you mean production

>> No.20653938

unless he is actually crafting original japanese its just counterfeiting

>> No.20653948

if he doesnt know japanese its just masturbating

>> No.20653950

who remembers hyadain and who likes doraque

>> No.20654113





>> No.20654125

wtf am i reading

>> No.20654154


>> No.20654166






>> No.20654183

I want to start reading my first LN but dunno what to pick. I tried キノの旅 but didn't get hooked on the story with the first few pages

Any recommendations?

>> No.20654260

ゼロの使い魔 is pretty good. There's an audio book for the first LN, and there's an anime for it. 君の名は is a good choice for the same reason.

>> No.20654263

fate stay night

>> No.20654284


>> No.20654291 [DELETED] 

theres an ln?

>> No.20654307

>Matt is literally starting to rate native Japanese speakers' Japanese and saying that native speakers aren't fully fluent
What the actual fuck, I'm always more and more surprised that this hack is popular. And I'm upset about it because his ideas and theories leak into DJT and make it harder to actually pick up good information.

>> No.20654331



>> No.20654333

post link

>> No.20654334

Looks promising. Pretty sad that the author has apparently died. Not that I'm gonna read the whole 22 volumes anytime soon but I hope it doesn't end with a bad cliffhanger if/when I do

I'll check this one out too. thanks

>> No.20654356


>> No.20654377

this boy is somethin khatz could never be im truly destroyed scrollin through this
but the worst part is thinkin of my boy calvin readin this entire pile of shit instead of readin nihongo and thinkin to himself wow i wish i was matt

>> No.20654391

Y-Yeah who would read something like that when they could be studying Japanese

>> No.20654423

Wait a minute. Isn't Matt such a snowflake he stopped putting out videos of him speaking Japanese because he couldn't take anyone shitting on his ability? Now he's making a chart to shit on others? This will end well.

>> No.20654429

Surely this isn't accurate? The way to say you're hungry in Japanese is to say your stomach is empty?

>> No.20654438

i cant believe he put metzinger a whole two steps below ito, one step at most, hes alarmingly observing only american accent assimilation and accentuation

>> No.20654443



>> No.20654445

the answer to this question and many more is in your nearest based eroge

>> No.20654485

Are spelling mistakes (aside from typos) basically impossible with native Japanese because of the nature of the language?

>> No.20654514

It's fairly accurate, when you're hungry your stomach is usually empty.

>> No.20654518

あお the base is basically a "t". You could easily start off a "t" and finish incorrectly, Esepecially when あなたわのむおさけ

>> No.20654521

Yeah but you say "i'm hungry", not "my stomach is empty". I mean yeah it works but I find it weird if that's the actual translation.

>> No.20654527

time for another episode of different languages are different

>> No.20654536

>the base is basically a "t".

>> No.20654552

Aren't english speakers "full" when they are not hungry anymore? Sure you could say "sated" but unless you're dining with the queen, would you really use that?

>> No.20654553

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand 日本語. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the 感じ(Did I spell this right?) will go over a typical weaboo's head. There's also 日本 nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into the countries character - 日本 personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. 日本人 understands this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of it's culture, to realize that they're not just tradition- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike 日本 truly ARE ばかやろ- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in 日本s existencial catchphrase "ばんざい," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated ばかやろ scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What ばか... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a 日本 tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the 2Dワイフ eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of 日本(preferably lower) beforehand.

>> No.20654556

I just find it odd that there's no Japanese word for hungry, and is instead "empty stomach" is all.

>> No.20654559


>> No.20654564

how? you mean like how l and t look similar?

>> No.20654567

people usually sayin their full doesnt mean there aint a less colloquial word for it

>> No.20654571

i have never experienced hunger

>> No.20654579
File: 34 KB, 380x188, niahbgoa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>l and t look similar

Huh? You lost me. On rare occasion I misspell p for g, or g for p. Look at the image, you would start off あ and お with the first two stroke order in the image. But maybe your write あ instead of お, or お instead of あ

>> No.20654580

Wait, different languages express ideas differently?

>> No.20654585


>> No.20654587

youre full of shit ive seen 一石二鳥 i know all languages are the same

>> No.20654609

Should I be remembering the kanji that I see in Tae Kim during my first read through, or should I just focus on the grammar?

>> No.20654612

its a grammar guide but its useful to try at least. dont get hung up on it

>> No.20654653

I've been wondering for a while now, why do quite a few Japanese names not correspond to their kanji?

>> No.20654660

Just wanted to make sure. I won't then. I'll focus on grammar and then move on.

>> No.20654714
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, DxCwWkgUUAIuC90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20654754

i sort of get it (only because i dont know 2 3 6) but why isnt gundam z anime?

>> No.20654795

It's the OP, ディングルベリー

>> No.20654797


The classroom feels different than yesterday.

what function has the も here? i want to use it as "too".
is it just omited or is this a certain も-は-と construction i cant find?

>> No.20654858

Then who's akira?

>> No.20654859

>も-は-と construction


>> No.20654863
File: 32 KB, 936x234, wa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I learn cards in order in Anki? I have the Core deck revised, I start learning new cards and instead of seeing them by their frequency (Sort Field) I see them by the order of Creation
what's the point of frequency if they don't appear in it?

you can see how creation isn't consistent with frequency, is there a way to learn in order of certain field instead of creation?

>> No.20654866

you cant "learn" "cards" in "anki" only "remember"

>> No.20654868

semantics won't make you learn japanese

>> No.20654869

jamal's immune to learning japanese.

>> No.20654874

its not semantics its a fundamentally different concept

also u can flame me but it wont change ur fate : )

>> No.20654891

That's nice, I'm content with my fate.

>> No.20654892

you are right bro, and also you are very badass : ) i love to boost my ego pointing other people's mistakes too

>> No.20654903

>can't use Anki
>can't use RTK
Alright then buddy, how am I going to learn japanese then? Am I just supposed to stare at the text until I sonehow figure out what it means?

>> No.20654904

spoken like a true nuke marine

sorry u feel so threatened im just postin on the computer

>> No.20654910

Kill yourself and reincarnate into a qt japanese girl
Then become my gf

>> No.20654912

so the op isnt anime?

>> No.20654920

自分を信じて and pick invisible 3rd option lol

>> No.20654927

if you want to memorise them i must ask why? learning in perfect order wont help much. im reminded of that japanese learning game for the ds, that did everything in order and i little from it. that said what an under rated game

>> No.20654932

What third option? No, seriously, tell me, what third option? How did YOU learn japanese?

>> No.20654951

i never focused on "learning japanese" and just watched anime and played hentai games and literally every other thing u can do in japanjese i did it for like 69 years

>> No.20654976

That seems extremely inefficient. How did you even learn how to read? At the very least you must have looked up words in a dictionary.

>> No.20654992

of course it was inefficient if ur goal is to "learn" "japanese" but if ur goal was to have a lot of fun and enjoy lots of things it was pretty dang efficient and as a nice bonus it also enabled the former

also yah the physical dictionary was and can still occasionally be my best friend

>> No.20655017

hiragana > tae kim and/or curedolly > build up some vocab with an anki deck(vncore or something idk) > read easy things while having a mining deck > read harder things while also having a mining deck > watch or consume whatever japanese content interests you
At this point you can also start "learning" kanji by memorising the general meaning(s) and most common on reading. Have fun.

>> No.20655044

Well I guess we don't have the same definition of "fun", to me that sounds extremely frustrating.

This sounds better.

>> No.20655068

yah dude just "build up some vocab" sounds great lol

this shit is so irresponsible and sloppy and frankly status quo as fuck so of course this guy >>20655044 would like it

but you know what the most status quo thing is at djt

never making it ever

think about it before u continue on down that road https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4bm70qM6vk

>> No.20655077

It is worse because the corpus it uses is from visual novels. Core has a much wider application for people who don't want to read poorly written erotic powerpoint presentations.

>> No.20655087

i have no idea what vncore is but its prolly fuckin trash u should just pound ur dick into some vns instead after of course watching 10000 hours of eng subbed anime

>> No.20655104

>people who don't want to read poorly written erotic powerpoint presentations.
Those "people" don't matter.

>> No.20655114

if youre a "people" that matters youll click this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0a4AtfEbGk#t=27

>> No.20655121

the compound sounds in english are a pain but they're nothing compared to the effort it takes learning kanji and i think it's funny when people try to equate them.

>> No.20655131

>because his ideas and theories leak into DJT and make it harder to actually pick up good information.
name some

>> No.20655140

besides meditation which in itself is hardly original as instructors from a wide variety of disciplines recommend it is there anything matt ever said that wasnt just ripped from somewhere else

>> No.20655144

also lmao


>> No.20655152

Let's think about ambassadors.

Ambassadors probably know the language of the country where their embassy is, for example, a US ambassador in japan probably knows japanese. Now, how did that ambassador learn japanese? Well, he probably has been taught by the US government.

Now, what methods does the US government use to teach a language, in this case japanese, to their ambassadors?

>> No.20655161

they teach u to become fluent like lingo steve is fluent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7c5Xy3GZCac#t=535

>> No.20655164

>Core has a much wider application
yea 10 year old newspapers better reflect the vocab you'll see in manga and vns than the vocab in vns.

>> No.20655167

>read text without furigana
>keep second guessing myself wether I'm reading the kanji correctly or not
Does this feeling go away? I lookup like every two other words even though I know half of those I look up

>> No.20655168

>matt is an idiot
>tae kim doesn't think subjects exist
We should just replace everyone with CG dolls.

>> No.20655178

>Ambassadors probably know the language of the country where their embassy is
Not really they don't. Atleast not before living in the host country for a while and they definitely won't use the foreign language in official situations regardless of their fluency

>> No.20655182

idk dude after the kanji hack vid dolly chan went past the point of no return

it was no surprise if u ever read anything they actually wrote but 100% organic my ass

>> No.20655190

u know matt looks a lot like the onions boys from the gillette commercial everyones up in arms about lmfao

>> No.20655272

ok? im talking about pronunciation though

>> No.20655276

Man there is such a big difference between /int/'s /djt/ and this one

>> No.20655280

jamal permanently crippled the culture here. not joking.

>> No.20655296

better get your asses to int so u can partake in the posting of frogs and putin and talk about sumo ftw

>> No.20655303

pretty good thread actually someone even posted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzD76g4BlQA ftw

>> No.20655373

>board wars
vomits in japanese

>> No.20655375

But how am I gonna read vns if I don't know japanese

>> No.20655378

if u get enough of it on them maybe some of it will stick

>> No.20655392

But I can't even read the first word

What do any of these symbols mean

>> No.20655397
File: 6 KB, 203x198, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if u watched 10000 hours of eng subbed anime reading a vn isnt insurmountable u will have to go through the growing pains of adjusting to average yet subpar writing but it can and will be done and as you do youll unlock bits of your latent nihongo power that u stored up from watching all the anime

its sorta like u have the genki dama inside u the whole time and u just gotta...... get it out

>> No.20655414

>if u watched 10000 hours of eng subbed anime
Can't I just study for 10000 hours instead

>> No.20655421

u can study the language after u know it

>> No.20655422

No, you need the mouthbreathers dragging you down.

>> No.20655431

imagine still being mad over this >>20649063

>> No.20655439

>tfw I'm an actual mouthbreather
I'm not gonna make it, am I?

>> No.20655446

you just gotta get you some of them breathe right strips

>> No.20655454

don't trash things if you have a negative amount of an understanding of them

>> No.20655479

can some1 in the know shine some light on any possible validity of this "vncore" thing

if u cant ur just as bad defending it as the person trashing it

>> No.20655482


>> No.20655486

oh no i'm just shitting on them for trashing vns "this vncore thing" doesnt need to be defended

>> No.20655514

oic i wasnt even thinking they were trashing vns whod be that dumb enough to do that here in the otaku japanese thread lol



>> No.20655517

just make sure you are adding audio to your flash cards yall
If you are doing cards without audio its actually harder and youre learning less.
For sentences you can clip from google translate, or pref the anime or whatever you are watching. I found this pretty helpful.

>> No.20655527

to that i say https://streamable.com/o3vxb

>> No.20655532

i don't do flashcards anymore i just play eroge, read jrpgs, and eat light novels

>> No.20655543

light novels are fuckin gay

but the other 2 are berry good

>> No.20655555

yeah thats why i eat them

>> No.20655565


>> No.20655643

i agree although i hate that polish poster.

dare da?

>> No.20655644


>> No.20655683

One of the psychic kids.

>> No.20655690

god that's such a pain i'd rather use anki to remember readings, and just watch anime to improve listening

>> No.20655724

I thought so too. Then I got pretty good at reading 4k words, and miss the words constantly in anime. If you follow that setup you can add your audio in like 5 seconds. It's a game changer for me.

>> No.20655736

>and miss the words constantly in anime
yea but that's why you should just watch anime from the beginning. obviously if you just read or rep words in anki you're not going to improve your listening. audio in anki helps but it's such a pain to add that i'd rather not.

>> No.20655787

hit record macro
play yomichan audio
stop recording
go to card
paste audio in any field

literally 5 seconds, you just have to set it up but the pay off is worth it easily

>> No.20656125

how do i delete the searchbar history on nyaa

>> No.20656166

This sounds horrible. Why not just watch anime?

>> No.20656222

Manga isn't reading.
